MidCoast Council and its community are experiencing a time of great
It is noted that the Housing Strategy is one of several strategic land-use
change. With this comes the opportunity to review where we have
planning projects being undertaken by Council. Only land with an
been, and to ensure that where we are going meets the needs of both current and future residents of the area.
existing residential or tourism zone was reviewed in the Housing Strategy. Some sites may move into a residential zone as an outcome
This Housing Strategy (the Strategy) seeks to do just that. The Strategy was developed in conjunction with extensive engagement with the
of these other land-use strategies. Where known, these have been integrated into this document, but others may arise over time.
community, industry and representatives of various housing related sectors. It establishes the current situation for housing, plots a course for where we want to go, and facilitates a way to get there. In broad terms, the Strategy identifies the opportunities and constraints within the housing market now, and housing needs of the future. In detailed terms, it realises the role of local government to establish land use planning tools and mechanisms to facilitate delivery of desired future outcomes. However, local government can only facilitate outcomes, influence policy and work within the legal frameworks established by State and Federal Governments. This Strategy outlines a 20-year vision for Council’s directions to facilitate the delivery of residential housing needs. It identifies the future needs of specific localities, the needs of particular housing sectors, and the needs of the growing MidCoast community. The outcomes of the Strategy will inform the development of a new MidCoast Local Environmental Plan - Council's key land use planning framework for the future. This will align Council’s broader commitments to its resident and business communities through its Community Strategic Plan, whilst meeting its obligations for the delivery of housing under the State Government led Hunter Regional Plan 2036.
Figure 1: MidCoast Local Government Area
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