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Table 8 MCC strategic targets for waste and resource management
Table 8 MCC strategic targets for waste and resource management
Ref 2030 Target
Focus 1 Waste and litter avoidance Baseline Measure of progress
1.1 Decrease waste generated per household by 10%
1.2 Decrease incidents of illegal dumping by 60% in three pilot areas
Focus 2 Resource recovery and their re-use
2.1 Achieve a 70% kerbside recycling rate by 2030 18.3 kg/HH/wk Annual kerbside tonnages plus audits of kerbside bins
TBC* Annual review of incident numbers
44.1% Annual kerbside tonnages plus audits of kerbside bins
2.2 Achieve a 50% diversion rate from all waste sources (MSW, C&I and C&D)
2.3 Halve the amount of organic waste sent to landfill from kerbside collections 37.4% Measure based on Council facilities weighbridge records
10,600 tpa Annual tonnages plus audits of kerbside bins
2.4 Increase the use of recycled materials in Council operations TBC* Percentage of relevant contracts that specify recycled content
Focus 3 Improvements to MCC waste disposal facilities
3.1 Implement landfill gas capture to achieve net zero emissions from organic materials in landfill
3.2 Optimize the resource recovery performance at MCC waste disposal facilities of specific waste streams 0% Carbon modelling of future landfill gas capture system
Builders waste (43.4%) Scrap metal (62.7%) Residual waste (0%) Measure based on Council facilities weighbridge records
*Note (To Be Confirmed): Baseline estimates for Targets 1.2 and 2.4 were unknown during the Draft development stage of the MCC Strategy. Waste data and internal Council records will be reviewed prior to publication of the Final Strategy to determine accurate strategy targets.