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Weekly Summer Edition


Ann Arbor, MI

Thursday, June 19, 2014


‘U’ joins technology consortium, examines online ed. prospects Partnership includes four schools, allows for connectivity and collaboration

In the 19th century, the standard gauge rail, which set the standard width of rail tracks in the United States and other countries, allowed an unparalleled level of cooperation between the railway companies, engineers and businesses. Before the implementation, trains could only travel as far as their company had laid track. Now, they had the opportunity to travel across the country on tracks operated by several companies — all working to standardize rail construction in the industry. Currently, research universities face similar difficulties on a digital front. As data is produced at an incredible rate and discharged into databases, they face the challenge of making sure it is stored, protected and utilized in the best way possible. To address that, the University announced last week it would join the Unizin consortium, a partnership between the University and three other institutions: Indiana University, Colorado State University and the University of Florida. Unizin’s mission is “to support

faculty and universities by ensuring that universities and their faculty stay in control of the content, data, relationships, and reputations that (they) create,” according to their website. The consortium will allow greater connectivity between data at these institutions. Much like the standard gauge rail, it will set the rules by which data is collected and distributed among research scientists, professors, students and the general public. Information Prof. James Hilton, dean of the University libraries, led the movement to get the University involved in the partnership. “(Unizin) is about leveraging open standards to make sure content and data can flow between tools and systems, rather than remaining locked up inside a single tool,” Hilton said. “It’s about tilting the table in favor of interoperability and University control.” For a practical example, Hilton said online practice quizzes, like those currently offered on CTools, could be adapted to better suit the needs of students and instructors. Rather than just simply having professors assign problems and receive scores, the data could be used to improve course curriculum. “There’s data in there that would tell us — tell you — the kind of problems that you’re struggling with and the kind of problems that you’re not,” Hilton said. “Right now, all that stays very isolated.” See TECHNOLOGY, Page 3


Her Excellency Tebelelo Mazile Seretse, the Botswana ambassador to the US, speaks about her home country, democracy, and the power of women at Hatcher Graduate Library Wednesday.

Botswana ambassador talks relations overseas Nation’s first female delegate discusses experience in international politics By HILLARY CRAWFORD Daily Staff Reporter


The Center for the Education of Women hosted the Ambassador of Botswana to the United States, Tebelelo Mazile Seretse, on Wednesday to facilitate a more international focus in the department. Seretse, who became ambassador in February 2011, is Botswana’s first female ambassador. Prior to her current position, she served in

Botswana’s Parliamentary cabinets from 1999 to 2004, holding various positions including Minister of Trade and Industry, Minister of Wildlife and Tourism and Minister of Works, Transport, and Communication. During her time on Cabinet, she successfully facilitated stronger relations with the United States as she negotiated a partnership agreement with Washington to establish an International Law Enforcement Academy in Botswana. Additionally, Seretse pushed for Botswana’s inclusion in the Africa Growth Opportunity Act to increase trade with the United States. In addition to legislature, Seretse also has experience in the private sector as an entrepreneur and director of her family’s business,

Diragake Ltd, an oil company in Botswana. In her address, Seretse said because she has experience in both the public and private sectors, she believes there are higher expectations of her as ambassador. She added that such expectations reflect the success of her nation in the past decades since it gained independence from the United Kingdom. Seretse primarily emphasized the heterogeneity within Africa and criticized many Americans’ conflicting tendency to refer to the continent as one would to a country. Monica Porter, assistant vice chancellor of student success and director of the Office of See BOTSWANA, Page 2






The yearly tradition kicked off Friday with indoor and outdoor performances.

Harleen Kaur talks catcalling and why it’s a problem in major cities.

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 4 finale will certainly satisfy, excite fans

Greg Garno hands out this year’s Schefters, honoring University athletes.

NEWS .................................... 2 OPINION ...............................4 ARTS ......................................7 CLASSIFIEDS.........................8 CROSSWORD........................8 SPORTS................................ 10

Summer festival


Love over fear


GoT steps up


Leaders and Best

>> SEE PAGE 10

Vol. CXXIV, No. 111 | © 2014 The Michigan Daily michigandaily.com

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