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Midi-Pyrénées Region Direction des Affaires Européennes et de la Coopération Décentralisée Hôtel de Région 22 Boulevard du Maréchal Juin 31406 Toulouse Cedex 9 Tél : + (33) Fax : + (33)

Midi-Pyrénées Europe Association 55 rue d’Arlon B - 1040 Bruxelles Tél. + (32) Fax. + (32)

- RCS Toulouse B 327 469 706 - March 2009. Copyright : Gettyimages, European Community, D.VIET CRT MIDI-PYRENEES, E. GRIMAULT, H. PIRAUD, N. CAMBEROQUE, F. BRUEL, C. LAVERGNE, P. DUMAS.


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LE RÉSEAU S’INSCRIT DANS LA NOUVEAUTÉ. Le 1er septembre 2008 va marquer le début d’une nouvelle organisation du transport régional routier.

MIDI-PYRÉNÉES, A DEFINITEL Y En effet, la Région Midi-Pyrénées reprend la gestion de l’ensemble des lignes régionales d’autocars. EUROPEAN REGION Ainsi 29 lignes vont compléter l’offre de transport ferroviaire et desservir les zones qui nethe peuvent être desservies le train pourEuropean un maillage plusMidi-Pyrénées complet du territoire Among 268 regions that nowpar make up the Union, régional. offers a number of specific features.


The largest region in France (ranking 15th in Europe) also extends over a territory greater than that of seven State members of the EU while being more populated than of them. POUR VOUS VOYAGEURS : À six NOTER


Notwithstanding its vast territory, the Region only accounts for 0.6 percent of the European population and therefore cannot live on its own within a broader Europe.


Qui dit nouveau réseau dit aussi nouvelle tarification ! The European Union is now the pre-eminent frame of reference for the implementation La Région Midi-Pyrénées a défini une ligne tarifaire simple : la tarification devient of local and regional policies. commune avec celle du réseau TER.

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Denmark Irish republic United Kingdom

As a border region, Midi-Pyrénées, is resolutely turned toward its European partners. Active within the numerous cooperation networks it wishes to have a significant place on the European scene.

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Belarus Netherlands

Poland Germany um lgi Be g Czech Luxembour Republic Slovakia


Switzer land

Austria Slovenia




Serbia Macedonia


ber states

Martin Malvy

Moldava Hungary



ion mem European Un countries Candidate

Former Minister President of the Midi-Pyrénées Region


Croatia Bosnia

caaffairs with Europe in order to develop jointly the whole regional territory. Une our daily fre 60 %

So to all of you I say “have a good read”.



Thus such issues as land development, economic cohesion, innovation, research and development, employment, training, culture, young people, environment and awareness-raising in the field of sustainable development, are major themes for our La nouvelle solution pourbe vos voyages :from a European perspective. territory and they must now addressed

Building up on this status, the Region has become over the years a demanding partner of the European institutions with whom it plays an increasingly important role.



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Bulgaria Turkey

EUROPE IN MIDI-PYRÉNÉES For the 2007-2013 period, Europe intends to invest in Midi-Pyrénées more than one billion Euros to be apportioned in accordance with three objectives:

• Regional competitiveness and employment: €622 million will supplement public funds from the State and local communities, with a view to reinforcing competitiveness, employment and the attractiveness of the region whilst preserving the environment.

• Territorial cooperation: €99 million have been earmarked for projects promoting the emergence of a European Southwest, while €168 millions are destined for cooperation on both sides of the border with Spain.

• Rural development: As a supplement to the Common Agricultural Policy, €187 million will be invested in Midi-Pyrénées to support the development of territories and rural activities.

The European cohesion policy The cohesion policy aims to promote a smooth economic and social development of the territories of the European Union. For the 2007-2013 period, it turns out to be the second item in the European budget, just behind that of the Common Agricultural policy.

The Region acting alongside Europe Europe is present in Midi-Pyrénées through a number of programmes that have been defined jointly with Europe, the State and the Region for the period 2007-2013. The Regional Council has become a major actor for the implementation of the European regional policies over its territory. The Region thus directly manages approx. 40 percent of the €622 million invested in Midi-Pyrénées to ramp up regional competitiveness and employment:

• The operational programme FEDER (European Fund for Regional Development) is endowed with €430 million. It lays the emphasis on three priorities: 1/ stimulating innovation and the knowledge economy 2/ promoting sustainable development and the fight against climate change 3/ reinforcing cohesion and accessibility (transports, ICTs…) of the regional territory

the Regional Council is entrusted with the management of €184 M of FEDER funds destined to finance projects addressing: • the development of companies, particularly through the support of research and development (€105 M) • the improvement of the rail service throughout the regional territory (€35 M) • Information and Communication Technologies (€25 M) • vocational training (€15 M) • the enhancement of transport through inland waterways (€4 M)

• The European Social Fund (ESF) is endowed with €192 M in Midi-Pyrénées. It finances: 1/ vocational training 2/ help to employment 3/ vocational insertion

The Regional Council is entrusted with the management of €53 M from the ESF. The aim is to promote: • the regional plan for vocational training (€30 M) • the qualitative learning development programme (€7 M) • the regional second chance school (€3.5 M) • t he joint employment-training houses (€3 M) • CarifOref (standing for ‘Centre for Coordination, Resources and Information about Training – the Regional Employment Training Observatory’) (€2.5 M)

• FEADER (standing for “European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development”) has been endowed with €187 M in MidiPyrénées. It supports: 1/ rural zones 2/ the adaptation of the regional agriculture

The Region directly manages €25 million to finance measures promoting the agri-food industry and the quality policy.

More info on the internet, go to

Remove frontiers between Midi-Pyrénées ant its neighbours Within a greater Europe which has recently expanded to the East, MidiPyrénées develops relations with the territories from the Southwest of the continent. Thus, three programmes are designed to carry out joint actions in the field of economic development or the management of resources.

• Unite the Pyrénées The France-Spain programme is destined to render the economies of the territories on both sides of the Pyrenees more complementary while enhancing the tourist heritage and improving the quality of life of local populations. Five French departments are involved (PyrénéesAtlantiques, Pyrénées-Orientales and in Midi-Pyrénées, Hautes-Pyrénées, Haute-Garonne and Ariège) along with five Spanish provinces (Gipuzkoa, Navarra, Huesca, Lleida and Girona) and the Principality of Andorra. Neighbouring zones will to some extent be able to participate in cooperation projects. More info on the internet, go to

• Create a consistent Southwest of Europe




This programme gathers together the five French regions of the greater Southwest (Poitou-Charente, Limousin, Auvergne, Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées, Languedoc-Roussillon), Spain (except for the Canary Islands), Portugal and Gibraltar. It supports projects pooling together at least two partners from different states and aims to meet four objectives: - promote innovation - protect and preserve the environment over time - improve accessibility to the information networks - encourage urban development. More info on the internet, go to

Sharing one’s ideas in Europe By associating with European partners, the Region is eligible for financial support from the E.U. to implement its projects in numerous fields such as culture, environment and innovation,…

…Or that of microand nano-technologies As from January 1st, 2005 the Midi-Pyrénées region has become a member of the European research network devoted to micro- and nano-technologies (MNTERA), which gathers together 24 actors from 17 countries of the E.U.

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The example of the Vernet Camp in Ariège… Today nothing remains of the facilities that once were used for the Vernet camp in Ariège where almost 40 000 persons in transit stayed between 1939 and 1944. Built before the war to detain Spanish republicans in exile, it was then used to intern foreign, political opponents, resistants and Jews who were then deported to the death camps. To preserve the memory of this place, the project ‘Camp du Vernet d’Ariège: Portraits and Men’ was devised. The last survivors were interviewed and were able to recount their ordeal and photographs of detainees taken on their arrival at the camp were preserved on digital medium. To conduct this project, the Midi-Pyrénées region teamed up with six partners from both sides of the Pyrenees, thus becoming eligible for European financial support.

The aim of this programme is to devise ways of developing a process or technological innovation associating at least two partners, one public and the other private, from different countries. Within this framework, the Region supports public research labs and companies.

THE REGION IN EUROPE The decisions made by the E.U. directly impact the regional territory. This is why the Region has decided to reinforce its presence with European institutions through various means so as to have a greater say in the orientations of the European policies that directly affect it.

Participating in community debates The region closely monitors the E.U daily news and events and any development in community law. In addition to this permanent watch, it regularly participates in public consultations staged by the European Commission. For example, the Region has openly stated its stance on maintaining the possibility of support of Midi-Pyrénées companies, or on having a say in the European social cohesion policy. It has also contributed to the Green Books (documents used as a means of collecting various actors’ opinions on a given topic) dealing with the adaptation to climate change or urban mobility.

Creating networks in Europe Although the Regions can be directly access the European institutions, there’s a better chance of getting heard by teaming up. As a result, the Regional Council of Midi-Pyrénées decided to become associated with other European and French communities. By setting up networks based on various criteria, either thematic like vitiviniculture, rural development, products of « controlled origin », aerospace… or geographic (associations of Regions from France, or Europe, conference of maritime peripheral regions), the Region finds itself better equipped to defend its interests.

The example of NEREUS

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Recently set up at the initiative of and chaired by the Midi-Pyrénées Region, the NEREUS network gathers together about thirty European regions making use of space technologies. The intended goal is to enable regions that develop this type of know-how on their territories, to become fully-fledged actors in the drawing up of European space programmes.

The Pyrénées-Méditerranée Euroregion

An office in Brussels The Midi-Pyrénées–Europe association gathers together the regional Council of Midi-Pyrénées, the General Councils of Ariège, Gers, Lot, Hautes-Pyrénées, Tarn, Tarn-et-Garonne and the so-called Communauté d’Agglomération du Grand Toulouse (Greater Toulouse Conurbation Community). Since 2001, it has set up an office in Brussels so as to keep abreast of European events. By being there, it can also support more efficiently the projects of actors from Midi-Pyrénées with the E.U., and forward the decisions made by the Region and the departments it is composed of. For more info go to :

Since Midi-Pyrénées region intended to have a greater say in Europe, it decided to set up the Pyrénées-Méditerranée Euroregion in October 2004. It comprises two Spanish regions (Catalonia and the Balearic Islands) and two French regions (Languedoc-Roussillon and Midi-Pyrénées). With a population of about 13 million citizens, the Euroregion will be able to construct in the future an unavoidable Meditarranean Arc in Europe. In 2009 it will acquire full legal status through the creation of a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation with head offices in Toulouse.

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