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Awards & Recognition
WATERTOWN, WIS. – Two members from EAA Chapter 320 in Watertown, Wisconsin, were contacted by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) in late June 2021 to inform them that they have been chosen as 2021 National Chapter Award winners! Honors go to Bill Rantanen for the “EAA Chapter Web Editor Award” Bill Rantanen and Rich Fraser for the “EAA Chapter Newsletter Editor Award.” The award recipients will be honored at the 2021 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Chapter Leaders Breakfast on Saturday, July 31, at the EAA Aviation Museum in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Rantanen and Fraser were selected for the recognition out of hundreds of entrants by the EAA Chapter Relations staff at EAA headquarters in Oshkosh.
“Bill and Rich have done an outstanding job serving our chapter in different roles and capacities for years. It is great to see them get the recognition they deserve at a national level,” said EAA Chapter 320 President Eric Wegner. “Their professionalism and dedication to our members reflects the quality of individuals we have in our organization and has been key to our growth and vibrancy.” EAA Chapter 320 Rich Fraser Watertown is a non-profit organization established in 1968 and currently has approximately 60 members. Chapter members meet the first Monday each month at Watertown Municipal Airport, located at 1741 River Drive, Watertown, Wisconsin. The public is encouraged to follow the chapter on Facebook and on their website: https://chapters.eaa.org/ EAA320
For more information about EAA Chapter 320, contact Eric Wegner at 612-799-5717, or via email: President.EAA320@gmail.com. q

WATERTOWN, WIS. – EAA Chapter 320 of Watertown, Wisconsin, has met the stringent requirements to qualify for and receive a James C. Ray Foundation Scholarship administered through the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) in Oshkosh, Wis. The scholarship covers up to $10,000 to help offset the cost of flight training for one youth working to obtain their Private Pilot Certificate.
“There are only 100 scholarships awarded nationwide to chapters which qualify, and the vetting process is quite rigorous,” said Chapter President Eric Wegner. “Our Chapter 320 has worked very hard to distinguish itself as a ‘Gold Level’ chapter and meet the criteria to participate in this program. Receiving this scholarship says a lot about the quality of the Watertown chapter.”
Receiving the scholarship is Chapter 320 member, Micah West, 17. Micah intends to continue his flight training with the goal of flying for a major airline. He is receiving his flight training from Charles Allen, an instructor with Wisconsin Aviation in Watertown.
Carrie Nettesheim is the EAA Chapter 320 Scholarship Coordinator who helps chapter members of all ages obtain funding for flight training.
“We’re thrilled for our chapter and for Micah,” said Nettesheim. “It is rewarding to help people pursue their dream of being able to fly!”

(L/R) Flight student, Micah West, with his flight instructor, Charles Allen.
EAA Chapter 320 Watertown is a non-profit organization established in 1968 and has approximately 60 members. Chapter members meet the first Monday each month at Watertown Municipal Airport in Watertown, Wis. (chapters.eaa.org/EAA320). For additional information, contact EAA Chapter 320 President Eric Wegner at 612-799-5717 (cell) or email President.EAA320@gmail.com. q