Pinehurst Magazine

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PINEHURST ® magazine

SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 Sandhills Media Group, Inc. publ isher Jill Futch Ad ver t isin g Sale s Jill Futch Myra Gammon cre at ive d irector Travis Aptt ar t d irector Heath Hilliker gr aph ic de sign Jennifer Casey contr ibut in g wr iter s Christa Gala • David Droschak • Jenni Hart •Beverly Reddinger Robyn James • Dolores Muller • Robert Gable • Michelle Jones Kate Turgeon • Mark Elliott • Brenda Bouser • Bruce Hasson photo gr aphy McKenzie Photography

For advertising or subscription inquiries call 919-782-4710.

Pinehurst Magazine is published six times annually by Sandhills Media Group, Inc. Any reproduction in part or in whole of any part of this publication is prohibited without the express written consent of the publisher. Mailing address is P.O. Box 1635, Pinehurst, NC 28374. Phone (910) 295-8899, (919) 782-4710 Fax (919) 782-4763 Email: Unsolicited material is welcome and is considered intended for publication. Such material will become the property of the magazine and will be subject to editing. Material will be returned if accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Pinehurst Magazine will not knowingly accept any real estate advertising in violation of U.S. equal opportunity law. “Pinehurst” is a trademark of Pinehurst, Inc.

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BreatheandRelax … it’s September National yoga month turns attention to the practice

There was a time in her life when Lisa Youngclaus needed to breathe particularly deep. Her husband was diagnosed with a vascular problem, and they knew it was serious. Looking back on that time, she remembers needing a quiet space every once in a while. The former triathlete needed to work her body. She wanted to ease the anxiety, to feel calm and keep a sensible view of what was happening in her family. BY KATE TURGEON

She found yoga. “I used that all the way through. A nd after he passed away it was one of the few things I was able to get myself to do,” says Youngclaus, 52. Years later, she’s a true yogi. A typical week looks something like this – one 26 poses class, two vinyasa yoga classes and one or two of the yoga fit classes, which involve weightlifting. T he former triathlete can’t retire her running shoes, though. She throws a jog into the mix for good measure. It’s a routine she never would have imagined for herself a decade ago. “It’s challenging when you first do it because your body doesn’t naturally do those poses,” says Youngclaus, who follows her chiropractor’s advice and avoids certain positions because of her body’s makeup. T oday the sessions are not only her workout (yes, she sweats!), but a source of peace and serenity, too. “When I would go for a bike ride, I’d come home feeling depleted,” says Youngclaus. But yoga, which she often practices in a hot environment of up to 105 degrees, replenishes her. Youngclaus isn’t alone. Last year, 20 million A mericans practiced yoga, according to a recent study published in the New York Times. C ompare that figure to the 2001 estimate of four million A mericans and it’s easy to see that yoga’s popularity is on the rise. “I think the appeal is the complete practice,” says Virginia G allagher, owner of H ot A sana, where Youngclaus works out. “T he connection is made. Physically, the body is worked and, mentally, the mind is cleared. Practicing yoga is like hitting the ‘reset’ button inside yourself.”

A nd hitting that reset button is something that many people are able to do since yoga is an individual experience done in a group environment. “T he goal is to make yoga accessible to all students, wherever they are in their practice, but to also offer them the opportunity to explore different practices,” stresses Michelle Kaiser, who owns S outhern Pines Yoga C ompany. Fro�������sa to kundalini, Kaiser has seen how yoga classes can benefit people of different ages during different stages in their lives. Just ask her about a gentleman in his 80s who is a regular yogi. Pinehurst Magazine asked her for some general ideas of yoga at every age. H ere’s her take on the topic: 20s/30s: T his group is often drawn to hot yoga, vinyasa and ashtanga – the more physical workouts. For pregnant women and mothers, there’s prenatal yoga, as well as mom and baby classes. 40s/50s: T hese students are often in a different place in their lives and craving the physical and mental health benefits. Vinyasa and slow flow are popular. H ot yoga isn’t out of the question, but some menopausal women don’t enjoy practicing yoga in warm environments. 60 plus: T hese students are often interested in gentle yoga, where traditional yoga poses and modifications are practiced. (Modifications can make a workout easier or harder, depending on a student’s abilities. A lways talk to your doctor and trusted instructors about what’s right for you.) S he says that the benefits are the same for all students, regardless of age. “T he benefits of yoga … flexibility, balance and

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