2017-02-18 - The Howell Times

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Vol. 13 - No. 37




Your FREE Weekly Hometown Newspaper For Howell, Farmingdale, Ramtown and Freehold

Community News! Don’t miss what’s happening in your town. Pages 7-11.

Fun Page Page 17.

Wolfgang Puck The Ultimate Chocolate Pudding Page 19.

Dear Pharmacist Pharmacists Are Never Sure If We Should Say It Out Loud. Page 12.

Inside The Law Seeking Customers Who’ve Bought From These Websites Page 14.

Letters To The Editor Medicare Must Be Protected Page 5.

From Your Government Officials Singer To Withdraw Legislation Opposed By NJAC Page 6.

Classified Ads Page 16.

Township Hopes To Save Pierce Farm Property From Development

By Sara Grillo HOWELL – A special hearing on whether the township should buy a 123-acre former farm site was met with favorable comments. The hearing was part of the Green Acres process, a state agency which oversees grants used for land preservation. Town Council held a special hearing on February 7 to discuss interest in purchasing Pierce Farm, a 123-acre property located along Maxim Road. While there is no set plan on how the land would be used, the consensus from citizens and councilmembers is to save the land from future development. Maser Consulting, a local engineering firm, is working with the township to submit a grant application through the state’s Green Acres Program to acquire Pierce Farm. Since Howell already has an Open Space Recreation Plan and an Open Space Tax Program in place, it is eligible for a 50 percent matching grant and a 50 percent (Farm - See Page 4)

–Photos by Sara Grillo and courtesy Christie’s Realty Officials set up materials for a public hearing on whether Howell should buy the Pierce Farm property. The 123-acre site is located along Maxim Road.

Program Helps Addicts Come Forward Despite Fear Of Arrest

By Judy Smestad-Nunn Brick Mayor John G. Ducey described the first BRICK – A new program in place in Brick and weeks of the program, in a discussion at the FebManchester that allows drug abusers to go to po- ruary 8 council meeting. lice headquarters to seek help for their addiction In Brick, anyone who is addicted to heroin can without the fear of being arrested has go to the police station at Town Hall Heroin Addiction had 30 addicts come through Brick on Thursdays to say that they want Response Program in the first two weeks. •Aims to put addicts in to help, Ducey said. Brick and Manchester are the only Addicts can go to the Manchester rehab instead of jail. two townships in New Jersey that are •Can go to Brick Police HD Police Department on Wednesdays. on Thursdays, participating in the Heroin Addiction The program is available to anyManchester PD on Response Program (HARP), where one, not just those from Brick or Wednesdays. addicts are urged to turn their drugs •Open to anyone seeking Manchester. treatment over to the police and complete a “So that’s hopefully 30 lives that •Partners with Preferred rehabilitation program. we saved. We saved them this far Behavioral Health & Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph and hopefully they’ll get themIntegrity House. D. Coronato, Brick Police Chief selves better and healthy and get James Riccio and Manchester Police Chief Lisa back to being productive citizens,” Ducey said. Parker announced the program in January, which “We want to get the word out there that it is availis the latest initiative to offer recovery options able and will be available.” for those who suffer from addiction and who are The mayor called the HARP rehabilitative proseeking help. gram the “third prong” in the fight against opioid The two police departments are partnering with abuse. The other two prongs are education and Preferred Behavioral Health in Lakewood and In- enforcement. (Program - See Page 4) tegrity House in Toms River for the pilot program.

MICROMEDIAPUBS.COM | February 18, 2017

Police Seek New Vehicles, Radios & Personnel

By Sara Grillo sponse t r uck t hat HOWELL – The would be an asset township police de- in responding to late par t ment recently night car accidents saw retirements and and crime scene ina reduction in over- vestigations. time, and could use T he cu r rent re a n upg r a de t o it s sponse truck needs f leet of vehicles. to f i rst be d r iven As Howell Town- to a facility to be sh ip cont i nue s t o stocked before it can iron out the coming respond to a call, municipal budget, which can take up Police Chief Andrew to an hour. Kudrick shared his The proposed Ford d e p a r t m e n t ’s r e - F-550 would already quest to pu rchase be loaded with these 10 new police vehi- tools and be a true cles. Kudrick said “first response” vethe department has hicle, manned by ofu ndergone f icers who a massive have alHOWELL reduction in POLICE DEPT. ready been police overtrained to BUDGET REQUESTS: t i m e si n c e use it, he • 10 police he became said. Toms vehicles chief in July River is al• 3 new hires 2015. ready using to replace 6 The pothese trucks retirees l i c e c h i e f • $30K radio on its force. upgrade explained Six, these retop-level q u e s t s , c u r r e n t police off icers recosts and more in a tired last year, and budget presentation C h ief Ku d r ick i s February 6. Though ask i ng for a n adKudrick said Howell ditional three new has a very low crime hires this year. r a t e , t h e le a d i n g A proposal is being causes of township discussed with the fatalities are road Howell Board of Edaccidents and drug ucation that would overdoses. allow some of these He said the vehicle retired off icers to a dd it ion s i nclude provide security at a mu lt i-f u nc t ion - public schools, in al, fully loaded re- (Police - See Page 15)


Page 2, The Howell Times, February 18, 2017

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The Howell Times, February 18, 2017, Page 3

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Page 4, The Howell Times, February 18, 2017


friend and her friend’s son, who is suffering from a heroin addiction to police headquarters and who wanted to partake in the HARP program. “I am flabbergasted by the level of dedication of our officers who did the intake for this young man who was really on his last legs, who really just asked for mercy and said please just help me,” Pontoriero said. Her friend tried to get inpatient help for her son at least four times, but he would only be approved for a two-week stay in rehab, she said. In the HARP program, he was approved for a 30-day stay, she added. “He really feels that this is a chance at a full recovery,” Pontoriero said. “The

officers who conducted the intake were compassionate, sympathetic and you could tell that they really wanted this young man to succeed.” After he was assessed, Brick police officers transported her friend’s son to Preferred Behavorial Health in Lakewood, and within a few hours he was placed at another facility, and he’s doing “extraordinarily well” she said. “So if anyone is thinking how to utilize the program, what do you do? You would simply walk in, tell them that you need help and they’ll start with an assessment and you will have a bed and a place to be within hours,” Pontoriero said.

While the officers were doing the intake on her friend’s son, another walk-in came in to seek help, she said. HARP is primarily designed for those who seek help at the police station, but if an officer encounters a person outside the police station who they believe would benefit from the program, they have the discretion to bring the individual to the police station if the person consents to the voluntary screening process. Ducey said there are beds available for anyone who is addicted to opioids or heroin. “If you want help, the help is here for you,” he said. “We want to get you better.”


Lake Restoration & Wildlife Management committee and Howell Green Team also sent letters of support to the council. “If we want to ensure the protection of that property, the only way it can be done is to acquire it.” said Don Smith, former chairman of the Environmental Commission. Elizabeth Naskiewicz, a member of the Lake Restoration & Wildlife Management committee, has been involved with open space projects in Howell for over 30 years. She has walked through the Pierce Farm property and said the parcels being sold are intersected by Squankum Brook, a major watershed for the town. She stressed that

the surface waters and wildlife that depend on them should be preserved and kept away from zoning. Councilmembers unanimously expressed their desire to move forward with the grant, in hopes that the land will be preserved or used for recreational purposes. “That’s the reason why I would support this,” said Councilwoman Evelyn O’Donnell, “Not so that something could be built, but so that something could not be built.” The township is still in the early stages of applying for the Green Acres grant. Howard advised that the approval process includes site inspections, multiple appraisals and

price negotiations with the seller, which could take six to eight months to complete. Even though the Pierce Farms property is listed commercially at $1.2 million, that may not be the ending price tag. If the purchase falls through, the grant funds can be used to acquire another property listed in the Open Space Recreation Plan. According to Deputy Mayor Robert Nicastro, Howell Township has accumulated over 1,000 acres of farmland and recreational areas to the tune of 19 million dollars, including a piece of property in 2006 that has since been developed into soccer and softball fields.

Continued From Page 1 “It’s for those that want help, and those that need help. No criminal charges would be filed, and a screening is made by our police department,” the mayor said. “Then the addict is brought to Preferred Behavioral, who are professionals, and a bed is found for the addict where he or she is hopefully on the road to recovery.” Brick Councilwoman Marianna Pontoriero said many residents have asked how the program works and what the program does. She said she recently accompanied her

Continued From Page 1 low interest loan. Kelsey Howard from Maser Consulting said the acquisition would protect one of Howell Township’s remaining rural areas from suburban sprawl, preserve natural resources and provide recreation opportunities for residents. Many citizens present during the hearing urged councilmembers to move forward with the grant. Supporters included current and former members of the Howell Environmental Commission. The Howell

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The Howell Times, February 18, 2017, Page 5

OPINIONS & COMMENTARY F EATURED L ETTER Medicare Must Be Protected It is hard to believe t h at ou r n at ion c ele brated Medicare’s 50th a n n iversa r y just over a year ago, yet there is now a move in Congress t o d r a st ical ly cha nge t he prog r a m t hat ha s achieved so much. Don’t be fooled: The p u s h fo r a M e d i c a r e voucher system, sometimes called premium s u p p o r t , i s a n ef fo r t to shift costs onto 1.3 million individuals in Medicare in NJ, a number that is rising fast. In other words, you will have to pay more to get the care you need – if you can even afford it u nde r a vouche r system. More people will be forced to choose between health care and other necessities. Getting sick will become riskier than ever. When he was running for president, Donald

Trump pledged to protect Medicare, and recognized its importance to older Americans who depend on it. We are now depending on Congress to stand by President Trump’s promise to protect Medicare. R i si ng h e a lt h c a r e costs are a problem for Americans of all ages and political views. It needs to be tackled by b ot h p a r t ie s , but r e sponsibly. Our nation has been well served by a strong Medicare prog ram that keeps care affordable for seniors. A p r o p o s e d vo u c h e r system would dramatically increase costs for older A mer icans at a time of life when they can least afford it. Jeff Abramo Director of Communications and Engagement AARP NJ

Is there something you want everyone to know? An issue that needs to be addressed? Write a letter to micromediapubs.com. MICROMEDIA PUBLICATIONS, INC. MANCHESTER TIMES • BERKELEY TIMES BRICK TIMES • JACKSON TIMES • HOWELL TIMES TOMS RIVER TIMES • SOUTHERN OCEAN TIMES P.O. Box 521 • 15 Union Ave. • Lakehurst, NJ 08733

Phone: 732-657-7344 • Fax: 732-657-7388 e-mail: newsdesk@micromediapubs.com micromediapubs.com

Published by Micromedia Publications, Inc. Stewart Swann, President & Publisher Robyn Weber, Vice-President Jason Allentoff, General Manager & Editor-In-Chief Allison Gradzki, Production Manager Catherine Galioto, News Editor Chris Lundy, Assistant News Editor Adriana Starcic, Graphic Artist Ashley Emmons, Layout Designer Laura Hoban, Distribution Manager OFFICE CLOSED: Saturday and Sunday

Published Weekly.

Copyright by Micromedia Publications, Inc. All material printed in The Howell Times is copyrighted by Micromedia Publications, Inc. unless otherwise noted. The reproduction of the contents, in full or in part, is prohibited, unless permission is granted by Micromedia Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Letters To The Editor Time To Hurt Animals As he was signing edicts hurting one group after another over the past two weeks, it was only a matter of time before Donald Trump got around to hurting animals, already the most oppressed sentient beings on earth. The animals’ turn came by taking down the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) site that reports on gove r n me nt r eg u lat ion of roughly 9,000 animal handling facilities. These are laboratories, dog breeders, fur farms, circuses, zoos and aquariums. The site is used every day by animal protection activists to monitor government enforcement of the 1966 Animal Welfare Act, the only effective fede r al law prot e ct i ng animals. Taking down the APHIS inspection site is a huge setback for animal prot e ct ion. It w il l al most certainly lead to reduced government inspection of animal facilities and more animal suffering – a virtual repeal of the Animal Welfare Act. Ironically, this oppressive act was launched by the same dark- of-night process as that of pulling more than 100,000 visas from thoroughly vetted Muslim immigrants one week earlier – no notice, no hearings, no due process, no public announcement. The oppressive mindset doesn’t really care who

the victims are. Letters To game The Editor the system for their parents – the plaintiffs in HG Hopefully, the cour ts will. Hal Tubbs Toms River Editor’s note: A message on the APHIS site states that the process for taking down that site began in 2016, before the Trump administ rat ion , due to legal aspects of putting personal information on the site, and lawsuits because of doing so.

You Have A Right To Pay For Your Own Care I notice on the news today that Governor Coumo of New York said that “it is a human right to have health care” – really? When I was growing up, my parents paid for my health care. And then when I was old enough and had a job, my health care was paid for by my employer and me. Who says anyone is entitled to free health care at my expense. Who paid all my life for my own insurance? l think not – if I had to pay for my own insurance, why shouldn’t you? Bette Kooreman Whiting

Smith Hands REINS To Corporations Smith Hands REINS To Corporations Congressman Smith recently voted to compromise our health and safety by voting yes on REINS. REINS gives unprecedented power to big corporations that want to evade safety standards, pollute the environment and

benefit as well as make it impossible for watchdogs to keep corporations accountable. Supporters of REINS say that REINS will make the rule making process more democratic and Congress more accountable. The opposite is true. REINS subordinates the agency rule making process, which is governed by expertise and transparency from Congress whims and their self-serving lobbyists. For example, any EPA action to weaken clean air protection or block climate change would trigger a mandatory congressional review. In 2015 the EPA, finalized the Clean Water Plan, which set the first-ever carbon pollution limits for the nation’s power plants as well as curbing emissions of other air pollutants that cause asthma attacks, heart attacks, and premature death. By passing REINS, Congress has the ability to dismiss scientific evidence and give the electric power sector control on whether the public would enjoy clean air. Trump and his industry-friendly Cabinet have promised to attack EPA protections and safeguards. Congressman Smith did America a disservice by playing partisan politics and compromising our water, air and health. We should be watching Congressman Smith and remind him regularly he works for us. Robin Nowicki Manalapan

New Jersey Supreme Court’s Denial To Re-Open W� W������ L������ T� T�� E�����! Abbott V. Burke The Howell Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for veri�ication. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be

withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to edit or reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail or bring typed letters to: 15 Union Ave., Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732-657-7388 or e-mail newsdesk@micromediapubs. com. Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion. Opinions expressed in letters do not re�lect those of Micromedia Publications.

This ruling is a big win for New Jersey parents and schoolchildren. The Supreme Court has echoed the position of a group of Newark parents, who argued to this court that the state’s unjust quality-blind teacher layoff law must be evaluated on its own, and not in connection with a decades-old school funding lawsuit. Concerned about looming school budget cuts, these same

v. Harrington – will continue their fight in the state’s trial court to invalidate the “last in, first out” law that prevents the retention of Newark’s best teachers during funding crises. These brave parents are leading the charge for students’ rights in New Jersey, and they will not back down until the harmful impact of this law is revealed and deemed unconstitutional.” Ralia Polechronis Executive Director Partnership for Educational Justice

Smith: Schedule A Town Hall Meeting Whether we are Democrats, Republicans or independents, we all share one thing in common – we pay taxes. We have the right to expect elected officials to fulfill the duties of their office. February 18 through 26 is the first District Work Period of the new Congress—meaning all members of Congress are being paid to return home to hold public events and meet with constituents. Or, at least they’re supposed to return to their districts. If they aren’t willing to meet constituents, they’re not doing their jobs. Congressman Chris Smith, 4th District NJ, has not yet scheduled an open meeting with NJ voters. He owns a home in Herndon, Va., where he and his wife raised their children and where he continues to live. We can admire him as a husband and father, but the NJ taxpayers have some rights, too. Whether you want to shake his hand to say thanks, or raise your concerns about issues, you have the right to see him, hear him speak, and make your own voice heard. It’s easy to call or email his office and respectfully ask that he schedule town hall meetings during the District Work Period, chrissmith. house.gov/contact/. Taxpayers have rights. Rosemary O. Wright Ocean Grove


Page 6, The Howell Times, February 18, 2017

SPOTLIGHT ON GOVERNMENT Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials

Capitol Comments

Senator Robert W. Singer 30th Legislative District

Singer To Withdraw Legislation Opposed By NJAC

Senator Robert W. Singer

Senator Robert Singer ( R-30) a n nou nced t hat legislation he sponsors to help counties imple-

me nt r e ce ntly e n a ct e d criminal justice reforms would be withdrawn in response to vocal opposition from the New Jersey Association of Counties (NJAC). “I introduced this legislation to help counties account for the one-time i mplement at ion costs that were expected as a

result of recently enacted bail reforms,” said Singer. “It seems that no good deed goes u npu nished, however. Despite my effort to help our counties, the NJAC doesn’t want the legislative relief that I’ve offered, so I’ll withdraw the bill.” T h e le g i sl a t io n t h a t Si nge r w i l l w it h d r aw,

S-2933, would have est abl ishe d a one -ye a r property tax levy cap exclusion for costs incurred b y l o c a l g ove r n m e n t s related to implementing bail reforms. Singer noted that another relief measu re, S-2850, was adopted by t he Legislat u re i n De cember and signed into

law by the Governor last month to assist with the i mple me nt at ion of t he new criminal justice reforms. T h a t leg i sl a t io n a p p r o p r i a t e d n e a r l y $10 m illion to add 20 new judges around the state in support of the new law. “The State is doing its pa r t to a ssist cou nt ies

to implement reforms to better protect the public and make our justice system more efficient,” added Singer. “If the NJAC is goi ng to deny additional help that we’ve offered, the responsibility for any resulting layoffs or ser vice reductions will fall squarely on their shoulders.”

From The Desk Of Congressman Chris Smith: Smith Opposes Reliability Project Route, Poles

Congressman Chris Smith I thank you for this opportunity to have my testimony in opposition to the Jersey Central Power & Light’s (JCP&L) current application for their Monmouth County Reliability Project (MCR P) ma de pa r t of t he of f icial record today. I am p l e a s e d t o wo r k w i t h local residents of the affected communities--including Rachel Kanapka and the members of Residents Against Giant Elect r ic ( R AGE) — a s wel l as several local elected officials including Sens. Kyrillos and Beck. As the elected Representative of New Jersey’s Fo u r t h C o n g r e s s i o n a l District, I have had the opportunity to walk the route of t h is proposed project and stand in the schoolya rd s a nd ba ckyards which would lie in the shadows of the proposed MCRP monopoles. As such, I have no doubt that the effects will be devastating for the five com mu n it ies i nvolved ,

a n d by e x t e n sio n , t h e County. A l most i m me d iat ely from the very start of the installation of the 130’210’ monopoles, home values of those near the route w ill decli ne significantly causing serious econom ic ha rd sh ip for communities that are still reeling from Superstorm Sandy. Anyone who desires to sell or must sell due to a myriad of factors including change of job or ret i re me nt m ay not only suffer a steep loss but may have difficulty even finding a buyer. Anecdotal evidence shows this diff icult y in f inding a buyer has already begun. There is precedence for this concern found in the experience of those from Chino Hills Califor nia. Testimony provided at a 2012 Congressional heari ng d e mon st r at e d t h at prope r t y value s plu mmeted over n ig ht by 17 percent or more when a project nearly identical to JCP&L’s became a reality there. Not only did homeowners suffer economic loss, but the Federal Housing Ad m i n ist r at ion ( F H A) can use “unsafe distance

from any power line or tower” in its criteria on whether or not to pro vide FHA insurance. I’ve been in the backyards of homeowners adjacent to the rail line in parts of Monmouth County—they will only be yards away from the monopoles. Chino Hills had a happy outcome. Eventually, the California Public Utilities Commission reversed the decision and voted to place portions of the lines in Chino Hills underground. Most i mpor t antly— and out of an abundance of caution—I oppose to t h e JC P& L p r oje c t a s proposed because of pot e nt ia l he a lt h h a z a r d s to child ren due to daily exposure to low frequency magnetic fields. Though some may argue that there is little or no a dve r se he alt h l i n k t o exposure and may produce select studies that suggest that, as Chairman of the House of Representatives subcommittee on global health I have reviewed documentation f rom the World Health Organization (WHO) and other sources and know that there is statistically relevant evidence includ-

ing studies that suggests otherwise. A N e w Yo r k Ti m e s article in July 2014 said that cancer caused by an extremely low frequency magnet field was an “uncomfortable possibility” and noted that an “epidemiological study comparing children in Denver who died of cancer from 1950 to 1973 with a control group of other children found that those who lived near electrical dist r ibution lines were twice as likely to develop the disease as those who d id not. A subse que nt study, by scientists who sought to eliminate what was seen as f laws in the f i rst st udy, had nea rly identical conclusions.” In 2002, the WHO concluded that low frequency magnetic fields were “possibly carcinogenic.” In 2007, the WHO reiterated that the evidence of cancer risk from low frequency magnetic f ield s “ i s s u f f ic ie nt ly

strong enough” to cause a concern. A massive French study that included all 2,779 cases of childhood acute leukemia in France over 2002 to 2007 and 30,000 contemporaneous population controls concluded that there were increased odds for childhood acute leukemia occurrence living within 50 meters of high voltage power lines. Over my 36 years as a Member of Congress, I’ve been t he pr i me aut hor of several major Public Laws including research and services for persons w it h aut ism , a s sist i ng veterans with the Persian Gulf mystery illness, and a major a mend ment to help atomic veterans and their sur viving widows and children. Other bills I’ve written are currently pending on Lyme disease a nd neglected t ropical diseases. In the 1980s, I cosponsored an Agent Orange amend ment—it fai le d , alt houg h t od ay

Agent Orange exposure is recognized a basis for disease and veteran’s service connected disability. Each of those legislative initiatives had or has one thing in common—overcoming a culture of denial of the science. That same ill-conceived philosophy to reject evidence gathered worldwide must be conquered here. Therefore, should this transmission project be proven to be essential to the reliability of the elect r ic g r id in Mon mouth County and New Jersey, out of an abundance of caution and concern for the families—especially ch ild ren —who may be adversely affected by the project, I believe the line should be buried underground. I commend Senators Kyrillos and Beck for their leadership and I urge the full committee to work to ensure that the project as currently proposed be rejected.

Do you have something you want everyone to know? Is there an issue that needs to be addressed? Write a letter to make yourself heard. Email newseditor@micromediapubs.com


The Howell Times, February 18, 2017, Page 7


Survey Looks For Sandy Problems And Solutions

By Chris Lundy JERSEY SHORE – As part of a recent survey, 71 percent of people affected by Superstorm Sandy stated that they are suffering from increased physical or mental health issues that are directly related to the storm. This is a snapshot of an incomplete survey called the Sandy Truth Project. It is being used to understand more clearly the issues that are still affecting survivors more than four years later. And it needs your voice. The survey is online at newjerseyop.org/ sandy-truth-project.html. The group behind it, the New Jersey Organizing Project, is an advocacy group that started two years after Sandy with the goal of making sure that people were getting the help they needed, said its director, Amanda Devecka-Rinear. Now, four years and four months after the storm, there are still people affected in unprecedented ways. “Sandy recovery is failing,” she said. “Where are we in recovery? Are we prepared for future storms?” They are looking for transparency in how aid for Sandy is allocated. How much of the money went to consulting firms rather than residents, for example. Currently, they are pushing for the foreclosure bill (A333/S2300) that would provide a cushion for those who are facing foreclosure on their homes. One of the more recent issues is clawbacks, said member Joe Mangino. Sometimes a homeowner has had to give money back.

Sixth Annual FBAC St. Patrick’s Day Parade

FREEHOLD – The Freehold Borough Arts Council will hold its Freehold St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 12 from noon to 3 p.m. The parade will start at the Freehold Borough Municipal Bulding, located at 51 West Main St., and proceed to the Hall of Records, located at 1 East Main St.. There will be a stage and brief entertainment in front of the Hall of Records. There will be an after party, friendly to all ages, at the Elks Lodge located at Elks point. The Pat Roddy Band will play for the afternoon, and the Elks will provide Irish food for purchase. There will be a 50/50 raffle and an Irish Soda Bread contest. Interested participants in the Irish Soda Bread Contest should email the FBAC at info@ freeholdborougharts.org for rules and application.

Shave Awarded Gold Stars For Academic Achievements

HOWELL – Christian Shave of Howell was awarded Gold Stars by the Citadel for earning a grade point ratio of 3.7 or higher during the 2016 fall semester. Students that achieve Gold Star recognition are also placed on the Citadel’s Dean’s List.

People have been receiving vague letters stating that they owe money to the government without any explanation, he said. “The homeowner now has to do more legwork,” he said. There never seems to be an end to the issues. There also is no hard deadline for the end of the survey period, he said. The group is using it as an opportunity to expand as an organization and find more ways to help residents. The mission statement for NJOP is quite broad: “We work together to pass policies that make life better for everyday people, change institutions, hold corporations accountable and ensure elected officials stand with us, their constituents.” Their first initiative was the “Finish the Job” campaign in 2014, because too few people were back in their homes. A lot of money was still being withheld. Previous campaigns have centered on getting more accessible guidelines for how to file for aid, contractor fraud, foreclosures, and getting people off waitlists for funding. Formed in 2014 by nine Sandy survivors, the New Jersey Organizing Project is a non-profit, with no political affiliation. Other issues they are addressing are climate change and cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and other health care programs. The group recently held two kick-off meetings for 2017 in Manahawkin and Brick.





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Page 8, The Howell Times, February 18, 2017


Howell Township Men’s Flag Football League THURSDAY March 2, 2017


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–Photo courtesy Howell Township Men’s Flag Football League HOWELL – The Township of Howell is looking for teams or individuals for its spring 2017 Men’s Flag Football League. Season begins in April on Sunday mornings and ends with a championship game in June. Registration is $90 per player, which includes the weekly referee fees. For further info, contact the Township of Howell at 732-938-4500, ext. 2106

Race For Life Benefit

JACKSON – The Knights of Columbus Council 6201 of Jackson & Howell will be holding their 17th Annual Race for Life Benefit. The event, to be held at the Council home on Bartley Road in Jackson on February 26 is run to benefit local victims of cancer and their families. Every year, this fundraiser is held during the broadcast of the Daytona 500 NASCAR race. On race day, the Council sets up scores of televisions in order for those attending to

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watch the race. We even set up a “Pit Area” for kids where they can race each other on video games for prizes, or build model racecars. Several local track drivers even displayed their race cars for all to see. The last “Race for Life” raised over $16,000.00 to help local families. Just as important, the goal is to raise money – money that will be donated to needy local families that have been, in some way, stricken by cancer. Over the past 14 “Race for Life” events, the KOC has distributed more than $79,000 to families suffering the staggering effects and expenses of this dreaded disease. In order to raise as much as possible from this benefit, they are asking for the help once again. They are looking for any donation or contribution the public can make.

Coffee With The Prosecutor And A Cop

FREEHOLD BOROUGH – Coffee with the Prosecutor and a Cop will be held on February 23 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at Manhattan Bagel, 562 Route 33 East Business. Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni and a local police officer will visit for coffee and friendly conversation.

Farmingdale Historical Society

FARMINGDALE – The Historical Society NJ will have its next meeting on March 13 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. The meeting will take place at 13 Asbury Ave.


The Howell Times, February 18, 2017, Page 9


Novy Facing Criminal Charges, Ethics Complaint, As State Seeks Tips From More Families

By Chris Lundy MANCHESTER – Investigators continue to gather more information in the case against Robert Novy, an elder law attorney who allegedly stole more than $1.2 million from elderly clients. Novy was charged in October for activities that allegedly happened between the years of 2010 and 2015. Some of these clients were suffering from dementia or did not have close family members to safeguard their interests. The charges were first-degree money laundering, second-degree theft by unlawful taking, and second-degree misapplication of entrusted property. “The investigation is ongoing,” said Peter Aseltine, spokesman for the New Jersey Attorney General’s office. “No additional charges have been filed at this point. Because the case involves indictable offenses, it will ultimately be presented to a grand jury for potential indictment. Additional charges may be filed at that time.” Novy’s bail was reduced from $500,000 full cash to $350,000 bond approximately a week after he was arrested, Aseltine said. He posted bond using his Brick home as collateral and was released that day. The Attorney General’s office had requested a trustee to oversee the business operations of Novy’s law firm. The court appointed Alan Staller, with Levine Staller in Atlantic City, to that post. The attorney general’s office did not comment about what the trustee learned while in this position. They are still urging people with information about the case to call the confidential and free tipline at 1-866-TIPS-4CJ. Calls for comment to his attorney were not returned by press time. Novy is being represented by Gerald Krovatin, of Krovatin Klingeman, which bills itself as a “boutique white collar and litigation firm.” His case before the state grand jury has not been given a date yet, according to Peter McAleer, spokesman for the New Jersey Supreme Court. They had not received any information regarding an indictment as of press time. Meanwhile, Novy is also being investigated by the New Jersey Office of Attorney Ethics, which issued an ethics complaint against him on January 26, 2016. A hearing case was scheduled for the week of January 9 before the office of attorney ethics. According to the Supreme Court spokesman, that hearing was postponed and had not yet been rescheduled. In addition to the arrest, detectives executed a search warrant at the offices of Novy & Associates, LLC, on Ridgeway Avenue in

Manchester, seizing billing records and other evidence. The Attorney General’s office froze more than $3.5 million in assets held in various bank accounts of Novy and his firm. The case had been referred to the Division of Criminal Justice by Ocean County Surrograte Jeffrey Moran. He gathered some of his clients through educational seminars on topics of elder law and hosted a bi-monthly radio program called “Inside the Law.” According to a press release from the Attorney General’s office that announced his charges, Novy allegedly laundered most of the funds through attorney trust accounts and attorney business accounts. He gained control over the funds through wills, powers of attorney, and trust documents, making himself the sole financial decision-maker for his clients. He also allegedly billed clients without any invoices, and directed insurance companies to redeem policies and send the money to him. The investigation includes: He allegedly billed an 88-year-old woman suffering from dementia and her estate $78,000 that was not supported by any invoice or records. He allegedly stole more than $176,000 from an 85-year-old woman who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. The charges state that he withdrew funds from her personal account, converting them into cashier’s checks and depositing them into his personal account. The charges include cashing out an annuity the woman had, depositing it into his trust account and then issuing checks from that account to his firm, claiming they were “power of attorney fees.” He allegedly stole at least $459,000 from an 87-year-old woman. He deposited proceeds totaling roughly $387,000 from two annuities into his attorney trust account, and subsequently transferred those funds into his law firm’s business accounts. He claimed part of the money was for attorneys’ fees and power of attorney fees. He allegedly stole nearly $550,000 from another elderly woman. He allegedly transferred nearly $300,000 that he held for her in his attorney trust account into the firm’s business accounts without any invoices or evidence that legal services were provided. On another occasion, Novy allegedly wrote himself a check for $250,000 from the woman’s personal bank account and deposited it into his own personal bank account. Additionally, the Division of Criminal Justice was investigating suspicious transactions related to more than a dozen additional clients.

Golf Outing

HOWELL – The Ramtown Fire Company Chief’s Invitation Golf Outing will be held on May 8 at Pebble Creek Golf Club, 40 Route 537 East in Colts Neck.

The cost is $125 per golfer. Hole sponsorships are available. For tickets or sponsorships, call 732-4580222 or email golf@ramtownfire.com.

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Page 10, The Howell Times, February 18, 2017

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The Achilles tendon is the longest tendon in the body. It connects the heel bone to the muscles in the calf. Athletes who over-train or fail to do their warm-up exercises are at risk for developing Achilles tendonitis, a painful inflammation of this tendon. Other individuals with sprains and strains from walking or running can also develop Achilles tendonitis. Since the heel area of the foot has a limited blood supply, healing can be very slow. Before determining treatment regimens, podiatrists evaluate the problem with a physical exam and possibly an X-ray. Rest and icing are often effective for mild cases of tendonitis. Long-term tendon pain may require ultrasound, laser therapies, cortisone injections, or immobilization. Achilles tendonitis generally responds very well to conservative treatment as long as it is diagnosed and treated early. Surgery is rarely indicated unless the Achilles tendonitis is particularly severe an chronic, or if the tendon has ruptured completely. To schedule an appointment, please call Family Foot Health Center at 732.370.1100. We are available for emergency calls at all times, and our doctors can be reached for urgent medical issues 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Our clinic is located at 4527 US Highway 9. HINT: In the United States there is an additional Achilles tendonitis treatment option. Here, a mixture of stem cells and plasma-enriched proteins can be injected into the affected area.


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Lakehurst Man Launches Crusade Against Heroin With Community Rallies

By Jennifer Peacock LAKEHURST – He was at work when he got the call. Borough Resident Jermaine Jackson heard his brother’s voice on the other end. A childhood friend was dead. It was heroin. Jackson was a high school athlete, a transplant from Jersey City to Lakehurst in his elementary school years. He never touched drugs, but drugs were touching his life in tragic ways, through friends, classmates, coworkers, and members of the Jackson side of the family, still in Jersey City. A righteous indignation filled him; as a follower of Jesus Christ, he knew there was hope. He knew the answer was to love his neighbors as he loved himself. He knew he had to shine light on the darkness of addiction, to let those in bondage know they truly were not alone, not hopeless. He has seen people trying to fix their brokenness with drugs. “There are other ways to get over the sadness. There is this brokenness that is in families, and affects generations,” Jackson said. ‘We want to prevent that, so people don’t feel like they’re alone.” The Lakehurst Community Center on Center Street was bursting to capacity, filled with people from infants to grandmothers. They came on February 4 to hear hope. This was Jackson’s first rally. His message, emblazoned on T-shirts distributed to his audience, was a simple one: A Positive Heart Makes A Positive World. We Are All One. “He is a proactive young man who has a good heart. He wants to do so much for this community,” Dennis Adams, Manchester Township High School principal, said. But today, he was there as assistant pastor of Harmony Ministries in Lakehurst. Adams preached from Ephesians, an epistle of the Apostle Paul, who spoke of persons “darkened in their understanding” (Eph. 4:18) and wrestling against spiritual forces that keep people in the dark (Eph. 6:12). There is a spiritual element to addiction, Adams said, one that must be prayed against. “Love people, that’s what it comes down to. We’re not better than others,” Adams said. “If you are full of God’s love, you want to find ways to love people.” People matter, and their inner demons

can be conquered by the love of Jesus Christ, Adams said. Just the night before, Narcan revived a girl who had overdosed, Manchester Patrolman Joseph Fastige said. He, along with School Resource Off icer Chris Cerullo, Detective Adam Emmons and Ptl. Keith Craig, developed an opiate awareness program they named #NotEvenOnce. The program, the first of its kind in the state, targets 12th graders for opiate-awareness education. The students learn statistics, recovery, and first-hand account of a Manchester graduate now in jail for heroin use. According to the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, the number of overdose deaths rose, as did the number of overdose reversals from Narcan. The statistics include: 2012, 53 overdoses; 2013, 112 overdoses and in 2014, 101 overdoses. The county began using Narcan in April, and had 129 reversals. In 2015, there were 118 overdoses and 272 Narcan reversals in Ocean County. 2016: 197 overdoses and 502 Narcan reversals. The prosecutor’s office noted that the number of overdoses will likely increase to more than 200 as toxicology reports come in. Fastige said lifestyle choices – using gateway drugs such as marijuana and alcohol, or abusing prescription drugs – are the two biggest inf luences to becoming an addict. And it’s not an inner-city problem alone. Twelve of those fatal overdoses in 2016 happened in Manchester. “There are dealers in Manchester selling drugs,” Fastige said. Addiction destroys more than the addict. Another speaker, who referred to herself as “Sister Shante,” works in Cooper University Hospital in Camden. An addict herself, she buried four children and has worked with children as young as 9 years old battling drugs and alcohol. One patient she works with, a 22-yearold woman who was infected with HIV from drug use, has full-blown AIDS and would likely not make the weekend. “The first one is free,” Sister Shante told the audience. But sometimes, the first hit is their last. “Mothers and fathers, talk to your children before the police do.” She encouraged the audience to report known drug dealers and users to their police department’s non-emergency line. Jackson plans to hold another rally in Manchester in March.

For Wolfgang Puck’s latest recipe, see page 19


The Howell Times, February 18, 2017, Page 11


County Route 537 Through Fort Monmouth Route Now Public

EATONTOWN – Monmouth County has announced the opening of County Route 537 through the former Fort Monmouth property. The road connects State Highway 35 (Main Street) in Eatontown to Oceanport Avenue (County Route 11) in Oceanport. When the Base Closure and Realignment (BRAC) Commission shuttered Fort Monmouth in 2011, the road was closed as well. “Since 2005, I’ve been involved with the Fort Monmouth revitalization efforts and this is a positive next step in the planned redevelopment of Fort Monmouth, an initiative which will greatly impact the quality of life and overall living standard for all County residents,” said Freeholder Director Lillian G. Burry, who serves as the County freeholder representative on the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) board. “In addition, the opening will ease traffic congestion between Eatontown and Oceanport, another welcome benefit for our residents.” In preparation of the opening, Monmouth County Public Works and Engineering personnel worked to return the approximately two-mile connector thoroughfare to public use. The County installed temporary fencing, new signage and repaired traffic signals. The County also made drainage system repairs and improvements, realigned, reconfigured and repaved sections of the road. The road now meets the County’s road specifications and it will be maintained by Monmouth County. Along the Eatontown section of County Route 537, referred to as Avenue of Memories, existing monuments and the “Johnson Gate” arches

at the State Highway 35 entrance have been repaired and cleaned. Avenue of Memories is named for the monuments and trees placed in memory of U.S. Army Signal Corps soldiers killed in action during foreign wars. There is video surveillance along the entire corridor, which will be patrolled by the Oceanport and Eatontown police departments with assistance from the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office. “I would like to express my personal appreciation to Monmouth County for the focus and attention paid by everyone involved with this project to reopen this roadway to the public and especially to the residents of Monmouth County,” said James V. Gorman, Chair, Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority. “Extending County Route 537 will alleviate traffic congestion on area roadways, and allow all to see the potential development and business opportunities that the former Fort now affords,” said Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone. According to Freeholder Serena DiMaso, liaison to the Monmouth County Improvement Authority, “We are excited about this crucial step in the revitalization of Fort Monmouth. Financing through the Monmouth County Improvement Authority coupled with the County’s AAA bond rating, made this this project possible.” FMERA’s goal is to develop 1,585 housing units; 300,000 square feet of nonprofit, civic and government and educational space; 500,000 square feet for retail; and 2 million square feet dedicated to offices, research and commercial uses.

More Jazz At The Library

MANALAPAN – The musical group Follow the Drinking Gourd will present a performance from the Harlem Renaissance at the Monmouth County Library, 125 Symmes Drive, on February 26 at 2 p.m. The group will present music of Eubie Blake, Fats Waller, Duke Ellington and other composers who were most popular during the Harlem Renaissance of the 20s and 30s. Some of the hits popular then still well-known and heard today are Isn’t Misbehaving, “Stompin’ at the Savoy, and “It Don’t Mean a Thing.”


The musical group, comprised of Diane Goldsmith on piano, Ivan Woods, bass and featuring soprano Beverly Owens, is named for a song reportedly used in the 19th century to guide slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad. The group performing at the Library is known for its programs praising the nation’s multicultural heritage and has been honored at the Paul Robeson Center for the Arts in Princeton. Entrance doors open at 12:30 p.m. and seats are available on a first come, first served basis. There is no charge and registration is not necessary.

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Page 12, The Howell Times, February 18, 2017

H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

Pharmacists Are Never Sure If We Should Say It Out Loud By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

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When I worked in retail stores, one of the most common questions I had was, “What side effects will this drug cause?” I remember some of my customers, especially the funny ones or those who gifted me with tokens like flowers, hand-made jewelry or pickled herring which I craved during my pregnancy in 1993. I had a good relationship with all of my patients. I used to work 14-hour shifts, day after day back in the 90s and 2000s. I ‘floated’ all around central Florida whenever a pharmacist called off. The pharmacy would be closed, and I was the pharmacist called upon to go open it, hence “float.” I thrived in this position, basically walking into a mess, and catching the store up, making all the customers suddenly happy. But there’s a ton of mental chatter to reconcile in our brain when we are not sure that you need what the doctor prescribed, or if there’s a natural vitamin for that, or we realize the side effects will be far worse for you than your condition itself. We are never sure if we should say it out loud. People trust us. Americans have deemed us to be among the most honest professions, maintaining the highest ethical standards. That’s why pharmacists have been rated in the top two “most trusted professionals in the United States” yet again. (Gallup Survey). Pharmacists can: 1. Keep you safe. As medication experts, we reduce risk of miserable side effects. Occasionally, one drug is intended, but another drug is prescribed by accident. Maybe Zyrtec for Zantac, Actos for Actonel or Neurontin

for Noroxin. Your pharmacist should catch these errors. 2. They’re accessible and fast. Pharmacists are always on duty if a pharmacy is open. You don’t have to make appointments weeks in advance to get advice. 3. They’re intelligent. If you have a skin rash from poison ivy or a bee sting, your pharmacist can suggest an over-the-counter remedy, if you are constipated or have the flu, we got your back. 3. They’re not paid off. Pharmacists work for YOU, not the pharmaceutical companies that probably sent a drug rep over with delicious meals, trinkets and trips. This colors the decision-making process of some (not all) physicians. Capiche? 5. You save money. The ‘Pharmacy Tech’ expertly runs your prescription through your insurance company online; they’ll check the cash price against your insurance co-pay in case it’s lower. Some will phone your insurance company to authorize cheaper alternatives. 6. Pharmacists know about food too. They’ll suggest you avoid grapefruit if you take statins, or avoid MSG with sedatives. Bananas are constipating, you should avoid those with hydrocodone, but eat them with some diuretics like HCTZ. Tips like this are worth their weight in gold. Your pharmacist may be high up and partially hidden behind glass (that’s for security reasons… you do realize they are in charge of millions of dollars of drugs right?!) but I highly recommend that you develop a relationship with your local pharmacist. We are on your side.

(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2017 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.

CentraState Offers Stroke Support Group

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP— CentraState now offers a stroke support group that meets on the first Wednesday of every month at CentraState’s Star and Barry Tobias Ambulatory Campus. For more information about the stroke support group, call 732-294-2700. CentraState Medical Center, for a fourth year in a row, has received the A mer ican Hear t Association /A mer-

ican St roke Association’s Get With T he Guideli nes® St roke Gold-Plus Achievement Award. The Star and Barry Tobias Ambulatory Campus at CentraState is located at 901 W. Main Street, Freehold. For more information about CentraState’s Stroke Center, call 866-CENTRA7 (866-236-8727) or visit centrastate.com/stroke.

First Aid Squad Seeks Volunteers

FARMINGDALE – The Farmingdale-Howell First Aid Squad needs members to fill their jackets. The squad is located at 27 W Main St. Call to leave a message at 732-938-3161.


The Howell Times, February 18, 2017, Page 13

How Sweet It Is…Or Isn’t

JACKSON – Bartley Healthcare is partnering with CentraState Medical Center to host an educational seminar to inform the community on the many ways sugar can affect the body. Guests will never g uess how many dietary items they consume on a daily basis that contain sugar, and the actual amount that they include is jaw dropping. Bartley is hosting the seminar at 175 Bartley Road in Jackson. The seminar will be held on March 1 at 6 p.m. Blood pressure and glucose screenings will take place from 5 to 6 p.m., before the seminar. The presenter will be Caryn Alter, MS, RD of the Star and Barry Tobias Health Awareness Center. Alter is a registered Dietitian at CentraState Medical Center. Americans love their sweets. Eating

foods and drinking beverages that contain a great amount of sugar has likely contributed to the obesity epidemic in the United States. Americans consume, on average, 765 grams of sugar every five days, and 130 pounds of sugar every year. One hundred thirty pounds of sugar equals about 1,767,900 Skittles. One can of Coke, 12 ounces, contains 10 teaspoons of sugary goodness, and the average American consumes 53 gallons of soda a year. If sugar were taken away from the average American diet, 500 calories would be saved every day. Seating is limited, so anyone interested in attending the “How Sweet It Is…Or Isn’t” educational seminar, call Cent raState Medical Center at 732308-0570, or visit centrastate.com and click on Classes and Events. There will be a light dinner served.

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Upcoming Park Events

MONMOUTH COUNTY – Monmouth C ou nt y Pa rk s h a s t he se up c om i ng events. Calling all Future Oceanographers from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on February 24 at the Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park Activity Center, Long Branch. Perform experiments and discover the secrets of the sea. Open to children age 4 to 6, with adult. Registration and fee required. Silk Painting Lecture from 3 to 3:45 p.m. on March 3 at the Thompson Park Creative Ar ts Center, Lincroft. Join art educator Rebecca Watkins as she demonst rates a beautif ul faux-batik process and talks about her experience

using this process with young students. This program is free but registration is required. Ju st a rem i nder – reg ist r at ion is underway for programs listed in the spring issue of the Parks & Programs Guide and is accepted online, by phone at 732-842-4000, or in person at Park System Headquarters, Thompson Park, Lincroft. For more infor mation about Monmouth Count y parks and prog rams, visit MonmouthCount yPark s.com or call 732-842-4000, ext. 4312. The Park System can also be contacted through email at info@monmouthcountyparks. com.

Monmouth County Students Recognized For Academic Achievement At Berkeley College

MONMOUTH COUNTY – Students f rom Mon mouth Cou nt y have been named to the President’s and Dean’s Lists at Berkeley College for the fall 2016 semester. “I am so proud of these students for their hard work,” said Michael J. Smith, President of Berkeley College. “The contributions of these high achievers make Berkeley College shine.” The following students from Monmouth County have been recognized: President’s List: Mariah Agueda of Eatontown; Ricardo Alarcon of Neptune; and Luis Rosas of Freehold. Dean’s List: Lauren Amato of Hazlet; Viviana Balan of Wall Township; Michael Caputo of Keyport; Salvatore Carollo of Manalapan; Joseph Davino of Clarksburg; Allyson Farash of Hazlet; Sean Friedman of Hazlet Township; Man Luk of Freehold; Chris Martinez of Eatontown; Danielle Mendes of Matawan; Stephanie Minano of Freehold; Jessica Moreland of Howell; R ick y Piot rowsk i of Morga nv il le; Da n iel Sarafian of Matawan; Ja’shem Stovall of Neptune; Rosina Strauss of Port Monmouth; Cheyenne Tango of Keyport;

Catherine Tribuzio of Manalapan; and Natalie Vazquez of Wall Township. Berkeley College students who achieve a grade point average of 4.00 with a minimum of 12 academic credits qualify for the President’s List. Students who achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or better with a minimum of 12 academic credits qualify for the Dean’s List.



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Page 14, The Howell Times, February 18, 2017

R.C. Shea & Assoc.

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attorney is an important decision. If this letter is inaccurate or misleading, report same to the Committee on Attorney Advertising, Hughes Justice Complex, P.O. Box 037, Trenton, N.J. 08625. Here are what some of the aforementioned websites look like:

Our clients’ success is our greatest reward. 732-505-1212 ● RCSHEA.COM

New Medical Staff Officers Named At CentraState; Greller Named Chief Of Staff

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – Michael Greller, MD, CPE, FAAOS, has been elected to a twoyear term as chief of staff by the medical-dental staff of CentraState Medical Center. Greller, a board-certified, sports medicine fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon, was elevated from assistant chief of staff. He is a member of the CentraState Healthcare System’s Board of Trustees and has been a member of the CentraState Medical Center staff since 2000. Greller has served as chairman of Credentials and vice chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. He is also the assistant director of the Cartilage Restoration Center of NJ and a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, as well as the president of Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute in Freehold. Greller earned his medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York in

1994. He completed a residency in orthopedic surgery in 1999 at the Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopedic Institute- NYU Medical Center in New York. In 2000, he completed a fellowship in sports medicine at Temple University in Philadelphia, and will finish his MBA degree at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Isenberg School of Management this summer. Also elected to two-year terms are board-certified family physicians Maher Youssef, MD, assistant chief of staff, and Kenneth Eng, DO, secretary-treasurer. CentraState Healthcare System is a nonprofit community health organization consisting of an acute-care hospital, a health and wellness campus, three senior living communities, a Family Medicine Residency Program, and a charitable foundation. CentraState’s teaching program is sponsored by Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.


The Howell Times, February 18, 2017, Page 15


Continued From Page 1 response to a bill that Governor Christie signed into law last year. The law states that to provide security, these “Class Three” officers must be under 65 years of age, undergo specialized training and work no more than 20 hours a week. The township plans to hire 15 Class Three officers in total and station one in every middle school.

Kudrick also explained the Howell EMS budget. The EMS is primarily a part-time business that pays for itself by bringing in annual revenue of over a million dollars. It recently hired its first full-time employee in 10 years, a coordinator who helped locate an additional $300,000 in revenue through billing discrepancies. Chief Kudrick recommended hiring another full-time coordinator to handle the road, but councilmembers pushed

back, saying that it would nearly double the coordinator’s salary after factoring in health benefits and other intangibles. The police chief also proposed some upgrades to safety communications, including the purchase of four portable radios that would allow emergency ser vices to lin k up with the police department and dial into state, county and local radio frequencies. Right now, emergency workers are using donated radios that only operate on one fre-

quency. Although the radio upgrade would cost $30,000, Township Manager Jeffrey Mayfield told councilmembers, “I don’t see any way around it.” The budget hearing opened up a larger debate about these costs, with some council members saying citizens care less about safety and more about their taxes going down. An additional budget meeting date is scheduled for 6 p.m. February 21.



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Page 16, The Howell Times, February 18, 2017

Advertise in the main sections of Micromedia’s weekly newspapers. Your ad will be seen by thousands. Our skilled team of account executives can work with any budget. Call 732-657-7344 ext. 202 for more information.

Business Wanted Appliance/Sales And Repair Store Needed - Interior mall location righ in the middle of holiday city is looking for an experienced appliance store owner to open a new location to service all of holiday city with appliance repairs and new items. Flea markets on Wednesday and Friday enhance the customer traffic. Great lease rates for the right operator. Contact 732-922-3000. (11)

Real Estate Homestead Run - 55+ Community. New 2 BR, 1 or 1.5 Bath. Pre-owned and rentals. Available immediately. homesteadrun.com. Toms River. 732-370-2300. (10)

Help Wanted Consignment Shop Operator Wanted - If you have been thinking of owning your own consignment/ thrift shop and you have experience we have the location, location, locatoin. Interior mall has excellent space available for lease right in the middle of Holiday City. Flea markets on Wednesday and Friday enhance the built-in customer traffic. Great lease rates for the right operator. Contact Kate 732-922-3000. (11) Job Fair - February 22, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Immediate Interviews. Food Service: PT waitstaff, dietary aides, and utility aides(day and evening shifts), cooks PT and per diem healthcare: CNA’s, and CHHA’s.Light refreshments will be served. Stop in and see what a great place this is to work. The Pines at Whiting, 509 Route 530 Whiting, NJ 08759. 732-849-2047. (9)

For Rent

HVAC Service Tech/Installers Hiring now. Experience a plus, will train. Great work environment. Company vehicle. Year round/paid holidays. 401K/benefits avail. Call 732-349-1448 or fax resume 732-349-6448. (10)

Furnished Home - To share in Holiday City. $650/month plus 1/2 all utilities. Private bedroom and bathroom. Female preferred. 732-977-7321. (10)

Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n)

Homestead Run - 55+ Community. 2 BR, 1 or 1.5 bath. Toms River. 732370-2300. Available immediately. (10)

Now Hiring Property InspectorsFT/PT in your area. Full, free training provided. jim.g59@comcast.net or msangelabove@comcast.net. 732-7664425, 201-259-0734. Ask for Mel. (t/n)

Forked River - Studio. $625 with water, sewer. Quiet. Clean. New carpet. No smoking or pets. Single occupancy. Revferences, income proof required. Private parking, enterance, kitchenette, bathroom. dmrrm@comcast.net. (9)

Misc. Visiting HomeCare Services of Ocean County - Certified home health classes March 6, 2017. Come join our team! Please call 732-244-5565 for more info. Please ask about our tuition reimbursement program. (10)

Items Wanted $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, bric-a-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n)

Teacher Assistants - 2 full-time positions available. Pre-K Or Two’s class. Are you enthusiastic? Do you love to work with children? Do you like to have fun and smile a lot at work? We’re located in Brick. Call us at 732-458-2100. (5) Infant Caregiver - Full-Time.Do you love working with children. Call us for an interview. Brick Child Care Center. Call 732 458-2100. (10) Pre-K Teacher Assistant - FullTime. Do you like to work with children in an academic atmosphere? Brick Child Care Center. Call 732 458-2100. (10) Teacher - Full-Time; Toddlers. Experience with toddler curriculum development and classroom management preferred. Call 732 4582100 (located in Brick, NJ). (6) Deli Location Needs Experienced Operator - With good “down to earth” receipes. Take out or eat in home cooked meals. Re-open and operate an existing location right in the middle of Holiday City. Some equipment included. Needs your hard work and creative ideas. Great lease terms for the right operator. Contact Kate 732-922-3000. (11) Laundromat Attendant - For PT. Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (12) FT/PT CNA -The Pines at Whiting is looking for experienced CNA’s to provide excellence in care to our residents on our Assisted Living Unit, Georgetown Place. If you are looking for an environment that rewards excellence, provides a fun work environment you should look no further. One FT 3 to 11 p.m. position and PT weekend commitment positions on all 3 to 11 p.m./11 p.m. to 7 a.m. All shifts require E/O weekend. Competitive rates. Apply in Person to: The Pines at Whiting, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or email resume to rscully@thepinesatwhiting.org. (10)


C lassifieds Help Wanted

Secretary - seeking responsible individual with good phone skills. Experience a plus, will train. Good work environment. 401K/Benefits available. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Paid holidays. Call 732-349-1448 or Fax resume 732-349-6448. (10)

Services PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Celebrating almost five decades of service. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice. com. See all our anniversary and monthly specials. Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n) Caulking - Interior, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Cutting out old. Installing new. Call Steve 732703-8120. Thank You. (t/n) Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n) My 2 Girls Cleaning Service Let us clean your home to take away the dust along with keeping the winter blues away. Weekly, monthly. Call Donna 732-9148909, 732-232-7058. Bonded and insured. Same teams. Reasonable, reliable, references. (7) Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n) Autobody Work - $99 any dent big or small, professionally done. We come to you. Serving Ocean and Monmouth counties. 347-744-7409. (t/n) Carpet Repair - Restretching, ripples removed, repair work, stairs installed. Call Mike at 732-920-3944. (9) Gerard’s Watch & Jewelry Repair - Master watch maker. Expert battery replacement. 908-507-3288. 864 West Hill Plaza, 37W. Next to Window Happenings store. (10) Interior And Exterior Painting - Insured all calls returned. References available. Free estimates. Lic # VH04548900. Tommy call 609-661-1657. (11) I will Clean Your Home - Very good prices. Call 732-552-7513. (12) Caregiver - Looking for a job. Live in or out. 732-917-1814. (10) All In 1 Handyman/General Contracting - Painting, kitchens, bath, basements, etc. Remodeled, flooring, carpentry, roofing, siding, windows, doors, gutters, etc. “Any to do list.” No job too big or small, we do it all. $ave - Veterans discount. Call Clark 732-850-5060. (10) Domestic Assistant, Companion Great attitude and car. Available weekends and week days. Call with needs 609-432-9122, or text. (10)


Electrician - Licensed/Insured. Will do the jobs the big guys don’t want. Free estimates, senior discount. Call Bob 732608-7702. LIC #12170. (11) Roofing Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows, gutters. Repairs and discounted new installations. Prompt service. Insured. NJ license #13HV01888400. Special spring discounts. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (11)



Don Carnevale Painting - Specializing interiors/exteriors. Very neat. Special senior discounts. Reasonable, affordable, insured. References. Low winter rates. License #13VH3846900. 732899-4470 or 732-814-4851. Thank you. (10) Need A Ride - Airports, cruise, A.C., doctors. Save $$$. Senior discounts. Tom. Save ad. 551-427-0227. (22)

We Unclog All Drains - Including main sewer lines. Toilets repaired and replaced and more. Assurance Drain, LLC. Lic#13VH05930800 732-678-7584, Tony. (t/n) Handyman and More - From painting to plumbing. Also, clean-ups and clean-outs. Junk removal. Hauling.Whatever you need. Assurance, LLC. Lic#13VH05930800. 732-678-7584, Tony. (t/n)

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The Howell Times, February 18, 2017, Page 17




Across 1 One capsule, say 5 Metaphorical sticking points 10 Jacob’s twin 14 App that connects riders with drivers 15 Hard pattern to break 16 Prominent giraffe feature 17 Sing on key 19 Skedaddle 20 “Please, I’ve heard enough,” in texts 21 Speaker on a soapbox 22 Cutlass automaker 23 Jungle adventure 25 Store with Kenmore appliances 27 Sloppy 30 Corsage flower 33 Players in a play 36 Severely injure

38 Crystal-bearing rock 39 Illuminated 40 Try, with “at” 42 Civil War soldier 43 Desert building brick 45 Fashion magazine that’s also a French pronoun 46 In-flight predictions: Abbr. 47 Trickery 49 Discourage 51 24-__ gold 53 Draft choices 57 Whitewater ride 59 One with a bleeping job 62 Feel sorry about 63 Notable periods 64 Make available, as merchandise ... and a hint to the start of the answers to starred clues 66 Law business 67 Entices


68 Continent explored by Marco Polo 69 “__ old thing” 70 Lyric poem 71 Neighbor of Kent. Down 1 Tear conduits 2 Bush successor 3 Sans __: type style 4 Make a mistake 5 Compelling charm 6 Pro __: in proportion 7 Share a border with 8 Lushes 9 Hi-fi system 10 Implement, as laws 11 Underestimate 12 Breezed through, as a test 13 Luau instruments 18 Days of old 24 Tsp. or tbsp. 26 Constellation named for a mythological ship 28 Rescue 29 On-ramp sign

31 Original thought 32 Belles at balls 33 Not naked 34 Teacher’s helper 35 Cattle enterprise 37 Bachelor party attendee 40 Estate beneficiary 41 Warm up for the game 44 “I’m baffled” 46 Unit of work 48 Bring down the running back 50 Make, as a living 52 Prepare to drive, as a golf ball 54 Wipe clean 55 Altercation 56 Family auto 57 Foul callers, at times 58 Operatic song 60 Fictional sleuth Wolfe 61 Went like the wind 65 It may be tipped by a gentleman








Page 18, The Howell Times, February 18, 2017

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The Howell Times, February 18, 2017, Page 19

Omarr’s Astrological Forecast

For the week of February 18 - February 24

By Jeraldine Saunders

ARIES (March 21-April 19): If you had a nickel for every step you took you would be rich. In the week to come your active lifestyle could put you at the head of the class. Money making activities might be at the top of your to-do list. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The hardest steel is created by the hottest fire. In the week to come your energy levels may be higher than usual so you can get an incredible amount accomplished. You can be as tough as nails when occasions call for strength. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Watch and learn. Someone close may set a sterling example of cautious planning. Don’t be fooled into thinking you can achieve something without hard work this week. You can attain your dreams by paying attention. CANCER (June 21-July 22): A partner may keep you in line in the week to come. Charming new friends could put pressure on you to do more than your fair share. Someone may fire up your enthusiasm so much that you forget to put on the brakes. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Put your dreams to the test this week. If a little experience is useful then just imagine how far you can go with a lot of experience. You may be surprised to find that you have a creative talent if you try something new. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): What you see isn’t always what you get. You may be disappointed if you follow through on a family member’s idea in the week to come. However, if you work hard and study you can accomplish a great deal.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Stay on an even keel. Find a life preserver just in case you go overboard this week. In your enthusiasm to keep up with new acquaintances or to try something new you may spend more money than you should. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Some competition makes you complete. Your energies should be funneled into areas where you can show off imagination and vision. For the best success stick to conservative financial strategies as this week unfolds. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The more you have the more you want. This week you can enjoy what you have and avoid obsessing about what you don’t have. Protect your nest egg by avoiding unnecessary speculations or tweaking. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Fire on all cylinders. Work hard to make all your dreams come true this week. If the bills get paid there is plenty of time left to partake of the joys of life. Don’t let ambitions blind you to things of real value. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Balance between caution and exuberance in the week ahead. The thrill derived from gambling might outweigh common sense. You should restrain yourself from too quickly becoming involved in a relationship. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Perform a reality check. “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” may not mean much to the jet set. Accept anything that given freely in the week ahead but be cautious about investments and major purchases.




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wolfgang puck’s kitchen

Impress Your Sweetheart With The Ultimate Chocolate ‘Pudding’ By Wolfgang Puck

In recent years, many fans of fine restaurants have become familiar with the French-style dessert known as a pot de crème - literally a little “pot of cream.” You may sometimes hear this sweet treat described as a kind of chocolate pudding, but to me there is no comparison. An egg yolk-thickened pot de creme, which is very gently cooked in a hot water bath in the oven rather than stirred in a pot on top of the stove, is much smoother and more intense than any pudding you could imagine, almost like a cousin to a custard although not as eggy-tasting. To me, it’s the perfect combination of richness, silky smoothness, and intensity of flavor. You’ll find pots de creme in all kinds of popular flavors, including vanilla, butterscotch, salted caramel, coffee and lemon. The most popular flavor of all, of course, is chocolate, and it’s at its best when you start with a good-quality bittersweet variety. Take special care to melt the chocolate gently over simmering water, as described in the following recipe, so it doesn’t scorch or seize up, turning stiff and unmanageable. You’ll need six individual 3/4-cup (approximately 185mL) ramekins or souffle dishes and, to hold these “pots” while cooking them in the oven, you’ll also need a baking pan with sides. Allow about an hour total for mixing and cooking the mixture, and at least another three hours or so for cooling and chilling them. I find the pot de creme will keep well in the refrigerator for up to two days. Serving the pot de creme is simple, as it is typically eaten right out of the ramekin. I always like to place the ramekins on small plate and, just before presenting them, top them with dollops of freshly whipped cream and some chocolate shavings or a light dusting of cocoa powder. Of course, for your loved one, you could feel free to get even more creative, topping the cream with a single candied rose petal - or even a conversation heart. DARK CHOCOLATE POT DE CREME Makes 6 3 ounces (90 g) bittersweet chocolate,

cut into small pieces 2 cups (500 mL) heavy cream 1/2 cup (125 mL) milk 5 large cage-free egg yolks 1/4 cup (60 mL) granulated sugar Pinch of kosher salt Freshly whipped cream, for serving Position the rack in the center of the oven. Preheat the oven to 325 F (165 C). In a medium-sized heatproof bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water, heat the chocolate. When the chocolate is almost melted, turn off the heat and let stand until completely melted, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, in a medium-sized saucepan, combine the cream and milk. Over medium-high heat, bring the mixture almost to the boil. Remove from the heat. In another medium-sized heatproof bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar and salt until the sugar has dissolved completely. While whisking continuously, slowly pour in the hot cream mixture. Remove the melted chocolate from the stove. Hold a fine-meshed strainer over the bowl of chocolate and pour the hot cream-yolk mixture through the strainer into the chocolate. Whisk until well combined and smooth. Ladle the mixture into six individual 3/4-cup (approximately 185 mL) ramekins, and arrange the ramekins in a baking pan with sides. Pour enough warm water into the pan to reach halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Cover the entire baking pan with aluminum foil and carefully place the pan in the oven. Bake until the mixture around the edges of each ramekin looks firm when lightly, carefully shaken, about 35 minutes. (The baking time will vary depending on the depth and width of the ramekins.) The center may still move a bit, but will firm up as the mixture chills. Carefully remove the ramekins from the baking pan, wipe them dry, and leave them to cool at room temperature. Then, place them on a flat baking tray cover with foil, and refrigerate until firm, 2 to 3 hours. To serve, spoon some whipped cream in the center of each ramekin and decorate further if you wish. Transfer to a dessert plate and serve immediately.

(Chef Wolfgang Puck’s TV series,“Wolfgang Puck’s Cooking Class,” airs Sundays on the Food Network. Also, his latest cookbook, “Wolfgang Puck Makes It Easy,” is now available in bookstores. Write Wolfgang Puck in care of Tribune Media Services Inc., 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207) © 2017 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.

Page 20, The Howell Times, February 18, 2017


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