2 minute read

General Community Use

Management Objective

The area identified as Sportsground will be managed to maintain the current level of use by the established user groups such as the Bulahdelah Tennis, Football, Cricket, Dressage and Pony Clubs, Bulahdelah Central School and the Bulahdelah Agricultural & Horticultural Show.

The emergence of new sports or sporting events, and the increasing popularity of others, should be monitored and encouraged.

Ancillary facilities should be maintained at least to a level that will attract regular patronage, utilising the fees raised from Reserve users. In some cases, it is the intention that improvements to these facilities will be staged (eg., cricket practice areas, and new sporting surfaces for football and soccer).

Where present, environmental values will require management in accordance with policy and legislation.

General Community Use

Relevant Core Objectives for management of community land categorised as General Community Use are to promote, encourage and provide for the use of the land, and to provide facilities on the land, to meet the current and future needs of the local community and of the wider public:

 in relation to public recreation and the physical, cultural, social and intellectual welfare or development of individual members of the public, and

 in relation to purposes for which a lease, licence or other estate may be granted in respect of the land (other than the provision of public utilities and works associated with or ancillary to public utilities).

Description and Location

The General Community Use area has a strong multi-purpose function and meets the physical, cultural and intellectual needs of the community, whilst also attracting and supporting some activities which have a capacity for commercial return. This includes the various show pavilions and offices, the camping ground facilities and associated infrastructure, the swimming pool, the entries into the Reserve, the pavilions, the amenities blocks, markets and annual show entertainment stalls, walking areas, and casual use.

Management Objective

The area identified as General Community use will be managed to improve the health of the Bulahdelah community by encouraging free and unrestricted access for casual use including exercising (walking, swimming etc.,), and attracting and maintaining tenures to generate income from existing and opportunistic users such as markets, camping/caravaners and other commercial interests.

The growing of the businesses and their required infrastructure in this multi-functional area will be a priority (in particular the recreational touring business). There will be an ongoing need to also address issues associated with aging assets and infrastructure, in particular the pool, amenities and show pavilions. Current limitations to parking will be a constraint to continued and growing uses particularly during staging of multiple events and will require consideration in this Plan.

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