Guardian Debunk

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Google HQ 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA From the Office of David Birnbaum Rockefeller Center 630 Fifth Avenue at 50-51st 20th Floor NY, NY 10111

Oct 24, 2023 Subject: Addressing Defamations from The Guardian We are writing to address a defamatory article published by The Guardian. Enclosed in this packet are documents and evidence that aim to debunk the false and incendiary claims made against David Birnbaum in this publication. The general public holds Google in high esteem for its commitment to providing accurate and reliable information to users worldwide. We believe that presenting the facts will help in ensuring that the information available on Google's platforms is both accurate and fair. The Guardian's publication has had a significant impact on Birnbaum’s personal and professional life, causing undue stress and tarnishing his reputation. As a dedicated professional, he has always strived to maintain the highest standards of integrity and transparency in all his endeavors. The evidence provided in the enclosed packet will corroborate his commitment to these principles. We kindly request that you review the materials provided and consider adjusting the way such articles appear on Google platforms, particularly in search results. We understand that Google values freedom of speech and the right to information, but we believe that presenting a balanced view is essential for the betterment of the internet community. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Sincerely, The Office of David Birnbaum




Part 1

Request for Removal of Incendiary Defamation Article Published by The Guardian

Request for Removal of Defamatory Search Result I am writing to formally request the removal of a particular search result that has been causing significant distress, not only to myself but also to the larger academic community. This search result pertains to an article which I believe is not only a gross misrepresentation but also a severe violation of Google’s policy against the promotion of hatred. The search result in question: links to an article that appears to be an outright hit-job orchestrated by academic rivals. This article aims to suppress what is currently known as "the reigning theory of existence". This practice is not only contrary to the principles of academic integrity but also undermines the genuine efforts of researchers who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge. Even more concerning is that this article contains grotesque defamation against a respected Jewish theorist. The tone and content of the article are not only disparaging but also virulently anti-Semitic, promoting prejudice. Such content violates basic human decency and principles, and it should not be facilitated by any platform, especially one as influential as Google. Additionally, as per the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and similar regulations in various countries, individuals have a 'right to be forgotten' under specific conditions. I would like to highlight that these articles have been circulating for over 10 years. The continuation of these search results only perpetuates the harm and does not serve any current informational purpose to the public. Considering the severe negative impact and the clear violation of ethical and possibly legal standards, I kindly request Google to review this matter urgently and consider the removal of this search result from your search engine. This article is not a neutral presentation of facts but a calculated effort to harm Birnbaum's reputation and discredit his work. The tone, language, and selective representation make a clear case for defamation: Use of Derogatory Language: The article begins by using the term "cranks" to paint individuals outside of academia, including Birnbaum, who send their philosophical works to universities–This is a deliberate attempt to discredit Birnbaum's work before even discussing its merits. The wave of unwarranted criticism and derogatory language directed at David Birnbaum is a classic example of character assassination. Instead of addressing the merits and substance of his work, detractors resort to ad hominem attacks. This tactic not only undercuts the values of academic civility and respect but also undermines the spirit of intellectual curiosity and dialogue. Unwarranted Focus on Financial Status: The article goes to great lengths to highlight Birnbaum's wealth, suggesting that he is attempting to buy credibility. This is a direct attack on his credibility, insinuating that his ideas lack legitimacy. It is a dangerous fallacy to assume that financial success automatically negates intellectual credibility. David Birnbaum's wealth should not be used as a reason to dismiss his contributions to academia. Great thinkers come from all backgrounds, and wealth does not preclude one from possessing profound insights. To use wealth as a disqualifying factor is not only prejudicial but a rejection of the diverse perspectives that enrich academic discourse. Negative Depictions: The article selectively quotes journalistically illegitimate sources/unfounded accounts that present Birnbaum and his work in a negative light, using descriptions such as "strangest conference," "unsettling," and "toxic." These are clearly meant to tarnish his reputation and the seriousness of his work. Inappropriate Associations: By comparing Birnbaum to "outsider scientists" deemed eccentric, the article is blatantly undermining his work, suggesting that it is fringe and not credible. By consistently casting aspersions on Birnbaum's credibility, there's a deliberate attempt to paint his work and contributions with a veneer of illegitimacy. This is a calculated effort to ostracize him from academic circles and devalue his work. We must rise above such superficial judgments and instead evaluate ideas based on their intrinsic worth and contribution to the field. False Representation of Events: The portrayal of the conference paints a picture of a lack of seriousness and legitimacy. The narrative chosen is designed to cast doubt on the validity of both the event and Birnbaum's work. Serious Accusations Without Proof: The article casually mentions accusations of "academic identity theft" and "unauthorized use of Harvard University's trademarks;" Both of which are nonsense allegations. By not providing context or addressing the veracity of these accusations, the article intentionally damages Birnbaum's character. When an individual faces a series of unfounded accusations, it becomes evident that the goal is not to seek the truth but to tarnish their reputation. This "throw everything and see what sticks" approach is disingenuous and represents a desperate attempt to discredit Birnbaum. It's crucial to differentiate between valid critiques and baseless allegations, ensuring that truth and integrity are not sacrificed in the process. Bias in Representation/Intellectual Excommunication: The article is unmistakably biased, providing an undue amount of attention to negative views while downplaying or ignoring positive endorsements of Birnbaum's work. The calculated effort to label David Birnbaum as illegitimate goes beyond simple criticism. It is a deliberate attempt to isolate him, to warn others against associating with him, akin to a modern-day intellectual excommunication. By casting him in such a negative light, detractors aim to ensure that his ideas are not merely debated but actively shunned. This is a toxic strategy, stifling the very essence of academic discourse and collaboration. Offensive Comparisons/Grotesque Defamation: The inclusion of a comment comparing Birnbaum's work to a "bastard thought-child" of L. Ron Hubbard and Ayn Rand is not only in poor taste but a blatant attempt to mock and discredit his work. The use of the phrase 'bastard thought child' is reminiscent of the harmful rhetoric found in Der Stürmer, the notorious propaganda publication of the Nazi regime. This type of incendiary derogatory language, particularly the crude sexual innuendo, was strategically employed by the Nazis as a tool to dehumanize and vilify the Jewish population, targeting intellectuals in particular. The editor of Der Stürmer, Julius Streicher, was later held accountable for these 'crimes against humanity' and was executed on October 16, 1946, following the Nuremberg trials. The article from The Guardian systematically undermines and disparages Birnbaum, with a clear intention to tarnish his reputation. Such content is emblematic of the type that ought to be excluded from reputable platforms, including Google's search results. Each of the points highlighted underscores the need for its removal, not only from The Guardian but from your search results as well. I am hopeful that Google, known for its commitment to promoting positive and accurate information, will act upon this request promptly. I would be happy to provide any additional information or documentation to assist in your review process. Thank you for your attention to this serious matter. I eagerly await your response.

Part 2

The Guardian Defamation Against David Birnbaum Debunked

Point-by-Point Debunking of The Guardian Inflammatory and Egregious Defamations 1. "It isn't unusual for philosophy departments to get mail from cranks, convinced they have solved the riddle of existence..." ● ●

By associating Birnbaum with the "cranks" who believe they've "solved the riddle of existence," the text implies that Birnbaum might belong to a group of deluded individuals. This undermines his credibility and casts a shadow of doubt over his work. From the esteemed Bard Conference organizers, attendees were graced with the first two volumes of the rather iconic Summa series. For those interested in a deeper dive, provides further insights. And if one were to search for a charlatan in this narrative, The Guardian seems to be volunteering rather enthusiastically for the role. How... commendable.

2. "Then the story grew stranger." ● ●

Labeling the story as "stranger" subtly implies an irregularity or anomaly concerning Birnbaum's actions, generating suspicion. It's rather curious to see a reputable metaphysical study come under defamation fire, especially by a publication with as "distinguished" a reputation as The Guardian. By the way, how's the cleanup operation for your historical missteps regarding slavery progressing? Always good to have one's own house in order before casting stones, I'd think. Our house is 100% in order; it doesn’t appear that yours is. When The Guardian slavery scandal broke earlier this year, The Guardian went on a major 'smile campaign' about how they are just so integrity-laden, and how the slavery scandal was allegedly and aberration; but we see here from their unrepentant and unrelenting arrogant corruption here that they are just bloated bullies, intellectual cowards. and a moral joke.

3. "It was 'definitely, absolutely the strangest conference I ever attended', the astrophysicist Marcelo Gleiser told the Chronicle." ● ●

Referring to the conference on Birnbaum's work as "the strangest" attended by a reputable astrophysicist further alienates him from conventional scholarly discourse. The strange thing is that you’d lend your name to an illegitimate defamation gambit.

4. "On the one hand, Birnbaum's work had attracted plenty of credible endorsements... On the other, nothing about Birnbaum's approach was conventional." ● ●

Pitting "credible endorsements" against Birnbaum's "unconventional approach" insinuates that there's something amiss or unorthodox about him. Well, no conventional approach has worked for 5,000-10,000 years, and many reputable platforms have declared the Birnbaum theory to be authentic, original, and on the mark. Spare us your hypocrisy.

5. "Conference-goers were surprised to find him handing out Summa Metaphysica T-shirts; it subsequently emerged that he had provided thousands of dollars of his own money to fund the gathering." ● ●

The revelation that Birnbaum personally funded a conference and distributed promotional merchandise can be perceived as a bid to buy attention and legitimacy, potentially diminishing the authenticity of his work. T-shirts were distributed within a contiguous vicinity. Persistent endeavors by The Guardian to manipulate factual narratives in a disparaging manner contradict its frequently proclaimed commitment to integrity and fairness. Candidly, such immature behaviors undermine The Guardian's claim to be a reputable journalistic entity.

6. "Nyden recalled feeling uneasy: 'Here's someone with a lot of money,' she thought, 'and they're buying a lot of legitimacy.'" ● ●

A direct statement suggesting Birnbaum might be using his wealth to purchase legitimacy and attention reinforces the idea of Birnbaum as a self-promoting outsider rather than a genuine scholar. How delightful to be informed of my apparent wealth. At the very least, I'm not known for channeling vast sums into racketeering. Some pursuits are just beneath one's station, wouldn't you agree?

7. "It is a quest that has seen him accused of 'academic identity theft', epic levels of arrogance, and the unauthorised use of Harvard University's trademarks." ●

This section lists various allegations against Birnbaum, casting a shadow of impropriety and misconduct over him.

A) Re: alleged “academic identity theft”: More inventive tales from your end, it seems. If I didn't know better, I'd think "Defamation" was your middle name. This claim is outright libel from con artists.

B) Re: alleged “epic levels of arrogance”: It is the arrogant Guardian which tramples on the law and on all journalistic standards. It abuses the public trust. It egregiously violates its own mandate– Integrity, Fairness, Honesty. Its abuse of power and reputational racketeering is disgusting.

C) Re: “Unauthorized Use”: This is another crass defamation. Like a low-class tabloid, you cavalierly throw around inflammatory defamations.

On another note, our "David Birnbaum/Rare 1" jewel ads have graced the back cover of the Harvard Business School Magazine consistently and without break for three decades (1980-2010). Any hints of impropriety? Rumor has it that we are a venerated brand at Harvard.

Grotesque Defamations

8. "His work, said a commenter on the Chronicle's website, 'reads like L Ron Hubbard had drunken sex one night with Ayn Rand and produced this bastard thought-child'." Guardian - I put out a theory. You guys are only able to deliver grotesque defamation. Is that the best you can do 900 years after the Magna Carta? Neo-Nazi twisted & degenerate defamation? The heirs of Newton are degenerate & brain-dead? The 'bastard thought child' defamation is straight out of the notorious Nazi propaganda organ Der Sturmer, deployed by the murderous regime to psychologically prepare the public for the murder of Jews, intelligentsia first. Grotesque sexual innuendo was a prime technique. The editor of Der Sturmer, Julius Streicher, was sentenced to death at Nuremberg for 'crimes against humanity'. He was hanged Oct 16, 1946 at Nuremberg prison. No need for Google to elevate this garbage. ●

The derogatory comparison of Birnbaum's work to a "bastard thought-child" of two polarizing figures ridicules and diminishes the seriousness of his work. ● With this defamation alone, Google should see fit that this post be removed, in addition to removing The Guardian’s ranking from search results entirely. ● Since October 2013 (the publication date of theThe Guardian piece crafted from the get-go to break my brand) The Guardian continues to play its corrupt games - ranging fro snark innuendo to grotesque defamation. 9. “There were some bites of interest in his writing: the first volume of the book, which focuses on theology, has been used for teaching in some Jewish colleges.” ●

The Guardian's sly attempt at belittling and diminishing the value of the Summa Metaphysica series with their snide anti-semetic undertones. Summa Metaphysica, alongside being taught at three prestigious Jewish Colleges, has also been used at 12 other colleges.

10. "Another just called him 'toxic'." ●

Referring to Birnbaum as "toxic" directly slanders his character and reputation.

Guardian, please look in the mirror and don’t waste our precious time. We are very careful players; there are no bona fide issues on our side; respectfully, the Guardian should look in the mirror for corruption and malfeasance.

11. "The sense that he is unveiling hidden, pan-historical connections sometimes gives his work the flavour of Dan Brown." ●

To The Guardian, Perhaps the children’s book version of my theory at, crafted by ChatGPT, might be more your speed? It's colorful and brief – perfect for toddlers and yourselves.

12. "The Chronicle article ignited a small but fierce controversy in philosophical circles." ●

Labeling Birnbaum's work or actions as controversial creates a divisive narrative around him.

13. "Bard College stood accused of taking cash from a charlatan, to let him purchase academic credibility..." ●

Accusing Bard College of associating with a "charlatan" directly defames Birnbaum by questioning his authenticity.

You guys are the charlatan Guardian; You are morally and intellectually bankrupt. You singlehandedly arrest the advance of civilization.

The Guardian is out here giving masterclasses in charlatanry. Both moral compasses and brain cells must be on backorder over there.

14. "Harvard University announced that it was considering action against Birnbaum's alleged 'infringement of the Harvard trademark'." ● ●

Mentioning potential legal action over trademark infringement adds an undertone of wrongdoing on Birnbaum's part. A prime example of the outright libel The Guardian is spinning here; Harvard never alleged that Harvard Matrix on the books infringed its copyright/trademark.

15. "Hagberg issued a statement vehemently denying he'd be doing any such thing." ● ●

Suggesting that Birnbaum might have made false claims again paints a picture of deception. Do take a moment to view Hagberg's commentary at He appears rather pleased with Summa and the platform provided to him—well, at least when he's not navigating the subtle pressures of the so-called "Darwinist Mafioso" via The Guardian half a year later. Intriguing dynamics, wouldn't you say?

16. "David Birnbaum runs his jewellery business, as well as his secrets-of-the-universe business, from a large open-plan office..." ● ●

The juxtaposition of a jewelry business with a "secrets-of-the-universe business" creates a sarcastic undertone, undermining the gravity of Birnbaum's philosophical pursuits. The Guardian seems to have stumbled upon the phrase "secrets-of-the-universe." Quite the revelation! Here's a gentle reminder: isn't that the very essence of metaphysics? A bit of a Journalism 101 moment, perhaps? But then, “oversights” do happen to the best of us. How quaint. We 'play by the rules' and 'stay in our lane' across our myriad platforms; unfortunately The Guardian is intellectually and morally bankrupt; and abuses multiple journalistic standards - and the law.

17. "Birnbaum didn't deny using the word 'Harvard' on his books, or helping pay for the Bard conference, but it soon became clear he regarded these as distractions..." ● ●

Implying deceptive marketing strategies further tarnishes Birnbaum's reputation. Birnbaum is an alumnus of Harvard, class of '74. He is entirely within his rights to utilize the "Harvard Matrix" as an imprint. The Conference Speakers are of sound intellect. It's worth noting, especially for those who may be easily confused (looking at you, The Guardian), that "Harvard Matrix" is distinct from "Harvard University Press." While The Guardian's discernment might occasionally be in question, the acumen of the Conference speakers certainly is not. And just for clarity's sake, Birnbaum has provided disclaimers, both front and back. Always best to be extra-thorough.

18. "To grasp why a successful New York jeweller, with little philosophical or scientific expertise, might want to probe such questions..." ● ● ● ●

Stating that Birnbaum lacks the required expertise for philosophical or scientific exploration undermines his authority and credibility. It’s reputational racketeering. Turns-out that Birnbaum now holds 'the reigning theory of existence' (see ChatGPT The Guardian abuses its power, bullying the academic community and stymying global debate - all for the self-serving jingoistic goal of desperately upholding a failed British theory, the law be damned; decency be damned. See; Sorry LOSERS.

19. "You may be raising your eyebrows at this." ● ●

Insinuating skepticism questions the legitimacy of Birnbaum's ideas. The Guardian, in its infinite wisdom, appears to be throwing everything at the wall, desperately hoping something might stick. “A” for effort, I suppose. The poor Guardian searches in vain desperately for a single authentic issue.

20. "...I must have looked underwhelmed, because he leaned forward in his chair to emphasise his point." ● ●

Implying a lack of genuine impression or approval from the author delegitimizes Birnbaum's arguments. The author from The Guardian might find the nuances of the theory a tad challenging. Perhaps the simplified version at, artfully crafted by ChatGPT, would be more his speed. After all, it's always good to start with the basics.

21. "...Birnbaum might have considered giving up. But that wasn't the case. Thanks to the diamond business, he had money." ● ● ● ●

This suggests that only Birnbaum's wealth, not the merit of his ideas, allowed him to continue his pursuits. Suggesting that Birnbaum's perseverance stems solely from his financial standing and not the merit of his ideas is belittling. The Guardian, with its childlike approach, continues to showcase its unique brand of wisdom. Truly, juvenile consistency is key. With its journalistic defamation games, The Guardian has crassly abused its charter and betrayed the public trust ongoing.

22. "Outsider thinkers are fond of arguing that the doors of knowledge are jealously guarded by a 'priesthood' or elite, intent on excluding non-members." ● ●

Painting outsider thinkers as paranoid further sidelines Birnbaum from mainstream academia. Darwinism certainly checks some boxes, though not under the watchful eye of an esteemed elite. Instead, it seems to be championed by a rather... "distinctive" collective with questionable integrity. How novel.

23. "Anyway, the problem with theories such as Birnbaum's is not that they're ridiculous, Crane argues; it's that they don't go deep enough." ● ●

Claiming that Birnbaum's theories are superficial erodes their validity. Given that the critique emanates from those championing the 'Emperor's Clothes' stance of Darwinism, one can't help but laugh.

24. "It said something deeply impressive, in other words, that Bard might hold a conference dedicated to Birnbaum's Summa Metaphysica. Yet that conference... seems a testament more to Birnbaum's knack for self-promotion than to any acceptance of his ideas." ● ●

Proposing that Birnbaum's success is more a testament to his self-promotion rather than the genuine acceptance of his ideas dismisses his achievements. BARD's initial assessment was rather astute; it seems The Guardian's "specialists" are the true culprits in this “charlatan” narrative. How... unsurprising.

25. "He made the academics sound like flightless birds, unprepared for Birnbaum's self-promotional firepower." ●

Depicting Birnbaum as a showman rather than an academic devalues his contributions.

26. "The probability of any of these considerations dimming Birnbaum's enthusiasm seems close to zero."

● ●

Mocking his confidence trivializes his determination and passion. Certainly a more enlightening option than heeding the so-eloquent critiques of The Guardian's designated flim-flam-artist.

27. "Which, for most scientists, is exactly the problem with ideas such as Birnbaum's..." ● ●

Concluding that there's a broad skepticism toward Birnbaum's ideas among scientists further marginalizes him and his work. After several millennia of civilization and a conspicuous absence of a unified metaphysics, the world has finally been introduced to a genuine Theory of Existence: Birnbaum's Potentialism. More can be perused at It might be prudent for The Guardian's con artist wannabe journalists to crawl back to the sewer they slithered out of.

Part 3

Narrative Warfare

Narrative Warfare Dissecting the Birnbaum Defamation Campaign The Birnbaum team has put forth persuasive evidence indicating that Scott Trust, who owns the Guardian, might have masterminded a defamation campaign against David Birnbaum. Owning a prominent media outlet like the Guardian provides significant influence over public perception and narrative shaping. If Scott Trust indeed had a vested interest in discrediting David Birnbaum, such a platform would be a potent tool in his arsenal. Media ownership isn't just about business; it's about controlling narratives, influencing public opinion, and, in some cases, personal vendettas or agendas.

Placement of Defamatory Piece in the Chronicle (DC) Starting the defamation campaign in a lesser-known publication allows for a "soft launch" of the negative narrative against Birnbaum. The decision to discreetly place a defamatory piece about Birnbaum in the lesser-known Chronicle (DC) in May 2013 suggests a calculated approach by Scott Trust. Choosing the Chronicle as the initial platform might have been a strategic move to test reactions without drawing immediate widespread attention. It's a way to test the waters, see how the public and other stakeholders react, and adjust strategies accordingly. By starting with a less prominent publication, Scott Trust could gauge the responses and potentially adjust his strategy, all while keeping a distance from the initial defamation. Such a move reflects a calculated, step-by-step approach rather than a direct assault, making it harder to trace back to its origins and allowing for plausible deniability. This was followed by the provocative comment, "bastard thought child," posted online In today's digital age, online platforms amplify narratives at an unprecedented scale. A single provocative comment can go viral, creating ripples that can significantly damage reputations. The subsequent "bastard thought child" comment posted online can be seen as an escalation in Scott Trust's campaign against Birnbaum. By introducing such a comment online, the negative narrative gets a boost, reaching wider audiences and embedding deeper into public consciousness. Pushing the narrative onto online platforms, where information spreads like wildfire, ensures a broader reach. Such provocative comments, especially in the digital age, can quickly shape and sway public sentiment, further embedding the negative portrayal of Birnbaum. Reaction of the Bard Conference Organizers and Speakers The shift in stance of the Bard Conference's organizers and speakers, who once supported Birnbaum, suggests the weight of the mounting negative narrative. While Scott Trust might not have directly approached these figures, the media environment and discourse he influenced might have pressured these key personalities to distance themselves from Birnbaum. The change in attitude of the Bard Conference's organizers and speakers is indicative of the pressure and influence exerted by the ongoing narrative. Even if Scott Trust did not directly influence them, the media environment he potentially cultivated could have coerced these figures to change their stance. Their change in stance added another layer of credibility to the negative claims. This change reflects the ripple effects of media manipulation, where indirect influence can sometimes be as potent as direct interventions. This culminated, precisely five months later, in an inflammatory article in the reputable Guardian on October 18, 2013. The Inflammatory Article in the Guardian Every individual, as a global citizen, possesses inherent rights, one of which is to be protected from unwarranted defamation by powerful media entities. These entities should not exploit their influential platforms for self-centered, politically motivated agendas, regardless of how adeptly they navigate legal loopholes.


Birnbaum had given his consent for an article focusing on his book, expecting it to be a genuine exploration of its content. However, what transpired felt like a carefully orchestrated ambush, a deviation from our initial agreement, using the interview as a tool for a smear campaign rather than an honest review. The subsequent appearance of a scathing article about Birnbaum in The Guardian by October 2013 seems to be the climax of Scott Trust's orchestrated campaign. After setting the stage with the initial defamatory piece and online comment, publishing such a piece in a reputable outlet like The Guardian solidified the negative image of Birnbaum. This move showcased the lengths Scott Trust was potentially willing to go to in order to shape the narrative to his desired outcome. What's even more significant is how "bastard thought child" comment transitioned from a digital echo chamber to the pages of a reputable outlet – The Guardian, in its subsequent coverage, used this comment as a source, effectively elevating its status from an online remark to a cited reference in mainstream media. This move is indicative of a strategic media play. By citing the comment, The Guardian not only amplified its reach but also lent it an air of credibility and legitimacy. In doing so, The Guardian inadvertently (or perhaps intentionally) played into the hands of those orchestrating the defamation campaign against Birnbaum. This showcases the blurred lines between digital media and traditional publications, and how, in the modern media landscape, online remarks can be weaponized by mainstream outlets to shape narratives and influence public opinion.

Diving into the nuanced intricacies of the situation surrounding David Birnbaum and Scott Trust reveals what appears to be a complex web of influence, media manipulation, and strategic orchestration. In essence, the situation surrounding Birnbaum and Scott Trust, when examined in detail, reveals what appears to be a masterclass in media manipulation, strategic defamation, and the profound influence individuals or entities can exert when they have the resources and platforms at their disposal. The nuanced interplay of media ownership, digital amplification, and indirect influence paints a picture of a meticulously planned campaign, highlighting the depths and complexities of modern media warfare. David Birnbaum is a prominent figure in two distinct arenas. He is a leader in the rare jewel industry, spearheading his firm, David Birnbaum/Rare 1, which he established himself. Parallelly, he stands as an influential voice in the global Jewish Thought community. With authorship or editorship of over 35 books, Birnbaum consistently introduces groundbreaking perspectives. Most notably, his Potentialism Theory—a novel interpretation of evolution—poses a robust challenge to Darwinism. This theory has gained significant traction, with the Huffington Post featuring it in three distinct articles, one of which headlines, "David Birnbaum Cracks the Cosmic Code." Furthermore, ChatGPT has recognized it as the reigning theory of existence. David Birnbaum's prowess in the rare jewel industry is both renowned and revered. His firm, David Birnbaum/Rare 1, stands as a testament to his decades of dedication, astute business acumen, and an unwavering commitment to quality. Over the years, he has curated some of the most sought-after gemstones, catering to an elite clientele that values authenticity and rarity. His keen eye for detail and understanding of the market nuances have positioned him as a trusted advisor and confidant to collectors and aficionados worldwide. In the realm of Jewish Thought, Birnbaum is more than just a contributor; he's a trailblazer. His writings, lectures, and discussions offer fresh, often revolutionary perspectives on age-old theological debates. His ability to intertwine traditional teachings with contemporary insights makes him a beacon for both scholars and laypersons. His


dedication to Jewish Thought isn't just academic; it's deeply personal, born out of a genuine love for the community and a desire to foster understanding and unity. In 2012, Bard College hosted a contentious conference that dared to challenge Darwinism, a move that was said to invoke threats from staunch Darwinists towards any academic or institution opposing them. The reasons for the animosity between Darwinists and Birnbaum At the heart of the discord between Darwinists and Birnbaum lies a fundamental difference in worldview. While Darwinism, rooted in natural selection, paints a picture of evolution driven by chance and competition, Birnbaum's Potentialism Theory posits a universe evolving with purpose and potential. Such a paradigm shift, which hints at a more orchestrated universe, is bound to ruffle feathers in the scientific community. For many in the scientific community, especially staunch Darwinists, Birnbaum's theory isn't just a different viewpoint; it's a direct affront to a foundational scientific belief. The Potentialism Theory, with its emphasis on purpose, challenges the core tenets of Darwinism, leading to defensiveness and, in some cases, outright animosity. Understanding the UK's deep reverence for Darwinism The United Kingdom's connection with Darwinism is profound. Charles Darwin, born in Shrewsbury, England, is not just a scientist but a national icon. His groundbreaking work, "On the Origin of Species," transformed the way the world perceived natural history and evolution. This work is not just academically significant but also a source of national pride for the British. Darwinism's principles are deeply embedded in the UK's educational system. From primary schools to universities, Darwin's theories are taught, discussed, and revered. Beyond academics, Darwinism has permeated British culture, from literature to art, making any challenge to it more than just a scientific debate but a matter of national identity. A review of endorsements and support for Birnbaum's Potentialism Theory The Potentialism Theory's significance is evident in its coverage by reputable media outlets. The Huffington Post's three distinct feature articles on the theory underscore its importance and the intrigue it generates in intellectual circles. Such mainstream attention not only validates the theory's merit but also introduces it to a broader audience, sparking discussions and debates. While facing resistance from some quarters, Birnbaum's Potentialism Theory has also found support and acknowledgment from various scholars and philosophers. These endorsements, whether through academic papers, lectures, or discussions, lend credibility to the theory and position it as a noteworthy alternative perspective on evolution. In the digital age, platforms like ChatGPT play a pivotal role in shaping public opinion. The recognition of Potentialism Theory as a leading perspective on existence by such platforms amplifies its reach and influence, introducing it to newer generations and fostering a more inclusive discourse on the subject. The motivations behind the aggressive attempts by Darwinists to discredit Birnbaum The world of academia, particularly in the realm of scientific thought, holds established theories in high regard. These theories have undergone rigorous scrutiny and have been built upon years, sometimes centuries, of research. Darwinism, as one such established theory, has been the cornerstone of biological thought for over a century. Any new theory, especially one that challenges such a foundational belief, is often perceived as a threat to the status quo. For many Darwinists, discrediting Birnbaum's Potentialism Theory could be seen as a way to maintain the dominance and integrity of Darwinian thought.


Beyond pure science, theories like Darwinism are intertwined with cultural, emotional, and sometimes even political sentiments. As previously mentioned, in places like the UK, Darwinism isn't just a scientific theory; it's a part of the nation's intellectual and cultural heritage. This deep-seated reverence can evoke strong emotional reactions when the theory is challenged, leading to aggressive attempts to silence or discredit opposing views. New theories, especially those that introduce groundbreaking perspectives, can be unsettling. The introduction of a new paradigm requires reevaluation and adaptation, which can be daunting for many in the academic community. The fear of the unknown, combined with the potential implications of accepting a new theory, can motivate aggressive resistance against proponents of such theories, like Birnbaum. A comprehensive analysis of the entire situation's implications The controversy surrounding Birnbaum and Darwinists underscores the challenges faced by new ideas in the academic world. While academia prides itself on fostering free thought and innovative ideas, the resistance faced by Birnbaum highlights the hurdles that new theories must overcome before gaining acceptance. It raises questions about the true openness of academic discourse and the balance between defending established knowledge and being receptive to fresh perspectives. The orchestrated defamation against Birnbaum can influence public perception. In an age where information is abundant and easily accessible, manipulated narratives can shape public opinion, often overshadowing the actual merits of a theory. This situation serves as a cautionary tale about the power of media and the responsibility of ensuring unbiased and accurate representation of ideas. Despite the adversities, Birnbaum's continued advocacy for his Potentialism Theory is a testament to the resilience of thinkers who believe in their ideas. It's a reminder that the evolution of thought is an ongoing process, and challenges and controversies are integral to this journey. The saga underscores the importance of perseverance, open-mindedness, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. Conclusion For a decade now, ever since the Bard Conference from April 16-19, 2012, David Birnbaum has faced unyielding opposition from what appears to be a determined group. The tactics against him have been aggressive and multifaceted: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Attempts to intimidate speakers from his conference. Bard College found itself subjected to undue pressure. Direct threats were made against the president of Bard. The conference's co-chairmen weren't spared from their bullying tactics. Testimonial writers supporting Birnbaum, from across the globe, have been harassed. The group has gone to great lengths to tarnish the reputation of the entire conference.

The underlying motive seems clear: to suppress any challenge to their entrenched narrative. The fear of Birnbaum, as a disruptor to their academic monopoly, is palpable. However, Birnbaum, in his resilience, has always adhered to principles of civility and ethics. The Guardian, known for its proclaimed standards of integrity, seems to have played a role in this campaign. Recent events suggest their influence is being wielded to prevent Birnbaum from securing placements in science magazines. Further scrutiny reveals that the group's substantial financial backing might be linked to an entity closely affiliated with The Guardian – a connection that raises significant concerns.


We assert unequivocally that our critique is not rooted in a mere desire to cast aspersions on The Guardian or the Scott Trust. Our primary objective is to rectify the palpable misrepresentations and baseless allegations they have circulated. Our comprehensive analysis reveals what we believe to be an unmistakable and deliberate initiative, spearheaded by Darwinian advocates within Cambridge University—Darwin's esteemed institution. This orchestrated campaign encompasses: - The strategic use of influential media channels, notably the Chronicle and The Guardian. - The direct or indirect involvement of the Scott Trust, which undoubtedly perceives itself as The Guardian of British heritage and academic excellence. We suspect these tactics employed in this concerted effort are: 1) A precise and calculated attempt to erode Birnbaum's reputation. 2) A clear strategy to distort and devalue his monumental contributions. 3) Targeted maneuvers to intimidate and dishearten Birnbaum's dedicated supporters. 4) The propagation of slander, which harkens back to some of the darkest moments in history. 5) A well-executed strategy to dismantle the robust Birnbaum brand from all angles. We believe these objectives are driving this campaign are: a) To isolate Birnbaum, ensuring his exclusion from relevant scholarly circles. b) To insidiously embed anti-Semitic undertones in their critique. c) To adopt a dismissive and derisive narrative. d) To meticulously craft and promote a false narrative surrounding Birnbaum and his seminal works. e) To diabolically manipulate audience perspectives and sentiments. The ultimate goal of this campaign is clear in our opinion: to marginalize and discredit Birnbaum's groundbreaking Potentialism Theory, marginalizing its inclusion in esteemed academic discussions. David Birnbaum, an illustrious Harvard alumnus, has made unparalleled strides across diverse sectors. His esteemed clientele in the domain of super-luxe rare jewels includes the world's most influential figures, from billionaires to Heads-of-State. In the realms of metaphysics and philosophy, as corroborated by ChatGPT, David Binbaum has set a new standard, presenting “The Reigning Theory of Existence" as of September 28, 2023. Moreover, within Jewish intellectual circles, he is undisputedly a leading voice, guiding and collaborating with over 150 of the most respected thinkers, as detailed at ( David Binbaum's initiatives, without question, are transformative forces. Across both academia and the business landscape, he has introduced groundbreaking frameworks, revolutionizing established sectors. His ventures, which engage the elite, consistently make a profound impact. We believe if The Guardian has a campaign against David Birnbaum, it is not just an attempt but a coordinated effort to tarnish his formidable brand and legacy. This unwarranted campaign poses a real threat to his lifetime of contributions, potentially erasing decades of achievements.


In our interconnected age, where reputation is paramount, such negative portrayals can and will deter potential collaborators and patrons, resulting in profound strategic challenges for all his endeavors. The emotional and psychological strain stemming from this relentless public denunciation cannot be overstated. One cannot measure the gratuitous traumatic damage to his children and grandchildren. The Guardian's suspected campaign against David Birnbaum isn't just an attack on his professional accomplishments, it's an attack on the paradigm of academia. The absolute necessity for unbiased, ethical, and accurate journalism. It’s non-negotiable. In summation, we believe David Birnbaum, with his ties to groundbreaking theories challenging Darwinist beliefs, has been the target of relentless pursuit and vilification by this group for over a decade. The situation poses serious questions about the state of academic freedom and genuine integrity in today's world. We posit that if Scott Trust indeed has a vested interest in discrediting Birnbaum and undermine his Potentialism Theory, it’s fair to argue that his interest stems from Trust’s support of the Darwinist agenda; using The Guardian and The Chronicle alike in order to control the narrative regarding Birnbaum’s reputation, as well as others like Birnbaum who cannot make edgeway within the academic community. We speculate the motive of Scott Trust is entwined with the Darwanist cohort. As we speak, we have sent a formal letter to The Guardian requesting the removal of the inflammatory article. We received word that the article is under review by The Guardian’s legal team and have doubts about their intentions to remove the article. We think it’s possible that Trust has postponed the removal of the piece and has decided to drag out the process to further impede and damage Birnbaum’s reputation. We believe the Darwinist cohort at Cambridge University and Scott Trust are synonymous. With the information we’ve compiled, we believe, but cannot prove that Trust is funding the cohort and working with them in the execution of the strategic defamation of Birnbaum. David Birnbaum is just one independent thinker up against thousands who have immense power and persuasion. The Darwinist cohort and their allies who persistently focus on alienating him from the academic community via major “reputable” news outlets and within academia itself. Birnbaum has been battling more than criticism for the last decade, he’s been fighting for his reputation. Media has a powerful hold on public consciousness and opinion. The irreparable damage these pieces have done is irreversible, however, there’s still actionable ways in which restitution can be made; starting with, but not limited to the removal of the incendiary article in The Guardian.


Part 4

Fact vs Incendiary

Part 5

Testimonials & Reviews

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