6 minute read
The 4 Most Common Drugs That Can Cause Hearing Loss And Tinnitus
By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
Hearing loss is something that is very hard to deal with, whether it’s yourself, or a relative, the whole family suffers. The person in the room who can’t hear well feels isolated and lonely at times.
Hearing loss occurs for various reasons, usually age-related and it is a slow, gradual type of hearing loss. It usually affects both ears.
As a pharmacist, I can assure you there is not much help in the way of medications. There isn’t anything that works, on the contrary! Some of the drugs dispensed from the pharmacy can actually cause hearing loss and/or tinnitus (that high-pitched sound that millions of people hear).
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders about 38 million adults in the United States have some degree of hearing loss. Because millions of people are affected, you probably know someone suffering with hearing loss. My own dad has hearing loss and it’s gotten harder to communicate with him. And as for famous people, I know a few other historical ones, and I bet you do too!
Top of the list, is renowned composer and pianist, Beethoven! He started to lose his hearing in his late twenties and eventually became completely deaf. And then there was Thomas Edison who is responsible for our electric lightbulbs! And Vincent van Gogh is thought to have hearing challenges due to inhaling the lead fumes from his paints!
I don’t want to scare anyone. Medication-induced hearing loss is generally considered a rare side effect but it does happen. Some drugs have a known risk of causing hearing impairment. Here they are:
1. Loop diuretics: Loop diuretics, including furosemide and ethacrynic acid are commonly prescribed for conditions like edema and hypertension. In some cases, high doses of these medications have been associated with hearing loss and/or tinnitus.

2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Although less common, some NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin, have been reported to have potential hearing-related side effects like hearing loss and/or tinnitus. This is particularly evident when taken in high doses or extended periods.
3. Aminoglycoside antibiotics: Certain antibiotics from this category such as gentamicin, tobramycin, and streptomycin, have been linked to hearing loss and tinnitus. Prolonged use or high doses increase your risk.
4. Chemotherapy drugs: Certain chemotherapy agents used in cancer treatment have been associated with potential hearing loss and tinnitus. Examples include cisplatin, carboplatin, and vincristine.
If you experience medication-induced hearing loss or suspect you me having this side effect, see an expert, specifically an ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) physician. Please don’t just quit a drug, that isn’t wise because some medications require a taper. So if you want to talk to a healthcare professional or pharmacist for personalized advice about all this, make your appointment and share all the details of when you started the medication, and when the hearing problems began.

I have a longer version of this article on my website in case it interests you, just visit suzycohen.com.


From Page 1 that Memorial Day is intended to honor the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to protect our country. Last week’s event put the youngsters face to face with those who signed up, knowing they also ran the risk of never returning home.

The morning started with a brunch at the Ocean Acres Community Center, where dozens of individuals of different ages and from various service branches gathered. A shared camaraderie swept through the room as they sat together, forming a unique bond. Some attendees arrived dressed in sharp military uniforms, while others opted for casual attire, content in simply being present.
Kim McAllister, a Vietnam War Army vet, said it was the fourth time he and his wife came to the program put on by the school children. Like many combat veterans, McAllister was not eager to discuss his wartime days or speak of those who did not make it home. Some battlefield wounds etched emotional imprints that may never heal.
“I don’t like getting attached to anybody,” McAllister said softly.
Several veterans who attended the assembly came with friends from area American Legion and VFW posts. Some served as far back as World War II and the Korean War, while others fought in Iraq and Afghanistan or were currently on active duty. Many had served in Vietnam and came home to feel unappreciated.
Age often played a significant role in determining whether individuals enlisted voluntarily or were selected through the draft during certain periods. For some, their military journey commenced upon completing their education, such as Dr. Stan Mahan, a dentist in private practice on Long Beach Island.
Mahan said he joined the Navy after he completed dental school and dedicated 26 years of active and reserve duty with the US Navy Dental Corps. Dressed in his sparkling white Captain’s uniform and impeccably pristine white shoes, Mahan came to the event with a clear sense of purpose.
“My second grandson has never seen me dressed like this,” shared Mahan. “I came last year for my older grandson in my dress blues.”
Charlie Thomas and John Rivers stood together as old friends, who both started off as Navy sailors. Rivers was a Korean War vet, and Thomas ultimately made a career out of military service.
“I started in the Navy as a hospital corpsman,” said Thomas. “I also served with the Marines in Vietnam and then joined the
Army for 29 years.”
Not everyone waiting to enjoy the “Support Our Troops” assembly witnessed the ill effects of war firsthand. Some never even made it outside the local area or the United States at all. Yet, they all shared the same spirit of service for a nation and people they loved.
A receiving line of student safety patrol members awaited the service members as they moved from their “mess hall” to the next room to watch the program prepared for them. Little voices echoed their respect and gratitude as each man and woman passed them.
“Thank you for your service,” repeated one young child after another.
Southern Regional Junior ROTC students proudly presented the colors, standing in front of the eager elementary students who were prepared to honor the troops. Each child donned a paper hat in the corresponding colors of the branch of service represented by the flag they stood beneath.
From their posts on the stage, students could see the moving effect of the National Anthem on their invited guests. Some saluted, while others placed their hands across their hearts. “Memorial Day is traditionally seen as the starting of summer,” Chidiac reminded those assembled. “But it’s much more than that, since its first official observance on May 5, 1868, when it was called Declaration Day. It has been a day of remembrance for those who have sacrificed and died serving our nation.”
Chidiac then called for a moment of silence for all those who courageously sacrificed their lives to fight for our freedom and our country. A whisper fell over the crowded room as grown men and women joined small young children in a poignant reminder that gratitude knows no age limit.
Mayor Greg Myhre also spoke to the group, pointing out that Stafford Township has over 1,000 veterans living in town. He called Stafford a patriotic place to live and encouraged everyone to fly an American flag respectfully.
Students staged ten separate performances, concluding the program with their rendition of “Thank You, Soldiers,” a testament to gratitude for those who keep watch over the nation.
Ocean Acres Principal Susan D’Alessandro said the students had been practicing for months to make the program successful. Both the school’s PTO and teachers’ association participated in serving meals and organizing the event. In addition to the local mayor, Business Administrator Matthew Von Der Hayden, Board of Education members, and representatives from the Stafford Police Department were also in attendance.
New Traffic Light Planned In Lacey
By Chris Lundy
and other variables.
A new traffic light will be installed at the intersection of Lake Barnegat Drive North and Haines Street, officials said.
The township’s Public Works put out a message letting people know that the work is expected to begin June 19 and finish three to four weeks after that, pending weather
The curb line, drainage, and utilities in the area will also be restructured, officials said. The intersection will be repaved. This part will have more of an impact on traffic than the second phase, which involves the actual traffic light.
Anyone with questions can call Public Works at 609-693-1100 ext. 2301.