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Weekly Summer Edition



Ann Arbor, MI


Thursday, June 26, 2014


University faces lack of housing for fall term


New degrees Programs in robotics, entrepreneurship to be offered in 2014-2015 >> SEE PAGE 2


Some returning students asked to give up spaces in residence halls

Detroit Beat Students discover Detroit through internships and immersion experiences >> SEE PAGE 3



Budget approval ‘U’ tuition, financial aid allocations could hurt low SES out-of-state students >> SEE PAGE 4


Detroit Che Socially-conscious rapper reps a city hoping for a brighter future >> SEE PAGE 7

Joyce Coffee, managing director of Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index, speaks at the Adaptation in the Great Lakes Region Conference at Kahn Auditorium Tuesday.

Great Lakes conference talks climate concerns in region Keynote speaker emphasizes role of private, public sectors in solution By EMMA KERR Daily Staff Reporter


Draft Day Stauskas, Robinson, McGary await selections in 2014 NBA Draft >> SEE PAGE 10

INDEX Vol. CXXIV, No. 112 | © 2013 The Michigan Daily michigandaily.com

NEWS .................................... 2 OPINION ...............................4 ARTS ......................................7 CLASSIFIEDS......................... 8 CROSSWORD........................8 SPORTS................................ 10

The University’s Graham Sustainability Institute, in partnership with the Kresge Foundation and Great Lakes Adaptation Assessment for Cities, held a conference at the University Tuesday through Thursday on issues of climate change in the Great Lakes region. The conference included speakers and sessions focused both on the amount of resources in Michigan to combat potential threats to the Great Lakes from climate change in both the private and public sectors, as well as the importance of localized movements to affect individual change. The Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments Center, one of the sponsors of the confer-

ence, also released a report a 13 page report Tuesday at the conference on the impacts of recent climate developments and transformations on the Great Lakes and surrounding area based on a synthesis of national climate change assessments. The GLISA report was a federally funded collaboration between the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. In a press release, GLISA program manager Elizabeth Gibbons stated the organization’s hope was that the report would demonstrate the need for communities to begin thinking about how they interact with issues of climate change. “The impacts of climate change are already being felt and will only increase in the years and decades to come,” Gibbons wrote. The keynote speaker at the conference, Joyce Coffee, managing director of the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index, spoke on the issue of climate change and adaptive action through the different options available to local government, corporations and nonprofits. She discussed what drives

leaders in these sectors to take environmental action, and how research can become impactful and effect real change in the Great Lakes region. According to Coffee, 70 percent of the corporations believe that climate disruption is a risk to their supply and value chains and 90 percent of companies note that sustainability is a part of business strategy. Coffee argued it is thus in the best interest of corporation, both for the stability of their product and the satisfaction of their customers, to take action toward environmental adaptation. “Climate change is the humanitarian crisis of our time,” she said. She emphasized that an increase in natural disasters results in significant fiscal losses for companies that rely on global supply. Beyond the business sector, she also said local governments and cities stand to see a more financially strained future due to climate change, specifically in the Great Lakes region, and urged them to start dealing with these See CLIMATE, Page 2

Editor in Chief

About 300 students returning to campus this fall could be asked to give up their residence hall room assignments in exchange for an off-campus option organized through the University’s housing office. Housing officials announced the voluntary program Monday as an effort to accommodate a larger than anticipated incoming freshman class. A University press release stated there could be several hundred more new students on campus for Fall 2014 than the original estimate of 6,000. Ted Spencer, associate vice provost and executive director of the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, wrote in an e-mail statement Tuesday that it was too early to definitively say what caused the increases. In the release, University Housing Director Linda Newman stated the University feels it is important freshmen are allowed the opportunity to live on campus in order to ease the transition to college. “We hope our returning residence hall students will appreciate this unique opportunity to use their Housing contract to live in a nearby apartment,” Newman stated. Newly admitted freshmen who meet application deadlines and follow the correct proceSee HOUSING, Page 3

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