Winter Issue of The Michigan Veterinarian

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m i c h i g a n v e t e r i n a r y m e d i c a l a s s o c i at i o n

MVMA’s New 2nd Vice President­— Dr. Erin Howard

in this issue . . . 3

Welcomes MSU CVM’s New Dean: Birgit Puschner

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Lessons from “Reality” Vets Mandatory Continuing Medical Education (CME)


Dr. Nora Wineland Selected as New State Veterinarian

10 11

AVMA Alternate Delegate Needed


People, Pets & Vets 2018— Enjoyed by Kids of all Ages

Miracle of Life Exhibit a Great Success

15 Member Benefits Brochure 19 What Do You Do When Pharmacy Actions Don’t Meet your Expectations?


A New Take on Veterinary Practice Incorporation in Michigan


“Walk 4 Paws” a Great Success!

back cover


“ It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or when the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ~ franklin d. roosevelt


his quote is one of my all-time favorites; it has been an inspirational piece of literature for me since veterinary school. I believe that Roosevelt’s words fit within the veterinary profession beautifully. We are a group of individuals who are tireless in our pursuit for knowledge, and in that endeavor, we experience challenges time and time again. This also reminds me that while achievement is important, the journey there and what transpires along the way are ultimately what shapes our character and values. Becoming the 2019 MVMA 2nd Vice President is one more piece of that journey for me. I am very excited to see how I may use this experience to help build the paths of those who are just entering our profession, and for those who have been practicing or involved with veterinary medicine for the entirety of their careers. I am also eager to share what a valuable asset and resource the MVMA is to our Michigan veterinarians. There are so many ways now to directly influence our day to day activities, legislation, and education. My goals during these next several years include, but are certainly not limited to, support and encouragement to our veterinary students and continued efforts to bring awareness to our physical and mental health needs, while finding ways to change the reasons veterinarians struggle more than most professions in the healthcare sector. In parting, I’d like to share one more piece from Roosevelt. “It’s a terrible thing to look over your shoulder when you are trying to lead—and to find no one there.” I hope to find a group of veterinarians after me that are committed and passionate, as I am, in both the sustainment and progression of this amazing craft. —Erin Howard, DVM MVMA 2019 2nd Vice President

vo lum e x vi  ·  n um ber 4  ·  wi n t e r 2 0 1 8

Professional excellence. Compassionate care. 2144 Commons Pkwy., Okemos, MI 48864-3986 tel (517) 347-4710  ·  fax (517) 347-4666 email web facebook twitter youtube pinterest instagram Published quarterly in March, June, September, and December. Deadlines are the first of the preceding month. editors Karlene B. Belyea, MBA  •  Sheri Fandel 2018 mvma officers & directors officers Dr. Lori Penman, President Dr. Mike Thome, President-Elect Dr. Melissa Owings, 1st Vice President Dr. Christian Ast, 2nd Vice President Dr. Bruce Cozzens, Immediate Past President Dr. Kathleen Smiler, AVMA Delegate Dr. Stephen Steep, AVMA Alternate Delegate Karlene Belyea, MBA, Chief Executive Officer directors representing districts Dr. Megan McQuade, (1) Southern Dr. Kristin Knirk, (2 & 3) Michiana & Southwestern Dr. Erin Whalin, (4) Jackson Dr. Larry Letsche, (5 & 9) Washtenaw & Livingston Dr. Tim Duncan, (6 & 8) Wayne & Oakland Dr. Julie Sherman (7) Macomb Dr. Dana Tatman-Lilly, (10) Mid-State Dr. Therese Burns, (11) Western Dr. Joseph Kline, (12 & 13) Saginaw & Thumb Dr. Anne Shuff, (14) Northeastern Dr. Kenny Rogers, (15) Northern directors representing associations Dr. Jeff Bunn, MI Equine Practitioners Dr. Steven Bailey, Southeastern Michigan VMA at-large directors Dr. Erin Howard, Food Animal Dr. Srinand Sreevatsan, MSU CVM Dr. Claire Hankenson, Lab Animal Medicine layout / design Cherie Morehouse/Morehouse Media, Lansing, MI printing & mailing BRD Printing, Lansing, MI n  The Michigan Veterinary Medical Association represents the veterinary profession in Michigan, advances the knowledge and standards of its membership, and promotes the science, practice, and value of veterinary medicine for the benefit of animal and human health.

LET’S NOT CALL IT “GOODBYE”… Thoughts from MVMA’s CEO of 15 years


rom the moment I was hired by MVMA, I always felt very blessed to be here. I remember that 83 people applied for the position in 2003 and that my interview was one of the kindest and most thorough interviews I’d ever experienced. When I arrived, Dr. Gay Gira gave me a tour of the building and most of the search committee was in attendance (Drs. David Carron, Nancy Frank, Gay Gira, Anne Hale, Susan Cook, Jeff Dizik and Michael Herr). I loved what they had to say about MVMA and instantly wanted the position. I was fortunate to become the CEO on November 1st and have thoroughly enjoyed working with and on behalf of our awesome members. Please know that leaving MVMA was not an easy decision for me. It has been a pleasure working with you all. As members, please be aware that MVMA is in excellent financial shape and the association is poised for continued growth. I wish MVMA great success with all future endeavors! I’ll continue working for MVMA through the 2019 Michigan Veterinary Conference, and I hope to see many of you there. I have accepted a position as Chief Culture Officer at Midwest Veterinary Partners, where I will be working with veterinary teams and others

to build positive work cultures and improve communications. This is something I’m passionate about, and I’m very happy that I will continue to be working with veterinarians and their teams. Thank you all for your friendship, kindness and the opportunity to serve. I wish you the best, and I look forward to staying in touch! Remember that I’ll really just be “down the street” and still very much a part of the veterinary community. If you need me or would like to stay in touch, feel free to contact me at —Karlene Belyea, MBA CEO, MVMA Future Chief Culture Officer, Midwest Veterinary Partners, Novi, MI

mvma welcomes msu cvm’s new dean

Birgit Puschner

in her own words… In early September 2018, I became dean of the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine. I am excited to join in the ongoing success of CVM. This highly regarded veterinary college is where students, graduates, staff, and faculty make a difference in the veterinary profession every day. As I begin my tenure, I want to share a bit about my background and what inspires and drives me.

who am i? I moved to MSU from the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine after more than 20 years in California. I am 51, and I’ve been married for 15 years. I grew up in a small farming community in rural Bavaria, Germany. My veterinary training included working at a slaughter house in the lowlands of eastern Bolivia and at a mixed-animal practice in Germany. After completing my dissertation, I was awarded a research

fellowship that brought me to the United States, specifically Michigan, in 1995. From there, I continued my academic career in California. Like anyone else, a lot of what I do and how I think has been shaped by my family, mentors, and life experiences. Many who know me say I am defined by my curiosity and thirst for learning and the desire to share my knowledge and experiences with others.

why am i here? The United States is the first foreign country I have lived in and Michigan was my first US home. I found Michigan very welcoming and I had a warm integration and fond memories of my early time in the state. I liked the environment, the people, and the climate. Yes, you read that correctly. I love snow. It is familiar, even nostalgic to me as I grew up in the Alps. This College has tremendous energy, collegiality, and dedication to its mission. It is transforming veterinary education. I am certain this is the same reason why most—if not all—of my colleagues are here. We want to empower our next generation of professionals to do amazing things. In my 20 years in academia, I have learned that I do my best


ou will learn from leading speakers and Y discover new ways to practice.


ou can explore the newly designed “Veterinary Practice Y Marketplace” with over 100 exhibitors to welcome you.

3. You can take good care of yourself by joining a group for yoga or guided meditations, taking a coloring break, or adding to the gratitude board.

4. The MVC has a new app to help you navigate the conference

technicians with hands-on learning.

7. Lunches, receptions and other refreshments are included with your registration fee at no additional cost to you.

It all started with the Morrill Act of 1862, and then came the establishment of CVM in 1910. While we initially focused on the care of companion animals and livestock, we now have a much broader impact on society. As we look forward, not only must we zero in on what the College can contribute, but how we can tell our story so that the community realizes what we do daily and how it impacts everyone.

what do we do next? The College needs to be clear in our mission. We need to support creativity and innovation in education and research. We need to celebrate our differences and realize that every one of us is part of constantly evolving cultural change. We can do a lot to make things happen because we have talent, resources, and perseverance. It is an incredible honor for me to lead the College. I look forward to meeting many of the alumni and friends of the College, and invite you to ask questions or provide comments at any time.

11 Veterinary Conference january 25–27, 2019

8. You can engage with colleagues and content leaders to share new ideas to implement back at your office/practice.

5. CE tracks include companion animal, food animal, equine,

6. Wet labs will provide veterinarians and veterinary

why are we here?

REASONS Not To Miss the Michigan

and take advantage of all that is occurring onsite! emerging animal health and disease topics, practice management, staff development, veterinary technology and nontraditional medicine.

and most rewarding work when I know it empowers others to achieve their goals.

9. Attending CE in Michigan helps our economy, saves you money and even provides special low lodging rates.


The MVC is centrally located with easy access.

11. You will rejuvenate your creativity and return with plenty of new ideas! the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

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the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

Lessons from “Reality” Vets


Dr. Julie Cappel

“ Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” ~newt gingrich

here seems to be an ever-growing obsession with veterinary reality shows on television. In my mind it all started with “Emergency Vets” back in the 90s, which was a show that focused on Alameda East Veterinary Hospital where the medicine was cutting edge. Now, there are so many shows with veterinarians working everywhere from Alaska to Hawaii to Houston, with varying levels of veterinary medical care. There are even some wacky veterinary characters that have become admired in spite of their less than conventional medical practices. I am a fan of some of these shows because they allow the pet loving public to get a glimpse—albeit not always an accurate glimpse—into the “reality” that is our veterinary world. As I watch the variety of veterinarians showcased on these shows I am reminded of the huge job that we do each day and the challenge of treating a wide variety of patients and conditions. I see the tremendous capacity that veterinarians have to persevere when the going gets tough. It is one of our most admirable qualities. It is the thing that keeps us from running out the door on any given day after we face a treatment failure or nasty case. Perseverance is “steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success”. Perseverance is something that we needed to get through our difficult schooling and something that we possess each day in order to do the best job for our patients, clients and families. So how do we continue to develop this skill in and out of our work environment? How do we further develop our capacity to persevere? Formulate strong goals. In order to push through to a conclusion of success, you have to have a clear goal in mind. It may be something as simple as cleaning off your desk or as complex as getting through a successful surgery. You have to start with an end in mind. Make up your mind. Have a strong will or intention to achieve your stated goal. You cannot persevere if your mind is weak, so decide up front that you will not fail or if you do hit a bump in the road, you will continue to try. Hold on to optimism. If your brain thinks the goal is too lofty or wants to think negatively about it, you are less likely to follow through. Think optimistic thoughts and you will be more likely to push through when things look grim. Stay focused on the present. It will not help you to dwell on your past problems or your future fears. If you stay focused on each step you will be less likely to give up if things look down. You will have a higher capacity to get each thing done and will feel less overwhelmed. With each step, acknowledge your accomplishments or small successes then focus on the next step in the process. All of us can learn to develop our tenacity and increase our ability to push through when the going gets tough. When obstacles get in your way and discouragement threatens your optimism, think of the grit and strength that brought you where you are today and carry on. Learn a lesson from those “reality show vets” and get the job done before the “hour” is over.

Dr. Cappel works as a small animal and exotic pet veterinarian, leadership and life coach. She has been a practice owner for over 20 years running a four-doctor veterinary practice in Warren. She currently authors a weekly blog for veterinary teams, which deals with issues that we face in the veterinary profession: Veterinary Life – Dr. Julie Cappel. Her website is at

the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

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MANDATORY MANDATORY Continuing Medical Education (CME)

Continuing Education (CME) ContinuingMedical Medical Education (CME)

Michiganlaw lawnow nowrequires requiresveterinarians veterinariansto tocomplete complete45 45CME CMEhours hoursand and15 15CME CMEhours hoursfor forveterinary veterinarytechnicians technicians Michigan Michigan law now requires veterinarians CME hours and CME hours for veterinary to complete 45 15 technicians every three years. Of the 45 hours, veterinarians will be required to complete one hour of education onmedical medical every three years. Of the 45 hours, veterinarians will be required to complete one hour of education on every three Of the hours, veterinarians will befederal required complete one hour of education records andyears. one hour hour on45 state veterinary law and/or and/or federal orto state controlled substance law. on medical records and one on state veterinary law or state controlled substance law. records and one hour on state veterinary law and/or federal or state controlled substance substance law. law.

We can can help. help. We We can help.

SarahBabcock, Babcock,DVM, DVM,JD JD(MSU (MSUCVM, CVM,2004) 2004)has hascreated created Sarah Sarah Babcock, DVM, JD (MSU CVM, 2004) has created 2004) has created online trainings trainings approved approved by by the the Michigan Michigan Veterinary Veterinary online online trainings Veterinary approved by the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association to satisfy these new requirements. Medical Association to satisfy these new requirements. Medical Association to satisfy these new requirements. Your time time is is valuable valuable and and limited. limited. So So when when you you need need Your Your time is valuable and limited. So when you time is valuable and limited. need toinvest investtime timefor fortraining trainingititshould shouldimprove improveyour yourpractice practice to to invest time for training it should improve your practice and patients. We get it and agree. We have a variety of and patients. We get it and agree. We have a variety of and patients. We get it and agree. We have a variety of online trainings available to help. help. These can be be online trainings available to These can online trainings These CE training available tohelp. help. These can completed when ititavailable works forto you, without thecan costbe of completed when works for you, without the cost of completed when it works for you, without the cost of travel or or time time away away from from work. work. travel travel or time away from work. Weoffer offercontinuing continuingmedical medicaleducation educationon ontopics topicssuch such We We offer education on topics such offer continuing continuing as medical medical records,medical veterinary ethics, laws laws and rules rules as records, veterinary ethics, and as medical records, veterinary ethics, laws and rules governing the the profession, profession, professional professional standards standards of of governing governing the profession, professional standards of care, and controlled substances. care, and controlled substances. care, and controlled substances.



*This22hour hourcourse courseisisapproved approvedby bythe theMVMA MVMAtotosatisfy satisfy22CME CMEhours hoursfor forboth bothmedical medical *This recordsand andveterinary veterinarylaw. law. records *This 2 hour course is approved by the by MVMA satisfyto 2 CME hours for both medical *This 2 hour course is approved the to MVMA satisfy 2 CME hours for both medical records andand veterinary law. law. records veterinary

ENROLL IN 2018 FOR 40% OFF ENROLL IN2018 2018FOR FOR 40% OFF ENROLL IN 40% OFF Use “BYDEC31” for discount at checkout

Use “BYDEC31” for discount at checkout Use “BYDEC31”for for discount checkout Use “BYDEC31” discount at at checkout “Thisisisan anexceptional exceptionalonline onlinecourse courseon onaa “This poignant topic. This course would benefit “This is antopic. exceptional online course on exceptional online course onaa poignant This course would benefit allveterinary veterinary professionals; fromstudent student poignant topic. This course would benefit all professionals; from to experienced practitioner.This This course will all veterinary from student allexperienced veterinaryprofessionals; professionals; from student to practitioner. course will illuminate your medical record deficiencies to experienced This course to experienced practitioner. This coursewill will illuminate your practitioner. medical record deficiencies andreinforce reinforce yourrecord goodhabits.” habits.” illuminate your medical deficiencies and your good and reinforce your good habits.” andStephen reinforceC. your goodDVM habits.” Steep, Stephen C. Steep, DVM Stephen Stephen C. C. Steep, Steep, DVM DVM 6


the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

Medicalrecords recordsare areone oneof ofthe themost mostunder under Medical appreciated aspects of veterinary medicine. Medical are one ofofthe under Medicalrecords records areof one themost most under appreciated aspects veterinary medicine. Theamount amountaspects oftime timeof and moneythat that could appreciated medicine. appreciated aspects ofveterinary veterinary medicine. The of and money could be saved during litigation orthe theprevention prevention The amount ofoftime and that The amount time andmoney money thatcould could be saved during litigation or thereof by correctly keeping medical records be oror the prevention besaved saved duringlitigation litigation the prevention thereof by during correctly keeping medical records makesitby itby well worthkeeping theprice price ofthe thecourse. course. thereof correctly medical records thereof correctly keeping medical records makes well worth the of makes ititwell worth the makes well worththe theprice priceofofCandidate thecourse. course. Matthew J.Kuhn, Kuhn, DVM/PhD Matthew J. DVM/PhD Candidate Matthew MatthewJ. J.Kuhn, Kuhn,DVM/PhD DVM/PhDCandidate Candidate

“WhenIIbegan beganthe thecourse, course,IIthought thoughtititwould would “When likely be another waste of time. I was quickly, “When began the course, I thought would “When I began the course, I thought it would likely beI another waste of time. I wasitquickly, andbe pleasantly surprised to discover that likely waste ofof time. I was likely beanother another waste time. I wasquickly, quickly, and pleasantly surprised to discover that was not the case. If one has any aspiration and pleasantly surprised toto discover that and pleasantly surprised discover that was not the case. If one has any aspiration of practicing quality medicine, this courseisis was not one aspiration was notthe thecase. case.IfIfmedicine, onehas hasany any aspiration of practicing quality this course notoptional optional ismedicine, indispensable.” ofofpracticing quality this course is is practicing quality this course not ititmedicine, is indispensable.” not ititSmith, isisindispensable.” notoptional optional indispensable .” John B. DVM John B. Smith, DVM John JohnB.B.Smith, Smith,DVM DVM

Nora Wineland, DVM, MS, DACVPM Selected as State Veterinarian By James Averill, DVM, PhD As my last submission to the Michigan Veterinarian, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on these past five years and what they have meant to me. While working with all the dedicated, talented, and passionate veterinarians across the state, I have put in some long hours and logged many miles. But the experiences I have had and the relationships I built with you have been well worth it. There were many things I set out to accomplish as State Veterinarian, and I hope that the work we’ve done over the past five years will stand as long-lasting improvements for all of Michigan’s veterinarians. More than anything else, though, I hope that the things we’ve achieved have shown everybody that animal health in Michigan only advances through true partnerships. The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) and its Animal Industry Division know that meaningful, effective, and sustainable change cannot happen without buy-in from stakeholders. And that cannot happen without trust and collaboration. If we truly want to be successful in our mission to protect, regulate, and promote animal health, then we must continue to embrace this philosophy. My transition from State Veterinarian to MDARD’s Deputy Director has been completed, with Dr. Nora Wineland having taken on the role as State Veterinarian on November 5. I take great comfort in knowing that Dr. Wineland is a tremendous leader who will not only uphold this philosophy, but also help Michigan advance in ways we never thought possible.


rowing up on five acres just outside of Midland, Michigan, Dr. Wineland realized her passion for veterinary medicine at a very early age. Always surrounded by a collection of the usual suspects—rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs—she was in the perfect environment for learning the essentials of animal care. Her desire to help animals led her to Michigan State University, where she completed veterinary school. During veterinary school, Dr. Wineland decided to pursue a job in a mixed animal practice, where she could focus on large animal medicine. However, after completing veterinary school, she found that many of the mixed animal practices would only offer her small animal positions. Dr. Wineland decided to broaden her horizons into an avenue she had always found fascinating—regulatory medicine and population health.

She recognized that the same fascination with herd health that drew her to a career in large animal medicine also existed on a much larger scale in regulatory medicine and population health. So, after a job at Neogen, conducting market research, and a second position at the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, collecting samples of silos with a potential PCB risk, she jumped at an opportunity to work for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Veterinary Services in Ohio as a field veterinarian. During her time as a field veterinarian, Dr. Wineland gained valuable experience in programs addressing brucellosis, tuberculosis, scrapie, and pseudorabies. One of the things she enjoyed the most was working with producers and helping them understand how to mitigate disease risk on their operations. She was also able to do

some work for the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) while in the field, surveying the industry to determine what practices were taking place at a larger national scale. Through her work with NAHMS, Dr. Wineland discovered another opportunity that would allow her to advance her knowledge of and experience in population animal health. Enjoying the challenge of looking at practices and animal health at a higher level to address industry concerns, she decided to pursue a master’s degree with a focus on scrapie. She was subsequently hired by USDA Veterinary Services’ NAHMS to study scrapie data. She continued her career in the NAHMS program and served as its director for 15 years. There she oversaw national health studies and used data to make continued on next page   . the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

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. “Nora Wineland...State Veterinarian,” continued from previous page

recommendations to the industry. During her time at NAHMS she developed an elite team, which enabled her to take a temporary position leading an effort to strategically evaluate Veterinary Services. While she was working to create a framework for a fiveyear plan for Veterinary Services, she collaborated with state animal health officials, national commodity organizations, and other government agencies to identify their needs and how Veterinary Services could work to meet them. With a track record of success and a reputation that preceded her, Dr. Wineland became the first-ever director of the USDA APHIS Center for Animal Welfare. The center was created in 2010 and strives to be a national resource on animal welfare. During her tenure, she focused on keeping up with the ever-evolving science of animal welfare,

outreach to animal owners, and training USDA Animal Care inspectors. Dr. Wineland is excited to tackle some of Michigan’s unique challenges. Whether it’s a prion disease like CWD, the epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis, or working across multiple agencies, Dr. Wineland sees similarities in work she’s accomplished throughout her career and issues to tackle here. Dr. Wineland is eager to hear from both veterinarians and the industry. In this new role, she will strive to be supportive of the veterinary community and better understand their needs. With her breadth of knowledge and experience, Dr. Wineland is perfectly equipped to find solutions that work for all stakeholders. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as Michigan’s state veterinarian. I have grown both personally and professionally

because of the people I have worked with— from my own staff to Michigan’s veterinarians to the entire agriculture industry. I look forward to working with you all as I take on my new role at MDARD. Thank you, and welcome back to Michigan, Dr. Wineland!

Dr. Wineland now resides in Mason, Michigan, with her husband, sheep, horses, dogs, cats, and fish. Dr. Wineland also has three daughters, all currently pursuing higher education.


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the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

We are committed to continuing education! BluePearl Michigan is a progressive and rapidly growing specialty/emergency team with established hospitals in the Detroit and Grand Rapids areas. We care about our communities and offer exciting continuing education opportunities to veterinarians and technicians. • Special guest events • Wet labs • Topics by request presentations • Exclusive Veterinary Medical Association events We are now RACE accredited for many of the continuing education events that we host. Visit us at to learn about continuing education opportunities in your area.

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the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

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y nd b, 2018! o p res er 31



AVMA Alternate Delegate Needed


VMA is looking to fill the position of AVMA Alternate Delegate from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2023. This position works in conjunction with the AVMA Delegate to represent the MVMA in the AVMA House of Delegates each year and is responsible for keeping up on issues of concern to the veterinary profession for ongoing discussion with other delegates and the MVMA Board of Directors. The designee acts as a surrogate for the delegate in some MVMA board and other meetings and helps to elect nominees for councils and committees from the state. The individual also acts as a representative on issue-based committees at the AVMA House of Delegates Meetings. Travel is required to attend national and regional meetings three times a year, and MVMA



the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

board meetings as necessary. If you are interested, please contact MVMA at mvma@ or call (517) 347-4710. Interested individuals will be asked to submit a letter of intent, CV and responses to the following questions by December 31, 2018.







Why are you interested in representing MVMA as the AVMA Delegate or AVMA Alternate Delegate?


What involvement or leadership positions have you had in organized veterinary medicine at the national, state and local level?



What leadership positions or experience have you had in your community? What experience do you have in addressing veterinary medical issues? Do you have the ability to commit to the necessary travel? Do you have the ability to understand and leverage power and politics in organizations? How have you demonstrated this ability in the past? Do you have the ability to help build consensus? How have you demonstrated this ability in the past? What communication skills do you possess and do you work well with people? How have you been able to demonstrate your ability to think “strategically”?


Miracle of Life Exhibit a Great Success!


elebrating 25 years since its inception, the Miracle of Life (MOL) Exhibit at the UP State Fair was once again a crowd pleaser. We rounded out the week with 11 lambs, 12 calves, dozens of chicks and a shy 800 pound sow named Thelma who failed to give birth but was a huge crowd pleaser anyway! This year was unique in that we had a healthy tail-less brown swiss calf born, creating endless discussion for our veterinary students with our exhibit attendees. Our student team from MSU CVM this year consisted of: Ainsley Strong, Colleen Potter, Susannah Haupt and Whitney Wells (third year students), Katie Osborne and Dena Letot (second year students), and Christa Finley (fourth year student). Christa and Whitney were returning MOL students and great leaders for this group. They worked well as a team, were great with the public and demonstrated a tireless work ethic keeping the exhibit animals well cared for. As always, we want to thank MVMA for their support which allows us to continue to recruit students to work in the exhibit. We also want to thank Brock Farms for their continued support of MSU and the MOL. This year, we had calves born to cows from Grondine Farm of Daggett, MI and from Dr. Renee Coyer’s Brown Swiss herd. We appreciate the effort it takes for these farms to bring us cows to freshen in the exhibit. Diane Abram continues to support the ewe flock which lambs each year reliably in the exhibit. Matt and Brenda Miotke supply us with eggs daily so that our patrons can continuously watch the eggs hatch into peeps. This year Trevor Case brought his sow Thelma. As mentioned above, she did not produce any piglets but was an endless source of wonder and discussion and is pictured here in our group picture as we all surround her. She could not be bothered to wake up for the photo! Local veterinarians who helped in the exhibit this year included Drs. Ben Bartlett, Gina Laur, Sue Laskaska, Mike Brunner, Barry Wehner, Laura Havelka and Laura Billings. Thompson Veterinary Clinic continues to support the exhibit with supplies and medications. Greenstone Farm Credit Services and Michigan Farm Bureau continue to provide financial support. Chairpersons Drs. Renee Coyer and Gail Hoholik continue to be excited about the exhibit and say that some days they even think they may be getting the hang of running it smoothly! the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

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See you at the show! Visit

at the Michigan Veterinary Conference Booth #312 January 26-27, 2019 Dr. Kurt Liljeberg (800) 380‐6872

MAHF provides assistance for educational and scientific studies designed to benefit the health and welfare of companion animals, livestock, and wildlife. For over 30 years, MAHF has made a difference in the lives of animals. For more information, please contact the MAHF at (517) 347-4710 |



the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

people, pets & vets 2018—

Enjoyed by Kids of All Ages


he 15th annual MVMA People, Pets & Vets program was held on Saturday, November 3, 2018 at Macomb Community College in Clinton Township, Michigan. It turned into a beautiful fall day by the time the event started and everyone got to see the newly updated Veterinary Technology program facilities at MCC which made the day even more special. Animal lovers of all ages enjoyed over 30 booths, featuring a wide variety of veterinary and veterinaryrelated topics. Display subjects included CPR, emergency medicine, cardiology, obesity, dentistry, anesthesia, rehabilitation therapy, radiology, acupuncture, behavior modification, veterinary career opportunities and MANY more. Numerous live animal booths provided up-close and personal encounters with many species including goats, sheep, a miniature horse named Bam Bam, ferrets, Galapagos tortoises, lizards, geckos, hedgehogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, along with several dogs and cats too. Kids and parents alike learned about animals with careers

through representation from the Leader Dogs for the Blind and Macomb County Sheriff Department K9 officer, Saber, who also attended the event The MVMA Healthy Pet Surgical Suite continues to be a favorite feature at the event. This live surgical demonstration showcases the importance of spaying and neutering pets with lots of help from our friends at the Michigan Humane Society. Several surgeries were performed with narration and live camera feeds providing up-close views of the surgical procedures for the attendees to view on large TVs in the viewing arena. Students from the Macomb Community College Veterinary Technology program also participated in the event at several booths, including face painting and their fantastic puppet show. The Teddy Bear Clinic was quite busy and treated lots of outpatient cases providing physical exams, bandaging and suturing when needed for the stuffed animals brought by kids attending the big event! Those who forgot to bring a stuffed

animal were able to adopt a gently used companion after a check-up by the team! People, Pets & Vets continues to be quite a successful event, with many families returning every fall. We hosted over 800 people this fall. Booth sponsors and attendees all seemed to really enjoy the day! The team effort and atmosphere provided by the veterinarians and staff, MCC’s veterinary technology program, animal care groups and educators and the canine service groups continues to be a wonderful example of what makes our profession so rewarding and worthwhile! The success of the program truly is a result of their combined efforts and I thank them all for their time and energy. Like us on Facebook at PeoplePetsVets too! We always welcome new, energetic volunteers! If you are interested in participating next fall, please feel free to contact me anytime. —Tari Kern, DVM, CVMA, CCRP, CVSMT MVMA People, Pets & Vets Coordinator

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the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018


information you need PUBLICATIONS

The Michigan Veterinarian is MVMA’s quarterly magazine, keeping members informed on veterinary issues. MVMA ENewsletter is broadcast via email monthly, keeping you informed and in the loop. ONLINE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY

One of the biggest benefits of belonging to a membership association is the many opportunities members have to network with their colleagues. As an MVMA member you have access to contact information for over 2,250 professionals in Michigan. Login under the “Membership” tab on the MVMA website to access. URGENT ISSUE BROADCASTS

You need to know about issues like pet food recalls, emerging zoonotic diseases, and other newsworthy items before your clients start asking. When MVMA has your email address, we make sure you have this information right away!

on staff, we do our best to assist members. However, we have retained the services of White Schneider, P.C. to assist our members with questions we are unable to answer. If a member has a legal question, they first contact MVMA at or 517/347-4710. If MVMA is unable to assist with the question, the member is referred to the law firm. Members receive free 15-minute telephone consultations as often as necessary. In addition, if a member decides to pursue legal action using the firm, they will receive a 10% reduction on the attorneys’ customary billing rates. FREE FINANCIAL COUNSELING



in this issue . 3 5

Legislative Upda te Great Lakes Veterinary Conference

16 18 19

active membersh ip—is so wort hwhile. And then it occurred to me that the idea of being activ in organized veter e inary medicine is a lot like something most veterinarians can already relate to—interacting with cats! Some see it as a thankless job— certainly without a lot of affec tion involved. In fact, sometime you’re the recip s ient of a lot of undeserved hissin and claw strike g s that come out of nowhere (and from several place s at once). But usually, if you a deep breath take and stand back a bit, you realiz something else e that was going on with that kitty had less to do that with you and more to do with (like the dog had the cat the audacity to lay in her favor resting place!). ite And you just happ ened to be the closest and most available targe t. When the fur settles, you all realize you want the same thing —a little mutu al respect and a few continued on page

Clients: to Know

2 .

ERS volum e xiii · numb er 1 · sprin g 2018 n


Find information to reorganize and update your recordkeeping system. Learn more about your responsibility when it comes to controlled substances. Meet the best and brightest candidates for available veterinarian and veterinary technician positions. Review posted résumés, or submit an ad of your own. Improve client education. Print off informational handouts on issues like pet obesity, pet health insurance, spaying or neutering, or save and personalize to make your own. Access additional resources specifically geared toward your role in the veterinary practice. For example, choose the “New Docs” button on the MVMA homepage for more information to help you with your job search, licensing, compensation models, employee contracts, financial planning, transitioning to practice, and more. Learn about or join a committee, find a phone number for a colleague, view an MVMA position statement, donate to the Michigan Animal Health Foundation, view past and current issues of The Michigan Veterinarian or keep upto-date with our calendar of events.

There’s so much to see on the new MVMA website that you should login and experience it for yourself at

use the “A” team! The “A” (Answer) Team expands the traditional mentoring concept to include mentoring at all stages of life. Our Answer Team can help with all sorts of questions. Email the MVMA at with your question and you will be matched with an “A” Team expert who can assist you. Topics covered include practice management, career assistance, litigation, personal development, human resources, veterinary ethics, and wellness.


with cats”




with the MVM

back cover


MVMA often gets calls from members seeking legal advice on a variety of issues. Since we do not have an attorney


Why the Chang e in Recommend ed Age of Sterilization of Cats?

to get information you can repost on your practice’s sites. We share breaking news, as well as fun pictures and interesting articles your clients will enjoy.

was having a conv ersation with a colleague when we were in Texas the other day—someone for whom I have a lot of respect. He lives in Michigan, but I don’t even know if he’s an MVM member—he’s A been living overs eas and just returned to the states a few mon ths ago, so I sort of assumed he wasn’t. The fact that I had the opportunity to serve our profe ssion as the MVM President came A up, and he gave me a wry smile and said some , thing along the lines of “Good you, but I have for absolutely no interest in that. thought occurred ” The to me that the next time we talke d, I was going to inspi re him with all the reasons why membership in our professional association—especi ally

a s s o c i at

Participate in MVMA’s New Member Discu ssion Forum s Steps for Achie ving Your Financial Goals




6 Get Your “Docs” in a Row 9 Check Out “The Pet Effect ” 12 Diagnosing Disorders of the Skin 15 Stray Animals and Your


Does your practice need content for your social media sites? Let the MVMA help you! Follow MVMA on:

ry medic al

aka “the MV MA is like inte racting

What You Need

Do you need financial advice? Do you need guidance on how to best handle your student loans, or help deciding if you can afford to buy a practice and someday retire? Let MVMA’s accountant and financial consultant, Jim Dedyne, help you! Contact MVMA at mvma@michvma. org or 517/347-4710—and if we don’t have the answer you need, we’ll refer you to Jim. Members receive a free 15-minute telephone consultation.


Why Be Involv ed



If you have a question, it’s our goal to provide you with an answer. As an MVMA member, you have the opportunity to take advantage of a web resource that’s always at your fingertips. n

Find answers to your questions regarding starting or running a practice or about human resources in general.


MVMA in a partnership with the Animal Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan created a publication called Michigan Law for Veterinary Professionals. It contains information on the Michigan Board of Veterinary Medicine, Public Health Code, Board of Veterinary Medicine General Rules, Licensure, Discipline, and more. Contact the MVMA . for your copy today!

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convenient monthly payment plans. For more information or to enroll, call 800/300-3046 ext. 4519. Already offer CareCredit? Call 800/859-9975 for information and free resources for your practice. AMERICAN PROFIT RECOVERY

American Profit Recovery is a national profit recovery service with a clientele consisting of over 3500 small and large practices, just like yours. APR specializes in the recovery of slow pay, delinquent accounts and NSF checks. They are designed to help practices speed up cash flow, reduce internal costs, and eliminate the need for expensive collection agencies and attorneys. As an MVMA member, you qualify for substantial savings with APR. If you are interested in receiving a confidential analysis, please call Matt Helz at 800/711-0023 ext. 1046. OUTSTANDING INSURANCE PROGRAMS


Heartland Payment Systems can benefit your practice by offering a comprehensive breach warranty, interchange plus pricing and rate guarantee, local, personal consultation, fast customer care, mobile payments, gift and loyalty programs, and their online reporting tool called InfoCentral. For more information on how Heartland can help your practice, or to set an appointment with one of Heartland’s Michigan-based Relationship Managers, please contact Patrick Murphy at 603/387-3493 or patrick.murphy@ Now is the time to see how Heartland can help you. RABIES PROTOCOL CHART

Because the MVMA is focused on helping you provide the best possible care for your clients, members receive a free laminated Rabies Protocol chart. Use this benefit as a handy go-to resource when treating both clients who have been potentially exposed to the disease and animals who have bitten people or pets. CLIENT REFERRAL SERVICES

When clients contact MVMA or visit our website, we promote MVMA member veterinarians in their area through Find-A-Vet. Let us know if you want to be included, and be sure to provide us with your web address so we can send potential clients directly to your website. MODEL ANIMAL HOSPITAL PERSONNEL POLICIES MANUAL

In conjunction with our law firm, MVMA created a Model Animal Hospital Personnel Policies Manual for MVMA members. This manual can be customized to fit all types of veterinary practices. Policies include general terms of employment, compensation, benefits and time off, performance, discipline and termination, protection of the work environment, and more. Contact the MVMA for your copy today! ACCOUNTINGDEPARTMENT.COM

MVMA members save on award-winning online accounting, bookkeeper, and controller services—perfect for businesses with annual revenue between $1 million to $30



million. Get dedicated support, a free financial dashboard, fixed low monthly fees, QuickBooks online software preferred pricing, and more. Start saving today at MVMA.

MVMA partners with the Ralph C. Wilson Agency to offer a variety of outstanding insurance products. Take advantage of the cost-saving and comprehensive programs offered through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan for employee benefits and Citizens/Hanover Insurance Company for property and casualty. n



The Michigan Animal Health Foundation (MAHF) has a Companion Animal Fund. The Companion Animal Fund is a service to MVMA members that subsidizes non-elective treatment to a select group of pet owners. MVMA veterinary hospitals are eligible to receive up to $500 per client and a total of up to $500 per clinic/hospital annually. Learn how to access funding by visiting MichiganHealth and join us in promoting the fund at your clinic by contacting us at! The more donations we receive, the more we can help you help your clients with costs! ADP PAYROLL SERVICES

Save time and money with Payroll services from ADP. Get up to 20% off on new payroll services. Plus, there are no setup fees for new customers ($200 savings). Request your free, customized quote to see how simple it is to start saving right away! Get started today at BACKBLAZE CLOUD FILE BACKUP

Never lose a file again with the world’s easiest Cloud backup—Backblaze! It’s easy. It’s secure. It’s automatic. It’s unlimited. MVMA members get a 15-day free trial and save 10% off new services! Start saving today at MVMA. COMPASSIONATE PET CREMATION & BURIAL SERVICE

Partridge Enterprises offers MVMA members a 5% discount off their monthly bill and a complimentary new freezer for new customers. Call 800/968-7387 for more information. CARECREDIT

Allow your clients to make decisions about their pets’ care based on what’s best for their pet, rather than the limitations of their budget. CareCredit’s healthcare credit card allows clients to pay for pet health services over time with

the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

m i c hi g a n ve t e r i n a r y me d i ca l a s s oci a ti on

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network health plans offer their full line of group products to clinics who are members of the MVMA. Citizens/Hanover Insurance Company offers a carefully designed program for all MVMA members. Many of these endorsements were constructed with the day-today issues a veterinary clinic faces in mind. Their program includes coverage for property, homeowners, liability, employment practices, auto, umbrella, and professional liability, as well as custom-designed programs.

As experts in providing insurance solutions for veterinarians, they can help you make better business decisions through prudent coverage choices. Call the Ralph C. Wilson Agency at 800/638-1174 or email Bill Percha at EARTHLINK SERVICES

EarthLink has the technology that MVMA member businesses can rely on. Save up to 25% off qualifying services. Get internet, voice, and bundled services to operate more efficiently and run your business smoothly. Request a free custom quote at! DISCOUNTS ON FEDEX SHIPPING

MVMA members save up to 54% off select air ground and freight FedEx services—including domestic and international. New and existing business account holders are eligible with no minimum shipping requirements, plus other value-added benefits. Start saving today at MVMA. MVMA’S ONLINE CE PORTAL

Now that continuing medical education (CME) has become mandatory in Michigan, MVMA has launched a Continuing Education (CE) portal, available exclusively to MVMA members. On our portal, there are almost 1,000 courses you can choose from, with nearly 300 that are completely free. In order to take advantage of this new member benefit, login to the MVMA website at to create a free account. If you need assistance, contact us at mvma@



Join Wendy Myers from Communication Solutions for Veterinarians for monthly 1-hour webinars on communication skills, compliance, and client service. Your entire staff can participate in live or on-demand educational webinars for one low discounted rate as an MVMA member, and earn CE credit! Use promo code “MVMA” to save $10 and pay $89 per webinar. Visit for more information on how to take advantage of this great program.

at kind of illn esses and preexisting conditi ons are covered Does the policy , if any? cover heredit ary or congenital conditions? Do you offer spe cial discounts? Is there a co-p ay? What is the ded uctible? Can I select a higher deductible for Do the premium a lower premium s change as the ? pets age or whe n a claim is mad Is there a max imum payout e? per claim, per year, per househ Do I have to pay old, per policy? the veterinarian first and then subm How do I mak it a claim to the e a claim? insurance compan y? What is the turn -around time for payment afte r a claim has bee What are the lim n submitted? its of coverage? What medical trea Is dental health tments and/or intervention s doe covered and doe s it include den s this plan cover? tal cleanings? Is there a waiting per iod before the policy goe s into effect? Are there cert ain breeds you will not cover? Are there age restrictions prio r to obt aining coverage? What type of doc prior to coverage umentation and/or wellness test approval? ing is required What are the can cellation term WELLCLOUDMD s if that should be necessary? How can I acce ss my insurer after hours or if traveling? Is euthanasia and cremation covered?

closely with leading veterinarians, we package best-inclass products tailored to specific veterinary procedures. STERIS Animal Health is your trusted source for: Instrument sharpening, restoration, and identification services, Endoscopy & Device Repair, Barrier protection including drapes, gowns, and custom packs, and Orthopedic implants and instrumentation. Ask us how partnering with STERIS Animal Health can benefit your clinic through our array of products and services


Enjoy significant discounts and the best pricing on products and services you use every day. No fees, no obligations—just great savings! Make sure to shop using the “Best Value List” for up to 80% off on office products most preferred by members, like paper, ink/toner and more. Take advantage of 93,000 additional products discounted 5–15% below retail, and substantial savings on copy and print services; 2.5¢ B&W copies and 22¢ color copies. Make sure to sign up for the reusable in-store savings card: get your exclusive discounts in stores automatically; order additional cards for your family and staff, too. Members receive exclusive monthly specials for online orders, access to Coupon Central where your online coupons clipped and saved all in one place, and free next-day delivery on online orders of $50 or more. Visit today to get started! 4IMPRINT PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS

Save 10% off all 4imprint promotional products with free samples, free art preparation and over 25,000 items to choose from. 4imprint’s easy-to-use website, outstanding customer service and great values make it simple for you to get your business name out there. Start saving today at DISCOUNT X-RAY BADGE SERVICE

Global Dosimetry Solutions, Inc. provides the highest quality radiation monitoring services to a wide range of customers in the veterinary medical industry. MVMA members can purchase these services at a significant discount. Call 800/251-3331 and refer to rate code 112168 for more information. MEMBER HOTEL SPECIALS

Member Hotel Specials offers exclusive discounts at over 60,000 hotels world-wide. These exclusive rates are not available to the general public and have no booking fees! Start saving today at for your next vacation or business trip!

Provide your entire household with 24/7/365 access to US certified physicians with Teladoc telemedicine services. Resolve your medical issues quickly day or night no matter where you are. Plus get an incredible medical savings program that reduces the cost of prescriptions, dental, vision, 2144 Common s Parkway medical tests, doctor visits, and Get started today at | Okemore. mos, MI 4886 4-3986 | 517. 347.4710 | mic! | @michiganvma


Do you struggle with knowing how to respond when clients ask about pet health insurance? If so, take advantage of MVMA’s brochure “Pet Insurance: A Guide to Selecting the Best Insurance for Your Pet.” It will help your clients understand a variety of insurance issues such as: n




Why they should consider pet health insurance What types of coverage are available Where to find good pet insurance providers What questions to ask providers before purchasing insurance

Members can receive an initial supply for free. Additional quantities may be purchased at MVMA’s cost. If you are a practice with 100% veterinarian membership, you can receive a free supply each year. Visit the store on MVMA’s website to request your supply, or contact us at mvma@ or 517/347-4710 for an order form.




by providing you with valuable client feedback for free. We will provide you with surveys to hand out at the conclusion of appointments, and will collect and tally the information to be presented in an electronic format for free as a thank you to 100% member clinics. Contact us at to sign up for this member benefit.

for the individual veterinarian COMPLAINT RESOLUTION

One of MVMA’s most valuable member benefits is client complaint resolution. When the MVMA staff receives a complaint on one of our members from a client, we try to resolve the complaint before legal or licensure action is initiated. The Ethics & Grievance Committee oversees this process and handles complaints when staff need assistance. Approximately 95% of the time, the problem is resolved.


Do you struggle with clients not understanding why certain veterinary services and procedures cost what they do? If so, take advantage of MVMA’s “Cost of Compassion” brochure. Members may request an initial supply free of charge. Clinics with 100% veterinarian membership can request a free supply every year. Additional copies may be purchased at MVMA’s cost. Visit the store on MVMA’s website to request your supply, or contact us at mvma@ or 517/347-4710 for an order form.


Members receive preferred rates to attend the 200+ hours of educational programs provided each year by the MVMA. FREE RELIEF VET ADS

Members may run free relief vet ads in The Michigan Vet- . erinarian and on the website.


Add your logo to a wide variety of apparel with a highquality, comfortable and flattering fit for men and women. As an MVMA member you receive 10% off all Land’s End products and another 10% off embroidery fees with no minimums. To order login to or contact them at 800/374-5395. STERIS ANIMAL HEALTH

STERIS Animal Health is creating a one-stop, procedural based shop for today’s veterinarian. Our portfolio of brands now encompasses Spectrum Veterinary Instruments, GEPCO Veterinary Drapes & Gowns, Endo-i Veterinary Endoscopy, and our latest acquisition, Everost Veterinary Orthopedics. By growing our team of experts and working


Do your clients need help when considering pet ownership? Help them make the choice that’s right for them with MVMA’s “Learn Before You Leap” brochure. Full of helpful tips and realistic advice, this brochure assists your clients by asking important questions many owners don’t initially consider. Visit the store on MVMA website’s to request your supply, or contact us at or 517/347-4710 for more information. FREE CLIENT SATISFACTION SURVEYS

Let the MVMA save you time and money

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The MVMA wants our members to be involved! Contact us to volunteer for a committee or task force. The opportunity to develop your leadership skills is a member benefit that will help you advance both personally and professionally. “POWER OF TEN” LEADERSHIP ACADEMY

If you’ve been out of veterinary school eight years or less, you can sign up for the Power of Ten Leadership Academy for free. This program is designed to cultivate leadership capacity in recent graduates and provide learning experiences that will enrich the individual and benefit the individual’s practice, community and profession. MVMA provides four one-day sessions with topic experts to convey key learning points about leadership. Contact the MVMA for an application today!

Each year the MVMA recognizes the outstanding achievements and contributions of its members to the veterinary profession through various awards. Make sure to nominate someone who has made a difference to you when we ask for suggestions through The Michigan Veterinarian or Enewsletter. WELLNESS

How much time in your day do you take for self-care? Stress and exhaustion in the veterinary profession can be overwhelming. It’s time to take better care of yourself— and the MVMA can help. The Wellness Task Force has compiled a list of important resources to help you slow down and prioritize your health and well-being so you can go out and do what you love. Visit the MVMA website at for more information. Members can also receive confidential help through the MVMA recommended Health Professional Recovery Program through the Michigan Department of Community Health. Contact them at 800/453-3784. TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT DISCOUNTS

Exclusive discounts & perks on tickets to top attractions, theme parks, sporting events, concerts, movies & more! Start saving at Visit today! AVIS AND BUDGET CAR RENTALS

Save up to 30% off, no additional driver fees, complimentary preferred membership & more! Visit today to get started. RX CARD AND PRESCRIPTION DISCOUNTS

Save up to 75% off prescriptions not covered by your insurance at 68,000+ U.S. pharmacies. Get your free card by visiting today. REWARD SHOPPING AND CASH BACK PROGRAMS

Get cash back at 1,200+ stores every time you shop through the Rewards Mall. FREE, easy rewards! Visit MVMA. today to get started. 1-800 FLOWERS

Save 15% on America’s go-to for high-quality cut flowers & beautiful plants. Deliver a smile for every occasion! Members can start saving now at


other membership benefits



The MVMA Career Center offers this exciting service to help match employers with job seekers in the veterinary profession. Employers can post jobs that are instantly available on the nationwide website for 30 days. At no cost, MVMA members can search employment opportunities by position, species, or location. The employment application process can also begin through the same website. Job seekers can post their résumés and set up a search agent to alert them when a match of their ideal job profile is found. To access this service, go to, click on “Careers” and then click on the link called “MVMA Veterinary Career Center” in the drop-down menu.

MVMA represents Michigan veterinarians at the State Capitol, lobbying on those issues that primarily affect veterinarians. Stay informed with MVMA’s website and urgent issue broadcasts on legislative changes. BOARD OF VETERINARY MEDICINE

MVMA attends all Michigan Board of Veterinary Medicine meetings and keeps you informed of changes that can impact your license. MVMA also recommends all veterinarian Board members so our voice is heard when key changes are being considered in Michigan.




explore your next career step

Contemplating your exit from ownership? The sale or purchase of a practice? A merger with a neighboring practice, or an internal sale? Simmons Great Lakes can provide assistance in determining your practice value, your practice financial health, exit planning, buying, selling, and more. MVMA members receive 5% off the usual cost of appraisal and exit strategy preparation. Contact them at 888/7463717 or for a consultation or more information.


Join and save!


77 ¢ PER




educational discounts Michigan Veterinary Conference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150



$4,000 $2,000

Small Animal Series Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$50–300 Summer Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110




MVMA Animal Welfare Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 MVMA/MSU·CVM Wet Labs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100–200

Discounted hotels (60,000+ hotels worldwide) . . . . . $50–200+

MVMA/MSU·CVM Professional Competencies Certification . .$100

Discounted EarthLink Internet/data/voice/IT services . . . . $100+ Discounted cloud file storage (10%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$50+

other discounts & benefits

Discounted identity protection (15%) . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100–200+

The Michigan Veterinarian (official MVMA magazine). . . . . . $75

Discounted online accounting services. . . . . . . . . . . .$100–500+

Free E-Newsletter and Urgent Issues Broadcasts. . . . . . . . . $175

Discounted prescriptions, dental, and vision . . . . . . . . . . .$500+

Access to MVMA’s CE Portal with 550+ free courses . . . .$500+

Discounted USPS software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5–25+

Free legal services (15-minute consultations) . . . . . . . . . . . .$50+

Discounted background checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15–50+

Free financial advice (15-minute consultatations). . . . . . . . .$50+

Free Client Satisfaction Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500+

MVMA online directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

Free “Cost of Compassion” brochures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35–75

Free relief vet ads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$50–200

Free “Pet Health Insurance” brochures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35–75

Discounted x-ray badges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25–500+

Free “Learn Before You Leap” brochures . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35–75

Discounts on classified ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$30–$200

Free Rabies Protocol Charts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10

Discounted human resource/payroll service. . . . . . . . $50–500+

Long-term care insurance discount (1 person) . . . . .approx. $150

Discounted office supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50–500+

Disability insurance (15% discount) . . . . . . . . . . . . .approx. $175

Discounted office equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50–500+

Auto and homeowners insurance (10% discount). . . . . .$50–200

Discounted credit card processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50–500+

Veterinary Career Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25–200+

Discounted business consultation services. . . . . . . . . $50–250+

Model Animal Hospital Personnel Policies Manual . . . . $1,200+

Discounted phone, Internet, data services . . . . . . . . . $50–250+

Michigan Law for Veterinary Professionals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

Discounted services from STERIS Animal Health . . . . $50–500+

Legislative representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .priceless

Discounted Lands End business attire . . . . . . . . . . . . $50–250+

Client referral services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .priceless

Discounted practice management webinars. . . . . . . . . $10–120+

MVMA “Members Only” access on the website . . . . . .priceless

Discounted burial & cremation services (5%) . . . . . . . . . . . .$50+

Complaint resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .priceless

Discounted FedEx express and ground shipping . . . . . . . . .$50+

total savings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,785–12,130

the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

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www.m ic hvm

What do you do when pharmacy actions don’t meet your expectations?


VMA has been hearing more lately about unexpected outcomes when dealing with pharmacies. While it is appropriate at times for veterinarians to write prescriptions the client then takes to a pharmacy, what do you do when the pharmacy changes the medication dose? The pharmacy should not change the dose of a medication on a prescription unless the pharmacist contacts you first to get your approval. In the event of a pharmacy error, your first responsibility is to your client to provide guidance on the correct dose to administer to your patient. This probably will involve contacting the pharmacy to request they correct their error and fill the prescription correctly. Subsequently, you have additional follow-up options ranging from education/outreach with the pharmacy to filing a complaint with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). The profession of pharmacy (pharmacies and pharmacists) is regulated by LARA. There is a pharmacy practice and drug control section in the Michigan Public Health Code as well as a set of rules by the Michigan Board of Pharmacy. The Board of Pharmacy General Rules are 33 pages long compared to 8 pages for the Board of Veterinary Medicine Rules (veterinary rules will be longer once the section on continuing education is added). These documents, though primarily focused on the profession of pharmacy, are worth a read since veterinarians are mentioned in a few places. Specifically, veterinarians are included in the definition of “prescriber”

and there are responsibilities of “prescribers” stated in both documents. The specific section in the Michigan Public Health Code that covers pharmacists dispensing prescription drugs is MCL 333.17751. This section says, in part:

your prescriptions in writing; do not rely on telephone communication. nn

333.17751 Dispensing prescription drug or device requiring prescription; requirements. (6) After consultation with and agreement from the prescriber, a pharmacist may add or change a patient’s address, a dosage form, a drug strength, a drug quantity, a direction for use, or an issue date with regard to a prescription. A pharmacist shall note the details of the consultation and agreement required under this subsection on the prescription and shall maintain that documentation with the prescription as required in section 17752. A pharmacist shall not change the patient’s name, controlled substance prescribed unless authorized to dispense a lower cost generically equivalent drug product under section 17755, or the prescriber’s signature with regard to a prescription. To help assure that the prescriptions you write are appropriately filled at a pharmacy, consider taking the following proactive actions. The focus here is noncontrolled substances. As you know, there are special requirements for controlled substances. nn

As suggested by one MVMA member, put




Review requirements for submitting prescriptions to pharmacies to help assure you are ameliorating the process of filling the prescription. For example, if you print out a prescription from your computer, be sure you manually sign the prescription rather than relying on an electronic signature. See MCL 333.17754. Be sure you understand the pharmacist’s ability to provide generic equivalents. If you do not want a generic equivalent provided, be sure your “dispense as written” provision is done correctly. See MCL 333.17755. This section is newly amended as of September 26, 2018. Review the detailed rules for information that needs to be part of the prescription. See R 338.479b Noncontrolled prescriptions. If you find that clients are using certain pharmacies, consider a meet and greet with pharmacy staff. Here is what AVMA has to say as part of their policy on writing veterinary prescriptions: The AVMA encourages prescribing veterinarians to exercise initiative and establish strong collegial relationships with pharmacists in their sphere of practice. Proactively establishing open lines of communication will establish the pharmacist as part of the veterinary health care team, promote education and foster consultations to address issues and questions that ultimately will arise.

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A New Take on Veterinary Practice Incorporation in Michigan By Andrew J. Gordon, Esq. October 29, 2018


enerally, the two most often cited benefits of incorporating a business are beneficial tax consequences and limitations on owners’ personal liability for business debts. A lot of small business owners find these and other benefits very attractive and choose to incorporate their businesses. Veterinarians may find it desirable to form a business entity for their practice to take advantage of some or all of these benefits. Michigan businesses may be formed as corporations or limited liability companies, with each type of entity providing certain benefits and presenting certain limitations. Veterinarians have several options when choosing the most appropriate type of business entity for their practice. In the past, we have advised that if veterinarians elected to incorporate their practices in Michigan, they either had to do so as a professional corporation (referred to as a “PC”) or form a professional limited liability company (referred to as a “PLLC”). However, we are revising that interpretation after a further review of the law.



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Based on our revised interpretation of Michigan law, we are of the opinion that veterinarians may incorporate their veterinary practices as professional corporations or professional limited liability companies, but they need not do so. Instead, veterinarians may incorporate as “non-professional” corporations or “non-professional” limited liability companies. For the sake of simplicity, this article will use the term “simple” to describe “non-professional” corporations or limited liability companies and distinguish them from professional corporations and professional limited liability companies. Despite the legal availability of these forms of simple business entities, there are a few points of caution for any veterinarian looking to incorporate their practice as a simple corporation or limited liability company.

THE MICHIGAN BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT AND THE MICHIGAN LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACT GOVERN THE FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL AND SIMPLE CORPORATIONS AND LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES. Two parallel laws govern how individuals may form corporations and limited liability companies in Michigan. Those are the Michigan Business Corporation Act and the Michigan Limited Liability Company Act. Both Acts provide means for businesses to incorporate in the State of Michigan. THE PERTINENT SECTION OF THE BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT STATES AS FOLLOWS:

A corporation may be formed under this act for any lawful purpose, except to engage in a business for which a corporation may be formed under any other statute of this state unless that statute permits formation under this act.1 The Business Corporation Act carves out a special category of business entity known as the “professional corporation” or the “PC.” Professional corporations are subject to additional rules relative to simple

corporations under the Business Corporation Act. However, the Business Corporation Act requires that businesses providing certain services, known as “services in a learned profession,” must organize as professional corporations.2 In contrast, the Business Corporation Act permits businesses providing a broader subset of services, known as “professional services,” to incorporate as professional corporations.3 However, if a “professional service” in question is not also included in the category of “services in a learned profession” then the business need not be incorporated as a professional corporation. The term “professional service” is defined in the Business Corporation Act as “a type of service to the public that requires that the provider obtain a license or other legal authorization as a condition precedent to providing that service. Professional service includes, but is not limited to, services provided by a…veterinarian.”4 However, the Business Corporation Act defines “services in a learned profession” to include those “services provided to the public by a dentist, an osteopathic physician, a physician, a surgeon, a doctor of divinity or other clergy, or an attorney-at-law.”5 Services rendered by veterinarians are included in the statutory definition of a “professional service,” but the Business Corporation does not define veterinarians as providing “services in a learned profession.” Therefore, veterinarians may incorporate their veterinary practices as professional corporations but need not do so. Instead, veterinary practices can be incorporated as simple corporations. Under the Michigan Limited Liability Company Act, any limited liability company providing “services in a learned profession” must organize as a professional limited liability company.6 However, a limited liability company which renders “professional services” may, but need not, organize as professional limited liability companies.7 Therefore, businesses providing services defined as “professional services,” but not “services in a learned profession,” could

organize as either professional or simple limited liability companies. The Michigan Limited Liability Company Act defines veterinary practice in the same way as the Business Corporation Act. The Limited Liability Company Act defines veterinarians as providing “professional services,” but veterinarians are not included in the definition of persons providing “services in a learned profession.”8 Veterinarians may organize their practices as professional limited liability companies, but they are not required to do so. Instead, veterinarians may organize their practices as simple limited liability companies. In short, we are of the opinion that veterinarians may organize their practices as professional or simple corporations or limited liability companies under Michigan law.

VETERINARIANS SHOULD CONSIDER BOTH THE DOWNSIDE AND UPSIDE BEFORE DECIDING TO ORGANIZE THEIR PRACTICES AS PROFESSIONAL OR SIMPLE CORPORATIONS OR SIMPLE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES After determining that veterinarians have the option to incorporate their business as either professional or simple corporations or limited liability companies, which form of business entity should veterinarians choose? The answer may not be quite so simple. Should veterinarians choose to organize their practice as professional corporations or professional limited liability companies, they must abide by the unique rules Michigan law imposes on these business entities. Primarily that is the restriction on who can be a shareholder of a professional corporation and who can be a member or manager of a professional limited liability company. The Business Corporation Act states that all shareholders of a professional corporation must be licensed in one or more of the professional services rendered by the professional corporation.9 In the case of a professional corporation providing a service

regulated by the Public Health Code, such as veterinary medicine, each shareholder must be licensed to provide the same professional service.10 The Michigan Limited Liability Act similarly requires that all members and managers of a professional limited liability company must be licensed to render one or more services provided by the company.11 However, like with the Business Corporation Act, all members and managers of a professional limited liability company rendering a professional service regulated by the Public Health Code, such as veterinary medicine, must be licensed to render the same professional service.12 This means that each shareholder in a professional corporation or each member or manager of a professional limited liability company providing veterinary medical services must be a licensed veterinarian. This also means a licensed veterinary technician cannot be a shareholder of a professional corporation or a member or manager of a professional limited liability company providing veterinary medical services. Under the Public Health Code, veterinary technicians are not considered to be licensed to render the same professional service as veterinarians.13 This also means retired veterinarians could not be shareholders of professional corporations or members or managers of professional limited liability companies, if they allow their licenses to lapse. Therefore, the obvious benefit of organizing a veterinary practice as a simple corporation or limited liability company is to avoid any restrictions on who may be an owner or manager of the corporation or company. If a veterinary practice is organized as a simple corporation or limited liability company, then non-licensed individuals could hold an ownership interest in the practice. However, if a non-licensed individual becomes an owner of a veterinary practice, that individual is still not permitted to engage in the practice of veterinary medicine under the Public Health Code. If a nonlicensed individual engages in the practice

of veterinary medicine, it may open the veterinary practice and the licensed coowners to civil liability or ethical issues for the unlicensed practice of veterinary medicine. Therefore, only licensed veterinarians should practice on behalf of the company, regardless of the form of business entity chosen. Additionally, there may be other liability and tax consequences stemming from the decision to organize as a professional or simple corporation or limited liability company. As a result, you should consult your tax professional before deciding on the most appropriate business entity for your practice’s needs. Finally, the Public Health Code has a definitional wrinkle which may still pose a problem to organizing as a simple corporation or limited liability company. The Public Health Code states: “A person shall not engage in the practice of veterinary medicine unless licensed or otherwise authorized by this article.”14 The Public Health Code generally defines a “person” to include “an individual, … private corporation…or other legal entity.”15 An argument may be made that the Public Health Code requires a “private corporation” or “legal entity” be licensed to practice veterinary medicine, and this may act to exclude simple corporations or simple limited liability companies from rendering veterinary services. The State of Michigan does not issue professional licenses to private corporations or legal entities—only to individual practitioners. It is possible that the State of Michigan may take the position that a private corporation, rather than individual practitioners, can be a “person” who must be licensed to practice veterinary medicine. Thus far, this legal wrinkle has not posed an impediment to the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) from registering simple corporations and limited liability companies in the practice of veterinary medicine. continued on next page   . the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

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. “A New Take…Incorporation in Michigan,” continued from previous page

SUMMARY Based on a recent review of Michigan laws regarding the formation of businesses, it is our opinion that anyone can be an owner of a veterinary practice in Michigan, if the practice is incorporated or organized in the proper business form. Michigan business formation laws permit veterinary practices either to incorporate as professional corporations (known as “PCs”) or organize as professional limited liability companies (known as “PLLCs”). In addition, the business formation laws permit veterinary practices to incorporate as “simple” corporations or organize as “simple” limited liability companies (known as “LLCs”). If a veterinary practice is incorporated as a professional corporation or organized as a professional limited liability company, only licensed



the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

veterinarians may be owners. However, if a veterinary practice is incorporated as a “simple” corporation or organized as a “simple” limited liability company, both veterinarians and non-veterinarians can be owners. Therefore, non-veterinarians can be owners of a veterinary practice provided the practice is not incorporated as a professional corporation or organized as a professional limited liability company.


MCL 450.1251(1).   MCL 450.1201(2). 3   MCL 450.1201(3). 4   MCL 450.1282. 5   MCL 450.1109(1). 2

6 7

MCL 450.4201.

MCL 450.4901.


See MCL 450.4201 & MCL 450.4902.


MCL 450.1283(2).


MCL 450.1284.


MCL 450.4904.


MCL 450.4904.


See MCL 333.18811(3).


MCL 333.18811(1).


MCL 333.1106(4).

Andrew J. Gordon is an attorney at White Schneider PC in Lansing. He represents veterinarians in licensing cases, general business matters, and employment law. MVMA partners with White Schneider PC to assist our members. If a member has a legal question, they first contact MVMA at or (517) 3474710. If MVMA is unable to assist with the question, the member is referred to the law firm. Members receive free 15-minute telephone consultations as often as necessary. In addition, if a member decides to pursue legal action using the firm, they receive a 10% reduction on the attorneys’ customary billing rates.

“Walk 4 Paws” a Great Success!


amily Friends Veterinary Hospital and Pet Care Center held the second Walk 4 Paws on September 16th in Grand Rapids to raise funds for the Michigan Animal Health Foundation’s Companion Animal Fund. The fund was created to subsidize non-elective veterinary care for pets whose owners have income under the federal poverty level, are on Medicaid or are on WIC (Women Infants & Children). The walk allowed participants to walk a 1-mile loop with their pet. With warm weather, over 100 participants packed Cascade Township Park to walk for pets in Michigan! This year we also offered a silent auction. Our featured item was a weekend getaway on Lake Huron donated by Drs. Hal Schott and Annette Petersen. We also had several gift cards, animalrelated products, and local souvenirs up for bid. Thanks to Family Friends Veterinary Hospital and their volunteers, we raised over $4,500 for the Companion Animal Fund. We would like to thank our Platinum Sponsor, Chow Hound, whose commitment to our pets will continue in the Companion Animal Fund. Thanks to our Gold Sponsors, IDEXX Laboratories and Ceva Animal Health, as well as our Silver Sponsor, Pennell CPA. Without support from our wonderful sponsors, the event would not have been possible. Several veterinary hospitals from West Michigan also joined us this year: Animal Medical Center of Wyoming, Ada Hospital for Animals, and Animal Emergency Hospital. It was great to have their support! Lastly, thanks to all the participants that came out to support the Companion Animal Fund. We look forward to hosting this event again next year! —Ryan Carpenter, DVM Chair, Michigan Animal Health Foundation Associate Veterinarian, Family Friends Veterinary Hospital and Pet Care Center

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TPSG is pleased to have brokered this transaction and wishes to announce:

Dr. Michael Derkevorkian (Michigan State 2008) and Dr. Kera Sinclair (Michigan State 2008) purchased the

Jefferson Veterinary Center - Detroit, MI from

Dr. Alice Marczewski and Dr. Timothy Schacht (both Michigan State 1985) Congratulations to all! Dr. Kurt Liljeberg (800) 380‐6872



the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

classifieds  & relief vets

associate veterinarian for our busy, well established small animal practice. Founded over 20 years ago, we are currently a full-service 5-doctor/10-LVT team offering a complement of medicine, laser surgery, dental, laser therapy, and an array of diagnostics including digital radiology, ultrasound, EKG, blood pressure, IOP, in-house lab, and more in a beautiful 7,000 spare foot purpose building. We are looking for a team oriented candidate with a strong passion for high quality patient care, education, and services. We welcome new, confident graduates, and experienced clinicians. Companion offers an exceptional compensation package with benefits. If you wish to join us in our commitment to patients, family, and community, please send your cover letter and resume to jbellinger@, or contact Jill Bellinger at 810/735-7857. St. Joseph Animal Wellness Clinic in southwest Michigan is seeking a full-time or part-time veterinarian. Live and practice in a beautiful vacation destination. We stress work/life balance. Our rapidly growing practice includes digital x-ray, digital dental x-ray, therapeutic laser, and an IDEXX catalyst. Join Dr. Ed and his team!

classified ads veterinarians wanted Companion Animal Clinic in Tecumseh, MI has a position available for a full or part-time associate veterinarian to join our seasoned team. We are a busy, progressive and technologically advanced small animal exclusive practice. Companion Animal Clinic is well established in the community; having cared for patients and giving excellent client service for nearly 40 years. Competitive compensation and benefits package. Experienced veterinarians as well as new grads are welcome to apply. Please send your resume to Jackie at Veterinarian wanted to join our eight doctor team in our 24-hour Emergency Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI. You will love our mentorship training program! The work schedule is rotating and is typically an average of 35 hours/week, making for excellent work-life balance. We have a generous salary and excellent benefits. We have a fun staff and our doctors enjoy working collaboratively. We have digital radiography, ultrasound, & IDEXX lab equipment. Check us out and see if we are a fit for you. For further details please contact Dr. Marilyn Brink at 616/361-9911 or medicaldirector@ Busy small animal practice located between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids in the resort area of Gun Lake Michigan seeks experienced associate with good diagnostic, surgical, and client communication skills. Full or part-time hours, health insurance (priority health), vacation time, in-house lab, and digital x-ray available. No emergency duty, 2 LVT’s on staff, very family friendly atmosphere, privately owned practice. Call 616/291-7555, or email EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY WITH SIGNING BONUS: Companion Animal Hospital, located in southern Genesee County, is seeking a well-rounded, full-time

Mancelona Veterinary Hospital is a full-service, small animal veterinary clinic looking to expand services by adding another full-time or part-time veterinarian to our team. We do not offer on-call services and are closed on all major holidays. Our staff is friendly, compassionate, enthusiastic, and well-trained. We offer a positive work environment, with long-term employee retention, and an emphasis on maintaining a healthy work/life balance. Our hospital includes a complete in house IDEXX laboratory including Sedivue Analyzer and digital radiography. We also have the IM3 high speed dental unit. Mancelona is in the middle of ski resorts, world class golf courses, snowmobile trails, as well as lots of lakes and rivers. We are within an hour drive to Traverse City, Gaylord, Petoskey, and Charlevoix. We offer a competitive salary as well as medical and liability insurance, 401(K), dues and license fees, as well as a flexible working schedule. Please send resume to: Mancelona Veterinary Hospital, 10338 South US, Highway 131, Mancelona, MI 49659.

(no benefits) which requires a minimum commitment of 20 hours per week with the potential of up to 40 hours, providing the following services: 1. Perform spay/ neuter surgeries on animals adopted from the animal shelter, 2. Advise shelter staff on animal health issues including pre and post operation care, 3. Other needed Veterinary medical care, as feasible, with existing equipment and medical facilities, 4. Provide supervision of staff on issues impacting animal welfare. We’re a great place to work and great place to live-check us out! Search “LIVE, WORK, PLAY JACKSON, MI” or go to to learn more and complete an online application. We are currently seeking a full-time associate veterinarian for Country Squire Animal Hospital in Oregon Ohio. Toledo’s strategic location provides the benefits of relatively low-cost living and an affordable housing market. The professional and courteous staff at Country Squire Animal Hospital seeks to provide the best possible medical, surgical and dental care for our highly-valued patients. The facility is fully equipped with access to advanced diagnostics like ultrasound, rigid and flexible endoscopy, laparoscopic surgery with a diverse and challenging caseload. Candidates must have excellent communication skills with both clients and staff, be able to perform a variety of surgical procedures and have experience with diagnostics. The ability to adapt and work well within a team setting and individually is important. No after-hours emergency services is expected. An affiliated emergency group nearby offers fully staffed after-hours emergency care. Any experienced veterinarians or new graduates will be considered and the right veterinarian will have the opportunity for future partnership options. We are looking for candidates that will be responsible for supporting, creating and implementing business strategies and medical protocols, to help enhance the position and integrity of our hospital. New/recent graduates will participate in a structured mentoring program consisting of case discussions, weekly journal/

Macomb, MI: Part-time/relief vet—exclusively small animal. Join our team! AAHA standards practiced. Laser, advanced dental procedures, ultrasound, and great client education/communication. Flexible hours. Call Dr. Gloria Williams, Pets Ahoy Animal Hospital, 586/598-1900. Kalamazoo Animal Hospital in Kalamazoo County is seeking to add a part-time or full-time associate to join our team. We are a well-established, 2-doctor small animal practice focusing on preventative health care and building lasting relationships with our clients and their pets. Our staff practices high-quality medicine, surgery and dentistry and our hospital is well equipped with in hospital lab, digital x-ray and digital dental x-ray. If you are interested in joining our team please send your resume to VETERINARIAN: Between 20 to 40 hours. Hourly Pay: $55.00. Location: Jackson County Animal Shelter. Jackson County seeks an experienced, licensed Veterinarian to serve as the Medical Director of the Jackson County Animal Shelter located on Spring Arbor Road in Jackson, Michigan. This is a contractual position

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case rounds and surgical/clinical supervision including participating in a referral caseload. The program is designed to provide an externship learning experience with reasonable hours and private practice salary. We are locally owned and operated by veterinarians. We offer a competitive compensation package with a production-based salary, including; 401k, paid time off, allowance for CE and professional dues, packages for health insurance, life insurance, short term disability, dental, vision as well as a signing bonus, additional relocation package and student loan reimbursement. Salary ranges are based on experience and credentialing. Please send resumes and inquiries to cschneider. Thorpe Animal Hospital in Lapeer, MI is looking for a FT or PT veterinarian needed to join a progressive, two doctor companion animal hospital. Seeking an associate who enjoys practicing high quality medicine, working with LVT’s, loves to educate, is a team player, as well as possess a strong regard for animal welfare. We utilize digital radiographs, surgical laser, therapy laser, and in-house IDEXX laboratory, including Sedivue urine analyzer and integrated cornerstone software with electronic records. Must enjoy surgery and share our standards, which do not include cosmetic surgery. Experience in acupuncture, ultrasound or orthopedic surgery a definite plus. No after-hours calls. Competitive salary and benefits package including Pro-Sal and signing/relo bonus. Please submit resume to Strong Veterinary Hospital is looking for a full-time veterinarian associate. We are a very busy, well stablished facility that is a full-service veterinary hospital. We are looking for team players to join our amazing team. We offer a full in-house lab, digital x-ray, laser therapy, and full surgical unit. Our support staff has years of service and is fully trained to assist in all aspects of the hospital. We offer full benefits. Please send resume to the Practice Manager, Eva George, at Visit our website at Orchard View Veterinary Clinic, About Us: Orchard View Veterinary Clinic is a small animal practice rapidly growing to need an additional full or part time veterinarian. OVVC is under new ownership and is currently a one doctor practice. OVVC is located in Greenville, Michigan a rural community with the amenities of living in a larger city. It is in a prime living area not far from Grand Rapids and Lansing. This provides a lot of cultural and educational advantages. Greenville has over 140 acres of public parks and trails to explore, along with kayaking and fishing opportunities. Children will enjoy a great school system at Greenville Public Schools with a variety of opportunities in technology and the fine arts. Orchard View Veterinary Clinic Offers: Tools to allow you to practice quality medicine include digital radiography including dental, ultrasound, video otoscope, cold laser, complete patient monitoring system, high-speed dental unit, electronic medical records, full laboratory, and most importantly a terrific team of experienced support staff. You will appreciate our family-friendly hours with no weekend hours. No emergency or on-call. OVVC offers a Simple IRA, CE allowance, vacation time, paid holidays, direct deposit, and pet discounts. In our effort to find the veterinarian who will best fit both our needs we are looking for a



the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

motivated, compassionate, client-oriented veterinarian to practice quality medicine and surgery. Emphasis is placed on maintaining a positive culture and employee quality of life. Our owner and practice manager work closely with the staff to ensure a safe, fun, and relaxed work environment. We take pride in our professionalism and high standard of care but realize that it is okay to have fun at work too! Please send your resume and cover letter to We’re looking for someone to join our growing team as one of Michigan’s largest mixed animal practices serving the ‘thumb’ of Michigan for over 62 years. We’re seeking an equine/companion animal veterinarian that has a strong equine focus. This is a full-time position with split emergency duty. We’re an AAHA accredited companion animal hospital with an equine haul in facility that has been experiencing strong growth and has excellent up to date equipment. Interested applicants should email a cover letter and resume to out our website to learn more about us and the position! We are seeking a compassionate, dedicated, excellent communicator for a part time veterinary position. Our established small animal practice is located in beautiful Southwest Michigan near Kalamazoo. We are a four doctor practice with excellent support staff and loyal clientele. We enjoy a fun, laid back, team atmosphere while practicing excellent medicine. Our practice has ultrasound, laser surgery, pulse ox and BP, digital radiography, dental radiography and much more. We look forward to discussing this opportunity with you! Please contact us for more details: petdr02@,, 269/668-3307. Did you know that US News & World Report rated Toledo, Ohio among the “Ten Most Fun Places to Live if You Love the Outdoors”??? Our growing 7 Doctor practice in Temperance, MI (located one mile north of Toledo, Ohio and 30 minutes south of Detroit, Michigan) is seeking a licensed Veterinary Doctor with strong communication and leadership skills. Any level of experience accepted as we have a very cooperative, family environment—culturing assistance of one another to make the overall day flow efficiently. You are never alone in our practice! Exceptional clients, modern equipment, and a well-educated, caring team make practice pleasurable. We focus on being a great Veterinary Hospital…not on boarding, grooming, or retail. Our Animal Hospital has the reputation of being the high-quality practice in the communities we serve. We are presently working on plans for a new state of the art Veterinary Facility. Our Veterinarians collaborate with our Practice Manager, Office Manager, Inventory Manager, Licensed Veterinary Technicians (13), Associate and Owner Veterinarians to manage patient care, client satisfaction, and day to day life in the practice. As a member of the Well Managed Practice Groups, our Owners and Practice Manager have access to industry leaders and experienced colleagues for mentorship and support. This position offers the opportunity to live and work along the Southwestern shores of Lake Erie. Our area offers easy access to quality dining and night life, outdoor activities, local sports, art and culture. Area residents choose from comfortable small towns, suburban developments, urban or rural communities. All are within an easy

drive to the college town of Ann Arbor, the trendy Detroit suburbs, the amazing outdoor beauty of the Great Lakes, and all with Northwest Ohio adventures at your door step! Pay is significantly higher than typical for our area. We also offer a generous benefits package including health & liability insurance, license fees, profession dues, retirement plan, continuing education, uniforms, time off, and on and on. We also will assist with relocation fees. We look forward to learning more about you and showing you why you need to work with us! Contact Dr. Todd Smith (Temperance Animal Hospital) at, or fax resume and references to 734/847-3114 Please visit our website at and TemperanceAnimalHospital to learn more about us! Veterinary General is a busy 2-doctor practice looking for PT or FT experienced associate to join our team in Shelby/Macomb. We have a loyal client base and a mature, licensed support staff, IDEXX lab machines, digital x-ray and offer a very flexible schedule in a fun, happy and comfortable work environment. Email resume to Animal Clinic of Holland seeking full or part-time veterinarian to join our fast paced 3 doctor small animal practice, located on the south side of Holland, MI. The ideal candidate should have great client communication skills, strong surgical skills, and interest in future practice ownership. We have digital x-ray, Avimark software, Abaxis chemistry, and Lasercyte CBC analyzers. Benefits include paid vacation time, CE allowance, license, dues, and more. Salary is negotiable based upon experience level. Send resumes to Full-time or part-time position available for a small animal veterinarian and/or mixed animal veterinarian in wonderful Northwest Lower Michigan (only 30 minutes from Traverse City). We have an excellent staff, clientele, facility, and community located in an area named, “the most beautiful place in America”. Please email resume to crystallakealpacas@gmail. com. Or, mail your resume to David Nelson, DVM, Platte Lake Veterinary Clinic, 49640 Honor Highway, Honor, MI 49640. AAHA-accredited small animal hospital in Birmingham, MI is seeking a personable, compassionate veterinarian to join our practice. We are well equipped, have long term staff, excellent benefits that include medical, dental, optical, CE, professional dues, and license. See our website at Please send resume to Would you like to be a part of a team in fully equipped and trained staffed clinic in beautiful Mid-Michigan? Would you like to work 9–5 Monday through Friday without any after-hours emergencies, weekends, or holidays? We are looking for an energetic, positive and confident veterinarian at our small animal exclusive veterinary clinic, for full time or part time employment. We pride ourselves in being a practice that focuses on comprehensive veterinary care. We believe in the use of a skilled Licensed Veterinary Technician to assist with surgical preparation, patient recovery and patient care. You will have a dedicated technician working alongside you in exam rooms and surgery. North M-18 Veterinary Clinic is equipped with modern equipment such as: the Heska Cuattro digital radiography system,

Heska Element hematology system, Henry Schein Scil digital dental radiography, Dentalaire dental machine, and surgical monitoring equipment. We utilize Avimark practice software and support. With recent growth in the community, providing high quality medical care to both new and well-established patients is our priority. Benefits include IRA, Continuing education allowance, Paid vacation, uniform expenses, and health care stipend. Salary is commensurate with experience and ranges from $88000+ plus signing bonus for full-time employment. Part time salary to be determined based on experience. Located in Gladwin, Michigan, we are located about 30 mins from West Branch, Midland, Claire, and Mt. Pleasant. It is located just south of Sugar Springs, Mid-Michigan’s finest recreational community and golf course. Gladwin is a growing community which has many attractions including local farmers market, fair grounds, camping, and more. Gladwin is also surrounded by multiple lakes and the beautifully scenic Cedar River. Contact Dr. Anne Shuff or Shelley Halstead LVT/manager at 989/426-8118, or Would you like to be a solo practitioner in a newly remodeled, newly equipped and fully staffed clinic? Would you like to work 9–5 Monday through Friday without any after-hours emergencies, weekends, or holidays? Come be a part of an exciting opportunity at East River Veterinary Clinic in Essexville, Michigan! We are looking for an energetic, positive and confident veterinarian who will be the solo practitioner in this newly reopened small animal exclusive veterinary clinic, for full time or part time employment. We pride ourselves in being a practice that focuses on comprehensive veterinary care. We believe in the use of a skilled Licensed Veterinary Technician to assist with surgical preparation, patient recovery and patient care. You will have a dedicated technician working alongside you in exam rooms and surgery. East River Veterinary Clinic has experienced tremendous growth in its first year, and we are searching for an applicant that is dedicated to continuing the practice growth. The clinic has undergone an expansive renovation including new diagnostic equipment such as the Heska Cuattro digital radiography system, Heska Element hematology system, Henry Schein Scil digital dental radiography, Dentalaire dental machine, and surgical monitoring equipment. We utilize Avimark practice software and support. Benefits include IRA, Continuing education allowance, Paid vacation, uniform expenses, and health care stipend. Salary is commensurate with experience and ranges from $88000+ plus signing bonus for full-time employment. Part-time salary to be determined based on experience. Contact Dr. Anne Shuff or Shelley Halstead LVT/manager at 989/426-8118, or Tired of traffic? We live where your friends vacation! The Switzer Veterinary Clinic is looking to hire a newer graduate or experienced veterinarian for a full-time small animal only or mixed animal position. Our AAHA accredited mixed animal practice (90% small) offers high quality care in a relaxed, friendly, small town setting. We strive to provide cutting edge care and have some of the bells and whistles of larger hospitals including a full in-house lab, therapeutic laser, surgical monitoring, digital radiographs, dental radiographs, and ultrasound. Our team performs TTAs

for cruciate tears, restorations for non-complicated dental fractures, diamond burrs for corneal ulcers. We have a flexible schedule and rotate emergency call between other local clinics. Each doctor is on call one weekday evening and one weekend every other month. Our current schedule includes four day work weeks and two 5 day blocks off every month (12 days off total)! Alpena is a great place to live situated off of the Thunder Bay along the shore of Lake Huron. There are plenty of opportunities for biking, sailing, kite surfing, cross country skiing, horseback riding, snowmobiling and trail running. We have a great school system, a community college and a regional medical center…there’s even a touch of culture and shopping. We’re offering a competitive production based salary (pro-sal), benefits and a signing bonus. Check us out at Please send inquiries to Fast-paced, growing veterinary practice seeking skilled veterinarian to join our family. We are looking for veterinarian to practice in our Belleville location, as well as our beautiful, 12,600 square foot state-of-the-art facility in Westland. We are looking for 1 full or 2 parttime veterinarians. You will be very well compensated based on experience and skill level. 4-day work week possible! New graduates are welcome! Wonderful support staff and great clientele. Seeking a dedicated, caring veterinarian who wants to help promote our clinic values of great communication, strong client relationships, and exceptional veterinary care. If you want to make a change for the better and join our team, please email your resume to stephenm50@ Ludington, Michigan is a great place to live and work. Veterinary Medical Center is looking for an associate to join our small animal practice. Our busy 2-doctor practice has a great support staff and modern equipment. We practice high quality medicine and often most soft tissue and orthopedic procedures. Competitive salary and benefit package for new hires. For more information visit our website or contact Paul Drewry DVM at Great opportunity for a part-time small animal veterinarian at our 5-doctor practice, located just 10 minutes north of Grand Rapids. Long established mixed animal clinic. Great support staff. Approximately 20 hours per week with shared Saturdays. You won’t find a more generous retirement package anywhere. Send resumes to Dr. Jared Weller at, or call 616/890-7205 for more information. Animal Alley Veterinary Hospital in Saginaw, Michigan is searching for a veterinarian to help us meet the needs of our thriving animal hospital. We are a small/exotic animal practice with a staff of seasoned veterinarians, who have served the tri-city area for more than 18 years. We provide a comprehensive benefit package which includes a competitive salary commensurate with experience, health insurance, paid time off, CE and continued education allowance and time, and a 401K. If you love animals, believe in companion animal preventative care that provides a quality of life for animals, no matter their life story, apply with cover letter and resume to: Animal Alley Veterinary Hospital, 7319 Tittabawassee Road, Suite #2, Saginaw, Michigan 48603,

Full or part-time, temporary or permanent veterinarian needed for a one or two doctor mixed practice. Rural setting on a main highway within 1 1/2 hour of Lansing, Ann Arbor, Toledo and Fort Wayne. Hillcrest@wcomco. net, 517/286-6852. Part-time veterinarian position available. Flexible schedule. Great, established clientele. Applicant must be personable and willing to “tailor make” individualized wellness programs and treatment plans. Please send resumes or inquiries to or call 248/476-0570. We are a well-established, busy, 5-doctor practice located in west Lansing, MI, seeking a full-time/parttime self-motivated, enthusiastic doctor with excellent people skills to join our practice. New graduates are welcome and encouraged to apply. We have up-to-date equipment to enhance the quality of care we offer to our patients, including in-house lab machines, endoscope, therapeutic laser, digital x-ray, pulse-ox/ ECG, dental equipment and digital dental x-ray, and ultrasound. Our practice has a great clientele and a team-oriented staff. We practice high quality medicine and perform most soft tissue surgeries and select orthopedic procedures. Competitive salary and benefits package. For more information about our practice, please visit our website at Please direct all inquiries to We are a multi-doctor small animal hospital located in Grand Rapids, MI, looking for a full or part-time experienced associate veterinarian to join our AAHA accredited facility. We are equipped with a full in-house lab and imaging abilities (digital radiography, digital dental radiography, ultrasound and endoscopy). We routinely work-up and treat many challenging medicine, surgery and dental cases. We also offer rehabilitation, a double board certified exotic specialist, training and behavior consultation, and a large staff of licensed and non-licensed technicians. We strive to provide caring, competent, and cutting edge care. We enjoy frequent referrals from nearby clinics. Check out our website at Pay commensurate with skills and experience, no after-hours calls, formal mentoring program and excellent benefit package. Mail or email resume to Cascade Hospital for Animals, 6730 Cascade Road SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546. Email Veterinary Emergency Service / LanierGroup VES is the worlds’ first referral 24 hour urgent care provider with the stated goal…to provide the best possible patient care while the patient is under our direction. Hiring new staff at VES is rare since our team members stay long periods. We have seen dramatic practice growth in the last 2 years due to this wonderful economic expansion. Our management model allows us to provide compensation to doctors at considerably higher levels than the industry standard. This position could easily generate and income of over $200,000.00+ per annum. Today veterinarians graduate with extreme financial and experience burdens. Many of you will graduate with high student loan obligations that will require over $3,000.00 monthly debt service for the next 10 years. Joining VES Team could double your income and participate in a practice group where you can rapidly expand your skill set and your future will be much brighter. If you are a dedicated, hard-working veterinarian capable of delivering great patient care,

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call me immediately. Richard Lanier, DVM, CEO, Veterinary Emergency Service. Madison Heights, MI, Mobile: 586/915-0281, Seeking veterinarian to join our fast-paced, based small animal practice in Greater Detroit or Ann Arbor. If you’re enthusiastic about preventive care and relationship building with clients, Banfield is the place for you. Take advantage of competitive pay, benefits, student debt relief, CE, and more! Contact Nicole at 708-616-8004 or Now hiring experienced and recent graduate Veterinarians in Michigan and Wisconsin! Midwest Veterinary Partners is a large network of independent companion animal hospitals seeking qualified DVM’s for all locations. We offer competitive salaries, signing/relo bonuses, paid time off, benefits, and much more! Apply online at MidwestVeterinaryPartners. vet/join-our-team/ or email your resume to careers@ Great Lakes Pet Emergencies of Saginaw, Michigan is seeking an emergency clinician to join our VECCS certified after-hours emergency hospital. Our recently renovated facility is equipped with a wide range of diagnostic and monitoring equipment, including a complete in-house laboratory with blood gas and lactate analysis, telemetry, digital radiography, 24/7 radiology and EKG consults, ultrasound, endoscopy, and in-stock blood products. Our doctors are supported by a group of highly skilled licensed veterinary technicians who are committed to a team approach in patient and client care. An ideal candidate is a motivated, compassionate clinician with excellent communications skills, and the desire to practice advanced medicine. Experience performing surgery is desired, including procedures such as laparotomies, soft tissue trauma, lacerations, GDV and C-sections when required. Mentoring by highly experienced emergency doctor is available. The full or part time position involves working a rotating schedule of nights, weekends and holidays. We offer a competitive compensation package and benefits include medical, dental, vision, 401K and profit-sharing plan. We also provide a generous allowance for continued education, uniforms, and dues. For more information or to submit a resume and cover letter please contact: Dr. JoLynne Grant by email at; Seidl Veterinary Hospital in Hastings, MI is looking for an associate veterinarian to join our well-established practice on a full-time or part-time basis. We are a busy, fast-paced, full-service hospital that provides quality veterinary care for dogs and cats. Our inviting facility has undergone changes and improvements throughout the years in keeping with the many ongoing advancements in veterinary medicine. The skilled and long tenured team maintains an efficient and enjoyable work environment by being proactive to the needs of our doctors, patients, and clients. This is a perfect opportunity for an experienced veterinarian with surgical skills. Providing outstanding service to our clients and pets in the community is our top priority. An interest in orthopedics is also a plus for all candidates. To apply, send your resume to Seeking a full-time and/or part-time associate to join our team. We are a well-established small animal practice in Kalamazoo, MI that focuses on preventative



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health care and building lasting relationships with our clients and their pets. Our staff practices high-quality medicine, surgery and dentistry, and our hospital is well equipped with in hospital lab, digital x-ray and digital dental x-ray. If you are interested in joining our team please send your resume to Looking for a change? Then join our hospital family. We are an AAHA accredited small animal practice looking for the right person to add to our team. We have a position open for full-time (part-time considered as well) small animal veterinarian. No emergency/on call responsibility; rotating Saturdays. We utilize our licensed veterinary technicians and certified veterinary assistants to allow our doctors to focus on cases. We’re located in Center Line (Warren area). Please email your resume to We look forward to meeting you! Veterinarian wanted for a busy, well established small animal clinic in Oakland County. We are fully equipped with up-to-date in-house laboratory (blood chemistry and urinalysis), digital body and dental radiographs, portable ultrasound, and laser therapy. This is a full-time position with guaranteed base pay, production bonuses, continuing education, and health insurance available. Please send resume to georgia@ Position available for a full or part-time veterinarian. We are a well-established mixed animal practice located 20 miles south of the Mackinaw Bridge. We are in the heart of summer and winter recreation. Our practice has experienced staff including veterinary technicians. We have digital x-ray, modern dental equipment, in house lab, cardiopet, and a fully equipped surgery suite. We are looking for someone who enjoys veterinary medicine and is looking for a long term position. We offer competitive salary and benefits. For more information please contact the office manager Kay Lamoreaux at or call 231/529-6227. Plymouth Road Animal Clinic in Grand Rapids is seeking a part-time veterinarian to add to our current 3-doctor clinic. Our ideal schedule for this new colleague would be Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9am–6pm, and every other Saturday. Salary and benefits are negotiable. Seeking candidates with at least 2 years’ experience. We are equipped with in-house labs, digital x-ray and digital dental x-ray, ultrasound, etc. Please send resumes to or fax to 616/456-9212. Thank you! Tawas Animal Hospital in beautiful Tawas Michigan is seeking a full-time Associate Veterinarian to join our team. Our fast paced 2-doctor practice is a high quality, patient centered hospital, providing excellent care and services for our clients. Our hospital is fully equipped with new dental suite with high speed dental unit, fully equipped surgery suite for both soft tissue and orthopedic surgeries, ultrasound, fully integrated digital radiographs, fully integrated IDEXX in-house lab, state of the art Veterinary Management Software and much more. Our staff if top notch with 3 Certified Licensed Technicians, 3 Certified Vet Assistants and professionally trained client services team. Our office takes great pride in providing continuing education, professional new employee on-boarding, online training programs and Doctor-to-Doctor mentoring. Our

mission is to make a positive impact on our patients, clients, fellow team members and our community. Tawas, MI is a beautiful beach front community offering our famous summer lifestyle and tons of winter sports. Our area is perfect for the outdoors sportsman as well as the foodies, shoppers and beach combers. Iosco County features the AuSable River, Tawas Bay of Lake Huron, Foote Dam area and so much more. We are also conveniently located to Saginaw, Midland and Alpena. Our hospital has a well-established reputation in our community for over 40 years with a very large active clientele list. This an excellent opportunity for both an experienced DVM or new graduate. We also offer a competitive salary, performance based bonus, $5000.00 signing bonus, generous CE allowance and PTO, paid vacation time and sick days. We cover the cost of VIN membership, state licensing and DEA license dues. Health insurance (medical, dental, and vision) is also available. Please send resume and cover letter to brittany3harrison@, or contact Brittany Harrison at 989/3624601 for more information. You may also visit us at Seeking PT or FT veterinarian in a well-established practice in Commerce. We have a great clientele and see dogs, cats, exotics, and avian. Send resume to, or mail to 2645 Union Lake Road, Commerce, MI 48382. Small animal clinic located in Livingston County is seeking a F/T or P/T experienced veterinarian for a growing practice. Please email resume to peyotemitzie3@ Associate veterinarian needed for a growing small animal practice in Mason, Michigan. F/T or P/T position available. We have great clients, wonderful support staff, IDEXX blood machines, IDEXX digital x-ray, Avimark software, and a comfortable, casual, country environment to work in. Contact Cheryl DeSilva, DVM at 517/694-7599, or send resume to csanimalclinic@ Greater Kalamazoo full or part-time veterinarian desired for busy 2-doctor practice. We strive for excellence in client relationships and communication, practice advanced medicine, surgical and dental care. Equipped with IDEXX laboratory and UA with Sedivue. Digital radiography, Dental Digital. Desiring to grow in areas of Ultrasound and Cardiology. Experienced staff, friendly professional practice with amazing client reviews. Local Animal ER means no emergency on-call. Compensation is competitive and negotiable. Email resume and inquiry to EMERGENCY VETERINARIANS—Bay Area Pet Hospital in Traverse City, Michigan is looking for part-time and full time emergency veterinarians. Bay Area Pet Hospital is a privately owned emergency referral hospital. We opened in 2010 after seeing the need for a round the clock critical care hospital in our rapidly growing community. With the support of many local referring clinics, we see emergency and critical care cases from across Northern Michigan. The full time emergency veterinarian position is scheduled 3 overnight shifts per week. This position is responsible for monitoring of hospitalized inpatients and treating incoming emergencies, including emergency surgeries

and procedures. The part time emergency position would involve two to three day shifts per week and would include every other weekend. Experience with ultrasound is preferred for the doctor covering the daytime position. Benefits of working with us include a flexible schedule, colleagues that help each other both with cases and with shift swaps, and an outstandingly knowledgeable and technically skilled support staff that makes coming to work fun. We also offer a competitive salary, generous CE allowance and PTO, paid vacation time and sick days. We cover the cost of VIN membership, state licensing and DEA license dues. Health insurance (medical, dental, and vision) is also available. Requirements for this position include a knowledge and passion for emergency and critical care medicine, the ability to communicate clearly and compassionately with our clients, and the ability to delegate tasks to your support staff. At least one year of emergency or internship experience is preferred. Motivated new graduates will be considered. Please contact Dr. Karen Reabe at for more information. Seeking an associate veterinarian to join our small animal hospital in the Lansing/East Lansing area; P/T with possibility of F/T. We have an experienced full-time LVT and a great staff. Avimark, Ravence DR x-ray, digital intraoral x-ray, point-of-care lab systems, monitoring, etc. Close to MSU Veterinary Medical Center and diagnostics labs. Many parks and trails are close by, and we are virtually walking distance from the MSU campus. Awesome clientele! Unlimited potential for partnership/ownership if interested. Salary/hourly/ benefits package. Email resume to michigan92578@, or mail to PO Box 27601, Lansing, MI 48909. The Michigan Humane Society is a seeking a full-time Associate Veterinarian to expand our Rochester Hills Veterinary Clinic. Rochester Hills has a full-service, well-equipped, four doctor practice with a varied medical and surgical caseload, including caring for shelter animals. MHS is a nonprofit organization offering competitive pay, Blue Cross/Blue Care Network Healthcare/Dental, generous paid time off, life and disability protection, 403B match and eligible for student loan forgiveness. Please apply through our career page at Established 3-veterinary practice in Western Wayne County hiring a part to full-time associate with good communication skills and an appreciation for a professional yet family-like atmosphere. Great long term clientele and staff. Full benefits include 401K, health, license, and association fees. Flexible hours and a very supportive environment. Contact Drs. Rogerson or Reale at 734/728-2520 or through Looking for a change? Love surgery? Committed to ending pet overpopulation? We want you! Seeking experienced surgeon, confident, caring veterinarian for high-quality, high-volume spay and neuter clinic based on the gold standard Humane Alliance model. ( PT/FT available. Very competitive salary and benefits. Contact Renee, All About Animals 586/879-1745, fax 586/757-2139, email reneej@ Koprowski Veterinary Clinic is looking for a compassionate, motivated, and energetic F/T or P/T veterinarian to

join our team. We are a well-established small animal practice in Lapeer, MI. Emphasis on client/patient relationship and communication is our standard. We have an experienced support staff, are equipped with IDEXX lab suite (Catalyst, Sedivue UA, Procyte), and Cuattro digital x-ray, and focus on quality medicine and service. Competitive salary and benefits package. New graduates and experience practitioners are welcome. Interested individuals please contact Dr. John Collins at 810/664-0349, or Livonia Veterinary Hospital seeks associate DVM, a people-person who is excited about veterinary medicine. Patient care, client education, and communication are strengths of our practice. Desired compensation package offered. Will consider part-time. Reply to Have you always wanted to practice in an exclusively feline clinic? We are looking for a part-time associate veterinarian. However, may consider full-time for the perfect candidate. We are located in Grosse Pointe Woods, have a great support team, practice highquality medicine, great clientele, and no after-hour emergencies. If you are enthusiastic about working exclusively with cats, send resume to kittysdoctor@ Cedar Animal Hospital (Cedar Springs, 15 miles N of Grand Rapids): We are seeking a dedicated, compassionate pet and client advocate, FT/PT associate DVM to join our team. We are an AAHA accredited practice; we see small animals including exotics. Flexible scheduled includes Monday–Saturday am/pm. Our practice offers ultrasound, digital dental, and digital general radiography, in-house lab, and endoscopy. The ideal candidate must be a client-centered DVM with excellent people skills. Full-time benefit package available. Resume to South Shore Animal Hospital in Houghton Lake is seeking a FT companion animal veterinarian. Our well-established two-doctor hospital has been in operation for over 30 years and our loyal clients have come to expect quality medicine. We are equipped with digital radiographs, digital dental radiographs, state-of-the-art anesthesia and surgical monitoring equipment. We offer a great schedule with 3-day weekends every other week, simple IRA, paid dues, paid CE, and signing bonus. Enjoy practicing in a beautiful four season setting. Please email ssah.houghtonlake@, or fax to 989/366-7399. veterinary technicians wanted Opening for rehabilitation LVT at our small animal/physical rehabilitation practice. Rehab certification preferred but not required. Please call or email mackinawvet@ for more information. Busy, family-oriented veterinary practice in Rochester, with board-certified veterinary dentist, seeking an LVT to join our team. Excellent compensation package including signing bonus, CE compensation, 401k, uniform allowance, personal pet care, and paid vacation. Send resume to We are a busy 1-doctor small animal practice in Grand Rapids looking for a full-time LVT for 3–3.5 days a week. No weekends or emergencies after-hours. We have a fully equipped lab and digital radiography, competitive

pay, CE and uniform allowance, pet benefits, IRA with 3% match. Please email resume to standalevet@ Cedar Animal Hospital is a large, fast-paced 3 DVM practice; we see small animals and exotics. We are looking to add a motivated licensed veterinary technician to our team! Our AAHA accredited facility is seeking a positive team player who is reliable and loves what they do. Must be able to multitask and have excellent communication skills with clients and coworkers. Some weekend and evening hours are required. Full-time/ part-time position available; benefits are offered to full-time employees. Cedar Animal Hospital provides exceptional veterinary care including medical, surgical, and dental services, digital radiology and endoscopy. Onsite pharmacy as well as boarding and grooming services. Please send resume to katescheid@yahoo. com. No calls, please. Full or part-time LVT wanted to join our solo doctor feline practice in Okemos MI. We are an AAFP Gold Certified Cat Friendly Practice, focused on providing high quality care in a low stress environment. Our practice has been open for 12 years and has experienced tremendous growth. We are ready to expand with the right skilled team member—you! The ideal candidate will have strong client communication and education skills, and will be focused on being a big part of team-oriented patient care and client service. We are looking for someone who possesses skills in, or is willing to learn and be excited about feline dentistry, anesthesia, geriatric care, behavior, and chronic disease management. You will have the opportunity to grow, take on new responsibilities, learn new skills, and be an important part of what we do! Our clients are top-notch. Many have been with us for over 10 years, and they truly want to give their pets the best health care possible. Experience the satisfaction of working at a clinic where you can form personal bonds with clients. We are open Monday thru Friday, referring all evening and weekend emergencies to nearby MSU. Enjoy your free evenings weekends! We offer competitive salary based on experience, paid vacation and sick time, health insurance, and CE every year at the AAFP annual conference, held in various locations around the United States. Email resume to We are a busy 3-doctor AAHA accredited practice in Saginaw, Michigan. We are an exclusive small animal practice with a small clientele who have pocket pets. We emphasize high quality patient and client care. We are seeking a full-time licensed veterinary technician. Qualified candidates must exhibit excellent customer service and also have an outgoing, positive attitude. Candidates must have an active veterinary technician license. At least 2–3 years of experience is desired, but not required. Pay rate is based on experience and skill level. Please send cover letter and resume to Family-oriented, growing, fast-paced, 4-doctor practice is seeking a full or part-time LVT. Oakwood Animal Hospital is located in Kalamazoo, MI (home of the Kalamazoo Promise). We offer great benefits, including paid time off, the opportunity to earn quarterly bonuses, health insurance, and care for your own pets. Please email your resume to

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Seeking a full time Licensed Veterinary Technician for a busy, fast-paced 4 doctor mixed animal practice in Mt. Pleasant. We offer a competitive wage, paid vacation, health insurance and yearly bonuses. Send resume to Kris Wilson at Animal Health Associates, 2039 E. Pickard Rd., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 or aha3434@ Sunrise Veterinary Services, located in Alpena, MI on the beautiful shores of Lake Huron is currently looking for a licensed veterinary technician to join our clinic. We are a 2-doctor practice specializing in small animals and exotics. Our patients receive only the highest quality of care in our clinic, offering puppy classes, nutrition and behavioral counseling, boarding, a private euthanasia room, digital radiography, full in-house laboratory, including the procyte, catalyst analyzer, and Sedi-Vue uranalysis analyzer. We offer vacation pay, 401(k), paid CE, employee pet discount, and a great work environment. This position would be for both surgery and exam room settings. Candidates must be positive, energetic and enjoy working in a team environment. If you would be interested in this position, please email your resume and references to office staff wanted We are seeking a qualified full-time office manager in the Detroit area. Take responsibility for a smooth running, 2-doctor small animal practice where your leadership, professionalism, and initiative will be appreciated. We have a positive working environment and a great staff. If you are interested please send your resume directly to practices and equipment for sale When buying or selling a veterinary practice, rely on the expertise of Total Practice Solutions Group. See display ad this issue. Even if you plan to sell your practice yourself, contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg for a free consultation. We are happy to help. 800/380-6872 or Are you ready to buy or sell a veterinary practice? Valuations, consultations. Buying or selling, I can help. Call or text Dr. Fred Zydeck, Broker, at 248/891-3934, or email A well-equipped small animal practice for sale. Facility includes a digital x-ray machine and in-house IDEXX blood analysis machines. Experienced staff willing to stay on and help new owners. Practice grossed over $500,000 yearly in the past few years, with very healthy profit margins. Seller willing to finance safe purchase for right buyers. Call 517/763-7475, 517/775-6750, or email Peak Listings include small animal practice in Southwest Washtenaw County and a small animal practice in North Oakland County. Contact for details. Peak Practice Transitions facilitates your practice sale from start to finish, from Practice Valuation to Closing. Our services represent the level of service you expect—full representation, practice valuation, and negotiations. Contact Bob Eberline at PEAK roberte@peaktransitions. com or 248/390-5664. Well established small animal practice (with large



the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

animal potential) for sale in the thumb area of Michigan. Practice priced to sell. Hospital approximately 3200 sq. ft. Contact 810/886-3031.

relief veterinarians Norman Bayne, DVM, MS, 248/506-1104. MSU 81. SA relief work in southeast MI. Will travel. Friendly, excellent client communications skills. norman@ Cari Bedore, DVM, 810/965-8350. MSU 99. SA relief and/or PT 1 hour from Flint. Enjoy working in a positive team atmosphere doing medicine and surgery.

Part-time. Prefer SE; will travel for right circumstances. Cindy Kalicki, DVM, 313/291-2466. MSU 94. Eight years FT, two years relief in SA general medicine/soft tissue surgery. SE Michigan, PT or relief. Gurpreet Kaur, DVM, 248/519-3194. (MSU 15, MVMA Member) Providing service in small animal general practice and surgery in the southeast Michigan area. Selena Lucas, DVM, 734/330-5048. KSU 90. Flexible and friendly, excellent client communication skills. Proficient in surgery, medicine, and dentistry. Available in SE Michigan.

Sharisse Berk, DVM, 248/851-0739. MSU 95. Available for SA relief or PT work in southeast MI.

Denise Jorgensen Montagna, DVM, 231/557-1536. CSU 90. SA relief or PT in western MI. Excellent client relations. References available. djmontagnadvm@

Rhonda Bierl, DVM, 248/467-1987. MSU 00. SA/ emergency relief within 1 hour of Pontiac. General medicine, soft-tissue surgery, ultrasound experience.

Katherine O’Connor, DVM, 248/207-3528. MSU 14. Exceptional medicine when you need it most. SA/ exotics/emergency relief. Based in East Lansing, willing to travel. References available.

Allison Birndorf, DVM, 248/459-8974. MSU 12. SA relief in SE Michigan. Will travel. Friendly and reliable.

Kris Parnell, DVM, 517/881-2845. MSU 91. Available for SA relief or P/T. Will travel 1 hour of Lansing area. References upon request.

Tama Cathers, DVM, MS, 269/203-6800. (NCSU 96, MVMA member) SA relief in SW Michigan/Kalamazoo area. Friendly, experienced, reliable. tcathers@gmail. com.

Amy Peck, DVM, 231/557-4423. MSU 97. Available for relief in west MI/Grand Rapids/Lakeshore area. SA general medicine. Excellent communication skills, experienced and reliable.

Courtney Chapin, DVM, 616/901-5660. MSU 02. Available for Grand Rapids area. 6 years’ experience in SA general practice, 3 years in emergency medicine; both routine and emergency surgery. Willing to travel.

Bob Schleiffarth, DVM, 269/921-0570. SA relief. Over 30 years’ ownership experience. Coverage for western MI, based in Onekama.

Catherine Collins, DVM, 517/980-0528. (MSU 06, MVMA member) SA relief work in the Lansing area. Willing to travel up to one hour. Friendly, efficient, strong communication skills. References & resume available. Kenneth Corino, DVM, 248/217-5235. MSU 94. SA relief work. SE Michigan, medicine and surgery. Nichole Corner, DVM, 616/634-9777. MSU 99. SA relief work in Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo area. Excellent client communication skills. References available. Bryan Cornwall, DVM, MBA, 248/227-0562. MSU 89. SA medicine and general surgery in SE Michigan; practice owner for 24 years. Great with clients and staff. Jennifer M. Dec, DVM, 248/224-1990. MSU 04. Small-animal general practice and emergency relief. Surgery, ultrasound, and excellent communication skills, Lisa Harris, DVM, 616/204-2670. MSU 89. Available for relief in Grand Rapids/Lakeshore area. Experienced SA medicine and surgery, avian, exotics. Friendly, good communicator. Sean D. Hughes, DVM, 517/552-0993; 734/6747061. MSU 76. SE Michigan SA relief since 1999.

Jim Sharp, DVM, 810/533-3598. MSU 71. SA relief, SE Michigan. Former practice owner. Proficient in sophisticated dentistry and medicine. Excellent communicator. Margaret Sudekum, DVM, 616/676-2720 MSU 89. Available for part-time SA relief work in Grand Rapids and the surrounding areas. Good client communication skills. Connie R. Sveller, DVM, 517/388-3434. MSU 85. SA relief, works within 1 hour of Swartz Creek. Experienced/reliable/former practice owner (16 years). Andrea Switch, DVM, 248/302-2255. MSU 84. Available for PT or relief work. SA general medicine/ soft tissue surgery in SE MI. Linda Vanassche, DVM, 517/896-9086. MSU 90. SA medicine, surgery and emergency; excelling in dermatology and internal med. Travel negotiable more than 1½ hours from Lansing. Excellent written/verbal communication and record keeping. drmomma789@ Amy Wildrose, DVM, 517/420-5891. MSU 00. Experienced, proficient, dependable, and convivial. Available for SA relief or PT. Based in Lansing. Willing to travel. Jennifer Zablotny, DVM, 517/896-9146. MSU 97. Experienced SA relief for southeast and mid-MI. References available.

committees, meetings & events

due to the number of requests for ce announcements, the michigan veterinarian limits listings to ce programs in michigan.


January 25–27, 2019


Lansing Center & Radisson Hotel, Lansing, MI

September–October, with occasional additional meetings @ 7:00 pm / The Brewery, Frankenmuth


Surgery (Gary Thompson, DVM, Diplomate, ABVP Canine & Feline)


Public Health Committee (Dr. Joseph Kline, Chair) December 19, 2018 @ 1:30pm

All meetings will be held in the MVMA office unless otherwise noted.

December 12, 2018 nn

Renal and Urinary (Joe Bartges, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVN) March 13, 2019


Nutrition (Craig Datz, DVM, MS, DABVP, DACVN) April 10, 2019





3rd Thursday of each month, January–May and September–November in Grand Rapids on various topics. In addition, there will be a second meeting each month, usually the 1st Tuesday or Wednesday, February–May and October–December. Contact Margaret Sudekum, DVM, to be added to the email list. (616) 676-2720 or

March 20, 2019 downtown Lansing Governor’s Room


July 21, 2019

Endocrinology (Cynthia R. Ward, VMD, PhD,

Park Place Hotel in Traverse City


in conjunction with the Great Lakes Veterinary Conference nn

Cardiology (William Brown, DVM, DACVIM November 6, 2019

Veterinarian CE Seminars

University Club, Ballroom, Lansing

in conjunction with our Legislative Day, Karoub Associate’s



December 12, 2018, 10:30am–3:00pm

R. Lappin, DVM, PhD, DACVIM)

October 2, 2019 nn


Internal Medicine & Infectious Disease (Michael September 11, 2019

Contact the secretary at

MSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Lansing

Park Place Hotel & Conference Center, Traverse City

4th Wednesday of each month, February–May and

MVMA/MSU CVM Professional Competencies April 17, 2019

July 21–23, 2019


Strategies for Personal & Professional Growth Certification (In-Person Session)


Getting the Most out of Your Career: Success

September 18, 2019 University Club, Ballroom, Lansing


December 11, 2019 University Club, Fireplace Room, Lansing

Diagnostic Imaging (Lorrie Gaschen, DVM) December 4, 2019


Surgery (Catriona MacPhail, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS) March 4, 2020

Seminars 10:00 am–5:30 pm at the East Lansing Marriott. Contact MVMA at (517) 347-4710 or register online at

the michigan veterinarian  ·  winter 2018

| 31

michigan veterinary medical association 2144 Commons Parkway, Okemos, MI 48864-3986 Professional excellence. Compassionate care.

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