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Weekly Summer Edition Ann Arbor, MI






Pre-surgery ‘U’ program awarded $6.3 million


Fracking debate Report details Michigan resident’s concerns about the controversial practice >> SEE PAGE 2

Researchers to explore improving outcomes for highrisk patients


Proposition 1 From the Daily: Reforms to state tax code could benefit small business >> SEE PAGE 4


Alum Tony Stark and his daughter Ilya play in the blooming Peony Garden at Nichols Arboretum on Monday.



OITNB Season 2 of the popular Netflix series looks at new storylines, characters >> SEE PAGE 6


Preparations Confident Nick Stauskas begins workouts in Charlotte before NBA draft >> SEE PAGE 12

INDEX Vol. CXXIV, No. 110 | © 2014 The Michigan Daily michigandaily.com

NEWS .................................... 2 OPINION ...............................4 ARTS ......................................6 CLASSIFIEDS.........................8 CROSSWORD........................8 SPORTS................................ 10

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Obama signs executive order to address student loan debt Previously existing payment reduction plan extended to older borrowers SHOHAM GEVA Managing News Editor

Five million borrowers became eligible to have payments lowered on their student loans Monday after President Obama signed a new executive order expanding access to a previously existing government program that decreased monthly payments for low-income individuals. The President also announced measures to renegotiate the

financial incentives for on-time repayment, reduce paperwork for active duty military with loans who receive a 6% interest cap and increase awareness of reducedpayment plans. A White House press release stated making college degrees more affordable and accessible has been a longtime priority for the President. “As part of his year of action to expand opportunity for all Americans, the President is committed to building on these efforts by using his pen and his phone to make student debt more affordable and more manageable to repay,” the release read. The order specifically addressed the Pay As You Earn repayment plan, which previously only applied to borrowers who

received at least one disbursement of a federal direct loan during or after 2011, and first borrowed after or in 2007 . The plan limits monthly payments to 10 percent of an individual’s discretionary income, which must be lower than the monthly payment under a standard federal repayment plan. It also limits the amount of interest that can capitalize — the practice of adding unpaid interest to the original amount of the loan, which can raise both minimum monthly payments and interest — to 10 percent of the original loan and allows individuals who make qualifying payments to the plan for 20 years to have any remaining debt forgiven. Following implementation of the order, which is expected See LOANS, Page 3

By EMMA KERR Daily Staff Reporter

The University’s Michigan Surgical Home & Optimization Program has received $6.3 million from the Health Care Innovation Award to fund the implementation of their structured, pre-surgery program. MSHOP seeks to improve surgical outcomes in high-risk cases through four basic steps taken during the time between a patient’s decision to have surgery and the scheduled surgery date. Patients in the program are encouraged to be active, quit smoking, eat properly and practice relaxation techniques designed to boost optimism. Dr. Michael J. Englesbe, associate professor of surgery and a principal investigator on the project, said the new habits introduced in the study, such as increased physical activity and proper nutrition, have the potential to produce better post-surgery results even in a short time period. “The program is similar to the training for a 5k race, as a two hour operation has a similar effect on the body, and you can imagine what See SURGERY, Page 3

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