Michigan Memo 2013 January

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Official Newsletter for the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists: January 2013, Volume 25, Number 1

Michigan Memo

Au Sable: Connecting You With Nature —by Alanna Knapp Secretary for Adventurer, Pathfinder, Youth & Men's Ministries


o you suffer from ecophobia? If you ever feel uncomfortable after long periods in nature, this may be you. Secular scientists have described this as a growing fear of the outdoors. We live in a culture and society that constantly separates us from nature, a nature which reveals a loving Creator. This separation is especially true for students, whose education is most often confined to a touch screen or printed word. These mediums of learning are useful, but there is something that God’s nature provides that far surpasses any other method of teaching. • What if elementary and middle school students attended science fairs dedicated to revealing their Creator? • What if high school students could intern in a program designed to discover the science behind why God created pond scum? • What if parents could take their children on guided weekend tours of nature, discovering the birds in their natural habitat?

The Michigan Conference Youth and Education Departments have prayerfully considered this problem and found a solution by developing a Center for Natural Science Education based at the Camp Au Sable Nature Center. Dr. Gordon Atkins answered the call to spearhead this uncharted center and accept a fulltime position at Camp Au Sable as the Director for Outdoor Education. He will be dedicated to creating and facilitating programs that make the ‘what ifs’ a reality. “In a safe environment, such as at Camp Au Sable, we need to develop programming that enhances the natural biophilia [in all human societies there appears to be a natural affinity towards living things] that Dr. Gordon Atkins joins God instilled the Au Sable Staff. 1

Dr. Gordon Atkins, the newly hired Director for Outdoor Education at Camp Au Sable, with his extensive knowledge of birds, will use that talent as a springboard for his first Au Sable sponsored event. A special bird watching tour will be held on Presidents’ weekend, Febebruary 15-18. A weekend birding tour begins at Camp Au Sable with a group of 15 birders. From there they will make their way to the beautiful nature of the Upper Peninsula. Birders will have an opportunity to visit the Whitefish Bay, Hiawatha National Forest, Marquette, and a few other destinations. The list of birds to see include: the snowy owl, sharp-tailed grouse, shrikes, waxwings, and even Elk (a very big bird!). If you are interested in attending the weekend, please email Atkins at atkins@andrews.edu.

Continued on page 3


The Reward of a Faithful Study of the Word

—by Ellen G. White Excerpt from 8T 193-194

hrist and His word are in perfect harmony. Received The frivolity that cumbers the church makes it weak and and obeyed, they open a sure path for the feet of indifferent. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are seeking all who are willing to walk in the light as Christ and longing for channels through which to communicate is in the light. If the to the world the divine people of God would principles of truth. appreciate His word, we Artificial lights may should have a heaven in appear, claiming to come the church here below. from heaven, but they Christians would be cannot shine forth as the eager, hungry, to search star of holiness, the star the word. They would of heavenly brightness, be anxious for time to to guide the feet of the compare scripture with pilgrim and stranger scripture and to meditate into the city of God. upon the word. They False lights will take the would be more eager place of the true, and for the light of the word many souls will be for than for the morning a time deceived. God paper, magazines, or forbid that it should novels. Their greatest be so with us. The true desire would be to eat light now shineth, and will light up the souls in which the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of God. And as a the windows are opened heavenward. {8T 193-194} result their lives would be conformed to the principles and promises of the word. Its instruction would be to them as the leaves of the tree of life. It would be in them a well of water, springing up into everlasting life. Refreshing showers of grace would refresh and revive the soul, causing them to READ YOUR BIBLE THROUGH IN A YEAR forget all toil and weariness. They would be strengthened and encouraged by the words of inspiration. any Bibles have a schedule of readings for each day to


help you read your Bible through in one year. If you go online and use the search phrase, "read the Bible through in a year," you will find many unique ways to accomplish this blessing. For example, you may want to read chronologically; you may want to read some in the morning and some in the evening.

Ministers would be inspired with divine faith. Their prayers would be characterized by earnestness, filled with the divine assurance of truth. Weariness would be forgotten in the sunlight of heaven. Truth would be interwoven with their lives, and its heavenly principles would be as a fresh, running stream, constantly satisfying the soul.

For those who have poor eyesight or limited reading skills, if you add the word, “audio” to your Bible reading search, you will find downloads of audio Bibles, some of which are free. (If you know someone in your church with these needs, why not help them out by offering to be their “eyes” and download a Bible for them and set it up on an MP3 player?) You can also find many E. G. White books as audio files as well.

The Lord's philosophy is the rule of the Christian's life. The entire being is imbued with the life-giving principles of heaven. The busy nothings which consume the time of so many shrink into their proper position before a healthy, sanctifying Bible piety. The Bible, and the Bible alone, can produce this good result. It is the wisdom of God and the power of God, and it works with all power in the receptive heart. Oh, what heights we might reach if we would conform our wills to the will of God! It is the power of God that we need, wherever we are.

In our past, Adventists were known as the people of the Bible. Are we still that people? January is a great time to begin a systematic study of God's Word. 2

Health and Prophecy Combined


—By Vicki Griffin Michigan Conference Health and Temperance and Lifestyle Matters Director

s Evelyn Kissinger and I have traveled around the state doing health presentations, we have recognized the need to use our health seminars to gain even greater soul-winning decisions for Christ. In health work there is clearly a need and an incredible opportunity not only to improve people’s physical health but also to gain decisions for Christ in a more direct way.

We saw this when we held our first series of reaping meetings in Guam this summer. Each of the 12 nightly lectures consisted of a full health presentation followed by a Bible prophecy presentation. Neither of us had ventured on this ground before, and we were very nervous. Pastor Louis Torres proved a great mentor and teacher as we learned how to do evangelism and call for decisions. The Lord blessed this combination of health and prophecy lectures with more than a dozen decisions for baptism and many requests for Bible studies in a highly Catholic community.

Melinda Widdicombe (left) helps to welcome Christine Yorty before her baptism by Elder Justin Ringstaff.

This last fall I conducted this same series at the Lansing Church under the motif “The Battle for the Brain.” After all, isn’t that really what the Bible and health messages are really all about? That theme drew attendees from our supper clubs, former members, and members from the community who were intrigued by the health

and Bible topics advertised. Again I found health interests responding to the direct appeals to accept Christ, the Sabbath, the truth of the state of the dead, baptism, and more. Christine Yorty came on the invitation of her husband Tim, who had only recently returned to the Adventist church. “Both the health and Bible segments were perfectly matched,” she says. “It was refreshing to hear the powerful, passionate message of truth. It helped me to piece together my religious beliefs so that I could see the big picture and realize what I was missing in my life was a relationship with God.” During this series, Christine made a decision for baptism, which took place on December 8. She says, “I have left my sinful ways behind to begin my new life with Christ Jesus!” Having experienced decisions like this, would we do it again? How can we not? It is urgent that we labor more directly for souls through combining the health message with the testing truths. We must inspire others to be soul-winners as well as health partners in ministry. It is the heart of our commission.

Vicki Griffin presented a series, The Battle for the Brain, in the Lansing Adventist Church. This unique series coupled a full health presentation along with a complete truth-filled evangelistic message each night. Continued from page 1

in us so that our young people can be drawn closer to Him through nature. Combating ecophobia through safe and exciting exposure to nature is even more relevant in today’s urban society than it has ever been,” said Atkins in his philosophy of nature education. Atkins comes from 22 years of fulltime work as a professor in the biology

Vicki Griffin

department at Andrews University. His field research and hands-on training will bring an exciting context to the new center. In order to continue with research, he will keep his status as an adjunct professor at Andrews. In addition to working with students, Atkins is also very familiar to Pathfinders. Among Pathfinders, he is known as the “Bird Guy.” At various Pathfinder events, young people have enjoyed the nature 3

nugget about birds, as well as shells. We are excited to see what God will do through this Center. Please keep the project in prayer as we seek to connect kids once again with God through nature. “Combating ecophobia is evangelistic,” says Atkins.

Alanna Knapp

The Perfect Marriage? —by Gail Micheff Family Life Ministries Director


ave you ever wondered what a perfect marriage might look like? Is that even possible? Because of sin, probably not, but there are things you can do to grow and enhance your marital relationship that are fun, educational, relaxing and will increase your quality time

beyond. One couple who attended has been married for over 60 years. They shared that even though they had been married for so long, there were things they learned during the weekend that would help to make their marriage even better. If you are looking for a small, family setting, this retreat is the one for you. The third retreat takes place the second weekend in November at Crystal Mountain Resort located near Thompsonville, Michigan. Sixty couples each year have found this resort setting conducive to

a romantic weekend getaway. With hiking and biking trails, a spa and fitness center, in-room Jacuzzi and five delicious vegetarian/vegan meals as well as seminar sessions to build your marriage, this is one retreat worth the money. Our seminar presenters this year were Drs. Claudio and Pamela Consuegra. They are the North American Division Family Ministries Directors, and did an outstanding job of sharing information with humor and style. One couple said that this retreat is their yearly “marriage vacation” and has been for the last 17 years.

Robert and Darlene Huckabay, from Owosso, demonstrate emotions that the marriage commitment retreats hopefully will help you avoid.

Make the commitment to do something great for your marriage in 2013. If you choose to set aside one of these weekends you will definitely have a “date to remember."

together. One way some couples have found helpful, is to attend a marriage retreat on a yearly basis. This is an investment that gives back more than you can imagine.

• March 8-10, 2013, Marriage Commitment Retreat at Camp Au Sable, Grayling, Michigan.

Each year the Family Ministries Department sponsors three marriage retreats. These retreats offer couples a chance to get away from the day-to-day responsibilities and re-connect with each other and with God. The beautiful surroundings, the great food and fellowship, seminars designed to help strengthen your marriage, and time to remember why you fell in love in the first place, all combine to make it a weekend you won’t soon forget. The first retreat of the year takes place the second weekend in March, at Camp Au Sable. This year 68 couples attended. Our seminar presenters were Elder Buddy and Carmen Griffith from the Southwestern Union. The second retreat takes place the first weekend in November at Camp Sagola, in the Upper Peninsula. At the “North Woods Romance Retreat" 20 couples interacted with Elder Bruce and Dorothy Hayward, our presenters from Berrien Springs, Michigan. They have a marriage ministry that has been a real blessing to many couples around this conference and

• November 1-3, 2013, “North Woods Romance Retreat” at Camp Sagola, Upper Peninsula. • November 8-10, 2013, Crystal Mountain Marriage Retreat at Thompsonville, Michigan.

Matt and Amanda Hasty (couple on Left), from Charlotte, and Matt's parents Tamie and Adam Hasty, from Lake Orion, enjoyed a walk around the lake.

For more information, or to register, call Alyce Blackmer at 517.316.1543. Or e-mail her at ablackmer@misda.org. Gail Micheff

While on their walk around the lake, Scott and Cami Ritsma from Grand Rapids, found a not so subtle reminder that this was a special time for togetherness and romance.


God is So Good–All the Time —by Joyce Richardson Grand Rapids Maranatha Bible Company Family Ministries Coordinator


ust ask Rebecca and Joel Soriano if God has been good to them. The smiles and laughter that you now __see on their faces were not always there. It is a story of parents, the church and God not giving up on someone. “I was 16 and Joel was 23 when we got married,” Rebecca begins. “He was older but we were so much in love. We were inseparable, and went everywhere and did everything together. We started our journey of parenthood when I was only 18. The pregnancy was touch and go at first, but I later delivered beautiful twin girls.” It was obvious to her that God was close during that experience. Before very much longer, two more beautiful babies joined the family. “My parents have always been there for me and never gave up on me when I needed them the most. They kept watering the seed that they planted years ago,” she explains. “Then I met the Satan, the Deceiver, the Liar, who tore my family apart in 2010. I left my home, my husband, my kids, my family and friends.” Like far too many, she turned to cyber communication with people that she did not know. People that were not real. They made her feel loved and accepted—at least for awhile. When this new lifestyle fell apart, she even tried to end her life. But God had not given up on her because He had another plan for her. The unwavering pillar behind the remarkable conversion of Rebecca, Joel and daughter Griselda has been Juana, Rebecca’s mother. At every opportunity, Juana tearfully kept requesting prayers for her daughter and when she was

willing, brought Rebecca to church and fellowship dinners at Pullman. The Pullman Church Women's Ministry Department prayerfully went into action alongside her mother by inviting her to the 2012 Michigan Conference Women’s Ministry Retreat. There Rebecca was carefully encouraged and nurtured by the wonderful Pullman women along with other women at the retreat. Those many acts of kindness warmed the heart of Rebecca. Joel and Rebecca Soriano, along with their daughter The topics on faith and love Griselda, were baptized into the Pullman Adventist of Jesus melted her heart and Church. Their journey took them from happiness to tears, and finally to peace and happiness because God soon she tearfully told her new is so good—all the time! church friends that she wanted to leave the retreat now, go home to holy. My life is peaceful now. I thank make things right, and to be reunited God each day for taking me from the storm I was in. He will do the same with her family. for you if you believe in Him and give It was not easy putting the family Him your all.” back together. Counseling, private And God is so good! Rebecca and prayer sessions, weekly Bible lessons with Pastor Richardson were held not Joel reunited their marriage. Joel’s only with Rebecca, but with Joel, and job quickly gave him the Sabbath off. And that is not all; Joel and Rebecca the four children. and Griselda, their daughter, were “It happened! I was redeemed, baptized. And even that is not all; forgiven and baptized into the Adventist a few weeks later they were back at church in Pullman, Michigan,” Rebecca Camp Au Sable with the twins to excitedly proclaims. “By the hand of a take part in the Public High School good and honest pastor and his wife Retreat. who are the most amazing people I God is so good—all the time! know. “The past is the past. We are moving on and now with the armor of God and my new family and prayer, life is so amazing. It is so much better, and now my kids see my change, and with time and patience and prayer, they will follow my new path. Oh, how we now look forward to the Sabbath to keep it 5

Joyce Richardson

Sabbath School Workshop 2012 —by Linda Gallimore Michigan Conference Children's Ministries Director


he weekend of November 9-11 brought an energetic group of members from churches throughout Michigan to the Sabbath School Workshop at Camp Au Sable. They experienced a weekend filled with hands-on training and experiences to take back to their respective local churches for strengthening and encouraging their Sabbath School What child can resist these little animals? The weekend helped leaders learn wholesome programs.

ideas for the children. These were just a few of

This particular workshop was for the items available at the Sunday yard sale. leaders, teachers, and assistants in the “Fellowship with and encouragement from other Sabbath School teachers.”

Sabbath. I enjoyed making the different things for my classrooms.” “Love the why do we? How to? More please!” “Thank you! It has been a wonderful weekend!” “It was such a blessing.” “Order better weather.” “I’m revived for my Sabbath School and VERY excited. Thank you so much!”

“The motivational talks.” “Having time to make visual aids for our Sabbath School classroom. “New Ideas. Mission Station.” “Display of resources.” Lucinda Ford (left) and Amy Grignon, both from the Waterford church practice a new craft to teach the little ones back home.

“Learning the structure of the way a Sabbath School class is/should be run. So many helpful ideas and inspiration. It was great for our group/team to bond, too.”

children’s divisions from Beginner through Earliteen. Emphasis was on “Actually, everything!” making the most of Sabbath School time for the saving of God’s children. The following are some of the general This was accomplished through comments: seminars, group sessions, and hands“This was so incredible!” on activities. “Thanks for the fun afternoon on Here are some of the comments about what was most helpful at this workshop:

Renee (left) and Kevin Grove along with Michelle DeBouis, demonstrate that the best way to learn to sing with the little ones is to practice.

We want to express appreciation for all who work in the children’s divisions in your churches and for the dedication and service you give to God in your ministry for His children. May God continually bless you as you work for Him.

Linda Gallimore

“The speakers and their info on teaching principles. They were both informative and inspirational.” “I like Sabbath morning going through what a Sabbath School program should look like and on Sunday learning about the different websites and things How do you tell a mission story to little children? These leaders are getting great instrucyou can download for missions.” tion from Judy Shull.


Transitions in Mission Gordon Atkins is the new Director for Outdoor Education at Camp Au Sable. He will be teaching the "science of creation" to hundreds of our school children. He comes from 22 years of full-time work as a professor in the biology department at Andrews University. His field research and hands-on training will bring an exciting context to the new center. In order to continue with research, he will keep his status as an adjunct professor at Andrews. (See page 1 of this issue, Au Sable: Connecting You With Nature.)

Michael Campos has been at the seminary for the last three years working on his Master of Divinity degree while being Associate Pastor for Berrien Springs Spanish Church. He will be the Associate Pastor to Eric Del Valle at Roger’s Heights Spanish Church in Wyoming. He is originally from Chicago area. Michael is married to Erika.

Michigan Men of Faith 2012 —photos by Michael Nickless Michigan Conference Website Administrator

On September 29, men from all over Michigan and some from beyond gathered at the Great Lakes Adventist Academy fitness center for a day of fellowship. Ken Micheff, Michigan Conference Men's Ministries Director (left) along with Craig Harris, his associate, welcomed the men. This was a special day for men, as the platform decorations show.

(Top) The day was separated by breakout sessions and main speakers. Choosing which breakout session to attend was hard. Elder Jim Micheff had a full house for his session. (Right) While some prepurchased meal tickets and ate in the cafeteria, others brought their meal with them. Jerry Kobliska and George Campbell from the Hastings Church enjoyed the good weather with a Sabbath tail-gate style lunch.


Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists PO Box 24187 Lansing, MI 48909 PHONE 517.316.1500 FAX 517.316.1501 jclark@misda.org www.misda.org


6-9 Ministerial Retreat - Camp Au Sable 11-13 Teen Snow Outing - Camp Au Sable 11-15 LUC Presidents’ Retreat 12 Praise & Report - District 9 - Village 18-20 Pathfinder Area Coordinators Retreat Camp Au Sable 19 Praise & Report District 5 - Cedar Lake District 4 - Grand Rapids Central 21 Martin Luther King Day - Office Closed 22 MI Conference Executive Committee Conference Office 23 Camp Meeting Directors Conference Office 24 MI Conference Board of Education Lansing 25-27 Father-Son Retreat - Camp Au Sable 26 Praise & Report District 10 - Kalamazoo 30-2/3 GLAA Home Leave

February 1-3 2 4-7 7-10 8-10 9 16 18 20-24 21-24 23 26

CAMPUS Retreat - Camp Au Sable Praise & Prayer - District 7 - Charlotte NAD Presidents Retreat Lake Union Youth Congress - Chicago GLAA Bible Camp - Camp Au Sable Praise & Report District 11 - Urbandale Praise & Report - District 12 - Troy President’s Day - Office Closed GLAA Home Leave Teen Bible Camp - Camp Au Sable Praise & Report - District 6 - Midland MI Conference Executive Committee Conference Office

PLANNING AHEAD ADVENTIST BOOK CENTER Sunday ABC hours are: Lansing open January 6 & 13, 1-5 pm. Berrien Springs open every Sunday 10 am - 5 pm. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNED GIVING AND TRUST SERVICES January is a good month for getting one’s house in order. If you do not have a will or need to update a will, this would be a great time to do so. The conference Trust Services Department assists with this important work as a service to our members. Simply call 517.316.1520 for more information. FATHER-SON / BIG BROTHER-BUDDY RETREAT January 25- 27, 2013. Bring your fathers, your sons, your big brothers and your best buddies for a great weekend just for the guys at Camp Au Sable. For more information or to register, talk to your pastor, men’s ministries leader or call the Men’s Ministries/Youth Department at 517.316.1570. You may also register online at www.campausable.org. MARRIAGE COMMITMENT RETREAT March 8-10, 2013. This retreat is held at beautiful Camp Au Sable in Grayling, Michigan. The purpose of this weekend is for you and your spouse to get away and take some time to re-connect with each other and with God. To register, or for more information, call Alyce at 517.316.1543 or ask your pastor, family life leader, or bulletin secretary for an application. You can also download an application at www. misda.org (Family Life Department). (See page 4 in this issue, The Perfect Marriage, for an overview of marriage retreats.)

A Glow On The Beach —by Matt Hasty


wo years ago a rough looking exLutheran, who hadn't had a haircut in 25 years, was released from prison. A few week ago, he picked up a Bible and decided to read it for the first time in his life. Three days later he was standing on the beach at Lake Michigan, minding his own business, when a couple of smiley Adventists decided to give him a GLOW tract called The Promise of Peace. This man was touched because “people are usually scared of me." He says that “no one ever smiles at me and most people stand 10 feet away from me." Well, Jesus smiled at him through those missionaries that day. When this man found out they were Adventists he was very excited because Seventh-day Adventists were the only ones that visited his prison. He lives only three blocks away from the Coloma Adventist Church! Next time you see a rough looking man or woman, remember to smile and shamelessly share truth, you might just be instrumental in winning a soul to Christ! For more information and to sign up for the GLOW newsletter, visit www.givemiglow.org.

MICHIGAN MEMO is a monthly publication of the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists for its constituents. Michael Nickless, guest editor8and design; Julie Clark, Communication Secretary and assistant editor; Hamblin Company, printer. Comments may be submitted by emailing jclark@misda.org.

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