MC digital edition 8.2.23

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“Wake Up America” In Remembrance of Queen Mother Joann N. Watson

Last week, I was blessed beyond measure to witness and to join in the remarkable homegoing celebration of the life, legacy and liberation of The Honorable Reverend Dr. Joann Nichols Watson (1951-2023) in the splendid sanctuary of Fellowship Chapel United Church of Christ in the heart of Detroit, Michigan.

The Reverend Dr. Wendell Anthony, Senior Pastor of Fellowship Chapel and President of the Detroit Branch of the NAACP, rendered an impassioned and affirming eulogy for Queen Mother Joann N. Watson.

During the homegoing service, I was privileged to sit next to The Reverend Mark Thompson, a devoted colleague in the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA). While there were many important and timely affirmations made throughout the service from elected officials, civil rights associates, family members, and during the transformative eulogistic sermon by Reverend Dr. Anthony, there was one enduring message: We all still have work to continue to do. We have to keep fighting for freedom, justice, equality and equity at all levels as exemplified by the life of Joann N. Watson.

This is not the time to relax, retreat, or to revise our centuries-long struggle for liberation, empowerment, and sustainability. The legacy of Sister Leader Watson was her consistency, her courage, and her compassion for the least of these among us in America, in Africa and throughout the Diaspora.

Simply put, Joann Nichols Watson was a gifted, multitalented, ordained preacher, freedom fighter. She was one of a long line of committed Queen Mothers of our global freedom movement. Joan Watson had a very long list of “records” highlighted by Rev. Anthony. This sister leader had real “receipts.” Joann Watson had the grassroots and street credibility of Fannie Lou Hamer and the fearless courage of Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks along with the theological vision of Coretta Scott King and Winnie Mandela.

Watson was the first woman Executive Director of the Detroit NAACP, an elected member of the Detroit City Council, founding President of the National Association of Black Talk Show Hosts, and a leader of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (NCOBRA).

“Wake Up Detroit” was one of the famous and outstanding quotes from Queen Mother Joann Watson that hundreds of thousands of Detroiters would hear each morning on the radio throughout the city and Wayne County, Michigan.

Given the fact that today in America, Black Americans and other communities of color are being told to shut up, stay asleep, don’t stay woke, keep quiet, enjoy the bene-



Detroit ‘Momtrepreneur’


Healthy Living with New Fresh & Pressed Juice Bar City.Life.Style. B1

Envisioning Reparations for Detroit’s Black Community

Detroit has taken significant strides toward justice and equity with the formation of a Reparations Task Force, and the task force is ramping up its efforts to make reparations a reality for residents.

Inspired by the transformative efforts of neighboring cities, Detroit envisions a future where reparations can drive positive change, economic empowerment, and historical reconciliation within the Black community.

The prospect of economic empowerment stands out as a potential outcome of the reparations task force. By providing financial reparations, Black people may receive support to start businesses, pursue homeownership, or invest in local projects. This capital infusion can create a self-sustaining economic growth and prosperity cycle, bolstering the community’s overall well-being.

Education is another vital aspect the task force wants to address. By offering scholarships and grants to Black youths, it aims to bridge the gap in educational attainment and foster a culture of higher education within the community. This could lead to improved career opportunities and a stronger workforce in the city.

Healthcare investments also hold immense promise. The task force may advocate for funding healthcare facilities in Black neighborhoods, ensuring access to quality and affordable healthcare for all residents. This could be crucial in addressing racial disparities in health outcomes and improving overall community health.

A $12 Million Catalyst:

Reimagining Detroit’s Midtown Cultural Center Museum District

Reforming the housing sector is another priority for the task force. By tackling systemic housing discrimination, the task force hopes to promote affordable housing initiatives and home ownership programs that specifically benefit Black families. This would contribute to closing the racial wealth gap and fostering stability within the community.

According to the task force’s agenda, the criminal justice system could also see significant changes through reparations. The task force wants to work toward offering support to those affected by the system’s long-standing biases. This could include providing legal assistance, community reintegration programs, and support for families impacted by the prison system, ultimately fostering a fairer and more just society.

Community development would also be a focus of the reparations task force. Investments in infrastructure, public services, and recreational facilities could revitalize neighborhoods, leading to healthier and more vibrant communities.

On another level, the ramping up of the reparations task force would be an acknowledgment of the historical injustices faced by the Black community. This recognition and reconciliation process could be a source of healing and unity, paving the way for a stronger, more cohesive city.

“It is long overdue for the assessment and creation of meaningful and tangible economic benefits to repair the systemic disadvantages and damages that have taken place in this city and in this country for generations. I am continually working with the task force to ensure progress is being made in respect to the

recent passing of Detroit icon and activist JoAnn Watson. We are all working diligently to ensure there is movement within this effort and in her honor,” City Council President Mary Sheffield said.

Regarding the impact on Black Detroiters after the passing of the late activist Rev. Dr. JoAnn Watson, the renewed vigor of the reparations task force would be a testament to her legacy and dedication to social justice. Her tireless efforts have undoubtedly laid the groundwork for such transformative steps. The passing of the torch to the new generation of Black activists will see their passion and drive channeled toward influencing the task force’s decisions and ensuring its success.

The task force’s work aligns with the principles and values that Watson embodied throughout her life, providing Black Detroiters with renewed hope and determination to carry forward her vision. This new generation of activists will have the opportunity to actively participate in shaping the city’s future actively actively, ensuring that the outcomes of the reparations process directly benefit and uplift their community.

The potential outcomes of the Detroit Reparations Task Force hold great promise for Black Detroiters. From economic empowerment and improved education to better healthcare access and housing reform, these steps can address historical inequities and foster a more inclusive and just society. Moreover, the passing of Rev. Dr. JoAnn Watson’s legacy should inspire the new generation of Black activists, propelling them to actively engage and influence positive change within the city they love.

Judge Dismisses Tulsa Race Massacre Lawsuit, Deepening Wounds of Injustice

The Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 is a haunting reminder of one of the darkest chapters in American history. As the 100th anniversary of the tragic event approached, hopes were high that justice would finally be served to the victims and their descendants.

However, those hopes were dashed when a judge dismissed a recent lawsuit seeking reparations for the survivors and their families. The denial of justice in this case not only perpetuates the wounds of the past but also sends a disheartening message to African Americans actively pursuing reparations and accountability for the sins of the past.

The Tulsa Race Massacre, also known as the Black Wall Street Massacre, occurred on May 31 and June 1, 1921, in the Greenwood District of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was a

thriving Black community known for its economic prosperity and cultural richness. Tragically, it was targeted and destroyed by a white mob that attacked with guns, bombs, and arson, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Black residents and the complete decimation of the economically and culturally enriched neighborhood.

For decades, this horrifying event was swept under the rug, and the survivors and their descendants were left to suffer the consequences without any semblance of justice or reparations. However, in recent years, there has been a growing movement to acknowledge the massacres of the past and provide restitution to those affected.

The recent lawsuit filed by the survivors and descendants of the Tulsa Race Massacre aimed to hold the city of Tulsa, the state of Oklahoma, and other entities accountable for their role in the massacre and its aftermath. The plaintiffs sought reparations for the loss of lives, property, and generational wealth that was wiped out during that fateful period. The case was seen as a crucial step towards rectifying the historical injustices and healing the wounds that still linger in the community.

However, despite the weight of historical evidence and the emotional testimonies of survivors and their families, a judge dismissed the lawsuit. The reasons for the dismissal may have varied, ranging from legal technicalities to perceived barriers in proving causality between the events of 1921 and the current conditions in the community. Regard-

Vol. 86 – No. 48 | August 2-8, 2023 Powered by Real Times Media | Roots. A3 See LAWSUIT page A2
Michigan Chronicle
Photo Credit: credited: Courtesy of U-M Ford School Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr.

Wake Up America

fits of enslavement, don’t vote, engage in self-destruction, be hopeless, and to accept consignment to poverty, police brutality, racial hatred and indignity, l believe that Joann Watson’s reverberant call on Detroiters to “Wake Up,” should be extrapolated to a national call to all Americans to “Wake Up.”

“Wake Up America.” We must defend the civil rights of all. We have to come up and get out of the slumber of do-nothingness and get up out of the long-suffering coma of hopelessness. We have to stay awakened. We have to stay woke!

“Wake Up America.” We must get up and reject the miseducation of the Negro. We must demand that the educational system in Florida and in every state across the nation teach the truth about the centuries-long genocide and the brutal enslavement of African

less of the legal rationale, the impact on the survivors and descendants has been devastating.

This denial of justice adds insult to injury for those who have already suffered immeasurably from the consequences of the Tulsa Race Massacre. It reinforces the idea that the pain and suffering of Black Americans are not worthy of acknowledgment or reparations. The wounds of the past are not allowed to heal when the legal system denies the very existence of the injustice perpetrated against an entire community.

Additionally, this dismissal sends a chilling message to African Americans advocating for reparations and acknowledging historical wrongs. It says that despite the promises of progress and equality, the institutions of justice are not yet ready to reckon with the deep-seated issues of racism and injustice that still permeate society today. It discourages those seeking accountability and reparations for other historical

people in America and throughout the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

“Wake Up America.” We must continue to demand and to ensure voting rights. Our fundamental right to vote is a God-given right that the U.S. Supreme Court cannot take away. We oppose all forms of voter suppression. In 2023 and certainly in 2024 we must GOTV (Get-Out-The-Vote) in record-breaking numbers in every precinct, in every congressional district, in every state, and across the nation in the upcoming national elections. The future of our families and communities is at stake. The future of American democracy is on the ballot.

“Wake Up America.” We must not relent. We cannot give up. We cannot get too tired. We must keep marching for freedom. It is time to end poverty in America. We support the Poor Peoples Campaign led by The Reverend

atrocities from pursuing their cases, fearing similar outcomes.

Detroit has been at the forefront of advocating for reparations and has faced tragedies that adversely impacted the progress of African Americans in the city.

Paradise Valley was a vibrant and predominantly African-American neighborhood known for its cultural richness, including music venues, clubs, and businesses. Similarly, the Black Bottom neighborhood was a historically significant African-American community with a rich heritage.

In the case of Paradise Valley and the Black Bottom neighborhood, the construction of the I-375 freeway led to the destruction of homes, businesses, and cultural institutions, displacing many residents and disrupting the vibrant community life that once thrived there. These developments disproportionately affected African-American communities, as they were more likely to be situated in areas deemed suitable for freeway construction.

The impacts of these urban renewal projects and the construction of free-

Dr. William J. Barber II, The Reverend Dr. Frederick Douglass Haynes III and many others. We support attaining financial literacy led by John Hope Bryant and Operation Hope. We must continue to demand equal justice, social justice, racial justice, economic justice, environmental justice, and climate justice.

“Wake Up America.” In remembrance and in tribute to the indefatigable spirit of Queen Mother Joann N. Watson, we all have to stay woke, stay committed, stay active, and to stay involved as we strive to raise up a new generation of young freedom-fighting Generation Zs and millennials. Long live the spirit of Joann Nichols Watson.

Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr is President and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), Executive Producer and host of The Chavis Chronicles on PBS TV stations throughout the U.S., and Executive Producer and host of The Good News daily audio commentaries on local radio stations.

ways are still felt today, as many communities struggle with the legacy of dislocation and loss of historical heritage. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the negative consequences of these projects, leading to discussions about equitable urban planning and the preservation of cultural landmarks.

Despite no active case addressing the disparities resulting from the loss of those prominent communities, Michigan leaders are actively advocating for reparations. However, dismissing the Tulsa trial is an eerie reminder that these requests broadly fall on deaf and unsympathetic ears.

The Tulsa Race Massacre lawsuit may have been dismissed in a court of law. Still, it remains a powerful testament to the survivors’ and descendants’ enduring spirit of resilience and determination. It is a call to action for all Americans to confront the injustices of the past and work towards a more equitable future. Only by acknowledging and rectifying the sins of the past can the nation hope to heal the deep wounds of injustice that continue to afflict us today.

The Nonprofit Brilliant Detroit has Launched

Brilliant Detroit, the pioneering organization committed to fostering childhood success in Detroit neighborhoods, has unveiled an ambitious citywide initiative called Detroit Reads! The campaign, in collaboration with its 18 community hubs and partner organizations, aims to combat summer learning loss and provide more than 5,000 Detroit children and families with enriching summer learning and literacy opportunities.

Cindy Eggleton, the co-founder and CEO of Brilliant Detroit, emphasized the significance of this campaign in addressing the annual challenge faced by children in their literacy growth during the summer break.

“We founded Brilliant Detroit in 2016 on the premise that when it comes to addressing literacy issues Detroit children face, the focus needs to be on creating neighborhoods where children, families and neighbors have everything they need so they can succeed in life and school. The most important part of this is that families and communities have the agency,” said Eggleton.

“It is for this reason that Kid Success Neighborhoods were created. In each of our hubs, families can easily walk, feel safe, grow to trust, and establish very important bonds with staff and families. Collectively with partners, we believe we can fundamentally improve not only literacy, but the lives of children in our Kid Success Neighborhoods.”

The Detroit Reads! Kid Success Summer Sessions take place at Brilliant Detroit hubs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday, followed by Family Engagement activities after 4 p.m. until August 25. Each hub offers a wide array of activities, including Book Fairs, Meet Your Library Walks, Author’s Days, Mini Medical Schools, Men’s Read Days, Black Storyteller Days, Art Therapy, Neighborhood Storytelling, and more. Moreover, Family Engagement programs focus on equipping parents with the skills needed to promote their children’s literacy at home while fostering a joyful reading experience for the entire family.

Kuru Masomere, a Detroit mother of second and fourth graders, expressed her relief and excitement about Detroit Reads!.

“When our neighbor told me about the Detroit Reads! activities happening through Brilliant Detroit, I felt relieved to know my boys would have a place to not just learn, but to also meet other children all summer long,” said Masomere.

To demonstrate how reading and

language development can be seamlessly integrated into everyday summer activities, Brilliant Detroit partners with national and local community organizations to provide books, learning tools, and local resources, ensuring access to neighborhood literacy programs for children up to 8 years old.

Eggleton reiterated the importance of fostering strong reading habits in Detroit’s young learners.

“The importance of family literacy is clear, studies repeatedly show that kids do better when literacy habits like reading, storytelling and encouragement are a family affair,” she said.

“It also builds important bonds. For us, we help provide ways families can be involved together in reading, assure that families have culturally relevant books and provide tutoring so that families thrive together.”

The initiative has garnered support from national partners, including Raising a Reader, Read in Color, Reading Is Fundamental, and Springboard. Several community partners have also joined the cause, such as Alpha Kappas, Arts & Scraps, Birdie’s Books, Black Family Development, Center for Success, Connect 313, Detroit PAL, Great Start Wayne, Michigan Learning Channel, SOAR, and University of Detroit School DCDC.

The Detroit Reads! campaign by Brilliant Detroit holds immense significance for Black students in Detroit, as it aims to address the educational disparities and systemic challenges that disproportionately affect this community. Historically, Black students in Detroit have faced barriers to accessing quality education and resources, contributing to the persistent achievement gap.

Combating Summer Learning Loss: The summer learning loss is a pervasive issue that impacts students, particularly those from low-income and marginalized backgrounds. Black students often experience a greater loss in academic skills during the summer break, exacerbating the achievement gap. By providing targeted literacy support and engaging activities through Detroit Reads!, Brilliant Detroit seeks to minimize this learning loss and help Black students return to school better prepared academically.

Access to Resources: Black communities in Detroit have, for years, struggled with limited access to educational resources and learning opportunities.

The 18 community hubs of Brilliant Detroit are strategically located in neighborhoods with higher concentrations of Black families, ensuring that these communities have improved access to literacy programs, books, and learning materials that promote educational growth.

Detroit Reads!

ming: Detroit Reads! acknowledges the importance of culturally relevant programming for Black students. By incorporating Black Storytellers, Black-authored books, and other culturally diverse content, the campaign creates an inclusive learning environment that celebrates the rich heritage of Black students and fosters a sense of belonging.

Empowerment Through Literacy: Literacy is a foundational skill that opens doors to opportunity and empowers individuals. For Black students in Detroit, who may face unique challenges and systemic barriers, a strong foundation in literacy can be transformative. By bolstering their reading abilities and confidence through Detroit Reads!, Brilliant Detroit helps Black students develop critical skills that can positively impact their educational journey and future prospects.

Family and Community Engagement: The Detroit Reads! campaign emphasizes family involvement and community engagement in supporting children’s learning. For Black students, the involvement of parents and caregivers can be particularly influential in fostering a positive attitude towards education and academic success. By equipping parents with the tools and resources to promote literacy at home, the campaign reinforces the importance of education within Black households.

Representation and Visibility: Representation matters. Detroit Reads! showcases the value of diverse voices and perspectives in literature and learning materials. By featuring Black authors, Black protagonists, and culturally relevant content, the campaign validates the experiences and identities of Black students, reinforcing that their stories and contributions are vital and worthy of celebration.

In summary, Detroit Reads! has the potential to make a significant impact on Black students in Detroit by providing them with equitable access to educational resources, addressing summer learning loss, promoting family engagement, and empowering them with the skills and confidence needed to excel academically. Through this initiative, Brilliant Detroit demonstrates its commitment to bridging the educational divide and fostering a brighter future for all children in Detroit, including those from Black communities.

As Detroit Reads! takes flight, families, volunteers, and organizations are encouraged to participate in Brilliant Detroit hubs and partner-based programs and events, contributing to the collective effort of fostering early childhood summer learning. Together, they are making a profound difference in the lives of Detroit’s children and forging a brighter future for the city.

• DTE Gas Company requests Michigan Public Service Commission’s approval for a Gas Cost Recovery Reconciliation proceeding for the 12 months ending March 31, 2023.

• The information below describes how a person may participate in this case.

• You may call or write DTE Gas Company, One Energy Plaza, Detroit, MI 48226, (800) 477-4747, for a free copy of its application. Any person may review the documents at the offices of DTE Gas Company or on the Commission’s website at:

• A pre-hearing will be held:

DATE/TIME: Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 9:30 AM

BEFORE: Administrative Law Judge Katherine Talbot LOCATION: Video/Teleconferencing

PARTICIPATION: Any interested person may participate. Persons needing any assistance to participate should contact the Commission’s Executive Secretary at (517) 284-8096, or by email at mpscedockets@ in advance of the hearing.

The Michigan Public Service Commission (Commission) will hold a pre-hearing to consider DTE Gas Company’s (DTE Gas) June 28, 2023 application requesting the Commission to approve: 1) the reconciliation of DTE Gas’s Gas Cost Recovery (GCR) plan for the twelve-month period ending March 31, 2023; 2) DTE Gas’s GCR customers’ revenues of $638.2 million inclusive of Reservation Charge revenues, its Net Recoverable Costs of $642.9 million inclusive of approximately $49.9 million underrecovery related to 2021-2022 GCR and expenses, combined with $1.4 million of interest from 2022-2023 GCR, to result in a net under-recovery of $ 6.1 million for GCR customers that was incurred through reasonable and prudent actions; 2) DTE Gas’s Gas Cost Choice (GCC) customers Reservation Charge revenues of $3.26 million for the twelve-month period ending March 31, 2023, GCC customers’ $4.8 million in reservation expense, the roll-in of approximately $1.8 million related to the GCC customers’ 2021-2022 reconciliation, plus $0.06 million of interest expense combine to result in a net GCC customer over-recovery of $0.3 million; 3) that the calculated amount of DTE Gas’s under- recoveries, together with interest, is correct, and that the disposition of that amount is consistent with the intent and in accordance with the guidelines established by the Commission in its Orders; and 4) DTE Gas such other relief as deemed necessary.

All documents filed in this case shall be submitted electronically through the Commission’s E-Dockets website at:

Requirements and instructions for filing can be found in the User Manual on the E-Dockets help page. Documents may also be submitted, in Word or PDF format, as an attachment to an email sent to: mpscedockets@ If you require assistance prior to e-filing, contact Commission staff at (517) 284-8090 or by email at: mpscedockets@

Any person wishing to intervene and become a party to the case shall electronically file a petition to intervene with this Commission by August 17, 2023. (Interested persons may elect to file using the traditional paper format.) The proof of service shall indicate service upon DTE Gas Company’s attorney, Carlton D. Watson, One Energy Plaza, Detroit, MI 48226. The prehearing is scheduled to be held remotely by video conference or teleconference. Persons filing a petition to intervene will be advised of the process to participate in the hearing.

Any person wishing to participate without intervention under Mich Admin Code, R 792.10413 (Rule 413), or file a public comment, may do so by filing a written statement in this docket. The written statement may be mailed or emailed and should reference Case No. U-21065. Statements may be emailed to: Statements may be mailed to: Executive Secretary, Michigan Public Service Commission, 7109 West Saginaw Hwy., Lansing, MI 48917. All information submitted to the Commission in this matter becomes public information, thus available on the Michigan Public Service Commission’s website, and subject to disclosure. Please do not include information you wish to remain private. For more information on how to participate in a case, you may contact the Commission at the above address or by telephone at (517) 284-8090. Requests for adjournment must be made pursuant to Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules R 792.10422 and

Page A-2 | August 2-8, 2023 | LONGWORTH M. QUINN Publisher-Emeritus 1909-1989 Michigan Chronicle A Real Times Media Newspaper SAMUEL LOGAN Publisher 1933-2011 JOHN H. SENGSTACKE Chairman-Emeritus 1912-1997 CONTACT US 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • (313) 963-8100 • e-mail: HIRAM E. JACKSON Publisher | JEREMY ALLEN Executive Editor 326 404 558 479 182 355 452 19 16 20 43 18 7 37 PICKS 628 731 818 132 147 902 9687 7548 WEEK’S BEST LOTTERY Lawsuit THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY ADVERTISING DEADLINE Classified: 3 p.m Friday Copy, corrections and cancellations, preceding the Wednesday publication. Display: 12 p.m. Friday preceding the Wednesday publication. For all news and calendar items: Deadline is two weeks prior to event. Weeks that contain holidays, deadline is Thursday prior to publication date. OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. | Closed Sat. and Sun. The Michigan Chronicle is published every Wednesday. Periodical Postage, paid at Detroit, MI. Price $1.00 and other post office. MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION POSTMASTER — Send address changes to: MICHIGAN CHRONICLE • 1452 Randolph • DETROIT, MI 48226 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • Phone: (313) 963-8100 Publication No.: USPS 344-820 Call (313) 963-8100 Subscribe Today! Michigan Chronicle Get your weekly home delivery of the From page A-1 From page A-1 STATE OF MICHIGAN BEFORE THE MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION **** NOTICE OF HEARING FOR THE GAS CUSTOMERS OF DTE GAS COMPANY CASE NO. U-21065
R 792.10432. Requests for further information on adjournment should be directed to (517) 284-8130. For more information on how to participate in a case, you may contact the Commission at the above address or by telephone at (517) 284-8090. The Utility Consumer Representation Fund has been created for the purpose of aiding in the representation of residential utility customers in various Commission proceedings. Contact the Chairperson, Utility Consumer Participation Board, Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, P.O. Box 30004, Lansing, Michigan 48909, for more information. Jurisdiction is pursuant to 1909 PA 300, as amended, MCL 462.2 et seq.; 1919 PA 419, as amended, MCL 460.54 et seq.; 1939 PA 3, as amended, MCL 460.1 et seq.; 1969 PA 306, as amended, MCL 24.201 et seq.; 1982 PA 304, as amended, MCL 460.6h et seq.; and Parts 1 & 4 of the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules, Mich. Admin Code, R 792.10106 and R 792.10401 through R 792.10448. DTE1842 | 2023 Print Ad Customization/NOHs/NOH U-21065
Culturally Relevant Program-


A3 | August 2-8, 2023

Proposed Resolution Aims to Rename Detroit’s Hart Plaza After Martin Luther King Jr.

A proposed resolution to rename Hart Plaza as Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza was introduced by Councilwoman Mary Waters. This move follows the recent trend of renaming landmarks in Detroit, reflecting the city’s evolving cultural and historical landscape.

Similarly, Detroit has seen significant name changes for other notable locations in recent years. Chene Park was renamed the Aretha Franklin Amphitheatre in honor of the late “Queen of Soul,” Cobo Hall, the original site of Dr. King’s speech, was renamed Huntington Place.

The proposed resolution to rename Hart Plaza further underscores Dr. King’s historical ties to Detroit, acknowledging his monumental Freedom Walk and speech 60 years ago. In addition, the resolution proposes declaring the plaza as a zone free from violence.

“The values espoused by Dr. King are those of the City of Detroit — dedication to the advancement of all, welcoming to all, and working towards a future free from crime, violence, and poverty; and in the 60th anniversary of Dr. King’s pivotal speech, coinciding with the recent unveiling of a statute in the famous civil rights leader’s likeness, we have the opportunity to make a strong statement of our city’s values,” Waters said in her resolution.

Last month, a sculpture was installed in Hart Plaza to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., marking the

Meet the Four Black Women from Detroit Named 2023 Fellows of W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Leadership Network

60th anniversary of his seminal “I Have A Dream” speech. A version of this speech was first delivered by Dr. King on June 23, 1963, at what was then known as Cobo Hall before leading the significant 1963 Freedom Walk march down Woodward Avenue. The event served as a precursor to the recitation of the speech in Washington, D.C., a few months later.

Following their August recess, the council is expected to vote on the proposed change after Labor Day.

In retrospect, like Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Senator Phillip Hart, known as a “conscience of the Senate,” stands out as a significant champion of civil rights. So much so that his name graces Detroit’s central gathering spot, Hart Plaza, a testament to his immense contributions to the city and its heart.

Serving from 1959 until his death in 1976, Hart was renowned for his integrity and dedication to civil rights and antitrust laws. He was instrumental in pushing for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. His tireless work for social justice earned him the respect of his peers and the moniker “the civil rights senator.”

In Tuesday’s council session, Sam Riddle, the political director of the Michigan Chapter of the National Action Network, expressed opposition to the proposed name change.

“I personally knew Phil Hart. I personally do feel Hart was a good man. Without Sen. Hart, there would have been no Voting Rights Act of 1965. There is no American city better

See HART PLAZA page A4

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) and the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) announced their latest round of class fellows of the WKKF Community Leadership Network, which runs for 18 months and unites 80 leaders from diverse backgrounds from the foundation’s priority locations across the nation, including Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, and New Orleans.

Four members of the 2023 cohort are Black women from Detroit whose works span the fields of mental health advocacy, racial equity, community health advocacy, and change-making through leadership and empowerment.

The Network is a model program to strengthen leadership in local communities striving to create transformational change for children and families.

According to a release, the fellows will grow their skills in leadership and work to advance equity at local, state, and national levels through workshops, resource building, and shared learning.

“These leaders are all deeply committed to making positive changes in communities,” said Paul Martinez, WKKF’s chief leadership and human capital strategist. “Our founder, Will Keith Kellogg, would be inspired to meet this new class and see how his vision of investing in local leaders is being realized.”

“The heart of this fellowship is the leaders and the relationships they build across different cultures, sectors and geographies to work in solidarity for authentic change,” said Shera Clark, program director at CCL.

The entire class features leaders from varied backgrounds – from educators, youth mentors, and health practitioners to businesspeople and social entrepreneurs to

tribal leaders and elected officials. Meet the Detroit women who were selected:


Nkechi O. Mbanu

Throughout her career, Nkechi O. Mbanu has focused on equipping companies with the right tools to be engines of positive transformation for their workforces. Nkechi is currently the Detroit CARE (Cummins Advocating for Racial Equity) city leader for Cummins, Inc., where she specializes in public policy, corporate responsibility, communications, and stakeholder engagement. In this role, she applies her skills toward her passions of racial justice, economic empowerment, and the enfranchisement of communities marginalized by society.

She received her bachelor’s in economics from the University of Michigan, a master’s in dispute resolution from Wayne State University, and a master’s in international affairs from Columbia University. When she is not working, Nkechi is an avid reader, loves traveling the world, and visits art galleries and museums.


Bennett Thomas

Detroit, Michigan

A global public health practitioner, Bennetta Thomas loves serving in the trenches with the community and is dedicated to bridging health inequities through education, advocacy, service, and partnership. She has worked in public health for over ten years and is experienced in HIV prevention, medical case management, and parent education. Bennetta is currently a public health consultant with the Michigan Public Health Institute and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Tobacco Sec-

See 2023 FELLOWS Page A-6

A $12 Million Catalyst: Reimagining Detroit’s Midtown Cultural Center Museum District

In the city once known as the heartbeat of the industrial world, a revitalization of an entirely different sort is taking shape. Midtown Detroit, Inc. (MDI) and its 12 partners are leading the charge in transforming the cultural center of Detroit, blending the city’s rich history with an ambitious urban design and cultural infrastructure plan.

A testament to the city’s resilience and determination, the Cultural Center Planning Initiative (CCPI) will serve as a beacon of hope, marking Detroit’s evolution from a hub of industry to a vibrant bastion of arts, culture, and education.

The CCPI, a project five years in the making, unites 12 of the city’s most cherished institutions, including the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American His-

tory, the Detroit Institute of Arts, and Wayne State University. Over the past year, these institutions have drawn more than 2.1 million visitors from across the country and the world, adding vibrancy to Detroit’s bustling streets. A new era is dawning in Detroit,

where urban space serves as functional zones and living, breathing entities that inspire and connect.

With $12 million in recent funding from the State of Michigan, the CCPI is set to transform the city’s Cultural Center into an 83-acre interconnected district. The goal is

to create a seamless public experience adorned with lush landscaping, diverse public art, and many amenities, including free Wi-Fi and EV charging stations.

Susan Mosey, Executive Director of Midtown Detroit, Inc., expressed her gratitude for the State

of Michigan’s generous support.

“This $12 million appropriation will empower us to further invest in the vital infrastructure and stormwater management systems necessary to preserve and enhance the Cultural Center,” she said. “We are deeply grateful to the State of Michigan and our legislative leaders for recognizing the importance of this initiative and for their unwavering commitment to the cultural vibrancy of Detroit.”

Beyond simply revitalizing physical spaces, the CCPI addresses one of Detroit’s most pressing issues: climate change. The initiative is set to overhaul the city’s stormwater infrastructure, transforming 16 acres of paved surface into permeable landscapes that will absorb and treat 15.6 million gallons of stormwater annually. The enhanced tree canopy and reduced heat island effect will help
See MIDTOWN Page A-6
Nkechi O. Mbanu Bennett Thomas Kamilah Henderson Lisa Leverette

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tion, where she is responsible for contract monitoring, technical assistance, educational training, and treatment services using innovative, culturally centered approaches.

Bennett is also a Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. member and community outreach chair for the Liberian Association of Michigan. She enjoys traveling, partaking in international mission trips, dancing, and listening to Afrobeats in her spare time.


Kamilah Henderson

Detroit, Michigan

Kamilah Henderson is a social worker specializing in infant and early childhood mental health, both as director of PEDALS Michigan and as a clinical therapist in private practice. She is curious about the transformation that can happen when Black children and families come into a relationship with liberation-centered mental health supports.

Kamilah works with children, parents, and teachers from birth through age eight to strengthen attachment relationships and build social-emotional learning skills. She is committed to serving, comforting, and healing her community. She serves on the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health Centering Equity Committee and co-founded the Detroit Waldorf School Black Families Collective. Kamilah lives on the northwest side of Detroit with her husband and beautiful daughter.

This new WKKF Community Leadership Network class will kick off with a virtual session in September 2023 and an in-person gathering in October 2023, where the fellows will have a chance to meet each other and begin their journey of self-discovery and transformation.


Lisa Leverette

Detroit, Michigan

A provocateur for radical change, Lisa Leverette serves communities, leaders, and organizations that develop and practice alternative, transformative approaches to liberating groups marginalized by society. She generates awareness of how oppressive thoughts and actions can unwittingly disrupt progressive change work and embraces democratic participation to identify equitable paths forward. Lisa is the executive director of the Community Connections Grant Program, which centers participatory grantmaking as an equity-driven approach to philanthropy, civic engagement, and leadership development.

Lisa is currently on the board of the Leadership Learning Community. She previously served on the boards of Grassroots Grantmakers and on the Self Development of People, where she led grantmaking efforts in Belize.

When Sadness Doesn’t Subside: The Top 3 Common Types of Grief

There is no right way or wrong way to grieve. Because grieving is extremely personalized and individualized, it is possible some may not even recognize they are grieving. You may also find that coping with a loss of someone or something you love may feel like one of your life’s biggest challenges. Even subtle losses can trigger a sense of grief. Nonetheless, the important aspect of grieving is to ensure you are pursuing healthy ways to deal with the grieving process. While everyone mourns differently, identifying the type of grief is a great help towards pursuing healthy ways to adapt, heal, and recover. Everyone has an idea of what grief looks like, when, in actuality, grief is different for everyone. However, what we can identify are the top three various types of grief.

3 Common Types of Grief

1. Normal Grief. Normal grief is a con-

tradiction. There is no normalcy when it comes to grieving. Nonetheless, what has been defined as ‘normal grief” is the ability to move forward emotionally towards acceptance of the loss. An indicator of normal grief is that there is a gradual decrease in the intensity of emotions. This occurs because of processing and talking about your internal emotional thoughts. This segment of mourners makes continued progress towards healing and recovery.

2. Chronic Grief. Unlike normal grief, indicators of chronic grief are prolonged feelings of hopelessness, a sense of disbelief that the loss is real, and continued avoidance of any situation that may remind them of the loss. This grief could possibly last for years. If left untreated, chronic grief can develop into severe clinical depression, suicidal thoughts, or possible substance abuse.

3. Traumatic Grief. This type of grief that usually occurs when the death of a loved one is sudden. It is an intense type of grief with ongoing difficulties interfering with everyday life. This type of grief often shakes one’s security. Coping is two-fold, first the death and second, the traumatized loss. If left untreated, this type of grief can impact one’s mental health and result in a post-traumatic stress disorder.

You Can Recover

Mourning the loss of a loved one is perhaps one of the biggest challenges you will face in life. With no right or wrong way or a scheduled timetable for recovery, the important thing is to pursue a healthy process towards recovery. Recognize your life will never be the same for you will always remember the loss. However, recovery is possible. Rest assured your mourning is only temporary for we can hold fast to the Bible reference at Revelation 21:4, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” So, while there is no timetable on overcoming grief, we have the confidence in God’s word that grief and grieving is only temporary.

During the grieving process, it is important to not self-isolate. Always seek support by way of friends, family, spiritual advisor, or a professional therapist. For additional support, visit:

The Grieving Journey Podcast IG; Portia Lockett FB; Portia Lockett FB: azalbennelockettfoundation

Hart Plaza

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than Detroit to have and maintain Hart Plaza as a name,” Riddle said. “No compromise on that.”

Detroit City Council President Mary Sheffield countered that this resolution is not currently up for voting but is simply a referral. “It will be referred for further discussion and action will be taken after the council members return from their recess (during the month of August),” said Sheffield.

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temper the city’s summer heat, making public spaces more enjoyable and helping Detroit adapt to changing climate realities.

The significance of the CCPI extends beyond the physical transformation of Detroit’s landscape. The Cultural Center delivers profound social and economic benefits to the city. Arts and culture are potent drivers of prosperity, stimulating local businesses, from restaurants and bars to

retail establishments. More than this, they are catalysts for unity, bringing together people and communities of all backgrounds and inspiring new perspectives, ideas, and values.

At the heart of the CCPI’s mission is the activation of street life, aiming to create a bustling hub of cultural activity. The plan will narrow streets to promote walkability and develop green spaces for recreational and arts programming. This vision transcends the physical, creating a social infrastructure that fosters a sense of community and creativity. This endeavor is far from a solo act. In

addition to the State of Michigan, numerous foundations have stepped in to support the CCPI. Among them are the Knight Foundation, the Ralph C. Wilson Foundation, and the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. This support network underlines the initiative’s wide-reaching implications for the city’s social and economic future. This comprehensive vision for Detroit’s Cultural Center is not a quick fix but a longterm investment in the city’s future. The initiative is being implemented in phases over the next 10-20 years, reflecting a commitment to sustainable and enduring change.

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Property is Power!

Cultivating the Homeowner’s Mindset: Key Tips on Saving and Discipline

Becoming a homeowner is a significant milestone in many people’s lives. It represents stability, investment, and the fulfillment of a long-term goal. However, the journey to homeownership requires a specific mindset that encompasses disciplined saving habits and financial responsibility. In this article, we will explore essential tips to help you cultivate in what I like to call the “homeowner mindset” enabling you to save effectively and exercise disciplIne throughout the process.

Establish Clear Financial Goals:

Begin by setting specific and realistic financial goals. Determine how much you need for a down payment, closing costs, and ongoing homeownership expenses. Having a clear target in mind will help you stay focused and motivated you to save diligently. Break down your goals into smaller, achievable milestones, and create a timeline to track your progress.

Create a Budget:

Developing a comprehensive budget is crucial for effective saving. Start by tracking your income and expenses to identify areas where you can reduce spending. Categorize your expenses into essentials (e.g., housing, utilities, groceries) and discretionary items (e.g., entertainment, dining out). Prioritize your essentials and allocate a portion of your income towards savings each month. Be disciplined in adhering to your budget, making adjustments as needed.

Automate Savings:

Consider automating your savings by setting up an automatic transfer from your paycheck to a dedicated savings account. This approach ensures consistent contributions and eliminates the temptation to spend the money earmarked for buying a home. Treating savings as a regular expense helps to develop discipline and reduces the risk of impulsive spending.

Cut Unnecessary Expenses:

Examine your spending habits critically and identify areas where you can cut back. Review your subscriptions, cable packages, dining-out frequency, and other non-essential expenses. By reducing or eliminating unnecessary expenditures, you can redirect those funds towards your savings goals. Remember, every dollar saved brings you closer to your goal of homeownership.

Prioritize Debt Management:

If you have outstanding debts, such as credit card balances or student loans, make a concerted effort to manage and reduce them. Prioritize paying off high-interest debts first while making minimum payments on others. Reducing your debt burden will improve your credit score, increase your borrowing capacity.

Educate Yourself:

Take the time to educate yourself about the intricacies of homeownership, including mortgages, interest rates, and the real estate market. Attend workshops, read books, and consult a mortgage broker and other professionals to enhance your knowledge and

See MINDSET Page A-6

Annual Black Tech Week Convenes Large Gathering of Innovators

The annual Black Tech Week in Cincinnati, OH brought together and connected tech entrepreneurs, investors, and professionals to educational opportunities and resources.

The week-long conference ran from July 18th – July 20th with more than 3,000 attendees, over 100 speakers, and 50 workshops, along with curated content across the venue.

Black Tech Week has inspired many first-time attendees, excited by the opportunity to meet and network with investors for their creative new tech ideas while learning the variety of speaker sessions.

Candice Matthews Brackeen, Organizer of Black Tech Week, aims to bring together some of the greatest innovators in technological industries.

“As Black people we’ve been inventing things for a long time, we been entrepreneurs for a long time,” said Brackeen. “We just want to make sure they all convene in the same space; they build community, they build network, and they do business together.”

Brackeen couldn’t sleep the night before the conference began and says the whole week felt like Christmas morning.

“There’s an AI rap battle happening, I’m super excited about that,” Brackeen says. “We’ve got a business development day where we’ve got 17 corporations meeting with startups,” she added.

An intentional focus is on ensuring

Black people lead and captivate this industry. The Keynote Speaker for this year’s BTW was Issa Rae, writer, producer, entrepreneur, and founder of HOORAE.

Best known for her groundbreaking work as the creator and star of the hit HBO series “Insecure,” Rae is also a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. Rae is also committed to supporting and amplifying Black and female voices in the tech and media space.

“As a storyteller myself, there’s a section that starts with me and the stories I want to tell and the stories I want to get off my chest,” Rae said.

Rae’s company has been instrumental in bringing stories of Black culture to the forefront. In the room full of tech entrepreneurs, she shared how she selects her projects and the criteria she looks for when deciding what stories to tell.

“We’re consistently asking ourselves what’s missing, what void can we fill, and what stories haven’t been told that we specifically can tell, and what creators are out there, what speakers are out there who we admire and respect and who we think their stories need to be on screen and who we can amplify.”

Rae created HOORAE in 2020, serving as an umbrella company for her film and television other projects.

Rae found that television had a limited scope and view of people of color. She aimed to give an alternative perspective through her life experiences and creative lens by launching The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl. The comedy series was established in 2011 and sprung into

a second season thanks to Kickstarter, a crowdfunding source Rae used to support the project financially.

The one-on-one keynote conversation with Rae encouraged Black tech innovators and entrepreneurs who seek to elevate an industry that hasn’t always looked like them to be inspired to launch tech systems and products by smartly pitching and tapping into financial resources available, from crowdfunding to investors.

“Her dedication to promoting diversity in the tech industry along with her remarkable achievements in entertainment, truly embody the spirit of solidarity and success so central to the Black Tech Week experience,” said Brackeen, who also serves as the CEO of the Cincinnati-based Lightship Foundation.

The annual conference has a way of luring some of the most innovative leaders in media and tech as speakers who are often disrupters in industries just like technology itself.

“I believe the technology sector is the modern-day gold rush,” said Detavio Samuels, CEO of REVOLT. “It is the biggest creator of generational wealth over the last century.

Samuels leads REVOLT Media & TV, founded by Sean “Puffy/P. Diddy” Combs in 2012 has since become America’s fastest-growing Black-owned media company.

Speaking in front of thousands of attendees during Black Tech Week, Samuels spoke passionately about the impor-

Empowering Black Leaders: The HBCU Founders Initiative Introduces Pre-Accelerator Program Members

In a momentous stride towards fostering entrepreneurship and innovation within the African-American community, the HBCU Founders Initiative (HBCUFI) has boldly announced five promising new members to its prestigious Pre-Accelerator Program. Hampton University, Morehouse College, Texas Southern University, Benedict College, and Bethune-Cookman University are the five new HCBUs that have joined the program.

This groundbreaking initiative is designed to empower aspiring entrepreneurs from historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) by providing them with the necessary resources, mentorship, and opportunities to transform their innovative ideas into thriving businesses. With the inclusion of these new members, the HBCUFI signifies a significant advancement in empowering black leaders and driving economic growth within underrepresented communities.

The HBCU Founders Initiative has long been at the forefront of fostering entrepreneurship within the African-American community. Recognizing the immense potential and talent present within HBCUs, the program was established with a singular purpose - to empower black leaders and break barriers hindering their path to success.

The initiative’s Pre-Accelerator Program is the jewel in its crown. By welcoming five new members, the program reaffirms its commitment to creating a diverse ecosystem of innovation and ingenuity. Through this platform, aspiring entrepreneurs gain access to a plethora of resources that nurture their ideas from mere concepts to fully-fledged businesses.

Historically, black colleges and universities have long been the back-

Empowering Black Leader

bone of academic excellence and cultural heritage within the African-American community. However, despite immense talent and intellectual potential, these institutions often need help accessing the resources necessary to turn their innovative ideas into reality.

The HBCU Founders Initiative bridges this gap, empowering students, faculty, and alums with the tools they need to unleash their entrepreneurial spirit. The initiative creates a conducive environment for growth and success by providing mentorship, funding, and networking opportunities. This benefits the individual entrepreneurs and contributes to the overall economic growth of underrepresented communities.

The inclusion of five new members in the HBCUFI Pre-Accelerator Program is not just a mere addition; it symbolizes a ripple effect that will extend far beyond these individuals. The impact of this initiative reaches beyond the confines of the program itself and transcends into the wider African-American community.

“We are pleased to have five additional HBCUs join us in fulfilling our mission to ensure that innovative ideas don’t die on the vine because there is no one available to cultivate them,” said HBCUFI President Marlon Evans. “By providing a structured program that connects our participants with executives and entrepreneurs with deep experience building companies, coupled with pro-


make informed decisions. Understanding the nuances of the homebuying process empowers you to negotiate better terms and secure a favorable mortgage.

Stay Focused and Patient:

The journey to homeownership can be long and challenging. It requires discipline and patience to save consistently over an extended period. It’s essential to stay focused on your goals and remind yourself of the long-term benefits of owning a home. Celebrate milestones along the way, such as reaching savings targets or improving your credit score, to maintain motivation.


Adopting the homeowner mindset is essential for achieving your dream of owning a home. By embracing disciplined saving habits, creating a realistic budget, automating savings, cutting unnecessary expenses, managing debt, and continually educating yourself, you will be well on your way to homeownership. Remember, the key is perseverance and maintaining a long-term perspective. With determination and a strong mindset, you can overcome obstacles and fulfill your goal of becoming a homeowner.

viding access to pre-seed funding, HBCUFI is helping to build an unprecedented innovation ecosystem on HBCU campuses.”

By empowering these aspiring entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to fruition, the HBCU Founders Initiative fosters innovation and resilience. As they succeed and thrive, they become role models for future generations, inspiring others to dream big and overcome obstacles that once stood in their way.

The HBCU Founders Initiative’s commitment to empowering African-American entrepreneurs through its Pre-Accelerator Program is a powerful testament to the potential within underrepresented communities. By welcoming five new members into this transformative initiative, the HBCUFI continues to break barriers and pave the way for a more diverse and inclusive entrepreneurial landscape.

As these new members embark on their entrepreneurial journey, they carry the hopes and aspirations of a community that seeks to uplift and create a better future for all. With the HBCU Founders Initiative by their side, these black leaders are poised to make a lasting impact on society, one innovative idea at a time.

Black Tech Week

tance of Black people getting into the tech industry to be a part of the advancements and lead the next evolution.

“It is mission critical that we not only have a role in participation, but that we also have a role in ownership, and that we are also helping to design the future of what this technology is, whether it’s Web 3, AI … all of those things are going to (make an) impact and we need to be at the front and center of deciding what those industries look like,” he said in an exclusive interview with Real Times Media.

As the advancement of artificial intelligence has changed the TV industry — just as social media and streaming platforms have become an integral part of the media business — Samuels believes artificial intelligence is here to stay and will impact both the media business and how viewers consume it.

“I believe AI will have a profound impact on all industries, specifically the creative industry. And I think for all of us, the best move is not to figure out how to stop AI from coming — it’s already here — but to figure out how do we leverage AI to become better versions of ourselves.”

Black Tech Week fosters innovation, connection, and collaboration across Black tech culture. Guests attended and participated in panel discussions, workshops, and presentations led by industry professionals, brand experts, and more.

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BJ Pearson: Pioneering Change in Detroit’s Landscape

A city renowned for its tenacity has always been a breeding ground for innovators and dreamers. Amidst its vibrant culture and resilient spirit, one man stands out in the world of business: BJ Pearson. As Vice President of Operations for the Garden Theater and Block Restaurant, Pearson is charting a new path in the city’s hospitality industry.

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams,” Oprah once said. BJ Pearson is living proof that those words ring true.

Pearson’s journey is one of aspiration, resilience and enterprise. Raised in Detroit, he developed an unwavering passion for his city. In his position, Pearson has brought to life an innovative fusion of entertainment and gastronomy in the heart of Detroit resulting in not just a business but a cultural hub.

“As Vice President of the Block Restaurant and Garden Theater, and with a focus on benefiting the city of Detroit as a whole, my overall goals revolve around creating a thriving event venue and a successful restaurant contributing to the local economy, and fostering community engagement. In my role, I strive to establish the Block Restaurant and Garden Theater as a premier destination, known for its exceptional service, versatility and unique ambiance. By providing topnotch event planning and execution and customer services, I aim to attract a wide range of clients including corporate events, weddings, conferences and community gatherings. I work closely with our team to ensure that each event held at our venue surpasses expectations, creating memorable experiences for all attendees. I also seek to contribute to Detroit’s economic growth by promoting the Block Restaurant and Garden Theater as a premium MidTown destination for great food and exceptional events. By attracting clients from both within the city and outside, we can generate revenue not only for the venue but also for local businesses including hotels, catering services, transportation providers and more. This would help create job opportunities, stimulate local spending, promote sustainability and forge collaborations and partnerships to support the overall economic vitality of Detroit.”

Stepping into the Garden Theater and Block Restaurant is akin to stepping into a world where culture, entertainment and great food converge. The historic Garden Theater, restored under Pearson’s stewardship, offers an inclusive space that reverberates with the creative energy of Detroit.

Meanwhile, the Block Restaurant under his guidance has become a haven for food lovers, highlighting the local cuisine while maintaining an appeal that transcends geographical boundaries. This creation isn’t just a business endeavor for Pearson; it’s a personal testament to his love for Detroit, its rich culture and its people.

Pearson’s achievements aren’t merely a result of his entrepreneurial prowess but his dedication to uplifting the local community. By providing hundreds of jobs and opportunities he has shaped the city’s business spectrum, proving that success is most meaningful when shared.

Pearson’s formula for success is no secret: a firm commitment to his roots and an unyielding desire to bring his city’s culture to the world. It is this blend of business acumen and dedication to community that marks him as a standout figure in Detroit’s landscape.

“Representation matters. Seeing individuals from marginalized communities in positions of leadership can be empowering and inspiring for others who identify with those communities. It sends a message that success and achievement are attainable regardless of one’s background. As a Black man in a leadership role you become a role model, giving hope to aspiring individuals and reinforcing the idea that they too can achieve their goals.  It is important to recognize that individual experiences and perspectives may vary, and the impact of holding a leadership position can differ for each person. However, overall, being a Black man in a leadership role in a Black-owned organization in a predominantly Black city does give me a great source of pride, motivation and empowerment because of the potential to inspire others and contribute to positive change.”

In a city often depicted as struggling, Pearson is a beacon of hope. He is a testament to the resilience, creativity and spirit of Detroit’s citizens. His success story is not merely about financial growth; it represents a broader narrative of transformation, one that signals a brighter, more prosperous future for Detroit.

BJ Pearson is more than a successful businessman. He is an ambassador of Detroit, championing the city’s potential on the global stage. His vision for the Garden Theater & Block Restaurant is an embodiment of the city’s character: vibrant, diverse, and ceaselessly resilient.

His work stands as an inspiration to entrepreneurs, not just in Detroit but worldwide. It serves as a reminder that success isn’t only about economic growth, but also about fostering community, promoting culture, and supporting the places that made us who we are.

As we celebrate BJ Pearson’s success, we also applaud the spirit of Detroit. For within its streets, in the heart of the city, lies the power of dreams, resilience, and relentless innovation. It is this spirit that BJ Pearson captures and carries forward, contributing significantly to shaping the business spectrum of the Motor City.

Stellantis Strengthens Commitment to Black Consumers with New Marketing Partnership

Stellantis, the parent company of Chrysler and Jeep, announced a significant partnership in its efforts to enhance marketing strategies aimed at reaching Black customers and multicultural communities. In order to achieve this objective, the company added TKT Collab, a division of Kentucky-based TKT & Associates, to its North America creative roster. The company, which is a Black- and woman-owned business, will bring new and fresh perspective to its marking plans. This collaboration represents a momentous stride in Stellantis’ commitment to engaging with diverse audiences, with TKT becoming the first Black agency of record for Stellantis’ North America brand portfolio. The agency’s primary responsibility will be overseeing marketing initiatives aimed at connecting with Black consumers.

While Stellantis has previously collaborated with Black-owned agencies and developed campaigns for Black customers, the addition of TKT to its creative roster demonstrates a reinforced dedication to these audiences and a deeper effort to expand and connect with the Black consumer base. This move highlights Stellantis’ commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity in its marketing strategies.

Kimberly Bunton, CEO and chief strategy officer of TKT Collab said in an official statement, “At TKT Collab we use our media platforms, cross-generational cultural appeal and eye for forward-moving technology and social

trends to generate culturally authentic and relatable campaigns and content; we aren’t your average marketing firm, we are a creative studio specializing in inclusive culture bending strategies.”

Kim Adams House, who now leads Stellantis’ multicultural marketing efforts along with licensing and merchandising, expressed the magnitude of the collaboration.

“We are reminded as marketers that it is our responsibility to continue to embrace this ever-changing world with innovative thinking and to demonstrate our commitment not only to diversity, but to also being instruments of change,” said House. “And that is precisely why we went through the rigorous process to identify a Black agency to focus exclusively on building more authentic and deeper audience connections with Black consumers across all of our North American brands.”

At the recent Stellantis African Ancestry Network Diaspora Gala, TKT produced a video specifically focused on Jeep, which was showcased during the event. TKT’s upcoming major campaign, primarily targeting Jeep, is scheduled to launch later this year. It will have a broad reach across online platforms, social media and television channels. As part of its comprehensive marketing efforts, Stellantis plans to incorporate product placements for Jeep in various TV shows, films and music videos.

To effectively connect with a diverse customer base, companies must recognize and embrace the unique perspectives, needs and aspirations of underrepresented communities. By integrating

Black representation into marketing campaigns, companies showcase their dedication to inclusivity and ensure that their messages are relatable and meaningful to Black consumers. This representation serves as a powerful affirmation that Black individuals are valued, acknowledged and specifically catered to by the brand.

When Black consumers are portrayed positively in marketing, it cultivates a sense of belonging and nurtures brand loyalty. By acknowledging and respecting diverse backgrounds, companies are able to establish trust and forge enduring relationships with Black customers. This loyalty goes beyond individual consumers as positive word-ofmouth within the community spreads, attracting more customers from diverse backgrounds.

Recently there has been an uptick in Black representation used to market and promote products. Black consumers wield considerable purchasing power and exert influence across multiple industries. Extensive studies have demonstrated that companies actively targeting and engaging with the Black consumer base witness significant business growth. By acknowledging the immense potential of this market and customizing marketing efforts accordingly, companies can tap into a prosperous and rapidly expanding customer segment.

The collaboration between Stellantis and TKT represents a remarkable stride in the right direction, illuminating that the industry is actively working towards greater diversity.

‘Black Wall Street’ Recaptures the Glory of Black Entrepreneurship in Campus Martius

In a resonant echo of the past, Detroit has witnessed the spirit of Black entrepreneurship again taking center stage.

In partnership with Downtown Detroit Partnership and Bedrock, Hot Sam’s, Detroit’s Black Wall Street hosted the ‘Past Forward’ event recently in Campus Martius. The heart of downtown Detroit thrummed with the energy of hundreds of Detroiters, who came to revel in an homage to the golden days of Black enterprise.

Detroit’s Black Wall Street is an initiative of The Institute of Legacy Preservation (ILP). The ILP, through this venture, is dedicating itself to a crucial mission: preserving the legacy of black business and the black community.

Its focus has been creating educational, empowering, and expressive entertainment for the entire community to enjoy and engage. Through this initiative, the ILP aims to recreate these prosperous periods, preserving their legacy for future generations. The organization uses this platform to showcase black-owned businesses and their successes and to bring our community together, reconnecting us to our shared past and leading us toward a prosperous future.

As a community, people gathered to celebrate the present and remember the indomitable spirit that had defined us during the early 20th century. A heart that was once the backbone of Tulsa’s Black Wall Street and Detroit’s own Black Bottom district.

Both neighborhoods, separated by geography but united in purpose, were beacons of Black entrepreneurship in the 1920s. They were our promised lands, places where our dreams, ambitions, and aspirations were not just possibilities but realities. In those streets, Black businesses thrived, Black communities flourished, and Black people uplifted each other economically and socially.

In the quiet yet defiant spirit of Black Bottom and Black

Wall Street, the ‘Past Forward’ event unveiled an interactive archive installation: a window to our past, a mirror of our present, and a projection of our bright future. Musical storytelling reverberated across Campus Martius, offering a soulful recollection of our history and tenacity.

“In 2021 Hot Sam’s turned 100 years old,” said Lauren Stovall, Marketing Director of Hot Sam’s. “So, while we’re celebrating the 100th year of destruction in Tulsa, we’re also celebrating that this Black business is turning 100 years old, and that is how this event started three years ago.”

We saw the revival of that spirit through the Black Wall Street initiative. The event showcased over 30 Black-owned businesses, leveraging the power of the ‘BeFriend Me’ app to highlight local entrepreneurs. In this modern age, we are digitizing solidarity, echoing the unity that made Black Wall Street and Black Bottom possible. The innovative digital coupon hunt highlighted our evolution, blending modern technology with traditional community spirit.

The night was not just a celebration but also an affirmation. It was an affirmation of our shared history and a commitment to carry forward the legacy of our ancestors. Through the heartening display of unity, creativity, and entrepreneurship, it became clear that the spirit of Black Wall Street and Black Bottom is very much alive in Detroit.

As we look to the future, let us remember the resilience that has been the cornerstone of our past. Let us carry forward the determination that ignited the spark of black entrepreneurship in the 1920s. Let us forge ahead with the knowledge that the legacy of Black Wall Street and Black Bottom is not just a memory but a living testament to the undying spirit of black entrepreneurship.

Black entrepreneurship is not just a part of our history but our present and future. And as we stood together in Campus Martius, it was clear that Detroit was keeping that spirit alive and well. Our city remains a beacon of hope, a testament to our resilience, and a city where the dream of Black entrepreneurship shines brightly. | August 2-8, 2023 | Page A-7
BJ Pearson
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C ity . L ife . Style .

Cincinnati’s Walk of Fame Opens, Honors Trailblazers in Black Music

The stars aligned in the sky and on the paved ground as attendees on a special weekend afternoon in Cincinnati, OH. The 2023 inductees of the Cincinnati Black Music Walk of Fame were celebrated and received due honor and recognition for being trailblazers in the industry.

Local officials and music industry titans stood together at the ribbon cutting, celebrating the official grand opening of the Cincinnati Black Music Walk of Fame.

“The stories behind the Black artists and musicians will be permanent,” said Alicia Reece, Founder of the Cincinnati Black Music Walk of Fame. “People from all over the world can come learn and be inspired to go forward. Make no mistake about it, this is a tourism attraction.”

Reece, who also serves as the Hamilton County Commissioner, has been a rising star in Ohio politics, serving previous roles on city council, state legislature, and a Vice Mayor. She was instrumental in recommending the Black Music Walk of Fame and raising the money to make it happen.

She draws inspiration from her career climb and public service from her parents. Her father, Dr. Steven Reece, served as Chief of Staff for the Black Mayor of Cincinnati, and her late mother, Barbara Reece, a singer who participated in Steven’s popular talent show, Operation Step Up.

The program aimed to bring positivity to communities following the riots of 1968, which spurred riots.

Reece would become impressed with the talent of 18-year-old Barbara Howard. They would eventually collaborate on an album and marry one another, which would begin a 38-year love affair.

Both of her parents were entrepreneurs with can-do and go-get-it mindsets. That, coupled with a parental foundation in politics and music, gave Reece an appreciation for the business of music and what artists give to their audiences: inspiration.

Reece’s vision for a public Walk of Fame installation to celebrate trailblazing artists has been a long time coming. With her tenacity, energy, and political savviness, what was once a dream ultimately led to taxpayer support, corporate funding, construction, and opening of a new frontier to honor the history of Black Music along the Ohio River banks.

On July 1, 2021, the idea was unanimously passed, and later the same month, the first induction ceremony was held for Boosty Collins, the Isley Brothers, Dr. Charles Foyd, and Otis Williams. Later the same year, construction for the international state-of-the-art outdoor attraction would begin.

In July 2023, over 2,000 attendees dressed in white were joined in celebration inside The Andrew J. Brady Music Center just before the outdoor grand opening of the Walk of Fame.

The 2023 Induction Ceremony celebrated The Deele, James Brown, Philippé Wynne, and Louise Shropshire.

“I’m really happy, happy for the band, happy for my brothers,” said

Detroit ‘Momtrepreneur’ Empowers Healthy Living with New Fresh & Pressed Juice Bar

Fresh & Pressed Juice Bar is a unique establishment with a heartwarming story behind its inception. Founded by Kiara Smith, a passionate and determined entrepreneur and mother, the juice bar was born from a personal journey to healing her son’s gut issues using her juicing recipes. This experience led her to a profound realization of the power of quality, organic ingredients and their potential to combat health issues.

Guided by a strong desire to impact her community positively, Smith’s journey eventually culminated in the opening of Fresh & Pressed Juice Bar. Today, the juice bar offers refreshing and nutritious drinks. It serves as a platform to educate the community about the importance of making thoughtful choices regarding their health and well-being.

The city of Troy embraced the juice bar with open arms and overwhelming excitement, as evident during the grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony held on Friday, July 21. Kiara was surrounded by her loving family, including her husband, the re-

nowned Detroit recording artist Icewear Vezzo, their children, and enthusiastic community members.

“I’m thankful for the opportunity to impact people in a really great way – educating them about their health, what they put in their body, and how they take care of their body. Our goal is for you to feel comfortable and welcome, get some good drinks and get educated,” Smith said.

Her story began when her son faced gut health issues that conventional medications couldn’t fully address. Determined to find a solution, she turned to natural remedies and discovered the transformative potential of juicing. Through meticulous research and experimentation, she developed a unique range of juicing recipes using fresh, organic ingredients that helped alleviate her son’s gut issues and improved his overall well-being.

Fresh & Pressed Juice Bar emerged from these humble roots, embodying Smith’s journey of healing and her newfound passion for conscious consumption. The bar is a haven for health-conscious individuals seeking natural alternatives to improve their well-being.


The Rebirth of Detroit’s Iconic Bagel Haven: The Story of the Detroit Institute of Bagels

Detroit has seen many businesses and entrepreneurs defy challenges, infusing fresh vitality into its once-thriving urban fabric. One such heartening narrative is that of the Detroit Institute of Bagels (DIB). This cherished bagel shop has recently made a triumphant return to the bustling streets of Core City, rekindling the culinary magic in the city.

DIB had been a staple of the Corktown neighborhood for over a decade, delighting locals and visitors alike with their delectable bagels and warm hospitality. However, in a surprising move, DIB’s owner, the passionate and visionary Ben Newman, temporarily closed its doors. This decision was driven by a profound sense of unfinished business and a heartfelt commitment to his cherished city.

“We were not delivering on the experience we wanted to deliver on, so ultimately

and with a heavy heart, I decided to close,” said Newman.

But like the rising sun after a long night, DIB reemerged with a renewed spirit and energy, bringing its delicious creations to a new location. This move was

a strategic choice that allowed Newman to explore new possibilities and expand his bagel-making artistry.

Core City, a diverse and vibrant neighborhood fueled by individuals with a passion for essential initiatives, is at the heart

of community revitalization. In bygone days, downtown, Corktown, and the Cass Corridor were prime locations for small businesses. However, these areas have merged today, bringing an influx of developers and influential nonprofits leading the charge toward a burgeoning upscale atmosphere.

The reimagined DIB is a testament to the city’s dynamic spirit of evolution. While the foundation of the original bagel haven remained strong, the new location provided a blank canvas for Newman’s creativity to flourish. Stepping inside, visitors are greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere, enveloped in the aroma of freshly baked bagels that titillate the senses.

The new DIB offers an expanded menu that takes bagel craftsmanship to new heights. Newman, driven by his unwavering commitment to quality, has diligently worked to innovate and push the bound-

Where City Meets Life and Life Meets Style B1 | August 2-8, 2023
See BAGEL Page B-2


From page B-1

aries of traditional bagel flavors. From mouthwatering savory options like smoked salmon with herbed cream cheese to delightful, sweet varieties like blueberry and maple, the menu boasts an array of choices that cater to all palates.

But it’s not just the flavors that have been reimagined; DIB has gone the extra mile to elevate the customer experience. A new, spacious layout allows patrons to witness the art of bagel-making in an open kitchen, forging a deeper connection between the bakers and the bagel enthusiasts. As customers watch the skilled hands of the bakers knead, boil, and bake each bagel to perfection, they gain a newfound appreciation for this age-old culinary craft.

The return of the Detroit Institute of Bagels has been nothing short of a culinary homecoming, with locals and tourists flocking to experience the delicious creations that put this bagel haven on the map. The revival of DIB is more than just a business venture; it symbolizes Detroit’s indomitable spirit and ability to preserve its heritage while embracing innovation.

Newman’s passion for his craft and love for Detroit have paved the way for the bagel shop’s resurgence. The Detroit Institute of Bagels has not only reclaimed its place in the city’s culinary landscape. Still, it has also become a beacon of hope and inspiration for other businesses seeking to make a comeback.

The revival of the Detroit Institute of Bagels is a testament to the enduring spirit of Detroit and the remarkable journey of one man’s dedication to his craft and community. As DIB continues to evolve and delight taste buds with its innovative flavors and heartfelt hospitality, it reminds us all that with unwavering determination, even the most cherished icons can rise again, stronger and more delicious than ever before.

Walk Of Fame

From page B-1

L.A. Reid, record producer and founding member of The Deele.

The Deele was a band comprised of Cincinnati musicians such as Reid, who played drums, and even Babyface.

Reid added: “Being Cincinnati natives, this isn’t something that happens every day in Cincinnati, so I’m really thankful that Alicia Reese with her vision and tenacity, relationships, was able to pull together off so beautiful. I’m really honored.”

Fresh & Pressed Juice Bar

From page B-1

Fresh & Pressed Juice Bar’s mission goes beyond serving delicious beverages. It is a place of education where Smith and her team are dedicated to empowering the community with knowledge and resources to take charge of their health. The belief that food can be as effective as medicine resonates deeply with the team, inspiring them to promote mindful eating habits. Education plays a pivotal role in the bar’s philosophy. Through workshops and informational

Godfather of Soul and funk legend James Brown is honored as a star on the Walk of Fame. His fame peaked in the 1960s with hit singles such as “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag,” and “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World World” from his live album, Live at the Apollo.

“I feel good!” said Dr. Deanna Brown, daughter of the late James Brown, accepting the honor.

“This is manifestation day. This is a blessing. My father started at King records many years ago and helped a lot of careers. We’re thankful. That we can be here in order to say, these are the shoulders that we stand on.”

“I didn’t want these stories to die, they must live on from generation to generation,” Reece said. “These stories will live forever. People will be able to come here and be educated and be inspired.”

materials, Fresh & Pressed Juice Bar educates customers about the benefits of organic, nutrient-rich ingredients and their positive impact on overall health. By making informed choices, individuals can better understand how to nourish their bodies and support their well-being from the inside out.

The philosophy of Fresh &Pressed Juice Bar centers around the idea that true healing begins from within. While prescription medications have their place, the team believes that a holistic approach that includes conscious consumption can amplify healing. By providing the body with essential nutrients and supporting its natural functions, the path to wellness becomes more sustainable and balanced.

The juice bar offers beverages catering to

various health needs, such as immune-boosting blends, detoxifying elixirs, and energy-enhancing concoctions. Each drink is carefully crafted, using locally sourced, organic produce to ensure the highest quality and freshness.

Fresh & Pressed Juice Bar stands out as a beacon of health and wellness in a world where fast food and processed snacks dominate the market. Smith’s inspiring journey from a concerned mother to a passionate entrepreneur has led to creating a space that not only offers healing through nourishing beverages but also empowers the community to make informed choices for their well-being. With a firm belief in the power of mindful eating, Fresh & Pressed Juice Bar continues to make a positive impact, one juice at a time.

Page B-2 | August 2-8, 2023 |
FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS GET A 20% DISCOUNT ON MICHIGAN’S #1 REC CANNABIS. LUME.COM LUMECANN We’ve got recreation on the mind. And in stock. Now open in Southfield and Berkley.

Retrogrades, Oh My! Venus Retrograde in Leo and Chiron Retrograde in Aries

Venus the planet of love, beauty and partnerships is now retrograde in Leo and impact of Chiron the wounded healer is also retrograde in Aries joining Neptune and Saturn that are already retrograde causing a time for inner reflection to heal wounds in relationships, self-love so we can build stronger foundations in all of our partnerships.

Venus Retrograde in Leo

As the alluring Venus, the celestial goddess of love and beauty, gracefully dances backward in the fiery kingdom of Leo, the cosmic stage becomes a magnificent spectacle. This celestial event blesses us with a potent dose of passion and self-expression. Leo, a lion-hearted sign, seeks the spotlight, and under this retrograde influence, we’re prompted to explore the untamed depths of our hearts and embrace our most authentic selves.

During this celestial reverie, old flames may reappear, reigniting embers of past romances and unresolved connections. Fret not, for Venus retrograde in Leo serves as a cosmic catalyst for personal growth and healing. Take time to reflect on matters of the heart and let the fierce lion’s energy embolden you to express your innermost desires and creative aspirations.

This retrograde period urges us to look within, fostering self-love and acceptance. Embrace your uniqueness, for it is in embracing our own light that we attract love and abundance into our lives. Remember, dear ones, to honor your heart’s desires with authenticity and courage. In the realm of Venus retrograde in Leo, we learn that vulnerability is a strength, and true love begins with love for oneself.

Chiron Retrograde in Aries

In the adventurous realm of Aries, the wounded healer Chiron embarks on a soul-stirring journey as it turns retrograde. Known as the wounded healer, Chiron’s retrograde phase opens a gateway for profound self-healing. Aries, the fiery and spirited sign, impels us to confront our deepest wounds and embrace the warrior within.

During this transformative period, we may revisit past traumas or emotional scars that have been holding us back. As Chiron’s celestial energy dances backward, we are presented with an opportunity to confront and release the shackles of our past. Embrace the fiery spirit of Aries, for it provides the courage and resilience needed to traverse the darkest corners of our souls.

Chiron retrograde in Aries challenges us to face our pain and emerge stronger, wiser, and more compassionate. Just as a blacksmith tempers steel in the heat of the forge, so does Chiron’s energy strengthen our spirits. Embrace the lessons learned from your scars, for they are the sacred keys to unlocking your potential.

As we navigate these celestials retrogrades, remember that the cosmos guides us through the cycles of growth and transformation. Venus in Leo calls us to love fearlessly, while Chiron in Aries beckons us to heal our wounds and embrace our inner warriors. Trust in the cosmic dance, and let the celestial melodies lead you to the depths of self-discovery.

It’s time to SHINE!

Welcome to Leo Season

Whatupdoe! Buckle up and put on your shades because it’s time to unleash the fabulousness of Leo Season! That’s right, the zodiac’s most radiant and sizzling sign is strutting onto center stage today, and you better believe they’re bringing the drama, the flair, and all the extra AF energy they can muster!

Imagine the sun throwing a wild party in the heart of summer – that’s Leo Season for you! This fire sign is all about living life to the fullest, and they demand to be noticed wherever they go. They are the ultimate attention-seekers, and honestly, who can blame them? When you’ve got a personality as bright as a supernova, you deserve all eyes on you, period!

Now, not everyone can handle the heat of Leo Season. More introverted souls might feel a bit overwhelmed by all the charisma and look at me energy Leo brings to the table. But fear not, for there’s a lesson to be learned from our regal Lion. Embrace your inner fierceness, channel your inner diva, and learn to roar with pride!

One thing you can’t deny about Leos is their magnetic charm. They are natural-born leaders, and people just can’t resist following their charismatic aura. You see, it’s not just about their luscious manes or their dazzling smiles –it’s that unapologetic self-assuredness that makes them irresistible. During Leo Season, take a page out of their playbook and unleash your own unique brand of confidence. Walk into a room like you own it, and trust me, heads will turn!

But let’s not forget the sassy side of Leo. Listen when they’re not in the mood for your drama, they won’t hesitate to let you know! Leos have a flair for speaking their minds, and they do it with a pinch of sass and a whole lot of attitude. So, if you’re stepping into their territory, you better come correct, or you’ll get a one-way ticket to the Leo shade zone!

This season, it’s time to indulge in a little self-love, just like our Leo friends do. Treat yourself to a spa day, buy yourself that fancy outfit you’ve been eyeing, and shower yourself with all the compliments you deserve. Because if you can’t love yourself, how in the zodiac are you gonna love somebody else?

However, let’s not get too carried away with all the Leo magic. It’s essential to balance that sassy confidence with a

Unleashing the Cosmic Fire: North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra

North Node in Aries: Embrace Your

Inner Warrior

The North Node in Aries is not here for the games! With the North Node in this bold, fiery sign, it’s time to channel your inner warrior and go after what you want like a boss! Get ready for a cosmic boot camp that’ll push you to embrace your daring side, break free from the past, and take charge of your destiny! Aries is all about new beginnings, so don’t be shy – seize opportunities, make your mark, and rock that confidence like the superstar you are! ��

South Node in Libra: No More Miss Nice Guy!

Libra, oh Libra, we love your charm and diplomacy, but it’s time to bid farewell to those old patterns of compromising yourself for others. As the South Node sashays into this sign, it’s time to reclaim your independence and set those boundaries! Embrace the art of saying “no” and putting your needs first without feeling guilty. Remember, harmony starts with inner balance, so let’s keep it 100 and find that equilibrium between nurturing relationships and

keeping it real with yourself.

Werk It Like a Cosmic Superstar!

This cosmic rollercoaster ride is all about embracing your authentic self without holding back! No more dimming your light for anyone else

– it’s time to shine bright and proud! Be fierce, be fearless, and be fabulous.

Remember, the more you embrace your true self, the more you’ll attract the right kind of energies and opportunities. The universe loves a confident diva, so let’s give ‘em what they want!

The North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra will affect relationships in a few ways.

The North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra is a time to be more assertive in your relationships and to let go of old patterns of codependency. It’s also a time to find a balance between independence and interdependence. If you can do these things, you’ll be well on your way to creating healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

Here are some specific examples of how the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra could affect relationships:

■ If you’re in a codependent relation-

healthy dose of humility. After all, even the mighty Lion has to remember that they’re part of a celestial pride. So, while you’re out there conquering the world, remember to lift others up too and spread that cosmic joy around!

As Leo Season unfolds, let’s all bask in the fiery glow of this fabulous sign. Here’s your Leo season horoscopes to assist with you shining like a diamond:

Sure, let’s take a look at how each zodiac sign will be affected during Leo Season, based on the house Leo rules in their natal chart:

Aries - Rising + Sun Leo Season in the 5th House:

Leo Season lights up your 5th house of creativity, joy, and romance, Aries! Get ready to unleash your inner artist and express yourself fearlessly. Your creative juices will flow, making it an ideal time for artistic endeavors, hobbies, or even taking risks in matters of the heart. Embrace the playful energy and let your heart lead the way. You’ll have a magnetic charm, making you irresistible to others, so don’t be surprised if romance is on the horizon!

Taurus - Rising + Sun Leo Season in the 4th House:

During Leo Season, the spotlight falls on your 4th house of home and family, Taurus. You’ll feel a strong urge to create a warm and harmonious domestic environment. Spend quality time with loved ones, and nurture your closest relationships. This is also an excellent time to beautify your living space or invest in real estate. However, be mindful of balancing your desire for comfort with the need for self-expression outside the home.

Gemini - Rising + Sun Leo Season in the 3rd House: Leo Season ignites your 3rd house of communication and learning, Gemini. Your curiosity knows no bounds, and you’ll be hungry for knowledge. Dive into books, courses, or workshops that pique your interest. Your communication skills will be at their best, making it an ideal time for networking, presentations, and sharing your ideas with the world. Embrace Leo’s boldness to speak your truth and connect with others on a deeper level.

Cancer Rising + Sun - Leo Season in the 2nd House: Leo Season brightens your 2nd house of finances and self-worth, Cancer. This is a great time to focus on your financial stability and boost your self-esteem. You’ll have the drive to increase your income and pursue new income streams. Leo’s confident energy empowers you to know your worth and negotiate for what you deserve. However, avoid overspending on luxury items – maintain a healthy balance between indulgence and financial responsibility.

Leo Rising + Sun - Leo Season in the 1st House:

Happy Solar Return, Leo! With Leo Season in your 1st house of self, the universe is all about YOU! It’s your time to shine like the dazzling star that you are. Embrace your unique identity, showcase your talents, and let the world see your radiance. This season, you’ll experience a boost in confidence and charisma, attracting opportunities and admirers effortlessly. Celebrate your individuality, and remember that the world is your stage!

Virgo Rising + Sun - Leo Season in the 12th House:

During Leo Season, your focus turns to your 12th house of spirituality and introspection, Virgo. Take time for self-reflection, meditation, or exploring your inner world. Embrace the healing power of solitude and retreat from the hustle and bustle when needed. This season encourages you to let go of self-doubt and embrace a sense of spiritual connection. Trust your intuition and pay attention to your dreams; they may hold valuable messages for you.

Libra Rising + Sun - Leo Season in the 11th House:

Leo Season lights up your 11th house of friendships and social networks, Libra. It’s a time for camaraderie, networking, and embracing your role in various groups. Your social calendar will be full, and you’ll enjoy the company of friends and like-minded individuals. Embrace Leo’s flair for socializing and use your diplomatic skills to build harmonious relationships. Don’t be surprised if new exciting opportunities arise through your connections.

Scorpio Rising (Sun) - Leo Season in the 10th House:

During Leo Season, your 10th house of career and public image takes center stage, Scorpio. Your professional ambitions soar, and you’re motivated to achieve your goals. Embrace Leo’s confidence to step into leadership roles and showcase your skills. Your hard work and determination will be noticed, and recognition may come your way. Just be mindful of balancing work and personal life to avoid burnout.

Sagittarius Rising (Sun) - Leo Season in the 9th House:

Leo Season brightens your 9th house of expansion and higher learning, Sagittarius. Your thirst for knowledge intensifies, and you’ll be drawn to explore new cultures, philosophies, or travel to distant lands. Embrace Leo’s adventurous spirit and embark on new educational pursuits or spiritual quests. This season encourages you to broaden your horizons and seek experiences that fuel your growth and understanding of the world.

ship, you may start to feel more independent and less willing to sacrifice your own needs for the sake of the other person. This could lead to conflict, but it’s ultimately a good thing, as it will help you to break free from the unhealthy patterns of your relationship.

■ If you’re in a healthy relationship, you may start to feel more confident and assertive in your communication with your partner. This could lead to deeper intimacy and a stronger connection between you.

■ If you’re single, you may start to feel more drawn to people who are independent and assertive. This is a good thing, as it will help you to attract people who are compatible with your own values and needs.

Of course, everyone’s experience will be different and this energy can also apply to business partnerships and friendships too! But if you’re open to the changes that this astrological shift can bring, you may find that your relationships are transformed for the better. Embrace the boldness of Aries and the grace of Libra to strike that perfect balance in your life. It’s time to conquer your dreams, take charge of your relationships and destiny!

Capricorn Rising (Sun) - Leo Season in the 8th House:

During Leo Season, your focus shifts to your 8th house of transformation and shared resources, Capricorn. It’s a time of deep introspection and exploring the depths of your psyche. Embrace Leo’s courage to confront emotional matters and let go of what no longer serves you. Financially, be cautious about shared resources or investments – ensure everything is transparent and fair. Use this season’s intensity to transform and evolve.

Aquarius Rising (Sun) - Leo Season in the 7th House:

Leo Season shines a spotlight on your 7th house of partnerships, Aquarius. You’ll be drawn to form meaningful connections, both in business and personal relationships. Embrace Leo’s warmth and generosity to strengthen your bonds with others. Single Aquarians may find potential romantic interests, while those in partnerships will experience a renewed sense of romance. Just remember to balance your individuality with the needs of your partnerships.

Pisces Rising (Sun) - Leo Season in the 6th House:

During Leo Season, your 6th house of health and daily routines takes center stage, Pisces. It’s time to prioritize your well-being and establish healthy habits. Embrace Leo’s vitality to boost your energy and tackle any health concerns proactively. This season is ideal for refining your work routines and making improvements in your job. Use your intuition to find a balance between work and self-care to stay on top of your game. | August 2-8, 2023 | Page B-3
Page B-4 | August 2-8, 2023 |

The Detroit Public Schools Community District is seeking proposals to abate, demolish, remove, and dispose of the former school building, powerhouse boiler building and chimney at 2962 Fairview Street, Detroit, Michigan 48214 (the former Foch Intermediate School), as well as remove the tunnel connecting Southeastern and Foch, remove debris, and restore the site to a level, grass and tree covered vacant property suitable for future redevelopment.

There will be a mandatory in-person walk through for this solicitation on August 8, 2023, at 10a.m. The conference will be at the Foch Intermediate School site, located at 2962 Fairview Street, Detroit, Michigan 48214. Contractors will be required to sign a release of liability and indemnification form prior to entering the building.

The due date for Proposals is August 21, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. Late proposals will not be accepted.

A virtual Public Opening will occur at 12:00 PM on August 21, 2023.

Call-In#: 1 313-462-2305

Conference ID:  629 390 294#

All bids must be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement disclosing any familial relationship that exists between the submitting company and any employee of DPSCD. DPSCD shall not accept a bid that does not include this sworn and notarized disclosure statement.

If you have questions, please contact the Procurement Department at (313) 873-6531.

Published Every Wednesday ANNOUNCEMENTS


The Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) is soliciting RFP for No. 24-3839 for Managed Security Awareness Training Consultant. RFP forms may be obtained beginning, July 28, 2023 from RFP is due by 3:00 PM ET, August 25, 2023.

The Corporation enters into contracts with qualified entities to provide workforce development programs and services to job seekers and employers. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Midwest Urban Strategies - Growth Opportunity

Product Design Engineer

EZM LLC d/b/a EZ Metrology has available positions of Product Design Engineer in Commerce Township, MI. Position requires a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering & 12 months experience as a Design Engineer (internship experience acceptable). Position also requires: Exp. must include: 1) 12 mos. exp. designing, developing, & engineering quality models using RHINO or CATIA CAD tool for automotive components; 2) 6 mos. exp. designing parts for manufacturability, product assembly, optimal quality, & costeffectiveness; 3) 6 mos. exp. designing parts for injection molding & compression molding; & 4) 6 mos. exp. designing parts for CNC machining. Exp. reqs. may be met concurrently during the same time period. Job duties: Design, develop, & engineer high quality models using RHINO CAD tool for automotive components that EZ Metrology offers to customers. Calculate size & quantity of fasteners required to build an assembly. Design plastic & aluminum components for injection molding, compression molding, & CNC machining. Design components for optimal manufacturability & product assembly. Determine torque & gear ratios. Design plastic housings with freeform surface modelling. Design for function using Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerances. Qualified candidates should e-mail resume & verification of reqs. to Tom Van Esch, President, at

Sr. Electrification Controls Engineer

BorgWarner PDS (USA) Inc. seeks a Sr.

Electrification Controls Engineer based out of our office at 3800 Automation Avenue, Auburn Hills, MI 48326. Note, this is a hybrid position whereby the employee will work both from home and from the aforementioned office address. Hence, the employee must live within a reasonable commuting distance of the aforementioned office address. Note, this position requires international and domestic travel, as needed, up to 10%. Responsible for the design, development, documentation, verification, validation, and calibration of Automotive Software Architecture and Function Algorithms related to Power Electronic Diagnostic & Control modules; among other duties. Apply to job reference number R2023-5059 at

Principal Architect Principal Architect; Novi, MI; ID: PA-HCS-M-02; 1 Pos; Discuss client new feat & product dev plan Creat architec new feature. Rev source code. Work with dev team trans SW archi to dsgn. Investig comp SW issue, using client network/simulators & client HW prototypes. Build prototypes prod compo & validate tech dsgn & p’mance. Implem supp for vendor/OEM spec network modem lay using QUALCOMM QMI & DIAG I’faces & protocols, MEDIATEK diag I’faces & protocols, SAMSUNG Exinos diagn I’faces & protocol. Dev & imple model for QOS KPI, 4G/5G NW data. R&D & POC creat for new feat & 3GPP req. Perform/Battery optimiz for Android Apps. Depl SW rele. Supp outsourced proj. Supp off-shore team. Req: Bachelor’s Deg (or Foreign Equival) in Comp, Electr, Info Sys or rel & 5 Yrs exp in IT. Alt: Master’s Deg (or Foreign Equival) in Comp, Electr, Info Sys or rel & 3 Yrs exp in IT. Exp: Android Studio, Source Insight, Eclipse, Jubula, QFTest, Agile (Scrum/XP/FDD), Waterfall. Apply: Send CV’s to Harman Connected Services C/O Jayalakshmi G M (Job ID - PA-HCS-M-02) 2002, 156th Ave, NE Ste 200, Bellevue, WA 98007.

Clever Storage Ideas for Small Spaces

(Family Features) No matter how cramped and cluttered your living space may be, you can almost always find a spot or two for extra storage. It’s often just a matter of getting creative and utilizing a few clever solutions.

Consider these simple ideas to create some extra space in oft-used rooms:


Metal rods with hanging hooks can create storage space on your blank walls. Use them to hang coffee cups, cooking utensils, dish towels or pots and pans.

Magnetic strips mounted on the wall or the inside of a cabinet door can be a simple way to hang knives and free up counter space normally taken up by a knife block.

If your countertop is cluttered with small spice containers and oil bottles, elevate them with a decorative cake stand. Place small jars below and top with pretty decanters and additional spices.

Master, Mechanical, Automotive, Aerospace Engrg, or related. 12 mos exp as Engineer or related, conducting FEA simulations of brake syss or cmpnts to evaluate design performance against thermal, structural, & NVH engrg targets, or related. Email resume to (Ref#31234-25208).

If you’re using prime cabinet space for items you only use once a year, such as holiday cake pans or a big serving bowl you pull out for parties, consider storing them in the attic or a closet instead.


Instead of hanging just one towel bar on the back of the bathroom door, hang multiple to maximize your drying space.

Most modern cabinetry has adjustable shelving. If you haven’t customized the heights of your shelving to accommodate different sized bottles and containers, give it a try.

A three-tiered fruit basket might seem perfect for the kitchen, but it’s also a handy way to store bathroom essentials right beside the sink.

Flour and sugar canisters can also be repurposed in the bathroom to keep makeup, toiletries, cleaning supplies and soaps contained. Make sure to buy bins that stack easily.


Nix those nightstands and hang small shelves on either side of the bed. This cuts down on the clutter you can keep and makes cleaning underneath a breeze.

Rolling bins that fit under the bed are perfect for storing linens, out-of-season clothing and children’s toys. They’re also the perfect way to slide building block projects out of sight without destroying your child’s latest masterpiece.

Closets with a single hanging rod are one of the biggest space-wasters in the bedroom. Double their storage capacity by hanging a second rod or shelf below shorter jackets and shirts.

Find more ideas to maximize your space at

Budget-Friendly Ideas to Freshen Up Indoor Spaces

(Family Features) Whether you’re fatigued by seeing the same decor every day or simply looking for an opportunity to refresh indoor spaces with an appealing mini makeover, rethinking your favorite room in the house doesn’t need to be an expensive ordeal.

Even if your budget is tight, you can still make small changes to transform a room. Consider these ideas:

Bring stylish flair to your space with a new color scheme. Rather than replacing all the furniture, which can be costly, focus on smaller accessory pieces such as pillows and decorative items. Create variety by using multiple hues of the same color or mixing two or more complementary colors.

• Introduce new accent furniture. Smaller and less cost-prohibitive than centerpieces like a couch, for example, accent pieces such as end tables or a coffee table can provide subtle changes to the look of a room. You could also opt to refinish a piece of furniture you have on-hand to create a look that’s all your own.

Morph your room by simply rearranging what you already own. Adjusting the orientation of your furniture and decor can let you see your favorite room from a whole new perspective.

• Whether it’s a flea market find, such as an old window frame that you paint and add a display shelf to the base, or a series of photos from your favorite vacation destination, adding some DIY art can not only update your room, but make it more personal, too.

A new look for your favorite room can go a long way, so find ways to update your space for a comfy retreat you can enjoy. Find more ideas at

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Mayor’s Workforce Development Board Cynthia J. Pasky, Co-Chairperson David E. Meador, Co-Chairperson Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Board Alice Thompson Chairperson Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Terri Weems, President An equal opportunity employer/program. Supported by the State of Michigan, Labor and Economic Development, Workforce Development (LEO/WD). Auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Requests for Proposals are being accepted for: The Mayor’s Workforce Development Board (MWDB) is directly responsible and accountable to the State of Michigan, Labor and Economic Opportunity-Workforce Development (LEO-WD) for the planning and oversight of talent development programs in the City of Detroit. Designated by the MWDB, Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation (DESC) serves as the fiscal and administrative entity that provides workforce services to job seekers and employers. DESC’s primary funding streams include Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) that funds Michigan’s PATH (Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope.) employment program, Food Assistance Employment and Training (FAE&T), Wagner-Peyser Employment Services (ES), and other public and private funding.
support contracts
from competitive
DESC is seeking proposals from qualified individuals, organizations and/or firms Bid package for this RFP is available for download at this DESC website: Transportation Dispatch Services 2023 Response Due: August 28, 2023 Issued: July 31, 2023
bid process.
Technical Product Lead –Software Defined Vehicle Warren, MI, General Motors. Design, review, integrate &verify simulation tools for Android-based infotainment sys using GAS Emulator to meet vehicle specific architecture, system, security, safety &encoding requirements of current/future MY U.S./global ICE &BEV passenger vehicles infotainment embedded ECUs incl. Central Gateway (CGM), Center Stack, & Body Control Modules &Vehicle Communication Unit (VCU), in Java, Embedded C/C++ languages, in Android, Windows &Ubuntu OS, using MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow, Git, Gerrit, Jenkins, Jira, Artifactory, CANalyzer/CANoe tools, following Agile/SAFe. Simulate CGM embedded ECU infotainment features incl. Power Moding, Gear Indication, Steering Wheel Control, State of Charge Range, instantaneous power gauge, drive modes, driver notifications, using CAN &LIN communication protocols using MATLAB &Simulink. Set technical objectives, monitor, &mentor team of supplier developers &QA Engineers in India to develop &release ECU simulation tools. Master, Computer Science, Software Systems, Computer or Electrical Engineering, or related. Thirty-six mos. exp. as Engineer, Technical Product Lead, or Project Leader, or related, designing &verifying Android simulations tools or Android based infotainment system to meet vehicle specific architecture, system, security, &safety requirements of psgr vehicle infotainment embedded ECUs incl. Vehicle Communication Unit (VCU), in Android OS, or related. Email resume to (Ref#2446-202). ITM Systems Specialist –Contract Management Systems Daimler Truck Financial Services USA LLC seeks a ITM Systems Specialist - Contract Management Systems in Farmington Hills, MI responsible for working within contract management system team to maintain system availability at all times for business operations Bachelor’s degree (or foreign academic equivalent) in Science, Mathematics or Information Technology, or related and 60 months of experience in job offered or related To apply for this posting: To apply for this posting: please email resume to No phone calls, please. Specialist User System Daimler Truck Financial Services USA LLC seeks a Specialist User System in Farmington Hills, MI responsible for providing application support and development services for all Tax systems including Vertex Bachelor’s degree (or foreign academic equivalent) in Information Technology/Management Information Systems or related and 60 months of experience in job offered or related IT experience To apply for this posting: please email resume to No phone calls, please. Senior Systems Developer DTFS USA LLC seeks a Senior Systems Developer in Farmington Hills, MI responsible for leading and planning the creation and implementation of integrated environments for DTFS’s internal and external customers Bachelor’s degree in Comp /Info Sci , Info Tech or rltd and 60 months of exp in job offered or related To apply for this posting: please email resume to No phone calls, please. Design Release Engineer –Safety Electronics Warren, MI, General Motors. Engr &release interior passive safety products incl. automatic occupant sensing (AOS), sensing &diagnostic module (SDM), electronic satellite &pedestrian protection sensors. Engr, design, dvlp, &release, using Teamcenter, Vismockup &Engineering Change Management (ECM) tools, psgr vehicle AOS incl. silicon filled bladders, pressure embedded electronic control units, &silicon tubes, &front/side impact sensors, according to GM Global Vehicle Dvlpmt Process &to meet dimensional, electrical, regulatory (occupant safety), &timing reqmts. Provide full technical specs to meet all legal reqmts according to U.S. &global regions (N.A. U.S. FMVSS 208 Occupant crash protection, CAN CMVSS 208, Australian Design Rules No. 69/00, UNECE No. R160.00 &R160.01, EU No. 2019/2144, ISR FMVSS 226, Korean Motor Vehicle Safety Standards No. 102, CHN GuoBiao standard No. 39732-2020, &global future mkt reqmts, where vehicles will be commercialized. Master, Mechanical, Automotive Systems, Electrical Engrg, or related. 12 mos exp as Engineer, engrg &releasing, using Teamcenter, Vismockup &ECM tools, psgr vehicle passive safety or interior trim syss, &to meet dimensional, regulatory, &timing reqmts, or related. Email resume to (Ref#3400-804). Sr. Functional Safety Engineer BorgWarner PDS (USA) Inc. seeks a Sr. Functional Safety Engineer based out of our office at 3800 Automation Avenue, Auburn Hills, MI 48326. This is a hybrid position whereby the employee will work both from home and from the aforementioned office address. Hence, the employee must live within a reasonable commuting distance of the aforementioned office address. This position requires international and domestic travel, as needed, up to 10%. Lead the engineering team through the application of ISO 26262 at all levels (system, sub-system, component) for Hardware and Software; among other duties Apply to job reference number R2023-5519 at Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Brake Systems Engineer Warren, MI, General Motors. Perform CAE anlys to design, dvlp &validate conventional ICE psgr vehicle &Battery Electric Vehicle brake corners incl. calipers, brackets, knuckles, rotors, pads, dust shields &wheels &pedal assemblies, using HyperWorks, ABAQUS, STAR CCM+, ANSA, LS-DYNA, MATLAB tools. Perform Finite Element Analysis (FEA) &conduct structural, fatigue, Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation, thermal &Noise, Vibration, &Harshness (NVH) anlys to evaluate design performance of psgr vehicle brake syss &cmpts, using above CAE tools. Use &apply optimization techniques, Design of Experiments &Design for Six Sigma to dvlp methods which improves performance of entire brake sys. Perform FEA for noise prevention for brake rotors &create FE models for brake rotor cmpt level noise performance. Assess level of rotor noise, calculate natural frequencies for brake rotor in different directions, incl. axial, tangential &radial, separate those frequencies, eliminate resonance at rotor level anlys, &analyze entire brake corner for noise.
Photo courtesy of Unsplash Photo courtesy of Unsplash
Page B-6 | August 2-8, 2023 | Closing costs grant up to $7,500 as a lender credit. 2 Down payment as low as 3% . Income limits apply.4 Down payment grant up to $10,000 or 3% of the purchase price, whichever is less. Product availability and income restrictions apply. 3 $10,000 3% $7,500 Our Community Homeownership Commitment1 can help you turn your vision into reality. Here’s how: Learn more at You are invited to apply. Your receipt of this material does not mean you have been prequalified or preapproved for any product or service we offer. This is not a commitment to lend; you must submit additional information for review and approval. 1 Down Payment program and America’s Home Grant program: Qualified borrowers must meet eligibility requirements such as being owner-occupants and purchasing a home within a certain geographical area. Maximum income and loan amount limits apply. Minimum combined loan-to-value must be greater than or equal to 80%. The home loan must fund with Bank of America. Bank of America may change or discontinue the Bank of America Down Payment Grant program or America’s Home Grant program or any portion of either without notice. Not available with all loan products, please ask for details. Additional information about the America’s Home Grant program: The America’s Home Grant program is a lender credit. Program funds can only be used for nonrecurring closing costs including title insurance, recording fees, and in certain situations, discount points may be used to lower the interest rate. The grant cannot be applied toward down payment, prepaid items or recurring costs, such as property taxes and insurance. Borrowers cannot receive program funds as cash back. 3 Additional information about the Down Payment program: Down Payment program is available with one mortgage product. Program funds can be applied toward down payment only. Borrowers cannot receive program funds as cash back in excess of earnest money deposits. Down Payment Grant program may be considered taxable income, a 1099-MISC will be issued, consult with your tax advisor. May be combined with other offers. The Bank of America Down Payment Grant program may only be applied once to an eligible mortgage/property, regardless of the number of applicants. Homebuyer education is required. Maximum income and loan amount limits apply. Fixed-rate mortgages (no cash out refinances), primary residences only. Certain property types are ineligible. Maximum loan-to-value (“LTV”) is 97%, and maximum combined LTV is 105%. For LTV >95%, any secondary financing must be from an approved Community Second Program. Homebuyer education may be required. Other restrictions apply. America’s Home Grant, Bank of America Community Homeownership Commitment, Bank of America and the Bank of America logo are registered trademarks of Bank of America Corporation. Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender © 2023 Bank of America Corporation. Credit and collateral are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply. This is not a commitment to lend. Programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. MAP5718815 | BAAM0681100 What would you like the power to do?® Can’t stop thinking about owning a home?

New generation of Black Michiganders finding financial freedom through automobiles

From financial struggles to becoming an all-star in the peer-to-peer car-sharing space, this is one local entrepreneur’s inspiring success story.

Detroit, MI – Metro Detroit has long been a place of opportunity for Black Americans seeking prosperity. The automotive industry brought many families to Michigan, providing well-paying jobs that allowed them to achieve the American dream. Lavell Riddle knows this history all too well, having grown up in Inkster born into a family that had turned to the auto industry to create a better life. His parents both worked for Ford Motor Company, but downsizing in the industry meant that opportunities were fewer for Lavell’s generation. Instead of following in his parents’ footsteps, Lavell joined the peer-to-peer car sharing marketplace and has found success as a micro-business enterprise entrepreneur.

Lavell’s story is a testament to the Silver Rights Movement, which seeks to secure economic and financial rights and opportunities for marginalized communities. Despite the obstacles he faced, Lavell combined his passion for cars with a side hustle mentality to build a successful business. His story shows that with determination and innovation, it is possible to find new avenues to achieve wealth and success.

Overcoming the obstacles

When Lavell achieved his high school diploma, he decided it was time to focus on his dream of becoming an automotive designer. This proved to be a difficult journey.

He began attending college while simultaneously working in retail. Despite excelling at this job and receiving recognition for his incredible work ethic with continuous promotions, Lavell soon began hearing news from former classmates that many were getting laid off from their automotive positions. Worried about his future, Lavell focused more on his retail position.

The 2008 recession hit, and with it, came more layoffs and bankruptcy filings. Years of switching from one retail job to the next, without ever finding stability, led to an even more devastating situation for Lavell and his then-fiance (now- wife) Laquondra. During Christmas 2016, Lavell and Laquondra were in the midst of wedding preparations when he was laid off from his job at a cellphone company.

Riddled with wedding planning debt and no job, Lavell found himself at a crossroads with two options: give up or take a risk. So he channeled the legacy of his father’s hard work and took a page out of his father’s playbook. Using the knowledge he had gained from fixing cars and homes, Lavell pivoted to plumbing and electrician school, so he could learn how to properly fix and flip real estate. But just as he was starting to gain momentum, COVID-19 hit.

Taking Matters Into His Own Hands

Lavell knew deep down that his dream was possible if he just kept pushing. A friend told him about Turo in 2021. After some research, he discovered that it was the perfect way to monetize his skills and passions. From there, he decided to take on the opportunity of becoming a peer-to-peer car-sharing entrepreneur.

Lavell quickly found success with Turo. The peer-to-peer car-sharing marketplace gave Lavell the ability to monetize

Today, Lavell shares six vehicles on Turo, and has consistently received glowing reviews from satisfied customers. He often shares his knowledge with other up-and-coming entrepreneurs within his community, as well. Lavell has proven that anything is possible when you

Little did he know at the time, but all of the above experiences would help cultivate the mindset that would drive him to success in years to come. Thanks to his early upbringing, Lavell has since been able to manifest his dream and become the proud owner of a Detroit-area home and of two 1988 Mustangs, his childhood dream car. He’s now also the owner of a successful business with Turo, making his goals in life his reality and building generational wealth for his family.

Lavell is not the replica, but the remedy

It’s stories like Lavell’s that demonstrate the power of determination and hard work in creating success. But it’s equally important to recognize the role of local entrepreneurs like Lavell in the Silver Rights Movement and to consider them when crafting innovative policy.

It’s time for policymakers to ensure a level playing field that encourages competition, safeguards consumer choice, and protects the livelihoods of people like Lavell and Laquonda, who have worked hard to bring reliable and safe mobility options to their community. Lavell is adamant the service he provides to guests, both visitors and locals alike, is not a replica to the rental car industry, but the remedy to the tired and disappointing rental car counter.

While stories like Lavell’s may not always make headlines, they definitely show us what can be achieved with hard work, dedication, and fair access to economic opportunities. It’s time to ensure an economy that works for everyone, while enabling those who contribute to be part of the success. | August 2-8, 2023 | Page B-7

Delicia Allen

President of Early Childhood Development Elite School Management

Jasmin Barmore Journalist Detroit Free Press

Anesha Birchett-Moody

Grammy Winning Songwriter Universal Music Publishing

Brian Cook Triple Crown Banker Rocket Mortgage

Eboni DeBerry Mayor's Office Deputy Manager - District 4 City of Detroit Department of Neighborhoods

David Gillespie

President/Owner Detroit Environmental Solutions

Tiffany Graydon Director of Workforce Development and Education Focus HOPE

Kevin Terrell Heard, MBA Board President and Founder Detroit Regional LGBT Chamber of Commerce

Aaron W. Jackson Director of Michigan Food Fund Fair Food Network

Timothy Paul Jackson Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director Detroit Hive

Shantalea Johns, Ed.D, LMSW Director of Continuing Education Wayne State University School of Social Work

Erin Keith, Esq. Managing Policy Counsel Detroit Justice Center

Vincent Kirkwood Executive Director Playworks Michigan

Donnah Laster Mathematician Army

Kenisha M. Lee

Business Efficiency Consultant, Subway Franchisee, Director of leasing & Development, Head of Human Resources The Klee Brand

Dwayne L. Logwood Senior Pastor First Missionary Baptist Church

Meaghan G. Madison Assistant Vice President Community Financial Center Manager Bank of America

Carolyn Manasseh, BSN, RN CEO RN On A Mission

Bertram Marks, II Youth Program Director Community Outreach Franklin Wright Settlements

Dexter Mason Managing Director, Change Collective President, Founders Junior Council Detroit Institute of the Arts (DIA)

Trebecca McDonald Michigan Real Estate Team Leader HNTB

Dr. Tiffani McElrath General Dentist Western Wayne Family HealthInkster

Gregory A. McPherson Vice President of Foundation & Institutional Relations Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan

Derrick Meeking Director of Workforce Development Walker-Miller Energy Services

Bradleigh Merrill Team Leader, Public Engagement & Communications HNTB

David Milledge Assistant Manager, Multicultural Marketing General Motors

John L. Neely Club Owner/Event Host Hosted By J. Neely LLC

Cassandra Phipps LPC, LLP, CAADC

Director of Children's Initiative Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network

Kenneth C. Pierce, II


Hopewell Baptist Church

Paris T. Prichard

Forensic Scientist Michigan State Police

Randy Ruffin City Director - Detroit G2 Secure Staff

Mark Russ

Chief Financial Officer Detroit vs Everybody, LLC

Ryan Salter

Co-founder / Chief Product Officer Breadless Restaurant

Alex Simpson Regent Eastern Michigan University

Jeremy Thomas Senior Director 98Forward

Teia Wallington

Owner/Publicist Love Publicity

Bre'Ann White

Creative Producer & Photographer Bre'Ann White LLC

Christian J. Williams Founder & Professional Development Consultant CJW Consulting Group

Jenise Williams

Manager, Network Strength Teach for America

Randon Williams

Owner/Operator The Romero Group

Page B-8 | August 2-8, 2023 |
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