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Celebrating the Golden Years Dear Friends, Last summer, Fr. General Adolfo Nicolás addressed an international group of Jesuits gathered in Nairobi with these words: “I am convinced that the key for determining the spiritual health of the Society depends on whether Jesuits continue to have the ability to give absolutely everything to the Lord, as Ignatius did. . . . We are still amazed at the great service and the daring courage of great Jesuits in the past, who did incredible things in the midst of almost impossible odds.” When we visit with Jesuits in their golden years, we are inspired by the example of their lives, their accomplishments in ministry, and their approach to life. They exhibit a peaceful sense that their service to the Church and the Society of Jesus has been, and continues to be, a great gift. We see Christ in the eyes of the older Jesuits. By the Lord’s grace, their lives have been transformed, through the crucible of service and labor for the Kingdom. These men have spent many years serving the Church as teachers, administrators, founders of ministries, missionaries, spiritual guides, and men of God serving wherever people were in need of hearing the Gospel. In talking with these men, we discover that they were able to do these things not by their own power and talents, but with the help of God’s grace. They found joy in giving their lives entirely to the Lord in His service. Saint Ignatius of Loyola prayed at the end of the Spiritual Exercises that our whole lives can be an offering of gratitude to God for the love that has been poured out upon us in creation, in our lives, and especially in Jesus Christ. Jesuits do not “retire” after they reach a certain age; they have a mission until their last breath. Oftentimes, these legends will continue in some kind of direct service or ministry, offering mass in parishes, hearing
At the office of the Jesuit Seminary Guild of the Wisconsin Province, Jesuit Br. Gerald McKeever and Frs. Augustine Giunta and Jerome Breunig welcome visitors to an Open House event. The Guild, established in 1955, encouraged benefactors to pray for vocations and to support the training of novices and Jesuits in formation. Prayers for vocations are still an important priority of the Society today.
confessions, providing spiritual direction, or performing research and writing. One of the most important labors they do for us in their final years is to pray. Jesuits who live at our healthcare communities, St. Camillus in Milwaukee and the Colombiere Center near Detroit, pray every day for the intentions of our benefactors and friends, the needs of the Church, the world, the Holy Father, for vocations, and the missions of the Society of Jesus. We are grateful for the example of our older Jesuits who share their wisdom and insight. Please join us in thanking them for the service they have rendered through years of preaching the Gospel, working in the field of education, pastoral service, spiritual ministry, and serving the poor. We are grateful to you, our devoted partners,
for your continued prayers and support for our living legends. Sincerely yours in Christ,
Timothy P. Kesicki, SJ Provincial, Chicago-Detroit Province
Thomas A. Lawler, SJ Provincial, Wisconsin Province
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