Inside This Week’s Edition
Vol. 3 - No. 30
Business Directory...................18 Classifieds................................19 Community News.................8-11 Dear Joel..................................16 Dr. Izzy’s Sound News..............14 Government...............................7 Inside The Law .........................17 Letters to the Editor.....................6 Wolfgang.................................23 WWW.MICROMEDIAPUBS.COM
Your FREE Weekly Hometown Newspaper | Serving Lacey, Waretown, Barnegat, Manahawkin, LBI, Tuckerton and Little Egg
–Photo courtesy Lacey Township LACEY – Congressman Tom MacArthur, left, swears in Gary Quinn to another term on the Lacey Township Committee at the annual reorganization meeting alongside family. Also sworn in that day: Mayor Steven Kennis, Deputy Mayor Peter Curatolo and Committeemen Tim McDonald and Nick Juliano.
Feds: Exelon Took Appropriate Action After Yellow Finding At Oyster Creek
By Daniel Nee LACEY – After being issued a “yellow” finding for issues with safety pressure valves at the Oyster Creek Generating Facility in Lacey, the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined that Exelon Corporation, the plant’s owner, took appropriate steps to solve the issue. The NRC has released a report on a supplemental inspection performed between November 16 and 20. The purpose of the inspection was to determine that “the root and contributing causes for the risk-significant performance issues were understood,” and whether or not the plant’s owner had repaired the cause of the issues so they would not occur again. The yellow finding, representing a “sub-
stantial” safety issue, was related to the failure of two of five valves used to relieve pressure from the reactor in an emergency situation. The failure of the pumps was traced to an old design issue, which Exelon has since repaired. “The corrective action to prevent recurrence was to install redesigned EMRV actuators, which was completed during the October 2015 refueling outage,” the NRC’s report said. “The NRC has determined that completed corrective actions were sufficient to address the performance issues that led to the Yellow finding. The NRC inspectors did not identify any findings or violations of more than minor significance.” (Oyster Creek - See Page 4)
January 16, 2016
A Move To “Buy In” To Taxpayer Rebate Programs
By Bob Vosseller OCEAN COUNTY – With the aims to help taxpayers save money and to give support to local mom and pop businesses, the concept of “Buy Into” programs are gaining popularity as local towns adopt or debate their merits. The program calls for local businesses to sign up, and residents who shop there can get a portion of their receipt translated into savings on their property tax bill. Reward cards are given to interested residents to use at designated stores, to help track purchases. Local businesses receive some added exposure as part of the program. For example, if a family of four dines out to a restaurant participating in the program, they receive a designated percentage program rebate when paying the bill (either cash or credit card.) Participants present their card, which is then swiped. When the participating town issues its (Programs - See Page 4)
Progress Continues On Beach Haven Borough Hall Project
Daniel Nee BEACH HAVEN – The demolition of Beach Haven’s municipal building is complete and plans are moving forward for some of the initial work on the new structure to begin. The building, which suffered heavy damage from Superstorm Sandy, has been
closed since the storm struck. Beach Haven officials have been temporarily working from the former U.S. Coast Guard station on Pelham Avenue. With the demolition complete, the next step will be to award a contract for pilings to be installed on the lot, located at the corner (Borough Hall - See Page 12)
–Photo courtesy Beach Haven Borough A rendering of the planned borough hall for Beach Haven. Now, the borough is near driving the pilings for the “storm-proof” building.
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The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016, Page 3
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Continued From Page 1
next property tax bill, the cumulative transactions show up as a tax credit, resulting in a tax bill deduction. The program is open to all property owners in the participating township. Buy In Brick The program was adopted more than a year ago in Brick, which provides not ices on it s website prom i nently about new businesses in the program. Par ticipating businesses display the “Buy In Brick” sticker on storefronts to help promote further. Brick residents have the Buy In Brick P rop e r t y Ta x Rewa rd s ca rd wh ich designated merchants honor and which provide customers a chance to ear n rebates that can be applied to their property tax bills. Officials said the program has been a success. Brick Mayor John G. Ducey said “we
Oyster Creek: Continued From Page 1
The inspectors did find, however, one “general weakness.” “The general weakness was that the completed extent of cause evaluation was
are going over $600,000 in sales as part of the program and $44,000 in tax savings for our residents since we started the program on October 1 2014.” He noted that a wide range of businesses a re pa r t of t he prog ra m i ncluding mechanics, window installers and bagel shops, but restaurants are a popular choice. Shop In Berkeley Berkeley is one of the latest communities to take interest in the program and provide property tax rewards for residents who shop locally. Berkeley Mayor Carmen Amato said his town’s “Shop in Berkeley” Property Tax Reward Program, moved toward implementation after Township Chief Financial Off icer Fred Ebenau presented the vir t ues of it at township meeting. Amato said the free program provided “incentives to Berkeley residents to shop and dine in Berkeley Township. The council adopted a resolution for-
mally approving the creation of the program.” “It’s a win-win for our businesses and taxpayers,” Amato added. Discussion Elsewhere Other communities are considering the idea. Manchester Township is currently reviewing the project, and invited one of the management companies for the program to give a presentation on it and answer council and public questions. “I personally am very much in favor of the program as it provides immediate tax benefits to our residents and free marketing for our businesses. I tr uly believe this program will help everyone involved,” Manchester Mayor Kenneth T. Palmer said. Lacey Township also discussed their ow n prog ram, but found some concerns. An issue, according to Lacey Tow n sh ip Ad m i n i s t r a t o r Ve r o n ic a Laureigh, is the fact that big box stores will not participate, meaning a signif-
icant number of township businesses would not be included. Beyond that is the fact that, in the program Lacey researched, businesses that do participate are required to pay a monthly fee to the vendor as well as purchase software. Other towns, such as Toms River, do not have a program of this type. The chamber of commerce instead said a Shop Local campaign is there to urge locals support their local businesses. “Right now, Toms River Township do e s not pa r t a ke i n t he t a x c re d it program. It is something that we, as a chamber, are interested in, so perhaps in the future. We do have a Shop Local campaign which provides businesses with additional exposure via window clings for their storefronts,” said Noelle Lotano, executive director, Greater Toms River Chamber of Commerce. For an example of the program, visit Buy I n Br ick at brick township.net/ buy-in-brick.
narrow in scope and could have missed identifying similar design and maintenance issues on safety related components located in accessible portions of the facility,” the report, authored by Silas R. Kennedy, chief of the NRC’s Division of Reactor Projects, said.
The weakness was considered minor in nature. Neil Sheehan, spokesman for the NRC, said the matter of the yellow finding is now “closed out” following the inspection. Oyster Creek, the nation’s oldest operating nuclear power plant, is due to shut
down in 2019 under an agreement with the state Department of Environmental Protection. Township and county officials are now determining a future plan for the plant site, including the possibility of expanding an existing small natural gas plant at the site.
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The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016, Page 5
Page 6, The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016
C ommentary
Featured Letter Public-Private Partnership Needed
Fifty-three percent of NJ private-sector workers don’t have access to a workplace retirement plan. Since workers are 15 times more likely to save for ret i rement if their employer offers a plan, this means many will be unprepared for r e t i r e m e nt . T h i s i s a problem. In a recent Republican debate, Governor Christie said emphasis should be on solving problems th rough the private sector rather than gover n ment policies. The Secure Choice Savings Act would create a public-private par tnership which will help millions of New Jersey workers easily save for retirement. Just like a 401K, they can choose whether or not t o pa r t icipat e, and can select their cont r i b u t i o n l e ve l . T h i s
a l l ow s f l e x i b i l i t y t o accommodate any circumstance workers may face. Employees will be able to save money for ret i rement, a nd small businesses will be able to provide a benefit with very little effort. Only employees can contribute to their accounts, so neither taxpaye r s, nor employers f und the program, thereby not costing any thi ng to those not involved. As a senior in college who will soon enter the job market, I join AARP and the many legislator s f rom bot h pa rties in suppor t of this bill. Governor Christie s h o u l d s ig n t h i s b i l l which will secure a better financial future for all New Jerseyans. Atif Ahmad Princeton Junction
Do you have something you want everyone to know? Is there an issue that needs to be addressed? Write a letter to The Southern Ocean Times.
MICROMEDIA PUBLICATIONS, INC. MANCHESTER TIMES • BERKELEY TIMES BRICK TIMES • JACKSON TIMES • HOWELL TIMES TOMS RIVER TIMES • SOUTHERN OCEAN TIMES P.O. Box 521 • 15 Union Ave. • Lakehurst, NJ 08733 Phone: 732-657-7344 • Fax: 732-657-7388 e-mail: newsdesk@micromediapubs.com www.micromediapubs.com
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Published Weekly. Copyright by Micromedia Publications, Inc. All material printed in The Southern Ocean Times is copyrighted by Micromedia Publications, Inc. unless otherwise noted. The reproduction of the contents, in full or in part, is prohibited, unless permission is granted by Micromedia Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Letters To The Editor Teenagers At Risk While addiction to opiate-based prescription pain killers and their illegal street cousin heroin is spreading in all demographic and age groups, teenagers are at particular risk. High school students who use prescription opioids like OxyContin, Vicodin and other pain relievers are 33 percent more likely to abuse the drug by the age of 23, according to a recent University of Michigan Study. Further, New Jersey now has the 6th highest youth overdose rate in the nation. The teenage years are a “critical window of vulnerability for substance abuse disorders,” according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, “because the brain is still developing and still malleable.” The parts of the brain that are attracted to drug use mature before the parts of the brain that are responsible for making sound, non-impulsive decisions. We must give parents the tools to prevent opiate addiction in their teenagers and children and that begins with arming them with the information they need to make an informed decision about the use of prescription painkillers. As a just released John Hopkins University School of Public Health Report on the Opiate Epidemic, which strongly recommends tightening up prescribing practices, notes, “Doctors often prescribe pain medications “in quantities and for conditions that are excessive, and in many cases, beyond the
evidence base.” 85 percent of doctors themselves say that opiate based pain medications are over-prescribed. “The bottom line is we’re not seeing consistent, effective, appropriate prescribing of painkillers across the nation, said Tom Frieden M.D., Director of the CDC, “and this is a problem because of the deaths that result.” That is why we are urging the speedy adoption of the Parent Notification Bill (A4760) recently introduced by Assemblyman Joseph A. Lagana (D-38). This legislation provides parents with the critical information needed to make an informed decision about whether their teenager should be prescribed an opiate by requiring that Doctors and other prescribers discuss the potential risks of dependency before writing a prescription as well as where appropriate to discuss potential alternative treatments. When parents make a decision to go forward with an opiate prescription, this legislation provides the added benefit of alerting them to be on the lookout for any signs of dependence developing. If parents must give permission before their child can go on a field trip to the zoo, they sure should be asked for their sign-off, before their child is prescribed an opiate. A more expansive Patient Notification bill (S2366), put forward by Senator Loretta Weinberg (D-37) and Senator Joe Vitale (D-19), which required a conversation with adult patients as well, passed
We Welcome Letters To The Editor! The Southern Ocean Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for verification. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be
withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to edit or reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail or bring typed letters to: 15 Union Ave., Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732-657-7388 or e-mail newsdesk@micromediapubs. com. Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion. Opinions expressed in letters do not reflect those of Micromedia Publications.
the State Senate overwhelmingly at the end of 2014. It has yet to receive a Committee hearing in the Assembly Health Committee, Chaired by Herb Conaway (D-7). We are confident, if this bill is given an up and down vote in the Committee, it will clear this hurdle and then easily pass both Houses of the State Legislature. More than one-in-four Americans say that either they or a family member or close friend have been addicted to prescription pain killers, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation Poll. These kind of disturbing numbers tell us we must arm parents with the information they need to protect their children-before more lives are ruined and lost. It is time for the Assembly to join the State Senate in taking action and that means the speedy passage of A4760. Elaine and Steve Pozycki Board Members Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey
Why Was Chicago Mayor Hiding Tape Of Police Shooting? I find it sad and totally politically motivated that Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, a very close friend of President Obama, is just now allowing the release of the tape of the murder of a young black man and now another tape is coming out due to the family’s constant pressure. These murders by white policemen of black kids should be known to the public. This is not to say that these kids were innocents in their behavior other than those evenings in August of 2014. It’s the timing I question and the people of Chicago should. The mayor, at that time, was up for re-election and, in my mind, was the reason the tape was not released at that time. If there was nothing to hide, why wasn’t the tape released. The purpose of this letter is not to condone the young
men’s behavior but that of their mayor. I have to hope that all politicians are not like that especially when I go to vote which I consider a privilege and a God given right in this mighty country. Bette Kooreman Whiting
Petition Drive To Reform State Property Taxes
I am reaching out to you to request your support in our efforts to organize and mobilize the residents of New Jersey to demand that our elected officials reform our property tax system. Our organization is nonprofit and run exclusively by volunteers. We have no political affiliation. Our only mission is to reform property taxes in New Jersey. Feel free to visit our website at njptr.org to learn more about our organization. On our website we have initiated a petition asking the Governor and the Legislature to reform the property taxes by December 31. If they are unable or unwilling to act by that date, we are asking to let the people of New Jersey to vote directly on the reform through referendum by June 30, 2017. Obviously, in order to be effective as a group, we need to spread the word to as many people as we can. We are hereby requesting your help and asking you to announce to your readers the existence of our organization and to direct them to our website where they can sign the petition and share their stories. By doing so, you’ll bring awareness to your readers, most of whom are struggling under the burden of heavy property taxes, that now they can join other homeowners under one organization who will fight for reform with a single and unified voice. With great numbers, we can make a difference. With your help and support, we can achieve our goal. Richard Recupero NJ Citizens for Property Tax Reform
The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016, Page 7
Spotlight On Government From The Desk Of Congressman Tom MacArthur:
Congressman Tom MacArthur NEW JERSEY – Congressman Tom MacArthur urged President Barack
Obama to immediately restore all relevant sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program. MacArthur was joined by 14 House colleagues in this request. Recently, Vladimir Putin announced that Russia has begun to deliver S-300 sur-
MacArthur Urges Obama To Restore Iran Nuclear Sanctions
face-to-air missiles to Iran in direct violation of the five-year ban of offensive weapon sales included in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreed to in July. These missiles will expand Iran’s current capabilities and have the
potential to shoot down an American, Israeli, or allied bombers. In July, MacArthur opposed the JCPOA calling it a “threat to the security of America, Israel and our allies in the Middle-East which does not end Iran’s
nuclear program, but actually results in reduced pressure and less protection.” “President Obama is ignor ing another Iranian provocation and further endangering the US and our allies,” said MacArthur. “We can never underesti-
mate the resolve of a state sponsor of terror. The ink is barely dry on the agreement and Iran is already seeking to rearm. We must put an end to this before any harm comes to the United States, Israel and our allies in the Middle East.”
County Officials Urge Caution With Hoverboards OCEA N COU N T Y – Public safety officials are urging residents who may have pu rchased a hoverboard to be cautious, especially when charging the device. “A fire in Lacey Township on December 27 was apparently caused by faulty batteries that were being charged in a hoverboard,” said Ocean County Sheriff Michael G. Mastronardy. “We want our residents to be safe. Anyone who purchased a hoverboard for the holidays or before needs to check with the manufacturer of the device or the Consumer Product
Safety Commission, which is already investigating reports of hoverboard fires in at least 10 states.” The Ocean County Fire Marshal’s Office investigated the cause of the fire at a home in Lacey Township. The investigation determined the battery pack in the device exploded while it was being charged. The fire was minor, and the family, which was home at the time, was able to extinguish the fire. The Lanoka Harbor Fire Department responded to the fire. There were no injuries. “Hoverboards were a popular item this Christ-
mas,” said Freeholder John P. Kelly, Director of Law and Public Safety. “It’s important to raise public awareness of its potential hazards.” Earlier this month, Cons u m e r P r o d u c t Sa fe t y Com m ission Chai r man Elliot F. Kaye issued a statement regarding the hoverboards. In his statement, Kaye recommended for those who are using a hoverboard (or what some companies are calling a smart board or balance board), some tips, based on what the Consumer Product Safety Commission knows so far,
to help reduce the risk of an incident: Avoid buying the product at a location (like a mall kiosk) or on a website that does not have infor mation about who is selling the product and how they can be contacted if there is a problem. If you do not think you could find the seller again, were a problem to arise with your board, that should be a warning to you not to do business with them. Do not charge a hoverboard overnight or when you are not able to observe the board. Charge and store in an
open dry area away from combustibles (meaning items that can catch fire). Do not charge directly after riding. Let the device cool for an hour before charging. If giving a hoverboard to someone for the holidays, leave it in its par tially charged state. Do not take it out of the package to bring it to a full charge and then wrap it back up. Often, the product comes partially charged. Leave it in that state until it is ready to be used. Look for the mark of a certified national testing laboratory. While this does
not rule out counterfeits, the absence of such a mark means your safety is likely not a priority for that manufacturer. Do not ride near vehicular traffic. It is important to wear safety gear when using a hoverboard. We recommend the same safety gear that you would wear when riding a skateboard– a skateboard helmet, and knee and elbow pads and wrist guards for protection from falls. Ocean County officials along with Kaye are urging consumers to report i ncident s to CPSC v ia SaferProducts.gov.
Freeholder Disappointed In Lack Of Social Security Adjustment
OCEA N COU N T Y – Noting that many Ocean Count y seniors rely on Social Security as their p r i m a r y m e a n s of f i nancial suppor t, Ocean County Freeholder Joseph H. Vicari says he is disappointed there will be no Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) in benefits next year. “This is a concern for many of our seniors,” said Vicari, who is chairman of Ocean County Senior Services. “We are still in an economic slump and our seniors rely on Social Security. “No increase in benefits in 2016 could result in seniors being forced to make decisions they shouldn’t have to,” Vicari
said. “Seniors should not have to decide between buying medication and buying food.” As of December 2014 there were 154,510 social security recipients in Ocean County ‑‑ a combination of retired workers, disabled individuals and survivors. Of those r e cipie nt s , t he 65 a nd older population in Ocean County totals 50,970 men and 71,365 women. “Our economy has yet to turnaround,” Vicari said. “Ocean County continues to provide more money for senior services. While I understand there is a for mula used by Social Security that determines the adjustment, it remains of the utmost importance
for a l l a ge n cie s t o d o their part to provide the financial means our seniors need. The lack of an increase for our seniors is very frustrating to say the least.” The amount of money Social Security pays out is adjusted each year to take into account the rate of inf lation. The COLA is set every October based on the September inf lation report, according to CNN/Money. According to Social Security, in 2013, 85 percent of married couples and 84 percent of non-mar ried persons aged 65 or older received Social Security benefits. Social Security was the major source of income
(providing at least 50 percent of total income) for 51 percent of aged benef iciary couples and 74 percent of aged non-married beneficiaries. It was 90 pe rce nt or more of income for 21 percent of aged beneficiary couples and 46 percent of aged non-mar r ied benef iciaries. The recent elder economic index shows Social Security is the sole
income for approximately 30 percent of New Jersey elders. “Ou r seniors rely on these benef its,” Vicar i said. “I would hope the Social Security Administration would take into consideration just how important these benefits a re to ou r sen ior s a nd not keep the COLA f lat in coming years. “Ocean Cou nt y has the largest senior pop-
u lat ion i n t he st at e of New Jersey and second largest in the countr y,” Vicari said. “The country’s economic downturn continues to impact seniors in this County as many have faced losses in their retirement funds a nd employee ret i ree health plans while at the same time experiencing increased costs for basic needs such as food, energy and housing.”
Page 8, The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016
Now hiring FT and PT Direct Care Professionals!
Community News Manahawkin Elks Create Care Bags For Homeless
Seeking compassionate individuals to work with adults with disabilities in our various programs. Weekend, evening, and overnight shifts are available. The successful candidate must be at least 18 yr old , valid NJ DL with no more than 5 points, HS Diploma/GEDs. Please submit a resume to employment@arcoocean.org For more information, please visit www.arcocean.org
–Photo courtesy Manahawkin Elks MANAHAWKIN – The Manahawkin Elks recently donated and delivered 100 bags containing various personal care items, food and clothing to many homeless veterans in our community. Elks worked at tables holding the numerous items donated and packed into each bag. Pictured are the filled bags and some of the Elks volunteers who made this possible.
LBI Museum Winter Hours By Appointment BEACH HAVEN – The Long Beach Island Museum was built in 1882 as the Holy Innocent’s Episcopal Church. It remained so until 1976 when it was purchased by the Long Beach Island Historical Association. The museum stands in the center of Beach Haven’s Historic District. Its main objective is to keep the history of LBI alive through the preservation of artifacts and photographs inside the 130-year old building and through various programs and events promoting the rich history of Long Beach Island. The LBI Museum is located at Engleside and Beach Aves. in Beach Haven. Contact the museum at 609-492-0700 or LBIHA_museum@ comcast.net. This time of year, the museum houras are by appointment. The Museum is open year round by advance appointment only, for individuals conducting research, or for tours by groups of 5 or more. Spring hours: Museum open Saturday and Sunday noon to 4 p.m., starting Memorial Weekend, through the third week of June. Summer hours: Museum open seven days a week 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., from June 27 through Labor Day Weekend. The museum is open on the 4th of July and closed on Labor Day. Fall hours: Museum open Saturday and Sunday noon to 4 p.m., in September thru Merchants Mart and Chowderfest Weekend. Some of the exhibits include: Relive the Victorian Era on LBI by traveling back in time through her grand hotels which set
the standard for luxury and hospitality. Learn about the 1916 shark attack in Beach Haven that was used as the basis for “Jaws.” Trace the rich history of the Tuckerton-Long Beach Railroad from 1886 to 1935. Learn not only about the old-time Barnegat Baymen but see the tools and implements they used as well as examples of local boats: the Garvey, Sneakbox and Catboat. Relive the vivid history of New Jersey’s first seashore resort on Tucker’s Island and learn how the once thriving community was swallowed by the sea. Explore life savers and recovered shipwreck artifacts. Find out interesting facts about Barnegat Lighthouse, affectionately referred to as “Old Barney” and why it has become a top New Jersey tourist attraction. Trace aerial photographs showing the entire island immediately after the 1962 storm and learn about the many fierce storms that have battered the island. Find out the tradition of sailing on Barnegat Bay and Little Egg Harbor from private docks to marinas to the Island’s six yacht clubs. View a collection of burgees, trophy cups and vintage photographs. Relive the time when large pound boats dramatically landed on the beach brimming full with fish while tracing the history of deep-sea fishing from LBI which still continues as a haven for commercial fisherman. Admission donation is $3 per adult. Children with adults are free.
Holiday Tree Pick Up
WARETOWN – Holiday tree pickup will be held on January 22. Trees need to be placed at the curb the night before. Collection starts at 6 a.m. Please note that all
tinsel must be removed prior to placing at curb. Any questions, contact Town Hall at 609-693-3302 “0” or e-mail admin.sec@ twpoceannj.gov.
Check out Dr. Izzy’s Sound News on Page 14.
The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016, Page 9
Community News Bill Reeves Food Pantry Asks You To Fill Their Wish List
FORKED RIVER – William Reeves Food Pantry has a wish list of the following items: shelf milk, juices, cereal, pasta, jarred spaghetti sauce, tuna, canned soup, peanut butter, jelly, cookies, condiments, crackers and personal hygiene items. William H. Reeves was a U.S. Navy veteran. He served four years on the USS Charles H. Roan DD-853 during the Korean+ War era. He was a member of the Tin Can Sailors– The National Association of Destroyer Veterans, VFW Post 8867, the American Legion 348 and the Elks Lodge, all of Brick. Bill cared deeply about the wellbeing of his less fortunate fellow veterans, as well as anyone in need. As part of Bill’s weekly retirement routine, he would donate, collect and deliver food and personal care items to Vetwork. After Bill passed away on December 13, 2006, it was estimated that
over time he donated over three tons of food to Vetwork. In August 2007, in recognition of Bill’s efforts, Vetwork dedicated its food pantry as the “Bill Reeves Food Pantry.” Today Bill’s family, the Reeves and Liddys, carry on Bill’s work by holding food drives. In December 2007, the families held their first food drive and collected 1,200 pounds of food. In December 2008, they worked with St. Catharine’s Cub Scout Pack 21 “Scouting for Food” event and collected 2,500 pounds of food. In December 2009, 2,200 pounds were collected for this same event. They also seek corporate donations for personal hygiene products. If you would like to help by donating food or personal care items to the Bill Reeves Food Pantry, contact Vetwork at 609-971-7613 or toll free 1-877-971-7613. The food pantry is located at 103 N. Main Street, Forked River.
Lighthouse International Film Festival Submissions Are Open
LONG BEACH ISLAND – The Eighth Annual Lighthouse International Film Festival Submissions are open. The festival will take place June 9 to 12 on Long Beach Island. Now accepting: animation, documentary, experimental, feature, multimedia, music video,
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narrative fiction, short and television. Go to lighthousefilmfestival.org to submit. All submissions online. High school students can submit for free and should email liffinfo@gmail.com.
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Change In Barnegat Recycling Schedule
BARNEGAT – January Recycling Schedule (all routes): The week of January 18, recycling will not be picked up. The week of January 25, recycling will be picked up. 2016 Township Community Calendars will be mailed to your residence as soon as they are available. (Please refer to current calendar for the January 2016
schedule.) If you will be out of town for an extended time, please stop by town hall upon your return to pick up a copy. If you have a post office box, see counter attendant for a copy. Refer to the township website, barnegat. net for more trash and recycling information.
Church To Host Spaghetti Dinner
FORKED RIVER – Come enjoy a delicious spaghetti dinner on January 30 at the Forked River Presbyterian Church, located at 131 North Main Street (Route 9). Two seatings– one at 4:30 p.m. and one at 6 p.m.– will provide you with time for a threecourse meal: salad and bread, spaghetti with meatballs and/or sausage and a home baked dessert with beverage. The cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children aged
5 to 17, with a $25 limit for families consisting of parent(s) and their children under age 18. Children aged 4 and under are free. Takeout dinners, consisting of salad and spaghetti with meatballs and/or sausage, will be available from 5 to 7 p.m. for $6 per dinner. Tickets can be bought through the church office Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or at the door. Call 609-693-5624 for additional information.
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Page 10, The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016
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Community News Vetwork Helps Vets In Need
FORKED RIVER – The Vetwork Program, now Vetwork, A Program of Vetgroup, Inc., is a not-for-profit, 501(c)3 organization, and is governed by a volunteer board of directors. The mission and purpose of the agency is to meet the immediate and long-term needs of lower-income veterans. Vetwork provides supportive services to assist the veteran in securing/upgrading employment, obtaining permanent, affordable housing and transportation to access all necessary medical or basic-needs services. Vetwork seeks to provide a continuum of care with services, and to enable veterans to maintain, or achieve, self-sufficiency. To accomplish this end,
Vetwork is committed to advocacy, education and the prudent delivery of direct, quality services. Vetwork is located at 103 N. Main Street, Forked River. Year-to-date report as of December 9, 2015: walk-ins: 1,447; calls received: 2,842; calls made: 1,856; house calls: 199; correspondence: 1,899; transportation: 480; pantry: 914; referrals: 133; request for services: 592; comprehensive intakes: 95; homeless: 40; claims/benefits: 72; weeks in emergency shelter: 95 (665 nights); employment: 23. Contact Vetwork, Inc. at 103 N. Main Street, Forked River, 609-971-7613, toll-free 1-877971-7613 or fax 609-971-7451.
Annual Dodge Ball Tournament Raises Money For Good Causes
MANAHAWKIN – Dodge Ball has become a very popular annual event at Southern Regional. The most recent tournament held on December 7 had 35 teams vying for the championship as well as the title in the best uniform category. Team Lemonheads
won the tournament and Team Trophy Case, won for best uniform. All proceeds from the tournament were donated to David’s Dream and Believe Cancer Foundation and the Lauren Raney Family Trust.
Holiday Assembly Packed With Surprises
MANAHAWKIN – Southern Regional Holiday Assembly highlights consisted of alumni Matt McAndrew surprising the students and staff by performing on stage, alumni Jimmy Ward surprising three students with a $100
check for being kind to others, Coach Lombardo surprising everyone with her performance of “Wrecking Ball,” 45,000+ items collected for the Atlantic City Rescue Mission and Principal Wilhelm performing as a Sugar Plum Fairy.
Southern Teams Do Well In Holiday Tournaments MANAHAWKIN – The holidays are a time for many sports teams to compete in tournaments. Southern Regional teams brought home several honors. The Girls Winter Track team won the 2015 Demarest Invitational in Toms River for the third consecutive year. Both the Boys and Girls
Swim teams won the Atlantic City High School Holiday Invitational Meet for the third consecutive year as well. The Boys and Girls Basketball teams did well in the “Score at the Shore” Tournament held at Southern. The boys took second place and the girls took third.
Westecunk Creek Barrier Removal Set At Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge
GALLOWAY – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has removed a concrete barrier on Westecunk Creek at Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. The $245,000 project is part of a larger $15 million coastal marsh restoration effort at New Jersey National Wildlife Refuges to restore and strengthen more than 36,000 acres of tidal marsh on New Jersey’s Atlantic coast and the Delaware Bay. The project is supported by federal funding for Hurricane Sandy recovery. The original concrete barrier and dikes, constructed decades ago to flood the land upstream for cranberry farming, currently block fish passage in the creek during low water flow conditions. Their removal will restore passage to 8 miles of upstream spawning and rearing habitat for resident and migratory fish species, including alewife, blueback herring and American eels. “Restoring the stream and connectivity for fish may help improve the overall health
of the aquatic community, which will help support fish populations into the future,” said Rebecca Reeves, fish and wildlife biologist with Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. The contractor will reshape the stream banks to match more natural conditions upstream and plant native vegetation, including Atlantic white cedar. These actions will create healthier stream banks, which Reeves said filter runoff and rainwater, improving water quality downstream. In addition, increased tree coverage over the stream will reduce water temperatures and make the habitat more suitable for fish and other aquatic life. Amec Foster Wheeler is the contractor for the barrier removal project. To learn more about other U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hurricane Sandy recovery and resilience projects, visit the Hurricane Sandy Recovery website.
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The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016, Page 11
Community News Tuckerton Seaport Holds Winter Classes
TUCKERTON – Print Making Class with instructor Mark Bair: January 23 and 24; February 6 and February 7. Fee: $125 members/$135 nonmembers, includes all materials. Learn the age old process of woodblock printmaking or relief printing with woodcarving artist Mark Bair. Starting with a block of wood and an idea, Mark will take you through the history, tools and materials used in the process. Armed with these new skills, each student will create their own lasting image. Instructor will provide all materials but students are encouraged to bring their own images or drawings. Registration is required by January 16. Family Chocolate Class with instructor Jaclyn Wood: February 6 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Fee: $10 members/$15 nonmembers, includes all materials. Spend a great afternoon at the Seaport learning to make delicious chocolate candies. You’ll be making molded chocolates, chocolate bark with mix-ins and dipped treats. While the chocolate is setting, make your own homemade Valentines. Children under 12 must be accompanied by a parent. Registration is required by February 4. Super Bowl Sunday Basket Class: Picnic Basket with instructor Mary May: February 7 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fee: $40 members/$45 nonmembers, does not include materials fee. Join Mary May for this annual tradition! In this workshop you’ll be making a rectangular shaped basket, just like a traditional market basket as it was made in New Jersey. Complete with an oak bonnet, a wooden picnic lid and oak runners on the bottom, if you please. Material fee is $40 for the completed basket, plus $10 for runners and $30 for a removable hardwood picnic lid, payable to the instructor the day of the class. Registration is required
by February 1. Fabric Landscape Class: Beach Scene with instructor Geri Pagliaro: February 13 and 20 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fee: $75 members/$80 nonmembers, includes materials. Join Geri Pagliaro of the Seaport Stitchers for this twoday fiber art class. Learn to design a quilted beach scene; this wall art is based on a pattern by Karen Eckmeier. You’ll learn the skills of fabric color selection, free motion quilting and embellishment. This class is great for novice quilters and fabric designers. The pattern and all fabric are included but please bring a basic sewing kit and sewing machine in good working order. Questions are welcomed, and registration is required by January 30. Surfboard Shaping Class with instructor Randy Budd: February 20 and 21 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fee: $140 members/$150 nonmembers, includes materials fee. Get back to surfing’s original roots and shape your own Alaia with Randy Budd of Pine Knot Surfboards. All materials and sage advice are included. This class is great for woodworkers looking for a great piece of art to hang on the wall or for surfers looking for a functional board to use at the beach. Registration is required by February 14. Black Duck Decoy Carving Class with instructor: Jode Hillman: February 21 and 28 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fee: $155 members/$170 nonmembers, includes materials fee. Join Master Carver Jode Hillman for an intensive two day class in which students will learn the methods and techniques needed to carve and paint a Delaware River style black duck decoy. Students may choose a hen or drake to carve and paint; painting will be done in oils. Registration is required by February 15.
Open House At All Saints Regional Catholic School
MANAHAWKIN – In celebration of Catholic Schools Week, All Saints Regional Catholic School will have an open house on February 2. This is an opportunity for families to obtain information about enrolling their child for the 2016/2017 school year. All Saints Regional Catholic School enrolls students from preschool through eighth grade. There will be two sessions for the open house. In the morning session, which will run from 9:30 to 11 a.m., parents will have an opportunity to visit classrooms, tour the facility and learn
about the school’s philosophy, curriculum and the many special programs they have to offer to students. In the evening session, which will run from 6:30 to 8 p.m., parents who wish will also have an opportunity to tour the facility and learn about the philosophy, curriculum and their many special programs. All Saints Regional Catholic School is located at 400 Doc Cramer Boulevard. For further information or directions, please contact the school at 609-597-3800 or e-mail the school at asrc@asrcs.org. You can also visit asrcs.org.
Barnegat Rotary Open House Meeting
BARNEGAT – The Barnegat Rotary will hold an open house Meeting designed to allow local community members to experience what Rotary is all about. The open house is free to all that attend from the community and a dinner will be provided to all those that attend. If the February 3 meeting is cancelled for whatever reason, the open house will be rescheduled for February 10. The Barnegat Rotary Club was chartered on November 17, 2010 and holds weekly meetings at Lefty’s Tavern, located on Route
9 South in Barnegat. Meetings begin at 5:45 p.m. and typically run to 7 p.m. Meetings are presided over by Club President MaryFrancis Smolens. After some business matters are addressed, the guest speaker is introduced and delivers his/her presentation. Speakers are organized by one of the members and are typically people from the local business community or education system or health support system or a high ranking Rotarian from the area. RSVPs and any questions should be directed to Bill Ridgway at 609-660-0628.
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Page 12, The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016
Borough Hall: Continued From Page 1
of North Bay and Engleside avenues, where the new building will stand. Bids for the piling installation were received December 29, with a contract award expected at the borough council’s January meeting. After the pilings are installed, officials can begin soliciting bids for the construction project itself. The piling installation will take much of the winter to complete. The new building will be accessed from a repaved Engleside Avenue, ac-
cording to Borough Manager Richard S. Crane. The borough council recently approved a $294,577 contract with Mathis Construction, of Little Egg Harbor, to pave the 300 block of Engleside. The project was funded through a grant from the state Department of Transportation. “We are not going to proceed with the [paving] project, obviously, until the municipal building project is near completion,” Crane said. The contract had to be approved in order for the borough to maintain its state funding. The borough has budgeted $7 million
for the new municipal building, though it could cost as little as $5 million. There will be a total of 17,600 feet in the new building, said Ron Sebring, an architect and planner from Point Pleasant Beach who has been hired by the borough to design the building. The new town hall will ultimately be connected to a portion of the current police station which will be renovated and house the building and zoning departments. A covered walkway will link the buildings, with light entering through translucent panels. The piling foundation is a testament
to what officials have described as the storm-proof nature of the new building. It will be raised to meet current f lood standards, include built-in generators that will work in the case of a power failure and offer more room in order to keep municipal operations intact during an emergency. Beach Haven also owns the former Coast Guard building, but it includes a deed restriction that mandates it can only be used for emergency management purposes, a key reason as to why municipal gover n ment could not be permanently based there.
DEP Recommends Best Practices For Wood Burning
NEW JERSEY – With colder weather on the way, the Department of Environmental Protection is reminding New Jersey residents to take steps to reduce their impact on air quality when burning wood for heat, whether in fireplaces, wood stoves or outdoor wood boilers. “As winter approaches, more homeowners turn to wood-burning fireplaces or wood stoves to heat their homes and save on heating costs,” said John G iord a no, Assist a nt Com m issioner for Air Quality, Energy and Sustainability. “With simple precautions and care, there’s much that can be done to minimize wood-burning emissions that impact the environment and the health of you and your neighbors.”
The DEP recommends following these guidelines for burning wood at home: Allow wood to season before burning it. Seasoning entails allowing the wood to sit outdoors for at least six months. Seasoned wood is darker, has cracks in the end grain and sounds hollow when smacked against another piece of wood. Use a wood moisture meter to test the moisture content of wood. Wood burns most efficiently when its moisture content is below 20 percent. Stack wood neatly off the ground with the top covered to protect the wood from rain and snow. Start fires with newspaper and dry kindling. Keep fires burning hot. Regularly remove ashes to ensure proper airf low.
Ne ve r bu r n g a r b a ge , c a r d b o a r d , plastics, wrapping materials, painted materials or pressure-treated wood in your stove or fireplace. Keep anything f lammable– including drapes, furniture, newspapers and books– far away from any wood-burning appliance. Keep an accessible and recently inspected fire extinguisher nearby. Consider using an indoor air HEPA filter in the same room as a stove or fireplace. A study by the University of British Columbia indicates these filters can reduce indoor particle pollution by 60 percent. State regulations and some municipal ordinances prohibit the emission of visible smoke from outdoor wood boilers. Wood boilers heat a f luid that is circu-
lated in homes and buildings for heating purposes. Under state regulations, these boilers may only emit visible smoke for three minutes every half-hour to allow for start-up. In deciding how to heat your home this winter and reduce your exposure to fine particles from wood smoke, DEP recommends upgrading to a U. S. Environmental Protection Agency-certified wood stove or fireplace insert. The newer equipment will reduce air pollution and is much more energy efficient. For more information on wood burning in New Jersey, visit nj.gov/dep/baqp/ woodburning.html. For more on the EPA’s Burnwise program, visit epa.gov/burnwise.
The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016, Page 13
The library is located at 112 Main Street in Waretown. These programs are free and open to the public. Please register online at www.theoceancountylibrary.org or by calling 609-693-5133. Display: Meeting Room: June Merrifield and Students. This is the second year that June’s students are displaying their dynamic watercolors in our meeting room. This year, they are studying a variety of methods, using a wider range of materials. By appointment Computer & eBook Reader Lessons: We customize your lessons to help you. Just call 609693-5133. These programs are free and open to the public. Please register online at theoceancountylibrary.org or by calling 609 693-5133. February 4, 9, & 25, 11:30 a.m. – DropIn Open Play. Open play time with fun and educational toys. Ages 1-5. February 12 & 19, 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. – Play-Doh Play Time. Let’s squish, hammer, roll and cut Play-Doh together. Meet new friends. Ages 3 +. Please register. February 16, 10:30 a.m. – Itty Bitty Time. Songs, rhymes and stories for the littlest library lovers. Ages 1-12. Please register. February 27, 10:30 a.m. – Imagination Exploration Club. Hear a story, create some art. Ages 5 to 11. Please register. February 1, 7 p.m. – T.A.B. Teen Advisory Board Meeting. Join T.A.B.! Ages 12 to 18. February 6, 10:30 a.m. – Teen Cook. Learn to cook some easy recipes! Ages 12 and up. Please register. February 20, 10:30 a.m. – Chess Club. Come play chess! Ages 12 and up. February 29, 10:30 a.m. – Teen Chat and Chew. Come prepared to talk about books you have read while enjoying refreshments. Ages 12 to 18. Please register. February 3, 10, 17 & 24, 1 to 4 p.m. – Yarn Benders. Join our weekly group. All skill levels welcome! February 5, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. – Color Your Stress Away. Join us for a drop-in coloring session to color your stress away! Ages 18 and up. Materials provided.
February 11, 2 p.m. – Radical Home Economics. Come join us for some fun crafts. Limit 20. Please register. February 13, 10:30 a.m. – Cinema Saturdays. We will be playing a recently released PG-13 movie in our meeting room. February 26, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. – Card Games for Adults. Drop in and play some card games. February 18, 3 p.m. – OCL Puppet Show Players Present: A Crankenstein Valentine. This winter, the Puppet Show Players are combining the two Crankenstein books into one riotous and hilarious show. He may look like an ordinary boy, but when faced with a rainy day, a melting popsicle or an early bedtime, one little boy transforms into a mumbling, grumbling Crankenstein! In A Crankenstein Valentine, our hero meets his match when he receives the most lovey-dovey, yuckiest Valentine ever written. How can he turn this Valentine’s Day sour? Please register. February 22, 7:30 p.m. – Youth Stages presents Farmyard Follies. Farmer Jess will lead your children through farm songs such as Old MacDonald and There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly. They will learn house building as they dramatize The Three Little Pigs and thwart the hungry wolf. We’ll even experience a hoedown! Please register. February 8, 7 p.m. – Friends Monthly Meeting. Waretown Branch Library’s Friends provide our branch with creative ways to support future programs and improvements. All are welcome. February 26, 1 to 3 p.m. – Friends Monthly Book Sale. Excellent finds for unbeatable prices. February 27, 10 to noon – Friends Monthly Book Sale. Excellent finds for unbeatable prices.
A Reminder On Dumping From Waretown
WARETOWN – Brush pick up is curbside only on the first and third Thursday of each month. Brush must be cut in four foot sections, four inches in diameter and placed at the curb. Please do not tie. A resident must call to be placed on list for pick up. Call 609-693-3302 ext. 238 or e-mail admin.sec@twpoceannj.gov to do so. Brush is no longer accepted at the lake. Any dumping of brush at the lake will be considered illegal dumping and tickets and fines will be given. Grass is considered garbage and will be picked up by the garbage company at the curb. Do not bring grass to the lake. This will be considered illegal dumping and tickets and fines will be given.
Metal and electronics pick up will take place every second and fourth Thursday. A resident must call to be placed on list for pick up. Call 609-693-3302 ext. 238 or e-mail admin.sec@twpoceannj.gov to be placed on a list. Leaf pick up is listed on the township calendar and on the township website for spring and fall. Residents can bring leaves only to the leaf bin. The leaf bin is for residents only. No commercial businesses are allowed to deposit leaves in the bin. For more information, contact the Ocean Township Department of Public Works at 609-693-3302 ext. 238 or e-mail admin.sec@twpoceannj.gov.
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Page 14, The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016
Here’s To Your Health Dr. Izzy’s Presented By:
Independent & Assisted Living Personalized Assistance for the Independent Resident
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Get More Life From Your Batteries
Getting maximum life and value from your hearing aid batteries is easy if you follow a few simple tips from Dr. Izzy. Buy the right batteries. Make sure that your batteries have an expiration date on them. Popular brands include Rayovac, Power One and Energizer. Remove tabs when you’re ready to use. When you remove the colored tab, you activate the battery. Wait about one minute before inserting the battery in the battery door. Oxygen has to charge up the battery. As long as you leave the tab in place, the battery air hole is sealed and the battery freshness is preserved. Once the tab is removed, replacing it will not
extend battery life. Store unused batteries properly. Keep batteries in the original card, stored at room temperature until needed. Do not expose batteries to excessive heat and never put them in the refrigerator. Also, contact with metal objects, such as keys or coins, can cause a battery to short circuit. Bid your batteries a proper “good night.” Switching off your hearing aid when not in use prolongs battery life. To make sure the hearing aid is off, simply open the battery door. This also helps dissipate moisture, which is a top enemy of hearing aids and batteries.
Dr. Izzy and his staff are always available to answer most of your questions regarding your hearing health. His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-818-3610 or via Web site at gardenstatehearing.com.
Donate Blood, Get BlueClaws Tickets LAKEWOOD – The BlueClaws and Central Jersey Blood Center are teaming up for a blood drive on January 23 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at FirstEnergy Park. The drive will take place in the BlueClaws Executive Conference Center and each donor will receive a pair of tickets for a 2016 BlueClaws game. The BlueClaws encourage all fans to donate as the supply of blood needs to be replenished at this time. While walk-ins are accepted, donors are encouraged to pre-register. To sign up, call 888-71-BLOOD.
Don’t forget: Please eat before donating. All equipment used during the procedure is sterile and disposable. Donors must be healthy, be at least 16 years of age and weigh at least 120 pounds. Donors must present signature ID. The BlueClaws are the Jersey Shore’s top stop for affordable, family entertainment. They have led the South Atlantic League in attendance in all 15 years of existence. 2016 BlueClaws ticket packages and group outings are currently on sale by calling 732901-7000 option 3 or online at BlueClaws. com.
MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS! Expand your patient base by advertising in Micromedia Publications’ 7 weekly newspapers. Call 732-657-7344 to find out how!
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The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016, Page 15
Here’s To Your Health
Dear Pharmacist
Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
New Medications To Help With Chin Fat, Libido And Mood
By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph. Dear Readers, It was a strong year for Big Pharma in 2015, with many new interesting medications hitting the shelves. My articles are syndicated worldwide, but I’m only listing English drug names, so please ask your local pharmacist to translate. Happy New Year! Love, Suzy. Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid): This is the “double chin” drug because once injected, it acts like a detergent (due to the bile acids that make up the drug), improving the appearance of unwanted fat beneath the jawline. It’s a chin tuck without the knife! Addyi (Flibanserin): This pill supposedly puts women “in the mood,” but sales are less than desirable for Sprout Pharmaceuticals, the makers of the new female lust drug. Why do I think that? Consider that over half a million men filled Viagra prescriptions its first month out back in 1998. Addyi is clearly not overwhelming women, because it was prescribed only 227 times during the first month. I’m guessing sales are slow because you can’t have a glass of wine with it, and it doesn’t give you that immediate notification like Viagra (wink). Addyi targets dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain and it’s taken daily, so it’s really an expensive antidepressant rather than a sex pill. What’s worse is it cuts into your Michael Kors fund, requiring about $800 a month! Aristada (Aripiprazole lauroxil): This new injectable drug treats schizophrenia, severe depression and bipolar disease. FDA’s approval of this powerful antipsychotic was based, in part, on the efficacy data of another popular drug you’ve probably heard of called Abilify. Now, Abilify just
so happens to be Ameri c a ’s d r u g of choice! Americans handed over $7.5 billion dollars for it between October 2013 and September 2014! Aristada is a long-acting drug that ultimately becomes Abilify, after a few chemical reactions inside your body. So Aristada could be thought of as the parent drug, and FYI, it requires methylation to fully activate itself. Cresemba (Isavuconazonium), Rx: This new antifungal drug was granted “priority” review in 2015, which basically means they hurried everything up to get it out. Wouldn’t give me any comfort, I’d just feel more like a guinea pig but okay… it’s used to treat invasive and potentially-deadly aspergillosis and mucormycosis infections so I guess their thinking was, “Let’s give these folks another option and hurry it through the FDA approval process!” I do understand that. Regardless, these scary infections happen to people with weak immune systems. This drug belongs to the “azole” class of antifungals so its sister drugs are ketoconazole and itraconazole; Cresemba is available by tablet and injection. Lenvima (Lenvatinib): Taken by mouth, this drug is used to treat tough cases of thyroid cancer. It was tested in 392 participants with progressive thyroid cancer that was unresponsive to radioactive treatments. The drug seemed to help and 65 percent of the participants saw a reduction in tumor size, compared to two percent who received placebo. Lenvima’s side effects included heart problems, hypertension, fatigue and body aches as well as swelling and problems with your voice.
ATTENTION MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS! Expand your patient base by advertising in the pages of Micromedia Publications’ quality newspapers! Manchester Times • Berkeley Times Toms River Times • Brick Times Jackson Times • Howell Times Southern Ocean Times
(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2015 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.
STEPHEN A. CHIDYLLO MD, FACS 1100 Rt 72 W. • Suite 307, Manahawkin, NJ 08050
Page 16, The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016
Dear Joel
By Joel Markel
Hanging On The Telephone
At The Terraces at Seacrest Village, we’re all about you. We’re about Feel the See the having Difference. Difference. fun on the dancefloor, accomodations for even the Experience furriest of companions, and Welcome the mouth-watering chef-prepared Home. Difference. meals. Most of all, we’re about comfort and security that can’t be found anywhere else. Our family owned and operated communities are built with our residents in mind. From roomy suites to weekly housekeeping and life enrichment activities, we’ve pulled out all the stops to ensure that upon arrival you don’t have a worry in the world.
Tours & Information Available Daily An Assisted Living Community
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A FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM 189 Route 37 • Toms River, NJ (1/4 Mile W. of GSP) 74 Brick Blvd. • Brick, NJ (The Pavillion) 623 Lacey Rd. • Forked River, NJ
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Dear Joel I ended a relationship with a girl that I had been dating for several years. It started out as a nice relationship when we were both in college. Ever since I broke up with her she has been stalking me. She bombards me with texts, e-mails and phone calls. I keep on telling her to leave me alone but she continues to call. Can I hire a lawyer? Answer: You can always hire a lawyer. Finding someone to handle this case seems like a no brainer. Your letter leaves me perplexed. You don’t mention her following you to school or work. She doesn’t appear in restaurants or stores that you are in. Everything that you included in
her behavior has either a phone number or e-mail address. The very fact that you haven’t changed either makes me feel that in someway you are inviting this behavior and perhaps subconsciously enjoying it. Making her go away is probably an easy fix if that’s what you really want. Take the time to analyze why you haven’t slammed the door on this one. It will be a lot cheaper than hiring an attorney who will probably give you the same advice. Questions for Joel? Write to preferredcares.com. His radio show, “Preferred Company” airs on Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. on preferredradio.com.
If you or anyone else is in need of home health care, call Preferred at 732-840-5566 “home health care with feeling. Joel Markel is President of Preferred Home Health Care and Nursing services inc. serving all of New Jersey in adult, senior and pediatric home health care .”
Get Your Income Taxes Prepared For Free OCEAN COUNTY – AARP and the IRS are sponsoring TaxAide Sites for Southern Ocean County from February 1 through April 16, where participants may have their income taxes prepared for free. For more information, call 609-294-0730. Mondays, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., walk in: St. Mary’s of the Pines Parish Center, 100 Bishops Ln. (off McKinley Blvd.), Manahawkin. Tuesdays, 1 to 5 p.m., walk in: Village Lutheran Church, 701 Western Blvd., Lanoka Harbor. Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., walk in: St. Theresa’s Church Faith Formation Center (second building in parking lot), 450 Radio Rd., Little Egg Harbor, Mystic Island. Wednesday, 1 to 5 p.m., appointments only, call 609-994-3671: Perry’s Lake Club House, 4 Princeton Ave., Manahawkin. Thursday (except March 24), 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., walk in: St. Mary’s of the
Pines Parish Center, 100 Bishops Lane (off McKinley Blvd.), Manahawkin. Please note: you must arrive at least one hour before closing time to make sure there is sufficient time to complete your taxes. Thank you for your cooperation. Please bring with you: a copy of your last year’s federal and New Jersey tax returns; your social security card and photo ID (driver’s license); all W-2 wage and tax statements; all 1099-R pension and annuity statements; all 1099s for interest, dividends, stocks, etc.; social security statements (form SSA-1099); health insurance information, form 1095A, all medical expenses and mileage; all tax-related statements: property tax and tax refunds from the state; check to verify information for direct deposit or refund or debit payment (this is necessary); PTR booklet and primary residence real estate tax bill.
World Marriage Day Celebration FORKED RIVER – The Church of St. Pius the Tenth will celebrate World Marriage Day on February 13 with a 4 p.m. Mass and 5 p.m. appetizers, buffet dinner and dancing. There will be complimentary wine and champagne, but you
are welcome to BYO. The church is located at 300 Lacey Rd. The special guest speaker will be Rev. Jim Grogan. $75 per couple; register today at dioceseoftrention.org/worldmarriageday. Table registration is available.
Second Annual Touch A Truck MANAHAWKIN – The second annual Touch A Truck will be held in Manahawkin Lake Park on April 30 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be kids’ activities such as a face
painter, a clown, a bouncy house and more. Local craft, food, business and nonprofit vendors will be on site selling their wares. Learn more at staffordchamber.com.
For Wolfgang Puck’s latest recipe, see page 23.
The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016, Page 17
R.C. Shea & Assoc. Inside The Law
Robert C. Shea Esq. Stacie A. Brustman, Esq.
“Your Neighborhood Flooring Store” Area Rugs • Laminates • Cork • Hardwood • Carpets • Vinyl Tile
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Hurt On The Job Due To Snow And Ice?
By Robert C. Shea, Esq. & Stacie A. Brustman, Esq. of R.C. Shea & Associates With the weather we have encountered throughout this winter, many people may be wondering about their legal rights, should you be hurt on the job as a result of all of the snow and ice on the ground. First and foremost, should you be hurt as a result of, and during the course of, your employment, you remain entitled to the basic rights afforded by the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Act. This means, should you be in need of medical treatment as a result of your incident, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier is responsible to provide you with reasonable and necessary medical treatment to attempt to cure your injury. You should request this medical treatment from your employer. This may create a necessity that your employer contact its insurance carrier. Further, should your treating physician indicate that you are temporarily unable to work, or unable to work at full capacity, you may be entitled to temporary disability benefits. These would also be the responsibility of your employer through its insurance carrier. Keep in mind, you should not go out and seek medical treatment for these injuries from your own doctors. Your employer’s carrier is responsible to provide same, and has the opportunity to choose which doctors with whom you can treat. However, should treatment not be afforded to you, you may have the opportunity to undergo treatment with a physician of
your choosing. It is important that you are aware that there are procedures to insist that the workers’ compensation carrier provide you with the reasonable and necessary medical treatment and temporary disability benefits in place which may necessitate a Motion be filed before the Court. Furthermore, should you have permanent residuals from your injury; you may be entitled to permanency benefits as a result of your injury. It is necessary that you appear before the Workers’ Compensation Court to accept these benefits. This may also necessitate a trial before the Court. With all of that, you may have an action against the entity charged with the snow and ice removal that caused your injury. It is important that you determine who that entity is. Should the snow and ice removal be the responsibility of your employer, it is likely that the only action you have afforded to you is through the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Act. However, should the snow and ice removal be the responsibility of an independent entity, there may be an opportunity to take action against that entity, should it have been negligent in doing so. It is important to keep in mind, if there is an action and recovery against a separate entity for its negligence, your employer’s workers’ compensation carrier is entitled to a portion of what was paid to you and on your behalf to be returned to it.
The law firm of R.C. Shea & Associates, Counsellors at Law, is a full service law firm representing and advising clients in the areas of Estate Planning, Estate Litigation, Personal Injury, General Litigation, Real Estate Law, Medicaid Law, Medical Malpractice, Workers’ Compensation, Land Use and Planning Law, Wills, Trusts, and Powers of Attorney and much more. Call or visit our office Toms River office at 732-505-1212, 244 Main Street, Toms River, Manchester Area 732-408-9455 or our Brick Area at 732-451-080; email us at Rshea@rcshea.com or visit our website at www.rcshea.com.
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Page 18, The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016
The library is located at 129 N. Main Street in Manahawkin. These programs are free and open to the public. Please register online at theoceancountylibrary.org or by calling 609-597-3381. January 18, 1 to 3 p.m. – Computer Basics Drop-In Help. Just starting to use a computer? Drop in for help with using a mouse, navigating the Internet, creating an email account and attaching files to emails. January 18, 2 to 4 p.m. – LEGO® Builders Club. We supply the bricks, you bring the ideas. Ages 5 and up. Please register. January 19, 2 to 5 p.m. – Affordable Care Act Enrollment Session. Family Resource Network will be in the library to assist residents with information and completing health insurance applications such as Medicare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act. Please call 800-355-0271 to arrange an appointment. Drop-ins will be
assisted as time allows. Please register. January 20, 3 p.m. – Make It! Towel Origami. Learn how to fold your towels into amazing shapes to decorate your home. Please bring one bath towel, two hand towels and four wash cloths to fold. Please register. January 20, 6 to 7 p.m. & 7 to 8 p.m. – Tween Minecraft® Club. Play Minecraft® and talk about the game with other players. Register for only one session a month. Ages 9 to 14. Please register. January 21, 1 to 3 p.m. – eReaders/Tablets Drop-In Help. Stop by with your eReader and Tablet questions. January 21, 9 a.m. to noon – Friends of the Stafford Library Meeting. The Friends of the Stafford Library host a meeting every
third Thursday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to noon, except for the months of July and August. Join the friends to contribute to a worthy cause. January 22 & 29, 12:30 to 4 p.m. – Mah Jongg. Play Mah Jongg at the library. Please bring the current year game card, and game sets. Mah Jongg originated in China and has recently experienced a resurgence in popularity. Many people are realizing the intellectual challenge it poses, and are drawn to the beauty and excitement of the game itself. Experience is helpful. January 22 & 29, & February 5, 10:30 a.m. – Preschool Storytime. Stories, songs and fun for ages 3 to 6 with caregiver. Please register.
January 23, 1 p.m. – Layla the Malamute. Stop in and read to a non-judgmental, affectionate dog listener. All ages welcome. January 23, 2 to 3 p.m. – Drumming with Rhythm Connection. Want to improve your memory? Reduce stress? Have fun? Then join us for an enjoyable experience in interactive drumming with Rhythm Connection. Drums are supplied. No experience necessary. Please register. January 25, 6:30 p.m. – Tween Maker Night: Bubble Wrap Calendars. Celebrate Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day by making a calendar where you mark off each day by popping a bubble. Ages 9 to 14. Please register.
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Real Estate $$$ CASH 4 HOUSES - Buying homes in any condition or situation. Close quick or at your convenience. Top dollar guaranteed. 732-966-3068. (5) For Sale Or Rent - New - 2 BR, 1 Bath. Homestead Run 55+. $89,900 purchase. $1162.14 month rental. www.homesteadrun.com. 732-370-2300. (5)
Lost And Found LOST - 3 Star Chief of Police medallion on chain. Very special to owner. Reward for finder. 201-919-6021. (4)
Items Wanted $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) Buying - Jewelry collections and jewelry boxes; costume/estate/antique. Rhinestones, pins, bracelets, all types (watches too). Cash Paid Today! Call “THE JEWELRY GAL.” Brick Area. 732-513-2139. (50) Used Guns Wanted - All types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n) Guns Wanted - Old or new pistols, rifles, shotguns, ammunition. Licensed collectors, state legal transfers. Cash paid. Call Jeff. 609-713-0637. (t/n) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) We Buy Guitars and Related Items - Top dollar paid. Call for info 732239-8577, Mike - Secret Guitars. 1575 Rt. 37 West Toms River NJ 08755. (1) Costume/Estate Jewelry - Looking to buy costume/estate jewelry. Same day house calls. Religious items too. Immediate cash. 5 percent more cash with this ad. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n)
Help Wanted Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n) Now Hiring Property Inspectors- FT/PT in your area. Full, free training provided. jim.g59@ comcast.net or msangelabove@ comcast.net. 732-766-4425, 201259-0734. Ask for Mel. (t/n) CHHA/CNA - Mature, dependable people needed. Days, weekends, overnights. Immediate work available. Flex hours, 401k with company match, medical/dental insurance, 24/7 support. Competitive pay. Direct deposit. Call today 732-901-6515. (1)
The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016, Page 19
Help Wanted Micromedia Publications is seeking a Part Time Reporter - Candidate should have writing/reporting experience. Candidate must be available to cover evening meetings of the local government, generally one night per week, and may also be asked to attend community events, fundraisers, etc. Conducting phone interviews is understood to be part of the job. In addition, the ideal candidate will have the ability to take photos to accompany features. The position requires providing 3-4 stories per week, with photos, every week, on deadline. This PART-TIME position is an at-home job; stories will be submitted via email. A full-time position is not currently available. Candidates should send their resume along with 1-3 writing samples or links to your writing. Resumes without writing samples WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.Email resumes and writing samples to Catherine at newseditor@micromediapubs. com. (t/n) Micromedia Publications is seeking part-time creative writers to craft colorful and informative business and professional profiles for our advertisers. This is an excellent opportunity for those with excellent writing skills to earn supplemental income or to build their portfolios in a variety of fields such as news or advertising. For more information or to submit your resume for consideration, please email: agradzki@micromediapubs.com. (t/n)
Services Don Carnevale Painting - Specializing in interiors/ exteriors. Very neat. Special senior discounts. Reasonable, affordable, insured. References. Low winter rates. License #13VH3846900. 732-899-4470 or 732-814-4851. (6) Reliable Cleaning - And/or organizing of home. Ocean County. Call Rebecca 908-910-9007. (6) Caulking - Interior, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Cutting out old. Installing new. Call Steve 732703-8120. Thank You. (t/n) ATCO Painting - Quality work. Prompt service. Call for free estimate. License #13VH04548900. 609-661-1657. 609-276-9213. (3) Extra Affordable Home Cleaning - Big senior discounts and referral refund. Experienced, extra-effort, reliable. Steady schedule. CHHA references. Bernice 732-678-3433. (4) A.F. Smart Home Maintenance, LLC - Lic # 0450029067. Your complete handyman services. Phone Alan 732-569-0892. (6) House Cleaning - Over 15 years experience. Great references. Call Denise 732-239-5651. Telephone number printed incorrectly last month. Please call again (5) Go With A Pro - Interior and exterior home improvemnts. Roofing, siding, tile, painting, flooring, decks, kitchens, bathroom, basement, windows, doors, odd jobs, pavers, much more. Senior discounts. 32 years experience. Insured. NJ Reg 13VH07919200. 732-569-1406. (46) Live-in, Live-out Caregiver - Available for seniors. Experienced, references, drivers license. Bathing, laundry, grocery shopping, doctors appointments, meal preparation, etc. 732-766-7973. (49)
C lassifieds Services
PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Celebrating almost five decades of service. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice. com. See all our anniversary and monthly specials. Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n) Laurie’s Cleaning Service – Residential and Commercial. Serving Ocean and Monmouth counties. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Call 732-754-3482. (5)
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Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (50)
Leaf Clean-Up - Serving; Brick, Point Pleasant and surrounding communities. LIC# VH05930800. Insured. Free estimates. 732-678-7584. (t/n)
Winter Backyard Bird Feeding Enjoy backyard bird watching. We supply fresh seed and maintenance services. Free delivery. Senior affordable. Keep birds healthy. Details... “the Birder.” 732-232-8144. (1) Cleaning Service For All Your Needs - Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. 20 years experience. Call Donna 732-914-8909 for a free estimate. Bonded and insured. (1) Gerard’s Watch Repair - Complete servicing of mechanical and quartz watches. Back to factory specifications. Done on premises by Europeen Master watch maker. Long life watch batteries replaced. 864 - B Route 37 West. 908-507-3288. (5)
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38 Shad eggs 39 Biblical trio ... and a homophonic hint to the answers to starred clues 42 Have a mortgage, e.g. 43 Send to the canvas 45 Graceful swimmers 46 Pull down 47 Dorm monitors, briefly 50 Windpipe, e.g. 52 *”That’ll Be the Day” singer 56 Grand Forks locale: Abbr. 59 “It’s finally clear to me” 60 Accustom 61 Sushi option 62 *Longtime “60 Minutes” closer 66 Follow, or follower 67 Listen to, as a podcast 68 Bearded beast 69 Suburban street liners 70 Physical jerks
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Across 1 Audio problem 4 Finish paying a bill, perhaps 10 Controlled 14 Radio host Glass 15 Ethically indifferent 16 Adidas rival 17 *Motown Records founder 19 Baptismal basin 20 Spanish royalty 21 Oceanic reflux 23 Jessica of “Dark Angel” 24 *Cubs broadcaster known for singing along with “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” during the seventh-inning stretch 27 Mental grasp 29 McCain or McCaskill: Abbr. 30 Tummy muscles 32 Circular gasket 34 Time at the inn
Page 20, The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016
Day Of Service To Come To Manahawkin
MANAHAWKIN – Stockton’s Manahawkin Instructional Site will participate in the university’s 12th annual Martin Luther King Day of Service by providing free electronic assistance and other activities on January 18. Nearly 1,000 volunteers turned out for the 2015 event, and organizers want to break that record with a call to “Take a day on!” Manahawkin Day of Service activities will be held at the instructional site, located at 712 E. Bay Ave. Registration, breakfast and project selection begins at 8 a.m. Electronic assistance will be held in 30-minute sessions from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and should be scheduled in advance by calling 609-626-3883. Participants may bring their own personal electronic devices, and also join Stockton students, faculty, staff and alumni on a one-day volunteer project to benefit the community.
Volunteer activities include assembling necessity bags for homeless suppor t organizations, card making for hospitalized children and seniors and compiling activity books for children. Donations are still being accepted for the necessity bags, which will include items such as socks, gloves, a toothbrush and toothpaste. Activities will also be held at the Galloway main campus and at the university’s instructional sites in Hammonton and Woodbine, with some activities then moving to other sites. Participants are encouraged to use the hashtag #StocktonMLK when posting about the experience on Twitter and Facebook. Volunteers can register that day– but pre-registration is preferred. For more information, to pre-register, visit Stockton.edu/MLKday or call the Manahawkin Instructional Site at 609-626-3883.
The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016, Page 21
Kiwanis, Partners Host Christmas Celebration For Special Needs Children
SHIP BOTTOM – Kiwanis of LBI, in partnership with the High School Key Club and Middle School Builder’s Club, hosted a Christmas celebration for a group of enthusiastic, excited and very happy children with special needs. On December 16, busloads of children arrived at the Ship Bottom Firehouse, where they were escorted off the bus-
es by over 30 Key and Builder’s club members. Then it was party time as all enjoyed a morning of food, sing-alongs and creative dancing. There were happy and smiling faces on everyone. The highlight, of course, was the arrival of Santa sitting atop a fire engine. Presents were handed out by Santa’s helpers and eagerly received by all guests.
Southern Regional Connects With LBI Elementary
STAFFORD – Southern Regional High School STYLE (Student Youth Leadership Experience) members, under the direction of teacher Michael Benson, recently spent the day working with Student Council members from the LBI Elementary School. Their advisor is Ms. Janelle Schooley, a Southern Regional alumni and former STYLE leader.
The students concentrated on communication and leadership skills. Mr. Benson commented on the day: “It is very powerful to watch third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade students connecting with, problem solving and bonding with [high school] students. The dynamic is intriguing and for me, a true reminder what teaching is all about.”
Flu Shots Are Available On LBI
LONG BEACH TOWNSHIP – Flu Shots are available at the Long Beach Island Health Department. Appointments are mandatory. For information or to make an appointment, call 609-492-1212.
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Page 22, The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016
Professional Profile
SF&H Law Of Toms River, Forked River And Brick
An Accessible and Experienced Office Focusing on Estate Work, Workers Comp., Personal Injury, and Real Estate By Melissa Pagnotta A large figure of Lady Justice stands at the front of Mr. Ralph Fedele’s desk, surrounded by thick folders, scribbled-on yellow pads, and Christmas cards. “I still have clients from years past that send yearly Thanksgiving or Christmas notes,” he smiles. “It’s nice to see that they remember you and care about what you do.” Mr. Fedele is one of the three attorneys at Silvi, Fedele, and Honschke Attorneys at Law. The attorneys—Mr. Silvio Silvi, Mr. Ralph Fedele, and Mr. Neil Honschke--focus on Real Estate and Estate Transactions, Worker’s Compensation, and Personal Injury, respectively. Mr. Silvi started the practice in 1986, and they have since grown to 3 offices: their main office is in Toms River, and their satellite offices are in Forked River and Brick. What makes SF&H different than other law offices is that Mr. Silvi, Mr. Fedele, and Mr. Honschke work directly with their clients; clients are not handed off to junior associates. “There’s no young people here learning on the job,” Mr. Honschke confirms. Everyone in the office that clients work with, including legal secretaries, have years of experience—making clients feel taken care of and assured that they are in good hands. The attorneys decided to be more accessible after learning what clients want, but often do not find at other law offices. “The number one complaint that we’ve seen with clients with other law firms is that they don’t have enough contact with their attorney and they feel like they’re lost, not knowing what’s happening
with their case,” Mr. Honschke clarifies, “Our main priority is to make sure that our clients never feel that way.” To be more available to their clients, they’ve made their website more interactive, and they have multiple offices in convenient locations. Online, clients now can contact an operator about an issue regarding their case. No matter whether clients send an online inquiry or call, people can expect to hear from an attorney within 24 hours, or the same business day, if possible. Additionally, having multiple offices makes it is easier for their clients who live in other towns to meet with the attorneys. They’ve also chosen locations that are easy to get to: the Toms River office, for example, is on Route 37 near the Garden State Parkway, Ocean County Medical Center, and Holiday City. And if a client is unable to travel to their office due to an illness or injury, the attorneys will go to people’s homes for appointments and interviews. “I’ve gone to hospitals—Brick Hospital and Community Medical Center. I’ve gone to nursing homes,” Mr. Silvi says, “Sometimes, you have to go to the people.” Over the years, they’ve realized that it’s better for their clients if they focus on specific legal areas: Mr. Fedele has nearly 20 years of experience in Workers Compensation, and Mr. Silvi has focused on Real Estate and Estate Work for 28 years. Mr. Honschke, who has 27 years of experience doing Personal Injury, explains that having concentrations makes them more effective and knowledgeable when representing clients.
Pictured are Ralph F. Fedele, Silvio M. Silvi and Neil D. Honschke “I only do personal injury. I don’t do anything else…I don’t want to create the impression that one day I’m handling a DUI, and the next day I’m handling a child with a brain injury….It’s a very complex area of law where, if you are not focused on that area of law, you’re not doing your clients a service.” Mr. Fedele agrees. He wants his clients to feel as though, “If I need a workers comp. attorney, I’m getting a guy who does workers comp.” Years of experience with these focuses have also given them recognizable, trusted names. “If you went to any of the judges in this county and mentioned one of our names, they [would] know who we are because we’re there everyday” Mr. Honschke adds.
Their names are recognized outside the courtroom as well because they are very involved in the community. For the past two years, Mr. Fedele coached his son’s football team at TSO Sports. Mr. Fedele has also coached baseball and basketball. Also having raised his kids in Toms River, Mr. Honschke was a coach and was on the board of directors for Toms River Little League for 15 years. Most recently, he put together a travelling team of the last group of boys he coached—now grown men. The team won the state title 2 out of the past 3 years. Silvio’s relationship with the area began when he was a child. He spent his summers at his family’s beach home in Seaside Heights. Upon graduating from school, he
moved to the Toms River area. “I [liked] that it’s in the middle of New York, Philadelphia, and Atlantic City, and it has the beach, the bay, and the ocean.” Due to their outreach in the community and the relationships they build with their clients, a large part of their business is returning clients. Their work with clients extends past the end of their case. “We still have clients who, even after their case is over, for years, will come in with a question about something,” Mr. Honschke explains. “Even though they don’t have an active case, we do whatever is possible to help them.” For more information, you can call their Toms River office at 732349-4949, or visit their website at sfhlaw.com.
The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016, Page 23 For the week of January 16 - January 22
Omarr’s Astrological Forecast By Jeraldine Saunders ARIES (March 21-April 19): Put a positive spin on your appearance this week. Change your clothing style or haircut. You’re likely to attract people who are a good influence on you or who can help you make a success. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You’ll have better luck using leniency in the week ahead. A bit of compassion and sympathy will work much better in sticky situations than being strict, exacting and disapproving. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The most favorable results are readily apparent. Play or converse with others in the week ahead to gain their trust and assistance. You might easily develop firm supporters for the future. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Take advantage of clear intellect to balance the checkbook or research hard facts. New procedures or technology can make your life easier in the week ahead if you’ll just give them a try. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Advertise your best qualities to gain recognition in the upcoming week. Sociable old dogs won’t necessarily learn new tricks, but friendly tails are wagging, especially in the workplace. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): When there’s a job to be done, you roll up your sleeves and dive right in. If you take pride in your accomplishments and display a “can do” attitude, you’re unlikely to fail this week. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The
little details add up to a lot. Listen to the well-intentioned advice of others in the week to come. Your favorite someone could become testy if overworked or subjected to criticism. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Set the bar high, but not too high. Trying to attain impossible to reach heights of perfection this week could cause frustration. True lovebirds will get together for a mutual preening session. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Get some extra sleep in the week ahead, as your schedule could become complicated. Avoid passing on gossip; what you say could carry weight and you might be tagged as the source. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You can beat your chest in the week ahead. Enjoy opportunities to take pride in your success and share it with those in your inner circle. Your drive and ambition have no bounds. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Picky people might put you in your place during the upcoming week. Avoid being demanding, aggressive, or overly competitive and you can avoid becoming embroiled in a personal controversy. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Focus on lasting values and long-term results in the week to come. The quick fix or the easy way out might have hidden problems that end up causing more work or bother in the long run. (c) 2015 TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC.
Wolfgang Puc
Jump-Start The New Year With Two Smoothie Recipes By Wolfgang Puck
MIXED BERRY SMOOTHIE Serves 2 1 cup stemmed fresh strawberries 6 ounces fresh blueberries 3 ounces fresh raspberries 1/2 mandarin, tangerine, clementine, or tangelo, with skin 1/4 m e d i u m - s i z e d r a w r e d b e e t , rinsed, cut into 3 wedges 1 tablespoon vegetable-based protein powder 1 cup plain nonfat or low-fat yogurt 2 scant cups ice cubes 1 to 2 teaspoons honey (optional) In a professional-quality, high-speed ble nde r, combi ne al l t he i ng red ients. Cover and blend until smooth, stopping once or twice if necessary to scrape down the sides of the jar. Taste the smoothie and, if you like, pulse in a little honey to adjust the sweetness to taste. Pour the smoothie into two tall, chilled glasses. Serve immediately.
BANANA-DATE-YOGURT SMOOTHIE Serves 3 or 4 2 small ripe bananas, peeled 1 sl ic e f r e sh pi ne a p ple, a b out 2 inches (5 cm) thick, cored and cut into chunks 1 apple, peel left on, cored and cut into wedges 5 Medjool dates, pitted 1 cup (250 mL) almond milk 1 cup (250 mL) plain nonfat or lowfat yogurt 1 cup ice cubes 1 strip fresh lime zest, about 1 inch (2.5 cm) long 1 piece fresh ginger, about 3/4 inch (18 mm), peeled I n a professional- qualit y, hig hspeed blender, combine all the ingredients. Cover and blend until smooth, stopping once or twice if necessary to scrape down the sides of the jar. Pour the smoothie into chilled glasses. Serve immediately.
(Chef Wolfgang Puck’s TV series,“Wolfgang Puck’s Cooking Class,” airs Sundays on the Food Network. Also, his latest cookbook, “Wolfgang Puck Makes It Easy,” is now available in bookstores. Write Wolfgang Puck in care of Tribune Media Services Inc., 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207) © 2015 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.
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Page 24, The Southern Ocean Times, January 16, 2016