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Engineering Team Excels At Competition
MANCHESTER – The Manchester Township Middle School (MTMS) Engineering Team was invited to compete in the annual International SeaPerch Challenge. This is an invitation-only event and an absolute honor for our students to be invited to be a part of. As a result of their hard work and participation, the MTMS Engineering Team was presented with the Spirit Award! The Spirit Award recognizes the team that displays the essence of the SeaPerch Program and exhibits exceptional creativity at the 2023 International
– Photo courtesy Manchester Schools Competition. Congratulations to our MTMS Engineering Team!
The annual International SeaPerch Challenge tests the skills learned in the SeaPerch program with a series of obstacles and real-world-inspired tasks. The challenge is open to teams that excelled at registered regional competitions and earned a slot to compete in the season’s culminating event. The MTMS team will travel to Maryland for this competition and be met with a new theme and set of competition tasks are released.
Lock Box Program
MANCHESTER – Manchester Senior Services will be providing combinationkey lock boxes to Manchester Residents, 60 years of age and older, free of charge. The program consists of a lock box, which will be owned and maintained by the resident and should be placed on the front door with a spare key inside.
They strongly encourage that once a combination is set, it be shared with the local police department (Manchester Township Police Department) 732-6576111, this will allow first responders to access a resident’s home in an emergency without causing damage to their home. Manchester Senior Services can assist with setting up the combinations, if needed. If you are interested in the program, contact Manchester Senior Services at 732-849-8305. While supplies last, one lock box per household.
ECW Upcoming Meeting
WHITING – The ECW (Episcopal Church Women) of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church will hold their next meeting on June 1 at 1 p.m. Refreshments will be served. The speaker will be Rachel Johnston from Providence House. More details will follow. ECW will plan events for the rest of the year. Contact the President, Stefanie at 732350-2904 if you plan to attend or have any questions.