Middleburg Eccentric June 2013

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Top 10 list for Summer in Middleburg Page 23 Middleburg’s Only Locally Owned and Operated Newspaper

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013


Middleburg Charter School

Page 16


Daniel Morrow

n June 13 Suzanne Callie, speaking on behalf of the Middleburg Elementary Charter School Program Committee, briefed Town Council on the status of the group’s application to transform Middleburg Elementary officially into a Charter School. The Committee has been given a year and what Callie described as “a mandate from the School Board to come up with ideas for making the school viable in the future.” The Loudoun County School Board, she reported, “made it clear that they would be open to a charter school application.” The Committee is meeting with parents as well as community groups and other potential supporters “in order to obtain as much input as possible” for a presentation in July. “Even if it became a charter school, the Middleburg Elementary School would continue to be a publicly funded school,” Callie reminded Council. A “charter” would allow their non-profit organization to apply for outside grants to support and enhance school programs. Callie encourage all those interested in keeping up with the latest developments to check out their new Facebook page: www. facebook.com/TheMiddleburgCharterSchool. New Police Officer Middleburg Chief of Police A.J. Panebianco formally announced that Mark Putnam had been selected from a large and outstanding pool of candidates to become Middleburg’s newest police officer. Putnam formerly served with the nearby Gordonsville Police Department and, according to Panebianco, is “well versed in community policing” and will “fit well” into the Middleburg community. Police Lieutenant Mike Prince As part of the Police Department’s ongoing program of professional training, reform and reorganization, Middleburg’s longest-serving police officer, Mike Prince title has been named the Middleburg Police Department’s first Police Lieutenant. As “Senior Police Officer” (a rank especially created for Prince) he had been carrying out many if not all the duties of a Lieutenant for some time. With the new rank designation Panebianco told Council, Prince’s formal standing in the force’s “chain of command” could be more easily recognized by both civilians and officers from other jurisdictions using standardized ranks and insignia. Pedestrian Safety

Page 4

B u s i n e s s Di r e c t o r y : Pa g e 2 2 • F r i e n d s f o r L i f e : Pa g e 2 6

Salamander “Challenge” Course Council discussed at length a request from the Salamander to move forward on the construction of a “recreational amenity” on land protected by a conservation easement co-held by Salamander and the Potomac Conservancy. The “amenity” is a “challenge course,” often used to facilitate “team building” exercises for senior executives. Primary access for teams, families, or others using the course would be via “zip line” built into the trees with no part of it touching the ground. Salamander has contracted with Empower Adventures Operators, LLC to develop, implement and operate the course. EAO currently runs a similar facility for Salamander in Florida. Dev Patik of EAO assured Council that each “station” on the course “would provide an environmental lesson, including a history of the environment.” The entire course will be invisible from both the resort hotel and the town. Devadas told Council his hope was to have everything ready for the opening of the resort. A group from the New York Stock Exchange, he said, is already booked for September 24-25 and, were looking for new ways to challenge their top executives Town Planner and Zoning Administrator, David Beniamino, noted that original 2007 plan for Salamander approved by Council included a provision to allow construction of a “challenge course” on “four acres of land located within the conservation easement area.” All construction within the easement must be pre-approved by both Town Council and the Conservancy. Pendleton St. “Challenge” Course A question raised by Vice Mayor Kirk prompted yet another discussion of the tricky problem of parking along Pendleton Street, next to the Middleburg Safeway, destined to be the thoroughfare leading from Route 50 to the main entrance to Salamander. Councilmember Mark Snyder noted that the two parking spaces at issue, near the corner of Pendleton and Route 50 were authorized “quasi legally” thirty years ago. Cars or trucks parked there make turns in or out of Pendleton dangerous or impossible, especially for large vehicles. As an experiment the Town has decided to park a town-owned car in the critical space near the intersection, have the Police Department closely monitor traffic around, and then make suggestions about how best to handle the problem based on their observations.

Landlords and Development Genie Ford, of the Middleburg Business & Professional Association, briefed Council on that organization’s most recent Landlords Forum. The forum, she said, “was modestly attended; however, a good discussion was held.” All agreed that a professional survey of Middleburg residents should be done “to determine the kinds of businesses they


Page 4 Salamander Resort & Spa Hires Brightest & Best

There will be “more enforcement at the crosswalks” Panebianco reported, following an accident in which a pedestrian was struck while crossing the street legally. A new, long-planned pedestrian safety education and enforcement program will begin in July with the publication of a new brochure designed for distribution to both pedestrians and drivers. Officers will kick off the program by focusing on pedestrians: first explaining to jaywalkers and other violators the dangers they posed to themselves and others; giving first offenders a brochure rather than

a ticket; and only them moving on to full enforcement. Thereafter a similar program will be put in place for drivers. A repeat of Middleburg’s participation in “National Night Out,” the Chief reported, is set for August 6th.

Continued Page 30

Request in homes by Thursday 6/27/13

Upperville Horse Show


Volume 10 Issue 3

Page 2 Middleburg Eccentric

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

Serving our Clients Since 1939

C u s t o m a l l br i ck r a n c h w i t h D E E R W O O D - P riced to sell on 63+ a m a z i n g v i e w s . S p a c i o u s o p e n f l o o r p l a n w i t h o v e r 6 , 0 0 0 s q A c r e s i n F Q C O . I m m a c u l a t e 4 B R h o u s e . M A B R and l i v i n g a r e a f t o f f i n i shed space. 73 A c r e s. La r g e n e w ba r n . R e a r b rick 4 bed r o o m s. 5 1/2 bath s. 3 ga r a g e s p a c e s . V e r y p r i v a t e . L O 8 0 9 2 1 5 9 • $ 2 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0

$2,999,000 • CL7939070



5 4 0 . 4 5 4 .33 5 5

s p a c i o u s b rick hou s e i n s o u g h t a f t e r Atoka Cha s e , m i n u t e s f rom do w n t o w n Middlebu r g i n a v e r y p r i v a t e setting. La r g e m a s t e r su i t e . L a rg e m u d r o o m . 4 c a r l o w e r l e v e l . M ed i a r o o m . 1 0 a c r es. Pond . L O 8 1 0 5 4 0 1 • $ 1 , 4 9 5 , 0 0 0

P e r f e c t h o r s e p r o p e r t y ! Cha r m i n g F rench Count r y H o m e o n 2 5 i n Piedmont hunt. 3+bed r o o m s, 3.5 bath r o o m s , f i r s t f l o o r ba rn, 3 paddock s , riding ring, outbuilding s, boa rd f e n c i n g , P A T R IC I A B U R N S

5 4 0 . 4 5 4 .67 23

- L o v e l y r e n o v a t ed f a r m h o u s e w i t h c h a r m i n g 6 - s t a l l b a r n . A l l f u l l y r e n o v a t ed. T o n s o f Count r y . S u r rounded by land in s c e n i c e a s e m e n t . S u p e r h o r s e p r o p e r t y. 5 b edroo ms. 4 work i n g f i r e p l a c e s . p a t i o and 23 a c r e s . P E T E R P E J AC S E V IC H

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simply elegant and immaculate updated f a r m h o u s e . H e a r t o f P i n e 3 bed r o o m s , 1 1 / 2 b a t h s . S e rbia n S p r u c e , l a r g e n o r w a y s p r i c e a nd L O8100313

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F Q804139 5 $ 1 , 6 6 9 , 0 0 0

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Middleburg Eccentric

News of Note

P.O. Box 1768 Middleburg, VA 20118 540-687-3200 fax 866-705-7643 www.mbecc.com news@mbecc.com

Cover Photo by Teresa Ramsay “Inclusive” winner of the 2013 Upperville Derby Editor In Chief Dee Dee Hubbard ~ editor@mbecc.com Design & Production Director Jay Hubbard Publisher Dan Morrow Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. No part of Middleburg Eccentric may be reproduced without written permission of the Eccentric LLC. Middleburg Eccentric is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Middleburg Eccentric reserves the right to accept or reject any and all copy. Middleburg Eccentric is published monthly on the 4th Thursday by Middleburg Eccentric LLC. Circulation to Clarke, Fauquier, Loudoun & Prince William Counties. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtain housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, handicap or intention to make any such preferences, limitation or discrimination.” The newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753. Email: fairhousing@dpor.Virginia. gov Web site: www.fairhousing.vipnet.org

• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 3

Middleburg Animal Hospital Opens Under the Care of Dr. Hanh Chau


iddleburg Animal Hospital’s absence has been a very sore subject for many Northern Virginia pets and their owners, but with the arrival of Dr. Hanh Chau and her team, everyone in the region is going to feel much better. Today, the totally renovated facility is welcoming pets from far and wide who need every kind of care and service. Freshly painted and spotless in soft shades of swimming pool blue and sand, the offices now create a calming atmosphere that will welcome you and your pets each time you visit. Dr. Chau, who epitomizes a kind and caring doctor, emphasizes that she and her staff focus on client education and pet comfort on every visit. She and her husband, Aaron Zeitlin, grew up in Loudoun County where they attended Broad Run High School in Ashburn. They and both of their families still reside in Loudoun. Aaron completed his MBA at the same time Hanh finished her doctorate degree while they were both at Virginia Tech. After subsequently working over 12 years at Freddie Mac and then Fannie Mae as an IT then Senior Business Analyst, he was persuaded by Hanh to join her in her increasingly successful business. Dr. Chau has been in practice

for 15 years in the DC metro area. She has substituted for board-certified specialists in the area, and has worked at some of the highest quality veterinary care facilities in Virginia and Maryland. Five years ago, Dr. Chau opened her first clinic, the Family Veterinary Hospital of Stone Ridge in Chantilly, Virginia. She opened the Middleburg Animal Hospital in late June. A graduate of Virginia Tech, Dr. Chau has a doctorate of Veterinary Medicine. She was later trained and certified in Veterinary Acupuncture as well as Canine Rehabilitation Therapy. In addition to her doctorate, Dr. Chau completed hands-on training in advanced dentistry; echocardiograms by ultrasound; acupuncture; rehabilitation and endoscopy. Her Family Veterinary Clinic has twice been awarded the prestigious ‘Angie’s List Super Service Award,’ an honor bestowed annually on only five percent of companies. Determined to bring the Middleburg Animal Hospital up to today’s standards, Dr. Chau totally renovated the facility. Sky lights were added, ceilings raised, she switched to digital x-rays to reduce radiation exposure and a brand new staff break room was added. She also put in seamless acrylic floors to reduce the spread of contagious disease and reduce

odors. Dr. Chau’s reputation for giving special care to animals is legend- Dr. Hanh Chau, her husband Aaron Zeitlin ary. She remem- and their children, Ben, Joe & Max. bers well caring uate and evented and competed up for a sad dog who had eaten his to 2nd level Dressage. owner’s leather shoe. She graduated from the VA“I was able to get all the piecMD Regional College of Vetes out of him via endoscope rather erinary Medicine in 2001 and atthan surgery,” she remembered. tended the Chi Institute in Florida “Not only did this save the to study acupuncture in 2011. owner money,” she said, “the sad Dr. Chau also cares for exotic dog recovered very quickly and pets. She used to be a sub/relief went home much happier.” vet for a board certified avian speThere are several film clips cialist, and for years had her own of Dr. Chau caring for pets on her birds. She also completed an inYou Tube channel, www.youtube. ternship at Kaytee Avian research com/familyvet, and she encourfacility up in Wisconsin. ages clients to watch closely the Middleburg Animal Hospital clips on her acupuncture procewill also care for iguanas, hamdures. sters, rabbits, rats and guinea pigs. “Acupuncture can be of such “We’ll help take care of pretty tremendous help to animals. much every pet but we do not ofWhether they are suffering from fer large animal services.” paralysis or a bad wound, it can “It will be our very great be a very successful treatment. I pleasure to bring our services to know Dr. McKim also offered Middleburg Animal Hospital,” Dr. acupuncture services,” she continChau concluded. “This is such a ued. “I am in complete agreement beautiful area with so many wonwith her about the value this treatderful animals. We are simply dement offers.” lighted to be of service here.” Dr. Betty Myers will join Dr. Middleburg Animal HospiChau at the Middleburg Animal tal is located at 23369 Sam Fred Hospital. Road, Middleburg and is open Dr. Myers, who was born from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m .on weekin Virginia, grew up in Virginia, days, and from 8 a.m .to 1 p.m. on North Carolina and Florida riding Saturdays. horses for most of her youth. A Please telephone 540 687Pony Clubber, she is an “A” grad3300 for appointments.

P r o P e rt i e s i n H u n t C o u n t ry CHiLtoN’S GAtE

Rebecca Poston (540) 771-7520

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Li ew

Commercial C2 Zoning in Middleburg, VA. Central Business District. Prime location. Detached, three level, mixed use. Retail with large display windows on main level, vacant. 3 one bedroom apartments on upper level, fully leased. English basement-lower level leased as workshop. Approx. 8000 Sq. Ft. Stone building, with 4 parking spaces. $1,700,000

103 acres above the Rappahannock River with 1,000 ft. of river frontage. There is also a wildflower/habitat walk and a lake. A lovely in-law cottage, built for an earlier Chilton, serves today as a comfortable home that could be used as a “pied a Terre” while building a larger residence. The farm is currently in Land Use. It sits a mile down river from the Fauquier Springs golf course and 12 minutes to Warrenton. $1,300,000

Susie Ashcom (540) 229-3201





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11 S. mADiSoN StREEt

Custom built Colonial on 10 acres with Blue Ridge Mountain views. Chef’s Kitchen w/top of the line appliances, adjoining sun-filled Family Room with Cathedral ceiling & double fireplace to Den, Hardwood floors on 1st level, 3 fireplaces. Finished basement w/Rec. Room & Guest Suite. 2-car garage with office space or workout room above. 4-stall barn, tack room, wash stall, sheds & paddocks. $1,229,000

Cricket Bedford (540) 229-3201

The extensive Catoctin Creek trail system and miles of gravel roads provide an oasis for the discriminating horseman. The land is gently rolling and all 11 acres are in grass with a creek on the back boundary. Sellers have just installed hardwood flooring on both floors and in all 4 bedrooms. They have also remodeled and modernized 3 bathrooms. And repainted the interior. Just minutes to the MARC train in Brunswick,MD or Point of Rocks,MD. $749,000

Susie Ashcom (540) 229-3201

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Located in beautiful horse country of Delaplane, surrounded by Virginia wineries, this 3 bedroom ranch style home was completely updated in 2005. (located 55 miles from DC) Paved driveway, 2-car garage, 3 bedrooms (carpeted), 2 full baths, 1 half bath at entry. Mud room entry from garage. Sunken living room with fireplace and gorgeous views. Bright kitchen with large dining area/bay window. $649,500

Cricket Bedford (540) 229-3201

Located near Hume, immaculate custom built Cape Cod w/ 4 BR, 4 BA features Main floor Bedrooms hardwood floors, gourmet kitchen, woodburning fireplace & French doors from every room provide easy access to the country front porch & screened porch for entertaining family & friends.Huge upstairs rec area and full unfinished basement for expansion. 5.75 acres in a private woodland setting! $649,000

Cathy Bernache (540) 424-7066


3,200 sq. ft. custom home sited at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mtns. & near Shenandoah River. 3-4 Bedtooms, 3.5 Baths on 2 levels. Formal Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen with island & breakfast nook. Luxury Master Bedroom Suite with private balcony. 2nd Master Bedroom with sitting room. Huge Family Room. Oversized 2-car garage with work space. Rear deck ideal for entertaining. Paved driveway. Close to Rte.50 & I66. Boat access & park privileges.. $345,000

Cricket Bedford (540) 229-3201

Desire a Middleburg address? Then build your dream house on a rare 3 acre parcel located just minutes to Middleburg along the Northern end of prestigious Zulla Road. One of only three parcels available for sale in this small subdivision. This is the LAST PARCEL available. Great commuter location to either Rte.s 50 or I-66. County approved 4 bedroom septic field. $255,000

Cricket Bedford (540) 229-3201

Telephone (540) 687-6500

P. O. Box 500 s 2 South Madison Street Middleburg sVirginia 20117

Licensed in Virginia and West Virginia. Offer subject to errors, omissions, prior sale, change of price or withdrawal without notice. Information contained herein is deemed reliable but is not so warranted nor is it otherwise guaranteed.


Page 4 Middleburg Eccentric

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

News of Note


Salamander Resort & Spa Hires Brightest & Best ith a scheduled opening date of August 29, Salamander Resort & Spa is hiring the brightest and best to run the luxury resort on a daily basis. At press time, the 168-room resort had about 150 confirmed and pre-screened applicants attending a Career Fair on Wednesday, June 26 at the Middleburg Community Center. The resort expects to employ up to 200 associates, and is currently hiring for positions including spa therapists, cooks, front desk and restaurant managers, housekeepers, bellmen and many more occupations. Individuals were required to register online by completing a job application, posting a resume and applying for a specific position. The resort’s human resources departments reports the response was exceptional, and says that even if individuals missed the first Career

Fair, they should fill out a job application by visiting the Careers link at www.SalamanderResort.com. A second Career Fair will be held in July, if necessary. Helping oversee Wednesday’s event was Trey Matheu, the resort’s new – and first – general manager. Matheu started his position only a few days earlier on June 24. Matheu joins the Salamander executive team after a distinguished hospitality management career, which includes six years spent as the general manager of Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in Farmington, PA. Under Matheu’s direction, the resort successfully launched the Falling Rock Hotel, which quickly garnered the nation’s highest hospitality accolades: the Forbes Five Star and AAA Five Diamond awards. Matheu also helped attain the same ratings for the resort’s acclaimed restaurant, Lautrec, making Nemacolin one

of the most decorated properties in the world. “I look forward to opening America’s most iconic new hotel to critical and public acclaim, as well as becoming part of the fabric of the Middleburg community” said Matheu. “Ms. Johnson’s vision has delivered a spectacular project, one that is unparalleled in the United States.” Matheu has previously worked for Vail Resorts in Wyoming and Colorado; served as the general manager at Big Cedar Lodge, Ridgedale, MO; and was most recently the general manager of Ocean Beach Club/Oceanaire Resort Complex in Virginia Beach. A graduate of Lafayette College in Easton, PA, he has served on the American Hotel and Lodging Association Resort Committee, and the executive committee of the Pennsylvania Tourism and Lodging Association.


Please call us for your real estate needs Whistle stop- RectoRtoWn Just listed- With sweeping views to the south, this charming French country stucco house has a main floor master bedroom and 2 second floor bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, living room, dining room with fireplace, library with fireplace and large country kitchen. Custom built by University Homes on six acres. $1,249,000

Maidstone- RectoRtoWn Pre 1870 charming 5 bedroom, four bath stucco farm house with oak floors and two fireplaces. siting on a knoll with extra building lot. First time on market in 21 years- OLREB

MiddlebuRg- MaRtin avenue Near the charming library on large lot , this two bedroom, two bath house includes living room with fireplace, dining room and great kitchen. House is in mint condition. $549,000

Penny Kriel

Trey Matheu

“Trey has tremendous experience running and opening luxury properties,” said Prem Devadas, president of Salamander Hotels & Resorts. “He has tremendous expertise directing spa, culinary and equestrian programs, and will provide stellar guidance in ensuring all of our guests receive a superior level of service. Also newly arrived in Middleburg is Penny Kriel, the resort’s spa director. Kriel joins the Salamander team from the Mandarin Oriental in Washington D.C. where she worked as spa director for the past seven years. She has also served as the Secretary of the Washington Spa Alliance Board of Directors. “This spa is a very special place – one which area residents and seasoned travelers alike will enjoy,” said Kriel, who will oversee day-to-day operations and a staff of more than 40. “The combination of our facilities and farm-totreatment table inspired treatments provide an experience unlike any other in the mid-Atlantic region.” The spa, which is open to members of the public as well as resort guests, features 14 deluxe treatment rooms with private outdoor stone terraces, gas fireplaces and an innovative detoxification

Rasul wet treatment. There is also an exclusive Couple’s Suite with private terrace, whirlpool and shower; while the men’s and women’s relaxation areas include soaring whirlpools and saunas, heated stone recliners and experiential showers. The secluded spa courtyard offers guests an infinity edge pool, cabanas, a raised fire pit and whirlpool, and the 10-station salon offers hair, makeup, manicure and pedicure services. There is also a day-lit fitness center including an indoor pool, cardio and weight room, two movement studios and a sauna. Originally from Mafikeng, South Africa, Kriel gained an Honors and CIDESCO Diploma in Advanced Skin Care and Cosmetology, Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Massage Therapy from the Tina Scholz Health and Skin Care Academy in Potchefstroom. After working as a therapist onboard Crystal and Princess Cruises for nine months, she began working as a head therapist and later business development manager for the Image Institute in Rosebank, South Africa, where she specialized in Guinot, Clarins and Environ treatments and products. In 2005, she started working at the Mandarin Oriental, Hyde Park, in London as


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Middleburg Eccentric

• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 5

Enhance Your Home or Business with a Platinum Exterior Roofing spa operations manager. She also has a Diploma in Management Development from the RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. “Penny is one of the most respected spa professionals in the world,” said Devadas. “The treatments and packages she has developed perfectly complement the spectacular spaces we have spent many years designing.” Already named to several 2013 World’s Top Hotel Openings lists, Salamander Resort & Spa is receiving rave reviews from media and clients. The resort’s sales team continues to receive tremendous interest from groups around the world, while the property has been included in numerous publications, with many more features slated for the month of August and beyond. The resort features Virginia Piedmont-inspired signature restaurant and banquet dining overseen by Washington, D.C. Chef of the Year Todd Gray, a media-ready Cooking Studio, Wine Bar and a two-acre Culinary Garden. In keeping with its geographical setting, the resort includes a full-service equestrian center and an array of programming, while the property’s 22-stall stable even offers equine enthusiasts the opportunity to bring their horses along on vacation. The resort also features 12,000 square feet of indoor conference and event facilities, including a 5,000-squarefoot Grand Ballroom and unique outdoor spaces like the Grand Lawn, Courtyard Garden and a restored, century-old Stallion Barn.

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Page 6 Middleburg Eccentric

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

News of Note

Middleburg Library 2013 Scholarship winners


iddleburg Library Advisory Board Inc. recently announced the award winners of the 2013 book scholarship. Rebecca Livermore of Aldie, VA, graduated from Freedom High School and will attend James Madison University. Rebecca was awarded $1000.00 to purchase books for her first year of college. She is the daughter of David Livermore and

Lucia DiBenedetto. Sam Tate also of Aldie, VA, graduated from Freedom High School and will attend Christopher Newport University. Sam is the son of Mike and Beverly Tate. As the runner-up Sam was awarded $500.00 for the purchase of books. Successful candidates must complete an application form, supply a current official high school transcript and live with specific zip

code areas surrounding the Town of Middleburg. The Middleburg Library Advisory Board Inc. provides supplemental support for activities of the Middleburg Library, a branch of the Loudoun County Public Library system. The Middleburg Library Advisory Board is currently providing $775,000 in funds from community donations to double the size of this small library. The expanded library will open in the next few months.

Freidin’s “Contemporary Hunters and their Gun Dogs,” Fabulous Photo Exhibit at NSLM California and New York-based photographer to create the fifteen color and black and white photographic prints in American Sporting Heritage: A Portrait Survey of Contemporary Hunters and their Gun Dogs. “Freidin is not a hunter himself,” Pfeiffer said. “He started the series by asking himself the question, ‘Why do people still hunt today?’” Freidin expanded on his ideas in an interview with Pfeiffer. “Humans evolved alongside dogs,” he said. “Learning to hunt became ingrained in humans,” but he posited, “do we need to continue hunting for our food?” Known for his dog portraits, Freidin identified with the relationships that humans and canines form, but took an unflinching approach to the series. “Something is being killed. Why ward-winning fine art phois this beautiful?” he questioned. tographer Jesse Freidin has Freidin applied the same techembarked on an epic docuniques he uses for his dog portraiture mentary project telling the by conducting in- depth interviews of story of the contemporary American his human subjects while watching hunter. The first of its kind, this sethem interact with their dogs. All of ries uses traditional photo techniques the photos were taken in California, to create a comprehensive survey many in the San Francisco Bay Area. of contemporary American sporting Through observation and taking culture. in the sitters’ narratives, Freidin beThe first public exhibition of this gan to appreciate the contemplative project is at the National Sporting Liaspects of the pastime, the keeping brary & Museum, through September of the tradition and the intrinsic har29th. mony between hunters and nature. In the exhibit, NSLM George L. “They are being human, meditaOhrstrom, Jr., Curator Claudia Pfeitive and at ease, “he said of Tom and Goodstone May 2013 Ad Middleb. Ecc. _Layout 1 5/26/13 6:15 PM Page 1 ffer underlines the motivations of the John, two life-long friends and hunt-


ers. “For them, the practice is not good or bad. It just is.” Through observation and taking in the sitters’ narratives, Freidin began to appreciate the contemplative aspects of the pastime, the keeping of the tradition and the intrinsic harmony between hunters and nature. “They are being human, meditative and at ease, “he said of Tom and John, two life-long friends and hunters. “For them the practice is not good or bad. It just is.” Freidin also experienced dilemmas of the contemporary hunter trying to commune with nature in areas that are becoming increasingly developed. In fact, the photographer sometimes found it difficult to compose images devoid of power lines, roads or overhead planes from an airport near a marsh. Shooting with medium-format cameras, Freidin still works with film using traditional techniques in an age when digital photography and computer post-processing have overtaken the photographic medium. “The resulting series of hunting portraits is intimate, vibrant and fresh, yet has a modern appeal,” Pfeiffer said. “In essence, Freidin is preserving two traditions – the art of analog photography and the generations-old experience of hunting.” Through his camera lens, Freidin invites the viewer to join him in contemplating the question, “Why do people still hunt today?” and explore the relationship between the contem-

porary hunter, his gun dog and the modern landscape. Freidin will be at the National Sporting Library & Museum on September 5, 2013, to present a gallery

She’s the New Pro at Creighton Farms


reighton Farms announced that LPGA tour professional Kris Tschetter has joined as the Resident Touring Pro for the Club. Kris is a graduate of Texas Christian University and began playing on the LPGA Tour in 1988. She finished second in two majors, being runnerup to Annika Sorenstam in the 1996 US Open, and to Betsy King in the 1997 Nabisco Dinah Shore Championship. Kris also holds the Women’s British Open 9-hole record with a 29. She also has 10 second place finishes and 50 top-10 finishes. In 2010, Kris released a book entitled, “The Man I Knew,” which chronicles her 15-year friendship with Ben Hogan. “We’re excited to have Kris Tschetter call Creighton Farms her ‘home’ course,” said Casey Counseller, General Manager of Creighton Farms. “She is remarkable as a person and a player, and we’re pleased

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talk during an open house from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Library Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

she chose Creighton Farms as her Club. “Kris is the perfect fit for our Club on so many levels – it’s a great place for her to work on her game, and her clinics will be invaluable for our members and their guests as they develop into better players.” A resident of Northern Virginia, Kris Tschetter is familiar with Creighton Farms and recently hosted a “Day with Kris Tschetter” clinic for members to improve their swings and enhance the mental part of their golf game. As Resident Touring Pro, Kris will participate in a range of private events for members and their guests, including clinics, lessons and special golf days and she’ll also play as one of the celebrity golfers in the Creighton Farms Invitational Hosted by Jack Nicklaus, a charity tournament that raises money for local children’s hospitals. “I look forward to becoming part of the community at Creighton Farms. It’s an exceptional property and golf course. It’s nice to have a ‘home’ base from which I can continue to play and teach. Having my family enjoy the club and its amenities as well is a great bonus,” Kris Tschetter said. She was born in Detroit, Michigan. As an amateur, she won the 1983 American Junior Golf Association Tournament of Champions and was a four-time winner of the South Dakota State Women’s Amateur Championship. In 1984, she qualified for the U.S. Women’s Open. As a member of the Texas Christian University women’s golf team, she was a three-time member of the All-Southwest Conference Team. During college, Tschetter was a member of Shady Oaks Golf Club in Fort Worth, where she developed her relationship with the late Ben Hogan. Kris, her husband and their two children will also be members at Creighton Farms.

Middleburg Eccentric

• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 7

Loudoun Laurels Awards First Stewardship Trust Scholarships


arlier this month, the Loudoun Laurels Foundation presented its inaugural Stewardship Trust scholarships to two deserving Loudoun County high school seniors. The scholarships, each in the amount of $10,000, were awarded to Juan Jose Najera and Sara Litke, both of Loudoun County High School in Leesburg. Dan Morrow, executive director of the Loudoun Laurels and publisher of The Middleburg Eccentric, presented both scholarships and said that, while each scholarship is initially presented on a onetime basis, recipients may reapply in subsequent years. “Students may receive as much as $40,000—$10,000 for each year—if they continue their education and continue to uphold the values the Loudoun Laurels seeks to honor.” Juan Jose, a participant in the Loudoun County Public Schools’ CAMPUS program, will be attending Christopher Newport University in the fall and hopes to pursue a career in computer engineering. Sara, a participant in the Loudoun County Public Schools’

AVID program, plans to attend Old Dominion University in the fall and plans to become a physician’s assistant. Both students were selected based on applications they submitted to the Loudoun Laurels Foundation and recommendations they received from Loudoun County Public Schools staff and faculty. The Stewardship Trust scholarships are largely made possible by a generous, anonymous commitment to the Loudoun Laurels in the amount of $20,000 a year for a period of at least five years, as well as additional, ongoing donations and contributions made by local individuals and organizations. To be considered, students must: reside within Loudoun County, attend a Loudoun County Public High School, be seniors, be enrolling in a 4-year undergraduate program for the upcoming fall, be enrolling in a Virginia college or university, and plan to pursue a degree in a STEM-focused program. For more information, or to contribute to the Stewardship Trust Scholarship Fund, please contact Alex Cudaback at alex@jamestownexploration.com

Middleburg Garden Club’s Splendid Show Takes Major Prizes


ast December, The Middleburg Garden Club’s splendid holiday show won not only the Virginia state prize for best holiday show, but has also been recognized with the national prize. Show Chairman Gabriele Wickens directed the exemplary exhibit that included holiday table settings for four, a large selection of horticulture classes, flower arranging classes and holiday crafts. The Middleburg Garden Club is affiliated with the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs, the state affiliate of The National Garden Club, which promulgates the standards used universally for flower

shows and has many international affiliates. “We were in competition with not just other American garden clubs, but international ones as well,” explained Chairman Wickens. “The Club was first awarded the best holiday flower show at the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs in April, which then put us in contention for the national award at the National Garden Club’s convention in Seattle in June where all the first prize winners from all the states and international affiliates were considered.

Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation Honors 2013 Champions


nthusiastic supporters of the Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation recently gathered at the Middleburg Tennis Club for the second annual Cherry Blossom Champion Award Dinner. The three recipients of this year’s Awards include: • Middleburg Bank for its leadership in consistently committing its financial sponsorship support and employee participation in the Foundation’s annual walk/run fundraisers; • Ms. Jackie Glenn, Patient Navigator at the Lake Manassas Cancer Center, for her passionate advocacy for women with breast cancer who are undergoing treatment; and

• Ms. Renelda PeldunasHarter, President, Loudoun Breast Health Network, for her leadership of the Network’s education outreach and assistance to women with breast cancer in Northern Virginia. Founded in memory of Cheryl Clayton Atkins, the Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation is dedicated to the detection, treatment, education, and elimination of breast cancer in Northern Virginia. The foundation has helped more than 500 women locally, and granted nearly $500,000 since it was founded in 2007. The greater Middleburg Community is invited to save the date September 29, and plan to support the Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation by participating in the annual Nanette’s Walk which will be hosted this year on the campus of Foxcroft School.

The Middleburg Community Center’s Annual Thursday, July 4, 2013 11:00am - 6pm Swimming Pool Open $4.00 per person - Anyone entering pool area must pay American Legion Raffle New Addition Parade steps off at 6:30pm and will follow color guard through the neighborhood to the Community Center. Meet in the library parking lot by 5:45. Prizes for the best decorated bike, wagon, stroller, skateboard or anything that rolls.

7:00pm Flag Presentation American Legion Post 295 & Middleburg Boy Scout Troop #2950 Amazing Clowns Corn Hole Toss Cake Walk - Ladies Auxiliary MVFD Games - Sack Races, Egg Toss, Tug of War Glow sticks Sales - Cub Scouts Pack #1737 Ice Cream Sales - Middleburg Elementary School



Get the Biz Buzz! The Middleburg Business and Professional Association invites you to our July Mixer Tuesday, July 9 5:30-7:30 p.m. Hosted by Union First Market Bank 101 W. Washington Street We’ll have a 10-minute Biz Buzz to bring you up-to-date

Please RSVP by email to: info @visitmiddleburgva.com

Non-members will be charged $5.00.


Page 8 Middleburg Eccentric

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

News of Note

Finding a Buyer and Closing the Sale of Your Home: Part 1 of 3 Real Estate Reality


James Atkins

his month I will discuss the traditional way of selling your home-with a realtor. In July, the subject will be selling homes by yourself or with a limited service agent, then in August, I will discuss negotiating and closing the sale. Most sellers use a realtor and agree to pay them a percentage of the sales price for developing the price, creating marketing material, putting the home in a realtor-only multiple listing service, showing it to agents and buyers or coordinating visits with other agents, and finally closing the deal. These sellers understand that using a realtor also commits them to a pre-determined commission to the buyer’s agent, if there is one, or to the listing realtor, if not. Historically, real estate companies have asked for 3% to the seller’s realtor and 3% to the buyer’s realtor, so,

for a $500,000 home, the commission would be $30,000, and on a $1,000,000 home, $60,000 would be paid at settlement. Some companies even ask for 7-10% of the selling price. In the “old days”, these high commissions were justified because realtors had to do much more than now to find suitable homes; they had to personally visit or preview many homes; the contract process was tedious and time-consuming; and, probably their real leverage, the public had to come to them to find out what was on the market. To accommodate these buyers, real estate sales offices were big and beautiful but imposed a large overhead cost on the realtor that was covered by the high commission. In these “old days”, before the internet, Google earth, and the 60+ listing services, realtors had to advertise properties in newspapers, magazines, and postal mail

and to pay for glossy brochures that cost hundreds to design and print. These techniques are not as productive these days. A seller’s highest priority is finding a successful buyer and obtaining the highest price and the quickest sale. The listing realtor has some control of that but less than you may think. In Loudoun’s communities there are many real estate companies, from the large ones with multiple offices to small ones with as few as one agent. Having worked for two reputable, fairly large real estate firms and having cooperated with hundreds of agents, my strong belief is that the quality of the individual, not that of the firm itself, must be the highest priority for your decision. Once you have found that person, all else falls in place. Personal experience and referrals by friends are best, but if that is not possible, interview several agents, ask for proposals

of what they will provide and how they will conduct the process, then decide. Make your decision on your personal assessment of the realtor and your ability to work with them. Make sure, however, that the listing contract allows you to terminate it, without penalty, for inadequate performance of the realtor. Compensating the realtor is your next decision: Do you pay 6% or more, or can you pay 3% or less while still obtaining full service? Do you pay a flat fee or will a limited service agreement work? Real estate companies are certainly in the business to make a profit so a seller has little leverage on their standard rates, but for a higher priced home, the broker may accept a lower percentage. Northern Virginia also has full service companies that charge 1% commissions while recommending 1% or 2% to buyer agents. These realtors realize that up to

94% of buyers now direct their agents to the properties rather than the historical opposite. If you just want your home entered into the MLS and little else, limited service agents and flat fee firms can do this very inexpensively so they may be a good solution for you. Make sure, however, that you have an explicit agreement as Virginia law requires. Part 2 in July. James Atkins is President of Homes For Leaders Real Estate. jim@homesforleaders.com

The ANIMAL RESCUE FUND’s ( ARF ) third annual DOG FEST at Fox Hall Farm


RF President, Jennifer Richards, said, “This year we had even more people, more dogs and more fun. It is encouraging because we are an ALL VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION and every dollar we raise goes to animal rescue organizations in Virginia that help animals in need. ”

The Dog Fest was an opportunity for numerous rescue groups to pitch their tents, provide information and bring animals ready for adoption. Taking part in the event were the MIDDLEBURG HUMANE FOUNDATION; the FAUQUIER SPCA; the BLUE RIDGE WILDLIFE CENTER; the GINGERSNAP GIRLS; CAUSE FUR


animals, there were more than 150 guests, many bringing their own dogs. They enjoyed a dog walk, the blessing of the animals by Pastor Adam Sowder of the Rectortown Methodist Church, great entertainment provided by Michelle and The Fabulous Exaggerations, pony rides, favors and face painting for children and a scrumptious BBQ

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lunch accompanied by child and adult beverages. The raffle of donated items worth more than $1,000 sent many animal lovers home with treasures and every attendee left with a gift bag of Pedigree dog treats, generously provided by Mrs. Jacqueline B. Mars. The Delaplane DOG FEST next May will be held, as usual, the Sunday following Mother’s Day at Fox Hall Farm For more information about the Animal Rescue Fund ( ARF ) and a complete list of Board Members and events, please visit the ARF website at www.arfrescuva. org The Animal Rescue Fund (ARF) is an all-volunteer 501 (c) (3) charitable organization.

Come meet and listen to peace activist and Code Pink co founder, Medea Benjamin, the woman who stood up to Obama and made world news. Medea will be discussing her new book Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control Common Grounds Middleburg July 9th 4:30 6pm


Middleburg Eccentric

Citizens for Fauquier County Present Mosby Heritage Area Association with a Donation


t the Mosby Heritage Area Association’s recent Mosby Ranger Descendant Reunion at the Middleburg Community Center, the Citizens for Fauquier County presented the organization with a much appreciated donation. David Mailler, of the Citizens For Fauquier County’s Board of Directors, spoke on the importance of conservation and the protection of our resources. He commended the Mosby Heritage Area Association for their efforts in the area and presented a check for $2,000 to further these

efforts. The check is the result of a joint fundraiser held at the home of Feroline Higginson in May to benefit both the Citizens for Fauquier County and the Mosby Heritage Area Association. The fundraiser commemorated the 45th anniversary of the Citizens For Fauquier County. The Citizens for Fauquier County is a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to preserve the natural, historic and agricultural resources of Fauquier County and to preserve the County’s unique quality of life through education and leadership.

Appleton Campbell Awarded Best of Culpeper 2013 in Three Categories


• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 9


I GOT IT AT THE FEED STORE Fashionable looks that fit your style. Riding and sporting apparel. Quality feeds, pet supplies, tack and unique gifts. It’s much more then a feed store.

Mike Appleton and Scott Wayland

ppleton Campbell was voted the Best Heating and Air, Best Plumber, and Best Electrician in the Best of Culpeper

2013 “We are very honored to be chosen the Best of Culpeper 2013 in all of our service areas,” stated Mike Appleton, president of Appleton Campbell. “We thank everyone who voted for us. Appleton Campbell

will continue to work hard to earn your business and deliver top quality service,” he continued. The Best of Culpeper poll, currently in its third year, is sponsored by the Culpeper Star Exponent newspaper. The poll enables residents and businesses in Culpeper and surrounding communities to vote for companies they believe provide the best quality of service.

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Page 10 Middleburg Eccentric

• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

Faces & Places

Middleburg Humane foundation gala Photos by Dee Dee Hubbard

Charlie taylor, Pat & Ken Reid

21688 Middleburg Eccentric ad.ai



Larry & Laura clark

Alexx Quinlan and Wally Lunsford

John zugschwert and Elizabeth Rogers

9:44 AM

Kelly Baccus, Co-chair dog “Prada”, Hilleary Bogley, Carol Farnow & “Duran”


Rose Marie Bogley and Bob Heggestad

Middleburg Eccentric

Debbie Gretz with “Duran”

Ken & Ursula Reitz

Hilleary Bogley, Kim Zimmerman & Rose Rogers

Hilleary Bogley, Debbie Gretz and Lisa Ben Dov

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 11

Maggie Mangano, Mike Hoover . Colley & Edwina Bell


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Page 12 Middleburg Eccentric

• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

Faces & Places

Journey Through Hallowed Ground Ayrshire Farm, Upperville, VA

Congressman Frank wolf, Cate Wyatt and Carolyn Wolf

Rosanna & Kevin Smith

Michael O’Connor and Supervisor Geary Higgins

John Rust, Karen Schaufeld and Nat.ional Georgraphic photographer Ken Garrett

Maria & Malcolm Collum

Dale & June Thompson

Middleburg Common Grounds nch u & L ay t s fa All D k a e Br erved S

13 E. Washington Middleburg, VA 540.687.5858

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Middleburg Eccentric

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 13

Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation Awards dinner, Middleburg, VA

David Hartley accepts an award on behalf of Middleburg Bank presented by Jim Atkins

Sandra Atkins, Jennifer Andrews and Lori MacGuinness

Rebecca Cooley, Courtney Ulmer, Brianna Eagen, Sheila McKibbin, Andeulazia Hughes-Murdock, Mary Motion, and Faith Howard.

Dr. John Williams (center) and Judy Handshy of the Lake Manassas Cancer Center accept an award from Foundation Vice Chair, Lisa Weber, on behalf of Award Recipient Jackie Glenn

Renelda Peldunas-Harter, President of the Loudoun Breast Health Network, accepts an award presented by Lizanne Driskill

Karen Hauswald, Larry Simon, Mark and Barbara Augenblick, Stephanie Knapp, Ed Hauswald, Ken Knapp, Carol Miller

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Page 14 Middleburg Eccentric

• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

Faces & Places

Animal rescue fund Dog Fest 2013

Jeff Blue, Therese Harmon, Devon Zebrovious, Penny DeNegre, Cathy Handford and Todd Shaffer

Dave and Joyce Mullins’ gorgeous Shar-Pei Sherlock, won the “Best Dressed Dog” prize.

The Virginia German Shepherd Rescue

ARF Board Member, Manisha Morris, with TROY who had been adopted at last year’s Dog Fest

Mary Tarr and Cinda Bailey Rambow represented The Fauquier SPCA

Life and Leadership Each yEar wE rEcognizE outstanding individuals for thE ExEmplary contributions thEy makE to our livEs, our county and our community.

thEir storiEs arE availablE at thE thomas balch library in

thE loudoun laurEls archivE.

PLease join us To honor 2013 Loudoun LaureaTes ocTober 11Th aT The river creek cLub. visiT our websiTe, www.LoudounLaureLs.org, for reservaTions. The

Stanley Caulkins •

The Loudoun LaureLs www.loudounlaurels.org


A Lifetime of Service

Middleburg Eccentric

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 15

150th Anniversary of the Battle of Middleburg Mt. Defiance, Middleburg, VA

Rick, Katie & “Sunny” the Corgi Collett and Mr. wheelwright

Buyers Are Doing More To Find Their Homes

So Why Should You Pay High Commissions? Magnificent Estate For Sale: Fox Hunt Hall, Middleburg, VA

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Page 16 Middleburg Eccentric

• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

Faces & Places

2013 Upperville Horse Show Photos by Teresa ramsay

The Terrier Races

Maddie Schaeffer Small Pony Champion

Lynn Ellen Rice

Presentation of the Upperville Hunter Derby to Dr. Betsee Parker’s “Inclusive” ridden by Tori Colvin.

Miles Clancy and Peter Foley won the `-3 Leadline Class

Roy & Denice Perry


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Middleburg Eccentric

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 17

Adult amateur Hunter Champion, Betty Oare

Local Sm. Pony Champion “spotless”.

Denice Perry rode “Capone” to the Cham[ionship for the Local Hunter OTOR division

Treavor Lord presents the Family Class trophy to the Kuk family.

Mr. Billy Moroney presenting Manuel Johnson with the USED Heritage Competition Award

The fout Family present the Paul & Eve Fout Go as You Please Handy Hunter to Betsee Parker’s “Inclusive”.

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Home Farm Store

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Page 18 Middleburg Eccentric


• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

Hill School Celebrates 74 Years of Service, Honors Two Legendary Teachers


former faculty and staff, attended the event. These teachers who will be retiring in June have taught at the school for a combined 74 years – Mr. Mack began in 1980 and Mrs. Miller in 1971. Alumni Board President Charles Ellison, Class of 1997, Laurin Mack, Class of 1994, Headmaster Emeritus Tom Northrup, and Head of School

he Hill School Alumni Association recently hosted a reception to honor and thank two legendary Hill School teachers, Tal Mack and Yvonne Miller, for their years of outstanding and dedicated service to Hill’s students and their families. Over 250 friends, including alumni and current students, parents of alumni, and current and

Treavor Lord all spoke in praise of Mr. Mack and Mrs. Miller for their commitment to and love for their students as well as their high academic expectations. In closing Mr. Lord honored Mr. Mack and Mrs. Miller by awarding them the status of Hill School Faculty Emeriti to an enthusiastic standing ovation from those in attendance.

Yvonne Miller

Tal Mack

Foxcroft Honors Herbert & Lockhart for Service and Dedication


tivities. tewart Chapman HerLockhart received his for bert and Lee Lockhart 25 years of service, as a driver have both been connectand as a security guard. Hered to Foxcroft School bert, who also was selected by for decades. Herbert first came the graduating class to be the to Foxcroft as a freshman in the featured speaker at their comfall of 1973 -- about five years mencement on Friday, got hers after Lockhart had moved to as she prepared to retire after 19 campus with his wife, Jane, and years as a Foxcroft teacher and started working for the School. coach. Both have left and returned “In a world where loyalty several times since then -- she and service seem more and to attend college and both for more rare, Foxcroft is blessed other jobs – but their passion with a cadre of faithful stewfor and commitment to the ards who make a real differSchool endured. That commitence,” said Head of School ment was honored when they Mary Louise Leipheimer at the each received a Foxcroft Chair Awards Assembly that kicks off at the Awards Assembly that the commencement activities. kicked off Commencement acMAD_CollegeBoundAd_10125x6625_Layout 1 6/23/13 10:12 AM Page 1

“Together they carry on the fibers of the Foxcroft culture.” Both will find companion chairs at home: Stewart received one in 2009 when she was appointed to the Achilles Faculty Chair for English, and when Jane Lockhart reached 25 years of service she also took one home. “Lee meets every day with the glass half-full, with a cando philosophy, with a sense of fair play, and with team as a focus,” she said. “Thank you, Lee, from the entire Foxcroft family for your service and passion.” Mary Lou recalled Herbert

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arriving as one of Foxcroft’s first day students and the excellence and determination she has demonstrated through the years. “As her 9th grade English teacher I appreciated her gifts for language, literature, and poetry,” said Mary Lou. “As her current Head of School, I appreciate her legendary reputation for rigor and intellectual challenge. Stewart, for 40 years of connection and 19 years of service, Foxcroft says a hearty thank you with this companion chair.” Both Lockhart and Herbert are longtime residents of Middleburg.

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Oberlin College Ohio State University Oxford College at Emory University Penn State University Polytechnic Institute of New York University Purdue University Radford University Roanoke College (2) Rosemont College Southern Methodist University St. Mary's College of Maryland Suffolk University Texas Christian University

Tulane University (3) Union College University of California Davis University of California San Diego University of Denver University of Mary Washington (4) University of Maryland University of Miami University of Montana University of Notre Dame University of Richmond University of Virginia (3) Virginia Tech (2) York College

Contact Doug Goodman, Director of Admission, at 540-687-5581 or dgoodman@middleburgacademy.org

Middleburg Eccentric

Hill School’s 7th Grade ‘Canstruction’ Benefits Seven Loaves


he Seventh Grade Class at The Hill School recently completed their 3rd annual “Canstruction” project for the benefit of Seven Loaves Services, Inc., the Middleburg-based food pantry. After visiting the pantry in March to learn about hunger and food insecurity, the students conceived, designed, and constructed displays using cans of food typically distributed by Seven Loaves to express the need to end hunger in the community. In order to fund the project, the students held a “Minute to Win It” carnival at the school. Dozens of students attended and had a great time testing their nerve and coordination as they

attempted to succeed in the many challenges offered. “This is a great event for the class to sponsor – it raises money for an important cause, provides a wonderful community event, gives our students leadership opportunities, and demonstrates that fundraising can be fun!” said Mike Wipfler, one of the Seventh Grade teachers organizing the project. Over $350 was raised to fund the project, all of which was donated to Seven Loaves. “I was amazed at the creativity and ingenuity the students showed,” said Melanie Maloney, President of Seven Loaves, after viewing the two “Canstructions.” “These kids are really clever and they displayed a passion for

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 19

Evans Graduates from Woodberry Forest School Nicholas Wolfgang Evans graduated magna cum laude during the 124th commencement exercises at Woodberry Forest School on May 25, 2013. He received the Service Memorial Medal for his proficiency in scholarship and athletics, and the Robert F. Williams Memorial Medal for excellence in English and creative writing. Mr. Evans will attend the University of Pennsylvania. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Evans of Lexington, Kentucky, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smallwood of Middleburg, Virginia. Founded in 1889, Woodberry Forest School is a highly selective boarding school in Madison County, Va., for 400 ambitious boys in grades nine through twelve from thirty-two states, the District of Columbia, and fifteen other countries.

helping address the seemingly endless problem of food needs in our community,” she added. “We were pleased to take on this project,” said Mr. Wipfler. “Canstruction challenges students to plan appropriately, think creatively, and work collaboratively. In the end, they take pride in creating beautifully cool, attention-grabbing art installations. So not only do they raise money and awareness for a good cause, they have fun doing it!” “We couldn’t be more grateful for the kids’ efforts,” Ms. Maloney added. “Their enthusiasm and dedication perks us up,” she said. “Plus, they raised a lot of money to help us help others.”

Foxcroft Appoints Eagan to Endowed Faculty Chair


oxcroft Head of School Mary Louise Leipheimer named Dr. Maria Eagen to the Eleanor B. Stevens Chair for Science at the school’s annual awards ceremony. The Stevens Chair, which is reserved for outstanding teaching and scholarship, is a great honor that was symbolized by the presentation of a lovely Foxcroft chair. Only two individuals have previously held the Stevens Chair, which was established in 1998 through the generosity of the Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C.

Kleberg Foundation. Eagen holds a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering and a Master’s of Engineering Mechanics from Pennsylvania State University as well as an MS and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering Sciences from the Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research at the University of Colorado Boulder. Eagen, whose passion and enthusiasm for space exploration is contagious, has worked in supporting satellite and rocket launch programs for the Air Force and the Strategic

Defense Initiative Organization. She has designed constellation orbits, launch techniques, orbit maintenance, and constellation control using command and telemetry for the Orbital Sciences Corp. and others. Since moving to Loudoun County in 2000, Eagen has taught and tutored many students in science and math, which she also taught at Shenandoah University. Continuing to teach both disciplines since joining the Foxcroft faculty in 2010, Eagen was named Chair of the Science Department in 2011.

Leipheimer spoke eloquently about the legendary teacher for whom the chair is named as well as the latest recipient. A graduate of Vassar College and Columbia University, Stevens came to Foxcroft in 1937 to chair the Science Department and remained until her retirement in 1970. “A brilliant scholar, and a curious and intuitive scientist, she set a high bar and then provided her students with the tools to go over it,” said Leipheimer, noting that Stevens would approve of the newest honoree.

“Rigor meets availability and compassion in [Eagen’s] classroom and the students line up for more,” said Leipheimer. “And so it is no surprise that in her three years here the engineering classes have mushroomed, that the synergism with her cohort in mathematics, Susan Erba, has catapulted the STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math] initiative, and that her understanding heart has touched the lives of students and colleagues alike.”

Once again, Highland students make the grade. Congratulations, Highland School Class of 2013 Highland students are no strangers to achievement. This school year, our students posted the highest average SAT scores in Fauquier County (1,785). Seventy-two students took 148 AP exams, scoring 3 or above on 86% of them, and 4 or better on 59%. It’s this type of excellence that gets our students into rigorously competitive colleges around the country year after year. Just some of the prestigious schools attended by Highland 2012 or 2013 graduates: Dartmouth

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Page 20 Middleburg Eccentric

• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

Fourteen Area Girls Graduate at Foxcroft’s 99th Commencement Ceremony May 24 in Miss Charlotte’s Garden Emma All, who plans to attend the University of Virginia, received the Eleanor Schley Todd Prize for Government and Foreign Affairs and was inducted into Foxcroft’s chapter of the Cum Laude Society, a national organization modeled after the collegiate Phi Beta Kappa. She served as class president, captain of the varsity tennis team, and head of the a cappella singing group Octet during her senior year. Emma is the daughter of Olen & Denise All of Middleburg. Deborah Cadenas, one of two Foxcroft seniors to receive a Future Leaders of Loudoun County Award, founded the Golden Dreams Club, leading a group of students who volunteered regularly at the therapeutic riding program. The Virginia Tech-bound student-athlete was twice named to the all-Delaney Athletic Conference basketball team and received the Varsity Tennis Coaches Award last fall. Deborah is the daughter of Ricardo & Deborah Cadenas of Middleburg. Caroline Fout, an outstanding athlete, earned all-state honors in field hockey and lacrosse after captaining both teams to the VISAA state finals. She also was named allDelaney Athletic Conference three times in field hockey and twice in lacrosse and her peers voted her the Senior Class Parents’ Association Award for contributions to the class. The Hound captain will attend Hobart & William Smith College. Caroline is the daughter of Beth & Doug Fout of Middleburg. Mary Marshall Pierce, a four-year member of Foxcroft’s Varsity Tennis Team, served as captain in her senior year. She also played varsity lacrosse. Pierce will attend the University of Mississippi in the fall. Mary is the daughter of Marsh & Lynn Pierce of Middleburg. Caroline Quanbeck was one of nine students selected Cum Laude. The University of Miami-bound studentathlete received the prestigious Director’s Award from Foxcroft Riding Director Kate Worsham. Quanbeck, who spent each winter of her high school career training in Florida through the School’s unique Exceptional Proficiency Program, captained the Riding Team to the International Equestrian Association Zone Finals and also collected some major individual victories at top shows in the southeast. Caroline is the daughter of Dr. Anne Lindblad and David Quanbeck of Middleburg. Miranda Raschid, who will attend Barnard College, received the Pillsbury Award as class valedictorian and Foxcroft’s highest honor, the Charlotte Haxall Noland Award, as the senior who, in the judgment of the Head and Faculty of the School, best combines the qualities of high purpose, leadership, integrity, accomplishment, and understanding. Raschid collected the French Award and the English Prize at the Awards Assembly. One of two Foxcroft students selected as a future leader of Loudoun County. Raschid was the Student Head of School and the head of the debate, cooking, and astronomy clubs. Miranda is the daughter of Karen Lilly of Purcellville and Michael Raschid of Berryville.

Abigail Bauer, one of Foxcroft’s outstanding riders, helped Foxcroft’s International Equestrian Association team reach the Zone Finals this spring and qualified individually for Regionals. Bauer was also the head of Whippers-In, a student club consisting of exceptional riders. She was recognized by Loudoun county for her dedication to community service. She plans to attend Shepherd University. Abigail is the daughter of Oliver Bauer of Purcellville.


Avery Finkel received one of the School’s most cherished awards, the Josie Betner Mallace Prize, given for “courage and humor” at the Commencement. Finkel also collected the Spanish Prize and the Music Award, an honor won by her sister Claire a year ago. Avery participated in a number of Foxcroft musicals and revues and was also the head of Afternoon Delights, an a cappella singing group. Avery will attend Brandeis University and is the daughter of Dr. Anna Marie Penna and Dr. Larry Finkel of Warrenton. Christina Firestone was presented Miss Charlotte’s Trophy as “Best Rider in Foxcroft”. Christina’s aunt, Grand Prix champion Alison Firestone Robitaille, won the same honor in 1997. Firestone was a key rider on the School’s Interscholastic Equestrian Association team. She is the granddaughter of Bertram & Diana Firestone of Upperville, VA. Christina plans to attend Savannah College of Art and Design. Christina is the daughter of Matthew Firestone and Sylvia Firestone both of Wellington, FL. Rebecca Mann received the prestigious Teresa E. Shook Sports Award, Foxcroft’s top athletic award. Rebecca is only the second Foxcroft athlete to receive allDelaney Athletic Conference recognition in three different sports. She was a first team selection in basketball and soccer and a second-team choice in field hockey. Mann, who is going to Washington and Lee University, is a standout scholar as well, having been elected to Cum Laude Society as a junior and earned Salutatorian honors at Commencement. Rebecca is the daughter of Sally & Jack Mann of Hamilton. Olivia Jane Johnson, photographer extrordinaire, became a recipient of the Studio Art Award. Also a talented athlete, Johnson earned all-state honors in field hockey and lacrosse in her senior year as Foxcroft reached the VISAA state final in both sports. She is headed to Furman University. Olivia is the daughter of Kelly & John Johnson of Rectortown.

Mary Motion will attend the University of Delaware. Mary took advantage of Foxcroft’s unique Exceptional Proficiency Program to train and compete in point-topoint and steeplechase races, becoming one of a handful of teenage girls to earn a jockey’s license from the National Steeplechase Association. Last spring, Motion rode Woodmont to victory in the John D. Shapiro Memorial and was named leading female rider in the Maryland Governor’s Cup Series. Mary is the daughter of Andrew Motion of Upperville. Carter Ware, selected by her classmates to be the Senior Speaker at Commencement, was honored both as a scholar and an athlete, receiving the L. Richard Weinbach History Prize and the Best Older Girl in Athletics honor. Ware, who hopes to play two sports at Washington & Lee University, was an all-state selection in lacrosse for the second year this spring and was named to the all-Delaney Athletic Conference in both lacrosse and field hockey. Carter is the daughter of Jane Bishop of Middleburg, and Harry Ware IV of Manakin Sabot, VA. Catherine Reynolds was presented with the Applegate Award, which is given, by vote of the faculty, for outstanding politeness, thoughtfulness and kindness. Reynolds was a co-winner of the Haythe Science Award and was one of nine students inducted into the Cum Laude Society. Reynolds served as vice president of her class during her junior and senior years and was head of the math and astronomy clubs as well as the Afternoon Delights singing group. She also played varsity field hockey for four years and varsity basketball for two years. Catherine will attend the University of Virginia and is the daughter of Stephanie & Ken Reynolds of Round Hill.

Middleburg Eccentric

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 21


Shephard Taylor Booth-Enoch Emily Ann Brown Nicolas Paul Clem William Holt Clemency Alexandra Marina Díaz-Alemán Phillip Fitzpatrick Dolan Mariah Ashley Fairfield Caroline Mary Farr Bailey Joyce Fulton Jayson Robert Garner Evan James Gendreau

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Page 22 Middleburg Eccentric


• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

Good Decisions


7th Inning Stretch

Alex Cudaback

erena Williams has a problem and, like most problems Williams encounters, this one is ugly and, largely, of her own making. This problem is one of image, of perception, of people looking at a hard-working, driven, powerful athlete and seeing instead an out of touch, heartless, spoiled brat who too often fires off her mouth before letting her brain consider what’s about to happen. It is also, maybe more so, a problem of decision-making or, more specifically, a problem of bad decision-making. In a June 18th article published by Rolling Stone magazine, the following paragraph was written: “We watch the news for a while, and the infamous Steubenville rape case flashes on the TV – two high school football players raped a drunk 16-yearold, while other students watched and texted details of the crime. Serena just shakes her head. “Do you think it was fair, what they got? They did something stupid, but I don’t know. I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you: Don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember? It could have been much worse. She’s lucky. Obviously, I don’t know, maybe she wasn’t a virgin, but she shouldn’t have put herself in that position, unless they slipped her something, then that’s different.”” Immediately following the article’s publication Williams, trained as a tennis player to react quickly, and instinctively, on the court, lashed out almost immediately, via her website: “What was written — what I supposedly said — is insensitive and hurtful. I by no means

Just back from.....

would say or insinuate that she was at all to blame.” By saying “what I supposedly said,” Williams indirectly, but clearly, accused the reporter of misquoting her or simply, in professional athlete vernacular, putting words in her mouth. The reporter in question, Stephen Rodrick, is a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine, a contributing editor for Men’s Journal magazine, and a writer for Rolling Stone magazine. He’s written about Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani, and Arthur Finkelstein. His works have been featured in The Best American Sports Writing series and The Best American Crime Reporting series. The piece he wrote about Williams, ironically, was titled “Serena Williams: The Great One,” and made the case that she is the most dominant figure in sports today, more than LeBron James, more than Michael Phelps, more than anybody. And Williams’ comments about the Steubenville rape case came unbidden, not in response to a trick question about a hotbutton topic that had nothing to do with the interview at hand. After Williams’ posting on her website, Rodrick, reached for comment, responded that he did, indeed, have Williams’ comments on tape and would be standing by his story. Days later, at a pre-Wimbledon press conference (there’s the timing thing), Williams had changed her tune. “I apologize for everything that was said in that article. I feel like, you know, you say things without having all the information. It’s really important before you make certain comments to have a full list, have all the information, all the facts. “I reached out to the family immediately once the article came out, and I had a really productive, sincere conversation with the mother and the daugh-

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ter. We came to a wonderful understanding, and we’re constantly in contact.” We try to encourage our children to make good decisions, to look before they leap, to think before they act. Use whatever metaphor you wish. Williams has a history of making bad decisions and recanting them later down the road, firing off at reporters, threatening line judges, claiming she was misinterpreted or misunderstood or in the heat of the moment. And, to be fair, Williams is not the only professional athlete who gets quoted saying something ugly or unfortunate in the heat of the moment. Maybe we shouldn’t be so surprised when professional athletes, wound as tightly as they are, trained for lifetimes to act with passion and purpose, to attack, attack, attack, come off as, well, passionate, opinionated, and fiery. That’s fine. But when a professional athlete, particularly a female one, begins pinning the blame (and that’s exactly what Williams did, her protestations notwithstanding) for something as violent, as violating, as repugnant as rape on the victim, when that same athlete starts looking for excuses for the rapists, well, something is very much not fine. Williams better be in constant contact with the victim and her family, for all time. Imagine the impact she could have on this girl’s life as a mentor, as a friend, as a champion, as a role model. Nobody demands professional athletes take a stand on a particular issue, or comment on any bit of news or particular current event. But we can insist that when they do, as we insist of anybody else, the positions they take and the comments they make be morally defensible.

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he flight approach to Hong Kong International Airport passes over a number of variously shaped islands in the South China Sea, south of the Kowloon Peninsula. Arrivals from the United States land in the early evening when the sun is setting and the views from the airplane of the sparkling blue ocean, emerald green islands and glistening glass office towers leave one breathless. Most visitors to this former British Colony, upon returning home, will relate tales of the legendary frenzied commercial atmosphere and activity of the S.A.R. (Special Administrative Region) of China. However, few have ventured past the architectural splendor of Central District, the shops along Nathan Road or the luxurious comfort of the peninsula and Mandarin Oriental Hotels. Amazingly, just beyond the shoreline of this global financial powerhouse lie rural environments many travelers now scour the internet to find. For scattered offshore are the island communities of Cheung Chao, Lantau and Lamma, the latter of which was the home of one of the last great China Hands of the travel industry, Bill Hurst.


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Bill left behind a legion of admirers and it was he who introduced me to his sleepy village situated on the north shore. It was here, at the beginning of many travel seasons, that I would wake early to burn incense inside the dimly lit Temple of Tin Hao (Goddess of the Sea) and fall asleep each day to the sounds of clacking mahjong tiles in the alley below. Each morning began with a Dim Sum breakfast of steamed Shau Mai Shrimp Dumplings accompanied by a delicious ginger/ soy dipping sauce, soft Chinese Radish Rolls and a pot of Jasmine Tea overlooking the harbor. During the day we would walk the narrow paths of this carfree island connecting the two main villages of Banyan Tree Bay and Sok Kwu Wan. En route we passed fruiting bananas, fuschia colored Bauhinia and vibrant red Hibiscus. Flooded fields held paddy of taro and rice and small farms housing chickens and pigs began to dabble in organic farming. I have since introduced this glimpse into Old China to many other friends and clients traveling through the region and, as the world continues to develop, it is reassuring to note that like a great friendship, some things haven’t changed.

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Middleburg Eccentric

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 23

Top 10 list for Summer in Middleburg


Sincerely, Me

Brandy Greenwell

ummer is upon us in Middleburg, which brings so many enchanting outdoor activities, events, gatherings and fun. Evening trail rides, polo and horse shows, the Farmer’s Market, being waterlogged at the pool while your children start to grow gills and experience Marco Polo for the first time, barbeques, sangria, lightning bugs, long days and post storm breezes. Ahhh, take a good, deep breath and welcome the dog days of summer to our wonderful community. Warning: If you are an allergy sufferer, take your Zyrtec and proceed with caution with the previous statement.

Top 10 list for Summer in Middleburg

pean way, but since you are not in Rome, maybe you should do what is the local norm. Wax, shave, laser, Nair or whatever your chosen method is, clean up that bikini line or wear a skort to the pool. 4. Summer toes: summer painted, summer not. We are not Hobbits, so if you are baring your feet all summer in sandals, keep them tidy whether you choose to polish or not. They make all kinds products to aid your efforts. Phone a friend if you are not in the know. Also, I’m guessing no one likes a stinky, dirty foot in his or her face. Think about it before you enter the salon. 5. Ladies and gents. Socks, unless medically necessary, are NEVER acceptable to wear with sandals. Don’t even think about it. 6. Deodorant. I shouldn’t

have to tell you. 7. Cookouts: Corn on the cob is one of the glories of summer, but make sure to check your teeth to avoid a Clampett moment. Be prepared for the force of your winning watermelon seed spitting drive. You could accidentally inhale it, and then project it out of your nose and into your neighbor’s beer instead. Horseshoes are not for hurling at your partner after they have had too much fun in the sun and refuse to go home while belting out their high school fight song. 8. Cicadas. Ok, they are the “Cousin Eddie” of the summer. Many a-folk are turning them into the main dish on the grill. If you are that host, please inform your guests ahead of time and offer beanies and weenies as an alternate. Not

the old stems will take out potential derived from 2 Greek words: ‘hyflowers. Having said that, the posidor’ meaning water, and ‘angeon’, tive work in hydrangea breeding is a vessel for storing dry or liquid for hydrangeas that bloom on new substances. wood, essentially flowering even Of the many species of hyif there’s winter damage. The first drangeas, these (in my mind) rewas Hydrangea ‘Endless Summer’ quire a bit more work, although I a winner that was introduced about doubt that many people see it that 9 years ago. There have been many way because we remember the way more, one of which is H. ‘Twist they look in June, and July and for and Shout’, a Michael Dirr introthe many months after that. With duction with lacecap flowers and the right light frosting in fall, the a real desire to flower. The floral foliage can become bronze and head is called a lacecap flower, red, and certainly the “cup half sort of lacy in its pattern, like a full” gardener expects it. We are doily with smaller, fertile flowers usually a positive bunch, expectain the center surrounded by larger tions are high for that perfect frost infertile flowers, which are there to bring on perfect fall colors and for show, to attract pollinators. The extend their beauty for a couple other type of flower is a mophead, more months. Visit our all infertile flowers, all flat discs of So the things that you have to petals, they will not produce seed. remember with bigleafed hydranSoda Fountain The second thing you need to geas are - they bloom on old wood, & don’t Sandwich Barthem (un- know about bigleaf hydrangeas is you want to prune Visitthat our you can alter the flower color, less it’s dead wood), deer can’t to a point. Your soil pH will denibble on them and a late frost that SodaupFountain termine the color, highly acidic soil kills them back is not good. In oth& Sandwich will give youBar bluer flowers, sweet er words, anything that damages

soils will result in pink flowers. Too much, one way or the other can kill them, but the good news is that most nurseries sell small containers of pH adjuster granules that will turn your hydrangea flowers pink or blue and it’s safe. Another recent introduction that flowers on new wood is H. ‘Nantucket Blue’ a sport from H. ‘Nikko Blue’, the latter is a really good flowering and very popular older cultivar. Essentially you take something that was good and it miraculously got better, or at least a branch of it did and that’s how it all started. The flowers are mopheads, full and blousy and lovely. Soft blue as the flowers first open, aging to baby blue. There are a few others that I find lovely. Hydrangea ‘Oregon Pride’ has full mophead flowers that are pink with white centers. It’s vigorous and dense with reddish stems. Another one that produces lots and lots of blooms and will not disappoint the gardener.

1. Who doesn’t like a safe summer glow? Please, use self tanner, either spray or bottled, appropriately. This isn’t the Jersey Shore so refrain from sporting the color of a barbequed wing-ding. Also, adhere to the cardinal rule: wash your hands after application. 2. Tan lines are inevitable, but try and dress with them and not against them. It is never flattering to see the super-harsh, red “V” and shoulder lines on your top when your neckline goes straight across your bust. If you are not burnt, I suggest you blend with self-tanner to make it less obvious. If you are crispy, wear something else. 3. Grooming. Not that there is anything wrong with the Euro-

everybody wants to go there. 9. Pool Policies: mine, yours and ours. No running, never hold someone under water even if you are playing, keep your music low or wear headphones as not everyone wants to listen to the summer pop anthem on repeat, and most importantly, I don’t swim in your toilet so don’t pee in my pool. 10. Hydrate, use sunscreen, be mindful of your pets in the heat, and eat as many vine-picked strawberries and snow cones as humanly possible until Labor Day. Happy summer! Find me on Facebook at Brandy Greenwell: Sincerely, Me

Hydrangea Time The Plant Lady Karen Rexrod


f you don’t have deer, or have a deer fence and you like to water, it’s hydrangea time. They’re beautiful and worth the trouble, and this year (like most), they’re getting better. I’m talking about the blousy mopheads and lacecaps, all of which are very happy with our recent 3 + inches of rain. The Hydrangea macrophylla, as they are technically called, are also known as bigleaf hydrangeas. This big leaf requires hydration, hence the need for soil moisture. The word hydrangea is

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The line of red stemmed hydrangeas goes back to Hydrangea serrata ‘Preziosa’ with leaves that are slightly smaller but generally reddish in color, even more so in fall. The smaller leaves means it needs a bit less water and it’s more cold hardy, losing less water in winter winds. I still love this old variety and find it very satisfactory. There is a new bigleaf hydrangea that has been called “mind bending” with it’s psychedelic colors. You either love it or hate it and if you do love it, be happy because it’s also a new cultivar that will flower on new wood. The petals go from completely green to all pink, striped in a pattern that reminded someone of pistachios. I’m sort of on the fence about Hydrangea ‘Pistachio’ and I like different, and I like new. Or so I keep telling myself.



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Page 24 Middleburg Eccentric

• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013


The Artist’s Perspective

M Tom Neel

iddleburg has always had a loyal fine art following and with no surprise. As for years the focal point of this following was sporting art. Note, I didn’t say sport art, but rather sporting art, which celebrates an outdoor lifestyle of hunting and fishing, and especially in our area leans towards the equestrian disciplines of as fox hunting, racing, polo and such. After all, this is horse country. Certainly The Sporting Gallery and Red Fox Fine Art have done more than their share to indulge enthusiastic sporting collectors from far and wide. There is nearly 100 years of art sales and experience collectively found between these two galleries who are less than a block apart from each other. Could you ask for more? Well, yes ... and with the renovation and expansion of The Sporting Library and Museum, you have it. Middleburg would then certainly have to be considered a major hub for sporting collectors worldwide. While other galleries have graced Middleburg over the years, Byrne Gallery has done so for 17 of those years in a non sporting fashion, one fine show after another and constantly in a state of newness and broad offerings. Then there has also been

Fourth of July Featuring

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those that have chosen fine art to compliment their primary businesses, be it interior design, home accessories, clothing, wine or even coffee. Solid examples include The Shaggy Ram and newest of all, Common Grounds. You can then add in the several art shows in town such as the recent Art in the Burg and even admittedly one of my favorites, The Middleburg Community Center fund raiser _ where enthusiastic local artists, myself included , artistically put a whimsical spin on hand painted, tiled and decorated - bird houses, tack boxes and trays. It’s so fun. So, while Middleburg may not be considered an art mecca, it certainly is very much - art alive! Sprinkle in nearby towns such as The Plains, where more than half of the little town’s retail and studio space offers art. Beginning in 1947, the town also has one of the oldest art shows in the region - the Piedmont Regional Art Show & Sale hosted by Grace Church. Art enthusiasts to our east, have plenty of reasons to drive west. Come out I-66 and go home Rt.50 or visa versa. Either way, you’ll be happy you did and surprised that there’s more to see here than at that retired T-factory on the Potomac. In the pipeline there’s even more to be artistically giddy about. Farmer’s Delight just north of Middleburg has their

creative juices flowing with metal artist Peter Wood already setting up shop and who has a Kickstarter program in full swing for his RustyMetal studio. There’s also sounds of a new Middleburg Music Festival in the air and if that’s not enough a film festival too and both back to back! Goodness, my heart be still. Virginia based Geico may have its gecko, but far from its aquatic, lizard like roots, a Salamander stirs. In a non-amphibian way, other than to lay by its tranquil pool. This Salamander entices five star taste. Five star taste is not just from a local pool, it feeds from a global one. That taste will resort to asking for the best of what we have to offer and we’ll deliver it with hospitality! Activities and offerings of an expanded creative nature will abound. Things to do, the calendar full of choices - Oh the choices! You feel it don’t you? No stethoscope needed. Just a loud heart beat. Art lovers, visit Middleburg and the area, you’ll be happy you did. ThomasNeel.com , Tom

Middleburg Eccentric

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 25

Water Resources Infrastructure Waterworld


Richard A. Engberg

he water guy is gettin’ serious! Since I began writing this column more than two years ago, I’ve been considering writing about water resources infrastructure. Until now, I’ve hesitated because I can’t do justice to this broad subject in the 500-600 words that the editor has assigned me. But the enormous damage caused by Superstorm Sandy last fall, and the recent collapse of the bridge in Washington State that brought back memories of the collapse of the I-35 bridge in Minnesota, have combined to tell me it’s time. First of all, let’s define infrastructure. There are several definitions but a simple one not quite quoted verbatim from the Merriam-Webster dictionary is: The underlying foundation or basic framework of a system or organization. I’m using this definition as the basis for this column with the system being the United States (U.S.). Because I can’t cover the subject in one column, I plan a series, not necessarily consecutive, until all water-related infrastructure categories have been covered adequately. This column provides background information upon which future columns will be based. Every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers

(ASCE) conducts an assessment of the major infrastructure categories of the U.S. ASCE is a non-government organization of more than 140,000 civil engineers in private practice, industry, academia, and government representing expertise in all areas of civil engineering. An advisory council of ASCE members uses an A-F grading system based on a series of criteria to evaluate each of 15 infrastructure categories. The criteria include the following listed alphabetically: capacity; condition; funding; future need; innovation; operation and maintenance; public safety, and resilience. The most recent assessment was issued earlier this year. The very disturbing results of the 2013 assessment are listed below. Following the category name is the grade given by ASCE. The grade represents an updated status of that particular category and may or may not be the same as the grade received four years earlier. The categories marked with an asterisk involve water resources: Aviation (D); Bridges* (C+): Dams* (D); Drinking Water*(D); Energy (D+); Hazardous Waste (D); Inland Waterways* (D-); Levees* (D-); Ports* (C); Public Parks and Recreation (C-); Rail (C+); Roads (D); Schools (D); Solid Waste (B-); Transit (D); and Wastewater* (D).

The average score for all 15 categories is D+, in my mind standing for DISMAL. ASCE estimates that the investment needed by the year 2020 to bring all categories to a substantially higher score is $3.6 trillion. According to their research, the projected expenditures for the 15 categories by 2020, essentially to try to maintain the status quo, are $2.0 trillion, slightly over half of ASCEs estimate. While water resources may be represented in one way or another in all 15 categories, I will focus in future articles on only those seven categories marked by asterisks. A case could be easily made to add “Energy” as an eighth water infrastructure category. Generation of hydropower is often considered the largest water use in the U.S., but most of the water used for power generation is returned to the hydrologic system and thus considered renewable. So, starting with the poorest grade, D-, my next column will discuss levees. The ASCE 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure from which the information in this column is derived, may be downloaded at www.infrastructurereportcard.org.

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Page 26 Middleburg Eccentric

• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

Friends for Life

Middleburg Humane Foundation Beignet is an Airedale X Hound born 9/12.

Nola is a charming Terrier X that is about 7 years old. She is incredibly sweet, smart as a whip but a little shy with new people. Nola is a couch potato who would prefer a quiet home with lots of love.

She is a sweet girl who learns quickly & loves meeting new people...a social butterfly. Beignet has a lot of energy & would make a great jogging partner. She needs a home with a fenced yard, active family, & no cats.

Alpine is a handsome, healthy, adult kitty. Bring some love into your home adopt Alpine. He is EXTREMELY affectionate and interactive. He would do best as an only cat, but doesn’t mind couch potato dog friends.

Clover is a beautiful 1+ year old

Redbone Coonhound. She has excellent house manners, walks beautifully on a halti, is very clean, & affectionate. She would do best as an only pet with a secure fenced yard.

Bessie is an adorable Beagle X transferred from another shelter. She is house trained, loves to sit in your lap & be cuddled, and her favorite activity is to play fetch. Bessie would do best in a single animal home.

Dancer is a 9 mo. old, special needs kitty, who could be the love of your life! She has a neurological condition which requires no treatment, she will always be wobbly & needs an indoor only home.

Sable is a 4 yr, 15H, TB mare

Lumina is an adorable 4 yr old

off the track. She is good for the farrier & has nice ground manners. Sable needs an experienced handler & rider.

Boxer. She would do best as an only dog & has been in a home with small children & is very clean in her crate. Lumina loves to play fetch & go for walks...the perfect family friend.

Alice is a young adult 40# mix, a true pound puppy! She is shy & will need a family that is willing to be patient with her & give her time to warm up. Alice is very sweet & would do best with another dog companion.

Cody is a 12 yr old Shetland Mini

cross gelding. He is very shy but sweet. He would make a wonderful babysitter or adorable lawn ornament.

Marty came to MHF with a badly

injured back leg. Sadly, his leg had to be amputated although he is doing beautifully & loves his new lease on life. Marty needs an indoor home.

Middleburg Humane Foundation mhfdtn@earthlink.net (540) 364-3272


Dexter is the best puppy ever! He is highly intelligent, learns very quickly & has very good social skills. We have raised him with cats, dogs & children. He is absolutely adorable & is looking for his forever home.


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Middleburg Eccentric

Albert’s Corner

A monthly column for people who share Their homes with four-legged friends. Albert P. Clark

While this month’s topic may be unusual for a canine’s column, I’ve chosen it out of love for people. After all, dogs have protected humans for centuries. I’m just upholding a timehonored tradition.


n June 9th, a smart, talented, and beautiful young woman was riding in a car in Loudoun County. It was a peaceful Sunday morning and she was heading to the barn to see her beloved horse. My guess is that she was smiling and happy, as always. Later in the week, she would work at Wylie Wagg in Fairfax, spending the days with colleagues and customers who adore her. In a flash, everything changed. A drunk driver swerved into her lane and hit the car she was in head on. Emergency responders airlifted her to a hospital, where she was treated for very serious injuries. She has a long, long road to recovery ahead of her, but miraculously, she is alive. Most of the readers of this paper live in an area where treacherous roads are the norm. Country roads are often two lanes, gravel, winding, narrow, or all of the above. And that’s just the beginning. Deer are also a constant threat. Yet when I ride in the car, I see drivers making all kinds of bad decisions. Driving and drinking. Driving and texting. Driving too fast. Driving aggressively. The truth is that even the most responsible people push their luck behind the wheel. It’s not just the hardpartying miscreants who do stupid things. It’s the guest at the elegant cocktail party who has “just a couple

of drinks” before driving. It’s the concerned dad who answers a text from his son while the car is still moving. It’s the stressed out lawyer speeding to get to the office while she’s on the phone with her client. I’m asking my readers to do everything you can to make the roads in our counties safer by being the change you want to see. If you know that someone is about to drive after they’ve been drinking (even a little bit), stop them! Never, never text and drive. Be patient with slow drivers. Stay sharply aware of aggressive ones. Watch out for distracted drivers. And by all means, don’t assume that the other drivers on the road are safe, regardless of the day or the time. We are vastly relieved that our friend who was in the accident is still with us. She is full of hope and positivity, determined to do the hard work it will take to recover and get back to her life. Her friends and family have rallied behind her and she is grateful for their overwhelming support. But it could have been very different. Her life could have ended in a flash, just because someone she had never met made a terrible choice. Obviously, I can’t do much to talk people out of foolish behavior. But I can do my best to keep people safe. If just one person makes a better decision because of the words on this page, I will have done something worthwhile. A dog can only hope. Albert, a Jack Russell Terrier, is Chairman of the Board of Wylie Wagg, a shop for dogs, cats, and their people, in Middleburg, Fairfax, Falls Church and Arlington.

Aries: Forever in the Sunbeams


Todd Heron

n Our world’s a little less bright today, with one less sunbeam. Aries was the first of our family members to leave us. We found him, our grey long-haired cat, in front of a Wal-Mart in Clarksville, TN, in May of 2001, ... or maybe he found us. He was our second rescue cat, after Carla’s Apollo. Since then our family had grown to five cats, two dogs, a Macaw, and three finches. All of them are rescues in one way or another. When we saw him, Aries was the so-called “runt of the litter” and the last one of a litter of four to be given away. I never made it into the store that day. I held him outside and held him and held him, and the girl who had been giving him away, no older than a teenager herself, kept saying, “Come on, you know you want him.” I did. When Carla came out from the store and still found me holding him, she asked, “Do you want me to go inside get some stuff for him?” I said yes. So began our twelve-year journey together. We’ve seen a lot of changes in that time. Moved twice, taken new jobs, people have gotten married, people have died. The world has changed – from the World Trade Center terrorist attacks in 2001 to the Boston Marathon bombings of just several days ago. Aries was with us the entire time, mostly napping in sunbeams and soothing our tired spirits. Often when we would watch TV together, and by “we” I mean the whole family – all the cats, both dogs,

good news, he had been responding well and sitting up for the first time in days after an initial steroid shot and blood transfusion. He was supposed to come home Friday morning and when he was still in the hospital by Friday evening, I went there, expecting to pick him up then, or, at worst, to take him home with us Saturday morning. His final 14 hours were the worst in my entire life. It found my wife and myself crying by his side, wondering about the what if’s, and me lying on the cold tile floor overnight in the exam room awaiting room awaiting the next periodic update from the critical care unit doctors, with each one worse than the one before. We sat next to him in the critical care unit, petted him, and cried with

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 27

him. I prayed but he didn’t come home with me. Pets are our family members. When they’re hurt you’re hurt. When they pass, they take a piece of your heart with them. The walk out of the clinic Saturday morning into the bright sun with his empty carrier bag was the worse one I’ve ever made. You feel dazed, confused, and wounded internally with a hurt that others can’t see or imagine. I believe that this is what is must have felt like to some of the spectators to the Boston Marathon bombings, to those who were lucky enough to be standing far enough away outside of the blast zone not to have been hurt by it. I write this in part to memorialize him, in part to explain to others the sheer amount of impact that he had on

me, on us, and in part to encourage you to hold your animals a little closer tonight. Appreciate them. Love them. Feel their love in return. Celebrate your life with them. I’ve read that when animals go to heaven they find their original animal families and spend their endless days running around and playing with each other. I dream right now that Aries is running around and playing with his original feline family amongst the endless sunbeams and rainbow hills in heaven. I dream that they appreciate what good care we took of him for his time on earth. I dream there will come a time when his family sees him run away from their group for just little bit to say hello to a man walking towards him in the distance. I dream that will be me.

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and the birds, Aries would take up by my side and rest his little head on my arm as it if it were a pillow. Carla came home one day to find Aries listless on the bed and walking wobbly, so we took him to the local emergency clinic, where I was told by the veterinarian that he was afflicted with an ear infection and 10 days of antibiotics seemingly cured him. It didn’t. Everything changed on April 13th, when, after symptoms of diarrhea and lethargy over three days, we brought him in to see yet another vet (a fecal sample taken to a lab on day three of this proved negative). XRays, blood work, and an Ultrasound revealed our worst fears – there was evidence of cancer known as Lymphoma, a particularly aggressive kind. Testing also revealed mild heart disease. Though there was nothing we could do for his heart, we decided to fight the cancer. We were told cats respond very well to chemotherapy treatment for this type of cancer and we were off to the specialists again for what I hoped would be another cure. Aries didn’t take well to the chemotherapy treatment, some cats don’t, and he died less than 72 hours after his initial dose. The first 48 hours were full of

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Page 28 Middleburg Eccentric

• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013

Editor’s Desk

Drones and Dragons

July 4 As we celebrate 237 years of independence, we thought it might be well to remind ourselves of some of the reasons we sought it, and why we endeavor to preserve, protect and defend it. There were and are, the ideals: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” There were and remain, of course, some things we were unhappy about, works in progress if you will. Among them: “He [the King] has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good”. Now we have only ourselves to blame for gridlock. “He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.” We’re working on that. “He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.” Perhaps Re-

publicans should allow Democratic Presidents to appoint judges, and vice-versa. “He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” Debatable, but worrisome. “For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury.” Also debatable, but worrisome. The more things change, the more they remain the same . . . and, happily, the more they change. Nearly a quarter millennium and counting. Not bad all in all. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs Besides Salamander’s critical and ongoing contributions to the tax revenues of the Town of Middleburg, its construction and transfer to the Town of new state of the art water and waste-water treatment facilities, its current and future investments in advertising and promotion that will benefit the town and all those doing business in and around it, its commitment to work with the Town to preserve what’s best about it and remedy what needs improvement there’s one other small thing we should probably mention . . . over and over and over again. In a word: Jobs. The resort’s recent job fair is only the beginning and we look forward to welcoming all those who work there, and all those who visit there, to become a part of our community.

Drones for Better or Worse Red

James Morgan

A drone is just a remotely-piloted aircraft. It is not some scary, futuristic, flying Terminator run amok. The technology improves all the time but the idea is quite old. As with other forms of technology, drones may be used for good or for ill. Humans being humans, we will no doubt use them for both. For American military purposes, however, drones clearly are a good thing. They are cruise missiles that can fire various munitions of their own. Or we can think of them as just very, very, very long range artillery. They can be kept on station for extended periods – over 24 hours at a time - without pilot fatigue or the high expense of maintaining manned surveillance flights. They can go anywhere, even into the most remote mountain or jungle regions, in search of our enemies. They can kill the bad guys while putting the good guys into much less danger. We have lost about 70 drones in combat operations since they first were deployed in the mid90’s; that’s seventy lost aircraft, but zero lost pilots. Drones are not weapons of mass destruction like, say, the B-17s of WWII which conducted strategic bombing raids designed to level entire cities. They carry precision weapons with relatively light payloads which can be put directly onto the intended targets. Their ability to stay above the battlefield long enough to positively identify targets before launching their weapons, the accuracy of those munitions, and the lighter payloads all mean less “collateral damage” which means fewer dead non-combatants. That is


something our military takes great pains to avoid anyway and, despite the fact that accidents do happen despite all our efforts, drones make it that much easier. Thus, the standard military uses of drones should be unobjectionable. I have very little good to say about President Obama (well, nothing, actually) but, in this case, I can see no valid objection to his ordering drones used against enemy combatants abroad - even if they are American citizens. It is true that his frequent use of drone strikes mimics the sorts of preemption for which he viciously criticized President Bush, but no matter. Perhaps a little reality has set in. Drones won’t work in all situations, of course. Boots on the ground are still, and always will be, necessary in war. But surely, given that the purpose of any weaponry is to kill the enemy, anything that gives us an edge in that regard is a good thing. It is in the domestic arena that the use of drones can be problematic. Most of us would not object to using them to patrol our borders to help keep out more illegals. And their ability to get into remote areas for warfare could also be useful in domestic search and rescue operations when we need to find the tourists lost in some national park wilderness area before the bears do. The use of drones in local law enforcement can also have positive benefits but only if properly controlled. The question is whether we can really trust government to institute and maintain these kinds of controls. Considering the arrogant, Orwellian attitude and the surveillance techniques which already have been employed by the Obama


Daniel Morrow

The debate about drones, of course, isn’t really a debate about drones at all. It’s a debate about policy. It’s not a debate about what drones can do. It’s a debate about what we should do to make sure “our” drones, armed and unarmed, don’t do more harm than good. The talk about armed drones sounds much like the talk about guns. Drones don’t kill people, argue those who see them as just another heavy weapon. People kill people. Drones, however help “our people” kill “those people” more easily than ever before. They’re accurate. They’re cheaper than a fighterbomber and less costly to operate


Tom Pratt

The column this month will introduce you to a close friend of mine and an important activist in the world. Meet Medea Benjamin: diminutive in physical size, giant in courage and conviction. Medea has more courage than almost anyone I know, she is fearless when intent on being heard. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen her being ejected from hearings on The Hill, it takes at least two burly security guards to remove her (she is about 5’2” and weighs maybe 110) and she never, never losses her cool and keeps on making her point until the doors swing shut. She is truly amazing to watch in action. She is the first person on a plane to all the hot spots in the world to spread the truth and stand up for human rights. Her quest to end war is unequalled. Iraq, Pakistan, Gaza, Yemen, Iran all countries where she has demonstrated for the right causes and is always welcomed with open arms from the people but not necessarily from the authorities. She is the person who recently interrupted Obama when he was giving a speech on Drones and Guantanamo at the National Defense University at Fort McNair. To the President’s credit he actually acknowledge her and said that she

than a carrier battle group. They put few, if any, American lives directly in harm’s way. Indeed they make death dealing so safe and easy that folks who had been shot at, or knew or loved people who had been, revolted when the Pentagon proposed awarding medals to drone “pilots” higher in precedence than the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. So what’s wrong, one might ask, with making killing our enemies easier. Nothing, if one is so inclined. It’s the other killing . . . killing folks who aren’t our enemies . . . that kills us. Inflicting “collateral damage” from a distance (killing innocent people by pushing a button in Las Vegas) hurts us more than it hurts our enemies. Imposing the death penalty on

people whose “patterns of behavior” we think suspicious is ominous. With armed drones “targeted killing, conducted without judicial oversight or public scrutiny,” as Steve Col describes in the May New Yorker becomes entirely too easy and impersonal. It is illegal and immoral. And it is especially wrong if we’ve erected a self-serving semblance of due process in the form of closed hearings and secret courts to excuse it. Is this sort of thing “consistent with American interests and values?” Col asked. Of course not. Planting the teeth of dragons yields crops of full-armed warriors. Now we sow them at a distance, safely, from the air. And they are not on our side. Bad idea.

deserved being listened to. Good on Obama for that! Medea is a co-founder of both Code Pink (women against war) and Global Exchange progressive and global peace organizations. I could go on for many more paragraphs but will stop here so I don’t reveal too much more about Medea but invite and urge you to come listen to her speak and sign her latest book: ‘Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control’ at Com-

mon Grounds Middleburg, July 9th 4:30 to 6pm Hope to see many of you there. It will be an experience that you will not forget anytime soon and will also be an opportunity to learn how to be a peaceful activist if any of you are feeling the need in these perilous times. See you then, Cheers Tom

OCTOBER 25 - 27, 2013

Mark your calendars for 3 days of the best in independent filM right here in Middleburg.


the festival will offer a wonderful selection of exceptional filMs administration through the IRS, the EPA, and the “Justice” Department - which even the New York Times has condemned - the answer to that question surely is a resounding “no!” The ACLU was correct when it warned regarding the use of drones: “Rules must be put in place to ensure that we can enjoy the benefits of this new technology without bringing us closer to a “surveillance society” in which our every move is monitored, tracked, recorded, and scrutinized by the government.” Used properly, either here or abroad, there is nothing inherently problematic about drones. It is the “used properly” part that we have to watch.

followed by fascinating conversations with leading filMMakers and actors.

filMs will include acadeMy award contenders, festival favorites and preMiers. this is an opportunity to see great filMs in an intiMate theater setting. regular updates available at www.MiddleburgfilMfestival.org. volunteers welcoMe! -- please go to www.MiddleburgfilMfestival.org for More inforMation

OCTOBER 25 - 27, 2013


Middleburg Eccentric

C Soomi on ng !

Upperville - NEW PRICE! The Maples - Historic estate renovated & enhanced to include top shelf facilities, while maintaining 1850’s architecture and original handcrafted details. Georgian manor house, stone cottages, barns, paddocks, pool and creek frontage. 60 acres in easement. Views and endless ride-out in the Piedmont Hunt territory. Near horse show grounds and polo fields. $4,950,000 Andy Stevens 703.568.0727

Middleburg - "Locochee Farm" is a gorgeous 95 acre equestrian property. Exquisite manor has been meticulously updated to include a 1st floor MBR suite, sunroom, and state-of-the-art kitchen. Property also features beautifully constructed 18stall center-aisle barn, 100’ x 200’ indoor arena, 150’ x 180’ outdoor arena, large paddocks, riding trails, ponds, cottage, 4-car garage, and more. $3,400,000 Marci Welsh 703.906.5802

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 29

Bluemont - Fabulous mountaintop retreat with 177ac and stream offers refuge and convenience to Washington D.C. Perched atop a private mtn w/views, this property is the perfect place to relax or entertain. Enjoy breathtaking vistas from every room. Hike, hunt or fish. Plus, income from timber sales, sell off of 4 DURs or easement placement. VT: 941toyhill.com $1,795,000 Joyce Gates 540.771.7544

Middleburg - Spectacular custom regal estate nestled on 5+ acres of privacy. The 9500+square foot residence comes with exquisite architectural details. From the curved staircase to the 2-story great room, sunroom, library, Butler’s pantry, Au Pair/In-Law suite, mud room, breakfast/morning room, slate patio, stacked stone fence. 20 mins from Lburg & Mburg. Convenient to Dulles. $1,499,900 Mary Wisker 703.577.6015

LONG & FOSTER - MIDDLEBURG We are pleased to announce our newest sales office coming soon to the Purcellville Gateway Shopping Center.

Near Upperville & Paris - Million $$ views on this 117 acre estate! Excellent hide-out, wkndr/FT residence. 4000 sq ft mid-century modern home with 4BR/3.5BA and barn. Priced well under tax assessment. In conservation easement, 1 subdivision allowed. Can be sold w/less land or land only. On a VA Scenic Byway w/easy access to Rte 50 & 7. VT: Tournumber.com # SS8GKA $1,145,000 Robert Baird 703.919.6357

Round Hill - Gracious horse property beautifully sited on nearly 20 acres, with 4-stall barn, heated tack room, h/c water, sand riding area, watered paddocks, in-ground pool, lush landscaping. Large home is beautifully finished with new paint and carpets, 3 fireplaces, 4 bedrooms and a recording studio. Great ride-out and easy commuter access. Price includes 7 acre building lot. $1,250,00 Kim Hurst 703.932.9651

photo by Daniel Cunningham

Round Hill - Well-crafted custom home, exquisite details throughout, set atop 8.5 gorgeous acres with endless views. Attention to detail incl. sandin-place floors, custom window treatments, 3FP, grand chef's kitchen, main floor BR suite. Luxury MBR w/extended dressing room, luxury BA, FP. Extensive hardscape, waterfall feature, terraced patio, wrap stone porch, generator. Horses ok. $995,000 Kim Hurst 703.932.9651

Haymarket - Sanctuary living in this superior constructed custom one level home. We give it a “10”! 4 bedrooms including 2 master suites, hardwoods thru out, and a 4-car garage. Enjoy nature and the beautifully manicured 6.72 acres backing to Bull Run Golf Club. Your opportunity to own a most unique home... renovated lovingly, and set far back from the main road. $749,000 Deborah Gorham 703.581.9005

Michele Stevens, Managing Broker, is interviewing new and experienced agents, to fill several available sales associate positions. Agents will have use of both the Middleburg and Purcellville offices. Please call Michele for a confidential conversation at 703-568-0721.

Long & Foster, Realtors - still #1 in Loudoun County

Middleburg - A rare opportunity! Beautiful 5BR home in the village. MBR on main flr w/walkout to pvt stone patio. Many upgrades & renovations including MBA, kitchen and detached 600sf twostory studio. Extensive hardscape and mature gardens. Enjoy in-town living w/beautiful space both inside and out. Walk to a host of amenities including Salamander Resort. A must see... $699,000 Shellie Womelsdorf 703.862.1799

Bluemont - Private park and country home on 23 beautiful acres with 4BR/3BA, 1st flr MBR suite, hardy stone FP in LR, open kitchen-dining areas. Finished walk-out lower level, large deck overlooking pond. Pastures and mature woods are abundant w/wildlife. Ideal for horses and gardeners. Close to the Shenandoah River. Low Clarke County taxes. VT: Tournumber.com # SSKDRW $549,000 Joyce Gates 540.771.7544

Round Hill - This elegant Georgian home w/3-car garage is nestled on 10+ ac of pasture and woods. 2-story foyer with a sweeping curved staircase creates a dramatic entrance. Hardwood floors, 9' ceilings, extended crown moldings, central vac, skylights, vaulted ceiling w/beams, main level grand master bedroom, princess suite, jack-n-jill bath. Pool with pool house, patio and deck. $899,900 Mary Wisker 703.577.6015

Middleburg - Sought after charming hunt-box! Farmette on 6.75 prime acres with 5-stall barn, 2 run-ins, 3 paddocks, incredible ride-out. Restored completely, circa 1800 farmhouse features wood floors, antique wood stove, farm style porcelain sinks and unique lighting. Peaceful and private setting. Backs to the Middleburg training track. VT: Tournumber.com # SSDNDL $434,900 Joyce Gates 540.771.7544


Page 30 Middleburg Eccentric


• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013


George Beavers III

eorge Beavers III passed away on Sunday May 19, 2013 in Upperville, Virginia at 83. George was born in Brooklyn in 1929 and raised in Bronxville,NY, and later in New York City. He attended The Northwood School in Lake Placid, Salisbury School in Salisbury, CT (where he recently attended his 65th Reunion) and went on to Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. He served in the United States Navy during college. George was a member of the


New York Yacht Club, a trustee of Salisbury School and Vice President of the Brown Rowing Association at various times in his life. He was a passionate and competitive rower for both Salisbury and Brown. George was Vice President of Sales at Bowne and Company in New York and after many years commuting from Darien, CT, he semi-retired to Bridgehampton, Long Island where he opened a restaurant. After leaving the restaurant business, he found his way to Upperville, Virginia in 1990. He enjoyed spending his time on the ocean, sailing, and riding

motorcycles. He leaves his longtime companion of 25 years, Gay Estin of Upperville, Virginia and her two daughters Hilary Hood of Mill Valley, CA and Alex Estin of Andover, NH, his son, George Beavers IV, who resides in Redondo Beach California, with his wife Anna, and their children Charlotte, 6 and George, 3. Because of George’s love for Salisbury School and the impact it had on his life, donations may be made to Salisbury School in his honor: Salisbury School, 251 Canaan Road, Salisbury, CT 06068.

Virginia McCarty

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irginia Ashby Plaskitt McCarty, 85, of Delaplane, passed away peacefully in her sleep on June 19, 2013. She was born March 31, 1928, the daughter of the late James M. Plaskitt Sr. and Mary deButts Plaskitt. Mrs. McCarty was a member of the Fauquier Loudoun Garden Club, the Piedmont Garden Club, and the Upperville Garden Club. She was also a member of the Colonial Dames of America and the Coon Cats of the Pantherskin Creek. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dennis McCarty III, and brother, James M. Plaskitt Jr.

Surviving family members include her children, Ginny McCarty and Dennis McCarty IV of Delaplane and Ashby Judy and husband Jamie Judy of Middletown; her grandchildren, Arianna McCarty and Dennis Dulany McCarty; her sisters, Welby Brown, Courtenay M. Hansen and husband J. Woods Hansen of Upperville, and a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral service will took place at 1 p.m. Friday, June 21, at Trinity Episcopal Church in Upperville. Memorial contributions may be made to the Upperville Volunteer Fire Co., 9167 John S. Mosby Highway, Upperville, Va. 20184.

Edward Schmidt Petersen


dward Schmidt Petersen, M.D. passed away at his home in Middleburg, VA on June 3, 2013 after a fall and subsequent hospitalization. Dr. Petersen was born on November 19, 1921 in Chicago, IL. He was educated at the Chicago Latin School (1939), Harvard College (1942) and Harvard Medical School (1945). He served in the U.S. Army in the Medical Corps from 194648, and the U.S. Public Health Services (R) (Inactive) from 1948-81. After a brief period in private practice and two years as Assistant Director of Professional Services at the Veteran’s Administration Research Hospital in Chicago, he received an appointment to the Northwestern University Medical School in 1954 as the Director of Clinics. He later became Assistant Dean and then Associate Dean of the Medical School.

In 1972 he joined the American Medical Association in Chicago as the Assistant Director and then Director of the Department of Undergraduate Medical Education. He concurrently served, starting in 1976, as the Secretary of the Liaison Committee on Medical Education. He retired from the AMA in 1988. Dr. Petersen was particularly interested in medical history and the history of the American West. He won the University of Pacific Philip A. Danielson award for historical writing in 1972 for his article “The Military Surgeon in the West,” and he wrote more than 30 articles on various medical and Western history subjects over his career. He also had a lifelong interest in geology, classical archeology, and European history. He was also on the Committee on Hospitals and Clinics, The Illinois Department of Public Aid,

and was a Director of Hull House in Chicago as well as being on the Board of The Civic Association of Lake Geneva, WI. During his retirement, Dr. Petersen volunteered for many years at both The Newbury Library in Chicago and The Sporting Library in Middleburg, VA. He is survived by his wife of 69 years, Zoe Bakeeff Petersen, his daughter, Catherine P. Mack of The Plains, VA, his son, Edward B. Petersen of Washington, D.C., eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at Black Point, Lake Geneva, WI in mid-July. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to The Newbury Library, Chicago, IL. Please send condolences to www.colonialfuneralhome. com.

Middleburg Charter School Continued from Page 1 would like to see” in the town. Ford asked for Council’s help in convening a “commercial real estate brokers meeting.” When Mayor Davis advised Ms. Ford that “the Town already had plans to conduct a survey and hire a consultant,” Ford asked “how she should proceed.” Town Administrator Martha Semmes promised to “brief Ms. Ford on what the Town had in mind” and to “provide her with the information she provided to the Council about Town Staff’s current proposals “to take a comprehensive look at what the Town wanted to do economicdevelopment-wise” and to decide “the best ways to spend the Town’s

economic development money.” Ford expressed her concern that many of the town’s landlords “may not know how to fully sell the Town” and her hope that local realtors could help. Water Bill Adjustments Discussion also continued about how to best address the problem of extraordinarily high water bills caused by leaking in Town-owned pipes. The question was formally raised last month by Michael Pappas who received a combined water and sewer bill totaling well over $10,000. Revisions in the Town’s ordi-

nance governing adjustments of such bills had been drafted but were sent back for reconsideration. At issue was both the moral equivalent of a statute of limitations for appeals, and whether or not such cases could simply be handled on a case by case basis. Appointments Council appointed Wendy L. Roseberry to fill an unexpired term on the Middleburg Arts Council, through June 14, 2014 and Nelina Loiselle to fill the unexpired term on the Town’s Go Green Committee, through May 12, 2014.

Middleburg Eccentric

June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013 Page 31

Langhorne Farm



Upperville, Virginia • $10,000,000

Upperville, Virginia • $4,900,000

Marshall, Virginia • $2,295,000

450 acres in Piedmont Hunt • Improvements include 4 tenant houses plus many farm structures • VOF easements with 100 acre restrictions • Property is to be sold in its entirety

Stone manor house in spectacular setting • 86.81 acres • Highly protected area in prime Piedmont Hunt • Gourmet kitchen • Wonderful detail throughout • 5 BR • 5 BA • 3 half BA • 3 fireplaces, classic pine paneled library • Tenant house • Stable • Riding ring • Heated saltwater pool • Pergola • Full house generator

Prime Fauquier County location in the heart of Piedmont Hunt on Atoka Road • 39.94 acres • Brick home completely updated • 3 BR with master suite on main level • 2 full & 2 half BA • 2 FP • 2 car garage • Flagstone terrace • 8 stall center aisle barn • Board fencing • Mountain views

Paul MacMahon

Paul MacMahon

Ann MacMahon

(540) 687-5588

(703) 609-1905

(703) 609-1905

Signal Mountain


Lions Lane

The Plains, Virginia • $1,950,000

Leesburg, Virginia • $1,795,000

Boyce, Virginia • $1,495,000

160 acres terracing the Bull Run Mtns. • Stone walls through entire property • Views across the entire region • Stone & cedar carriage house with 3 bay garage and top of the line finishes • 1/2 acre pond • Gated entrance • Complete privacy • Rare find great escape

Beautiful hilltop setting, long paved driveway • Brick Colonial, c. 1970, completely updated • 5 BR, 5 1/2 BA, 5 FP, office, detached 4 car garage • Guest house, play house, sports court, putting green • Minutes from Leesburg & Greenway • Perfect for entertaining • 25.21 acres

109 mountain top acres • Unbelievable western views • Hunters’ paradise • 3 bedrooms • 2 fireplaces • Gourmet kitchen • 3 car garage • Energy efficient

Helen MacMahon

Paul MacMahon

(540) 454-1930

Paul MacMahon

(703) 609-1905

(703) 609-1905

October Hill

Keepsake Farm

Jenkins Hollow

Purcellville, Virginia • $1,400,000

The Plains, Virginia • $1,195,000

Marshall, Virginia • $990,000

Beautiful farm on 55.24 acres • Lovely views • Contemporary home with 4 bedrooms • 2 1/2 baths • 3 fireplaces • 2 car garage, very private • European style stable with 6 stalls • Tack room • Office, wash stall & apartment

Quintessential Virginia farm house • Storybook setting amid large parcels of protected land • Older log cabin with 1800's clapboard farm house attached • Master bedroom with updated en suite bath with handsome upgrades • Charming gardens among peaceful 7+ acres • Perfect for horses • Two stall barn with water and electric

Own your own valley between Marshall and Delaplane • 100 private and secluded acres • Views • Fenced • Barn • Restorable frame house circa 1800

Paul MacMahon

Helen MacMahon (540) 454-1930 Alix Coolidge (703) 625-1724

(703) 609-1905

Paul MacMahon

(703) 609-1905

Washington Street

Sunken Lane

Lincoln Road

Middleburg, Virginia • $950,000

Upperville, Virginia • $749,000

Middleburg, Virginia • $225,000

Great opportunity for commercial C-2 building • Excellent visibility • Great parking and multiple uses allowed • Town Zoning allows for Restaurant and retail to name a few • Rare find in the historic town

Prime Upperville location on 11.43 acres • Piedmont Hunt Country • Surrounded by properties in easement • Contemporary home • Stucco exterior • 3 BR • 2 full & 2 1/2 BA, 2 fireplaces • Spiral staircase leads to 8 stall barn • Tack room & office • Property fenced & cross fenced

Village of Middleburg • Walk to everything • 3 bedrooms • Hardwood floors • Large carport • Fenced back yard • Freshly painted • New kitchen cabinets

Helen MacMahon

Paul MacMahon

(540) 454-1930

info@sheridanmacmahon.com www.sheridanmacmahon.com

Paul MacMahon

(703) 609-1905

(703) 609-1905

110 East Washington Street • P.O. Box 1380 Middleburg, Virginia 20118 (540) 687-5588 www.mbecc.com

Page 32 Middleburg Eccentric

• June 27, 2013 ~ July 25, 2013



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