Middlebury Language Schools and Graduate Programs Viewbook 2013

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life doesn’t come with subtitles

but it does come with Middlebury.

Middlebury Language schools & graduate programs


Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish LEVELS:

Instruction is available at all levels of language ability, from first-time students through those seeking doctorate degrees. CAMPUSES: MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE

Middlebury, Vermont MILLS COLLEGE


Berlin Buenos Aires (summer) Florence Irkutsk Madrid Mainz Moscow Paris Poitiers (summer) PROGRAMS:

Nondegree Studies Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced levels for credit Master of Arts Degree Doctor of Modern Languages For detailed information, visit go.middlebury.edu/ls2013.

Life doesn’t come with subtitLes

but it does come with THe Middlebury lANGuAGe PledGe ®.

“IN SIGNING THIS LANGUAGE PLEDGE, I AGREE TO USE AS MY ONLY LANGUAGE OF COMMUNICATION WHILE ATTENDING THE MIDDLEBURY LANGUAGE SCHOOLS . . .” There’s a freedom that comes with being fluent in more than one language. Suddenly you’re able to communicate with different people around the world, opening the doors to cultures and experiences in a way that just wouldn’t be possible by speaking English alone. It’s a rich and rewarding experience, one that awaits those who study at the Middlebury Language Schools and Graduate Programs. If you were to choose just one thing that sets Middlebury apart, it would be the dedication of our students and faculty to making great strides in language learning. This dedication is best embodied by the Middlebury Language Pledge®, a commitment to communicating only in one’s language of study for the entire time on campus.

Students read, write, listen, and speak in language,  hours a day, seven days a week. Inside our classrooms, the Pledge supports the creation of a solid foundation in each student’s language of study. And outside the classroom, the Pledge fosters engagement between students, helping them move quickly toward fluency. Whether it takes the form of dining together, doing cultural activities together, or just enjoying downtime at the end of a long day, the Pledge brings together a wide range of learning experiences and creates the opportunity for unmatched growth in language ability. Most importantly, it helps students achieve dramatic breakthroughs regardless of their proficiency level. More information about the Language Pledge may be found at go.middlebury.edu/ls.

Life doesn’t come with subtitLes

but it does come with 100 yeArS OF lANGuAGe-TeACHiNG eXPerieNCe.

For nearly  years, students have sought out Middlebury’s programs to achieve their goals of language fluency. The Language Pledge, the philosophy, the faculty, the activities—everything about the Language Schools is built around the idea of quickly getting students immersed in language so they can make rapid gains that last a lifetime. Middlebury’s first summer language school—the German School—was founded in , and its first graduate programs began in . Since then, nearly , students have attended the Language Schools and Graduate Programs, including well over , advanced-degree recipients. Language Schools and Graduate Programs students come from all  states, the District of Columbia, and more than  foreign countries. This group of alumni forms a vibrant network of language learners, and their impact can be seen throughout the world, in academics, politics, statecraft, the arts, and business.

We invite students to be a part of the rich and colorful Middlebury community, a top-tier liberal arts and sciences college that includes the C.V. Starr-Middlebury Schools Abroad, the Monterey Institute of International Studies, and the Bread Loaf School of English. We’re confident that the Language Schools and Graduate Programs will be life-changing experiences, opening new worlds and creating lifelong connections. Find out more about of Middlebury’s pioneering language programs at go.middlebury.edu/ls.

Life doesn’t come with subtitLes

but it does come with A 24/7 iMMerSiON eNVirONMeNT.

It might seem strange to think students can make such great strides in a world language without ever leaving the United States. But whether it’s Middlebury’s idyllic campus in Vermont, or the West Coast campus at Mills College in California, our environment is completely focused on language learning. If you’re pursuing one of our graduate degrees, you have the option of immersing yourself solely at Middlebury’s U.S.-based campuses, by adding a component abroad, or by attending the Monterey Institute in California. Middlebury brings the world to its campuses. To gain fluency, students spend time every day involved in real-life exercises, practicing the language and engaging with the culture. These out-of-class pursuits let students interact and gain practical language experience. They expose students to cultural differences and norms. They help students appreciate how the same language might differ from one country to the next. Most of all, they make learning more personal, allowing self-expression and creativity to complement a rigorous in-class experience.

Middlebury brings artists, educators, musicians, actors, writers, political leaders, and others to campus. Students don’t merely study vocabulary and syntax; they study food, music, art, fi lm, dance, politics, history and literature. It’s in these moments, when students realize they can participate in another language and understand the world around them, that they gain a special sense of selfsatisfaction. This richness is also what makes the Middlebury experience so unique. Find out more about the Middlebury immersion experience at go.middlebury.edu/ls.

Life doesn’t come with subtitLes

but it does come with 10 diFFereNT lANGuAGeS TO CHOOSe FrOM. Whether you want to earn an advanced degree in a particular language, or you just need to quickly gain the ability to communicate with people around the world, Middlebury is here to help you achieve your language goals. Our sites in Vermont and California offer  languages to choose from, and both campuses foster opportunities to make great strides in a world language. Middlebury’s faculty and directors come from prestigious universities here and abroad. They teach at Middlebury because they believe in the approach and the commitment embodied by the Language Pledge. They’ve also seen the results year after year, as students achieve significant growth in ability and gains in confidence. Nondegree Credit Programs For students looking to quickly gain aptitude and ability, a summer at Middlebury is an inspirational and concentrated way to study. Typically, Middlebury students report gaining the equivalent of a year’s worth of college study in just a single summer on campus. Students can earn the equivalent of – semester-hour credits during the summer. Vermont Campus It is hard to imagine a better place to spend a summer than in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Students and professors interact  hours a day, in the

classrooms and dining halls, or during cocurricular activities. Typically, students attend classes in the morning, participate in cocurricular activities in the afternoon, and attend lectures or films in the evening. Accomplished musicians and artists, esteemed lecturers, and distinguished writers enrich the academic experience, while activities such as cooking, dance, films, volleyball, and theater help students further strengthen their language skills. languages Offered in Middlebury, VT Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish Summer 2013 dates & Fees 8-week (CHiNeSe, ruSSiAN) June 21–August 16

$10,150 tuitioN, Room & boARd

7-week (POrTuGueSe) June 21–August 9

$8,029 tuitioN, Room & boARd

7-week (FreNCH, GerMAN, HebreW, iTAliAN, SPANiSH) June 28–August 16 $8,029 tuitioN, Room & boARd

Financial Aid Students in the Language Schools can apply for need-based financial aid, which covers a portion of the comprehensive fee (tuition, room, and board). For more information, visit go.middlebury.edu/ls/finaid.

Life doesn’t come with subtitLes

but it does come with Middlebury’S CAliFOrNiA CAMPuS.

MILLS COLLEGE—WEST COAST CAMPUS In , Middlebury expanded to Mills College on the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay. Mills offers a comfortable, -acre retreat in the midst of a dynamic urban community. Here, Language Schools students can explore the Bay Area and the rich patina of cultures surrounding the campus. Students attend classes in the morning, then dine with professors and participate in cocurricular activities, including soccer, cooking, cinema, and music as well as excursions. Students also benefit from the many renowned scholars, artists, and musicians who teach and lecture at Mills. All of these experiences are designed to help build new vocabulary while developing cultural fluency. Nondegree Credit Programs For students looking to quickly gain aptitude and ability, a summer at Mills is an inspirational and concentrated way to study. Typically, Middlebury at Mills students report gaining the equivalent of a year’s worth of college study in just a single summer on campus. Students can earn the equivalent of – semester-hour credits during the summer. languages Offered at Mills College, CA Arabic, French, Japanese, and Spanish

Summer 2013 dates & Fees 8-week (ArAbiC) June 14–August 9

$10,618 tuitioN, Room & boARd

8-week (JAPANeSe) June 14–August 9

$10,150 tuitioN, Room & boARd

7-week (FreNCH, SPANiSH) June 21–August 9

$8,029 tuitioN, Room & boARd

Financial Aid Students in the Language Schools can apply for needbased financial aid, which covers a portion of the comprehensive fee (tuition, room, and board). For more information, visit go.middlebury.edu/ls/finaid.

Life doesn’t come with subtitLes

but it does come with Middlebury’S GrAduATe PrOGrAMS. GRADUATE PROGRAMS Graduates of the degree programs at the Middlebury Language Schools can be found working in education, government, journalism, international business, and the nonprofit sector. Master of Arts degree The Master of Arts degree can either be earned in Vermont or California over multiple summers, or in a combination of summer and academic-year programs, either abroad or in the United States. Visit go.middlebury.edu/ls for program options. languages Offered Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish, as well as Mediterranean Studies

Summer 2013 dates & Fees 6-week

(CHiNeSe, FreNCH, GerMAN, iTAliAN, ruSSiAN, SPANiSH @ Middlebury)

July 2–August 16

$7,821 tuitioN, Room & boARd

6-week (ArAbiC @ MillS) June 28–August 9

$8,539 tuitioN, Room & boARd

6-week (FreNCH @ POiTierS) June 21–August 3

$8,211 tuitioN, Room & boARd

6-week (SPANiSH @ bueNOS AireS) July 1–August 13 $7,221 tuitioN, Room & boARd

Schools Abroad 2013–2014 dates & Fees doctor of Modern languages Students interested in continuing their language studies beyond the MA level may enroll in the Doctor of Modern Languages (DML) degree program. Unique to Middlebury, the DML prepares teacher-scholars in two modern foreign languages, helping them develop as educators of secondlanguage acquisition, civilization, culture, society, literature, linguistics, and language pedagogy. languages Offered French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish

berlin, Florence, Madrid, Mainz, Paris sept/oct–June $22,050* tuitioN oNLY Moscow september–June

$23,140* tuitioN oNLY

irkutsk september–June

$23,920* tuitioN oNLY

*Estimates of room and board can be found at go.middlebury.edu/ls/grad_programs.

Financial Aid Students in the graduate programs can apply for need-based financial aid, which meets up to  percent of demonstrated need. For more information, visit go.middlebury.edu/ls/finaid.

Life doesn’t come with subtitLes

but it does come with Middlebury.

middlebury college ★

★ middlebury at mills

Fellowships and Scholarships Established in 2007 with a generous milliondollar donation from Kathryn Davis, the Kathryn Davis Fellowships for Peace provide scholarships to recipients studying one of six critical languages: Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian. The scholarships were established to address the tangible need for enhanced language proficiency in an increasingly globalized world. They cover a significant portion of the cost of tuition, room, and board for one summer of study at the Language Schools. The Kathryn Davis Fellowships for Peace are available to a limited number of exceptionally qualified individuals. To learn more about this fellowship and others, please visit go.middlebury.edu/ls/finaid.

Summer programs are also offered in Poitiers and Buenos Aires. Academic year programs are offered in Berlin, Florence, Madrid, Mainz, Paris, Moscow, and Irkutsk.

Career Services Students who attend the Language Schools benefit from the resources of Middlebury’s Career Services Office. In addition to presenting workshops and information sessions, the office sponsors an alumni panel that meets on each campus to share stories about using language in the workplace. In addition, companies and agencies come to campus to recruit students for jobs. Students have lifelong access to the online database of job openings and can also explore the network of Middlebury alumni in the United States and abroad.

middlebury language schools & graduate programs

Sunderland Language Center, Middlebury, VT  P: .. // F: .. E: Languages@middlebury.edu W: www.go.middlebury.edu/ls

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