Mid~Atlantic Koi The Magazine of the Mid-Atlantic Koi Club
July 2013
Mid~Atlantic Koi The Membership Magazine of the Mid-Atlantic Koi Club
Volume 27, Number 1
July 2013
—Upcoming Events Long Island Chapter Meetings . . . . .32 2 MAKC Club Events . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 BBQ and Multi-Club Auction MAKC Koi Show
Beginner’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 MAKC Corporate Members . . . . . . . . . . .7 New Fish – What do you do? . . . . . . . . . . .8 Carolyn Weise, Florida
Click! Tips for Gorgeous Water Feature Photography . . . . . . . . .10
—MAKC News From the Editor’s Desk . . . . . .4 MAKC Health Hotline Volunteers . . . . . . . .32 Treasurer’s Report . . . . . . . . .33 F..A..S..T Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Ad Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Benjamin Timmermans
Foamy Water and Stinky Pond . . . . . . .18 Don Harrawood, SKAPA, Koi Health Advisor
Raccons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Linda Montgomery , KHA, NKGC
It Begins and Ends with Kohaku . . . . . .22
Mid-Atlantic Koi Deadlines for articles, meeting announcements and ads August Issue Deadline: Available Online:
July 1 August 1
September Issue Deadline: August 1 Available Online: September 1
Taro Kodama, Kodama Koi Farms
Big Koi Caper – Part 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Carolyn Weise, Florida
On the Road to a Koi Event . . . . . . . . . . .30 Picture to Share . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 MAKC Membership Application . . . . .37
New Fish - What do you do? See page 8.
Mid-Atlantic Koi Magazine Editor, Carolyn Weise
Advertising Editor, Philip Gray
Photo by Carolyn Weise
Page 2 Mid-Atlantic Koi
(239) 573-6650 x105 (516) 486-5163
Meeting/Events Editor, Joyce Spears (856) 478-2952 gjs63@comcast.net FAST Ads Editor, Ellie Cooper (610) 865-1163
Billing and Collections, Floyd Broussard (703) 491-4921
July 2013
MAKC Executive Committee President (516) 486-5163 philiegray@mac.com Cell (516) 967-4966
Philip Gray
Bernie Szer
Vice-President (516) 241-4655
Dinah Bwint
Secretary (610) 287-9178
Anthony Vitale
(516) 420-0740
Treasurer nyssba96@aol.com
Central Chapter Vice-President Looking for a Volunteer Long Island Chapter Vice-President Bruce Levine
(516) 735-2644
Remember to Renew Your Membership
North Chapter Vice-President Dan Bitcon
(973) 699-2186
Saugerties (NY) Chapter Vice-President Herb Ehrich
(845) 247-7105
South Chapter Vice-President Chuk Nixon
(301) 717-7702
Standing Committe es Membership Barry Hixson
(610) 262-5184 makcmembers@verizon.net AKCA Representative
Philip Gray
(516) 486-3807
MAKC Sales Ruth & Gene Rice
(304) 725-2333
MAKC Notice Group Manager Michael Snyder
(301) 762-2059
WebMaster Wayne Orchard
(828) 693-3851 waynesorchard@gmail.com Japanese Cultural Coordinator
Floyd Broussard
(703) 491-4921 fbrou2801@verizon.net
Exe c ut ive B o ard Adv is or y Committe e Wayne Orchard Joe Zuritsky
Don’t Wait Do it Today.
(828) 693-3851 waynesorchard@gmail.com (215) 575-4001 jzuritsky@parkwaycorp.com
Betty Roemer
(828) 697-2692
Art Lembke
(410) 867-0270
Mike Riordan
(732) 747-6089
Gene Rice
(304) 725-2333
Eric Wilson
(613) 421-7890
Susan Boland
(828) 693-3851
Ellie Cooper
(610) 865-1163
Renewal form you can print out is on page 37. Or you can renew Online at anytime.
Ja p a n es e Cul tur a l Adv is er Misa Sitterly
(703) 490-0770
MAKC Home Page: http://www.makc.com
Production: Cindy Graham, TC Publishing, Inc.
July 2013
Mid-Atlantic Koi is the magazine of the Mid-Atlantic Koi Club. Material is selected for its interest to Koi keepers. MAKC accepts no responsibility for accuracy of content. Reproduction of uncopyrighted articles is permitted as long as this magazine is credited as the source. Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 3
From the Editor’s Desk by Carolyn Weise makcmag@makc.com
his is a good month to be on the look-out for predators, like the big blue heron that comes early in the morning. When he came to my pond I never even saw him. I saw the egret standing at the pond and was so stunned I didn’t know whether to grab my camera or run out screaming. Well, he saw me about the same time as I saw him and he took flight. Problem averted.
The heron was a different story. He was there and gone before I greeted the day. I thought it looked like a murder had been committed in the yard. I THOUGHT these birds simply grabbed a fish, flipped it around, and swallowed it face first. But this was my Platinum Ogon (underneath the gore I found my fish’s telltale scales) and the bird had torn it up or simply left it on the bank for something else (raccoons?) to rip it up. Well, the point of this is to tell you that even if it has never happened to you, there’s always a first time and it is NOT pretty. Put up some deterrents now, before it happens. I attended the Tri-State ZNA’s 2nd annual Koi show in Freeport, LI. It was poorly attended by the outside world, but the “inside world” had a great time doing Koi things, Bonsai things, talking fish, taking photos, and being really comfortable. My special thanks go out to Bruce & Susan Levine, Joan & Mike Biancardi, Ken & Carole Gugliucci- who were just a few of my dear old friends from the MAKC chapter on Long Island who attended the show. It was great to see Bob BonGiorno there from Suburban Water Gardens. We used to have so Page 4 Mid-Atlantic Koi
many MAKC meetings in Bob’s greenhouse. Philip Gray did a bang-up job recruiting goodies and volunteers for “fish for kids.” Those little ones are the future of our hobby.
This was taken at the recent Koi show in Long Island. L to R: Carolyn Weise, Bruce and Susan Levine
Our Michigan sister club members were there. Taro Kodama and Kloubec, Quality Koi/Nisei Koi Farm and Cipriano’s Nursery were there. Did you miss it?? I hope you’ll all turn out to support the MAKC show at Kodama Koi Farm in September. Meanwhile, enjoy your issue of MAK, enjoy your summer, take some good photos, write us some stories for the magazine and send them to … your editor, me! You have a big audience just waiting… Together in Koi, Carolyn July 2013
Beginner’s Corner Ask a question and we will get you an answer.
Answering a Koi hot line call: Ring, Ring, Ring–
Compound) which is the cause of the foam. This and your filter should clean it up gradually. Hope this helps, talk to you later. Remember keep these questions coming
Bill – Hello Jim – Hi Bill it’s Jim Cook.
Note: This column offers suggestions only; the ultimate care of your pond and fish is up to you.
Bill – How are you? What’s up? Jim – Well I am having a problem with my pond. The water is covered with foam and my skimmer can’t Keep up with it. Bill – Sounds like you had a spawn, is the water milky?
Wanted – Your Questions Please email your questions to makcmag@makc.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
Jim – NO. And they didn’t spawn. This is something else. Bill – Clean off the foam and do about 50% water change, see what that does. Jim – Ok I’ll let you know how it turns out.
3 Days Later Bill – Hello. Jim – Hi guess what? The foam is back just as bad. Bill – What did you do this spring? Jim – I did a large water change and cleaned the bottom of the pond. What else should I do? Bill – Did you add anything to the pond? Jim – NO. But I usually add starter bacteria, But not this year. Bill – Do a small water change, clean off the foam, and add some bacteria. You probably have a large amount of D.O.C. (Dissolved Organic July 2013
Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 5
Philip with the Kids' Give-Aways at the Koi show.
Terri Alexander, MAKC member down from Michigan for the show! She worked at educating the children, handing out awards at the banquet dinner, and was never idle during the show at any time! What a great worker and friend! Page 6 Mid-Atlantic Koi
July 2013
Quality Koi Company Nisei Koi Farm 856-299-7564 info@qualitykoi.com
Interested in becoming a Corporate Member?
East Coast – Patio Ponds, LTD 301-874-8440 West Coast – Laguna Koi Ponds 949-494-5107
www.MatalaUSA.com July 2013
Reasonable one time fee for the year – includes a Business Card size ad in all issues in this section and on the MAKC website. Contact Barry Hixson at 610-262-5184 or makcmembers@verizon.net Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 7
New Fish – What do you do? by Carolyn Weise, Florida
and good promise. She was 18˝ when I bought her from Quality Koi and I sent her back to New Jersey to spend the next season in the mud pond. When I moved to Florida in December 2006 I had my old quarantine tank (300 gallons) and filtration system brought down with the rest of my household belongings. It was important and I knew it. But over the next couple of years I realized we have strong winds down here (hurricanes, actually) and there was no place to put it while not in use. I gave it away. I had a sneaking feeling it was a big mistake at the time, but I did it anyway. I kept the little filter. Baby Girl being judged at the 2013 Orlando Koi Show.
wo years ago I bought a new fish at the Orlando show, a really lovely Shiro Utsuri, a “future fish” as she was called. A future fish is one that is going to take time to develop and may not be the most beautiful, or win shows, today. But this was a fish with nice conformation
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This year, 2013, my fish, “Baby Girl”, was coming home from the mud ponds of New Jersey. Yikes! What was I supposed to do for a quarantine tank now? I considered all the options and basically, there were no good ones. We have too many predators for something shallow. My pond was leaking (a lot) and needed constant refilling. I was going to have to have it repaired anyway, so the only choice was my beautiful swimming pool! The things we do for our Koi, right? Yes, I sacrificed my lovely pool for the fish. Before leaving for the Orlando Koi Show, I spent 2 to 3 weeks acclimating the pool. I took water samples to the pool store first. When they came back “safe” I took more samples to my job (the Lab). They looked good, too. pH was a little high, so I added Barley Straw Pellets and Sphagnum Moss to bring it down naturally. Then, I began a regimen of adding beneficial bacteria. At first, the pool turned green. Then it cleared up! And then I caught and moved over a “test” fish, a longfin Hi Utsuri that had been July 2013
promised to a newlywed couple (for their wedding present) a year ago and had as yet not been collected. In she went! At first, she was stunned and not familiar with the surroundings, but soon began to explore. She was not interested in food (being the only fish in the pond). I watched her for the next 3 days and then left for Orlando.
Baby Girl arriving at her new home – a swimming pool temporarily converted to a quarantine tank.
July 2013
When I brought Baby Girl home, I floated her on the pond to acclimate the water to temperature. It was not an easy feat to lift her out of the bag and into the pool, but finally it was done. Both fish were very happy! The next morning they were eating. This became her quarantine pond and would eventually become the holding “pond” when the rest of the fish would be moved over and the “real” pond repaired. All’s well that ends well.
Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 9
Click! Tips for Gorgeous Water Feature Photography by Benjamin Timmermans, Liquid Landscapes, Inc.
This picture of a water garden was taken at midday. “I had taken about 30 shots,” Timmermans said, “and this was the only one that I felt really captured the moment.” Canon EOS digital DSLR, F-Stop F/11, Exposure 1/400sec, ISO-speed 400, Focal Length 61mm.
have been building water features for several years now and have come to realize that no matter how well you describe a water feature, you can only convey the art and feeling with photographs. That is, if you have great photos that are able to capture those feelings with artistry. It was a few years ago, when a local pond builder showed me some pictures that he had taken of his work, that something clicked. One of the pictures he showed me happened to be of a water feature we service yearly and the picture, though nice, did
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his work no justice at all. It was at that point that I realized that capturing the beauty and optimal photographic potential is a skill. I began to look at photos of water features and try to determine if the picture was as effective as it could be at representing the feature. Through the years I have seen hundreds and hundreds of waterscapes that could have been represented better if some proper equipment and simple photography skills were utilized. Photography is an art and skill in its own right and can take July 2013
years of practice to hone, just like building water features. I am by no means an expert in the field of photography, but I hope that some of these
Break your frame into imaginary thirds on both the horizontal and vertical axes. Place areas of interest at the points at which the lines intersect or along one of the lines. basic principles and tips can help capture the photographic potential of your water feature.
Composition Simple and direct compositions with two or three key picture elements usually create the most powerful and captivating photographs. Composition is the key to successful water feature photography, and if you don’t know where to start, use the “rule of thirds” to get things going. Break your frame into imaginary thirds on both the horizontal and vertical axes. Place areas of interest at the points at which the lines intersect or along one of the lines. The key is to keep the composition clean and not cluttered with subjects. There should be no question as to what the focal point of the photograph is. To make certain you have accomplished this, it is best to always remember the rule of thirds. This is particularly helpful when composing shots of streams, waterfalls and cascades, as they are often surrounded by a horizon of foreground. Keep in mind that sometimes this rule can be thrown away. You shouldn’t be afraid to disregard the concepts of composition on occasion. Simplicity is key. Some of the best stream and waterfall shots are made at close range and do not incorporate the whole water feature. You should also be using the rocks, trees, plants and July 2013
“This close-up of a waterfall (above) was shot in the early morning,” Timmermans said. “I was trying to capture the movement of water while also trying to incorporate some of the planting edges.” Canon EOS digital DSLR, Fstop F/4, Exposure 1/800sec, ISO-speed 100, Focal length 30mm.
Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 11
Shot mid-day (below) on a formal linear Koi pond. “I was there trying to capture a Lotus flowering but this little guy decided to steal the show.” Canon EOS digital DSLR, F-stop F/5, Exposure 1/500sec, ISO-speed 200, Focal length, 43mm.
foliage surrounding your water feature; they can add dimension and depth to your photo. When photographing streams and watercourses, look for winding “S” curves and diagonal lines that will carry you through the photo. Whether a moss-covered rock, twisted driftwood or flowering plant is in your photo, make sure a line of water is the focal point.
Lighting Beautiful water feature photos are often defined by the quality of the light in which they were This picture of the landscape surrounding a stream and Koi pond was taken in the early morning hours. “We built this one several years ago and happened to be out mulching and was glad to have the DLSR in my truck.” Canon EOS digital DSLR, F-stop F/8, Exposure 1/200sec, ISO-speed 100, Focal length 28 mm.
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July 2013
taken. As a consequence, I tend to shoot early in the morning or during late afternoon when the sun is lower, or even on an overcast day. For this reason, the hours after dawn and before dusk are known as the “magic hours.” I have taken some of my best shots as the sun was setting and small rays of light penetrated the canopy. Finding the time to get out at dusk or dawn can be a challenge, as can trying to visit two sites in the same
The hours after dawn and before dusk are known as the “magic hours.” I have taken some of my best shots as the sun was setting and small rays of light penetrated the canopy. day. While you might end up with some unusable photos, you also might create an original and striking masterpiece. Be bold and experiment.
Exposure Effects Water features in motion can be challenging subjects – as they are constantly changing, they can be difficult to photograph. I don’t do a lot of the soft, silky water effects that can be created with Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras (or DSLRs). But if not overdone, this effect can make a waterscape look magical. It creates a certain mood in your photographs, and is created by slowing down the shutter speed. The slow shutter speed will help blur the water and give it that “silky” look that helps show motion in the water. Usually, a shutter speed of a few seconds works well, but ideal speed varies depending on the speed of the water. (Slower water needs a slower shutter.) To help you get a slower shutter speed, try using the lowest ISO setting and a high f-number. Slower-flowing water requires longer exposures to obtain the silky-smooth look, while fast or July 2013
Shot mid-afternoon, this 15-foot vertical waterfall and Buddha statue had been photographed several times — but never with a good result. This day, the bridge connecting to an upper deck allowed for some shade on the lower pond, which gave way to a great shot. Canon EOS digital DSLR, F-stop F/5, Exposure 1/60sec, ISO-speed 400, Focal length 39mm.
cascading water can be blurred with relatively “fast” shutter speeds. Pay careful attention to focusing your subjects, specifically the surrounding foliage that might move with even the slightest of breezes. Long exposures require a steady camera, so you’ll need to bring a tripod when you set out to photograph water in motion. Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 13
Camera Options Point-and-Shoot Point-and-shoot cameras are so named because the steps to use them are just that: point the camera at something and hit the button to shoot. The camera does all the work for you. The problem is, the camera is rarely as smart as the photographer so the results can be varied. Today’s point-and-shoot (often abbreviated as
A late-evening shot of a waterfall and Koi pond. “This was the best out of 30 different photos shot with different settings.” Canon EOS digital DSLR, F-stop F/22, Exposure 2sec, ISO-speed 200, Focal length 50mm.
Filters I shoot a Canon DSLR and carry some filters in my camera bag. There are many uses for filters, but for water feature photography the two key characteristics are their ability to cut out reflections and glare from a scene and increased color intensity. A neutral density (ND) filter cuts down the amount of light entering your lens, allowing for longer exposures. A polarizing filter helps you in two very important ways: it reduces or eliminates the reflections in the water and on the wet rocks, and it helps you get a slower shutter speed (between one and two stops). Page 14 Mid-Atlantic Koi
A pondless design, shot in late evening with a P&S camera. “I had forgotten to bring my DSLR when we went to wrap up this build, but I was happy to have my P&S in my console.” Sony DSC-WX9 (P&S) F-stop F/4, Exposure 1/60sec, ISO-speed 100, Focal length 10mm. July 2013
P&S) cameras are getting more sophisticated with options. While there are still some P&S film cameras, most P&S cameras today are digital. P&S Features: • Metering systems, which calculate the amount of light entering the camera • Variable shutter speed • Variable aperture • Zoom lenses • Automatic focus • Preset controls for various photographic situations, such as: 1. Landscapes 2. Nighttime 3. Close-up or macro
SLR and DSLR Cameras SLR stands for Single Lens Reflex and DSLR stands for Digital Single Lens Reflex. These terms refer to how the light enters the camera. With bigger bodies than most P&S cameras and changeable lenses, these are the cameras you see many pros and serious amateurs carrying around. They allow for great control over the photography process and allow the photographer to take images that may not be possible with a P&S. SLR and DSLR Features SLRs and DSLRs allow for control over: • Shutter speed • Aperture
• Film speed • Focus point • Magnification (through the use of various lenses) • Capability for add-on flashes • Remote releases • Filters
Smart Phones Despite the intense engineering focus that goes into a camera’s elements, it’s hard to over-stress the importance of conve- nience. Smart phones are absolutely the best option for quick uploads to social media and sharing with others. When it comes to producing top-quality photos, however, smart phones are just not there yet. In a sense, smart phones are just slimmed-down P&S cameras. While many of them boast high megapixel numbers, megapixels alone are no guarantee of good performance. The light sensor, the image processing hardware and the software that ties it all together are what make a good camera. However, sometimes the best camera is the one you have on you. Smart phone Features: • Ease of use • Availability • Effects • Ease of sharing Get the camera that you have at your disposal and start experimenting with some of these simple tips. It’s important to learn to take pictures of other subjects in the landscape, so take pictures of plants and animals as well as water features. The great thing about cameras these days is that most are digital, so wasting film is a thing of the past. I have made it a A large, pondless design and landscape, shot in early morning. Canon EOS digital DSLR, F-stop F/4, Exposure 1/1250sec, ISO-speed 100, Focal length 27mm
July 2013
Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 15
habit to take a picture every day, no matter what type of camera may be with me, and some of my best photos were taken on days that were not planned as a photo shoot. Once you have caught the photo bug and have honed your photography skills, I recommend looking into investing in some equipment. The investment I have put towards my gear has given me a huge ROI. The other great thing I can say about photography is that it has now become another hobby for me. I find it an adventure trying to get the best shot of each subject, and the ability to do that is truly another form of art. ď ś Reprinted from POND Trade Magazine
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About the Author Benjamin Timmermans is the President/Lead Designer for Liquid Landscapes, Inc. located in Asheville, N.C. and has 22 years in the landscape and water feature industry. Benjamin focuses on a dedication to customer satisfaction through an emphasis on quality, workmanship, professionalism and meticulous attention to detail. He has great passion for the water feature industry and is consistently looking for ways to contribute to its betterment. Liquid Landscapes Inc. PO Box 18914, Asheville, NC 28814 828/231-1050 www.LiquidLandscapesInc.com www.facebook.com/liquidlandscapes July 2013
July 2013
Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 17
Foamy Water and Stinky Pond by Don Harrawood, SKAPA, Koi Health Advisor
sometimes bump the female and force her against the wall of the pond or against a hard surface in order to induce her to lay her eggs. The spawning process often times gets very violent.
n the spring, several pond owners may find that their pond water is all of a sudden very foamy, the water is discolored, and the pond stinks to high heaven. Most will find that their ammonia level went off the chart. Unaware to the pond owner, their fish could have been spawning.
Koi generally spawn in early spring during the months of March through June; however, they may spawn anytime during the year. Often times occurrences such as a water change, back washing a pressure filter, or a spring rain will initiate a spawn. Most any small change in the pond during this period could spark the spawn. Prior to the spawning one may notice several Koi chasing another Koi throughout the pond. The one being chased is a female that is ready to lay her eggs. The chasers are males and occasionally a female will join in the chase. The males will Page 18 Mid-Atlantic Koi
The female will generally find a plant or some other protective area in which to deposit her eggs. When the eggs are deposited, the male Koi will spray them with milt, which fertilizes the eggs. These deposits of eggs and milt causes foam on the water surface, a discoloration of the water, and a very strong fishy odor. This process also greatly increases the ammonia level in the pond water. Water changes may be called for if the biological filtration is not adequate enough to dispose of the added ammonia. An immediate testing for ammonia is recommended, since a high concentration of this chemical may result in high stress or death of Koi. Immediately after the spawn, the other Koi will start devouring all the eggs that they can find. These eggs are food for them to enjoy. The eggs are covered with a sticky substance and will attach to any solid surface they touch. Eggs that are attached inside plant growth and hidden out of sight of the other Koi have a reasonable chance to hatch. Hatch time is determined by water temperature, and generally is about 5 days. After hatching, there is still danger the hatched fry will be eaten by the adult Koi. Koi will eat their young until they get a certain size. It is thought that when the fry start getting some color on their bodies, the other Koi will no longer bother them. This takes several weeks of survival. ď ś
July 2013
Raccons by Linda Montgomery , KHA, Northwest Koi and Goldfish Club
n the last newsletter members were asked to share a fun short story about their family, pets, or Koi. I thought I would take the suggestion and share a fun story but not sure how short I will be able to keep it.
This story happened several years ago when the dog we had at the time, a 17 year old Yorkie named ‘Trouble’, got curious about a strange smell under our deck and followed his nose (which was practically the only one of the 5 senses he still had left…he was blind, had no teeth, used Depends, and was deaf). He found this interesting scent and followed it through the hole in the lattice under the deck and met up with a mother raccoon with babies. This was late July 2013
at night so it was dark and I couldn’t see where he went until I heard his yelping and the snarls and hisses from the raccoon protecting her babies. Soon after it sounded like Trouble was being torn to pieces and I was screaming (as they say…like a women possessed) so my son comes to the rescue. Now this wasn’t even close to being as threatening as Clint Eastwood with a magnum yelling “Do you feel lucky? Well do you punk?”…. this was my son standing on the deck with a garden shovel hitting the deck and yelling at the raccoon “I’m going to kill you!” After what seemed like forever but was probably only a couple of minutes, Trouble somehow Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 19
miraculously runs out from under the deck into my arms. I took him into the house and put him in the kitchen sink to check out how badly he was injured. He wasn’t nearly in as bad of shape as I thought (only some smaller puncture wounds and scratches…I was probably in worse shape than he was) so I dumped a bottle of hydrogen peroxide on him. As soon as I did that there was a knock at the door, and I couldn’t help thinking…now what?! It was almost midnight, so I wrapped a towel around Trouble and went to answer the door. There were two Policemen standing at the door, looking awfully serious, and asking me if I was O.K. Now, I was a bit confused on how they knew that Trouble was in trouble and I thought that it was terribly courteous of them to be so Page 20 Mid-Atlantic Koi
concerned about my dog. So I answered that I thought I was O.K. and it looked like Trouble was not too badly hurt. I hadn’t really thought about the fact that I was standing there in my pink chenille bathrobe with blood splattered all over it, looking like I had been crying (cuz I had, hey, I thought my dog was toast) and probably looking like something out of Law and Order SVU. And I guess I should not have been so surprised when they didn’t seem to know what the heck I was blubbering
July 2013
about. They then told me they received a call about domestic violence at this residence. My very intelligent response was close to as intelligent as the look on my face … huh … domestic violence? … but my dog was just attacked by a raccoon!? But eventually it dawns on me what they are talking about, especially when they explained that several people called into 911 to report that “A lady was really in trouble.” The light finally came on and I connected that my screams, the dog yelping and my son yelling “I’m going to kill you” gave the neighbors a bit of a concern!
line is a play off of a closing line in my favorite children’s book and the first person that tells me what book gets a very special prize!). Thanks Judy for reminding me to take a few moments to remember, laugh and enjoy some of those interesting and hard to believe moments of ponding! And I really tried to keep short…really I did!
Once the police checked out that the blood on my pink chenille bathrobe was really from the dog in the sink and not from my abusive husband, and after they stopped snickering and the other two policemen (guess they call these guys the ‘back-up’) got all caught up on the ‘case’ and got their snickering over with, they all asked if the water that they were hearing in the backyard was a pond and could they possibly see the filtration system? Really? At midnight? With me in my pink chenille bathrobe? Why of course, no problem, let’s take a tour of the filtration! So I bundled up Trouble in the towel, put on my bunny slippers (just kidding!) and took them all on the tour of the pond, the fish, the pump and filters. During the tour they mention several other ponds that they have been to and I knew the owners of three of the ponds…in fact they were all in the Koi club! So I just had to ask… I know why you came here…but how did you find out about these other ponds?
The Lily Tanks at Waterford Gardens, home to our Annual Koi Show in September.
They just smiled and did their best imitation of Sgt. Joe Friday, with that knowing look that says “This is the city of Milwaukie, Oregon. I work here. I am a cop.” I guess I should be thankful that they didn’t say “Just the facts, Ma’am”. And that’s how it happened, believe me it’s true…because, just because a small dog smelled a raccoon! (For you Grandma’s out there…this last July 2013
Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 21
Language of Koi It Begins and Ends with Kohaku by Taro Kodama, Kodama Koi Farm A study of one of the most important Koi varieties.
“It begins with Kohaku and ends with Kohaku.” his famous proverb tells us how important the Kohaku variety of Koi is in several ways. First, it tells us that Kohaku is the most popular and important variety of Koi. This may be obvious since you always see Kohaku pictures on the cover of Japanese Koi magazines. Kohaku is one of the Gosanke varieties, which include Kohaku, Taisho Sanke, and Showa. Kohaku is definitely a mainstream Koi variety.
It also shows how hobbyists sometimes progress in the Koi hobby. When they start their Koi hobby, they usually start with Kohaku because it looks easy to understand and, as mentioned, seems to be the most popular variety. (This may not always be true in the U.S., but it is in Japan.) Then they try other fancier varieties like Showa, Ogon, and so forth. However, they come back to Kohaku because they now understand how much a simple, two-color Koi can express elegant beauty. They learn the depth of Kohaku appreciation and become fond of it. Dainichi Kohaku – 2-year-old Kohaku from Dainichi Koi Farm. She is an offspring of Satsuki, Dainichi Kohaku Grand Champion of the All Japan Koi Show. The inazuma (lightning) pattern is beautiful with the perfect odome. Page 22 Mid-Atlantic Koi
Most importantly, the proverb shows us the path of learning Koi appreciation. Kohaku is the foundation of Koi appreciation. Once you learn how to appreciate the beauty of Kohaku, you can apply the principles to the other varieties. July 2013
Hoshikin Kohaku. On the snow-white skin, the beautiful three-step hi pattern stands out. The last hi step is called odome. This is an excellent one. July 2013
Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 23
Sharing the joyful moment of winning Best in Size at Nogyosai 2013, one of the most prestigious Koi shows in Japan.
Regarding Kohaku appreciation, you may want to check at least the following traits of your Kohaku Koi: • Quality • Pattern • Breeder
Quality Quality could mean many things, but in this article I will discuss skin quality. To assess a Kohaku’s skin quality, check its: 1. Shiroji 2. Beni 3. Kiwa Page 24 Mid-Atlantic Koi
Murata Kohaku. She is an outstanding beauty. The five step pattern, pure white shiroji, and very sharp kiwa all come together in one body. She is definitely future champion material.
Shiroji means “white ground” in Japanese, and it refers to a Koi’s white color. Shiroji is more important than hi (the red color). If shiroji of a Koi is not good, hi will not stand out beautifully. For shiroji, discerning enthusiasts like to see snow-like white. As for beni (or hi), please make sure there is no discoloration. Consistency is very important. The ideal beni color is like the red of a ripened persimmon. Kiwa means the edges or borders of the pattern. Please check to see if a Koi’s kiwa is sharp. If kiwa is not sharp, the Koi will not look as beautiful. Poor kiwa also indicates poor quality of skin. July 2013
estimate the future potential of a Koi when you try to buy one, and knowledge of the breeders is probably the biggest clue. The reason that knowing who the breeder is, is more critical in Kohaku than in other varieties is because Kohaku is, in a sense, the most advanced variety. The fact that a Kohaku comes from Japan is no longer enough. Even in Japan, the level of the bloodlines varies so much from farm to farm that it is essential to know the breeder. Selling Kohaku, especially Kohaku of higher quality, may not be as easy as selling other varieties. Because the Kohaku variety is so simple, you need to have deeper understanding of the quality, pattern, and bloodlines. And you need to be able to explain them to your clients. I would definitely suggest that you raise several nicer Kohaku from different bloodlines by yourself. No study is better than raising them yourself. The experience will help you understand the bloodline better and explain it better. Tancho Kohaku. The simplest but the most elegant variety in Koi, since the dominant part is its shiroji. Quality of shiroji truly matters in this type of Koi. She is also an offspring of Satsuki, the Grand Champion
Pattern Since Kohaku is such a simple Koi, the balance of red and white is very important. Hi needs to begin with the head, step to the body, and stop at the tail. The stop at the tail is called odome. How the hi stops there is very critical. The most appealing hi ratio for Kohaku is between 3:5 (white:red) and 5:5. A stepped pattern is more preferred than a less stepped pattern, such as a single hi pattern. A round spot on the head is always the most popular.
Breeder The breeder is critical, especially in the Kohaku variety. Because Koi grow, it is important to July 2013
There are many famous Kohaku breeders, but there are a few that it would be beneficial to know: Dainichi Koi Farm, Hoshikin Koi Farm, Maruboshi Koi Farm, Murata Koi Farm, and Urakawa Koi Farm. I recommend that you read “Koishi” by Mamoru Kodama to study these bloodlines. Lastly, I would like to mention why the Japanese like Kohaku so much. Kohaku, the color combination in general, has a special meaning. In Japan, you will see the combination of red and white at several occasions. For example, you will see red/white drop curtains and decorations at the entrance of schools. At a wedding ceremony, we have red/white rice cakes. The red/white combination is a symbol of celebration. I must say that it is the favorite color combination of the Japanese people. Even the national flag is red and white. Why is Kohaku so popular in Japan? Now you see why. Reprinted from POND Trade Magazine
Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 25
Page 26 Mid-Atlantic Koi
July 2013
Big Koi Caper – Part 3 by Carolyn Weise, Florida
Alan trying to catch a Koi in a slippery leaking pond.
This is the Koi Roundup- and it was not without casualties. Saturday, March 23rd, I decided to backwash my filter. I know it was a stupid thing to do. Many Koi have been killed by well-intentioned owners and one more can be added to the list. I could have left well-enough alone, right? The pond looked gorgeous with crystal clear water, happy, healthy fish, and no problems anywhere (except for the expanding leak). But I had not maintained the filter for a month. The reason for this is every time I do, I have problems with the pump (or the system, not sure because we haven’t narrowed down where the July 2013
problem lies, exactly, yet). I get a little (extremely) dirty water from the discharge pipe when the master valve is turned to “rinse” and I plug in the air to break up the beads inside the filter. Then when turning off the air, switching to backwash, I’ve already lost prime in the pump and nothing happens. This is a continuing problem and drives me mad. Seriously, I hate the system and don’t know if it is the fault of the person responsible for doing it (me), the equipment, or the initial installer (I would just rather have someone else to blame). It just does not work for me. I’ve had the pump removed and checked. No problems with the pump. It got a clean bill of health, twice. All Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 27
above-ground plumbing checked out and no air leaks found. The only questionables are the Janday valves, which I hope will be replaced, soon with simple ball valves. Okay, so now you’re getting the picture of a pond with no filtration. About this time I called for help. I have a neighbor who is very adept at handyman work and who is also a pond/Koi expert. When he moved to the neighborhood, he had his own pond. Moving on, he was at work, elsewhere, and said he’d come by when he finished up. I left the filter off and used the aerating bottom drains for the Koi (in the pond) for the time being. Alan sock netting a Koi.
When Alan got there, we shut everything off and got down to the business of emptying the pond and moving the fish over to the “new pond” (my
Filtration System Page 28 Mid-Atlantic Koi
July 2013
My once beautiful pool. Who knew it one day would be a temporary home for my Koi!
swimming pool). The new fish had her 2 weeks of quarantine time and was fine, no problem. Today we were going to put the rest of the herd into the pool with “Baby Girl” and the Hi Utsuri (“Marigold”). We used the sump pump (new) I’d been saving in my garage and pumped the pond water into the pool and then out to the garden. When the water was low enough for Alan stand up in it, (Brrrrr!!!!! I know it was only 68-70°F, not swimming temperature yet) he took the large net and practiced his “stealth net” agility with the fish. It isn’t easy to walk, barefooted, in a slippery pond that is not “bathtub warm” chasing fish that do not want to leave home. And Koi ponds with bottom drains are not “level”. The first two fish were easy to catch. It was interesting to see July 2013
Alan do a hand-over-hand with the large net and sock net. He handed them up to me, waiting on top to carry them over to the pool. One after the other, I released them in their new “quarters”. While he was corralling a third fish, another Koi nearby panicked and jumped. It flew clear across the pond, 11 feet, about 2 feet above the water, but with great force so that when it hit the far wall, we heard a loud crack! I couldn’t believe what I saw. We both stood there with our mouths hanging open, in shock to see this huge fish fly across the pond, into the wall. That fish died a few hours later. There were no other casualties.
MAKC Koi Show September 27–29 Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 29
On the Road to a Koi Event July 5–6 PNKCA 29 Annual Convention Pacific Northwest Koi Clubs Association Convention to be held in Tacoma, Washington. Witha possible wet lab on July 7th. Check their website for the most recent information. www.pnkca.com
July 12–14 Midwest Pond & Koi Society Annual Koi Show www.mpks.org.
July 20 3rd Inland Northwest Koi Show North Idaho Koi Keepers/Inland Empire Water Garden & Koi Society, Spokane, Washington website: www.northidahokoikeepers.com or Contact John Seifert spokanekoi@comcast.net www.iewgks.com
August 30–September 1 MKPC’s Second Koi Show/Ikona Koi Show Held at The Pond Place in Milford, Michigan. www.mkpc-se.com
September 6–8 ZNA Potomac Koi Club’s 20th Annual Show See www.znapotomac.org.
September 7-8 Washington Koi & Water Garden Society 22nd Annual Koi Show Bothell, Washington. Contact Nancy Moore at showchair@washingtonkoi.org www.washingtonkoi.org
September 14 Idaho Water Garden & Koi Society 20th Annual Koi Club Held at the Idaho Botanical Garden, Boise, Idaho. Contact Sot Chimonas 208-286-0288 sotchimonas@msn.com or Bob Dethman Page 30 Mid-Atlantic Koi
208-939-6064 porsche@centurylink.net www.iwgks.org
September 20–22 Carolina Classic Koi Show Hosted by the North Carolina Koi and Watergarden Society. This will be their 5th Annual Show. http://www.nckws.net
September 27–29 Mid-Atlantic Koi Club Koi Show Held at Kodama Koi Garden at Waterford Gardens in Saddle River, NJ www.makc.com
September 27-29 Northwest Koi & Goldfish Club 33rd Annual Koi & Goldfish Show Beaverton, Oregon contact Daren Beck 503-580-5492, www.nwkg.org
October 4–6 South Carolina Koi & Goldfish Show Simpsonsville, SC, Contact: Jim Suerth, Co-Chair 864-879-1369
October 11-13 21st Annual Texas Koi & Fancy Goldfish Society - ZNA show. Latest information on Texas Koi and Fancy Goldfish Society - ZNA on facebook. Or contact Ray Jordan at rjordan8@swbell.net Have an upcoming Koi event, please send the information to makcmag@makc.com. We will be glad to include it in future articles. Don’t forget your own MAKC Club has events coming up that can be found in our digital magazine or at www.makc.com. We always need volunteers for meetings and shows. We hope to see more of you visiting shows, attending club meetings, and volunteering to help at Koi events this year. It is amazing how much you can learn by helping. Take advantage of being an MAKC member and participate in the club events. See you soon at a Koi event. July 2013
Mid-Atlantic Koi Show
Held at – Kodama Koi Garden at Waterford Gardens 74 East Allendale Rd. Saddle River, NJ 07458
September 27 - 29 Mark your Calendars! July 2013
Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 31
M A KC E v e n t s Long Island Chapter Pond Tour Sunday, July 21 9:00 am Rob Moraru 5 Grassy Hollow Drive East Hampton, NY 11937 631-329-0213 Contact Bruce Levine if you have questions bruce@li-koi.com • Cell: 516-477-1823
MAKC Upcoming All Chapter Events BBQ and Multi-Club Auction August 18 Auction of 30 Goshiki tosai, 15 ginrin and 15 non-ginrin. Please look for for additional information in the next coming weeks.
MAKC Health Hotline Volunteers Tom Burton
Middletown, NJ
Jan & Bill Fogle Wayne, PA
Floyd Broussard Woodbridge, VA
Terri Janas
Ashburn, VA
Jeff Nicholson
Odenton, MD
All members have microscopes and health books. In the event of a recorded message, please suggest a time when you're home to receive a return call or when you'd like to call back. Please remember that advice is given based on your input–the ultimate responsibility and treatment must remain with you.
MAKC Koi Show
MAKC Koi Show
September 27 – 29
September 27–29
Held at Kodama Koi Farm at Waterford Gardens 74 East Allendale Road Saddle River, New Jersey
Send your meeting and event information to Joyce Spears 856-478-2952 or gjs63@comcast.net. Deadline July 1st for the July 2013 issue. Page 32 Mid-Atlantic Koi
July 2013
Upcoming Workshop September 20 & 21 Designing and Constructing Water Features & KOI CARE Upcoming Workshop at Shofuso Japanese House and Garden Philadephia PA: details at http://www.najga.org/ This will include an on site visit to Quality Koi. Check out the website and let me, Herb Ehrich, know your thoughts. Also please note this is another new email address. Yes, got hacked again! koiking15@yahoo.com
Need to Change Your email or Home Address? Have Questions about your Membership Status?
Treasurer’s Report Submitted by Carolyn Broussard, Virginia Balance as of March 7, 2013 Income: Memberships Club Sales Total Income
382.50 126.38 $508.88
Expenses: Magazine Production Seminar Speaker Expense Website Maintenance Credit Card Fees Supplies AKCA Annual Dues Host Fees & Mtg Exp Total Expenses Balance as of May 7, 2013
800.00 370.05 237.25 189.26 135.00 100.00 31.29 $1,862.85 $19,536.89
Reserve Account/Prepaid Memberships Balance as of September 30, 2012 $6,323.35 Interest Income 0.48 Balance as of December 31, 2012 $6,323.67
Barry Hixson 5465 Towanda Dr. Bethlehem, PA 18017 610-262-5184 or makcmembers@verizon.net
Summary of Income & Expense Young Koi Show 2012 Refunds/Expenses due to date change of 2012 Koi Show $-946.45
Renew Your MAKC Membership Online with a credit card?
December 15, 2012 YTD Income $3,146.75 December 15, 2012 YTD Expense $-2,658.25 Net YTD Income (Expense) Not Final $ 488.50
Go to Credit Card Payments at www.makc.com July 2013
ď ś Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 33
F..A..S..T.. Ads – July Disclaimer: MAKC and its officers assume no responsibility for claims of advertisers or the quality/serviceability of goods offered.
QUALITY SHOW KOI. Show quality Koi for sale. Need to thin out my pond contact philiegray@mac.com
MAKC Member Needs Your Help
LOVING CATS TO GOOD HOMES . Passing of spouse forces me to find homes for both inside and outside cats. All neutered. Phone 973-390-6490 with what you are looking for and we can match you with your new best friend.
KOI. Foster Home. Large natural pond. Happy to accept your overgrown or unwanted “children.” Call Rich Menashe in Metuchen, NJ, 732-767-0720.
FOR SALE Remember any MAKC member can list their Koi, pond, or related items for sale here in your magazine at no charge. Please contact Ellie today if you have something for sale. BAMBOO. Winter hardy and tropical for indoors. Thinning collection. Reasonable prices. Call Ron Altman, NY 718-442-1673 (Office) or 908-658-3055 (H).
F..A..S..T.. Ads Policy & Deadlines F..A..S..T.. Ads are available FREE to MAKC members only; no commercial ads. Ads are limited to 10 items and must include name, phone number, town and state. Deadline is the 1st of each month. Help do you have an hour or two? We need a volunteer to manage this page. Please contact
Philip Gray • 516-486-5163 philiegray@mac.com
Page 34 Mid-Atlantic Koi
KOI. Wanted Healthy Pond Grade KOI over 10˝. Will pay reasonable prices. I have a 750,000 gallon pond and will adopt any unwanted KOI. Call Joseph Pollock in Virginia at 540-788-9222. KOI. Wanted for large deep natural pond next to soon to be built wine tasting room in wine country of Northern Virginia. Happy to accept any and all Koi of any size and color. Stop by and visit them next year when our tasting room opens. Call Mark Malick in Purcellville, VA, 540-270-3399 (cell). KOI BITO MAGAZINES – in good condition. Send list with asking price, or call Roger Klocke 701-491-2803, E-mail at rklockejr@aol.com. Mailing address: Roger Klocke, 4805 Meadow Creek Dr., Fargo, ND 58104. KOI STORE EMPLOYEE. Looking for a knowledgeable Koi and pond hobbyist. Part-time, competitive pay. Outstanding employee discounts! Call John at Blue Ribbon Koi Products. 703-753-7566. MAKC CENTRAL CHAPTER VICEPRESIDENT. Schedule 4 to 12 meetings per year. This includes making sure that the meeting announcement is submitted to the magazine and the MAKC website. Plenty of advice and support July 2013
are available. Your "compensation" .... knowing that you have given back to MAKC and your fellow members. Please don't wait for someone else to step forward! MAKC is a membership organization. If more than one person is interested, you can share the fun! E-mail Philip Gray at philiegray@mac.com or call 516-486-5163.
Mid-Atlantic Koi Ad Index Aquaculture Bead Filter Specialists . . . . . . .7, 17
Time to Renew Your Membership! Be sure to check our club website for the most current meeting information and more. Also check the MAKC Online Sales Store. Did you know you can buy a Goldfish Guide?
Aquatic Nutrition – Blackwater Gold–N . . . . . . .32 Hikari . . . . . . . . . .7, Back Cover
Matala USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Mazuri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Microbe-Lift . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Nisei Koi Farm . . . . . . . . . .7, 26 Pentair Aquatic
Kloubec Koi Farm . . . . . . . . . .6
Eco-Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . .4
Kodama Koi Farm . . . . . . .7, 17
Quality Koi Company . . . .7, 26
Long Island Fish Hospital . . .21
Advertise in Mid-Atlantic Koi! Ad Rates from $15/issue* for a business card ad to $300/issue* for a full page color ad. Reach your target audience of Koi keepers & water gardeners each month and leave your competition in the dust!! Contact Philip Gray at 516-486-5163 (leave message) or e-mail: philiegray@mac.com to request information on our advertiser packages and/or a copy of our ad rate sheet. *With an annual 10 issue contract.
July 2013
Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 35
A Picture to Share
Joan & Mike Biancardi–adding to their pond! Photo shared by MAKC member Carolyn Weise. Have a picture to share? Send your photos to the Editor, Carolyn Weise at makcmag@makc.com. ď ś Page 36 Mid-Atlantic Koi
July 2013
MAKC Membership Application
e are pleased that you have inquired about membership in the Mid-Atlantic Koi Club. The club meets monthly at convenient regional locations in the Mid-Atlantic area and also publishes an informative monthly magazine (bi-monthly in Nov/Dec & Jan/Feb).
Our dues are $30 per year, per family (includes $15.00 for a one-year subscription to Mid-Atlantic Koi Online Magazine). The club year runs June 1st through May 31st of the following year. (Dues are pro-rated per month. Those who join in January or after are also asked to join for the following year.) Join for 4 years for $100 and save - $20. Overseas Membership - $40 per year. Corporate Membership $275 per year which includes advertising and other benefits. Call Barry Hixson at 610-262-5184 or e-mail: makcmembers@verizon.net for details. Please consult the following chart for the proper amount and send your check (payable to the Mid-Atlantic Koi Club) to me, Barry Hixon, 5465 Towanda Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18017. Jan
As soon as I receive your check, I will send you a "Welcome to MAKC" email and a list of upcoming meetings in your area. You will also be given the date of your membership expiration. Your email will be added to our MAKC Notice Group to allow you to receive MAKC news and up-to-date information. A great source of information is our MAKC website: www.makc.com. The MAKC membership list may be made available (upon approval by the MAKC Executive Committee) for the dissemination of Koi-related information.
Welcome to MAKC! I sincerely believe you will enjoy it as much as we all do. Barry Hixson Membership Committee Mid-Atlantic Koi Club
PLEASE PRINT (You may omit any information that may be sensitive such as unlisted phone numbers or email accounts.) LAST NAME ________________________ FIRST NAME(S) _________________________ (If Applicable) CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP NAME: ______________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________ CITY__________________ STATE _____ ZIP______ TELEPHONE ______________________ E-MAIL ________________________________ OCCUPATION(S)______________________ Do you have a pond?____ Dimensions____________ Gallons________ Type filter________________ Do you keep Koi or Goldfish?__________ Type______________ Size___________ How Many? ______ Are there any Koi related problems you need help with?_________ If so, what kind?_______________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Do you have special talents, knowledge or interest you would be willing to share with us? _________ If so, what kind? __________________________________________________________________ Would you be willing to have a Koi Club meeting at your home? _______________________________ SIGNATURE ____________________________ DATE ____________ AMOUNT PAID ___________ July 2013
Mid-Atlantic Koi Page 37