Michigan Chronicle
Focus: HOPE CEO Portia Roberson on Community-Driven Legacy
By Rasha Almulaiki
For over 50 years, Focus: HOPE has served tens of thousands of people in Metro Detroit by providing communi ty programs dedicated to addressing racism, poverty and injustice.
In March 2022, the organization an nounced it had paid off, since 2008, the remaining debt of $5.5 million. For the first time since 2002, Focus: HOPE is debt-free after getting out of $16 million in total arrears.
Portia Roberson, CEO of Focus: HOPE, told the Michigan Chronicle the organization is reflecting on its human itarian history, overcoming recent chal lenges and focusing on what’s next on the horizon.
“It became really clear to me that we needed to do things a bit differently and get back to our core,” said Roberson, who joined the organization in 2018.
“Not having debt always gives you a little breathing room and allows you to focus on what you want to be doing and focus on what the future has in store. We are 54 years old; we want to be sure we can service people in the coming years and see growth every step.”
Focus: HOPE provides sever al keystone programs for residents in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Washt enaw counties including early learning, youth development, job training, food for seniors and community advocacy.
The Food for Seniors program became especially vital during the thick of COVID-19 when Roberson said many elderly and vulnerable community mem bers encountered barriers trying to get their basic needs met.
In partnership with federal and state agencies, Focus: HOPE provides over 42,000 seniors with monthly food pack ages and opportunities for health and financial support.
Focus: HOPE’s workforce develop ment program prepares individuals for careers in information technology, con struction, logistics and transportation and industrial manufacturing.
“We want to make sure that we’re helping to build the middle class by put ting people in good paying jobs,” said Roberson.
“I really think if you want to revital ize a neighborhood or a city, you get people working and then they can do the things they want to do. In terms of buying a home that they’ve been rent ing or buying a second home because they’ve been living with their parents. And that’s what will bring back our neighborhood and community.”
Now debt-free, Focus: HOPE is deter mined to reinvigorate its dedication to continuing the legacy of community em powerment, which has been a hallmark
Affirmative Action
By Sherri Kolade
For nearly 60 years, federal govern ment-enacted policies have granted sweeping changes to the workforce and education system as people of all races, colors, creeds, religions and disenfranchised groups advance their pathways in America.
Affirmative action, initiated under President Lyndon B. Johnson’s ad ministration in the 1960s, granted these rights to people under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and an executive order in 1965.
Under his issuance of Executive Order 11246, employment discrimina tion was prohibited.
Swiftly following in the 1960s and 1970s, colleges began to follow suit in the education realm allowing greater access to minorities, which has led to the recruitment and advancement of qualified minorities, women, those who are differently-abled and beyond.
Yet a potential ruling from the Su preme Court could undo years of prog ress under a ban that many are not sitting by idly and allowing.
The Supreme Court will reconsider race-based affirmative action in col lege admission practices, a New York Times article reported earlier this year, which would heavily impact Af rican American and Hispanic students as the policy counts a student’s race among other factors when considering who can be admitted.
The Department of Justice urged the Supreme Court justices to reject a case against Harvard on the affirma tive action matter.
“The filing from the office of U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar emphasized that lower U.S. courts had extensively reviewed Harvard’s racial admissions practices and found them sufficiently limited to meet Supreme Court precedent as they furthered the school’s interest in campus diversity,” CNN reported in the article.
Admissions practices that consider a student’s race were first upheld in a 1978 Supreme Court decision and reaffirmed in 2003, according to the article.
A move to ban the use of race in college admissions might drop mi nority enrollment in higher educa tion, though colleges will adapt, a CNN article added, along with the bulk of America because “concepts such as diversity and inclusion are too widely accepted now to be erased, some scholars and diversity consultants say” in the article.
“Society is moving in the direction of diversity and inclusion, and there is no turning back,” said Barry Fried man, author of “The Will of the People: How Public Opinion Has Influenced the Supreme Court and Shaped the Meaning of the Constitution.”
Dr. Doris Fields, chief diversity of ficer of Eastern Michigan University, echoed similar sentiments in a state ment to the Michigan Chronicle.
“Collectively, both domestic stu dents of color and international stu dents represent nearly 40 percent of Eastern Michigan University’s student population,” Fields said. “We are one of the most diverse public universities in Michigan -- diversity is ingrained in
our culture and mission. Therefore, any Supreme Court action on Affirma tive Action would not affect Eastern, unlike other universities that have ad missions policies in place to boost the enrollment of minority students.”
A recent Gallup Poll found that statistically 62 percent of Americans “generally” support affirmative action. However, nearly three-quarters of Americans in a 2019 Pew Research Center survey said colleges and uni versities should not consider race or ethnicity in student admissions, ac cording to the CNN article.
Howard Ross, a diversity consul tant and social justice advocate, said in the article that corporate America and institutions won’t put diversity ef forts on the shelf because they realize it’s good for their bottom dollar.
“People are realizing that there is an enormous amount of talent out there that’s being underutilized and that companies and leadership that reflect their customer base perform better in the stock market,” Ross said in the article, adding that more diver sity is better for business overall.
“When you go into a store and you see people like yourself you feel more
Detroit Granted $100M to Replace Lead Pipe Lines in 80K Homes
By Rasha Almulaiki
The city of Detroit is being awarded a cumulative $100 mil lion fund to significantly acceler ate the lead service line replace ment program. The influx of state and federal grants allows Detroit Water and Sewage Department DWSD), in partnership with the Great Lakes Water Authority, to replace the estimated 80,000 lead service lines in the city over the next three years.
The city estimates total re placement costs at $10,000 per home, but city services will be at no additional cost to residents.
“Our plan to is mobilize our crew to go to each house on the list,” said Bryan Peckinpaugh, public affairs director at DWSD. “Each house will be investigat ed and excavated at the stop box in the front yard where the valve
turns the water on and off. We need to see what kind of material the service line is and if it’s lead, replace that portion, whether on
dential homes. National use of lead pipes was mostly halted in the 1950s as public awareness campaigns grew to warn of the danger of lead poisoning. Begin ning in 1945, Detroit stopped allowing the installation of lead piping for water service lines.
Detroit houses built before 1945 are likely to have a lead service line unless the pipe was replaced in recent years.
In 2018, in response to the Flint water crisis changes were made to the Michigan Safe Drink ing Water Act to address public water systems that haven’t yet begun replacing lead-tainted water service. Michigan was given a timeline of 20 years to complete the job, although it can seek extensions by rolling lead line replacement into a broader water infrastructure plan. Policy
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the city’s side or private side.”
Lead pipes are commonly found in service lines connect ing street water mains to
As part of DWSD’s Full Lead Service Line Replacement) program, staff begin community education outreach and contractors are excavat ing and replacing lead service lines in Detroit neighborhoods (2021). Photos courtesy of Detroit Water and Sewage Department
Since 2018, Portia Roberson has led Focus: HOPE as its CEO. Photo courtesy of Focus: HOPE
Does It Have a Future? Surpreme Court Weighs a Potential Ban on Affirmative Action
Sacha Thompson, inclusive culture coach and curator.
Dr. Doris Fields, chief diversity officer of Eastern Michigan University.
Capuchin Soup Kitchen 50th annual SOCK Dinner fundraiser Hits It Out of the Park
since its inception.
In 1968, during a time of national civil rights unrest, Father William Cunningham and Elea nor Josaitis intentionally founded Focus: HOPE’s northwest Detroit site ad jacent to grounds of the now-historic 1967 Rebel lion. Its legacy is rooted in anchoring Detroit res idents in supportive pro gramming that system atically meets a family’s social, economic and fi nancial needs.
During COVID-19, the organization identified
some of the challeng es residents were facing and immediately worked to adapt their offerings appropriately, including curbside food pantry pickups and home deliveries and virtual training. They provided a quarter million food boxes for families in need during the height of COVID 19.
“The landscape of the workforce has changed tremendously over the last few years because of COVID,” said Roberson. “And so now, we want to make sure that everybody has an opportunity for some of those jobs in a
virtual or hybrid society. We see what that looks like for Black and Brown people that are typically working jobs that don’t have work from home ca pacity. Poor people, no matter what race, some times the jobs they’re in are not doable with their circumstances. When we are getting people back to work, we try to ensure equity across the board for everyone.”
Looking ahead, Focus: HOPE is eager to let people know they will continue to be a commu nity anchor and advocate for many years to come.
The organization’s five-year strategic goals include expanding its
idential locations will be tracked and grouped into neighborhood clusters so that contractors can replace lead lines according to each district.
capacity for community services, which includes closing the education gaps for children with Early Learning programs (Early Headstart and Headstart) which are de signed to provide the next generation a competitive edge in their educational and professional lives.
changes also required the acceptable amount of lead, or lead action level, to have 12 parts per billion (ppb) of lead or less, down from 15 ppb.
That same year, DWSD implement ed Full Lead Service Line Replacement (FLSLR) as part of capital-funded con struction, replacing an estimated 2,000 lead service lines to date.
With the city’s estimated tens of thou sands of lead service lines still pending replacement, the recent funding comes after years of engaging federal agencies and Congress for additional support to dramatically ramp up the capacity of the FLSLR pilot program.
The recent $100 million for Detroit’s Lead Service Line Replacement Program is comprised of $75 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds through Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE); $10 million from Michigan Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRF); $5 mil lion from an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WIIN grant; and $10 mil lion from the DWSD Capital Improve ment Program.
The Michigan Lead & Copper Rule, as defined by the U.S. Environmental Pro tection Agency (EPA), requires all lead service lines to be replaced over the next 20 years. The rigorous policy is meant to protect public health by minimizing lead and copper levels in drinking water, which mainly are caused from corro sion of the lead- and copper-containing plumbing materials.
In a statement, DWSD Director Gary Brown said, “Annual testing shows the water leaving the treatment plants is well within state and federal safety guidelines. While there is no evidence to suggest lead service lines are a con tributor to elevated blood lead levels in Detroit, they do pose a risk. As part of DWSD’s commitment to safe drinking water, we will eventually replace all res idential lead service lines in our city.”
To save on cost and travel, residential streets that are already on the docket to be serviced for water main breaks will be prioritized for public and private proper ty lead line replacement.
Currently, 800 homes citywide that are on a waiting list for inspection and lead line replacement either had their water sampled by DWSD or children tested for high elevated lead levels, will be serviced in the next few weeks.
In March or April 2023, the $75 mil lion funding will be implemented to ser vice the remaining lead lines at 5,000 lines per year. The city has contracted Ann Arbor-based data and software firm, BlueConduit, to use its innovative ma chine-learning system to consolidate Detroit’s home permit data to identi fy houses built before 1945. The res
Community outreach to residents will begin 40 days in advance of construc tion. During that time, DWSD will pro vide pitcher filters during all water main replacements during meter change-outs and during service line work as a pre cautionary measure.
In addition, residents will be supplied a FLSLR packet with a folder containing a notice, frequently asked questions, flushing information and a homeowner/ occupant (tenant) agreement to autho rize replacement of the private portion.
“We do have tremendously good water in the city of Detroit and DWSD has been making a great effort over the years to make sure we are within the Safe Water and Drinking Act standards,” said Peckinpaugh.
“The water tastes good and it’s not compromised. The outreach we are doing is to let people know our lead pipe replacement work and they don’t have to pay for it. They will have a 12-month warranty after replacement and the pri vate side of the pipe line by your home will then return to their responsibility.”
Residents are strongly advised to take the following steps to reduce expo sure to lead in their water:
• Run your water to flush out lead.
• Use only cold water for drinking and cooking.
• Use only filtered water or bottled water for preparing baby formula.
• Do Not boil water to remove lead.
• Consider using a filter to reduce lead in drinking water.
• et your child tested.
• Identify older plumbing fixtures that likely contain lead.
• Clear your aerator.
To learn how to visually verify your service line material, watch the DWSD video for a guided tutorial.
Residents interested in requesting their water to be tested are strongly en couraged to visit detroitmi.gov/leadsafe and search “lead and copper sample re quest form” or call Detroit Lead Safe Re source Line at 313-267-8000 and press option 7 for further assistance.
Once you visually verify you have a lead pipe coming into your home from the water main, add your home to the DWSD Lead Service Line Replacement Program wait list at detroitmi.gov/lslr.
“I’m really excited about the potential of growth for us,” said Rob erson. “We provide such vital resources to our neighbors, and we will continue to be in the business of making sure we can do some great things in service of all individuals that come through our doors. We are largely known for our food pantry, and while important, there is also so much more. We need folks to know we are still very much here as a re source and partner in helping people grow and thrive.”
comfortable, and a great er sense of belonging, and you feel they may under stand your needs,” Ross, author of “Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgements in Our Daily Lives,” said. “That’s something that may be the difference be tween you buying a prod uct at that store versus another one.”
Sacha Thompson, an inclusive culture coach and curator, told the Michigan Chronicle that the Supreme Court’s po tential ban on affirma tive action could have a long-lasting impact.
“If that decision is overturned, not only will colleges and universi ties that value diversity
on their campuses need to be creative in their outreach efforts, but the outcome will also impact the outreach efforts so many companies have put in place over the last few years,” Thompson said. “One way to do this would be to increase the outreach to the typically underrepresented com munities. For example, there has been a consid erable call for outreach to HBCUs. However, only a handful have seen an uptick in those efforts on campus.”
Thompson added that however the wind blows, companies, colleges and universities and other institutions have to be ready to pick up the pieces.
“Ultimately, whichev er way the court decides, colleges, universities and corporations need to be prepared to review their outreach and recruiting efforts,” she said.
CNN reported that even if the Court makes the change, it’s up to the people to be the change.
“The Court can try to remake society, but it can’t enforce its own rul ings,” the article noted.
“The Supreme Court hands down decisions, but when they say every body has to change their behavior, it’s almost im possible for them to get compliance,” Friedman said.
The Supreme Court plans to make its final verdict on affirmative action in higher education by June 2023.
Page A-2 | November 16-22, 2022 | michiganchronicle.com LONGWORTH M. QUINN Publisher-Emeritus 1909-1989 Michigan Chronicle A Real Times Media Newspaper SAMUEL LOGAN Publisher 1933-2011 JOHN H. SENGSTACKE Chairman-Emeritus 1912-1997 CONTACT US 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • (313) 963-8100 • e-mail: newsdesk@michronicle.com HIRAM E. JACKSON Publisher | AJ WILLIAMS Managing Editor From page A-1 From page A-1 Affirmative Action Portia Roberson THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY ADVERTISING DEADLINE Classified: 3 p.m Friday Copy, corrections and cancellations, preceding the Wednesday publication. Display: 12 p.m. Friday preceding the Wednesday publication. For all news and calendar items: Deadline is two weeks prior to event. Weeks that contain holidays, deadline is Thursday prior to publication date. OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. | Closed Sat. and Sun. The Michigan Chronicle is published every Wednesday. Periodical Postage, paid at Detroit, MI. Price $1.00 and other post office. MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION POSTMASTER — Send address changes to: MICHIGAN CHRONICLE • 1452 Randolph • DETROIT, MI 48226 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • Phone: (313) 963-8100 Publication No.: USPS 344-820 Pipe Replacement Subscribe Today! Call (313) 963-8100 From page A-1 606 418 250 031 751 268 519 19 26 39 43 59 17 37 PICKS 688 795 842 773 926 874 8260 6163 WEEK’S BEST LOTTERY METROPARKS.COM THEY’RE YOUR METROPARKS. GET A FULL YEAR FILLED WITH FUN. 2023 ANNUAL PASSES ON SALE NOW Residents get $5 off until December 31, 2022. Enjoy more than a year of access to all 13 Metroparks! Ad Number: PP-MSHDA-22451CTrim: 5"x5.25" PerichJobNo: 22451 Bleed: NA Colors: 4/C Live: NA Format: 1/4 Pagel Version: 03.21.22 To apply: 844-756-4423 or Michigan.gov/MIHAF This project MIHAF is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number HAF0031 awarded to the State of Michigan by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. WE CAN HELP YOU PAY YOUR MORTGAGE. With up to $25,000. MIHAF – the Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund – is for homeowners with financial hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It can help pay delinquent: • mortgage/escrow • condo/homeowners’ fees • property taxes • utilities • internet Scan to apply Your Downtown Family Playground! The Monroe Street Midway is decked out for its first-ever winter season! There’s outdoor fun for everyone, with an arctic slide, winter bumper cars, puck-putt, an arcade, food favorites and visits from Santa – all located in downtown Detroit, across from Campus Martius Park from Nov. 11 to Jan. 29. Entry is free, so bring your family and friends! DeckedOutDetroit.com
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Capuchin Soup Kitchen 50th annual SOCK Dinner fundraiser Hits It Out of the Park
Comerica Bank serves as presenting sponsor and funds Holiday Food Drives with $10,000 contribution
On Nov. 10, the 50th annual SOCK (Support Our Capuchin Kitchen) Dinner presented by Comerica Bank, returned to its traditional in-person event in downtown Detroit for the first time in three years.
With the support of the Comerica, funds raised through the SOCK Dinner help provide freshly prepared meals every day to hundreds of people in the community experiencing hard ships.
The SOCK Dinner started 80 years ago as a Baseball Dinner to raise funds for the Soup Kitchen before evolving into the SOCK Dinner 50 years ago. The 2022 SOCK Dinner, titled “A Grand Slam for a Golden Anniversary,” honored its baseball heritage with a visit from Paws, the De troit Tigers mascot and will be emceed by Detroit Tigers playby-play radio announcer Dan Dickerson.
“The annual SOCK Dinner invites the people of southeast Michigan to share in the work of the Capuchin Friars at the Soup Kitchen that began in 1929 at the outset of the Great Depression. We have always relied on the
support of the community who generously offer something of themselves in support of those who are suffering through chal lenging times,” said Br. Gary Wegner, OFM Cap., executive director of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen. “Perhaps now more than ever, with a cost-of-living crisis pulling many more house holds into challenging situations, we are grateful for the support of so many in metro Detroit and beyond who answer the call.”
Serving has this year’s hon orary chairs were Comerica Bank’s Mike Ritchie and his wife, Carole. Mike was recently named executive Vice President, Head of National and Specialty Businesses for Comerica Bank
Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest winner hosts Liberian-style Thanksgiving dinner
On Nov. 20, Chef Ameneh is holding a pop-up at
Street Local in Detroit to host her very own
The event will encapsulate her vision of
“It’s been such a beautiful journey with all the improvements to my business and the new connections I’ve been making. It’s created a whole new portal for me that has only benefitted my business,” said Marhaba. “There was a point when I thought my dream could never be a reality and here we are. Putting in the work, sticking to it and consistency will get you anywhere.”
At Little Liberia’s post-contest pop-up opportunities, Chef Ameneh has found an overwhelming amount of support not just from the com munity, but also from fellow small business owners like Layla Outita
with all dishes served family-style to each table.
“In Liberia, we eat every meal family style. That’s our culture, it’s how we were raised,” said Marhaba. “I wanted to bring that idea of a Liberian family get-together to Thanksgiving dinner.”
The idea of the event is to experience dinner with family and friends the Liberian way, enjoying some of Chef Ameneh’s favorite recipes in cluding Tripoli bites, fried plantain, samosa sticks, roasted whole chicken and fried rice. In the spirit of the holiday, Chef Ameneh will also be serving fresh baked dessert with her family recipe for
The dinner is a ticketed event at $55 per person. To purchase tickets or to learn more information, visit eventbrite.com/e/liberian-thanksgiv ing-dinner-tickets.
after previously serving as Pres ident-Michigan Market. Carole received her Bachelor of Science Degree from Wayne State Uni versity in 1992 and went on to work for the Detroit Medical Center, Beaumont Hospital and University of Michigan Health System.
The Ritchie’s first volun teered to serve as honorary chairs for the 2020 SOCK Dinner, which was canceled due to the pandemic and have re newed their commitment to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen through out the pandemic until, at last, this year’s SOCK Dinner was able to be hosted in person.
During their keynote address during the SOCK Dinner, both
Roots. A3 | November 16-22, 2022 michiganchronicle.com
The Capuchin Soup Kitchen Choir entertains a crowd of over 800 to kick off the evening program at the 50th annual SOCK (Save Our Capuchin Kitchen) fundraiser.
Photo Credit: Jeff Kowalsky
Mike and Carole Ritchie provide the keynote address at during the SOCK Dinner. Originally scheduled to serve as co-chairs in 2020, the Ritchie’s deepened their in volvement with the Capuchin Soup Kitchen over the past three years. Photo Credit: Jeff Kowalsky
On July 21, Comerica Hatch Detroit named Little Liberia the winner of its 2022 Hatch Off. After pitching her business plan to a panel of judges and a live audience, owner of Little Liberia, Chef Ameneh Marhaba won the $100,000 business grant grand prize from Comerica Bank and left the entrepreneurial competition one step closer to opening a brick-andmortar storefront in the Motor City.
winning the Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest, Chef Ameneh has been popping up at various restaurants across metro Detroit with the mission to share Liberia’s exotic aromas, cultures and values while building bonds with its guests one meal at a time.
Siklawi, owner of Taste of Marrakech. Chefs Ameneh and Layla often find themselves lending each other a helping hand at their respective pop-up dinners, which Chef Ameneh says has been a great support to her restaurant.
Liberian-style Thanksgiving dinner.
Liberian Thanksgiving dinner,
Liberian rice bread.
Capuchin Soup Kitchen celebrates the 50th annual SOCK Dinner, which originated as a baseball dinner through a member of the Detroit Tigers 80 years ago.
Comerica colleagues take a moment to grab a photo with Capuchin Soup Kitchen Executive Director, Brother Gary Wegner.
Chef Ameneh of Little Liberia cooking her Liberian cuisine.
BuyDetroit Procurement Conference Provides Resources for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs
The Detroit Economic Growth Corporation BuyDetroit program facilitates a community of business-to-business procurement.
To create jobs, access, and inclusion, while growing Detroit’s econ omy, BuyDetroit represents a single source single source for buyers, suppliers and contractors of all sizes and categories to connect, post and apply for new opportunities, and build capacity.
On Nov. 9, BuyDetroit held the Passport to Procurement Con ference at the Hollywood Greektown Casino Hotel in Detroit fea turing resources for small businesses, one-on-one buyer and supplier meeting, BUYPro-Pitch competition, training and Informational Work shops. BuyDetroit Associate Director Keyra Cokley served as host.
Moderated by Kevin Irvin II, the conference featured a Fireside Chat with Daymond John, a businessman, investor, and television per sonality. John is the founder, president and CEO of FUBU and co-stars on ABC’s Shark Tank.
Comerica Bank was honored as one of BuyDetroit’s Buyer’s Council and has been a member since its inception in 2012. The Buyer Council is comprised of top procurement leaders representing forand non-profit organizations committed to growing Detroit business es and driving inclusivity and diversity in their local spend.
BuyDetroit offers a Procurement Portal which is Detroit’s online opportunity clearinghouse for procuring local goods and services. Through this single source, which can be accessed via DEGC.com, buyers and suppliers can start a conversation, connect with peers, post new opportunities, search and respond to rfp/q, procure goods and services from other Detroit-based suppliers, and participate in capacity building workshops.
Leaders Advancing & Helping Communities 16th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive to Provide Wide Range of Community Assistance
Leaders Advancing & Helping Communities (LAHC) proudly offers programs and initiatives to the greater community in the State of Michi gan, and its 16th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive is no different.
On Saturday, Nov. 19 at 10 a.m. the LAHC will not only distribute food for Thanksgiving, but it will also offer FLU shots, COVID-19 vac cines, and PPE on a first come first served. The drive will take place at 5275 Kenilworth St. in Dearborn.
Assisting in the community outreach will be Comerica Cares volun teers through the bank’s ongoing partnership. In addition to volunteer support, Comerica Bank is also serving as one of the events sponsors.
Founded in 1982 as Lebanese American Heritage Club, LAHC began as an athletic organization in Dearborn, Michigan to provide members of the community with an outlet to connect and enjoy sports. As Dearborn’s population increased in the 1980s and 1990s, it became home to the larg est concentrated population of Arab Americans in the United States. The founding members of LAHC realized the need to expand the organiza tion’s programs to adequately respond and address those growing needs.
Since its inception, LAHC has expanded to serve members of the community through diverse programs and initiatives that serve children, youth, seniors and families regardless of race, religion, age, ethnicity, gender, country of origin and sexual orientation. Current programs focus on social services, youth and education, and community health. The non profit serves more than 50,000 individuals annually.
LAHC was also a 2021 recipient of the Comerica Bank Detroit Lions First Down Program.
expressed they were grateful and humbled to be part of this special event that supports the wide range of services and campuses.
“I know all here present want to thank the entire Capuchin Soup Kitchen staff for all that you do every day,” said Mike Ritchie. “To say that you all are a blessing to Detroit is an understatement. Caring for the poor is the mission, and you do so through the loving belief in the inherent dignity of all people. It is beautiful how you see each person for who they are and not as a project.”
Carole Ritchie offered her perspectives on what the Soup Kitchen means to the community.
“What impacts me after every visit, meeting, tour, or volunteer shift, is that I walk away know ing that each space that the Capuchin Soup Kitchen serves others pro vides a sense of peace. When a guest walks in hungry, they are well nourished. When a guest faces addictions, they are given the resources to win the battle. When someone needs a shower, you meet that need too.”
Every year the Capuchin Soup Kitchen distrib utes Thanksgiving and Christmas turkeys, along with all the fixings for a holiday meal. The Soup Kitchen supplies enough food boxes for approxi mately 1,300 Detroit-area households experiencing hardship. This year, Comerica Bank donated an ad ditional $10,000 on top of its current support to help fund the upcoming Holiday Food Drives that take place each year in December and November.
The Capuchin Soup Kitchen (www.cskdetroit. org) is a ministry of the Capuchin Franciscan Prov ince of St. Joseph, which is headquartered in De troit, and had served the Detroit community for 93 years with a loving spirit dedicated helping people meet their basic needs.
Comerica to Help Foster Small Business Growth at National Black Supplier Conference
Comerica Bank fosters small business devel opment and has been committed to this cause for decades – a prime example of this is the bank’s partnership with the National Business League (NBL), a nonprofit, non-partisan and non-sectarian trade organization that fights for legislation and policy to promote the growth of Black businesses.
“Small businesses already face enormous challenges… COVID-19 exposed and exas perated those challenges especially for African American business owners,” said Vanessa Reed, Comerica Bank senior vice president of nation al external affairs. “We believe our support of the National Business League aligns with Co merica’s core value of being a force for good to help small businesses to not only survive but thrive in a post-pandemic global economy.”
NBL represents 120,000 members nation wide with more than 125 Fortune-500 corpo rate partners, including Comerica Bank. The partnership began in 2020 when Comerica committed $1 million to NBL to support blackowned small businesses and its Black Capital Access Program (BCAP).
BCAP is a one-stop platform to assist Black businesses across the country by providing access to capital and resources, including a capital toolkit and technical assistance such as accounting, legal and business financial coach ing. Through Comerica’s support, it engages its top leaders and subject matter experts, like its Chief Community Officer and Supplier Diver sity Manager, to lend their expertise and net work to address the disproportion of opportu nities that plague Black-owned small businesses.
NBL is laser focused on addressing the lack of capital for African American businesses and is intentional in the way it provides critical re sources to close those gaps. One way the or ganization does this is through the Annual Na tional Black Supplier Conference.
The purpose of the annual conference is to introduce the business-to-developer ecosystem to the black supplier community and the cor porate procurement community. Its vision is to increase capacity, scale and revenue to further create economic parity for black business en terprises across all industries and sectors in the global marketplace.
The 35th Annual National Black Suppli er Conference is Wednesday, Nov. 16 at the Detroit Athletic Club, presented by Stellantis and supported by several major Fortune-500 company partners, including Comerica. This year’s conference consists of keynote speakers, exhibitors and a pitch competition.
“This conference provides an excellent op portunity to take the time to focus our time and attention on black-owned businesses,” said Teresa LeFevre, Comerica Bank vice president supplier diversity manager. “We support many different diverse business advocacy organi zations, so this event really allows us to take a laser focused approach to meet new Black-
help Black businesses build capacity, scope and to scale in the marketplace using technology.
“With Comerica, it’s not really about the money – it’s about the commitment, the in ternal support that is given through the pro fessionals that actually work the event, support the event and contribute to the event,” said Dr. Kenneth L. Harris, National Business League 16th national president. “Comerica is known for tremendous leadership, diverse leadership as well and I would like to thank Comerica Bank for their continued partnership with NBL to produce measurable results in the supply chain.”
“This type of event allows for major For tune-500 companies to not only engage with supplies but establish relationships that extend into the community,” Dr. Harris continued. “If we’re going to have true Black racial equity that is measurable in the community, Comerica is not only a company that is putting resources behind it but also truly believes – I believe – is part of the fabric and culture of this corpora tion.”
To learn more about NBL and this year’s conference, visit nationalblacksupplierconfer ence.com.
Page A-4 • michiganchronicle.com • November 16-22, 2022
From page A-3 SOCK Dinner Fundraiser
Kevin Irvin II (right) moderates a featured Fireside Chat with businessman, investor and ABC’s Shark Tank co-star Daymond John.
Vice President and Supplier Diversity Manag er Teresa LeFevre accepts BuyDetroit honor on behalf of Comerica Bank for the bank’s support on the Buyer’s Council. Comerica has been a member since 2012.
owned businesses and to strengthen our cur rent relationships in the Black business commu nity.”
Not only does Comerica provide financial support, but it provides hands-on support as well. Those who plan and execute the confer ence consist of a group of volunteer business owners, NBL staff and the National Black Sup plier Steering Committee, which LeFevre is a part of. She will also be one of the judges for the pitch competition and will meet with par
ticipating suppliers to discuss potential oppor tunities with Comerica.
The bank proudly supports NBL’s 120-year mission to assist Black-owned business owners and will continue to provide support to
National Business League President Dr. Kenneth L. Harris
Property Is Power!
5 Tips for First-time Home Buyers
According to the National Associa tion of Realtors the average age for first time home buyers in the U.S is 33, a relatively young age for such a big life choice. That said, buying your first home at any age can be stress ful and a time-con suming experi ence. Fortunately, there are few cru cial pointers that will help make the journey to homeownership a less bumpy ride. Here are five tips to get you on your way:
Draw up a budget and stick to it. Let’s say you’re interested in a home, but you’re not sure it’s in your price range. That’s a problem, before you start browsing, it crucial that you iron out important questions such as, what is the most you can afford? What is your ideal price range? To help you get started, contact a mortgage broker or use an online mortgage calculator to determine the maximum monthly pay ment you can afford based on the price of the home after your down payment. “Make sure your monthly budget in cludes the total mortgage payment with taxes and insurance and all so consid er the maintenance cost of a property, “says Arlita Harvey, the broker owner at Alite Realty.
If you fall in love with a house but the monthly payment is more that you can afford, when including all your oth er fixed expense, it’s time to move on. You can also enlist the help of a mort gage broker to help you arrive at some figures. They will be able to tell you how much you qualify for and at what inter est rate this will give you an idea of the most you are able to pay.
Make a shortlist of your non-negotiables.
Before you start seriously shopping, consider your lifestyle and values. What features would enhance your well-be ing? And what would make you misera ble? From there, make a list of non-ne gotiables, says Arlita from location, to square footage, to amenities that you must have in your future home. This will also help guide your realtor. “There is nothing better than knowing exactly what you want, but its hard to find ev erything in one property, “Arlita says. “The best way to gauge your options is to visit open houses in the area and get acquainted with the local market.
Use an experienced realtor who knows the area and the market. Your realtor can make or break your home buying experience. If you know where you want to live, try and get a realtor referral. 54% percent of buyers found their agent from a personal refer ral or had used an agent they’d worked with before, according to 2019 figures from the National Association of Real tors. Start by asking friends, and fam ily who live in your area of interest for recommendations, in addition Trulia, and Zillow will have ratings of local real estate agents. “Arlita says. “A good
Retirement Planning: How to Build a Comfortable Nest Egg
By Rasha Almulaiki
Whether you are just starting your first job or have been in the labor force for decades, saving for retirement has never been more necessary to build and safeguard a nest egg for yourself to en joy in your later years.
Since the 1990s, changing economic and other conditions such as the 20082012 recession, have increased labor force participation for those at the old er ages and full-time employment have been rising. According to the U.S. So cial Security Administration (SSA), the current full retirement age is 67 years old for people turning 62 in 2022.
Further, SSA predicts the number of Americans 65 and older will increase from about 57 million in 2021 to about 76 million by 2035.
“People are working longer and there is a lot to do because of the housing cri sis, which is the biggest expense people incur,” said Manoj Kulchania, associate professor of finance at Wayne State Uni versity’s Mike Ilitch School of Business. Inflation sees the gas and food bills go ing up and it makes it hard for people to retire.“
Waiting to retire, if possible, can mean a bigger payoff in the end. Cur rently, the retirement age to collect full Social Security benefits is 66, but this is scheduled to increase to 67. If you opt to take early retirement at 62, the average Social Security benefit would be $1,030 per month, but if you waited until 67, it would be $1,577. By waiting until age 70, you would get $1,995.
According to a Bureau of Labor Sta tistics report on millennials in the la bor force, from 2019 to 2029, “the bulk of millennials (often identified as those born between 1981 and 1996) will shift into the 35- to 44-year-old group. And as the chart shows, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that age group’s labor force size to increase by nearly 4.5 million over the decade,
which is the largest gain for a single age group.”
“For any sort of planning for longterm retirement, you want to save away resources from your income,” said Kulchania, “Managing your consump tion and expenses is vital because only when your income or earnings is higher than your expenses will you be able to save. Good money habits will take you a long way, if you start small and start early, especially if you are still young.”
There are several savings options to consider in order to save and invest ear ly for your retirement. One of the best ways to prepare for retirement is with a retirement savings plan. There are three main types of retirement plans: defined benefit plans, defined contribu tion plans, and Individual Retirement Accounts (better known as IRAs).
“Tucking some away as you go and letting compounding interest work in your favor, these are some of the things I teach my students,” said Kulchania.
“It’s disheartening to see how many of my students don’t know how to in vest or handle money, no one taught them. It’ll be good to see the new finan cial literacy requirement be more rigor ous in high school to equip them with the right skills ahead of time.”
In a defined benefit plan, more com monly known as a pension, employers put aside money for each eligible em ployee and invest it on his or her be half. The employer guarantees a month ly benefit when the employee retires based on several factors, such as salary and length of service.
An IRA is a retirement plan that employees open and manage on their own— usually without help from an em ployer.
Policy plays a key role in protecting retirement savings. The Pension Pro tection Act of 2006 (PPA) institutional ized acceptance of best practices such as automatic enrollment, automatic escalation and adoption of qualified default investment alternatives (QDIA), the most common of which are target date investments.
This provides employers with pro tections to automatically enroll eligi ble participants in retirement plans, increase their savings and help en sure that they are invested in age- and risk-appropriate investment portfolios.
According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute 2022 Retirement Confidence Survey, “Thirty-seven per cent of workers 25 and older and 19 percent of retirees say they don’t know where to go for financial or retirement planning advice.”
Experts across the board tout smart, general money saving strategies to build better habits, including taking ad vantage of the following:
• Managing finances
• Learning personal finance
• Limiting expenses
5 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Entrepreneur
By Sherri Kolade
From shifting economic priorities to now in what’s being described as a tri pledemic (flu, RSV and COVID-19), there are many uncertainties surrounding employment in 2022 and stretching into 2023. Pathways are abundant for entre preneurs and even employees looking for their next exit strategy.
The seemingly uncertain path that comes with entrepreneurship has unex pected curves that don’t come without instruction, Tim Mercer, Forbes author of “Bootstrapped Millionaire: Defying the Odds of Business,” said.
With new businesses in Detroit pop ping up, Black entrepreneurs are hav ing their say and bringing the custom ers what they want in new and exciting ways.
According to a Forbes article, Black women represent 42 percent of new women-owned businesses —three times the size of the female population — and 36 percent of all Black-owned business es.
Nicole Felton, a local photographer and entrepreneur who runs Nicole De nise Photography, has been running her business in metro Detroit since 2015.
She told the Michigan Chronicle pre viously that in her profession, she likes to capture stories using pictures and she recently did a photo series of Black women called “Queen.”
“It just showcases the Black wom an’s beauty, freedom of sexuality – ev erything beautiful,” the 43-year-old said, adding that she recently started making pillows with encouraging sayings on them, which came from her “Queen” se ries. “Black women are just the super power to me – we have this uniqueness to us. We’re able to deliver just the full package of everything.”
“Entrepreneurship is a career that offers a kind of freedom and personal satisfaction you simply cannot get from traditional 9-to-5 employment,” Mercer
said. “You will never know if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur un less you take the leap of faith and expe rience it yourself.
“It’s a big decision, though, involving many factors and inherent risks. There is a lot to navigate and endure en route to reaching your dream destination of professional and financial freedom, and many don’t make it because they simply weren’t cut out for the challenge to be gin with.”
Mercer thinks people who are consid ering entrepreneurship should first ask
themselves these five questions:
Why do you want to do this? “Let’s be honest,” Mercer said. “If the business endeavor is just about us, we will want to give up on ourselves when things get hard. Your why, which is your purpose, has to be much bigger than yourself. You must believe in a vision of why you want to be an entrepreneur and develop a plan for how you will involve others in your vision. Sustainable entrepre neurship requires the efforts of other people.” Mercer thinks it’s imperative to write down your “why” and keep it in front of you as a reminder when tough times come.
Are you being realistic? One can get swept up in the emotion of starting a business, but Mercer said it’s vital for every potential entrepreneur to be re alistic in their business projections for the first two years of the startup. “An swering this question before you open can prevent some unpleasant surprises as you try to build your company,” Mer cer said.
Do you have daily discipline? “You are the boss, and only you can hold yourself accountable,” Mercer said. “If it’s hard for you to stay on task or stay motivated, and you think being an en trepreneur is a fast ticket to easy street, entrepreneurship definitely is not for you.”
Can your relationships survive the
A5 | November 16-22, 2022 michiganchronicle.com See RETIREMENT page A6
Anthony O. Kellum
Manoj Kulchania is the associate profes sor of finance at Wayne State Universi ty’s Mike Ilitch School of Business.
From page A-5
tions: high-yield bank accounts, money market accounts and I-Bonds.
“But remember, you don’t have to make a million dollars to have a million when you retire. The financial institu tions in the U.S by any [way] work. We just don’t teach young people how to use it. Start with informal conversations at the dinner table. Small changes and a determined mindset can make a big dif ference.”
From page A-5
realtor will be in your corner until the closing. An experienced realtor will also have contacts for loan officers that can pre-approve you to show sellers you’re a serious buyer.
Check out comparable houses to get an idea of pricing.
First time home buyers should look a comparable homes in the area they want to live, according to Bankrate. Thanks to real estate sites such Trulia, Zillow, Redfin and Realtor.com, there’s no ex cuse not to research what homes in the area are you’re looking at have sold for recently.
From page A-5
sacrifices? The time commitment, Mer cer notes, to starting one’s own business and getting it running efficiently goes well beyond a typical 9-to-5 job. Rela tionships can suffer. “All entrepreneurs have to understand that they are going to be forced to make sacrifices on a per sonal level with their family and friends. You have to stay focused without letting your dedication to your entrepreneurial pursuit harm your relationships with those you are closest to. Communicate with them and mutually come up with adjusted expectations as you build the business,” said Mercer.
Ask the realtor about expected closing costs.
What are closing costs? When you purchase a home, you will need to bud get for closing costs too, not just the down payment. Mortgage closing costs are fees you pay when you secure a loan for your home, beyond the down pay ment. Closing costs and pre-paids can vary widely. Here is a quick look at some of the main closing costs: Loan origina tion fees, Appraisal and Survey fees, Ti tle insurance, Homeowner’s insurance, Mortgage points, Property taxes, Closing or escrow fee. As for the realtor’s com mission, that’s paid by the seller, not the buyer. Happy house hunting!
Can you withstand the struggles? Rejection and failure, according to Mer cer, are realities that new entrepreneurs have to get accustomed to and learn to overcome. “You need to understand how many times you’ll fail before you’ll suc ceed,” he said. “You’ll get turned down by prospective customers constantly and your self-value will be tested on a daily basis. Is your why strong enough to keep you going?”
“Overall, deciding whether you are an entrepreneur or not boils down to how comfortable you are being uncomfort able,” Mercer said. “Only time will tell if you have the people skills and business skills to be a successful entrepreneur, but rest assured that you will have to en dure periods of real discomfort.”
Radio personality Cheron Sanders’ • Avoiding high-interest debt • Building an emergency fund • Automating payment enrollments • Sticking to your plan • Not withdrawing early • Taking the employer’s match (if of fered) Investing in s=Short-term savings op
breast cancer was discovered during a routine mammogram. She had no symptoms or family history of the disease. Cancer
Page A-6 | November 16-22, 2022 | michiganchronicle.com
Keeping You Informed at All Times of the Day. michiganchronicle.com |DQE Retirement First-Time Home Buyer
What she did have was abnormal cells throughout her right breast. To prevent the cancer from spreading, her Henry Ford Health team moved quickly to perform a mastectomy, followed immediately by microsurgery breast reconstruction—Henry Ford is one of few who can perform this joint procedure. After treatment, Cheron created CheronsSheroes.com, a website providing women with support during their breast cancer treatment. Discover Cheron’s story, and learn more about breast cancer screening at henryford.com/mammography After beating my own breast cancer, I’m tuned in to helping others with theirs.
“For the average Detroiter, those liv ing paycheck to paycheck, it can be hard decisions [to fund] your necessary ex penses and still save,” said Kulchania.
michiganchronicle.com | November 16-22, 2022 | Page A-7
Page A-8 | November 16-22, 2022 | michiganchronicle.com For J.D. Power 2022 award information, visit jdpower.com/awards Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network are nonprofit corporations and independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Learn more at MIBluesPerspectives.com/ReadyToHelp Ranked #1 in Member Satisfaction among Commercial Health Plans in Michigan With the largest network of doctors and hospitals, coverage for mental health, an easy-to-use mobile app, a 24-hour nurse line and the MIBlue virtual assistant, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network are ready to help you feel your best — without the stress. Health insurance YOU CAN FEEL GOOD ABOUT. BCB144850_RTH_BrandDivPrt_MiChronicle_111-11-22_Ins_F1.indd 1 11/3/22 8:47 AM
michiganchronicle.com | November 16-22, 2022 | Page A-9 AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM MEDICARE Medicare plans change every year and so can your health. Now’s the time to compare your current Medicare plan to other options and choose the right plan for your health and your budget. Use Medicare.gov to easily compare options for Medicare health and prescription drug plans. Do a side-by-side comparison of: · Plan Coverage · Costs · Quality Ratings Medicare Savings Programs, run by your state, can help lower your healthcare costs. If you’re single with an income of $20,000 or less, or if you’re married with an income of $25,000 or less, you may be eligible to save with Medicare Savings Programs. Call your state Medicaid office at 1-800-642-3195. “HAVE YOU COMPARED PLANS? You might find one that saves you money.” Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Find your plan at Medicare.gov or call 1-800-MEDICARE (TTY 1-877-486-2048) The Community Foundation proudly partners with donors and community leaders across the region to create positive change that lasts for generations to come. BE A PART OF THE CHANGE We can create charitable giving strategies that provide sustainable support for the programs, organizations and causes you believe in. Learn more by calling 313.961.6675 or visiting cfsem.org/Chronicle
Comerica Bank Joins Celebration at Belle Isle Conservancy’s 18th Annual Polish the Jewel fundraiser
On Thursday, Oct. 13, the Belle Isle Conservancy hosted its 18th annual Polish the Jewel fundraising event. As an event benefactor, Comerica Bank representatives joined in the celebration of the Conservancy’s $16 million impact on Belle Isle over the last decade.
Polish the Jewel first began as a fundraiser led by the Belle Isle Women’s Committee before merging with other Belle Isle support groups to form Belle Isle Conservancy.
The premise of Polish the Jewel was to bring attention to the park and its potential, with an understanding that there was significant support needed from the community to realize all that Belle Isle had to offer.
The event’s founder, Sarah Earley, studied as a landscape architect and came in contact with this “jewel” of a park as she studied Frederick Law Ol msted and his designs. She decided that she would lead the efforts to raise funds for the park through an event modeled after the wildly successful Central Park hat luncheon.
Today, Polish the Jewel is Belle Isle Conservancy’s largest fundraiser.
“With the support of corporate sponsors and passionate individuals, the luncheon fuels Belle Isle Conser vancy’s ability to fulfill our mission to protect, preserve, restore and enhance Belle Isle,” said Danielle Jackson, di rector of events & communications at Belle Isle Conservancy.
Funds raised at Polish the Jewel support the Conservancy’s operations and funding for the development of its programs including restoring and enhancing the historic Belle Isle Aquarium, providing free public admission, managing more than 1,000 volunteers, hosting 3,000 local students on field trips, advocating for Belle Isle improvements and park user interests, and fundraising for capital projects.
As a partner of the DPSCD Cultural Passport Program, each year Belle Isle Conservancy exposes thousands of Detroit Public Schools Community District students to the possibilities of STEM education at Belle Isle.
Held inside the Tigers Club at Comerica Park, the gala featured 15 multi-industry Black women who are each distinguished in the respective ca reers and have made notable contributions to so ciety and culture.
Sisters with Superpowers will expand across the country in Atlanta, Houston, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, Birmingham, New York City, and Washington, D.C. to honor multi-generations of women in entrepreneurship, business, fashion, the arts and entertainment.
The Detroit gala also featured gospel Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter and author Erica Campbell as the keynote speaker.
Since 1979, the
commu nity in Southeast Michigan. As a bridge of understanding, ACC maximizes the skills, resources and expertise of the community to build cooperation and understand ing, raise the level of individuals’ well-being, increase cross-cultural understanding through education, deliver human services, counseling and opportunities, gear communi ty members towards achievement and empower through employ ment training and placement.
Each year to help the communi ty prepare for the winter months, the ACC hosts a Winter WarmUp event distributing thousands of
new winter coats, hats, gloves and socks to those in need. This year was no exception with the ACC providing 1,100 coats and warm winter apparel items, including coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and socks to those in the community.
In addition to their winter ap parel event, the ACC also hosted a fun filled Halloween Trunk or Treat community event, where kids and families enjoyed, snacks, music, face-painting, giveaways, a costume contest and of course lots of candy.
Comerica has been a long-time supporter of the ACC and con tinues to support their mission to serve and positively impact south east Michigan communities.
Sharon M. Mosley
Mosley’s department oversees federal com pliance regulations related to the bank’s lending and trade services division. While Comerica al ready prioritizes compliance, her team is work ing to monitor, test and implement processes to streamline compliance-related activities and make sure all employees understand the role they play, increasing awareness of best practices, processes and procedures.
The work keeps the company within its risk appetite, Mosley said, or the level of risk an organization is prepared to accept as it pursues its objec tives. Some processes may have higher risk than others; Mosley and other compliance specialists work to implement the proper controls to mitigate risk.
“By being in compliance, customers know that they are banking with someone that they can truly trust,” Mosley said. “They know that things are being done the right way and don’t have to question our reputation or our work ethic… Banking is so personal. You want to make sure that it is a sound and solid corporation. That’s what we are, and we are continually building.”
Mosley said she’s learning a lot on her new team and calls herself a “career student.” Her love of learning stretches beyond the bank; she’s working toward a bachelor’s degree in business administration and expects to graduate in the fall of 2023.
“You never know where your journey is going to take you,” Mosley said. She originally decided to earn a bachelor’s degree to pursue a position in the human resources department. While she did not initially expect to join the compliance department, she said she loves her current job and the learning that comes with it.
Within the bank, Mosley participates in Co merica’s chapter of Toastmasters International, a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills. Comerica employees can join to hone their presentation skills and acquire other skills to enhance their careers.
Mosley isn’t just a learner – she passes her knowledge to the community as well. As part of Comerica’s Financial Education Brigade, she has conducted mock interviews with young people who are visually impaired and volunteered with senior citizens to teach them about identity theft prevention.
Through Comerica, Mosley was also involved in fundraising efforts for the 2022 Metro Detroit Heart and Stroke Walk and 5K for the Ameri can Heart Association and Light The Night cam paign for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Mosley has also fundraised for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer for the American Cancer Society with 100 percent participation from her department.
Mosley said these fundraisers hit home be cause she has family and friends who have battled heart disease, leukemia and breast cancer.
“It’s so good to know you may have helped someone with medicine or transportation or ed ucation,” Mosley said. “You feel like you can’t really help a person who’s suffering; you can’t really do anything. When you do something like this, you feel a little empowerment, like you are making a difference for someone.”
According to Nielsen, nearly 6 million South Asian Americans now wield buying power of $1.3 trillion and this is expected to grow to $1.6 trillion by 2024.
With that in mind, Indian Fashion Week was conceived and created by De troit Indian Women’s Association (DIWA) with a vision to bring together and sup port women entrepreneurs in fashion and related industries on a single platform to re-define the future of Indian fashion in Michigan and integrate it into the global fashion world.
IFW is dedicated to facilitating a gate way to the fashion world from creation to consumer.
Through the bank’s Michigan Asian Indian Business Resource Group, Comerica served as a sponsor for Indian Fash ion Week and supported DIWA’s mission to high light Indian entrepreneurs.
IFW spreads awareness about embracing authentic ity and exuding confidence through acceptance. It em powers the designers who participate to take a holistic approach in empowering every facet of the creative industry.
Through its four pil lars—Support, Educate, Lead, and Focus—the
the world a better
COMERICA IN THE COMMUNITY COMERICA IN THE COMMUNITY Page A-10 • michiganchronicle.com • November 16-22, 2022
more information on how Comerica colleagues are giving back to our
Sharon M. Mosley is in the midst of a busy year. As a compliance specialist II in the shared services reporting and risk department, she’s part of a new team working to expand Comerica Bank’s compliance management system. She says her team expects completely new and updated procedures to be established within a year.
Sharon M. Mosley
Comerica Bank Director of Community Development Lending Beatrice Kelly and Senior Project Manager Shaelese King spar kle at the 18th Annual Polish the Jewel fundraiser.
Detroit resident Della Grace and Highland Park resident Grace Radden show off their style at Polish the Jewel.
“My Hat’s Off to You!” birdcage hats for sale at the Polish the Jewel fundraiser.
“The Conservancy’s operation of the Belle Isle Aquarium and the of fering of education and community programs is realized by the support at Polish the Jewel,” said Jackson. “With the absence of the Grand Prix from Belle Isle, the support of Polish the Jewel is more critical than ever, and we are very grateful for the leadership of Comerica and others who have invested in the positive impact on Belle Isle.”
To learn more, visit belleisleconservancy.org and comerica.com.
Arab American and Chaldean Council has served as corner stone for the Middle Eastern and mainstream
Rolling Out, a multi-media company focused on providing a trusted and influential voice to the Black community, recognized Comerica Bank Exec utive Vice President and General Auditor Christine Moore among its honorees at the sold-out, inaugu ral Detroit Sisters With Superpowers awards gala on Oct.
DIWA is a Nonprofit 501(c) driven by a single goal to make
all women.
brings togeth er women of all age groups from diverse cultural back grounds, ethnicities, and across industries to in spire and empower other women striving for success in their personal or pro fessional life, alongside at taining a work-life balance. While DIWA’s goal is to to strengthen and empower the network of all wome, the organization also ex tends support to men as well who want to explore the diverse industries through strategic partner ships and collaboration.
Comerica Supports Arab American & Chaldean Council Winter Warm-Up
Christine Moore, Comerica Bank Ex ecutive Vice President and General Auditor, recognized among honorees at inaugural Rolling Out Sisters With Superpowers Detroit Gala.
Christine Moore Honored with Sisters With Superpowers Award by Rolling Out Magazine
Comerica colleagues at Sisters With Su perpowers Detroit Gala, recognizing Black women with distinguished careers in en trepreneurship, business, fashion, the arts and entertainment.
Vice President and Banking Center Managers Duriya Lakdawala and Usha Naidu represent Comerica Bank at the Detroit Indian Women’s Association Indian Fashion Week. Lakdawala and Naidu serve as chair and co-chair for the Comerica Michigan Asian Indian Business Re source Group.
Detroit Indian Women’s Association Indian Fashion Week Elevates Entrepreneurs
Detroit Indian Women’s Association Indian Fashion Week supports women entrepreneurs in fashion and related industries.
The Arab American & Chaldean Council Winter-Warm Up provides thousands of new winter coats, hats, gloves and socks to those in need.
Arab American & Chaldean Council Vice President-Commu nity Development Nabby Yono and Comerica Bank National Middle Eastern American De velopment Manager Hassan Melhem at 2022 ACC Winter Warm-Up.
ity. L ife
Must-Have Tools for Entertaining With Ease This Holiday Season
(StatePoint) ‘Tis the season for gatherings galore. Whether you’re an all-star entertainer or a first-time host, having the right tools will set you up for suc cess—meaning you can spend less time in the kitchen and more time with loved ones. Here are a few must-haves to add to your holiday shopping list:
Classy and Creative Cocktails
Create memorable cocktails or mocktails that everyone will be talking about with uniquely shaped craft ice. Tovolo offers a variety of craft ice molds to fit ev ery occasion—from spheres and sports balls to novelty and holi day ornament shapes. The easyto-use, durable, stackable molds are dishwasher safe for easy clean-up. Plus, the slow-melting shapes keep drinks cool for lon ger. So, drop them in for fun and festive drinks at your next gath ering.
Where City Meets Life and Life Meets Style
Pops in a Pinch
Popsicles aren’t just for sum mertime. In fact, they’re a great option for a holiday crowd since you can prep them well in ad vance, and they make for a light dessert after a night of feast ing. With Tovolo Stackable Pop Molds, simply puree some fruit – strawberries, kiwis, etc. – pour the mixture into the molds, stack them in the freezer, and voilà, you’ve got a delightful treat that basically made itself. Better yet, guests can add the fruity pops to a glass of champagne or cocktail of choice to add flavor and keep drinks cool.
Table-Worthy Tools
When hosting a dinner party, dishes will inevitably pile up in the sink. One way to cut down on dirty dishes is to use a set of kitchen utensils that is both stylish and attractive, so you can go from the stovetop to the dining table without needing to dirty any additional tools. Anoth er tip is to make the meal family style, which allows your guests to choose what they want and reduces the need to portion out individual servings, ultimately giving you more time to enjoy the party.
Spatulas That Make You Smile
From cookie batters to mashed potatoes, everyone needs a quali ty spatula to whip up their favor ite holiday dishes. And now you
By Dwight Brown NNPA News Wire Film Critic
Wow! You’ll say that over and over again as this mind-blowing, superhero epic unfolds. Wow!
The loss of King T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), aka Black Panther, weighs heavily on the people of Wakanda. More so on his sister Princess Shuri (Letitia Wright) and his mother Queen Ramon da (Angel Bassett). They try to move for ward but are paralyzed with grief. A sor row so deep it shadows their attempts to keep their nation safe. Outside forces covet their precious metal Vibranium, which absorbs, stores and releases super amounts of kinetic energy. They must re main vigilant.
The royals think they are alone in their struggle against the outer world, un til they encounter an interloper. Namor (Tenoch Huerta Mejía, Son of Monarchs) is the emperor of the hidden undersea kingdom of Talokan. His people are of Mayan ancestry. He offers them an oppor tunity to fight mutual enemies. “You want to burn the world? We’ll burn it together.” Can he be trusted? Is combat against any one the answer? Some say no: “If you go to war for vengeance, it will never fill the hole in your soul.”
How do you go on after Boseman’s death? It’s hard to fathom, but a mission writer/director Ryan Coogler and cowrit er Joe Robert Cole ruminated over and planned out perfectly. Their attention to detail and quest to honor the legacy of the actor and character is evident in every frame. They start the movie on a spiritual plain and end it the same way. The superhero is gone but his essence remains. Shuri steps up. But burying her self in creating new warfare technology to protect Wakanda does not shield her pain. Smart as she is, she has so much to
learn. Her voyage of self-discovery drives the film for 2h 41 min.
That intimidating length shouldn’t be of concern to ardent fans. Yes, a few scenes could be slimmed, some backsto ry sequences shorter and the less expo sition would be better. However, for the most part, editors Kelley Dixon, Jennifer Lame and Michael P. Shawver clip the footage in a way that makes time goes by as it should. Not too fast. Not too slow. Just right. As the story evolves, taking
you in directions you couldn’t deem pos sible, the majesty of what you’re viewing and its thesis on dealing with death grip you visually and emotionally in the most astounding ways.
Wakanda, Talokan and all points be tween or beyond are stunning to behold. The royal chambers, underwater world, battle ships, etc. are awe-inspiring (pro
Sleep is Good Medicine 11 tips for healthier sleep
(Family Features) Sleep can sometimes feel like self-care that can wait or a reward you need to earn. However, the opposite is true. When it comes to your health, sleep is just as important as physical activity and nutrition.
While you sleep, your body is busy healing and re pairing itself, learning and actively preventing chronic diseases. For most adults, getting healthy sleep means sleeping for at least 7 hours each night without waking up frequently, going to bed and waking up at rough ly the same times each day and waking up feeling re freshed. Healthy sleep helps the body boost immuni ty, manage weight, reduce stress and lower the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart dis ease and Alzheimer’s disease.
“We know chronic insufficient sleep can have a detrimental impact on personal health and increase the risk of many diseases,” said Jennifer L. Martin, a licensed clinical psychologist and professor of medi cine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. “Healthy sleep is also important for mood regulation and mental health, helping to reduce the risk of prob lems such as anxiety and depression.”
However, according to the Centers for Disease Con trol and Prevention, about 1 in 3 adults in the Unit ed States report getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night. Your daily routine - what you eat and drink, the
medications you take, how you schedule your days and how you spend your evenings - can significantly im pact the quality and duration of your sleep.
These tips from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine’s “Sleep Is Good Medicine” campaign - which aims to emphasize sleep as a key pillar of health, equivalent with nutrition and exercise - can help you create a healthy sleep routine to improve your health today and in the long run.
■ Keep a consistent sleep schedule. Get up at the same time every day, even on weekends and during vacations.
■ Set a bedtime early enough to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
■ Use your bed only for sleep and sex, or when you are sick. Watch TV and work outside the bedroom.
■ Make your bedroom quiet and relaxing. Keep the room at a comfortable, cool temperature.
■ Reduce fluid intake before bedtime.
■ Turn off electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
■ Don’t eat a large meal before bedtime. If you are hungry at night, eat a light, healthy snack.
■ Avoid drinking caffeine in the afternoon or evening.
Style .
michiganchronicle.com B1 | November 16-22, 2022 See
Photos courtesy of Getty Images #16109 See SLEEP Page B-2
duction designers Hannah Beachler, Ja son T. Clark). The colors are radiant or murky as they should be (art direction Marlie Arnold, Cameron Beasley, Laurel Bergman and Jason T. Clark). Regal at tire and Namor’s ethnic jewelry and gar ments are glorious or suitable costumes (Ruth E. Carter). Action scenes to dance sequences are captured and lit like they belong in a blockbuster movie (cinema tographer Autumn Durald Arkapaw). Composer Ludwig Göransson’s thrilling score intensifies emotions from woe to bravery and the eclectic world music playlist (Burna Boy, Alemán, Blue Rojo, Tems), highlighted by a haunting theme song, “Lift Me Up” sung by Rihanna, is a keeper.
Coogler and Moore’s script takes the audience into a heady, ethereal di mension that’s as Afrocentric in nature as the original Black Panther. But this sequel is different. New. Female centric too. The way Queen Ramonda confronts the nation’s adversaries on world stages is so confrontational and unapologetic she should be running the U.N. It’s a dignity, grace and strength that Bassett brings to all her characters. However, she is in her glory as the exasperated matriarch: “My entire family is gone. Have I not given everything!” She de serves an Oscar nom for Best Support ing Actress.
It’s almost as if the rest of the cast takes their lead from her. The profes sionalism, the wrangling of the emo tional core of each character, the flaw
From page B-1
■ If you don’t fall asleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed. Do a quiet activity without a lot of light.
■ Avoid alcohol before bedtime.
■ Keep a sleep diary. Over a two-week pe riod, track when you go to bed each day, wake during the night and wake in the morning. Also track when you exercise, nap, take medication or have caffeine or alcohol.
Even if you don’t think you have a sleep problem, talk to your doctor about your sleep and share your sleep diary. Together, you can figure out what healthy sleep looks like for you and how to get it. This can help prevent sleep dif ficulties before they become harder to treat.
Learn more about the role sleep plays in your health and find more tips to help improve your sleep habits at sleepis goodmedicine.com.
Source: American Academy of Sleep Medicine
less diction and steadfast performances come from a stellar ensemble cast at the top of their game, as guided by Coogler’s intuitive direction.
Wright strikes the right chord be tween bravery, vulnerability and mourn ing. Her Shuri searches for answers in imperfect ways, stumbling as she goes. The very hard-driven Namor, whose nation’s survival comes first, is her perfect foil. Mejía’s interpre tation of this aquatic warrior is a re spectful acknowledgement of Native American culture and its centuries-old dynasty. He also deserves an Oscar. Kudos to Lupita Nyong’o as Nakia the undercover spy and Dominique Thorne as Riri the tech inventor. Danai Gurira plays Okoye, leader of the Dora Milaje special forces, with dignity. Martin Free man’s Everett Ross shines as the U.S. State Department leak. Many may wish that Winston Duke’s role as M’Baku, the leader of Jabari Mountain tribe, had been more expanded. He deserved more screen time.
Be prepared to be awed by the maj esty, dangerous liaisons, warfare and inner growth. You’ll walk out of the the ater shrouded in an overwhelming emo tion that won’t subside. A feeling deeper than 99% of the superhero movies you’ll ever see.
A eulogy. A spectacle. A marvel. A state of grace. Wow!
Holiday Hosting
From page B-1
can add both fun and function to your feast with Spatulart Spatulas featuring double-sided holiday designs and puns. With a nylon core, these high-quality spatulas provide strength for the heavi est mixing jobs and silicone edges that remain flexible for easy scraping. Plus their FSC-certified wood handle makes them an environmentally-conscious way to add a touch of whimsy to the kitchen roster.
Functional and Fashionable Bowls
Despite the name, mixing bowls can be one of the most versatile kitchen tools, used for mixing, prep, storage, and if you choose a stylish design like stainless steel, even serving! Why dirty multiple dishes when you can opt for one-bowl recipes? When it comes to en tertaining, it’s best to work smarter, not harder.
Having the right tools makes all the difference when you’re preparing to be the host with the most. Be sure to equip yourself right for a season of easy and festive holiday prep, and don’t forget that when it comes to hosting, versatili ty is the name of the game.
Page B-2 | November 16-22, 2022 | michiganchronicle.com
page B-1
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michiganchronicle.com | November 16-22, 2022 | Page B-3 T:11" ©2022 General Motors. All Rights Reserved. EARN A LIVING. MAKE A LIFE. BODY SYSTEMS BUSINESS MANAGER. YOUTH BASKETBALL COACH. To all our employees. Thanks for everything you do. We celebrate all you bring to work, and all you bring to life.
Page B-4 | November 16-22, 2022 | michiganchronicle.com Ascension Complete is a Medicare Advantage Plan made by doctors you trust, so you get the coverage you need. Check out the benefits we offer. Get to know Ascension Complete Y0020_CNC_90828E_M FINAL1 CMS Accepted 09172022 Benefits vary by plan. Get the Medicare Advantage coverage you deserve. Call Ascension Complete today to enroll. Ascension Complete is contracted with Medicare for HMO and PPO plans. Our D-SNP plans have a contract with the state Medicaid program. Enrollment in Ascension Complete depends on contract renewal. ✓ $0 plan premiums ✓ $0 primary care physician visit copay ✓ Telehealth appointments ✓ Prescription drug coverage ✓ More money back in your Social Security check every year ✓ Dental services with no annual maximum, including exams, fillings, extractions, implants, and dentures ($0 copay for preventive services, 30% cost share for comprehensive services) ✓ Preloaded Visa Flex Card to help pay for dental, vision, and hearing benefits not covered by the plan ✓ Vision and hearing coverage ✓ Spiritual Care - Connect virtually with a professionally trained chaplain for your spiritual and emotional needs, anytime, from anywhere ✓ Fitness membership at no additional cost OctoberDecember 15 7 Don’t miss out. Annual Enrollment Period: 1-877-841-6287 (TTY: 711) 7 days a week, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. medicare.ascensioncomplete.com J170435_51_Michigan Chronicle_MI_10x10.5_AS23ENEASC90828HP.indd 1 10/27/2022 11:57:04 AM Pay for your extra dental, vision, and hearing expenses with a preloaded $1,500 Wellcare Flex Card. With Wellcare, you’ll get access to all of the top-tier benefits you want, plus a little extra, including: Money back into your Social Security every year Dental services with no annual max, including exams, fillings, extractions, implants, and dentures Vision and hearing coverage Telehealth and virtual visits Fitness membership $0 or low premium Enroll now in a Wellcare Medicare Advantage plan. OctoberDecember 15 7
miss out. Annual
wellcareseminar.com Benefits vary by plan. ‘Ohana Health Plan, a plan offered by Wellcare Health Insurance of Arizona, Inc. Wellcare is the Medicare brand for Centene Corporation, an HMO, PPO, PFFS, PDP plan with a Medicare contract and is an approved Part D Sponsor. Our D-SNP plans have a contract with the state Medicaid program. Enrollment in our plans depends on contract renewal. Washington residents: Health Net Life Insurance Company is contracted with Medicare for PPO plans. “Wellcare by Health Net” is issued by Health Net Life Insurance Company. Washington residents: “Wellcare” is issued by Wellcare of Washington, Inc. Washington residents: “Wellcare” is issued by Wellcare Health Insurance Company of Washington, Inc. Wellcare by Allwell (HMO and HMO SNP) includes products that are underwritten by Superior HealthPlan, Inc. and Superior HealthPlan Community Solutions, Inc. Wellcare (HMO and HMO SNP) includes products that are underwritten by Wellcare of Texas, Inc., Wellcare National Health Insurance Company, and SelectCare of Texas, Inc. Cosmetic procedures are not covered under this benefit. ©Wellcare 2022 NA3WCMADV90544E_0000 Y0020_WCM_90544E1_M Final29 CMS Approved 09132022 Transportation FREE over-the-counter healthcare items Prescription drug coverage FREE preventive care COVID-19 testing J170435_110_Michigan Chronicle_MI_10x10.5_FL23ENEWC90544HP.indd 1 10/31/2022 3:21:10 PM
Contact: 1-844-981-0249 (TTY: 711) 7 days a week, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
The Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) is soliciting proposals for Janitorial Services for RFP Control No. 23-3598A may be obtained beginning November 16, 2022 from http://www.mitn.info.
Responses to RFP are due by 3:00 PM ET, December 16, 2022.
Notice is hereby given that Cass Community Social Services, is preparing a grant application through the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Brownfields program. Funding is being sought for a cleanup grant in the amount of $850,000. The Cleanup Grant funds are strictly limited to remediation of non-profit owned properties: 1945 Webb Street, and 1951 Webb Street.
Cass Community Social Services is seeking public comment on the draft proposal and project eligible for the Cleanup Grant, which will be used for the remediation of contaminated soil at 1945 Webb Street, and the removal of asbestos and lead-based paint in 1951 Webb Street.
A public meeting to discuss this application will be held on, Friday, November 18, 2022 at 5:30PM.
Draft copies of the proposal and the Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) will be available for review at the Office of Cass Community Social Services, located at 11745 Rosa Parks Blvd, Detroit, MI between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. beginning Monday, November 7, 2022 through, Monday, November 21, 2022. All public comments should be submitted in writing to: Cass Community Social Services, no later than noon on Monday, November 21, 2022.
3 cols x 3 inches
The Detroit Public Schools Community District is seeking proposals for hard construction subcontractors under 23-0134
– 2022 Capital Improvements – Series 2b Pre-bid conferences will be held at each site
–November 22, 2022 @ 4:00 p.m.
To obtain bidding documents, please Brad.anderson@ detroitk12.
org/procurement and click on the “Bids, Requests, and Proposals” link in the upper
All questions are to be directed to the Construction Manager. No direct contact with the Owner or Architect is requested. All questions must be in writing and submitted via Building Connected, no later than
The due date for Proposals is December 6, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. Hard copy sealed bids addressed to Sabrina Gujral must be received at 3011 West Grand Boulevard, Suite 1100, Detroit, MI 48202 by a member of DPSCD’s procurement department. No oral, fax, or emailed bids will be considered or accepted.
Late proposals will not be accepted. Ensure that the bid category is clearly labeled on the envelope/bid package.
A virtual Public Opening will occur shortly after 12:00 p.m. on December 6, 2022.
Call-In#: 1 313-462-2305 Conference ID: 262 593 934# https://tinyurl.com/exy9tyef
All bids must be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement disclosing any familial relationship that exists between the submitting company and any employee of DPSCD. DPSCD shall not accept a bid that does not include this sworn and notarized disclosure statement. A bid bond per the specifications detailed within the bid package is also required.
If you have questions, please contact the Procurement Department at (313) 873-6531.
7 Tips for Finding a Medicare Plan That Works for
(StatePoint) Feeling overwhelmed by your Medicare options? There’s a good reason for that. With more than 3,000 Medicare Ad vantage plans, over 700 Part D Prescription Plans available and an array of carriers of fering Medicare Supplement plans, there’s a lot to consider.
“Whether this is your first time enrolling in Medicare or you’ve been through the pro cess before, it’s easy to get confused by the big picture, not to mention all the details,” says Ryan Kocher, Medicare growth officer at Cigna.
This Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP), Kocher is demystifying the enrollment pro cess by sharing the same tips he offers to his own friends and family members:
1. Don’t wait. Understanding Medicare can protect your health and finances in the years to come. If you are transitioning from a commercial plan, work with an expert with your company’s insurance plan to avoid gaps in coverage as well as late penalties.
2. Nail down the basics. There are many different plan types. Here’s a breakdown:
• Original Medicare, offered through the U.S. government, includes all providers who agree to participate in the program.
• Medicare Supplement plans are plans offered by many private insurers that complement Original Medicare. For an additional premium, these plans cover costs such as copays and coinsurance not covered by Original Medicare. There are a number of standardized options available.
• Standalone Prescription Drug Plans, offered by private insurers for a month ly premium, provide drug coverage not covered by Original Medicare or Medi care Supplement.
• Medicare Advantage (MA) plans cover ev erything covered by Original Medicare, and most also include dental, vision and hearing benefits. They often include prescription drug coverage, and oth er extras like over-the-counter drugs, transportation to doctor’s visits and pharmacies, and fitness plans. MA plans are often available at no extra cost.
3. Review your plan annually. During the AEP (October 15-December 7), it’s import ant to review your current Medicare plan, even if you like it. This is because plan de tails are subject to change every year. Re
Thanksgiving Traditions and Memory-Making Meals
Waking up to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is a tradi tion that brings smiles and happi ness for many fam ilies, and this year, an iconic brand will join the festiv ities. Since 1921, Wonder Bread has captured the “won der” its founder Elmer Cline expe rienced when first watching a hot air
race. It’s often credited with the popularization of sliced bread in the Unit ed States and now, for the first time, its legacy will be on display Nov. 24 parading through the streets of New York City.
To celebrate the special occasion and the joy that Thanksgiving brings, you can enjoy Turkey Cranberry Dinner Rolls as a delicious homemade meal that’s as easy to make as it is to share. If you’re searching for a tasty side that’ll leave your loved ones stuffed, look no further than this Thanksgiving Stuffing, a classic accompa niment to holiday meals and a favorite of home chefs across the country. To learn more about the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and find family-favorite recipes fit for Thanksgiving feasts, visit wonderbread.com/macys-parade
over medium heat, melt 1/4 cup butter. Add onion, celery, garlic, sage, thyme, celery seeds, nut meg, cloves and salt.
Cover and cook until onions are soft, 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat.
In large bowl, toss sauteed vegeta bles with bread cubes and season with pepper. Melt remaining butter and pour over stuffing along with broth then toss to coat.
Bake, covered, until heated through, about 35 minutes. Uncover and bake additional 15 minutes.
view the Annual Notice of Changes, which is mailed to you by your insurer each Septem ber. This document spells out plan changes for the upcoming year.
4. Compare all the costs. Be sure to factor in all the associated costs of a given plan, not just the monthly premium. Out-of-pock et costs, such as co-pays and deductibles, should also be considered. Additionally, note the prices and rules around the pre scription drugs you take.
5. Check network requirements. Before signing up for a particular plan, check to make sure that your favorite health care providers are in its network. While you may be able to go out of network for care, be pre pared to pay more if you do.
6. Ask questions. Don’t settle on a plan un til you understand it. If you have questions, reach out to your broker, insurer, physician and even those friends and family members who have Medicare for help.
7. Use your plan. Now that you have a plan, make the most of its benefits. Schedule all the screenings, vaccines and other preven tive health measures recommended by your doctor. Early intervention can help detect conditions early when they can be more ef fectively treated.
For more information about Medicare, visit Medicare.gov, Cigna’s website at www. cignamedicare.com or the state health in surance assistance program in your area.
“Don’t be daunted by the Medicare en rollment process. Being a careful shopper can ensure you find a plan that accommo dates your wallet and your well-being,” says Kocher.
Cover with foil and let sit 5-10 min utes then bake, covered, 20 minutes. Uncover and bake 5 minutes.
Sprinkle with parsley and Parme san cheese. Slice into individual rolls.
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U.S. DISTRICT COURT, EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN OPENNING Executive Assistant Vacancy Announcement at http://www.mied.uscourts.gov Executive Assistant Position provides administrative services essential to the direction and efficient operation of the Court Administrator’s office. Manufacturing IT Launch Program Manager Warren, MI, General Motors. Plan, organize &lead Ultium Mfg Launch Prgrm Mngmnt team, supervise Ultium IT Project Mgrs, &recruit new team members, to support Ultium Cells Battery JV to support planning &deployment of IT infrastructure (Mfg/Ops/Admin), HW &SW, to support high volume battery cell (BC) mfg at new BC plants in OH/TN/MI. Lead team of professionals to design, deploy, &validate automated assy technologies to support optimized high volume mfg ops. Analyze, implement enhancements, &deploy common Bill of IT Syss for automated assy technologies incl. Global Mfg Execution/Material Control/&Global Qlty Mngmnt Syss, &SPC, &improve production qulty at BC mfg, &to schedule IT syss upgrades at plant level during non-production. Bachelor, Cmptr Sci. Cmptr Engrg, IT, Info. Sys. Mngmnt, or related. 60 mos exp as IT Launch Prgrm or Proj. Mgr, Mfg IT Launch Prgrm Mgr, Mfg IT Prgrm Mgr, or related, analyzing, implementing enhancements, &deploying a common Bill of IT Syss for automated assy technologies to standardize IT Mfg technologies &improve production qlty at vehicle assy plant or BC plant, &to schedule IT syss upgrades at plant level during non-production, or related. Mail resume to Ref#45230, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Electrical Architecture System Engineer Warren, MI, General Motors. Review, verify &validate passenger vehicle Occupant Comfort/Occupant Protection & Passive Safety (OC/OP&PS) feature subsyss functional reqirmnts documented in GM repository specification including Subsystem Technical Specs) using DOORS/DNG, RTC, Rhapsody, Git, Gerrit, &Jenkins, tools. Provide feedback to rqurmnts authors to improve clarity &consistency w/ established GM rqirmnts strategies, to support execution of conventional ICE, BEV &AV vehicles using Vehicle Intelligence Platform (VIP) electrical architecture. Submit change requests (CRs) in RTC for dissidences found in current OC/OP&PS sys for embedded control module features incl. side closure locking controls, wiper &washer, external light sys, power window controls, power &memory seat controls; climate control; &passive safety restraint syss (airbags). Collaborate q/ Body Controls, HVAC &Thermal, Passive Safety &Closures Technical Review Boards to process approvals. Bachelor, Electrical, Electronics or Computer Engrg, Computer Science, or related. 24 mos exp as Engineer, Developer, Consultant, or related, verifying or validating specifications rqrmnts of modules or features, using Git &Jenkins tools, &submitting CRs, or related. Mail resume to Ref#323, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Software Developer Warren, MI, General Motors. Gather technical requirements, design &develop rapid prototype for hypothesis (high level) SW apps, using SAFe, to present to Product Owners for acceptance. Demonstrate infotainment ¬ification products &prototypes w/ business stakeholders &Product Owners to collect feedback. Develop &debug final requirements for production level passenger vehicle infotainment &telematics SW apps. Develop &deploy MSA in Java, using Spring Boot framework, &Hibernate, JMS, SOAP &REST tools, hosted in Azure repositories, &deploy to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) using Blue Green deployment strategy to maintain high availability of apps. Perform TDD for all developments to provide qlty code w/ 100% code coverage. Build APIs that integrate w/ Azure APIs &other microservices. Build CI/CD pipelines to deploy apps in blue-green model using Microsoft Azure Devops. Perform Smoke test, integration tests, postproduction test, code-coverage using SonarQube, security audits, &integrate in CI/CD pipeline. Bachelor, Computer Science or Engineering, or related. 60 mos exp as Developer or Engineer, developing &deploying Microservices Applications (MSA), in Java, using Spring Boot framework, REST tools, &deploying to PCF using Blue Green deployment strategy, or related. Mail resume to Ref#1734, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Senior Software Engineer Warren, MI, General Motors. Analyze passenger vehicle data diagnostic information in DOORS, using UDS on CAN protocol-based Data Identifiers (DIDs), Parameter Identifiers (PIDs), &Routine Identifiers (RIDs) in Vehicle Control Unit (VCU), Central Gateway / Center Stack / Body / Engine Control Modules, recording vehicle events such as crash, airbag sys deployment, critical vehicle &syss shutdowns, &recording vehicle features such as OTA update, Lane Change Assist, cabin climate temp, Super Cruise/Ultra Cruise, &mobile apps (remote start, door unlock, HVAC instructions), to publish vehicle info to IOT hub (gRPC &MQTT) to Back Office, using C++ based SW. Perform rationality assessments of DIDs, PIDs, &RIDs for data diagnostics reqrmnts. Analyze &implement infotainment &telematics features use cases, SW design execution &SW verification incl unit/SW integration testing. Design &develop embedded apps in VCU in C++ &Java, JNI technology, using Android Studio. Bachelor, Computer Science or Cmptr Engineering, or related. 60 mos exp as Engineer, Developer, Lead, or related, analyzing vehicle or power generation embedded controller data diagnostic info, using PIDs or Diagnostic Trouble Codes, to read data from vehicle or controller, using C++ based SW, or related. Mail resume to Ref#771, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265.
Thanksgiving Stuffing 1/2 cup unsalted butter, divided 3 cups chopped onion 2 1/2 cups chopped celery 1 clove garlic, finely chopped 1 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh sage 1 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme 2 teaspoons celery seeds 1 pinch grated nutmeg 1 pinch ground cloves 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1 loaf Wonder Classic White Bread, cubed 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 1/2 cups low-salt chicken broth
oven to 325 F.
large skillet
opportunities for
(Family Features) Starting
parades and ending with family meals, Thanks giving provides all-day
celebrating life’s special moments with those nearest and dearest to
Turkey Cranberry Dinner Rolls Nonstick cooking spray 1 package of Wonder Dinner Rolls 2 cups diced turkey, cooked 1 cup cranberry sauce or relish 6 slices Swiss cheese 6 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon yellow mustard 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1/2 tablespoon dried minced onion salt, to taste pepper, to taste 1 tablespoon parsley 1 cup Parmesan cheese
oven to 325 F. Cover 9-by13-inch baking pan with foil and spray with nonstick cooking spray.
one piece, cutting entire slab in
half lengthwise
create one half of “tops” and
half of “bottoms.”
Place bottom half in foil-covered pan
layer with turkey, cranberry sauce
Swiss cheese. Add top half of rolls.
microwave, melt butter and whisk in mustard, Worcestershire sauce, onion
salt and pepper, to taste. Pour evenly over rolls.
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