Will LBI Traffic Increase Due To Road Work?
By Alyssa Riccardi MANAHAWKIN– What is normally a 10-minute drive recently took many motorists over an hour to travel on Route 72 over the Causeway Bridge due to continuous construction. Although locals are always looking forward to the perfect beach weather, it always comes with a price: shore traffic.

Merely a week before Memorial Day week-
end, one of the busiest times at the shore, residents were left angry and frustrated as several lanes were closed on the Manahawkin Bay Bridge going to Long Beach Island.
“I’m so upset it’s busy enough. But truly working upon summer months ahead? This is way too much,” Denise Stacy Danca Curcio wrote on Facebook.
“Why didn’t they work
(Traffic - See Page 19)
By Stephanie FaughnanSTAFFORD – Ocean Acres Elementary School
students honored fallen war heroes and showcased their appreciation for local veterans and those who continue to serve the nation.
From their post on the stage, children could see the display of reverence for the nation from veterans who saluted or placed their hands over their hearts during the National Anthem.

JROTC Cadets
Revamp Hero Wall
By Stephanie FaughnanLACEY - In an inspiring display of dedication, a group of JROTC cadets from Central Regional High School undertook a heartwarming initiative to uplift the Hero Wall at the Lacey Walmart.

To mark the completion of their mission, the cadets began with a ceremonious flag
raising in front of the store on Memorial Day morning. The distinguished group of high school students stood tall during the event, demonstrating a true sense of respect and service.
The weight of her new role as the freshly appointed commander was not lost on Savannah Haskell as she spoke on
(JROTC - See Page 5)
Superintendent of Schools George Chidiac credited Lori Kundrat, a preschool teacher, as the creative mind behind the “Support Our Troops” assembly. The cherished tradition, initiated at least fifteen years ago, has continually evolved and grown with each passing year.

Students at Ocean Acres range in age from preschool to second grade and had already learned
(Troops - See Page 18)
Local Group Building Custom Plane For Armless Pilot
By Stephanie FaughnanOCEAN COUNTY – A group of local aviation enthusiasts has undertaken an ambitious project to build a customized aircraft for Jessica Cox, an Arizona-based pilot born without arms.

The fifteen volunteers involved in this endeavor are all members of EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) Chapter 898 out of the Ocean County
(PilotSee Page 4)

Continued From Page 1
Airport. Many are also actively engaged in the Ocean Air Support Squadron (OASS), a volunteer group dedicated to conducting sunset patrols along the coastline throughout the summer.
More than a decade ago, Guinness World Records recognized Cox as the first woman to fly an airplane with her feet. Cox has consistently proven that even the sky poses no limits for her.
At first glance, it may appear counterintuitive that Cox would choose to fly a 1940s vintage ERCO Ercoupe airplane. However, Cox and her husband, Patrick Chamberlain, credit the ERCO developers with an early iteration of technology that continues to facilitate flying for individuals with disabilities.
The beginning of Cox’s association with the Ocean County group unfolded when she encountered others who owned the same type of aircraft that she initially piloted.
Gene Bunt serves as a member of EAA Chapter 898 and is also one of the OASS pilots. As luck would have it, Bunt’s additional position as the director of the Ercoupe Owners Club proved advantageous when Cox found herself in need of local assistance.
“I have known Jessica for many years through the Ercoupe Owners Club,” acknowledged Bunt. “She attends many of our events and conferences.”
On March 18, 2022, Cox and her hus -

band flew to the east coast and safely touched down at JFK International Airport. The couple’s usual sense of joy after a successful flight was short-lived when a jet turned sharply next to them, nearly flipping their plane.
“It might not have been an intentional act, but it was definitely a negligent one,” Chamberlain shared. “Jessica’s plane looked like a New York City taxicab. It’s bright yellow, white and has black checker marks. There’s no way they didn’t see it.”
Cox and Chamberlain had fortunately left the plane for a quick break. However, they came back to huge concerns regarding harm to the aircraft. Given his familiarity with their type of plane and their location, Bunt seemed like the obvious person to reach out to for help.
The call achieved an immediate response as if a family member was in need. Bunt arranged for a mechanic who worked on his personal aircraft to come out to check the extent of the damage. Meanwhile, the interaction over the course of a few days led to some interesting conversations.
Cox and Chamberlain told Bunt about a project they were considering even before the incident that brought them together. The couple had decided to explore alternatives for replacing the aircraft. The 1946 ERCO was not really designed to last as long as it had, and there were other issues.
“Jessica has to sit in basically a crunch,” said Chamberlain. “So, she’s sitting crisscross with one foot on the yoke and
the other foot on the throttle. She’s very flexible and very adept at using her legs. But she has a thirty-minute time limit and then needs to be on the ground.”
Amidst the pandemic, the couple took the initiative to approach a kit manufacturer with what they deemed a “crazy idea.” They inquired whether Van’s Aircraft would be open to either modifying one of their existing planes or donating one. The rest is history, with the manufacturer agreeing to supply the kit for an aircraft that would better accommodate Cox.
Building a new plane required more than just gathering the necessary parts. Finding someone with the expertise to put them together was also a challenge.
Bunt’s unexpected encounter with the couple proved to be quite serendipitous when he mentioned the possibility of connecting them with someone with the exact experience they needed.
“Gene told us he might know a guy and connected us with Bob,” Chamberlain said. “One of the first planes Bob built with his son was the RV-10, which is the same one we wanted to build and modify.”
Dr. Robert Newman began building planes in 1980. After retiring as the Superintendent of the Ocean County Vocational Technical School District, he found more time to dedicate to his craft. Newman eagerly embraced the proposed project, which will mark his involvement in successfully completing a remarkable total of eleven planes.
Cox admitted that she was elated when Newman and his crew of volunteers
decided to take on the daunting task of building her plane. The group started last August with constructing the first ever designed “for foot” flight.
A few weeks ago, EEA Chapter 898 members organized a barbeque in one of the airport hangars so everyone could meet Cox. Joining the celebration was her husband and Cox’s faithful service pup, Chewy.
Several assembled parts of the aircraft were proudly showcased within the hangar gathering. Newman drew attention to a pair of elevators, which will be located at the back of the plane. Additionally, sections of the tail had already been completed, while the preassembled wings remained stored in a crate.
A team of engineering students from the University of Arizona has weighed in with some suggestions for modifications to the standard aircraft. They’ve been working on the schematic design for the plane’s controls. The team has come up with concepts that still need to be polished.
An essential goal of this particular aircraft design is to document favorable and unfavorable ideas thoroughly. The intention behind this is to avoid the necessity for other pilots with disabilities to start the design process anew.
“We expect we’ll be done building the plane in two more years,” shared Newman. “The fuselage is due in August, and by fall, we’ll start having what looks like an airplane. Right now, it’s all in pieces.”
(Pilot - See Page 15)
Continued From Page 1
behalf of her unit. While acknowledging that the initial groundwork for the mission had been laid by her predecessor, Commander Keith Brown, Savannah said she was fully prepared to shoulder the responsibility should anything go wrong.
“The Wall of Valor wasn’t taken care of as much as it could have been,” Savannah shared. “We were especially concerned with the veterans on the wall who died during a war. I feel it’s an honor for them and their families that we show them and their families that we do appreciate them, and all they’ve done for this country.”
Staff Sergeant Giovanni Holgun-Ruiz and Officer in Charge Jayden Yurick coordinated most of the operation associated with uplifting the Hero Wall outside Walmart’s Customer Service center.
“I worked with some of the other cadets to come up with an idea to expand upon the wall,” said Giovanni. “We built a plan, and we set everything up, and then we put it all together and hung everything on the wall.”
Giovanni revealed that a critical part of the mission involved procuring veteran photographs. A dedicated dropbox was set up at the Walmart store to facilitate this. The cadets complemented the initiative by

devising a user-friendly Google form for photo submissions.

Approximately 50 photographs were ultimately encased in frames, and the cadets showcased their efforts by attaching their signatures to a note of gratitude. The result was a breathtaking montage of courage, with some honored as heroes from as far back as World War I.
With plans to join the Coast Guard after graduating this year, Colonel Keith Brown is now the unit’s retired commander. Keith credited those under his command at the time for coming up with the ideas to make the mission successful.
“I oversaw everything and made sure it was nice and neat and tidy,” Keith shared. “They’re the ones who did all the work.”
All cadets who participated in the dedication service showed up dressed in crisply pressed uniforms and exuded a dignified presence. Three separated from the ranks and moved to ceremoniously hoist the American flag with a demonstration of reverence and precision.
“The old flag that is being hoisted represents our past and present soldiers of the nation,” Jayden said during the ceremony. “The new flag represents America’s future and our military’s protection. We have a memorial to honor the sacrifices made by our veterans to provide our protection.”
Following the flag-raising, the cadets and spectators moved inside as the unit’s retired commander offered a few words.
Keith thanked Walmart for allowing the cadets to expand the wall and credited the cadets who led the mission. He concluded his remarks by paying special honor to those who made the ultimate sacrifice and asked for a moment of silence.
Of particular note, Cadet Juliana Gonzalez served as the unit’s photographer and took some amazing pictures of the event.
Will Ferguson, Walmart Store Manager, and Chris Igoe, the Operations Coach, said the Wall of Honor originated 13 years ago when the store first opened. Ferguson and Igoe were overjoyed when the JROTC group decided to breathe new life into the cherished wall, adding a fresh layer of significance.
To express gratitude for the cadets’ invaluable contribution, Walmart graciously donated five tickets to an extraordinary presentation planned in Philadelphia. The event features the Jocko Willink, an esteemed American author, podcaster, and retired United States Navy officer. This special opportunity served as a token of appreciation and offered the cadets a chance to gain inspiration and insights from a distinguished figure in their field.
Central Regional High School’s Major Steven Mares, Senior Army JROTC In-
Stafford Township’s Green Team Green Fair

structor, watched the cadets run their operations from the sidelines. His eyes gleamed with pride at how each of them handled themselves. Mares said 120 students are involved in the program throughout the school district.
Meanwhile, the unit’s retired commander wasn’t the only cadet who planned to pursue a military career. The new commander has another year in high school but is already brimming with determination and ambition.
Savannah expressed her plan to embark on a path to becoming a doctor while also pursuing a career in the United States Navy. She also said her grandfather’s Navy service strongly influenced her aspirations.
From the sidelines, Bill Dondero, the Commander of VFW Post 9503, observed the cadets’ performance with a sense of satisfaction. Having recently met with the unit’s leadership, he expressed his delight in rekindling the relationship between the two groups. Unfortunately, the adverse circumstances of the COVID pandemic forced a halt in their gatherings, depriving students of valuable interactions.
Through their mission, the JROTC cadets from Central Regional High School didn’t merely uplift a wall - they left a mark on the community that will serve as a reminder for those who fought for the freedom of all Americans.

For years, you drive past a patch of forest. Then, one day, trees are cut down. Construction vehicles are clearing the land. What happened to the woods? What are they putting there?
We tend to think that once something is there, it will be there forever. That’s really not the case –especially when it comes to nature. Unless it is specifically preserved as open space, it will one day be a development.
Every square inch of your town is accounted for. A town labels every lot with a certain zone. They might be residential, commercial, industrial, or some combination. It gets further broken down – one area might be zoned for single family homes while another might be multi-family
Don’t Let Kids Go To Colleges In States That Ban Abortion
It’s sad to have to say this, but parents need to pay attention to what states have abortion bans before their children decide to attend college there. About half the states in the country have
Those Woods You Love May Not Be Woods Forever
(apartments, condos).
Just because it’s zoned a certain way, that doesn’t mean there’s a plan. It just says what the town officials want it to be some day. They might think “This area near the highway is a good place for businesses, but not for houses.” So that’s how they zone it. Then, one day, a developer comes along and says “I want to built a strip mall here.”
Every so often, the zoning changes. Sometimes it’s done piecemeal. Sometimes it’s a huge undertaking.
Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL/N.J.S.A. 40:55D-28) requires every town in New Jersey to adopt a comprehensive plan or master plan, and to revisit it every ten years. This would be an entire town’s plan.
It’s why I have to laugh when politicians are sur-
prised at overdevelopment. At some point, within the last ten years, someone decided that hundreds of homes should go over here, and businesses should go over there. Years later, a developer does just that and people are surprised?
If the politician thinks that there’s too much development, they can make changes in the zoning to fix that before a plan gets proposed. If they try to change the zoning after a plan gets proposed, it’s called spot zoning, and it can open them up to a lawsuit.
Sure, a politician can’t know everything that’s happening in their town, especially larger towns. And they can’t control what was done by officials before them. But they suffer from the same object permanence issue that the rest of us have – we think

that once something is there, it will always be there.
Every election year, politicians promise they’ll fight overdevelopment. They really can’t do that once a plan is proposed. Further, they can’t meddle in the affairs of the land use boards that approve or deny developments. But they can change zoning. And they should.
Property owners have the right to use their property as they see fit, providing it’s legal. Town officials can tell you what’s allowed.
Some towns have an open space tax. It’s separate from your property taxes, but it all gets paid at the same time. It might be a penny on every $100,000 of valuation for your property. Ocean and Monmouth counties both have open space trust funds that make purchases that towns can’t afford.
Letters To The Editor
some kind of ban in effect right now.
Following the Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade, states are now able to make their own minds up about abortion, making the choice for you rather than letting the woman decide.
Republican-led states, mostly in the south like Alabama and Arkansas, are
We Welcome Letters To The Editor!
The Southern Ocean Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns.
All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for verification. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to
The opinions expressed in the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/ Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.
now states where a woman isn’t allowed to make choices concerning her body.
A state like Florida, where Ron DeSantis signed a 6-week ban, is a de facto ban. Most women don’t know they’re pregnant 6 weeks in. 6 weeks is one missed period. A woman might just think she’s late. By the time she learns she’s pregnant, it’s too late to get an abortion.
Two states, Wisconsin and North Dakota don’t even have clinics right now, according to news reports.
If your child is going to college in one of these 24 states that have a ban, what’s going to happen if they have an unwanted pregnancy? Mistakes happen, so the smart thing to do is look ahead at the state politics where the college is. Idaho even enacted a law that prevents women from traveling to other states to have an abortion. So, they won’t even be able to come
Politicians can negotiate as long as they have a willing property owner. They can buy the land and preserve it as open space. And they should.
I’ve been to a lot of town meetings where people are upset that they will suddenly be living near an apartment complex, strip mall, or something like that. I don’t blame them. All of the woods I played in as a kid are gone now. All of it.
There is a way to be proactive, though.
If you love an area of woods, find out who owns it and what it is zoned. Some towns have this information available online. You might also have to look at county records for deeds. Sometimes, the solution is to reach out to someone at the town.
Ask your town leaders to preserve it. Many of the pol-
iticians I’ve talked to love having more open space in their towns. It saves them money on things like road maintenance and garbage collection. It also lowers the number of kids in the school district so school taxes don’t go up. It’s actually cheaper to buy land and keep it open space than to let it fill with 2.5 kids per household.
I oversimplified this extremely complicated process throughout this editorial, but the point is that every strip of land in town is going to be built upon unless it’s specifically saved. So, if there’s a section of pristine land that you love, and you want it to stay that way, start working now to keep it open space forever.
Chris Lundy News Editorhome for it.
Don’t think that this applies only to your daughters. It’s not just their lives that will forever be impacted. Your sons need to be protected, too.
This doesn’t even enter into all the medically necessary abortions, and pregnancy from rape (which happens in college dorms of course).
So please, if you want your daughter or son to have a career, follow their dreams, and build a family when they are ready, don’t send them to college in a state where abortion is illegal.
Teresa DeRosa, BrickSupport Bacchione & Team In Berkeley
I am writing this letter in reaction to a January story in The Berkeley Times
announcing the candidacy of Council President John Bacchione for the mayoral position in Berkeley Township. This is fantastic news! Although it saddens me that Mayor Carmen Amato is stepping away from the mayoral position, I am happy that Councilman Bacchione is seeking the job.
Among the many reasons I feel John is the right person for the job is his quote to The Berkeley Times when he said he doesn’t want to change the recipe (referring to Carmen Amato’s leadership).
Berkeley Township is a great place to live. We have beaches, clean parks, and extensive recreational facilities. Our Berkeley Township Schools are safe, and they provide a quality education. Under John’s leadership there is more to come to make our community even better.
Councilman Bacchione’s
business experience in the mortgage industry is also a plus. Our residents deserve knowledgeable candidates and especially for homeowners where property values are concerned and their relationship to assessments and ratables and to the community. To me, this strikes a needed balance of private sector and public sector expertise.
Councilman Bacchione does not act like a politician in public...he is a member of the community who cares about the progress being made in town. He is truly “all in” for Berkeley Township. My message to all Berkeley Township voters, vote for John Bacchione for mayor and the Republican team in 2023.
Continue Moving Forward with Bacchione and Republican Team.
Fred Bekiarian BayvilleFederal Funds Will Help Schools Provide Maps To Police
From The Desk Of The Governor Phil Murphy

TRENTON – Building on last year’s investment in a statewide initiative to collect and digitize blueprints of K-12 school buildings throughout New Jersey to improve school security on behalf of students and staff, Governor Phil Murphy announced an additional investment of approximately $5.79 million in federal funds to further assist with critical incident mapping efforts.
Accurate and uniform maps help law enforcement swiftly and effectively respond to emergencies in unfamiliar environments. These efforts first began in New Jersey when Governor Murphy announced $6.5 million for critical incident mapping efforts in August 2022, and later signed legislation to require all public and non-public schools to submit their mapping data to local law enforcement agencies. Through that funding, the New Jersey State Police was able to contract with a vendor that has been working to collect the updated school maps and upload the electronic format of that information to a database.
“In the face of our country’s ongoing epidemic of gun violence, both in and out of schools, this information is unfortunately yet undeniably necessary to help ensure the safety of our students
and educators,” said Governor Murphy. “This additional investment will advance our state’s ongoing efforts to map every school throughout New Jersey to equip law enforcement personnel with the information they need to rapidly respond in the event of a crisis in order to keep our children safe.”
These federal funds will be allocated to the New Jersey State Police to support critical incident mapping in the remaining schools to ensure consistent mapping across the state, and to maintain the statewide database to ensure operational security of this data and provide access to the critical incident mapping information to first responders in all 21 New Jersey counties.
Since 1999, there have been at least 380 school shootings throughout America –with 46 school shootings taking place last year alone.
When the critical incident mapping initiative was first announced in August last year, first responders only had access to the mapping data of some of New Jersey’s thousands of public and private schools. Once the schematics for every New Jersey school building are collected, local law enforcement personnel will conduct annual walkthroughs of each building to ensure the mapping data is accurate and up-to-date.
The approximately $5.79 million in funding comes from remaining federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental
Appropriations Emergency Assistance for Non-Public Schools (CRRSA EANS) funds and American Rescue Plan (ARP) EANS funds that must be expended prior to the designated expiration dates. The Administration made the decision to redistribute the funds to the State Police to further enhance the security of New Jersey schools.
“We applaud Governor Murphy for once again working to ensure the safety of all children in the state,” said Rabbi Avi Schnall, Director of the New Jersey Office of Agudath Israel. “Security funding for non-public schools in New Jersey has increased significantly under Governor Murphy’s leadership and now provides the most funds per-pupil than any other state in the nation. During these uncertain times, it is comforting to know that should disaster strike, our local law enforcement agencies will be even more equipped to respond in a timely and safe manner.”
“We’re taking another significant step forward in protecting our students and teachers. With critical incident mapping and data analysis, along with additional
investments in school security initiatives, we strengthen our efforts to safeguard against emergencies. Together, we’re dedicated to protecting our youth,” said Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin.
“Our commitment to ensuring that our children and school personnel are safe will always be a top priority in our mission to protect and serve. The critical incident mapping initiative will undoubtedly assist law enforcement during emergent times by providing first responders with an additional tool to work more quickly and more efficiently,” said Colonel Patrick J. Callahan, Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police. “The additional funding represents another step towards making our schools safer and I applaud Governor Murphy for taking these steps aimed at securing schools in New Jersey.”
“By utilizing cutting-edge technology for mapping school facilities, we continue our efforts to provide our students with the safest learning environment possible,” said Dr. Angelica Allen-McMillan, Acting Commissioner of Education.
Washington Leaders Must Protect Social Security During Debt Ceiling Debate
As Republicans and Democrats in Washington D.C. continue to bicker over the federal budget and the associated debt ceiling, I would like to encourage leaders in both parties to take no action that could harm the Social Security and Medicare benefits on which our seniors depend.
For more than four decades as an Ocean County Freeholder and now Commissioner, I have been a staunch advocate for our senior citizens.
I feel that when a debate becomes so derisive, with both sides of the aisle posturing for headlines and support, our top-level elected officials sometime forget the fear that can trickle down to our residents.
There is a long list of possible complications that comes with any kind of surgery, including plastic surgery, which is why many people are looking for non-surgical options for cosmetic cures. Unfortunately, even these options are not without risk. Liquid nose jobs are a newer technique in which a doctor injects fillers to reshape the patient’s nose. However, if that filler includes a product that contains calcium hydroxyapatite, it may lead to serious pain and possible loss of vision in one or both eyes. This happens when the injected filler blocks the flow of blood to the choroid, the vascular layer of the eye that provides oxygen and nutrients to the outer layers of the retina.
Taking care of your eyes and vision may mean you need to see an ophthalmologist and an optometrist at some point in your lifetime. For certain eye issues, these two types of eye care professionals often work together to help patients get the best results. Ophthalmologists offer a wide range of eye care services along with more specialized surgical expertise. They can provide eye exams, as well as diagnosis and treatment for common and serious eye disorders, like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts.

To schedule an exam, please call SIGHTMD NEW JERSEY SUSSKIND & ALMALLAH EYE ASSOCIATES at 732-349-5622. We offer evening hours most nights of the week.

P.S. Inflammation of the choroid is called choroiditis.
Ocean County has one of the largest senior citizen populations in New Jersey and I have spent my public service career ensuring that our older residents receive all of the benefits they deserve.
Seniors are the heart of our county’s economy. But more importantly, they have earned a comfortable and fulfilling retirement. I have worked hard to keep our county government and our cost of living affordable. Now the federal government needs to do its part and ensure Social Security not only continues, but keeps up with inflation.
I have recently spoken to a number of our residents who are concerned that the political posturing surrounding the ongoing debt ceiling debate could target Social Security.
As a representative of our senior communities, I call on the Biden Administration and the leaders of both the House and Senate to consider no action that could in any way threaten Social Security benefits.
It is a safe assumption that many people following the debt ceiling debate do not fully understands the long-term implications of raising or not raising the ceiling. They only want to know how the final decision will impact them. Will they pay more in taxes and interest? Will their benefits suffer?
Our elected federal officials, from the White House and Congress, need to step up and reassure our senior citizens that Social Security will be protected.
Among our many Ocean County seniors is one of the state’s largest populations of veterans. These brave men and women served in wars including World War II, Korea and Vietnam.
Our veterans also need reassurance that the political wrangling in Washington D.C. sidesteps both Social Security and the critical VA benefits our heroes depend on.
Now is the time for the President and leaders of both houses to stop looking for headlines and instead look out for the interests of all citizens. Our national leaders were elected to serve all of the people, not just their respective political parties.
Joseph H. Vicari Director, Board of Commissioners

C ommunity n E w S
Hunger Foundation And Post Office Collaborate To Stamp Out Hunger
MANAHAWKIN – The Hunger Foundation of Southern Ocean joined forces with the Manahawkin Post Office to collect and deliver several pallets worth of food to St. Francis of Assisi Parish and Ocean Community Church. This collaborative partnership was part of the annual “Stamp Out Hunger” event organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC).
Stamp Out Hunger is a nationwide food drive to combat hunger and support communities in need. Each year, postal workers in collaboration with local organizations collect non-perishable food items from generous donors nationwide. These donations are then distributed to local food banks, pantries and community organizations to provide much-needed assistance to individuals and families facing food insecurity.
The Hunger Foundation and the Manahawkin Post Office express their heartfelt gratitude to the individuals and organizations who played an integral role in the success of the Stamp Out Hunger event. Special appreciation goes to Adam Binder and Corinna Negrin from Creative Click Media; Adam’s 11-year-old son, Miles; Chris Schwab, President of the Hunger Foundation of Southern Ocean and Account Executive at McMahon Insurance Agency; Chris’s 4-year-old son, Mitchell Schwab; Colleen Yerves from St. Francis of Assisi; Taylor Made Cabinets for lending the delivery truck driven by Jake Harrison from Stafford EMS; Causeway Gazette for lending a donation pickup vehicle; Pam Zeleznok and Tammy Mitchell, Hunger Foundation of Southern Ocean board members; and Ricky Herb, the event’s organizing postal carrier. Their collective dedication and contributions made a lasting impact on fighting hunger in the community.
“The collaboration between The Hunger Foundation and the Manahawkin Post Office for the Stamp Out Hunger event exemplifies the strength of unity and highlights that even greater things are possible when we work together,” says Adam Binder, Hunger Foundation of Southern Ocean board member and founder of Manahawkin-based digital marketing agency Creative Click Media. “It is through the collective efforts of individuals, organizations and volunteers that we can make a lasting difference in the lives of those facing hunger. Togeth -
we can create a brighter and more nourished future for our community.”

“Working on the Stamp Out Hunger food drive has become something that every letter carrier in the Manahawkin office has taken pride in. Every year they push to get as much food to donate possible. This year we partnered with the Hunger Foundation of Southern Ocean and it couldn’t have gone smoother,” says Ricky Herb, postal carrier for the Manahawkin Post Office. “Adam and everyone at the foundation went out of their way to make sure the pickups and drop offs went perfectly. We hope this partnership continues to grow the food drive year after year.”

The Hunger Foundation of Southern Ocean and the Manahawkin Post Office extend their heartfelt gratitude to all the donors and volunteers who generously contributed to the Stamp Out Hunger event. Their support and compassion play a crucial role in helping local families and individuals in need.
“Thank you to the USPS for reaching out to our foundation to partner and help facilitate this great initiative. It is amazing when organizations, people volunteers come together to support a worthy cause and help those in need in our community,” says Chris Schwab, President of the Hunger Foundation of Southern Ocean and Account Executive at McMahon Insurance Agency.
“This now will be a great partnership every year in May to help our local food banks with food and everyday necessities for our community.”

For more information about how to support the Hunger Foundation of Southern Ocean, visit hfsoc.org.

Student Government Day
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–Photo courtesy Stafford Township STAFFORD – Mayor Myhre and Township Council would like to thank the Stafford Township School District, St. Mary’s Academy and Lighthouse Christian Academy for participating in this year’s Student Government Day! Special thanks also goes out to our Township employees, professionals and staff that made this day so special for the students.

Southern Regional Athlete Commits To Stockton University

–Photo courtesy Southern Regional MANAHAWKIN – Congratulations to Southern Regional Multi-Sport Athlete Johnathan Holden on his commitment to Stockton University to continue his academic and both soccer and track careers. Johnathan is surrounded by Head Boys Soccer Coach Rob Munoz, Head Boys Track Coach Scott Baker and his parents.
Agility, Balance, And Coordination
LITTLE EGG HARBOR – This class is designed to develop a child’s ABCs (agility, balance, and coordination). Children will practice jumping, hopping, balancing, and other basic skills. They will incorporate different props including agility ladders, small hurdles, and balancing tools

which will help build a foundation for simple sports skills. Please wear sneakers and bring a drink.
Program takes place on June 19 from 1 to 2 p.m. at Soccer Field 1, Freedom Fields County Park, Little Egg Harbor. Fee is $5 per child.
SRMS Students Research

MANAHAWKIN – Each year, science teacher Sarah Cannella’s students research various medical conditions, how they affect people, and the genetic components. The students choose a topic and non-profit organization which they then present to their peers. Then the students vote on the best and most persuasive presentation.
This year the students voted for the group
that presented on asthma, and sold bracelets to support the cause for May 2, 2023, Asthma and Allergy Awareness Day. The goal of this project is to not only teach awareness but also to make personal connections and increase empathy for the struggles of others. The group that presented on AAFA are Kylan Alberti, Brayden Vile, Gunnar Hanzl and they raised a little over $200 for the AAFA.
Tennis Team Wins County Championship
–Photo courtesy Southern Regional

MANAHAWKIN – Congratulations to the Southern Regional Boys Tennis team on winning the 2023 Ocean County Championship on May 13. Congratulations to the players, coaches, parents, alumni, and fans.

Cloverdale Farm County Park Monthly Bird Walks
BARNEGAT – Learn how Cloverdale Farm County Park’s bird population changes month by month. This informative two-hour bird walk is perfect for all levels of birders. Please wear
comfortable sneakers or boots. If inclement weather, the program will be canceled.
Dates: June 3, July 15, August 19; from 8 to 10 a.m. Open to ages 9 and up.

Students Earn Seal Of Biliteracy

Our Services

MANAHAWKIN – Eighteen students at Southern Regional High School attained the Seal of Biliteracy. Seven students attained it in Spanish and English and 9 of them in French and English.

To achieve this Seal, the students must take the State AAPPL Test. This test is comprised of four sections, a reading, a writing, a speaking, and a listening section. Madame Skodi administered the French test and Yelitza Cruz administered the Spanish

Photo courtesy Southern Regional one. Both, along with their colleagues, are so proud of each of them for mastering both languages to be considered bilingual.
So many of them tested above and beyond the minimum requirement of Intermediate Mid and attained Advanced Levels. These students are amazing and should be commended for achieving outstanding scores. Congratulations to all the students for their huge success in acquiring the New Jersey Seal of Biliteracy.
Southern Ocean Medical Center To Host Teddy Bear Clinic

MANAHAWKIN – Children and families are invited to a free, fun event on June 3 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Emergency Department of Hackensack Meridian Southern Ocean Medical Center. Children can bring their stuffed animal with a rip or tear that can be mended, or receive an annual check-up from doctors and nurses. This event provides an opportunity for children to experience a hospital visit with-
out anxiety by meeting the clinical staff who will compassionately and skillfully care for their stuffed buddies’ boo-boos with x-rays and first aid supplies. Measurements and weights will be recorded on certificates for each child to take home.
This is a free family event. Registration begins at 9 a.m. in the lobby of the Emergency Department, 1140 Route 72 West, Manahawkin.

Local Pets Available For Adoption


LACEY – The Associated Humane Society shelter at the Popcorn Park Zoo has pets available for adoption.

Piglet is a happy and bubbly little lady of about 2-year-old that is eagerly awaiting a great home to grow up in. She was found as a stray that no one ever came looking for and Piglet seems to have had something happen to her tail in her young life. She has, well, a curly-piglet tail! Piglet also has a mild heart murmur but she sure doesn’t let anything slow her down.
Piglet is all about having fun! She’s super
Photo courtesy AHS playful and loves zooming, fetching, and squeaking the day away on toys! Piglet is silly and puppyish, and she’s such a sweet girl. She’s had some training and she sits instantly when asked, she’s fine with giving a toy back to you if you ask, and she walks well on a leash too. Piglet can be just a little mouthy while playing so a home with no young kids is best. If you have another dog, bring them in to meet Piglet. She seems good with dogs too! Call 609-693-1900, visit ahscares.org/ forked-river-adoptables/ or email: office@ ahsppz.org for an adoption application.
Jr. Lifeguard Program

LACEY – This program is designed for participants who are already comfortable with their swimming ability. They will learn water safety and emergency response in the open water environment. A copy of a Birth Certificate and proof of residency required to register. T-shirt
is included.

Limited to first 15 registrants. Location: Lake Barnegat. Instructor: Lacey Township Lifeguards. Wednesdays: June 28, July 5, 12, 19, 26. Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Ages: 12 to 15. Fee: $45. To register visit: parksrec.egov.basgov.com/laceynj.

Coach Earns 700th Career Win In Boys Volleyball

Arrangements Available In Your Home, Removal From Place Of Death, Alternative Container, Wood #ODZ, Transfer To Crematory
Located at: DeGraff Lakehurst Funeral Home 119 Union Avenue, Lakehurst 732-657-7868

Sherry T. DeGraff NJ Lic No 3921
Additional Costs: Crematory Fee, Urns, Disposition Of Cremains & Certified Copies Of Death Certificates, Permit, Removal Assist. & Mileage, Viewings Or Memorial Services
Lighthouse International Film Festival Announces 2023 Line Up
LONG BEACH – The Lighthouse In -
ternational Film Festival on Long Beach Island is very proud to announce the first wave of titles featured in its 2023 edition, to take place June 7 through the 11 on Long Beach Island, New Jersey. The scenic East Coast beach community, which has hosted the celebrated film event for fifteen years, will feature dozens of screenings in four locations, with filmmaker Q&As, special events and much more.

Narrative features headlining this year’s festival include the World Premiere of Jumpei Matsuomo’s provocative new drama “Wheels And Axle.” Joining it will be the U.S. Premiere of Genevieve Albert’s “Noemie Says Yes,” a powerful female-centered story from Quebec; the International Premiere of the South Korea’s “The First Glance” by Hyun-Tak Kim; and the Greek coming-of age-drama
“Listen” from filmmaker Maria Douza. Feature documentaries at this year’s festival include the World Premiere of “Stories From The Lighthouse” from three-time Oscar nominee Deborah Dickson, the U.S. Premiere of “Noura Kevorkiazn’s “Batata,” Slamdance favorite “American Pot Story” by Dan Katzir and Ravit Marcus, Nisha Pahuja’s TIFF darling “To Kill A Tiger,” and trans filmmaker Ash Kreis’ “We Are Tenacious,” about a Colorado alpaca farm run by trans and Queer residents who are forced to carry firearms to protect themselves from local right-wing militias.
The 2023 Lighthouse International Film Festival also offers a number of exceptional short film exhibitions, featuring an exciting and diverse lineup from twelve countries. This year’s festival highlights several award-winning films and filmmakers, including “When You Left Me On That Boulevard,” winner of the Sundance Short Film Grand Jury Prize, and “Nakam,” which was short-listed for Oscar nomination.
Additionally, Christina Yoon, the award-winning writer/director/editor of Apple TV+’s Pachinko, will present her short film “Motherland.” Another notable is “Requiem,” which features Bella Ramsey of “Game of Thrones” and “Last of Us,” and “A Lot Of You Are Asking” from 51 First Dates podcast host, Liza Renzulli.
The short film “Shell Shocked” stars Emmy-nominated Evan Hall (“Orange is the New Black”) as a veteran struggling with PTSD while “The Rewrite” is a charming comedy starring Chris Geere (“This is Us”) and Chris Webster (“Most Dangerous Game”). The festival will also screen the acclaimed documentary short “Under G_D,” directed by Paula Eiselt, who IndieWire recently named one of “22 Rising Filmmakers to Watch in 2022” and “Requiem For A Whale” from Israeli filmmaker Ido Weisman, which won the IDFA Award for Best Student Film.
The first wave of feature films screening at LIFF 2023 are noted below. A full listing of short films can be found at lighthouseff.com.
Continued From Page 4

As Cox extended her heartfelt gratitude to the members of the EEA, she effortlessly captivated them with her compelling story. The group found great inspiration from the charismatic woman who has journeyed worldwide as a motivational speaker – focusing on possible thinking to achieve the impossible.
Now 40, Cox began flying at the age of 25, simply because it was a fear she wanted to overcome. Cox also has a black belt in Taekwondo, drives a car with her feet, and has mastered several other accomplishments. Cox has not used prosthetics since she was 14 years old.
“From the beginning, I was blessed with a wonderful set of parents who always told me I could do anything,” Cox said.
“That’s not true for everyone with a disability. We want to be that example for children with disabilities when they’re so impressible.”
In addition to showing up around the world to inspire others, Cox has grand plans. Her big goal is to fly the finished airplane over the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2028 in Los Angeles. She’s hoping other pilots with disabilities will join her in formation over the games.
Ocean County Commissioner Director Joseph H. Vicari, Commissioner Gary Quinn, and Ocean County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy all came to the airport

to meet Cox in person. Vicari made a special presentation in his capacity as the Ocean County Airport manager.

“As a former educator for 40 years, one of the things we always teach everyone in the classroom is to reach high and reach your fullest potential,” Vicari said. “Sometimes a disability can overcome someone even with a lot of opportunities. Jessica has shown that she could reach for the stars and is an inspiration to me and everyone.”
Those interested in learning more about Jessica Cox should visit her website at jessica.cox.com . In addition, a 2015 documentary called “Right Footed” provides even more inspirational details about this remarkable woman’s journey and is available on Prime Video.
Dr. Izzy’s
Sound News

Hearing Loss Can Impact Cognition

Research shows that hearing loss may lead to the rapid progression of cognitive decline. The evidence in the literature suggests that:
• The slow onset of hearing loss can have a significant impact on several key brain functions, including the memory, hearing, speech and language portions of cognition.

• Hearing impairment is a greater risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia than other individual mid-life risks.
• The proactive management of hearing loss can delay or slow the onset or progression of cognitive decline.

• Studies show the use of hearing aids can slow down the rapid progression of cognitive decline.
Garden State Hearing & Balance Center
is on the front line of promoting cognitive health. We now offer a computerized test of cognitive function called Cognivue Thrive. This screening tool objectively and reliably identifies changes in cognitive function that could be indicative of an impairment that requires physician referral.
In our opinion, driving brain health awareness and improving access to cognitive screenings are among the most important challenges of the 21st century. Although cognitive decline is a normal part of aging, early identification of underlying conditions such as untreated hearing loss will lead to appropriate management, thus improving cognitive health.
If you would like to schedule a Cognivue Thrive screening, please feel free to contact our Toms River office at 732-818-3610.
His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-276-1011 or via Web site at gardenstatehearing.com. Dr. Izzy & Staff gives Retirement Community Talks!

The 4 Most Common Drugs That Can Cause Hearing Loss And Tinnitus
By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.Hearing loss is something that is very hard to deal with, whether it’s yourself, or a relative, the whole family suffers. The person in the room who can’t hear well feels isolated and lonely at times.

Hearing loss occurs for various reasons, usually age-related and it is a slow, gradual type of hearing loss. It usually affects both ears.
As a pharmacist, I can assure you there is not much help in the way of medications. There isn’t anything that works, on the contrary! Some of the drugs dispensed from the pharmacy can actually cause hearing loss and/or tinnitus (that high-pitched sound that millions of people hear).
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders about 38 million adults in the United States have some degree of hearing loss. Because millions of people are affected, you probably know someone suffering with hearing loss. My own dad has hearing loss and it’s gotten harder to communicate with him. And as for famous people, I know a few other historical ones, and I bet you do too!
Top of the list, is renowned composer and pianist, Beethoven! He started to lose his hearing in his late twenties and eventually became completely deaf. And then there was Thomas Edison who is responsible for our electric lightbulbs! And Vincent van Gogh is thought to have hearing challenges due to inhaling the lead fumes from his paints!
I don’t want to scare anyone. Medication-induced hearing loss is generally considered a rare side effect but it does happen. Some drugs have a known risk of causing hearing impairment. Here they are:
1. Loop diuretics: Loop diuretics, including furosemide and ethacrynic acid are commonly prescribed for conditions like edema and hypertension. In some cases, high doses of these medications have been associated with hearing loss and/or tinnitus.

2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Although less common, some NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin, have been reported to have potential hearing-related side effects like hearing loss and/or tinnitus. This is particularly evident when taken in high doses or extended periods.

3. Aminoglycoside antibiotics: Certain antibiotics from this category such as gentamicin, tobramycin, and streptomycin, have been linked to hearing loss and tinnitus. Prolonged use or high doses increase your risk.

4. Chemotherapy drugs: Certain chemotherapy agents used in cancer treatment have been associated with potential hearing loss and tinnitus. Examples include cisplatin, carboplatin, and vincristine.
If you experience medication-induced hearing loss or suspect you me having this side effect, see an expert, specifically an ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) physician. Please don’t just quit a drug, that isn’t wise because some medications require a taper. So if you want to talk to a healthcare professional or pharmacist for personalized advice about all this, make your appointment and share all the details of when you started the medication, and when the hearing problems began.

I have a longer version of this article on my website in case it interests you, just visit suzycohen.com.


From Page 1
that Memorial Day is intended to honor the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to protect our country. Last week’s event put the youngsters face to face with those who signed up, knowing they also ran the risk of never returning home.

The morning started with a brunch at the Ocean Acres Community Center, where dozens of individuals of different ages and from various service branches gathered. A shared camaraderie swept through the room as they sat together, forming a unique bond. Some attendees arrived dressed in sharp military uniforms, while others opted for casual attire, content in simply being present.
Kim McAllister, a Vietnam War Army vet, said it was the fourth time he and his wife came to the program put on by the school children. Like many combat veterans, McAllister was not eager to discuss his wartime days or speak of those who did not make it home. Some battlefield wounds etched emotional imprints that may never heal.
“I don’t like getting attached to anybody,” McAllister said softly.
Several veterans who attended the assembly came with friends from area American Legion and VFW posts. Some served as far back as World War II and the Korean War, while others fought in Iraq and Afghanistan or were currently on active duty. Many had served in Vietnam and came home to feel unappreciated.
Age often played a significant role in determining whether individuals enlisted voluntarily or were selected through the draft during certain periods. For some, their military journey commenced upon completing their education, such as Dr. Stan Mahan, a dentist in private practice on Long Beach Island.
Mahan said he joined the Navy after he completed dental school and dedicated 26 years of active and reserve duty with the US Navy Dental Corps. Dressed in his sparkling white Captain’s uniform and impeccably pristine white shoes, Mahan came to the event with a clear sense of purpose.
“My second grandson has never seen me dressed like this,” shared Mahan. “I came last year for my older grandson in my dress blues.”
Charlie Thomas and John Rivers stood together as old friends, who both started off as Navy sailors. Rivers was a Korean War vet, and Thomas ultimately made a career out of military service.
“I started in the Navy as a hospital corpsman,” said Thomas. “I also served with the Marines in Vietnam and then joined the
Army for 29 years.”
Not everyone waiting to enjoy the “Support Our Troops” assembly witnessed the ill effects of war firsthand. Some never even made it outside the local area or the United States at all. Yet, they all shared the same spirit of service for a nation and people they loved.
A receiving line of student safety patrol members awaited the service members as they moved from their “mess hall” to the next room to watch the program prepared for them. Little voices echoed their respect and gratitude as each man and woman passed them.
“Thank you for your service,” repeated one young child after another.
Southern Regional Junior ROTC students proudly presented the colors, standing in front of the eager elementary students who were prepared to honor the troops. Each child donned a paper hat in the corresponding colors of the branch of service represented by the flag they stood beneath.
From their posts on the stage, students could see the moving effect of the National Anthem on their invited guests. Some saluted, while others placed their hands across their hearts. “Memorial Day is traditionally seen as the starting of summer,” Chidiac reminded those assembled. “But it’s much more than that, since its first official observance on May 5, 1868, when it was called Declaration Day. It has been a day of remembrance for those who have sacrificed and died serving our nation.”
Chidiac then called for a moment of silence for all those who courageously sacrificed their lives to fight for our freedom and our country. A whisper fell over the crowded room as grown men and women joined small young children in a poignant reminder that gratitude knows no age limit.
Mayor Greg Myhre also spoke to the group, pointing out that Stafford Township has over 1,000 veterans living in town. He called Stafford a patriotic place to live and encouraged everyone to fly an American flag respectfully.
Students staged ten separate performances, concluding the program with their rendition of “Thank You, Soldiers,” a testament to gratitude for those who keep watch over the nation.
Ocean Acres Principal Susan D’Alessandro said the students had been practicing for months to make the program successful. Both the school’s PTO and teachers’ association participated in serving meals and organizing the event. In addition to the local mayor, Business Administrator Matthew Von Der Hayden, Board of Education members, and representatives from the Stafford Police Department were also in attendance.
New Traffic Light Planned In Lacey
By Chris Lundyand other variables.
–A new traffic light will be installed at the intersection of Lake Barnegat Drive North and Haines Street, officials said.
The township’s Public Works put out a message letting people know that the work is expected to begin June 19 and finish three to four weeks after that, pending weather
The curb line, drainage, and utilities in the area will also be restructured, officials said. The intersection will be repaved. This part will have more of an impact on traffic than the second phase, which involves the actual traffic light.
Anyone with questions can call Public Works at 609-693-1100 ext. 2301.
Illegal Solar Panel Lease Agreements
By: Michael J. Deem, Esq. of R.C. Shea & Associates

As more consumers look for ways to improve their home’s efficiency with clean and renewable energy, many homeowners are signing solar lease agreements that are illegal, or otherwise violate consumer protection regulations.
Consumer lease agreements must meet certain statutory and regulatory criteria designed to protect you as the consumer. However, many solar lease agreements do not comply with these statutes and regulations, leaving the consumer susceptible to predatory practices. For instance, some solar companies fail to include certain required terms in their lease agreements. For example, a lease agreement must identify and lay out accurately and in a clear and conspicuous manner the number, amount, and due dates or periods of periodic payments as well as the total amount of such periodic payments. Another well-known deficiency with solar
Continued From Page 1
on this in March or April with a mild winter we’ve had, the weather was perfect,” Annmarie Dreyer wrote.

“Poor planning!” Joanna Filosa said online.

On May 18, NJ Department of Transportation (NJDOT) said two lanes on Route 72 eastbound/9th Street would be closed for concrete and drainage work and to repave the roadway. At least one lane would be open. Officials expected two lanes of traffic on Route 72 East to open by 3:30 p.m. May 19.
“All lanes were reopened on Friday afternoon by 1 p.m. The traffic volume over the weekend can be attributed to a combination of higher traffic volume on weekends, as well as Ship Bottom closing Shore Avenue for paving, which is unrelated to NJDOT work,” said Steve Schapiro, spokesperson for NJDOT.
The Manahawkin Bay Bridge Project began in 2013. The goal of the project is to improve safety and reduce congestion in Stafford at the Marsha Drive/Route 72 intersection and in Ship Bottom on Long Beach Island.
lease agreements is the failure to include a clear and conspicuous early termination notice or an end of term purchase option.
Sometimes, violations of the leasing laws and regulations provide the consumer with the ability to get-out of their lease agreement or defend a lawsuit filed by the solar company when the consumer has found themselves behind in their monthly lease payments.
If you are being sued by a solar company or you simply want to terminate your solar lease agreement then contact R.C. Shea & Associates (732-505-1212) for a free review of your solar lease agreement.
Originally, the project was estimated to be completed by 2024. However, Schapiro said some issues with utility relocations and a small amount of contaminated soil was discovered. These factors resulted in some changes of plans that will prolong the work for about a year.
With the ongoing construction causing heavy traffic, many locals are worried that this will impact the area during the summer season.

Schapiro confirmed that NJDOT will be continuing construction during the summer.
“In June, New Jersey Natural Gas is expected to relocate a gas line along 9th Street. The work will require nightly lane closures Monday through Thursday nights for several weeks,” he said. “In addition, there is ongoing curb and drainage work taking place on Long Beach Boulevard, Central Avenue and Barnegat between 7th Street and 10th Street that will continue for several weeks during the day, Monday through Thursday. After the day’s work is complete the lane will be reopened.”
“Overnight paving is expected to take place in mid to late June on Long Beach Boulevard between 8th and 10th streets. NJDOT will provide advance notice of any lane closures for the paving work.”
Government 0fficials... Have news that you would like the community to be involved with? Let everyone know by placing a news release in this paper! Send it to news@jerseyshoreonline.com.

Quaker Views Of Jesus/Christ: Historic And Current

BARNEGAT – Join the Barnegat Friends and guests Bill and Marty Smith by Zoom or in person on June 4 at 1 p.m., Barnegat Friends Meeting House 614 East Bay Avenue, Barnegat. Register at: barnegatquakers.tiny.us/BillandMartySmith.

Bill Smith will present the views of Jesus and Christ in the early Society of Friends, which contemporary “Christians” thought was heresy. Barclay and Penn later modified the view of Friends to be more in line with others. During the Quietist period, Friends emphasized
peculiarities but were influenced by the Great Awakenings and Enlightenment. In the late 19th century, Friends were diverted into orthodox Christian and rationalist views of Jesus/Christ, which created the current formal grouping in North America.
Marty Smith will talk about how Friends viewed Christ/Jesus from the mid-20th century up to the present. She will include Evangelical Friends as well as Liberal Friends with emphasis on the views of individual Friends and communal Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.

Real Estate
Cemetery Mount - Calvary Linden, NJ. Grave for two persons. Plot C! Market Offer. Stan-T. 732-300-9888 or text. Saint Adalbert's. (25)
Items Wanted
Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (t/n)
Services Services Services Services
Yard Sale Sutton Place Toms River - Housewares, garden tools, toys, etc. 8 a.m. (25)
Leisure Knoll Community Yard Sale
- Sat., June 3, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Rain date Sun., June 4. Use Route 70 entrance maps available at guard house. (25)
Estate Sale
ESTATE SALE – Old furniture, collectibles, all gotta go. 732-267-6232. (24)
Estate Sale - 6/2 at 9 a.m. Housewares, furniture. We know you will find something. 67 Morning Glory Lane, Whiting. (25)
Garage Sale
Annual Community Garage Sale - At Greenbriar I, Burnt Tavern Road, Brick on Saturday, June 3 (rain date Sunday, June 4) from 9-3. Over 60 families will be holding sales. Follow the balloons for the streets participating. Call 732-840-9496 with questions. (23)
Take notice that in accordance with N.J.S.A. 39:10-16*, application has been made to the Chief Administrator of the Motor Vehicle Commission, Trenton, New Jersey, to receive title papers authorizing and the issuance of a New Jersey certification of ownership for, 2004, Nissan, VIN Number JN8DR09Y94W904212. Objections, if any, should be made in writing, immediately in writing to the Chief Administrator of the Motor Vehicle Commission, Special Title Unit, P.O. Box 017, Trenton, New Jersey, 08666-0017. (26)
Items Wanted
Yard Sale Services
ELRY Looking to buy costume/ estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n)
Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n)
Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n)
CASH PAID!! LP records - stereos, turntables, musical instru-ments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (30)
Vinyl Records Wanted - Paying cash for LP albums. Rock, Blues, Reggae, Soul. Very good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (26)
Used Guns Wanted - All types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n)
Junk or Wrecked Cars and Trucks
Wanted - Cash paid. 732-6577251, Steve. Thanks. (26)
CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n)
Help Wanted
Micromedia Publications is looking for a high-energy account rep to sell print and online advertising in Ocean County. Competitive base, bonuses & company benefits. Successful applicant should possess good communication skills & a desire to grow with the company. E-Mail resumes to jallentoff@jersey shoreonline.com. EOE. (t/n)
Laundromat Attendant - For FT/ PT Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (t/n)
Absolute best home improvements!"Building the shore since 1984" Additions, carpentry, windows & doors, roofing & siding, painting & staining, flooring, kitchens & baths, finished basements, masonry, fencing, custom decks, fully insured, license #13VH11804800. $ave.
Call Brien 732-850-5060. (28)
Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (26)
Certified Home Health Aides - Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T.
Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n)
ALL American Home Health AidesExperienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605. (t/n)
C.B.J. ROOFING - Covering the jersey shore since 1984. All work guaranteed. We will beat ANY legitimate estimate. $ave. Call 732-850-5060. (20)
THE RIDE GUY - Takes you anywhere! No limits. Comfy mini-van. Call Charlie 732-216-3176 or Email: cr@exit109.com. References. Let's Go! (19)
Garden Advisory: Experienced (Master) Gardener - Assists homeowners with garden planning & design, plant care advice, plant selection & replacement recommendations, container gardens, soil testing. 732-232-8144. (21)
Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (39)
Property/Maintenance/Masonry - Brick restoration, brick repointing, concrete repairs, step repairs, grass cutting, cleanups. mulch. Call Ken 732-814-7743. (23)
CHEAP PAINTING Done RITEFree est. Senior discounts interior exterior. Call 732-506-7787, cell 646-643-7678. (28)
Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n)
Build • Repair • Replace - Affordable
• Expert Workmanship. Carpentry, windows, doors, trim, tile, bathrooms, kitchens, masonry, flooring, decks, advanced building. 609-384-9030. (21)
Properties, Houses, Attics, Garages, Sheds, Storage Units, ect. Handyman Disposal provided 901a Dumpster Service LLC. Licensed, Insured, call or text Jim 609-335-0330. (27)
Learn To Play The - Flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, or drums from a NJ State Certified Teacher of instrumental music, in your home! Call 732-3504427 for more information. (21)
LANDSCAPING - Restorations, Repairs, Stones, Mulch, Sod Installs, Hedges, Shrubs, Bushes, Downed Branches Trimmed & Removed, Demolition, Cleanouts, ect., Dumpster service provided by A901 Licensed Hauler ect. MAN WITH VAN LLC. Jim 609-335-0330 HIC# 13vh10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL! (20)
PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice.com . Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n)
Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-877-791-2033 or visit dorranceinfo.com/micro. (t/n)
MY HANDY CREW - Home repairs, carpentry, painting roofing and siding, decks, powerwashing, yardwor,k all your home maintenance needs. $ave. Call Clark 732-850-5060. Insured and NJ License #13VH11804800. (46)
1. Below, circle the heading you would like your ad to appear under:
2. Print clearly your ad as you want it to read. Include Phone # within ad below (counts as 1 word). Use separate sheet if necessary.
at 732-349-1448 Or Fax Resume To 732-349-6448. (t/n)
R.C. Shea and Associates is seeking to hire a paralegal with civil/commercial litigation experience as well as an administrative assistant. Pay and benefits commensurate with experience. Please call Pam Williams, office manager at (732) 505-1212 or email at pwilliams@rcshea.com (t/n)
Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (42)
Do You Want Your Car To Look
Nice and Shine? - Call Lenny, Lenny's Mobile Auto Detailing 908-868-4609. (28)
Masonry repairs, sidewalks, concrete patios, driveways, steps, porches, paver patios and driveways and hardscaping. 848-2102716, 732-589-6798. (28)
Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n)
A1 HANDYMAN SERVICESOver 30 years experience in all phases of home improvements. Free estimates and referrals. Call John 267-475-7962. (22)
Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19)
APlus Home Improvements - Over 30 years experience. Everything from small handyman tasks to large renovations, decks, finished basements and much more. Lic #13VH11453600. No job too small give us a call. 908-278-1322. (52)
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F un & G ames S udoku

C rossword p uzzle

40 Concerning
42 Drive-thru devices
44 Chick tenders
46 Olympic swords
48 Courteous acknowledgment
50 Maguire of “Seabiscuit”
52 Put on 54 “Riverdale” actor
KJ __
55 Campus job security
56 Make beloved 58 Worshipper in dreadlocks, informally
59 Meadow bleat

60 Rose Bowl org.
62 Neglect to mention
63 “Way, way off!”
66 Nix
67 “Easy on Me” singer
68 Uruguay’s Punta del
69 Place with a tree guarded by a flaming sword
70 Black Panther’s hat
71 Close securely
1 Implement stored in a notebook’s spiral

2 Tandoor, e.g.
3 Revenue for attorneys
4 Eat into
5 Org. in “Judas and the Black Messiah”
6 One of Morocco’s official languages
7 Garment associated with the Aran
ing a Zoom call
33 Vaccination spot, typically
36 Kim __-hyung: full name of the BTS singer known as V 38 Start to make more money, and what the circled letters do?
39 Cutting sound

41 Work with a score
43 Fish with prized roe
45 Place for a snail facial
47 Part of REM
49 Big concert venue
50 Paired (up)
51 Not remote
53 Make possible 55 Treasure stash
57 High points
59 Foreshadow
61 Resort near Snowbird
63 Collar
64 “Is it soup __?”
65 Smoked fish in unagi nigiri
AtlantiCare Cuts Ribbon On Barnegat Urgent Care Center
BARNEGAT – It’s official! AtlantiCare just opened another Urgent Care Center (UCC) in Southern Ocean County. This center is located at 912 West Bay Avenue in the Barnegat Village Square shopping center.
AtlantiCare representatives, Barnegat Mayor Pasquale “Pat” Pipi, and other officials cut the ribbon to celebrate the new location on May 23. The center, AtlantiCare’s 12th urgent care site serving southeastern New Jersey, will be open seven days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily to treat non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries.

The AtlantiCare UCC Barnegat team will include a board-certified provider (physician or advance practice nurse), a registered nurse, a radiologic technologist and a customer service representative. Services they’ll offer include x-rays, some on-site lab tests, stitches, wound care, minor eye injuries, foreign body removal and more. Illnesses the team will diagnose and treat include colds, strep throat, allergies and other upper respiratory tract illnesses. In-
juries they will diagnose and treat include strains, sprains, broken bones, cuts and more. AtlantiCare UCC Barnegat will also send prescriptions to patients’ pharmacies electronically, to make it easy and efficient for patients to pick up prescriptions.

“It’s a privilege for our team to care for patients when and where they need it,” said Ted Fog, D.O., medical director, AtlantiCare Physician Group Primary and Urgent Care. “They might have a sprain from a soccer game, a sore throat that family members are ‘gifting each other,’ or one of those – ‘I can’t believe I hurt myself do that’ injuries.” Fog said AtlantiCare Urgent Care centers had 200,000 patient visits in 2022.
“AtlantiCare Urgent Care Barnegat features soothing, coastal colors and artwork by New Jersey artists as part of our Foundation’s Healing Arts Program,” said Fog. “We designed every feature of the center with patients, families and our care team in mind.”
Visit atlanticare.org/holdmyspot to see wait times and/or check in.

photo of thE wEEk
What Species Fights Climate Change, Protects Your Home, And Contributes To Biodiversity?

Retired New Jersey State Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator
The answer to this question may not be obvious. In fact, this species contributes to the survival of all living beings. They are efficient machines working day and night to help make the Earth a healthier planet. This species is responsible for improving our environment, which in turn, enhances all life.
If you haven’t already guessed what species I’m talking about, here are a few more clues which should help. The many benefits to living things – they clean our water, filter the air, prevent soil erosion, and give us beauty and grace, just to name a few. If you guessed ‘trees,’ congratulations!
Assisting in lessening the damage that climate change does, trees reduce the greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere, removing the carbon dioxide, storing it in its wood. That process is known as ‘carbon sequestration.’ Trees are considered the lungs of the planet. They provide living things with benefits each day attracting birds and wildlife, blocking cold winds in winter, as well as providing shade.
By slowing wind speed, trees help to protect
our homes from harmful winds and storms, minimizing damage. Certain trees, such as evergreen, help to prevent noise. The branches and leaves absorb sound, reducing highway noise by 50%. Life cannot exist without trees. Aside from the beauty and seasonal changes to their appearance, they are the ultimate keystone species as they are food sources and provide natural habitat for insects, wildlife, fungi, and create shelter and hiding spaces for birds raising their young.
It’s easy to take the environment we live in for granted. We leave our homes each day into a world connected with all life. It is necessary for us to find ways to co-exist with life around us. Plants, minerals, and other species support us. WE are the stewards of this planet, and with every move we make, the responsibility for all survival, relies on us.
Information for this article was gathered through multiple sources so statistics may vary slightly. To reach me please call 732244-2768.

It is illegal to possess or relocate wildlife for any reason without the proper state and/or federal permits. Violating New Jersey laws protecting wildlife, which includes harm inflicted upon any animal, are punishable by law.
Marine Science Camp

WARETOWN – Marine Science Camp for grades K to 8th will be held the week of July 10, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Waretown Lake/Corliss Park Lake. Active hands-on learning, seining, sampling, water quality testing, sharks, jellyfish, shipwrecks, sea otters, polar bears,
marine reptiles and much more. Data collection will be submitted to the citizen science project, campers will be helping ongoing research.
Taught by marine biologists/environmentalists. For registration and information visit MarineScienceCamp.com
around thE JErSEy ShorE

Local Artist Inspires The Power Within
By Chris Lundy BERKELEY –

All it takes is to turn on a TV or flip through your phone to fine a super hero these days. They’re dominating the movie theaters, soaring into action to save the world. Kids look up in the sky to see the cape flap in the wind and a streak of color shoot past. But a local artist said that you don’t have to look at a screen or flip through a comic book to see bravery and strength.
“Your super power is your uniqueness,” Mark B. Retacco said. It belongs to everyone and only you can make it shine. At an artist’s reception recently, he had art supplies out for children where they could get creative.
“Art is always a place we can all get along. It’s cohesive, everyone is able to do their own thing without discrimination,” he said. This message is even more important in the age of social media, where doubt, anger, and hate are easily found at your fingertips. He’s created heroes of his own, such as Space Pup Ozzi who was inspired by his dog. He’ll be the star of a children’s book he’s writing. Ozzi and two other characters were on display, made from recycled materials. Cosmic Cat Cas’ face has an exclamation mark because they’re always excited. Blind Venus looks within herself for love as opposed to relying on others’ validation. The characters pop with primary colors –much like super heroes on the printed page.
A painting “Blind Venus Goes to the White House” was sent to the Clintons in 1995, and in return he received recognition from the sitting president. The painting now resides in the Clinton Library and Museum in Little Rock, Arkansas.
His work was featured on MTV’s Real World Boston House in 1997. He’s also done work for 20th Century Fox, Paramount Studios, and Turner Classic Movies.
In 2011, Retacco presented writer, broadcaster and Asbury Park native Wendy Williams with his painting “Wendy Williams Statue of Liberty.” He anchored and hosted
programs for the Ocean Happening online magazine, and taught art at Creighton School in Lawrenceville, New Jersey.

In 2013, he was honored by county leaders for his “dynamic creativity” and “unmatched passion for advancing the arts community of Ocean County.” Two years later, he led a walking tour of historic downtown Toms River under the auspices of the Toms River Business Improvement District.
In a similar vein, one of his paintings is a recreation of an old post card showing downtown Toms River. The painting was done in 2015. The postcard was from 1915. Some of the work is social satire, such as a painting about paying at the pump. This was made in 2006 but “we’re still complaining about it today.”
As many artists do, he uses his talent to express powerful emotions in a way that grabs people’s attention. One of the first paintings a visitor might see walking in is “Stop Hate Crimes,” using dramatic imagery in his bright style.
Now living in South Toms River, the Central Regional graduate said growing up there was brutal and he clawed his way out. He doesn’t want other kids to suffer the same way. He sees the news of bullying and suicide and his heart goes out to the kids.
“I rely on my faith and making the world a better place for people,” he said about how he focuses on positivity.
“My paint brush takes me on a journey of happiness, despair, and self-discovery,” Retacco said. “At times, I just glide along, losing my fears, without boundaries or inhibitions! It is my sanity and independence from this world. My superpower is my uniqueness. Your superpower is your uniqueness.”
To See The Art
“Stronger Together” was on display in the Berkeley library’s meeting room throughout May. From there, it will be at the Lacey branch in June, the Toms River branch in August, and the Barnegat branch in September.
Omarr’s Astrological Forecast
For the week of june 3 - june 9

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Possible issues between loved ones may be heading toward resolution. You might feel you need to step in and mediate, but it could be best to step back and let them work through things themselves.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You may feel an intense desire for affection or intimacy, but it might not be possible right now. If you channel your energies into a passion project or your studies, you may discover new and exciting things to keep your attention in the meantime.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You could be feeling influenced by a strong drive toward material success and a need for authority. Solidify the lesson that loyalty and a commitment to fulfilling your promises is the superior choice when it comes to achievements.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Now may be the time to focus on manners and being careful with your words. It can be easy to forget who you are talking to in the heat of the moment. Remember to be respectful in every encounter and you can avoid a falling out.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Demonstrate your abilities with confidence and people will be more willing to listen. Do your best to lead by example and treat others mindfully, and you can avoid confrontation. Be the best you can be and others will recognize your skills.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Social media can be a good escape from current darkness, but it may also be distracting you from seeing the light. Taking a step back and going for a walk may be the best way to recalibrate your mindset.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You could be feeling left out right now. Try not to take it personally. Sometimes you need to spend some time in the background so that you can leap into the foreground later on. Your current relationships may require honoring past obligations.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): It might feel like life has started to repeat itself day by day and put you in a rut. Getting your mind and heart racing could be just the escape from monotony you may be looking for. Seek out some new ideas and activities.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Changes may be coming to your life. Sometimes you can miss the tree in the forest but know that your heart can see more than your eyes ever could. Look past the crowd and look for the one person who matters the most to you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): It might seem like there are too many demands on your wallet currently. Your reputation may take a blow when it comes to office intrigues but you can prove your trustworthiness through hard work and meeting any deadlines.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): There may be more kindness in the world than you realize but it might not always be spoken aloud. You could find yourself overwhelmed with glad emotions when you receive an unexpected kind word or good deed.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In the middle of the game, the rules may change without warning or explanation. If you find yourself behind due to older strategies, the answer is to learn and level up. You can learn to overcome frustrations if you keep a cool head.

By America’s Test Kitchen
(Indian Butter Chicken)
Serves 4 to 6
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 4 pieces and chilled, divided
1 onion, chopped fine
5 garlic cloves, minced
4 teaspoons grated fresh ginger
1 serrano chile, stemmed, seeded, and minced
1 tablespoon garam masala
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup tomato paste
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons table salt, divided
1 cup heavy cream
2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs, trimmed
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro, divided
1. Melt 2 tablespoons butterin a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion, garlic, ginger, and serrano and cook, stirring frequently, until mixture is softened and onion begins to brown,
8 to 10 minutes. Add garam masala, coriander, cumin and pepperand cook, stirring frequently, until fragrant, about 3 minutes. Add water and tomato paste and whisk until no lumps of tomato paste remain. Add sugar and 1 teaspoon salt and bring to a boil.
2. Off heat, stir in cream. Using an immersion blender or blender, process until smooth, 30 to 60 seconds. Return sauce to simmer over medium heat and whisk in remaining 2 tablespoons butter. Remove saucepan from heat and cover to keep warm. (Sauce can be refrigerated for up to four days; gently reheat sauce before adding hot chicken.)
3. Adjust oven rack 6 inches from broiler element and heat broiler. Combine chicken, yogurt, and remaining 1 teaspoon salt in a bowl and toss well to coat. Using tongs, transfer chicken to a wire rack set in aluminum foil — lined rimmed baking sheet. Broil until chicken is evenly charred on both sides and registers 175 degrees, 16 to 20 minutes, flipping chicken halfway through broiling.
4. Let chicken rest for 5 minutes. While the chicken rests, warm sauce over medium-low heat. Cut chicken into 3/4-inch chunks and stir into sauce. Stir in 2 tablespoons cilantro and season with salt to taste. Transfer to serving dish, sprinkle with remaining 1 tablespoon cilantro, and serve.
(For 25 years, confident cooks in the know have relied on America’s Test Kitchen for rigorously tested recipes developed by professional test cooks and vetted by 60,000 at-home recipe testers. See more online at www.americastestkitchen. com/TCA.) (c) 2023 AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN. DISTRIBUTED BY TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC.