2020 Year in Review

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2020 Year in Review People • Land • Legacy

Michigan Nature Association

“Morning Mist” by Deborah Traxinger

A Year Like No Other There are simply no words that can adequately express the impact that this pandemic continues to have on us all. Our hearts are with all of those who have been affected by the novel coronavirus. I am not the first - nor will I be the last - to say that 2020 was a year like no other. But despite this strange and challenging year, MNA has continued to build on our enduring legacy. We celebrate conservation achievements including newly protected lands and bolstered partnerships. We connect people to our mission despite the absence of in-person events and much-desired volunteer workdays. We endure due to the resiliency and creativity of our staff and board to find new ways to engage people across this great state. And we endure because of the unending need to protect Michigan’s rare, threatened, and endangered species and imperiled natural areas. We give the solace and comfort of nature to each and every visitor to one of our extraordinary sanctuaries.

“We give the solace and comfort of nature to each and every visitor to one of our extraordinary sanctuaries.”

Most significantly, we endure because of you, our friends, partners, supporters, and donors, just as we have for 68 years and just as we will far into the future. That is because of all the hard work, generosity, and passion of our members, both present and past, who believe so strongly in our mission. Once again, words are inadequate to express the level of gratitude for that commitment and for the incredible conservation strides we make because of it - despite the worst that can be thrown at us. We remain focused on the future because that is the promise of the Michigan Nature Association. Let us look to the coming year with the inspiration found in the beautiful nature photography and heartening successes shared in the pages of this Year in Review. And let us find hope in the absolute knowledge that together, we make a difference no matter how harsh the world may seem. Together we can protect Michigan nature forever, for everyone.

Cover Photo: Red-eyed Vireo by Greg Bodker Back Cover Photo by Mary Lightner

Lefglen Nature Sanctuary by Trafford Hannon

Building a Geography of Hope

Protecting Michigan’s Natural Treasures Expanding the Roach Point Conservation Area to Over 1,000 Acres With funding from a North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grant and in partnership with the Upper Peninsula Resource and Conservation Development Council, MNA purchased the Rocky Point Nature Sanctuary in Chippewa County. Rocky Point is in close proximity to two other MNA Nature Sanctuaries, and together they protect a combined 1,041 acres as the Roach Point Conservation Area with undisturbed coastal wetlands and minimally fragmented forests. Securing an Important Puzzle Piece at Big Valley* A new acquisition in Oakland County now connects two once separate units of the Big Valley Nature Sanctuary, as well as other protected conservation land, providing additional buffer to a rare prairie fen, home to 10% of the world’s population of the highly endangered Poweshiek skipperling butterfly. Growing the Lake Superior Nature Conservation Area* Two additional parcels were added to our Lake Superior Nature Sanctuary in Chippewa County, growing the sanctuary to nearly 500 acres of intact forest that supports neotropical migratory songbirds and raptors. We also accepted a conservation easement from the Wild Shores Foundation on land owned by the Little Traverse Conservancy at nearby Vermillion Point. These lands and surrounding state forest are part of a larger landscape complex of protected lands that include over six miles of undeveloped Lake Superior shoreline, Michigan’s “Lonesome Shore.” Extending the Brockway Mountain Wildlife Corridor* MNA added another parcel to its protected lands holding on the Keweenaw Peninsula’s iconic Brockway Mountain. MNA protects nearly 500 acres at Brockway, and works with other partners to secure a corridor of protected lands for wildlife, raptors, and rare plant species. Restoring Rare Natural Communities Across the State Enhancing prairies in Lenawee County, restoring oak barrens in Newaygo, and ongoing creation of a reserve population of Michigan’s rarest wildflower, the Lakeside Daisy, are just some of MNA actions across the state to protect rare species and imperiled natural communities. *These projects were made possible by generous challenge gifts and donations to our Endangered Species Action Fund. Thank you to all our donors for making them possible!

Wildflowers by William Rowan

Restoration and Renewal

Being Good Stewards of the Land In this year like no other, MNA suspended volunteer workdays to help keep our volunteers, staff, and communities safe. Our volunteer Stewards, MNA’s eyes and ears for our extensive nature sanctuary system, continued to stay engaged by monitoring their sanctuaries (while adhering to COVID-19 protocols) and participating in virtual gatherings and educational webinars. Despite this year’s challenges, our conservation team still completed several critical stewardship projects. Highlights include: • Completed oak barrens and savanna restoration projects at Brooks Oak Pine Barrens (Newaygo County) and Osceola Woods (Osceola County) Nature Sanctuaries. • Removed invasive species at Timberland Swamp (Oakland County), Saginaw Wetlands (Huron County), and McCulley-Bastian Nature Sanctuaries. • Repaired, replaced, or built new bridges and boardwalks at Black Creek, Franklin F. and Brenda L. Holly, James and Alice Brennan Memorial, and Anna Wilcox and Harold Warnes Memorial Nature Sanctuaries - the latter as part of an Eagle Scout Project. • Conducted spotted turtle surveys at Palmer Memorial (Kalamazoo County) with the help of Steward Dan Burton.

“Volunteers are at the heart of what makes the MNA program operate successfully; the absence of the full volunteer program this year was felt not only in the work we do, but also in the sense of community they help us build. We look forward to the time when we can again invite everyone to join us in the field.” - Andrew Bacon, Conservation Director

Connecting People to Nature

People Making a Difference In 2020, we found creative ways to keep people safe with new opportunities to explore Michigan nature and support our mission through virtual events, fundraising campaigns for land protection, and video stories. Going Virtual with the Race for Michigan Nature Our signature Race for Michigan Nature series of 5Ks and Family Fun runs enabled participants to choose their own courses and run, walk, or hike on behalf of rare species and to promote protection of important natural areas. Learning from Home 2020 included one in-person event, our regional membership meeting in February featuring Dr. Katy Greenwald for a fascinating talk on salamanders. From then on it was all virtual - and with assistance from our Huron Pines AmeriCorps member, Diana Digges, new webinars provided training for our volunteer Stewards and deeper exploration of important natural communities such as the prairie fen, as well as protection efforts for the endangered Karner blue butterfly. Campaigning for Land Protection A series of successful online fundraising initiatives for our Endangered Species Action Fund ensured the permanent protection of new lands at Brockway Mountain and our Lake Superior and Big Valley Nature Sanctuaries. Partnering for Vernal Pool Protection As a lead partner of the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership, a publicprivate partnership dedicated to the conservation of these important ecosystems, we co-hosted an online Annual Partnership meeting in December with over 170 participants. Creating Visual Stories Our hard-working conservation staff, when not tackling needed stewardship projects, hosted fun and educational video tours of several sanctuaries.

“2020 was all about learning new ways to engage MNA members, volunteers, and partners. It’s been challenging, but also exciting because online programs created opportunities to share our mission with more people. In the future MNA will be able to provide a more diverse mix of in-person and online activities to connect with people and nature across our state.” -Kara Haas Chair, MNA Development, Outreach and Education Committees

A Statewide Impact We are so grateful to our volunteers and partners who make our statewide impact possible, in particular we thank the volunteer Stewards who visited and monitored their sanctuaries during this challenging year, and we look forward to getting back in the field with each and every one of you. Among our many foundation, agency and organizational partners that contribute expertise, funding, and other support, this year we wish to especially thank the Consumers Energy Foundation, The Carls Foundation, the Community Foundation for Muskegon County, the Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Michigan Audubon, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area partners, Brooks Township, and the US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service.

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Land Acquisition 1. Rocky Point Wetlands Nature Sanctuary MNA purchased this sanctuary with funding from a North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grant in partnership with the Upper Peninsula Resource and Conservation Development Council. 2. Big Valley Nature Sanctuary Addition This 22-acre acquisition connects a ‘missing puzzle piece’ at the Nature Sanctuary, protecting more buffer habitat for the endangered Poweshiek skipperling. 3. Lake Superior Nature Sanctuary Addition MNA completed two parcel acquisitions in 2020, bringing the total size of this sanctuary to nearly 500 acres.

Nursing Bears by Thomas Wiensch




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4. Johnson Mem. Nature Sanctuary Addition This 42-acre addition on the east side of the Johnson Memorial Nature Sanctuary protects additional scenic Brockway Mountain land.

Education & Outreach

Stewardship 1. Brooks Oak-Pine Barrens Restoration MNA completed oak barrens restoration work at this sanctuary in Newaygo County with grant funding provided by The Conservation Fund and the MDNR. 2. Invasive Species Management MNA conducted invasive species managment work at several sanctuaries with funding provided by the Consumers Energy Foundation Planet Award. 3. Black Creek Nature Sanctuary This bridge replacement project improves visitor access and safety at this sanctuary in Keweenaw County. 4. Trail Development in Mason County MNA continued development of the trail at the Franklin F. and Brenda L. Holly Nature Sanctuary with the construction and installation of a bridge and boardwalk in the southern portion of the sanctuary. 5. Lakeside Daisy Reintroduction In partnership with the Michigan Karst Conservancy, MNA conducted planting of the state endangered Lakeside daisy in the Upper Peninsula. 6. Spotted Turtle Surveys MNA volunteers conducted surveys of Spotted turtles at MNA’s Palmer Memorial Nature Sanctuary in the Lower Peninsula to better understand the turtle population and habitat usage at this location.

7. Kenneth W. and Timothy S. Gunn Memorial Nature Sanctuary In partnership with the MDNR and the Keweenaw ATV Club, a parking area was constructed at this sanctuary to improve visitor access and reduce impacts to vegetation. 8. Tiffin River Nature Sanctuary Prairie enhancement and overseeding at this sanctuary in Lenawee County was funded through the Conservation Reserve Program, which is part of the USDA Farm Bill. 9. James and Alice Brennan Memorial Nature Sanctuary Bridge repairs were conducted at this sanctuary in St. Clair County with materials provided by the local Home Depot store. 10. Vermillion Point Nature Preserve Thanks to the donation of a conservation easement by the Wild Shores Foundation, MNA completed this land acquisition project early in 2020. Owned by the Little Traverse Conservancy, the preserve protects habitat for the endangered Piping Plover. 11. Eagle Scout Projects Two eagle scouts completed their service projects at MNA sanctuaries in 2020, while following socialdistancing guidelines.

1. Conservation Webinars In partnership with our Huron Pines AmeriCorps service member, MNA hosted a series of educational webinars for sanctuary stewards and the general public. 2. Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership MNA co-leads the Michigan Vernal Pool Partnership to raise awareness and conduct trainings with professionals and students, inspiring the next generation of conservationists. 3. Scavenger Hunt at Eliza Howell Park MNA worked with partners to promote conservation and nature education at this City of Detroit park in the Brightmoor neighborhood. E. Environmental Education Fund Mini-Grants MNA awarded nine field trips grants at K-12 schools across the state. Completion of these grants is on hold until it is deemed safe to do so. K. Race for Michigan Nature MNA hosted the Race for Michigan Nature, a statewide series of virtual Family Fun Runs & 5Ks.

Thank You to Our Supporters MNA is first and foremost an association of deeply committed individuals and families who generously support our work through donations, volunteer time, and quite often both. The accomplishments described in the pages of this Year in Review are because of their belief in MNA’s mission and the vital importance of protecting Michigan’s natural heritage for everyone, forever. We sincerely thank each and every one of our donors and volunteers. MNA is very appreciative of the contributions by each and every member, donor and volunteer. We have made every attempt to be accurate in our donor list, which includes donations made between November 1, 2019 and October 31, 2020; any name not included was done so unintentionally and we apologize for the omission.

Grass Pink Orchid by Dan Burton

$10,000 and up Donald and Christine Diehl Frank G. and Gertrude Dunlap Foundation Addison and Debby Igleheart David Lindberg Frank and Dorothy Pietraszewski Don and Carolyn Reed* Raymond Travis Miriam Wright Anonymous (1)

$1,000 to $9,999 Angela and William Aldrich Christiane Anderson Doris Applebaum Dr. David Baker Rebecca Brock Daniel and Stacy Burton Marilou and Thomas Capo John and Patricia Case May Chen William Cooke Melvin and Mary Ann Czechowski Robert and Linda DeLap Darcy and David Dye Aubrey and Martina Golden David Gonigam Sally Graham David & Carrie Grellmann

Rex Guelde Ann and James Hancock Frank Holly Clifford and Shirley Johnson Kurt and Maura Jung Stephen Kelley and Mary Catherine Rentz Scott and Toni Klus Anna Paulina Foundation Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Diane Krause Northstar Investment Management Carl and Marie Linhart Marion Martin William and Mary Martin Gregg Maze Nancy Maze Diane McCall Maureen Michael and Roger De Roo James Mihelcic and Karen Curry Moran FH Moore and Nancy Moore Foundation Noel Moore Margaret R. Moran Janet A Morosco Margaret Myers Drew and Karen Peslar Foundation Jackie Pozniak Ward Randol, Jr. Bill and Donna Remer Tony Reznicek Roger Rosentreter Jim and Pam Rossman

Thank You to Our Supporters

Sandra and Michael Ruddick John Schlansker Steve Tomashefsky and Rebecca Sive Nancy Steiner The Taheri Foundation Ruth Vail Robert and Helen Van Eck Glen and Edie Walter Robert Walter Andy Walz Virginia Weingate Marva Williams David and Joanne Wood Stan and Kathy Zasuwa Cathleen Zepelin Anonymous (5)

$500 to $999 Larry and Pat Bacon Leon and Linda Bakke David Baur and Bernice Natoli Kim Beal and Gladys Chrostek-Beal Pat and Ronald Beechem James Bizer Greg and Linda Bodker John and Patricia Bradtke Carol Branch and Deb Ledford David and Sharon Brooks James Buschmann and Shirley Sampier

Kristi Chapman Dotti Clune and Jill Henemyer Dr. Maureen Conner Marilyn Cooper Tony Bausano Elizabeth Dapson William and Kathy Davis William and Valerie DePriest Stephanie Diep Stan and Betsy Dole James Donaldson Julie Dorfman & Jerry Herst Tracy Dulak Kirk and Carly Fifer Mary and Terry Foltz Robert and Ruth Fountain Susan Frazier Paul Gambka Richard Greening Beach and Marianne Hall Chris and Tammy Hamilton Virginia Hathorne Robert and Elizabeth Herbst Neil and Mary Hodges Robert Kachman Karen Kane Carol Kauffman Barb Rose Yu Man Lee & Jon Noyes Nancy Lowe

Scott MacLean Ralph and Marena Markel Erin and Kent Maze Nancy McDonald John McLaren Barbara Mead Paul and Judy Kindel P. Mitchell Patrick and Christine Muldoon Jill Neuville Susan Olsen Merry Ossenheimer Ron and Helen Priest John and Diane Revitte Mary Saylor Lynn Schachinger Randall and Joyce Schau Elizabeth Seagull Jeff and Kristen Smith Donald and Karen Stearns William Sullivan Elly Sullivan Mr. John Swales Matt Swanson Kay Takahashi & Richard Brewer Martin Tatuch Kyle and Carol Troyer Roger and Rebecca Tuuk Joyce Van Ochten Stewart and Noreen Warren

Will and Joan Weber Lynn Weimeister Chris Wise Samuel Woodworth Anonymous (10)

$100 to $499 Cynthia Adams Matthew Alder Catherine H. Anderson Barb Anderson Leon Anibal Walter and Mary Louise Arnold Mark Atma and Ruth Ten Broek Jeff and Dawn Auch Ronald and Judy Backus Thomas and Linda Baes Alice Bailey Ruth Baker Amy Bakowski Beverly Bandt Phyllis Barents Michael and Carol Barnhart James Bauer Mona Baumgartel and John DeBeer John and Mary Ann Baumgartner Marjorie Bausmith Jonathon Beeton Michael and Diane Bennett

Thank You to Our Supporters

$100 to $499 Cont. Jim Bergman & Penny Hommel James Bess Ann Biek Charles and Laura Bikle Harry Bird Cathy and Terrence Blake Jenny Bond Book Worm Kathryn Booth Phillip and Mary Borkowski Bill Bouton Robert Bowden Jr. and Ann Fitzpatrick William and Angela Bowman Ms Kristine Bradof Clara Bratton Kathy Brehm Betsy Briere Linda Brown and David Dupont Theodore Brown Donald and Mary Brown Lawrence Brown Eleanor Brownell George Brueck Gerald and Rose Burke Jill Burkland and Randy Freisinger Tony and Jane Burton Carolyn and Kerry Bush Cathy and David Butts Joanne Cantoni Ruth Caputo John Carlson Julia Caroff David Cartwright

Sarah Cartwright Philip Chamberlain Christopher Chamberlin and Joanna Pease Lucy Chargot Alan Charnley, D.D.S. and Lynn Dery- Charnley Judith Kay Chase Gary and Lee Cheadle Steve and Deb Chester Joe Chmura Robert Christensen Leslie Clark Thomas Clark Pete and Shari Clason Daniel and Suzanne Closner Joseph and Kyle Cobe Gene Colby Joe and Sue Colucci Mary and Brian Connolly John Copley Gerald Coutant Cross Country Sports David Crossett Anne Crotser Lt. Col. Stephen Danis William Dashner Catherine Davis Bill Deephouse and Marcia Goodrich David DeGraaf Sharon Degraw James and Yevgenya Derian Larry and Diane Detter

Zeke and Maria Dickinson Drs. William and Robin Dickson Alfred and Alice Diebel Steven Diller Beth Doerr Anne Doran Heidi DePuydt Robert and Linda Duchene Nancy Duffy Mary Edgar Harry Eick Louise and Brad Eisenbrey Erick and Ashley Elgin Barry and Judy Endsley Toni Enright Jennifer Enzer Dagmar Eriksson David Ewert Daniel and Martina Ezekiel Wayne Falda and Ann Tideman James and Fran Falender Liz and Sam Febba Frank Gottberg Dale and Ruth Fitch Fitch Ratings, Inc. Jeff Fleming Jo Foley Jan and Brad Foxen Matthew and Terri Franzen Hank and Nghi Frechtling Annette Freid Jean Friedel Frank Galante and Paula DeGregorio

Christopher and Margaret Gale Patricia Gall Ron Gamble and Faye Stoner Liz Gannon George Gearhart Judith and James Geary Vera Gerhardt Linda Gill Robert Gill Nancy Goodrich Tim and Lynne Goodwin James Gother Chris and Elaine Graham Judith and John Graham Lloyd Wescoat Judith Grantz Pamela Gray Ioana Sonea Tom Green J.B. and Phyllis Green Rosemary Grier and John Welch Mark and Susan Griffin Tom and Nancy Grimm Frann Grossman Edward Groves and Heidi Grether David Gruenawald Suzanne Grywalski Susan Gumpper Betsey and Paul Hage Lloyd Haines Michael Hale Dennis Hall Velda Hammerbacher & William Millar

Thank You to Our Supporters

$100 to $499 Cont. Laura Hess Dan Hardie Linda and John Harris Kenneth and Cathy Hart Jane Hayes John Hazewinkel William Hamilton and Susan Heathfield Susan Helsel Larry and Mary Hennessey Kathie Hepler Jim and Peg Hertel Jim Hewitt Robert and Irene Heywood Scott Hickman Gretchen Hirsch Martha Hitchiner Bill and Vivian Hixson Melissa and Chad Hoeppner MaryAnn and Barry Hoffman Amy Hofing Doug and Marie Holem Ann Holmes Margaret Holtschlag Beth Hooley Julie Hubbard Heliane and Dale Hunscher Julie and Michael Hussar Steven Huyser-Honig Kerry and Mary Irons Abdeen Jabara and Holly Maguigan Jackson Audubon Society Cecilia Jacobson Frederick Jamsen

Babs Janko Mark and Cheryl Jenness Doug and Katharine Johnson Michael Johnson Robert Johnson Alan and Cara Jones Caroline Jordan Janet Joslyn David and Theresa Joswick Ron and Mary Junttonen Rachel Juris Mary Kafer Bill & Linda Kail Jacquelyn Kallunki Sona Kalousdian Mary Karshner Janet Kauffman Thomas Kearney Steve Keim and Vera Kraft Erika Keith Brian and Anita Kelley Woody Kellum Paula Kelly Chuck and Katie Kenney Charles Kenney Michele and Larry Kerr Susan and Michael Kielb Joellyn Kieren Hailey Kimball Paul and Judith Kindel Bill and Deborah Kingsley Sue Ellen Kingsley and Terry Kinzel Donn and Kris Kipka

Judith Kirkeby Rena & Ken Kirshenbaum Ken and Marlena Kirton John and Joanne Kleis Justin Klenk Don Klotz, Jr. David Kluck Leah Knapp The Knight Family Marjorie Kohler Margaret Kohring Ted Kozlowski Richard and Ann Kraft Jon and Nancy Kreple Kroger Community Rewards Paul Krombeen Stan and Brenda Kuchta Ponon D. Kumar, M.D. Leah and Kurt LaFrance Lawrence and Judith Larson Glenn Latinen Laughing Loon Gift Shop Marian Laughlin John Lauve Deborah Laverty John Lehman and Maureen Delaney-Lehman Kyle Lehrmann Marguerite Lentz Bill and Nancy Leonard David and Alice Lewandowski Mary Leys Patricia and James Lindsay

David Lixey John Lloyd Margaret Loffelman Noel Long Jim Long Patricia Lorandos Bruce Loughry Thomas and Elaine Lovitt Barry and Karen Ludwig Laurie and James Luth David and Sarah Lynch Kit and Wendell Lynch Mimi Lytle Diane Macaulay Jay and Beth Machielse Kathleen Mahoney and Jessica Orlando Georgia Makens Lynn and Larry Marson Mary Ann Martin

Photo by Adalyn Geissel

Thank You to Our Supporters

$100 to $499 Cont. Warren and Wendy Martin Joseph and Marilyn Martin William and Shirley Martinus Christina Martzke Kristina Masters Colleen Matula Emily Mayer Edith Maynard JB McCombs and Grace Menzel Paul and Susan McEwen Dr. Bradley McMath Patrick McNally Lucy Medendorp James Mertens Yvette Messing Kurt Meyer Michigan Gateway Community Services Barb Michniewicz and Gerald Nordblom Jeff and Cindi Middaugh Tracy Miller Rita Mitchell Mark Mitchell and Dianne Patrick Robert and Jennifer Moll Ms. Deb Montgomery Audrey Morris Anja Mueller Glenn Muhr Darren Mullen James Munro Bill and Nancy Munson Wayne Murphy Scott and Barbara Myckowiak

William Nakalsky Robert and Kimberly Ness Quock Ng Niagara Frontier Botanical Society Catherine Niessink Ken and Emily Nietering Jane Nolan Sandy Nordmark Betsy Noren Tim Nowicki Bert and Pam Nunneley Oakland Audubon Society Edward O’Brien Paul and Sally Olexia Marian Orihel DeLynne O’Toole Kamelle Allen and Tim Palazzola Jeannine Palms and Dale Petty Nigel Paneth and Ellen Pollak Alta Parsons Patricia Patterson Suzanne Pavel Charles and Son Ok Pearson Wayne Pennington Mike Penskar and Maureen Martin Joyce and Joe Peterson Terry Pfeiffer and Teri Smalley Michael Philip Jim and Betsy Pifer Joe Pitlanish Michael & Kay Ponicall James and Margaret Ponshair

Port Huron Garden Club John Porter Steve Powell Kenzi and Jonathan Pridgeon Allan and Debby Puplis Rada Radebaugh William and Barbara Rafaill Carol and Stephen Rall Bill Rapai Mark Rasmussen Mary Rasmussen and Dan Sandin Swapnil Rath Blair Reamy Adine Regan Deborah Remer Jeff Richards Timothy Richards & Constance McGuire Dana Richter David and Yolanda Richter Mark and Kathy Roberts Lynne and Jamie Robertson Sue Robinson Michael and Libby Robold Rochester Hills Women’s National Farm and Garden Kimberle Roehm Elizabeth Roque Bill and Nanno Rose Fran Rosen Dr. Lewis Rosenbaum Steven Rosswurm William and Juanita Rowan

Jerry and Fran Rucker Jim Rypkema Ruth Sablich Donna Sageman Cornelia Schaible James and Carolyn Schenden Carol and Melvin Scherpenisse Merl and Patricia Schlaack Manfred and Judith Schmidt Horst Schmidt Saundra Schneider and William Jacoby Jessica Schoeffler Debbie Schornack and Jim Zech Lynn Schram Edward and Carol Schrand Phyllis Schroeder Dr. Elizabeth Schultz Marcia Schwarz Lurline and Kingsley Sears Jan and Jim Senneker Sarah Sercombe Karlin Sevensma Michael and Cynthia Sevilla The Steve Seymour Family Mark and Mary Shantz Jack and Myrna Shapiro Elvera Shappirio David and Jeannette Sharpe Ken Shaw Sally and Greg Shoff Larry Shulman and Rhonda Rochambeau

Thank You to Our Supporters

$100 to $499 Cont. Amber Sitko Donald Smalligan and Mary Kenyon Colleen & Martin Smith Eugene & Marie Smith Dean and Anne Sousanis Jeff Sowers Nancy Spates Bill Spengler Mark St. Martin Jeff Stein Les and Jackie Stiner Nancy and Philip Stoll Kay Stremler and Ron Sell Joan and Mark Strobel John and Carol Stuht Nicole Sudduth Robert and Renee Swanson Lawrence Sweet Scott Swinton and Sylvia Morse Betty Tableman Bing Tai Kelly Tallio James Tercha Laura Bethany Thomas Esther Thorson David and Judith Thurmon William and Lenora Thurston Forrest Tiedeman & Laurine Kohler Rosemary Tinetti Janice Titiev Robert Tomasik and Norman Horowitz Paul and Alice Tomboulian Fred and Alyce Townsend

Edward Trowbridge, Jr. Paul and Catherine Tulikangas Dennis and Cheryl Turay Craig Tylenda Diane Vale Phyllis Valentine Chris Van Gorder Charlene Vanacker and David McFarlane Amanda VanderKooi Steve and Lorie VanderWall Ken VanPatten Jo Ann Viinikainen Karen and Leonard Waclawik Letitia Waitkus Roger and Wendy Walden Margaret Walter Susan Waltz & John Smith Mr David Wanty John Watts Celeste Watts Scott and Cynthia Weaver Jennifer Webb Leonard and Margaret Weber Roger and Barbara Webster Suchitra Webster Marshall Weingarden Annette Weiser Sue and John Welch Geoff Weller Michael and Michelle Wenisch Whistling Frog Tile Inc. Betty White Carolyn White

Margaret White William and Linda Wichers Marshal Wied Nancy Wierenga Robert and Clarice Williams Suzanne and Matthew Williams Gary and JoAnn Williams Williamston Red Cedar Garden Club Diane Willman Lee Wilson Shirley and Forrest Wing Alan Wiseman David Worthington Ronald and Laurie Wurst David and Kathleen Young Lars Zabel Walter Zarnoch Andrea and Xing Zhou Ray Ziarno Robert and Ruth Ziel Anonymous (86)

Photo by Marie Rust

Thank You to Our Supporters

Guardians of the Future Leaving a gift to the Michigan Nature Association in a will, trust, or life insurance policy or other planned gift has a lasting legacy. Those who have included MNA in their planned gifts are our “Guardians of the Future” because their actions are protecting the future of MNA and its nature sanctuaries across the state. The following individuals have chosen to be Guardians of the Future: Delrae M. Abbott Susan and Keith Abentrod Alec and Judy Allen Doris Applebaum John Assenmacher John Bagley Steve and Karen Benkert Elizabeth S. Bishop Greg and Linda Bodker Phillip and Mary Borkowski Jack Carso William Cooke Roger W. Cooney Betty Debus Stan and Betsy Dole Dorothy Louise Fisher Richard Foster Stephen Fox Jeff Ganley and Asansaya Pondet Barb Haman

John Hand Fay Hansen Neil and Mary Hodges Brenda Holly Frank Holly Shannon Horne Abdeen Jabara and Holly Maguigan Rama and Gokul Jinka Ronald Joseph Ronald and Janet Joslyn William and Deborah Kingsley Bruce and Patricia Loughry Norma Ludecke Linda Luneack Ralph and Marlena Markel JB McCombs and Grace Menzel Donn and Kathy Miller Betty Muller James Munro

Jill Neuville Jim and Betsy Pifer Don and Carolyn Reed Debbie Remer Michael and Libby Robold Stephen and Barbara Ross Ruth Sablich Don and Susan Schmitz Mark Sellers Ruth Sercombe Amanda Slawter Elly Sullivan Gerard and Lynette Szydlowski Edward Trowbridge, Jr. Brian and Joan Wake Betty White John Zachel Cathleen Zepelin Anonymous (15)

To learn more about how you can contribute to the Michigan Nature Association, please contact Executive Director Garret Johnson at gjohnson@michigannature.org or call (866) 223-2231. Wild Lupine by Randy Butters

Thank You to Our Supporters

Legacy: Raymond Travis Described as brilliant, unassuming, and the kindest and most gentle soul, Raymond Travis traveled Michigan, the world and its oceans to bird or to explore marine life. A math professor at the University of Detroit Mercy before he retired, Raymond was also an accomplished classical guitarist and amateur astronomer, grabbing his telescope from his home in southeast Michigan to head to the Mackinac area and explore clear night skies. Raymond’s world view tipped toward the planetary scale, according to his partner, Dr. Beverly Fogelson. He strongly believed we should take care of the place we call home as he held a deep concern for the extinction of birds and other species. When not traveling, Raymond was always reading to pursue his interest in the natural world, recognizing that humans have an obligation to protect other species. His passion for nature translated into supporting organizations he felt were making a difference; his MNA membership with his late wife, Esther, spanned nearly four decades. Sadly, Raymond passed away in 2020. He left a legacy of a purposeful life well-lived, beautiful memories for Beverly and others who knew him, and a generous bequest to MNA to further our mission. We are honored to have earned the faith and commitment in our work from this remarkable man. Photo Courtesy of Dr. Beverly Fogelson

Ogemaw Falls by Joy Ziemnick

Financial Summary Fiscal Year 2019-2020 This condensed financial statement for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2019 and ending September 30, 2020 is based on an audit prepared by the independent certified public accounting firm of Flegal and Melnik CPA. Copies of the audit and MNA’s Form 990 Report to the Internal Revenue Service for FYE 2020 are available upon request.

Expenses Administration & Fundraising 21% Conservation

Cash Receivables Investments at Market Value



Property and Equipment Sanctuary Properties Other Assets

Outreach & Education



















Accounts Payable Miscellaneous



30% 34%



Payroll and Payroll Taxes



Annuity Liability












4% 32%

Grants & Restricted Endowment

About Us Our Mission The purpose of MNA is to acquire, protect, and maintain natural areas that contain examples of Michigan’s endangered and threatened flora, fauna and other components of the natural environment, including habitat for fish, wildlife, and plants of the state of Michigan and to carry on a program of natural history study and conservation education. We envision a future where Michigan’s rare, threatened and endangered species, and imperiled natural communities thrive, and where they are valued by people and communities that embrace and benefit from Michigan’s natural heritage.

Board of Trustees


Yu Man Lee President

Garret Johnson Executive Director

Kurt Brauer Vice President


Margaret Welsch Secretary

Andrew Bacon Conservation Director

Ruth Vail Treasurer

Rachel Maranto Stewardship Coordinator, L.P.

Aubrey Golden Trustee-at-Large

Zach Pacana Regional Stewardship Organizer, E.L.P.

David Cartwright

Robb Johnston Regional Stewardship Organizer, W.L.P.

Kara Haas

Bill Atkinson Regional Stewardship Organizer, Thumb

Garret Johnson Steve Kelley

Nancy Leonard Regional Stewardship Organizer, Keweenaw

Stan Kuchta Maureen McNulty Saxton Paul Messing

Natalie Kent-Norkowski Land Protection Technician

Brandon Schroeder

Outreach & Education Julie Stoneman Outreach & Education Director Lauren Ross Communications & Events Coordinator

Diana Digges Huron Pines AmeriCorps Member

Operations Carol Schulz Finance & Administration Director Sherry Stewart Member Services Coordinator

All uncredited photography is taken from the MNA archives. Please direct questions about this publication to Communications & Events Coordinator Lauren Ross by emailing lross@michigannature.org or calling (866) 223-2231. Red-tailed hawk photo by Lauren Ross

© 2020. Except where used with permission, entire contents copyright 2020 Michigan Nature Association.

“The work MNA has done is simply irreplaceable... MNA is protecting the soul of Michigan.” Dave Dempsey

award-winning author of Ruin and Recovery: Michigan’s Rise as a Conservation Leader

Rose breasted Grosbeak by Danielle Zukowski

Michigan Nature Association 2310 Science Parkway, Suite 100 Okemos, MI 48864 www.michigannature.org

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