6 minute read
Items Wanted
Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n)
CASH PAID!! LP records - stereos, turntables, musical instru-ments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (30)
Used Guns Wanted - All types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n)
Ca$h Paid For Old 45 RPM Records. - R&B, doo wop, soul, early rock & roll, and rockabilly preferred. Call between 8AM and 8PM 909-938-4623. (20)
Help Wanted
Weekend Receptionist - Magnolia
Gardens Family owned and operated Assisted living community looking to fill weekend receptionist position. All positions start at $15.00 an hour. For more information call 732-5576500 or come to our home and fill out an application at 1935 Lakewood Road, Toms River 08755. (22)
MEDICAL BILLING - 35 years of experience. Directly connected to Medicare. Call Cindy Office:848-238-7997 email: cindytmp2@gmail. (24)
Laundromat Attendant - For FT/
PT Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (t/n)
Help Wanted
Certified Aides - Full time, Per Diem, Weekends, Magnolia Gardens Family owned and operated Assisted living community looking to fill nursing, and medical aide positions. All positions start at $15.00 an hour. For more information call 732-557-6500 or come to our home and fill out an application at 1935 Lakewood Road, Toms River 08755. (22)
Full/Part Time Dietary Aid - Magnolia Gardens Assisted Living Family owned and operated Assisted living community looking to fill positions for Full time and part time, Dietary aids. All positions start at $15.00 an hour. For more information call 732557-6500 or come to our home and fill out an application at 1935 Lakewood Road, Toms River 08755. (22)
R.C. Shea and Associates is seeking to hire a paralegal with civil/commercial litigation experience as well as an administrative assistant. Pay and benefits commensurate with experience. Please call Pam Williams, office manager at (732) 505-1212 or email at pwilliams@rcshea.com (t/n)
Process Engineer (Job ID#: PE0110) Alpha Engineered Composites, LLC (Lakewood, NJ): Dvlp, configure, & optimize processes from inception thru steady state mfg, based on the goal of achieving strategic Key Performance or Target to Improve mfg indices; Identify, thru measurement & interpretation of product-process data; justify resources & capital financially; & implmt capital expenditure & process improvement initiatives; Support solution dvlpmt for special cause mfg issues; Process & maintain process instruction docs per current ISO platform. Complete monthly reports & identify thru pareto analysis, problem product-process issues; Scale transfer tech. at new facilities & verify process metrics are achieved; Support Lean Mfg initiatives focused on the elimination of mfg waste & enhancing product value; Support mfg suprvsn in techn'l input. Need Bachelor's in Mechan'l Engg, Chemical Engg, Industrial Engg, or rltd; 30 mths exp in process engg; Proficiency w/ the PLC prgmg & ladder logic Computer Aided Dsgn, Statistical Analysis, & Process Simulation s/ware; Understanding of Lean mfg principles & the mfg dependency btwn process availability, performance, & qlty; Familiar w/ local & federal envrmnt'l, health, & safety regulations; Travel throughout U.S. & China, twice per yr (1 month each trip) to provide techn'l support to AEC joint venture.
Mail CV w/ Job ID# to 145 Lehigh Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701. (22)
Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (39)
Property/Maintenance/Masonry - Brick restoration, brick repointing, concrete repairs, step repairs, grass cutting, cleanups. mulch. Call Ken 732-814-7743. (23)
CHEAP PAINTING Done RITEFree est. Senior discounts interior exterior. Call 732-506-7787, cell 646-643-7678. (28)
Over 30 years experience in all phases of home improvements. Free estimates and referrals. Call John 267-475-7962. (22)
Services Services Services
Absolute best home improvements!"Building the shore since 1984" Additions, carpentry, windows & doors, roofing & siding, painting & staining, flooring, kitchens & baths, finished basements, masonry, fencing, custom decks, fully insured, license #13VH11804800. $ave. Call Brien 732-850-5060. (28)
Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (19)
Certified Home Health Aides - Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n)
ALL American Home Health AidesExperienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605. (t/n)
LANDSCAPING - Restorations, Repairs, Stones, Mulch, Sod Installs, Hedges, Shrubs, Bushes, Downed Branches Trimmed & Removed, Demolition, Cleanouts, ect., Dumpster service provided by A901 Licensed Hauler ect. MAN WITH VAN LLC. Jim 609-335-0330 HIC# 13vh10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL! (20)
THE RIDE GUY - Takes you anywhere! No limits. Comfy mini-van. Call Charlie 732-216-3176 or Email: cr@exit109. com. References. Let's Go! (19)
Housecleaning, Painting, Shopping, - Laundry, window cleaning, also we do typing services and run errends for you and also help paperwork. Very good prices. Call 732-7735078 or 848-287-3944. (21)
Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19)
APlus Home Improvements - Over 30 years experience. Everything from small handyman tasks to large renovations, decks, finished basements and much more. Lic #13VH11453600. No job too small give us a call. 908-278-1322. (52)
Build • Repair • Replace - Affordable • Expert Workmanship. Carpentry, windows, doors, trim, tile, bathrooms, kitchens, masonry, flooring, decks, advanced building. 609-384-9030. (21)
Properties, Houses, Attics, Garages, Sheds, Storage Units, ect. Handyman Disposal provided 901a Dumpster Service LLC. Licensed, Insured, call or text Jim 609-335-0330. (27)
C.B.J. ROOFING - Covering the jersey shore since 1984. All work guaranteed. We will beat ANY legitimate estimate. $ave. Call 732-850-5060. (20)
PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice.com . Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n)
Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-877-791-2033 or visit dorranceinfo.com/micro. (t/n)
Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n)
Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n)
MASONARY REPAIR - Sidewalks, steps, driveways, pavers. For free estimate call 732-5896798, 848-210-2716. (20)
Learn To Play The - Flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, or drums from a NJ State Certified Teacher of instrumental music, in your home! Call 732-3504427 for more information. (21)
MY HANDY CREW - Home repairs, carpentry, painting roofing and siding, decks, powerwashing, yardwor,k all your home maintenance needs. $ave. Call Clark 732-850-5060. Insured and NJ License #13VH11804800. (46)
Garden Advisory: Experienced (Master) Gardener - Assists homeowners with garden planning & design, plant care advice, plant selection & replacement recommendations, container gardens, soil testing. 732-232-8144. (21)
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