Photostaff Abroad: Faces of Fes
Weekly Summer Edition Ann Arbor, MI
‘U’ move-in shortened in on-campus safety push
Solar car University team wins national title for fifth consecutive year >> SEE PAGE 2
Freshmen seen as vulnerable to alcohol consumption trends
Endorsement From the Daily: Support Sally Petersen in Ann Arbor Democratic primary
Managing News Editor KATHERINE PEKALA/Daily
See our coverage of the Pitchfork Musial Festival in Chicago on page 6.
Pitchfork 2014 Get the rundown of the artists, food and people at this year’s festivalw >> SEE PAGE 6
Football outlook The Daily’s sports writers travel to Chicago for the Big Ten Media Days >> SEE PAGE 11
INDEX Vol. CXXIV, No. 117 | © 2014 The Michigan Daily
NEWS .................................... 2 OPINION ...............................4 ARTS ......................................6 CLASSIFIEDS.........................8 CROSSWORD........................8 SPORTS..................................9
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Dem. mayoral candidates talk University, finances Pre-primary expenses and donations released By EMMA KERR Daily News Editor
In first time in 14 years without an incumbent running, as the Ann Arbor Democratic mayoral primary approaches on August 5, both the price tag for the race and the stakes for the University are higher than ever. Campaign finances Among the four Democratic
candidates running for the position — Sabra Briere (D–Ward 1), Sally Petersen (D–Ward 2), Christopher Taylor (D–Ward 3), and Stephen Kunselman (D–Ward 3)—, an unprecedented pre-primary sum of 154, 847 has been raised in total, not counting other nonmonetary donations of goods and services, according to campaign finance reports released July 25. Taylor’s campaign was the most costly, raising $75,698. According to campaign finance reports, the bulk of his campaign expenses come from monthly campaign consulting amounting to $20,000 and website expenses of about $2,195, not including the $3,870 he spent on Google and Facebook
promotions. Some notable donors included several University LSA and Law School professors, as well as University Regent Mark Bernstein (D). Petersen has taken a more selfreliant route, contributing $11,684 of her own money to the campaign along with $16,000 from family members for a total of $44,495. She also incurred a few University affiliates’ donations, including several University professors in the Ross School of Business and the Medical School, as well as Jenifer Martin, director of government relations for the School of Public Health. Petersen spent See PRIMARY, Page 3
Freshmen and others students living in the residence halls this coming year will see several changes to move-in this August as part of a University initiative to increase on-campus safety. Most notably, move-in, which has run over four days in the last week of August in years past, will take place only Aug 28 through 29 this year, with hours extended to 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday. Groups that typically move in early will instead be housed temporarily in East Quad until the 26, when they will move in to to their permanent dorms, with the exception of Move-in Makers, who will move immediately into their home buildings. MIMs are a group of students who volunteer to assist with the move-in process. Wolverine Wellness Director Mary Jo Desprez said the change attempts to address the increased anxiety and vulnerability freshmen often feel on campus in their first few weeks, while still providing the necessary amount of time for first-year students to get accliSee MOVE-IN, Page 2