Items Circulated
1,560,825 physical
433,776 digital
New Library Cards Issued
Door Count
506,283 visitors
Summer Reading Program
10,190 total participation
Wifi Users
New items added to the collection
41,835 Programs & Attendance
2,915 programs
71,683 patrons
• Developed and began circulating “Connectivity Kits,” – a wi-fi hotspot and laptop computer packaged together. Perfect for students, job seekers and more.
• Added Kanopy to MidPointe’s eLibrary. This digital platform provides free access to critically acclaimed movies, inspiring documentaries and award-winning foreign films.
• Launched the MidPointe Library Foundation, devoted to raising funds keep YOUR Library strong.
• Expanded hours at ALL MidPointe locations to increase access and convenience throughout the service area.
Public Library Fund State Funding
$6,754,498 (64%)
Property Tax Levy Local Funding
$3,410,506 (32%)
Investments & Earning
$233,369 (2%)
Replacement & Fees
$26,273 (.25%)
$48,340 (.45%)
Donations & Misc
$143,355 (1.3%)
Salaries & Benefits
$4,984,378 (51%)
Library Materials
$1,479,970 (15%)
Purchased Services & Supplies
$1,784,905 (19%)
Facilities Projects
$331,319 (3%)
Capital Purchases
$1,010,599 (11%)
Hold Locker Circulation
Items Circulated
Jamie Aubin Branch Manager
Door Count
99,025 visitors
Programs & Attendance
320 programs
6,853 patrons
• MidPointe has purchased land to build a new Liberty Township location. The future MidPointe Library Liberty will offer outdoor programming space, easily accessible parking, increased shelving for the collection and much more.
• Holiday events were very popular with over 100 children visiting for Storytime with Santa.
• Events coordinated by Liberty Township, including Breakfast with Santa and the Fall Festival, were well attended and a great opportunity to share the exciting things happening at the Library.
Meeting Room Reservations
Items Circulated
Amy Abernathy
Branch Manager
Door Count
83,906 visitors
Programs & Attendance
647 programs
10,757 patrons
• Offered free access to a case manager, connecting patrons with assistance and community resources.
• Engagement in Summer Reading Program was outstanding. It was amazing to see so many come back for in-person programming and enjoying the library!
• MidPointe Library Middletown partnered with Middletown City Schools to offer programming during Personalized Learning Days.
• Partnered with Children’s Hunger Alliance to offer summer food service, providing lunch to children all summer long.
Meeting Room Reservations
1,037 Door Count
35,179 visitors
Items Circulated
Jennifer Riley-Johnson Branch Manager jriley-johnson@midpointelibrary.org
Programs & Attendance
500 programs
12,697 patrons
• Offering health services to the community with Premier Health/ Atrium’s monthly health screenings, mobile blood donations, mobile mammography, and free COVID tests.
• Started visiting Edgewood 5th and 6th grade classes.
• Began offering outdoor programming utilizing Shakespurr’s Shade.
• Second busiest branch for outreach and library programming.
Meeting Room Reservations
Items Circulated
Door Count
247,416 visitors
971,987 Programs & Attendance
802 programs
22,093 patrons
• Through a partnership with EDGE Teen Center and an increase in branch programming, we found a new way to welcome our teen patrons.
• Passport services resumed at West Chester and 299 passport applications were submitted.
• We partnered with the West Chester Senior Coalition and the Council on Aging to host Friends, Food & Fun every Friday. Providing a location for our senior community to gather, learn about local resources and have lunch provided thanks to Meals on Wheels.
Meeting Room Reservations
81 Door Count
22,018 visitors
Items Circulated
Programs & Attendance
391 programs
3,953 patrons
• Celebrated the first complete year of full service since closure due to the pandemic.
• Restarted passport services and increased appointment availability.
• Distributed 200 meals to the children of the community with the summer lunch program.
• Began hosting the Community Blood Center bloodmobile to encourage donations.
Schools Visited
Items Circulated
Door Count
18,589 visitors
Rebekah Brate Branch Manager rbrate@midpointelibrary.org
Outreach & Attendance
241 programs
9,934 patrons
• A new, grant-funded Library vehicle arrived, making its first appearance in summer parades before beginning its service to transport items for the new Pop-Up Library.
• Library on Wheels continued their partnership with the Toys for Tots program with its annual Stuff the Bus event. With the help of the Library’s collection locations, gifts were provided for 15,011 children in Butler and Warren counties.
• LOW librarians began engaging students with a special 5th grade book club partially led by the students themselves.
Launched in 2022, the MidPointe Library Foundation is a component fund of the Middletown Community Foundation.
All funds raised are used to support the MidPointe Library System’s mission and ensure a thriving future.
The MidPointe Library Foundation supports new and existing initiatives of the Library to ensure financial stability, access to vital resources and more.
One of the primary goals of the MidPointe Library Foundation is to develop exceptional early literacy programs to give all local children the best start possible.
DREAM BIG. What can the Library provide with extra support? The MidPointe Library Foundation is here to help make those dreams a reality.
For information about ways to give scan the QR code