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Figure 7 Major non-residential waste streams received at MCC facilities in FY21

Figure 7 Major non-residential waste streams received at MCC facilities in FY2110

1.3.5 Waste generation rate

Waste generation rates can be linked to a range of complex influences, such as variations in economic activity or the impacted disposal characteristics following extreme climactic events (such as flood, bushfires, or droughts). Although many of these complexities are outside of Council’s control, MCC can still influence the waste generation behaviours and encourage waste avoidance. These efforts in waste prevention support the pinnacle of the waste hierarchy11 and should not be excluded from strategic efforts. The average MCC waste generation rate has been calculated based on kerbside collection tonnages and internal Council records of the number of households serviced by each type of waste collection (Table 7). These are presented as the total kilograms of waste produced by each household per week (kg/HH/wk). A base-line value of 18.3 kg/HH/wk has been calculated from the three-year average. MCC will focus is strategic efforts on decreasing the overall waste generation rate, with an emphasis on decreasing general waste destined for landfill.

10 MCC weighbridge data has been used to determine the overall tonnages of arriving material. Estimated diversion rates of 43.4% and 62.7% has been applied to ‘Builder’s waste’ and ‘Scrap metal’ respectively, based on the average recovery rates of these materials at MCC facilities. 11 Waste hierarchy established by the NSW EPA https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/your-environment/recycling-andreuse/warr-strategy/the-waste-hierarchy

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