The planning system in NSW, supports a complicated and multi- tiered
Each of the current LEPs utilises the suite of residential zones
range of local, regional and State requirements. This Housing Strategy
differently, meaning that the MidCoast Council currently applies three
seeks to respond to and work within the current planning system as
different approaches to their planning for housing. This situation
effectively as possible. The context of the current situation is outlined in
creates confusion in the community and results in inconsistent
this section.
decisions being made depending on where developments are proposed. The current zones used in each of the three existing LEPs is
Local Planning Context The Housing Strategy sets fresh directions from which to consolidate the three Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) being: o
Great Lakes Local Environmental Plan 2014
Greater Taree Local Environmental Plan 2010
Gloucester Local Environmental Plan 2010
shown below. As well as the differences in the number of the zones used by each LEP, there are also significant differences in the way the same zones are used. For example, development allowed in the Low Density Residential zone differs considerably between the Great Lakes and Gloucester LEPs with one allowing a much wider range of development, which is similar to the General Residential zone used in Greater Taree. This can confuse the situation and highlight that a new consistent and more transparent suite of zones is needed.
Figure 5: Current use of residential zones by existing Local Environmental Plans
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