CHARGING FORWARD The profession is evolving. MVMA is focused on staying ahead of the curve.
Michigan law now requires veterinarians to complete 45 CME hours and 15 CME hours for veterinary technicians every three years. Of the 45 hours, veterinarians will be required to complete one hour of education on medical records and one hour on state veterinary law and/or federal or state controlled substance law.
We can help. Sarah Babcock, DVM, JD (MSU CVM, 2004) has created online trainings, approved by the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association, to satisfy these new requirements. They can be taken when it works for you, without the cost of travel or time away from work.
FALL 2019
When I began the course, I thought it would likely be another waste of time. I was quickly, and pleasantly surprised to discover that was not the case. If one has any aspiration of practicing quality medicine, this course is not optional it is indispensable. John B. Smith, DVM
This is an exceptional online course on a poignant topic. This course would benefit all veterinary professionals; from student to experienced practitioner. This course will illuminate your medical record deficiencies and reinforce your good habits. Stephen C. Steep, DVM
Dr. Mike Thome, President Dr. Melissa Owings, President-Elect Dr. Christian Ast, First Vice President Dr. Erin Howard, Second Vice President Dr. Lori Penman, Immediate Past President Dr. Stephen Steep, AVMA Delegate
By Nancy Frank, DVM, MPH, DACVPM
By Sheri Fandel
Dr. Jill Lynn, AVMA Alternate Delegate
DIRECTORS REPRESENTING DISTRICTS Dr. Megan McQuade,(1) Southern Dr. Kristin Knirk, (2 & 3) Michiana & Southwestern
By Samuel Florio
Dr. Erin Whalin, (4) Jackson Dr. Larry Letsche, (5 & 9) Washtenaw & Livingston Dr. Tim Duncan, (6 & 8) Wayne & Oakland Dr. Julie Sherman, (7) Macomb Dr. Dana Tatman-Lilly, (10) Mid-State Dr. Susan Schoen Farmer, (11) Western
By Nancy Frank, DVM, MPH, DACVPM
Dr. Joseph Kline, (12 & 13) Saginaw & Thumb Dr. Anne Shuff, (14) Northeastern Dr. Kenny Rogers, (15) Northern
Dr. Jeff Bunn, MI Equine Practitioners Dr. Lucy Henney, Southeastern Michigan VMA
AT LARGE DIRECTORS Dr. Henry Reinart, Food Animal Dr. Srinand Sreevatsan, MSU CVM
By Julie Cappel, DVM
By Kara Henrys
By Kara Henrys
By Sheri Fandel
By Stephen Steep, DVM
Dr. Claire Hankenson, Lab Animal Medicine
The Michigan Veterinarian is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December.
By Matt Breslin, J.D.
Deadlines are the first of the preceding month.
Michigan Veterinary Medical Association 2144 Commons Parkway, Okemos, MI 48864-3986
By Gail Hoholik, DVM
p. (517) 347-4710 f. (517) 347-4666
The Michigan Veterinary Medical Association represents the veterinary profession in Michigan, advances the knowledge and standards of its membership, and promotes the science, practice, and value of veterinary medicine for the benefit of
By Samuel Florio
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By Kara Henrys
Type of Medicine
animal and human health.
FALL 2019
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FALL 2019
Leading Specialty Healthcare for Pets
CEO MESSAGE Bringing the Future into Focus By John Tramontana, CAE
It’s an exciting time to be a member of the MVMA. We’re
Recently, we added a new position of Director of Commu-
seeing record numbers of attendance at continuing edu-
nications & Digital Strategy, who will help tell your sto-
cation events, we’re getting more involved in advocacy at
ries and enhance the public perception of the veterinary
the Capitol, we’re expanding our staff and we’re devel-
profession. Exciting times are ahead.
oping new ways to deliver content and services to you to bring greater value to your membership. We’re working
In this inaugural rebranded issue, we’re focusing on the
on changing the ways we interact with you. We’re going
future and the stories that are important to you. We’ve
to provide new channels for communications, new oppor-
added a member profile, a column that allows you to ask
tunities for learning and networking, and solicit your help
questions of our on-staff veterinarian, a legislative up-
in crafting the future of your association.
date, many feature stories and so much more!
You may have noticed our redesigned and more compre-
So far, it has been an incredible five months on the job for
hensive magazine. It’s just one of the ways we’re bring-
me. I’ve met and interacted with many of you, listened to
ing improved content to you. The profession is chang-
your comments and concerns, and am now working with
ing, and your association needs to change with it. We’ve
the staff to modernize the association and bring more peo-
added quarterly just-in-time learning events to give you
ple into the fold. We’re building upon an incredible foun-
the tools you need, when you need them. We had more
dation left by so many of my predecessors.
than 100 people attend our cannabis workshop in May, and we are already working on new events to make you a
You’ll notice more changes in the coming months. Some
more effective and informed veterinarian. But we can’t do
tweaks to MVC, more content, more in-per-
it without your help. We need to hear from you. What’s
son learning and more stories
working right now at MVMA? Where are we falling
short? How can we better serve you and exceed your ex-
achievements. We thank you
pectations? These will be questions we ask you over the
for your continued support
coming months, and we’ll be looking to you for honest
and for your dedication to
answers. Please feel free to contact me at any time to talk
not only your profession,
about MVMA or ideas you may have.
but to this organization.
We’re just getting started and My goal is to always run an association based on honest,
it’s going to be a heck of a ride!
timely and transparent communication. We have a re-en-
See you soon!
ergized and informed staff who are always here to help.
John Tramontana, CAE, is MVMA’s CEO and can be reached at 517.347.4710 or
FALL 2019
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FALL 2019
Shaping Our Collective Future
By Michael J Thome, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (Equine)
Having completed my 30th year as a
and private practice. We have a great
plan is to restore the veterinarian to the
veterinarian, I can honestly say that I
relationship with our home-state Col-
primary leadership position regarding
wouldn’t have been able to imagine
lege of Veterinary Medicine. Our staff
questions of animal health and welfare,
my current work world from my past
at MVMA headquarters are welcom-
including the intertwined human and
perspective as a new graduate. I mostly
ing, energized, and focused. We have
animal symbiosis. We’ve got a lot of
work with dairy cattle these days, and
grown our staff with the addition of
competition these days, from various
the industry looks way different than it
one of our MVMA Past Presidents, as
bloggers, lay practitioners, and even
did in southern Pennsylvania and west-
well as our new Director of Communi-
the clerk at a video store near me (yes
ern Maryland in 1989. In many ways it
cations and Digital Strategy. And our
they still exist, and we thought our
is better, though I do feel some nostal-
staff members who have been with us
world was changing!) who is hawking
gia for the things that were left behind.
a bit longer continue to contribute and
CBD products for pets.
Change is hard for all of us, but change
serve in a way that is humbling at times
also brings opportunity. We feed,
to this creaky older cow vet.
house, manage, and accommodate the welfare needs of the dairy cow better
I bring up this part of our strategic plan because we need your help. We
One of the “planks” of our strategic
have a great MVMA, but we still need
than we ever used to, and veter-
your help. We have new tools in
inarians have been a big part of
place to tell our story, but our
this progress.
story is your story, and we need you to share your story with us.
Shifting gears from the dairy
Join a committee. Email your
farm to our veterinary profes-
board representative. Call our
sion, we’ve all found our roles
CEO. Stop by the MVMA office
changing, sometimes growing
in Okemos and talk with our
and sometimes shrinking. We
don’t need to face these challenges on our own; we have a
Please join us here at the MVMA
strong, nimble, forward-look-
and help us shape our collective
ing MVMA standing right be-
future. Together we will contin-
hind us. We have a fantastic
ue to build the foundation for
board of directors that draws
those who follow us into the
from all corners of the state,
profession. I promise that you
and from all corners of public
will not regret pitching in.
Dr. Mike Thome
Michael J Thome, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (Equine), is the MVMA’s President, and can be reached at or 989.235.3844 MVMA | THE MICHIGAN VETERINARIAN
FALL 2019
MVMA Welcomes New Director of Communications & Digital Strategy On July 10, 2019, the MVMA welcomed their newest team mem-
and goals of the organizations resulted in operational expansion
ber and Director of Communications & Digital Strategy, Samuel
and praise from previous supervisors.
Florio. In this newly created role, Samuel will be responsible for all communications, public relations, marketing, digital media strategy and execution.
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Samuel at AMIkids, collaborating on numerous projects that impacted our organization nationwide,” said Joseph Gallina, Director of Marketing
“It is an honor to join this respected and established associa-
and Communications at AMIkids. “He brings passion, dedica-
tion that has provided over 136 years of service to the Michigan
tion and a tremendous creative talent to work every single day.”
veterinary community and public,” Florio said. “I look forward to the future as we champion new communication and market-
Throughout his career, Florio’s abilities and experience have
ing strategies that will improve the way we serve our dedicated
substantially impacted organizations on various levels. Initia-
members. In addition, looking for new ways to encourage new
tives include branding, marketing campaigns, resource devel-
member enrollment and participation.”
opment, talent recruitment, education and training, event management, business proposals, and strategic messaging.
Florio joins the MVMA with 10+ years of marketing, business, and creative experience. Over his career, he has worked for
“The MVMA is growing, and I am excited to have Samuel on the
member and community focused organizations, such as: the
team,” said MVMA CEO John Tramontana, CAE. “He brings
Tampa Bay Partnership (an economic development organiza-
with him a wealth of knowledge, a servant-leader attitude, and
tion), AMIkids (a large non-profit) and the Michigan Chamber
an infectious personality that will be assets for our organiza-
of Commerce. While serving at these organizations, Florio’s ex-
tion. In his new role, Samuel will work directly with the staff
pertise for aligning strategic marketing efforts with the mission
to ensure that messaging and branding across all platforms are seamless, creative and impactful.”
As the organization continues to grow, I look forward to serving the MVMA community by advancing the mission of the organization through engaging communications and marketing strategies. S A M U E L F LO R I O Florio currently resides in Lansing with his fiancée, Jenna, and is an avid photographer and fitness enthusiast. You may contact him at 517.347.4710 or
FALL 2019
Back to School
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FALL 2019
This article provides a high-level overview of how laws are made in Michigan, why MVMA is involved, and how you can become involved, too.
Who Makes Laws? – A Michigan Perspective By Nancy Frank, DVM, MPH, DACVPM
The answer to who makes laws in Michigan seems like it
law page by page and update language. MVMA had a seat
should be straightforward, but it is actually complex. When
at the discussion table. After many months of meetings and
you look at the process from start to finish, lots of people
discussion, there was general agreement on language. A
have a hand in writing and modifying language that ends
legislative sponsor was found, and Legislative Service Bu-
up as a law. Details of the process are available online. For
reau rewrote the review group’s language in a bill format.
most of us, what matters more than identifying process
The bill was introduced in the House of Representatives as
steps is knowing where we fit in the process. MVMA (staff,
House Bill 6205, passed in the House of Representatives
Legislative Advisory Committee, and our legislative lobby-
and Senate and went on to the Governor’s Office for ap-
ist) devotes considerable time to monitoring proposed laws
proval. Unfortunately, some late wording changes made in
to safeguard the interests of veterinarians and best assure
the bill during the legislative process made it unacceptable
animal health and welfare.
to the Governor and it was vetoed at the end of 2018. It so happens that 2018 was the last year in a 2-year cycle for
Making laws is a process that can take multiple years.
legislation meaning that was the end of HB 6205’s chance
Sometimes attempts at writing laws are not successful at all.
to become a law.
All sorts of things happen along the way from idea to law. Vigilance is needed to track bills that are introduced and
Now, nearly the same Animal Industry Act update lan-
even proposed bills not yet introduced. This is where rela-
guage has been introduced in the Senate as SB 174. If you
tionships and knowing your legislators can be a big help.
look on the Michigan Legislature website, www.legislature.
Also, there is no substitute for a professional lobbyist who, you can find out all about this bill. You can see the
works full time to monitor trends and the full continuum of
sponsor, download a copy of the bill, look at an analysis of
the legislative process. Our lobbyist also guides discussion
the bill and see where it is in the legislative process. The last
whether it be to garner support for one of our issues, speak
notation about its activity is that on March 7, it was referred
out against something detrimental from our point of view,
to the Committee on Agriculture. This bill still has a way to
or work to find a compromise.
go in the legislative process, but it has until the end of 2020 to get there.
As an example of making a law, let’s look at a bill now going through the legislature. Senate Bill 0174 (2019), abbreviated
If you have an interest in becoming a bill watcher, you can
as SB 174, is a bill that updates the Michigan Department of
sign up to receive email alerts when there is activity on a
Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) Animal In-
particular bill or a bill topic that may be of interest to you.
dustry Act, Public Act 466 of 1988, as amended. MVMA has
Sign up is on the Michigan Legislature website. Click on
been neutral on this bill, the topic is familiar to veterinari-
Why Register? to get started.
ans, and the bill has enough history to generate a “teachable
moment.” An effort was initiated to update the Animal In-
Nancy Frank, DVM, MPH, DACVPM, is MVMA’s Staff
dustry Act nearly 2 years ago. MDARD sought input from
Veterinarian, and can be reached at
stakeholder groups impacted by the law to go through the
or 517.347.4710.
FALL 2019
Lessons from a Turtle’s Butt
By Julie Cappel, DVM
One Sunday night I reluc-
nal debate with myself over
about who I really want to
I saved a life and also set an
tantly received a lesson in
whether or not I should give
be in this situation, a servant
example for the team that I
compassion, generosity, and
up my evening to help with
leader, I ultimately made the
servant leadership from a tur-
the turtle.
right choice.
tle; a box turtle with most of
my technician friend to go to
her insides hanging out of her
the emergency clinic to pre-
I believe that we get to choose
happy (with her insides back
serve my evening off? This is
how we want to feel about
inside), the technician was
Should I “force”
Ultimately, the turtle was
where I think many of us get
any difficult situation.
happy, and I was grateful for
I had experienced an un-
into an internal compassion
could decide whether I want
my lesson on servant leader-
usually busy weekend “off
debate. We have this need to
to feel sorry for myself for
ship and generosity of spirit
work” tending to a remod-
do what is best for ourselves
not having a Sunday night off
from this little shelled crea-
eling contractor, out of town
by taking care to preserve our
work, or I could decide to put
family and an ill family mem-
days off, but we also have the
on my big girl panties and go
ber across town. Sunday eve-
compassionate servant side of
to work to try to save the gut-
Maybe on a future Sunday, I
ning, I finally thought that I
us that does not want to say
ted turtle.
will have a day off.
was home free. Planning to
no to a friend, family mem-
write my blog and then relax
ber or client, when we know
Of course, I chose the servant
Julie Cappel, DVM, is the own-
in preparation for work on
that we have the skills to help
leader big girl panties.
er of Warren Woods Veterinary
Monday. As I was driving
home with my son from this
Hospital, and can be reached
So, off I went to work to
long emotional weekend, I
Who would I be if I said no? I
spend the next two hours
received a text message from
think of myself as a compas-
one of my technicians. She
sionate servant leader, but
things that should never be
wrote something that no vet-
what exactly does that mean?
outside a body back in, then
erinarian ever wants to read.
placing sutures in her turtle
Her 5-year-old box turtle
The term “Servant Leader-
butt to keep things from com-
had developed a large rectal
ship” was a term coined in
ing back out. If you have nev-
prolapse earlier in the day.
1970 by Robert Greenleaf
er worked on a box turtle, it is
“What do you think I should
who said that a leader should
not at all easy. They have the
do?”, she texted.
Because I
be a servant to the team.
name box for a reason.
was driving, there was a de-
They should be a role mod-
lay in my answer but once I
el by giving a helping hand
The self-satisfaction and
was able, I texted her back
to those around them. The
pride that comes with
that she should probably take
leader should create oppor-
overcoming the “feel-
the turtle to the local emer-
tunities to express appreci-
ing sorry for yourself”
gency clinic for treatment. I
ation to the team and invest
feeling and being em-
was easily an hour away and
in them by taking actions to
powered to do what is
there was no way I wanted
help them feel happy and ful-
right, is more reward-
to spend what was left of my
filled. When a leader creates
ing than sitting on
weekend replacing a prolapse
this kind of environment, the
the couch writ-
on a box turtle.
team will feel connected and
ing a blog.
loved. This started a text stream with the technician and an inter-
When I stopped to think
FALL 2019
Families Gathered to See the Miracle of Life at the UP State Fair _____________________________________________
By Gail Hoholik, DVM
The Miracle of Life Pavilion at the U.P. State Fair got off
Award. The entire Brock family attended and they are
to its 26th year with a flurry of activity on Preview Night,
truly an inspiration to the Michigan Dairy Industry as
Aug. 12, 2019. Our first ewe produced a set of triplets
the entire (rapidly growing) family participates in man-
which was immediately followed by the birth of quadru-
aging the farm. The Brock’s have been our main source
plet lambs as the fair opened its doors to the public. This
of cows to calve in our exhibit since approximately 2010.
marks only the second time in the history of the exhibit
Prior to that time, they were members of the group of lo-
that quadruplets were born, and all the quads survived
cal farmers who supplied us with cows ready to freshen.
with great nursing care provided by our dedicated group
We can’t thank them enough for their participation and
of second- and third-year veterinary students.
mentorship for the MSU-CVM students.
Not to be outdone by the ewes, a set of red Hol-
State Senator Ed McBroom (R-Vulcan) again supplied us
stein cross calves from Brock Dairy was
with five of the 15 cows that calved in our exhibit, but
born 30 minutes later. A Brown
thankfully we did not have to ask him to “surf” any cows
Swiss cow, belonging to
with uterine torsions this year. New to the exhibit last
Dr. Renee Coyer and
year was Trevor Case of Case Country Farm in Chatham,
her husband Dick,
MI. Trevor supplied us with five sows including the fa-
insisted that we
mous Thelma from last year, a 700 lb. sow who loves
keep the exhibit
people and treats. Housing of pastured sows in stalls is
open as she ini-
new to the exhibit and is very well received by the pub-
tiated calving to
lic which had a difficult time understanding the need for
a capacity crowd just as
farrowing crates. Unfortunately, Thelma and her sister
the exhibit was about to close.
Louise and their three herd mates went 0/5 by refusing to farrow at the fair. Timing for the sows continues to be
On Thursday evening, we celebrated with the Steve and Becky Brock family as we pre-
a work in progress and the public anxiously awaits the return of baby piglets to our exhibit.
sented them with the MVMA Community Service
FALL 2019
As always, the ewes were productive supplying 13 lambs from five ewes that lambed in our exhibit. After 15 years of maintaining the ewe flock, Diane Abram has the timing well-tuned and the lambs are a big hit with the kids. Our ever-popular chicks seem to be the favorite of small children at the Miracle of Life. Matt Miotke plans meticulously and keeps us well supplied with eggs that have nearly a 100% hatching rate. Matt and his wife Brenda make multiple trips back and forth to the exhibit and believe in educating the public about where their food comes from. We want to thank Drs. Ben Barlett, Barry Wehner, Tom Gustafson, Lara Stephens-Brown, and Laura Havelka for donating their time in our exhibit. We also want to thank our veterinary students who make it possible to staff this exhibit. We appreciate their help immensely as they work hard and make it fun at the same time. Our students this year included Katie Osborne, Margaret Campbell, Megan Peterson, Damon Plasenda, Marie Negron, Stefany Gomez, Katie Haydett and Jen Lauer. Gail Hoholik, DVM, is a private practitioner from Manistique, MI and can be reached at or 906.341.2813.
FALL 2019
FALL 2019
October is Companion Animal Fund Month! By Kara Henrys
Did you know that the Michigan Animal Health Foun-
The 3 clinics raising the most funds during the month of
dation has a Companion Animal Fund that subsidizes
October will each receive four free tickets to the Michigan
non-elective treatment to a select group of pet owners who
Animal Health Foundation (MAHF) Benefit on Thursday,
have inadequate finances for necessary treatments? MVMA
Jan. 23, 2020, before the Michigan Veterinary Conference (a
member hospitals are eligible to receive up to $500 per cli-
$200+ value).
ent and a total of up to $500 per clinic annually. If you’d like to receive a kit, please email Kara Henrys at Companion Animal Fund Month, held in October, is the with your
foundation’s biggest fundraising event. Throughout the
mailing address, phone and email address. Kits will be sent
month-long campaign, we are asking veterinary clinics
out the week of Sept. 16th.
name, practice name,
across Michigan to collect money and hold special events and fundraisers in honor of people, pets and the Companion Animal Fund. To help veterinary clinics make the most of their campaigns, we would like to send you a free fundraising kit to help encourage donations. The kits will include posters, brochures, instructions and ideas, and post-it paw prints on which you can write donor names to post on a wall. Companion Animal Fund Month is a time for you to get involved in raising money to help clients and their animals.
For more information on the Michigan Animal Health
It’s an easy and fun experience for your whole team! It can
Foundation, go to
be as simple as offering an opportunity for clients to donate or as involved as hosting your own charity event like a dog walk, open house, BBQ, family event, etc.
Kara Henrys is MVMA’s Director of Member Services, and can be reached at or 517.347.4710.
FALL 2019
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Legislative Priorities and Cannabis Concerns
By Matt Breslin, J.D.
The 100th Legislature is well on its way with new Democratic
the legislative process is tedious and a bill getting before the
Governor Gretchen Whitmer at the helm, while both legislative
Governor for signature is more unlikely than likely. Rest as-
chambers are controlled by Republicans. Since the legislative
sured, the MVMA legislative advisory committee, staff and their
session officially opened on Jan. 9, both the House and Senate
lobbying firm, Karoub Associates, monitors legislation daily and
remained in session through the end of June. The Legislature
seeks member input before taking positions on legislation.
spent most of the summer on an in-district working period before returning to session on Tuesday, Aug. 27. The major ac-
One area of more immediate concern gaining national attention
complishment touted by the Legislature and Governor during
and MVMA statewide interest is marijuana/cannabis. As many
the first part of the year is auto no-fault reform. While it would
veterinarians are aware, how marijuana is handled under fed-
be safe to assume that no one knows the actual effect the chang-
eral law contrasts with how it is handled under state law. As
es will have, the powers that be cite monetary savings and in-
a result, veterinarians are reluctant to even discuss marijuana,
creased choices to the residents of Michigan when they choose
which remains illegal under federal law, over concerns of put-
their auto insurance policies in 2020 and forward. What major
ting their professional licenses at risk. More than half of U.S.
items lie ahead for the Governor and Legislature during the re-
states have passed legislation permitting medicinal use of mar-
mainder of 2019? Expect the Governor to fulfill her campaign
ijuana in humans and additional states, including Michigan,
promise to ‘fix the damn roads’ and pass a budget before the
have passed laws permitting its recreational use. However, state
new state fiscal year begins on Oct. 1.
laws legalizing use in people do not apply to cannabis use in animals. Demand for information among MVMA members was
In regard to legislation specific to veterinarians, there have
so strong that the association held a Cannabis Workshop this
been many ideas discussed or bills introduced including
past May. Additionally, Rep. Markkanen (R-Hancock) has draft
animal adoption before euthanization, appointment of a
legislation allowing a veterinarian to consult with an owner on
pro bono lawyer as an animal advocate, devocalization
the use of marihuana or CBD oil on an animal. While California
procedures, possession and breeding of nonhuman pri-
became the first state in the nation to allow veterinarians to le-
mates, community cat program, lamb tail docking,
gally talk with clients about cannabis as a treatment option for
Coggins Fee to support an Equine Promotion fund,
pets in September 2018, as noted earlier in this article, the legis-
Practice Act update, Animal Industry Act update,
lative process is tedious and potential legislative action on Rep.
as well as appropriation bills for animal agricul-
Markkanen’s proposal should not be anticipated prior to 2020.
ture initiatives, animal welfare funds, and animal
Thorough review and input from the MVMA is necessary as the
disease prevention and response. Please note that
legal landscape around human and animal use is evolving.
while these issues are discussed, In conclusion, Karoub Associates looks forward to pursuing opportunities to benefit members of the MVMA, as well as serve as a backstop to policies that may negatively affect the profession. I also urge members to support the MVMA PAC in an effort to increase the association’s effectiveness and success in helping shape the broad range of issues that come before the Legislature. You can contribute by visiting Matt Breslin, J.D., is an Associate with Karoub Associates, and can be reached at or 517.482.5000.
FALL 2019
Member Spotlight Melissa Owings, DVM Kibby Park Animal Hospital
JOB: Companion animal private practice including exotics, reptiles, avian CAREER PATHWAY: Companion animal practice as an associate in two different practices and now a practice owner When you ask Dr. Owings why she chose
Dr. Owings continues to find relation-
veterinary medicine as a career, she imme-
ships to be the most rewarding part of
diately responds that veterinary medicine is
practice and life in general. She is an ad-
about people as well as pets. She obviously
vocate for her community – both people
system, including family, friends, and fel-
has a passion for both. Her respect for peo-
and animals. She is on the Board of three
low staff members, to help maintain her
ple has helped grow her relationship with
local non-profit organizations and she has
work-life balance. In addition, she is strict
clients and grow her practice, too. About
her own non-profit organization. The or-
about scheduling time for herself to do
12 years ago when she purchased her prac-
ganization she founded, the Barkley and
things she enjoys. “You need to feed your
tice, her team was a veterinary technician
LuLu Foundation provides medical care
own spirit before you can help others,”
and 3-4 other staff members. She now has
for local pets in need and helps support
she says. She chooses activities that give
about 20 employees. Dr. Owings was not
the Jackson Cat Project. Besides all this,
her energy. For example, cooking brings
actively looking to become a practice own-
she is active with her two kids and their
joy so those band tailgate Friday feasts
er, but she had an Aha! moment when she
school. Dr. Owings is known as the school
and the times she has staff to her house
was helping a colleague sell a practice. The
band tailgate mom – she and another
for a meal all count as de-stressing time.
practice for sale was the practice where she
mom feed the band, the cheerleaders,
spent time observing before heading to vet-
parents, and whoever else shows up, on
What is in the future for Dr. Owings?
erinary school. It just seemed right that she
Fridays of home games.
Practice related, she continues to devel-
should become the new owner.
op parts of her practice such as acupuncAn obvious question for such a busy and
ture and house calls. She is strengthening
The best advice Dr. Owings received early
dedicated person is: How do you main-
staff development and remodeling her
in her career as a veterinarian was to estab-
tain work-life balance? Dr. Owings is in-
clinic. Professionally related, Dr. Owings
lish a good rapport with staff. She quickly
tentional about maintaining a sustainable
becomes MVMA President in 2020. As
learned the value of listening to staff and
lifestyle. She appreciates that being a vet-
a mom, her two kids will be graduating
their advice on patients, clients, and how
erinarian and a practice owner is a heavy
from high school soon. She will be maxi-
things were typically handled in the prac-
lift – both mentally and physically. She
mizing time with them as they transition
understands the importance of a support
to a new phase in their lives.
Most memorable case to date:
Most meaningful learning experience:
Favorite apps:
Puppy “Jack” was her first emergency
As a new graduate, Dr. Owings recog-
Mailstrom (email organization), Shipt
case – a prolapsed eye. She consulted with
nized some perceived her as too young
(grocery deliveries from Meijer), Slack
a colleague as she drove to the clinic and
to be a veterinarian. She sought a ‘how to
(communicate within the office), Evernote
drew on experience from a veterinary
change that perception’ solution through
(stay organized). She also relies on being
school externship with an ophthalmolo-
Dale Carnegie training. She highly recom-
able to work remotely from home.
gist to successfully complete surgery on
mends this training.
her own. “Jack” ended up going home with Dr. Owings and was a part of the family for 14 years.
Melissa Owings, DVM, is the owner of Kibby Park Animal Hospital PC and the MVMA’s President-Elect. Dr. Owings can be reached at or 517.787.5807.
FALL 2019
As the State Veterinarian, my job and the mission of the Mich-
inces with over one million pigs now impacted. This increase in
igan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development’s Ani-
Chinese cases—and subsequent spread to Mongolia, Vietnam,
mal Industry Division (AID) staff is to protect, regulate, and pro-
and Cambodia—has led to a growing concern that it may enter
mote animal health. This is only accomplished through the help
the U.S. through illegally imported meat products or feed ingre-
of the many veterinarians who report the suspicion or finding of
dients sourced from currently infected countries.
animal diseases to AID. Any bodily fluid from an exposed pig can spread ASF, and peoThese reportable animal diseases, which are required to be re-
ple can move the virus on clothing, boots, and vehicles. The dis-
ported to AID when suspected or confirmed, are cataloged in
ease is also spread by ticks that feed on sick animals. Ticks pass
the Michigan Reportable Animal Disease List. The list is cat-
the virus to the next generation, remaining infective for years.
egorized by species and further broken down as either emer-
The virus can also survive in meat and feed for several weeks.
gency, regulated, or monitored—depending on our regulatory
As a reminder, feeding raw garbage to pigs is illegal in Michigan
response. Many of the diseases in the emergency category are
and a concern for ASF transmission.
also foreign animal diseases (FADs). FADs are diseases, not typically found in the U.S., that if ever introduced, could potentially disrupt trade and trigger costly eradication programs—necessitating depopulation, carcass disposal, cleaning, and disinfection efforts on a massive scale. Additionally, if these diseases were
Veterinarians should be on alert for the following symptoms in pigs that may indicate an ASF infection:
found in the U.S., there would be significant direct and indirect
High fever
costs related to both animal and economic losses in the food pro-
Depression, weakness, and loss of appetite
duction system.
Red, blotchy skin, purple ears, or skin lesions
Vomiting and diarrhea
In the swine world, there has recently been a lot of attention,
Coughing or difficulty breathing
preparation, and research focused on an emerging FAD: African
• Abortions
swine fever, also known as ASF. ASF is one of eleven emergency
Sudden death or increase in death losses
swine diseases on Michigan’s Reportable Animal Disease List. ASF is a viral disease, with no vaccine or treatment, that affects
These clinical signs are similar to other septicemic diseas-
all ages and types of pigs, including both domestic and wild
es, which is why prompt diagnostics are crucial. On live pigs,
pigs, and is currently not found in North America. ASF is not a
whole blood samples are used; and spleen, lymph nodes, and
threat to human health and cannot be transmitted from pigs to
tonsil samples are used for deceased pigs. If you have reason to
humans. While it has historically been isolated to the continent
suspect ASF, the tissues or blood must be harvested and sent to
of Africa, in more recent years it has been identified in Eastern
the lab by a foreign animal disease diagnostician.
Europe and Russia. In August 2018, the disease was identified in China for the first time and has moved swiftly though 31 prov-
Because symptoms of ASF resemble symptoms of other diseases, it is important to be proactive if you see sick pigs in your practice.
FALL 2019
Good biosecurity is critical to protecting swine herds from ASF and other diseases. Encourage your clients to implement the following practices: •
Limit visitors to farms and keeping records of who comes on and off your farm.
Ask visitors about recent international travel. Visitors who have been in an ASF-affected country should not be let onto farms for
Nora Wineland, DVM, MS, DACVPM is the State Veterinarian and the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development’s Animal Industry Division Director, and can be reached at or 517.284.5689.
at least five days after returning to the U.S. •
Restrict the use of shared equipment, vehicles, or supplies. If they do share, always cleaning and disinfecting before and after.
Clean and disinfect equipment, shoes, boots, vehicles, and other items after leaving another farm, fair, exhibition, or livestock market.
Wash hands, clothes, and footwear thoroughly before and after working with animals.
Isolate sick animals. When new animals are added to a farm, they should be separated from other animals for 7-10 days, to ensure they are healthy before introducing them into the herd.
Veterinarians and their clients are the first line of defense against disease outbreaks and early detection will potentially limit the impact on the swine population. If you see pigs that are experiencing symptoms of ASF or you’ve been told of a significant increase in deaths for an unknown reason, contact the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development at 800-292-3939 or for after-hours emergencies at 517-373-0440. For more information on ASF, visit
FALL 2019
Hundreds Gather for the 2019 Great Lakes Veterinary Conference
By Samuel Florio
On July 23, 2019, the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association
Babcock’s presentation covered how to create a legally defensible
concluded its annual Great Lakes Veterinary Conference in beau-
medical records, ways to keep your clients in and litigation out,
tiful downtown Traverse City. The conference was a three-day
and what meets or exceeds the standard of care. The evening end-
event that took place at the historic Park Place Hotel & Confer-
ed with a reception that was filled with cocktails, hor d’oeuvres
ence Center. Attendees from around the country journeyed to
and networking.
participate in the CE qualified seminars, Q&A sessions, nightly receptions and family festivities.
The agenda grew on the second day, providing even more CE training and family activities. In addition to the previous sched-
”I chose to attend the conference because of the location”, said
ule, Emergency Medicine, Practice Management and Veterinary
Dr. Jesse Veenstra. “It's a great place to bring my family on a va-
Ethics were provided as available seminars. Emergency Medi-
cation in combination with attending this valuable conference.”
cine was led by Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Matt Beal. The lecture covered the management
“The MVMA always has the conference in really nice places and
of thoracic injuries after blunt trauma, lower urinary tract emer-
it is convenient that it allows me to satisfy my continuing ed-
gencies after trauma, gastrointestinal obstructions, emergency
ucation requirements,” added Dr. Steve Huff. “In addition, the
management of a tracheal collapse and interventional radiology.
diversity of speakers and relevant topics that are being covered
The Practice Management seminar was led by Certified Veteri-
provides me with a different perspective in those areas of veteri-
nary Journalist, Wendy Myers from Communication Solutions for
nary medicine. ”
Veterinarians. Myers provided value-driven strategies on how to master forward booking, how to be efficient in the exam room,
On the first day of the GLVC, attendees were offered the oppor-
how to get clients to accept dental treatments, how to get clients
tunity to join the Cardiology or Medical Records & Standards
to accept diagnostic tests, and how to tame rude clients. Dr. Bab-
of Care seminar. Dr. Christian Weder from Petcardia Veterinary
cock expanded her offering by including Veterinary Ethics. This
Cardiology, LLC, led the conversation on Cardiology. During Dr.
topic covered how to improve ethical literacy, decrease moral
Weder’s presentation, attendees received useful insight in the ar-
stress, and a one health approach to address the opioid epidemic.
eas of canine valvular disease, canine cardiomyopathy, feline cardiomyopathy and congenital heart disease. Dr. Sarah Babcock from Animal & Veterinary Legal Services, PLLC, presented on Medical Records and Standard of Care. Dr.
"The collegial atmosphere of the sessions at GLVC allowed for a great opportunity to collectively share concerns related to financial constraints of animal owners, access to veterinary care for pets, and strategies to resolve some of the ethical and legal conflicts in providing appropriate patient care." - Sarah L. Babcock, DVM, J.D.
FALL 2019
“The speakers did an amazing job,” stated Dr. Megan McQuade.
If you missed this year’s conference and would like to join us
“They were focused and to the point to with the information
next year, please visit the MVMA website for future details and
they provided.”
availability. Photos from the 2019 Great Lakes Veterinary Conference can also be found on the MVMA Facebook page. Please
“It was nice to have the veterinary law option, which the law
remember to like and follow the MVMA Facebook page for
now requires.” Dr. Kimberly Bocchiaro stated, “the speakers
more up-to-date information on upcoming events . You can find
were great at making the sessions more interactive.”
us at
Once the evening arrived, attendees joined together for a memorable time of libations, dinner and carnival games. The dinner offered a buffet of delicious BBQ favorites and desserts to enjoy. The carnival games and prizes were a hit for all ages. Prizes were given out to attendees as they tried their luck on each of the carnival games. These games included Blinko, Bottle Ring Toss, and Ball and Bucket Toss. In addition, a photo booth captured costume combinations that would make anyone laugh. The last day of the conference concluded on a successful note as a packed room of attendees heard from Dr. Matt Beal on Emer-
Samuel Florio is MVMA’s Director of Communications & Digital Strategy, and can be reached at or 517.347.4710.
gency Medicine. And another year of the GLVC concluded.
FALL 2019
FALL 2019
ARE YOU THE NEXT SECOND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE MVMA? You have the opportunity to help guide the MVMA into the next decade! Step up and share your experience, leadership and vision with over 2,350 veterinary professionals across the state. The MVMA Leadership Development Committee, chaired by Dr. Julie Cappel, is seeking nominations for the office of second vice-president of the MVMA. Nominations may also be made for the offices of first vice president and president-elect; however, traditionally once elected, the vice presidents ascend through the chairs without opposition to the office of president. Nominations may be made by constituent associations, petition of 5% of the voting members (approximately 85 members), or by the Leadership Development Committee. Interested individuals should contact MVMA for more information. A letter of intent with a CV should then be submitted by Oct. 1. Contact MVMA at or (517) 347-4710 for more information.
In Memoriam
Dr. Bernard S. Zeeb, Jr. passed away on Nov. 15, 2018, at the age of 97. He was inducted into the Army in 1942 and honorably discharged in 1944, to continue his education. He graduated from Michigan State College (MSU) in 1945, earning a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. He was a large-animal practitioner in the early years transitioning to a mixed-animal practice. He owned and operated three animal clinics in the Lansing area over a 40-year career. He was a member of AVMA and MVMA and co-founder of Mid-State Veterinary Association. Dr. Zeeb is survived by his wife, Virginia and two children. The MVMA extends its sympathy to the friends and families of departed members. In memory of deceased members, the MVMA contributes $50 to the Michigan Animal Health Foundation. Friends of deceased members may send memorial contributions to the Foundation. When contributions reach $500, the memberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name is entered on a memorial plaque displayed in the MVMA office. The MVMA staff thanks those thoughtful members who take time to notify the office and send obituaries of our recently deceased members.
FALL 2019
By Kara Henrys
Earlier this year, a survey was conducted by the MVMA to allow its members to evaluate their compensation and benefit policies compared to those of other MVMA members. In the spring of 2019, we asked 651 practice owners who were MVMA members to respond to this survey. We received a 34% response rate. Practice owners were asked to answer questions regarding the compensation and benefits offered to their associates and the practice team (office/practice managers, LVTs, unlicensed staff/assistants and front office staff). Owners were asked to exclude their own compensation. Survey responses were gathered through the survey website. The survey examined several areas (type of practice, years in practice, location, etc.) and evaluated their effects on the level of compensation for associate veterinarians and the practice team. In the compensation categories, we’ve reported median figures. The median is the mid-point of all responses (50th percentile). A generally accepted way of analyzing compensation data, the advantage of using the median is that the results are not influenced by extreme (high or low) responses, whereas the average (mean) would be.
Annual compensation for associates includes production-based compensation, where applicable.
Full-time is considered 30 hours per week or more.
Part-time is considered less than 30 hours per week.
Where there were fewer than two responses, data is not reported due to confidentiality (mostly equine and food animal).
Compensation data reported by practice owners may be influenced by factors unknown to us.
Compensation data for health care team members was collected as annual salary and/or hourly rates. For consistency, we have shown all compensation as an hourly rate for health care team members. The following information is just a portion of the data collected for the state of Michigan. Additional demographics and benefits information for the state as well as full reports for seven geographic regions around Michigan are available on the MVMA website at
FALL 2019
Full Time Associate 30 hours/week or more Type of Medicine
All Vets
Experience $110,000 $100,000 $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 <1 to 5
6 to 10
11 to 15
16 to 20
Full Time Associate
21 to 25
26 to 30
Part Time Associate
Part Time Associate 30 hours/week or less Type of Medicine
All Vets
FALL 2019
Licensed Veterinary Technician $23.00
$22.00 $21.00 $20.00 $19.00 $18.00 $17.00 $16.00 $15.00 <1 to 5
Office/Practice Manager
6 to 10
11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 30
Highest Avg. Paid 26-30 years
Avg. Rate for <1 to 5 �20.00
Highest Avg. Paid 31+ years
Avg. Rate �25.00
Range �13.00-50.00
Avg. Rate �19.00
Kara Henrys is MVMA’s Director of Member Services, and can be reached at or 517.347.4710.
Check out the full report on
FALL 2019
FALL 2019
lthough the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association already bleeds
green (and white!), you might have noticed some other measures we’ve been taking to make the most of existing resources
while lessening our impact on the environment. From plastic bags to chemical products, people are trying to come up with new and impactful ways that they can go green. Here are just a few changes the MVMA has made to help the planet and our members:
By Kara Henrys
Email Communication Digital communications don’t require paper, envelopes, extra info cards, plastic packaging or any of the other trappings of snail mail. Plus, using electronic communication saves us time and money, allowing us to better use your membership dollars for the good of the industry!
Changing the Way We Choose Event Locations MVMA staff are researching new and exciting locations to host continuing education sessions around the state. By moving around to new and underserved areas or holding our events in a central or more metropolitan location, we hope to reduce the drive time
for many of our attendees and the amount of carbon
By hosting our membership directory online and sup-
We are also working to seek out venues and hotels that
plementing printed materials – like proceedings – with electronic versions, we are savings thousands of trees every year! It also gets you the information you need faster in the most accurate format available.
released into the atmosphere for CE travel needs. work with local recycling centers and the local water authority to reduce the amount of material sent to landfills and to conserve water.
How Can You Help the MVMA Go Green?
MVMA has created signage that can be used for mul-
We want to challenge our members to change one envi-
tiple events over multiple years and has invested in
ronmentally unfriendly habit. Find ideas here: https://
durable event items such as cloth tablecloths and reus-
able nametags instead of purchasing disposable items
for every event to stretch our existing resources even
Kara Henrys is MVMA’s Director of Member Services, and can be reached at or 517.347.4710.
FALL 2019
Arbor Hills Veterinary Clinic is adding a full-time (preferred) or parttime veterinarian to join our growing team. Our clinic is a brand new beautiful state-of-the-art practice with all new equipment finished in October 2018. We are supported by 3 credentialed LVT's and long-standing exceptional assistants that make up the backbone of the clinic, this allows our doctors to provide incredible health care to our patients and our clients are second to none! We hold ourselves to the highest standards and fear-free based practice for both customer service and patient. The combination of medicine, people and passion make it an incredible fun place to work! Here are some of our amenities (aka toys) we play with Digital DR Full body and Dental Radiography, Ultrasound, Heska laboratory, and Laser Therapy (coming soon). Our ideal candidate would be a client-focused professional who enjoys practicing high-quality fear-free medicine, values teamwork, organization, communication, teaching, having fun and building relationships with the two-legged species on the other end of the leash/carrier. We offer a very lucrative remuneration package including a competitive base salary (with production potential), full health benefits, IRA with match, paid CE allowance and a balanced work week. Currently, no emergency on call service, but can be implemented if interest is desired. If you're “The One” for us, our goal is to have you telling everybody how much You Love This Job! Find out what we stand for at, or Instagram @arborhillsvet. Please send your resume and cover letter to us at __________________________________________________________________________________ Privately owned small animal clinic in Southwest Michigan is looking for a FT veterinarian to join our team. With four experienced veterinarians on staff, it is a great clinic for the new graduate to learn the ropes. Our well-established, busy practice is fully equipped with an in-house laboratory, digital x-ray, digital dental x-ray, ultrasound, surgical suite, ECG, laser therapy unit, and an exceptional staff. We are a family-oriented practice dedicated to providing quality medicine and compassionate care for our patients. Competitive compensation package offered. Send resume to __________________________________________________________________________________ Are you unhappy about the direction in which our profession is heading? Good! Rediscover the reasons you became a veterinarian by joining our growing, independent practice and help guide it into the future. Our well-equipped practice with two experienced veterinarians is looking for a third! Expand your skills, focus on care not marketing, have more control over your style of practice, and free yourself from moral stress. Be an important part of your community with the option to become a practice owner yourself. Live near Traverse City in a prime resort area with year-round festivals and outdoor sports activities. A nature lover’s paradise! We offer digital radiography, including dental, ultrasound, Heska laboratory analyzers, therapeutic laser, and more. Our current 3500 sq. ft. clinic with four exam rooms (and room to grow 7500 sq. ft.) uses Cornerstone software. Our entire team is Level 1 FearFree Certified and is dedicated to solid communication as well as to the care and comfort of both our patients and our clients. Competitive salary and benefit package and employee fitness center on premises. Fax 231/882-5573 or email your resume to us today! __________________________________________________________________________________ Associate veterinarian needed for a growing small animal practice in Mason, Michigan. F/T or P/T position available, with no after hour
emergency work. We have great clients, wonderful support staff, IDEXX blood machines, IDEXX digital x-ray, Avimark software, and a comfortable, casual, country environment to work in. Contact Cheryl DeSilva, DVM at 517/694-7599, or send resume to __________________________________________________________________________________ SA practice seeking FT doctor in WI/MI Northwoods: Modern equipment, 4-day work week, competitive salary/benefits, additional $10,000 per year toward student loans! Send resume and cover letter to __________________________________________________________________________________ Veterinary General is a low stress 2-doctor practice looking for PT or FT experienced associate to join our team in Shelby/Macomb. We have a loyal client base and a mature, licensed support staff, IDEXX lab machines, digital x-ray, and offer a very flexible schedule in a fun, happy and comfortable work environment. Email resume to patty.vetgen@ __________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have a passion for Low Stress Veterinary Visits, and want to become an integral part of our forward-thinking team? Thorpe Animal Hospital is looking to find a strong associate to fill a part-time or full-time role. We recently finished a full clinic remodel to utilize our space efficiently and enable us to become fear free certified and feline friendly. Candidates must have a passion for growth and team spirit, be able to offer excellence in surgical skill, patient care and education. Acupuncture, U/S or Orthopedic experience would be a bonus! Help us elevate our team to the next level. Benefits include a competitive salary and benefits package including Pro-Sal and signing/relocation bonus. No after-hour emergency or on-call rotation means that you get to experience all that Lapeer Michigan has to offer to ensure a work/life balance. A background of beautiful architecture, outstanding scenery and a small-town feel offer a great place to call home. Send all inquiries to __________________________________________________________________________________ Would you like to be an associate veterinarian in a newly remodeled, newly equipped, and fully staffed exclusively small animal clinic? Would you like to work 9-5 Monday through Friday without any after-hour emergencies, weekend or holidays? Come be a part of an exciting opportunity at East River Veterinary Clinic in Essexville, Michigan! We are looking for an energetic, positive, and confident veterinarian who can have the option to work full-time or part-time. We pride ourselves in being a practice that focuses on comprehensive veterinary care. We believe in the use of a skilled Licensed Veterinary Technician to assist with surgical preparation, patient recovery, and care. You will have a dedicated technician working alongside you in exam rooms and surgery. East River Veterinary Clinic has experienced tremendous growth in its first 2 years and has undergone an extensive renovation, including new diagnostic equipment such as the Heska Cuattro digital radiography system, Heska Element hematology system, Henry Schein Scil digital dental radiography, Dentalaire dental machine, and surgical monitoring equipment. We utilize AVImark practice software and support. Benefits include IRA, continuing education allowance, paid vacation, uniform expenses, and healthcare. Salary is commensurate with experience. Contact Dr. Anne Shuff or Katie Cronin at eastrivervet@ or 989/892-8517. __________________________________________________________________________________ Would you like to join a team of fully trained staff member at a fully equipped veterinary clinic in beautiful Mid-Michigan? Does the idea of working Monday – Friday, 9-5 with no after-hour emergencies, week-
ends, or holidays appeal to you? We are seeking a confident, energetic, and positive associate veterinarian to join our small animal exclusive clinic. Full or part-time positions are available. We pride ourselves on being a practice that focuses on providing comprehensive veterinary care. Because we believe in utilizing skilled Licensed Veterinary Technicians at every stage of patient care, we will pair you with a dedicated technician to accompany you into exam rooms and during surgery. North M-18 Veterinary Clinic is equipped with extensive in-house diagnostic tools including digital radiography and digital dental radiography and a full set of Heska in-house analyzers. We also have surgical monitoring equipment, Dentalaire dental machine, and a Heska IV fluid pump. We utilize Avimark practice management software and support. With recent growth in the community, we strive to provide high quality medical care to both new and well-established clients. Benefits include IRA, continuing education allowance, and uniform expenses, as well as a health care stipend. Salary is commensurate with experience for full and part time applicants. We are located in Gladwin, Michigan, approximately 30 minutes from West Branch, Midland, Claire and Mount Pleasant. Gladwin is a growing community with a variety of attractions to offer a potential applicant, including Sugar Springs, Mid-Michigan’s finest recreational community and golf course. Surrounded by multiple lakes and the beautifully scenic Cedar River, Gladwin offers the perfect balance of proximity to outdoor recreation and the convenience of city life. If interested, please contact Dr. Anne Shuff or Shelley Halstead LVT/ Manager at or 989/426-8118. __________________________________________________________________________________ Seeking veterinarian to join our fast-paced, based small animal practice. We currently have openings in Grosse Pointe, Rochester Hills, Toledo Southfield and Ann Arbor. If you’re enthusiastic about preventive care and relationship building with clients, Banfield is the place for you. Take advantage of competitive pay, benefits, student debt relief, CE, and more! Contact Nicole at 708/616-8004 or Nicole.salinas@banfield. com, or go to __________________________________________________________________________________ We are searching for a full-time associate veterinarian to join our team. New graduates are always welcomed. We are a small animal practice and exotics are available for those interested. Seventy First Animal Hospital is in Fayetteville NC, nestled 2 hours from the beautiful Atlantic beaches and 4 hours from the Appalachian Mountains. We offer: Personalized client and pet treatments including embracing a no-fear approach to patient handling, Laser surgery and cold therapeutic laser, digital radiographs for diagnostic and dental, ultrasound, IDEXX Cornerstone operating system and reference lab, Abaxis in-house lab equipment, Doppler and up to date anesthetic monitoring equipment, Excellent mentoring doctors for new or recent graduates including dental techniques, soft tissue surgery, laser surgery, Monday – Friday hours, no after-hours/weekend emergencies, and team members greet clients and pets as they walk in the door and they are eager to help the doctors and each other. All team members participate in the ongoing improvement of the quality of our hospital environment and are part of the continuing education curriculum. We are seeking a 3rd associate veterinarian full time for our well established and growing hospital. The candidate needs to reflect our visions including: celebrating and nurturing the human-animal bond; educating ourselves and our clients-so they can make informed decisions concerning their pets’ care and to treat all patients, clients and teammates with compassion, respect and dignity. Seventy First Animal Hospital offers a generous CE Allowance, AVMA membership dues, AVMA liability insurance dues and 401(k) retirement plan. Salary negotiable depending on experience. Please
FALL 2019
email resume and references to or call 910/4875070 and ask for Marie. Consider us if you are interested in joining our team-oriented, friendly environment that encourages and is dedicated to improving the quality of our profession for the pet, client, doctors and team. __________________________________________________________________________________ Full-Time Veterinary Position: Eaton Rapids is conveniently located between Lansing, Charlotte, Mason and Jackson. Eastwood Veterinary Hospital is an established small animal practice seeking a full-time veterinarian to join our team. We offer a 4-day work week with 1-2 Saturdays per month. There are no after-hour emergencies and no oncall. We renovated this spring - there is a beautiful office with a view for our new team member! Equipment includes digital radiography, ultrasound, tonometer, Abaxis laboratory, and use of external labs as well. We have a digital dental radiography, and our surgery suite is well equipped with new monitors and instruments. We have a welcoming, supportive work environment and enjoy collaborating on cases. The position will include regular surgery and appointments. Our clientele is friendly, and our workplace is relaxed and pleasant. Interested candidates can review the hospital at, and please submit resumes to __________________________________________________________________________________ Full-Time Veterinary Position: Lake Lansing Road Animal Clinic is an established small animal practice seeking a part-time veterinarian to join our team. We are seeking a veterinarian to work either two full days a week and every third Saturday, or four mornings shifts and every third Saturday. Most equipment was replaced with a complete hospital renovation in 2015. Equipment includes digital radiography, digital dental, ultrasound, tonometer, CO2Laser, Abaxis laboratory, and use of external labs. Our surgery suite is well equipped with new monitors and instruments. The position will include regular surgery and appointments. Our clientele is friendly, and our workplace is relaxed and pleasant. Interested candidates can review the hospital at If interested, please contact Dr. Smyka at __________________________________________________________________________________ Privately owned and well-established companion animal clinic in Monroe, MI seeks to add a veterinarian to our staff. River Raisin Veterinary Clinic is a 3-doctor team focused on compassionate care for our patients and empathy for our clients. We are offering a 4-day work week with no weekends or evenings. Salary based on experience. Mentoring, CE, IRA plan, production bonus, membership dues and licensing fees are also available. Please send inquiries and resume to rrvcvet@yahoo. com. __________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to Northland Animal Hospital in beautiful Rockford Michigan. We have spent the better part of 20 years cultivating a culture where you can flourish as a small animal veterinarian. Work four days a week with no emergency or weekends. Our newly remodeled facility is fully equipped and well-staffed. Work with an LVT and 3 to 4 additional support staff while seeing 2-3 clients per hour giving you ample time for diagnostics and treatment. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package. Balance work and life and love what you do. We look forward to meeting you. Contact Ben Williams: 616/866-1322 or manager@ __________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for an associate to join our team! West Flint Animal Hospital, 1500 S. Elms Road, Flint, MI 48532, 810/732-3930. Busy, energetic, walk-in based clinic. Surgical appointments. Digital radiography, IDEXX laboratory equipment, Marshfield Laboratories, and 2 surgical suites. Fun, family-like atmosphere. 2-doctor practice currently, located in Flint Township in Genesee County just 45 minutes east of Eats Lansing, MI. Benefits, schedule, and salary are all negotiable! Emergency medicine is available if interested, with extremely great profit margins! Please
FALL 2019
contact our Practice Manager Veronica at, or directly at 810/444-9135. You can visit our Facebook page at Facebook. com/West-Flint-Animal-Hospital-139357109445259/. New grads welcome â&#x20AC;&#x201C; mentorship available! __________________________________________________________________________________ Interested in emergency medicine? Privately owned; no corporate involvement. Ownership opportunity (via sweat equity) available in Michigan for the right candidate. Minimal initial investment. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll practice in a fully equipped exclusive small animal practice. Please send requests for further information to __________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for a veterinarian to join our busy, small animal practice in Southwest Michigan. Great location in a small town with a short driving distance to Lake Michigan. We are looking for an associate with great communication skills who enjoys practicing high-quality medicine while creating lasting relationships with clients and their pets. No oncall or holiday hours required. Equipped with laser surgery, ultrasound, digital radiography, digital dental, and full in-house lab. We have family-oriented practice with excellent support staff and wonderful clientele. Please email resume to __________________________________________________________________________________ Animal Alley Veterinary Hospital in Saginaw, Michigan is searching for a Veterinarian to help meet the needs of our thriving animal hospital. We are a small/exotic animal practice with a staff of seasoned veterinarians, who have served the tri-city area for more than 20 years. We provide a comprehensive benefit package: i.e., competitive salary commensurate with experience; health insurance; paid time off; CE education allowance and a 401K. If you love animals and believe in companion animal preventative care that provides a quality of life for animals no matter their life story, apply with cover letter and resume to: Animal Alley Veterinary Hospital, 7319 Tittabawassee Rd., Suite #2, Saginaw, Michigan 48603: __________________________________________________________________________________ Town and Country Veterinary Hospital in Allegan, MI is seeking a fulltime or part-time veterinarian for our small animal hospital. We are a growing practice nestled between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids. The ideal candidate would be compassionate, detail oriented and highly motivated. We are a team-oriented practice that strives to provide customer service, while providing excellent care and compassion for our patients. There are no after-hour emergency duties. There is a focus on work-life balance for our staff. New graduates are welcome, and mentorship is available. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. Please submit your resume to Dr. Kristin Knirk at __________________________________________________________________________________ The Michigan Humane Society is a seeking two full-time associate veterinarians, for the Rochester Hills and the Westland Veterinary Clinic. Both locations have a full service, well equipped, 4-doctor practice with varied medical and surgical caseloads, including caring for owned and shelter animals. MHS is a nonprofit organization offering competitive pay, Blue Cross/Blue Care Network Healthcare/Dental, generous paid time off, life and disability protection, 403B and eligible student loan forgiveness. Please apply through our career page at MichiganHumane. org/careers/. __________________________________________________________________________________ Clinton Trail Animal Hospital in Jackson, MI is seeking a full-time (parttime considered) veterinarian to join our growing 3-doctor practice. We emphasize a relaxed, friendly, family-focused environment while striving for excellent medical standards of care for our patients. A full-time position would include 4 days per week with rotating Saturday morning duties. No after-hours emergencies or holiday hours. New grads are welcome! This dog and cat exclusive facility includes full in-house IDEXX laboratories, Quattro digital radiography, ultrasound, high-
speed dental unit, full anesthetic monitoring, Tonopen and more. We offer competitive compensation including production/salary, full medical/dental/vision insurance, membership and licensing dues, IRA with 3% match, paid vacation/CE time-off, liability insurance, and CE and uniform allowances. Please send resumes to Evelyn at officemgr.1213@ or call 517/782-5162 with any questions. __________________________________________________________________________________ Busy small animal hospital in Canton, MI seeking a full-time veterinarian to join our team. We are looking for a candidate that strives to practice high quality medicine, possesses strong surgical skills and can communicate effectively with clients. Candidate must also have some knowledge in exotics and pocket pets. We have a full in-house lab, digital x-ray, ultrasound and CO2 laser. Full time position offers competitive salary, health and dental insurance, disability, paid vacation and a 401K with employer match. Candidate will be required to work some weekends. Send resume to __________________________________________________________________________________ The Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation and the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Michigan State University, College of Veterinary Medicine are seeking applications for a full-time Health Programs track faculty appointment in the area of endocrinology. A complete description can be found at All candidates are asked to submit the following: letter of intent detailing career goals and interests; curriculum vitae; copies of their diplomas; and full names and contact information of four individuals acting as references to referencing posting number 581634. Questions can be directed to Dr. Brian Petroff, Search Committee Chair, at MSU is an AA/EOE. MSU is committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans, and persons with disabilities. __________________________________________________________________________________ Reese Veterinary Clinic has a full or part-time position available for an experienced veterinarian at a well-established and fully equipped hospital located in Burton, Michigan. Candidates must have great surgical and medical skills and have the ability to communicate well with clients. We offer competitive salary plus bonus, continuing education allowance, and other benefits. Please send resume to __________________________________________________________________________________ Seeking a compassionate, detail-oriented veterinarian for a full-time position at small animal clinic in the town of Mattawan, Michigan. Mattawan is a small town just outside of Kalamazoo and only 30 minutes from beautiful Lake Michigan. Our busy practice employs 4 veterinarians, 4 licensed veterinary technicians, and multiple other skilled staff. We practice high quality medicine. Our veterinarians enjoy a comfortable work week, no late nights, no after-hours call. Mattawan Animal Hospital is seeking a veterinarian who has great people skills and enjoys working in a team environment. Call for more information regarding this exciting opportunity! Dr. Christine Williamson, petdr02@gmail. com. __________________________________________________________________________________ Creekside Animal Hospital is seeking full or part-time associate DVM for established, expanding small animal hospital in Macomb, MI. Our family atmosphere, old fashioned TLC, high standards for patient/client relationships and quality medicine are part of our mission here at Creekside. We have digital x-ray/dental x-ray, ultrasound, laser therapy and paperless practice management software Avimark. Competitive salary/benefit packages. Please fax resume to 586/630-3030 or email to __________________________________________________________________________________
Cascade Hospital for Animals in Grand Rapids, Michigan - We are a locally owned, multi-doctor small animal hospital, looking for a full or part time associate veterinarian (experience preferred) to join our AAHA accredited facility. We believe in a healthy work life balance with flexible work schedules and no after-hour call. We work hard to maintain a positive, collaborative and supportive environment for all employees. We are equipped with a full in-house lab and imaging abilities (digital radiography, digital dental radiography, ultrasound and endoscopy). We routinely work-up and treat many challenging internal medicine, surgery and dental cases. We also offer physical rehabilitation, a double board-certified exotic specialist, and a large staff of licensed and non-licensed technicians. We strive to provide caring, competent and cutting-edge care. We enjoy frequent referrals from nearby clinics. Check out our website at Pay commensurate with skills and experience, no after-hour call, formal mentoring program and excellent benefit package. Mail or email resume to Cascade Hospital for Animals, 6730 Cascade Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, Ml 49546; email __________________________________________________________________________________ Veterinarians wanted for high-quality, high-volume, low-cost, nonprofit Spay/Neuter clinics and Wellness centers in Flint and/or Warren, Michigan. All About Animals is modeled after the ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance and performs over 26,000 sterilizations each year for cats and dogs. PT, FT available. Competitive wages. FT: paid time off, medical and dental benefits, Paid CE and licensing. Veterinarians have a full support team. Ideal candidate is confident in surgery and exhibits a compassionate attitude. Advanced surgical sterilization training available. Alternating days between surgery and providing preventative health care also available. Do you love surgery and giving back to the community? Come be part of the solution to prevent pet homelessness. Inquiries can be directed to Renee at All About Animals Rescue,, 586/879-1745. __________________________________________________________________________________ Seeking a full or part-time veterinarian, currently offering $65-80/hour benefits negotiable experience needed for a small animal clinic. Located in Dansville Mich. Please contact David at 517/899-3903 or email resumes to __________________________________________________________________________________ Seeking a full-time mixed or small-animal veterinarian to join our 4-doctor team. New grads are welcome to apply and will be considered for the position. Our practice is located in mid-Michigan and consists of 70% small animal, 25% dairy and 5% equine, beef cattle, small ruminants, and exotics. On the small animal side our large support staff of 12, including 2 full-time LVTs, will assist with cases which range from yearly exams and vaccines to soft-tissue and orthopedic surgeries. Our small animal facility includes 5 exam rooms, a surgery suite with 3 gas anesthetic machines and full parameter monitors, full digital radiography including dental, ultrasound, in-house lab, Tonopen, and Avimark computer software. Our dairy work involves providing herd health, most using ultrasound, to dairies that range from 50 to 1,200 milk cows, along with individual sick cow cases, and troubleshooting herd-wide reproductive and metabolic issues. We will also supply a fully stocked truck and coveralls for farm call use. The practice does provide emergency services for both our large and small animal clients and these duties are split equally between all veterinarians. Our clinic believes in the importance of mentoring and new grads will be provided with back-up when needed for both routine cases and emergencies. Benefits will include signing bonus, competitive salary, paid vacation, licensing, health insurance and 401K retirement plan. Please send resume to Dr. Jon Schwab at Arenac Bay Veterinary Services, 4366 M-61, Standish, MI 48658 or email to __________________________________________________________________________________ Seeking full and part-time veterinarian for our growing, 3-doctor, small animal practice, located in Washington Twp, Michigan. We are
an extremely compassionate group of individuals, who focus on extraordinary customer service and high-quality medicine and surgery. Our hospital is very family oriented, offers an exceptionally relaxed atmosphere, and is located in a charming historic brick dairy barn. Highly competitive salary and PTO offered. Please contact Dr. Cobi Mcleod, phone: 586/677-1300, fax: 586/677-8179; __________________________________________________________________________________ The Animal Medical Center in Midland, Michigan is looking for a fulltime veterinarian. We are a thriving small animal clinic outfitted with blood work and urinalysis machines, digital radiography, as well as a state-of-the-art ultrasound. We believe in a healthy work life balance. Therefore, we make sure our employees stick to a 40-hour work week and we do not see emergencies. We provide a generous benefits package including health care and continuing education. The Animal Medical Center is a family owned practice with 2-doctors which prides itself on providing our clients with a comfortable, familiar environment where they can relax and know their pets are receiving the best care. For more information, please email us at or call us at 989/600-9835. __________________________________________________________________________________ Growing progressive 3-doctor small animal/exotic/integrative practice southeast of Ann Arbor, MI seeks a FT veterinarian who is personable, enthusiastic and compassionate to join our hard-working team. Paperless, with digital whole body and dental x-ray, in-house Abaxis lab, ultrasound, Cardell (BP/pulse ox/ECG/CO2) monitor, Companion therapy laser & new VetScalpel CO2 surgical laser. Genuine, educated/experienced support staff including 3-LVTs. We have a culture that strives for excellence, is optimistic, collaborative and supportive. Busy, fun, rewarding â&#x20AC;&#x201C; come be part of our family. Competitive salary & benefits. Experience preferred, but willing to mentor. Please email cover letter & resume to Rocky Buehler, HR Mgr. at or call 734/740-1878. __________________________________________________________________________________ Milwood Animal Clinic in Portage is seeking a full or part-time associate with an interest in exotic pet medicine. Exotic experience is a plus, but mentorship can be catered to your comfort level. We are known for our compassionate care for our patients and clients and utilize low stress handling techniques. Our clinic is well-equipped and we have an awesome, highly trained staff to allow you to focus on practicing high quality veterinary medicine. We strive to provide a supportive family-like environment and have fun while doing meaningful work. After-hours and weekend emergencies are covered by a nearby ER. Learn more about us at or! Please send resume to __________________________________________________________________________________ Fast-growing mobile practice in St. Clair County is looking for a FT/PT veterinarian to join our team. We provide primary care for dogs and cats, a low stress culture, flexible scheduling, and competitive compensation. We have a great team and clientele and are looking for a long-term associate that is passionate about client education and great preventative care. Email __________________________________________________________________________________ Sunrise Side Veterinary Hospital is seeking an associate veterinarian to join our progressive 2-doctor AAHA accredited practice in East Tawas, Michigan. We are a companion animal practice which focuses on quality medicine and client communication in a rural setting. Our hospitals amenities include a full lab including Heska Dri-Chem, Element HT and Element I machines, as well as IDEXX SediVue. We also have digital radiography, a rigid and flexible endoscope, ECG with blood pressure monitoring, Pulse Ox, a high-speed dental unit and therapy laser. We have a dedicated staff focused on maintaining high quality patient care. We do both soft tissue and orthopedic surgeries in house. Check out our hospital at East Tawas is located along Lake Huron and
has a multitude of outdoor activities with many cross country ski and snowmobiling trails in the area, as well as a variety of summer activities including canoeing along the Ausable River, hiking, fishing and many other outdoor activities. We are looking for a full-time veterinarian with a positive attitude and good personal skills to join our veterinary family for the long term. New graduates with an interest in learning and growth welcome. Signing/relocation bonus. Feel free to contact us at __________________________________________________________________________________ F/T or P/T experienced veterinarian preferred for a well-established small animal hospital located in Livingston County. Independently owned. New graduates will be considered. Please call 248/821-1773 or email resume to __________________________________________________________________________________ Great Lakes Pet Emergencies of Saginaw, Michigan is seeking a part or full-time veterinarian to join our VECCS certified after-hours emergency hospital. Our recently renovated facility is equipped with a wide range of diagnostic and monitoring equipment, including a complete in-house laboratory with blood gas and lactate analysis, digital radiography, 24/7 radiology and EKG specialist consults, ultrasound, endoscopy, and in-stock blood products. Our doctors are supported by a group of friendly highly skilled licensed veterinary technicians who are committed to a team approach in patient and client care. An ideal candidate is a motivated, compassionate clinician with excellent communications skills, and the desire to practice advanced medicine and perform surgery. Our supportive, highly experienced emergency doctors are available for mentoring and training. This is a great position for anyone looking to gain emergency experience! Flexible schedule available allowing for full-time employment or even just a few shifts a month. We offer a very competitive compensation package and benefits include medical, dental, vision, 401K with a profit-sharing plan. We also provide a generous allowance for continued education, uniforms, and dues. For more information or to submit a resume and cover letter please contact: Dr. JoLynne Grant by email; __________________________________________________________________________________ Accepting resumes for a part-time to full-time associate at our progressive small animal clinic located in mid-Michigan. Although we are a busy and sometimes fast-paced clinic, we work on an appointment-only basis allowing us to devote time to each patient, giving our clients the thorough and quality care they deserve. We have built a devoted clientele and pride ourselves on customer service and patient care. We utilize support staff, including LVTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, to their full potential so doctors can focus on medicine. Work/life balance is a must! Scheduling is flexible and onsite daycare is an option if the need arises. We have a fun and friendly work environment while remaining professional and focused on quality medicine. Close proximity to an emergency clinic and a respected referral hospital. No emergency on-call or after-hours expected. The clinic is nicely equipped with in-house lab equipment, digital radiography including dental, and ultrasound. Enjoy practicing medicine in an environment that supports your well-being, personally and professionally. Email with questions.
_________________________________________________________________________________ Full-time experienced LVT and licensed in the state of Michigan with associates degree in animal health technology to join the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine at the University of Michigan. Ability and willingness to work with many species including but not limited to mice, rats, rabbits, ferrets, dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, nonhuman primates. Please include a resume at: __________________________________________________________________________________
FALL 2019
Searching for F/T experienced LVT for a busy, fast-paced 3-doctor small animal practice in Fremont, Michigan. 4 10-hour day work week allows enjoyment of the vast activities Fremont and West Michigan have to offer on the weekends! Experience with IDEXX/Cornerstone, as well as dental procedures preferred. Submit resume via email, Attn: Dr. Russell, at __________________________________________________________________________________ Are you an ECFVG registered veterinarian living in Detroit metro area, who is working on your boards? Looking for help on how to prepare for the exams? Looking for a job as a veterinary technician until you pass your boards? I have experience of teaching many such candidates. Call 248/752-9411 or contact through email __________________________________________________________________________________ Are you an ECFVG registered veterinarian living in Detroit metro area, who is working on your boards? Looking for help on how to prepare for the exams? Looking for a job as a veterinary technician until you pass your boards? I have experience of teaching many such candidates. Call 248/752-9411 or contact through email __________________________________________________________________________________ Eastwood Veterinary Hospital in Eaton Rapids is searching for a fulltime LVT. We are a busy small animal practice located 20 minutes from Lansing. The hospital was remodeled in 2019 and includes a new surgical suite, treatment area, & staff kitchen with a sunroom lounge for winter months. The hospital is equipped with an in-house lab, ultrasound, digital x-ray, digital dental radiography and many other diagnostic tools. We offer a competitive wage, personal pet discount, health insurance, and simple IRA investment plan. Please send cover letter and resume to Website: __________________________________________________________________________________ Full Time Credentialed Veterinary Technician – Sign on Bonus Available: VCA Allen Park Animal Hospital is an AAHA-accredited, extended-hours walk-in hospital in Allen Park, Michigan. The successful candidate will be a believer in the possibilities of high-quality veterinary medicine and patient care - with the expertise and technical know-how to make them happen. Why We Need You: As a member of the VCA team, your mission will be to win the confidence of every pet parent - by delivering an outstanding client experience - so they will partner with us for the lifelong care of their companion animals. You’ve worked hard for your credentialing and we want you to use the knowledge that you’ve invested your time and talent in. The skills that you will be utilizing include, but are not limited to: Venipuncture, catheter placement, radiology, anesthesia monitoring, physical examinations and patient assessment, surgical preparation and, assisting, dentistry, laboratory work, pharmacy, patient recovery, and compassionate care for our hospitalized patients. Why You Should Consider Us: At VCA, your passion for medicine and compassion for pets and people is matched with a commitment to your professional growth. You will enjoy exposure to a diverse and stimulating caseload, employ the most advanced imaging and monitoring tools, and tap into the expertise of more than 4,500+ doctors, including 600+ boarded specialists. You will sharpen your skills - and even learn some new techniques - and explore career options that only VCA can offer, such as continuing education, transfer, specialization, and leadership opportunities. Benefits: We offer competitive compensation along with a comprehensive benefits package, including medical, dental, vision and paid vacation/sick days, 401(k), generous employee pet discounts and more! Apply: https://vca.wd1.
practice with flexible scheduling. Please email resume to pawpawvet@ __________________________________________________________________________________ Full or part-time Licensed Veterinary Technician needed for a busy 2-doctor small animal clinic in the Dexter Pinckney area. We are looking for a friendly, compassionate team player to join our amazing staff. Competitive pay and benefits package. If you are interested in joining our team, please send resume to, Attn: Bridgit. __________________________________________________________________________________ WMSNC is looking for LVT’s to work 2-3 days per week. Competitive pay, and great working environment. If interested please contact Michelle Jones at or 231/638-6369. __________________________________________________________________________________ Licensed Veterinary Technician needed: Lake Lansing Road Animal Clinic is searching for a part-time or full-time LVT. We are a busy small animal practice located in Lansing. We have a full in-house laboratory, ultrasound, digital x-ray, dental radiography, and many other diagnostic tools. We offer competitive salary, uniform allowance, generous discount, and some benefits. Please send cover letter and resume to info@ Website:
We are looking for a motivated full-time practice manager with a positive attitude to join our team and help us grow! Enjoy a fun, family work environment in a small community setting. Bachelor’s degree in business or related discipline desired. Job responsibilities will include but are not limited to hiring/managing staff, inventory, advertising and social media. Our clinic has served the community for over 75 years. We are a full-service 10 doctor mixed animal practice located in Ionia, MI. Brand new, state of the art 6000 sq. ft. facility being built this summer with move in scheduled for the end of the year. We have a very compassionate and proficient team and boast a remarkably low turnover rate. The clinic has digitally integrated medical records with Avimark software. This position offers flexible work hours, with an emphasis on work-life balance. Benefits include a competitive salary, medical insurance, generous annual leave, 401k and continuing education. Please contact us via email if you are interested:
Small animal/exotic practice and building for sale in Battle Creek, MI. Established for over 50 years, and owner may be willing to help finance. Contact, or 269/788-2996. __________________________________________________________________________________ When buying or selling a veterinary practice, rely on the expertise of Total Practice Solutions Group. See display ad this issue. Even if you plan to sell your practice yourself, contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg for a free consultation. We are happy to help. 800/380-6872 or __________________________________________________________________________________ Small animal practice in south central Michigan grossing $415K. Practice is offered at $213K, real estate offered at $165K. (MI-1060) Contact Total Practice Solutions Group, Dr. Kurt Liljeberg, 800/380-6872, or __________________________________________________________________________________
Beautiful small animal practice south of Grand Rapids. Beautiful building, well equipped. Earn over $140,000 per year after debt service. Contact Dr. Fred Zydeck by phone or text at 248/891-3934 or email fzydeck@ __________________________________________________________________________________ Lightly used H2O brand water treadmill for sale. Excellent condition, well maintained. Purchased one year ago and no longer need. Located in Minneapolis area. Will require manufacturer to move and set up. Call 763/438-9204. __________________________________________________________________________________ Practice going out of business, varieties of equipment and instruments for sale ranging from digital x-ray system, including full size x-ray machines, portable x-ray generator, full in-house IDEXX analyzer machines to autoclaves, anesthetic machines ,hydraulic surgical and examination tables, dental equipment and varieties of surgical and orthopedic instruments, several other instruments and equipment available for sale. Call 517/775-6750 or 517/763-7475 for questions or private showings. __________________________________________________________________________________ FOR SALE! 2 Philips iE33 Ultrasound machines $12,000/each (negotiable). Both in great condition. Regularly maintained and kept clean. Probes included with each machine. 2006 Philips iE33 with 4-D capability. Includes: 4-D probe-X7-2, S8-3 probe, S5-1 probe, S12-4 probe, 2007 Philips iE33, S8-3 probe, S5-1 probe, S12-4 probe. Please contact Julie with Veterinary Cardiology Consultants at 248/946-4322 or vetcardio@
__________________________________________________________________________________ Norman Bayne, DVM, MS, 248/506-1104. MSU 81. SA relief work in southeast MI. Will travel. Friendly, excellent client communications skills. __________________________________________________________________________________ Cari Bedore, DVM, 810/965-8350. MSU 99. SA relief and/or PT 1 hour from Flint. Enjoy working in a positive team atmosphere doing medicine and surgery. __________________________________________________________________________________ Sharisse Berk, DVM, 248/851-0739. MSU 95. Available for SA relief or PT work in southeast MI. __________________________________________________________________________________ Rhonda Bierl, DVM, 248/467-1987. MSU 00. SA/emergency relief within 1 hour of Pontiac. General medicine, soft-tissue surgery, ultrasound experience. __________________________________________________________________________________ Allison Birndorf, DVM, 248/459-8974. MSU 12. SA relief in SE Michigan. Will travel. Friendly and reliable. __________________________________________________________________________________ Tammy Brodie, DVM, 616/824-6557. MSU 88, MVMA Member. Soft tissue surgery and dentistry. Excellent client skills. __________________________________________________________________________________ Tama Cathers, DVM, MS, 269/203-6800. NCSU 96, MVMA member. SA relief in SW Michigan/Kalamazoo area. Friendly, experienced, reliable. __________________________________________________________________________________
Small animal practice south of Grand Rapids. Beautiful building, well equipped. Earn over $125,000 per year after debt service. Call or text Dr. Fred Zydeck, Broker, at 248/891-3934 or email __________________________________________________________________________________
Courtney Chapin, DVM, 616/901-5660. MSU 02. Available for Grand Rapids area. 6 years’ experience in SA general practice, 3 years in emergency medicine; both routine and emergency surgery. Willing to travel. __________________________________________________________________________________
Looking for a licensed veterinary technician to join our small animal practice in Southwest Michigan. You would be joining an excellent team of doctors and staff who pride themselves on providing the best medicine and care for our patients and their family. Family-oriented
Are you ready to buy or sell a veterinary practice? Valuations, consultations. Buying or selling, I can help. Call or text Dr. Fred Zydeck, Broker, at 248/891-3934 or email __________________________________________________________________________________
Catherine Collins, DVM, 517/980-0528. (MSU 06, MVMA member) SA relief work in the Lansing area. Willing to travel up to one hour. Friendly, efficient, strong communication skills. References & resume available.
FALL 2019
Kenneth Corino, DVM, 248/217-5235. MSU 94. SA relief work. SE Michigan, medicine and surgery. __________________________________________________________________________________ Bryan Cornwall, DVM, MBA, 248/227-0562. MSU 89. SA medicine and general surgery in SE Michigan; practice owner for 24 years. Great with clients and staff. __________________________________________________________________________________ Jennifer M. Dec, DVM, 248/224-1990. MSU 04. Small-animal general practice and emergency relief. Surgery, ultrasound, and excellent communication skills, __________________________________________________________________________________ Lisa Harris, DVM, 616/204-2670. MSU 89. Available for relief in Grand Rapids/Lakeshore area. Experienced SA medicine and surgery, avian, exotics. Friendly, good communicator. __________________________________________________________________________________ Sean D. Hughes, DVM, 517/552-0993; 734/674-7061. MSU 76. SE Michigan SA relief since 1999. Part-time. Prefer SE; will travel for right circumstances. __________________________________________________________________________________ Cindy Kalicki, DVM, 313/291-2466. MSU 94. Eight years FT, two years relief in SA general medicine/soft tissue surgery. SE Michigan, PT or relief. __________________________________________________________________________________ Gurpreet Kaur, DVM, 248/519-3194. (MSU 15, MVMA Member) Providing service in small animal general practice and surgery in the southeast Michigan area. __________________________________________________________________________________ Lynn A. Lawitzke, DVM, DABVP (Canine and Feline Practice), 517/4743811. MSU 82, MVMA Member. Small animal relief work. Based in Jackson, willing to travel. or __________________________________________________________________________________ Selena Lucas, DVM, 734/330-5048. KSU 90. Flexible and friendly, excellent client communication skills. Proficient in surgery, medicine, and dentistry. Available in SE Michigan. __________________________________________________________________________________
Jim Sharp, DVM, 810/533-3598. MSU 71. SA relief, SE Michigan. Former practice owner. Proficient in sophisticated dentistry and medicine. Excellent communicator. __________________________________________________________________________________ Margaret Sudekum, DVM, 616/676-2720. MSU 89. Available for parttime SA relief work in Grand Rapids and the surrounding areas. Good client communication skills. __________________________________________________________________________________ Andrea Switch, DVM, 248/302-2255. MSU 84. Available for PT or relief work. SA general medicine/soft tissue surgery in SE MI. andreaswitch@ __________________________________________________________________________________ Linda Vanassche, DVM, 517/896-9086. MSU 90. SA medicine, surgery and emergency; excelling in dermatology and internal med. Travel negotiable more than 1½ hours from Lansing. Excellent written/verbal communication and record keeping. __________________________________________________________________________________ Amy Wildrose, DVM, 517/420-5891. MSU 00. Experienced, proficient, dependable, and convivial. Available for SA relief or PT. Based in Lansing. Willing to travel. __________________________________________________________________________________ Jennifer Zablotny, DVM, 517/896-9146. MSU 97. Experienced SA relief for southeast and mid-MI. References available.
Note: Completion of a form is required to place a classified or relief vet ad in The Michigan Veterinarian. Please contact the MVMA to obtain a copy of the form.
or PT in western MI. Excellent client relations. References available. __________________________________________________________________________________
The Michigan Veterinarian is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December. The deadline for submission of ads is the first of the preceding month. Ads must be submitted in writing and will be published once. Ads may be resubmitted as often as desired with accompanying payment. The editors reserve the right to edit copy. Checks must accompany all ads submitted, make payable to “Michigan Veterinary Medical Association.”
Katherine O’Connor, DVM, 248/207-3528. MSU 14. Exceptional medicine when you need it most. SA/exotics/emergency relief. Based in East Lansing, willing to travel. References available. __________________________________________________________________________________
25 words or less. No charge for MVMA members. Not available for nonmembers.
Richard M. Mieczkowski, DVM, 734/735-2279. MSU 71, MVMA Member. Oakland, Washtenaw Co. Experienced SA relief. Client interactive, productive, reliable. References. __________________________________________________________________________________ Denise Jorgensen Montagna, DVM, 231/557-1536. CSU 90. SA relief
Kris Parnell, DVM, 517/881-2845. MSU 91. Available for SA relief or P/T. Will travel 1 hour of Lansing area. References upon request. __________________________________________________________________________________ Amy Peck, DVM, 231/557-4423. MSU 97. Available for relief in west MI/ Grand Rapids/Lakeshore area. SA general medicine. Excellent communication skills, experienced and reliable. __________________________________________________________________________________ Sarah Sewick, DVM 810/499-0945. (University of Illinois 12, MVMA Member) SA relief in SE Michigan. Experience with general practice, emergency, high-volume spay/neuter, exotics/wildlife. Easy-going with clients and staff.
Eighth-page..............................3.625" × 2.25" Quarter-page............................3.625" × 4.833" Half-page (horizontal)..........7.5" × 4.833" Full-page......................................7.5" × 10" Call the MVMA office for current advertising rates and specifications for artwork.
FALL 2019
The MVMA Awards Committee is requesting nominations for 2019 MVMA awards. This is the association's opportunity to recognize someone who has contributed significantly to the veterinary profession or the animals and clients s/he serves. Nominations should be accompanied by supporting information. MVMA awards include:
MVMA Business Service Award:
Established in 1970 as the Distinguished Life Mem-
efforts and activities, has promoted the profession of
bership Award, it was retitled in 1992. The award is
veterinary medicine in any of its many facets in a way
conferred upon only a few individuals of the highest
that qualifies for an award.
This award is conferred upon a company that, by its
professional caliber who have completed 35 consecutive years of active membership and have partaken actively in association obligations and otherwise
MVMA Public Service Award:
served the veterinary profession in an exemplary
To qualify for this award, the nominee must be a po-
fashion at the state and/or national levels. This is the
litical official or organization whose efforts have sig-
highest award conferred by the Michigan VMA.
nificantly benefited the veterinary profession.
MVMA Community Service Award:
Established in 1956 as the MVMA Service Award, the
This award is to honor an animal-related organiza-
award was renamed in memory of the late Dr. McK-
tion or individual, who is not a veterinarian, for con-
ersie in 1989. It is conferred upon a member of the
tributions that have significantly benefited society,
Michigan VMA for cumulative service and accom-
MVMA or animal welfare.
plishments benefiting the profession of veterinary medicine, the community, and the Association. Only the Distinguished Life Membership Award ranks
MVMA Merit Award:
above it in significance of recognition by one's peers
This award may be presented to any person who has
as members of the Michigan VMA.
devoted an extraordinary amount of time and effort to a project or activity of benefit to the Michigan VMA
MVMA Public Media Award:
and/or the veterinary profession.
This award is to recognize a person or organization within the broadcasting or publishing professions for activities that benefit the veterinary profession, or the ideals associated with it. Nominations should be sent to the MVMA office by Nov. 1, 2019. Additional information and a nomination form can be found at
FALL 2019
Did you know that AVMA Axon, launched in
Dr. Igancio Correas, our candidate from Mich-
March, provides you high-quality CE, acces-
igan for the Council on Biologic and Thera-
sible 24/7 in a convenient and practical online
peutic Agents, was successfully elected and
platform. Check out the presentation on Can-
will join Dr. Jeff Powers, Vice Chair, on this
nabis in Practice: A Clinical and Legal Update
prestigious council. There are many volunteer
by our own Jeff Powers. Go to axon.avma.
opportunities at the AVMA and the next elec-
org, scroll down to Lead & Learn On-Demand
tions will take place at the Veterinary Leader-
Courses. FREE to AVMA members!
ship Conference in January. We will keep you updated and are here to help you.
Jill Lynn DVM, AVMA Alternate Delegate Stephen Steep, DVM, AVMA Delegate
Here's a great practice management tool AVMA Market Share Estimator
By the time you read this, the entire AVMA
An online tool at that makes it easy
House of Delegates will have spent an after-
to estimate the potential size of your local vet-
noon conducting meetings with Congressio-
erinary market and what share of that mar-
nal offices to advocate for the profession. With
ket you serve. The Market Share Estimator
approximately 200 individual meetings taking
is a downloadable worksheet that walks you
place between HOD members and elected of-
through five easy steps to calculate market
ficials and staff, this will have been the largest
share and the potential veterinary business
veterinary event on Capitol Hill ever conduct-
in your area. You can estimate the number
ed by the AVMA. An area of emphasis will
of households, pets, and veterinary revenue
be our opposition to the “The Fairness to Pet
in your local market. Assess your individu-
Owners Act” (H.R. 1607).
al practice’s current share of the market and
would put an undue regulatory and admin-
identify areas where you might be under-per-
istrative burden on veterinary practices, inter-
forming or over-performing. Find it here -
fere with the veterinarian-client-patient rela-
tionship, and create inconvenience for clients.
We are ADVOCATING FOR YOU, so please
support your PAC - both the AVMA and the
Kathy Smiler, DVM, Emeritus AVMA Delegate Stephen Steep, DVM, AVMA Delegate
This legislation
MVMA. The AVMA Council on Education (COE) accreditation visit to Michigan State University
There is so much more happening, from efforts
College of Veterinary Medicine is scheduled
to reinstate AVMA group health insurance, to
for Oct. 13 - 17. Dean Puschner and Dr. Helene
wellness efforts, to guidance on TeleHealth.
Pazak have been preparing for months and we
Watch for more information from us and feel
anticipate a successful visit - Go Green!
free to contact us with your questions and con-
Kathy Smiler, DVM, AVMA Emeritus Delegate
cerns at' We have a new AVMA President, Dr. John Howe. Plan to visit with John next summer
Stephen Steep, DVM, is the MVMA’s Delegate to
during our summer meeting at the Grand
the AVMA, and can reached at steepdvm@umich.
edu or 248.628.3092.
Kathy Smiler, DVM, AVMA Emeritus Delegate Jill Lynn DVM, AVMA Alternate Delegate
FALL 2019
Jan. 24–26, 2020 Lansing Center & Radisson Hotel, Lansing, MI
Sept. 18, 2019, 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. University Club, Fireplace Room, Lansing in conjunction with the Annual Meeting
Dec. 11, 2019, 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. University Club, Ballroom, Lansing
4th Wednesday of each month, February–May and September–October, with occasional additional meetings @ 7 p.m. / The Brewery, Frankenmuth
Internal Medicine & Infectious Disease Michael R. Lappin, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
Sept. 11, 2019 Endocrinology Cynthia R. Ward, VMD, PhD, DACVIM
Oct. 2, 2019 Cardiology William Brown, DVM, DACVIM Cardiology
Nov. 6, 2019 Diagnostic Imaging Lorrie Gaschen, DVM, PhD, DECVDI Dec. 4, 2019 Surgery Catriona MacPhail, DVM, PhD, DACVS
March 4, 2020 Veterinary Life Hacks: Communications, Leadership and Work/Life Balance Karlene Belyea, MBA
April 1, 2020 Seminars 10 a.m. to 5:30 pm at the East Lansing Marriott. Contact MVMA at 517.347.4710 or register online at
Contact the secretary at
Animal Welfare Committee (Dr. Marcie Barber, Chair) Nov. 7, 2019 @ 10:00 am
3rd Thursday of each month, January– May and September–November in Grand Rapids on various topics. In addition, there will be a second meeting each month, usually the 1st Tuesday or Wednesday, February–May and October– December.
Executive Committee (Dr. Mike Thome, Chair) Sept. 4, 2019 @ noon Nov. 20, 2019 @ 10:00 a.m. Legislative Advisory Committee (Dr. Cathy Anderson, Chair) Sept. 11, 2019 @ 1:30 p.m. Nov. 20, 2019 @ 1:30 p.m. Public Health Committee (Dr. Joseph Kline, Chair) Sept. 25, 2019 @ 1:30 p.m. Dec. 18, 2019 @ 1:30 p.m. All meetings will be held in the MVMA office unless otherwise noted.
Contact Margaret Sudekum, DVM, to be added to the email list. (616) 676-2720 or
NUAL BUSINES The Annual S MEETING Business M eeting of th inar y Medic e M ic higan Veter al Associati on will be hel Sept. 18, 20 d on Wednes 19 at 2:30 day, p.m. at the in Lansing, University C Michigan. T lub he agenda is 1. CALL T as follows: O ORDER
If you plan to attend ontana, C , please RS AE , at tra VP to montana @michvm
John Tram
FALL 2019
Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Lansing, MI Permit #713
MICHIGAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 2144 Commons Parkway, Okemos, MI 48864-3986
important phone numbers MI Board of Veterinary Medicine (517) 335-0918 MI Board of Pharmacy (517) 373-1737
DEA: Detroit office (313) 234-4000 DEA: toll-free (800) 230-6844 MDARD State Veterinarian (800) 292-3939
MI Dept. of Health & Human Services (517) 335-8165 State of MI Health Certificates (517) 284-5767 USDA, APHIS, VS–Accreditation & International Health Certificates (517) 337-4700
r alph c. wilson agency, inc.
your insurance contacts
i n s u r a n c e
★ Bill Percha Ext. 140
★ Todd McKenna
e x c e l l e n c e
endorsed insur ance plans f o r
m v m a
m e m b e r s
Ext. 167
★ Dave Palmeri Ext. 108
★ Keyonna DeVries Ext. 101
★ Jackie Vitale Ext. 115
★ Dawn Jardine Ext. 133
★ John Kufchock Ext. 144
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citizens/hanover insur ance Business Owners, Worker’s Compensation, Umbrella Professional Liability, Auto, and Homeowners
disabilit y income insur ance Protect yourself and your family. MVMA members are guaranteed association discounts.
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(800) 638-1174
proudly supporting the MVMA community since 1991