Midtown Magazine

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JULY AUGUST 2012 Music on the Green – Bailey’s May 1 | 6pm | Lafayette Village lafayettevillageraleigh.com

C o met

Independence Day July 4 Midtown Beach Music Series July 5 | 6-9pm | Party Time Party Time Band www.northhillsevents.com Dames at Sea July 5-15 | 8pm | Kennedy Theatre www.hotsummernightsatthekennedy.org R alei gh Antiques Extra vaganza July 6-8 | Jim Graham Building, NC State Fairgrounds | www.antextofnc.com Midtown F ar mer’s Market July 7, 14, 21, 28 | 8am-12pm North Hills Commons www.northhillsevents.com Follow the C hild Montessori T oddler O pen House July 8 | 10am-12pm | 1215 Ridge Road www.followthechild.org n gCANTY O pening R eception & Exhi bition July 8 | 2-4pm | Sertoma Arts Center 919.420.2329 | www.ngcanty.com

C ros by, Stills and July 8 | DPAC www.dpacnc.com

N ash

Saint -Jacques C ookin g C lass July 10 | 4:30pm | 6112 Falls of Neuse Road www.saintjacquesfrenchcuisine.com Midtown Beach Music Series July 12 | 6-9pm | Craig Woolard Band www.northhillsevents.com Barenaked L adies, Blues T ra veler, Big Head T odd & T he Monsters and C racker July 12 | Raleigh Amphitheater www.raleigh-amphitheater.com Bastille Day July 14 Saint -Jacques Annual Bastille Day Dinner C elebra tion July 14 | 6:30pm | 6112 Falls of Neuse Road www.saintjacquesfrenchcuisine.com S.A.S. Helpin g Hear ts Walk-a- T hon for St . Jude July 15 | 8-11am | Morrisville Community Park 919-386-1697

Bailey’s Gold Buy Event July 19-21 | All Bailey’s Fine Jewelry Locations www.baileybox.com R alei gh Gold Jewelr y Exchan ge Grand O pening July 21 | 10am-4pm | 6301 Falls of Neuse Road www.RaleighGold.com Saint -Jacques Annual Group T rip to France July 22-31 | 6112 Falls of Neuse Road www.saintjacquesfrenchcuisine.com R ace – Hot Summer N ights at the Kennedy July 25-August 5 | Kennedy Theater www.progressenergycenter.com Midtown Beach Music Series July 26 | 6-9pm | Attractions www.northhillsevents.com THE C upcake Shoppe’s 5th Bir thda y July 27-28 | 104 Glenwood Avenue www.thecupcakeshopperaleigh.com C hica go July 31-August 5 | DPAC www.DPACNC.com

NCT Present S O liver July 17-22 | Memorial Auditorium www.progressenergycenter.com

Midtown Beach Music Series August 2 | 6-9pm | Liquid Pleasure www.northhillsevents.com

Midtown Beach Music Series July 19 | 6-9pm | Jim Quick & Coastline www.northhillsevents.com

Midtown F ar mer’s Market August 4,11,18,25 | 8am-12pm North Hills Commons www.northhillsevents.com Follow the C hild Montessori Prospective Parent Session August 7 | 9am | 1215 Ridge Road www.followthechild.org

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Midtown Beach Music Series August 9 | 6-9pm | Embers www.northhillsevents.com Midtown Music: Emer gin g Ar tist Series August 10 | 6-8pm Fountain Park at the Captru st Tower www.northhillsevents.com

1st da y o f school August 17 | St. David’s School

C arolina C lassics a t the C apital C ar Show Saint -Jacques C ookin g C lass August 17-19 | 4-10pm, 9am-6pm, 10am-2pm August 14 | 4:30pm | 6112 Falls of Neuse Road Raleigh Convention Center www.saintjacquesfrenchcuisine.com www.classicsatthecapital.com Avenue Q – Hot Summer N ights a t T he Kennedy August 15-19 | Fletcher Opera Theater www.progressenergycenter.com

joel lane museum concer t August 16 | 7-9pm | 160 S. Saint Mary’s Street www.joellane.org Midtown Music: Emer gin g Ar tist Series August 17 | 6-8pm Fountain Park at the Captru st Tower www.northhillsevents.org

N ur turin g In fancy W orkshop for Expectin g Parents August 24-25 | Follow the Child Montessori www.followthechild.org Midtown Music: Emer gin g Ar tist Series August 31 | 6-8pm Fountain Park at the Captru st Tower www.northhillsevents.org

Saint -Jacques Wine Dinner August 22 | 6:30pm | 6112 Falls of Neuse Road O h W hat a N ight II – www.saintjacquesfrenchcuisine.com Hot Summer N ights a t T he Kennedy August 31-September 2 | Fletcher Opera Theater 1st da y o f school www.progressenergycenter.com August 22 | St. Timothy’s School and Ravencroft School Midtown Music: Emer gin g Ar tist Series August 24 | 6-8pm Fountain Park at the Captru st Tower www.northhillsevents.org

Have an important event? We would love to hear about it. Please send the details of your calendar events to: gstephens@midtownmag.com.

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healthy you



Ultherapy offers dramatic results...without surgery.

by Amber Self , ow ner , Bl oom ski n Spa

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to a Healthy Yo u by T ri sh Allen , cer tified nutritio nist a nd well ness co nsul t ant

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healthy you

F i t s

L i k e



Advances in Technology have improved results of Knee Replacement. BY D r . Mark G alland , or thop aedi c specialists of


ustomization has become de rigueur in almost every facet of modern life. Very few things, today, are “one size fits all.” The same is true for knee replacement (TKA or total knee arthroplasty). For years manufacturers and surgeons have tried, in vain, to personalize the fit and match of joint replacement prosthesis to the exact physiology and mechanics of each individual patient. All too often the end result of these labors represents a triumph of marketing over science – the so-called genderspecific knee is a classic example. Recently much has been made of computer assisted surgery. We have all read about and seen television images of large computers in the operating suite directing a “robot” to make “incisions and cuts.” These purport to improve accuracy and imply better performance and longevity of the implant. Unfortunately, and not surprisingly, the results have yet to meet the expectations of such promising technology. As computer assisted surgery is dependent upon collection of independent patient data obtained in the Operating Room (OR), the results are necessarily limited by the quality of the collection method. The accuracy of the data varies greatly by surgeon and by individual patient – “Garbage in = Garbage out.” As the data entered into the computer is obtained via relatively inaccurate means, the results are little improved compared to earlier techniques employed by surgeons for decades. Even more, this method requires significantly increased OR time. “Ok...so, computer assisted surgery offers no advantage in performance but adds cost and time. So far, doc, you are not selling me on this concept. What gives?” It is important to understand that while the results engendered by the implementation of computer assisted surgery have been mixed, at best, the concept is excellent – personalization of the surgical procedure to meet the exact biomechanical needs of the patient has been the Holy Grail of joint replacement surgeons. Traditionally, TKA is performed utilizing cutting blocks, “jigs,” alignment rods, plumb lines, etc.; not dissimilar from standard cabinetry techniques. These have provided good to excellent results for decades. Unfortunately these methods are limited by individual patient factors (body weight, joint alignment, range of motion) that make it difficult, time consuming, and sometimes impossible to restore the appropriate anatomic alignment for any given patient.

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Many manufacturers, in response to this dilemma, now offer a solution to this problem. In particular, I find the Biomet Signature system to provide the most intuitive and elegant approach. This is the system that I use for all TKA that I perform.

Signature is a software-based system that allows the measurement and much of the technical work to be completed on computer BEFORE the patient enters the OR. Imagine that! Doing one’s homework, before the test – what a novel idea! Not surprisingly, the results are just as predictable (study before attending class, ace the test). The concept and execution are rather simple. MRI images are obtained of the patient’s hip, knee and ankle. This information is used to determine the limb alignment and to create a 3-D model of the knee. This then allows the surgeon to essentially “perform” the surgery on the computer to correct the limb alignment to normal. Once this data is finalized, a model of the knee is created and precision cutting instruments are manufactured that are unique to each patient. These models and instruments are then used by the surgeon to perform the procedure according to plan. Restoration of the patient’s natural limb alignment, improved fit and range of motion are the typical result. Utilizing this technique, the procedure can be performed more quickly and with less blood loss when compared to the traditional method of knee replacement. Patients normally report less pain, improved range of motion and sometimes a shorter duration of hospitalization and outpatient rehab.

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