Middleton Park School Handbook
Session 2013/ 2014 1
Contents Welcome Vision and Aims School Information Our School and Groupings School Day Arrival / Departure / Illness Enrolment and transitions Breaktimes and Lunchtimes School Meals Dress Code Attendance / Medical Parents Emergency Arrangements Health Child Protection Additional Support Getting it right for every child Pupil Voice Behaviour Class Support / Bullying Insurance / Equal Opportunities Music Homework The Curriculum Assessment Nursery Secondary Education Complaints Appendix A – Catchment Area Appendix B – Holiday Dates Appendix C - Education Data
3 4 5 6 7 8 9/10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17/18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28/29 30 30/36 37 38 39 40 41
Welcome from the Head Teacher On behalf of the staff, pupils and parents, I would like to welcome you to Middleton Park School. Our school vision is to provide the highest quality education in a safe and stimulating environment which allows all to achieve their full potential and to equip all our learners for the needs of a 21st Century. Middleton Park School offers a unique primary experience for our pupils as we offer mainstream education for around 220 pupils. This includes our Nursery which has places for 40 pupils. We believe that children learn best when there is close cooperation between home and school and we value parents / carers as partners. We offer opportunities for you to be involved in school life and we appreciate your support. We look forward to working in partnership with you. We encourage parents to get in touch with any queries. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance by either phone or email. Every Friday morning I also have a drop in session from 8.30 am - 9.30 am in the Head Teacher’s office. I will endeavour to reply to any queries within 24 hours of receipt.
Head Teacher Jenny Watson Telephone 01224 820873 Email middletonpark@aberdeencity.gov.uk Website www.middletonpark.aberdeen.sch.uk
N.B. Accuracy of information The information contained in this Prospectus is accurate at the time of compilation. Any revisions or alterations will be notified in newsletters to parents.
Vision Our school vision is to provide the highest quality education in a safe, stimulating environment and to equip all our learners for the needs of the 21st Century. To be the best you can be To be a friend to ourselves and others To be our best in the community
School Aims Encourage and monitor the emotional, social, physical, creative and intellectual development of children. Provide high quality opportunities for active learning to children and develop vital skills, knowledge and attitudes. Develop a culture of ambition and achievement, recognising, rewarding and communicating the successes of all. Promote positive behaviour and encourage positive attitudes to self and others to develop confidence and self-esteem. Work as partners with parents in an open and honest way and encourage parental involvement. Work with parents and the community to develop and teach pupils, respect for self and others, to promote the duties of citizenship, and to encourage a culture of enterprise. Promote inclusion and equality to enable all members of the school community to participate fully in life long learning. To promote the health and well being of the school community and to develop their knowledge and attitudes to enable them to make informed decision 4
School Information OurStaff Head Teacher Deputy Head Teacher
Jenny Watson Audrey Young
Teachers Jodi Wilson Kara McCurrach Lorna Shipley Val Struthers Sarah Black
Jenny Chapman Pamela McDonald Caragh Stevenson Elsa Wood Anne Marie Brownie
Nursery Nurse
Helen McKinnon
Pupil Support Assistants Helen Watt Donna Wren Pam McGlashan Jenny Gough Paula Garden School Administrator
Marie Greig
School Support Administrator
Pam McGlashan
Callum Davidson
School Cook Catering Assistant Catering Assistant
Debbie Cook Margaret Morrison Pamela MacLeod
Specialists Drama - Mike Horobin Violin - Moira Birse Woodwind - Debbie Haig Brass - Angela Simpson
Vocal Instructor - Anna Hamilton Piano - Susan Morrison Percussion - Amanda Smith
Our School Middleton Park is a purpose built Nursery/Primary School, which has an accommodation capacity for 235 children from Nursery to Primary 7. In a school of this size, staff really get to know the pupils and their families and equally the pupils get to know most of the staff. This makes the school a very close-knit and cohesive unit. Attendance figures at school last year can be seen at the back of this Prospectus. Middleton Park School consists of an open plan building where each class has a carpeted area and a shared wet area. There is one independent annexe consisting of two classrooms, cloakrooms and toilets. A purpose built Nursery Unit was opened in August 2001. In addition we have: Library / Resource Area Multi purpose Area Gym Hall which is also used as our Dining room Two Quiet Rooms.
Class Groupings The Nursery classes consist of a group of 20 children who are aged 3 and 4 year olds. Both morning and afternoon nurseries will have combination of pre-school and ante pre-school children and both sessions will offer the same opportunities. In Primary 1 there is a maximum of 25 children, in Primary 2 and 3, the maximum is 30 and the remainder of the Primary classes can potentially cater for up to 33 children.
The School Day Primary1-7 The school day begins at 9am for all children. Primary 1 and 2 should enter the school at the front of the school and Primary 3 - 7 at the back of the school. Our pupils do not formally line up at the start of the day, but enter the school as they arrive in an orderly and calm manner. This creates a positive climate for our pupils from the very start of the day. The children have a brief interval from 10.30 am – 10.45 am. Primary 1 – 3 have lunch from 12.00 noon –1 pm and Primary 4 – 7 have lunch from 12.15 pm – 1.15 pm. All primary children finish at 3.15 pm. In severe weather, pupils can enter the main building at 8.55 am and will remain indoors during break time and lunchtime. We are very keen for the pupils to enjoy the outdoors at break time and lunchtime, so please ensure they have suitable clothing.
Nursery Morning
9.00 - 11.30 am Afternoon
12.45 - 3.15 pm
The Nursery times are flexible to allow the children to have a more relaxed arrival and departure. Morning- Children should arrive between 9.00 am and 9.15 am and be collected between 11.15 am and 11.30 am. Afternoon- Children should arrive between 12.45 pm and 1.00 pm and be collected between 3.00 pm and 3.15 pm.
Arrival and Departure Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their children attend school. It is important that children are on time for school, but not too early, and collected on time. Please note that there is no playground supervision before the school day starts. We therefore ask that children are not sent or brought to school before 8.45am. Any child arriving late to school must enter through the school office. We ask that you make every effort to collect your child on time at the end of the school day as children can easily become upset and anxious. If you are unavoidably detained, please telephone the school office on 820873 so that we can inform your child and arrange to keep them safe. Parents/Carers who drop off and collect pupils by car are asked to use the Asda Car Park and cross at the Green Man Crossing. We have an agreement with Asda who are happy for our parents and visitors to use their large car park. Our school car park is very small and can only be used by parents who have made a prior arrangement with the school.
Illness and returning to school Please inform the school on the first day of a child’s absence due to illness and each subsequent day unless known in advance. Children should only return to school when they are fit to do so and well enough to go outside at break times. In circumstances where a child is fit to return to school but recovering from an injury or illness that requires some recuperation, a letter indicating the time to remain in school at break and lunchtimes must be forwarded and agreed with the school. In accordance with NHS Guidelines, children who have suffered from diarrhoea / sickness must remain home for 48 hours after their last attack.
Enrolment and Transitions Parents who wish to enrol their child at Middleton Park School or Nursery should make an appointment to meet with the Head Teacher. All parents are asked to complete a placing request. When the authority agrees to the placing an admission form is required prior to your child being admitted to Middleton Park School. The authority will outline at the point of making the request when you can expect to hear of the outcome. They will also explain the appeals procedure to you. The Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Further information of choosing a school can be accessed from – http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2010/11/10093528/0 A guide to school attendance which explains parental responsibilities concerning children’s attendance at school is available from the Scottish Government – http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2009/12/04134640/0
Nursery Enrolment and Induction According to Local Authority policy, children starting nursery will be phased in gradually in small groups over a short period of time. This is to let the children become familiar to their new surroundings and for the nursery team to get to know your child. This gives the staff and new children time to get to know the children returning to nursery. Before your child starts nursery, they will be given the opportunity to visit our setting and meet the staff and some of their classmates. The first week is a ‘settling in week’. Some children will be excited and others may feel a little anxious. Your child may stay for a full session almost immediately or it may take a few days or even weeks to settle. After a few weeks, an induction meeting will be organised so that parents and nursery staff can share information and discuss any concerns.
Primary 1 Enrolment and Induction Pupils due to start Primary 1 at the start of a new school session in August are normally enrolled in January, at a date announced by the local authority. Parents/Carers can contact the school office for advice at any time. Details of enrolment week are published in the local press every January. There are opportunities for the children to visit their new Primary One classroom in May and June. Parents will be invited to attend an informal meeting in June so find out more about the school and to allow us to share more information about our school and give details or how the children will be admitted. Parents / Carers will be notified by letter of these visits. The school staff will also try to visit all the children in their pre-school setting. Children transferring from our own Nursery have a well planned series of transition activities throughout the year. In the first three weeks of their first term, Primary 1 pupils attend on a parttime basis. In keeping with all other schools in the city, Primary 1 pupils attend full time from the fourth week of the school term. Good transition arrangements exist for the children beginning our Nursery or school.
Transition to Secondary School Middleton Park School is a member of the Oldmachar Associated Schools Group and at the end of Primary 7, pupils will normally transfer there if they live in zone. If you are unsure of which secondary school your child will attend, please speak to a member of the senior management team. The Associated Schools Group work closely to ensure pupils have a smooth and positive transition to Oldmachar Academy. This process begins in Primary 3 and thereafter the pupils have regular visits to the Academy to work across the curriculum in a wide variety of learning opportunities.
Break times and Lunches During the morning interval and the lunchtime break, children are supervised by our Pupil Support Assistants. We aim to let the children outside to run around and get some fresh air at break times if at all possible. Due to our changeable weather, it is likely that the pupils will be outside in cold and camp weather. Please ensure pupils come to school with suitable outdoor clothing. In the event of very severe weather, the children will be supervised in school. The playground is organised into different zones to try and ensure all children have an active and enjoyable time outside. We also have a very large grassy field which is used as often as possible. Our Pupil Support Assistants work with the older pupils to organise different toys and games to be used during break times. Our Primary 7 pupils are given the opportunity to become Kids in Conditions trainers. This is organised by Mrs Watt and the pupils have to apply for this important position and complete a training programme. The KIC trainers then work with the early stages classes at lunchtimes. Parents / Carers will appreciate the need for all pupils to behave in an orderly manner and abide by the school rules at all times. Children who repeatedly choose to not follow the rules will be referred to the SMT. This might result in a Yellow or Red card being sent home. Pupils who do follow the rules are rewarded at the end of each term with a special celebration either in the gym hall or in the field.
School Meals Lunch is served each day in the dining hall or the children can choose to make use of our outside dining facilities. In line with Aberdeen City Council policy and the Hungry for Success initiative, menus are planned to provide nutritious, well presented meal choices daily. School staff promote the healthy options and actively encourage their uptake. Tickets can be bought from the school kitchen preferably on a Monday morning. A two course meal with a choice of drink is currently £2.10. A book of ten tickets costs £21. Please could you make sure money is sent into school in a sealed and named envelope. If your child has any particular dietary needs please discuss these with our cook who will be happy to meet the needs of your child. Please contact the school office to be put through to the kitchen to discuss dietary needs. Please note that all children who stay for school meals must remain within the school or playground during the remainder of the lunch hour. They may only leave the playground on production of written permission from their parents. This is for the pupils’ safety. Free meals are available to the children of parents receive Support, Incomebased Job Seekers Allowance, or in some cases Child Tax Credit. Application forms and more information can be obtained from the School Office.
Packed Lunches Packed lunches should be brought in a named lunch box and eaten in the dining hall. In the interest of safety, please do not allow your child to bring glass bottles to school and be mindful that although lunchboxes are kept out of direct sunlight they are not kept refrigerated. Please bear this in mind when preparing lunch for your child. Research shows that children who eat a healthy meal at lunchtime are better equipped to concentrate on classes in the afternoon. Please ensure that your child eats a healthy lunch.
Dress Code and Lost Property We strongly encourage pupils to wear school uniform, which is both comfortable and practical. Girls Grey/black skirt / pinafore / trousers Blue sweatshirt or cardigan White polo shirt Blue Fleece Boys Grey / black trousers Blue sweatshirt White polo shirt Blue Fleece All items of uniform, reading folders and shoe bags are available from Helen Treliving: Telephone 07789 070239 Email helentreliving@postmaster.co.uk For PE pupils require a T-shirt, shorts and gym shoes. Gym shoes must be kept for indoor use. In the interest of safety no jewellery should be worn in the gym. Please note that where jewellery cannot be removed this must be taped over. Tape for this purpose should be brought to school. A Clothing Grant is available to families in need and further details and application forms can be supplied by the school office. All items of clothing should be labelled to ensure that your child can easily identify their own clothing. It is essential that children bring indoor shoes and wear them when required. Outdoor shoes/boots etc. will be left in the cloakrooms. Footwear should be clearly named and shoe bags should be used.
Lost Property
Please name all personal property e.g. clothing, footwear, lunch boxes and schoolbags. If your child loses any item, a member of staff should be told straight away. The school cannot accept responsibility for any lost item, but every effort will be made to trace anything that goes missing. Please do not allow your child to bring expensive personal items to school. At the end of each term, accumulated lost property is sent to the Local Police Station.
Attendance / Absence Any absence from school must be explained by a note or telephone call to the school office. Office staff make use of Groupcall (a system that will send a text message to parents) when a child is absent and there has been no explanation. I would urge you to call the school office or reply to the text to explain any absence as we worry about the safety of your child and will seek support from the Police if no explanation is given. This can lead to great embarrassment but we cannot afford to take risks with the safety of our pupils. Where there are frequent absences, or where there is an obvious pattern of absence, the matter may be referred to the Local Authority. The Home/ School Liaison Officer is kept fully informed about each absentee and maintains a close liaison with parents. If the Home/School Liaison Officer is unable to make contact with parents of children who are not in school and where the Head Teacher has not been provided with a reasonable reason for non attendance, the Head Teacher will inform the police to guarantee the safety of children. Pupils taking time off from school to accompany their parents on holiday is not a legal right in Scotland. Schools now have a statutory requirement to record the attendance rates and the number of authorised and unauthorised absence of pupils for all stages. Absences due to family holidays will be recorded as unauthorised. Only under exceptional circumstances will holidays outwith the set dates be considered authorised and individual cases should be discussed with the Head Teacher. Children who do not arrive in school are automatically treated as ‘‘missing’’ if there has been no communication from home. This can lead to us contacting other agencies including the Police to support us in locating the child if we cannot get hold of you.
Medical Appointments Parents/carers are asked to make every effort to make medical/dental appointments outwith school hours. Parents should contact school if there is a need to withdraw their child for a medical appointment during school hours if it has not been possible to arrange an appointment out with school hours.
Parents as Partners We value effective partnerships with parents and look forward to working with you over the coming years. Regular newsletters will be available on our school website or from the school office. We are always looking for ways to improve our partnership so please pass on any idea you may have. Some of the opportunities we currently provide are to: • Join our curricular events over the course of the year to find out more about ‘How We Learn’ at Middleton Park School • Every term, the whole school will have a Focus Week on different curricular areas. Join your children in completing the Home Challenge that will be set during this week. You will also be invited to come to our Open Morning on the Friday of these weeks. • Attend two parents evenings a year to allow you to share information with your class teacher and to hear how your child is progressing • Receive a formal report on your child’s progress in April / May • Help with the school audit and improvement plan by helping us identify what is working well and what should be improved • Volunteer your skills to support the school e.g. our Gardening Gang, Library Volunteers, Master Classes • Support school trips and outings.
Parent Council The school has an energetic and committed Parent Council, which meets on a regular basis. The council is involved with various fund raising activities throughout the year. The Parent Council is also a forum where parents can discuss and consider issues concerning the school. Parents are welcome to attend any meeting which is detailed on the school calendar. The chairperson can be contacted by email at: chairperson@middletonparkparentcouncil.co.uk
Emergency Arrangements Parents will be asked to provide the school with the address of a neighbour, relative or friend to whom the child could go to, or be taken to, if there is illness or emergency when parents/carers are not available. This nominated person must sign the admission form to give formal consent. Parents will also be asked to supply the name, address and telephone number of their local GP who could be contacted if there is an emergency where the school was unable to make parental contact. If we cannot contact you and there is a medical emergency, a member of the SMT will assume the role of the parent and ensure that appropriate medical attention is provided. Please assist the school by ensuring that contact details, which should be completed each year, are kept up to date as children become very distressed when we are not able to contact you. Normally parents/carers will be given advance notification of any change in school hours but there may be occasions when this is impossible e.g. power failure or extreme weather conditions.
Stormy Weather In the event of adverse weather, the Head Teacher makes the final decision to close the school. If bad weather threatens to disrupt the school or prevent it closing, please phone: Schools Information Line - 0870 054 1999 PIN Code 011520 Alternatively, information can be found on Aberdeen City Council’s website www.aberdeencity.gov.uk Decisions regarding closure will also be broadcast on Northsound and Original Radio. We make use of Groupcall which sends a text message directly to all registered parents. Please note that only one number can be recorded per family and it is crucial that contact numbers are kept up to date.
Health We are unable to issue non-prescribed medicines in school. If a child has an accident during the school day, minor first aid will be applied. Education staff are only permitted to bathe injuries with water and / or apply a dry dressing. If further attention / treatment is deemed necessary, parents will be contacted. When a more serious injury occurs, medical help will be sought immediately and the parents informed as soon as possible. For safety reasons no tablets or medicines should be brought to school. Most common ailment medications for children can be administered three times a day - after breakfast, when the child gets home from school and at bed time. Should the child need more than this, he / she is generally not fit for school and should be kept at home. In exceptional circumstances and in agreement with the Head Teacher, we can arrange for the administration of medicines.
Medication for chronic conditions
The school should be aware if your child is receiving any medication which could affect mood, behaviour or performance. The school is happy to assist in the management of long term medication prescribed by the child’s Doctor. e.g. Diabetes or Ritalin. Parents should discuss this with the school in the first instance, and appropriate procedures will be put in place. Parents are asked to inform the school if they know of any condition that their child may suffer from e.g. asthma, autism, epilepsy etc. so that appropriate measures can be taken.
Medical Examination
The school doctor and nurse make regular visits to the school throughout the year. All new P1 entrants will have a medical examination at sometime during their first year. Parents/Carers will be invited to attend and will have the chance to discuss their child’s health. The school doctor does not carry out treatment or prescribe medicines. She will, however, discuss a problem, offer advice and, if necessary, make a recommendation to the appropriate agency, e.g. G.P. Children’s Hospital, Speech Therapist, Audiomatrician, Educational Psychologist etc. Any parent wishing to discuss a problem with the doctor or nurse may contact the school office for an appointment.
Dental Care
The school dentist also visits the school and any child found to be in need of treatment will be given a card to inform you of the treatment required.
Screening Tests
Screening tests for hearing and vision are carried out at intervals within the primary school and anything important will be brought to the teacher and parents’  attention.
Head Injuries
Any head bump or injury is taken seriously and parents are informed as soon as possible by telephone and a guidance letter home. Class teachers are alerted to the fact that they have bumped their head.
Health Promoting School
Middleton Park School is a Health Promoting School and we participate in a variety of activities which encourage healthy lifestyles. All pupils receive two hours quality PE each week. We have strong partnerships with Active Schools who provide an exciting programme of activities both within school and through extracurricular activities. Our Health Noticeboard keeps pupils and parents updated on activities. Active Schools support a wide range of extracurricular activities. Details of the many different clubs on offer are regularly distributed in the school and through newsletters or emails home. We are a health promoting school and where possible children should walk to school or park and stride. All Aberdeen City Council premises and grounds are non smoking. Parent/ Carers are asked to observe this.
Child Protection Given ongoing concern on the subject of child abuse and changes in the law, schools are now required to report if they think any child has come to harm as a consequence of child abuse. Each school now as a Designated Officer appointed to be responsible for Child Protection matters and has been specially trained for this task. Where there is the possibility that a child could be at risk of abuse or neglect, the school is required to refer the child to Social Work, the Police or the Children’s Reporter and under these circumstances, the parent(s) would not normally be consulted first. Our Designated Officer appointed to be responsible for Child Protection matters is Jenny Watson, Head Teacher. Should you wish to talk further about Child Protection and the safety of children, please feel free to contact the Head Teacher.
Fire Drill
Frequent practices of fire drill are held to ensure that children know exactly what to do without any panic. In event of a real emergency pupils will be taken by their class teachers to Oldmachar Academy and the Emergency Procedure will be put into practice from there.
School Car Park
Please note that the school car park is for the use of members of staff and delivery vehicles. Parents visiting school for a specific purpose such as seeing the Head Teacher or a teacher attending a medical appointment etc. may also use it but it must not be used for dropping off and uplifting children. This practice in the past has led to serious congestion, many near accidents and considerable danger to children on foot.
Domestic Pets
It is the Authority’s policy that no pets owned by any member of staff, parent or guardian should be allowed into any part of the establishment. It must be understood that any part of the establishment includes playgrounds, car parks and playing fields.
Additional Support for Pupils All children are different and will have very different skills and capabilities. Our aim is to ensure that all children attain and achieve to the best of their ability.
Individual Educational Plans Children with additional support needs will have an Individual Educational Plan in place which will be agreed with parents/carers, other agencies who support the child and in some cases the child themselves. This plan, which is regularly reviewed helps us track progress and ensure that any changes are made which will help to remove barriers to learning.
Extra Support Attainment data is carefully monitored and children who appear to be experiencing difficulties in any areas of learning will be discussed by class teachers and Deputy Head and Head Teacher. At this point a plan will be agreed to support the learner and you and your child will be invited to contribute to the plan and will be given suggestions of how you can support your child at home. Extra support is allocated on a needs basis.
Educational Psychologist In common with all Aberdeen City Schools, Middleton Park has a visiting Educational Psychologist who can be called upon to provide more specialised help with educational and behavioural problems. The Educational Psychologist works with the teacher, the pupil and the parents.
English as a Second Language (EAL) The school has access to Aberdeen City Council’s EAL service on a needs basis. If a new pupils starts school and requires support to learn English, an application is made to the service. Support will be offered to the child if there is capacity with the service or alternative strategies for support will be made to the class teacher.
Getting it Right for Every Child Children who benefit from heavy support from 2 or more agencies may have a coordinated support plan which gathers information from all agencies to help support the child. In some cases your child may benefit from multi-agency working and a GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) meeting will be called where all professional will be invited to join parents and staff to plan for the child’s needs.
Pupil Voice and Behaviour We are keen that the children have a clear voice in the running of their school and all pupils from Pr 3 - 7 belong to one of our Middleton Matters pupil forums. Middleton Matters meets every month and the children are asked to plan a variety of events as well as being given the opportunity to help us plan improvements and comment on things that are going well. Groups include the Pupil Council, Eco Group, Health Hustle, Website Weavers, Enterprise Group and Junior Road Safety Officers. Our Pupil Council meet regularly with Mrs Watson to help make important decisions about the running of the school.
House System - Primary 1 - 7
This system is used to reward positive attitude and sustained effort: Pupils are assigned to one of four houses Each house has its own colour and name Tokens are earned by pupils for their houses A visual record is on display at the front of the school School captains total the points and the results are announced at Assembly The winning house is presented with an award
At Middleton Park School we combine high expectations of behaviour with a sympathetic but firm approach. Maintaining and improving discipline is a joint responsibility for both parents / carers and the school. We ask for your cooperation and support in maintaining these high standards of discipline and behaviour in school. Our emphasis is firmly on promoting and rewarding positive behaviour through encouragement, recognition, Golden Time and the House Point System. However, sometimes problems do occurs and it is our policy to involve parents at an early stage. Any sudden changes or upset at home can cause children to behave differently in school; just as worry over school work or falling out with friends can affect behaviour at home. We value you informing the school if there are any major changes to home circumstances.
Middleton Park School Best Behaviour Code • Treat others kindly and with respect • Move quietly and safely at school • Follow instructions from adults working in Middleton Park School • Take care of ALL property At the start of each school year, each class will prepare a short list of class rules after consideration of the Best Behaviour Code. These will be reviewed throughout the year. The ethos and learning and teaching environment of each class will be the responsibility of both the pupils and teachers. The methodology of behaviour management may differ from class to class. However the underlying principles are constant. Positive reinforcement can include: Positive praise Class certificates Stickers/stamps Visual behavioural systems House system for P1 - 7 Table rewards Golden time
Class Support Where pupils are presenting consistently challenging behaviour School Management will be involved in supporting class teachers with a variety of strategies to ensure that high quality education can continue for all pupils.
Playground Behaviour Pupils at interval and lunch breaks will be encouraged in good behaviour by Pupil Support Assistants through a variety of positive strategies. Exclusion from School Ultimately, Senior Management reserves the right to exclude a child from school, should that child be jeopardising the safety or education of other children. Before this stage, parents and the pupil would be invited into school to resolve any challenges by working together to reduce the risk of exclusion.
Bullying The school is very aware of the problem of bullying and pupils have regular talks on this subject. Bullying can take many forms, verbal and psychological as well as physical but all of them can leave children hurt, distressed and frightened. Children will be encouraged to tell any member of staff (teaching or non-teaching) of any bullying practices affecting themselves or others. We would always investigate any incident where bullying might be taking place and would hope to give advice, guidance and counselling to both victim and culprit. Parents will be informed and hopefully will become involved along with school staff in dealing with the situation as effectively as possible.
School Pupil Insurance No insurance cover is held by the Council to provide automatic compensation to pupils in the event of a personal accident or death. It is your responsibility as a parent to insure your child for personal accident or death if you feel this is appropriate. The City Council does hold third party liability insurance which indemnifies the Council for claims from third parties (e.g. parents of pupils) who have suffered injury, illness, loss or damage arising from the negligence of the Council or its employees. However if there were no negligence, no claim would be accepted by the Council. The school, however, pays an annual policy to Zurich Municipal for school journeys. This covers both outings and residential trips. Parents are advised to consider the extent to which they wish to provide cover for their children.
Equal Opportunities The school is committed to equality of opportunity. When children first come to school and as they progress, they may bring with them ideas about the way that other children should behave based on social, cultural, gender or other stereotypes. Though the school does not create these attitudes we are aware that they can be influenced by such matters as the allocation of classroom duties and relationships and roles of staff which cumulatively can have an important effect. All pupils are encouraged to develop an understanding of how different cultures communicate values and ideas and learn respect for one another regardless of culture, race, sex or disabilities.
Multicultural and Antiracism It is our aim to prepare all pupils to live harmoniously with equality of opportunity in our multicultural society. We aim to meet the needs of all our pupils regardless of race, religious beliefs, sex and colour and to build on the strength of cultural diversity within our society. We oppose any form of racism, religious intolerance and sexism, any racist or sexist behaviour and any racist and sexist organisation. We recognise the right all pupils have to equality of access to the educational provision of this school. Through our whole curriculum we are committed to develop interracial understanding, skills or cross-cultural relationships and an awareness of the need to combat racism and sexist practices in our society.
Music Tuition We have a wide range of specialists who visit the school weekly to teach our pupils. This service is provided by Aberdeen City Council and once the pupils have shown an interest and taken an audition, usually in Primary Four, they receive weekly lessons. For the first year these lessons are free, after the first year a small charge is made to parents. Initially the authority provides the musical instrument, unless it is a piano. Currently we have teachers for piano, brass, string, percussion and woodwind instruments.
Aberdeen and North East Music Festival We are very fortunate to have a dedicated Vocal Instructor, Anna Hamilton, at Middleton Park School. Every year the school has a very strong team competing at the Music Festival in May. This is a highlight of our school year and is a fantastic opportunity for the pupils to celebrate their musical talents. Anna works with the school to enter three choirs as we as numerous individual entries. The choir entries are organised by the school and the children involved travel with school staff for their performances. From Pr 2 upwards, individual pupils will be given the opportunity to enter. It is important to note that the responsibility for individual entries is with the Parents / Carers. This include sending the entrance form with the entrance fees to the festival organisers - yellow ballet card will be sent out and must be kept safely as it is required on the day of the festival. Parents / Carers are also responsible for taking their children to the festival. A letter will be sent out to all pupils in December to ensure Parents / Carers before pupils are invited to volunteer to compete.
Homework At Middleton Park School we view education as a partnership between home and school and believe that both should work together for the benefit of the children in our care. Through this partnership we aim to develop each child to their full potential. The child will realise that learning is not only school based and but takes place everywhere and continues for life. Every term the whole school will be involved in a Focus Week on a different area of the curriculum. A homework challenge will be set for the week, usually in video format.
Homework Aims • to make parents aware of pupils progress and give some insight into the curriculum • to develop good work habits and self discipline • to allow practice and consolidation of work done in class The children experience a broad and balanced education as delivered through the 3-18 Curricular Guidelines. This will be reflected in the type of homework your child may be given. Homework activities will normally take place between Monday - Thursday nights. Suggested time: P1-315-20 mins approximately P4-520-30 mins approximately P6-730-45 mins approximately
The Curriculum The Scottish Government drastically reviewed the curriculum for 3-18 year olds a few years ago and as such, all schools in Scotland now deliver Curriculum for Excellence. The curriculum aims to ensure that all children and young people in Scotland develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they will need if they are to flourish in life, learning and work, now and in the future. The attributes and capabilities of the four capacities are outlined below:
The collaborative nature of the new curriculum provides many opportunities for the children to learn new skills and become confident listeners and talkers. The vast majority of listening and talking tasks involve the children working on other areas of the curriculum, indeed the curriculum is now very rarely taught in subject isolation. A high priority is given to practical, activity based learning experiences and the school aims to provide a rich and stimulating environment in which teaching and learning can take place. Pupils enjoy a variety of educational outings and we regularly welcome visitors to the school. Over 2012/13 some of the educational outings have been to: Kirkhill Forest, BP Headquarters, Duthie Park, Hazlehead Park, Drum Castle, Natural History Centre, University of Aberdeen, Satrosphere, MacDuff Marine Centre, Doonies Farm, Adventure Aberdeen. Some of the cost for these trips is met through generous sponsorship from our Parent Council or from school funds. However, we do ask parents to pay for most of these trips. You will be informed in writing when an excursion is being planned and given details of the contribution required. Not all work is recorded in jotters. A wealth of work goes into class displays, interdisciplinary contexts, discussions and oral presentations. These activities allow pupils to share their new knowledge and discoveries with their peers and build their confidence, independence and self-esteem. Continuous assessment is integral to teaching at Middleton Park School and ensures that the children are receiving appropriate challenge. Additional resources for you to consider: Building Curriculum for Excellence Through Positive Behaviour and Relationships outlines the Scottish Government’s priority actions around positive behaviour in schools and is also a source of support http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2010/06/25112828/0 Information about how the curriculum is structured and curriculum planning http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/thecurriculum Information about the outcomes a learner can expect to experience and achieve across literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, as well as the eight curricular areas – http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/thecurriculum/howisthecurriculumorga nised/experiencesandoutcomes/index.asp
Assessment In the past, teachers assessed pupils’ progress in school and confirmed their judgement by using a bank of assessment materials that were downloaded from the Scottish Qualifications Authority. These materials no longer exist. Assessment is based on moderation and teacher’s professional judgement based on Early, First, Second and Third Levels within the Curriculum for Excellence. Experiences and Outcomes in the Curriculum for Excellence are divided into levels to provide depth, breath, progression, relevance, personalisation and choice, challenge and enjoyment. Each Curricular area is divided into levels as follows: Early pre-school to Primary 1 and later for some children First to the end of Primary 4, but earlier or later for some Second to the end of Primary 7, but earlier or later for some Third and Fourth Secondary 1 to Secondary 3 but earlier for some Fourth level broadly equates to SCQF Level 4 Senior Phase Secondary 4 to Secondary 7 and college or other means of study At Middleton Park School, the teachers have planned and evaluated assessment techniques with their classes. The school continues to embed the Assessment Is For Learning programme which enables teachers to consider the individual needs of pupils and for pupils to take more responsibility for their learning through self and peer assessment. The school also follows Aberdeen City Council’s policy of using standardised tests to back up teachers’ professional judgement. Throughout the year, parents are invited to a range or opportunities to see and hear about the development and progress of their children. This will include Open Afternoons, Challenge Weeks, Concerts and Sporting Competitions, two parents’ meetings every year, a pupil progress report, class and school newsletters. We welcome and encourage pupils to share their wider achievements with the school. These are celebrated at our school Get Togethers.
Middleton Park Nursery Our Nursery is an integral part of Middleton Park School but the provision it provides is different from the school. Your child is special and we aim to make his / her time at our Nursery a happy one. We aim for our nursery to be a friendly place where you and your child feel welcome. We share the responsibility for your child’s development and hope we can work together to give an exciting, stimulating and happy environment in which to learn. We will be happy to discuss any concerns you may have about about your child. The nursery has two part-time classes, each catering for 20 children. This means that 40 children aged 3 and 4 years may be offered a part-time nursery place. School Office 01224 820873 Nursery Direct Line 01224 258532 Nursery Teacher Mrs Stevenson Nursery Nurse Miss McKinnon
Drop off and Pick up Nursery Times Morning 9.00 - 11.30
12.45 - 3.15
The nursery times are flexible to allow the children to have a more relaxed arrival and departure. Morning- Children should arrive between 9.00 am and 9.15 am and be collected between 11.15 am and 11.30 am. Afternoon- Children should arrive between 12.45 pm and 1.00 pm and be collected between 3.00 pm and 3.15 pm. This should ensure that all children arrive on time and no children are left after 11.30 am and 3.15 pm as this can cause unnecessary distress. For security reasons, the nursery door will be locked at 9.15 am and 1.00 pm.
Our Nursery - The Curriculum Young children come to nursery with a significant background of learning experiences and a natural curiosity. The nursery builds on this by broadening the range of children's learning experiences through its curriculum. The Nursery works towards achieving the experiences and outcomes from the Curriculum for Excellence. These are detailed in eight Curriculum areas: Numeracy & Mathematics Literacy & English Health &Wellbeing Social Studies Sciences Technologies Religious & Moral Education Expressive Arts
Play “Play is essential for our children if they are to have the best start in life and be ready to succeed as adults. Through play children thrive as they develop self-confidence, social skills and awareness of their impact on others and the world around them.� The Early Years Framework (2008) The children develop their knowledge and understanding of the curricular areas through a variety of structured and free play activities as well as a range of other learning experiences.
Admission The nursery provides forty part-time places for children between three and five years of age. There are two nursery sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Twenty children attend each session with the nursery teacher and nursery nurse. Children attend 5 sessions per week. Admission to the nursery follows the policy set by Aberdeen City Council. Children starting nursery will be phased in gradually in small groups over a short period of time. This gives the staff and new children time to get to know the children. Before your child starts nursery they will be given the opportunity to visit and meet the staff and some of their class mates.
Our Nursery - Clothing Children will require the following articles: • shoe bag and soft indoor shoes - slip on shoes with non-slip soles (ie gym shoes) • a change of clothing (trousers, pants, t-shirt, socks) in case of accidents - a bag should be provided • apron - preferably long sleeved (you can order these from school) • outdoor clothing - suitable warm clothes, waterproof jacket and wellies Please ensure all belongings are clearly named. We would appreciate children being dressed in clothes, which they can manage independently. It is a good idea to avoid belts, tights and shoes with laces. Children should have adequate clothing with them for outdoors since nursery activities take place outside in all weather i.e. hats and gloves in winter, wellingtons and waterproofs on rainy days. Please provide a bottle of sunscreen for your child. Nursery t-shirts and sweatshirts are available to order. Please see nursery staff.
Pegs All children have a peg in the nursery cloakroom. Your child's peg will be named and have a picture on it. Please bring your child to the cloakroom and encourage him/her to get ready for nursery independently.
Our Nursery - Snack Snack is an integral part of nursery activities and encourages social skills. Our snack menu is varied and healthy. Fruit is provided daily with a choice of milk or water to drink. A snack menu is on display each week. Please let staff know of any foods your child is not allowed through religion or allergy. Snack money is £2.50 per week and should be paid on the first day of the school week or it may be paid termly at the start of each new term. This covers the cost of providing a daily snack for each child. On birthdays children may want to take in a vegetarian birthday cake to share at snack time. Middleton Park is a Health Promoting School and we would ask that you refrain from providing extra birthday treats such as fun size bags of sweets.
Emergency Contacts Should your child become unwell while at nursery we will contact you to take him/her home. You will be asked to complete an emergency contact form at the beginning of the term with names, addresses and telephone number of a friend / neighbour who would care for your child should you be unavailable. When the contact requires to be changed please always inform the school promptly.
Reporting to Parents Records are kept on the children to monitor their development. You can see these at any time, as once your child is settled, they will have an ‘I can’ folder in their tray which will be updated by staff weekly. You also have the opportunity to insert observations in the ‘I can’ folder as we value any contribution you can make. These records will be passed onto the Primary 1 teacher with whom we closely liaise. Parents will be given a report on their child's achievement and a parents’ progress appointment at the end of the year.
Our Nursery - Home / School Links We value close contact with parents on a day to day basis. When you deliver or collect your child, please come into the nursery and observe or take part in what your child is doing. We have a Mingling Monday when you are welcome to come in and to play with your child at the end of the session. We aim to keep you informed of events in the nursery. This is achieved in many ways through daily contact, letters, meetings, parent interviews and the Nursery notice board. When possible we will point out new notices but please look out for them. If you have any concerns about your child whilst he/she is in nursery please talk to the nursery staff. There is a planning board in the nursery corridor which will give you further information on the specific activities taking place for that particular week.
Deferred Entry / Early Entry Some parents feel that their child is not ready to begin Primary 1 at the usual age (4 ½ to 5 ½). It is possible for a child to start P1 later than usual. This is called a deferred entry. Some parents feel that their child is ready to begin P1 earlier than is usual. This is called early entry to P1. Please discuss this with the Head Teacher. The Head Teacher will explain about deferred entry or early entry and there is a leaflet with more information.
Our Nursery To help ease the transition from Nursery to Primary 1, nursery children will make many visits to the school throughout the year. They will be introduced to the playground at interval time, visit classes and meet school staff. This will enable them to become familiar with the staff and layout of the school. The nursery is very much part of the school and the pupils will be included in some Get Togethers and other calendar events throughout the year. There will be a phased entry into Primary 1.
Safety At all times we will endeavour to make sure that the nursery is a safe environment for your child. We have nursery rules to promote this. A responsible adult must accompany your child to and from nursery (over 16 years of age). Upon arrival at nursery, children should be handed over to a member of the nursery staff. A signing in/out system operates at the start and end of each nursery session. Please notify the nursery staff if you have arranged for someone else to collect your child, particularly if it is someone who is a stranger to the staff. If you have not notified staff, they will contact you to seek permission before allowing your child to leave with that adult. Likewise, if the name in the sign in/out sheet for collection differs from the person who actually comes to collect your child, staff will contact you. This will happen even if the adult is known by staff. The door is locked once the children are in nursery at 9.20 am and 1.00 pm. If you require entry during the nursery session you will need to go to the school office. In the interest of safety all push chairs must be left outside the building in the nursery garden.
Secondary Education and Transitions Middleton Park School is a member of the Oldmachar Associated Schools Group and at the end of Primary 7, pupils will normally transfer there if they live in zone. If you are unsure of which secondary school your child will attend, please speak to a member of the senior management team. The Associated Schools Group work closely to ensure pupils have a smooth and positive transition to Oldmachar Academy. This process begins in Primary 3 and thereafter the pupils have regular visits to the Academy to work across the curriculum in a wide variety of learning opportunities. Our Zoned Secondary School Oldmachar Academy Jesmond Drive Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB22 8UR Head Teacher Derek Brown 01224 820887 enquiries@oldmachar.aberdeen.sch.uk
Primary Schools within the Oldmachar Associated Schools Group Danestone Primary School Fairview Brae Danestone Aberdeen AB22 8ZN
Forehill Primary School Jesmond Drive Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB22 8UR
Glashieburn Primary School Jesmond Drive Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB22 8UR
Greenbrae Primary School Greenbrae Crescent Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB23 8NG
Complaints Procedure If you have a complaint or concern regarding the school, please contact the Head Teacher in the first instance. We will do all we can to rectify any issues that we can. If you do not feel that the Head Teacher has helped to resolve your concern, please contact: Liz Gillies Service Manager lgillies@aberdeencity.gov.uk If all of these avenues have been pursued and you still have concern, contact: Scottish Public Services Ombudsman 4 Melville Street EDINBURGH EH3 7NS Tel 0870 011 5378 Fax 0870 011 5379 Emailenquiries@scottishombudsman.org.uk If you feel unhappy about any aspect of Nursery and you do not feel that the staff have addressed the issue please contact the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care, known as the Care Inspectorate. The Care Inspectorate registers and inspects our nursery on an annual basis. If you have a complaint about our nursery you can contact: Care Inspectorate North Region Johnston House Rose Street Aberdeen AB10 1UD 01224 793870
Appendix A - Catchment Area Middleton Park Catchment Area
While parents are now free to choose their child's school, Middleton Park School is planned to provide schooling for children resident in the following zones: Buckie Avenue Buckie Close Buckie Crescent Buckie Grove Buckie Walk Buckie Wynd Foveran Rise Foveran Street Jesmond Avenue1–129 Jesmond Avenue North Jesmond RoadNos.52–88+65–113 Laird Gardens Middleton Circle Middleton Court Middleton Crescent Middleton Grove Middleton Path Middleton T errace Middleton Way Slains Avenue Slains Circle Slains Place Slains Road Slains Terrace Valentine Cres Whitestripes Avenue Whitestripes Close Whitestripes Crescent Whitestripes Drive Whitestripes Path Whitestripes Place Whitestripes Street Whitestripes Way
Buckie Crescent Buckie Road Foveran Path Foveran Way Jesmond Square South Jesmond Square North Middleton Close Middleton Drive Middleton Road Ridgeway Grove Slains Lane Slains Street Valentine Drive Whitestripes Cottages Whitestripes Drive Whitestripes Road
Parents have the right to ask for their children to be enrolled in a school other than the local zoned school, and the authority has a duty to agree to such requests whenever possible. Zones exist (a) to ensure that school places are locally available to children within the delineated area; (b) for the purpose of determining the right to provision of transport; and (c) for determining priorities (if required) in relation to admission of children to schools. The authority reserves the right to vary schools zones from time to time in order to take into account demographic or other factors. This will be done in accordance with local and national consultation guidelines and requirements. To address the needs of families affected by variations in zones and who wish younger children to attend the same school as elder brothers or sisters in continuing education at that school, the younger children continue to be regarded as living in zone. Parents are advised that they should always check the zone in which their existing or proposed address lies. This can be obtained from the School Placements, Education, Culture & Sport, Business Hub 13, Second Floor North, Marischal College, Broad Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1AB 39
Appendix B - Holiday Dates School Holiday Dates 2013 - 14 Term 1 19 August 2013 - 11 October 2013 Teachers Training Day In-Service Day Pupils Return September Holiday September Term Ends October Holiday
Monday 19 August Monday 19 August Tuesday 20 August Friday 20 and Monday 23 September Friday 11 October Monday 14 to Friday 25 October
Term 2 28 October 2013 - 20 December 2013 Term Starts In-Service day Term Ends Christmas Holiday
Monday 28 October Monday 11 November Friday 20 December Monday 23 Dec 2013 to Friday 3 Jan
Term 3 6 January 2014 - 4 April 2014 Term starts In-Service Day Mid Term In-Service Day Term Ends Easter Holidays April)
Monday 6 January Friday 14 February Monday 17 February Tuesday 18 February Friday 4 April Monday 7 to Monday 21 April (Good Friday 18
Term 4 22 April 2014 - 4 July 2014 Term Starts In-Service Day May Day Holiday Term Ends
Tuesday 22 April Friday 2 May Monday 5 May Friday 4 July 2014
Appendix C - Educational Data Transferring Educational Data about pupils The Scottish Government and its partners collect and use information about pupils through the Pupil Census to help to improve education across Scotland. This note explains why we need this information, how we use it and what we do to protect the information supplied to us. Why do we need your data? In order to make the best decisions about how to improve our education service, Scottish Government, education authorities and other partners such as the SQA and Skills Development Scotland need accurate, up-to-date data about our pupils. We are keen to help all our pupils do well in all aspects of school life and achieve better examination results. Accurate and up-to-date data allows us to: plan and deliver better policies for the benefit of all pupils plan and deliver better policies for the benefit of specific groups of pupils better understand some of the factors which influence pupil attainment and achievement share good practice target resources better enhance the quality of research to improve the lives of young people in Scotland Data policy Information about pupils’ education is collected through our statistical surveys in partnership between the Scottish Government and Local Authorities through the ScotXed Programme which aims to help schools and Local Authorities by supporting efficient collection, processing and dissemination of statistical information. The Scottish Government then provides analysis of the data to support research, planning, management and monitoring of education services as well as to produce National Statistics publications. Education data within Scottish Government is managed effectively by secure systems and is exploited as a valuable corporate resource, subject to confidentiality restraints. As part of its data policy, Scottish Government will not publish or make publicly available any information that allows individual pupils to be identified, nor will data be used by Scottish Government to take any actions in respect of individuals. Data is held securely and no information on individual pupils can or would be made publicly available by Scottish Government.
The individual data collected by Scottish Government through the Pupil Census is used for statistical and research purposes only. Your data protection rights The collection, transfer, processing and sharing of ScotXed data is done in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998). We also comply with the National Statistics Code of Practice requirements and other legislation related to safeguarding the confidentiality of data. The Data Protection Act gives you the right to know how we will use your data. This note can give only a brief description of how we use data. Fuller details of each individual ScotXed survey, including the purpose of each and the published data, can be found on the ScotXed website (www.scotxed.net). Scottish Government works with a range of partners including Education Scotland, Skills Development Scotland and the SQA. On occasion, in order to help meet our aim of improving the life of young people in Scotland, we may make individual data available to partners such as the National Registers of Scotland to carry out research relating to the national population census and also academic institutions and organisations to carry out additional research and statistical analysis to meet their own official responsibilities. Any sharing of data will be done under the strict control of Scottish Government, and will be consistent with our data policy. This will ensure that no individual level data will be made public as a result of the data sharing and that these data will not be used to take any actions in respect of an individual. Decisions on the sharing of data will be taken in consultation with relevant colleagues and individuals within and outwith Scottish Government. At all times pupils’ rights under the Data Protection Act and other relevant legislation will be ensured. Concerns If you have any concerns about the ScotXed data collections you can email the Head of Schools Analysis, Mick Wilson, at mick.wilson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk or write to The ScotXed Support Office, Area 2D, Victoria Quay, Leith, EH6 6QQ. Alternative versions of this page are available, on request from the ScotXed Support Office, in other languages, audio tape, Braille and large print.
Be The Best You Can Be
Middleton Park School
Reach for the stars Middleton Park School Jesmond Drive Aberdeen AB22 8UR 01224 820873 middletonpark@aberdeencity.gov.uk www.middletonpark.aberdeen.sch.uk