2021 Year in Review

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2021 Year in Review People • Land • Legacy

Michigan Nature Association

“A Quiet Moment” by Adrianna Allen

You Make a Difference Thank you for another extraordinary year. I am pleased and proud to bring you our Year in Review for 2021. Pleased because of all the significant accomplishments we made together in the past year as you’ll read in the following pages, and proud because our successes are despite another year impacted by the pandemic. I am continually humbled by the perseverance of our incredible staff, Board of Trustees, and faithful volunteers who press forward despite the challenges of remote work, lack of face-to-face contact, and even personal struggles that directly arise from these difficult times. And I am truly grateful to you and all of MNA’s generous supporters for your commitment to our mission. When there are so many needs around us, it would be easy to say that, well, nature can wait, there are more pressing concerns right now. But you and other members know that is not true. Nature needs us and we need nature, and the signs are all around us that we must persevere in our mission or risk further erosion of the places and ecological systems that support not just rare and declining species, but also the same systems that give us clean air and water, healthy wildlife, and beautiful places to explore and renew our spirits.

“Nature needs us and we need nature, and the signs are all around us that we must persevere in our mission”

Cover Photo: by William Rowan Back Cover Photo by Marilyn Keigley

By the time you receive this, we will be well into MNA’s 70th Anniversary year. In the span of seven decades, we have proved our resilience in good times and hard, and held out for a vision of a brighter future. Our remarkable story begins and remains one of ordinary citizens coming together to make a difference. And so it shall be as we work together now to leave a legacy for those future generations of ordinary citizens who will have the chance to experience, benefit from, and care for Michigan’s natural heritage because of your support today. And by the time the next Year in Review rolls around for 2022, I am confident we will have some milestone projects to report for a milestone anniversary year. I can make that prediction because I have the great, good fortune to know the people who are the Michigan Nature Association—their perseverance, their generosity, their hope for that brighter future. Let the following pages be your inspiration for the coming year, as well as confirmation of your faith in MNA, that by working together we can and do protect nature forever, for everyone.

Photo by Bill Spengler

Building a Geography of Hope

Protecting Michigan’s Natural Treasures Expanding Prairie Fen Habitat for Three Rare Species An addition to an MNA Nature Sanctuary in Van Buren County provides more prairie fen habitat for the federally threatened Eastern massasauga rattlesnake, the state special concern eastern box turtle, and the tamarack tree cricket—all focal species for fens in the Michigan’s Wildlife Action Plan. Growing a Landscape-Scale Habitat Complex A generous donation added new lands that help buffer MNA’s biologically diverse Lefglen Nature Sanctuary in Jackson County. The 200-plus-acre sanctuary and surrounding conservation lands are part of one of the largest landscapescale habitat complexes remaining in southeastern Michigan. Known as the Sharonville complex, the area contains numerous imperiled natural communities including hillside prairie, wet prairie, oak barrens, dry sand prairie, prairie fen, and oak opening--providing high wildlife and conservation values. Guarding the Big Valley Nature Sanctuary Expansion of the Big Valley Nature Sanctuary in Oakland County, which harbors a rare prairie fen, adjoining oak uplands, and an array of rare species, continued this year with the generous donation of a conversation easement on the east side of the sanctuary. The conservation-minded donors also donated the underlying fee of the parcel to Oakland County Parks. The property provides watershed and groundwater source protection, wildlife habitat, and preserves a spectacular scenic vista overlooking the sanctuary. Protecting a Major Migratory Bird Corridor MNA’s Rocky Point Wetlands Nature Sanctuary grew to 150 acres thanks to an anonymous donation. Rocky Point, along with MNA’s 763-acre Roach Point and Munuscong Lake Nature Sanctuaries, make up a landscape-scale coastal wetland complex of over 1,000 acres found along the southern shore of Munuscong Lake in the Upper Peninsula’s Chippewa County. The complex is part of the migratory bird corridor, used by multiple species of warblers and other birds, that passes through the Straits of Mackinac, along the St. Mary’s River and to Canada. Supporting New Wilderness Designation for Over 40,000 Acres MNA joined Keep the UP Wild campaign--a diverse coalition of businesses, outdoor recreation, academic, environmental, and other organizations—to push support for federal wilderness designation of some of Michigan’s last, truly wild places. Congressional designation would provide the highest level of federal protection for over 40,000 acres of public land in the Ottawa National Forest.


Research Partners

Sanctuaries as Living Laboratories

Advancing Scientific Understanding MNA’s network of over 180 Nature Sanctuaries across the state provide “living laboratories” for academic and agency researchers in our mutual quests to answer vital questions about ecology, habitat restoration and management, and endangered species recovery. We are especially proud of the contributions to national, regional, and state science made possible by supporters of MNA, and we hope to grow the research “leg of the MNA stool” in the coming years. Here are some highlights from 2021.

MNA Wetlands in National Survey The Rocky Point Wetlands Nature Sanctuary in Chippewa County was included as a wetland site in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Wetland Condition Assessment. The annual survey is intended to increase knowledge about the ecological health of wetlands across the U.S. Rocky Point, part of MNA’s more than 1,000-acre Munuscong Lake Conservation Area, protects an important stretch of relatively undisturbed and biologically diverse coastal wetland in the St. Mary’s River region of the Upper Peninsula. The sanctuary was chosen to be a reference site to serve as a standard to which other sites are compared. Fire as a Restoration Tool Dolan Nature Sanctuary in Kent County serves as one of five sites in West Michigan and Southern Wisconsin for a longterm study on the use of prescribed fire by Dr. Todd Aschenbach, a Grand Valley State University restoration ecologist. Aschenbach hopes to answer a number of questions regarding this important management tool that will build on a basic understanding that fire is a natural disturbance that imparts a level of diversity in a system. But when to burn, what species will benefit, and what burn treatments are better at controlling invasive species are questions he and his students hope to answer, which will help guide MNA’s management of natural lands. Dwarf Lake Iris Research MNA is working in partnership with the Michigan Natural Features Inventory to address several recovery goals under the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Recovery plan for the federal and state threatened dwarf lake iris. Research is underway at MNA Nature Sanctuaries to develop habitat management plans to maintain or increase populations and then monitor those populations’ response to management treatments to better understand habitat requirements of this rare plant. An outreach and education program will also be initiated.

Big Valley Nature Sanctuary by Zach Pacana

Restoration and Renewal

Being Good Stewards of the Land Stewardship covers a wide range of activities including trail and visitor amenity improvements, invasive species management, and prescribed burns, typically with help from enthusiastic volunteers across the state. MNA’s conservation staff were elated this year to have the chance to welcome back a few volunteers, working safely outdoors in small groups with proper distancing. 2021 stewardship highlights include: •

As a proud recipient of a Consumers Energy Foundation Planet Award in 2019, MNA surpassed the award goal of restoring 264 acres of habitat for rare, threatened, and endangered species across the Lower Peninsula.

Prescribed burns to manage woody invasives and restore rare natural communities at Sauk Indian Trail and Prairie Ronde Savanna Plant Preserves, and Big Valley Nature Sanctuary. Additional burns were held on other private and public lands, including the Coolbough Natural Areas in Brooks Township, Newaygo County.

Parking and other visitor improvements were made this year at the Franklin F. and Brenda L. Holly, Sharon Zahrfeld Memorial, Wade Memorial, and Black Creek Nature Sanctuaries.

Our stalwart Sanctuary Stewards helped staff monitor 100% of our Nature Sanctuaries to ensure the properties maintain the conservation values for which they were protected.

100% Sanctuaries monitored


Prescribed burns conducted

“Our Sanctuary Stewards, true conservation superheroes, helped us monitor over 180 Nature Sanctuaries this year. It’s a big job and we could not have done it without the persistence and enthusiasm of this special group of volunteers. Thank you Stewards!” - Andrew Bacon, Conservation Director


Partner research projects

Connecting People to Nature

Engaging People to Make a Difference In 2021, we continued to find creative ways to share our mission and explore Michigan nature with members and supporters. Engaging Communities with the Race for Michigan Nature Our signature Race for Michigan Nature series of 5Ks and Family Fun runs enabled participants to choose their own courses and run, walk, or hike on behalf of rare species and to promote protection of important natural areas. Learning from Home 2021 included several virtual events—the Michigan Nature at Home virtual speaker series provided an opportunity to learn more about wildlife photography, the latest research on moose and wolf dynamics on Isle Royale, and storytelling with award-winning videographers. Celebrating Art and Nature MNA helped commemorate the opening celebration of a stickwork sculpture in partnership with the City of Detroit’s Eliza Howell Park. Created by nationally-known artist Patrick Dougherty and community volunteers, the work was commissioned by Sidewalk Detroit, a Detroit arts nonprofit and partner, along with MNA, in the Eliza Howell Park Partnership. The unique sculpture supports the EHPP’s mission to connect visitors to the park’s natural beauty and resources. Adding a New Landscape Feature to Help Chimney Swifts With the leadership and construction skills of two outstanding volunteers and a partnership with Michigan Audubon, a chimney swift tower was installed on the grounds of MNA’s office building in Okemos, Michigan. The tower integrates with native plant landscaping changes MNA initiated to be more bird, bee, and pollinator friendly. The tower will help educate visitors about the steep population decline of chimney swifts while providing potential roosting habitat for this fascinating bird. Nurturing Future Conservationists The talents and skills of communications and stewardship interns made a big difference in our vernal pools, communications, and Newaygo area stewardship work. Two seasonal positions were created to complete grant-funded stewardship work at Brooks Oak-Pine Barrens and Karner Blue Nature Sanctuaries, and Coolbough Natural Areas. These positions were funded through the Consumers Energy Planet Award and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Private Lands Program grant.

Fostering Research

Partnering for Rare Species Supporting International Partnership for Michigan’s Rarest Butterfly The Minnesota Zoo, John Ball Zoo, and Michigan State University’s Haddad Lab cooperated to provide a captive rearing program as part of an international partnership, that includes MNA, to prevent the extinction of the critically endangered Poweshiek skipperling. This year, MNA allowed the collection of a female butterfly from an Oakland County Nature Sanctuary to help bolster the size and genetic diversity of this ex situ (offsite conservation) population. While in captivity, she laid 22 eggs before being safely returned to the sanctuary. Recovering Habitat for the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake MNA coordinated and facilitated restoration work among partners including Michigan Natural Features Inventory and Grand Valley State University as part of a multi-year grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The grant covers population surveys and monitoring, habitat connectivity analyses, risk factor assessments, and education and outreach efforts to increase public support and tolerance for the Eastern massasauga rattlesnake. In the first year of the grant, MNA also conducted habitat management and restoration at both publicly and privately-owned areas occupied by the rattlesnake in the Upper Shiawassee River Watershed in Oakland County. Partnering for Vernal Pools MNA continued its co-leadership role with the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership—a statewide, private/public partnership that works to increase awareness, understanding, and protection of vernal pools and the unique assemblage of plants and animals they support through conservation, research & mapping, education & outreach, and collaboration. This year’s Annual Meeting drew nearly 200 vernal pool enthusiasts. Protecting a Rare Snake with New Technology A unique research project is underway as part of a partnership between MNA, John Ball Zoo, and the Michigan Natural Features Inventory to monitor the state endangered and critically imperiled copperbelly water snake at an MNA Nature Sanctuary in the southern Lower Peninsula. Using a combination of game cameras and traditional drift fences, field observation time of the snake will be increased with minimal human presence and disturbance of the habitat. An additional benefit of the technology will be the ability to gather data to learn more about many other reptiles, amphibians, and small creatures that call the sanctuary home. Searching for Rare Turtles—with Dogs! MNA teamed up with the Sarett Nature Center and other partners to bring in specially-trained Boykin Spaniels to search for rare Eastern box turtles at MNA’s Dowagiac Woods Nature Sanctuary and other natural lands in southwest Michigan. The dogs’ superior skills at sniffing out turtles make them a great alternative to searching by humans; the turtle’s unique markings make them difficult to spot. The surveys help us understand usage habits and help guide sanctuary management decisions.

A Statewide Impact MNA’s work would not be possible without the support of our many state and federal agency and organizational partners, foundations, colleges and universities, and local communities. Space prevents a complete list but we wish to thank the following for their assistance in in 2021: Consumers Energy Foundation, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Wild Turkey Foundation, Michigan Karst Conservancy, Poweshiek Skipperling International Partnership, John Ball Zoo and the Haddad Laboratory at Michigan State University, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Michigan State University Extension, Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership, Grand Valley State University, Eastern Michigan University, Michigan Audubon, Brooks Township, Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative, MiSTEM, and the Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area partners. We especially thank our volunteers, interns, and Sanctuary Stewards for their stalwart dedication in another challenging year.





Land Acquisition 1. Butternut Creek Nature Sanctuary MNA’s purchase of an additional parcel at supports long-term goals of creating an open prairie fen and wet meadow corridor along the Butternut Creek. 2. Big Valley Nature Sanctuary The generous land owners donated a Conservation Easement at this sanctuary in Oakland County, protecting more buffer habitat for the endangered Poweshiek skipperling. 3. Lefglen Nature Sanctuary Addition A donated parcel creates a second parking area at the sanctuary and increases access to the trail system for both stewardship work and visitation.

Memorial Falls by Neil Weaver


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4. Rocky Point Wetlands Nature Sanctuary An anonymous gift made possible a property addition bringing the total sanctuary size to nearly 150 acres and protecting important wetlands in MNA’s 1,000+ acre Munuscong Lake Conservation Area.

Stewardship 1. Sanctuary Access Improvements MNA completed acess improvement projects at our Sharon Zahrfeld Memorial, Franklin F. and Brenda L. Holly, and Wade Memorial Nature Sanctuaries to increase visitor enjoyment and safety when exploring the sanctuaries’ trails. At Sharon Zahrfeld Memorial, MNA also installed gates that will help reduce unauthorized use at the sanctuary. 2. Trail Improvements at Twin Waterfalls MNA’s popular sanctuary, the Twin Waterfalls Memorial Plant Preserve, was closed to visitors in early 2021 to undergo extensive trail rerouting, address significant erosion, and provide a more enjoyable experience. 3. Prairie Fen Restoration at Lakeville Swamp This restoration project, funded through the Consumers Energy Foundation’s Planet Award, consisted of woody shrub and tree management, as well as prescribed burn and herbicide treatment of invasive species at the sanctuary. 4. Grassland Restoration with Prescribed Burn These prescribed burns were conducted in the spring at two small prairie and savanna remnant sanctuaries in the southern Lower Peninsula. 5. Invasive Species Management in Oakland County MNA hired a contractor to burn about 30 acres at a Nature Sanctuary in the spring to improve the quality of the prairie fen and wildlife habitat for rare species at the sanctuary. These projects were funded by a USFWS grant.

6. Restoration in Newaygo County With funding provided by MDNR, Consumers Energy Foundation, and the Wild Turkey Federation, conservation stewardship interns completed habitat improvement and invasive species management projects at several Nature Sanctuaries and adjacent natural areas —restoring 90 acres of habitat in total.

12. Eagle Scout Project One eagle scout completed their service project at MNA’s Anna Wilcox and Harold Warnes Memorial Nature Sanctuary, while following social-distancing guidelines.

Education & Outreach

7. Planet Award Work at Dolan Nature Sanctuary With funding through the Consumers Energy Foundation Planet Award, MNA continued removing woody overgrowth to restore a contiguous 30-acre savannah.

1. Michigan Nature at Home Speaker Series MNA held six virtual events as part of this series, including presentations by Michigan Notable authors, conservation scientists, and photographers from around the state.

8. Partnership Research Projects Underway Several MNA Nature Sanctuaries were host to academic and agency researchers whose research seeks answers to vital questions about ecology, habitat restoration and management, and endangered species recovery.

2. Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership MNA co-leads the Michigan Vernal Pool Partnership to raise awareness and conduct trainings with professionals and students, inspiring the next generation of conservationists.

9. Phillips Family Memorial Nature Sanctuary MNA conducted invasive species management activities at this sanctuary in Van Buren County as part of the Consumers Energy Foundation Planet Award.

3. Stickwork Sculpture at Eliza Howell Park MNA participated in the Opening Celebration of an exciting new stickwork sculpture at the City of Detroit’s Eliza Howell Park as part of the Eliza Howell Park Patnership.

10. Chimney Swift Tower Construction In partnership with Michigan Audubon, two volunteers constructed and installed a chimney swift tower in the natural pollinator landscaping at the Okemos office. 11. Keep the U.P. Wild Campaign MNA is proud to have joined a growing and diverse network of several hundred organizations in support of designating over 40,000 acres of the Ottawa National Forest as wilderness area.

E. Environmental Education Fund Mini-Grants This year, T.R. Davis Elementary School received an MNA field trip grant to visit Estivant Pines Nature Sanctuary. K. Race for Michigan Nature MNA hosted the Race for Michigan Nature as a statewide virtual 5K and the Moose on the Loose 5K in-person in Marquette.

Thank You to Our Supporters We are so grateful to the thousands of individuals and families who believe in and support MNA. Their commitment results in the accomplishments described in this Year in Review, as well as so many more over our 70-year history. MNA’s inspiring story, long history, and incredible track record of success are remarkable and only possible because of our donors and volunteers—we thank them all for their inspiring contributions to conservation in Michigan through their support of MNA. MNA is very appreciative of the contributions by each and every member, donor, and volunteer. We have made every attempt to be accurate in our donor list, which includes donations made in the fiscal year between October 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021; any name not included was done so unintentionally and we apologize for the omission.

$10,000 and up Donald and Christine Diehl Dr. James H. LoPrete Jim Hewitt Addison and Debby Igleheart Kurt and Maura Jung Susan Miller Anne and Paul Pancella* Don and Carolyn Reed* John Schlansker Kay Takahashi & Richard Brewer Ray Ziarno* Anonymous (2)

$1,000 to $9,999 Christiane Anderson Doris Applebaum* Dr. David Baker Rebecca Brock Gloria Brushwyler Daniel Burton May Chen William Cooke* Melvin and Mary Ann Czechowski Robert and Linda DeLap Darcy and David Dye David Gonigam Sally Graham Chris Grant

Photo by Deb Traxinger

David & Carrie Grellmann Rex Guelde Ann and James Hancock Frank Holly* Stephen Kelley and Mary Catherine Rentz Scott and Toni Klus Diane Krause Libby Maynard Nancy Maze Diane McCall Paul and Judy Kindel Noel Moore Evan and Sue Noyes Merry Ossenheimer Drew and Karen Peslar Foundation Jackie Pozniak Ward Randol, Jr. Bill and Donna Remer Tony Reznicek Roger Rosentreter Jim and Pam Rossman Steve Tomashefsky and Rebecca Sive Martin Tatuch The Taheri Foundation Ruth Vail Robert and Helen Van Eck Robert Walter Andy Walz Marva Williams Joanne Wood Stan and Kathy Zasuwa

Thank You to Our Supporters

Cathleen Zepelin* Anonymous (5)

$500 to $999 Mary Bacon Leon and Linda Bakke David Baur and Bernice Natoli Kim Beal and Gladys Chrostek-Beal Pat and Ronald Beechem Rosemary Bell and Thomas Kosel James Bizer Carol Branch and Deb Ledford David and Sharon Brooks Eleanor Brownell James Buschmann Marilou and Thomas Capo Kristi Chapman Marilyn Cooper Elizabeth Dapson William and Valerie DePriest Stephanie Diep James Donaldson Julie Dorfman & Jerry Herst Arne and Carol Drake Susan Frazier Vera Gerhardt Aubrey and Martina Golden Beach and Marianne Hall Virginia Hathorne

Robert and Elizabeth Herbst Neil and Mary Hodges* Robert Kachman Karen Kane Chuck and Katie Kenney Yu Man Lee Nancy Lowe Ralph and Marena Markel* Jeanne Marsh and Steve Shevell William and Mary Martin Erin and Kent Maze Gregg Maze Nancy McDonald John McLaren Maureen Michael and Roger DeRoo James Mihelcic and Karen Curry Moran P. E. Mitchell Monday Night Running Club Margaret R. Moran Janet A Morosco Patrick and Christine Muldoon Margaret Myers Susan Olsen William and Barbara Rafaill Ruth Sablich* Mary Saylor Lynn Schachinger Randall and Joyce Schau Larry Shulman and Rhonda Rochambeau

Jeff and Kristen Smith Nancy Steiner Elly Sullivan* William Sullivan James Tercha Rosemary Tinetti Kyle and Carol Troyer Joyce Van Ochten Glen Walter Chris Wise Samuel Woodworth Michael Yales Anonymous (5)

$100 to $499 Susan and Keith Abentrod* Academic Internal Medicine Associates Cynthia Adams Tom Ala Angela and William Aldrich Leon Anibal Walter and Mary Louise Arnold Thomas and Linda Baes Amy Bakowski Mr. and Mrs. Leland K. Bassett James Bauer Mona Baumgartel and John DeBeer Nancy and Alan Bedell Jonathon Beeton

Michael and Diane Bennett Jim Bergman & Penny Hommel Charles and Laura Bikle Harry Bird Cathy and Terrence Blake David and Sandy Blumenthal Greg Bodker* Jenny Bond Kathryn Booth Phillip and Mary Borkowski* Katherine Borneman William and Angela Bowman John and Patricia Bradtke Clara Bratton Kathryn Brehm Ralph and Elizabeth Bremigan Kathryn Bricker John Brody Donald and Mary Brown Lawrence Brown Linda Brown and David Dupont Theodore Brown George Brueck Gerald and Rose Burke Tony and Jane Burton Lee Burton and Roberta Shaw-Reeves Carolyn and Kerry Bush Cathy and David Butts Joanne Cantoni Ruth Caputo

Thank You to Our Supporters

$100 to $499 Cont. David Cartwright Sarah Cartwright John and Patricia Case Philip Chamberlain Christopher Chamberlin and Joanna Pease Alan Charnley, D.D.S. and Lynn DeryCharnley James and Kimberly Chiavaras Robert Christensen Michael and Terri Clark Thomas Clark Pete and Shari Clason Daniel and Suzanne Closner Dotti Clune and Jill Henemyer Joseph and Kyle Cobe Community Foundation for Southeast MI Mary and Brian Connolly Michael and Sylvia Cooper John Copley Gerald Coutant David Crossett Catherine Davis Irene Day Bill Deephouse and Marcia Goodrich David DeGraaf James and Yevgenya Derian Zeke and Maria Dickinson Drs. William and Robin Dickson Alfred and Alice Diebel Joachim Domeier Eric & Tiffany Doolittle Anne Doran

Nancy Duffy Harry Eick Ron Emaus and Jan Sovak Barry and Judy Endsley Toni Enright Jennifer Enzer Daniel and Martina Ezekiel Wayne Falda and Ann Tideman James and Fran Falender Liz and Sam Febba William and Wanda Ferguson* Jo Foley Mary and Terry Foltz Richard Foster* Robert and Ruth Fountain Hank and Nghi Frechtling Frederick V Pankow Center Annette Freid Jean Friedel Philip Gagliano Frank Galante and Paula DeGregorio Paul Gambka Ron Gamble and Faye Stoner Liz Gannon Linda Gill Richard and Marianne Glosenger Nancy Goodrich Judith Grantz Pamela Gray Ioana Sonea Tom Green Richard Greening Rosemary Grier and John Welch

Suzanne Grywalski Maryanne and Rodney Guest Susan Gumpper Betsey and Paul Hage Michael Hale Chris and Tammy Hamilton Velda Hammerbacher & William Millar Dan Hardie Linda and John Harris Maia Hausler Cole and Priscilla Hawkins Marian Hawkins Jane Hayes William Hamilton and Susan Heathfield Lisa Helm Jon Helmrich Joe Hemming Larry and Mary Hennessey Scott Hickman Sandra Hill Gretchen Hirsch Martha Hitchiner Bill and Vivian Hixson Melissa and Chad Hoeppner Doug and Marie Holem Ann Holmes Margaret Holtschlag Beth Hooley David Howell Julie Hubbard Patricia Huebner Heliane and Dale Hunscher Julie and Michael Hussar

Donald Isleib Jackson Audubon Society Cecilia Jacobson Mark and Cheryl Jenness Doug and Katharine Johnson Laurie and Thomas Johnson Janet Joslyn* David and Theresa Joswick Rachel Juris Jacquelyn Kallunki Sona Kalousdian Janet Kauffman Thomas Kearney Marilyn Keigley Paula Kelly Bob and Judy Kelly Michele and Larry Kerr Susan and Michael Kielb Joellyn Kieren Hailey Kimball Paul and Judith Kindel Bill and Deborah Kingsley* Sue Ellen Kingsley and Terry Kinzel Elizabeth Kinney Judith Kirkeby Rena & Ken Kirshenbaum Ken and Marlena Kirton John and Joanne Kleis Justin Klenk Don Klotz, Jr. The Knight Family Marjorie Kohler Margaret Kohring

Thank You to Our Supporters

$100 to $499 Cont. Elizabeth Koscielniak Richard and Ann Kraft Jon and Nancy Kreple Paul Krombeen Heather Kuikstra Daniel LaBar David and Jacqueline Lancaster Lawrence and Judith Larson Glenn Latinen Laughing Loon Marian Laughlin John Lauve Deborah Laverty John Lehman and Maureen DelaneyLehman Kyle Lehrmann Patricia and James Lindsay John Lloyd Margaret Loffelman Noel Long Bruce Loughry* Barry and Karen Ludwig Laurie and James Luth David and Sarah Lynch Mimi Lytle Jay and Beth Machielse Jacqueline Mair Lynn and Larry Marson Warren and Wendy Martin Colleen Matula Emily Mayer Edith Maynard JB McCombs and Grace Menzel*

Tom McCormack Barbara Mead James Mertens Tracy Miller Mark Mitchell and Dianne Patrick Rita Mitchell Robert and Jennifer Moll Julie Moylan Anja Mueller Glenn Muhr Darren Mullen Bill and Nancy Munson Wayne Murphy William Nakalsky Robert and Kimberly Ness Jill Neuville* Niagara Frontier Botanical Society Catherine Niessink Emily Nietering Sandy Nordmark Donna and Thomas Nowak Tim Nowicki Bert and Pam Nunneley Edward O’Brien Mary O’Connor DeLynne O’Toole Oakland Audubon Society Christi Palmer Jeannine Palms and Dale Petty Nigel Paneth and Ellen Pollak Jack and Levinia Parker Alta Parsons Charles and Son Ok Pearson

Joyce and Joe Peterson Michael Philip Jim and Betsy Pifer* Joe Pitlanish Judy Pleshe James and Margaret Ponshair Steve Powell Carol and Stephen Rall Mary Rasmussen and Dan Sandin Michael and Susan Raymond

Blair Reamy Margo and Bob Rebar John and Diane Revitte Jeff Richards Timothy Richards & Constance McGuire Patricia Richardson David and Yolanda Richter Carolyn Roberts Sue Robinson Michael and Libby Robold*

Photo by Marilyn Keigley

Thank You to Our Supporters

$100 to $499 Cont. Rochester Garden Club Cheryl and Rick Rodbard Rocky Roll Elizabeth Roque Fran Rosen Kenneth Rosenman Ralph and Elizabeth Rossell Steven Rosswurm Peter Rothe Jerry and Fran Rucker Sandra and Michael Ruddick Jim Rypkema Mark Sanderson Cornelia Schaible James and Carolyn Schenden Carol and Melvin Scherpenisse Merl and Patricia Schlaack Horst Schmidt Judith Schmidt* Lynn Schram Edward and Carol Schrand Phyllis Schroeder Dr. Elizabeth Schultz Susan and Fred Schultz Marcia Schwarz Elizabeth Seagull Jan and Jim Senneker Karlin Sevensma Michael and Cynthia Sevilla Mark and Mary Shantz Jack and Myrna Shapiro Elvera Shappirio Photo by Trafford Hannon

David and Jeannette Sharpe Judith Shaughnessy Ken Shaw Sally and Greg Shoff Donald Smalligan and Mary Kenyon Colleen & Martin Smith Eugene & Marie Smith Linnea Smith Nancy Spates Bill Spengler Donald and Karen Stearns Les and Jackie Stiner Nancy and Philip Stoll Kay Stremler and Ron Sell Joan and Mark Strobel Nicole Sudduth William Swain Mr. John Swales Matt Swanson Lawrence Sweet Scott Swinton and Sylvia Morse Bing Tai Kelly Tallio Linsey Tankersley Elinor Taylor Esther Thorson William and Lenora Thurston Janice Titiev Susan Tomajko Jeffrey Toman Paul Tomboulian Fred and Alyce Townsend

Thank You to Our Supporters

$100 to $499 Cont. Paul and Catherine Tulikangas Diane Vale Phyllis Valentine Charlene Vanacker and David McFarlane Steve and Lorie Vander Wall Michele VanEsley John VanPatten Ken VanPatten Joseph Verreau and Laura Bates Jo Ann Viinikainen Karen and Leonard Waclawik Letitia Waitkus Brian and Joan Wake* Roger and Wendy Walden Susan Waltz & John Smith Mr David Wanty Stewart and Noreen Warren Celeste Watts John Watts Leonard and Margaret Weber Will and Joan Weber Suchitra Webster Lynn Weimeister Annette Weiser Sue and John Welch Geoff Weller Michael and Michelle Wenisch Whistling Frog Tile Inc. Carolyn White Margaret White William and Linda Wichers Marshal Wied Gary and JoAnn Williams

Diane Willman Shirley and Forrest Wing Alan Wiseman Steve Wisinski Bruce Wolck Janet Wolf David and Kathleen Young Walter Zarnoch Robert and Ruth Ziel Anonymous (73)

Photo by Winnie Chrzanowski

Thank You to Our Supporters

Guardians of the Future Leaving a gift to the Michigan Nature Association in a will, trust, or life insurance policy or other planned gift has a lasting legacy. Those who have included MNA in their planned gifts are our “Guardians of the Future” because their actions are protecting the future of MNA and its nature sanctuaries across the state. The following individuals have chosen to be Guardians of the Future: Delrae M. Abbott Susan and Keith Abentrod Alec and Judy Allen Doris Applebaum John Assenmacher Steve and Karen Benkert Elizabeth S. Bishop Greg and Linda Bodker Phillip and Mary Borkowski Jack Carso William Cooke Roger W. Cooney Betty Debus Stan and Betsy Dole William and Wanda Ferguson Richard Foster Stephen Fox Jeff Ganley and Asansaya Pondet Barb Haman

John Hand Fay Hansen Neil and Mary Hodges Brenda Holly Frank Holly Shannon Horne Abdeen Jabara and Holly Maguigan Rama and Gokul Jinka Ronald and Janet Joslyn William and Deborah Kingsley Bruce and Patricia Loughry Linda Luneack Ralph and Marena Markel JB McCombs and Grace Menzel Donn and Kathy Miller Betty Muller James Munro Jill Neuville

Anne Pancella Jim and Betsy Pifer Don and Carolyn Reed Debbie Remer Michael and Libby Robold Stephen and Barbara Ross Ruth Sablich Judith Schmidt Don and Susan Schmitz Amanda Slawter Elly Sullivan Gerard and Lynette Szydlowski Edward Trowbridge, Jr. Stewart A. Vining, Jr. Brian and Joan Wake Cathleen Zepelin Ray Ziarno Anonymous (11)

To learn more about how you can contribute to the Michigan Nature Association, please contact Executive Director Garret Johnson at gjohnson@michigannature.org or call (866) 223-2231. Photo by Linda Fox

Thank You to Our Supporters

Legacy: Ruth Sablich In a way, Ruth Sablich is creating a legacy twice over. The first was her extraordinary gift of the Black Creek Nature Sanctuary near Calumet in the Keweenaw Peninsula. It was land that she and her husband Joe, both from the U.P., purchased as a place to ultimately retire. Ruth grew up in Calumet and they just loved the area around Cedar Bay, spending many summers visiting their property even after work brought them to the lower peninsula. Sadly, Joe passed away before they could make their retirement dream come true. Deeply concerned about future development and wanting to see her land protected, Ruth learned about private land conservation, which ultimately brought her to MNA. She generously donated the first 121 acres to MNA in 1991, then spearheaded local efforts to raise funds to expand the sanctuary. Her success added more parcels so that the now 242-acre sanctuary welcomes visitors to hike, cross-country ski, and snowshoe through its beautiful forests, wetlands, dunes, and shoreline. “It would have been terrible for that land to be developed. I just love nature and the Keweenaw Peninsula—it is still home to me. It makes all the difference in the world knowing that it is protected by MNA for the future and that anyone can visit it,” she explained.

Ruth Sablich at Black Creek Nature Sanctuary in Keweenaw County.

The second way that she creates a legacy is through her strong interest in sustaining MNA’s conservation work over time. Ruth’s generosity and belief in protecting land forever led her to formally become a Guardian of the Future when she included MNA in her will. “I can’t do everything,” she adds, “But making a planned gift is one way someone can help and support MNA long into the future.”

Photo by Dustyn Blindert

Financial Summary Fiscal Year 2020-2021 This condensed financial statement for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020 and ending September 30, 2021 is based upon preliminary financial statements being audited by the independent accounting firm of Flegal and Melnik CPA. Copies of the audit and MNA’s Form 990 Report to the Internal Revenue Service for FYE 2021 are available upon request.

Expenses 21%

Administration & Fundraising

















Accounts Payable



Payroll and Payroll Taxes



Annuity Liability















Receivables Investments at Market Value


Property and Equipment Sanctuary Properties Outreach & Education


Income Contributions Endowment 27%

21% Grants & Restricted




About Us Our Mission The purpose of MNA is to acquire, protect, and maintain natural areas that contain examples of Michigan’s endangered and threatened flora, fauna, and other components of the natural environment, including habitat for fish, wildlife, and plants of the state of Michigan and to carry on a program of natural history study and conservation education. We envision a future where Michigan’s rare, threatened, and endangered species, and imperiled natural communities thrive, and where they are valued by people and communities that embrace and benefit from Michigan’s natural heritage.

Board of Trustees


Executive Committee


Yu Man Lee President

Garret Johnson Executive Director

Kurt Brauer Vice President


Ruth Vail Treasurer/Secretary

Andrew Bacon Conservation Director

Aubrey Golden Trustee-at-Large

Rachel Maranto Stewardship Coordinator, L.P.

Garret Johnson Executive Director

Zach Pacana Regional Stewardship Organizer, E.L.P.

Trustees David Cartwright Kara Haas Maureen McNulty Saxton Brandon Schroeder

Robb Johnston Regional Stewardship Organizer, W.L.P. Bill Atkinson Regional Stewardship Organizer, Thumb Nancy Leonard Regional Stewardship Organizer, Keweenaw Natalie Kent-Norkowski Land Protection Technician

Outreach & Education Julie Stoneman Outreach & Education Director Lauren Ross Communications & Events Coordinator

Operations Carol Schulz Finance & Administration Director Lorenzo Kleine Membership Services & Administrative

All uncredited photography is taken from the MNA archives. Please direct questions about this publication to Communications & Events Coordinator Lauren Ross by emailing lross@michigannature.org or calling (866) 223-2231. Red-tailed hawk photo by Lauren Ross

© 2021. Except where used with permission, entire contents copyright 2021 Michigan Nature Association.

“The work MNA has done is simply irreplaceable... MNA is protecting the soul of Michigan.” Dave Dempsey

award-winning author of Ruin and Recovery: Michigan’s Rise as a Conservation Leader

Fred and Ethel Walker Memorial Nature Sanctary photo by Zach Pacana

Michigan Nature Association 2310 Science Parkway, Suite 100 Okemos, MI 48864 www.michigannature.org

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