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Figure 2 Regional MidCoast Council flying-fox camps
Figure 2 Regional MidCoast Council flying-fox camps
2.2 Cultural environment
The Biripi and Worimi people are the traditional custodians of the land within the MidCoast Council LGA. The five focal flying-fox camps covered in this Plan are located on land within the Worimi nation and covered by the Forster Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC).
2.3 Karloo Street Reserve camp
2.3.1 Location and setting
Karloo Street Reserve is located in Forster at the eastern end of Karloo Street. The reserve is Council managed land and has an area of 14 ha, covering both sides of Karloo Street refer to Figure 3). An unnamed drainage line runs north-south through the reserve. In this Plan, the name ‘Karloo Street Reserve’ incorporates Kentia Drive Reserve, Lakeview Crescent Reserve and The Southern Parkway Reserve. The reserve is surrounded by private residential land to the west, north and east. Private land with similar vegetation to that within the reserve occurs to the immediate south. A recently constructed residential subdivision occurs to the south-west. The maximum recorded camp extent as of March 2021 covers a total area of 12 ha, as shown in Figure 3. The primary (or core) roost footprint covers approximately 4 ha within the reserve boundary. The secondary (or overflow) roost footprint covers approximately 8 ha, extending beyond the reserve boundary onto adjoining private property within similar vegetation located to the north and south. The actual occupied roost area is dynamic and moves over time, although the core area is centred around Karloo Street.
Vegetation mapping showing indicative DPIE BioNet Plant Community Types (PCTs) at the camp are displayed in Figure 4 and include: • Swamp sclerophyll forests: o PCT 1235 Swamp Oak swamp forest of the coastal lowlands of the NSW North Coast Bioregion o PCT 1717 Broad-leaved Paperbark - Swamp Mahogany - Swamp Oak - Saw Sedge swamp forest of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast • Wet sclerophyll forests: o PCT 1562 Tallowwood - Sydney Blue Gum shrub - grass tall open forest on ranges of lower North Coast o PCT 1567 Tallowwood - Brush Box - Sydney Blue Gum moist shrubby tall open forest on foothills of the lower North Coast • Rainforest: o PCT 751 Brush Box - Tuckeroo littoral rainforest on coastal headlands of the NSW North Coast Bioregion. Maintained lawns cover approximately 10% of the reserve. The mapped PCTs comprise potential flying-fox roosting habitat and the total area of contiguous potential roosting habitat at the camp is 18.1 ha.