52 minute read





Dr. Nora Maliqi Zylali

In the main square of Skopje, where is settled the memorial plaque of Mother Teresa, for the first time the inscription was placed in the Albanian language. The battle to establish dignity in the right place, happened with the return of an identifying and civilizing signs, such as language.This return coincided with the 40th anniversary of the declaration of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, Mother Teresa - HONORARY CITIZEN of Skopje (1980), by opening a new chapter in our cultural and social battles, where the complete equality of the people of this underworld must be achieved.

The echo of the glorious Dardanian history is knocking in the main Square of Skopje.

ISCHA and the director Dr. Skender Asani, stood with dignity at the forefront of this battle, reconfirming practical justification of the establishment of the Department for Heritage of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu-Mother Teresa, which became the first research institution in the world, that deals with the study of the figure and the work of Mother Teresa.

The battle for the Albanian language is not a revelation or a surprise, but the dignity that is being established in the main square of Skopje goes beyond a purely linguistic cause.

As first, Albanian society here is finally placing its right causes on a cultural level, where confrontation is expected to be even stronger. This is also due to the fact that the tools of politics are not necessarily being used to work the difficult 'land' of equality.

Second, this cultural and spiritual feeling that is rising to the norm of ideas and social actions of the Albanians living here, speaks of the ingenuity for things to be done in silence, without pomposity and without the adrenaline of the daily politics.

Last, but not least, the historic Skopje of ancient Dardania, for many things in the past, has been portrayed as a 'dark vilayet' that produces a kind of cultural regression. But, now when we achieved to manage a cause that focuses precisely on restoring the spirit of language and identity, things has changed and our glorious history has taken its rightful place.

Memorial plaque of Mother Teresa in Albanian language, placed with initiative of the Director of ISCHA, Prof. Dr. Skender Asani, in the main square of Skopje


II.1. ISCHA’s reaction


After the changes made at "Macedonia" Square in Skopje, were covered the traces of Mother Teresa's house, while at the park located in front of the memorial plaque, was closed the path that leads at the place where people could place flowers in the memory of our Mother.The Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians, namely the Department for Heritage of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu - Mother Teresa, expresses deep indignation and surprise for this irresponsible action of the City of Skopje.

At a time when the whole world is proud with the name and work of Mother Teresa, and when she has become the identity card of our country, to cover the traces of her house and prevent the possibility of placing flowers on her memorial plaque, can not be read otherwise, except as an irresponsible and harmful action for our City, but also for our country.

Based on this, we ask the City of Skopje to correct this omission as soon as possible, to restore the foundations of Mother Teresa's house, and for the sake of good interethnic relations, it is the right time the text on the memorial plaque to be written in Albanian language too.

Hopefully there will be no need for reactions in higher national and international instances.

Prof.dr. Skender Asani,

Director of ISCHA 11.5.2020, Skopje

Situation in the main Square of Skopje, after the removal of traces of the foundations of the house of Mother Teresa


Document: The reaction of the director of ISCHA, Dr.Skender Asani, after the removal of the signs where the foundations of the house of Mother Teresa, in the main square of Skopje

II.2 The first speech of the director of ISCHA, Skender Asani after removal of the signs of the foundations of Mother Teresa’s house in Skopje Square


Dr. Skender Asani, director of ISCHA

Dear media representatives, dear citizens,

We are here today, in the main square of our Capital, to warn of an action that has been taken by the City of Skopje, and that has not only worried as researchers and as Skopje citizens, but also many admirers of our city, whose eyes are directed towards us.


As you can see, at this place no longer exists the traces of the house of Mother Teresa, in additon, the path used to place flowers on her memorial plaque of this house, now its blocked. Despite the rumors, all the facts show that this was the house where she was born, so for several years this place was considered as a sign of the house of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu - Mother Teresa, and was turned into a pilgrimage point for admirers of her personality. But now, with a decision that we do not know how it was taken, when it was taken and by whom it was taken, this park has covered the signs of Mother Teresa's house and, in addition, has made it impossible to place flowers on her memorial plaque.

Based on this, the Institute of Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians, as the only scientific institution in the country that has a Department for Research and Protection of the Heritage of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu - Mother Teresa, which is accredited by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, expresses its deep indignation for this irresponsible action and considers that this is an attack to the image of Mother Teresa, to her internationally recognized and accepted work, but also to her admirers all over the world.

Therefore, today we have sent an official letter to the President of the State, the Speaker of the Assembly, the Prime Minister, as well as the Mayor of the City of Skopje, to - in accordance with their competencies and opportunities - restore the previous situation in this country until this decision has not taken international dimensions, so that our country will be ashamed of this irresponsibility.

Standing in here, we urge to the Mayor of City of Skopje, as the main person who is in charge of this square and this memorial point, to reconsider this action. We are confident that our city has a lot of work to be done, before putting hands on personality of Mother Teresa.

In this direction we can propose that it would be appropriate to also write a text in Albanian language on the plaque, in order to finally respect bilingualism in our Capital, as it is guaranteed by law.

We will wait a few more days, so the City of Skopje can reflect on its committed act. On the contrary, we will be obliged to raise this concern in other national and international instances, asking for help from Mother Teresa's friends all over the world.

12.5.2020, Skopje

Document: Official letter to the Mayor of City of Skopje, Mr. Shilegov


Document: Official letter to the President of the state, Mr. Stevo Pendarovski

Document: Official letter to the Prime Minister of RNM, Mr. Oliver Spasovski


Document: Official letter to the President of the Assembly, Mr. Talat Xhaferi

II.3. The second speech of the director of ISCHA, Skender Asani after removal of the signs of the foundations of Mother Teresa’s house in Skopje


Dear media representatives,

Today, we are again standing in fron of you, after we heard the response of the Mayor of the City of Skopje, Mr. Petre Shilegov.

Although it seems clueless whether we have or haven’t reacted in the past, when Mother Teresa's house was passed into private ownership,we would like to inform Mr. Shilegov that even then we have reactd, but,more suprising for us is the fact that reaction or unresponsiveness it is a reason to make mistakes today. In addition, I think that it is already known that we have no executive power to force the City or any other state power to act differently. We are a scientific and cultural institution and our task is to say our professional words regarding these important historic figures, that transcends our ethnic, urban and state borders.


Therefore, based on this, for us the facts revealed by the Mayor Shilegov are not disputable, but it is important the perception that our government has over the figure of Mother Teresa. If the only Nobel laureate from Skopje, Mother Teresa, is not a world-class figure who honors our city and the whole state, more than anyone else, and a figure who turns the world's attention towards us, then we have a serious problem with setting the standards for the evaluation of such figures. While the world tries to produce figures of this profile, even there where they don’t really exist, whereas we are having that figure, and the same we are trying to trample, by erasing the traces of her presence in the Capital. Therefore, I am here today to ask Mayor Shilegov to find a solution, either by turning this place into public property, or by pursuing legal proceedings or finding other options whatever they may be, besides this shameful situation we see here today. Our demands are very modest: to restore the signs of the foundations of Mother Teresa's house, to create a path to place flowers on the memorial plaque and the text on the plaque to reflect the bilingual identity of the Capital, that is also guaranteed by law.

The most regrettable fact is that the Mayor Shilegov allows "conscientious citizens to voluntarily be able to cover the traces of Mother Teresa's house", while the city of Skopje, as the largest community of local self-government with executive power, couldn’t do anything to restore to the previous state an important point of pilgrimage and tourism in the Capital, which - among other things - speaks of the traces of charity that have sprung from this country and have spread throughout the world.

However, the Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians, namely the Department for Heritage of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu – Mother Teresa, will not stop here. Expecting great support from the wider public, from today on, we will start seeking support from other national and international actors, while we will address a letter to the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, to seek help from him, in order to raise the awarness of our authorities on the importance of presenting the personality of Mother Teresa.

Thank you!

14.5.2020, Skopje Prof. Dr. Skender Asani, director of ISCHA

III.4. Third speech of the director of ISCHA, Skender Asani after removal of the signs of the foundations of Mother Teresa’s house in Skopje Square


Dr. Skender Asani, director of ISCHA

Dear media representatives,

We are here today, some institutions that are united regardless of their ethnicity or other determinations, as well as without any tendency, but as always, only by being connected with the name of our great Nobel Laureate from Skopje - Mother Teresa. Besides the Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians - Skopje, which I represent, there is also the University "Mother Teresa" - Skopje, NI The Memorial House of Mother


Teresa - Skopje, the Civic Association "Skopje’s Mother Teresa" - Skopje and the Humanitarian Association “Mother Teresa ”-Struga.

We are here today to inform you that - fortunately for all of us - the City of Skopje has reflected and although it is an unfairly privatized property and under other conditions, a solution has been found, by enabling the opening of a path to place flowers on the memorial plaques of the house of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu - Mother Teresa, as well as the determination of the signs that mark the foundations of the Bojaxhiu’s house.

By thanking the City of Skopje and all the people of good will, we are welcoming this decision and truly hope that this issue will not need to be raised again.

And when we are here, we want to mention another fact, which is just as important. This spruce, which is in this park, is actually the spruce that Mother Teresa has planted with her hands, in 1980 - during her visit to Skopje, by marking the point where her house once was. Therefore, taking into account these elements, we will in the future compile an elaboration that will be submitted to the relevant cultural institutions, so that this area will be declared protected, and it can no longer be endangered by anyone in the future.

The figure of Mother Teresa is the greatest spiritual wealth that a state like ours can have, due to the fact that she came out exactly from this place to the big world that was waiting for her, and where she revealed the most culminating values of humanity and solidarity. So, we are asking our institutions to find a legal modality in order to declare her spiritual and material heritage a national asset under state protection.

The foundations of Mother Teresa's house are the most important point in the history of a personality who has honored our city more than anyone else in the world, and - among other things - it is the only point of pilgrimage in Skopje, as well as an important tourist attraction of the Capital. Therefore, having in consideration all these facts, we will always be here to affirm this idea, while we are strongly convinced that the authorities will be als interested at the same.

And while we all are in favor of promoting the personality and work of Mother Teresa, in the spirit of love and understanding same as she promoted in the world, we would like the text of the memorial plaque to reflect our mutual civic respect, as well as the legal definition of the use of languages in our Capital.

Protection of the figure and work of Mother Teresa does not require any social protagonism, because the best protection that can be done to her, is the constructive approach of all of us, including the media, both in Albanian and Macedonian language, which throughout these days were at an enviable level of professionalism and left no room for public misunderstanding. This professional approach deserves applause from all of us who were participating in this constructive debate these days.

Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians - Skopje University “Mother Teresa” - Skopje NI Memorial House Mother Teresa - Skopje Civic Association "Skopje’s Mother Teresa" - Skopje Humanitarian Association "Mother Teresa" - Struga Skopje, 19.5.2020


III.5. A response to all those who are quickly seeking a return to the previous state of the complex that marks the former traces of Mother Teresa's birth house


By Skender ASANI

After a long public-media battle, the City of Skopje and ISCHA found a pact of understanding, so the problematic situation regarding the relocation of traces related to Mother Teresa's inheritance to be returned into its previous state.

We are glad that the Skopje authorities reflected positively and chose the path of understanding, leaving room for dialogue and constructive solution to the problems presented. Initially it was promised that would be opened an access route that would serve as a pilgrimage path to the memorial plaque marking the location of Mother Teresa's birth house, and this was done by placing gravel, then some tiles, but all of these in function of finding the most adequate solution.

We hope that this project will be completed within a few days and that the mayor of Skopje, Mr. Shilegov will keep the given word, by restoring the foundations of Mother Teresa's birth house and opening a pilgrimage path. This will quench the curiosity of all those who during these two days were very diligent with various comments on social networks.

All this explanation I am doing in order to reply to all well-intentioned skeptics who require overnight finishing of the work, but, as the saying goes, good things are coming slowly. Therefore, we have no reason not to believe that the City of Skopje, although it has admitted that it has been exposed to public pressure, this time will be on the right side of the history, by becoming part of the preservation and care for the spiritual and material heritage of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu - Mother Teresa. At no point we didn’t want to radicalize the situation, either with concrete actions or with publicly expressed language, because we consider that Mother Teresa does not deserve to become an apple of discord between the various communities living in these areas, and at least to be us as the institution causing unnecessary polarizations. On the contrary, it is her spirit of tolerance and understanding that has served us, either by initially opening the Department for the protection and study of the figure and work of Mother Teresa, or by proving with our behavior the culture of civic understanding, so we leave room for positive reflection of the City of Skopje.

On this occasion I want to say that in this humane and civil battle we were not alone, so I publicly would like to thank all those who supported us, especially the University "Mother Teresa", NI Memorial House "Mother Teresa", non-governmental associations in Skopje and Struga that bear the name of our Nobel laureate, the media and journalists as well as all individuals of good will.

Skopje, 20.5.2020


III.VI. Numerous reactions from prominent personalities


From right to the left: Mehmet Prishtina, Qamil Ismail Vlora, Marin Mema and Gazmend Boletini

These days, Skopje has become the epicenter of an unprecedented denigration of the figure of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, Saint Mother Teresa, recognized everywhere in the world as the greatest humanist that humanity has ever had. But surprisingly, only the official authorities of Skopje seem to be hindered by the fame and glory of Mother Teresa, because there is no other way to explain the tendency to denigrate her to the maximum, slowly erasing the traces of the house where she was born 110 years ago and spent part of her youth.

Following these denigrations, days ago the City of Skopje took an arbitrary step, by uprooting the foundations of this house and placing a park in front of the memorial plaque of Mother Teresa, which made it impossible to access this plaque. With this ugly act, the Skopje authorities made impossible any kind of pilgrimage that could take place in the exact area where Mother Teresa's house used to be.

Therefore, we strongly support the Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians in Skopje and the director Dr. Skender Asani, in sensitizing the ugly actions of the official authorities of Skopje, at the same time we are demanding the return of the situation as it was before - the restoration of the foundations of the birth house of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, the opening of a path for pilgrimage and the nclusion of the Albanian language on the memorial plaque.

We encourage Mr. Asani to continue with his persistent and argumentative efforts in restoring the trampled glory of the figure and work of Mother Teresa, because only by defending the values that are affirming us to the civilized world, we defend the righteous cause for which Mother Teresa was committed for a very long period of her life – in order to be in the service of people without arms and in poor health, in the service of voices that the world of luxury and exploitation had deafened.

No one would believe that exactly at the birthplace of Mother Teresa, anyone would dare to uproot the foundations of her birth house in the name of a new urban reorganization, which is nothing but an anticivilization diversion on values that symbolize the name and work of Mother Teresa and everything related to her family heritage.

On behalf of our ancestors, who even a century ago had the city of Skopje as part of their freedom-loving and humane causes, we urge the political and institutional factors of Northern Macedonia to take all necessary actions to restore it to its previous state, this historical complex where Mother Teresa was born 110 years ago, by restoring the foundations of her birth house and paving the way for pilgrimage to the memorial plaque, which also must be written in the mother language of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu.

Representative of the family of Ismail Qemajli, Qamil Ismail Vlora; Representative of the family of Hasan Prishtina- Mehmet Prishtina; Representative of the family of Isa Boletini,Gazmend Boletini; For Albanian Traces, Marin Mema; President of AAKA – Association of Albanians displaced from their lands Mr. Jahja Lluka; Representative of the Mountaineers of Tring Ismaili and Ded Gjo Luli -Martin Berisha, Representative of the family of the Hero Afrim Zhitija-Syle Zhitija, Representative of the Family of the Hero Hajrullah Murtezi-Terpeza, Ilir Murtezi, Representative of AFEDS-Albanians from Metvegjaj –Muharrem Salihaj,Flora Ferati Sachsenmaier and Shkelzen Boroci, Researchers: Mark Palnikaj, Pjeter Meta and Activists: Irfan Domnori and Elida Jorgoni.


III.7. Media reports:


Skopje authorities do not seem to care for the look of the memorial plaque at "Mother Teresa’s" memorial house.

The mayor of Skopje, Mr.Petre Shilegov, once said that the plaque would remain blocked and that he wouldn’t invest public money to create access to the plaque, and now it has happened again.

But even this access road is not practical, because the stones are so far apart that a human step can not easily catch them.

From the pictures it can be seen that in this place at first was placed some gravel, but the same was removed afterwards.

All these changes have been made by the City of Skopje, said the director of the Institute for Cultural and Spiritual Heritage of the Albanians, Dr.Skender Asani. "Yesterday we had an informal meeting with the investor, who is the director of Skopje Roads and he promised to us that he would work all night and pave a road to the marked place, so slowly this place would be returned to the position as it probably was, or even better. What we are seeing today is not what we asked for, but I believe it is a sign that something will be done", said Dr.Skender Asani, director of ISCHA. We asked the City of Skopje how it came that the Mayor, Mr. Shilegov, changed his mind and if this is a permanent solution? They responded that the placement of the stones came after the reaction of the public and have no additional financial impact, while they did not indicate whether this is a temporary solution.

City of Skopje: "In order to overcome this problem, the City of Skopje has placed greenery which provides access to memorial plaque. These plaques are

from the reserves of PE" Roads and alleys "and their placement has no additional financial impact."

Meanwhile, Asani warned of other reactions until an ideal solution is reached and announced that he will seek to turn this space into a protected cultural object. "If this reaction of ours is neglected and manipulated, I believe that as we have gathered today, we will use other reactions whether institutional or civic", said Skender Asani, director of ISCHA.

The reactions are joined by the Memorial House "Mother Teresa", the University "Mother Teresa" and the associations "Mother Teresa" in Struga and Skopje. The debate on blocking the plaque has been going on for a week, but still without a worthy solution./TV SHENJA, 19.05.2020 /


III.8. Reactions from the Association for the Return of Displaced Albanians from their Ethnic Lands in Prishtina, and HCA “Mother Teresa” from Struga:


-Association for the Return of Displaced Albanians from their Ethnic Lands in Prishtina, with reaction to the removal of the markings of the house of Mother Teresa in Skopje:

At the last meeting of the Presidency of the AARD, it was decided to compile a written response to the state authorities of Northern Macedonia, to return the markings of the foundations of our Sanctuary and the whole world, Mother Teresa.

Some time ago, the City of Skopje, without any warnings nor any reason, and without taking preliminary decision in the municipal or state instances, cunningly removed the signs that symbolized the place where Mother Teresa was born and where her birth house was located, in the main Square of Skopje.

This has provoked indignation among Albanian citizens, and also has provoked the reaction from the Institute for the Preservation of Albanian Cultural Heritage in North Macedonia, which demands the return of these signs as soon as possible, and for this issue will notify the diplomatic missions and the Vatican.

The Association for the Return of Displaced Albanians from its Ethnic Lands in Pristina is urging the Skopje municipality to return the signs at the main Square in Skopje that are symbolizing the foundations of the house in which Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, the holy Mother Teresa, was born. These signs were located on the asphalt in a part of the main square at the entrance of the city shopping center. The city of Skopje removed them during a renovation of this part of the square, and exactly where the signs were located, the municipality planted grass. All of this happened during isolation from the coronavirus pandemic.

We, the Association for the Return of Displaced Albanians, make a similar reaction and demand that the markings be returned as soon as possible and that the markings that are state property and the tradition of historical and cultural memory be preserved. The whole world is proud of Mother Teresa and in particular this pride should be felt by the Albanian people who belong to the consecrated Mother Teresa and also the city of Skopje. With the hope that our reaction will be understood as an aid to the municipality of Skopje, we hope that the signage that is a symbol of the human and human identity of the city of Skopje and the citizens themselves will be returned.

Prishtina, 16th of may, 2020 President of AARD Jahja Lluka

Document: Reaction from the Humanitarian Charitable Association “Mother Teresa” from Struga, to the removal of the signs of the foundations where Mother Teresa's house was placed


III.9. After the public pressure, the City of Skopje corrects the mistake


Director of ISCHA, Prof. Dr. Skender Asani, together with the representatives of other institutions, standing in the main Skopje Square, where through media and public opinion are asking to restore the Mother Teresa’s foundations

“The figure of Mother Teresa is the greatest spiritual wealth that a state like ours can have, due to the fact that she came out exactly from this place to the big world that was waiting for her, and where she revealed the most culminating values of humanity and solidarity. So, we are asking our

institutions to find a legal modality in order to declare her spiritual and material heritage a national asset under state protection”, said Dr.Skender Asani, director of ISCHA.

Today the battle for the restoration of the trampled dignity of the figure of Mother Teresa has finally ended successfully, with the restoration of the traces of the foundations of her birth house and the reopening of a path leading to the memorial plaque.

The Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians, headed by the director Dr. Skender Asani is the bearer of this success, where we can not say that the public pressure of the media and various associations were missing.

Today in Skopje, except ISCHA, at the press conference came also the University "Mother Teresa" - Skopje, NI Memorial House of Mother Teresa – Skopje, Civic Association “Skopje’s Mother Teresa "- Skopje, Humanitarian Association" Mother Teresa "- Struga , where all of them expressed their satisfaction that an understanding with the City of Skopje was finally found, and that a recently caused injustice will be corrected and the situation be restored as it was before.

To express the details of this understanding, Dr. Skender Asani, in front of the media and the whole public opinion said that we are here today, some institutions that are united regardless of their ethnicity or other determinations, as well as without any tendency, but as always, only by being connected with the name of our great Nobel Laureate from Skopje - Mother Teresa.

“Besides the Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians - Skopje, which I represent, there is also the University "Mother Teresa" - Skopje, NI The Memorial House of Mother Teresa - Skopje, the Civic Association "Skopje’s Mother Teresa" - Skopje and the Humanitarian Association “Mother Teresa ”-Struga.” We are here today to inform you that - fortunately for all of us - the City of Skopje has reflected and although it is an unfairly privatized property and under other conditions, a solution has been found, by enabling the opening of a path to place flowers on the memorial plaques of the house of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu - Mother Teresa, as well as the determination of the signs that mark the foundations of the Bojaxhiu’s house.


By thanking the City of Skopje and all the people of good will, we are welcoming this decision and truly hope that this issue will not need to be raised again.

And when we are here, we want to mention another fact, which is just as important. This spruce, which is in this park, is actually the spruce that Mother Teresa has planted with her hands, in 1980 - during her visit to Skopje, by marking the point where her house once was. Therefore, taking into account these elements, we will in the future compile an elaboration that will be submitted to the relevant cultural institutions, so that this area will be declared protected, and it can no longer be endangered by anyone in the future.

The figure of Mother Teresa is the greatest spiritual wealth that a state like ours can have, due to the fact that she came out exactly from this place to the big world that was waiting for her, and where she revealed the most culminating values of humanity and solidarity. So, we are asking our institutions to find a legal modality in order to declare her spiritual and material heritage a national asset under state protection.

The foundations of Mother Teresa's house are the most important point in the history of a personality who has honored our city more than anyone else in the world, and - among other things - it is the only point of pilgrimage in Skopje, as well as an important tourist attraction of the Capital. Therefore, having in consideration all these facts, we will always be here to affirm this idea, while we are strongly convinced that the authorities will be also interested at the same.

And while we all are in favor of promoting the personality and work of Mother Teresa, in the spirit of love and understanding same as she promoted in the world, we would like the text of the memorial plaque to reflect our mutual civic respect, as well as the legal definition of the use of languages in our Capital.

Protection of the figure and work of Mother Teresa does not require any social protagonist, because the best protection that can be done to her, is the constructive approach of all of us, including the media, both in Albanian and Macedonian language, which throughout these days were at an enviable level of professionalism and left no room for public misunderstanding. This professional approach deserves applause from all of us who were participating in this constructive debate these days.”, said Dr.Skender Asani, director of ISCHA in Skopje.

III.10. On the 40th anniversary of Mother Teresa's visit to Skopje


Today in the main square of Skopje, in front of us is opening one of the most beautiful scenes related to a significant event, which happened here forty (40) years ago, when the daughter of our city, our ancient Skopje, Gonxhe Bojaxhiu- Mother Teresa, visited her hometown and on that occasion was declared HONORARY CITIZEN OF SKOPJE.

We, as the Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians in coordination with the University “Mother Teresa”, NI Memorial House “MOTHER TERESA”, Agency for Implementation of the LanguageLanguage, Civic Association 'Skopje’s Mother Teresa', feel privileged to honor the memory for Mother Teresa, exactly at a moment when all together, with the help of the authorities of the City of Skopje, in a united way are restoring the traces of tradition and identity, related to her language and the place where Mother Teresa was born. From now on, Mother Teresa's language will be stamped together with other languages on the memorial plaque, a fact that completes the mosaic of our multiethnic and multilingual reality.

We as institutions and as civil society have an obligation to preserve the cultural and spiritual heritage of the sublime figure of Mother Teresa, which for us as citizens of Skopje, remains the most authentic symbol of a national asset, which from now on should be protected by law. This is the only way to patent the rich cultural and spiritual heritage left to us by Gonxhe Bojaxhiu-Mother Teresa, starting from her childhood, on the cobblestones of ancient Skopje until her last breath, in distant Calcutta, where she humanized goodness and turned it into a mission.

Mother Teresa is the most unifying symbol of our values and aspirations, because the spirit she promoted in the world was a whole


school where the world had the opportunity to learn about tolerance, understanding, peace, mercy, compassion, humanism, etc.

It is not so easy to become a student of this school, therefore we as an Institute have established a special Department, the first of its kind in the world, which will deal with the study and multifaceted cultivation of the figure and work of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu - Mother Teresa, raising to an institutional level the culture of collective memory.

Today when we are talking about the sublime figure of Mother Teresa, we would not want to use her name for any battle, because that would be in contrary to the spirit of tolerance and understanding she practiced.

We as ISCHA and as a civil society did not want to place our argumentative debate within any context that would exclude the figure of Mother Teresa from the image of wisdom and love for all humanity. On the contrary, we have tried, and will continue to do so in the future, through civilized debates to demonstrate in practice that we belong to the spirit and light that radiates from the name and glory of Mother Teresa. So, by no means, we would not want to let our actions to cast a shadow over this spirit, thereby undermining the bridges of cooperation between our ethnicities and religions.

Every state and every society has its own brands, of which it is proud. Our destiny is that the symbolism of our identification passes through a figure that has now been raised to a planetary monument, while a society that is being identified with the majesty of Mother Teresa, must work hardly so her spirit can be present in every pore of hers. Because it is not enough for us to just getting identified with it, but also to be an example of an everyday tolerance and understanding. Although, we as a country and as a society are late in the process of the legislative codification of the image of Mother Teresa, by preserving her legacy even in legal ways.

The best honor that can be done to the major figure of Mother Teresa, on her 40th anniversary of the declaration as HONORARY CITIZEN OF SKOPJE, is the appropriation that we can make to the human causes of Mother Teresa, by placing them in the context of our civic communication and understanding.

Skopje, 27 june 2020

Prof. dr. Skender Asani, director of ISCHA

III.11. Realization of the initiative


Representatives of all institutions placing flowers on the memorial plaque of Mother Terza, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of her declaration as "HONORARY CITIZEN OF THE CITY OF SKOPJE"

Forty years ago, the Nobel Peace Prize winner Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu - Mother Teresa, was declared Honorary Citizen of Skopje. Today, forty years later, were laid flowers, at the house where she was born in the center of Skopje.

The Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians announced that the department which will have to collect and archive memories of Mother Teresa had already been registered in the Central


Register of North Macedonia. It has taken on the feature of a state institution. "It will deal with the multifaceted studies and cultivation of the figure and work of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, Mother Teresa, by raising to an institutional level the culture of collective memory", said Dr. Skender Asani.

The decision to institutionalize the department was submitted during the electional campaign by the Minister of Education and Science, Arber Ademi.

The memorial plaque already reflected her ancestry, because the text in it was also written in Albanian language too, but in order to lay flowers on the memorial plaque, the grass had to be trodden, because the path that leads to it was not yet created.

But, from the Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage and the Humanitarian Association "Mother Teresa" in Struga, even today asked from the authorities to create a path to the memorial plaque. "In the end, I hope that there will be a quick solution for the regulation of the memorial plaque and space by the City of Skopje", said from the representatives of the Association "Mother Teresa".

The need to form a path that would allow access to the plaque came after the space in front of the plaque was covered with greenery.

Skopje, 27.6.2020

III.12. Speech of the president of the C.A “Mother Teresa of Skopje”, Dimçe Petrushevski:


Distinguished guests, Dear media ...

Today we are marking 40 years since the declaration of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu-Saint Mother Teresa, as "Honorary Citizen of the City of Skopje"

On this day, 40 years ago, on June 27th, 1980, Mother Teresa came to her hometown Skopje, for the third time in a row, with the invitation of former-President Metodi Antov.

She came together with her four sisters of mercy, whom she would leave in Skopje in order to serve the poor, the unwanted and the sick, in the name of God and love.

Mayor Metodi Antov, welcomed her very warmly, and greeted Mother Teresa together with her sisters, in the premises of the municipality.

It was a great honor for such an award "Honorary Citizen of the City of Skopje" to be given to a deserving citizen, a fellow citizen of ours, Gonxhe Bojaxhiu from Skopje, the most famous humanist and Nobel Laureate Mother Teresa.

In those moments of joy and satisfaction, Mayor Metodi Andov will say these words of praise: "On behalf of the Skopje City Council, I cordially welcome you to your city. Congratulations on receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. Skopje became a city of solidarity and humanity on a global scale, immediately after the catastrophic earthquake of 1963. We are extremely grateful that with your humane authority lobbied all over the world to help mitigation of the catastrophic consequences of the earthquake. Your Skopje is proud of your work today. We declare you a Deserved Citizen of your homeland. You are our pride. "Skopje and Macedonia are with you."


With her poverty, Mother Teresa took the plaque "Honorary Citizen of the City of Skopje" and said: "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all this. I'm glad to be back again after 52 years. Although Skopje has changed a lot, it looks completely different, for me Skopje is the city where I was born, where I spent my childhood with my family, a place where I was very happy. Those were beautiful days. Now I am especially happy that our sisters will be able to give their love to our people as a thank you for all this. We give and we do it from the heart. "I hope we are all doing something beautiful for God."

As for gratitude, she will say these words: "I have received many awards on behalf of the poor in the world. I also won the Nobel Peace Prize, but I especially appreciate this gratitude from Skopje, because I will accept it from my fellow citizens - the people of Skopje. I will keep it in my heart. "

On the same day, and same occasion, Mother Teresa, Metodij Antov and Bishop Josip Herbut , will plant a spruce in the name of love and mercy.

Exactly those trees are growing here in front of us today, while under them is a memorial plaque in her place of birth, as evidence of the house where Gonxhe Bojaxhiu was born, which was placed in 2000, by CA "Mother Teresa of Skopje" - Skopje.

A day later, on June 28th, 1980, Mother Teresa will visit the grave of her father Nikolle Bojaxhiu, by recalling her childhood memories, and quoting his words: “Man is born alone and lives with everyone else. ".

Finally, I hope that City of Skopje will find a quick solution regarding the arrangements of the memorial plaque and the space around it.

Skopje, 27.06.2020

Dimce Petrushevski President of CA “Mother Teresa of Skopje” - Skopje.

III.12. Speech of the president of the C.A “Mother Teresa of Skopje”, Dimçe Petrushevski:


Distinguished guests, Dear media ...

Today we are marking 40 years since the declaration of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu-Saint Mother Teresa, as "Honorary Citizen of the City of Skopje"

On this day, 40 years ago, on June 27th, 1980, Mother Teresa came to her hometown Skopje, for the third time in a row, with the invitation of former-President Metodi Antov.

She came together with her four sisters of mercy, whom she would leave in Skopje in order to serve the poor, the unwanted and the sick, in the name of God and love.

Mayor Metodi Antov, welcomed her very warmly, and greeted Mother Teresa together with her sisters, in the premises of the municipality.

It was a great honor for such an award "Honorary Citizen of the City of Skopje" to be given to a deserving citizen, a fellow citizen of ours, Gonxhe Bojaxhiu from Skopje, the most famous humanist and Nobel Laureate Mother Teresa.

In those moments of joy and satisfaction, Mayor Metodi Andov will say these words of praise: "On behalf of the Skopje City Council, I cordially welcome you to your city. Congratulations on receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. Skopje became a city of solidarity and humanity on a global scale, immediately after the catastrophic earthquake of 1963. We are extremely grateful that with your humane authority lobbied all over the world to help mitigation of the catastrophic consequences of the earthquake. Your Skopje is proud of your work today. We declare you a Deserved Citizen of your homeland. You are our pride. "Skopje and Macedonia are with you."


With her poverty, Mother Teresa took the plaque "Honorary Citizen of the City of Skopje" and said: "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all this. I'm glad to be back again after 52 years. Although Skopje has changed a lot, it looks completely different, for me Skopje is the city where I was born, where I spent my childhood with my family, a place where I was very happy. Those were beautiful days. Now I am especially happy that our sisters will be able to give their love to our people as a thank you for all this. We give and we do it from the heart. "I hope we are all doing something beautiful for God."

As for gratitude, she will say these words: "I have received many awards on behalf of the poor in the world. I also won the Nobel Peace Prize, but I especially appreciate this gratitude from Skopje, because I will accept it from my fellow citizens - the people of Skopje. I will keep it in my heart. "

On the same day, and same occasion, Mother Teresa, Metodij Antov and Bishop Josip Herbut , will plant a spruce in the name of love and mercy.

Exactly those trees are growing here in front of us today, while under them is a memorial plaque in her place of birth, as evidence of the house where Gonxhe Bojaxhiu was born, which was placed in 2000, by CA "Mother Teresa of Skopje" - Skopje.

A day later, on June 28th, 1980, Mother Teresa will visit the grave of her father Nikolle Bojaxhiu, by recalling her childhood memories, and quoting his words: “Man is born alone and lives with everyone else. ".

Finally, I hope that City of Skopje will find a quick solution regarding the arrangements of the memorial plaque and the space around it.

Skopje, 27.06.2020

Dimce Petrushevski President of CA “Mother Teresa of Skopje” - Skopje.

III.13. Comment


A society that identifies with the greatness of Mother Teresa, must work for hardly so her spirit be present in every pore of hers

By Prof.dr. Skender ASANI

The history of social and historical transformations in today's Macedonia, which has had a new geographical name for a year, has always been accompanied by the dilemma of whether it will be based on polarizations and stereotypes or on tolerance and understanding.

Northern Macedonia, although a society with ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity, does not have the luxury of carrying on its back the animosities of the past, which in most cases were imposed by the hegemonic policies of Belgrade.

Now that the country has reached the date for negotiations with the EU and has become a full member of NATO, it is anachronistic to talk about gaps that make cultural and civilizational transitions between ethnicities insurmountable. Of course, the changes will not have the effect of a magic wand, but what is very essential to say is related first of all to the geopolitics of regional change, where Northern Macedonia is finally detached from the cold steppe fever and all the influences that come from thence.

Every state and every society has its own brands, of which it is proud. Our destiny is that the symbolism of our identification passes through a figure that has now been raised to a planetary monument, while a society that is being identified with the majesty of Mother Teresa, must work hardly so her spirit can be present in every pore of hers. Because it is not enough for us to just getting identified with it, but also to be an example of an everyday tolerance and understanding. Although, we as a country and


as a society are late in the process of the legislative codification of the image of Mother Teresa, by preserving her legacy even in legal ways.

ISCHA may be the only institution in the world, that within its scope has included an important segment of scientific and research development, by establishing the Department for the study and preservation of the figure and work of Mother Teresa. Scholars and researchers of this Department have clear objectives to re-update the entire family and individual history of Mother Teresa, by digitizing a large part of the archival material, which would then serve us for further projects and ideas related to the publishing activity, film-documentary and with certain scientific projects.

Days ago, the city of Skopje ] was in the center of attention for some brashly actions, which didn’t show honor to our fellow citizen, Gonxhe Bojaxhiu. The effects of this haste unfortunately also had a social impact, as a confrontational debate between the Skopje authorities and us who represented the independent voice of citizenship.

However, the way we conducted and disseminated this debate to the public, created a positive effect by enabling the leaders of the City of Skopje to reflect and find solutions that would return the situation to its previous state, which means returning the traces that mark the foundations of Mother Teresa's birth house, the opening of the pilgrimage path to the memorial plaque, which also means the inclusion of linguistic reality within that plaque.

We as ISCHA and as a civil society did not want to place our argumentative debate within any context that would exclude the figure of Mother Teresa from the image of wisdom and love for all humanity. On the contrary, we have tried, and will continue to do so in the future, through civilized debates to demonstrate in practice that we belong to the spirit and light that radiates from the name and glory of Mother Teresa. So, by no means, we would not want to let our actions to cast a shadow over this spirit, thereby undermining the bridges of cooperation between our ethnicities and religions.

We are waiting for the fulfillment of the promises given by the mayor of the City of Skopje, Mr. Shilegov, who in his public statements has given hope that when reason dominates over political resentment, any compromise is possible, but also every step that makes us equal in our journey towards what Mother Teresa once said: “It does not matter how much we are committed to do, but how much love we put into it.

III.14. Comment


How foolish you must be to think that nowadays you will find Albanians, who will feel indifferent when someone dares to touch on the Catholic traces of Skopje Albanianness.


A figure and work of Mother Teresa was made a thorn in the eye for the Skopje authorities.Recently, in the name of the 'decoration' of Skopje, by placing a cardboard park in front of the memorial plaque of the birth house in Mother Teresa, the Skopje authorities proved to the world how ridiculous and frivolous they are even when they try to undo a story and the past. The traces of the house of the Albanian saint, where Gonxhe Bojaxhiu was born 110 years ago, known worldwide as Mother Teresa, cannot be covered by this installation that’s nothing more than a park, because the traces cannot be mechanically deleted. Traces can only be erased if a name or deed is forgotten. With this ugly act, the Skopje authorities even more deeply rooted the name and glory of Mother Teresa in the memory of Albanians and the entire civilized world.

How uncreative must have been those who run Skopje today, as they thought that their ugly actions could be taken at a time when the world is gripped by a disgusting pandemic and when the month of Ramadan is upon us.

The former political nomenclature of the Macedonian communists (Kolishevski, K. Crvenkovski, Mojsov, Gligorov) claimed that the religious identity of the Albanians in these areas was predominantly Muslim and in the name of this mentality they tried to uproot the non-Muslim roots of the Albanians from the collective memory. This is how they acted with the Albanian orthodoxy of Upper Reka, from where not only thousands of


families were physically displaced, but from there also desappeared the feeling of being an Albanian with Christian affiliation.

The recidivism of Macedonian communism, these days has again reappeared in the center of Skopje, by putting Albanians under a false test, for whom is still thought that they do not put anything else before their Muslimness (especially in the month of Ramadan), not even the Christian Gonxhe Bojaxhiu.

But, this is a lapidary aberration, because Albanians are the most unique example in the world within which three religions coexist in harmony and they have now entered the channals of foreign roadmaps as fanatical respecters of each other’s religion.

The Skopje Albanians, although Muslim, showed unprecedented solidarity during the World War II,as they rescued dozens of Jewish families from the clutches of the Nazis, and this makes them special in overcoming religious affiliation in the name of humane and noble deeds.

How foolish you must be to think that nowadays you will find Albanians, who will feel indifferent when someone dares to touch on the Catholic traces of Skopje Albanianness.

III.XV. Comment


All this that is actually happening in Skopje, speaks about the way how a rightful cause can be managed, without having to use the ‘political artillery’.

By Emin Azemi

All this that is actually happening in Skopje, speaks about the way how a rightful cause can be managed, without having to use the ‘political artillery’.

The battle to establish dignity in the right place, is happening with the return of identifying and civilizing signs, such as language. This return is taking place on the 40th anniversary of the declaration of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, Mother Teresa - HONORARY CITIZEN of Skopje (1980), by opening a new chapter in our cultural and social battles, where the full equality of the people of this sub-heaven must also be realized. All this that is actually happening in Skopje, speaks about the way how a rightful cause can be managed, without having to use the ‘political artillery’. It is still too early to open the champagne of excitement, but what seems to be encouraging the beginnings of a process which, if nurtured by a coordinated social condition, is likely to establish a defining line separating the lethargy of grievances from civic action.

The battle for the Albanian language is not a revelation or a surprise, but the dignity that is being established in the central square of Skopje goes beyond a purely linguistic cause.

First, Albanian society here is finally placing its rightful causes on a cultural level, where the confrontation is expected to be even stronger. This is also due to the fact that the tools of politics are not necessarily being used, in order to work the difficult 'land' of equality.


Second, this cultural and spiritual feeling that is rising to the norm of ideas and social actions of the Albanians living here, speaks of the ingenuity for things to be done in silence, without pomposity and without the adrenaline of the daily politics.

Last, but not least, the historic Skopje of ancient Dardania, for many things in the past, has been portrayed as a 'dark vilayet' that produces a kind of cultural regression. But, now when we achieved to manage a cause that focuses precisely on restoring the spirit of language and identity, there is no way not to impose a logical question: What is happening with the other causes in Tirana (Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu) and Prishtina (Adem Jashari), which should currently produce a more mobilizing spirit that would be expressed in all the battles, starting from the National Theater in Tirana, which collapsed precisely due to the lack of this spirit and until the establishment of a new criterion in honor of the glorious past in Kosovo, which can not be done only by weaving praises to the heroism of individuals and leaving in oblivion the ordeal of suffering of an entire people. Disproportionate investment in projects that only elevate pathetic triumphalism and bypass victim’s status in Kosovo society, has created an essential misunderstanding even among international friends, who invested so much in achieving freedom and peace in Kosovo.

It may sound paradoxical, but for many things the cultural Skopje of the Albanians, compared to other centers - Prishtina and Tirana, is leading with ideas and causes related to raising attention to the identity of culture, marking events and dates.

Suffice it to recall a few: from the dignified celebration of the Days of the Alphabet, to the glorious anniversaries that bring back memory, to the point where a human invests his most precious - mankind, such as, the sublime sacrifice of Skopje’s Albanians in rescuing Jews from the murderer clutches of the fascists, during the WWII, then the promotion and ideation of many projects in the field of scientific and spiritual research, such as, for example, the enlightenment of the great family saga of the Skopje Catholic nobles in the past decades, until the last event - placing the memorial plaque of Mother Teresa in her mother tongue, exactly at the place where she was born 110 years ago and received her initial education, until she start the long journey of devotion to the lonely and the sick.

ISCHA and the director Prof.Dr. Skender Asani, stood with dignity at the forefront of this battle, reconfirming practical justification of the

establishment of the Department for Heritage of Gonxhe Bojaxhiu-Mother Teresa, which became the first research institution in the world, that deals with the study of the figure and the work of Mother Teresa.The echo of the glorious Dardanian history is knocking in the main Square of Skopje.


III.16 The support from our brothers from Kosovo, Albania and the diaspora


In our ancient Skopje, in the Skopje of historical and civilized crossroads, in these recent days is happening the restoration of the cultural dignity of Albanians, through the establishment of a sublime figure of planetary proportions, such as Mother Teresa, in the context of developments related to linguistic equality of Albanians in North Macedonia.

The Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Heritage, headed by the director, Prof. Dr. Skender Asani and the civil society in Skopje, are taking colossal steps in redesigning a national spirit that makes Albanians feel proud in their ancestral homes, and we, the suckers and heirs of prominent figures of the nation, rejoice in this spirit of revival that is currently taking place in Skopje, and at the same time support every initiative and every action that sets new standards in the cultivation of our spiritual and cultural tradition and heritage.

By returning the national identification traces to the place where Gonxhe Bojaxhiu - Mother Teresa was born 110 years ago, which means the returning of the foundations of her birth house and the language of Mother Teresa on the memorial plaque that marks the origin of this tradition, which is also associated with the 40th anniversary of declaration of Mother Teresa as, HONORARY CITIZEN OF THE CITY OF SKOPJE, we the descendants of Ismail Qemajli, Hasan Prishtina, Isa Boletini, Bajram Curri, Elez Isufi, Idriz Seferi, Azem Bejta, together with prominent public figures of Albanian journalism, wish success to Prof.Dr. Skender Asani and all his collaborators, and at the same time we encourage them to continue this

sacred path, because only in this way the memory of the glorious past of our Dardanian Skopje can be preserved fresh.

Prishtina, 27 june 2020

With respect:

Mehmet Prishtina, Gazmend Boletini, Qamil Vlora, Qamil Mata, Cezar Ndreu, Qamil Sahiti, Marin Mema, prof.Eqrem Zenelaj, Ndriçim Kulla, Elena Kocaqi, Pjer Meta, Pjetër Coli, Ladi Pjetergjokaj, Martin Berishaj, Romeo Gurakuqi, Sandër Kovaçi, gjeneral Hisen Berisha, Ismet Sopi, Ismet Sylejmani, Arben Meha, Besnik Fahredin Hoti, Fatmir Shurdhaj, Viktor Merhana, Ismet IbrahimI...

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