The influence of the technology in tourism

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Reaction Essay

Advantages of technology to give attention and solutions in claims given by customers in the field of the tourism Alvarez Michelle, Bonilla Estefania Tourism and Hospitality Major- Eighth ‘A’ Technical University of Ambato

Ambato- Ecuador Hernández Alba Mg. Lcda.

Advantages of the technology in tourism

Nowadays the technology has reached a great development in the humanity, allowing in this way to evolve especially the tourism sector, knowing that the tourism industry is oriented to information and can thus market products and services through the internet, playing an important role in terms of attention and problem solving with customers or consumers. The influence of technology on tourism in recent years has generated some advantages such as easy and fast access to information through the internet and the ability to promote new services.

Easy and fast access to information through the internet is pre-trip processes. According to the authors (Coromoto Paredes & Coromoto, 2016) citing the OMT (2006), ‘‘The communication activity of the intermediaries of the tourist system, indicating that during the pre-trip phases, the information-communication to the customer takes place the precise administrative procedures and the sale of the product’’. Currently the ease of using the internet and knowing that it operates 24 hours a day and every day of the year, gives consumers the opportunity to acquire quick and accurate information, tourists today know more closely the reality of the product or service they are going to acquire, solve their doubts and concerns and most importantly save time; from the business point of view in the case of hotels and travel agencies the use of technology has benefited considerably, narrowing direct ties to the user or consumer; On the other hand several tourist companies have realized marketing via internet through social networks, web pages, etc. Which has generated them a great increase of the tourist demand and also has allowed them to deal with the competition, more however the best option for solving problems or serving customers is direct or face-to-face communication.

Another advantage is the ability to promote new services in tourism enterprises. Promoting services allows the innovation, development and design of products according to the needs of consumers, according to (Garrigós , 2012) mentions that ‘‘New technologies promise many benefits to organizations, such as improving operational efficiency, or the ability to promote new services for customers’’ It is clear that today competitiveness has 2

Advantages of the technology in tourism

increased; many companies seek to create new businesses or new forms of tourism, some focused on the care of nature for example the hotel sector; the innovation of the famous green hotels, in which they preserve the environment; Using either solar panels or the reuse of recyclable materials. On the other hand, the majority of tourist companies and even more hotel companies try to reduce their costs either by implementing new technologies that supplant the use of personnel, In which they streamline their processes and optimize the time, granting clients who book their accommodation electronically from anywhere in the world. It is evident that with the use of the new technologies the tourist companies generate a personalized service to the clients; as (JosĂŠ & Narangajavana, 2012) point out ‘‘the TIC serve to simplify tasks, improve efficiency and service quality, while streamlining costs '' In conclusion, the use of new technologies has generated a great contribution in the tourism sector, since through these tools both clients and tourist companies have been able to have information and communication truthful and effective from anywhere in the world, as well as has allowed the creation of new products and services according to the needs of customers.


Advantages of the technology in tourism

References Coromoto Paredes, D., & Coromoto, M. (enero- marzo de 2016). INFLUENCIA DE LA COMUNICACIÓN DIRECTA DE LAS AGENCIAS DE VIAJE EN ELTURISMO EMISIVO MERIDEÑO. SABER. Revista Multidisciplinaria del Consejo de Investigación de la Universidad de Oriente, vol,28, 125-136. Garrigós , S. (2012). Capacidades directivas y nuevas tecnologías en el sector turístico. España: Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions. José, F., & Narangajavana, Y. (2012). Nuevas tecnologías en el sector turístico. España: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I.


Advantages of the technology in tourism

The influence of the technology in tourism had



technological advantages costumers and


to or

the guest



The technology help us to receive reclaims or suggestions by letters, emails and also filmed, because it´s more easy to see






Advantages of the technology in tourism

The tecnology help us for realized marketing and publicity because by internet we can acces some pormotions in differents places such as CineMark.

The internet is considerate an extra service because nowadays is a tool most used in the world

Also the

internet or W-IFI acces is the most common that go to a place.


Advantages of the technology in tourism

Many companies use the social network to promove their services or upload their promotions or only for make the people know about this, like; Facebook, Instagram and others.

Another advantage is the easy and fast acces to information by internet, this is considerate like a pre-trip process, you should planing your travel before.


Advantages of the technology in tourism

You have the facility of use internet because actually there are many operators like a claro,Tuenti or Speedy that offers internet every day and the twenty fours hours of the day.

Whit the techonlogy and the internet you can access to web pages like a trip-advisor, this page is only for hotels and you can see suggestions and pictures about the hotels.


Advantages of the technology in tourism

The tourism companies has realized or has created marketing through social networks for example Instagram, Facebook, has created your own web pages for generated more tourist demand and share your promotions.

In conclusion the technology is a tool that changed the tourism world in positive form because has generate new services for the costumers.


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