Midtown Magazine

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The New Year Detox Plan

Romantic Valentine’s Day Rendezvous

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Dressing For Date Night Page 102

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2010, 2011, 2012 –

coloring • cuts • makeup • straightening & conditioning • waxing • deva curl Now Open Mondays! Call Us Today For An Appointment. (919) 676-5799 www.luxsalonspa.net We have moved! Check us out at our new location! 8377 Creedmoor Rd (Towne North). Raleigh, NC 27613 mm 002-021 toc_letter.indd 17

12/19/12 8:52 AM

ON THE[SCENE] >>>sports

by Dave Droschak

Attracting The Best T riang le H as B ecome H otbed of Making the T riangle home, we’re all aware of the quality of life, the higher education opportunities virtually in our backyards and the ability to head to the mountains or beach on a half tank of gas. T he sports world has also taken notice of W ake C ounty. W ithin the last five years, the newly-branded G reater R aleigh S ports A lliance has helped attract an average of 70 events, resulting in a total of $150 million of economic impact to the area. T he G reater R aleigh S ports A lliance markets R aleigh and W ake C ounty for sporting events, tournaments, championships and sports-related meetings, then partners with venues such as the PNC

Sp or ting E vents.

A rena, W akeMed S occer Park and USA B aseball N ational T raining C omplex to provide a winning experience.

S cott D upree, the long-time executive director of the GRSA , says the ability to generate revenue off an event is the number one driving force

for decision makers, but top-notch venues are a close second. “W ithout it being cliché we have a handful of world-class facilities here,” D upree said. “F olks who make decisions on where to hold events want to be in the best facilities.” T he GRSA spends about $500,000 a year to attract $30 million in economic impact. D upree says more than 140 hotels, a central location along the E ast C oast and temperate weather are also factors as to why W ake C ounty has become a popular sports destination. O ne major event on the calendar in 2013 is scheduled for June 2nd. T he Ironman 70.3 R aleigh marks the first Ironman competition in the Carolinas. It includes a 1.2-mile swim in Jordan Lake, 56-mile bike ride and 13.1-mile run. T he triathlon sold out for competitors faster than any other Ironman 70.3 competition in the world. “W e are establishing a strong brand nationally. People around the country think of the R aleigh area as a great sports event destination,” D upree said.

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hunt and gather_bernard_jf.pdf



2:00 PM

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SHOP. DINE. Antonio’s Gourmet Anna & Alice Aveda Von Kekel Salon Spa The Chocolate Boutique Executive Office Suites Gigi’s Boutique Henry’s Gelato Jubala Village Coffee Mavalios Tealicious Gifts

Farmer’s Market Every Saturday 9am-12pm

Senior’s Day Last Tuesday of Every Month

Pets in the Plaza First Saturday of Every Month 11am-3pm

Wine Walk for Charity Third Thursday of Every Month 6pm-8pm

The Olive Wagon Ora Designers/Fine Jewelers Pampas at The Village Market Paparazzi Ristorante Italiano Savory Spice Shop Scotch Hall Preserve Simply Crepes The Spa at Lafayette Stelliana’s Petit Boutique

Sushi One TLC for Bikes Upper Crust Pie & Bakery Village Grill Village Market Village Optique Village Sculptor Vinos Finos Wine and Tapas Bar Virginia Crabtree

EXPLORE. Congrats to our 2012 Midtown Diamond Award Winners, Jubala Village Coffee and the Village Grill! LafayetteVillageRaleigh.com Raleigh’s European-style village with Locally Owned Shops & Restaurants

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calendar ofevents

January/February 2013

SCOTTY MCCREERY EXHIBIT January 1-4 | N.C. Museum of History 5 E. Edenton Street in Raleigh “Blues Celebration” members exhibition January 3-26 | Opening January 3 from 6-9pm 22 Glenwood South | localcoloraleigh.com LIBRARIES BEGIN THE NEW YEAR IN RHYTHM January 3, 19, 27 | wakegov.com/libraries FAMILY FUN SQUARE DANCE NIGHTS January 5 & 19 | February 2 & 16 First Baptist Church | Raleigh 99 N. Salisbury Street trianglesquaredance.org Farmer’s Market Every Saturday January 5, 12, 19, 26 | February 2, 9, 16, 23 9am-12pm | Lafayette Village 8450 Honeycutt Rd. | North Raleigh lafayettevillageraleigh.com open house January 6 | 2-4pm | Follow The Child Montessori School | 1215 Ridge Rd. | Raleigh 919.755.1150 | followthechild.org LEARN SOMETHING NEW ABOUT THE CLASSICS January 7, 14, 23, 24, 31 wakegov.com/libraries MAKING YOUR OLD BOOKS LOOK NEW AGAIN January 9, 14, 22, 24, 27, 28 wakegov.com/libraries St. David’s School Kindergarten Admissions Assessments January 10-11 | 3400 White Oak Rd. | Raleigh Call 919.782.3331 to schedule an appointment open house (A Day in the Life...) January 10, 24 | 8:15-11am St. Timothy’s School | 4523 Six Forks Rd. Raleigh | 919.781.0531 | sttimothys.org THE RALEIGH SCHOOL Kindergarten – 5TH PROSPECTIVE PARENTS January 11, 18, 25 | February 7, 25 9:15-11am | RSVP at 919.546.0788 ext. 117 raleighschool.org

THE RALEIGH SCHOOL 18 MONTHS – 5 YEARS PROSPECTIVE PARENTS January 11, 18, 25 | 9-10:30am January 15, 29 | 1-2:30pm February 1, 8, 15 | 9-10:30am February 5, 12, 19 | 1-2:30pm RSVP at 919.828.5351 | raleighschool.org

National Popcorn Day January 19th | Clothes Hound – Brennan Station shopclotheshound.com | 919.747.9000

Remembering and Writing: A Memoir Workshop January 14, 15, 30 | wakegov.com/libraries

Informational meeting for our summer trip to the South of France January 22 | 4:30-5:30pm Saint-Jacques French Cuisine | 919.862.2770 saintjacquesfrenchcuisine.com

Your Life Your Story: Tackling the Memoir January 14, 26, 30 | wakegov.com/libraries Group Tours – Pre-Kindergarten-4th grade January 15, 18, 23, 25, 30 | February 5, 7, 13, 15, 27 & 28 | 9:30am | St. Timothy’s School 4523 Six Forks Rd. | Raleigh | 919.781.0531 sttimothys.org

Drag Brunch benefiting Crape Myrtle Festival January 20 & February 17 | 12pm Solas Restaurant | crapemyrtlefest.org

Group Tours – 5th-8th grade January 22 & 28 | 1pm St. Timothy’s School | 4523 Six Forks Rd. Raleigh | 919.781.0531 | sttimothys.org

Informational meeting for our summer trips to Normandy January 16 | 4:30-5:30pm Saint-Jacques French Cuisine | 919.862.2770 saintjacquesfrenchcuisine.com Wine Walk for Charity January 17 & February 21 | 6-8pm Lafayette Village | 8450 Honeycutt Rd. | Raleigh | lafayettevillageraleigh.com Park Centre Spa Feed Your Body, Feed Your Skin: Nutrition Changes in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s January 17 | 6pm | American Institute of Healthcare & Fitness | 8300 Health Park | Raleigh Diana DeGarmo STARS in Nerds, A New Musical Comedy January 18-February 3 | AJ Fletcher Theater Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts 800.745.3000 | nctheatre.com St. David’s School Pre-Kindergarten Admissions Assessments January 18 | 3400 White Oak Rd. | Raleigh Call 919.782.3331 to schedule an appointment

Martinis, Manis, and Makeup January 31 | 5:30-8:30pm RSVP Required | Synergy Spa and Aesthetics | 2603 Glenwood Ave. Raleigh | 919.510.5130

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WInE DInnER January 23 | 6:30pm Saint-Jacques French Cuisine | 919.862.2770 saintjacquesfrenchcuisine.com

TRIanGlE aREa FaTHER/DauGHTER DanCE February 2 | 6-9pm Marbles Kids’ Museum | 201 E. Hargett St. Raleigh | www.dancewithdaddy.com

GROup TOuRS - 5TH-8TH GRaDE February 12, 26 | 1pm St. Timothy’s School | 4523 Six Forks Rd. Raleigh | 919.781.0531 | sttimothys.org

pROSpECTIvE paREnT InFORMaTIOn SESSIOn January 23 & February 6 | 9-10am Follow The Child Montessori School 1215 Ridge Rd. | Raleigh | 919.755.1150 followthechild.org

ST. DavID’S SCHOOl 1ST anD 2nD GRaDE aDMISSIOnS aSSESSMEnTS February 4 & 18 | 3400 White Oak Rd. | Raleigh | Call 919.782.3331 to schedule an appointment

SpECIal valEnTInE’S DaY DInnER February 14 | Saint-Jacques French Cuisine 919.862.2770 | saintjacquesfrenchcuisine.com

ST. DavID’S SCHOOl aDMISSIOnS OpEn HOuSE January 24 | 7-8:30pm 3400 White Oak Rd. | Raleigh Call 919.782.3331 to schedule an appointment

TRIanGlE WInE EXpERIEnCE DInnER February 7 | Saint-Jacques French Cuisine 919.862.2770 | saintjacquesfrenchcuisine.com

OpEn HOuSE January 26 | 10am-Noon St. Timothy’s School | 4523 Six Forks Rd. Raleigh | 919.781.0531 | sttimothys.org ORCHID OpEn HOuSE January 26 | 9am-5pm Atlantic Avenue | 5217 Atlantic Avenue | Raleigh | atlanticavenuegarden.com ST. DavID’S SCHOOl 3RD anD 4TH GRaDE aDMISSIOnS TESTInG January 28 & February 11 3400 White Oak Rd. | Raleigh Call 919.782.3331 to schedule an appointment SEnIOR’S DaY January 29 & February 26 | Lafayette Village 8450 Honeycutt Rd. | North Raleigh lafayettevillageraleigh.com COOkInG ClaSS January 29 & February 27 | 4:30pm Saint-Jacques French Cuisine | 919.862.2770 saintjacquesfrenchcuisine.com

THE EYES SaY IT all February 8 | 11am-2pm | The Dermatology Center | Suite 207 | Raleigh | 919-573-9030 tdcor.com valEnTInE’S TEa paRTY February 9 | 11:30am-1pm | Kidz Celebrate 6801 Falls of Neuse Rd., Raleigh 919.645.9799 | kidzcelebrate.com MaRDI GRaS WInE DInnER February 12 | 6:30pm | Saint-Jacques French Cuisine | 919.862.2770 saintjacquesfrenchcuisine.com

naIl CaRE aS YOu aGE – CRaCkInG, SplITTInG, OIlS anD InGROWn February 21 | 6pm | American Institute of Healthcare & Fitness | 8300 Health Park | Raleigh 3RD annual SHaRE TO CaRE EvEnT “nIGHT In napa” February 23 | 7:30-11:30pm Cypress Manor | 919.371.2062 TakE IT TO HEaRT: WOMEn’S HEaRT HEalTH DaY February 23 | 8am-2pm | Wake County Commons Building | 4011 Carya Drive | Raleigh | 1.888.ASK.DUKE

Have an important event? We would love to hear about it. Please send the details of your calendar events to: julie@midtownmag.com.

pET’S In THE plaZa January 5 & February 2 Lafayette Village 8450 Honeycutt Rd. | Raleigh lafayettevillageraleigh.com

pRETTY paRTY In RED February 1 | 5:30-9pm | Sheraton Imperial 1.888.ASK.DUKE TRIanGlE WEaR RED DaY February 2 | 1-3pm Crabtree Valley Mall | Promotional Court 919.463.8338 | trianglegoesred.org

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Gathering Voices and Momentum

Six Forks Corrido

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PHOTO © Pine hurs t Con cours d ’Elegan ce

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11:12 AM









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10/24/12 10:26 AM

we made a mistake!



By Christa Gala

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10/23/12 10:40 PM

On page 100 of our November/ December issue of Midtown Magazine we incorrectly identified the top left picture as “Mara Frank with her two boys A.J. and Tommy”. The woman pictured is actually their aunt, Jeanne Whitmore.

On page 39 of our November/ December issue of Midtown Magazine we put an incorrect price on the little black dress from Vermillion. Stop by their great store in North Hills to check it out!

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Keeping it in the Family Duke Primary Care’s family (practice) is growing By Page Leggett


he idea of a doctor who can treat the whole family and the whole person (body and mind) seems like something out of a bygone era. But the practice is alive, well and growing at Duke Primary Care. Family medicine came about as a reaction to the increasing number of medical specialties and subspecialties that began shortly after World War II. With more physicians specializing in specific practice areas, there was a concern there wouldn’t be enough generalists left to practice traditional medicine. In 1969, family medicine was recognized – a little ironically – as a distinct specialty in the United States. Family physicians diagnose and treat illness, offer preventive care and are the only physicians who treat people from “the cradle to the grave.” They are the utility players of medicine. Matthew

Hayes, DO of Duke Primary Care Waverly Place in Cary, says a family doctor should be able to treat 90 percent of people’s issues. And when they need to refer a patient to a specialist, they can coordinate their care. Dr. Hayes is a family physician with a specialty in the spine and musculoskeletal system and a particular interest in sports medicine. He’s a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine – a DO – who’s trained to do back and neck adjustments. DOs are not chiropractors. They are fully licensed physicians who can prescribe medicine; they simply have a different type of medical school training. Women and babies There’s usually no patient too young for a family physician to see. “Children do not generally need both a pediatrician and a family doctor,” says Melissa Reed, MD of Duke Primary

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