Cosmic code1 flipbook

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an artistic/graphic representation

a philosophical unification of science, spirituality, and religion


a companion work to



Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Birnbaum, David. Quest for Potential∞ / David Birnbaum. ISBN 978-0-9843619-5-3 1. Metaphysics.

2. God and Evil.

3. Quest for Potential.


4. Religion and God.

I. Title.



Another way of looking at this schematically would be Q4P ( Q4P (Q4P….


dynamic-within-a-dynamic, within-a-dynamic, etc. ad infinitum (to the power of INFINITY)


The infinitely expanding and traversing aspect stretches forward through time… from the very origin of origins to the forward reaches of time.


It is this time-spanning (Q4P∞) infinitude which renders all of us an integral neo-infinite part of this infinite dynamic/entity.


Polarities and Dualities as well as assorted complementary Positives/Negatives, are the BUILDING BLOCKS and counter-point balancers of the cosmic order


Potentials down-the-road energize the PRESENT (and initially ignited CREATION itself).


Man’s ultimate quest for potentiality is a primary imperative of the universe.


Soloveitchik notes: Man initially is receptive, is pure potentiality. But creation, by definition, means spontaneity, actuality, action, renewal, aspiration, and daring.


From there on through this day the majesty of creation seeks its maximal potential...

Life is daring... The cosmos strives not just for survival; it quests for its maximal potential.


Long before Prometheus stole fire from the gods to give to man, God grasped life from out of the void and created fire and man.


The universe seeks its maximum and optimal potential—inexorably. For this, we postulate, is its raison d’être.

We can only speculate on the precise hierarchic standing of various potentialities, but we suspect that spirituality is near the apex.


The cosmic thrust for potential is man-centered. Within this constraint, the cosmos seeks its own perfection. The quests for spirituality and perfection, and the attendant quests for freedom, harmony, and beauty find their source in the metaphysical spark which actualized the cosmos. It was the origin of this quest of quests which bridged the gap from “nothingness” to “Somethingness.”


Man always seeks to raise himself to a higher level. This quest is in effect an extension of a primal cosmic thrust. Mankind is probing, alert to potential advance. Mankind sanctifies its explorers, especially its successful ones. For mankind is also an explorer expedition—with its own scouts way up in their cold, wet, and lonely crow’s nests. Sweeping the skyline end to end with their lucky eyepieces. Scanning for new land mass. Ah, there! Peeking over the horizon! There it is!—or was it only a midshipman’s mirage?


Man should be categorized not as “finite being,” but more accurately as “finite + being.” Man’s potential approaches the infinite.


The closer man approaches the achievement of his spiritual and other potentialities, the closer man comes to fulfilling a primal quest of creation.


Quest for potential courses from the Divine to man and through the cosmic order. All strive towards ultimate perfection. All sail parallel cosmic oceans. Man is the keystone of the cosmic quest for perfection. However, man is not alone in his quest. For the entire cosmic order is interlocked with man’s potentialities.


Holy Divine potential flows from the epicenter of the Divine through all life. This inviolate core dynamic is reflected in man, God, and the universe at large.


Within a panoply of unknowns, mankind and individual man must, and certainly will, quest after their many and multi-varied potentialities. It is the ultimate imperative of man created in the image of God.


Man is on the lookout for Matterhorns to scale. He will build Towers of Babel, pyramids, sphinxes, Tai Mahals, and Temples. He will compose majestic symphonies and gossamer verse. He will quest on all fronts.


Man simultaneously wants total freedom and the total security of the womb. Yet mankind gave priority to freedom/potential at Eden, and it must be presumed that this is the only route for the cosmos to attain its full realization.





Cosmic Code


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