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Smoking Pile Of Trash Hosed Down In Parking Lot

The garbage was removed from the truck and

By Alyssa Riccardi

LAKEHURST – Fire crews were called to the lot next to Fucille’s ball field on July 5 due to a possible trash fi re, police said.

Around 1 p.m., a garbage truck was spotted dumping trash in the municipal lot next to the field along with local fi refighters hosing down the pile.

“Waste Management observed some smoke coming from the back of the truck while it was at the intersection of Myrtle Street and Chestnut Street and assumed there was a fi re in the back of the truck,” Lakehurst Police Chief Matthew J. Kline told Jersey Shore Online.

As per the company’s policy, they must dump the garbage in order to save the truck.

“There was a small amount of garbage that was smoldering, but no active fi re,” Chief Kline said.

As a result, Joint Base Fire Department pumped some water on the smoldering garbage. Kline confi rmed that none of the trash actually caught fi re, and no injuries were reported. Afterwards, Waste Management cleaned up the garbage they dumped.

Honey Bees Of Ca us Island

TOMS RIVER – A PowerPoint presentation will illustrate the history, biology, social organizations, and utility of the European Honey Bee. Participants will learn about the different kinds of bees, their jobs, and be introduced to the world of hobby bee-keeping.

Lecture will take place on August 24 and September 18, from 2 to 3 p.m. at Cooper Environmental Center lecture room, Cattus Island County Park. Fee is $5 per person. Open to ages 12 years and older.


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