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UMPNC president and registered nurse, said safer workload ratios are the union’s most significant demand because they ensure quality patient care and a safe working environment for“Thenurses.basis of our profession is … the service that we provide for our patients,” Curtis said. “When we’re unable to provide care for our patients due to understaffing due to issues relative to workload, it causes more trauma not only for the nurses, but it puts patients at risk for adverse events, and it creates poor patient outcomes as a result of not being able to have a registered nurse at the bedside.”Though the union views workload ratios as a necessary component of negotiations, the administration of University of Michigan Health, Michigan Medicine’s clinical division, says otherwise. Michigan Medicine spokesperson Mary Masson wrote in an email to The Daily that the administration’s stance is supported by state law.

KRISTINA ZHENG Managing News Editor

Coffee, a local cafe nestled inside Nickels Arcade, said as the creation of social districts in Downtown Ann Arbor transformed Main Street’s culture over the past year, State Street’s business rhythms were left outdated.“Ifeel like the two areas of town are very, very different now,” Saborio said. “There just seems (sic) to be fewer people (visiting State Street) than before. I feel like this summer in particular, this area was quiet.”

The settlement — which was first reached in January — required approval from 98% of the claimants, a benchmark which was recently reached according to the Friday press release. The finalization process lasted eight months and was facilitated by Robert F. Riley, a third-party mediator appointed by U.S. District Court Judge Victoria A. Roberts.Division of the settlement funds will be decided among claimants and their attorneys, and the University will not be involved in the process, the releaseBoardsays.ofRegents Chair Paul Brown apologized to survivors in the press release, saying the University still has work to do to combat misconduct on campus.“The University of Michigan offers its heartfelt apology for the abuse perpetrated by the late Robert Anderson. We hope this settlement helps the healing process for survivors,” Brown wrote. “We consider this settlement just one of the steps we have taken in a process we began more than two years ago to fully understand what happened, make amends and enact reforms. Our work is not done until U-M is considered the leader in creating a campus environment that is safe for everyone.”InMay 2020, the University hired law firm WilmerHale to investigate sexual misconduct allegations against Anderson and released the report a year later in 2021, finding “no doubt” that Anderson engaged in decadeslong patterns of abuse and that the University had known as early as 1975. Settlement negotiations began in October 2020 and represented over 1,000 survivors who have come forward with allegations against Anderson — possibly the largest number of allegations against a single person in U.S. history.


Construction causes road closures on State St. Tuesday afternoon. JENNA HICKEY/Daily

of mandatory overtime, a $4,000 bonus for members of the union’s bargaining team and expanded staffing guidelines.


Walgreens pop up clinics are open from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. or when supplies run out. Individuals may find vaccines at the following dates and locations:

8320.CVS and Walgreens have boosters available at their Ann Arbor locations by appointment only. Appointments must be made online.University spokesperson Kim Broekhuizen told The Michigan Daily over email that the University does not currently plan to require the bivalent booster.

Michigan Medicine has failed to bargain in good faith with its nurses, the University of Michigan Professional Nurse Council alleges.With the union and the University of Michigan at a stalemate after six months of negotiations, 6,200 MNAUMPNC nurses have worked without a contract since the previous one expired June 30. In that time, the union has organized rallies and created a community petition to call attention to its demands for safer working conditions for nurses.

A Sept. 2 UMPNC statement said the bargaining team would only call a work stoppage if they deemed it “absolutely necessary.” Curtis said a strike would be a last resort and that the union just wants to openly discuss workload demands in its negotiations with the University.

“One of the keys of this curbless design is it gives businesses the flexibility to use the space in front of their business,” Thomson said. “(Curbless design) allows for much more flexibility for the event


but we have extensive plans in place as we’ve been preparing for the possibility of a strike authorization.”Inaninterview with The Daily, Anne Jackson, MNAUMPNC member and registered nurse, said despite the union’s size and 48-year tenure, the administration was failing to respect nurses’ basic rights.

Tuesday, September 13 – South Quad Transformer Room (next to the dining Thursday,hall)September 15 – South Quad Transformer Room (next to the dining Monday,hall)September 19 – Mosher Jordan (Upper Blue Market area) Wednesday, September 21 – Mosher Jordan (Upper Blue Market area)

Since early June, State Street has been torn up between William Street and North University Avenue. Blockades seal off the area, leaving only a few narrow pathways for pedestrians to navigate from downtown Ann Arbor to campus. The construction blockage has also cut off vehicular access and taken away patio space from local businesses.JimSaborio, the owner of Comet

In June as the construction project responsible for closing down most of State Street commenced.

“This settlement allows the university to protect future generations of students and everyone in the university community,” Coleman wrote. “It complements a separate settlement reached earlier this year that adds a Coordinated Community Response Team to the best practices now in place. We are committed to a safe, welcoming environment for everyone at Michigan.”Friday’s settlement with the Anderson survivors was finalized after another settlement was reached in March between the University and attorneys representing U-M students in a class-action lawsuit. The March settlement involved a promise to create the Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT) in an effort to address misconduct and increase transparency with the University’s response to sexual assault and harassment on campus.

closure drives away consumers, hurts profits on popular corridor MoJo to host vaccination sites, UHS,pharmacies offer appointments ADMINISTRATIONNEWS

On Aug. 15, the MNA filed a lawsuit with the Michigan Court of Claims alleging that the University’s refusal to bargain over nurse workloads was a violation of the Public Employment Relations Act 336 of 1947. The lawsuit seeks an injunction that would force the University to negotiate staffing ratios with the union.

spaces.”Maura Thomson, communications manager for the DDA, said once the construction is completed, the curbless street will bring direct benefits for State Street businesses.

“Under decisions of the Michigan Employment Relations Commission and Michigan appellate courts, the determination of employee staffing levels is a “non-mandatory” subject of bargaining — something that a public employer has no obligation to bargain over — unless the staffing requirements are inextricably intertwined with the health and safety of bargaining unit employees,” MassonMassonwrote.wrote that the proposal, which the University believes is “compelling and generous,” includes a 21% base pay increase for nurses over four years, a safe elimination

Daily Staff Reporter

Union demands safe staffing, end to mandatory overtime

“Regent Chair Paul W. Brown apologized for Dr. Anderson, but not for (the) University of Michigan’s role in this Vaughnatrocity.”added that seeing the University being held accountable is a step in the right direction, and that he hopes all who have been affected can begin a journey of healing.

“After being involved in this fight for over 2 1/2 years University of Michigan is finally formally being held accountable for their involvement,” Vaughn wrote. “I hope this day can bring peace & healing to all the survivors affected. I am not John Doe. I am Jon

IRENA LI Daily Staff Reporter

Though the University has issued an apology for Anderson’s perpetuation of abuse, Vaughn released a statement Friday evening saying that the administration has yet to apologize for its own handling of the

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“We do not have a shortage of nurses willing to work, we have a shortage of nurses willing to work in the working conditions of our hospitals,” Curtis said. “We would like to do everything possible to avert any type of work stoppage, and we are prepared and willing to meet at any point in time and continue any discussions necessary.”Whenasked about a potential strike, Masson wrote that the hospital has extensive staffing plans in place if the union were to call for a work stoppage.

This project, funded by the City of Ann Arbor and the Downtown Development Authority (DDA), is part of the People-Friendly Streets initiative and will convert State Street into the City’s first curbless roadway. City officials hope the project will increase pedestrian safety, enhance foot traffic and strengthen local businesses, according to the project website.Theproject is broken into two phases. The first and current phase was anticipated to finish around Labor Day. However, three months into the construction, the finish line is still out of sight. While the project has run into sporadic incidents, including a water main break in early June, Robert Kellar, communication specialist of Ann Arbor Public Services Administration, said the prolonged delay is due to a miscommunication with the contractor, and the construction will continue for the rest of the calendar year.“The basic reason for the delay is that the pace of the project did not go as the contractor expected, Kellar wrote in an email to The Michigan Daily. “There wasn’t one thing that

UHS also offers booster vaccines by appointment, which can be booked through the patient portal or by phone at 734-764-

‘Hail to the Victims’ leader wants University apology for response

“This is all about holding the University accountable and (making) sure that they follow the law,” Jackson said. “We believe that they have failed to bargain in good faith. They’ve made improper changes to our working conditions … We believe they’re undermining the largest union on campus.”

“I think that the improvements will be overall good for the street, so I’m excited for them to occur, and I like the curbless design,” Davidson said.

MATTHEW SHANBOM Daily Staff Reporter

Anderson was employed by the University from 1966 to 2003. During this time, he was a team physician and director of the University Health Services. In 2008, Anderson died and was never investigated or tried for his crimes.Survivors of Anderson have made a noticeable impact on the campus community in recent years. Jonathan Vaughn, an Anderson survivor LYU

and former U-M football player, spearheaded multiple protests advocating for greater protection of students and increased transparency from the administration. For over 100 days, Vaughn camped outside of former University President Mark Schlissel’s house in protest of the University’s handling of the allegations against Anderson. His campsite was removed by the University after 150 days of protest.

A $490 million settlement between the University of Michigan and survivors of late U-M athletic doctor Robert Anderson has been approved and finalized, the University announced Friday evening.

AJ Davidson, president of Bivouac and the State Street District business association, said he is excited about the prospect of the project but recognizes the huge toll construction has taken on businesses.

“Patients in our hospital can expect our standard of care to continue,” Masson wrote. “We are concerned about future access,

GOT A NEWS TIP? E-mail news@michigandaily.com and let us know. INDEX Vol. CXXXII, No. 92 ©2022 The Michigan Daily NEWS STATEMENT.............ARTS........................4............................1........6 SPORTS.....................11OPINION...................9MIC............................8michigandaily.com For more stories and coverage, visitFollow The Daily on @michigandailyInstagram, michigandaily.comAnn Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, September 21, 2022 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ONE YEARS OF EDITORIAL FREEDOM

On Sept. 2, 96% of the over 4,000 MNA-UMPNC members voted in favor of a strike authorization, which allows the union’s bargaining unit to call for a work stoppage at any time. Though state law does not allow strikes by public sector employees, a FAQ section on the union’s website says nurses would only engage in a work stoppage to protest unfair labor practices, not to call for higher wages or to change the terms of their work.

The possibility of a work stoppage in response to poor working conditions is not unique to nurses at Michigan Medicine. On Sept. 12, 15,000 members of the Minnesota Nurses Association went on strike to call for safer staffing and improved quality of care for patients.

organizer to arrange their tents, and the visitors no longer have to deal with the curbs or other trip hazards.”

In an interview with The Michigan Daily, Renee Curtis,

Michigan Medicine nurses and supporters attend a picket for safer conditions and a fair contract organized by the University of Michigan Professional Nurse Council at Fuller Park in July.

The union’s demands include an end to understaffing by way of safe nurse workload ratios, fair wages, and an end to mandatory overtime. Unfair labor practice charges filed against the University allege that the administration has violated state law by refusing to bargain with the union over nurseto-patient staffing ratios and retaliating against nurses who engaged in union activity.

What’s happening with nurses at Michigan Medicine?

Read more at MichiganDaily.com


Bivalent booster shots now available in Ann Arbor

caused it. The contractor’s schedule has the road reopening on Oct. 7. Work remains for the year, but they will do that by occupying the parking


Read more at MichiganDaily.com

UMich finalizes settlement with Anderson survivors

MNA-UMPNC has signaled support for Minnesota nurses, writing in a tweet that going on strike is not an easy decision to make.“It’s a heavy decision made with care and yes, with grief,” the tweet reads. “But also resolve, and dedication, and a responsibility to protect our patients and our profession. Shame on the administrators who push #nurses to this point.” lament loss of customer traffic amid State Street construction

Multiple locations in the Ann Arbor area are now offering the new COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccine. The bivalent booster — which was authorized by the Food and Drug Administration at the end of August — protects against the original, BA.4 and BA.5 strands of the highly contagious Omicron variant.TheUniversity Health Service (UHS) in collaboration with Walgreens, is running pop-up COVID-19 bivalent booster and flu shot clinics for all University of Michigan students, faculty and staff. If available, individuals should bring insurance cards, prior vaccine records and photo IDs to the clinics. The bivalent booster is currently available to anyone age 18 and up and is free of charge.

Vaughn!”University Interim President Mary Sue Coleman wrote in the press release that the settlement is another move towards securing the safety of the campus community.

“Thisallegations.willnever compensate the pain and suffering we the survivors have gone through,” Vaughn wrote.

more at MichiganDaily.com

Public Policy graduate student Oieshi Saha told The Michigan Daily she valued Wał ęsa’s comments about the need for America to regain its leadership on the world stage and said the discussion connected to what she has studied in class.

VANESSA KIEFER Joshua Mitnick, 92’, 95’ Managing Editor vkiefer@umich.edu

“I am pleading with you to please


Wał ęsa went on to discuss the current war in Ukraine.

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Wał ęsa helped to institute democratic elections in Poland while leading the Solidarity movement. He was also a Nobel Peace Prize recipient in 1983 before becoming the first President of Poland elected via a democratic election since 1926. He served as President from 1990 until 1995.

“I just realized, because I’m kind of a book nerd, that it was weird for (an) early 17th century paper. Usually you get two sets of letters way later, like the 18th or 19th century,” Wilding said.After comparing the manuscript to another well-known forgery with similar watermarks, Wilding determined the document was indeed a fake, and most likely created by a prominent 20th century forger, Tobia Nicotra.

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The manuscript contained writings on Galileo’s telescopic observations of celestial bodies orbiting Jupiter, which reversed a common 17th century belief that Earth was at the center of the universe. Galileo’s observations went on to have major implications in the field of Wilding,astronomy.who is currently writing a comprehensive biography on Galileo’s life and work, made a similar discovery in 2012 when he determined that a rare 17th-century book written by Galileo was also an elaborate forgery. Pablo Alvarez, U-M Special Collections Research Center curator, told The Michigan Daily that this discovery made him apprehensive about other forgeries when he was first contacted by Wilding.“Iwas very concerned because I knew that (Wilding) was somebody

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criticizing two consecutive term limit laws that allow Putin to hold onto power until 2036. He said even if Ukraine were to win the ongoing war, “Russia will rise again.” He said there should be a term limit law limiting Russian leaders to two five-year terms.


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The event was hosted by the Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia (WCEE) in conjunction with the Copernicus Center for Polish Studies, Ford School of Public Policy, Democracy and Debate and the Weiser Diplomacy Center.Wałęsa said the world is in a state of transition and that the United States must rise to lead the world.

Wał ęsa encouraged attendees to acknowledge the urgent need for help for Ukranians, while also thinking about the root cause of the war.“We have to help (Ukrainians) so they survive,” Wał ęsa said. “But the cause, the causes are really more important. And what that is — is the bad political system in Russia. It’s not just Stalin or Putin, it’s the political system that makes it possible for people like them to showWałup.” ęsa critiqued Russia’s political system, specifically

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“This manuscript is already something that I would say is part of the history of the University of Michigan,” Alvarez said. “Very important scholars on the history of science included these manuscripts in articles, so it had been sort of approved by the scholar community.”

Wał ęsa concluded his discussion by emphasizing the need for the United States to rise back up and be a world leader, saying the country is well-positioned to help Ukrainians.

Though the appearance of the paper itself immediately stuck out to Wilding as being odd, once he noticed the two sets of letters, AS and BMO, he knew this manuscript was most likely inauthentic because the watermark was not typical for the time in which it would have been written.

“One (era) has fallen down, the other has not been created yet,” Wał ęsa said.“Somebody has to lead. I would like to encourage you, to plead with you, to lead.”

Senior News Editors: Anna Fifelski, Stocking

Lech Wał ę sa, the former president of Poland, spoke to a full auditorium in Rackham Amphitheatre on Tuesday about the ongoing crisis in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion, his role in leading the Ukrainian Solidarity Campaign and subsequently leadingRussiaPoland.invaded Ukraine in February, expecting a quick victory in the war. Wał ęsa’s talk at Rackham follows Ukraine taking back about 2,300 square miles of previously Russian-occupied territory on Monday. He drew parallels between the current war and his time working in Poland.

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is publishing weekly on Wednesdays for the Fall 2022 semester by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily’s office for $2. If you would like a current copy of the paper mailed to you, please visit store. pub.umich.edu/michigan-daily-buy-this-edition to place your order.

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Going forward, Alvarez said transparency is extremely important as the University navigates the aftermath of the discovery and hopes this situation will be a learning experience.“Forme, it’s very much emotional, but I think this is going to be a positive step for us, not only in addressing what happened … but people could learn about paleography, about paper making, about ink in the 17th century, and I think that’s a positive thing,” Alvarez said.

“I’ve had to look really, really careful and kind of invent new tests to find those forgeries,” Wilding said. “It made me hyper acute to looking for forgeries, when most people would just say, ‘There’s no problem with the sources.’”Wilding said he generally looks into the background of a source before deciding whether or not to trust it.

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“What I took away from this talk was that leadership and dominance are not one (and) the same,” Saha said. “There are ways of leading that don’t demand dominating and appropriating like America has done.”Music, Theatre & Dance freshman Tim Kulawiak told The Daily he felt Wał ęsa’s talk was “personally relevant” since his father was Polish and took part in the Solidarity movement Wał ęsa led. He said Wał ęsa left him feeling inspired about what is to come next in the “Whatworld.stood out most was this call to action,” Kulawiak said.

Alvarez said he was shocked to learn the manuscript was inauthentic, and that in the 12 years he had served as curator, he never considered the document could be forged.

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.comNews2 — Wednesday, September 21, 2022 PHOTO OF THE WEEK

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“As far as I can understand the motives of Nicotra, it seems like he was driven by a mixture of money needs and possibly trying to prove himself against his failed career as a musician,” Wilding said.

“Very much singling out the U.S. as the place where there’s the most potential for change … it’s our responsibility, our privilege to be able to be in this position where there’s a gap of leadership and a transitional time where there’s so much potential for positive change.”

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with a lot of expertise in this field, not somebody simply asking very general questions but somebody who already probably had some very strong grounds to express those doubts,” AlvarezWildingsaid.told The Daily that his prior experiences in identifying forgery motivated him to examine the U-M manuscript even closer.

Wał ęsa said there are two main ways to increase power as a state: through freedom and democracy or through war.


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realize that you’re responsible for the whole world,” Wał ęsa said. “That this is your fate. This is your God-given role: to lead the world.”

took a much closer look for Wilding to determine the manuscript was a forgery. Wilding explained that, typically, Galileo would have one stack of papers all with a single watermark and use that stack until he was out before getting a new stack with a different watermark. In the 17th century, watermarks were often used on hand pressed paper for the manufacturers to identify the paper that they made. Therefore, paper can be dated using watermarks, as was the case in the U-M manuscript.

Joey Goodsir, Cole Martin, Mae Veidlinger, Martina Zacker, Jillian Sacksner, Christian Juliano, Justin O’Beirne

University of Michigan Libraries announced in August that the prized gem of its astronomy collection, an original manuscript by Galileo Galilei, was actually a forgery following an investigation by Georgia State University professor Nick Wilding.

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Most of Galileo’s works reside in a single archive in the National Central Library of Florence, and Wilding said he found it suspicious that the University would end up with such a valuable piece of work so far away from the “Thereothers.are like five Galileo documents in all of North America,” Wilding said. “I’m not saying that everything in America is fake, but you have to look a lot harder at those objects.”While the location of the manuscript was the initial red flag, it

“So now there is a question,” Wał ęsa said. “Which one of them (democratic forces or Russia) is going to win? Which one will we allow to win?”

Editorial Page Editor: Olivia Mouradian Senior Opinion Editors: Quin Zapoli, Brandon Cowit, Jess D’Agostino, Alex Yee, Evan Stern

picket lines and other solidarity actions on its social media and says CSG will post guides on how to safely picket if a picket line does form. The resolution passed unanimously, confirming CSG’s support for the UMPNC nurses.

“(Tyler) has a humongous background of student government on Michigan’s campus, and someone who would be better qualified for the position would be very difficult to find,” Zimmerman said.

What progress has been made around the climate at U-M over the last five years? Join us as we discuss the findings of our latest university-wide climate survey from 2021.

Loeher said the app prevents scams by requiring all users to be verified as U-M students prior to making a purchase on the platform. She said the platform has been in the works for two years, but only became an app this semester when it launched on Sept. 1.

Rackham student Taylor Repetto, another member of the research team, explained the team’s durability and effectiveness testing process. She said after selecting the microbes they sought to eliminate, the team tested how well different formulas could withstand continual exposure to these pathogens.

In just the first few weeks since the launch, Dworak said the initial success of their platform was more than they were expecting.

“So our administration has really boiled down to trying to do directto-student programming as much as possible and trying to just improve students’ lives through small but effective policymaking and programs and events,” Zimmerman said.Zimmerman said the administration wants to roll out orders and make progress on larger projects such as wellbeing days, dedicating spaces for disabled students and streamlining existing services.

University of Michigan researchers published a study in late August documenting the effectiveness of their newly developed durable disinfectant coating. The disinfectant kills 99.9% of microbes, including after durability tests, such as UV exposure and continuous abrasion.

“We wanted to test these surfaces against a variety of different bacteria, so we chose E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and MRSA, and those are common bacteria responsible for infections,” Repetto said. “When COVID hit, we got super interested in testing the surface against COVID and found that it did indeed work very well, so that was very exciting. And we also tested the ability of the surface to withstand re-inoculation, so continually exposing the surface to bacteria, and (we found) it could continually provide that fast rate of disinfection over a short amount of time.”Repetto added that in addition to testing reexposure to various pathogens, they also tested the effectiveness of the coating over time. The team found their formulation still killed 99.9% of

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com News Wednesday, September 21, 2022 — 3 ‘U’ researchers develop 99.9% effective disinfectant

running for fall, and I’m building my team now,” Rifai said. “Our capacities are getting widened, so feel free to use the communications request form. It’s there for us to use, and I’m excited for the rest of the semester.”Theassembly also discussed a resolution in support of the Michigan Nurses Association introduced by CSG Speaker Karthik Pasupula, an LSA sophomore. The nurses of University of Michigan Professional Nurse Council (UMPNC) authorized a work stoppage in protest of the University’s allegedly disingenuous negotiations over a new contract.

“I’ve been doing interviews on behalf of the CSG cabinet and also trying to get the social media

The University of Michigan Central Student Government convened Tuesday evening in the Michigan Union’s Wolverine Room to discuss the Executive Committee’s plans for the fall semester and CSG’s solidarity with U-MCSGnurses.President Noah Zimmerman, an LSA senior, said he and CSG vice president Jacqueline Hillman, an LSA senior, are committed to improving student life and presented seven policymaking categories the committee aims to focus on: sexual misconduct prevention, campus

consideration.Zimmerman strongly recommended Watt for the position, citing his experience in student government at the University.

DealDog was first launched at the beginning of September by LSA seniors Elizabeth Loeher and Noam Jacobovitz, Business senior Dolan Dworak and recent U-M alum Josh Siegel. Their goal was simple: create a platform where tickets could be exchanged simply and securely.

“Allachieve.theseplatforms, they’re not really targeted to college students, and so there’s a lot of clutter that gets in the way,” Jacobovitz said.


The session will also be livestreamed, recorded and posted on the DEI website.

current buying and selling platforms do not

The resolution authorizes CSG to sign the petition in support of the nurses, promises CSG will promote


Dhyani said the University has applied for a patent for this technology, which remains pending. In the meantime, Tuteja said two companies have already licensed their product: HygraTek, a membrane technology


Daily Staff Reporter Samantha Rich can be reached at sammrich@ umich.edu.

community, streamlining services, lowering barriers for accessibility, anti-racism, sustainable campus and making sure the University is an affordable place.

“We realized that there is no centralized organized place for students to buy and sell items,” Loeher said. “There’s so many items that students need specifically that the rest of the general population doesn’t and there’s no app or anything that’s even remotely organized for that.”

LSA sophomore Jacob Amspaugh also submitted a resolution for the assembly to consider. He called for the creation of an Internship and Mentorship Program to create more opportunities for students to get involved with CSG. The resolution states students can apply for an internship at CSG and be mentored by an assembly member. Interns have the opportunity to receive need-based compensation for at most five hours of CSG work. This

Jacobovitz said a goal for their platform was to cater the app towards college students, something

resolution passed unanimously. For nominations, Law School student Tyler Watt was nominated as Student General Counsel by the Executive Nominations Committee. The nomination was submitted to the assembly for further

manufacturer he co-founded, and Prevada Medical, a medical device company co-founded by Scott VanEpps, another member of the researchHygraTekteam.has expressed interest in turning this coating into a stickon film that individuals can apply to surfaces they want to keep sanitary, such as their cell phone screen. Prevada has licensed the technology to create an orthodontic foam to prevent ventilatorassociated pneumonia in hospital patients.Tuteja highlighted that all 11 authors on this project are affiliated with the University. He said this speaks to the variety of perspectives and disciplines across campus.“One of the big things is this is a completely U-M team,” Tuteja said. “All of the members are U-M (faculty), and it really highlights all of the different things that can be done within the University, from coming up with new materials all the way to actual real-world testing.”

JOEY LIN Daily Staff Reporter

Students DealDog for ticket exchanges

“At present, we have around 700 verified students, half of which use the app daily, so that’s around 350,” Dworak said. “We’ve processed nearly 6000 (dollars) in tickets, so that means $6,000 worth of tickets have been sold between other users.”

RSVP to attend: myumi.ch/M9293

It’s not unheard of for Michigan football-goers to have experienced questionable ticket exchanges and, among the worst of cases, ticket scams. To address this phenomenon, four U-M undergraduate students recently launched a platform called DealDog, designed for U-M community members to trade football tickets without fear of being scammed.Manystudents eager to attend sporting events search for tickets on various platforms, such as GroupMe, Craigslist and the Facebook group “Buying and Selling Tickets UMich.” These methods can potentially leave people vulnerable to ticket scams, where students send money to a seller but never receive their ticket.

EMMA MOORE Daily Staff

NEWS CSG shares fall strategy, passes resolution supporting nurses

these pathogens after six months of airEngineeringexposure.

Siegel said being in school full time made the process of developing the app and creating the business more

“(One directive a week) is difficult, so we’re doing our best,” Zimmerman said. “We expect a lot of our executive team, and we hope we can live up to it. We’re also hoping to complete a lot of the action items that we’ve had on our campaign platform. That’s what students elected us to do so we’re hoping that we’re able to make a difference.”Following the presentation, LSA senior Kareem Rifai, communications director, urged members to use the communications request form to submit material to CSG social media outlets.

“Thedifficult.biggest challenge is just really taking the time to sit down and grind for it,” Siegel said. “It’s always great having an actual idea, but without actual implementation and just taking time, the effort to sit down and actually do what’s necessary is the real undertaking.”

DEI Climate Survey results session

IN-PERSON SESSION: Tuesday, Sept. 27 | 8:30-10 am Michigan Union, Rogel Ballroom Open to all students, faculty & staff

U-M alum Abhishek Dhyani, a member of the research team, said this new formula retains the advantages of typical disinfectants, but also adds the element of longevity to maximize effectiveness.“Today,what we do is we use disinfectants, which are very good at killing bacteria and viruses, but they only last for a short period of time,” Dhyani said. “They essentially evaporate in minutes after performing their function which necessitates the reapplication of disinfection. … What we have developed is a coating that brings the best of both worlds — so it’s instant, it acts within minutes and it is also persistent and durable.”

professor Anish Tuteja, principal investigator for the project, said the team also subjected the surface coating to a variety of harsh chemical and mechanical tests, including repeatedly cleaning and abrading the surface and exposing it to ultraviolet light.

“We envision this to be applied in surfaces that are prone to high contact with humans,” Dhyani said. “Think of doorknobs, airport kiosks, inside of ride-sharing vehicles. Of course, the hospital environment (and) daycares being an important one. Think of consumer devices, like keyboards we type on, cell phones that we use.”

Dhyani said the team is looking forward to implementing this technology on high-touch surfaces, from high-density public areas to individual possessions.

Reporter Coating protects surfaces from COVID, MRSA for months App verifies identities to prevent scams, has cleared $6,000 in sales Executive branch shares plans for rolling out campus programming NEWS Design by Kate Shen Read more at MichiganDaily.com Read more at MichiganDaily.com GRACE BEAL/Daily

SAMANTHA RICH Daily Staff Reporter

“We had a lot of organizational meetings on and off throughout the last few years but we really started putting in the work and grinding over the summer,” Loeher said.

as a college student but am also resonating with every version of myself that deigned to leave the house pre-sunrise. I am in lower elementary school, boarding the bus in the early morning darkness; I am a middle schooler watching the season finale credits play, preparing to feign post-sleep drowsiness as I clamber downstairs for a breakfast I usually sleep through; I am a high school senior, standing on a beach with my entire graduating class, watching the sun rise and a life chapter close. This year, I am a seniorGivenagain.my preferred running time and my sleep schedule, you might expect me to be terrifyingly, woefully unprepared for the marathon. This is true: One glance at my most recent, sparse Strava history shows a pitiful mile time andButdistance.Iloverunning; I love cutting through grass and passing ongoing construction; I love water breaks with the Arts section and seeing the city of Ann Arbor in blue tones. Thus, with my very best writerly friends, I am committed to seeing this marathon relay through, bright and early 5 a.m. on race day.

Daily Arts Writer Drew Gadbois can be reached at gadband@umich.edu.

know I wouldn’t have. Still, Tessa’s lack of independence and control seems much more real on full display in the film, regardless of the viewer’s knowledge of the original fanfiction.

I am a late riser by habit and tradition. While school and obligations keep me on a tight schedule, physically, my body can sleep for more than 11 hours straight. Emotionally, a decade of poor sleep habits has softened the sting of waking up past noon (or even after 4 p.m.) and I am no longer fazed (but yes, I probably should be more bothered). However, my favorite time to run is before 7 a.m.

Although Hardin is almost always in the wrong, we still see Tessa as the one struggling at the end, chasing him. It’s frustrating to see Hardin’s success story and Tessa’s downfall when it seems like it should be the other way around. Tessa is reduced to nothing without Hardin, but I guess that’s what was written on Wattpad. No one would have liked to read the collapse of Harry Styles in the early 2010s. I

I found myself getting frustrated in the theater, but I was instantly reminded by the giggles surrounding me of why I was there — not for quality, but for community. The trajectory the films have taken is so ridiculous it’s laughable, and we all know the reason the “After”

For four consecutive years my father and I woke up at the butt crack of dawn on Thanksgiving Day to drive to Detroit, run three miles, get back in the car and feast on a bird the size of our heads. I would wear my Turkey Trot shirt to school on the following Monday, yearning for someone to ask me about it, not yet realizing that no one cares about runners (and they often thoroughly dislike those who make running our entire personality).

The previous “After” film, “After We Fell,” had issues bringing back the actors from the previous films. Although there weren’t as many drop-offs this time around, Tessa’s mother, previously played by Selma Blair, was recast as Mira Sorvino (“Mighty Aphrodite”). It seems like every time one of these films comes out, there’s a moment in the theater where I am simply confused. It takes a second to readjust to the new actress, and it throws off the already subpar

What is it about Ireland that produces some of the best shoegaze? The sophomore effort of the rock quintet hailing from the island perfectly toes the line between monstrous scale and brooding passivity. Waves of distorted guitar and industrial texture bloom into monolithic blocks of sound. Without necessarily targeting the listener, the music of Heart Under feels like a weapon. Its antagonism is only cut through by the glowing angelic quality of lead vocalist Katie Bell’s voice, the magnitude of whose effect on the music could be compared to the likes of Broadcast’s Trish Keenan.

Kaya “I’ve Got One Thing Going For Me” Ginsky

Langford’s performance is one of the better ones, but she becomes almost unbearable to watch as Tessa, who seems to have no thoughts of her own in any of the films. I found this particularly frustrating in “After Ever Happy.” When Hardin burns his mother’s apartment down, Tessa simply acts as his getaway car. She finally drives far enough away that they can pull over. What happens next? You guessed it, more sex.

back together to have more sex. If the films are so lackluster, one may wonder why the fifth film is already confirmed. I can’t speak for everyone in the theater, but by the laughter coming from all corners and the looks of the crowd (mostly girls in their early 20s), I can confidently say most people came for the same reasons as I did — the nostalgia. There’s nothing more ridiculous than knowing that fanfiction you once read in your bedroom as a 12-year-old is playing on the big screen. It’s so messy that you simply cannot look away.

Image distributed by Voltage Pictures

LastGadboisyear,I cautiously said that I might be able to join the Daily Arts marathon relay when it was announced. By the time I stopped tiptoeing around the decision, the spots had been filled. I’ll admit, I was disappointed to lose the opportunity to prove myself, but I went about my life, still running because I liked it, but certainly not training. Only two weeks out from the race, I was panic-called and asked to join the lineup. My only solace was that there truly were no expectations of me. I hadn’t even been timing myself during training. In any case, I decided to make a go of it. And I absolutely crushed it. Running has been an aspect of my life that has evolved over time. Early on, it was easy for me to get frustrated and discouraged by literally anything when I was on a run. It could be my feet hurting too much, sweat getting in my eye or that I wasn’t going as fast or as far as I wanted to, and my brain would call it quits. Whoever said that running was 95% mental could not be more correct. But then over this summer, something really fundamental happened: I started running with other people. All of a sudden, I was able to go twice as long and twice as fast compared to my prior solo efforts. It became clear that I needed other people around me to kickstart my progress. There was a certain amount of accountability that I felt, which pushed me forward. At the same time, simply being in the presence of others allowed me to take my mind off the actual labor of running. Almost immediately, my solo runs improved as well. Confidence was all it Nowtook.the pressure is back on. I did better than I ever expected on the last relay, so now I have the expectation to crush it once again. Time for round two, I guess. The Daily Arts section can be reached at Arts@michigandaily. com.

Daily Arts runs a marathon: Introducing the runners (part 1) Four albums you might have missed this summer

‘After Ever Happy’ is not good, but I will continue to watch

Daily Arts Writer Laura Millar can be reached at lamillar@ umich.edu.


Live versions of this Reich/ Richter have been floating on and off of YouTube ever since it was commissioned in 2019, but it wasn’t until this year that it was finally released to the public on Nonesuch Records. Initially performed alongside an installation by Gerhard Richter, the duo focused their exhibition on structural patterns, both within visual art and music. The end product on the latter side of the collaboration is perhaps one of Reich’s most artistically potent works in decades. Despite how theoretically rigorous and dense the actual concept of the piece is, Reich/Richter rarely feels mechanical. On the contrary, it flows effortlessly from section to section, naturally progressing toward the end. That being said, the real beauty of Reich/ Richter is its ability to conjure a whimsical yet dramatic narrative. There’s almost a childlike joy that rolls over you. The environment shrinks until you’re stuck with only the significance of yourself. It’s terrifying. It’s revelatory. It’s the manifestation of pure wonder.

Heart Under — Just Mustard

So when I see “To be continued…” appear on the screen after an anti-climatic ending, I’m not mad. I thank the “After” series for doing its job of bringing a community back together, even if it’s with toxic sex scenes and a weak narrative.

YouPearceknow that tweet where people express their fear of marrying into a morning 5K marathon-running family? Unfortunately, that was my family from 2012-2015. God bless my father’s herniated spinal disc that brought our family 5Ks to an end.

Lizzie “If I Don’t Text, Assume I Slept Through” Yoon

However, like many high school extracurriculars, running was something I gave up on completely when I came to college. With all the self-doubt that college brings, I guess the Ann Arbor Marathon is my way of proving to myself that I can still do it. I wasn’t convinced that I should participate, simply because I knew I wouldn’t be able to live up to the standards of my past

Lillian “Please Be Proud of Me, Dad”

As much as the act of running feels personal to me, I’ve wished I had people to talk to about it. Joining the marathon team is a way for me to be with other runners who understand the feeling.

Niineta – Joe Rainey Niineta is an album where someone’s enjoyment of it can be indicated by their reaction to the genre description. Joe Rainey’s expertise? Postindustrial electronic powwow music. If this intrigues you, let me assure you, it’s just as cinematic and enlightening as it sounds. By far one of the most inventive records to come out this year, Rainey tactfully captures the language and culture of Ojibwa all the while never retreating from the forefront of synthetic sound. To that effect, the album thoughtfully activates a convergence between history and the future, cultivating a grand stage for various recorded chants and orchestral blooms to roam. Niineta is a record that frequently packs in as many complicated textures as possible; however, this never overshadows the vocal elements of the album. More than anything, it is intensely reverent. Witnessing the pure imagination of Niineta feels like such a lightning-in-abottle moment. And when it’s over, the only emotion recognizable is that of gratitude.

There is also a certain kind of confidence a band has to have in order to make a record that so willingly stays at one level, one pace, for its entire runtime. Moreover, it takes a certain amount of greatness to make the record thrive in that space. Taking influences from obvious choices like My Bloody Valentine all the way to post-rock chameleons Bowery Electric, Heart Under cannot exist without these predecessors and yet

Less than a year after the release of the third installment of the “After” series, I willingly purchased tickets to the premiere of the fourth movie, “After Ever Happy.” I stepped into the theater well aware that the plot would be weak, the relationship between Tessa (Josephine Langford, “Moxie”) and Hardin (Hero Fiennes Tiffin, “First Love”) would be exhausting and the film would end in yet another unexciting cliffhanger that will inevitably drag me back next year for round five.Why am I involved in this never-ending cycle? It’s definitely not because of the films’ quality, which has proven to lack significant meaning and engaging characters in the past. But the “After” series is one of my last connections to the One Direction fandom. “After” originated as fanfiction published on Wattpad by Anna

school girlfriend when we were together on the field. All these memories, and more, were made on the same running track.

In 2022, like in years before, the writers of The Michigan Daily Arts are stretching out their hammies to participate in a grueling challenge of mental fortitude and physical fitness: the Probility Ann Arbor Marathon. A little pretentious, a little weird, The Daily team is a mix of ex-trackletes. For the sake of journalism and prestige, The Daily’s tenacious review-writing gremlins are closing their laptops, tying up their Brooks and hitting the Ann Arbor pavement. Non-gremlin but marathoninterested University of Michigan students can sign up for the marathon with the discount code “Goblue25.”

Todd. Directioners would lie awake at night on their iPod touches, scrolling vigorously to read the newest chapter. Now, we sit in theaters, reunited with the poor storyline and the very slight resemblance Fiennes Tiffin has to Harry Styles. Knowing the origin of the “After” series is enough to keep me coming back, even if it’s out of “Afterobligation.Ever Happy” once again focuses on the toxic relationship between destructive bad-boy Hardin and good-girl Tessa as they navigate their post-college lives. Their lives seem to be in a never-ending downward spiral. Hardin discovers who his real father is, prompting him to burn his mother’s apartment down. Just a couple of days later, Tessa finds her father dead on her bathroom floor following an overdose. Tragedies like these are mere casualties in the “After”

When my dad stopped running and I no longer harbored the fear of him sprinting past me, I too gave it up. With no one beside me to laugh when I tripped or to yell at me to pick up the pace, I lost interest; sharing the activity with my dad was sort of the whole point.


“Whyself. tarnish old memories by going back to something I will most likely not be able to excel in?”

plot. The “After” series cannot seem to hold onto its talent, and that’s only a small part of the larger canvas of problems for viewers in terms of engagement.

I asked myself. However, when I begrudgingly stepped onto the running tracks at the Intramural Sports Building, I thought to myself — “Why not make new ones?” 16 minutes and 35 seconds of stride after stride, eight rounds of deep breaths and hearing the sound of rubber on clay, and my indecision vanished. I am ready to run again.

I briefly ran with my mom when the pandemic closed the gym. She ran five miles every other morning when it was so dark we had to wear headlights. I could see her light catching up to me as I stopped to walk or ahead of me as I forced myself to start running again, wrapped in darkness. I learned to tolerate running on my own, found a three-mile loop to take instead of the five-mile and went by myself later in the morning, quietly coming to the conclusion that I wasn’t cut out to run far or to enjoy it.

Given the trajectory of Mike Hadreas’ music over the years, it’s easy to feel taken aback by the sudden contrast that Ugly Season holds over the rest of his discography. However, the almost auteur role that Hadreas has managed to craft for himself as of late doesn’t seem unnatural for him, given the way his subversive pop sensibilities have evolved throughout his career. Perfume Genius’ first three albums set the stage for his big breakout No Shape, whose orchestral grandiosity became the impetus for even larger-scale production. If No Shape was the lighting of the fuse, then 2020’s Set My Heart On Fire Immediately was the explosion itself, with incendiary lyrics about queer longing and dormant passion that made it one of the most celebrated pop albums of the year. In turn, Ugly Season is Hadreas’ way of sifting through the wreckage. This is the closest Hadreas has ever gotten to becoming a full-on composer, trading traditional hooks and melodies for music that resigns itself to shifting in the darkness. Equal parts shocking and seductive, Ugly Season might scare off fans of his earlier work, but make no mistake: this is easily Perfume Genius’s most forwardthinking and mesmerizing album to date.

easily transforms itself into something greater than the sum of its parts. Needless to say, Just Mustard have carved themselves quite the space to explore in the future.

Drew “Perhaps Peaked Last Year”

4 — Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Arts The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

Though he’s still not running races — it turns out herniated spinal discs are pretty serious — I knew he would like to see me shivering at a starting line once again. (Funnily enough, he won’t be in the country on race day. Anyway, this one’s for you,ErinDad.)“This Was A Toxic Relationship, But Now It’s Half My Personality” Evans

Steve Reich: Reich/ Richter — GeorgeIntercontemporainEnsemble&Jackson

treadmill in my senior year of high school. Any endorphins I might have gained were firmly stomped out by my hatred for that machine and the triumphing hatred of my own body that drove me back to it. It was a hate I kindled alone.

series has seen any success at all: the One Direction fandom reuniting several years after the band announced their hiatus.

Since the first day that I could stumble over my cleats, I have played sports: basketball, tennis, lacrosse. Yet sports never came easy. I was uncoordinated, never a “natural athlete,” and I resented myself for that. At some point in my early teens, my angst and growing pains pushed me to run, and soon I had one asset: I was faster than most “athletes.” Even on days when my pace lagged or my legs dragged, I felt myself strengthen. When I run, I find the pride and confidence I thought could only come with the world (and my inner critic) considering me “athletic.” When I run, everything I do is up to me, and I trust myself wholeheartedly to do what is best. I can push myself or take it easy, run fast or slow for long or short distances. I can listen to any music as the beat pulses through my racing heart (an unfamiliar feeling, as I never had a sense of rhythm). Mt. Joy, Mac Miller, Taylor Swift, Phoebe Bridgers, The Who, Rihanna, Fleetwood Mac, Kanye West and Flume all tell me what I need to hear, even if the lyrics (or lack thereof) don’t quite apply to my life. I bound, leap, stride, duck and dance along sandy beaches, wooded trails, city streets and sunny neighborhoods (or with an empowering Peloton instructor or comforting sitcom blaring on the treadmill). I can think freely and not speak. I can feel my body, which I once hated for its lack of coordination, enjoy movement. Running keeps me grounded and reminds me that I am moving forward. When we run, we can acknowledge all our body can do, past, present and future, even if we are not Rushabh“athletes.”“Ready to Run” Shah

Mornings are romantic, rare and exciting for me — like time travel. The pre-dawn glow makes the pavement and city look raw and unfinished. When running past South Quad, I am still myself

Design by Frankie Ahrens

The track at Palmer Field was too repetitive for my freshman self, so I took to running haphazardly through the streets of Ann Arbor, going four, sometimes five miles. By the time I was sent home for a second semester of virtual classes, the connection between exercise and body, tied tightly in my mind for years, was broken. Due to that or to increased endurance (or probably both), the dread had seeped out of running.Thatwinter, I spent mornings running farther, ignoring the pain in my feet from shoes I didn’t realize were too small. I loved running alone. It was a state of existence to let my thoughts go undirected and see what I could do. It was a part of me that I couldn’t fully explain the appeal of to my non-runner friends — and it seemed to annoy or bore them when I tried — so I kept it to myself. It felt intended as a solo act.

Individuals in the Campus or Ann Arbor community interested in volunteering at the October 2 event should contact alise@epicraces.com for more information.

DREW GADBOIS Daily Arts Writer

Running is something I do alone. I was alone at 6 a.m. on the

Ugly Season — Perfume Genius

Unlike many of my childhood experiences, which have become blurred and morphed over time, those that I had on my elementary, middle and high school race track have stuck in my mind. Track and field wasn’t my favorite sport, nor was it necessarily the thing I was best at, but I still remember my first medal and my last. I remember lifting the house cup as an 11-yearold kid and as captain of the house. I remember throwing up after the one-mile run, and I remember realizing I had a crush on my high

There’sseries.really no plot to summarize — Hardin and Tessa take a few breaks from each other that ultimately lead them


Today, that problem doesn’t exist. My middle school self would have been in a gaming paradise with all of the free-toplay titles that have been coming out — and quality ones at that. A wave of free games has taken over the industry in the last five years, with some of the biggest names in gaming joining in. Epic has been one of the biggest players in this new trend: The massive success of “Fortnite” aside, they have also recently purchased “Fall Guys” and “Rocket League,” turning them into free-to-play games as well. Even some of the biggest game franchises, such as Halo, Destiny and Call of Duty, have become, in part, free-to-play.

the Xbox brand and one of my favorite game series — announced that the multiplayer in their next title, “Halo Infinite,” would be free while the campaign would cost the standard $60. This was a departure from the way mainline Halo games had been sold for the last 20 years, with campaign and multiplayer bundled together as a single, paid package. Although the release date for “Infinite” was set for December 2021, the multiplayer portion was given a surprise release in November — smack dab in the middle of the release of “Call of Duty: Vanguard” and “Battlefield: 2042,” two major (paid) multiplayer games. This was an obvious smack in the face for the other two major franchises — Battlefield’s parent company, EA, has allegedly blamed the game’s poor reception on Halo — but since that initial moment of success it has become clear that this move to free-to-play has had a major impact on the game’s core elements.Likemany of its first-person shooter compatriots, Halo is built around glory. Players are commended for their skill in each game — how well they are able to pull off things such as headshots or multikills. Traditionally these

That said, the cinematography was striking. The film, shot on 65mm in IMAX, rivaled, if not surpassed, the camera work of Peele’s previous movies. I appreciated the beauty of the desert, which seemed like a stylistic choice meant to showcase the natural environment where the predators belong and should peacefully remain.

games, including “Angry Birds,” “Cut The Rope” and “Plants vs. Zombies.” These all began as premium titles that required a one-time purchase of a few dollars to play. Sure, there may have been extra ways to spend your money in these games, but for the most part they focused on giving you a full game experience for the price you paid up front.

to control them. After seeing Kaluuya and Palmer introduce “Nope” live at a premiere of the film, and knowing Peele’s stellar reputation, I did my best to fully comprehend and love this movie. For two hours and 15 minutes, I stared at the screen with my brows furrowed, trying to make sense of it, but my efforts were lost in the confusion of the various plot points. A UFO as the movie’s main predator felt played out and frankly, slightly ridiculous.

“The Room” stars the writer, director and executive producer Tommy Wiseau (“Best F(r)iends”) as a man named Johnny in a turbulent relationship with his fiancee Lisa (Juliette Danielle, “Dead Kansas”) and his best friend Mark (Greg Sestero, “Best F(r) iends”). Lisa has fallen out of love with Johnny and starts an affair with Mark. Much of the movie focuses on characters unrelated to the main storyline, an attempt to show a slice of life that results in a majority of the movie distracting from the main characters. One such character is Denny (Philip Haldiman, “Room Full of Spoons”), a college student who is financially supported by Johnny, and who has a violent encounter with a drug dealer, only for it to never be brought up again. It is hard to follow the plot of the movie, as characters have wild changes in their mood without warning. One notable example is Mark attempting to kill his friend Peter (Kyle Vogt, “Monarch of the Moon”), quickly followed by an apology and the two acting as if nothing happened. The unfortunate byproduct of this is a movie that is often described as the worst ever made.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022 — 5

Is the future of gaming free? HUNTER

“Angry Birds 2” implemented an energy system, meaning that after five attempts players must either wait 30 minutes, watch an ad or pay for another go. “Plants vs. Zombies 2” slowed its progression system by making players collect a certain amount of stars from a series of levels before allowing them to move to the next area, unlike the first title where beating a level meant moving right onto the next one. Of course, this can be made easier by straight up paying your way to the next area, saving you from having to perfect some of the game’s particularly (and suspiciously) hard levels.

Both of these games saw fundamental changes to their gameplay formulas and are arguably worse for it. It’s not fun to have to wait to play or have to pointlessly grind through a level, especially when previous titles had none of these cash-grabbing techniques. Even though they may be free to play, unlike their predecessors, core parts of these games were sacrificed in the name of a freemium model. Now we are seeing a similar shift take place in some of the gaming industry giants, with results that are just as troubling as seen in their mobile brethren.Myworries about this trend started when Halo — a pillar of

The many eerie scenes added to the fear factor, but the link between them was often faint. I was left distraught over a violent scene of the young park owner witnessing a chimpanzee brutally murdering a little girl, but the connection between that and real-time scenes of the UFO was weak. Peele left much unexplained, and a little clarity definitely could’ve helped convey the theme more strongly for an increased impact on the audience. The overall themes were illustrated well, but the plot wasn’t so much a fluid story as a collection of moments and memories.


Daily Arts Writer

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com Arts

In middle school, I was always hunting for more games to add to my collection. Spending $60 on a new title was a luxury that I could only afford once or twice a year, so I would always peruse the Xbox 360 game market for cheap or free games to play. Most of what was available were demos or knockoffs of other titles that I’d delete within a few minutes, disappointed and bored yet again.

One of this movie’s greatest faults concerning its confusing plot is the sudden, frequent flashbacks and flash-forwards. With no transition, we travel from the Hayworth house to a memory from the park owner’s past. I was constantly trying to figure out the movie’s timeline, all to no avail.

The trajectory of the mobile game market over the last decade is a good, albeit simplified, metaphor for the way big-budget games have been approaching the freemium model as of late. The early 2010s saw the release of some of the most iconic mobile

I had seen “The Room” a couple of times, but never in a theater full of people. I understood the absurdity of the film and how truly terrible it is — so terrible that it inspired a memoir and movie adaptation called “The Disaster Artist” that explores the movie’s troubled production. I had seen both “The Room” and “The Disaster Artist” before, tricking myself into believing that I understood the fandom that surrounded “The Room.” But I was not ready for the experience that is seeing a latenight showing in a theater jampacked with enthusiastic fans.

ZARA MANNA Daily Arts Writer

Design by Emily Schwartz

From an eerie, middle-ofnowhere ranch created in the mind of Jordan Peele, “Nope” is born. Peele’s third film, after “Get Out” and “Us,” stars Daniel Kaluuya (“Judas and the Black Messiah”) from Peele’s first film, and Keke Palmer (“Lightyear”), a striking addition to the cast. The pair play OJ and Emerald Haywood, brother and sister horse wranglers who are descendants of the first Black animal trainer and actor in film. Human-eating UFOs, a killer chimpanzee and dead horses make their way into a confusing but intriguing plot. Somehow it feels like there’s too much and nothing going on at the same time. While the plot’s premise doesn’t deviate much from Peele’s other films, the movie itself is a slight letdown in comparison because of it.

I was rooting for Jordan Peele’s ‘Nope’

I expected an old man exhausted from decades talking about the same movie, but I was met with an actor who still loved to talk about his passion: making movies. His precursor Q&A is when I realized just how hardcore some fans of “The Room” are. One audience member had such a spot-on impression of Johnny that I have to believe he spent hours rehearsing it. Using his own Johnny impression that would give the audience member a run for his money, Sestero talked about how Wiseau would constantly replace the production staff and forget his own lines for hours on end. He was feeding off of the energy from the crowd, performing something similar to a stand-up comedy routine based on his experiences making the film.

Whether it be through the sale of battle passes, cosmetics such as skins and emotes or items like XP boosts that give the player a helping hand, these games have become what can best be termed “freemium.” This freemium model is insanely profitable for games like Fortnite, but that success has started a troubling trend within the gaming industry.

‘The Room’: putting the cult in cult classic

The two storylines emphasize the danger of what happens when trying to tame the beast versus letting it roam free. It feels as though Peele is trying to convey an overarching theme of how animals — or creatures — should not be manipulated for human benefit. He does this through his use of the siblings’ horses, a persistent UFO and a largely unnerving chimpanzee from the park owner’s past, all retaliating against efforts

The film takes place in inland California, where OJ and Emerald train Hollywood show horses on their spacious, secluded ranch. Things begin heating up when they notice sinister, almost supernatural behavior in the skies above — frequent power outages followed by horses disappearing in plain sight. A neighboring theme park owner (Steven Yeun, “Minari”) also observes this unnatural activity.

However, upon seeing the success of freemium titles such as “Clash of Clans” or “Candy Crush” on the mobile market, these games adjusted their gameplay models for their respective sequels.

I learned about the bizarre traditions for group viewings of “The Room” just hours before seeing the movie, leaving me woefully unprepared for the ridiculousness. I knew maybe a handful of the many famous quotes but had no idea when scenes tied to specific traditions would occur and did not bring any spoons to throw at the screen — my years cleaning movie theaters in high school made

me feel guilty about the idea of creating such a mess. These feelings of guilt were quickly alleviated when an announcement was made to throw the spoons up in the air instead of at the screen in order to not damage the screen itself, giving an indirect confirmation from the Michigan Theater staff that they understood the atmosphere of the event.Before the film, Sestero was in the lobby meeting fans and throwing around a football, a reference to the fact that Mark and Johnny will often play catch at seemingly random times throughout the movie. I felt bad for Sestero at first, worrying that he was tired of hearing the same jokes repeated endlessly, but he had a sense of humor about the situation.

Design by Leilani Baylis-Washington

things rewarded players with postgame accommodations that would boost their player level. As their level increased, so did players’ access to cosmetics, namely different pieces of armor to equip their character with. “Halo Infinite” does away with the performance-based experience system, instead making players complete certain weekly objectives to earn XP points. Working to get to the top of the scoreboard or pulling off an insane killstreak feels empty to me now. “Infinite” seems to promote the idea that your time could be better spent focusing on specific tasks such as getting assists or dealing damage with certain weapons rather than playing the game how you want to play it. Of course, these challenges are all optional, as they only serve to unlock armor from a paid battle pass. But when matches are filled with people rushing for certain guns or just leaving the game idle so they can reach a certain number of rounds played, it feels lame to try and compete and play the game the way it’s meant to be played — or at least, the way it used to be.

puzzle by sudokusnydictation.com By Bonnie Eisenman ©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC 09/21/22 Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Patti Varol and Joyce Nichols Lewis 09/21/22 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: Release Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 ACROSS 1 Thwack 5 Informed (of) 10 Compensation 14 Tuck out of view 15 Wrinkled 16 Many a univ. donor 17 365 days 18 Rub ingredient 19 HBO DreyfusJuliasatirepoliticalstarringLouis20 Impractical way to get dressed? 23 Barack and Michelle’s eldest daughter 26 Family room 27 Impatient 28 Lives 30 Cookie fruit 31 Planning meeting for the department?costume 35 “Stop filming!” 38 Broody sorts? 39 Sir or sri 40 More than dislike 41 Donkey 42 Disappointingsignonastoresellingwarm-weathergarments? 44 GPS display 45 Small village 46 Food cart snacks in South Asia 49 Texting letters 52 Swerves 53 Really pulls off a jacket? 56 Initial poker bet 57 Japanese noodle dish 58 Carried debt 62 Appear to be 63 “You __ kidding!” 64 Grow tiresome 65 Jekyll’s counterpart 66 Basil-basedsauce 67 Yields, as a profit DOWN 1 Bashful 2 Blip on polygraph,a maybe 3 Hugo-nominatednovelistPalmer 4 Continues 5 “One more thing ... ” 6 Totally beat 7 Ouzo flavoring 8 Scouting mission, briefly 9 Garden forbiddenwithfruit 10 Fluttering in the wind 11 Warning signal 12 Ballpark figure 13 Like cans in a recycling bin, hopefully 21 Doth own 22 Fall flat 23 Anime robotsfeaturinggenregiant 24 Wheel-connecting rods 25 NFL team whose mascot is named Roary 29 Punchline lead-in 30 __ and blood 32 “Pull up a chair” 33 Corp. computer exec 34 Fuzzy sitcom star of the 1980s 35 “The illustratorLadybug”Grouchywriter/ 36 Out-and-out 37 Tries, as one’s patience 40 Place of origin 42 Cheerios grains 43 “__ IsraeliNagila”:folksong 44 Defiant retort 46 Cymbal sound 47 Bee product 48 Performed 49 Open up, in a way 50 Fast-spreadingsocialmediaposts 51 Fragrance 54 Hip hop genre 55 “I’m __ your tricks!” 59 Pint-size 60 “Mangia!” 61 Many profs SUDOKU By Lisa Senzel & Christina Iverson ©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC 09/14/22 Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Patti Varol and Joyce Nichols Lewis 09/14/22 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: Release Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2022 ACROSS 1 Spanish tennis great familiarlyNadal, 5 Upgrade, machineryas 10 Uncertain 14 Cabbage buy 15 Glazer of Afterparty”“The 16 SkatingcommentatorLipinski 17 Analogy words 18 Bridal path flower piece 19 Stash, as gear 20 Japanese drama 21 Cookbookcontents 23 Author Rand 24 Genre BlanchardTerencecomposerfor 26 Informal “You’re oversharing” 27 Caramel candies 29 Like isotopesdangeroussome 32 Curry of the NBA 34 Bike part 35 Quintet for most starfish 38 Prefix for a lifesaving “Pen” 39 Not so big 41 Knock 42 Try to hit 44 Tell it like it isn’t 45 Speed skater Ohno 47 Act parts 49 Past the point of caring 50 Michelle of “Crazy Rich Asians” 52 Neighborhood 53 *Secretive email option 60 Uncommon 61 Assertion 62 Cookie used as a 12-Down topping 63 Admit frankly 64 Omit in speech 65 Spreadsheet unit 66 Soaks up the sun 67 Calf-roping event 68 Diet that’s high in fats and low in carbs, starredanswerspartsillustratedasbyofthetotheclues DOWN 1 Safari herbivore 2 Fabulous writer? 3 *Figure depictedoftenwith a scythe and an hourglass 4 Hubbub 5 Ready for picking 6 __ college 7 *Pakistani-bornchefwhowasposthumouslyhonoredwithaJamesBeardAward 8 Up the creek 9 Story 10 Part of FWIW 11 *Serioussoftwareproblem 12 Dessert from 16 familiarlyHandles, 13 Signs boredomof 21 “Wicked!” 22 __ Lanka 25 Sidelines cheer 28 Fertility lab cells 30 Maker of the Deep Blue chess computer 31 Workout top 32 Bodies of water 33 __ fail 36 Timbuktu’s land 37 Predicament 39 Fine horse 40 Black bird 43 “What’s the latest?” 46 NBC symbol 48 Abby Wambach’s sport 49 Juliet’s cry 51 Winnie-the-Poohgreeting 52 Tolerate 53 Sassy kid 54 Chocolate__cake 55 Waffle maker 56 “Kills dead!”bugsspray 57 Hockey Hall of WillieFamer 58 Hit, as snowballswith 59 “Seize the day” initialism PARKING Parking Space for Rent North State & 734-904-0649Kingsley CLASSIFIED ADS Your classified ad here! information.umich.eduwmg-contact@Emailformore Read more at MichiganDaily.com Read more at MichiganDaily.com Read more at MichiganDaily.com

While these protective barriers may become unnecessary in the future, masks are an essential accessory in most healthcare professions.Asaperson who experiences degenerative hearing loss, masks eliminate one of my

But Jill doesn’t accept that answer. She wants to know why I’m so confident that I’m a woman. So I gave it to her. I tell her it is a lot of little things that accumulate into one big thing.

“Coming into college, I thought I was going to pursue a Ph.D., staying within academia and doing research,” Xi said. “That’s what my parents did, and what I always planned to do. But after looking into different opportunities and clubs, I realized that there was a lot of industry work out there that would better suit my interests.”OnceXi learned more about her passions and alternate career paths, she could see herself potentially veering from her original plans and exploring other options within biomedical engineering.“Ikindof want to look into the business side of biomedical engineering,” Xi said. “There is a lot of start-up culture in this industry, and I want to learn a little more about that … But in terms of my passions, biology, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine are definitely my focus.”

This was strange, because the Bio Station, according to unpublished data collected by UMBS researchers, featured more and more women and gendernonconforming people on campus. The data showed that since 2017, most terms at UMBS have included more women-identifying people than men-identifying people on campus, and since 2019 there has been at least one gendernonconforming person on campus perThesesemester.statistics led me to a very important question: If demographics were changing, why did the space still feel male dominated?Acouple of things contributed to this. First, the history of the University site — at UMBS in the ’40s and ’50s, there were two distinct sections of camp whose names are still used on campus to refer to the various sections of campus: “Ladysville” and “Mansville.” “Ladysville” consisted of the cabins formally understood to be the “women’s cabins,” and “Mansville” referred to the former “men’s cabins.” The two sections stand on opposite sides of camp, and while people of all genders now occupy cabins beside each other, the names persist.

From*** leaving home for the first time to making it out of freshman year alive, we’ve all experienced different moments of assurance, curiosity and doubt during this monumental time in our personal and professional lives. Changing identities affect our passions, and passion is essential to understanding our evolving identities.Iknow my fellow “Grey’s Anatomy” fans were pulling their hair out each time Dr. Ben Warren (Dr. Bailey’s husband) changed his career from anesthesiologist to surgeon to firefighter. But there’s something to be said about this fictional character’s bravery. I encourage each of us to be brave in this life and honor the newest versions of ourselves.

Statement Columnist Reese Martin can be reached at rkmartin@umich.edu.

Read more at MichiganDaily.com

My friend Jill is sitting behind me at a library table as the sun gets closer to setting in the distance, just past the lake, surrounded by a haze of trees that serve as a reminder that we are in the middle of nowhere.

College (in the most philosophical and cliché sense) is a journey of self-discovery and individuality — a journey that is subject to change that may or may not be within one’s control. Like most freshmen, I explored a variety of subjects in the first semester of my freshman year: language, foreign studies, writing, English literature and, of course, biology.

It comes from my masculinity, too, the way I look in muscle tank tops and the way I feel when I flex my arms, when I chest bump my friends or when I got my wolf-cut. From the way I look at other people who identify as women and feel this tug between our two hearts like a string. From the way I stare at them and think Wow, women are just so beautiful.ItellJill most of this, and ask if this is a good answer. She tells me it is very poetic, and that I should write that down. And so I do.

Staring out at a crystal blue lake, underneath a cool gray sky, I smiled as I finished my presentation with a small but warm round of applause. I felt good about myself. I felt like

sophomore Dominic Lucido described the childhood experiences that led to him pursuing an undergraduate business“Growingdegree.up, I was always around business,” Lucido said. “My dad owns a small real estate company, and my mom is in advertising and sales. So, from a young age, I was ingrained in a business mentality, and I feel like that’s what originally set me on a path to the Ross School of WhenBusiness.”coming to campus, Lucido was surrounded by other like-minded students. He described how his expectations and professional aspirations soon“Seeingaligned.my interest extend beyond my own goals and desires assured me that business was the right path,” Lucido said. “It would, one day, allow me to make a positive impact, bigger thanThoughmyself.”Lucido was secure in his passion for business, he still

A major mistake

Design by Meghana Tummala

A fellow Bio Station student said in one of our classes that demographic or cultural change alone often doesn’t matter when a space is trying to be more inclusive of traditionally underrepresented groups. Only when we combine both demographic and cultural reform can we create an inclusive, welcoming environment for those who have not found those environments everywhere. By identifying moments of male dominance, the UMBS could shift its culture, and create an environment that communicates that people of all gender identities have a space on campus.

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com6 — Wednesday, September 21, 2022 STATEMENT

The crux of my final conclusion was this: The station’s history, in combination with lasting gender norms, demonstrated to students that femininity and gender expression don’t have a sizable

my identity allowed me to more deeply explore my longstanding passion for writing andNow,literature.asa former pre-med student turned English and economics major, I have a unique understanding of the notorious, indecisive college student. In my personal experience, my external and internal identities are closely intertwined with my preferred major. My fondness for English is undoubtedly a derivative of my learning style — visual and textual information rather than auditory presentation. And my willingness to learn about economics likely stems from my father’s professional interest in finance. Yet, the two subjects also cater to my personality as someone who longs for a creative outlet but also values logic and reasoning.

faced moments of doubt that made him question his place at the Business School, and consequently, his identity as a student.“Asa junior and senior in high school, it feels like you’re pigeonholed into narrowing down one career path or major early on,” Lucido explained.

And then there were irrefutable points that I found on campus while I was staying there. The fact that there was no building on UMBS’s campus named after a woman or a gender-nonconforming person, at least not one that I could find. Many were named after men. My classroom specifically was named “Hungerford” after a prominent male scientist, which was the similar case for other buildings on campus, like “Creaser” and “Nichols.”Thenthere was the fact that feminine hygiene products and traditional tools of feminine expression, such as skirts, dresses, make-up or other products, were left off of the packing list that was sent to me.

“They want you to have it all figured out before you’re even there. I realized that you can’t spend your whole college experience with your head down, worrying about your grades and future. It’s important to meet other people and have new sheSTEMalongwantedFromheridentity.herherexperiencedUniversityengineeringSusanEngineeringexperiences.”sophomoreXi,abiomedicalstudentattheofMichigan,hasalsomomentswithindisciplinethatchallengedunderstandingofherAsakid,Xialwaysenjoyedmathandscienceclasses.ayoungage,sheknewshetostudyengineering,withothercoursesinsubjects.Asafreshman,wascuriousaboutthe

We’re supposed to be reading something for class, and I remark that the author has continually connected the idea of femininity with the ability to give birth. That is not how I’ve ever experienced femininity, I tell Jill. When she asks me how I have experienced femininity, I’m forced to answer.

On the day I presented this project, I stood in front of my peers and professors and talked about how the history of the Bio Station and the culture that was subsequently

cultivated there created what I had concluded through interviews and qualitative research was a “maledominated” space.

REESE MARTIN Statement Columnist

when I’m in a bikini, specifically my favorite orange one.

During my time at the Bio Station, or Bug Camp, or “the Station,” or UMBS, or whatever you’d like to call it, I thought a lot about femininity. A little bit because of the environment and a little bit because of texts we were reading — specifically Robin Wall Kimmerer’s “Braiding Sweetgrass,” a book about science and native ways of thinking that touches on ideas and concepts of femininity. Primarily, however, it was because femininity was a central idea of my final project, which examined how we might expand both femininity and gender expression at the station.

place on UMBS’s campus. Yet there was still a dominating sense of masculinity on campus, even if it wasn’t statistically demonstrated.

My love affair with white coats began when I was a teenager. I was obsessed with medical dramas like “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Untold Stories of the E.R.” Although “Grey’s Anatomy” was a fictional dream world of high-powered careers and attractive doctors, I couldn’t help but long for the glamorous life of surgeons portrayed on the screen. The blue scrubs, driven women and intense surgeries were enough to make me consider medicine as a career path.

At the time, I was a 17-yearold soon-to-be college student, grasping for anything that made me feel like I had a concrete plan for my future. So, in high school, I accompanied my interest in the medical field with a course load dominated by STEM classes and the biological sciences, later applying to schools as a pre-med major to fulfill my younger dreams. What I didn’t know then was that my path into studying medicine would be brought to a halt; the COVID-19 pandemic created a new kind of medical drama that fractured dreams of myAsown.cases grew and panic rose, hospitals and medical offices altered their practices of standard care. I witnessed this firsthand when working at the front desk at a doctor’s office — we used plexiglass to separate ourselves from patients and were required to wear masks for the entirety of each shift, which was typically not an expectation for front desk personnel before March 2020.

most valuable tools: lip reading. Although I managed to work with patients as a receptionist for three summers, I struggled exponentially as my hearing worsened over that time — making safe communication with patients in my last months at the front desk nearly impossible. I soon realized that if I wished to pursue a career as a doctor or surgeon, I needed to sacrifice my familiar lifestyle.

And while it’s true that many of us are in constant limbo when facing career-related decisions, some undergraduates have continued to pursue the dreams they chose for themselves as high school students. I decided to search out these

RILEY HODDER Statement Correspondent

different career possibilities a degree from the school of engineering could offer.

Design by Francie Ahrens

I came out as queer when I was 13. My friends were coming out as trans at the same time. I have thought about my gender just as long as I knew I had a choice in the matter. I knew gender identity was fluid, I knew I didn’t have to choose, and yet even now, when I fill out my gender identity on a Google form or have to write it on a name tag, I always write, “she/her.” And I always come back to the place where I started: I am a girl. I am a woman. I always will be.

My confidence in my femininity comes from the feeling I get when my nails are long and painted pink, when I can drum them on the countertops. It comes from the way I feel when I’m dancing to The Beatles or Halsey or Hozier. From the way green looks against my olive skin and the sultry way my breasts move with my torso when I’m walking, running, dancing, talking. It comes from the way I feel when my shoulders are slumped up to my ears, and the way my hair tickles the space between my shoulder blades

I found the current dichotomy problematic for two reasons: One, it is wholly exclusive of those who don’t fall into either category, and two, Ladysville is significantly smaller than Mansville. I also found that in the earlier days of camp, women generally did not occupy faculty roles, primarily serving as kitchen or cleaning staff. The only woman on faculty in those early days was the “Dean of Women,” in charge of the affairs of female students.

I had made a real change, like the people that were sitting in front of me were hearing me, not just listening.Andthen I packed up all my things from the station and went home.Aweek later it was Welcome Week in Ann Arbor, and I was sitting on a roof underneath a deep, starry sky, and I got to thinking about UMBS again. Multiple nights while I was at camp, my roommate, Sabrina, and I ventured outdoors in our pajamas. Sometimes with friends, often alone, we walked the dirt roads that made up the camp, sat by the lake and stared up at the stars. I thought it was simply insane just how dark the stars were out there, in Pellston, and just how light they were here, with all of the lights from the many frat houses and house parties bleeding out into the darkness.

In my professional future, I would require accommodations, like a personal sign language translator, to allow me to converse with patients and other professionals in hospital settings. While inconvenient, it’s not impossible. However, the realization pushed me to adjust my expectations of the future and question my priorities as a student. My dream of becoming a doctor was in its final season (unlike the never-ending “Grey’s Anatomy” series), creating a new academic reality that is anything but isolated.

undergraduates, to hear more about how they clasped onto the teenage ambitions I grew out of yearsBusinessago.

The pre-med identity I once envisioned for myself no longer fit the person I was becoming — the wide breadth of classes I was taking provided that much-needed affirmation. The forever-changing reality of my hearing loss was an element of my life I had difficulty accepting.However, amid my budding adulthood as a college student, I’ve taken on the philosophy that my hearing loss can be part of me without becoming the defining factor of my personality. Accepting my condition as an element of

Tales from the Biological Station: Femininity and gender expression

The*** above piece was a journal entry I wrote in late August, following a very provocative interaction that happened during my time at the University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS) — a University-operated research and teaching facility, located in Pellston, northern Michigan, available to all U-M students and to researchers across the country. I was taking an English class out there, and as you can tell, I fashioned myself quite the poet.

In this way, making fun of young women is not only popular, but profitable. This means that it’s even harder for young women to stand up for themselves, going up against not just individuals but even businesses capitalizing on theirMTV’simage.birthday girls or college freshmen, the message is the same: Young women are bimbos driven by their lust for clothes, parties and alcohol. Especially when irony is employed, as Douglas described, it’s easy to veil one’s misogyny behind the front of it simply being “a joke.”Though not every joke and video is specifically targeted at freshman women (and even if a caption says they’re freshmen, how can we know for sure?), I call specific attention to freshman girls for two reasons: First, given that freshmen don’t yet know the campus very well and most likely don’t have any friends with off-campus housing yet, one could infer that groups of people walking to frat parties would be

In defense of freshman girls

I laughed, but then again, maybe sometimes the mental trick is only natural. We are protective over the things that are valuable to us. Maybe the extent to which we care about safeguarding those personal finds is a metric for how valuable they are to us. Secretly you hate it when the two trees in the Diag that you always use for your hammock have been occupied

Design by Abby Schreck

“This kind of irony allows for the representation of something sexist — most girls, and especially rich girls, are self-centered bimbos — while being able to claim that that’s not really what you meant at all, it’s just for fun,” Douglas writes.For college students today, platforms such as TikTok have replaced MTV but fulfill a similar role. Admittedly, the comparison is not perfect. First of all, complaining about TikTok is low-hanging fruit, and to blame the platform for the mockery of freshman girls as a whole would be a ridiculously broad statement. And second, the numerous videos on young women do not necessarily carry the same ironic tone that MTV boasts and are much more blatant in their criticism.Nonetheless, like the girls on “My Super Sweet 16,” young college women are treated with the same animosity via TikTok’s bite-sized videos and across other media platforms. Michigan Chicks, an affiliate of Chicks, a branch of Barstool Sports that’s “all for the girls,” had a video go semi-viral of a group of young women walking down East Liberty. They were mostly wearing black tops and jeans, and the caption read “college girl fashion is unmatched.”

Statement Columnist Connor O’Leary Herreras can be reached at cqmoh@umich.edu.

ELIZABETH WOLFE Statement Columnist

As students settle from the flurry of school-sponsored and not-so-school-sponsored Welcome Week activities, we gaze back lovingly on the rites of passage that characterize that coveted week: meeting people in our dorm, sweating in bikini tops and unbuttoned floral shirts and, of course, the infamous midnight walks down frat row, or Hill Street, toward Washtenaw Avenue.

I was terrified. There I was, at the height of my awkward pubescent era, with hair growing in places I didn’t know it could. Yet I strangely felt more uncomfortable with the fact that there I stood, fully clothed in a bathing suit, while everyone else went about freely exposing their bodies. I slowly removed my clothes and stepped into the scary space of confidence that felt so unfamiliar to me.

like everyone else’s.

is not such a fringe trend but essentially a company-sponsored one. If major media presences like Barstool Sports or Michigan Chicks make this type of content and it goes viral, individuals’ content can get even more internet clout should a brand pick it up. And so the cycle continues.

This leads me to the million dollar question: What is the joke? What is so funny about girls looking the same, about girls

Making fun of fashion trends is one thing; the black-top-jeanswhite-shoes look is basic, but calling it out is hardly an unpopular stance. By virtue of this look being trendy, everyone on campus is aware of its cultural pull, even the ones partaking in it.

by someone else. Or maybe you don’t want to see anyone you know in the quaint little coffee shop you discovered last week because it stops being special when someone else finds out about it.

its genesis, it was unmistakably black,” Harris asserts. “Though you had artists like Django Reinhardt and Benny Goodman making bank, they were still subjected to the influence — and needed the cosign — of black gatekeepers like Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Thelonious Monk, andJazzothers.”greats like Duke Ellington, perhaps the most famous American jazz composer, set the bar for other creators when it came to jazz standards. His composition “Black, Brown and Beige: A Tone Parallel to the History of the Negro” in America debuted at Carnegie Hall in 1943 and asserted that the lived experience and cultural expression of Black Americans deserved the same recognition as that of their whiteHowever,counterparts.therise of the recording industry eventually determined that jazz’s commercial success was dependent on its palatability to broader audiences and its acceptance by white Americans rather than the innovation and creativity of Black musicians. As Harris puts it, “Jazz became colonized, and how we treated its figures became warped as well.”Inan article for New Music USA, Eugene Holly Jr. recalls that “Duke Ellington knocked on Dave Brubeck’s hotel door, to show the white pianist

I did say that when artists create, they make “something out of nothing,” but that isn’t entirely true. Jazz took inspiration from a variety of different techniques, instruments and sounds to give people something that they had never heard before. We can try to protect the music we love, but originality arises out of our willingness to see it change and meld in the hands of others.

the first image that comes to their minds. Most likely they conjure up an idea of me making friendship bracelets, braiding campers’ hair and tie-dying an old white T-shirt. They would be surprised to imagine me, calm as can be, surrounded by naked friends at a river, body parts openly on display.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022 — 7The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com STATEMENT

An artist’s success correlates directly to their cult-like following when the listeners are vital to what makes the music valuable: its niche status. The paradox is that when a band’s unpopularity is what makes them cool, people are naturally drawn to that coolness and inadvertently cause the band to grow in popularity. And while we don’t tend to think of artists as gatekeepers themselves, in a column for Medium, Hal H. Harris reminds us that jazz music initially gained its character thanks to key“Jazzgatekeepers.wassuch rebel music. In

Now, when people hear that I take three months out of the year to work at this same summer camp as a counselor, nudity wouldn’t be

going to parties, about simply walking … together? And what is the goal? If the past decades of media viewership have taught me anything, I’d assert that the goal is to bring women down a peg — and make them feel mindless, insecure andThisunsafe.misogynistic brand of humor, in which the punchline of a joke revolves around the mere existence of women, is not new or surprising. It’s only taken on a new face. In an article for SAGE, U-M communications professor Susan J. Douglas presents the fallacy of “ironic” depictions of women in media. Offering an example in MTV’s “My Super Sweet 16,” Douglas analyzes how the irony lies in the show’s presentation; the girls may be shown as glamorous and lucky, but as the audience, we’re meant to laugh at their tacky materialism and vapidity.

But,said.thanks to social media, the collective actions of college freshmen, particularly young women, have exploded from being a well-known college stereotype into a whole new genre of content. Whether just walking down the street or relaxing on their own property, freshman girls are targets of social media ridicule. Videos on TikTok also appear to be taken without the girls’ knowledge or consent, with the videographer filming from another level and zooming in from afar.

But where does that attachment come from? It’s not my song, and yet I buy into the illusion that since I “discovered” it, I have some claim to originality.Wewant things that other people have, but it also feels good when other people want something that we have. So for music fans, gatekeeping may be a natural human tendency. This begs the question: Who are the true owners of artistic

This exchange probably comes across as unrealistic. In reality, it’s a joke — a quote from a video that recently circulated on the internet that pokes fun at people who go to great lengths to prevent others from accessing the things they treasure. Most people call this gatekeeping.

However, entire genres of music — indie, house music and underground hip hop come to mind — are appealing to listeners because they haven’t crossed over into the mainstream.

Going from summer camp to nudity seems like a bit of a leap, so let me provide some context. This camp is a natural paradise. Nestled in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and on the outskirts of Yosemite National Park, the property is filled with tall Ponderosa pines and brightly colored wildflowers. But what makes the property so unique is the river that flows through it: the wild and scenic Tuolumne River winds its way through the property, its refreshing waters providing refuge against the hot California sun. A common pastime for staff and campers is to hike down to the river, take a dip in the water and find a sunny rock to nap on. The catch is, the staff do it naked.When I entered my first year on staff, recently having completed my freshman year of college, I heard talk about skinny dipping at the river. I was anxious. What if people looked at my body in a way that made me uncomfortable? What if I had just inhaled a burrito and was feeling bloated and insecure? What if I was the culprit of looking at someone’s body with judgmental eyes? I was reminded of the moment when 13-year-old me contemplated taking the brave step into the group shower.

In our heads we all gatekeep the restaurants and study spots and coffee shops that we love, but no one is more vocal with their gatekeeping than music fans.Unfortunately, I am a music fan. I am also the first to admit that it’s both comical and absurd when a music fan tells you about a band that you’ve “probably never heard of before.” Nevertheless, I get pretty excited about an intricate chord progression or a thumping bassline. If I find a niche song that I’ve never heard, I feel like I now possess something special. Maybe I have a subconscious fear that the song that is now special to me could lose its value if it fell into the laps of my friends.

Second,freshmen.andmore importantly, in terms of age and gender, freshman girls are the most vulnerable group on campus to sexual assault. According to University of Michigan Sociology professor Elizabeth Armstrong, freshmen are vulnerable because of a number of factors: the pressure to “fit in,” which may cause them to overdrink; not having close friends to look out for them at social events; limited knowledge of safety measures and overcompensation for this newfound freedom of going to Welcomeparties.Week and the few weeks that follow are positioned as the peak dangerous time for freshman girls; over 50% of assaults on college campuses take place between August and November, a time frame also known as the Red Zone. According to the Center for Women and Families, during the Red Zone, “(f)reshman females are targeted further as they are new to the area, have less parental supervision, and may participate in new activities such as alcohol and drug use as they try to meet new people.”

So how could a white jazz pianist end up on the cover of Time magazine before one of the genre’s most influential, trailblazing genretest.intellectualhasinThebyslightlyprofessional-sounding,InweWebecomeownershipandplace.musicalattemptedartistssociety’sabovemainstreammusiciansfromstyle.originalonlyGatekeepingcomposers?canaccomplishsomuchinpreservingthecharacterofamusicalItcouldn’tpreventjazzbeingco-optedbywhiteandadoptedtosuitaudiences,whichallelserevealsourintrinsicracismthatlikeDukeEllingtonhadtosubvertwiththeirexpressioninthefirstMaybeasmusicbecomesmoremoreaccessible,ideasofandgatekeepingwilllessandlessconcrete.canstreammusicanywheregousingourmobiledevices.fact,anyonecanmakeaperhapsrudimentary,songallthemselvesontheiriPhone.utilizationof“sampling”modernmusicproductionalreadyputourideasofpropertytotheAndbecauseofallthis,theofjazzhassuffered.AccordingtoNielsen’s

“This spot is kind of a personal thing to me,” comes the response. “What’s really crazy is … you wouldn’t have even wanted this if you hadn’t seen me post it.”

ELLA KOPELMAN Statement Columnist

Imagine this: You’ve just seen a photo of the most appetizing fettuccine pasta, smothered with Alfredo sauce, on someone’s Instagram story. You don’t know the person well, but the food looks scrumptious; you have to know where they got it from. You respond to the post, asking for the name of the restaurant that prepared this mouth-watering meal.

At first, the notion of a music listener thinking they have ownership over someone else’s creation sounds delusional.

boobs that were different sizes and full bushes next to bikini waxes. I noticed that the counselors who I had idolized and imitated as a camper did not have the so-called “perfect body,” and instead had physical flaws, both similar and different from the ones I myself had obsessed over for years. For the first time, I didn’t feel like a pubescent freak, but instead like a normal human being with a body

The gate-keeping and co-opting of jazz music in America

However, the implications of these videos are less about clothes and more about the undertones of misogyny throughout. It’s as though the mere presence of women is enough to gawk at –– a joke everyone is in on except the girls themselves. Even though freshman boys also walk to parties and also have their own Welcome Week uniforms, the hordes of freshman boys don’t garner the same level of media attention that the girls do.

2014 year-end report, jazz is steadily falling out of favor with American listeners. In 2014 it was tied with classical music as the least-consumed music in the U.S. Francis Davis, writing for NPR Music, notes that “For decades now, wags have had it that jazz is dead. But what’s actually falling prey to changing times is the entire recording industry. Jazz is merely collateral damage.”

In the same way, the next time someone asks where I got the delicious fettuccine pasta I’m eating, I’ll ask if they want to come with me the next time I go. The harder I try to keep that Alfredo sauce to myself, the less I appreciate what makes it special in the moment.

I confronted public nudity for the first time when I was 13, spending three weeks at a sleepaway camp in Yosemite. I mindlessly walked into the women’s bathroom and was immediately greeted with a posse of naked bodies. I was startled by the sudden, forced intimacy and I simply didn’t know where to look. The shower room consisted of one large room with multiple shower heads and a very apparent lack of curtains or doors dividing the space. Both counselors and campers filed in to start showering — completely naked, reaching over one another to borrow shampoo, listening to a speaker blasting early 2000s throwbacks.

CONNOR HERRERAS Statement Columnist

The summer I discovered public nudity

Regarding Michigan Chicks’ anti-freshman-girl content, Kaur noted that “bigger accounts post individuals’ content. They normalize making fun of girls online and justify that it’s okay.”

A public lecture and reception; you may attend in person or virtually. For more information, including the Zoom link, visit events.umich.edu/event/95671 or call 734.615.6667 ANN CHIH SecurityNameScientistsChineseScapegoatingLINAmericanintheofNational Kenneth G. Lieberthal and Richard H. Rogel Professor of Chinese Studies Associate Professor, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 202222,SeptemberThursday,|4:30p.m.|10thFloorWeiserHall LSA LECTURE Read more at MichiganDaily.com Read more at MichiganDaily.com

that he made the cover of Time magazine in 1954 before (Ellington) did.” Holly explains, “Throughout my life, it had been drilled into me that jazz was created by blacks and represented the apex of AfricanAmerican musical civilization.”

Like the improvisation of a jazz solo, it’s the little quirks of flavor that make the dish unique that should be celebrated and given the recognition they deserve.

This moment transformed the way I felt about my body. I looked around at staff members who didn’t cringe or hide at the sight of cellulite and hairy legs. I saw

The Migration, the Stampede, the Herd — whatever you want to call the groups of freshmen walking to parties. It’s a popculture given for any campus. Engineering senior Seerat Kaur remembers her first fall semester, walking as far as two miles with her friends in the standard Welcome Week uniform: a black top and “(Thejeans.freshmen) all talked about that stereotype, of freshmen who can’t find parties and are desperate enough to walk around wherever,” Kaur

expression? Is it the creator, the person who produces an original creation and makes something out of nothing? Or is it the consumer, who inhabits it, identifies with it and affirms its invention?Andmore importantly, when thinking about genres of music rooted in the voices and efforts of people of color, what does it mean when this art is co-opted or appropriated by a hegemonic group, namely, white people?

Part of the lure of this content is the potential for it to be reposted by a company account and have it go viral. Under this logic, making fun of freshmen, or women in general,

MiC Columnist Zoe Zhang can be reached at zoezhang@umich. edu.

bear.You will dry his feet with your hair,hoping not to end up Mary or Madonna, but something holy

laughter from my male peers.

This is why all you will ever be foundiswanting.

This feedback loop would start when I was confronted with an especially difficult or boring class. Upon staring at the clock for a perfect time to take off, I would pick a time to go for a “vape break” in the bathroom to reward my concen tration and hard work, carefully retrieving my Juul during my AP classes. When the perfect timing strikes, usually during group work, I would tilt my torso and slide my hand into my backpack to grab my Juul from its own compartment inside my backpack, acting as if I were shyly inserting a tampon into my sleeve to avoid the mocking

ing.As I sat in the dimly-lit ther apist’s office, it all clicked: a major part of my endless addiction to vaping had been a response to the immense stress and emphasis on conventional success by my family and envi ronment. From the very begin ning, since the creation of my feedback loop, I had always viewed my vape as a coping mechanism for the copious amounts of stress I was under and as a small reward for my developing brain when it lacked external affirmation from the people around me. It delivered pleasurable neurotransmitters to my brain when the things and people in my life that were sup posed to give me real happiness


Five years, 121 juul pods, and 45 disposable vapes

the stepdad and the mailman and the soccer coach won’t look at youthat way once you start shaving your legs and oh god, sweetie please don’t cut your hair that won’tbecauseshortminestopcoming out in clumps in the shower.

During high school, I would have periods of sobriety from time to time. I oscillated between vaping and sobriety, prompted by the intensification of the side effects of vaping, signified by sudden headaches and chest pains. There would then be subsequent periods of intense worry for my health. I was no fool and knew that there were health consequences. In a twisted preservation of my own sanity, I refused to look up these potential ailments as vaping had become my coping mechanism for heartbreak and laziness.Fastforward to college, I remember being involved in an undefined relationship with a classmate shortly after we were permitted to return to campus after the lockdown. I coped by vaping whenever I dipped into the lows of said emotional roll ercoaster. Whenever my dispos able vape died, I would drag my feet across the street to-sur prise surprise-7-Eleven to pur chase a new one at 3 a.m., often after yet another failed attempt to quit. In the cooling morning breeze, I would unwrap it there on the street and take in deep inhales, momentarily forget ting about my less-than-satis factory grades and inability to end things with him once and forAsall.the chaos of freshman and sophomore years subsided, I found myself working toward a degree that likely wouldn’t grant me my desired level of success post-graduation with few extracurriculars to discuss on my resume and knew that it was now or never: I needed

didn’t.Inthe age of “quiet quit ting,” inflation, hustle culture and rising student loans, it is no wonder Gen Z uses nicotine to cope with the overwhelming pressures of life. The looming pressure of entering into a pro fessional world with very little to offer young people, and all the necessary steps to take in your childhood and adolescent years to ensure conventional success measured by wealth, certainly call for unhealthy coping mechanisms as well. For what seemed like forever, I fought the urge to rely on this addiction once more for the sake of productivity. Five years, 121 Juul pods and 45 disposable vapes later, I am just now start ing to understand why I adored vaping. As long as these stress ors are still present, I will not be able to escape that itching desire to stop by 7-Eleven and pick up a brand new vape.

Thisnonetheless.ishowyou enjoy your youth.


Vaping devices can take on any shape and function: there are colorful, slick, cylindrical ones; rounded rectangular ones; Juuls, and other bulkier refill able vapes for the cloud-chasing nerds who are obsessively dedi cated to performing vape tricks. They’re everywhere-littered on the ground, stored neatly next to the cashier at your local 7-Eleven and in the hands and pockets of your closest friends.


I don’t want to die, but I’m enjoy ing the process of rotting, and my pee is coming out acidic, but I’m sick of drinking water every morn

This is why you will speak in nounsand not verbs.

ing. This is a bummer, I know — knowing that you will stillbe scratchable and fuckable when you were supposed to become the smoke from a snuffed-out candle.

When it starts getting hard for youto get out of bed, I’ll know it’s time to tell you that he’s peeking through the crackinyour closet and tomorrow he’ll be on the rug hugging your stuffed

This is why you will have to lie on the bathroom floor a while after peeling away layers of your skin and finding only more skin underneath. Or maybe it’s after you realize that whatever name your father called you, he now asks where (baby, sweet heart, honey, princess) has gone.

You can’t figure out how to enjoy your youth

I was named the youngest per son to go senile today. I think it’s because there’s some onein your window, and he followed youto mine, but it might be because I want to be a kitchen appliance for Halloween, but not an oven or a microwave. I know I’ll be spookybecause blood is sticking my kneesfromtogetherasinkI can’t seem to plug.

This is when you will squeeze your legs shut so someone else can pry them open. This is how you will singyourself to sleep at night.

ing it quickly inside my cup of makeup brushes whenever my mother would visit my bedroom to ensure my productivity.

Four weeks later, I was hooked. There were four fla vored pods in 2017: mint, mango, tobacco and menthol. Our favorites were the mango ones, so sweet and potent that they almost acted as gum. I would purchase flavored pods from my classmates through Snapchat and leave the $30 they had demanded inside my mail box, where they would deliver theFromgoods.those days on, my best friend and I would vape in every bathroom we encoun tered. From school libraries to malls and even at our pediatri cians’ offices, nowhere was off limits. This was also around the time my brain had started to rely on nicotine to stay produc tive. Rewarding myself every now and then for hard work and focus had rewired my brain to seek the sweet release of dopa mine triggered by nicotine and I was utterly unable to focus without it. Vaping became a feedback loop for my brain, ner vous system and muscles.

This is how you will chastise yourself.Thisis how you will know you’re ovulatingwithout an app.

to fill up that resume. If not, I could risk wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on a use less piece of diploma. I was ready for all-nighters, Red Bull binges and countless leadership positions, and it took me right back to the comforts of my feed backBetweenloop. all the all-nighters spent at the UGLI, midterm cramming at Duderstadt and anxious moments meeting new people, I vaped. The feedback loop was back with full poten cy: I would again reward myself with vaping after concentrat ing on my work for a while, like how parents would reward their children with playtime or a candy bar after success fully finishing their homework. Except this time, I could vape anywhere I wanted in broad daylight as an adult, erasing the secrecy element that I have always associated with vaping. Periodically, I would attempt to quit yet again. Still, the mood swings, cravings and brain fog that came after would prompt me into vaping again. I couldn’t risk enduring these side effects in the midst of raising my GPA and searching for a big tech internship.Nicotine, the stimulant, bonded with nicotine receptors in my brain, which regenerated every time I vaped and were nearly impossible to satisfy. The vapor penetrated into my lungs and bloodstream, raising my heart rates and constricting my blood vessels. These effects helped me concentrate on tasks for a few minutes or so. It wasn’t until this summer that I learned from therapists at my summer internship that I had created a system of physiological and psy chological coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety with vap

we could share it together. A week later, I received the Juul in discreet packaging.

MiC Columnist Claire Gallagher can be reached at gclaire@umich. edu.

This is why you will stare at the smudgeonthe wall.

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.comMichiga n in Color8 — Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Skipping ever so slightly from the anticipation, I would then take a brisk walk to the bathroom, and enjoy my head rush there while praying the other girls didn’t hear the small crackle of the pod liquid vapor izing or notice a faint trace of said vapor rise above the stall door. After the effects of vaping had mostly subsided, I would then finally walk back all dazed and confused, trying my best to act as if nothing had happened. Sitting back into my seat, I usually felt a renewed burst of motivation to finish up my class work.During these secret vape breaks, I felt a brief escape from the hefty pressure that is earn ing back the money my parents had invested in a Texas hospital in exchange for four temporary green cards for the entire fam ily.Whenever my best friend and I vaped, for that brief, mindnumbing moment, she and I, both of Chinese immigrant backgrounds, escaped the con fines of expectations for perfec tion. The behavior was revolting and despicable to school admin istrators and parents, rumored to cause brain damage in devel oping brains, but it equalized with the bland rigidity of the law-abiding, extracurricularattending, sport-playing life style we had in our adolescence. Every week was the exact same during the school year in Bos ton, the same milky-white sky and freezing weather. The only thing that didn’t seem constant was the consequence of vaping. Sixteen-year-old me felt almost like an international spy, hiding the money in the dead of night, retrieving the pods inside the sleeves of my hoodie and slid

I can’t remember which comes first but just know

For me, vaping started early, and old habits certainly die hard. It was 2017, the winter of my sophomore year in high school, when Vans, Fjällräven Kånken, Instax Minis and Juuls were in. Out of the blue, my best friend sent me a link to purchase a Juul. It was a small, sleek silver gadget with a small bulb, charger and slot for refill able pods with vaping liquid. She told me that Juuls were all the rage right now and asked that I pay the steep $50 so that

I must confess: I am on the verge of buying a vape right now.Even after five months of sobriety, I still love everything about vaping: the soft crackling sound when I inhale, the sharp, euphoric feeling that penetrates my cerebrum, the subtle thrill of hiding in a bathroom stall to carry out the deed discreetly and, of course, the ability to hit it at social gatherings to avoid awkward silences. It delivers just the right level of sensory impairment that brought forth temporary pleasures without compromising my busy sched ule. A brief stroll around cam pus will tell you that I am not alone in my love for vaping.

Today, they function in much the same way, favoring the admission of white, wealthy applicants over immigrants, people of color and individuals of lower socioeconomic status.

JULIAN BARNARD Editorial Page Editor

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This reminds us that the scientific method is not necessarily claiming that it is the truth (though it could be), but rather helping us discover the truth. Clark drives this point home in pointing out that “inherent in the scientific method

The United States and its citizens — without a monarchy to rally around — crave stability and cooperation on a national scale. This could explain the American obsession with the monarchy, but reactions to the queen’s death have been notably mixed. While some Americans have openly expressed their sadness at the Queen’s death, some have rejoiced at her death due to her complicity in colonization. With this sentiment in mind, it is important to remember that while Queen Elizabeth II did represent the U.K. during her reign, she is not solely responsible for the country’s actions and her death does not spell the end of the country’s colonialWhenhistory.looking at her reign in its totality, the Queen’s death represents the end of a historically significant reign, 67% of Americans oppose America having a monarchy.


Federalism is failing

Can science and religion coexist?

The fact of the matter is, religion and science should be appreciated both as separate entities and as interrelated concepts. There are certain questions we can answer with science, such as how viruses and diseases spread, and others we can gain insight into through religion, such as the reason why we must suffer from said viruses and diseases. In other words, the reason science exists is to help people, whereas religion exists to teach us to have the compassion to want to help people. In this way, the two concepts come together. In fact, there is an entire subject matter, bioethics, that essentially combines science with the moral frameworks that religion offers.

Opinion Stanford Lipsey Student Publications Building 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI tothedaily@michigandaily.com48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. PAIGE HODDER Editor in Chief JULIAN BARNARD AND SHUBHUM GIROTI Editorial Page Editors Unsigned editorials reflect the of f icial position of The Daily’s Editorial Board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Julian ShubhumJessBrandonBarnardCowitD’AgostinoBenDavisGirotiDevonHesano

From the highly divisive American reactions to the queen’s passing, it is clear that Americans on the whole view the Queen and her Royal Family more as cultural icons than political ones.

Queen Elizabeth II passed away in her sleep on Sept. 8, 2022, following her 70-year reign as the United Kingdom’s longest serving monarch. Whether this development has been perceived as a great tragedy, a moment of indifference or a chance for criticism, it is undeniable that the Queen’s death marked the end of a relevant and long-lasting reign, the impact of which has been felt even in America. But why exactly do the Queen, and the British monarchy she represented, take up so much space in the American psyche?

ANNA TRUPIANO Opinion Columnist

Moderate Senate Democrats — namely Sens. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., and Joe Manchin, D-W. Va. — have consistently opposed the attempts to abolish or change the Senate filibuster to enable this transformational agenda. As of yet, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has been unable or unwilling to offer appropriate concessions or threats to these two red state renegades.WithCongress’s failure to pass substantial voting rights and anti-gerrymandering legislation, Democrats are looking at being locked out of federal government for a decade. The first years of the Biden administration have seen an outright failure to correct the structural advantages Republicans have attained and maintained through the decades.

The disparity between how Americans and citizens of the U.K. perceive their public figures’ politics highlights an important distinction between the two nations. In America, it is difficult to conjure a figure akin to the queen in sociocultural influence and historical precedence. Even nominally apolitical figures are politicized in the U.S., as seen with Dr. Anthony Fauci in 2020. Although Fauci’s role as chief medical officer throughout the COVID-19 pandemic was intended to offer universal advice, his opinions quickly became politically polarizing. In December 2021, Dr. Fauci’s approval rating among Democrats was 85% and just 19% among Republicans.

In the days following Politico’s bombshell release of a draft Supreme Court opinion that was poised to overturn Roe v. Wade — the precedent that has protected the right to abortion for nearly 50 years — many Democrats were left“Wherescrambling.thehell is my party?” asked California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, at a May 5 press conference. “This a concerted, coordinated effort. And yes, they’re winning. … Let’s acknowledge that. … Where’s the counter-offensive?”Thesecomments are even more prescient in the wake of the official Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision overturning Roe v. Wade.Newsom’s criticisms, though


Though they both attempt to explain the world, religion and science are essentially opposites. Science relies on testable empirical evidence, while religion is subjective, meaning any “evidence” exists in our own minds and the writings of our ancestors — so is it truly possible for the two concepts to coexist? Coming from someone who has come to a crossroads with their faith due to a greater understanding of science, I believe the answer to this question is yes.Ihave always identified as a religious person. In fact, praying every night is the thing that keeps me most in touch with myself, my hopes, fears and feelings. As a pharmaceutical sciences major, however, I have found myself questioning my faith. With my expanding knowledge of science and its dependence on proof and physical evidence, having faith in something that is completely intangible has its challenges. Many stories in religious script are physically impossible; the idea of resurrection, for example.


Joining the ranks of Johns Hopkins, Amherst, MIT and the State of Colorado would not only be an honor but would also be a continuation of the University’s work to defend affirmative action and improve the diversity of its student body. For if we’re honest, legacy admissions are affirmative action for the rich, and if affirmative action should end for the marginalized, as is likely this fall, it should certainly not exist for the privileged.

On top of that, the idea of science itself is more indeterminate than we think, because our current knowledge of the universe is constantly changing. For example, Clark points out that recent discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope are overturning decades of research about our galaxy structure. He elaborates on this idea: “I never say, ‘I believe in evolution,’ because saying that would not be in accordance with the scientific method. I would rather say, ‘there is a tremendous amount of experimental evidence that is consistent with our theory of evolution and no other competing theory explains this evidence as well.’”

The states, once referred to by Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis as “laboratories of democracy,” are proving ineffective at actually experimenting. This isn’t because state legislators are so much more small-minded than their federal counterparts, but because most state governments are severely restricted.

Adam Jentleson, former staffer to the late Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., posited that Newsom’s speech “reflects a growing sense among Democratic pros that there is a leadership vacuum and no plan — short-term, long-term or otherwise — to deal with the threats we Presidentface.”Joe Biden’s strategy for keeping Democrats in power seems to have been to pass popular, common-sense policies focused on material change in people’s lives. The Inflation Reduction Act, the American Rescue Plan and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act are some notable examples of this.


CHRISTOPH BAKER Opinion Contributor

Further concrete evidence is given by one statistical analysis that showed no causal relationship between legacy admissions and alumni donations. Another, out of the University of Michigan Law School showed that legacy admissions did not positively impact university fundraising.

As the Supreme Court prepares to hear a case that could reshape the landscape of university admissions, the University of Michigan should take a stand and eliminate its legacy policy.

For those that claim legacy admissions are integral to a university’s ability to fundraise, evidence points to the contrary. For example, during the 10-year period over which Johns Hopkins eliminated legacy admissions, its endowment actually tripled.

Interestingly enough, science and religion were actually unified in our country’s early history. Many writers from ancient times were considering religious and scientific questions at the same time, and did not necessarily think of them as different topics and certainly not conflicting ones. Steven Clark, professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology at the University of Michigan, reminds us that “the modern notion of a scientific method arose among

ceremonial, and the monarchy functions as a unifier during divisive periods representing a common entity British citizens can rally around. The United Kingdom’s very identity is tied to its monarchy and historical image. The American equivalent of this kind of unifying factor could be the democratic ideals this country was founded on, but even that bedrock value is widely debated in today’s polarized political sphere.

The monarch is an apolitical figure who must “remain strictly neutral with respect to political matters” during their reign. Consequently, most of the monarch’s duties are merely

Perhaps some of the stories we read are exaggerations of the original occurrence. This does not invalidate their significance, but simply reminds us that storytelling and framing are important. Sometimes stories are even modified as beliefs and perspectives change, much like science changes as what we discover expands. For example, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was at odds with the United States Congress for about 40 years regarding their practice of polygamy. When the government went to seize all of the church’s assets in 1890, suddenly a vision came to then-LDS President Wilford Woodruff showing that polygamy must be stopped, or the church would perish. This spurred Woodruff to release a manifesto that banned polygamy.

I’m an alum and a legacy. End legacy admissions now

From “Harry Potter” and Shakespeare, to red telephone booths and the ever-romanticized British accent, the United States has wholeheartedly accepted a number of iconic symbols of British culture. While escapism and romanticization play a part in the American public’s devouring of royal drama, could there be an aspect of the British monarchy that parallels a greater American desire?

The reality is much more restrained. New Mexico, with a “citizen’s legislature,” wherein legislators are given a paltry per diem for lodging and have only 90 days of legislative sessions every two years, is ill-equipped to pass substantial legislation. These extremely short legislative periods don’t give lawmakers a lot of time to execute good policy; they don’t have time to take full advantage of their laboratory of democracy.

Sophia Lehrbaum SiddharthMouradianParmarRushabhShahNikhilSharma

merican democracy is in trouble. Trust in the federal government is near an all-time low, as only 19% of people trust the federal government to do the right thing most of the time, according to polling from the Pew Research Center. This concern is compounded by recent news that the Supreme Court will hear a case about the legitimacy of the independent state legislature theory — the idea that state legislatures have complete control over federal election procedures, even if state supreme courts say otherwise. This could mean state legislatures assigning electoral college votes, with no mind to what their own laws or state courts have to say on the matter.Asliberals venture into a federal landscape that seems to be opposed to their interests in every way imaginable, it may be time for progressives to do what conservatives have been doing for decades: focus on winning statehouses. The Electoral College, a Supreme Court that has made enforcing the Voting Rights Act nearly impossible and the filibuster are all structural advantages that Republicans hold in our political system.

Take New Mexico for instance. Joe Biden won the “Land of Enchantment” by almost 11%.

This October, the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments against race-based admissions policies that could upend affirmative action. Broadly defined as a set of procedures to remedy discrimination and promote diversity, affirmative action is credited with improving access to education and employment for women and minority groups. The plaintiffs in the Supreme Court case, Students for Fair Admissions, have brought lawsuits against both Harvard University and the University of North Carolina for what they claim are admissions practices that discriminate against Asian American and white applicants. Such cases have become commonplace in the American judiciary, appearing before federal courts dozens of times. Cases against affirmative action have also come before the Supreme Court, which has largely upheld the practice. However, there is reason to believe that given the Supreme Court’s conservative makeup, affirmative action will be the latest of progressive policies to be struck down.While many universities and employers have been litigated in relation to affirmative action, the University of Michigan has arguably occupied the greatest spotlight. In 2003, U-M was sued for its affirmative action policies resulting in two cases being brought before the Supreme Court. The University won one while losing the other. Soon after in 2006, the State of Michigan voted in a referendum to uphold Proposal 2 banning affirmative action statewide and ending the University of Michigan’s policy. Eight years later, the Supreme Court again heard arguments regarding the State of Michigan’s ban on affirmative action and

While the banning of affirmative action has certainly contributed to the University’s lack of diversity, other policies, specifically legacy admissions, have also hindered the University’s efforts. Formally established in the early 20th century, legacy admissions policies were created to protect universities’ white, wealthy and Protestant student bodies from competing with recent European and Jewish immigrants.

In the United Kingdom, it is considered highly inappropriate for members of the Royal Family to express political opinions. Despite the British public viewing a partisan monarch as improper, over one-third of polled Americans believe that British royals should make public political statements.

So what is the solution for a Democrat frustrated by an unwillingness or inability of Democratic leadership to corral their own senators? Retreat to theForstatehouse.decades, Democrats have been outspent and outgunned at the state legislative level. This reached its peak in 2016, when Republicans controlled 32 statehouses. Today, Republicans have unified control of 30 state legislatures, and Democrats control only 17. Haley Barbour,


Maintaining this admissions policy thus presents two obstacles for the university. The first: continuing a practice that runs contrary to the University’s commitment to anti-racism. The second: hindering their stated goal of creating a diverse student body.Although some may be skeptical that legacy admissions could have a sizable effect on the composition of U-M’s student body, an important case study sheds light on this phenomenon. In 2014, Johns Hopkins University quietly phased out legacy admissions, citing its antimeritocratic bias and its struggle to recruit diverse classes of students. After evaluating data from 2009 to 2019 Hopkins found

is that we are never describing the truth. We are simply describing our current best understanding of the natural world. There are no ‘truths’ in science, only our best currentManyunderstanding.”of religion’s idiosyncrasies can be written off when we remind ourselves that religion is based in storytelling. We must acknowledge that many of the stories in scripture are from thousands of years ago. Many scholars take note of the contradictions and inconsistencies in the Bible and attribute these flaws to the idea that the Bible was likely passed down orally before being written. Word-of-mouth can be very unreliable — as we all learned as children playing the game of telephone where the statement at the end is completely different from the original one.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022 — 9The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

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From The Daily: The significance and harm of Queen Elizabeth II and the British Monarchy

voted 6-2 in favor of upholding theSinceban. then, the University of Michigan has struggled to enroll minorities. Its student body in 2020 consisted of 4.3% of students identifying as Black and 6.8% identifying as Latino, largely unchanged from 2012. Despite concerted efforts to recruit Black students through outreach, such as from its special admissions office in Detroit and extensive investments numbering in the hundreds of millions of dollars, the University of Michigan has come up short.

very religious people whose very religion was part of their drive to understand the natural world.”

directly focusing on abortion, are widely applicable to the Democratic strategy in 2022, 2024 and beyond.

There are several reasons that Democrats are less interested in state government than Republicans. Principal among those is that the GOP can accomplish many of its important priorities, such as tax cuts, gun rights, abortion restrictions, school choice, from theDemocrats,statehouse.on the other hand, would have little luck enacting comprehensive immigration reform, combating climate change or passing universal health care at the state level.

As an alumnus and a former legacy student, I’m proud to be a Michigan Wolverine and grateful of the education that I received at U-M. It’s the same education that I wish millions of students could access, including my own future offspring. However, my conviction is that children of alumni should be judged by their merit, not by their educational pedigree. It is time for the University and for all of us to push for this smallest of changes in order to temper the accumulation of wealth by the elite few and to promote racial and socioeconomic inclusion.

Lindsey Spencer Evan Stern Trupiano JackQuinAlexTumpowskyYeeZapoli

past Republican National Committee Chairman, described the goal as making “self-reliant state parties.” A similar guiding sentiment does not exist on the Democratic side, due in part to fundamentally different goals.

It’s not that these issues are too complex to be dealt with on a state level, but instead that individual states have constructed political systems that make this sort of policy-making nearly impossible.

that Pell Grant eligible students increased by 10%, students on financial aid increased by 20% and racial minority representation increased by 10%.

With a Democratic trifecta in the statehouse, an outside observer might expect New Mexico to pass policies combating poverty, drug addiction and child neglect.

The Washington Post even published a delightful assortment of quotes disparaging the vice presidency. (Most of the quotes are from vice presidents themselves.)

The problem isn’t just that the vice president has nothing

students, transferring risk from institutions onto individuals. From 2003 to 2017, the state of Michigan cut funding to public universities by 30%, or $262 million. The University of Michigan reports that in 1960, 78% of their general fund budget came from state funding, compared to 13% of their current budget in 2022. Peter Hinrichs from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland reports that public universities’ revenue from state and local governments has generally fallen from 1987 to 2013, and in 2013, it fell to its lowest rate ever.

The vice president is supposed to be the second most influential figure in the American government. More importantly, they need to be ready to take on the presidency, should they need to. Having the vice president be more directly involved in policy-making and administration would better prepare them to actually be president.Currently, the vice president’s influence comes from her role as an advisor to the president. Few advisors launch successful presidential campaigns. A Cabinet post, though, could boost presidential preparedness.


In the past, strictly defining the responsibilities of the vice president would have restricted those who seek too much responsibility. Vice President Dick Cheney is widely considered the most powerful vice president in American history. His influence was a key factor in the Bush administration’s decision to invade Iraq, and he held great influence over Supreme Court nominations, federal budget proposals, tax policies and energyCheneyregulations.wasable to wield so much power because President George W. Bush allowed it, and Bush was able to allow it because the vice president’s role is so poorly defined. If Cheney had been made secretary of defense, he would have been able to directly influence an area of policy he cared about. At the same time, he would have been more confined to defenserelated issues — the secretary of defense doesn’t screen Supreme Court nominees, for instance. The vice president is one particularly bad bicycle accident away from becoming the most powerful person in the world. That is more than enough uncertainty for America’s second-highest political official. The vice president needs a stable role, one that offers critical experience and an abundance of opportunities to influence practical policy. Each of the 15 executive departments offers just that.

Outside of movies and television shows, it’s no secret that the vice president lacks institutional power. Because of that, vice presidents throughout history have often been either ignored or hapless. When he was vice president, Harry Truman was famously left out of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s major decisions. When a reporter asked President Dwight D. Eisenhower if he had ever implemented an idea of thenVice President Richard Nixon’s, Eisenhower responded, “If you give me a week, I might think of Asone.”for hapless vice presidents, Vice President Dan Quayle misspelled the word “potato,” and Vice President Richard M. Johnson believed that Earth was hollow. In fact, President Martin Van Buren, who served with Johnson, thought the office so unimportant that he decided to campaign for reelection with no running mate at all.

n media about politics, the vice presidency is often grounds for humor. “Angelica, tell my wife, John Adams doesn’t have a real job anyway,” from Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical “Hamilton.”

first term and briefly during his second term, after being criticized for a lack of foreign policy experience. Experts say that the opportunities for major achievements available to Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg — a top contender for the 2024 presidential nomination — would bolster another campaign.

America,Opiniongive your VP a seat at the table

I graduated from the University of Michigan in 2015 and paid nearly six times the tuition that my father paid at Michigan State University in 1971, after adjustment for inflation. That’s a 465% increase in tuition across our generations at public universities in Michigan over 50 years. Most have seen the staggering statistics: 46 million Americans struggle with student loan debt and student debt totals amount to nearly $1.8 trillion. How the hell did this happen?

Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state during President Barack Obama’s

For the vice president specifically, having to balance the concrete, administrative duties of a Cabinet secretary with the ceremonial and advisory roles of the vice president would best prepare them for the important, hectic and often ceremonial (they pardon the turkeys) nature of theInpresidency.otherdemocracies, it is not uncommon for the head of government’s main deputy to run the equivalent of a cabinet department. Robert Habeck, the vice chancellor of Germany, concurrently serves as the minister for economic affairs and climate action; Thérèse Coffey, the deputy prime minister of the United Kingdom, also serves as secretary of state for health and social care; Chrystia Freeland, the deputy prime minister of Canada, is minister of finance. The number two in all three countries has few official responsibilities, but instead of being relegated to a mainly ceremonial role, they are also given a role of

the debt balloon and made higher education increasingly inequitable. It’s past time for the United States to shift course. We must cancel the debt we created and pass the College for All act, introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., to adequately fund higher education for everyone. Budgets are moral documents and ours should reflect America’s values of education.Oldergenerations sometimes recount their hard work during college as reason to blame younger generations for not working as hard. But as tuition continues to rise astronomically, the minimum wage remains stagnant. The Education Data Initiative estimates that the average cost of a four-year higher education will cost a student $35,551 per year. If a student works a full-time job at the federal minimum wage, they will make $15,080 per year, covering not even half of the average tuition. The issue is not about working hard. Students have absolutely no choice but to take out massive student loans to cover costs.

So, how did tuition manage to skyrocket as wages stagnated? It’s actually quite simple. The government shifted from funding public universities directly to putting the financial responsibility onto

While the proposed changes do touch on the expectation for Title IX coordinators “to take prompt and effective action to end any sex discrimination in its education program or activity,” (complete with a detailed list of procedures), the power to dismiss or distort claims still lies in the hands of a single Title IX coordinator. This is an issue because many Title IX coordinators across the nation are mere placeholders that allow uncaring institutions to fly past flimsy enforcement.

immigration, Harris’s official biography has a total of one paragraph about her time and accomplishments as vice president. She recently made headlines for attending the launch of the Artemis 1, an unmanned rocket headed for the moon. The launch was canceled.Expanding, or at least better defining, the vice president’s constitutional role would require amendments, which in today’s climate are quite difficult to pass. And even then, expanding the role of vice president could take away authority from the president. However, there is another, simpler, constitutionally allowed option. Make the vice president a Cabinet secretary. Give them substantive influence over their preferred realm of policy by handing over the keys to an executive department.

As President Joe Biden announces $10-20,000 in student loan forgiveness in response to growing demands from activists and citizens, we must examine how we got here. Simply looking at generational differences speaks to the enormity of this issue.

Black borrowers are especially burdened by this structure, as student debt has increased the Black-white wealth gap and led to the growth of predatory for-profit colleges.

Dorothy Brown, a law professor at Emory University’s School of Law, examines these disparities, noting that while white Americans’ student loan debt diminishes over time, Black Americans’ student loan debt rises. This is due to many factors, including inherited wealth that white students use to pay off their tuition costs, discriminatory college admissions processes, job and wage discrimination and the type of schools that students attend. Brown reports that wealthy colleges give out more financial aid to students and admit white students at high rates, while a disproportionate number of Black and Latino students attend for-profit colleges that give out little financial aid. Many for-profit colleges are also predatory, targeting students of color and saddling them with unbearable debt — leaving many without quality degree or even a diploma. LISA TENCER Opinion Contributor

Until the 25th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, there was no way to fill a vice presidential vacancy. If a president or vice president died in office, there simply was not a vice president at all until the next election — something that happened 16 separate times. In other words, the office is so insignificant that the Founding Fathers neglected to include another method of filling it, and no one thought to change that for 180 years.

and further trauma from recounting one’s own assault in front of one’s attacker could very well be part of the reason that sexual assault has an incredibly low reportability.

Read more at MichiganDaily.com

he 50th anniversary of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1972 on June 23, 2022, was marked by emotional turmoil for many. A great win for the students of America was immediately followed by the disheartening Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, which largely overshadowed the triumphs and failures of the Biden administration’s proposed changes to Title IX regulation.Thousands of students have been waiting for fair and protective legislation since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021. And yet, the administration chose to wait an entire year and a half — in order to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Title IX — to release their edits to Betsy DeVos’s problematic regulation. This might just be the largest failure of Biden’s proposed edits, as students across the country suffer through court examinationinduced trauma, victim blaming and inactive Title IX coordinators.Oneofthemost anticipated additions to Title IX policy is the inclusion of off-campus assaults. While current regulations do not require institutions to address harassment that occurred off-campus or outside of the United States, the proposed regulation would demand action for any “conduct that occurs in any building owned or controlled by a student organization” and “conduct that occurs offcampus when the respondent is a representative of the recipient.” While it seems impossible that students have gone without this protection for so long, this addition is a large step toward victim protection — a running theme in Biden’s Anotherupdates.suchedit comes in the form of “permitting but not requiring live hearings,” which differs from the DeVos regulation’s requirement of live hearings and crossexaminations. The burden of the current regulations falls entirely on the victim. A Western Michigan University student laid out the choice before her, stating that “she could go to a hearing and let the male students she had accused of sexually assaulting her ask her questions, trying to discredit her. Or she could decline to attend and watch them walk away without any punishment.” Beyond the horrifying expectation of a cross-examination, the requirement of a live hearing

A 2018 study published by the National Library of Medicine found that “most Title IX coordinators were in parttime positions with less than three years of experience,” indicating disinterest on the part of the institutions involved.Itisclear that while the Biden administration has righted several wrongs in the sexual misconduct law that all students rely on, we are far from receiving the care and justice we deserve. Nonetheless, June 23, 2022, should go down in history for taking American students a step closer to a safe educational experience.

“Vice president is a nothing job,” from “Vice,” a film about Vice President Dick Cheney. And of course, there is “did the president call?” from “Veep,” a show formed around Julia Louis-Dreyfus satirizing — and insulting — the vice presidency.

The National Center for Education Statistics reports that university revenues from federal funding, per full-time-equivalent (FTE) student in 2019, amounts to $8,000 for private nonprofit institutions and only $5,230 per FTE student for public institutions. Furthermore, the Education Data Initiative finds that the average student loan debt upon graduation has quadrupled from 1970 to 2021, adjusted for inflation.


to do, though. Presidential advisors are important, and the vice president is often considered a top advisor. The problem is that the power of the vice president can change dramatically every four years because the vice president’s role is largely determined by the relationship they have with the top of the ticket.

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com10 — Wednesday, September 21, 2022

It is hard to predict whether the removal of a large obstacle from an already traumatic process will increase reportability on campuses, but an increase in reports could result in pressure on universities to take responsibility and address the growing concern of sexual misconduct on and offUnfortunately,campus. the process of filing a Title IX complaint is still fraught with traumatic experiences and long waiting periods — neither of which are appropriately addressed by the proposed changes. Between conflicting evidence, unfiled information, feeling unheard and disappointing policy restrictions, re-trauma is a common side effect of undergoing the Title IX process and these issues must be addressed before we can truly claim to be a just community.Trauma-informed legal work and professional care advocates are the bare minimum that should be expected from each university’s Title IX office to ensure that the Title IX claim process is as comfortable and empowering as it is meant to be. However, accountability for educational institutes is just as important as protecting victims for sex discrimination regulation to be effective.

Content warning: This article contains mentions of sexual assault

This story is not about personal failure. It is not about people’s unwillingness to pay off their debts, take responsibility or work hard. It’s about our values and our tax dollars — or lack thereof — in support of higher education. The government has been decreasing direct funding for public colleges and universities, and instead shifting funding to individuals via student loans; this has created

immigration officials, who fall under Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security. With immigration reform unlikely to pass through Congress, it seems Harris was set up to Beyondfail.

Additionally, the Pew Institute reports that a mere 2% of our federal budget is spent on higher education when excluding student loans. While direct funding decreased, the federal government embraced student loans, even funding private institutions at a higher rate than public institutions.

While student debt forgiveness is a good start, it is simply not enough

Incumbent Vice President Kamala Harris is presently more unpopular than even President Joe Biden — who is historically unpopular (although he is making a comeback). She has been tasked with leading the Biden administration’s response to immigration, an issue that has repeatedly drawn the ire of conservative voters. As vice president, Harris has virtually no power to bring about substantive immigration reform. She can’t sign executive orders, nor does she have authority over U.S.

Design by Serena Shen

funding to public institutions, along with its increased funding of student loans, shifted risk onto the American people and created the debt trap that many find themselves in.

substance.Theidea isn’t even terribly far outside mainstream U.S. politics. During the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., had lawyers investigate whether he could appoint rival Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., as both vice president and secretary of the treasury.

REVA LALWANI Opinion Columnist THURSDAY,COMMEMORATINGSEPTEMBER 22 4:20–5:30 p m Jeffries Hall 1225 or Livestream DEMOCRACYAMERICANINPERIL Sponsored by U-M Office of the Provost LIVESTREAM | michigan.law.umich.edu/constitution QUIN ZAPOLI Opinion Senior Editor

Triumphs and shortcomings of new Title IX regulations

The government’s decreased direct

If the Wolverines continue struggling to capitalize on offen sive chances, it will continue to be tough to turn the team’s strength into success on scoreboard.

She is on track for an equally strong season after tallying 131 kills in the first 10 games this season.One of Mruzik’s strengths is her aggressiveness. She already has two double-doubles on the season. Against Bowling Green, she recorded eight digs — the most of any hitter or blocker — and consistently attacked the ball, racking up an impressive 33 total Mruzikattacks.was quick to credit her teammates for her success:

the game comes in part from Mruzik’s ability to wear down the opposing team. Her fero cious strikes on consecutive plays kept the Falcons scram bling, allowing her teammates to attack and strike their own ruthless kills.

“We’re shooting for perfection,” Jenkins said. “The sooner we can get to that, the better.” But are they ready for the Big Ten?“We’ll find out,” Harbaugh said. That’s why, in essence, the sea son starts now.

around makes my life a lot eas ier,” she said. “I wouldn’t be as aggressive or go after it so hard if these guys didn’t as well.” Michigan coach Mark Rosen

“If you can’t finish and score goals (you) can’t win the game,” Pankratz said. “So we’ve been working on it really hard. (We’re) frustrated that we haven’t been able to solve it yet.”

The Wolverines earned their sixth corner and their second goal in the second quarter, scored by senior midfielder Sarah Pyrtek. An inability to take advantage of Penn State’s defensive mistakes and execute on corner penalties held Michigan back on Friday, but on Sunday, this was clearly not the case.“Obviously we’ve had a lot of corners,” Clarke said. “So I think that the floodgates are going to start opening soon and the goals will start popping in and getting the bounces we need.”


This week is the perfect oppor tunity for those floodgates to open, as the Wolverines head into the rest of Big Ten play and two road games. This offensive shift came at the right time for the team.While Michigan was thrilled to find more success converting cor ner opportunities against Cornell, two goals off of 15 corners is not enough to satisfy the Wolverines.

binger of what’s to come.

Within less than five minutes of play, the No. 7 Michigan field hock ey team scored on its second corner of the game—the second of fifteen offensive corners in its shutout against Cornell.

Mruzik made the Big Ten All-Freshman Team in her first season with the Wolverines and received First Team All-Big Ten Honors after her breakout soph omore season. This year, she is ready to showcase her offen sive prowess and lead Michi gan through the Big Ten season — starting this Friday against

It is simultaneously confident and aware of the need for growth.

This is the standard now. While Michigan has always been known as a football school, the proclama tion feels realistic following last year’s monumental breakthrough. The Wolverines should be this strong, and their passionate fanbase has a blueprint by which they judge success by; everyone knows how it feels and what it looks like.

To their credit, the Wolverines have played a brand of disciplined, mistake-free football. They like where they are, and there’s no rea son not to. The offense is humming with McCarthy under center, while the defense has picked up where it left off last year, despite notable ros terThey’veturnover.said the right things, too. They maintain that they approach each game as if the opponent is Michigan State or Ohio State, stress ing the minutia and nuances of each practice. It’s all eerily reminiscent

ners were telling of the domi nance and determination they have shown so far this season. But, what they did with these corners showed faults in their strategy. Their dominance never reflected on the scoreboard.

of last season, especially in the way that their play has lent credence to their words.


“I feel like I am that aggres sive kind of pushing people lead er,” she said. “I think it’s great that the people on the court and on the team really balance each other out really well.”

The Michigan volleyball team notched kill after kill in a sweep of Bowling Green on Sunday, and junior outside hitter Jess Mruzik was the deadliest on the court.Mruzik led both teams in kills with 13 — nearly doubling the Falcon’s kill leader Kat Man dly. Junior outside hitter Kend all Murray and senior middle blocker Jess Robinson were close on her heels with 11 and 10, respectively.Lastseason, Mruzik led the team in points with 446 and coled the team in kills with 389.

The Wolverines took more cor ner attempts than the Nittany Lions, ending the game with 10 total penalty corners to Penn State’s one. Converting with penalty corners is something that has plagued Michi gan all season, and on Friday, it was no Althoughdifferent. the Wolverines were able to penetrate into the offensive zone, they couldn’t turn that into

This team, merely because it’s only Week Three, hasn’t faced any tests to push it there.

Outside hitter Jess Mruzik helped lead Michigan to the win.


SportsWednesday: Michigan’s real test starts now


As the No. 4 Michigan football team wrapped up a 59-0 victory over lowly UConn Saturday after noon, everything seemed rather ho-hum. There was no hoopla, no stir in Ann Arbor over the Wolver ines’ ranking in the AP Top 25 poll, which slots them behind only Geor gia, Alabama and Ohio State — col lege football’s three goliaths.

sing, a nail-biter in Happy Valley — Michigan responded.

“I feel like we look good, but we haven’t faced adversity,” junior run ning back Blake Corum said. “I real ly don’t know how good we’re gonna be. I feel it. I feel like we’re gonna be great. But I can’t tell you.”

Good teams, though, are forged through crucibles of adversity. Sure, the first three games — all cake walks — played out as they should, as the Wolverines avoided the fate that befell Notre Dame and Texas A&M. But that doesn’t mean that the non-conference slate is a har

On Sunday, the Wolverines’ abil ity to convert on corners proved to be the difference that led them to a win. They ran a corner play on aver age every four minutes. On Friday against No. 6 Penn State, they had 10 offensive corners but lost the game 2-1. And last week, they were unable to score on three corner plays in the final three minutes of their match against Louisville, which ultimately cost them the game.

“Finishing,” Tamer said. “Fin ishing and corners.”

“We’re in a good spot, but we still got stuff to build on,” junior defen sive lineman Kris Jenkins said.

Failure to capitalize on offense dooms Michigan in loss


FUDER/Daily Michigan’s ability to score on corner penalties was key to their success on Sunday. JARED GREENSPAN Managing Sports Editor ANNA FUDER/Daily After an easy non-conference schedule, Michigan’s real test will begin with Big Ten play this week.

“We treat every game like a championship game,” Corum said. “We’re just playing the schedule, having fun out there. It’s been great, and Big Ten’s on the way.”

Last year serves as a cautionary tale. After a domineering 3-0 nonconference slate, Michigan opened up Big Ten play at home against woeful Rutgers. After waltzing out to a 20-3 halftime lead, the Wolver ines stagnated, leaving the door ajar for the Scarlet Knights. A fumble late in the fourth quarter secured a Michigan victory, but the game served as a wake-up call.

Michigan executed, with two of its three goals coming from corner plays.“It definitely feels a lot better to finally be putting some of them in,” sophomore midfielder Abby Tamer said. “We definitely have room to go, with fifteen (corners) we should still be scoring a little bit more, but it’s something we’re going to keep focusing on and keep perfecting.”

And the Wolverines answered that call in resounding fashion, storming their way through their Big Ten schedule and into India napolis. When adversity hit — a fourth-quarter deficit in Lincoln, a heart-wrenching loss in East Lan

Michigan takes advantage of corner penalties in win over Cornell

The same growth mindset holds true on defense. Sophomore line backer Junior Colson said that the defense, despite its success, is still crafting its Harbaughidentity.walked through a number of areas that need to be worked through, as is customary for a team in Week Three.


Against the Big Red, however,



The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com Wednesday, September 21, 2022 — 11

McCarthy said he is becom ing more comfortable each game, which will lead to a path of “expo nential progress.” For now, though, he is dwelling on his shortcomings, like the second drive of the game which still “haunts” him.

The real challenges — the real season — starts now. A grueling Big Ten schedule beckons, begin ning with a clash against an upstart, undefeated Maryland squad on Sat urday. It’s not a litmus test, but none theless an important barometer.

“You don’t want to mess it up and go two inches to the left or two inch es to the right,” Clarke said. “It does

Though it’s entering confer ence play in a good spot, Michigan has caught flack for its lackluster non-conference opponents. But, as Corum reiterated Saturday after noon, you can only play your sched ule.

think it’s hard for them to stop when we have a lot of hitters that are contributing.”

whisper: “So, this is what it’s really like?”Yes and no. Because Michigan’s season starts now, and when adver sity hits, that’s when these Wolver ines will find out what it’s really like.And they know it.

“I thought they came out and went after us pretty aggres sively, but I love how our team stayed composed and handled that really well,” Rosen said. “I


Cornell, meanwhile, had two offensive corners, and of their four shots on goal, three of them went just wide of the cage.

Although the Wolverines and Penn State each had one shot on goal by the end of the first quarter, their ability to capitalize on these attempts would prove to be the deciding factor of the game. The Wolverines found themselves in their offensive zone for the majority of the game, but they couldn’t find the back of the cage.

The matchup with Penn State marked Michigan’s first conference game while also exposing what the Wolverines will have to fix to reach their season goals. The team cre ated numerous scoring opportuni ties, but failing to take advantage of these chances led to a Big Ten loss for the “EveryWolverines.(BigTen matchup) is a significant matchup,” Michigan coach Marcia Pankratz said. “So every game matters and it’s a huge, huge game, so we’re disappointed that we didn’t win it, especially at home.”The Wolverines’ offensive cor

Rutgers.“(The Big Ten) is the best conference for volleyball for a reason,” Mruzik said. “We’re really prepared, and I think we’re all ready to just get after it and go into the match with a clear mind and really compete this season.”

The opportunity for multiple hitters to have an impact on

“Having great people around me that are offensive threats all

On the Wolverines’ second cor ner, junior midfielder Lora Clarke sent the ball in and tipped a reverse shot from Tamer. As an insert, the pressure of every corner falls on Clarke, because if her initial pass isn’t accurate or fast enough, the defense will shut down the play before it ever begins.

That’s where a team with poten tial transcended into a team bound to be cherished for generations.

But there are signs, too, that this year’s group is different. The Wol verines may carry with them les sons and memories from last year, but they are not the same.

Saturday after the game, that dis tinction shined brightest. McCar thy — fresh off his first start as the full-time starting quarterback — took a seat at his press conference with a grin plastered on his face. Gazing towards the cameras point ed at him, McCarthy leaned over to Corum and marveled, in an audible

success on the scoreboard.


Jess Mruzik’s aggressive playstyle leads Michigan to victory

Despite taking 23 shots, Michigan only scored one goal in Friday’s loss.

“I like the team a lot,” Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh said after Sat urday’s game. “… And there’s been zeroHarbaughentitlement.”went on to recall a text he received last week from a child hood“Hefriend.said he just can’t wait to watch Michigan football,” Har baugh remembered. “It reminds him of the days of Rick Leach and Harlan Huckleby and Anthony Carter. That’s the way he feels about this team. I do as well. I get the same feeling about this team.”

In conference play, Michigan is focused on one thing.

Off the court, Mruzik’s lead ership style mimics her play style. And again, she credits her teammate’s chemistry with much of her success as a leader.

Controlling possession is indica tive of a winning team. But on Fri day, the No. 7 Michigan field hockey team found that it doesn’t always translate into success.

The Nittany Lions didn’t have this issue, netting two of their three total shots to win the game. Michi gan’s lack of offensive conversion proved to be fatal as the team only scored one goal despite 23 shot attempts.“Thepast two games that we’ve lost, we have definitely outplayed our opponents,” junior Lora Clarke said. “I would say we have more shots, we have more corners and … we just have to work on finding the back of the cage.”

also considers the collective offensive ability of the team to be a key factor for the success of any individual player such as Mruzik.

really matter. It needs to be really precise.”Forall 15 corners, Clarke did exactly that. Despite only scoring on two of the corners, the Wol verines were able to get a shot off on each of them. Ultimately, they outshot the Big Red, 31-4.

Huskies go belly-up in 59-0 drubbing, non-conferenceMichigan’scompletingeasyschedule

“I feel like the efficiency was definitely there,” McCarthy said. “But we had that one drive, I think it’s the second drive of the game, where we went three and out. That one was on me, so that one kind of haunts me, but you know, I thought we played pretty well in the first half.”

The Wolverines also recovered a fumble and blocked a punt to flip the field in their favor — not to mention a 61-yard punt return touchdown by junior receiver A.J. Henning — exercising their will on UConn’s floundering squad.

And with a non-conference schedule like the Wolverines booked this year, there was nothing else to prove in nonconference competition.


Michigan trotted out its offensive A-team one last time, as if to bury any shred of doubt that the Huskies were a worthy opponent. In an 11-play, 83-yard drive, McCarthy led the Wolverines down the field to punch in yet another touchdown. It was the fifth time Corum found the endzone on the day, tying a program record last reached by running back Hassan Haskins a season ago against Ohio State.

And the McCarthy-led offense was efficient. It notched 231 yards with McCarthy at quarterback in the first half, 172 of which came in the air on an impressive 10-for13 efficiency, and tallied four

“We’re always competing with ourselves,” sophomore quarterback J.J. McCarthy said. “And no matter who we’re playing, or when we’re playing, we’re always just gonna go out there and try to be the best version of ourselves every single week.”From the opening kickoff, the Wolverines made the gap in talent evident. In just four plays, Michigan went 72 yards and put its first touchdown on the board — a handoff to junior running back Blake Corum, his first of five scores on the day. Michigan’s defensive start was just as commanding, squashing UConn’s first drive for a three-and-out where the Huskies incurred negative yardage.

The Michigan football team took care of business.

A large part of Michigan’s offensive success can be attributed to its defensive and special teams’ performance, too. The offense had consistently stellar field position, gifted by the other two facets of the game, which allowed it to score quickly andTheoften.Wolverines’ defense held the Huskies to a lowly 64 yards in the first half and just 110 on the game. Like an anaconda, Michigan squeezed the life out of the Huskies’ offense, a testament to the difference between the two programs heading into the game.

FUDER/Daily KATE HUA/Daily | Design by Lys Goldman

“Not going to be a season ending thing, I don’t think, but he’ll miss some time,’ Harbaugh affirmed.Atthe other end of the break, the already-domineering Wolverines made one final statement before the starters were truly done for the day.

“You can only play your schedule,” Corum said. “We treat every game like it’s a championship game. … We’re just playing the schedule. We’re having fun, we’re out there ballin’. It’s been great, but Big Ten is on the way — I’m excited.”


“I feel like we look good, but we haven’t faced any adversity,” Corum said. “I really don’t know how good we’re going to be. I feel it. I feel like we’re gonna be great, but I can’t tell you. But I’ll tell you (this): By the look of things, sky’s the limit for this offense.”


touchdowns. The Wolverines were forced to punt just twice in the first two quarters, with two other drives ending in field goal attempts for senior kicker Jake Moody.Still,McCarthy and the offense wasn’t satisfied with anything less than perfection.

In a 59-0 rout of UConn (1-3 overall), the fourth-ranked Wolverines (3-0) secured their third win of the season, closing out their non-conference slate on a high note. It was a outcome that was never really in doubt — the Huskies assuming the role they were cast in as Michigan’s thirdstraight low-caliber opponent.

NICHOLAS STOLL Managing Sports Editor

But like most Jim Harbaughcoached teams, an evident skill difference means very little in terms of intensity. The Michigan coach and his team didn’t take their foot off the gas, allowing McCarthy to cook under center in his first start as undisputed QB1.

Just before the half, a 38-0 beatdown allowed Michigan to give its starters some rest and give others a chance to see the field. As senior quarterback Cade McNamara assumed position under center, the Big House provided a standing ovation — a sharp contrast to the boos he heard just last week. But McNamara’s day didn’t end

Not much changed as the game entered its formative stages; the backups piled on and UConn continued to struggle. Michigan proved that it can beat bad teams, but not much else.


on a positive note, as he exited the game with an injury that Harbaugh said is going to sideline him “for a few weeks.”

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