30 minute read
Dr. Nora Maliqi Zylali
The Institute of Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians in Skopje, with the expansion and deepening of it’s scientific research, came to be formed as an address where many ideas and projects of vital importance for the Albanian existence in these lands will find their way.
Consequently, ISCHA last year dealt with a slightly forgotten dimension of this being, by highlighting the multifaceted cultural, religious, commercial and human dimensions of the noble Albanian Catholic families from Skopje. The best approach to this issue was made through the book "Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje", by the authors Skender Asani and Albert Ramaj, based on various documents, photographs and facsimiles that prove the vitality of a large family sage, which from her breast had raised the luminaries of Albanian culture, humanism, knowledge, including the Bojaxhiu Family, from where came the famous Gonxhe Bojaxhiu-Mother Teresa, the daughter of the first Albanian patriot and culturologist, of the beginning of the XX century in these areas.
In the public mentality that had been imposed for decades, had dominated the thesis that Albanians are only Muslims by religion, and the same thesis was used by Slavic propaganda for its own purposes, which in the last instance had the creation of civilized areas contrary to the factual situation on the ground. And it was precisely the Albanian Catholic families in Skopje that broke the fallacy of this civilizing discourse, and this book is the most faithful reflection of a chronology not only factual but also identity that was closely related to the distinctive signs of an ethnicity. The book "Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje", in addition to the echo it had throughout the Albanian territories, in the future will serve as a starting point from where we will continue our serious efforts as ISCHA, to bring to
light many other aspects of this constellation of Albanian nobles, in whom the language, culture and ethno-psychological features of the ancients were jealously preserved, precisely in ancient Skopje of great historical events and geopolitical crossroads.
I.1 Speeches from the book promotion: Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje (documents, photographs and testimonies I). Skopje: ISCHA & Acta non Verba, 2018.
By Gjon BERISHA, reviewer
I feel honored that today we are given the opportunity as one of the reviewers to say a few words about the book we are promoting - a documentary work by authors Skender Asani and Albert Ramaj, whose title itself gives us to understand that is dedicated to the Families or more broadly to the Albanian Catholic community in Skopje.
In fact, this documentary study seeks to bring to light a community, a national asset with which the entire history of Skopje and Dardania was once identified, and nowadays can still be called a Relict in our history.
When we talk about relics in history, we usually understand an object, phenomenon or organism that has come down to our day as a remnant of ancient or past times. First thing coming into our minds is a relic of a saint, an archaeological relic, a material relic or a linguistic relic. When researchers consider one of these, through various scientific methods, they can very easily come to conclusions about the time period to which those relics belong.
But in the case of the study "Albanian Catholic families in Skopje", from the authors Asani and Ramaj, the nature of the work itself is different and it becomes more difficult, precisely because of the fact that here we are dealing with a relict, which comes to us from the ancient past, and the same one still continues to breathe, though not as it once did. In this case authors are not only dealing with the past, but also with the factors that have influenced this community to come to this stage or condition that is today, which in the continuation of the text I will continue to call it as a Relict. And another task for the authors and all of us, is to answer to the question how to save it as a living relict.
With the exception of the last one, all of these others whether directly in the text or between the lines are said by the authors. However I am trying to give an opinion of my own, always based on the book we are talking about, regarding the question of what were the factors that led to this condition. In our opinion there are three factors: 1. Historical circumstances and their vitality, 2. The former temporal role of the Catholic Church, and 3. The attitude of their compatriots in relation to this community.
Moments during the promotion of the book “Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje”
1. Historical circumstances and their vitality
On this occasion, we would like to recall that most of the Albanian Catholic families of Skopje, had a very ancient historical past, and mainly as noble crafters, commercial and intellectual families of the time. Among these families we have jewelers, doctors, musicologists and many other professions, and some of these noble families are treated quite well in the book (Bojaxhiu, Serreqi, Antoni, Gjini, Ukajdari, Ndreca, Marku and others). From these families were born great names and figures in Albanian history and culture, such as Dom Ndue Bytyçi, Kole Bojaxhiu, St. Mother Teresa, Lorenc Antoni, Gasper Gjini, Vinçenc Gjini and many others.
The first reduction of these families began with the occupation of Skopje by the Ottoman Empire, the establishment of the occupier's administration and the beginning of the change of religious structure. Initially, Catholics were not considered as equal citizens and were later killed, as were all other Albanians, confiscated and deported. Those who managed to survive the Ottoman conquests are forced to take the path of exile, to Venice, Sicily, Dalmatia, or will flee to the high mountain cliffs, far from any civilization, but freer in preserving religion and nation.
From many published sources and manuscripts, especially the reports sent to the Holy See by the bishops and missionaries, shed enough light on the overall religious and moral condition of the Albanians during the Turkish occupation of Albanian territories, including Skopje.
This process started in Stefan Dusan’s period, followed by the Ottoman Empire, was continued after 1912 by SCS Kingdom, during the First and Second World Wars, not to be stopped even in Tito's Yugoslavia.
The first major expulsion of Catholic Albanians from Skopje after World War II, began after the big earquake of 1963. On behalf of the construction of the new Skopje, Slavic government with the support of Belgrade confiscated the properties of all Catholic Albanians living in the old city center, in order to build high-rise apartments.
The second wave of their displacement took place after 1981, when terror began against educated Albanians and nationalists. Catholic Albanians and intellectuals from this community left Skopje, came to Pristina and Prizren, but many of them moved to the West, especially to Croatia. Those who remained were part of various social and political circumstances (under Slavo-Macedonian political pressure, without
support, without the opportunity to study in Albanian, without employment, without a church in Albanian, through marriages with members of the Macedonian community) and latter on they were assimilated.
2.The former cohesive role of the Catholic Church
Catholic Community in Skopje, or with this community is also connected the history of Christianity among the Albanians: Skopje was the capital of Dardania and the Archdiocese of Dardania, where were witnessed the first Drdanian bishops, who managed to participate in discussions of various ecclesiastical (Councils) issues of the time.
Let us remember that the Church of Skopje was led by prominent clergymen and men of our nation, such as: Andrea and Pjeter Bogdani, Mikel Suma, Gjon Nikolle Kazazi, Matej Mazreku, Matej Krasniqi, Andrea Logoreci, Pashk Trokshi, Lazer Mjeda and the last parish priest and scholar don Gasper Gjini.
As it is stated in the book, the Catholic Church, throughout its history has not only played the role as religious institution, but it was the bearer of educational and cultural processes, and was one of the cohesive factors of this community.
The fact that Catholic Church has long played a cohesive or resilient role, is proven by the evidence of Catholic families in Skopje themselves, who, as they claim, were concentrated with settlements around the Cathedral Church called the Heart of the Christ in Skopje, which was later destroyed by the earthquake on 1963, and later rebuilt on another site of the city. Lorenc Antoni himself had testified that: "Mother Teresa and all of us grew up in the churchyard". So with the Church and it’s surrounding was connected around the Albanian language, school, music, games, traditions, daily life; if we can say it in a word their life and death to.
What was most important - the mass was held in the language of the believers, the Albanian language, which was an important factor in preserving their national and religious identity. But, with the displacement of the Catholic population from the city and the reduction of their number; with the division of the Bishopric of Skopje-Prizren into that of Skopje and Prizren separately, and the taking over of the Bishopric and the Cathedral of Skopje by the Macedonian ecclesiastical authorities, especially after the death of the parish priest don Gasper Gjini, the mass in the Albanian language ceased to exist. Along with him, the temporal role of the Church for Catholic Albanians ceased to exist. And this can be considered as the last wave of denationalization of the Catholic Albanians of Skopje.
We cannot ignore the fact that today, the Catholic Albanians are in the hands of an ecclesiastical leader with Macedonian nationality, who belongs to the Catholic Church of the Byzantine rite. He has publicly declared in the media for ecumenism, and again has not created any conditions to organize regular masses in the Albanian language, and in our opinion, he follows daily policies and in fact is doing the opposite of ecumenism.
3. The third and last factor that we have listed is: The attitude of their compatriots in relation to this community.
It is universally known that after the conquest of Skopje by the Ottoman Empire it became the administrative-political center of this empire. In addition to changing the religious structure, through administration and construction, Skopje, as well as many Albanian cities, began to take on the appearance of a typical oriental city. This greatly influenced the creation of a new mentality and another way of life, as well
as the creation of a gap between the two religious communities of the Albanian nation.
Over time, they all began to barricade themselves in different parts with different mentalities. This negatively affected their mutual communication, work, marriages and their daily life activities. As a much smaller community, unsupported by the rest of the Albanians, they created a new and different way of life, which influences and is still influencing their slow extinction.
Before us, especially before the Governments of Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, but also before the Albanian intellectuals in Macedonia and before the Catholic Church in Kosovo, it remains as an obligation to answer the question: how and what should be done to save this national asset from it’s total extinction, in order not to remain only as a former Relict.
Finally, I would like to congratulate the authors for their hard work, and why not for their courage to deal with a very difficult and complex study, and I wish them to go further and bring us other publications of interest for our history and generally in the field of albanology.
Thank you for your attention! Prishtina, 26 of august ,2018
I.2. Assessment on the book “Albanian Catholik families from Skopje”
By Emin AZEMI, reviewer
The Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians in Skopje, led by Dr. Skender Asani, is becoming a powerful voice of affirmation of values and valorization of historical-scientific criteria for the glorious past of these territories, which for many reasons has been covered with the dust of oblivion. Recently, this Institute published the newest book that deals with one of the most interesting topics related to the Albanian Catholic community in Skopje. The authors Skender Asani and Albert Ramaj, in their book which is prepared in a very systematic and argumentative way, are offering to the reader a walking panorama through time, by introducing us closely to a wide saga of generous Catholic families in Skopje that has been the spiritual vertical of the Albanians in the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. "Albanian Catholic families in Skopje" is a very important work for the Albanian historiography itself, because the authors through documents, photographs, facsimiles and various testimonies are trying to focus the reader's attention on several pillars that make our historical memory free
from unnecessary haze, that in certain circumstances and contexts were imposed on us.
In order to prove the uninterrupted autochthony of the Albanians in the city of Skopje and to argue this thesis, the authors had to research the tradition, folklore, language, religion and in general the cultural heritage of the old Albanian Catholic families. This objective, which is comprehensive in the entirety of the research material, is expanded with descriptive details that originate from the titanic efforts of the Catholic nobles of Skopje, personified through the families Bojaxhiu, Serreqi, Ukajdari, Gjini, Ndreca, Marku and many others, in order to preserve of the uninterrupted continuity of the Albanian tradition and collective memory from antiquity to the later decades of our time.
Based on a very strong argumentative basis, this book is not only limited to the observations of the authors, but goes beyond by considering ancient sources and authors, with Skopje as one of the prehistoric centers of Illyrian civilization and consequently the autochthony of the Albanians in this city emerges as a material-spiritual link of the Illyrian-Dardanian presence and continuity. This is also the most significant dimension that makes Skopje to take its rightful place in the chronicles and itineraries of various travelers who had treated this city as a trade and road junction connecting the most famous and strategic axes of the Balkans, such as: Via Dezeta (Skopje-Prizren-Shkodra); Via Egnatia (Skopje-Ohrid- Durrës, and on the other hand Thessaloniki-Constantinople); Via Naisus (Nish - Singidinum (Belgrade) and Via Sertika (Sofia - Adrianopolis (Edrene)).
The architecture of the book "Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje" is based on the research work of the authors, who used as a guide the archival materials from the Catholic families in Skopje, but also numerous funds of documents and photographs taken from various European archives (Vienna State Archive, Lucerne State Archive, Budapest City Archives, Piedestra Archives in Budapest, Parish Archives of Prizren, Propaganda Fide Archives in Rome and the Archives of Kukaj Family in Vienna).
The spiritual homogeneity of Albanians for centuries was preserved through the cultivation of the autochthonous tradition and the preservation of ethno-psychological independence. This homogeneity would not make sense without the Bishopric of Skopje-Prizren, together with the bishops and parishioners who served in Skopje, starting from Pjeter Bogdani, to Toma Raspasani, Dom Zef Ramaj, Lazer Mjeda, etc. All these leaders,
according to the sources provided by this book, although they wore the cassock of Catholicism, with concrete actions were related to the concerns of the inhabitants, by helping them in cultural and national emancipation. Faced with the challenges posed by the logic of the Ottoman occupation, these bishops were also pedantic chroniclers of developments in Skopje and beyond, and this can be proved in the letters and reports they sent not only to the Vatican, but also to various diplomatic and editorial centers and European newspapers. Thus, for example, Dom Zef Ramaj from Stublla, a parish priest who had all his activity related to the Parish of Skopje, who is also known as the baptizer of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in the Catholic Church in Skopje, on August 27th 1910, in addition to his religious scope, he was also a teacher in the Albanian school, near the Parish of Skopje, but also in the Railway School which was an elite school at that time, where the children of foreign diplomats also taught. We are at a time when dramatic geopolitical changes were expected to take place in the Balkans, and the burden of facing the consequences of these changes fell on these Albanian representatives of the Catholic Church in Skopje. Such was the case with Dom Zef Ramaj who witnessed the Serbian massacres of the Albanian population in the Balkan Wars during 1912 and 1913, when the vacuum created from the departure of the Turks was filled with horrendous chronicles whose leitmotif were the reprisals of the Serbian military which did not spare nothing Albanian, and it was precisely Dom Zef Ramaj the one who sent those chronicles (in the form of letters) to various European chancelleries and Western newspapers. The thesis that Albanians are only Muslims by religion, had been prevailed and imposed for decades in the public mentality, and the same was used by Slavic propaganda for its own purposes, which ultimately had the creation of civilized areas contrary to the factual situation on the ground. And there were precisely the Albanian Catholic families in Skopje, the ones who broke the fallacy of this civilized discourse, and the book we have in hand is the most faithful reflection of a chronology which is not only factual but also represents the identity that was closely related to the distinctive signs of an ethnicity. The language, education, song, costumes, way of life, were the spiritual alphabet of the Albanians, while the Albanian Catholics of Skopje gave meaning to the national identity by integrating this alphabet in the general background of the western civilization, where the Albanians belonged. The book by Asani and Ramaj highlights exactly this point, just as it is indisputable the
connection of the Albanian Catholic families of Skopje with the efforts for the development of the Albanian education in Skopje and with the cultural and spiritual revival of the Albanians. This emancipatory-cultural cause of these families is distinguished through a gallery of very prominent characters who had acted in Skopje, such as Kole Bojaxhiu, Dom Ndue Bytyçi, Lorenc Antoni, Dom Gasper Gjini, Vingjenc Gjini and others. If this tradition would have continued even today, of course Skopje would have been the cultural Vienna of the Albanians.
Therefore, this book should serve as an incentive among all generations of the Albanians, in order to restore the fame of the former Skopje by emancipatory and cultural projects, and to place the tradition of Albanian Catholicism in this city in competitive parameters with the civilized world, where all Albanians intend to be.
Skopje, 18 july 2018
I.3. Speech by the director of ISCHA and the author of the book, Skender Asani, on the occasion of the promotion of the book "Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje":
This morning, before leaving for Pristina, together with the Ambassador of the Republic of Albania and the colleagues from the Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians in Skopje, we placed fresh flowers in the place where used to be Mother Teresa’s house,and where now is standing her memorial plaque. The feeling that, after this remembrance, to be in Prishtina, to celebrate the 108th anniversary of the birth of this great mother, gives me the pleasure to share this memorial moment together in another corner of Albanianism.
By Skender ASANI, author
Distinguished guests,
Mother Teresa, who is now known all over the world as St. Teresa, after all the great work she left, while boasting of her national affiliation as well as her geographical affiliation, has left us the best lesson that , although she became the mother of the entire world, nevertheless remained first and foremost our national mother. Therefore, even today, when we remember the 108th anniversary of her birth, in fact we remember her traces in the Albanian geography, we feel her footsteps in Skopje, we hear her voice in the choir of the Catholic Church in Skopje, while through this exhibition and In this book, we seem to tell her that although her physical and religious traces have faded in Skopje, there are still Skopje residents and compatriots living in Macedonia, who - like drunks – are following her footsteps, by discovering Albanian Catholic families, who honor them and who try to reconnect the fragmented history of the Albanians in Skopje.
Although we all accept that Mother Teresa did not grow up on that scale just because she was Albanian and only because she was from Skopje, but above all because she was a forgiving soul in the heart of Christ, yet no one can deny that the years of her childhood, her family and national education, and in general, her years of stay in Skopje are the pillars on which her personality is built, which managed to give love to the entire world.
Therefore, while among us we have had a daughter who became a mother of the entire world, we can not boast for the fact that before she became a mother of the poor and abandoned, she was an Albanian daughter in Skopje, a place where meet different ethnicities and nations, different religions, cultures and civilizations. It has already been proven that refractions are the once that produce extraordinary reflections of light. Mother Teresa was precisely a reflection of this refraction of the rays falling on our Skopje.
Very honored guests,
The work that the Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians has done with this exhibition and this book, where we are not only highlighting the presence, but also the role of Albanian Catholic families is not only the freshness of our collective memory, but also gratitude for that important part of our nation, without which even today's Albanianism in Skopje do not make sense. I wish that they serve as links
that reconnect the chain of national history in Skopje, Dardania and the Vilayet of Kosovo.
Here let me thank the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and the Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj for his care that this birthday is being marked in Pristina with the highest state honors, while as director the Institute and as one of the authors of the exhibition and this book, I am extremely grateful for the great honor you do to our work.
Finally, let me conclude by saying that we are a lucky nation to have a Mother Teresa, while we Albanians from Skopje are doubly honored that - in addition to ethnicity - we have a geographical connection. Meanwhile, the pleasure is greater when the memory of Mother Teresa, just like in Skopje, is marked in Tirana, Pristina and throughout the ethnic Albanian space. It is true, that Mother Teresa did not become the biological mother of anyone, but she became the historical mother of the entire world. That is why today, we are proud for being her sons.
Prishtina, 26.08.2018
I.4. Occasional words during the promotion
By Jahja LLUKA, Prishtina
Under the patronage of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, on the occasion of the 108th anniversary of the birth of St. Teresa, at the National Library of Kosovo "Pjetër Bogdani" in Pristina, on 26th of August, 2018, was organized the promotion of the "Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje" by the authors Skender Asani and Albert Ramaj, and the official opening of the exhibition "Life through memories".
The transformations brought by time, as a result of the relentless efforts of generations who sacrificed everything for the freedom we are enjoying today, are happening at a time when Kosovo as a state, in addition to institutional consolidation, is marking a qualitative rise in the culture of honoring figures events that make us proud as a nation even in the international arena.
Two years ago, in our capital, Pristina, the state of Kosovo, through the Prime Minister of that time, Mr.Ramush Haradninaj, not only promoted a book, but also set a new standard of valorization so that our journey as a state and as a society to have as reference point our sublime values, which
can easily be considered as precious addresses of our Illyrian-Arberian civilization.
Even the book "Catholic Albanian family in Skopje" should be seen in the corpus of these values, because as it is sad before by Dr. Skender Asani, the director of the Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians in Skopje, we are a lucky nation to have a mother like Mother Teresa and it is true that Mother Teresa was not the biological mother of anyone, but a historical mother of the whole world, and we are proud that we were her sons.
Therefore, it is no coincidence that the institutional care of the state of Kosovo remains constant in the continuous increase of our commitment as a society to the unquenchable stars that gave light to our journey as a nation, while through this monography on for the Albanian Catholic families in Skopje, is being proved the inseparability of our spiritual ties in our ethnic space.
This connection was best described by Dr. Asani in his promotional speech for this book, underlining that “even today when we remember the 108th anniversary of her birth and her traces on the Albanian geography, we can still feel her footsteps in Skopje and listen to her voice in the church choir, and through this book we would like to tell her that although her traces have faded in Skopje, there are still Skopje residents and compatriots living in Macedonia, who dig in her tracks and discover the Albanian Catholic families ”.
Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj and his staff had ensured that the promotion of the book "Albanian Catholic family in Skopje", be a precious mosaic within the celebration of the 108th anniversary of the birth of Mother Teresa, by giving this anniversary the dimension of universal values Mother Teresa was promoting and the far-sighted prospects she left for later generations.
Meanwhile, Don Lush Gjergji from the Bishopric of Kosovo, on that occasion rightly said that Albanians are grateful to God and the Bojaxhiu family for bringing Mother Teresa as a gift to all Albanians. "The monography for which we have gathered today, covers a current historical gap and disatvantages for the the former Skopje. We, as sons and daughters of Mother Teresa, are thanking God and the Bojaxhiu family for this gift and the opportunity for wherever there are Albanians in the world to feel good for you, Saint Mother Teresa ", said Gjergji.
Deeds that leave traces, can never be forgotten about the light they bring to the semi-dark surfaces of our memory. Even with the book "Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje" from now on our memory will be enlightened with a rich corpus of documents and evidence, which strengthen our reason to be unique in marking and honoring all that rich national and cultural tradition that gives to our nation more value and respect.
I.5. Occasional words during the promotion
Pal LEKAJ, minister at the Government of Republic of Kosovo
Under the patronage of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, on the occasion of the 108th anniversary of the birth of Saint Teresa, were promoted the book "Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje", by Skender Asani and Albert Ramaj, and the documentary exhibition "Life through memories".
The Minister of Infrastructure, Pal Lekaj, on behalf of the Prime Minister conveyed the greeting words and stressed that the institutions are carefully honoring the great figures. "On behalf of the Prime Minister, I’m conveying his greeting speech to mark the 108th anniversary of the birth of Mother Teresa and I emphasize as institutional pride the care that the Government of our Republic has to honor these giants of our nation with whom we continue to be proud. ", said Lekaj. Lekaj also said that this book is a good omen for Albanians and the Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians in Skopje is an example that should be followed. "This anniversary, this book and this exhibition that have honored Pristina
today, are an good omen and a sign that our Albanian nation together with Macedonia, are in a safe hands.
Lekaj said that on this anniversary of Mother Teresa's birthday, our nation is honoring a figure like her and that she is an identity card for all Albanians around the world. "The second reason why we are gathered today is Mother Teresa's birthday, and a nation that honors these figures and respects the past, can hope for a brighter future," he said. "Her name today is the identity card of every Albanian in the world, because the world does not know any other Albanian more famous than her ", added Lekaj.
The author of the book "Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje", Skender Asani, also director of the Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians in Skopje said that this book shows that Skopje people and those living in Macedonia are tracing and discovering the traces of Mother Teresa, but also the traces of Catholic families. “Even today when we remember the 108th anniversary of her birth and her traces on the Albanian geography, we can still feel her footsteps in Skopje and listen to her voice in the church choir, and through this book we would like to tell her that although her traces have faded in Skopje, there are still Skopje residents and compatriots living in Macedonia, who dig in her tracks and discover the Albanian Catholic families ”, said he. "We are a lucky nation to have a mother like Mother Teresa and it is true that Mother Teresa wasn’t the biological mother of anyone, but the historical mother of the whole world and we are proud to have been her sons," added Asani.
Whereas, Don Lush Gjergji from the Bishopric of Kosovo said that the Albanians are grateful to God and the Bojaxhiu family who brought Mother Teresa as a gift for all Albanians. "The monography for which we have gathered today, covers a current historical gap and disatvantages for the the former Skopje”, said he. “We, as sons and daughters of Mother Teresa, are thanking God and the Bojaxhiu family for this gift and the opportunity for wherever there are Albanians in the world to feel good for you, Saint Mother Teresa ", said Gjergji.
Moments from the 108th anniversary of the birth of Mother Teresa and the promotion of the book “Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje”, by the authors Skender Asani and Albert Ramaj, and the documentary exhibition,
By Ramush HARADINAJ, Prime Minister of Republic of Kosovo
I am feeling honored that today, in the capacity of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, to be the host of the marking of the 108th anniversary of the birth of Mother Teresa, and I say this more as an institutional pride, therefore for the care that our Government has in order to honor these giants of our nation, with whom we continue to boast.
On this occasion I would like to congratulate the director of the Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians, Dr. Skender Asani, for the great work and dedication he shows in the affirmation and honoring of the great figures of our national history. Whether on the commemoration of the 550th anniversary of the death of our national hero, Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg, or whether the commemoration of the giants of the history of independence and liberation of Skopje, such as Hasan Prishtina and Isa Boletini, or through the commemoration of Mother
Teresa, this institute has shown serious commitment in affirming our national history exactly where the weight of our history weighs the most - in Skopje.
Therefore, this anniversary, this book and this exhibition, which today have honored Pristina, are a good omen that our Albanian nation in Macedonia is in safe hands. Despite the prejudices found elsewhere, the work of this institute, which takes care of every fragment of Albanian history there, is an example worth following. In this context, the honor they pay to Mother Teresa is the best evidence that the new generation in Skopje is aware of the great historical weight it carries for the affirmation of the Albanian nation in Macedonia. Without any conflictual pathetics and folklorisms, but with research approach and professional prudence, this institute - as today – also in the past, has convinced us that it has a vision and strategy for the study and evaluation of Albanian national history in Macedonia. Ladies and Gentlemen, the second thing I want to emphasize is the reason why we are gathered today. It's Mother Teresa's birthday. And, for me, a nation that honors these figures, and a nation that respects the past, can hope for a brighter future. Indeed, we are not doing anything more than we owe it to our nation.
If Mother Teresa gave her life for the love of the poor and sick, and because of that she did not even create a private life, the least we can do is mark her birthday. A mother, who gave love to the whole world, while affirming with pride and boasts her national affiliation, has today become a boast for every Albanian around the globe. Today, her name represents an identity card of every Albanian in the world, because we are deeply convinced that the world does not know another Albanian more famous than her.
And when love and charity are added on the top of this identity, there can be no better and honest representation that one could have made for our nation. For these reasons, I am honored that today I have the opportunity to be at this event and to express the great respect that our country and our citizens have for Mother Teresa, and I am glad that this anniversary is being marked in both cities at the same day, in Skopje and in Prishtina, believing that it is Mother Teresa's love that has united us here today.
I am concluding my speech by referring exactly to the words of the Great Albanian Mother. As a human who was inspired by love and
sacrifice, she has left some advices, which can be university lectures for all of us. Thus in one case she said: "It does not matter how much we are committed to do, but how much love we put into it." Translated in our context, I would say that she has taught us that with such love we should love our homeland, our nation and our neighbor, because only then we can be proud as sons of this great mother.
Thank you!
Prishtina, 5.9.2018