You can foster
A lot of people don’t realise they can term Short term, long k or weekend brea r fe of on fostering
Single, living with a partner, in a civil partnership or marrie d
Financial help given
any You can be from nd ethnic backgrou
Working or unemployed
Fostering can sometimes be challenging but hugely rewarding There are around 500 children and young people in Nottingham City who need foster carers. Many of them will have been physically, sexually, emotionally abused or severely neglected. Their parents may have had difficulties themselves. Fostering provides stable family life for children who cannot live with their own parents. It provides temporary care to help children or young people through a difficult period in their lives or whilst parents get help sorting out their problems.
You can foster There is no one type of person who makes a good foster carer. Foster carers come from all ethnic backgrounds and can be single, living with a partner, in a civil partnership or married. They may have their own children, step children, adopted children or not have any children at all. Foster carers may be working or unemployed, they certainly don’t need to be well off financially, and can be either renting a house or own their own home. Some may have a disability. You need to be in reasonable health, aged over 21 and have the time and capacity to provide the care our children need. Carers must also be able to give each child their own bedroom. If you have the time, support and space for a child, together we can help children maintain their links with family and friends. In return we will provide you with thorough training, support, and fostering allowances as well as professional fees to undertake this vital role. We are there at every stage of the process to assist and guide you and the young person to thrive as a new family. Great care is taken to ensure that each child placed with you is suited to your family’s current arrangements.
You can choose fostering to suit you You can choose from short term, long term, respite care, home from home and permanent fostering.
Foster Carer
Foster Carers provide a secure family home for children needing short term care, long term care, emergency placements and also permanent places. Sandra and Ian, Foster Carers from Clifton, said: “Our children have grown up and left home. At the moment we’re looking after Reece (aged 15) and Sarah (aged 13). Reece has been in trouble with school - but that’s understandable - he just needs care, stability and guidance.”
Home from Home Carer
Home from Home Foster Carers open up their homes to provide regular short breaks of 3-5 nights each month for children with disabilities. Carers receive £57 for each 24 hour period of care they provide. Tina, Home from Home Carer from Nottingham City, said: “I provide respite care at weekends for disabled children. It gives them a chance to do different activities and also gives their families a break.”
Contract Carer
Contract Carers are self-employed carers who work full time to open up their homes to disabled children for up to 240 overnight breaks each year. Carers receive £312 per week plus £37 for each overnight break they provide. Elaine, Contract Carer from Wilford, said: “I help the children get involved in different activities and challenges like shopping, swimming and bowling.”
Link Worker
Link Workers work with disabled children after school or at weekends to help them get out and about to enjoy activities in the community. Link workers receive £9 per hour. Sam, Link Worker from Attenborough, said: “Helping young people take part in community activities and gain life skills gives me a sense of achievement.”
Here are some good reasons to foster You’ll get excellent support - A highly experienced foster care social worker linked to your family and access to carer support groups - plus out of hours support at evenings, through the night and at weekends. You will receive a skills fee as well as allowances - Carers receive generous allowances for child expenses, plus a weekly skills fee of £40, £80 or £165 depending on their level of experience and the needs of the child. Receive on-going training - Three days pre-approval training before you start. You are not alone - All new foster carers can be linked with experienced carers to talk things over with. Other professional support - We have strong and established links with a medical team as well as colleagues in mental health and education to support foster children and their carers. High quality equipment and furniture for your foster child - Available to you free of charge while you are fostering including beds, wardrobes and pushchairs.
Things you need to know We carry out a detailed assessment and a number of checks and references on all applicants before they can be approved. Applicants also need to attend a three day training course to help them prepare to meet the needs of our children.
To find out more about fostering Visit email Call 0800 458 4114 or 0115 9151234