Ann Arbor, Michigan
Despite drop in sales, new ticket policy commended Ticketing system that rewards loyal fans receives positive reviews from students By MAYA KALMAN Daily Staff Reporter
With two home games completed in the 2014 football season, student opinion regarding this season’s new ticketing policy is positive, with many hoping that it remains the same in the coming years. The University’s new student football seating policy, which changed the way in which seats are assigned, was developed in an effort to enhance the environment in Michigan Stadium by encouraging attendance and early arrival to games in response to low attendance at kickoff. The new plan also intends to improve the student experience by making it easier for students to sit with their friends at games.
The changed policy features an “attendance-driven reserved seating plan.” In this plan, students are assigned seats based on the number of points they have earned through game attendance during the previous season. For the 2014 season, seats were determined through a combination of class year and attendance in an effort to be fair to upperclassmen. For the 2015 season, however, seats will be determined solely based on attendance points from 2014. This restructuring comes at a time when the Athletic Department is struggling to attract a historically dedicated student fan base to this season’s games. Early estimates from the department predicted 8,000 fewer student packages being sold in 2014 compared to 2013 — a 40-percent drop in student purchases. Michigan Stadium’s streak of 252 straight games with more than 100,000 fans in attendance was put in jeopardy Saturday, with an announced crowd of 102,824 that was See TICKETS, Page 2A
Tyler Paxton discusses his experince with his startup at the Entrepalooza Symposium festival in the Michigan League Friday.
Entrepreneurial event encourages innovation Panels discuss creativity in the workplace By RACHEL PREMACK Daily News Editor
An MBA student in a bright yellow button-down smiled as he asked an audience of business and engineering students,
Pharmacy dean talks research financing New leader recounts difficulties in drug testing and overcoming corporate hurdles By JOEL GOLDSTEIN Daily Staff Reporter
Pharmacy Dean James Dalton spoke at the Rackham Amphitheatre Friday, addressing the College of Pharmacy Graduate Student Organization on the process of taking a new drug from a research lab to a patient. The College of Pharmacy Graduate Student Organization was created this year to increase dialogue between departments of the college. During his presentation, Dalton, who became dean of the college on Sept. 1, spoke of the hurdles he faced trying to take his drug from labs at the University of Tennessee and Ohio State University to the American patent offices and the FDA. He described his experiences with getting funding for research as well as the See PHARMACY, Page 2A
“How many of you want to start businesses?” Dozens of hands shot up. But the listeners’ hands didn’t budge for the next question: “How many of you know how to start it?” How to start a business and earn that coveted title of “innovator” was the central topic of the Entrepalooza Symposium Friday, which included a keynote address and three
unique panel sessions. To cap the day’s events, “Lunch and Learn” gathered University students and area CEOs, company founders and leaders of entrepreneurship activity at the University. Venture capitalists, lawyers, startup founders, members of the University’s entrepreneurial community and those from the Michigan business community spoke and attended the
half-day symposium, which was hosted in the Michigan League. Nkem Nwankwo, co-president of the Entrepreneur & Venture Club, which helped organize Entrepalooza, said the symposium offered a space for business students like himself to see how they can enter the startup world without an engineering background. He See INNOVATION, Page 2A
A2 City Council to discuss increase in taxicab metering Approval slated to raise flag drop price by $7 By JACK TURMAN Daily Staff Reporter
LSA sophomore Jacob Sigman preforms with San Cristobal at Stamp Nation’s Welcome to Michigan concert at the Diag Saturday. Read more about the event at
Alum discusses experience with tribal epidemiology Speaker gives career advice to graduate students By ANASTASSIOS ADAMOPOULOS Daily Staff Reporter
University alum Aley Joseph spoke to Public Health students Friday about epidemiol-
ogy as part of the school’s alumni speaker series. Sponsored by the school’s Career Development Office, the talk also gave students with career advice, and used an interactive format to engage students. Joseph, who graduated in 2011 with a master’s degree from the School of Public Health, answered questions regarding the study of epidemiology in Native American reservations
and discussed students’ individual career ambitions. Shelagh Saenz, director of career services at the Public Health School, said the alumni speaker series seeks to expose current students to different sectors of the public health field by providing stories of different career paths and unique experiences. Joseph, who works at the CaliSee EPIDEMIOLOGY, Page 2A
At their meeting Monday, the Ann Arbor City Council will discuss resolutions regarding taxicab meter rates, construction contracts and a zoning ordinance. Resolution: Council votes to deregulate taxicab rates The Ann Arbor Taxicab Board met Aug. 28 to consider a resolution that would deregulate taxicab rates by establishing a high, maximum meter rate. The Board voted unanimously for the Council to discuss a $7 increase of the flag drop, which is currently at $3, and a $2.50-per-mile increase. The goal of this resolution is to allow each taxicab company more freedom in establishing and advertising its own rates. If this resolution passes, the deregulation will go into effect on Oct. 6.
Resolution: Council to award a construction contract to E.T. MacKenzie Company The Council will discuss if it wants to grant a $355,900 construction contract to E.T. MacKenzie Company for the Liberty Street, Harvard Place and Arlington Boulevard Sanitary Sewer Extensions Project. If the contract is awarded, E.T. MacKenzie Company will install sanitary sewers at Arlington Boulevard and Harvard Place beginning in late September, with the estimated completion date in mid-November. Installation of a sanitary sewer for Liberty Street will commence in the spring of 2015 and be completed by late May or early June. The project will be funded by the Sewage Disposal System Fund’s capital budget. Resolution: Council to rezone South Main Street The Council will vote on an ordinance to rezone the Downtown Core Base District — currently a high-density See METERING, Page 2A
Beat (Miami) Ohio Michigan bounced back to defeat the RedHawks.
HI: 65 LO: 41
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Vol. CXXIV, No. 126 ©2014 The Michigan Daily
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