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Figure 7-20: Why do you Cycle - Gloucester / Stroud
Cycle paths
Issues - Overall (n=266)
Pedestrian crossings
Poor bike use
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Percentage of Issues
Figure 7-8: What are the key issues for you with walking and cycling? A common theme in the survey responses was that a lack of suitable pathways or routes for walking and cycling is a key issue for people who would walk and cycle. There is a concern around traffic and vulnerability for active travel users where the lack of alternative facilities results in a need to mix with larger vehicles.
7.1.2 Consultation
Overall comments received in the public consultation session indicated that: • Some people would like to walk and cycle more but were put off by factors including lack of facilities, traffic, distance and convenience.
• Longer distance routes linking communities would be nice to have.
• Time between planning and delivery of projects was considered to be an issue in some areas with projects that have been in planning for a long time highlighted.
• Standards of maintenance and including management of vegetation varied through the region. Some small changes such as cutting so clippings were not left on pathways would be a welcome change.
• Measures like increased shade on routes, benches and water fountains would make the environment for walking and cycling better.