Men in Formation First Year
After formation, young Jesuits are missioned to the works, nationally and internationally, just as St. Ignatius missioned St. Francis Xavier to India with the words “Go Forth and Set the World on Fire.”
Nicholas Albin
Andrea Bianchini
Maxwell Bindernagel
Daniel Dixon
Thomas Bambrick
Trevor Beach
Robert Carlton
Kevin Embach
Robert Karle
L. Adam DeLeon
Ryan Duns
Patrick Gilday
Joseph Koczera
Brian Geeding
Daniel Kennedy
Aaron Malnick
Stephen Molvarec
Keith Kozak
Matthew Lieser
Ryan Masterson
Paul Miner
Gregory Ostdiek
Lukas Laniauskas
Jacob Martin
Timothy McCabe
James McLenaghan
Joshua Peters
James Sand
Richard Schuckman
Kyle Shinseki
Matthew White
James Shea
John Shea
Jayme Stayer
Second Year
Through the formation it provides young Jesuits, the Chicago-Detroit Province is the animating source of the universities, high schools, parishes, retreat houses and its other works.
Damian Torres-Botello Matthew Wooters
Matthew Donovan
Eric Sundrup
Matthew Dunch
Andrij Hlabse
Michael Singhurse
Christopher Staab
Hung Nguyen
Cyril Pinchak
Kent Beausoleil
Peter Nguyen
Brian Norton
Doctoral Studies in Higher Education Administration, Miami University of Ohio
Doctoral Studies in Systematic Theology, Regis College at the University of Toronto
Classics, Washington University
William Blazek
Church of the Gesu Cleveland
Novice $25,000 (1 year) $50,000 (total) First Studies $50,000 (1 year) $150,000 (total) Theology $50,000 (1 year) $150,000 (total) Tertianship $35,000 (1 year)
Please support a young Jesuit in Formation:
Joel Medina
Chaplain at Loyola University Medical Center
James Ackerman Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
Michael Christiana
Ralph Cordero
VP Mission & Identity, Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School, Indianapolis
The total cost of Formation for a Jesuit is $385,000.
Christian Wagner
Thank you for your partnership in serving the people of God.
Richard Ross
Boston College Connell School of Nursing
Michael Simone
Biblical Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Matthew Spotts Modern European History, St. Louis University
Denis Weber Mark Luedtke
President, Loyola High School Detroit
Paul O’Connor St. Xavier High School
Richard Ross
Boston College Connell School of Nursing
NOVITIATE A man enters the Society of Jesus as a novice. Novices spend two years living the life of the vows in community, learning the traditions of the Society, making the 30-day Spiritual Exercises retreat, and engaging in ministries that include service to the poor. FIRST STUDIES After the novitiate, Jesuits move on to a three-year period of graduate coursework in philosophy and theology called First Studies. REGENCY Upon completing First Studies, Jesuits move to Regency, in which the Jesuit works full-time for two or three years in a Jesuit apostolate and lives in an apostolate community. THEOLOGY Following Regency, Jesuit scholastics begin an intensive three-year study of theology. RECENTLY ORDAINED After theology, those Jesuits who are called to the priesthood are ordained. BROTHERS IN FORMATION Brothers undergo a slightly different but no less rigorous formation than that of their scholastic counterparts. SPECIAL STUDIES As part of his ongoing formation, a Jesuit may pursue advanced studies in a particular academic or professional field. TERTIANSHIP A Jesuit completes his formation of prayer, guidance, and studies with tertianship, a period of preparation for final vows in the Society of Jesus. While not pictured here, men in Tertianship are Benjamin Jimenez and Paul Mueller.