2016 Midwest Sale Catalog

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Where family legacy is born...

JUNE 20 - 25, 2016

and winning traditions continue...



Grand Grand Champion Champion 2016 2016 Oklahoma Oklahoma Youth Youth Expo Expo Kenzie Kenzie Goggin Goggin

Grand Grand Champion Champion 2016 2016 Rodeo Rodeo Austin Austin Cameron Cameron Crenwelge Crenwelge

Grand Grand Champion Champion 2016 2016 San San Antonio Antonio Stock Stock Show Show Toree Toree Fraze Fraze

Reserve Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo Blake Skidgel Blake Skidgel

Reserve Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion 2015 American Royal 2015 American Royal Kyra Schinbeckler Kyra Schinbeckler

Reserve Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion 2016 NWSS 2016 NWSS Kailen Urban Kailen Urban

Reserve Supreme Champion Reserve Supreme Champion 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo Hunter Dugan Hunter Dugan

Bronze Medallion Bronze Medallion 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo Lydia Straka Lydia Straka

Champion Southdown Champion Southdown 2016 San Antonio Stock Show 2016 San Antonio Stock Show Tristan Harbour Tristan Harbour

www.HonorShowChow.com www.HonorShowChow.com

follow follow usus onon facebook facebook 800-227-8941 800-227-8941

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Midwest Stud Ram Sale

On the Covers... Our front cover features

PO Box 72 - Milo, IA 50166



Table of Contents Midwest Sale Schedule........................ 3 Auctioneers & Judges.......................... 4 Ringmen............................................... 7 Sale Staff.............................................. 8 Heartland Partners...................................9 Sponsor Listing..........................................9 Gophers.............................................. 11 Sedalia Winners (Best Consignments)....... 12 Sedalia Winners (Best Consignments)....... 14 Ideal Market Lamb Type Conference..... 17 Winners (Overall Best Consignment)........... 18 Winners (Best Display & Shepherd’s Award).... 20 Sedalia Winners (Doak Awards).............. 24 Midwest Fun & Games...................... 28 Midwest Sale General Information..... 33 Vendor Map & Index.......... starting on 138 Fairgrounds Map.............................. 143 Consignor Index................. starting on 166 listed by breed, by alpha with lot #’s

Sale Rules..................................174-175 2015 Champions & Averages........... 176 Entries by Breed Appear in Show Order

Katahdins............................. starting on 34 Montadales.......................... starting on 44 Dorpers................................ starting on 48 White Dorpers...................... starting on 50 Texels.................................... starting on 53 Tunis...................................... starting on 56 Corriedales........................... starting on 58 Columbias............................ starting on 63 Natural Coloreds.................. starting on 66 Rambouillets........................ starting on 68 Polypays............................... starting on 70 Hampshires.......................... starting on 74 Suffolks................................. starting on 82 Polled Dorsets...................... starting on 90 Horned Dorsets.................... starting on 96 Southdowns......................... starting on 98 Shropshires........................ starting on 104 Dorset WS/WDs................. starting on 108 Dorset Advantage WS/WDs... starting on 114 Speckle-Faced WS/WDs..... starting on 118 Natural Colored WS/WDs... starting on 120 Club Lambs......................... starting on 124 Hampshire WS/WDs.......... starting on 144 Suffolk WS/WDs................. starting on 156 Crossbred WS/WDs............ starting on 158

Advertiser Listing

Breeder Ads

Begalka Livestock................................ 128 C & J Livestock....................................... 14 Cabaniss Club Lambs........................... 137 Ekern Montadales................................. 16 Ellerbrock Club Lambs*ELITE........130-131

Fisher Texels....................................... 12 Jacobsen Ranch.................................. 16 Northern Oklahoma College............... 133 Poppen Montadales.............................. 16 Prairie Lane Farm.................................. 19 Rack of Lamb Corral.............................. 28 Riverwood Farms.................................. 15 Slack Club Lambs*ELITE.................134-135 Turner Show Stock.............................. 129 *MIDWEST STUD RAM SALE SPONSOR

Industry/Commercial Ads

All-American Junior Show....................... 6 American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society................................... 18 American Hampshire Sheep Assn......22-23 American Southdown Breeders Assn...... 25 Banner Sheep Magazine..................... 136 Breeders World..................................... 29 Continental Dorset Club........................ 21 DV Auctions............................................. 2 Heardboss*SILVER.................................... 5 Ketcham’s Sheep Equipment*GOLD...... IBC Mid-States Wool Growers*SILVER............ 5 Midwest Preview Pancake Breakfast....... 19 Novel Designs/Champion Drive.......... 132 Pipestone Veterinary Services.............. 30 Profiles Show Supply............................. 20 Purina - Honor Show Chow*PLATINUM+.... IFC REA Farm & Bedding............................. 26 Royal-S Design....................................... 27 Shearwell Data - RFID*SILVER................. 17 Show Stock Planet*SILVER.................... 136 Stegall Fabrication & Engineering, LLS..... 30 Townsend Sales..................................... 32 United Suffolk Sheep Assn.................... 26 Willoughby Sales................................... 31


Local Sedalia Ads

LeMaire’s Cajun Catfish......................... 10 Dickie Doo BBQ..................................... 11 Gene’s Hats & Boots............................. 11 Bing’s Grocery Stores............................ 13

watch live streamed shows & sales at www.dvauction.com --- Page 1 ---

a block-shot snapped when the Supreme Champion Wether Sire was selling and features three young ladies who exemplify the family legacy. The lower photo continues the family legacy and winning traditions and features the Tom Slack family and crew posing with the Best Overall Consignment Award.

Our back cover includes the 2015 Supreme Champion Ram also Grand Champion Hampshire Ram. Consigned by Held Hampshires of Aurora, SD. Jeff & Mary Held and their sons Austin and Aaron sold this Fall Ram Lamb to Summey Family Farms with Blair & Gina Summey of Lincoln, CA paying $3,500 for this ram. The 2015 Supreme Champion Wether Sire (top right) was the Grand Champion Hampshire Wether Sire. Consigned by Williams Show Lambs, Heath Williams of Mabel, MN. This April Ram Lamb sold to Larry DeSpain, Hinton, OK for $40,000. At lower left is the Supreme Champion Wether Dam. The Grand Champion Crossbred Ewe was consigned by Allen Show Lambs. Ty, Nicole, Sayde & Layne Allen of Elk City, OK sold this February Ewe Lamb to Rule Sheep Co., Tyson Rule, Hawarden, IA for $11,000. At lower right is the Supreme Champion Ewe, the Champion Polled Dorset Ewe consigned by Lauden Acres, Lynn Laudenslager, Dalmatia, PA. This Fall Yearling Ewe sold to Olivia Waggoner, East Berlin, PA for $17,000.

Sale Contacts: Ringmen (Mail Bids)

Bret Oelke.................... (218) 770-2428 Andy Korb.................... (513) 312-0648 Ryan Livermont............ (507) 215-1923 Tyler Lobdell................ (815) 238-0832 Donnie Allen................ (580) 920-9867 Steve George............... (419) 306-1144 Rodney Morris............. (217) 273-5299 Joe Gonzales................ (806) 778-8927 Dennis Wood............... (937) 539-2008 Dan Houser.................. (918) 650-2462 Travis Snyder................ (309) 221-1935 Clayton Neal................ (567) 207-7296 Chris MacCauley.......... (484) 319-8376


Curt Overcash.............. (815) 210-7000 Gary Saylor.................. (937) 464-7214 Bobby Fletcher............ (806) 787-3030 Danny Westlake........... (937) 243-5111 Billy MacCauley........... (484) 612-3983

Other Sale Staff

Karey Claghorn............ (515) 229-0061 Brandan Bruce............. (515) 313-8765 Millie Moore................ (701) 541-1120 Bert Moore.................. (701) 541-5035 Mary Anne Keck.......... (417) 844-5895 Tricia Schneidermeyer... (636) 295-7224 Rob Frost..................... (740) 505-4858

To email paperwork during sale week, send to: midweststudramsale@gmail.com To fax paperwork during sale week, send to: (888) 371-3363



11am to 4pm - Open for Consignor/Animal Check-in Sheep Barn (All Junior Shows) 9am - LeRoy Boyd Katahdin Junior Show Judge: Cruz Nichols

7:30am to 6pm - Open for Consignor/Animal Check-in Open for Buyer Check-out during sales Dr. Taylor Woods Youth Center Reception Hall 7:30am - American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society Breakfast & Annual Meeting 10am - United Suffolk Sheep Association Board Meeting

FFA Building

FFA Building

(all shows will immediately follow in order listed)

National Corriedale Junior Show Judge: Jenny Milligan National Montadale Junior Show Judge: Cruz Nichols National Texel Junior Show Judge: Cruz Nichols

Sheep Barn

Buyer Numbers available in the barn beginning at 7:30am 8am - Katahdin Sale

6pm - Welcome Reception at Montadales pens hosted by Kent & Angie Moenter Best Western State Fair Inn 6pm - Texel Sheep Breeder’s Society Annual Meeting & Banquet

(all sales will immediately follow in order listed)

TUESDAY – JUNE 21st FFA Building

7:30am to 6pm - Open for Consignor/Animal Check-in

Sheep Barn

8am - Katahdin Show Judge: Jeff Held

(all shows will immediately follow in order listed)

National Montadale Sale Polypay Sale Tunis Sale National Texel Sale National Dorper/White Dorper Sale National Corriedale Sale Rambouillet Sale Columbia Sale Natural Colored Sale

6:30am - Coffee, Donuts & Bagels at Katahdin pens, sponsored by MWKHSA 8am - Coffee & Donuts at Tunis pens, sponsored by Midwest Tunis Assn 11am - Light Lunch at Tunis pens, sponsored by Midwest Tunis Assn


National Montadale Show Judge: Jeff Held National Dorper/White Dorper Show Judge: Philip Glass National Texel Show Judge: Philip Glass Dorper/White Dorper Junior Showmanship

Swine Barn

8am - Club Lamb Show (all shows will immediately follow in order listed) Judge for Club Lambs and all Wether Sires & Dams: Clint Rusk

SOUTH RING National Corriedale Show Judge: Larry McDaniel Columbia Show Judge: Larry McDaniel Tunis Show Judge: Steve Paasch Natural Colored Show Judge: Larry McDaniel Rambouillet Show Judge: Larry McDaniel Polypay Show Judge: Larry McDaniel

National Hampshire Wether Sire & Dam Show Suffolk Wether Sire & Dam Show Crossbred Wether Sire & Dam Show

5pm - Great American Hampshire Cookout 6pm - SUPREME CHAMPION WETHER SIRE & DAM SHOW directly followed by the Ideal Market Lamb Type Conference both events sponsored by PURINA



FFA Building

6am - Midwest Preview Fundraiser Pancake Breakfast 7:30am to 6pm - Open for Consignor/Animal Check-in Dr. Taylor Woods Youth Center Reception Hall 1pm - Montadale Sheep Breeders Assn Banquet & Annual Meeting 4:30pm - Midwest Katahdin Hair Sheep Association Annual Meeting

FFA Building

12pm - gather convoy to Hair Coat Inspection Training, Adam Kilmer Farm, Versailes, MO, co-sponsored by KHSI & MWKHSA - return 3pm 7pm - Ice Cream Social at Katahdin pens, sponsored by MWKHSA

Suffolk Sale

7:30am to 6pm - Open for Buyer Check-out during sales

Swine Barn

Buyer Numbers available in the barn beginning at 7:30am 8am - National Hampshire Sale

Sheep Barn

(all sales will immediately follow in order listed)

Swine Barn

NORTH RING 8am - Southdown Show Judge: Brad Ellerbrock (all shows will immediately follow in order listed) Shropshire Show Judge: Clint Rusk Judge for all Wether Sires & Dams: Clint Rusk Natural Colored Wether Sire & Dam Show National Dorset Wether Sire & Dam Show

Polled & Horned Dorset Sale Southdown Sale Shropshire Sale National Dorset Wether Sire & Dam Sale National Dorset Advantage Wether Sire & Dam Sale Speckle-Faced Wether Sire & Dam Sale Natural Colored Sire & Dam Sale

SATURDAY – JUNE 25th FFA Building

7:30am to 6pm - Open for Buyer Check-out during sales

National Dorset Advantage Wether Sire & Dam Show Speckle-Faced Wether Sire & Dam Show

Swine Barn

Buyer Numbers available in the barn beginning at 7:30am. 8am - Club Lamb Sale

SOUTH RING 8am - National Hampshire Show Judge: Steve Paasch

(all shows will immediately follow in order listed) Polled & Horned Dorset Show Judge: Steve Paasch

(all sales will immediately follow in order listed)

Suffolk Show Judge: Steve Paasch 6pm - LARRY MEAD SUPREME CHAMPION EVENT Lamb Dinner & Performance Recognition sponsored by PURINA All-American Junior Show “Big Ticket” Benefit Auction Celebration Center, First United Methodist Church 6:30pm - American Corriedale Association Banquet

National Hampshire Wether Sire & Dam Sale

Crossbred Wether Sire & Dam Sale

Suffolk Wether Sire & Dam Sale


--- Page 3 ---

Follow us:

Midwest Stud Ram Sale

Billy MacCauley Atglen, Pennsylvania

(484) 612-3983


Auctioneers Curt Overcash

Managing Partner Heartland Livestock Services

Ottawa, Illinois

(815) 210-7000


Bobby Fletcher Wolfforth, Texas

(806) 787-3030


Gary Saylor

Danny Westlake

(937) 464-7214

(937) 243-5111

Belle Center, Ohio

Marysville, Ohio



Note from Sale Management:

We hope that you find recieveing this catalog in early June helpful! It makes for tight deadlines, but we feel this is so important to our buyers to have the sale entires in hand in early June. Don’t forget to take advantage of the online searchable catalog at www.midwestsale.com. You can sort down to the breed or class of animals that you are instrested in reviewing. New this year, you will find a listing and map of our Sale Vendors in the middle section of this catalog. We greatly appreciate all our vendors and encourage you to visit their booths during the sale. Also thanks to the great Breeders and Industry Partners the participate as sponsors of the sale. Remember that all shows and sales will be live webcast on DV Auction. Make sure to share that with any friends who will not be able to attend the week in person. With this option, no one should miss the opportunity of watching happenings in Sedalia all week long! Make sure to attend or watch the SUPREME CHAMPION EVENTS on Wesnesday and Thursday evening!

Looking forward to another great sale! -Heartland Partners


Jeff Held

Aurora, South Dakota

Katahdins & Montadales

Steve Paasch

Chicago Park, Caligornia

Tunis, Hampshires, Suffolks, Polled & Horned Dorsets

Philip Glass

Water Valley, Texas

Dorpers, White Dorpers & Texels

Jenny Milligan

Larry McDaniel

Hamilton, Missouri

Corriedale Junior Show

Greenfield, Indiana

Corriedales, Columbias, Rambouillets, Natural Colored & Polypays

Cruz Nichols

Harrodsburg, Kentucky

Katahdin, Montadale & Texel Junior Shows

Brad Ellerbrock

Atkinson, Illionis

Clint Rusk


Stillwater, Oklahoma

Shropshires, Club Lambs and all Wether Sires & Dams

(Dorsets, Dorset Advantage, Speckle-Faced, Natural Coloreds, Hampshires, Suffolks, and Crossbreds)

--- Page 4 ---

--- Page 5 ---

All-American Junior Show East Lansing, Michigan - Michigan State University

Thursday, June 30th - Sunday, July 3rd 8:00 a.m. Barn Offically Opens to exhibitors on Wednesday, June 29th Thursday, June 30th

Health Inspections for all sheep and Early pick up for T-shirts and Information Packets

8:00 a.m. Announcements, Final pick up for T-shirts and Information Packets 8:30 a.m. Check in papers, fleeces and promotional items 9:00 a.m. Skill-a-thon opens to contestants 10:00 a.m. Judging Contest Begins and Market lambs start weigh-in 12:00 p.m. All-American Lamb Camp 1st Session 1:00 p.m. Pie & Ice Cream Social 1:00 p.m. Weaver’s Lamb Fitting & Daily Care Clinic 2:00 p.m. Opening Announcements and Group Photo 2:30 p.m. Showmanship Classes 6:00 p.m. Blome Pizza Party 7:00 p.m. 3-on-3 Basketball Tourney on the grounds

Friday, July 1st

Saturday, July 2nd

8:00 a.m. RED Ring -- Judge: Mike Bishop Southdown Breeding Sheep and Market Lambs Oxford Breeding Sheep and Market Lambs 8:00 a.m. WHITE Ring -- Judge: Lacie Hoffman Natural Colored Breeding Sheep, Best Fleece and Market Lambs Columbia Breeding Sheep and Market Lambs Corriedale Breeding Sheep and Best Fleece Shetland Breeding Sheep and Best Fleece Border Leicesters Breeding Sheep and Best Fleece Romney Breeding Sheep and Best Fleece Lincoln Breeding Sheep and Best Fleece Cotswold Breeding Sheep and Best Fleece 8:00 a.m. BLUE Ring -- Judge: Gary Saylor Tunis Breeding Sheep and Market Lambs Shropshire Breeding Sheep and Market Lambs Dorper Breeding Sheep and Market Lambs Montadale Breeding Sheep and Market Lambs 8:00 a.m. Skill-a-thon opens to contestants 12:00 p.m. All-American Lamb Camp 2nd Session 3:00 p.m. Skill-a-thon closes for the day 7:00 p.m. Fun Night and BBQ at the Barn 8:00 p.m. Adult Showmanship Fundraiser Challenge

Sunday, July 3rd

8:00 a.m. RED Ring -- Judge: Mike Bishop Dorset Advantage Wether Sires, Dams and Market Lambs Horned Dorset Breeding Sheep, Wether Dams and Market Lambs Polled Dorset Breeding Sheep, Wether Dams and Market Lambs 8:00 a.m. BLUE Ring -- Judge: Gary Saylor Cheviot Breeding Sheep and Market Lambs Hampshire Breeding Sheep and Market Lambs Immediately Following - Three-on-Three Basketball Final Game Immediately Following - All-American Lamb Camp Graduation Closing Ceremonies - Awards and Raffle Drawing (sheep released after ceremonies)

www.allamericanjuniorshow.com --- Page 6 ---

Andy Korb Oxford, Ohio

(513) 312-0648


Bret Oelke

Public Relations Heartland Livestock Services

Barrett, Minnesota

(320) 986-2877


Chris MacCauley Atglen, Pennsylvania

(484) 319-8376

Tyler Lobdell

Lena, Illinois

(815) 238-0832

Clayton Neal Tiffin, Ohio

Ryan Livermont

(419) 356-0128

Pipestone, Minnesota

(507) 215-1923

Donnie Allen

Hendrix, Oklahoma

(580) 920-9867

Steve George Deshler, Ohio

(419) 306-1144

Rodney Morris

Lena, Illinois

(217) 273-5299

Richard Rankin

Rocheport, Missouri

(573) 698-2383

Larry Varnadoe

Doe Run, Georgia

Joe Gonzales

(229) 344-1328

Lorenzo, Texas

(806) 778-8927

Travis Snyder

Monmouth, Illinois

(309) 221-1935

Cody Morris Lena, Illinois

(217) 273-8954

Dennis Wood

Belle Center, Ohio

(937) 539-2008

Dan Houser

Wewoka, Oklahoma

(918) 650-2462

Contact any Ringman to handle Mail Bids if you can’t attend! --- Page 7 ---

Sale Staff

Clayton Neal

Rob Frost

Sale Logistics Assistant

Head of Sale Logistics

Lucas Fickin

Wayne Busch

Sale Logistics Assistant


Andy Korb Announcer

Bert Moore

Ring Steward

Larry Varnadoe

Sale Logistics Assistant

Keaton Schnell

Sale Logistics Assistant

Chris MacCauley

Donnie Allen

Sale Logistics Assistant

Ring Steward

Mary Anne Keck

Myra Crull

Price Recorder and Sale Clerk

Sale Clerk

Thank You to Staff! Janel Rankin Price Recorder

Jill Larson

Price Recorder and Sale Clerk

Rachel Schambow

Price Recorder and Sale Clerk

Heartland Livestock Services Partners would like to extend warmest thanks for all your hard work and outstanding contributions as a member of the Midwest Sale staff. We know how much time and energy sale week demands, and we deeply appreciate all of your efforts to make it a great success year after year. As always, it’s great to know that we can count on you to go the extra mile. Your efforts help to make this the best sheep sale in North America! Thank you again for all you do to make the Midwest Stud Ram Sale a success!

Becca Jones

Social Media Manager

Jo Bernard Sale Clerk

Audrey NealNichols Sale Clerk

Zach Bruce Sale Clerk

Emily Claghorn

Sale Clerk

Not Picured

Amanda Peterson Sale Clerk

Jodee Nohner Jackie Oelke

Sale Clerk

Sale Clerk & DV Auction Staff

Abilene Gatson Sale Assistant

Sale Clerk & DV Auction Staff

To contact key Staff before or during the sale, see the contact list on Page 1 of this catalog... or visit www.midwestsale.com

Tricia Schneidermeyer

Tom Schambow Sale Clerk and Social Media

Kacy Schneidermeyer Sale Assistant

--- Page 8 ---

Not Picured

Dale Smith Ad Designor


Curt Overcash Managing Partner

Bret Oelke

Public Reletaions

Slack Club Lambs


Tom & Val Slack

North Manchester, Indiana


Ellerbrock Club Lambs

Brad, Lisa, Cole & Kendall Ellerbrock Jeff, Kelly North Manchester, Indiana


Purina - Honor Show Chow

plus their sponsorship of the Lamb Dinner & Performance Recognition during the Larry Mead Supreme Event on Wednesday evening and sponsorship of the awards for the Wether Sire Supremes on Thursday evening Attend the NEW Purina Roundtable held following the Thursday Wether Sire Supreme selection

You Can Be Listed Here Next Year!

We were proud to offer opportunities in

Advertising and Sponsorship

Karey Claghorn

Ketchum’s Sheep Equipment www.ketchamsheepequipment.com

Millie Moore

of the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Options include not only ads in the printed catalog but also online banner ads during show and sale webcast, logo signage, and verbal commercials during the live webcase. Vendors can roll their sponsorship into a package with their booth space. Check out sponsorship packages in the advertising tab at


Show Stock Planet


Brandan Bruce



Shearwell Data (RFID) www.shearwell.co.uk

Midstates Wool Growers www.midstateswoolgrowers.com

Carrie Taylor-Kelly --- Page 9 ---

Watch for how these sponsors are represented at this year’s sale, and strongly consider sponsoring next year! We would like to extend a huge Thank You to the these Sponsors of the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. We are proud to partner with you in bringing the largest and best sheep sale in North American again to Sedalia, Missouri. Thank you for seeing the value in this outstanding national event within our industry!

s ’ e r i a M n C u j atÀsh & a C e L

O F O A E D S Hou House ou use see


BEER R & other adult bevera beverages ages


Hours: rs: Sun-Thurs.. 111am-10pm 1am-10pm F & Sat. 111am-11pm Fri. 1am m-11pm

&UD\ÀVK &U UD\ÀVK *XPER *X XPER )URJ )U RJ /HJV 2\VWHUV more! 2\ \VWHUV mor e!

We Deliver Deliverr



Now Ser Serving vin ng

Now located cated at 3500 W. W. Br Broadway, oadway ay, Sedalia, MO 660-827-3 3563 660-827-3563

Gophers Gophers

The true worker bees of Sedalia week are the Midwest Sale Gophers!  are non-sheep   from  area,     Some kids the Sedalia but all are hard workers and make each job fun.                   Anything from setting up barns, hanging banners, ALL THE PAINT NUMBERING and preparation of sale rings keeps them busy!                    Rob Frost along with Larry Varnadoe, Lucas Fickin and Keaton Schnell head up this crew and keep them moving on task at hand. Rob Frost        Keaton Schnell            

Make sure  togive the Gophers ahuge THANK YOU when they come to paint  number  your  consignment! 



Sedalia Democrat Sold 1/4 page ad Full Color



4860 S LIMIT AVE. SEDALIA. MO 65301 660. 827. 3344 Page1111-----------Page



Sedalia Democrat Sold 1/4 page ad Full Color

Winners Dorper

HiJo Dorpers Antonio Juarez Amity, Oregon

2015 Best Consignment Awards Polled Dorset Lauden Acres Lynn Laudenslager

Not Picured

Dalmatia, Pennsylvania

Horned Dorset

Cassell Horned Dorsets Paul Cassell

Wytheville, Virginia


Fisher Texels Eugene & Niki Fisher


Indian Valley, Idaho

Julian & Moore Ed Julian

Rootstown, Ohio Not Picured


Phillippi Corriedales Lester & Renetta Phillippi Hammond, Montana

Natural Colored

Pines End

Dylan Nohner Family & Jarrod Nohner Erwin, South Dakota

--- Page 12 ---

Welcome W el elcome lc e tto oS Sedalia edaliia

Sedalia 2016 MIDWEST WEST Democrat SSTUD Grocery Store & Pharmacy TUD RAM SALE Your Y ou r Hometown: Hometown: Sold *URFHU V *URFHUV Full page ad 'HOL 'HOL Color 3KDUPFull DFLHV 3KDUPDFLHV



LLocally occallly OOwned wned and Oper OOperated rated BING’S BING ’S WEST State FFair State air Center Shopping C enter 826-5676


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1701 E. Broadway E. Br oadway 826-3744

Store H Store Hours: ours: Mon.-Sun. Mon.-Sun. o 7:00am - 10pm Pharmac yH ours: Mon.-Fri. Mon.-Frii. 9:00am - 6pm; Sat. Sat. 9:00am - 3pm Pharmacy Hours:

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GROCERY LIST ___________________________


































--- Page 13 --___________________________


--- Page 13 ---


2015 Best Consignment Awards Polypay

Big Prairie

Mark Meuer


Ashton, Illinois

Riverwood Farms Jim Kingbeil, owner Eric Bruns, shepherd Powell, Ohio

Not Picured

White Dorpers JBJ Livestock Jared Frieze

Brighton, Missouri

Not Picured


Phillippi Corriedales


Lester & Renetta Phillippi Hammond, Montana

Northern Starr

Jeff Repasky

Lonsdale, Minnosota

Not Picured


Montana Aerie Thomas Key

Great Falls, Montana Not Picured



Dew Drop Farms

Jacobsen Ranch

New York Mills, Minnesota

LeGrand, California

Darin & Duane Bauck


Cody Jacobsen


Plaza Hamps

Annuschat Farms LLC

Agency, Missouri

Okarche, Oklahoma

Brad Payne

Nick & Ron Annuschat


C & J Livestock

Ewes and Rams available at farm with appointment.

Polo, Missouri 816-645-6138

Featuring Dorset, Dorset Advantage and Speckled-Faced carrying genetics of Slack’s Grand Champion spring wether sire at the 2014 Midwest Sale. --- Page 14 ---

s r e d e e r B p o T m o r f Top Montadales LE SALE



O M , O C I X ME

A C , D N A R eG

Champion Ewe

1st March 2015 National Montadale Sale

Champion Ram

1st Fall 2015 National Montadale Sale

Purchased by Kasey & Abilene Gatson, MO for $1,400.

Purchased by Todd Benjamin, IL for $1,500.

Due to a conflict, Jacobsens can’t make Sedalia this year... give us a call about lambs for sale!

Jacobsen Ranchy Jacobsen

Rich, Lesanne & Cod 209-761-6718

les Ekern Montada67 38

Kirk Ekern




D S , T E M S e D et


Reserve Champion Ewe

Reserve Champion Ram

1st Yearling, 2015 National Montadale Sale Purchased by Terrell & Allart, IN for $2,200.


1st Yearling, 2015 National Montadale Sale Purchased by Kasey & Abilene Gatson, MO for $1,400.

Poppen Montad60a5-le85s4-3497

Bill & Roxanna Poppen





IDEAL MARKET LAMB TYPE CONFERENCE The IDEAL MARKET LAMB TYPE CONFERENCE, sponsored by Purina, will convene immediately after the Supreme Wether Sire Show on Thursday evening, June 23, 2016. The Conference will meet in the SE area of the show ring in the Swine Barn.

A broad spectrum of judges and breeders has been asked to participate as panelists to discuss the status of todays show ring market lamb. This will include confirmation, performance, fads, trends, breed influence, and other factors. The general lamb public is also be invited, but only the panelists will discuss the issues. The final 20 to 30 minutes will be reserved for questions from the general public.

The goal is to begin a dialog of where we have been, where we are at currently, and where we need to be in the future regarding breeding lambs for the modern show ring.

Grand Champion Grand Champion Grand Champion For more information contact: Dr. Kevin Burgoon, HONOR Show Chow Nutritionist 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo 2016 Rodeo Austin 2016 San Antonio Stock Show P.O. Box 20044, 12200 N. Ambassador Drive, Kansas City, MO 64195-0044 Kenzie Goggin Cameron Crenwelge Toree Fraze

816 243 6228 Office, 651 253 8794 Cell

Shearwell Data

www.shearwell.com Quality Tags, Software, Readers & Crates

SET Sheep Tag Reserve Grand Champion 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo Blake Skidgel

USDA / Scrapie approved tags

• Visual and Electronic (RFID) •

Reserve Grand Champion 2015 American Royal rate Excellent retention Kyra Schinbeckler

• Same applicator applies both

Reserve Grand Champion 2016 NWSS Kailen Urban

Shearwell Stock Recorder Two tools in one! • Tag reader and efficient data entry • Download to PC and run extensive reports • Simple touch screen operation • Comes with our Farm Management software Reserve Supreme Champion Champion Southdown Bronze Medallion 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo 2016 San Antonio Stock Show 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo Contact us today: Mobile 320-760-4696 dan.persons@shearwell.com Hunter Dugan Tristan Harbour Lydia Straka --- Page 17 ---


follow us on facebook 800-227-8941

Winners The Lyman

2015 BestLyman Overall Consignment McPike Award Slack Club Lambs - Tom Slack Family - North Manchester, Indiana

McPike Award is given each year for the Best Overall Consignment, in honor of one of the founding fathers of the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Past Winners include:

2014-Slack Club Lambs, North Manchester, IN 2013-Jason Simpson, Ault, CO 2012-Slack Club Lambs, North Manchester, IN 2011-Ellerbrock Brothers CLs, Atkinson, IL 2010-Ellerbrock Brothers CLs, Atkinson, IL 2009-5 Star J Farms, Patoka, IN 2008-Twin Oaks Dorsets, Belle Center, OH 2007-Ellerbrock Brothers CLs, Atkinson, IL 2006-Wheaton Hampshires, Charlotte, MI 2005-Ellerbrock Brothers CLs, Atkinson, IL

2004-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 2003-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 2002-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 2001-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 2000-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 1999-Heggemeier Sheep Co., Burley, ID 1998-Dayle & Donna Waddington, Ukiah, CA 1997-Arlo Farms, Sioux Center, IA 1996-George Brothers, McComb, OH 1995-Magic Valley Livestock, Burley, ID

1994-Magic Valley Livestock, Burley, ID 1993-Magic Valley Livestock, Burley, ID 1992-Magic Valley Livestock, Burley, ID 1991-Magic Valley Livestock, Burley, ID 1990-Rancho Royale, Perris, CA 1989-Great River Ranch, Belleville, IL 1988-Maiorino Livestock Co., Firebaugh, CA 1987-Maiorino Livestock Co., Firebaugh, CA 1986-Hamp City-Jaime & Mary Anne Farao, OR 1985-Hamp City-Jaime & Mary Anne Farao, OR

--- Page 18 ---

1984-Jack Larson, Spanish Fork, UT 1983-Jack Larson, Spanish Fork, UT 1982-Jack Larson, Spanish Fork, UT 1981-Jack Larson, Spanish Fork, UT 1980-Heggemeier Sheep Co., Kirkland, IL 1979-Morehead Family, Cherry Valley, IL 1978-Heggemeier Sheep Co., Kirkland, IL 1977-Sterling Farms, Acampo, CA

--- Page 19 ---


2015 Best Display & Shepherd’s Award Dean Davison Award

Johnson Family Show Stock

Jeff & Billy Johnson/Christina Nixon - Delavan, Wisconsin

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter:

Midwest Stud Ram Sale

The Dean Davison Award is awarded for the Best Display & Shepherd’s Award, including attractiveness and cleanliness of the exhibitor’s pens. This is given in honor of one of the founding fathers of the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Past Winners include: 2014-Johnson Family Show Stock, Delavan, WI 2013-Shroyer Show Stock, DeGraff, OH 2012-Hawkins Farm Suffolks, Shedd, OR 2011-Manteca School District Montadales, Manteca, CA 2010-Wheaton Hampshires, Charlotte, MI 2009-Slack Club Lambs, North Manchester, IN 2008-Broadmead Farms, Amity, OR 2007-Tom Slack Suffolks, North Manchester, IN 2006-Wheaton Hampshires, Charlotte, MI 2005-Meadow Creek Club Lambs, El Dorado, KS

2003-Ellerbrock Brothers Club Lambs, Atkinson, IL 2002-Rainbow Meadow Farms, Snowhill, NC 2001-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 2000-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 1999-Lost River Ranch, Howe, ID 1998-Lost River Ranch, Howe, ID 1997-Lost River Ranch, Howe, ID 1996-Lost River Ranch, Howe, ID 1995-Randy & Amy Wilt Suffolks, MO 1994-Lost River Livestock & Arrow “A” Ranch, Howe, ID

--- Page 20 ---

1993-Mary Anne Farao/Brad Payne, MO 1992-Mary Anne Farao/Brad Payne, MO 1991-Lost River Livestock, Howe, ID 1990-Barnes Ranch, Herald, CA 1989-Maiorino Livestock Co., Firebaugh, CA 1988-Huff Farms, Grass Valley, CA 1987-Barnes Ranch, Herald, CA 1986-Leland & Denise Wheaton, MI 1985-Bob & Joan Olsen-Good Shepherd Farm, Lapeer, MI



All sheep pictured sold in the 2015 National Hampshire Sale and the National Hampshire Wether Sire Sale.

Previous Winners Previous Winners



Miller Hampshires Jim & April Miller Seagraves, Texas

Prairie Lane Farm Henry Shultz

2015 Doak Awards

Centralia, Missouri

Larry & Mary Ellen Dunn Baugh & Dunn Montadales

Special Distinguished Service Awards named in honor of William T. Doak who has been involved with every Midwest Stud Ram Sale ever held!

Middletown, Missouri

Dale Smith

Bowling Green, Ohio

Larry & Kathy Mead Columbia, Missouri

Darin & Duane Bauck Dew Drop Farms New York Mills, Minnesota

Jeff & Brad Ellerbrock Ellerbrock Club Lambs

These brothers served as early gophers at the sale, but now produce some of the most sought after genetics in the country! Atkinson, Illinois


Greg Deakin Cuba, Illinois

Danny Westlake Marysville, Ohio

Kevin & Sarah Kuykendall Richland Center, Wisconsin


Carrie Taylor-Kelly Stuart, Iowa

Curtis Overcash Ottawa, Illinois

Lee Wheaton Charlotte, Michigan

Bret Oelke

Barrett, Minnessota


Ron Guenther Raymond, Ohio

Gene & Joyce Milligan Hamilton, Missouri

Wes Limesand Fargo, North Dakota


Hank Ruckert Hutchinson, Kansas

Joe & Betty Cabaniss Arapaho, Oklahoma


Doc & Deb Kennedy

Dr. Helen Swartz

Pipestone Katadhins and Pipestone Veterinary Clinic

Centralia, Missouri

Donna Mays

His legendary contrubition to the sheep industry through animal health and research stands alone, but his passion for purebred genetics is also invaluable!

Howe, Idaho

Farrell T. Wankier

Pipestone, Minnesota

Salt Lake City, Utah


Jack Rhoades Sturgeon, Missouri

Bobby Fletcher Wolfforth, Texas

Kent & Dan Spilde Spilde Brothers

They maintain strong genetics in several breeds, serve as judges across the nation and assist many flocks with custom fitting! Stoughton, Wisconsin

Robbie Frost Bloomingburg, Ohio

Richard Rankin Rocheport, Missouri


Myra Lou Crull New Paris, Ohio

Bud Mead

Lee’s Summit, Missouri

Rollie Rosenboom

Carolyn Crook & Angie Thomes

Clifton, Illinois

Bill Jones

West Lafayette, Indiana

Sedalia Chamber of Commerce


Sedalia is the premier sheep sale in the nation in part because of the special relationship between the City of Sedalia and the Chamber of Commerce. These ladies represent the great staff in Sedalia that support the Midwest Sale each year.

Karey Claghorn Milo, IA

Duron Howard Waurika, Oklahoma

Sedalia, Missouri

Millie Moore Indianola, Iowa

Billy Fickin Sedalia, Missouri

--- Page 24 ---

Bedding Vendor - REA Farm and Bedding pre-orders recommended to radams@iland.net label orders for the Midwest Sale, provide arrival date

Primary - 660.287.6848 Secondary - 660.287.5623 Shavings, Hay & Straw Available REMINDER on the procedure for TRANSIT ANIMALS in the DESIGNATED TRANSIT BARNS:

Animals not consigned in the Midwest Sale are not allowed to be housed in the Sheep and Swine barns. Instead, they are considered transit animals and should be held in the horse barn stalls. Stalls for transit animals will now be accounted for by Midwest Sale staff. All stalls will be locked prior to sale week and can then be rented by consignors/non-consignors through sale staff in the FFA Building. Stall rent will cost $5.00 per pen per day for consignors, and $15 per pen per day for non-consignors. All rentals must be paid up front and will pay rent through Sunday following the sale. We will require renter name, address, phone number, number of sheep penned, and a brief description of animals upon pen rental. If renter chooses to empty the pen prior to Sunday, they may return to the FFA Building for a refund of days not used, allowing the pen to again be locked by sale staff. Refunds will be allowed for the day staff is informed of the empty pen through Sunday. Renters wishing to lock their transit pens will be required to furnish their own locks for this purpose. Otherwise transit animals are to be held in personal trailers, at no responsibility to the Midwest Sale or its staff. ALL TRANSIT ANIMALS MUST ALSO HAVE HEALTH PAPERS available for inspection in accordance with Missouri health standards and rules and federal law. Please put transit animals on separate health papers from sale entries.

--- Page 26 ---

--- Page 27 ---

Solve the maze below by finding your way through both the ewe and lamb. Don’t get lost!

Fun & Games Throughout the catalog you will find puzzles that represent our sheep industry or parts of the Midwest Sale. We hope you enjoy a little time out, or the extra entertainment while participating in the week of Sedalia. Find your breed, rescue a lost lamb, or just figure out the words... no matter what, hopefully it takes your mind off the summer heat! Follow us on Facebook:

Midwest Stud Ram Sale


--- Page 28 ---

--- Page 29 ---

Access expert sheep and goat advice with the

Pipestone Shepherd’s Club 

Sheep and Goat helpful tip calendar

9 print newsletters per year

Strategic webinars addressing: Lambing Time Preparation Lamb Health and Processing Parasite Control Vaccines and Breeding

Pipestone Sheep and Goat Manual signed by G.F Kennedy

$10 Pipestone Veterinary Services Coupon

Sheep & Goat Catalog

1300 S. Hwy 75 Pipestone, MN


www.pipevet.com --- Page 30 ---

--- Page 31 ---

MIDWEST STUD RAM SALE GENERAL INFO LOCATION: Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia, Missouri. Sedalia is located on US 65 and US 50, 18 miles south of Interstate 70. The fairgrounds is bounded on the east by US 65 (Limit Ave); on the north by 16th St; and on the west by Clarendon Rd. North of 16th St, Clarendon Rd is called Thompson Blvd. For UPS or Fed-Ex purposes only, the physical address of the fairgrounds is 2503 W 16th St, Sedalia, MO 65301. Sheep will be penned, shown and sold in both the Sheep Barn and Swine Pavilion with easy access from Clarendon Rd. ACCOMMODATIONS: Sedalia Chamber of Commerce maintains www.visitsedalia.com/Stay-in-Sedalia for lodging information. For other lodging options, click on “linked here” at www.midwestsale.com/location. AIRPORT: Sedalia is located about 2 ½ hours from Kansas City International Airport served by most major airlines. CONTACT INFORMATION: Sale is managed by Heartland Livestock Services, LLC. Contact them at midweststudramsale@gmail.com or through the Midwest Stud Ram Sale Facebook page. You can also contact Curt Overcash, Managing Partner 815/210-7000 or Bret Oelke, Public Relations 320/986-2877. Paperwork needed during the sale can be scanned and emailed to midweststudramsale@gmail. com or can be faxed to 888/371-3363. During the week of the sale, use contact numbers on page 1 of this catalog to reach any of the Midwest Sale staff. Contact can still also be made by email or Facebook. EMERGENCY CONTACT DURING SALE: Emergency calls will be handled by the following: 660/ 827-8159 (State Fair, Daytime) and 606/530-5612 (State Fair, Evenings) or the Midwest Sale Staff (see page 1 for numbers). Every attempt will be made to get messages to consignors and buyers. SHOW AND SALE TIMES: The first show or sale each day will have a designated start time. Breeds will sell in the order listed on that day’s schedule with only a 5 minute break between breeds. Typically, it takes approximately one minute to sell each lot. ONLINE VIEWING OF SHOWS & SALES: All shows and sales will be live streamed on DVAuction.com- You will need to set up an account on the site to view the live stream. You can also register to purchase animals during the sales. REGISTRATION PAPERS: If consigning registered animals, please make sure to have your registration papers for entries for Check-in. If registration papers are not provided prior to sale, NEW - fee of $10.00 per registration will be billed or deducted and your consignor check will be held until papers are provided. All sheep in classes requiring registration papers will be transferred to purchasers at consignor’s expense (Classes not requiring registration papers are: Crossbred, Natural Colored, & Speckle-faced Wether Sires & Dams and Club lambs). TERMS: Cash, check, or credit card payment on Sale Day. A convenience fee will be charged for credit card payment. Non-US buyers must pay in US funds. A 10% surcharge will be assessed to any insufficient funds checks issued. The auctioneer’s decision will be final on any dispute as to bids. Substitute entries will be designated with a bar under the lot numbers. All animals are at purchasers risk as soon as sold. MAIL BIDS: Those buyers unable to attend the sale who wish to buy sheep by “mail bid” or “phone bid” may do so by contacting the person of their choice associated with the sale. Among those able to assist in this regard are ringmen, auctioneers, consignors, and some Midwest Sale staff (see staff pages and listings for phone numbers). Please contact them in advance of the sale, or early enough during the sale that they can assist with your bid in a timely manner.

SPECIAL HEALTH REQUESTS: All animals consigned to this show and sale must be accompanied by an official health certificate with the following information written on the certificate: 1) The sheep and flock of origin were examined 30 days prior to movement and found to be free of contagious or infectious diseases and exposures thereto. 2) Breeding males were individually examined and found free of gross lesions or ram epididymitis. All yearling and fall-born rams must have a negative B-Ovis Elisa test of ram epididymitis. HAULING OR DELIVERY: Standard hauling and delivery services of animals purchased in the sale can be made to most anywhere in the country. Each hauler will set their own fee with the animal purchaser. Sale management can assist in this regard if contacted in a timely manner. SALE GUARANTEE: EXCEPT FOR THOSE STATED IN THE BELOW GUARANTEE’S ERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FROM A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE ANIMALS BEING SOLD IN THIS SALE. THE WARRANTIES AND GUARANTEES SET FORTH IN THE BELOW GUARANTEE ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AND THE REMEDIES PROVIDED THEREIN SHALL BE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE BUYER, OR ANY PARTY CLAIMING THROUGH THE BUYER, FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE THEREIN PROVIDED, AND ALL OTHER OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES. 1) Every male and female sold will be guaranteed as a breeder if properly handled. It shall be the responsibility of the buyer to return a non-breeder to the seller in acceptable breeding condition. The seller, after a fair trial and the animal is found to be a non-breeder, shall have the privilege of replacing the male or female with one of equal value to the satisfaction of the buyer and seller, or refunding the purchase price. This guarantee shall not apply to any animals that are shown subsequent to the date of the sale, for the year shown. 2) Notification of non-breeder males must be made to the seller prior to January 1st following the sale. Notification of non-breeder females must be made to the seller prior to April 1st following the sale. 3) Any animals that drop their lamb teeth prior to 12 months of age as determined by their registration papers, shall be replaced with an animal of equal quality to the satisfaction of the buyer and seller within a reasonable amount of time, or the consignor shall refund the purchase price of the animal promptly with all fees and percentages levied against such animal retained by the sale. It shall be the responsibility of the buyer to notify the consignor, and then the sale manager, if such a problem occurs. Any consignor failing to comply with this rule shall automatically be barred from consigning any animals to the following sale. 4) Neither the sale managers nor the sponsoring organization can or will assume any responsibility as to the authenticity of the pedigrees or bloodline information provided in the sale catalog, on pen cards, or otherwise, and the subsequent genetic performance of any animals purchased. All such information must be accepted at face value. Any special guarantees or claims offered by individual consignors is strictly between the consignor and buyer, and will not be enforced by the sale management or the sponsoring organization. 5) This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and the seller only, and no other parties assume any liability, legal or otherwise, expressed or implied.

ATTENTION BUYERS: SPECIAL HEALTH PERMIT REQUIREMENTS & EXPORT INFORMATION US BUYERS: Your local or state veterinarian should be able to update you concerning any special regulations concerning the health requirements for animals entering your state. The sale veterinarian will prepare standard, interstate health papers for transportation between states, but it is the buyer’s responsibility to be cognizant of and adhere to the entrance requirements for his own state. While entry permits can be obtained from you state office from while in Sedalia, this can often be done prior to your arrival at the sale. CANADIAN BUYERS: Please contact a federal veterinarian for a detailed list of requirements for importation of sheep into Canada. You will need to be familiar with the health requirements for entry of animals purchased through public auction. Canadian buyers will have to make arrangements to have any animals purchased tested for Blue Tongue and Brucella Ovis. Cost for federal health papers, any tests beyond the normal sale tests and shipping arrangements will be at the buyers expense. Sale management can provide assistance with these test and shipping arrangements. MEXICAN BUYERS: Please contact a federal veterinarian for a detailed list of requirements for importation of sheep into Mexico. You will need to be familiar with the health requirements for entry of animals purchased through public auction. Cost for federal health papers, any tests beyond the normal sale tests and shipping arrangements will be at the buyers expense. Sale management can provide assistance with these test and shipping arrangements. TRANSIT ANIMALS: Animals not consigned in the Midwest Sale are not allowed to be housed in the Sheep and Swine barns. Instead, they are considered transit animals and should be held in the horse barn stalls. Stalls for transit animals will now be accounted for by Midwest Sale staff. All stalls will be locked prior to sale week and can then be rented by consignors/non-consignors through sale staff in the FFA Building. Stall rent will cost $5.00 per pen per day for consignors, and $15 per pen per day for non-consignors. All rentals must be paid up front and will pay rent through Sunday following the sale. We will require renter name, address, phone number, number of sheep penned, and a brief description of animals upon pen rental. If renter chooses to empty the pen prior to Sunday, they may return to the FFA Building for a refund of days not used, allowing the pen to again be locked by sale staff. Refunds will be allowed for the day staff is informed of the empty pen through Sunday. Renters wishing to lock their transit pens will be required to furnish their own locks for this purpose. Otherwise transit animals are to be held in personal trailers, at no responsibility to the Midwest Sale or its staff. ALL TRANSIT ANIMALS MUST ALSO HAVE HEALTH PAPERS available for inspection in accordance with Missouri health standards and rules and federal law. Please put transit animals on separate health papers from sale entries. --- Page 33 ---

25- Yearling Ewe


_______________________ Consigned By


Henry & Becky Shultz 6219 Audrain Rd 125 - Centralia, MO 65240 (573) 682-7127 beckyshultz@msn.com prairielanefarm.com _______________________

18- Fall Ram Lamb Champion Katahdin Ram, 1st Yearling from Dosch's TMD Katahdins sold to Maryland at $2,900.

_______________________ Consigned By


Clifford Spraberry 20969 FM 2755 - Royce City, TX 75189 (469) 576-7620 cspraberry@yahoo.com spraberryacres.com _______________________

11- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

12- February Ram Lamb 13- February Ram Lamb 14- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

15- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

16- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


c/o Sarah Gehring 6219 Audrain Rd 125 - Centralia, MO 65240 (573) 819-0806 _______________________

17- February Ram Lamb

CAG 004 RR

B: 2/5/2016 S: SHU 3586 Pistol 113593 D: SHU 3611 Misty 104720 Cooper had Reserve Champion Ewe on Misty at Kennedy Family Show at Louisville 2014. Pistol was first February Ram Lamb at 2015 National Show.

SHU 3729 RR


B: 9/18/2015 Single S: SHU 3485 96773 D: SHU 674 064782 Pictures will be on our website after June 1st.

19- Fall Ram Lamb

SHU 3715 RR


B: 9/5/2015 Twin S: SHU 3485 96773 D: SPL 11-126 88311 A full brother to Sparkle, the 2014 and 2015 National Champion Ewe.

20- January Ram Lamb

SHU 3629 RR

B: 1/24/2016 Single S: SHU 3586 Pistol 113593 D: SHU 3648 112109 Pistol was first February Ram Lamb at 2015 National Show. Dam is from our best mother line. 60-day adj wt. 66 lbs.

21- January Ram Lamb

SHU 3754 RR

B: 1/27/2016 Single S: RGA 610 Rebel 107143 D: SHU 3380 96762 Rebel has sired Champion Ram and Reserve Junior Champion at 2015 National Show. 60 day adj. wt. 61 lbs.

22- February Ram Lamb

SHU 3776 RR

B: 2/11/2016 Twin S: RGA 610 Rebel 107143 D: SHU 3636 104726 60-day adj. wt. 80 lb.

23- February Ram Lamb

SHU 3867

B: 2/1/2016 Twin S: SHU 3476 Vision 107093 D: SHU 2134 81387 Vision is Resch ram at National Show in 2014. 60-day adj. wt. 64 lb.

24- March Ram Lamb

SHU 3829 RR

B: 3/1/2016 Triplet S: RGA 610 Rebel 107143 D: SHU 3663 112116 Refer to our ad in the Midwest catalog for full details of our entries.

--- Page 34 ---

SHU 3674 RR

B: 1/26/2015 S: Shu 3485 96773 D: Shy 3521 96763 Both of our yearling ewe entries were in our 2015 show flock.

26- Yearling Ewe

SHU 3675 RR

B: 1/27/2015 Single S: SHU 3485 96773 D: SHU 3526 96767

SHU 3716 RR

27- Fall Ewe Lamb



B: 9/5/2015 Twin S: SHU 3485 96773 D: SPL 11-126 88311 Twin to our Fall Ram Lamb entry. This is the only ewe we have sold out of this ewe family.

28- Fall Ewe Lamb

SHU 3710 QR

B: 9/4/2015 S: SHU 3485 96773 D: LU 09-096 063725

SHU 3712 RR

29- Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 9/4/2015 Twin S: SHU 3485 96773 D: SHU 3331 87714

SHU 3713 RR

30- Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 9/4/2015 Twin S: SHU 3485 96773 D: SHU 3331 87714

SHU 3861 QR




31- January Ewe Lamb B: 1/26/2016 Triplet S: SHU 3476 Vision 107093 D: SHU 3511 986758 60-day adj. wt. 70 lb.

32- January Ewe Lamb

SHU 3755 QR

B: 1/27/2016 Twin S: RGA 610 Rebel 107143 D: SHU 3380 96762 60-day adj. wt. 69 lb.

33- February Ewe Lamb

SHU 3865 QR

S: SHU 3476 Vision 107093 D: SHU 3526 96767 60-day adj. wt. 80 lb.

34- February Ewe Lamb

SHU 3771

S: RGA 610 Rebel 107143 D: SHU 3377 96741 60-day adj. wt. 68 lb.

35- March Ewe Lamb

SHU 3828

S: RGA 610 Rebel 107143 D: SHU 3663 112116



Consigned By


Todd Bauer 3020 Hwy 56 - Windom, KS 67491 (620) 245-1884 toddbauer@ks-usa.net rackoflambcorral.com _______________________

36- Yearling Ram

TRB 318 RR

B: 5/1/2015 Triplet S: POY 44 75004 D: BAG 2385 107046 This ram lamb is on the younger side of the yearlings, 13 months old. Very correct top to bottom. He is a beautiful Katahdin. His sire was the Champion at the 2011 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.

37- January Ram Lamb

TRB 398 RR

B: 1/3/2016 Twin S: Diesel BAB 1725 88866 D: POY 81 80543 My pick from day one. He is the biggest and most correct January ram lamb I have ever raised. Stop by our pens and check him out for yourself. His twin brother is just as nice, he will be showing and selling also. His dam was 1st in her class in the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale and his sire is the all-time great Diesel the Champion Ram at the 2012 Midwest Sale.

38- January Ram Lamb

TRB 399 RR

B: 1/3/2016 Twin S: Diesel BAG 1725 88866 D: POY 81 80543 This ram lamb is awesome. He will make someone a ram to be proud of. He is a meat sheep. Very correct. He and his twin brother are two of the nicest January ram lambs I have ever raised. His dam was 1st in class at the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale and his sire Diesel was the Champion Ram in the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.

39- February Ram Lamb

TRB 396 RR

B: 2/11/2016 Twin S: Millionaire TMD 1379 97325 D: BAG 2341 107040 This young ram is awesome. His dam is one of my top ewes on the ranch. For a February lamb you will be impressed. Cannot wait to see him as a yearling. His sire is Millionaire the high selling Ram at the 2014 Expo Sale. Millionaire is a tremendous ram, he makes meat sheep that can win the ring.

40- February Ram Lamb

45- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/20/2016 Triplet S: Millionaire TMD 1379 97325 D: TRB 214 104014 This young man is going to make someone a nice honest ram to be proud of. His dam was my best ewe lamb in 2014. His sire Millionaire was the high selling Ram at 2014 Expo Sale. His grandsire is Diesel the Champion Ram at the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.

TRB 340 RR

41- February Ram Lamb

TRB 343 RR

B: 2/21/2016 Triplet S: Millionaire TMD 1379 97325 D: BAG 2383 107044 Another super ram lamb. He keeps getting better every day I see him. His dam has done great things at our ranch. His sire Millionaire was the high selling Ram at the 2014 Expo sale.

42- Fall Ewe Lamb

TRB 257 RR

B: 12/10/2015 Twin S: Diesel BAG 1725 88866 D: BAG 2156 107034 This girl is a beautiful ewe lamb. Her dam is one of my best ewes on the ranch and has made some super lambs. This lamb is very fancy and correct in all ways. Stop by our pens and check her out. Her sire Diesel was the Champion Ram at the 2012 Midwest Sale.

43- Fall Ewe Lamb

TRB 320

B: 10/29/2015 Triplet S: Diesel BAG1725 88866 D: BAG2190 107032 This lamb is the best fall ewe lamb I think I have ever raised. Her dam is the best-producing ewe I have. Her full brother was our high-selling fall ram at the 2015 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Her sire was the Champion Ram at the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. If you want to see a beautiful ewe, stop by our pens and check her out. If you know where I can find better, let me know and I will buy them. These are the ones that make doing chores fun.

44- Fall Ewe Lamb

TRB 326 RR

B: 11/20/2015 Triplet S: Diesel BAG 1725 88866 D: BAG 2167 107037 Another super ewe lamb. She is everything you need in a ewe to produce some great Katahdins. Very correct in all ways. All our sheep have super hair coats. They stand on their feet like they are supposed to. Her dam is one of my best and her sire was the Champion Ram at the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.

--- Page 35 ---

TRB 335 RR

B: 2/1/2016 Twin S: Millionaire TMD 1379 97325 D: TRB 202 104008 This girl is beautiful. Very fancy. She is one of the best bred Katahdins in the country. Her dam is a super stud ewe. Her sire was the high selling ram at the 2014 Expo Sale. Her grandsire was the Champion Ram at the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Her grand dam is the dam of TRB 398 and TRB 399 which we are also selling. Check them out and you will see a pattern here anyone would want in their flock. Her grand sire was the Champion Ram at the 2011 Midwest Sale.

46- February Ewe Lamb

TRB 349 RR

B: 2/10/2016 Twin S: Diesel BAG 1725 88866 D: VJ 1055 83258 Here is a lamb that I believe will grow into a stud ewe. Her Dam was a super stud ewe at buckeye Acres for many years and produced Ron some great sheep. Her Sire was the Champion Ram at the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.

47- February Ewe Lamb

TRB 350 RR

B: 3/21/2016 Triplet S: Millionaire TMD 1379 97325 D: BAG 2383 107044 Here is an all-around nice ewe lamb. She is one of those sheep that look better and better every time I see her. Her twin brother TRB 343 is also selling. Stop by our pens and see what kind of job their mother did for her second time. Her sire was the high selling Ram at the 2014 Expo Sale.

48- March Ewe Lamb

TRB 342 RR

B: 3/3/2016 Triplet S: Millionaire TMD 1379 97325 D: JAG 256 106309 This is another nice ewe lamb. She again is one those sheep I like more and more every time I see her. She is a fancy lamb that should do well any direction you take her. Her sire was the high-selling ram at the 2014 Expo Sale.

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72


KATAHDINS _______________________ Consigned By

SILVER MAPLE SHEEP FARM Irma & Jay Greenstone 2472 McClures Chapel Rd - Rose Hill, VA 24281 (276) 346-7235 (276) 229-3666 silvermaple@yahoo.com silvermaplesheepfarm.com _______________________

Consigned By


James Proffitt 38208 Brady Ck Rd - Richmond, MO 64085 (816) 225-6032 jproffitt6842@gmail.com _______________________

49- February Ram Lamb

PLF 637 121577

B: 2/18/2016 Twin S: DOC P1429 106121 D: PLF 2297 109552 Pipestone 1429 was our pick of the yearlings at the Stud Ram Sale. He has added growth and thickness to his lambs. Dam is a top daughter of the Dosch ram that won at Missouri State Fair.

50- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Virginia Street 11610 N 151 St W - Sedgwick, KS 67135 (316) 651-6725 (316) 796-0659 tomterv3@yahoo.com _______________________

51- Yearling Ram

MDW 1501 UNO RR/AA 114225

B: 5/4/2015 Single S: KRK 2103 88961 D: HLB 2443 80760 UNO was the fastest growing ram at our farm in 2015. At 65 days weight 87.8 lbs; at 132 days weight 143.6 lbs. Average gain per week 6.89 lbs.

63- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

B: 3/7/2015 Single S: Aspen Spirit Bear MT 60-0035 108711 D: LLL 810 066712

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Aspen Dream Catcher MT 60-0063 RR 118302

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

53- Fall Ram Lamb 54- Fall Ram Lamb 55- January Ram Lamb 56- Fall Ewe Lamb 57- Fall Ewe Lamb 58- Fall Ewe Lamb 59- January Ewe Lamb

Aspen Reign Beau MT 60-0079 RR 118304

64- Yearling Ram

B: 3/18/2015 Twin S: COR 09-68 062004 D: LLL 721 056307 Full brother to our co-high-selling yearling ram at this sale in 2015.

65- Yearling Ram

Aspen Knight MT 60-0077

Aspen Magesty MT 60-0075 RR 118305

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

66- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

60- January Ewe Lamb 61- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Mark Dennis 9706 Lake Peigneur Rd - New Iberia, LA 70560 (337) 967-0422 denn907@bellsouth.com countryoakranch.com _______________________

62- Yearling Ram

MCD Meat/COR 15-38 RR Insight 113200

B: 4/7/2015 Twin S: MCD Meat/COR 14-44 Concept 105355 D: COR 13-35 95819 Great grandson of MCD Deep South Meat Maker COR 11-22 (377 lbs) Super Katahdin breeding ram, ready for work, proven genetic potential for meat and milk (not shown) weight at 12 mo. 207 lbs. Coat grade A, semen tested. MCD New-Generation bloodlines top & bottom, heavy-boned, long & growth, lots of muscle. All vaccinations and health record history provided.


B: 3/17/2015 Twin S: COR 09-68 062004 D: ADS 0021 054017

PLF 662 121585

B: 2/20/2016 Twin S: DOC P1429 106121 D: PLF 366 98593 Same sire as our February ram lamb entry. Out of a top ewe that was sired by the Load Wagon son that we sold to Steve Landreth.

Aileen Scott 2462 Telegraph Gulch Rd - Butte, MT 59701 (406) 782-9357 aquandoss@yahoo.com Facebook Aspen Mountain Katahdins _______________________

Information Sale Day



52- Yearling Ram Reserve Champion Katahdin Ram, 1st January from Julian & Moore Sheep Co. sold to Virginia at $900.

Consigned By

B: 4/3/2015 Twin S: Aspen Monarch MT60-0045 112338 D: LLL 622 052675 Sire was co-high-selling ram at this sale in 2015.

67- Yearling Ewe

MT 60-0076

B: 3/17/2015 Twin S: COR 09-68 062004 D: ADS 0021 054017

MT 60-0078

68- Yearling Ewe

B: 3/6/2015 Single S: COR 09-68 062004 D: ADS 0086 77928

MT 60-0074

69- Yearling Ewe




B: 4/3/2015 Twin S: Aspen Monarch MT60-0045 112338 D: LLL 622 052675

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72 --- Page 36 ---



Consigned By


Ed & Cindy DeOrnellis 301 Luzon Ln - Bonnots Mill, MO 65016 (573) 291-0591 (573) 897-2479 luzonfarm@live.com _______________________

70- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

71- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By

CRAIG FARMS KATAHDINS Matthew Craig 45565 40th St - Paw Paw, MI 49079 (269) 599-3719 m.craig105@yahoo.com _______________________

72- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

73- February Ram Lamb 74- March Ram Lamb 75- January Ewe Lamb 76- January Ewe Lamb 77- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Justin Fruechte 2344 30th Ave - Ward, SD 57026 (605) 690-3309 justinf@sturdypostranch.com sturdypostranch.com _______________________

78- Yearling Ram



80- Yearling Ewe

81- January Ewe Lamb


B: 1/2/2016 Twin S: JOS 1334 104484 D: FSH 174 84687 Our top ram lamb from day 1. He has the look of a true stud, wide square head, massive foot work, and expressive muscle. The real deal.


B: 1/5/2016 Twin S: JOS 1334 104484 D: HND 14-27 110115 Here is a flashy one with extension style. She would be a logical choice for a youth show project this summer.

82- January Ewe Lamb


B: 1/7/2016 Single S: KDJ 1525 113733 D: HND 14-26 110114 The broodiest, thickest ewe lamb of our entries. Dam was our pick from Jessee Farms at this sale last year. He has matured into a square-topped massive ram.

83- February Ewe Lamb


B: 2/3/2016 Twin S: JOS 1334 104484 D: HND 156 110112 Full sib to the 2015 2nd place March ewe lamb at this sale. She exemplifies exactly what the Katahdin breed is best known for; low maintenance and hardy, with super ewe potential.

84- February Ewe Lamb


B: 2/4/2016 Twin S: KDJ 1525 113733 D: HND 14-28 110116 The most unique one born on the farm this year. Really cool color pattern, level hip and up-headed.

_______________________ Consigned By


Adam & Trena Harker 12402 Valley View Rd Mountain Grove, MO 65711 (417) 254-1731 aharker22@gmail.com _______________________

79- January Ram Lamb


B: 5/2/2015 Twin S: JOS 1334 104484 D: FSH 118 84690 This girl is a beast. She is very big-ribbed and wide made, but has a beautiful feminine Katahdin head.

B: 5/2/2015 Twin S: JOS 1334 120137 D: 84690 FSH 118 Dam FSH 118 is a stud ewe, you will see this guy is a twin to our yearling ewe entry. C40 will be young in class, but there will not be a more structurally sound, complete ram.



85- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: POY 140 95754 D: KDJ 1481 105880

--- Page 37 ---

Consigned By

ROWDY MOUNTAIN FARM Karen & Gerrit Voshel 56 Lone Oak Trail - Long Lane, MO 65590 (970) 689-5699 rowdybritt@aol.com _______________________

86- Yearling Ram



B: 3/14/2015 Twin S: DOC P788 101825 D: RMF 12 101609 Held this ram back for a year and were not disappointed. Long body with a deep chest he will make a great addition for any flock.

87- Fall Ram Lamb



B: 12/20/2015 Twin S: DOC P788 101825 D: RMF 7 101606 Outstanding fall ram. Sire is a son of “First Ever,” DOC P297.

88- Fall Ram Lamb



B: 12/28/2015 Triplet S: SCD 3304 110072 D: RMF 13 101610 Colored ram born in late December. This lamb will be one of the youngest entries in the fall ram class. His sire, from D & J Smith Katahdins, was 4th at 2014 NAILE. Lots of potential for this youngster.

89- January Ram Lamb



B: 1/1/2016 Twin S: SCD 3304 110072 D: SPL 1613 104405 With speckled legs and face this lamb has great length with a long loin.

90- January Ram Lamb



B: 1/16/2016 Single S: SCD 3304 110072 D: WKS 158 83309 Well balanced polled lamb with a broad chest and correct confirmation.

91- February Ram Lamb


B: 2/1/2016 Single S: SCD 3304 110072 D: RMF 43 111045 A flashy colored ram that will catch your eye.



Consigned By


303 E Nursery - Butler, MO 64730 (660) 200-5695 uphillranch@yahoo.com _______________________

95- February Ram Lamb

Champion Katahdin Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Julian & Moore Sheep Co. sold to Kansas at $2,400.

_______________________ Consigned By

JULIAN AND MOORE SHEEP Ed and Helen Julian 3009 St Rt 44 - Rootstown, OH 44272 (330) 931-2986 (330) 325-9150 ejulilan781@gmail.com _______________________

92- Fall Ram Lamb

EHJ 566 RR


B: 9/11/2015 Quad S: SHU 3320 Centralia 87730 D: SPL 1305 97048 An excellent opportunity. This quad RR ram lamb by Centralia and out of Landreth SPL 1305. Both winners at NAILE. 566 is a full brother to 2015 Champion Ewe at the Midwest Sale; National Reserve Senior Champion Ewe 2015; Reserve Champion Ram at National Show last year and first place January Ewe Lamb at National Show. He is straight, thick, long and correct. Definitely a stud ram. Adjusted 60-day weight 76.5 lbs.

93- Fall Ram Lamb

EHJ 568 QR


B: 9/18/2015 Twin S: SHU 3320 Centralia 87730 D: SPL 1602 103482 Sired by Centralia and out of another top Landreth ewe. This twin offers excellent growth with tremendous thickness. He has been an eye-catcher since birth. Adjusted 60-day weight 75 lbs.

94- January Ram Lamb

EHJ 611 RR


B: 1/21/2016 Twin S: EHJ 425 107292 D: EHJ 348 97571 A really long and thick RR twin. Sire is by EHJ 350, Champion Ram at 2014 Midwest Sale. Dam is a large correct ewe that produces large twins each year. Lots of color. Adjusted 60 day weight 67 lbs.

EHJ 617

B: 2/2/2016 Triplet S: SHU 3320 Centralia 87730 D: BLD 244 93381 A triplet full brother to 2015 National Reserve Champion Ewe. Another Centralia son whose dam produces winners every year. 617 is dark red offering an outstanding opportunity to add top genetics to your flock. He has excellent length and is very correct. Adjusted 60day weight 70 lbs.

103- March Ram Lamb


96- March Ram Lamb EHJ 555 RR

B: 7/3/2015 Twin S: EHJ 425 107292 D: ZWT 6437 98057 Twin to 556 below.

98- Yearling Ewe

EHJ 556 RR

99- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

105- March Ewe Lamb 106- Pen of Ewe Lambs

Information Sale Day Pen of Ewe Lambs will be March-born.

EHJ 563 RR





B: 9/9/2015 Twin S: SHU 3320 Centralia 87730 D: ZWT 6303 98051 A sweetheart RR twin. A full sister to the 2015 popular Reserve Champion Ram at the Midwest Sale. A Centralia daughter out of one of our best Tally ewes. She is extremely long, straight and correct. She is dark red. Adjusted 60 day weight 68 lbs.

104- March Ram Lamb

Consigned By

B: 7/3/2015 Twin S: EHJ 425 107292 D: ZWT 6437 98057 Twins 555 and 556 are both RR. They are very, very young. Will not be a year old until July. Both exposed to Centralia for September lambs. This is the only time we have offered ewes exposed to Centralia. They have excellent growth for their age. They are very fancy with color and should continue to develop into strong ewes. Adjusted 60 day weight for 555 was 64 lbs. For 556 it was 59.5 lbs.

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

97- Yearling Ewe

Howard & Lavonne Brown 8362 NS 3550 Rd - Prague, OK 74864 (405) 567-5178 (405) 567-2559 lazybkatahdin@yahoo.com lazybkatahdins.com _______________________

107- Yearling Ram

HLB 725 RR


B: 1/19/2015 Twin S: HLB Avalanch 95466 D: HLV 209 95108

HLB 727 RR

108- Yearling Ram


B: 1/20/2015 Twin S: HLB Avalanch 95466 D: HLB 205 95105

HLB 1002 RR

109- Fall Ram Lamb


B: 9/5/2015 Twin S: HLB Avalanch 95466 D: HLB 1743 063470

HLB 1003 RR

110- Fall Ewe Lamb


B: 9/5/2015 Single S: HLB 480 TNT 111067 D: HLB 1402 059302

HLB 1012 RR

100- January Ewe Lamb

111- January Ewe Lamb

101- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

102- March Ewe Lamb

HLB 1013 RR

112- January Ewe Lamb

--- Page 38 ---


B: 1/2/2016 Twin S: HLB White Thunder 95471 D: HLB 2367 80740


B: 1/2/2016 Twin S: HLB White Thunder 95471 D: HLB 2367 80740



Consigned By


Mistie Lee 16845 CRNS 218 - Tipton, OK 73570 (330) 819-7014 (580) 563-6506 limerickfarms@gmail.com _______________________

113- Yearling Ram

LMF 36

B: 2/11/2015 Twin S: HLB 61 Julius Caesar 86938 D: LMF 34-G X104797

114- January Ram Lamb

LMF 80





Consigned By

Douglas Brewer 2147 Woodbine Rd - Woodbine, MD 21797 (240) 674-7131 (410) 489-9671 brewerd@medimmune.com _______________________

Information Sale Day S: BAG 2209 Sire produces structurally correct sheep with muscle.

119- February Ram Lamb

LMF 98

120- February Ram Lamb

115- March Ram Lamb

B: 3/3/2016 Twin S: HLB 277 Nero 95486 D: MDW 1406 106033

LMF 17-P

116- Yearling Ewe

B: 2/27/2015 Twin S: HLB 61 Julius Caesar 86938 D: LMF 36-G X104800

117- March Ewe Lamb

LMF 79-P

B: 3/31/2016 Single S: COR 15-04 Augustus Meatmaker 113171 D: LMF 17-P X112715

Information Sale Day TMD 1470 was the Grand Champion and cohigh-selling ram at the 2015 Midwest Sale.

Information Sale Day

121- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day All lambs sired by TMD 1470 or BAG 2209.

122- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day S: BAG 2209 Sire was one of the top rams at the Nebraska Katahdin Expo.

123- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

124- February Ewe Lamb 125- February Ewe Lamb 126- February Ewe Lamb 127- March Ewe Lamb

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72

Ron & Carla Young 12282 Harrison Willshire Rd Van Wert, OH 45891 (419) 203-6389 (419) 495-2993 roncyoung@gmail.com buckeyeacres.com _______________________

118- Yearling Ram

B: 1/10/2016 Single S: LMF 36 X119978 D: DW14-34 106162

Consigned By

Information Sale Day Our ewes will be sired by TMD-1470, the Grand Champion Ram at the 2015 Midwest Sale or BAG-2209 one of the top rams at the Clay Center, Nebraska Katahdin Expo.

_______________________ Consigned By


Aly Francis 17292 Monroe Rd 735 - Paris, MO 65275 (573) 721-1683 (660) 327-4049 tbfrancisfarm5@gmail.com _______________________

128- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

129- January Ewe Lamb 130- February Ewe Lamb 131- March Ewe Lamb --- Page 39 ---

132- January Ram Lamb

Buckeye Acres 2786

B: 1/22/2016 Twin S: SHU 3664 112125 D: Buckeye Acres 2305 111536 We purchased 3664 at the 2015 Midwest Stud Ram Sale as an October 9th fall ram lamb. We were amazed that he was as big as most of the yearling rams at that sale. At that point we knew we needed to add him to our stud ram lineup. We have named him Juice. If you like to show, add a son or daughter of Juice. if you want to be at the head of the class.

133- February Ram Lamb

Buckeye Acres 2858

B: 2/15/2016 Twin S: BUL 15203 115651 D: Buckeye Acres 1973 97832 BUL 15203 is a son of Tank, a high selling ram in our 2014 Internet Sale. We purchased 15203 at the 2015 Katahdin Expo Sale. A portion of our Katahdins are grass raised. We like 15203\’s lambs for their ability to grow fast whether grain fed or grass fed. 2858 is wide based, thick, straight and very correct.

134- January Ewe Lamb

Buckeye Acres 2791

B: 1/27/2016 Twin S: Buckeye Acres 2463 111499 D: Buckeye Acres 2121 97858 2463 is our keeper ram from our 2014 lamb crop. He is truly different. If you have not seen him, check him out in our ad in the Hairald or on our website www.buckeyeacres.com. He is naturally thick and massive while being raised on grass. Check out this daughter of 2463, she has both thickness and style.

135- February Ewe Lamb

Buckeye Acres 2850

B: 2/14/2016 Twin S: SHU 3664 112125 D: Buckeye Acres 2010 97837 We do not have a lot of daughters of 3664, as he was very proficient at siring sons. 2850, even though very young, will grow into a top show prospect.

149- Yearling Ewe


141- Yearling Ram

DOC P1577

B: 1/2/2015 Twin S: SHU 3616 104724 D: DOC R231 OX104843

DOC P1902

142- Fall Ram Lamb

B: 9/5/2015 Single S: SHU 3581 104713 D: DOC P1497 110702 Sire is a ram we like a lot. John Dyer purchased an outstanding son at NAILE.

Reserve Champion Katahdin Ewe, 1st January from Prairie Lane Farms sold to Kansas at $2,200.

_______________________ Consigned By


GF & Deb Kennedy 966 61st St - Pipestone, MN 56164 (507) 215-0487 gkennedy@pipevet.com _______________________

136- Yearling Ram

DOC P1704

144- Fall Ram Lamb DOC P1928

B: 9/12/2015 Single S: DOC P1498 106120 D: DOC P519 104855 Sire is the other ram lamb we used and was purchased by Mike Nelsh.

145- Fall Ram Lamb

DOC P1911

B: 9/4/2015 Single S: SHU 3581 104713 D: DOC P1357 112980

DOC P1574


B: 1/18/2015 Twin S: DOC P297 First Ever 88343 D: DOC P348 92080 Placed well at NAILE as a lamb.

139- Yearling Ram

DOC P1521


B: 9/20/2014 Twin S: DOC P753 104884 D: DOC P367 96519 Second place Fall Ram Lamb at NAILE.

140- Yearling Ram

DOC P1686

B: 2/28/2015 Twin S: ADS 0105 81784 D: DOC P696 101827 Dam was a show ewe.


DOC P1707


DOC P1637


B: 3/28/2015 Twin S: DOC P1371 110092 D: DOC P1325 110161 B: 3/9/2015 Triplet S: ADS 0105 81784 D: DOC P609 104198

B: 2/1/2015 Twin S: DOC P664 96607 D: DOC P679 104848

DOC P1738


DOC P1595


DOC P1672


DOC P1913

B: 9/7/2015 Single S: SHU 3581 104713 D: DOC P1366 110706

DOC P1661

147- Yearling Ewe


DOC P1718

B: 4/6/2015 Twin S: SHU 3581 104713 D: DOC P174 88353


B: 4/9/2015 Twin S: DOC P617 93481 D: DOC P426 104856

B: 1/24/2015 Twin S: DOC P297 First Ever 88343 D: DOC P459 95230

B: 2/27/2015 Twin S: ADS 0105 81784 D: DOC P1130 104888

DOC P1926

B: 9/11/2015 Single S: DOC P1429 106121 D: DOC P779 104078 Sire was consigned as a yearling last year. We bred a few ewes for Fall lambs--best ram and ewe are sired by him.

153- Fall Ewe Lamb

148- Yearling Ewe

B: 2/4/2015 Single S: DOC P297 First Ever 88343 D: DOC P233 88896

152- Fall Ewe Lamb

146- Fall Ram Lamb

138- Yearling Ram

DOC P1711

151- Pen of Yearling Ewes

DOC P1962

B: 4/15/2015 Single S: SDL 3333 106981 D: DOC P1459 110186 First ram offered for sale sired by our Smith ram.

150- Pen of Yearling Ewes

B: 9/18/2015 Triplet S: DOC P1429 106121 D: DOC P545 104098 Good black ram. Sire was one of two ram lambs we held back for breeding.

137- Yearling Ram DOC P1769

143- Fall Ram Lamb


B: 3/5/2015 Triplet S: ADS 0105 81784 D: DOC R762 OX9524 Full brother to Second Coming, who was second at NAILE as a fall lamb and as a yearling. Maternal half-brother to First Ever, Champion Ram at 2012 NAILE.

DOC P1598

B: 1/25/2015 Twin S: DOC P664 96607 D: DOC R238 OX104854


DOC P1957

B: 9/15/2015 Twin S: DOC P1429 106121 D: DOC P509 104065

DOC P1944

154- Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 9/14/2015 Twin S: DOC P1429 106121 D: DOC P493 104076

DOC P2104

155- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/10/2016 Twin S: SCD 3333 106981 D: DOC P1433 110171

Information Sale Day

156- February Ewe Lamb

--- Page 40 ---



Consigned By



Tom & Maria Dosch PO Box 517 - Frederick, SD 57441 (605) 329-7928 (605) 329-2478 tdosch@nvc.net doschkatahdins.com _______________________

Consigned By

DYER FAMILY KATAHDINS John, Judy & Scott Dyer 834 E Co Rd 1250 N - Chrisney, IN 47611 (812) 457-0320 (812) 362-8012 jdkatahdins@reagan.com _______________________

157- Yearling Ram

TMD 1525 RR 113127

B: 1/26/2015 Single S: ADS 0129 89401 D: TMD 1331 98518 A correct, growthy, good shedding full brother to last years Champion ram TMD 1470. Born to a second time lamber who raised twins as a ewe lamb.

161- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Will be of show quality.

158- Yearling Ram

TMD 1553 RR 113149

B: 3/3/2015 Twin S: TMD 1412 105710 D: TMD 1453 105017 Twin born to a ewe lamb, who had a ADG of 1.19 pounds per day at weaning. Codon RR by parentage.

159- Yearling Ewe

TMD 1559 RR 113151

B: 3/6/2015 Triplet S: TMD 1470 105028 D: TMD 1426 105707 A white triplet out of a ewe lamb; sired by last years Champion ram TMD 1470. She is correct, early shedding and had a 1.0# ADG at weaning. Codon RR by parentage.

Information Sale Day Will be a stud ram and good one!

162- March Ram Lamb Information Sale Day Will be a ram of stud quality.

163- February Ewe Lamb 164- February Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Will be a show and brood ewe.

165- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Several to choose from. Will be good.

166- March Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Will be a fancy one.

_______________________ Consigned By


Mike & Leslie Nelsh 2834 Kennard-Kingscreek Rd Cable, OH 43009 937-244-2673 937-471-5682 rivierahamps2hotmail.com rivierafarm.com _______________________

160- Yearling Ewe

TMD 1566 RR 113154

B: 3/10/2015 Single S: TMD 1470 105028 D: TMD 1445 105705 A black ewe out of a top ewe family; sired by last years Champion ram TMD 1470, out of a ewe lamb. ADG of 1.23# at weaning. Correct with a good coat. Codon RR by parentage.

167- Fall Ram Lamb

RIV 706(34) RR 120483

169- January Ram Lamb

170- February Ram Lamb

171- Fall Ewe Lamb

RIV 711(31) RR 129475

B: 9/15/2015 Twin S: SHU 3545 104686 D: SCD 3350 109000 Very stylish ram, great top. We have bred several ewes to him for Fall Lambs. We believe he will be a great female sire!

--- Page 41 ---

RIV 713 (1) QR 120473

B: 9/15/2015 Twin S: SHU 3545 104686 D: MVF 1429 116454 One of our biggest ewe lambs and she has a great mother. We will keep her twin sister. Dam just had a super set of twin ewe lambs in April that we will keep.

172- Fall Ewe Lamb

RIV 717 (32) RR 120478

B: 11/5/2015 Single S: DOC P1498 106120 D: SCD 3374 109002 Big volume lamb with super feet and legs. The only daughter of P1498 we will sell this year!

173- January Ewe Lamb

RIV 722 (2) RR

B: 1/5/2016 Triplet S: DOC P1498 106120 D: MVF 1431 116449 Triplet sister to our January Ram Lamb. DAM MVF 1431 is a great mother and believe she could raise 5 lambs. We really hate selling this female.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jake, Petrea, Carlson & Katlyn Stiplh 7235 NW Gospel Rd - Amity, MO 64422 (660) 541-2986 walkingcranch@gmail.com _______________________

168- Fall Ram Lamb Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72

RIV 724 (23) RR

B: 2/10/2016 Twin S: SHU 3545 104686 D: DOC P1522 112944 Good pattern and great structure. Dam is a Fall ewe lamb we purchased from Doc last Fall.

B: 9/10/2015 Single S: SHU 3545 104686 D: SCD 3397 109004 Big rugged, up-headed ram. Our pick of Fall lambs. We have bred several ewes to him for Fall lambs. We think he has a great future!

RIV 721 (2) RR

B: 1/5/2016 Triplet S: DOC P1498 106120 D: MVF 1431 116449 Triplet brother to our January ewe lamb entry.

174- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day S: POY99 Due to cold weather spring, shedding is a little late this year & we are up in the air as to which ram we will bring. The first is what you have come to expect of our sheep, while the other is extreme in length. Both are sons of POY99, making them half siblings of the 2014 National Champion.

186- Fall Ram Lamb


_______________________ Consigned By


M. Jane Phillips 2762 180th St - Galesburg, IL 61401 (309) 344-1138 janesgarden@grics.net _______________________

181- January Ewe Lamb 1st March Katahdin Ewe Lamb, from Prairie Lane Farms sold to Missouri at $1,500.

_______________________ Consigned By


David & Jane Smith 3985 N 300 W - Earl Park, IN 47942 (765) 366-7050 (219) 474-3216 djsmicol@ffni.com djsmithkatahdins.com _______________________

175- Fall Ram Lamb

SCD 4200 QR

B: 10/23/2015 Triplet S: SCD 2945 105487 D: SCD 2216 91277 Very nice, structurally correct, naturally born fall ram lamb.

176- January Ram Lamb

SCD 4340

B: 1/22/2016 Single S: SWP 07-145 052714 D: HCK 1709 81980

177- March Ram Lamb

SCD 4460

B: 3/2/2016 Twin S: TMD 1523 113125 D: SCD 3622 114253 This is a flashy black and white ram lamb sired by our new Dosch ram, Black Bart.

182- January Ewe Lamb

183- January Ewe Lamb

179- January Ewe Lamb

SCD 4277

B: 1/17/2016 Twin S: SWP 12-118 96701 D: SCD 3179 112374

Information Sale Day

180- March Ewe Lamb

MJP 90 QR or RR

B: 1/25/2016 Single S: MBS 10 Hawk 109974 D: MJP 50 Eeky 96934 Always stood out from birth. Dam production: 2013 - Twins; 2014 - Twins; 2015 -Triplets

184- February Ewe Lamb

MJP 91 QR or RR

B: 2/9/2016 Twin S: SCD 3324 106979 D: MJP 38 Diva 88258 Raised as twin, keeping twin. Dam production: 2012-Single; 2013-Twins; 2014-Twins; 2015-Twins. Has produced all ewe lambs. Plenty of milk.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jeff & Jan Poynter 12709 E 750th Rd - Paris, IL 61944 (217) 251-9984 (217) 466-4880 jpoynter74@gmail.com poyntersheepfarm.com _______________________

SCD 4088

B: 10/9/2015 Twin S: BAG 2261 106263 D: SCD 2756 105529 A really nice naturally born fall ewe lamb.

MJP 89 QR or RR

B: 1/22/2016 Quad S: MBS 10 Hawk 109974 D: MJP 61 Flame 108080 Quad born, raised as twin--good gaining rate. Dam production: 2014 - Twin; 2015 - Twin; 2016 - Quads but two died at birth.

178- Fall Ewe Lamb

MJP 88 QR or RR

B: 1/21/2016 Twin S: MBS 10 Hawk 109974 D: PMF 1339 Falana 103031 Twin born raised as twin. Big thick ewe. Dam production: 2014 - Twin; 2015 - Single

185- Yearling Ram

POY 233 RR


B: 3/19/2015 Twin S: POY 134 Red Haute 95750 D: POY 83 80545 Once in a Lifetime. Sire was National Champion 2014. Dam was National Champion 2012. Can I say more! We are keeping his twin brother.

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Poy 252 RR


B: 9/4/2015 Twin S: SHU 3541 104682 D: POY 141 95755 Sire was 2015 Champion Ram at Indiana State Fair. Dam will never leave the farm.

187- Yearling Ewe

POY 203 QR


B: 9/3/2014 Twin S: Poy 134 Red Haute 95750 D: POY 43 75005 Big thick red ewe that had a nice set of twin lambs this Spring.

188- Yearling Ewe

POY 224 RR


B: 2/16/2015 Twin S: SHU 3541 104682 D: POY 48 75010 Large-framed red ewe. She will show well this Summer.

189- Yearling Ewe

POY 227 RR


B: 3/3/2015 Twin S: SHU 3541 104682 D: POY 187 105084 Twin sister to our future stud ram. Her brother was 1st place March Ram Lamb at 2015 Indiana State Fair and has grown into something awesome.

190- Fall Ewe Lamb

POY 251 RR


B: 9/3/2015 Twin S: POY 134 Red Haute 95750 D: POY 196 105094 Guernsey-colored lamb I liked from day one.

191- Fall Ewe Lamb

POY 249 RR


B: 9/5/2015 Twin S: POY 134 Red Haute 95750 D: POY 148 95764 Long-bodied white lamb. We are selling all of our Fall ewe lambs except two for show.

192- February Ewe Lamb

POY 275 RR

B: 2/26/2016 S: SHU 3541 104682 D: POY 48 75010 Dam is a big thick red ewe.


193- March Ewe Lamb

POY 272 RR


B: 3/2/2016 Twin S: SHU 3541 104682 D: ZWT 5275 054667 A lamb we should not sell. Dam is the oldest ewe on the farm and always produces a good one.



Consigned By



Bob Shauck 69 Greystone Rd - Eldon, MO 65026 (417) 207-5649 lostdog1946@gmail.com _______________________

Consigned By


1776 110th St - Joy, IL 61260 (563) 260-6161 (309) 537-3313 ropermom5@gmail.com _______________________

194- January Ram Lamb

SHA 1600 QR


B: 1/30/2016 Twin S: PBB 1264 063769 D: SHA 1005 QR 75868 A tall, growthy ram lamb.

195- February Ram Lamb

SHA 1605 RR


B: 2/1/2016 Twin S: PBB 1264 063769 D: SHA 9004 RR 063958

SHA 1620 RR

196- March Ram Lamb

B: 3/6/2016 Triplet S: PBB 1264 063769 D: SHA 1008 78449

_______________________ Consigned By


Bruce Shanks 1201 Chestnut St - Jefferson City, MO 65101 (573) 578-3945 (573) 681-5382 shanksb@lincolnu.edu _______________________

199- Yearling Ewe


B: 2/22/2015 Twin S: DJK1424 112584 D: PMF1419 108525 Really nice spotted ewe by a grandson of Centralia.

200- Yearling Ewe


B: 1/2/2015 Twin S: TMD1232 88470 D: DOC P642 97113 Good red ewe out of a daughter of Poy 44 and by a Dosch ram.

201- Yearling Ewe


B: 1/9/2015 Twin S: TMD1232 88470 D: PMF1216 91074 Big pretty red ewe out of one of my best ewes from Kathy Agan and by our Dosch ram.

LU 15-3 113914

B: 1/26/2015 Twin S: SHU 3486 96774 D: LU 11-053 81083 Best ewe from the 2015 set of lambs.

LeRoy Boyd Katahdin Junior Show Sheep Barn Show Ring Judge: Cruz Nichols

Tuesday, June 21st, 8am

Katahdin Show Sheep Barn Show Ring Judge: Dr. Jeff Held

Wednesday, June 22nd, Noon gather at the Sheep Barn Katahdin Pens for convoy to the

Hair Coat Inspection Training Adam Kilmer Farm Versailles, MO

Midwest Katahdin Hair Sheep Assoc Annual Meeting

198- Yearling Ewe

Monday, June 20th, 9am

Return by 3pm Wednesday, June 22nd, 4:30pm

LU 15-2 113913

B: 1/17/2015 Twin S: SHU 3486 96774 D: LU 12-157 113911 This ram was our #1 choice out of the 2015 lamb crop.


co-sponsored by KHSI & MWKHSA

197- Yearling Ram


Dr. Taylor Woods Youth Center, Reception Hall

Wednesday, June 22nd, 7:30pm

Ice Cream Social

Sheep Barn Katahdin Pens sponsored by MWKHSA

Thursday, June 23rd, 6:30am

Coffee, Donuts & Bagels

Sheep Barn Katahdin Pens

Thursday, June 23rd, 8am

Katahdin Sale

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72

Sheep Barn Sale Ring --- Page 43 ---



Consigned By



John & David Coers 202 N Logan - New Holland, IL 62671 (217) 737-5674 jcoers@centralilag.com _______________________

Consigned By


Patty Abell PO Box 64 - Aurora, OR 97002 (503) 201-6904 abellfamilyfarm@yahoo.com _______________________

257- February Ram Lamb Champion Montadale Ram, Senior Champion, 1st Fall from Jacobsen Ranch sold to Illinois at $1,500.

_______________________ Consigned By


Craig Fleck 47289 Hwy 324 - Brookings, SD 57006 (814) 441-0980 fleckcraig@yahoo.com Facebook My Montadales _______________________

251- January Ram Lamb

Fleck P-25

B: 1/23/2016 Single S: Terrell & Fleck N-28 172803 D: Fleck 904 167057

Terrell & Fleck P-35

252- February Ram Lamb

B: 2/5/2016 Twin S: Terrell & Fleck N-28 172803 D: Ferguson 0951 171523

Fleck O-19

253- Yearling Ewe

Fleck P-07

254- January Ewe Lamb

B: 1/1/2016 Twin S: Fleck N-49 173012 D: Fleck 1004 167440

Terrell & Fleck P-38

255- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/12/2016 Twin S: Terrell & Fleck N-28 172803 D: Ferguson 0943 171527

Fleck P- 46

256- March Ewe Lamb

B: 3/1/2016 Twin S: Fleck N-13 172802 D: Fleck FN-02 172278 This is the best total consignment we have ever brought to the National. All but 2 are sired by our Senior Champion Ram at Louisville last year (Cornelius Pumperdickel) See pictures, videos DNA and more info on Facebook at My Montadales.

Abell-Murdock F334

B: 2/23/2016 Twin S: Temple 994 171304 D: Abell-Murdock LB111 171512 This is a full brother to the popular ram lamb we sold last year. He is a little younger, but still has lots of growth left in him. We lost his mom this year, so this will be the last chance to pick up this popular genetic combo.

258- February Ewe Lamb

Abell F339

B: 2/27/2016 Single S: Temple 994 171304 D: Rhoades 684 166617 A really nice, complete ewe lamb. Temple 994 has sired a lot of ewe lambs for us the past two years and this is an example of his consistency as a ewe producer. She will have a lot of growth left in her.

_______________________ Consigned By


Greg Miller 20145 462nd Ave - Bruce, SD 57220 (605) 690-4399 (605) 627-5247 gdmiller@itctel.com millerangusfarms.com _______________________


B: 2/6/2015 Single S: Terrell & Fleck N-28 172803 D: Fleck 1244 170624

259- Yearling Ram

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260- January Ram Lamb 261- February Ram Lamb

266- February Ram Lamb

3J Coers 819

B: 2/3/2016 Single S: Nelson 9 172841 D: Stumpe 541 171645 If you need bone and thickness, here you go. Out of our new Nelson ram. His sire goes back to Crowned Up, KB Jr, 38 special, & Wild Thing. Dam goes back to Barnfire, Locomotion, and Roy 68. Definitely check this guy out.

267- Yearling Ewe

3J Coers 798


B: 2/16/2015 Triplet S: Smith 13-00 171092 D: McGrew 668 161290 This is one pretty lady. She has the length of body and extension to catch your eye. Her sire is by Extra Rare and her Dam goes back to Royal Magnum and Prophet.

268- February Ewe Lamb

3J Coers 820

B: 2/3/2016 Twin S: Benjamin 1426 172900 D: Clayman 14139 172190 They do not get any prettier than this little lady. She has great length, depth, and extension. Her sire goes back to Triple Nickel, Locomotion, and Lexus. Her dam goes back to Wild Thing, Black Jack, and John Wayne.

269- March Ewe Lamb

3J Coers 836

B: 3/3/2016 Twin S: Marshall 477 172620 D: Shiloh 0380 171295 We hope everything goes well so this little girl can make her debut. We have had her picture in our ad and on Facebook. She has excited us since her birth. Her daddy goes back to Triple Nickel and Locomotion. Her mommy is out of Flight (by Simmba) Do not miss this one.

_______________________ Consigned By

262- January Ewe Lamb


263- February Ewe Lamb

202 N Logan - New Holland, IL 62671 (217) 737-5674 John _______________________

264- February Ewe Lamb

270- January Ewe Lamb

265- March Ewe Lamb

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Austin 64

B: 1/24/2016 Single S: Abell LB 114-149 171517 D: Austin 51 172577 A very balanced young lady. Her sire is by a Salfner ram that goes back to Terrell, Cramton and Geiman. Her dam goes back to Fire Power on both sides, Jacobsen, Kuykendall.



Consigned By



Tom & Sandy Clayman 7314 S Halstead - Hutchinson, KS 67501 (620) 727-3567 (620) 663-4064 tom@kauffmanseed.com _______________________

Consigned By


Kent & Angie Moenter 590 W Nimisila Rd - Akron, OH 44319 (330) 704-6368 kmoenter@att.net _______________________

271- Fall Ram Lamb

Clayman 1612 RR

B: 10/7/2015 Single S: Mahler 1337 171582 D: Clayman 1355 171932 Very up-headed with lots of eye-appeal.

272- January Ram Lamb

Clayman 1637 RR

B: 1/12/2016 Triplet S: Burns 1385 171406 D: Clayman 1250 172166 Retaining brother to use at home. Well-marked and heavy-boned.

273- February Ram Lamb

Clayman 1662 RR

B: 2/6/2016 Twin S: Salfner 163YP 173026 D: Clayman 1348 172174

Clayman 1583 RR

274- Yearling Ewe

B: 2/9/2015 Twin S: Ekern 156 169237 D: Clayman 1149 169536

Clayman 1587 RR

275- Yearling Ewe

B: 2/12/2015 Twin S: Rhoades 1246 171380 D: Clayman 933 167014

Clayman 1621 RR

276- Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 10/12/2015 Twin S: Ekern 156 169237 D: Clayman 1195 169619

Clayman 1650 QR

277- January Ewe Lamb B: 1/21/2016 Single S: Ekern 156 169237 D: Clayman 887 165226 She is pretty and well-made.

278- January Ewe Lamb

Clayman 1646 RR

B: 1/19/2016 Twin S: Mahler 1337 171582 D: Clayman 14127 172183

Clayman 1665 QR

279- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/10/2016 Twin S: Salfner 163YP 173026 D: Clayman 1437 172313

280- Yearling Ewe

Moenter 1555 173758

B: 3/19/2015 Twin S: Moenter 1418 172655 D: Moenter 2971 167248 Really nice yearling ewe. She will compete for you. Sire was in our show flock for 2 years. He wasn’t the biggest ram, but full of Red meat and a great top. The Dam 2971 is a good producing female that pumps our nice lambs every year. She was just sold to the Melvin Family as we wean down our flock.

Reserve Champion Montadale Ram, Reserve Senior Champion, 1st Yearling from Poppen Montadales sold to Indiana at $2,200.

_______________________ Consigned By


Dan Rhoades 8771 E Ball Rd - Centralia, MO 65240 (573) 289-7769 dan.rhoades@myfcsfinancial.com _______________________

281- Yearling Ewe

Moenter 1526 173756

B: 2/26/2015 Twin S: Miller 13-151 171376 D: Burgett 11-12 168768 If you are looking for a ewe to have market lambs, this is your female. Really nice top ewe with lots of red meat. This ewe will not be your biggest ewe in the barn, but maybe the most powerful. I bought the last of the Burgett ewes in 2013 as they sold out. These ewes are great producers.

285- February Ram Lamb


282- January Ewe Lamb

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286- Yearling Ewe 287- Fall Ewe Lamb 288- February Ewe Lamb

Moenter 1600

B: 1/7/2016 Single S: Moenter 1418 172655 D: Moenter 1421 172759 Since this maybe our last National Sale we wanted to bring our best ewe lamb. This combo of 1418 and 1421 was planned and what a great ewe lamb. They bred right after the Ohio State Fair last Aug. 1418 was sired by Ekern 303 x Wild Child and 1421 was by Poppen 036 that goes back to Urban Triple Nickle. I don’t think I ever sold a ewe lamb at the Nationals as nice as this female. She will do very well in the show ring and as well in the lambing barn.

Consigned By

JANSYN VanHORN 2002 J Rd - Garfield, KS 67529

(620) 569-2413 _______________________

289- Fall Ewe Lamb

Van Horn 1615 RR

B: 10/10/2015 Twin S: Burns 1385 171406 D: HaWaaboo 1210 170331 Will be Futurity nominated. Daughter of HaWaaboo 1210 was top Futurity lamb in 2015.

283- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

284- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Both of the Feb and March ewe lambs will be sired by Miller 13-285. We bought him at the 2013 National Sale where he was a crowd favorite. Late last fall he was Sold to the Randall Shull Family of Ohio, and we faze out of the sheep business.

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72 --- Page 45 ---

MONTADALES _______________________ Consigned By


Bill & Roxana Poppen 20535 434th Ave - DeSmet, SD 57231 (605) 203-0451 (605) 854-3497 claims@dsfm.net Facebook Poppen Montadales _______________________

295- January Ram Lamb Champion Montadale Ewe, Junior Champion, 1st March Ewe Lamb from Ekern Montadales sold to Missouri at $1,400.

_______________________ Consigned By


Tom Terrell 2710 W CR 200 N - New Castle, IN 47362 (765) 785-2309 tom.terrell@myninestar.net terrellmontadales.com _______________________

290- February Ram Lamb

T&A P27-Y35

291- January Ewe Lamb

T&A P21-OY9 174006

B: 1/15/2016 Single S: Poppen D412 172906 D: Hawaaboo 1005 168063 You do not sell stud ewes very often and this is one of them! She is big, full of capacity and style.

_______________________ Consigned By


Larry & Mary Ellen Dunn 752 Hwy 161 - Middletown, MO 63359 (573) 220-7330 (573) 549-2967 _______________________

292- Yearling Ram

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293- Yearling Ewe 294- March Ewe Lamb

Mumm 1528 RR 173310

B: 3/11/2015 Twin S: Mumm 1410 RR 172828 D: Mumm 1319 RR 171346

Mumm 1534 RR

303- Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 9/30/2015 Single S: Mumm 1410 RR 172828 D: Mumm 1405 RR 172824 Sire is a home-bred stud out of a top ewe line.

304- March Ewe Lamb

Mumm 1617

B: 1/4/2016 Triplet S: Ekern 318 171496 D: Poppen 626 166998

B: 3/1/2016 Twin S: Jacobsen 1413 RR 172232 D: Rhoades 1410 QR 172547 Sire was top-selling ram lamb at 2014 National Sale. Rhoades 1410 from 2015 Midwest Sale.

Poppen E539 173784


296- Yearling Ewe

B: 2/19/2016 Single S: Ekern 318 171496 D: Poppen 0022 168362

Poppen E62

Consigned By


Kirk Ekern 1354 Audrain Rd - Mexico, MO 65265 (573) 473-6738 (573) 581-5172 kirk.ekern.ndj9@statefarm.com _______________________

297- January Ewe Lamb


B: 2/16/2016 Single S: Poppen D412 172906 D: Terrell & Allart B80-W16 171035 A very smooth buck lamb with style. Dam is a daughter of one of our National Champion Ewes. She carries American Idol breeding on both sides of her pedigree along with Good Time & Jumping Jesus.

Poppen E61

302- Yearling Ewe

B: 1/4/2016 Triplet S: Ekern 318 171496 D: Poppen 626 166998

305- January Ram Lamb


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Consigned By

Richard Mumm 82 CR 1300 N - White Heath, IL 61884 (217) 493-4780 _______________________

298- Yearling Ram

Mumm 1526 RR 173314

B: 3/6/2015 Twin S: Jacobsen 1413 RR 172232 D: Ekern 251 RR 170531 A big correct ram, clean white head and legs and standing on good feet. He was 4th March ram at 2015 NAILE. Sire was high-selling ram lamb at 2014 National Sale. This is the ram we call Hitchhiker.

299- Fall Ram Lamb

Mumm 1532

B: 9/28/2015 Single S: Jacobsen 1413 RR 172232 D: Ross 43 172240

Mumm 1601 RR

300- January Ram Lamb B: 1/8/2016 Twin S: Jacobsen 1413 RR 172232 D: Mumm 1003 RR 167648 Dam is the start of our best ewe line.

306- January Ram Lamb 307- February Ram Lamb 308- February Ewe Lamb 309- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Ryan Gann 11578 N Mt Morris Rd - Leaf River, IL 61047 (815) 979-3117 (815) 738-2320 gannfarms@hotmail.com gannfarms.webs.com _______________________

310- February Ram Lamb

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311 February Ewe Lamb 312- March Ewe Lamb

301- Yearling Ewe

Mumm 1522 RR 173522

B: 3/2/2015 Twin S: Jacobsen 1413 RR 172232 D: Mumm 1305 RR 171337 4th place March ewe lamb at 2015 NAILE.

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Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72

MONTADALES _______________________ Consigned By


Chad & Annie Marshall 1824 Knoll Dr - Monticello, IL 61856 (217) 367-2199 marsh4408@yahoo.com _______________________

313- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Watch Facebook for consignment pictures and information the closer we get to the sale.

314- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

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315- January Ewe Lamb 316- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Rosemary Petefish 1953 IL Rt 78 - Virginia, IL 62691 (217) 452-7569 rosemarypetefish@hotmail.com _______________________

317- Fall Ram Lamb

Petefish 1511

B: 10/12/2015 Twin S: Petefish 1247 172926 D: MM1208 169918

Petefish 1512

318- Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 10/13/2015 Twin S: Petefish 1247 172926 D: Petefish 9037 167338

Petefish 1503

319- Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 10/12/2015 Twin S: Petefish 1247 172926 D: Petefish 864 169731

Petefish 1603

320- March Ewe Lamb

B: 3/3/2016 Twin S: Reisburg K1405 172779 D: Petefish 1117 170921

Reserve Champion Montadale Ewe, Senior Champion, 1st Yearling from Poppen Montadales sold to Missouri at $1,200.


BrEeevdents Monday, June 20th, Late-Morning

National Montadale Junior Show Sheep Barn Show Ring Judge: Cruz Nichols

Monday, June 20th, 6pm

Welcome Reception

Sheep Barn, Montadale Pens hosted by Kent & Angie Moenter All breeders invited.

Tuesday, June 21st, Late-Morning

Montadale Show

Sheep Barn, North Show Ring Judge: Dr. Jeff Held

Tuesday, June 22nd, 1pm

Montadale Banquet & Annual Meeting

Dr. Taylor Woods Youth Center, Reception Hall hosted by Montadale Sheep Breeders Assn Luncheon and Junior Charity Auction.

Thursday, June 23rd, Mid-Morning National Montadale Sale Sheep Barn Sale Ring --- Page 47 ---



Consigned By



Jim Klingbeil, Owner Eric Bruns, Shepherd 1000 W Powell Rd - Powell, OH 43065 (614) 885-6268 (614) 403-1436 riverwood_farms@msn.com riverwoodfarms.com _______________________

Consigned By


Kevin & Kelly Paul 1608 E Hwy 136 - Albany, MO 64402 (816) 392-0048 (660) 726-5115 kerrypaul@windstream.net missouridorpers.com _______________________

409- Yearling Ram Champion Dorper Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from HiJo Dorpers sold to Texas at $3,000.

_______________________ Consigned By

HIJO Dorpers

Antonio Juarez 11800 McCann Rd - Amity, OR 97101 (971) 237-3603 (503) 843-2190 juarezlemus@aol.com hijodorpers.com _______________________

401- Yearling Ram

Missouri Dorpers 5009

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B: 9/2/2014 Single S: Powell Ranch 2244 RF079640 D: Crane Creek 80109 EF059739 A big ram out of one of best Crane Creek ewes..

411- Yearling Ewe

Missouri Dorpers 5037 EF096174

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405- Yearling Ewe

412- Yearling Ewe

406- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Tim Lobdell 4543 N Henderson Rd - Freeport, IL 61032 (815) 238-1750 (815) 563-4543 brenda.scheider@aeroinc.net _______________________

408- Yearling Ram

Lobdell 15006 QR RF096926

B: 4/1/2015 Single S: Riverwood 6063 RF086804 D: Lobdell 11007 EF066768 A big framed ram with loads of length and muscle shape. You want a Fullblood that will add some size ... here he is! See his photo on the Lobdell Oxfords and Dorpers Facebook page in early June.

Information Sale Day

Missouri Dorpers 4162

407- February Ewe Lamb

410- Yearling Ram

B: 1/15/2015 Twin S: Powell Ranch 2244 RF079640 D: RF 5664 EF067260 A nice cross of our Powell sire and a Riverwood ewe. Sells exposed to our new flock sire RF 6291 to lamb starting Sept. 1.

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415- Yearling Ram

404- Yearling Ewe

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416- Fall Ram Lamb

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403- January Ram Lamb

B: 1/2/2015 Twin S: Powell Ranch 2244 RF079640 D: Anuagen 663 EF064166 A stout son of our older flock sire “Johnny” and from a ewe that always produces the heaviest lambs.

402- Yearling Ram

414- Yearling Ram

Missouri Dorpers 5050

B: 3/25/2015 Twin S: HC 6 2515 RF086560 D: Missouri Dorpers 1011 EF072598 Our stoutest ewe from our lamb crop of last Spring. She is exposed to RF 6291 for a September lamb.

417- Fall Ram Lamb 418- January Ram Lamb 419- Yearling Ewe 420- Yearling Ewe 421- Yearling Ewe 422- Yearling Ewe 423- Fall Ewe Lamb 424- Fall Ewe Lamb 425- January Ewe Lamb 426- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We will be bringing an even better than usual consignment.

_______________________ Consigned By

413- Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 9/27/2015 Single S: HC 6 2515 RF086560 D: Missouri Dorpers 2095 EF081787 Combines Half Circle 6, Riverwood, and Crane Creek genetics in this unique pedigree. Exposed to RF 6291 for a September lamb.


Missouri Dorpers 5132

Jessica Jean Larrick 1621 Hamilton Rd - Leesburg, OH 45135 (740) 572-2639 (937) 780-4173 jkprecast@ameritech.net _______________________

427- Fall Ram Lamb

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428- February Ram Lamb 429- Yearling Ewe 430- Yearling Ewe Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72 --- Page 48 ---

431- March Ewe Lamb




_______________________ Consigned By


James Averill 2415 Elm Road-Webberville, MI 48892 (517) 927-6399 wcfdorpers@gmail.com _______________________

Tuesday, June 21st, Mid-Day

National Dorper & White Dorper Show

432- Fall Ram Lamb

WCF 027 RP101214

B: 9/12/2015 Twin S: Outback, HC6 2563 RF090955 D: Deer Run Ranch 1210 EP079680 Outback was Reserve Champion Ram at Ft. Worth in 2016. These are genetics from Australia.

Champion Dorper Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from HiJo Dorpers sold to Utah at $2,000.


433- Fall Ram Lamb

WCF 029 RF101215

B: 9/13/2015 Triplet S: Maximus, HC6 2581 RF090954 D: Dry Creek Dorpers 0519 EF074009 Maximus was a class winner as a lamb at the 2015 Ft. Worth show. His genetics are from Australia.

_______________________ Consigned By


Sharon Holman 205 Edgemont Rd - Sonora, TX 76950 (325) 226-1973 (325) 387-7046 holmansonora@gmail.com holmandorpers.com _______________________

Consigned By


Keeland Nix 9379 Hwy FF - Mountain Grove, MO 65711 (417) 259-2567 knix@mg.k12.mo.us _______________________

437- Yearling Ram

Deer Run II 1520 RF094423

B: 2/1/2015 Twin S: Wilson Ranch G44 RF068183 D: Deer Run II 1036 EF067438

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438- February Ram Lamb 439- Yearling Ewe

434- Fall Ram Lamb

440- January Ewe Lamb

441- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Powell Ranch 4638 RF089264

435- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Powell Ranch 4638 RF089264

436- Fall Ewe Lamb

442- March Ewe Lamb


Information Sale Day S: Powell Ranch 4638 RF089264

Judge: Philip Glass

Tuesday, June 21st, Late-Afternoon

Dorper & White Dorper

Junior Showmanship

Sheep Barn Show Ring Judge: Philip Glass

Wednesday, June 22nd, 6pm

Larry Mead Supreme Champion Event Swine Barn Show Ring

Thursday, June 23rd, 7:30am

Dorper Sheep Breeders Society Breakfast & Annual Meeting

Consigned By

Dr. Taylor Woods Youth Center, Reception Hall

Marie Iiams 13177 FR 1195 - Jenkins, MO 65605 (417) 846-6835 _______________________

Thursday, June 23rd,


443- Yearling Ram

CMI 5026G

B: 2/3/2015 Single S: Circle H Livestock 444 RF088846 D: CMI 3039B EX081096 Pure blood Ram.

Sheep Barn Show Ring

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National Dorper & White Dorper Sale Sheep Barn Sale Ring



Consigned By



Kevin & Kelly Paul 1608 E Hwy 136 - Albany, MO 64402 (816) 392-0048 (660) 726-5115 kerrypaul@windstream.net missouridorpers.com _______________________

Consigned By


Ron & Carla Young 12282 Harrison Willshire Rd Van Wert, OH 45891 (419) 203-6389 (419) 495-2993 roncyoung@gmail.com buckeyeacres.com _______________________

510- Fall Ram Lamb Champion White Dorper Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from HiJo Dorpers sold to Texas at $5,000.

_______________________ Consigned By

HIJO Dorpers

Antonio Juarez 11800 McCann Rd - Amity, OR 97101 (971) 237-3603 (503) 843-2190 juarezlemus@aol.com hijodorpers.com _______________________

501- Yearling Ram

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502- Yearling Ram 503- January Ram Lamb 504- Yearling Ewe 505- Yearling Ewe 506- January Ewe Lamb 507- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Kayla Flinn & Luke Inbody 6563 TR 28 - Jenera, OH 45841 (419) 306-2451 (419) 889-5324 flinn_13@hotmail.com Facebook L & K Sheep Co _______________________

508- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Baylees Rockin N 1033 White Lightning RP

509- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Baylees Rockin N 1033 White Lightning RP Both by White Lightning, who has added width and length of body to our program.

Buckeye Acres 2703 QR

B: 11/19/2015 Twin S: Buckeye Acres 2183 RP 092692 D: Buckeye Acres 1723 EP 092660 2183 is sired by Lewis 110041, the high selling White Dorper ram at the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. We sold 2 yearling sons at the 2015 Midwest Sale for $1750 and $1100. 2703 is a very correct, straight, massive, muscular October fall ram lamb. Do not miss this stud ram prospect.

511- Fall Ram Lamb

Buckeye Acres 2779 QR

B: 11/7/2015 Single S: Buckeye Acres 2183 RP 092692 D: Buckeye Acres 2100 EP 084178 Dam of 2100, Broadmeade 1082C, was Grand Champion White Dorper Ewe at the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. 1082C was carrying 2100, sired by Grant 8F038, when we purchased her. 2779 is a very long, straight, correct, muscular prospect. Check for photos of our White Dorper entries on our website, www.buckeyeacres.com.

512- Fall Ewe Lamb

Buckeye Acres 2763

B: 10/28/2015 Twin S: Buckeye Acres 2183 RP 092692 D: Buckeye Acres 1913 EP 092663 Dams of all of our Fall Ewe Lambs are excellent mothers with mass and muscle.

513- Fall Ewe Lamb

Buckeye Acres 2770

B: 10/25/2015 Triplet S: Buckeye Acres 2183 RP 092692 D: Buckeye Acres 1407 EP 094605 2770 is going to make a big massive ewe. She is very wide-topped and deep-ribbed.

514- Fall Ewe Lamb

Buckeye Acres 2774

B: 10/30/2015 Twin S: Buckeye Acres 2183 RP 092692 D: Buckeye Acres 1549 EP 094606 Another excellent White Dorper female.

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515- Yearling Ram

Missouri Dorper 5086

B: 4/6/2015 Twin S: HSS 3816 RF084166 D: S Bar T Livestock g281 EF087106 A nice fullblood ram from an S Bar T ewe and a Hamilton Ram we bought here a couple of years ago. You will like his length and girth.

516- Yearling Ram

Missouri Dorpers 5054

B: 3/26/2015 Twin S: HSS 3816 RF084166 D: Speck Ranch 3015 EP068504 Large ram for a March, by our Flock Sire Big AL.

517- Yearling Ewe

Missouri Dorpers 5025

B: 1/4/2015 Twin S: HSS 3816 RF084166 D: Missouri Dorpers 1206 EP080554 A twin sister to the Grand Champion Ewe at 2015 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Bred to our newest flock sire, Jimmy, HC 6 2768. He is an all Austrailian outcross pedigree and a son of the Terraweena ewe now at Coyote Creek.

518- Yearling Ewe

Missouri Dorpers 5065

B: 4/1/2015 Single S: HSS 3816 RF084166 D: Missouri Dorpers 2086 EF080934 A nice Fullblood that has a pedigree worth looking up. Exposed to Jimm, HC 6 2768 for a September lamb.

519- Fall Ewe Lamb

Missouri Dorpers 5135

B: 9/29/2015 Twin S: HSS 3816 RF084166 D: HSS 1633 EF050898 All Hamilton Sheep Station breeding from one of our oldest fullblood ewes. Exposed to HC 6 2768 Jimmy for a September lamb.

520- January Ewe Lamb

Missouri Dorpers 6001

B: 1/1/2016 Single S: HSS 3816 RF084166 D: Speck Ranch 3122 EF068487 A young fullblood ewe lamb. Sired by Big Al and out of our 3122 ewe that is an ET daughter of Specks RF 5024.



Consigned By



Paul Lewis 12661 E Langell Valley Rd-Bonanza, OR 97623 (541) 591-2510 lambchop@whitedorper.com whitedorper.com _______________________

Consigned By


Jim Klingbeil, Owner Eric Bruns, Shepherd 1000 W Powell Rd - Powell, OH 43065 (614) 885-6268 (614) 403-1436 riverwood_farms@msn.com riverwoodfarms.com _______________________

521- Yearling Ram

LWD 150137

B: 3/29/2015 AI S: Etiwanda Outback E5195 RFE 5195AU D: 130078 EP089778 This ram is a trait leader on Lambplan for Weaning Wt, Post Weaning Wt, Eye Muscle Depth and Carcass Plus.

530- Yearling Ram

532- January Ram Lamb

522- Yearling Ram LWD 150073

B: 3/25/2015 AI S: Ida Vale 112227 RF112227AU D: LWD110346 EP089739 This ram has an 11.6 Post weaning EBV.

523- Yearling Ram

LWD 150153

B: 3/30/2015 AI S: Ida Vale 112227 RF112227AU D: LWD090246 EP062015 This ram has an 11.1 PWWT and 126.89 SRC on lambplan.

524- Yearling Ram

Lewis 150081

B: 3/26/2015 AI S: Nonning 100044 RF100044AU. D: LWD 140159 EP095830 He is a trait leader with 2.5 PEMD and Carcass+ of 172.

525- Yearling Ram

Lewis 150076

B: 3/25/2015 AI S: Nonning 100044 RF100044AU D: LWD100071 EP068374 Another slick coated 44 son with 9.0 PWWT and a 1.3 PEMD.

526- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

527- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

528- Pen of Yearling Ewes 529- Pen of Yearling Ewes

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


533- Yearling Ewe

Matt Nippert 58115 710 Rd-Diller, NE 68342 (402) 239-0407 (402) 793-5910 pleasantview@diodecom.net _______________________

534- Yearling Ewe 535- Fall Ewe Lamb

540- Yearling Ram

536- January Ewe Lamb

537- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We will be bringing an even better than usual consignment.

_______________________ Consigned By


Andrew Freemyer 21901 St Hwy E - Ravenswood, MO 64479 (660) 254-3717 (660) 254-4413 jarkim2@grm.net _______________________

538- Yearling Ram

Red Raven Acres 1412 RP093694

B: 12/7/2014 Twin S: RF5702 RF067285 D: Red Raven Acres 123 EP07388 A long bodied, heavy muscled ram we were tempted to keep for ourselves so we call him Temptation. He is out of a heavy milking ewe and a Riverwood ram we leased from Missouri Dorpers.

539- Yearling Ram

B: 3/21/2015 Single S: RF5702 RF067285 D: Missouri Dorpers 2005 EF072607 This ram is extremely thick with a good tight front end. Should add muscle to any herd. See our Red Raven Acres Facebook page for pictures of our entries.

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Pleasant View Farm 5V06 QR

B: 1/12/2015 Single S: Grant 545 RF087997 D: Glenn Land Farm B129 EP077659 We used this ram on fifteen ewes late last fall and his lambs are showing a nice increase in length and style.

Information Sale Day

Red Raven Acres 0152 RF067285

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72

Reserve Champion White Dorper Ram, 2nd Yearling Ram from HiJo Dorpers sold to Texas at $5,000.

531- Fall Ram Lamb

541- Yearling Ram

Pleasant View Farm 5M10 RP103534

B: 2/6/2015 Single S: Yucca Lily S0483 RF069185 D: Pleasant View Farm 2308QR EP084053 We used this half-brother to our 2015 Res National Champion on a few young ewes last fall and were very pleased with the results.

542- Yearling Ram

Pleasant View Farm 5D42 QR

B: 2/20/2015 Single S: Yucca Lily S0540 RF069190 D: Glenn Laand Dorper B111 EP074898 A grandson of MS16 going back to Tien Jordaan Y. He is very muscular and of good Dorper type.

543- Yearling Ewe

Pleasant View Farm 5M02

B: 1/7/2015 Twin S: Yucca Lily S0483 RF069185 D: Glenn Land Dorper B278 EP077671 Deep bodied ewe with decent size and balance.

544- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

553- Fall Ram Lamb

WHITE DORPERS _______________________ Consigned By


Marie Iiams 13177 FR 1195 - Jenkins, MO 65605 (417) 846-6835 _______________________

548- Yearling Ram

_______________________ Consigned By


Thomas & Roxanna Teafatiller 20750 Keith Pearson Rd Siloam Springs, AR 72761 (479) 427-9410 (479) 790-3159 thomas1027@hotmail.com coyotecreek.com _______________________

545- Fall Ram Lamb

Coyote Creek Farms 5041 RP101519

B: 11/24/2015 Twin S: Twin County Dorpers 0573 RF092429 D: HSS 3775 EP082596 Sired by 2015 National Champion White Dorper Ram. Sire was designated as a high Type 5 ram by Mr. Adrian Veitch of Kaya Dorpers a major producer in Australia.

546- Fall Ram Lamb

Coyote Creek Farms 5039 RP101517

B: 10/16/2015 Twin S: HC6 2666 RF091005 D: ARROF313 Red Oaks Farm 432Y EP063656 Sire is an ET ram from Australia, grand Sire is African D555.

547- Fall Ewe Lamb

549- Pen of Yearling Ewes

CMI 5012R

CMI 5016R


CMI 5058R


B: 4/13/2015 Twin S: CMI 4026R RF093533 D: EF 054707 Lazy J 14-OR

CMI 5014R


CMI 5046R


B: 4/12/2015 Twin S: CMI 4026R RF093533 D: Lazy J 23-OR EF054820

CMI 5049R

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

555- Yearling Ewe 556- Pen of Yearling Ewes 557- Fall Ewe Lamb 558- Fall Ewe Lamb 559- Pen of Ewe Lambs

_______________________ Consigned By


Baylee Nix 1988 Hwy EE - Mansfield, MO 65704 580-465-0174 tndnix@yahoo.com _______________________

560- Yearling Ram

Consigned By


Sharon Holman 205 Edgemont Rd - Sonora, TX 76950 (325) 226-1973 (325) 387-7046 holmanpowell@yahoo.com powellholman.com _______________________

551- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

552- Fall Ram Lamb --- Page 52 ---

Baylees Rockin N 0107 RP 096937 B: 3/30/2015 Twin

S: JBJ Livestock 516 RP 087582 D: Baylees Rockin N 1019 EP 087290 Purebred ram, very good genetics in his pedigree.

561- Yearling Ewe

Baylees Rockin N 0043 EF 096935 B: 1/2/2015 Twin

S: Baylees Rockin N 1002 RF 076915 D: Baylees Rockin N 1020 EF 079437 Great Full blood ewe.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jared Frieze 12140 N FR 119 - Brighton, MO 65617 (417) 597-0854 (417) 742-4228 jaredfriezel@gmail.com _______________________



Coyote Creek Farms 5035 RP101511

Information Sale Day

B: 5/15/2015 Twin S: CHB 2299B RF091092 D: Lazy J 25-OR EF058240

B: 5/30/2015 Twin S: CHB 2299B RF091092 D: CMI 16GR EF078716 All full-bloods. Sire was proven high-worm tolerance by OK State. All exposed to CMI 5013W March 15th to present.

554- Yearling Ewe


550- Pen of Yearling Ewes

Information Sale Day

B: 2/10/2015 Twin S: CHB 2299B RF091092 D: CMI 3018R EF092785

B: 4/13/2015 Twin S: CMI 4026R RF093533 D: CMI 4036R EF093098 All full-bloods. Sire was proven high-worm tolerance by OK State. All exposed to CMI 5013W March 15th to present.

B: 10/14/2015 Single S: HC6 2666 RF091005 D: HSS 3765 EP082586 Sire is an ET ram from Australia, grand sire is African D555.


B: 5/25/2015 Single S: CHB 2299B RF091092 D: CMI 3039R EF092783 Heavily muscled full blood, good temperament.

Champion White Dorper Ewe, 1st January from Missouri Dorpers sold to Illinois at $1,100.

CMI 5057R

562- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Will be sired by Riverwood 5767 who has sired a nice set of Falls for us 2 years in a row now! Good chance this entry will codon test RR.

563- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

564- March Ram Lamb 565- March Ewe Lamb 566- Pen of Ewe Lambs Information Sale Day Exposed Fall Born ewe lambs.



Consigned By


Tom & Karin Watson 32450 Baxter Rd - Hermiston, OR 97838 (541) 561-7312 (541) 567-5905 karinlw@aol.com silverdalefarms.com _______________________

608- February Ewe Lamb

Taylor 16-12 QR 16038

B: 4/20/2015 Twin S: Fisher K9 RR Twin 14128 D: Silverdale BL 8011 Twin 12088

B: 2/14/2016 Twin S: Fisher N78 QR SG 15289 D: Taylor 1104 SG 15388 Thick set of ewe lambs. We kept her sister to add to herd. Grand sire of Dam sire on the bottom was Lonestar 403, sire of Bulldog, the ram that went to Fishers. The dam and Fisher sire are thick rumped.

Silverdale Pink 15026 QR 15906

601- Yearling Ram

Silverdale Pink 15021 RR 15898

602- Yearling Ewe

B: 3/29/2015 Single S: Fisher K9 RR twin 14128 D: Silverdale 10003 twin 12872

Silverdale Pink 15028 QR 15907

609- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By


B: 3/28/2015 Twin S: Fisher K9 RR twin 14128 D: Silverdale HH 12018 triplet 14103

Austin Brown 17527 Maple Dr - Saegertown, PA 16433 (814) 431-8133 (814) 763-3140 claynob75@gmail.com _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By


Bret Taylor 1633 250th Ave - Osceola, IA 50213 (641) 203-2110 (641) 342-3364 bltusmc75@yahoo.com _______________________

604- February Ram Lamb

Taylor 16-10 RR 16034

610- Yearling Ram

605- February Ram Lamb

Taylor 16-11 QR 16035

B: 2/13/2016 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0349 AI SG 14696 D: Taylor 9307 QR TW 16033 Full brother to 16-10.

606- March Ram Lamb

Taylor 16-18 QR 16036

B: 3/14/2016 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0349 AI SG 14696 D: Fisher H79 QR SG 12935

Taylor 16-21 RR 16940

607- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/16/2016 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0349 14696 D: Fisher H123 QR SG 12704

Clay-Nob 1524 15446

B: 2/7/2015 Single S: Clay-Nob 1481 Protege 14816 D: 14078 A. Brown 1201 The sire was our best ram from the 2012 National Champion.


B: 2/13/2016 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0349 AI SG 14696 D: Taylor 9307 QR TW 16033 Thick rumped, solid built. Sired by Portland Prairie 0349, 2014 Res Champion Ram. Dam born in 2013, and is medium sized. This is her 3rd set of twins.

B: 3/11/2016 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0349 AI SG 14696 D: Taylor 968 SG 14206


603- Yearling Ewe

Consigned By


Ronald Wilcox 1416 W Fitchburg Rd - Leslie, MI 49251 (734) 260-0109 wilcox.ronald@att.net _______________________

611- February Ram Lamb

Wilcox 157 Green RR

B: 2/13/2016 Single S: Bokelman 0085 14920 D: Wilcox 575 WH 14053 This ram has been an eye catcher since birth. He has a wide topline. Deep long loin. Deep wide chest. Legs set wide and square.

Champion Texel Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from Pine Knob Farm sold to Idaho at $9,000.

Taylor 16-08 QR 16041

613- Yearling Ewe

Wilcox 492 Yellow 15264

B: 2/20/2015 Twin S: Round Barn 12-32 13841 D: Wilcox 201 PK 13528 Nice well balanced ewe. Her sire and grand dam produced our 2015 Reserve Champion ewe at Midwest Sale.

614- Yearling Ewe

Wilcox 488 Yellow 15259

B: 2/17/2015 Twin S: Round Barn 12-32 13841 D: Wilcox 204 PK 13530 Excellent maternal line. Multiple generations of twin producers.

615- February Ewe Lamb

Wilcox 506 Yellow RR

B: 2/16/2016 Triplet S: Round Barn 12-32 13841 D: Wilcox 208 PK 13534 Strong maternal line. Dam has produced triplets past 2 years.

616- February Ewe Lamb

Wilcox 503 Yellow RR

B: 2/15/2016 Twin S: Round Barn 12-32 13841 D: Wilcox 443 YE 13479 Nice well balanced lamb. Good growth and muscle pattern.

612- February Ram Lamb

Wilcox 510 Yellow RR

B: 2/19/2016 Twin S: Round Barn 12-32 13841 D: Wilcox 595 WH 15266 Nice growing lamb. Long deep loin. Straight well placed legs. Smooth strong top.

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72 --- Page 53 ---

627- January Ewe Lamb


621- January Ram Lamb

Champion Texel Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Fisher Texels sold to Indiana at $1,350.

_______________________ Consigned By


Niki Fisher 2275 N Grays Creek Rd - Indian Valley, ID 83632 (208) 315-5659 (208) 256-4426 fishertexels@gmail.com fishertexels.com _______________________

617- Yearling Ram

Fisher N76 RR 16030

B: 2/3/2015 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0209 ET ET 14156 D: Fisher J96 RR 13885 N76 and N77, full brothers, sired by the 2012 National Sale 3rd place ram who scanned a 4.32 inch loin.

618- Yearling Ram

Fisher N77 RR 16031

B: 2/3/2015 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0209 ET ET 14156 D: Fisher J96 RR 13885 N76 & N77 are also 1/2 brothers to the 2015 Reserve Champion Ram. Rams from Richardson, Taylors Bulldog and Davis Muscleman are on the dame side of the pedigree.

619- January Ram Lamb

Fisher P23 QR

B: 1/26/2016 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher D112QR 13454 Pedigree of dam features the first Portland Prairie ram that we purchased in 2008, along with rams from Weaver and Hess.

620- January Ram Lamb

Fisher P3 QR

B: 1/19/2016 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher D126 QR 13423 All of our ram and ewe lambs are sired by the Pine Knob ram we call Jacob. On the maternal side, P3 has breeding from our AI program and can be traced back to a Hess ram.

Fisher P1 RR

B: 1/13/2016 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher H121 RR 12946 Even though this ram lamb is a single, do not let that stop you. His dam is a twin; grand dam was a quad; and great-grand dam was a twin. His sire was the 2015 Grand Champion ram and Best of Breed for Texels, scanning a 5.01 inch loin.

622- January Ram Lamb

Fisher P16 RR

B: 1/26/2016 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher K147 RR 14416 A nice ram lamb whose maternal side features Richardson, Portland Prairie and Taylors Bulldog.

623- Brood Ewe

Fisher L15 RR


B: 1/28/2014 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0223 AI 14158 D: Fisher 105A QR 11823 L15 has proven to be a nice brood ewe with great mothering instincts. Her sire was the 2012 Reserve Champion Texel Ram at the National Show, scanning a 4.56 inch loin. On her maternal side she features Taylors Bulldog and Hess rams.

624- Brood Ewe

Fisher L31 RR


B: 1/31/2014 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0065 AI 13051 D: Fisher D75 RR 13445 L31 sire was the high-selling ram at the 2001 National Sale. His loin scan was a 4.63 inch. On the maternal side, L31 goes all the way back to Moe-Ekin and Hess rams with some Australian thrown in from our AI program.

625- Yearling Ewe

Fisher N171 RR 15739

B: 3/14/2015 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0209 ET ET 14156 D: Fisher J29 RR 13868 In 2015 at the National Show, her dam was 1st brood ewe. This yearling ewe would make a great addition to any flock.

626- Yearling Ewe

Fisher N180 RR 15747

B: 3/21/2015 Single S: Portland Prairie 0209 ET ET 14156 D: Fisher J139 RR 13900 Another nice yearling ewe who is also a 1/2 sister to the 2015 Reserve Champion Ram. She will make a great addition to your flock.

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Fisher P15 QR

B: 1/25/2016 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher K128 QR 14413 Along with the excellent breeding from her sire, P15 has some old names in the Texel breed in her background. Tomorrow Valley, Dunn and USMARC.

628- January Ewe Lamb

Fisher P38 RR

B: 1/28/2016 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher K95 RR 14389 This girl combines both British and New Zealand genetics which will add a little something extra to your breeding program.

629- January Ewe Lamb

Fisher P51 RR

B: 1/30/2016 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher 0139B RR 12258 Out of one of our older ewes, P51 has a nice mixture of genetics in her background, both on her sire and dam side.

630- January Ewe Lamb

Fisher P54 RR

B: 1/30/2016 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher J74 RR 13882 This ewe lamb caught my eye early in my search for Sedalia entries. She is a well put-together ewe and has grown well. She also has a nice mix of British, Australian and English genetics.

_______________________ Consigned By


Peter Tausanovitch 655 River Rd - Lyme, NH 03768 (603) 667-7024 peter.uvi@gmail.com _______________________

631- Yearling Ram

Epic Acres 716124


B: 4/16/2015 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1205 13762 D: Pine Knob Farm 1207 13763

Epic Acres 716129

632- Yearling Ram


B: 4/14/2015 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1205 13762 D: Pine Knob Farm 1315 TW 14631



Consigned By



Don & Betsy Heller 9019 60th Ave NW - Pine Island, MN 55963 (507) 367-2199 mntexel@yahoo.com _______________________

Consigned By


Rachael Gately 126 Pioneer Heights - Somers, CT 06071 (860) 202-4490 regately@gmail.com _______________________

633- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

634- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day Both yearling rams are ready to work for you, RR, OPP free Calipyge free, and footrot free. From MN20 scrapie free flock.

_______________________ Consigned By


Charles & Deborah Wray 11636 Snake Point Dr - Caledonia, MN 55921 (507) 495-0515 (507) 495-3265 wray@acegroup.cc portlandprairietexels.com _______________________

635- Yearling Ram

Portland Prairie 0518-ET RR 16014 B: 2/14/2015 Twin S: Handbank Jack The Lad PRH03014 11735 D: Portland Prairie 0339 14490 This massive, long ram is loaded with muscle. Check our website for photos and more information.

636- Yearling Ram

Portland Prairie 529-ET RR 15835 B: 3/26/2015 Single

S: Cambwell Laird LTC05507 93097 D: Portland Prairie 0347 14493 This eye appealing ram is very well put together. His growth rate potential is impressive since his one-teated recipient dam was treated for mastitis when he was 50 days old, yet he continued to grow on pasture without creep. Check our website for photos and more information.

_______________________ Consigned By


4944 N Co Rd 200 E-Greensburg, IN 47240 (812) 614-4391 bok74710@yahoo.com _______________________

637- Yearling Ram

Bokelman 527 RR

B: 1/28/2015 Twin S: Bokelman 11821 13178 D: Adams 2704 11620


638- Yearling Ram

Pine Knob Farm 1527 QR 15323 B: 3/10/2015 Twin

S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Pine Knob Farm 1303 14630 Up-headed and pretty fronted, but does not disappoint from behind either. He looks like his sire, who was the 2015 National Champion Ram. PKF 1303 is twin to the 2014 National Champion Ram. Callipyge NN.

639- Yearling Ram

Pine Knob Farm 1532 RR 15328 B: 3/24/2015 Twin

S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Pine Knob Farm 1318 14633 This ram is young, but has the potential to be a rugged stud buck. PKF 1318 is twin to the 2014 Reserve National Champion Ewe. Callipyge NN.

640- Fall Ram Lamb

Pine Knob Farm 1603 QR

B: 10/8/2015 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Pine Knob Farm 1115 13758 Extremely muscular and complete ram. PKF 1115 is also the dam of PKF 1512 Black Hawk, who we have retained as a stud buck. This ram lamb will be the last one we sell sired by PKF 1408. Callipyge NN.

641- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Will be sired by Clay-Nob Protege or PKF Black Hawk. Remaining Callipyge results are pending but will be posted at the sale.

642- Yearling Ewe

Pine Knob Farm 1530 R 15523 B: 3/13/2015 Twin

Reserve Champion Texel Ewe, 1st Spring from Wilcox Club Lambs sold to Virginia at $2,000.

643- Yearling Ewe

Pine Knob Farm 1533 RR 15524 B: 3/24/2015 Twin

S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Pine Knob Farm 1318 14633 Long-sided, pretty ewe. She has champion genetics on both sides of her pedigree; sure to be a great addition to any flock.

644- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Sired by Clay-Nob Protege or PKF Black Hawk.



Monday, June 20th, Early-Afternoon

National Texel Junior Show

Sheep Barn Show Ring Judge: Cruz Nichols

Texel Sheep Breeders Society Annual Meeting & Banquet Best Western, State Fair Inn Tuesday, June 21st, Late-Morning

S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Pine Knob Farm 1116 13759 We should not be selling this one, but we are committed to offering our best. PKF 1116 has never missed; she is the dam of our 2014 National Champion Ewe. Be sure to check her out!

Sheep Barn, North Show Ring

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72

Sheep Barn Sale Ring

--- Page 55 ---

Texel Show Judge: Philip Glass

Thursday, June 23rd, Early-Afternoon National Texel Sale



Consigned By

_______________________ Consigned By


202 N Logan - New Holland, IL 62671 (217) 737-5674 John _______________________

704- Yearling Ewe



Consigned By

Consigned By



Peyton Fair 10976 Hwy 59 W - Gilt Edge, TN 38015 (901) 568-3168 (901) 296-5182 peyton.tristarstockfarm@gmail.com tristarstockfarm.com _______________________

705-Fall Ram Lamb

701- February Ram Lamb

Tri-Star 1601

B: 2/2/2016 Single S: Schambow 495 35792 D: JET 14021 35259 1601 is the perfect combination of natural thickness, performance, and style. His sire, Gentleman Jack, is a Big Ten son whose twin brother Helix stood 2nd in his class at NAILE in 2015 and dam was 3rd in her class the year before. His dam, 14021, is an Alternative daughter who we showed slick shorn because she is so thick and good topped! DNA information will be available by sale day, but he will be QR or better.

_______________________ Consigned By


David and Sandra Rock 590 Montgomery Rd - Hillsborough, NJ 08844 (908) 938-1921 (908) 938-1920 rqlfarms@comcast.net Facebook RQL Farms _______________________

702- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

703- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day


B: 2/28/2015 Twin S: J Coers 3 32175 D: Schultz 0106 32563 A very well balanced ewe. She is composed of triples, Brawn (Willie), Bruns, Kleman, and Lawthea bloodlines.

Champion Tunis Ram, 1st Fall Ram from Riverwood Farms sold to Pennsylvania at $850.

J Coers 24

Don & Jane Craft 307 West Columbia St - Flora, IN 46929 (765) 490-6619 (574) 967-3091 _______________________

Craft 15-36

B: 10/9/2015 Twin S: Shambow 442 34483 D: Anderson 229 This ram has class! Sire was Champion Ram at Indiana State Fair in 2015. His granddad was National Champion for Schambows of Wisconsin.

706-January Ram Lamb

Craft 16-3

B: 1/28/2016 Twin S: Stumpe 567 D: Craft 14-33 30435 Goes back to the great Razor ram. He is very correct with lots of meat and bone. Ge will grow big and will be put together very well.


Nick and Mackenzie Stumpe 5982 Audrain Rd #427 - Mexico, MO 65265 (573) 473-1814 (573) 581-1200 stumpe@socket.net _______________________

710- February Ram Lamb

711- Yearling Ewe

712- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Sire will most likely be RRoberto, MJM 1113. We have an outstanding set of lambs from him this year. Scrapie DNA available sale day. We will Futurity nominate this ewe lamb.

_______________________ Consigned By


Matthew & Jennifer Maag 13360 Rd 12 - Ottawa, OH 45875 (419) 303-6059 (419) 538-6535 matchesmaag@yahoo.com _______________________

Craft 16-27

B: 2/8/2016 Triplet S: Schambow 442 34483 D: Craft 13-23 33425 Super on his feet and very correct. Long neck and high-headed. Sire was Champion at 2015 Indiana State Fair and Reserve as a lamb.

Stumpe 466-OR E 2003

B: 2/10/2015 Twin S: Stumpe 13-45 R 2001 D: Stumpe 333-OR E 2002 Another one of our top yearling ewes. Her dam was one of our show ewes that stood up next to Uptown Little Sister at the 2013 MO State Fair. Look this one up. Scrapie DNA available sale day.

707-February Ram Lamb

Stumpe 506-OR

B: 2/9/2016 Twin S: MJM 1113 29907 D: Stumpe 417-OR 1427 E This ram lamb is built right and has the predictable pedigree also. He is bred the same way as our lead yearling ram for this summer (2nd at MO State fair last year). From our Triple S 700 ewe family his mother is same mating as the dam to our yearling ewe which sold for $1000 at the 2015 sale. Make sure you look this one up. Scrapie DNA available sale day.

713- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

708-Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day This ewe will be sired by either Schambow 442 or Schambow 434.

709-February Ewe Lamb

Craft 16-33

B: 2/10/2016 Twin S: Schambow 442 34483 D: Stumpe 529 34529 Sire is same as above and the dam has Mayes breeding in the pedigree.

--- Page 56 ---

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72



Consigned By



Linda Cook 1725 W CR 450 N - 9Muncie, IN 47303 (765) 729-0262 (765) 288-7829 lcmouse@juno.com _______________________

Consigned By


Kelly Stumpe 8922 Clibourn Rd - Russellville, MO 65074 (636) 357-8227 stumpesheep@yahoo.com _______________________

714- Yearling Ewe

Triangle Farms 15143 RR 35933 B: 1/21/2015 Twin

S: Schambow 373 Bo 31639 D: Triangle Farms 13119 33005 Bo has provided us great level-topped ewes with style.

715- Yearling Ewe

Triangle Farms 15145 RR 35935 B: 3/17/2015 Single

S: Schambow 373 Bo 31639 D: Triangle Farms 12117 31529 Bo gives our ewes not only great style but correct on their feet and legs.

720- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

721- Yearling Ewe 722- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Since we will not be showing this year our consignment will include our best lambs that would normally be kept back for our show flock.

_______________________ Consigned By


716- Yearling Ewe

Lynn Murry 125 NE 1150th Rd - Higginsville, MO 64037 (816) 263-2464 (816) 263-5234 lynnmurry07@yahoo.com _______________________

Triangle Farms 15148 RR 35938 B: 2/17/2015 Twin

S: Triangle Farms 12111 LT2 31523 D: Wise 1217 31700 Most of our brood ewes and show ewes are sired by LT2.

717-February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day B: 1/1/2016 S: RQL Farms 1416 Sweet Red Ale 146R We are impressed by the offspring by our new sire Sweet Red Ale from RQL Farms. DNA pending on this January born ewe lamb.

_______________________ Consigned By


723- Yearling Ram

724- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

725- February Ewe Lamb


Jim Klingbeil, Owner Eric Bruns, Shepherd 1000 W Powell Rd - Powell, OH 43065 (614) 885-6268 (614) 403-1436 riverwood_farms@msn.com riverwoodfarms.com _______________________

718- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

719- February Ewe Lamb

Murry 21506 30207

B: 2/24/2015 Single S: Schambow 379 32061 D: Craft 11-50 30711 Fifth place ram in Louisville in the open and Junior Show. Grand Champion Ram in 4-H Show at Missouri State Fair.

Consigned By


Clint Garey 2039 1100th Ave-Chestnut, IL 62518 (309) 275-9189 garey4@abelink.com _______________________

726- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Champion Tunis Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Riverwood Farms sold to Minnesota at $1,500.


BrEeevdents Tuesday, June 21st, Afternoon

Tunis Show

Sheep Barn, South Show Ring Judge: Steve Paash

Wednesday, June 22nd, 6pm

Larry Mead Supreme Champion Event Swine Barn Show Ring

Thursday, June 23rd, 8am

Coffee & Donuts Sheep Barn Tunis Pens

sponsored by Midwest Tunis Assoc.

Thursday, June 23rd, 11am

Light Lunch

Sheep Barn Tunis Pens

sponsored by Midwest Tunis Assoc.

Thursday, June 23rd Early-Afternoon

Tunis Sale

Sheep Barn Sale Ring --- Page 57 ---

CORRIEDALES _______________________ Consigned By


Bob and Deb Schroth 5899 S Co Rd 157 - Strasburg, CO 80136 (303) 622-4617 bschrothd@msn.com _______________________

756- January Ram Lamb

B: 1/5/2016 Single S: ML Bandt 1082 573900 D: Schroth 530 568030 Correct and stylish with good breed character. Sired by the 2014 Junior Champion Ram.

Champion Corriedale Ram, 1st January Ram Lamb from Dew Drop Farms sold to Ohio at $1,675.

_______________________ Consigned By


Leah Beth Faulkner 4707 Jack Douglas Rd - Union City, TN 38261 (731) 479-3686 (731) 885-7053 donlaura1@yahoo.com _______________________

751- February Ram Lamb

Faulkner 1261 TN 0103 575805

757- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

759- Fall Ewe Lamb 760- January Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


The Baucks 38118 510th Ave - New York Mills, MN 56567 (218) 639-8484 Darin (218) 640-7800 Duane _______________________

752- Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 12/16/2015 Single S: GSC21 572140 D: Faulkner 111 570359

753- February Ewe Lamb

Faulkner 1262 TN 0102 575806

B: 2/29/2016 Twin S: GSC21 572140 D: Faulkner 37 572783

_______________________ Consigned By


Rodney, Cathy, Cody Morris 7938 E CR 250 N - Lerna, IL 62440 (217) 272-5299 hillcreekfarm6@consolidated.net _______________________

754- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Sired by North Star Friesz 346. The popular Junior Champion Ram in 2013 at Louisville.

755- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Sired by Why Not, the 2015 National Show Champion Ram from the Hoffman Family.

Information Sale Day

758- Yearling Ewe

B: 2/29/2016 Twin S: GSC21 572140 D: Faulkner 37 572783

Faulkner 1260 TN 0136 575804

Schroth 1079

761- Yearling Ram

DDF 5-03 574822

B: 1/20/2015 Twin S: DDF 0-95 New Frontier D: DDF 3-51 One of the sweeter fronted rams we have sold. 0-95 needs no introduction to the breed. His two half-brothers were Champion Centennial ram and North American Champion in 2014. Has a great head, will have used him for fall lambs.

762- Fall Ram Lamb

Bauck 5-82

B: 9/15/2015 Twin S: Bauck 4-20 D: Bauck 4-47 Bauck 4-20 was Sr. Champion ram at the 2015 North American. A little out cross on the bottom side, as 4-47 is sired by the Owl Ridge ram, and dammed by a Luzon ewe.

763- Fall Ram Lamb

DDF 5-88

B: 9/19/2015 Twin S: DDF I-90 D: DDF 0-47 A little classier ram here. DDF I-90 was the heaviest ram at the 2013 National. Half-brother was the 1st fall ram at the National Sale.

--- Page 58 ---

764- Yearling Ewe

DDF 4-86 574818

B: 10/20/2014 Twin S: DDF 3-16 Reflection D: DDF -38 Reflection was our lead ram for the centennial sale. 4-86 is a ewe with a lot of volume that has great bone and foot work. Think this ewe has some potential.

765- Yearling Ewe

DDF 5-57 574831

B: 3/7/2015 Twin S: DDF I-90 D: Thoma 138 DDF I-90 sired the crowd favorite National Champion ewe for Wolfs last year. A later developing ewe out of one of the bigger Thoma ewes when bought their flock out.

766- Fall Ewe Lamb

DDF 5-72

B: 10/1/2015 Twin S: DDF I-90 D: DDF 4-55 DDF I-90 was Reserve Ram at the 2013 North American.

767- Fall Ewe Lamb

DDF 5-78

B: 10/3/2015 S: DDF 4-20 D: DDF O-85 DDF 4-20 was Sr. Champion ram at the 2015 North American and Reserve Jr. Champion at the 2014 North American.

768- February Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Will be sired by DDF 4-20.

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72



Consigned By



Nick Miniter PO Box 729 - Sherborn, MA 01770 (774) 244-2543 nminiter@gmail.com lrfsheep.com _______________________

Consigned By


Joana Friesz PO Box 67 - New Salem, ND 58563 (701) 400-8744 (701) 843-8750 joana@northlandinsuranceagency.com frieszlivestock.com _______________________

769- Fall Ram Lamb

LRF 1610 575816

B: 9/12/2015 Single S: Craig 1307 572708 D: LRF 1313 572432 A very correct ram with excellent breed character and the bold fleece we strive to produce. He is super thick topped and heavy boned.

770- Yearling Ewe

LRF 1539 575587 B: 2/20/2015 Single S: Craig 1307 572708 D: LRF 1202 571576

771- Yearling Ewe

LRF 1506 574983

B: 1/6/2015 Twin S: Craig 1307 572708 D: LRF 1042 569683 We have what I think is our best set of yearling ewes ever this year. These two ewes will make great brood ewes. They are structurally sound with our trademark fleeces and excellent breed character.

772- Fall Ewe Lamb

LRF 1618 575813 B: 9/30/2015 Single S: Craig 1307 572708 D: LRF 1035 569682

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim Kin 12831 TH 87 - Forest, OH 45843 (419) 273-3221 _______________________

773- Fall Ram Lamb

Kin 963

B: 9/10/2015 Twin S: Lightning Ridge Farm 1320 572438 D: Wolf 013 571564

Information Sale Day

774- Yearling Ewe

775- Fall Ewe Lamb

Kin 964

B: 9/17/2015 Twin S: Lightning Ridge Farm 1320 572438 D: Kin 861 573543 Excellent breed type and fleece.

776- Yearling Ram

Friesz 547 574969

B: 2/6/2015 Twin S: Friesz 047 569113 D: Friesz 148 570064 Photos and more info will be on our Facebook Page - Friesz Livestock and our website closer to sale day.

Champion Corriedale Ewe, 1st January from Phillippi Corriedales sold to North Dakota at $1,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


777- Yearling Ram

Bryan & Gina Vining 1900 Co Rd 219 - Cheyenne, WY 82009 (307) 421-0945 (307) 634-6304 bgvining@aol.com _______________________

Friesz 554 575411 B: 2/6/2015 Twin S: Friesz 047 569113 D: FC 1893 572862

778- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day We will be bringing a real nice set of lambs to Sedalia - most of our lambs are sired by Friesz 316 - 2014 ND State Fair Supreme Champion Ram.

788- Yearling Ram

FC 2052 575249

Information Sale Day

B: 2/1/2015 Single S: KHC 86 569130 D: FC 1678 569337 The complete package. Excellent breed character, beautiful fleece, length and lots of bone.

Information Sale Day

779- February Ram Lamb

780- February Ram Lamb

789- Yearling Ewe

781- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day Photos and more info will be on our facebook page and website closer to sale day.

782- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Friesz 601

783- January Ewe Lamb B: 1/18/2016 Twin S: Friesz 316 572529 D: Wolf 035 574152 Dam is 2015 National Champion Corriedale Sale Ewe- had a very nice set of ewe lambs - we will be offering one of them to you.

784- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

785- February Ewe Lamb 786- February Ewe Lamb 787- March Ewe Lamb

--- Page 59 ---

FC 2077 575630

B: 2/5/2015 Single S: KHC 86 569130 D: FC 1787 575630 Excellent breed character and beautiful fleece.

790- Yearling Ewe

VIN 58 575637

B: 2/13/2015 Twin S: VIN 26 571528 D: FC 1712 575637 Beautiful up-headed ewe with excellent fleece and breed character.

791- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Had a nice set of lambs to pick from this spring. We will pick a couple nice ones to choose from.

792- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day


CORRIEDALES _______________________




Consigned By

Gary & Joyce Heibertshausen 411 Black Point Ln - Alazada, MT 59311 (567) 224-9002 (406) 828-4071 joyceheib@hotmail.com 5hfarms.com _______________________

793- Yearling Ram

HEIB 470 574726

B: 1/24/2015 Twin S: HEIB 324 571073 D: HEIB 315 571088

HEIB 517

794- January Ram Lamb

B: 1/14/2016 Single S: HEIB 324 571073 D: HEIB 288 572015

HEIB 496

795- February Ram Lamb

B: 2/4/2016 Single S: HEIB 324 571073 D: RC 212 572999

HEIB 488

796- January Ewe Lamb

B: 1/21/2016 Single S: HEIB 324 571073 D: HEIB 392 574677

797- January Ewe Lamb

HEIB 493

B: 1/24/2016 Single S: HEIB 324 571073 D: FC 1503 567650

HEIB 516

798- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/1/2016 Single S: HEIB 365 573994 D: HEIB 419 574703

799- February Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

HEIB 523

B: 2/4/2016 Twin S: HEIB 365 573994 D: HEIB 287 572014

Consigned By

Alex & Kody Wolf 9561 Twp Hwy 29 - Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 (419) 310-9153 (419) 310-1336 am07wolf@yahoo.com _______________________

800- Yearling Ewe

Wolf 049 RR


B: 1/17/2015 Single S: Bandt 1007 Bandit 572408 D: Peters 1305 572630 We are bringing our two best yearling ewes! This one is straight out of our show flock and will certainly be a force in the ring. Her mother was best fleece at OSF and NAILE as a lamb. Bandit sired 3 banner winners at NAILE last fall!

801- Yearling Ewe

Wolf 051 QR


B: 2/16/2015 Single S: Bandt 1007 Bandit 572408 D: Seals 181 572591 Straight out of our show flock where she was second at OSF. Her mother was Champion Ewe at OSF in 2014. Only Bandit daughters to sell so do not miss this opportunity!

802- Fall Ewe Lamb

Wolf 054

B: 9/13/2015 Single S: Wolf 022 Jetliner II 572643 D: Friesz 126 Maternal sister to the 2015 National Sale Champion Ewe! Her mother was Reserve Senior Champion Ewe at NAILE in 2012 and was the maternal sister to the 2011 National Sale Champion Ewe. STUD EWE DELUXE! Sired by the 2014 NAILE Champion Ram.

803- Fall Ewe Lamb

Wolf 057

B: 10/5/2015 Twin S: Wolf 022 Jetliner II 572643 D: Wolf 011 Twin to a keeper ewe lamb that will be in our show flock this year. Mother was a triplet out of the 2010 NAILE Champion Ewe and 2011 Champion Ram at OSF. This will be your last chance to own a daughter of the great Jetliner II!

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72 --- Page 60 ---


Lester and Renetta Phillippi 2421 Hammond Rd - Hammond, MT 59332 (406) 925-1352 (406) 427-5280 bigskycorriedale@hotmail.com Facebook Phillippi Corriedales _______________________

804- Yearling Ram

Phillippi 5-6


B: 1/26/2015 Twin S: Owl Ridge Farm RF 1228 Humphrey 572563 D: PHillippi 3-1398 575414 A very complete ram that was Champion Ram at the Wyoming State Fair in 2015, he sired a fancy January ewe lamb with a paternal 1/2 sister that we are keeping for our show flock.

805- February Ram Lamb

MEG 601

B: 2/3/2016 Twin S: Phillippi 006 569485 D: MEG 201 573984 The stand out ram lamb of the 2016 lamb crop.

806- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

807- February Ewe Lamb 808- February Ewe Lamb 809- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Jenny Milligan Bradley 49022 Locust Hill St - Novelty, MO 63460 (816) 284-3205 (660) 739-4050 milligansheep@hotmail.com _______________________

810- Fall Ewe Lamb

Milligan JM x 635 B: 10/16/2015 Twin S: Jesse 64 571589 D: JMX 473 569735



Consigned By


Bruce Hoffman & Family 36231 US Hwy 212 - Rockham, SD 57470 (605) 472-0856 (605) 460-2681 laciehoffman@gmail.com _______________________

811- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

812- Fall Ram Lamb 813- Fall Ram Lamb 814- January Ram Lamb 815- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

816- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

817- Fall Ewe Lamb 818- Fall Ewe Lamb 819- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

820- January Ewe Lamb




Consigned By

Consigned By

Douglas Brewer 2147 Woodbine Rd - Woodbine, MD 21797 (240) 674-7131 (410) 489-9671 brewerd@medimmune.com _______________________

Christine Humphrey 665 Hardwick Rd - New Braintree, MA 01531 (508) 864-1800 (508) 867-9113 auburnsew@hotmail.com _______________________

823- February Ram Lamb

828- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day S: Friesz 336 572547 Both February Ram Lambs will be sired by the Friesz ram purchased in the 2014 Sale.

824- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Friesz 336 572547

825- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day S: Friesz 336 572547 Both Yearling Ewes will be sired by the Friesz ram we purchased in 2014. This ewe will be correct in structure and have great wool.

Information Sale Day D: ORF 901 Dam was Champion Ewe at the 2009 NAILE.

829- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

830- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day We are bringing our best two fall ram lambs born between Oct 20 - Nov 7.

831- February Ram Lamb Information Sale Day Long, tall and ready for the show ring.

826- Yearling Ewe

832- Yearling Ewe


833- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day S: Friesz 336 572547 Consigned By


821- February Ewe Lamb 822- February Ewe Lamb


952 E 2100 N Rd - Assumption, IL 62510 406-925-3284 _______________________

827- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day B: 1/15/2015 Young ram, eye-appealing, mother was Champion Ewe at Illinois State Fair. Had him turned in with our ewes. Take a good look at this entry.

Information Sale Day Sarah says bring the best. These ewes will be special! Check out their great fleeces.

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

834- Fall Ewe Lamb 835- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day 2 for 2 you pick which one is your favorite to complete your show flock.

836- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Futurity here we come! We are bringing a great set of sheep from Owl Ridge Farm. All are by our Yokyo son one of the last from the Waddington family of California. Terrific breed type, be sure to check them out.

_______________________ Consigned By


Ryan Gann 11578 N Mt Morris Rd - Leaf River, IL 61047 (815) 979-3117 (815) 738-2320 gannfarms@hotmail.com gannfarms.webs.com _______________________

837- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

838- March Ewe Lamb

--- Page 61 ---

CORRIEDALES _______________________ Consigned By


Mike Bandt 1650 Sandy Rock Rd - Hollandale, WI (608) 387-5789 bandtcorr@gmail.com _______________________

839- Fall Ram Lamb

Bandt 1103


B: 11/28/2015 Twin S: BWH 3580 573431 D: Bandt 980 563060 A great late lamb. Stamped black nose with an excellent fleece.

840- January Ram Lamb

Bandt 1104

B: 1/28/2016 Twin S: BWH 3580 573431 D: Bandt 1090 574529 A very stylish, extremely correct lamb.

841- February Ram Lamb

Bandt 1115

B: 2/28/2016 Twin S: BHW 3580 573431 D: Bandt 1088 574526 He has bone, length and correctness and will get big!

842- Yearling Ewe

Bandt 1092

B: 4/16/2015 Twin S: Friesz 405 573817 D: Bandt 941 559014 Corriedale all the way!


843- Yearling Ewe

Bandt 1100


B: 4/16/2015 Twin S: Friesz 405 573817 D: Bandt 941 559014 Best headed candidate. Should not be selling these twins.

844- Fall Ewe Lamb

Bandt 1102


B: 11/25/2015 Single S: BWH 3580 573431 D: Dandt 965 560982 Very correct, beautiful fleeced late Fall lamb.

845- January Ewe Lamb

Bandt 1105

B: 1/17/2016 Single S: BHW 3580 573431 D: Bandt 920 5586298 Very straight, hard-topped fancy ewe lamb with an awesome fleece.

846- February Ewe Lamb

Bandt 1109

B: 2/13/2016 Twin S: Friesz 405 573817 D: DDF 3-40 572649 Long and correct, a pretty lamb.

847- February Ewe Lamb

Bandt 1112

B: 2/17/2016 Twin S: BHW 3580 573431 D: Bandt 966 560983 Beautiful head, awesome fleece. Her brother will be staying home.

BrEeevdents Monday, June 20th, Mid-Morning

National Corriedale Junior Show Sheep Barn Show Ring Judge: Jenny Milligan

Tuesday, June 21st, Mid-Morning

National Corriedale Show Sheep Barn Show Ring Judge: Larry McDaniel

Wednesday, June 22nd, 6pm

Larry Mead Supreme Champion Event Swine Barn Show Ring

Wednesday, June 22nd, 6:30pm

American Corriedale

Assoc Banquet

Celebration Center, First United Methodist Church

Thursday, June 23rd, Late-Afternoon

National Corriedale Sale Sheep Barn Sale Ring

--- Page 62 ---



Consigned By



Daniel Kuehne 16649 Nystrom Ave - Reading, MN 56165 (507) 360-8179 (507) 372-7997 _______________________

Consigned By


The Baucks 38118 510th Ave - New York Mills, MN 56567 (218) 639-8484 Darin (218) 640-7800 Duane _______________________

901- Fall Ram Lamb

Kuehne 1563 RR Y11464

B: 9/21/2015 Triplet S: Bauck I-90 Canyon U20675 D: Kuehne 1003 RR U16759 Canyon was champion ram in the National Junior Show in Bloomington. He puts a lot of bone on his lambs. This guy is full of bone.

902- Fall Ewe Lamb

Kuehne 1565 RR Y11466

B: 9/23/2015 Twin S: Bauck 2-93 Hocus Pocus U22025 D: Kuehne 1109 RR U18459 Hocus Pocus was champion ram in the National Junior Show in Tooele, UT.

903- Fall Ewe Lamb

Kuehne 1566 QR Y11467

B: 9/23/2015 Single S: Bauck 2-93 Hocus Pocus U22025 D: Kuehne 1216 QR U20288 Hocus Pocus lambs are up-fronted and feminine.

904- February Ewe Lamb

Kuehne 1612 RR Y11666

B: 2/1/2016 Twin S: Kuehne 1462 RR Hitch Hiker Y10143 D: Bauck 4-44 U23493 Hitch Hiker is a top Canyon son. Bauck 4-44 is a Closer daughter. She also was part of the National Champion pair at Fairmont last year.

906- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Will be sired by Ace - Bauck 3-24. He was the 2014 North American Champion Ram. We plan on bringing one similar to the 2015 Champion that sold to the Brandts of CA.

907- Yearling Ewe

908- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We might let go of one sired by Bauck 3-88 one of the more popular rams at the 2014 National Junior Show. He was also high selling at the 2015 National Sale going to Keys of Montana. He went on to win Supreme ram at the Montana State Fair. Remember behind every Big Buck is a foundation female!

B: 2/6/2016 Twin S: Kuehne 1462 RR Hitch Hiker Y10143 D: Worm 235 QR U20708 Another good Hitch Hiker lamb. Dam was purchased at a past National.

914- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

915- Yearling Ram 916- Yearling Ram 917- Yearling Ram

919- February Ram Lamb

909- Fall Ram Lamb

Borcher 513

B: 10/14/2015 Single S: Kuehne 1365 Big Country U22846 D: Borcher RD 13-23 U23026

Borcher B5167 Y11117

910- Yearling Ewe

Thomas Key 140 Russell Ranch Ln - Great Falls, MT 59405 (406) 564-6542 (406) 736-5860 mtaerie.key@gmail.com _______________________


Weston Borcher 1330 Lane 10 - Powell, WY 82435 (307) 272-5285 borcher_23@hotmail.com _______________________


918- January Ram Lamb

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72

Consigned By

_______________________ Consigned By

Kuehne 1620 RR Y11669



B: 3/19/2015 Single S: Bauck 3-24 Ace D: Lynsey Frey 3-7 Real elegant female here. Frey 3-7 was top selling Feb ewe at the 2013 National where she was 2nd at the comeback show in Utah. If you want a classy female 5-56 would fit the bill.

905- February Ewe Lamb

Bauck 5-56

Champion Columbia Ram, 1st Fall Ram Lamb from Dew Drop Farms sold to California at $1,500.

B: 2/20/2015 Twin S: Kuehne 1365 Big Country U22846 D: Lynesy Frey 0-5 U16645

911- February Ewe Lamb

920- March Ram Lamb 921- Yearling Ewe 922- Yearling Ewe 923- Yearling Ewe 924- Yearling Ewe 925- Fall Ewe Lamb 926- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

927- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

928- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

929- March Ewe Lamb

912- February Ewe Lamb 913- March Ewe Lamb --- Page 63 ---

COLUMBIAS _______________________ Consigned By


Don Wissmann 5783 Hwy H - Leasburg, MO 65535 (573) 245-6851 rmfsheep@centurylink.net _______________________

932- Fall Ram Lamb

Champion Columbia Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Borcher Sheep Co sold to Illinois at $850.

_______________________ Consigned By


Bruce Nickel 30799 CSAH 34 - Litchfield, MN 55355 (320) 894-7367 (320) 693-2428 bcnickel@hotmail.com _______________________

RMF 300 RR

933- February Ewe Lamb


B: 2/9/2016 S: Peterson 7241-1481 Y10360 D: RMF 272 U22952

_______________________ Consigned By


Oak Meadow 903

82189 420th Ave - Lakefield, MN 56150 (507) 360-2160 ariesacres@gmail.com _______________________

B: 1/29/2016 Single S: Oak Meadow 493 Y10004 D: Oak Meadow 492 Y10003 This is a late January lamb that is growing nicely. Both his sire and dam by the same sire. Take him home and grow him out. You will like the result.

B: 11/9/2015 Twin S: Worm 236 U20711 D: Worm 734 U20704

Worm 624


930- January Ram Lamb

RMF 291 QR

B: 11/25/2015 Single S: Peterson 7241-1481 Y10360 D: RMF 256 U21633

934- Fall Ram Lamb Worm 623

931- Yearling Ewe

B: 2/26/2015 Twin S: Thiesen 585 U21080 D: Oak Meadow 703 U19919 At Oak Meadow, we have been breeding Columbias for 17 years. Our sheep are adequately framed but would not be considered extreme. However, they are attractive in the show ring, and have performed well for us. I bred this ewe, but transferred it in dam to a young man I am working with, Jackson Rasmusson. It was born at his place, and I received it back as part of our arrangement. It is an attractive ewe, and should be a prolific mother as well. Please visit our facebook page. I will post pictures later.

935- Fall Ewe Lamb

Rasmusson 878 Y11416

B: 11/9/2015 Twin S: Worm 236 U20711 D: Worm 734 U20704

--- Page 64 ---

While you wait for the Judge to place the class, connect the dots in number order to draw the lamb...

www.midwestsale.com --- Page 65 ---

Fun & Games



Consigned By



Weston Borcher 1330 Lane 10 - Powell, WY 82435 (307) 272-5285 borcher_23@hotmail.com _______________________

Consigned By


Alex & Kody Wolf 9561 Twp Hwy 29 - Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 (419) 310-9153 (419) 310-1336 am07wolf@yahoo.com wolfbrothersfarm.webs.com _______________________

956- January Ram Lamb Champion Natural Colored Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from Bar J Bar Ranch sold to Missouri at $700.

_______________________ Consigned By

KATHERINE KUYKENDALL 12322 Dahl Ln - Richland Center, WI 53581 (336) 302-6162 katherinekuykendall@gmail.com kuykendallcustomfitting.com _______________________

951- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

952- February Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Dave & Carla Julius 329 Line Rd - Box Elder, SD 57719 (605) 545-5862 bar_j_barranch@msn.com BJBfinesheepandcattle.com _______________________

953- Yearling Ram

BJB 15OP112B

B: 2/2/2015 S: BJB 13KRRS40B x57084 D: BJB 12CFT29B 055218 This ram was 1st junior fine ram lamb at the 2015 Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival as a February lamb. He is double black and pretty confident he is homozygous black.

954- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: BJB 15OP112B 059976 D: BJB 14S19B


Wolf 16-35 QR 062073

B: 1/1/2016 Twin S: HF 12-1037 055279 D: Gehring 1211 056965 Sire is a Magnum son and dam is the high selling brood ewe from the Gehring dispersal. This ram is big and will continue to grow. We are keeping his twin brother for a stud. Gehring 0820 Jayhawk, the Reserve Champion Ewe at 2009 NAILE, is the dam of Gehring 1211. 1211 is also the dam of the high seller in the Gehring dispersal going to stud for Gordon Sammons.

957- Yearling Ewe

Wolf 15-27 QR X061729

B: 3/18/2015 Twin S: Gehring 0922 Mammoth Jack 048706 D: Joe Jr x Sara A great profiling female, with style that is hard to miss. She is lined up right as Joe Jr is the sire of Mammoth Jack. This reverse badger ewe is young and green yet. She is running with a ram right now so she will sell exposed.

958- Fall Ewe Lamb

Wolf 16-29 QR 062060

B: 10/10/2015 S: Gehring 1151 Gunsmoke X61457 D: HF 12-1024 055305 A really cool made and complete ewe lamb. Her dam is a Magnum daughter that we got in the dispersal. She dammed a fancy ewe lamb last year that will be in our show flock this year. Be sure to check our Facebook page- Wolf Brothers Natural Coloreds and Corriedales for pictures closer to the sale.

959- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Borcher 5130 A04263

960- Yearling Ewe

B: S: D:

Information Sale Day

2/17/2015 Borcher F 11030-20 Rock Star A00714 Borcher Red 13-14 A02533

961- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Brian Hart 74 Truly Loop - Great Falls, MT 59405 (309) 224-6936 (406) 736-5750 hartsheepcoq@gmail.com _______________________

962- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

963- Fall Ram Lamb 964- Fall Ram Lamb 965- January Ram Lamb 966- February Ram Lamb 967- January Ewe Lamb 968- January Ewe Lamb

955- January Ewe Lamb B: 1/24/2016 Twin S: The Big Ram 996552 D: BJB 12CFT29B 055218 The only colored ewe lamb we are selling. Sired by The Big Ram who measures 44 x 47.

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72 --- Page 66 ---



Consigned By



Daniel & Victoria Kuehne 16649 Nystrom Ave - Reading, MN 56165 (507) 360-8179 (507) 372-7997 _______________________

Consigned By


Dylan Nohner Family & Jerrod Nohner 20291 438th Ave - Erwin, SD 57233 (320) 420-5354 (320) 223-2209 pinesenddorsets@yahoo.com pinesendnaturalcoloreds.com _______________________

969- January Ram Lamb

Kuehne 1605 QR

B: 1/14/2016 Triplet S: Pines End 1202 Might As Well X061450 D: Borcher 12081 A01484 We were lucky to use Might As Well last fall and are really happy with his lambs. Dam was purchased at a past Midwest Sale.

970- February Ram Lamb

Kuehne 1616 QR

B: 2/4/2016 Single S: Pines End 1202 Might As Well X061450 D: Borcher 13-16 A02535 We like this lamb. Up fronted, level top, nice hip and stands out in the pen.

974- February Ram Lamb


971- Fall Ewe Lamb

972- Fall Ewe Lamb

Kuehne 1554 QR X061864

B: 9/20/2015 Twin S: HF 12-1037 055279 D: Mary Lincoln-Lovell 1191 A00982 Stout made ewe lamb. Should make a good brood ewe.

973- February Ewe Lamb

Kuehne 1613 RR

B: 2/2/2016 Twin S: Pines End 1202 Might As Well X061450 D: Kuehne 1428 RR X58433 Another good Might As Well lamb.

Consigned By

Kuehne 1536 QR X061848

B: 9/7/2015 Twin S: HF 12-1037 055279 D: Pines End 12-61 A01948 Sire was 3rd place yearling at the National in Ohio in 2013. Dam is one of our biggest ewes. A lot of growth potential here.

Pines End 16-14 062183

B: 2/15/2016 Twin S: Say What PENC 14-62 061807 D: Bauck 15-20 Say What was Supreme Champion Ram at South Dakota and North Dakota State Fairs. Bauck 15-20 was 2nd Place Fine Yearling Ewe 2015 Louisville. At time of entry, this guy is young, but he is one of the biggest February bucks I have. Pretty excited about this ram’s future.


Ryan Gann 11578 N Mt Morris Rd - Leaf River, IL 61047 (815) 979-3117 (815) 738-2320 gannfarms@hotmail.com gannfarms.webs.com _______________________

975- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Wolf 12-10 Chrome

Champion Natural Colored Ewe, 1st Yearling from Pines End sold to Massachusetts at $1,500.

_______________________ Consigned By


Bob & Donna McDaniel 10710 E 200 N - Charlottesville, IN 46117 (317) 435-6045 (317) 462-1956 ewerfit@sbcglobal.net _______________________

976- Fall Ram Lamb

McDaniel Bros 6-16 RR B: 10/26/2015 061869

S: Wolf 14-14 RR Rugor 060716 D: Kuykendall 165 RR X54447 Really young ram who already has the size of older lambs. If you are looking for a ram to show and then use as a stud ram, this is it! Rugor was Champion Ram at the National Sale last year and the dam was the high-selling ewe at Eaton a few years back

_______________________ Consigned By

Bedding Vendor -

REA Farm and Bedding pre-orders recommended to radams@iland.net label orders for the Midwest Sale, provide arrival date

Primary- 660.287.6848 Secondary- 660.287.5623 --- Page 67 ---


Cody Morris 7938 E CR 250 N - Lerna, IL 62440 (217) 272-5299 hillcreekfarm6@consolidated.net _______________________

977- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Classy Baby! Sired by Wolf 13-34, the Reserve Champion Ram at the Midwest Stud Ram sale, as a late lamb, in 2013.

RAMBOUILLETS _______________________ Consigned By


Dave & Carla Julius 329 Line Rd - Box Elder, SD 57719 (605) 545-5862 bar_j_barranch@msn.com BJBfinesheepandcattle.com _______________________

1005- Fall Ram Lamb Champion Rambouillet Ram, 1st Yearling from Crawford Rambouillets sold to Minnesota at $700.

_______________________ Consigned By


45935 292nd St - Centerville, SD 57014 (605) 530-0102 ajknutson@iw.net Facebook Knutson Livestock _______________________

1001- Fall Ram Lamb

Knutson Girls R15-10

B: 9/16/2015 S: ICE D: Knutson R14-82 Combines the two best stud rams on our farm: 2014 National Champion Ice and Pat the 2014 SD State Fair Champion.

1002- January Ram Lamb

Knutson Girls R16-2

B: 1/4/2016 S: ICE D: Knutson Girls R12-34 ICE was the 2014Champion Ram at the National Rambouillet Sale and first place at NAILE. Dam has proven herself in our flock by being our top yearling ewe in 2013. She has maternal characteristics of any great ewe!

BJB 16W61R

B: 1/3/2016 Twin S: Walters w327 996081 D: BJB 3W1359R 1041664 The micron on the sire is 21. The sire of the dam was Reserve National Champion and he, as was well as 327, are sons of the great Marshall ram lamb that was the high selling ram lamb of a past national sale.

1007- January Ewe Lamb

1004-Fall Ewe Lamb


B: 9/20/2015 S: ICE D: Knutson Girls R14-111 Ice was the 2014 National Champion Ram from Baucks. If femininity is important to your operation, this ewe is for you. She is very clean-fronted, deep bodied, and wide-hipped. Perfect for any Rambouillet operation.

BJB 16C68N

B: 1/21/2016 Twin S: Cunningham m378 994853 D: BJB 13-522-94N 1038467

BJB 16W66R

1008- February Ewe Lamb B: 2/8/2016 Twin S: Walters w327 996081 D: BJB 4S32R 1039801 Dam is a daughter of the National Champion Schalesky ram.

_______________________ Consigned By


Kayla Flinn & Luke Inbody 6563 TR 28 - Jenera, OH 45841 (419) 306-2451 (419) 889-5324 flinn_13@hotmail.com Facebook L&K Sheep Co _______________________

Knutson Girls R15-65

B: 2/4/2015 This ewe has been fun to watch grow up in the show pen. The style and confidence she shows make her stand out in any flock.

_______________________ Consigned By


Roger Regehr 44333 273rd St - Marion, SD 57043 (605) 360-9418 (605) 648-3737 _______________________

1006- January Ram Lamb

1003- Yearling Ewe

BJB 15C46S

B: 9/27/2015 Twin S: Cunningham M-378 994853 D: BJB 13-522-77s 1038461

Reserve Champion Rambouillet Ram, 1st Fall from Bar J Bar Ranch sold to Missouri at $450.

1010- Yearling Ram

R & L 0505


B: 1/27/2015 Twin S: Dew Drop Farms 1-94 TW 995541 D: R & L 0383 TR 1038007

R & L 0601

1011- January Ram Lamb


B: 1/20/2016 Twin S: Dew Drop Farm 3-97 996762 D: R & L 4019 1039402 Sire was 2015 National Champion Ram.

1012- Yearling Ewe

R & L 0510


B: 2/13/2015 Twin S: Dew Drop Farms 1-94 TW 995541 D: R & L 0169 TW 1035106

R & L 0604

1013- January Ewe Lamb


B: 1/20/2016 Twin S: Dew Drop Farm 3-97 996762 D: R & L 0214 1036773 Sire was 2015 National Champion Ram.

1009- Yearling Ewe

L&K 1516

B: 3/10/2015 Twin S: Marshall 2-88 995963 D: Inbody 1115 1040654 This ewe combines all the qualities you would want in a female. She would make a great addition to your show flock and as a brood ewe. Goes back to Nob Hill 379 MOOSE on the dam side as well as some Leib breeding.

--- Page 68 ---

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72



Consigned By


The Baucks 38118 510th Ave - New York Mills, MN 56567 (218) 639-8484 Darin (218) 640-7800 Duane _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By

CRAWFORD RAMBOUILLETS Scott Crawford 293 121st St - Pipestone, MN 56164 (507) 215-0488 (507) 825-2655 scrawford@pipevet.com _______________________

1014- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Right now we think we will bring one sired by the Bauck 2-14 Big Buck. His sister was Supreme ewe at the 2015 North American.

1015- Yearling Ewe

Dew Drop 5-31 1040971

B: 1/10/2015 Twin S: Bauck 3-90 D: Dew Drop 1-48 Bauck 3-90 is a two time North American Champion Ram. Classic bloodlines on the bottom side of the pedigree. If you want a stout made well balanced ewe 5-31 is one you should look at.

1016- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We plan on bringing another exciting fall ewe like that one we had last year, that made the top 5 for Supreme Ewe. Will be sired by Bauck 2-14 or 3-90. She will be a fancy one!

1020- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

1021- January Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day She will make a good one!

Champion Rambouillet Ewe, 1st Fall Lamb from Dew Drop Farms sold to North Dakota at $1,000.


1022- January Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Doug Kirkpatrick 1226 Co Rd 1475 - Ashland, OH 44805 (419) 651-4074 kirkewes@yahoo.com kirkpatrickrambouillets.com _______________________


Matt & Amy Benz 24820 Oregon Trail Rd - St Marys, KS 66536 (701) 870-4135 benzmatt@hotmail.com benzrambouillet.com _______________________

1025- Fall Ram Lamb

1017- Fall Ram Lamb

B: 10/4/2015 Twin S: Inbody 1411 996597R D: DKF 292 1035953E

DKF 324 RR

Benz 3026

B: 10/17/2015 Twin S: Cunningham M-479 Impulse 995667 D: Benz 2495 1029814 A good horned ram.

1018- Yearling Ewe

Benz 2979

DKF 329 RR

1026-Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 10/4/2015 Single S: Inbody 1411 996597R D: DKF 299 1037726E

1027- February Ram Lamb

Joslin 16-383

B: 2/1/2016 Single S: Joslin 14-360 997340 D: TVB 9560 QR 12 1038124 Will have DNA by sale day. Will be at least a QR.

1028- January Ewe Lamb

Joslin 16-382

B: 1/14/2016 Single S: Joslin 14-358 997339 D: A Joslin 09-245 1034503 The 245 ewe was the dam of a class winner at this sale last year. All ewe lambs will be at least QR and Futurity nominated.

1029- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Joslin 14-360 997340 We plan to bring an early March lamb from a Boyer ewe.

_______________________ Consigned By



B: 1/25/2015 Twin S: Cunningham M226 Sir Pendleton 991962 D: Benz 2605 1032953 One of the last Sir Pendleton daughters to sell.

Joslin Family 20020 Rt 47 - Maplewood, OH 45340 (937) 726-5387 (937) 492-6601 woody@wrjoslin.com _______________________

1024- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By


Information Sale Day Sired by a Summit son.


Consigned By

1023- February Ewe Lamb

Barret Marshall & Family 45491 204th St- Arlington, SD 57212 (605) 695-2528 barretmarshall@hotmail.com _______________________

1019-Fall Ewe Lamb

1030- January Ram Lamb

B: 10/16/2015 Twin S: Cunningham M-479 Impulse 995667 D: Benz 2734 1037893 A 3/4 sister to her was Supreme Champion at the Houston Stock Show.

1031- January Ewe Lamb

Benz 3022

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1032- January Ewe Lamb

--- Page 69 ---



Consigned By


Kevin & Diane Hermann 1850 Scott Park Rd - Eldridge, IA 52748 (563) 320-4778 (563) 285-8926 shadylawn2@gmail.com _______________________

1058- Yearling Ram

Champion Polypay Ewe, 1st Fall Ewe Lamb from Big Prairie Polypays to Iowa at $850.

_______________________ Consigned By


Mark Meurer 1869 Midway Rd - Ashton, IL 61006 (815) 973-5576 (815) 453-2257 meurer66@gmail.com _______________________

1051- Fall Ram Lamb

Big Prairie 401 R21601

B: 10/18/2015 Twin S: Shady Lane 0459 TW R20626 D: Big Prairie 164 TW E90357 Rugged, structurally correct ram lamb that grew exceptionally well. Pre-wean ADG of 1.07 lbs. and an Adjusted 90 Day Weight of 115.8 lbs.

1052- Fall Ram Lamb

Big Prairie 402 R21602

B: 10/18/2015 Twin S: Shady Lane 0459 TW R20626 D: Big Prairie 164 TW E90357 Big volumed, structurally correct ram lamb that gained very well. Pre-wean ADG of 1.02 lbs. and an Adjusted 90 Day Weight of 111 lbs.

1053- Fall Ram Lamb

Reserve Champion Polypay Ewe, 1st Brood Ewe from Shady Lawn sold to Iowa at $500.

1055- Fall Ewe Lamb

Big Prairie 419 E95088

B: 11/2/2015 Twin S: Shady Lane 0459 TW R20626 D: Big Prairie 0072 TW E87519 Structural correctness and growth. Pre-wean ADG of 1.00 lbs and an Adjusted 90 Day Weight of 127.5 lbs.

1056- Fall Ewe Lamb

Big Prairie 420 E95089

B: 11/3/2015 Twin S: Shady Lane 0459 TW R20626 D: Big Prairie 157 TW E89276 Fall ewe lamb with lots of dimension and growth. Pre-wean ADG of .91 lbs. and an Adjusted 90 Day Weight of 107.8 lbs.

1057- Fall Ewe Lamb

Big Prairie 425 E95092

B: 11/9/2015 Twin S: Shady Lane 0459 TW R20626 D: Big Prairie 150 TW E89272 Big volumed, structurally correct ewe lamb that gained well. Pre-wean ADG of .86 lbs. and an Adjusted 90 Day Weight of 106.1 lbs.

Big Prairie 403 R21603

Shady Lawn 1611

B: 1/11/2016 Twin S: Shady Lawn 1219 R-20919 D: Shady Lawn 1139 E-89959 This ram has growth, structure and eye-appeal since day one.

1060- Brood Ewe

Shady Lawn 1425 E-93678

B: 1/30/2014 Triplet S: Shady Lawn 1180 R-20632 D: Shady Lawn 1123 E-89743 A nice balanced, square-made and correctly structured female

1061- January Ewe Lamb

Shady Lawn 1602

B: 1/5/2016 Triplet S: Shady Lawn 1219 R20919 D: Shady Lawn 1335 E92654 Our favorite January ewe lamb. She will be productive and has great structure.

1062- January Ewe Lamb

Shady Lawn 1617

B: 1/13/2016 Twin S: Shady Lawn 1219 R20919 D: Shady Lawn 1243 E91604 Lots of style and class.

Shady Lawn 1657

B: 2/14/2016 Twin S: Shady Lawn 1219 R20919 D: Shady Lawn 1125 E-89961 We should be keeping this lamb. She is young but really shows great potential.

Big Prairie 415 E95086

B: 10/31/2015 Twin S: Shady Lane 0459 TW R20626 D: Big Prairie 0075 TW E87521 Structurally correct, fast growing ewe lamb with lots of dimension. Pre-wean ADG of .98 lbs. and an Adjusted 90 Day Weight of 125.25 lbs.

1054- Fall Ewe Lamb

1059- January Ram Lamb

1063- February Ewe Lamb

B: 10/19/2015 Twin S: Shady Lane 0459 TW R20626 D: Big Prairie 153 E89273 Really complete ram lamb that has volume, thickness, soundness and growth. Pre-wean ADG of 1.01 lbs. and an Adjusted 90 Day Weight of 110 lbs. Best fall ram lamb we raised this year.

Shady Lawn 1533 R-21559

B: 1/28/2015 Twin S: Shady Lawn 1445 R-21313 D: Shady Lawn 974 E88345 This ram has lots of meat, muscle and eye-appeal. One of my favorites!

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72 --- Page 70 ---

POLYPAYS _______________________ Consigned By


Kayla Flinn & Luke Inbody 6563 TR 28 - Jenera, OH 45841 (419) 306-2451 (419) 889-5324 flinn_13@hotmail.com Facebook L&K Sheep Co _______________________

1064- Yearling Ram

L&K 1525 RR

B: 3/20/2015 Triplet S: UK 12-5482 R20872 D: U of WI 11-517 E90577 This ram has his better days ahead of him, he is made very similar to his sire and will continue to grow and mature with time. He is a very correct and complete ram.

1065- Fall Ram Lamb

L&K 1602 RR

B: 10/1/2015 Twin S: UK 12-5482 R20872 D: Double E P71 E90879 This mating always throws eye-catching sheep we are retaining his twin sister. He combines length of body, muscle, fleece, and structural correctness. If you are looking for a powerhouse stud buck, do not miss out on this guy.

1066- Fall Ram Lamb

L&K 1604 RR

B: 10/13/2015 Twin S: UK 12-5482 R20872 D: UK 13-5800 E91914 UK 13-5800 was Champion White Wool Ewe at the 2014 Kentucky State Fair and was Reserve Champion Ewe as a lamb at the 2013 Kentucky State Fair. This ram has a lot of thickness and depth of body. If you are looking for a stud buck that has the potential to add pounds to your lambs this is the buck for you. These two fall bucks are out of the top end of our fall buck pen.

1067- January Ram Lamb

L&K 1607 QR

B: 1/2/2016 Twin S: Flinn 1435 R21148 D: L&K 1461 E94129 Flinn 1435 Green Giant was Champion AOB Wool Ram at the 2015 Michigan State Fair, and has become one of our stud bucks. This ram lamb was weaned at 40 days of age and never missed a beat. He is made very similar to his sire and should have a bright future ahead of him.

1068- February Ram Lamb

L&K 1612

B: 2/6/2016 Twin S: UK 12-5482 R20872 D: UK 13-5729 E91915 He’s a green young buck lamb that will mature with time.

1069- Yearling Ewe

L&K 1463 RR


B: 10/5/2014 Twin S: UK 12-5482 R20872 D: Double E P2 E90875 Complete-made ewe, that was in our show flock last year, she raised a single ewe lamb this fall that we will be retaining. She is an easy-keeper that should fit in well for any breeding program. Double E P2 raised a set of Quads this spring and in 3 years/lambings has produced 8 lambs. This ewe has it in her background to be a very productive ewe.

1070- Fall Ewe Lamb

L&K 1603 RR

B: 10/13/2015 Twin S: UK 12-5482 R20872 D: UK 13-5800 E91914 UK 13-5800 was Champion White Wool Ewe at the 2014 Kentucky State Fair and was Reserve Champion Ewe as a lamb at the 2013 Kentucky State Fair. She is a well-balanced ewe lamb, and it took some time and convincing to decide to sell her, as we only had 3 fall ewe lambs and she is an eye catcher. Full brother also entered.

1071- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: UK 12-5482 R20872

Information Sale Day S: UK 12-5482 R20872

Information Sale Day S: UK 12-5482 R20872

1072- January Ewe Lamb 1073- February Ewe Lamb 1074- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Flinn 1435 Green Giant R21148 D: Double E P2 E90875 We will be bringing one of the quads, will be a nice complete ewe lamb that will have a beautiful fleece.

--- Page 71 ---

Please Note these


Catalog PDF and Online Searchable Catalog:

Copy of this catalog can be found online at www.midwestsale.com. You also have the online searchable catalog option to make finding sections of entries by breed or class easier.

Penning Charts:

Pen assignments are not included in this catalog, so to allow for timely printing and mailing. They will be accessible at


and posted in barns… all pens will be tagged upon consignor arrival as well.

Show and Sale Times:

The first show or sale each day will have a designated start time. Breeds will sell in the order listed on that day’s schedule with only a 5 minute break between breeds. Typically, it takes approximately one minute to sell each lot.

Online Viewing of Shows & Sales:

All shows and sales will be live streamed on www.DVAuction.com - You will need to set up an acount on the site to view the live stream. You can also register to purchase animals during the sales.

Mail Bids:

Those buyers unable to attend, or who do not wish to bid online through DVAuction can still purchase animals through “mail bid”. You may do this by contacting sale staff listed at left. Please contact them in advance of the sale, or early enough during the sale that they can assist with your bid in a timely manor.

Bedding Needs:

Bedding Vendor has asked consignors to pre-order bedding prior to arrival. Below is the information on ordering:

REA Farm & Bedding pre-orders recommended to


Designate for Midwest Sale and provide arrival date

Primary- 660.287.6848 Secondary- 660.287.5623

Procedure for Transit Animals in the designated Transit Barns:

Animals not consigned in the Midwest Sale are not allowed to be housed in the Sheep and Swine barns. Instead, they are considered transit animals and should be held in the horse barn stalls. Stalls for transit animals will now be accounted for by Midwest Sale staff. All stalls will be locked prior to sale week and can then be rented by consignors/non-consignors through sale staff in the FFA Building. Stall rent will cost $5.00 per pen per day for consignors, and $15 per pen per day for non-consignors. All rentals must be paid up front and will pay rent through Sunday following the sale. We will require renter name, address, phone number, number of sheep penned, and a brief description of animals upon pen rental. If renter chooses to empty the pen prior to Sunday, they may return to the FFA Building for a refund of days not used, allowing the pen to again be locked by sale staff. Refunds will be allowed for the day staff is informed of the empty pen through Sunday. Renters wishing to lock their transit pens will be required to furnish their own locks for this purpose. Otherwise transit animals are to be held in personal trailers, at no responsibility to the Midwest Sale or its staff. ALL TRANSIT ANIMALS MUST ALSO HAVE HEALTH PAPERS available for inspection in accordance with Missouri health standards and rules and federal law. Please put transit animals on separate health papers from sale entries.

Buyer Checkout:

CASH, CHECK, or CREDIT CARD payment on Sale Day. A convenience fee will be charged for credit card payment. After sheep are purchased, come to the airconditioned FFA Building and check out with the clerks. You will receive a list of the sheep purchased, and we will clarify any needed transfer information. Once payment is made and you have your receipt, you can obtain health papers on your purchases in the same building. It is highly recomended that all buyers obtain health papers on animals purchased. When loading, please double check that the lot numbers listed on the receipt correspond with the lot numbers painted on the animals’ backs!

Mail Bids and Credit Card purchases will be charged 5% convenience fee --- Page 72 ---

Future Sale Dates:

Always a FULL WEEK ending on the LAST SATURDAY in June!

JUNE 19-24, 2017 JUNE 18-23, 2018 JUNE 24-29, 2019 JUNE 22-27, 2020 JUNE 21-25, 2021

General Contact Information:

Midwest Sale is managed by Heartland Livestock Services, LLC. Contact them at midweststudramsale@gmail.com or through the Midwest Stud Ram Sale facebook page. You can also contact Curt Overcash, Managing Partner (info listed on the auctioneer page) or Bret Oelke, Public Relations (info listed on the ringman page).

Sale Contacts: Ringmen (Mail Bids)

Bret Oelke.................... (218) 770-2428 Andy Korb.................... (513) 312-0648 Ryan Livermont............ (507) 215-1923 Tyler Lobdell................ (815) 238-0832 Donnie Allen................ (580) 920-9867 Steve George............... (419) 306-1144 Rodney Morris............. (217) 273-5299 Joe Gonzales................ (806) 778-8927 Dennis Wood............... (937) 539-2008 Dan Houser.................. (918) 650-2462 Travis Snyder................ (309) 221-1935 Clayton Neal................ (567) 207-7296 Chris MacCauley.......... (484) 319-8376


Curt Overcash.............. (815) 210-7000 Gary Saylor.................. (937) 464-7214 Bobby Fletcher............ (806) 787-3030 Danny Westlake........... (937) 243-5111 Billy MacCauley........... (484) 612-3983

Other Sale Staff

Karey Claghorn............ (515) 229-0061 Brandan Bruce............. (515) 313-8765 Millie Moore................ (701) 541-1120 Bert Moore.................. (701) 541-5035 Mary Anne Keck.......... (417) 844-5895 Tricia Schneidermeyer... (636) 295-7224 Rob Frost..................... (740) 505-4858

To email paperwork during sale week, send to: midweststudramsale@gmail.com To fax paperwork during sale week, send to: (888) 371-3363

Poppen Hoffman


Texel Polypay Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Brood Ewe Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb

Name:_______________________________ Date:_____________ Polled Dorset Horned Dorset

Yearling Ram Early Fall Ram Lamb (9-1 to 9-30) Word List: Late Fall Ram Lamb (10-1 to 11-30) WinterPoppen Ram Lamb (12-1Fisher to 1-31) Kennedy Stumpe Spring Ram Lamb (2-1 & after) Hoffman Regehr Phillippi Borcher SLICK Ram Lamb (9-1 & after) Fall Yearling Ewe Spring Yearling Ewe SLICK Yearling Ewe Early Fall Ewe Lamb (9-1 to 9-30) Late Fall Ewe Lamb (10-1 to 11-30) SLICK Fall Ewe Lamb (9-1 to 11-30) Winter Ewe Lamb (12-1 to 1-31) Spring Ewe Lamb (2-1 & after) SLICK Winter/Spring Ewe Lamb (12-1 & after)

WETHER SIRES & DAMS Dorsets, Dorset Advantage, Hampshires, Suffolks,

*above 4 must have registration papers

Natural Colored, Speckle-Faced, Crossbreds


Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb April Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb April Ewe Lamb


*wethers only/testicles removed Southdown, Dorset, Dorset Advantage, Hampshire, Suffolk, Shropshire, Natural Color, Speckle-Face, Crossbred *For Club Lamb entries place

Hermann Fruechte Nohner Julius

Fisher Kennedy Stumpe Hermann Fruechte Regehr Phillippi Borcher Nohner Julius

Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Pen of Yearling Ewes Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb Pen of Ewe Lambs

Make your own worksheets online @ www.atozteacherstuff.com


Katahdin Dorper White Dorper

FIll in the word shapes puzzles with these well known consiignor last names...

*All Shropshire breeding sheep and wether sires/dams show and sell together

Yearling Ram SLICK Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb SLICK Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb SLICK January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb SLICK February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb SLICK March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe SLICK Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb SLICK Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb SLICK January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb SLICK February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb SLICK March Ewe Lamb

Stumpe Borcher


Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb

Suffolk Hampshire Montadale

Word List:

Kennedy Phillippi

Fun & G

Corriedale Columbia Rambouillet Natural Colored Tunis Southdown Shropshire

Fisher Regehr

Club Lamb in breed, then breed in class --- Page 73 ---


Hermann Nohner


HAMPSHIRES _______________________ Consigned By

WAGGONER HAMPSHIRES Roy L Waggoner, Jr 18217 Hink School Ave Cole Camp, MO 65325 (660) 221-3388 (660) 221-3456 _______________________

1110- March Ram Lamb Supreme Champion Ram, Champion Hampshire Ram, Senior Champion, 1st Fall from Held Hampshires sold to California at $3,500.

_______________________ Consigned By

RB WILLWERTH & FAMILY Ron Willwerth 1142 190th St - Webster City, IA 50595 (515) 570-2173 (515) 543-8248 _______________________

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale

_______________________ Consigned By


Kriston Hill 1188 Court St #52 - Elko, NV 89801 (775) 340-5554 kriston1012@gmail.com rabbitcreeksheepfarms.com _______________________

1103- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By

Weston Borcher 1330 Lane 10 - Powell, WY 82435 (307) 272-5285 borcher_23@hotmail.com _______________________

1104- Yearling Ram

Borcher B5258

B: 3/23/2015 Twin S: Houghtaling 12-405 595810 D: Borcher GR 12-52 39970

1105- Yearling Ewe

Borcher B5135 60004D

B: 2/8/2015 Twin S: Borcher 4031 597378 D: Borcher GR12-71 41915D

1106- Fall Ewe Lamb

Borcher 502

B: 10/9/2015 Single S: Borcher Y4028 598410 D: Borcher GR 12-51 39972D

1107- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

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Information Sale Day

1108- March Ewe Lamb

Waggoner 652

B: 3/1/2016 Twin S: Waggoner 515 RR 598954 D: Waggoner 9244 21038D Half-sister to February Ram Lamb sold at 2015 Midwest Sale.

1102- January Ewe Lamb


B: 3/3/2016 Twin S: Waggoner 515 RR 598954 D: Caskey 3428 RR 47134D

1111- March Ewe Lamb

1101- Yearling Ewe

Waggoner 656 RR

1112- February Ram Lamb

Rabbit Creek 1606 RR NNP

B: 2/15/2016 Single S: Steffens 399 595603 D: Birschbach Hamps 35-12 36375D

Information Sale Day

Rabbit Creek NNP RR 56951D

Consigned By


Roger, Marie and Lucas Parr 33425 E CR 1000 N - Mason City, IL 62664 (217) 871-4555 (217) 482-3680 rparr@frontiernet.net parrhampshires.com _______________________

1117- Slick Yearling Ram

1118- Slick January Ram Lamb

1119- Slick January Ram Lamb

1120- Slick January Ram Lamb

1115- Yearling Ewe

Rabbit Creek 1502 NNP RR 56951D

B: 1/22/2015 Single S: Steffens 399 595603 D: Larson L&L 211 38139D

Rabbit Creek 1605 RR NNP

1116- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/13/2016 Twin S: Steffens 399 595603 D: Peterson 5560-1515 32743D

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B: 1/10/2016 Single S: Parr 1153 Ollie 592111 D: Parr 928 18479

Parr 1631 RR

B: 2/25/2016 S: Hancock 2030 D: Parr 1424

1122- Slick Yearling Ewe Parr 1540 RR

These yearling ewes are the same quality we have been showing in the past.

1123- Slick Yearling Ewe

Parr 1535 RR

These ewes would normally be kept but due to health problems, we need to cut our flock size.

1124- Slick January Ewe Lamb

Parr 1616 RR

B: 1/28/2016 Single S: Parr P326 D: Parr 308 Sire is a Masterpiece grandson we retained in our flock.

1125- Slick February Ewe Lamb

1109- March Ewe Lamb

Parr 1603 RR

1121- Slick February Ram Lamb

1114- Yearling Ewe

B: 1/24/2015 Single S: Steffens 399 595603 D: Peterson 5560-1515 32743D

Parr 1602 RR

B: 1/10/2016 S: Parr 1530 BB D: Slack 3298 BB is an Ollie son we have retained to use. Watch for this ram, some believe he is our best.

1113- March Ram Lamb

Parr 1610 RR

B: 1/26/2016 Single S: Parr 1522 Hondo 599474 D: Barr 1256 37344 Sired by one of the top rams we retained last year. Parr 1522 will sell in the Hampshire Wether Sires. Watch for him.

Parr 1547 RR

A twin to our Grand Champion wether both Open and Junior show at the 2015 Illinois State Fair.

Parr 1629 RR



Consigned By



Brad Payne 13406 St Rt MM SE - Agency, MO 64401 (630) 688-2583 brad.payne65@gmail.com _______________________

Consigned By


Aaron & Ryan Hubbard 342490 E 760 Rd - Agra, OK 74824 (918) 225-9743 megafarms1@yahoo.com _______________________

1126- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1141- Slick February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

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Information Sale Day

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Information Sale Day

1127- February Ram Lamb 1128- Slick February Ram Lamb 1129- March Ram Lamb 1130- March Ram Lamb 1131- February Ewe Lamb 1132- February Ewe Lamb 1133- Slick February Ewe Lamb 1134- March Ewe Lamb 1135- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1136- Slick March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Jan Houghtaling 18522 407th Ave - Doland, SD 57436 (605) 350-4222 (605) 635-6222 janh@nvc.net _______________________

1137- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

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Information Sale Day

1138- Fall Ewe Lamb 1139- January Ewe Lamb 1140- February Ewe Lamb

Land Run 1601

B: 2/13/2016 Twin S: TakeDown Kleinert 4509 595519 D: Land Run 1110 31791 D This is the thickest of all of the TakeDown sons we had this year. He is a maternal brother to Truffle Shuffle our Reserve Champion ram at NAILE last year. We are keeping his twin brother.

1142- Slick Yearling Ewe

Land Run 393 RR NN 55620D

B: 2/18/2015 Single S: BURKHEAD Adams 3312 593082 D: Land Run 277 38574 D Show Ewe Deluxe!!! She combines size and muscling into an extremely attractive package. She was the 1st Slick ewe lamb at the Missouri State Fair. Burkhead sired the Reserve Sr. Champion Ewe at NAILE in 2014 and our young Stud Big Stick. Land Run 277 won her class at the NAILE Jr show in 2012 and was 2nd in the Open show. She is my favorite ewe sired by Bona Fide.

1143- Slick Yearling Ewe

Land Run 1511 RR NN 57424D

B: 3/20/2015 Triplet S: AMMUNITION Feller 110 592272 D: Land Run 1309 57424 D Purple Ribbon Pedigree!!! Ammunition was the Champion Slick Ram at NAILE in 2011. He has produced two Reserve Champion ewes at this Sale as well as the Reserve Champion Ram at NAILE last year. Land Run 1309 was the Reserve Senior Champion ewe at NAILE in 2014.

Reserve Champion Hampshire Ram, Junior Champion Ram, 1st March from Plaza Hamps & Shrops sold to Iowa at $1,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Roy Campbell 10394 Rt 119 Hwy S - Blairsville, PA 15717 (724) 972-7380 (724) 248-1117 lrsccampbell@verizon.net pennviewfarmsheep.com _______________________

1145- February Ram Lamb

1146- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Bishop 0347 593805 We will be consigning one of our best February ewe lambs. I think you will be pleased with our selection. Check this ewe lamb out at our website.

_______________________ Consigned By


1144- Slick March Ewe Lamb

Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

Land Run 439

B: 3/24/2016 Single S: Slack 5288 pending D: Cole Farms 76087 49269 D This is the first lamb by our new Slack buck. She has a ton of muscle and is as pretty as a picture. I am digging deep into my small set of keeper ewe lamb pen (80% buck lambs born this year!) but we have had a lot of people ask if we would consign a ewe lamb this year. She will be futurity nominated.

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72 --- Page 75 ---

Campbell Bros 338 RR NN

B: 2/16/2016 Twin S: Bishop 0347 593805 D: Strawberry Fields 1224 39528D This ram is going to be fun to feed out and watch him grow. He has great extension throughout plus he has a great top and lots of bone to him. Check him out on our website at pennviewfarmsheep.com.

1147- Slick January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1148- Slick February Ram Lamb


HAMPSHIRES 1152- February Ewe Lamb

Champion Hampshire Ewe, Senior Champion Ewe, 1st Yearling from Uptown Farms sold to Missouri at $2,300.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason & Megan Mumm Family 49 CR 1300 N - White Heath, IL 61884 (217) 377-2073 (217) 687-2874 meganmumm@hotmail.com mummhampshires.com _______________________

1149- February Ram Lamb

Mumm 1629 RR NN

B: 2/17/2016 Twin S: Mumm 1358 595807 D: SDF 11-004 32395D This ram has style, wool and bone. He has the look of a show and stud ram. M1358 is by our Clyde ram. SDF 11-004 is by Rare Perfection. This ram is bred tight and will be a future stud.

1150- March Ram Lamb

Mumm 1659 RR NN

B: 3/4/2016 Twin S: Held 13-1340 595623 D: Mumm 1244 38549D A ram with great bone and breed type. He is thick made and still has show appeal. Held 13-1340 is by Caskey Sixteen and sired our Champion Ewe at the 2015 sale. Mumm 1244 is a full sister to Blaze who was our lead she ewe in 2015. A ram bred with great genetics to be a true stud ram.

1151- Yearling Ewe

Mumm 1519 QR NN 54695D

B: 2/8/2015 Triplet S: BH 1057 Rare Perfection 590630 D: Bobendrier 987 20848D This ewe comes from our keeper pen. I rarely sell one out of this ewe line but we wanted to bring a good one. Rare Perfection consistently sires great sheep for us. Bobendrier 987 is one of our no miss ewes that always produces good ones. This one will be a stud ewe.

Mumm 1626 QR NN

B: 2/13/2016 Twin S: Mumm 1358 595807 D: Bobendrier 11-165 37137D A lamb with a great pedigree. Bobendrier 11165 has produced many sale sheep for us including the class winning February ewe lamb at Ohio in 2014. Mumm 1358 was Reserve Champion Ram at NAILE Jr Show in 2013. She will be very competitive in the show ring.

1153- February Ewe Lamb

Mumm 1648 RR NN

B: 2/22/2016 Twin S: Quam 4-111 599565 D: SDF 11-008 32397D Another big footed, jacked fronted, fancy lamb with all the makings of a great show ewe. Her dam was Reserve Champion Ewe at NAILE in 2012. Her sire by Homeboy who was Supreme Ram at NAILE and Quam 9023 that has influenced many flocks. A lamb with great breeding and even greater genetics. Do not miss this one.

1154- March Ewe Lamb

Mumm 1654 QR NN

B: 3/2/2016 Single S: Quam 4-111 599565 D: Mumm 1422 48404D A big footed, fancy made ewe lamb. She is the looker out of our March pen. Mumm 1422 was in our show flock last year and is sired by Clyde. Quam 4-111 was 2nd fall ram at 2015 NAILE and is sired by Homeboy. A great combination of genetics that hit a home run for us.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jennifer Livermore RR1 Box 23 - Media, IL 61460 (309) 221-0538 (309) 221-0538 livermorej12@hotmail.com _______________________

1155- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1156- January Ram Lamb 1157- March Ram Lamb

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72 --- Page 76 ---

Consigned By


Dan Westlake 17183 Mackan Rd - Marysville, OH 43040 (937) 243-5111 (937) 642-2546 tandd3j@jencospeed.net _______________________

1158- Slick Yearling Ram

Dan Westlake B541 RR

B: 1/25/2015 Twin S: Impact 14003 Ignite 598699 D: Miller P-4372 29643D Yes, we are entering the correct class and division. This one deserves the attention of Hampshire Breeders: He is big and stout and can be a game changer for the breed like the great Super Star ram. His sire, Ignite, has been impressive making powerfully constructed rams, wethers, and females in our program. Ignite is sired by the late Wild Game (Game Face Son) and out of a Young Jock daughter. His dam, Miller P-4372, is sired by Untouchable, the sire of the Reserve Grand Champion at Houston in 2011 and dammed by a Masterpiece daughter, Miller P-3819, who was the Supreme Champion Ewe at San Antonio in 2010. B541 is so stout, big topped, huge hipped and stylish that you will want to see how his frame size can contribute on this side of the industry. Yet, he could be a player in the wether arena as well if you are looking to put grow and a bit of extension back in your club lamb program without sacrificing muscle power. B541 is an interesting entry that offers some of the most influential genetics in the business while being stimulating phenotypically for all breeders to evaluate....regardless your discipline. Mark him in your catalog; you will want to see him for sure. Until then, like him on Facebook: Dan Westlake Club Lambs.

_______________________ Consigned By


60243 195th Ave - Dodge Center, MN 55927 (507) 251-2650 (507) 374-2976 rex.quam@riverland.edu quamsuffolksandhampshires.com _______________________

1159- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Homeboy crossed really well for us on the ewes we flushed him to. Will have a top ET buck lamb for Sedalia out of him and a Phenom daughter.



Consigned By


Mike Caskey 1222 171st St - Holland, MN 56139 (507) 215-0266 (507) 347-3229 mccaskey@woodstocktel.net caskeypinelawnfarms.com _______________________

1160- Fall Ram Lamb

Caskey 5640 RR

B: 10/2/2015 Single S: Caskey 365 RR Lucky Edition 597862 D: Caskey 3522 RR 46044D A true stud ram! He is long, tall and powerful made with big feet, great bone and lots of wool. His sire is Final Edition and out of an Elite Lucky 7 ewe line. His dam is a Sixteen daughter that is the twin sister to Unforgettable. Three national champions in his pedigree. Designed to be a great one.

1161- January Ram Lamb

1168- January Ram Lamb

Nelson 16-13 RR NN

B: 1/7/2016 Single S: Bobendrier 14-20 597543 D: Roof 1662 40900D

Nelson 15-06 RR NN 59102D

1169- Yearling Ewe

B: 1/2/2015 Single S: Bobendrier 13-60 595711 D: Mission Bell 8057 21488D

1170- Yearling Ewe

Nelson 15-10 RR NN 59104D B: 1/3/2015 Single S: Bobendrier 13-60 595711 D: Nelson 12041 39692D

1171- Yearling Ewe

Nelson 15-15 QR NN 59107D

Information Sale Day S: Gordoneer Remedy

Information Sale Day S: Final Edition

1172- Fall Ewe Lamb

1162- February Ram Lamb 1163- January Ewe Lamb

Caskey 6431 RR

B: 1/9/2016 Twin S: Gordoneer Remedy 598205 D: Caskey 4558 RR 52931D One of our best January ewe lambs. She is going to be hard to beat at major shows this summer. Bred very similar to our Reserve Junior Champion Ewe at the 2015 sale. Dam is one of our best Final Edition daughters.

1164- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

B: 1/4/2015 Single S: Bobendrier 13-60 595711 D: Nelson 7084 98265C

Nelson 15-61 RR

B: 1/6/2016 Single S: Bobendrier 14-20 597543 D: Bobendrier 14-27 49059D

Information Sale Day

1174- Slick January Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Information Sale Day


Blair & Gina Summey 8200 McCourtney Rd - Lincoln, CA 95648 (805) 501-7500 (916) 408-8738 summeyfamilyfarm@gmail.com _______________________

Consigned By


Rodney & Kathy Nelson 13329 CR 74 - Eaton, CO 80615 (970) 481-9837 (970) 454-3775 nelsheep1@what-wire.com _______________________

1166- Yearling Ram

Nelson 15-18 RR NN 600231

B: 1/7/2015 Twin S: Bobendrier 13-60 595711 D: Roof 17-31 40910D

1167- Fall Ram Lamb

Nelson 15-62 RR

B: 9/23/2015 Single S: Caskey 0509 593470 D: Bobendrier 13-84 40607D

Nelson 16-01 QR NN

1165- February Ewe Lamb

B: 11/2/2015 Single S: Caskey 0509 593470 D: Bobendrier 10-48 25417D

1173- January Ewe Lamb

1175- Yearling Ram

Summey 2669A RR 599217

B: 2/27/2015 Single S: Nelson 13019 RR 596830 D: Caskey 1117 RR TR 35112D If you are looking for length and structural correctness, this ram should fit your needs nicely. The sire was the first place yearling ram and Reserve Senior Champion Ram in the 2014 National Hampshire Sale in Sedalia. The dam is one of our top-producing Caskey ewes we purchased from the Caskey family in 2014 and she has another great set of lambs on her this year.

Reserve Champion Hampshire Ewe, Res Senior Champion Ewe, 2nd Yearling from Pine Lawn Farm sold to Missouri at $1,500.

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1176- February Ram Lamb

Summey 2688 A

B: 2/19/2016 Single S: Held 14-1622 Golden Boy 599089 D: Peterson 7022-3830 RR 50330D Sire was the Grand Champion Ram in Sedalia for the 2015 National Hampshire Sale. Golden Boy went on to be selected as the Supreme Champion Ram in the Breeding Sheep Division. He sired a very uniform set of lambs for us and we are only selling a select few, so please stop by and take a look.

1177- Yearling Ewe

Summey 2713 A RR 55643D

B: 2/8/2016 Twin S: Nelson 13019 RR SG 596830 D: Caskey 9144 RR SG 24115D Carries Pine Lawn Farm genetics in both the sire and dam pedigrees. She is still growing and should make a big brood ewe like her dam with extra milk to spare.

1178- Yearling Ewe

Summey 2717 A RR 55646D

B: 2/9/2015 Twin S: Nelson 13019 RR SG 596830 D: Caskey 9217 RR TW 24123D A big-bodied ewe that could be shown this summer or taken home to add to your flock. The Caskey ewes we purchased in 2014 are easy-lambers and they produce plenty of milk. This ewe should continue those traits.

1179- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Held 14-622 599089 Still too early to select our ewe lamb entry, but she will be sired by Held 14-1622 Golden Boy. This ewe lamb will be futurity nominated.



Consigned By



Jake Herrig 677 State Hwy 267 - Slayton, MN 56172 (507) 227-4228 (506) 220-1360 jakeherrig@yahoo.com herrigsheep.com _______________________

Consigned By


Rufus DeZeeuw 21315 US Hwy 14 - Elkton, SD 57026 (605) 690-8269 (605) 542-7541 cpdezeeuw@svtv.com DeZeeuwFarms.com _______________________

1184- February Ram Lamb Junior Champion Hampshire Ewe, 1st February Ewe Lamb from Herrig Family Hampshires sold to Missouri at $3,500.

_______________________ Consigned By


Tom Bobendrier 1351 US Hwy 75 - Pipestone, MN 56164 (507) 215-0334 Shebob8@gmail.com _______________________

S: Held 14-1508 Powercase 597308 Check out our website for more information.

1185- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Sired by either Powercase or Bobendrier 14-56

1186- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


1180- January Ram Lamb

1181- January Ram Lamb

Bobendrier Boys 16-35 RR

B: 1/8/2016 Twin S: Bobendrier 595707 D: Bobendrier Boys 14-54 51523D Rare Feller was Reserve Junior Champion at Louisville in 2013, and Reserve Senior Champion at Louisville in 2014. 16-35 Dam is from the very best ewe family in our flock.

1182- January Ewe Lamb

Bobendrier Boys 16-10 QR

B: 1/1/2016 S: Bobendrier 14-28 598438 D: Bobendrier Boys 08-02 16413D Bobendrier 14-28 sired a very consistent and exciting group of lambs. Super level designed and excellent Hampshire breed character. Her dam has been one of the most prolific ewes we have raised.

1183- January Ewe Lamb

Bobendrier Boys 16-36 RR

B: 1/8/2016 Twin S: Bobendrier 595707 D: Bobendrier Boys 14-54 51523D A twin to the ram lamb we entered. This ewe lamb is silky smooth and will be a top show prospect. Very attractive, with plenty of wool, she is sure to impress!

Gene & Marci Sanford 12529 Canby Ave - Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 645-4989 mgsanford99@gmail.com sanfordsheepfarm.com _______________________

Bobendrier Boys 16-29 RR

B: 1/6/2016 Twin S: Koehler 1330 596867 D: Bobendrier Boys 12-04 38564D This ram is our early favorite. Large boned, level designed, and very attractive. This rams pedigree indicates that he will get plenty of size.

Information Sale Day S: Held 14-1508 Powercase 597308

1187- January Ram Lamb

Sanford M600 AI RR

B: 1/2/2016 Single S: Finder 3229 575529 D: Sanford M303 46674D Must see this ram to remember the old genetics of Finder 3229.

1188- February Ram Lamb

Sanford M613 RR

B: 2/7/2016 Single S: Sanford M128 592319 D: Sanford M108 314439D Strong lamb with bone, body & type.

1189- January Ewe Lamb

Sanford M607 RR

B: 1/20/2016 Twin S: Sanford M128 592319 D: Sanford M900 18997D Sire was Reserve Champion Ram at 2011 Minnesota State Hamp Show. He is sired by Steffens 954.

1190- February Ewe Lamb

Sanford M610 RR

B: 2/2/2016 Twin S: Bobendrier 13-158 597539 D: Sanford M403 48306D

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1191- Fall Ram Lamb

Herrig 1074 RR NN

B: 9/16/2015 Twin S: Herrig 0993 598329 D: Herrig 0869 40045 D This is a big upfront buck. Herrig 993 is a son of Caskey 796. This ram will give you size and Style.

1192- February Ram Lamb

Herrig 1094 RR NN

B: 2/1/2016 Single S: Herrig 994 Iron Horse 598330 D: Herrig 715 27389 D This Ram is going to be a special Breeding buck for someone. If we did not have so many bucks he would be leaving. He is sired by Iron Horse who is our top Caskey 796 Son. This Mother is 715. 715 is in the fab 5 of ewes at our Farm. She produced the 2 falls lambs that Alf Family showed with so much success. Her lambs just get better with age so watch for this ram to do great things.

1193- Yearling Ewe

Herrig 1028 RR NN

B: 1/6/2015 Single S: Herrig 0966 597321 D: Herrig 0868 40041D Bret stopped me in Louisville Last fall and asked if I would keep a good yearling for the National Sale. So here she is. I think this ewe is more than just good. She will make a great show ewe for someone but I think she will became a stud-making machine after you are done showing her. She is sired by 966 a Caskey 796 grandson. 966 father is the twin brother to the High selling Fall ewe at 2013 Ohio Showcase Sale. If that is not enough to make her a great one maybe her mother being the twin to Turbo will. Turbo was the 2013 Champion and High Selling Ram at the Ohio Showcase Sale Selling to Wise Hampshires of Ohio. We have sold a lot of good ones in the past but I think this might be the best.

1194- Yearling Ewe

Herrig 1060 RR NN

B: 2/15/2015 Single S: Herrig 962 597319 D: Herrig 0891 40039D Here is a real eye-catching yearling ewe. Herrig 962 is a Turbo son and 891 is a Caskey 796 daughter. She is lined up with 796 on both sides of the pedigree. She should be a great addition to any ones flock.


1195- Fall Ewe Lamb

Herrig 1075 RR NN

B: 9/16/2015 Twin S: Herrig 0993 598329 D: Herrig 0869 40045D Here is the twin to the Fall Ram. I did not really want to sell her, but figured Bret would get mad if we did not bring a good fall ewe since we sold a couple good ones this Spring. She will make a great show ewe for someone.

1196- January Ewe Lamb

Herrig 1085

B: 1/1/2016 Twin S: Herrig 992 598328 D: Herrig 936 45602D This was a hard decision to make. We sold her twin sister on our online sale this spring. She is a 3/4 sister to the Junior Champion Ewe and High Selling Ewe last year at this sale. This is a very eye-catching lamb that should have a great show career. You can see pictures of our whole consignment at www.herrigsheep.com.

_______________________ Consigned By


Dan Kendrick & Sons 712 W 3rd St - Vermont, IL 61484 (309) 221-5568 kendrickdorset@yahoo.com _______________________

1197- February Ram Lamb

Kendrick 1623 QR

B: 2/15/2016 Single S: Meyer 1335 596928 D: Kendrick 0910 TW 23593D The Meyer ram made some nice lambs. They are long and big-hipped. Check out this QRAA ram.



Consigned By

Tim & Sarah Fleener 273 S Mountain Rd - Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) 413-5181 fleenerlivestock@gmail.com _______________________

1199- Slick February Ram Lamb

Fleener 1631 600680 B: 2/10/2016 Twin S: Barton 2090 Rocket 596138 D: Fleener 1442 51852D

1200- Slick February Ram Lamb

Fleener 1641 600681 B: 2/19/2016 Twin S: Fleener 1437 598528 D: Fleener 1313 42499D

1201- Slick February Ewe Lamb

Fleener 1629 61266D B: 2/5/2016 Single S: Barton 2090 Rocket 596138 D: Fleener 1425 48278D

1202- Slick February Ewe Lamb

Fleener 1635 61269D B: 2/16/2016 Single S: Fleener 1437 598528 D: Fleener 1124 31256D

1203- Slick March Ewe Lamb

Fleener 1649 61272D B: 3/2/2016 Single S: Fleener 1437 598528 D: Fleener 1218 36713D

_______________________ Consigned By


Kendrick 1621 RR 61321D

B: 2/11/2016 Twin S: Lubker 3045P TR 597534 D: Kendrick 1201 TW 41626D These lambs are bred like our Champion Fall Ram at the 2016 Illini Spring Sale. We are her twin sister.


Consigned By

1198- February Ewe Lamb


Christian Tifft 910 6th St - Spirit Lake, IA 51360 (712) 330-0113 dunderwood@gmail.com _______________________

1204- Yearling Ram

Quam 4-129 RR NN 599567

B: 9/12/2014 S: L and E Hamps 2-22 596111 D: Quam 11253 44508 Supreme Ram at Nebraska State Fair, First Fall Ram at Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota State Fairs and the Clay County Fair. This buck sure needs some ewes and the show ring! Long sided, big boned, very very sound! This is a real good Homeboy yearling. Just had him semen checked 85%. Just hard to find them long like this buck!

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72 --- Page 79 ---

Jeff, Mary, Austin & Aaron Held 21320 477th Ave - Aurora, SD 57002 (605) 690-7033 heldhamps@gmail.com heldhampshires.com _______________________

1205- Fall Ewe Lamb

Held 15-1725 RR NNP

B: 10/6/2015 Twin S: Held 14-1547 RRNNP 597311 D: Held 11-1216 QRNNP 36876D Sired by the 2015 National Champion Ram. Line bred through our famous Showcase pedigree. See website for more information.

1206- Fall Ewe Lamb

Held 15-1744 RR NNP

B: 10/11/2015 Single S: Held 13-1357 RRNNP 595629 D: Held 11-1188 RRNNP 35719D Very attractive ewe with extra style and wool. Dam is a terrific 2910 daughter. Full sister was our lead yearling ewe in 2015.

1207- January Ewe Lamb

Held 16-1788 RR NNP

B: 1/23/2016 Twin S: Held 14-1511 RRNNP 597309 D: Held 13-1342 RRNNP 423840 A top ewe lamb from the 2016 crop! The 1511 ewe lambs were very deep in quality. She has been a popular lamb in the eyes of many visitors to the farm. Dam by 1234, grand-dam is a true foundation female.

1208- February Ewe Lamb

Held 16-1793 RR NNP

B: 2/3/2016 Twin S: Held 15-1637 RRNNP 599083 D: Held 11-1228 36880D Attractive ewe lamb with a powerful pedigree. Sire by Held 1511 and his dam also gave us 1547, maternal brother to 2015 National Champion Ram. We have a great set of ewe lambs, this entry is the oldest! See our website for updates: heldhampshires.com

HAMPSHIRES 1214- Yearling Ewe

Peterson 7491 RR 600504

B: 1/29/2015 Twin S: Peterson 7061 597121 D: Peterson 9520 20554D We call her Repeat as she was entered last year but broke with sore mouth. Our favorite now for two years. Heavy-boned, deep-bodied, wooly ewe... just the way we like to raise them.

1215- Fall Ewe Lamb Reserve Junior Champion Hampshire Ewe, 2nd February Ewe Lamb from Pine Lawn Farm sold to Wisconsin at $1,500.

_______________________ Consigned By


Doug & Lindi Peterson 803 23rd St NE - Lemmon, SD 57638 (701) 376-3115 peterson@sdplains.com petersonsheepco.com _______________________

1209- Yearling Ram

Peterson 7422-15589 RR B: 1/22/2015 Twin 600504

S: Peterson 5829 594769 D: Peterson 5881 60350D Full maternal brother to 2015 high-selling yearling ram. Very deep-bodied, wooly ram who is really sound on his feet and legs.

1210- Yearling Ram

Peterson 7582-15568 RR 600509

S: Peterson 7121 598016 D: Peterson 7047 603410 A very complete ram. He has always been one of our favorites.

1211- Fall Ram Lamb

Peterson 9005-15553 RR 600503

B: 10/21/2015 Single S: Peterson 7210 600501 D: Peterson 5672 35592D This is our first ever crop of Fall lambs and even though they are born late October, we think you will appreciate his length and wool cover.

1212- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day An eye-catcher since a few weeks old. Same quality as our 2015 high-selling January ram lamb.

Peterson 9010-15559 RR 604090

B: 10/25/2015 Single S: Peterson 7121 598016 D: Peterson 9608 26640D From our first crop ever of Fall lambs born late October. This lamb is very complete.

1216- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We will always pick one of our top ewe lambs for Sedalia.

1217- February Ewe Lamb

1220- Yearling Ewe

Bobendrier 15-62 RR NNP

B: 3/8/2015 S: Bobendrier 595707 D: Bobendrier 12-51 41426D A top-shelf ewe with beautiful style and breed type. Sire was reserve senior Louisville champion and dam is one our best Lambert 11-20 daughters.

1221- Fall Ewe Lamb

Bobendrier 15-150 RR NNP

B: 9/14/2015 Single S: Bobendrier 595707 D: Bobendrier 13-49 42616D A great profiling ewe that will continue to grow and have the capability of being a major factor at the big-time shows.

1222- January Ewe Lamb

Bobendrier 16-19 RR NNP

B: 1/5/2016 Twin S: Koehler 596867 D: Bobendrier 14-02 48711D A very pretty, eye appealing lamb out of a large framed Lambert 11-20 daughter that was a member of our show flock.

Information Sale Day Too young to pick, but will bring one of our best.

1223- January Ewe Lamb


Consigned By

BOBENDRIER HAMPSHIRES Chuck Bobendrier 1607 90th Ave - Pipestone, MN 56164 (507) 215-1710 (507) 825-4072 bobendrier@svtv.com bobendrierhampshires.com _______________________

B: 1/6/2016 S: Bobendrier 595707 D: Bobendrier 10-114 29272D A thicker made lamb that should get big. Dam is one of our very top brood ewes that we sold three high dollar studs out of. Check our web site for photos and video prior to the sale.

_______________________ Consigned By

1218- January Ram Lamb

1219- January Ram Lamb


Bobendrier 16-09 RR NNP

B: 1/3/2016 Twin S: Koehler 596867 D: Bobendrier 14-47 52449D A very complete ram with good wool and bone. Dam goes back to our 2010 Louisville champion ewe, sire is a large framed, massive ram that sired a great set of lambs for us.

Bobendrier 16-12 RR NNP

Bobendrier 16-21 RR NNP

Barret Marshall & Family 45491 204th St- Arlington, SD 57212 (605) 695-2528 barretmarshall@hotmail.com _______________________

1224- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1225- January Ewe Lamb

B: 1/4/2016 S: Koehler 596867 D: Bobendrier 14-61 52451D A great profiling, beautifully balanced lamb whose dam has a star studded pedigree boasting three Louisville champion rams and a reserve National champion ewe.

1213- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day A little early to pick, but we will bring comparable to 2015 co-high-selling February ram lamb.

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72 --- Page 80 ---



Consigned By

BIRSCHBACH HAMPSHIRES Steve Birschbach 802 E Pioneer Rd - Fond du Lac, WI 54935 (920) 251-4919 stbirsch80@hotmail.com _______________________

1226- February Ram Lamb

Birschbach 47-16 600631

B: 2/12/2016 Twin S: Herrig 0975 RR TW 598327 Craxy Horse D: Birschbach Hamps 40-13 RR TW 42259D This buck lamb describes the word BIG!! He is wooly and stands on good bone and good on his wheels His sire Herrig Crazy Horse, we bought last year in their on-line sale. Crazy Horse sires big growthy lambs with excellent breed character. He also puts good rump and hip into his offspring. Dam is out of a McCandlish ewe I bought a couple years ago and 40-13 is out of the great Devil ram that I was fortunate to buy from Hickmans Hamps. Devil daughters have worked well so far on Crazy Horse. This is an interesting buck lamb.

1229- January Ewe Lamb

1233- Yearling Ewe

B: 1/14/2016 Twin S: J&E Hamps 2-22 RR SG 596111 Home Boy D: Herrig 0976 RR NN TW 48230D My only January ewe lamb but she is pretty sweet!! By the Supreme National Champion Ram at Louisville in 2013 who is Home Boy who needs no introduction!! Herrig 0976 is the twin sister to Crazy Horse, purchased at the Ohio sale last year. Herrig 0976 is sired by the Caskey 796 ram that sired all those good sheep for the Herrigs. Home Boy works great on those 796 daughters!! Check this lamb out. She has size, bone and wool. Should be a nice show lamb then grow her out, and put her to work for you!

_______________________ Consigned By


Gary T Klug PO Box 383 - Harlan, IA 51537 (712) 202-4461 klughihamp@tm.net _______________________

1227- Yearling Ewe

Birschbach 44-15 RR 55759D

B: 3/15/2015 Twin S: Caskey 3489 RR TW 596314 D: Hickman 980 RR SG 42236D This yearling ewe is sired by Caskey ram that is a son of the Caskey 16 ram. Wool, bone and good on her feet and legs, she is still pretty green as of entry time but she should make a great brood ewe her mother Hickman 980 was 1st place January ewe lamb in her only show appearance at the NAILE in 2013 this ewes dam is one of my top ewes! Check this ewe out!!

1228- Yearling Ewe

Strawberry Fields 1502 RR B: 1/2/2015 Single 57441D

S: Larson L&L 28 QR NN TW 593494 D: Strawberry Fields 0913 TW 33249D Hate to sell this ewe, maybe I lost my mind but got to sell a good one and since it has been awhile since I have consigned to Midwest Sale figured I would put her in. Big stout made ewe with good depth of body on good set of feet and legs, her sire L&L 28 also sired L&L 61 who was champion ram at Louisville in 2014. Show this ewe, then put her in the breeding pen she should be an outstanding addition to any flock. Look her over, I think you will like her!

Birschbach 45-16 RR 61105D

1230- January Ram Lamb

Klug HH 16-139P RR NN 600700

B: 1/2/2016 Triplet S: Klug HH 13-120P Du QR 596656 D: Bobendrier 10-64 RR 24786 A nice buck... triplet... bred well... wood and bone. Dam is the Bobendrier ewe that is a stud-producing machine. Sire is out of Mission Bell-Hummer daughter that did things well.

1231- January Ram Lamb

Klug HH 16-141P RR NN 600701

B: 1/3/2016 Twin S: Klug HH 13-120P Du QR 596656 D: Klug HH 12-150T RR 38378 A nicer buck (grin) twin, long, correct and solid. Dam is an excellent working ewe! Lambed single in January 2014, twins September 2014, lambed single March 2015 (ewe in sale) and twins in January 2016.

1232- Yearling Ewe

Klug HH 15-181 QR NN 55185D

B: 3/30/2015 Single S: Klug HH 13-120P Du QR 596656 D: Klug HH 12-150T RR 38378 A decent ewe--13 months at time of entry and growing well. Crispy is one term to describe-great lines and wool

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Klug HH 15-183T QR NN 55185D

B: 4/9/2015 Single S: Klug HH 13-120P Du QR 596656 D: Klug HH 10-132T NNP 32364 A more decent ewe (grin again). This ewe is barely a year old at entry time--growing well. Pretty, up-headed ewe with wool and bone to boot. Dam is another working stiff... twins Feb of 2014, single ewe September 2014, single Aprill 2015 and now twins in February of 2016.

1234- January Ewe Lamb

Klug HH 16-185T RR NN

B: 1/2/2016 Triplet S: Klug HH 13-120P Du QR 596656 D: Bobendrier 10-64 RR 24786 Long-bodied pretty ewe. Snappy, with great eye-appeal. Triplet brother is also in the sale.

1235- February Ewe Lamb

Klug HH 16-191T RR 61328D

B: 2/2/2016 Twin S: Klugh HH 12-113P Bond 594449 D: Kllug HH 14-73T 48758 Well-balanced, pretty ewe. Straight from one of my oldest Highland Hamphsires productive ewe families



Wednesday, June 25th, 8am

National Hampshire Show Thursday, June 25th, 5pm

Great American Hampshire Cookout Swine Barn, South Show Ring hosted by American Hampshire Sheep Assn

Friday, June 26th, 8am National Hampshire Sale



Consigned By


Randy Dombek 2422 290th St - Ivanhoe, MN 56142 (507) 530-5938 (507) 694-1427 rdombek@hotmail.com _______________________

1305- Yearling Ewe

Ruby Mtn Sheep 1514 RR 2/7/2015 Twin 634581 B:

S: Buckaroo Bonzai Ruby Mountain 1405 626284 D: Ruby Mtn Sheep 1241 613130 Ruby Mtn 1241 is a Lucky Bob daughter that was Champion Ram at 2012 Iowa State Fair and sold to Kevin Lansing. Champion Suffolk Ram, Senior Champion Ram, 1st Yearling from Wayne Skartvedt Family sold to Missouri at $2,100.

_______________________ Consigned By


Cynthia Huckins HC 36 Box 33 - Spring Creek, NV 89815 (775) 741-0789 (775) 753-8327 rubymtsheepco@yahoo.com www.rubymountainsheepco.com _______________________

1301- Yearling Ram

1306- Yearling Ewe

Ruby Mtn Sheep 1513 QR B: 2/6/2015 Twin 634585

S: BattleBorn Ruby Mountain 1303 621494 D: Ruby Mtn 1335 621507 BattleBorn is a Joaquin son. The ewe family of 1335 goes back to one of the biggest ewes on the place, Ruby Mtn 946, Mtn Mama that stood 2nd as a yearling ewe in Louisville 2010.

1307- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1308- February Ewe Lamb


Ruby Mtn Sheep 1508

Consigned By


B: 2/4/2015 Twin S: Buckaroo Bonzai Ruby Mountain 1405 626284 D: Ruby Tuesday Ruby Mountain 3141 621511 This attractive ram is sired by Buckaroo Banzai, Res. Champion Ram 2014 as a lamb and Champion Ram 2015 at Louisville. His dam never stood lower then 2nd in class and was included in the 1st ewe lamb pair 2014 and 1st yearling ewe pair 2015 in Louisville. We are proud to offer this exciting set of sheep in Sedalia. Stop by our pens to view extended pedigrees or visit www.rubymountainsheepco.com.

1309- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

1310- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Ruby Mtn 1601 RR

1302- Yearling Ram 1303- Yearling Ram

1304- January Ram Lamb B: 1/13/2016 Twin S: Buck Dynasty Ruby Mountain 1505 634597 D: Hoskins 14-45 627021 Buck Dynasty is a full brother to Buckaroo Banzai sold to Matt Wolf of ID. To see his picture check out their website, www.whisperinghillssuffolks.com. His dam is a monstrous Hoskins ewe that had a great set of ram lambs for us this year. If more bone is what you need, check him out!

1312- February Ram Lamb

1313- Yearling Ram

_______________________ Consigned By


John Corson 13320 E 900th St - Macomb, IL 61455 (309) 255-4606 corsonre@yahoo.com corsonsuffolks.com _______________________

Arndt Acres 16-117 RR

B: 2/15/2016 S: Arndt Acres 14-117 627337 D: Martens 19 591957 Sire goes back to Cliff Hanger and Ten Times. Dam has been one of our longest-lasting ewes. She goes back to Franchise and Golden Boy.

Dombek Family 2847RR B: 1/11/2015 Single 635304

S: Dreher 2052RR 625604 D: Dombek family 2528RR 613106 Large ram who was reserve champion at the MN state Suffolk show last summer. His sire is a Black Cobra son out of the largest ewe, Lulabelle, for Ron Dreher. Dam is a former show ewe out of Schoelerman 919L, a Missing Link son.

Ron Arndt 11775 Co Rd 50 - Norwood, MN 55368 (952) 201-5761 (952) 466-5876 parndt83@gmail.com _______________________

Dombek Family 2995RR

B: 2/3/2016 Twin S: Dombek Family 2621RR 621718 D: Tom Burke 10175 601932 One of our fastest growing lambs this year, weighed 94# at 61 days. A very attractive ram, level top and rump and has a fair amount of body width. Sired by Dreyfus Dombek Family 2621 a son of Dreher 6244. Dreyfus is the sire of the big yearling ram we showed at Louisville last year.

1314- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1311- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

B: 2/1/2016 Twin S: Arndt Acres 14-125 632075 D: Arndt Acres 13-061 625897 Sire goes back to Stroker Ace. Land Lady and Cobra RR. 14-125 sired several ewes we had good luck showing slicked. Dam also goes back to Cobra RR.

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Arndt Acres 14-039 RR 632084

B: 9/18/2014 Single S: 5 Star J 0110 597426 D: Arndt Acres 925 584014 Sire won his class at Sedalia in 2011. He goes back to ten Times. Dam goes back to Cowboy, Land Lady and Stroker Ace.

Arndt Acres 16-028 RR

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1315- February Ram Lamb 1316- February Ram Lamb 1317- February Ram Lamb 1318- Yearling Ewe 1319- Yearling Ewe 1320- February Ewe Lamb 1321- February Ewe Lamb 1322- February Ewe Lamb



Consigned By


Rob & Lisa Frost & Family 6412 West Rd NE - Bloomingburg, OH 43106 (740) 505-4858 (740) 437-7878 rob.frost@att.net _______________________

1323- Slick Yearling Ram

Frostaire 1285 RR NN 636586

B: 1/22/2015 Twin S: Frostaire Farms 1121 622013 D: Frostaire Farms 1147 625841 Sire and dam by Slack 0333, 598208.

1324- Slick Yearling Ram

Frostaire 1286 RR NN 636587

B: 1/22/2015 Twin S: Frostaire Farms 1121 622013 D: Frostaire Farms 1147 625841 Sire and dam by Slack 0333, 598208.

1325- Slick Yearling Ram

Frostaire 1299 RR NN 636588

B: 2/16/2015 Twin S: Slack 0333 598208 D: Wiford 020 591322 Dam by Slack 7152, 569413.

_______________________ Consigned By


Brody, Kourtney, Brandon & Braydon Peterson 803 23rd St NE - Lemmon, SD 57638 (701) 376-3115 dapeterson@sdplains.com _______________________

1329- Yearling Ram

1330- Yearling Ewe

Terry Renn 5674 Stein Rd - Pigeon, MI 48755 (989) 551-2214 (987) 375-2212 rennvuefarms@airadv.net rennvuefarms.com _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By

Fisher 15-27 RR NN 638729

B: 2/11/2015 Twin S: Orwick Suffolks 1201 616931 D: Fisher 11-06 608966 His dam is complete and muscled. He carries EB genetics on the dam side. He is bred well and designed to work. The Orwick buck (his sire) has Champion and Reserve Champions at Louisville in his pedigree.


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

1336- Slick Yearling Ewe

1332- Yearling Ram

RennVue Farms ZZ5298

B: 1/16/2015 S: Zehnder Family 308 RRNN 622285 D: RenVue Farms IP 4858 617455 Sired by the Reserve Champion Ram at the 2014 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.

1333- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

1334- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

1335- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We will bring the same quality as our Grand Champion Ewe 2015 and the first place January Ewe Lamb. --- Page 83 ---

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By

DREHER FAMILY SUFFOLKS Ronald Dreher 39 Diamond Ln - Great Falls, MT 59405 (406) 781-5107 _______________________

Consigned By


Information Sale Day

1328- Yearling Ram

Consigned By


1327- February Ram Lamb

Marv & Marilyn Fisher 14105 Hickman Rd - Urbandale, IA 50323 (515) 240-4577 (515) 278-1622 fishersuffolks@msn.com fishersuffolks.com _______________________


Fisher 15-32 RR NN 636124

B: 3/1/2015 Twin S: Fisher 14-16 629288 D: Fisher 13-52 625199 Modern, correct and stylish. They carry the Orwick bloodlines. His pedigree has the 3 champions as noted above. The dam has EB Suffolks in her pedigree. The EB dam was 3rd at Sedalia several years ago. These twins should make productive brood ewes. Look them over.

Cousins 9020 RR


Reserve Champion Suffolk Ram, Reserve Senior Champion Ram, 2nd Yearling from Ruby Mountain Sheep Co sold to Illinois at $3,000.

1331- Yearling Ewe

Very similar to our 2015 1st January Ram Lamb.

Fisher 15-32 RR NN 636123

B: 3/1/2015 Twin S: Fisher 14-16 629288 D: Fisher 13-52 625199 Sired by our 4th place yearling ram at the 2015 Sale at Sedalia. He was one of the tallest rams in the sale. He placed 3rd at the Iowa State Fair in 2014. The ewes are similar.

1326- January Ram Lamb

Fisher 15-10 RR NN 638728

B: 2/6/2015 Twin S: Orwick Suffolks 1201 616931 D: Fisher 10-21 600139 Dam is our favorite ewe. She has keepers every year. The Davis grand dam was sired by Dew Boy with winners on both sides. This ram will keep you on track. Do not miss checking him out.

1337- Yearling Ram

Dreher 5-2413 RR NN B: 1/1/2015

1338- Yearling Ram

Dreher 5-2485 RR NN B: 3/5/2015

1339- Yearling Ewe

Dreher 5-2537 RR NN B: 3/13/2015

1340- Yearling Ewe

Dreher 5-2539 RR NN B: 3/15/2015

1341- February Ewe Lamb

Dreher 6-2725 RR NN B: 2/12/2016

1342- February Ewe Lamb

Dreher 6-2755 RR NN B: 2/14/2016

1365- January Ewe Lamb

SUFFOLKS _______________________ Consigned By


Billy & Betsy MacCauley Family Evan Snyder, Farm Manager 4333 Steelville Rd - Atglen, PA 19310 (405) 314-1642 evan7s@hotmail.com _______________________

1356- Slick Yearling Ram Champion Suffolk Ewe, Junior Champion Ewe, 1st February from Renn Vue Farms sold to Missouri at $2,500.

_______________________ Consigned By


Nick & Ron Annuschat 28271 N 2850 Rd - Okarche, OK 73762 (405) 368-0455 _______________________

Information Sale Day We will bring a top slick yearling ram. Do not miss out on him!

1357- Slick January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1358- Slick Yearling Ewe

_______________________ Consigned By


1344- Yearling Ram

60243 195th Ave - Dodge Center, MN 55927 (507) 251-2650 (507) 374-2976 rex.quam@riverland.edu quamsuffolksandhampshires.com _______________________

1345- February Ram Lamb

1359- Fall Ram Lamb

1343- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day We have the best set of January buck lambs we have ever had. Will bring a couple good ones.

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day Will be a real young complete buck that carries himself good down his top and real square on his feet.

Information Sale Day

1346- February Ram Lamb 1347- Yearling Ewe 1348- Yearling Ewe

1360- January Ram Lamb 1361- January Ram Lamb

1350- February Ewe Lamb

1362- February Ram Lamb

1352- February Ewe Lamb 1353- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

1354- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

1355- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Our entire consignment will be sired by Corson 11-455 or KJ Lansing 3038. These two rams have sired our entries for the last two years which earned us the best consignment award the past two years.

1366- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day All of our ewe lambs will be futurity nominated this year. Another good show prospect that turns into a great brood ewe!!!

1367- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day I picked out a Winter is Coming ewe lamb out of an ET Sister to the Bella ewe! Futurity Nominated!

1368- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Lots to pick from in this group. She will be young and smaller than some others in the class, but a good one!! She to will be futurity nominated!

1369- Slick March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We have some good slicked ewe lambs out of Slick Willy, our Champion Ram at the 2015 Minnesota State Fair! We will futurity nominate her as well!

_______________________ Consigned By


Matt Benda 58958 850th St - Alpha, MN 56111 (507) 841-2220 (507) 841-2220 mbenda@fcajackson.com _______________________

Information Sale Day We have an exciting group of fall rams this year! Thinking it will be a CollateRRal Damage son out of our 11251 donor ewe.

1349- Yearling Ewe

1351- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Show ewe, Futurity Nominated!! Need one more to fill out the show string, stop by the pens!

Information Sale Day

1363- Yearling Ewe

Quam 216 RR NN 635728

B: 3/2/2015 Single S: Hank Quam 4-15 RRNN 628426 D: Quam 873 RRNN 594499 Our top March show ewe from last year! If you like them jacked up with lots of extension, check her out. Hank on an ET sister to the Northern Connection and Northern Tradition bucks. If 216 might be our biggest ewe by fall!

1364- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Will bring a fall ewe that will be futurity nominated and be a great show ewe this summer for a youth and an even better brood ewe after her show career! --- Page 84 ---

1370- January Ram Lamb

Benda 1610 RR

B: 1/6/2016 Twin S: Praire Rose 4712-6 630612 D: Benda 2065 613059 Sire was Reserve Champion ram at Reno last year. 2065 is another top Ransom ewe that had Reserve Supreme ewe at the MN State Fair 4H show last year. Awesome set of twins, twin ewe lamb to 1610 maybe our best on the ground and he is great topped with good bone and a super hip in him. The Praire Rose ram stamps them with structure, pattern and mass.

1371- Yearling Ewe

Benda 1540 RR

B: 2/8/2015 S: Luxford 1377 637038 D: Benda 1338 622706 A very extended high profiling female that comes from a top show family with a lot of gas to it. 1338 is a top Ransom daughter that again has a ewe lamb that we will be showing this summer. 1377 sired our Reserve Champion Ram and Reserve Junior Ewe lamb at Iowa last year in his first lamb crop.



Consigned By

ZEHNDER FAMILY SUFFOLKS Steve Zehnder 1883 200th St - Truman, MN 56088 (507) 236-5454 (507) 766-2423 szehnder54@yahoo.com _______________________

1372- Yearling Ewe

Zehnder 511 RR NN 636373

B: 2/1/2015 Twin S: Luxford 24-7 Oak Hill 596262 D: Zehnder Family 922 585235 Sired by our proven Luxford ram (Oak Hill) with Times Square on the dam side. 24-7 sired Zehnder 308, Mr. Z, the Reserve Grand Champion Ram at the 2014 Midwest Stud Ram Sale selling to RenVue of Michigan. First lamb crop of Mr. Z included the 1st February Ewe Lamb/ Grand Champion Ewe at the 2015 Midwest Stud ram Sale selling to Tom Burke, MO. The twin to 511, Zehnder Family 510 was a class winner at the 2015 NAILE Junior Show.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim Van Dyke 38919 SD Hwy 34 Wessington Springs, SD 57382 (605) 770-1095 (605) 539-9440 seedstock@venturecomm.net vandykesuffolks.net _______________________

1376- Yearling Ewe

Van Dyke 15-581 RR 637726

B: 2/15/2015 Triplet S: Bar-Zel 4001 RR 627719 D: DonAls 11-688 RR 605719 Super straight made ewe with some rib & mass to her.

1377- Yearling Ewe

Van Dyke 15-583 RR 636491

B: 2/15/2015 Single S: Quam 11194 RR/NN 621358 D: Van Dyke Suffolks 12-2115 RR 624290 This ewe might not be a big time show ewe, but I am willing to bet she will be a good stud ewe. She is a true representative of the kind of ewes I strive to produce. She has bone, rib, and a big wide hip to her.

B: 2/7/2015 Twin S: Bar-Zel 4001 RR 637380 D: Double L 11116 QR/NN 637380 If you like bone & breed character, you'll really like this stud prospect. His maternal sister was our Reserve Senior Champion ewe here last year selling for $3,100. Did I mention his mother had another pair of rips this year?

Van Dyke 15-570 RR 637380

_______________________ Consigned By


1375- Fall Ram Lamb

Van Dyke 15-5149 RR 639991

B: 9/19/2015 Single S: Bar-Zel 4001 RR 627719 D: Van Dyke Suffolks 14-4108 RR 637764 I thought long & hard about keeping this ram to use myself but I am committed to bringing some useful type of rams to Sedalia this year so here he is.

Bret Oelke 15734 200th Ave - Barrett, MN 56311 (218) 770-2428 boelke@innovusagra.com _______________________

Van Dyke 15-5145 RR 639990

B: 9/17/2015 Single S: Bar-Zel 4001 RR 627719 D: Van Dyke Suffolks 14-4103 RR 637761 This is the kind of Suffolk ram that I feel the entire sheep industry can utilize. If traits such as length of body, bone & muscle are important to you then take a serious look here.

Van Dyke 15-5148 RR 639995

B: 9/18/2015 Twin S: Touchdown 1250 620820 D: D Henderson 14-2 RR 627812 Another fall ewe lamb sired by the Touchdown Acres ram that was Champion Ram here in 2013.

1374- Fall Ram Lamb

Consigned By


Pat Hodges Box 225 - Julian, NE 68379 (402) 309-0008 (402) 242-2891 _______________________

Van Dyke 15-5137 RR 639993

B: 9/15/2015 Twin S: Touchdown 1250 620820 D: Van Dyke Suffolks 13-328 RR 624297 Sired by the Touchdown Acres ram that was Champion Ram here in 2013. He sired our fall ewe lamb that was 2015 high selling Suffolk and both yearling ewes. I brought some very competitive fall ewe lambs to Sedalia in the last 14 years & this one may be the best yet!

1379- Fall Ewe Lamb


1378- Fall Ewe Lamb

1373- Yearling Ram

Reserve Champion Suffolk Ewe, Senior Champion Ewe, 1st Even Yearling from Five Star J Farms sold to Indiana at $2,400.

1380- Yearling Ram

Riverview Livestock 1502 635812 B: 1/2/2015 Single S: Knutson Suffolks 14-49 628650 D: Friedrich Farms 791 596903

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72 --- Page 85 ---

1381- Yearling Ram

Oak Hill 15-1377 RR 639570

B: 3/11/2015 Twin S: Luxford 14-1443D 631917 D: Luxford 12-13778 617704 A big correct ram. His dam is triplet sister to 1377 ram that Ron Dreher and Matt Benda used with great results. Ron used this ram last Fall and had a nice set of lambs.

1382- Yearling Ewe

Oak Hill 15-1270 RR 639567

B: 3/10/2015 Twin S: Luxford 12-1411A 639567 D: Oak Hill 12-1270 618695 Typical 1411 daughter--good headed -- good topped -- very correct. She will show and make a great brood ewe. Dam is a Warhorse daughter. Stop and take a look at her.

_______________________ Consigned By


Bart Cardwell, Herdsman 1220 E Grand - Tonkawa, OK 74653 (580) 716-2550 bart.cardwell@noc.edu noc.edu/agriculture.sciences _______________________

1383- Slick Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day S: NOC TT-139-5074 D: NOC 139 This was the Res. Champion Suffolk Ram at the 2016 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Open Sheep Show.



Consigned By


Curtis Baldwin 659 Odell Rd - Dannebrog, NE 68831 (308) 379-6513 (308) 226-2679 curtis.baldwin@baldwinsuffolks.com baldwinsuffolks.com _______________________

1388- Yearling Ewe

Junior Champion Suffolk Ram, 1st February from Annuschat Farms, LLC sold to Iowa at $1,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Allan Miller 5815 Oakwood Rd - Brillion, WI 54110 (920) 242-0897 (920) 756-3279 _______________________

1384- Yearling Ram

Don-Als 15-755 636304

B: 3/8/2015 Twin S: Annuschat R386 619516 D: Don-Als 11-684 RR 609805 Very correct on feet and legs, deep body, easy doing with lots of muscle, good top.

1385- February Ewe Lamb

1389- Yearling Ewe

1390- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Still too early to select our ewe lamb entry, but she will be sired by Held 14-1622 Golden Boy. This ewe lamb will be futurity nominated.


Don-Als 16-760

Consigned By


Gary Hoskins 1651 255th - Jefferson, IA 50129 (515) 370-3239 (515) 386-8055 hoskinsagsolutions@yahoo.com _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By


Blair & Gina Summey 8200 McCourtney Rd - Lincoln, CA 95648 (805) 501-7500 (916) 408-8738 summeyfamilyfarm@gmail.com _______________________

1386- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day S: Ruby Mountain 1419 633764

Summey 2657A 633761

B: 2/16/2015 Single S: Ruby Mountain 1419 626288 D: Lost River 14-911 RR 630481 Ruby Mountain 1419 was sired by Buckwild Ruby Mountain 1216. The Dam was sired by Whispering Gold MacCauley 2530. The Lost River yearling ewes we purchased as ewe lambs were tremendous milkers their first time out. This ewe should produce like her genetics predict.

B: 2/17/2016 Twin S: Ruby Mt Sheep 1242 RR 613661 D: Foxfield Farm 1313 QR 627688 Big, eye-catching lamb by a Ruby Mountain ram.

Summey 2670A RR 633764

B: 3/1/2015 Twin S: Ruby Mountain Sheep 1419 626288 D: Ruby Mountain Sheep 1244 RR 613131 This ewe is still growing and should continue grow into a big brood ewe. The sire was Reserve Champion Ram at the 2014 Calif. State Fair. Proven genetics top and bottom that should be a good fit in any program.

1391- Yearling Ram

Hoskins 15-50 RR NN 635398

B: 3/10/2015 Twin S: Orwicks 1265 618883 D: Hoskins 13-96 622521 The Reserve Junior Champion at the 2015 Iowa State Fair. He has grown into an impressive yearling.

1387- February Ram Lamb

1392- Yearling Ram

B: 2/16/2016 Single S: Frankie Dean 589204 D: Double L 13294 RR/NN 626195 This ram was sired by our 5 Star J ram Frankie Dean, who stood third place in the 2015 yearling class in Sedalia. He is a Famous Frank son that has a long and rich history of producing very good Suffolk sheep. The Dam was the first place Fall Ewe lamb which we purchased from Larry Pauley in the 2014 Nugget All American sale.

Summey 954

Hoskins 15-60 RR NN 636794

B: 3/15/2015 Single S: Orwicks 1265 618883 D: Hoskins 9013 585241 These two rams are closely related. 13-96 out of 9013 whose 2014 ram sold to Ed Mills of NY. Stop by the pens and take a look. We will be happy to show you our sheep and talk pedigrees.

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1393- February Ram Lamb

Baldwin 16-04 RR 639886

B: 2/6/2016 Twin S: Quam 11113 RR/NN 612490 D: Fisher 12-59 RR 617855 We named him Sedalia at 1 day old because it was obvious he was something special. He has continued to improve and we are sure he will make someone a great stud ram.

1394- January Ewe Lamb

Baldwin 16-02 RR NN 639884

B: 1/1/2016 Triplet S: Eyl 15-8 634917 D: Oak Hill 14-1380 631583 She combines the extreme feminine lines of our 2015 lead show ewe (Luxford x Dreher) with the size and mass of her sire (Ruby Mountain on the top side). One sister sold to Washington, IL, in April and the other is going back in our flock.

1395- March Ewe Lamb

Baldwin 16-08 RR NN 639890

B: 3/2/2016 Single S: Quam 11113 RR/NN 612490 D: Fisher 13-57 RR/NN 625200 This late born ewe lamb is really starting to grow. She is the only ewe lamb sired by our Quam ram that we plan on selling this year.

_______________________ Consigned By


Bill Royer 1990 W Cruger Rd - Washington, IL 61571 (309) 472-3231 (309) 444-2356 royerfarm@aol.com royerfarm.com _______________________

1396- Yearling Ram

Royer Farm 533 635522

B: 2/5/2015 Twin S: High Point 3106D 608030 D: Royer Farm 103 602270 This is a long, meaty ram with the best of genetics. He has extension, is level hipped, and has good bone structure. His sire is High Point (Schambow) 3106D which has produced several of the top animals at Louisville. 3106 is out of Famous Frank (5 Star J) and the never-fail Luxford ewe 05-1256. This ram would go back into my flock, if I did not still have his sire and several sisters. He is an exciting ram.



Consigned By

WAYNE SKARTVEDT FAMILY 30142 F Ave - Radcliffe, IA 50230 (515) 291-8551 (515) 893-2315 wmskare@netins.net skartvedtsuffolks.com _______________________

1397- Yearling Ram

Skartvedt 4583 634883

B: 1/21/2015 ET S: Skartvedt 4268 577775 D: Skartvedt 4517 623048 Super correct ET lamb out of the SJ daughter. We sold 1/2 interest to Rollie Rosenboom. Sired by the ram sold to Joel Shepherd in this 2009 sale where he was one of the biggest most massive rams. We used 4583 late as a cleanup ram and are pleased with his lambs.

1398- Yearling Ram

Skartvedt 4591 634886

B: 2/2/2015 Twin S: Sho Me Lad Burke 1309 623450 D: Skartvedt 4496 618922 Sho Me Lad sired all four of our Rams in the 2015 sale including the Grand Champion ram. 4496 was 3rd place fitted fall ewe in Louisville in 2013. 4591s twin was 2nd Feb ram at Iowa and sold to Dennis Sorenson and Rollie Rosenboom. This ram was leased to Tony Stalzer last fall and sired a great set of lambs.

1399- Yearling Ram

Skartvedt 4594 634888

B: 2/14/2015 Twin S: Sho Me Lad Burke 1309 623450 D: Bierle 7178G 591687 Another big rugged Sho Me Lad son out of a big massive Bierle natural born fall ewe we purchased in this sale several years ago. She went on to be 5th fitted yearling ewe at Iowa and 5th slick sheared yearling ewe at Louisville.

1400- Yearling Ram

Skartvedt 4629 634893

B: 4/23/2015 Single S: Survivor Tom Burke 0982 630169 D: Skartvedt 4517 623048 A natural born lamb out of the same dam as our first ram listed; the dam was flushed twice before breeding her naturally. Note the birth date, this ram will only be 14 months old at sale time. This is the first lamb out of Survivor who was Grand Champion ram at the Missouri State Fair as a lamb and Grand Champion ram at the Iowa State Fair as a yearling. A very stylish, extended correct ram.

Consigned By

1401- Yearling Ewe

1402- Yearling Ewe

Skartvedt 4618 634904

B: 3/5/2015 Twin S: Sho Me Lad Burke 1309 623450 D: Skartvedt 4414 6023310 One of the few Sho Me Lad daughters to sell. A big bodied, easy keeping ewe.

_______________________ Consigned By


A F Luxford PO Box 350 - Wilsall, MT 59086 (406) 749-8049 _______________________

1403- Yearling Ram

Luxford 15-1460 638912

B: 3/19/2015 Twin S: Luxford 14-1450B 631919 D: Luxford 13-1440 624863 High Cotton: If you run your sheep, as many breeders do, in cotton fields--this buck has the advantage of being visible in the tallest crop. An attractive, sound buck who at 13 months has not begun to mature.

1404- Yearling Ram

Luxford 15-1411 638911

B: 3/18/2015 Twin S: Luxford 14-1450B 631919 D: Luxford 09-1311A 590837 A buck of moderate-frame size, but as strikingly correct as I can make a buck with some help from his mom.


Skartvedt 4609 634897

B: 2/22/2015 Twin S: Skartvedt 4577 629085 D: Skartvedt 4497 618923 Sired by a Sho Me Lad son. Linebred as both grandmothers are daughters of KC Suffolks RJ 20 the mother of the ewe we sold to Rollie Rosenboom. 4497 was 2nd fitted fall ewe in Louisville in 2013.

Matt Hafer 1513 Hwy 6 - Fairmont, NE 68354 (402) 366-1124 haferpulling@yahoo.com _______________________

1407- Yearling Ram

1408- January Ram Lamb

1406- Yearling Ewe

Luxford 15-1440 638906

B: 3/23/2015 Twin S: Luxford 12-1377 617714 D: Luxford 11-1410 608776 From same ewe family as 1460. Dam of this ewe is grandmother of 1460 yearlings

--- Page 87 ---

Hafer 6-1202

B: 1/29/2016 Single S: Hafer Suffolks 15-38 RR 636535 D: Hafer Suffolks 12-02 RR 618028 Here is a real honest, great foundation Suffolk ram. His sire is our yearling entry. Take him home and watch him grow out.

1409- February Ram Lamb

Hafer 6-1233

B: 2/11/2016 Single S: Hafer Suffolks 15-39 QR 636536 D: Stewart Family 1233 617177 Take a look at this ram. Talk about thickness and rugged bone. Our 15-39 comes from our only Andrus ewe. He is at home producing our slick sheared lambs. You could probably knock the wool off of this guy.

_______________________ Consigned By


Riley Foster 2130 Faculty Row - Muskogee, OK 74403 (918) 441-5775 fosteralanjoe@gmail.com _______________________

Luxford 15-1460 638905

B: 3/19/2015 Twin S: Luxford 14-1450B 631919 D: Luxford 13-1440 624863 Twin to High Cotton. May not be able to let her go.

Hafer 15-38 RR 636535

B: 2/12/2015 Twin S: Oak Hill 13-3067A 625029 D: Dreher 2-1770 613584 We used 15-38 as a lamb with good success. He sired our January entry in this sale. His half-brothers sat 1st and 3rd in their class at the NE state fair last year. 13-3067A added a lot of extension and bone to anything we put him on. 2-1770 dammed the 1st place fall ewe lamb at Ohio in 2014. She also goes back to Black Cobra. If you are looking for heavy bone and correctness underneath you will not want to miss these guys. No hock knockers here!

1405- Yearling Ewe

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72


1410- Slick Yearling Ram

Foster 444 635935

B: 1/22/2015 Single S: Foster RJF P21 615751 D: Foster P14 614466 A ram that will work for a lot of different types of sheep.

1417- Yearling Ewe


1413- January Ram Lamb

Knutson 16-15

B: 1/10/2016 S: Game On F13-2 D: Knutson 08-83 If a complete fast-growing ram is what you are looking for, this is the ram for you. Dam has been producing many stud rams for our operation and with the size of our Cobra II, you cannot go wrong.

Reserve Senior Champion Suffolk Ewe, 1st Odd Yearling Ewe from Van Dyke Suffolks sold to Ohio at $3,100.

_______________________ Consigned By


45935 292nd St - Centerville, SD 57014 (605) 530-0102 ajknutson@iw.net Facebook Knutson Livestock _______________________

1411- Yearling Ram

Knutson 15-30

B: 1/20/2015 S: Knutson F13-2 Game On D: Knutson 12-82 Fireball, Cobra II son, we used this ram ourselves last Fall and will probably regret selling him, but here is a chance to own a stud used by the Knutsons.

1412- Fall Ram Lamb

Knutson F15-5

B: 9/10/2016 S: Knutson F13-2 Game On Raised as a triplet, his mom has definitely proven herself and done some outstanding things in our flock. If you are looking to add bone and back one-third, this ram should be at the top of your list.

1414- Slick January Ram Lamb

Knutson 16-10

B: 1/26/2016 S: DJ Knutson 13-26 D: Knutson 10-25 This ram will definitely increase the average daily gain of your lambs! He is very stout, but also has the length of body to make a stud ram!

1415- February Ram Lamb

Knutson 16-39

B: 2/10/2016 S: Fireball D: Knutson 15-30 This ram offers some of the best genetics our flock has to offer. Look out for his sire to be sold at Sedalia too! His dam brings a splash of the Tom Burke spirit into his gene pool making him the best in our Suffolk operations.

1416- Yearling Ewe

Knutson 15-15

B: 2/20/2015 S: F13-2 Game On D: Knutson 10-25 Just like our Champion ewes and the 3 class winners at 2015 NAILE. We may have saved the best for last.

Knutson 15-9

B: 1/20/2015 S: 12-23 Spirit Walker D: Knutson 10-25 Definitely an easy-keeping brood ewe here! With her sire being a Tom Burke Spirit son and her mom being an old show ewe, her potential shines bright, both in and out of the show ring!

1418- Fall Ewe Lamb

Knutson F15-3

B: 9/10/2015 Triplet S: Knutson F13-2 Game On D: Knutson 14-122 Being a triplet, we expected she would make a good keeper ewe, but she has undoubtedly turned out to be our nicest Fall ewe this year! She is long-sided and has the prettiest Suffolk head.

1419- Slick January Ewe Lamb

Knutson 16-14

B: 1/20/2016 S: Knutson 14-7 Bootylicious D: Knutson 14-55 The amount of muscle mass on this ewe lamb is outstanding! With both of her parents being Champion slick shorn sheep at the 2014 National Junior Suffolk Show there is no doubt that she has the same potential.

1420- February Ewe Lamb

Knutson 16-24

B: 2/1/2016 S: Game On D: Knutson F13-2 Full sister to our first place February Ewe lamb shown at 2015 NAILE who won the SD State Fair open class. Potential seen in her sister is also shown in this lamb..

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72

Bedding Vendor - REA Farm and Bedding pre-orders recommended to radams@iland.net label orders for the Midwest Sale, provide arrival date

Primary - 660.287.6848 Secondary - 660.287.5623 Shavings, Hay & Straw Available --- Page 88 ---



Consigned By



Tony Stalzer 307 North St - Zearing, IA 50278 (515) 460-3115 (515) 460-3115 tstalzer@colo-nesco.k12.ia.us _______________________

Consigned By


Richard & Lucinda Jones 4439 N 250 W - Patoka, IN 47666 (812) 480-8545 (812) 779-5210 5starjfarms@gmail.com _______________________

1421- Slick Yearling Ram

Stalzer 189 RR 633155

B: 2/28/2015 Twin S: Skartvedt 4556 629080 D: Stalzer 94 620645 Sire was the Champion Ram at the 2015 MWSR for Wayne Skartvedt. 4556 is a son of Show Me Lad Burke 1309 that Wayne just sold for $6750 on there Show Stopper Sale. 94 is a straight super correct granddaughter of Ruby Mountain Make A Move buck owned by Hoskins. This ram is massive and correct with lots of bone.

1422- Fall Ram Lamb

Stalzer 195

B: 9/9/2015 Single S: Skartvedt 4577 629085 D: Stalzer 143 RR 620650 A grandson of the Show Me Lad buck that Wayne Skartvedt sold for $6750 in their Show Stoppers sale. Our flock is heavily influenced with Skartvedt breeding. Thanks Wayne and Mary for being great mentors for our breeding program. 195 is a super straight showy buck.

_______________________ Consigned By


Michael Torrone, Jr 36308 S 4420 Rd - Big Cabin, OK 74332 (918) 704-0737 (918) 284-5255 swingintranch@gmail.com _______________________

1423- March Ram Lamb

Swingin T Ranch 36

B: 3/8/2016 Twin S: MacCauley 2972 626553 D: Cahill 1311 601681 Complete lamb with excellent bone. Sire placed 2nd at Kentucky State Fair as a lamb and 2nd at Missouri State Fair as a yearling.

1424- Yearling Ewe

Swingin T Ranch 21 639589

B: 3/23/2015 Twin S: MacCauley Suffolks 2575 611101 D: MacCauley Suffolks 2723 618994 Twin sister to STR 21 was Reserve Champion Ewe at the 2016 Illini All-Breeds Spring Sale. Her sire was 3rd Slick Shorn Yearling at 2013 NAILE and Champion Ram at the 2013 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and Reserve Champion Ram in 2014.

1425- March Ewe Lamb

1426- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

1427- February Ram Lamb

1440- February Ram Lamb

George Bros 4045

B: 2/18/2016 Twin S: George Bros 4027 Game Day 629655 D: George Bros 4020 QR 629646 Half interest in Game Day was sold to Roger Davis in IA last summer. He is sired by Milestone.

1441- February Ewe Lamb

George Bros 4059

B: 2/9/2016 Single S: 5 Star J farms 3164-13 RR 639485 D: George Bros 4013 RR 625190 Sire was top selling at Sedalia in 2014 and 2nd and Reserve Champion at Louisville. He sired an outstanding lamb for Schambow two years in a row.

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1442- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

1443- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1428- March Ram Lamb 1429- March Ram Lamb 1430- Yearling Ewe 1431- Yearling Ewe 1432- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Consigned By

1433- Yearling Ewe


Robert Amundson 2451 37th St NE - Larimore, ND 58251 (218) 779-7631 (701) 343-2862 _______________________

1434- Yearling Ewe 1435- Yearling Ewe 1436- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1437- March Ewe Lamb 1438- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Steve George 433 S Butternut St - Deshler, OH 43516 (419) 306-1144 Steve (618) 465-3641 Joyce bucksheep@gmx.com _______________________

1439- Yearling Ram

George Bros 4035 RR 639485

B: 4/16/2015 Twin S: Schambo D: George Bros 596 606225 Long-bodied ram. Sire is by Milestone by Famous Frank. Milestone was Iowa and Louisville Champion in 2014. Sire of dam is a Famous Frank daughter. Dam is by Mr. Lucky and was Reserve Champion Ewe at Ohio State Fair in 2013.

Information Sale Day

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1444- Yearling Ram

Amundson 546 RR 635995

B: 1/19/2015 Single S: Benda 2034 613076 D: Amundson 3100 625373 I selected 546 to be my lead show ram for 2016.

1445-February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Will be sired by Benda 1318, the Junior Champion Ram in Sedalia in 2013.

1446- Yearling Ewe

Amundson 556-14 636001

B: 1/21/2015 Twin S: Benda 1318 621598 D: Amundson 2117 617554 Sire was Junior Champion Ram in Sedalia in 2013. Stout made ewe, easy keeper.

1447- February Ewe Lamb

Amundson 645

B: 2/11/2016 Single S: Benda 1341 621599 D: Dreher 1998 620230 Sire by Dreher Bella Boy, Champion at Reno in 2013. Dreher 1998 was first place ewe lamb in Reno in 2013.

1458- Yearling Ewe

SUFFOLKS _______________________ Consigned By


Alan Kjeldgaard 4400 Co Rd I J - Tekamah, NE 68061 (402) 870-0397 (402) 374-1175 almary@microlnk.com _______________________

1448- Yearling Ram

Kjeldgaard 15-588 RR 637827

B: 2/20/2015 ET S: GWC 1027-12 612616 D: Kjeldgaard 13-557 RR 619502 This is the best Suffolk ram we have offered at the Midwest Sale -- big, bold, good bone and volume, great feet and legs. Sire is the great Cox ram I acquired. I think he is one of the great breeding rams in the Suffolk breed. In 2014 he sired most of the Junior Champions for Quam Suffolks at Iowa and Minnesota State Fairs. The Cox ram has the great Walter ram as his great grand sire. Many of the past Louisville Champions have Walter in their pedigrees. The 557 dam is by my Miley Jon (Reserve Junior Champion 2008 NAILE). The dam of 557 is also the dam of my 520 ram that sired our top selling yearling ewe at 2015 Midwest Sale that Tom Burke bought and showed successfully, we are getting a few May lambs from 588.

1449- January Ram Lamb

Kjeldgaard 16-612 RR

B: 1/3/2016 Twin S: GWC 1027-12 612616 D: Kjeldgaard 14-567 QR 632068 Lots of extension here, very straight made. If you like your Suffolks medium-sized and round, do not even stop by our pens to look at this guy. Dam is by the 520 ram

1450- Yearling Ewe

Kjeldgaard 15-603 QR 637836

B: 3/21/2015 Twin S: Kjeldgaard 14-569 RR 629601 D: Rambow 06-340 547095 Another good yearling ewe -- we topped the yearling sale last year. This ewe just lambed at time of entries. She has a really good lamb by our yearling ram entry. If we can keep her in shape, we will bring her.

1451- January Ewe Lamb

Kjeldgaard 16-611 QR

B: 1/3/2016 Twin S: GWC 1027-12 612616 D: Kjeldgaard 14-567 QR 632068 Twin to our January ram lamb entry. I think this lamb is better than the good ewe lambs we sold last year - one was Futurity Ewe Lamb of the Year, the other won several State Fairs.

1452- February Ewe Lamb

Kjeldgaard 16-615 RR

B: 2/5/2016 Twin S: GWC 1027-12 612616 D: Becher 2680 577900 Another great patterned ewe lamb out of a good old Becher ewe. Becher ewes were loaded with a lot of good Roger Nichols lines. We are down to just of couple of these old Becher ewes.

1453- March Ewe Lamb

Kjeldgaard 16-623 QR

B: 3/2/2016 Twin S: GWC 1027-12 612616 D: Becher 2607 577897 Out of the biggest Becher ewe we acquired-she is a moose!

Cahill 715 RR NN 633571

B: 1/5/2015 Twin S: Cahill 2913 RR NN Cahill Caesar 619538 D: Dreher 1-1515 RR 608887 Brood ewe in the making.

1459- Fall Ewe Lamb

Cahill 5215 RR NN 639414

B: 9/20/2015 Single S: Ruby Mt. 1309 RR Spartacus 621496 D: Cahill 2313 RR NN 619321 Long, stylish out of a Mr. Lucky daughter.

1460- February Ewe Lamb

Cahill 916 RR NN

B: 2/2/2016 Twin S: Ruby Mt. 1309 RR Spartacus 621496 D: Cahill 2513 RR NN 619322 Go to Cahill Suffolks and our Facebook page for more info.

_______________________ Consigned By


Peter or Patsy Cahill 17006 W Cahill Rd - Brimfield, IL 61517 (309) 678-0495 pcahill17006@gmail.com cahillsuffolks.com _______________________

1454- January Ram Lamb

Cahill 216 RR NN

B: 1/2/2016 Single S: Ruby Mt 1309 RR Spartacus 621496 D: Dreher 9-1092 RR 590219 Check this guy out -- going to be a big ram.

1455- February Ram Lamb

Cahill 1416 RR NN

B: 2/10/2016 Single S: Ruby Mt 1426 RR Linebacker 626290 D: Cahill 614 RR NN 627298 Our first Linebacker to sell. Linebacker was Reserve Champion at 2015 Midwest Sale.

1456- February Ram Lamb

Cahill 1216 RR NN

B: 2/2/2016 Twin S: Ruby Mt. 1309 RR Spartacus 621496 D: Dreher 9-1214 QR 590187 Nice patterned ram.

1457- March Ram Lamb

Cahill 1916 RR NN

B: 3/1/2016 Single S: Ruby Mt. 1309 RR Spartacus 621496 D: Dreher 1-1515 RR 608887

--- Page 90 ---

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 72



Consigned By


Michael Pope 4395 S 600 E - Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 966-3091 popedorsets@aol.com popedorsets.weebly.com _______________________

1501- Late Fall Ram Lamb

Pope Dorsets 317 P719959

B: 10/1/2015 Single S: Icon Spilde 9010 P 708739 D: Pope Dorsets 193 P 705980 My pedigrees do not get much better than this. Icon was the Reserve National Champion Ram at NAILE in 2014. PD 193 is sired by the great 94 ram. 193 is dammed by RF 5212 which is also Indiana Jones mother. PD 193 has a twin brother that was Reserve Champion at the IN and MD State Fairs and Champion Ram in the Big E Junior Show.

_______________________ Consigned By


Devon Wolkow 20147 435th Ave - DeSmet, SD 57231 (605) 203-1149 Devon (320) 420-5354 Dylan wolkowdorsets@gmail.com _______________________

1502- Yearling Ram

Wolkow Dorsets W458 B: 9/5/2014 Single P714216

S: Wolkow Dorsets D308 P706887 D: Sugarloaf Dorsets 1197W P697196 This is a big powerful-type of ram that comes with a ton of body. This ram could be a big asset to any flock. Sugarloaf Dorsets 1197W is a daughter of Bailout.

1505- Spring Yearling Ewe

S: Wolkow Dorsets D308 P706887 D: Haven Point Dorsets 0849 P677310 WOW this is going to be tough to see this princess leave the farm. She has a full sister that we will be showing this summer. If you are looking for a show ewe, check her out. HPD 0849 is one of our favorite Haven Point Brood Ewes. This ewe is a half-sister to our Reserve National Champion Ewe in Illinois this spring.

1504- Spring Yearling Ewe

Wolkow Dorsets W528 B: 2/21/2015 Triplet P716066


Wolkow Dorsets W551 P719980 B: 9/1/2015 Twin

S: Wolkow Dorsets D308 P706887 D: Wolkow Dorsets B435 P709428 This pedigree is loaded. Wolkow Dorsets D308 sired our Reserve National Champion Ewe this year. Wolkow Dorset B435 is a daughter of Arndt 900. Arndt 900 is the mother of our Reserve National Champion Ewe.

Consigned By


Gene & Marci Sanford 12529 Canby Ave - Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 645-4989 mgsanford99@gmail.com sanfordsheepfarm.com _______________________

1507- Spring Ewe Lamb

1509- Late Fall Ram Lamb

B: 2/16/2016 Twin S: 4x4 PRF 1425 P711386 D: Wolkow Dorsets FB400 P709410 At entry time, this lamb is young but shows a real bright future.

Wolkow Dorsets PR611

_______________________ Consigned By


Jeremy Etzler Family 425 Counts Rd - South Solon, OH 43153 (614) 989-4025 jetzler@att.net _______________________

Wolkow Dorsets S556 B: 9/6/2015 Single P719973

S: Saylor Twin Oaks 1322 P708660 D: Wolkow Dorsets 105 P695326 This buck has it all! He is big-boned, long-bodied, yet has the show look. Wolkow Dorsets 105 is a daughter of Bauck 9-42, who was Supreme at South Dakota State Fair as a yearling. In our opinion, this is our best Fall buck we are selling this year.

Champion Polled Dorset Ram, Senior Champion Ram, 1st Yearling from Sid’s Dorsets sold to North Dakota at $1,200.

1506- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

1503- Early Fall Ram Lamb

Wolkow Dorsets W526 P716060 B: 2/20/2015 Twin

1508- Yearling Ram

Ram & Ewe 0854 RR

B: 1/16/2015 Single S: Turtle Mead 1212 P-697270 D: Ram & Ewe 0666 P-999999 We used him for 2016 Fall lambs. 666, She Devil, was a show ewe and daughter of 450, the dam of Hideaway, who was Supreme ewe at NAILE. Moderate, complete and has great breed character.

S: Wolkow Dorsets D308 P706887 D: NSLS 10041 P687422 NSLS 10041 is the daughter of the Oklahoma State 124 Buck. This is a really pretty-made yearling ewe. She will continue to get better and better as the Summer progresses. --- Page 91 ---

Sanford E188 RR

B: 11/5/2015 Twin S: Sanford E049 P704945 D: Sanford E125 P709987 Dam is a Dynasty daughter. Sire is a line bred Blue Print son.

1510- Spring Ram Lamb

Sanford E191 RR

B: 2/16/2016 Twin S: Riverwood Farms 5404 Dynasty P683765 D: Sanford D724 P684291 Strong, young ram by Dynasty.

1511- Spring Yearling Ewe

Sanford E248 RR P717784

B: 3/18/2015 Twin S: Riverwood Farms 5404 Dynasty P683765 D: Sanford D494 P670518 Dynasty has sired outstanding offspring on our ewes. This is another strong ewe to show and bred for the future.

1512- Spring Ewe Lamb

Sanford E310 RR

B: 2/2/2016 Single S: Sanford D903 P698338 D: Sanford D600 P678610 Fancy Spring ewe lamb, Futurity nominated.

POLLED DORSETS _______________________ Consigned By


Paul Wissinger 205 Riegel Rd - Sinking Spring, PA 19608 (610) 670-1761 glassshepherd@earthlink.net turtlemead.com _______________________

1516- Yearling Ram Reserve Champion Polled Dorset Ram, Junior Champion Ram, 1st Winter Ram from McDaniel Ranch sold to Illinois at $2,800.

_______________________ Consigned By


Charlene Ross & Jim Hindman 6935 SW State Hwy D - Polo, MO 64671 (816) 645-6138 jhindman@hotmail.com _______________________

1513- SLICK Ram Lamb

C & J Livestock 589

B: 9/20/2015 Triplet S: Slack 4494 P710846 D: Lauden Acres 739 P691422 Sire was Champion at 2014 Midwest Sale. Dam has delivered good healthy twins and triplets.

_______________________ Consigned By


Roy Campbell 10394 Rt 119 Hwy S - Blairsville, PA 15717 (724) 972-7380 (724) 248-1117 lrsccampbell@verizon.net pennviewfarmsheep.com _______________________

1517- Spring Yearling Ewe

1518- Winter Ewe Lamb

1515- Spring Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Turtle Mead 1135 P695842 We will consign one of our best Spring ewe lambs available for the sale. We have been very pleased with what lamb crop we have gotten in the spring and I think as a buyer you will appreciate it also. This lot will be available on our website under the for sale tab.

Turtle Mead 1556 P719783

B: 12/9/2015 Single S: Captain Stubby, McDaniel 14-22 P711807 D: Turtle Mead 1416 P712190 Captain Stubby was Champion Ram at NAILE.

_______________________ Consigned By


Dr. F.D. & Joy McCarthy 5245 Crawford-Wyandot Rd Sycamore, OH 44882 (419) 310-0590 mccarthy@findlay.edu _______________________

Campbell Bros 335 P719392

B: 3/16/2015 Twin S: Turtle Mead 1135 P695842 D: Shepherds View 1301 P705768 This ewe is going to be a great brood ewe to add to your flock! She has a tremendous amount of bone and top shape to her. Check out our website for more info.

Turtle Mead 1520 P715031

B: 2/5/2015 Twin S: Buttercup, Riverwood 5808 P698985 D: Estes 2346 P704004 Twin to our Yearling Ram entry.

1514- Spring Yearling Ewe

Turtle Mead 1519 P715030

B: 2/5/2015 Twin S: P698985 D: Estes 2346 P704004 1519 was 1st Spring Ram Lamb at NAILE last year. Riverwood 5808 was Champion Slick Ram at NAILE as a lamb. Estes 2346 was Reserve Junior Champion Ewe and Best Headed Ewe as a lamb at NAILE.

1519- Late Fall Ram Lamb

McCarthy 1615

B: 10/3/2015 Twin S: Pettersson-Estes 2254 P698830 D: McCarthy 2008 P696353

1520- Late Fall Ewe Lamb

McCarthy 1619

B: 10/7/2015 Twin S: McCarthy 1425 P708640 D: McCarthy 1334 P704188

Information Sale Day

1521- Winter Ewe Lamb

--- Page 92 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Bill & Holly Keough Bear Lake Enterprises, INC E5656 N Water Dr - Manawa, WI 54949 (920) 428-5712 (920) 596-1931 bksheep@wolfnet.net bksheep.com _______________________

1522- Yearling Ram

Cedar Lane 1513 Tucker RR P714663

B: 3/3/2015 Twin S: Spilde 8738-Tw P696027 D: Cedar Lane 1109-Tw P691478 Sire is brother to Miss Congeniality. She was 2013 Reserve National Champion Ewe at NAILE and was purchased by Michael Pope. Tucker is growing into a large long bodied stud ram. Cedar Lane 1109 is a Cartel daughter and 1109 is a daughter of Cedar 7021, who is the grand dam of Ruger. Ruger was Champion Ram 2014 Midwest Stud Ram Sale, and Res. Jr Champion NAILE. Purchased by the Spilde and Hoskin families.

1523- Early Fall Ram Lamb

Cedar Lane 1516 QR P719575

B: 9/1/2015 Single S: Spilde 8738 Tw P696027 D: Cedar Lane 7021 P668530 Here is a Rumble maternal grandson and Samson paternal grandson. What a great pairing. Spilde 8738... 38 is making some nice stud rams. Cedar 7021 is the grand dam of Ruger. Ruger was Champion Ram 2014 Midwest Stud Ram Sale, and Reserve Junior Champion NAILE. Purchased by the Spilde and Hoskin families.

1524- Early Fall Ram Lamb

Cedar Lane 1520 RR P719579

B: 9/3/2015 Single S: Verhaeghe KRV 2503 RR Vern P696302 D: Cedar Lane 7019 Tw P668528 Vern was the sire of the Late January ram lamb that was Champion Ram in 2014. Ruger was purchased by the Spilde and Hoskin families. Cedar Lane 1520 is a long bodied Rumble grandson.

1525- Spring Ram Lamb


Cedar Lane 1609 RR

B: 2/3/2016 Twin S: Verhaeghe KRV 2503 RR Vern P696302 D: Cedar Lane 1109 P691478 I always try to pick my best spring ram to bring. With 1109 being the dam, he should grow out to be a large ram.

_______________________ Consigned By


John & Emily Flinchum 1141 Vivian St - Longmont, CO 80501 (720) 290-1473 (303) 702-1755 office@drflinchum.com flinchumdorsets.com _______________________

1526- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

Cedar Lane 1518 RR P719577

B: 9/3/2015 Twin S: Verhaeghe KRV 2503 RR Vern P696302 D: Cedar Lane 6011 P654412 1518 is a nice correctly made large-boned lamb. Another Rumble granddaughter.

1527- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

Cedar Lane 1524 RR P719583

B: 9/18/2015 Single S: Spilde 8738 Tw P696027 D: Cedar Lane 1245 P702111 1524 is another Rumble maternal granddaughter and Samson paternal granddaughter.

1528- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

Cedar Lane 1527 RR P719585

B: 9/21/2015 Twin S: Verhaeghe KRV 2503 RR Vern P696302 D: Cedar Lane 1111 Tw P691479 1527 is one stout female with great bone. I have a nice group of fall ewe lambs which allows me to bring 3 nice ones.

_______________________ Consigned By


Doug & Lindi Peterson 803 23rd St NE - Lemmon, SD 57638 (701) 376-3115 peterson@sdplains.com petersonsheepco.com _______________________

1529- Yearling Ram

Peterson 7503

B: 1/30/2015 Twin S: Sanford E134 P709996 D: Peterson 5147 P689547

Information Sale Day

Peterson 7546-15580 P6719479

1530- Winter Ram Lamb

1533- Winter Ram Lamb

J Flinchum 953

B: 1/15/2016 Single S: McCarthy 2087 P698538 D: J Flinchum 795 P685125 Full brother to our 1st place spring ewe lamb and best headed ewe at the 2015 National Dorset Sale. Will be RR or QR at Codon 171. Codon results will be available at the sale.

Supreme Champion Ewe, Champion Polled Dorset Ewe, Senior Champion, 1st Fall Yearling from Lauden Acres sold to Pennsylvania at $17,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


1534- Spring Ram Lamb

1141 Vivian St - Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 702-1755 _______________________

B: 2/4/2016 Single S: McCarthy 2087 P 698538 D: Stony Point 13Y P 704035 Stony Point 13Y was 3rd yearling ewe at the 2014 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. His full sister was our Champion ewe at the 2015 Wyoming State Fair. Codon results will be available at the barn.

1537- Winter Ram Lamb

J Flinchum 963

1535- Late Fall Ewe Lamb

1536- Spring Ewe Lamb

J Flinchum 966

B: 2/19/2016 Triplet S: McCarthy 2087 P 698538 D: J Flinchum 789 P 685122 We sold a maternal half-sister at the 2015 National Dorset sale. Will be RR or QR at codon 171. Codon results will be available at the barn.

JF 15-4 RR

P 720271

B: 10/18/2015 Twin S: Ram & Ewe 0674 P 701430 D: JF 12-2 P 702318 This is another college fund lamb for John. This is a nice pattern ewe lamb. RR at codon 171.


J Flinchum 944 QR P720275

B: 10/20/2015 Twin S: Ram & Ewe 0674 P 701430 D: J Flinchum 866 P 703769 QR at codon 171. Dam is sired by McCarthy 9080, Champion Dorset ram at the 2010 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Ram & Ewe 0674 is a Relay son and sired the 2nd place winter ram lamb at the 2015 National Sale.

Consigned By


Gary Hoskins 1651 255th - Jefferson, IA 50129 (515) 370-3239 (515) 386-8055 hoskinsagsolutions@yahoo.com _______________________

1538- Yearling Ram

Hoskins 15-54 RR P718563

B: 3/14/2015 Twin S: Saylors Twin Oaks 1307 P708653 D: Pettersson 2103 P690088 Twin won the Spring yearling class at the Ohio Dorset Sale this year, sold to Mason Roalsvig of NY. Dam 2103 is the mother of 2013 NAILE Grand Champion Ram for Mona.

1531- Spring Yearling Ewe

B: 2/14/2015 Twin S: Sanford E134 P709997 D: Peterson 5614 P719408

Information Sale Day

1532- Winter Ewe Lamb Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106 --- Page 93 ---



Consigned By



Lynn A Laudenslager 559 Flying Eagle Rd - Dalmatia, PA 17017 (570) 847-9817 (570) 578-6284 mgf4@tds.net laudenacres.com _______________________

Consigned By


Justin Fruechte 2344 30th Ave - Ward, SD 57026 (605) 690-3309 justinf@millbornseeds.com fruechtefamilydorsets.com _______________________

1543- Yearling Ram Reserve Champion Polled Dorset Ewe, Junior Champion Ewe, 1st Winter Lamb from Twin Oaks Dorsets sold to Wisconsin at $1,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Ron Arndt 11775 Co Rd 50 - Norwood, MN 55368 (952) 201-5761 (952) 466-5876 parndt83@gmail.com _______________________

1539- Spring Ram Lamb

Arndt Acres 16-108 RR

B: 2/9/2016 Single S: Arndt Acres 14-107 P770215 D: Arndt Acres 13-009 P704337 Sire is the yearling ram we showed last year. He is a big massive ram that gave us several of our show lambs for this year. He goes back to the Riverwood Farm ram we used the last couple of years. Dam goes back to a Sanford ram and one of the largest ewes we have raised.

Fruechte 559 RR P718094

B: 2/3/2015 Twin S: Narrow Lanes 14 P695846 D: Sid’s Dorsets 1103 P692715 A great example of what we are trying to do with our Dorsets. He is very well balanced, has great type, and is super sound. We have used him, he is a stud buck.

1544- Late Fall Ewe Lamb

1549- Early Fall Ram Lamb

Narrow Lanes 988 RR P719637

B: S: D:

Lauden Acres 916 RR P707483

9/25/2015 Twin Mithodfer Dorsets 2028 Burn Notice P699403 Narrow Lanes 809 P702327

1550- Fall Yearling Ewe

B: 9/6/2014 Twin S: Valley View 0075 P707483 D: Mithoefer 6032 P652855

Narrow Lanes 954 RR P715283

1551- Fall Yearling Ewe

B: 10/9/2015 Single S: Pine Ridge 13050 P703729 D: Fruechte 338 P688141 She is bred really similar to our 1st place late fall lamb last year that sold to Spildes.

B: S: D:

Lauden Acres 970 RR P715788

B: 3/6/2015 Twin S: Valley View 0075 Oberon P707483 D: Lauden Acres 786 P698704

Lauden Acres 998 RR P719652

Fruechte 576 RR P719865

12/20/2014 Triplet Mithodfer Dorsets 2028 Burn Notice P699403 Narrow Lanes 743 P691418

1552- Spring Yearling Ewe

1545- Winter Ewe Lamb

1553- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

1540- Spring Yearling Ewe

B: 1/5/2016 Triplet S: Leonidas P702350 D: Fruechte 298 P682699 Great profiling, up headed lamb. Check out the Fruechte Family Dorset Facebook page for pictures.

1541- Winter Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Arndt Acres 16-007 RR

B: 1/27/2016 Single S: Arndt Acres 13-103 P704346 D: Arndt Acres 12-020 P698489 Sire was our top yearling ram in 2014. He has good breed character and a solid top. He goes back to a Sanford ram and one of our top brood ewes. Dam goes back to the Sanford ram and an Arndt Acres ewe we had good luck showing slicked.

1542- Winter Ewe Lamb

Arndt Acres 16-011 RR

B: 1/28/2016 S: Arndt Acres 14-107 P710215 D: Arndt Acres 11-014 Sire goes back to Premium Pickle on the top and the Penn State ram we used who was Champion Ram at Sedalia in 2005. On the bottom the dam goes back to the same Penn State ram as well as a Riverwood ewe that was Reserve Champion in 2005. Her dam was one of our longest-lasting ewes and has given us several brood ewes.

Fruechte 586

B: 9/4/2015 Single S: Lauden Acres 930 P714016 D: Lauden Acres 728 P689710

Lauden Acres 1 RR P719654

1546- Winter Ewe Lamb

1554- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 1/3/2016 Quad S: Leonidas P702350 D: Triple K 0233 P690677 Leonidas daughters have extra length and style. Last year Casey Lobdell showed a Leonidas daughter that was 1st late fall at the NAILE Jr. Show.

Fruechte 582

B: 9/4/2015 Twin S: Lauden Acres 904 P714012 D: Grand View 1006 P690348

1547- Spring Ewe Lamb

Fruechte 595

B: 2/4/2016 Twin S: Fruechte 555 P718093 D: Fruechte 479 P702604 555 was our top Leonidas son last year. He put a lot of bone and mass into the lambs.

1548- Spring Ewe Lamb

Fruechte 601

B: 2/6/2016 Twin S: Fruechte 555 P718093 D: Fruechte 350 P688143 This is a ripper. Buy her to show her. --- Page 94 ---

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106

POLLED DORSETS _______________________ Consigned By


Troy Doty 2398 CR 950 E - Lovington, IL 61937 (217) 254-9017 (217) 873-4024 troydoty@one-eleven.net _______________________

1555- Winter Ram Lamb

Doty Dorset 72

B: 1/3/2016 Twin S: Crouch 1018 P 714105 D: Pine Ridge 12108 E.T P 698719 Crouch 1018 a Fully Loaded son was Reserve Champion Ram at the 2015 Illinois Dorset Sale and Pine Ridge 12108 a Primo daughter 1st place Spring yearling ewe at the 2013 Illinois Dorset Sale.

1556- Spring Yearling Ewe

Doty Dorset 68

B: 4/1/2015 Twin S: Doty Dorset 28 P 700440 D: Doty Dorset 30 P700865 This is a young ewe with a lot of grow in her yet. Sire was Champion Ram at the 2012 IL State Fair.

1557- Spring Ewe Lamb

Doty Dorset 77

B: 2/10/2016 Single S: Crouch 1018 P 714105 D: Doty Dorset 10 P691711 A very flashy young lamb with lots of eye appeal and balance. Good on her feet and legs.

_______________________ Consigned By


20516 436th Ave-DeSmet, SD 57231 (605) 690-0139 _______________________

1558- SLICK Yearling Ewe

Aldrich 523


B: 2/2/2015 Triplet S: Cordray 10-185 P690076 D: Superior Farms 9288 P683683

Information Sale Day

1559- Spring Ewe Lamb

Reserve Senior Champion Dorset Ram, 2nd Yearling Ram from Turtle Mead Polled Dorsets sold to Utah at $2,200.

_______________________ Consigned By


Shane Lobdell 4141 S Browns Mill Rd - Freeport, IL 61032 (815) 238-3042 shane.lobdell@yahoo.com _______________________

1560- Winter Ewe Lamb

Lobdell 1612 RR P720155

B: 1/3/2016 Single S: Kwik TRRip Wolkow R451 RR ET P714207 D: Lobdell Dorsets 1403 RR P708764 This lamb is consistent with the other Kwik TRRip offspring we have sold this spring.

_______________________ Consigned By


Mike Reynolds 9119 Stayton Rd SE - Aumsville, OR 97325 (503) 400-2004 (503) 769-5112 rsf@wvi.com _______________________

1561- Yearling Ram

RSF 1526 RR


B: 10/18/2014 Twin S: Pine Ridge 0089 Samson P684108 D: RSF 1025 P684401 A Sampson son that we think is a stud. Big footed, big boned, beautiful breed type. RSF 1025 does not miss. This ram is maternal brother to Simon the Pine Ridge Reserve Grand Champion Ram at the NAILE they purchased from us last fall.

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HORNED DORSETS _______________________ Consigned By

1612- Spring Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1613- Spring Ewe Lamb



Consigned By


Dan Kendrick & Sons 712 W 3rd St - Vermont, IL 61484 (309) 221-5568 kendrickdorset@yahoo.com _______________________

1607- Winter Ram Lamb Champion Horned Dorset Ram, Junior Champion, 1st Spring Lamb from Kendrick Dorsets and Hamps sold to Indiana at $550.

Kendrick Dorsets F200 RR B: 1/4/2016 Twin 720526

S: Ewe Phoric 0054F 713942 D: Kendrick Dorset C-818 704804 We tried an outcross that worked. We like the lambs sired by Ewe Phoric. Check out this entry.

1608- Winter Ewe Lamb

Kendrick Dorsets F208 QR B: 1/13/2016 720523

S: ALA F1179 F SG 699600 D: 3 Point 13-02 S TW 703136 Take a look, really nice ewe. We brought the best one. Hate to part with her.

_______________________ Consigned By


Champion Horned Dorset Ewe, Senior Champion, 1st Yearling from Cassell Horned Dorsets sold to Ohio at $2,000.

Mike Galleher 6000 Cty Rd 100 - Mt. Gilead, OH 43338 (419) 560-2203 (419) 946-4582 woolyman1@hotmail.com _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By

CASSELL HORNED DORSETS Paul Cassell 2317 Peppers Ferry Rd Wytheville, VA 24382 (202) 255-1764 pcasse2001@yahoo.com horneddorsets.com _______________________

1601- Spring Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day We will bring one of our best show rams.

1602- Spring Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day We are bringing a yearling ewe out of our keeper pen. Check out our website www. horneddorsets.com for more information.

1603- Late Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

1604- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

1605- Winter Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Check out our website for more information at www.horneddorsets.com.

1606- Spring Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

1609- Spring Ram Lamb

Galleher K-197

B: 2/8/2016 Triplet S: Gadsby W1406 716278 D: Galleher K-181 708594 Gadsby W1406 is one of our new stud rams from the Tim Gadsby flock. Galleher K-181 was the 2nd place yearling ewe at the 2015 Ohio State Fair.

1610- Spring Yearling Ewe

Galleher K-192 719908

B: 2/24/2015 Single S: Gadsby 1205 ET 701418 D: Galleher K-169 704587 Gadsby 1205 sired the Reserve Champion Ewe at the 2015 Ohio Dorset Sale. This will be the last ewe we offer for sale out of 1205 as he died in January.

1611- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

Galleher K-198

B: 9/20/2015 Twin S: L Thompson Y-612 702758 D: Galleher K-159 696407 Thompson Y-612 sired the Grand Champion Horned Dorset Ewe at the 2015 NAILE show.

--- Page 96 ---

Mark Lunghuhn Family 1138 E 200 N - Princeton, IN 47670 (812) 664-8144 (812) 386-7120 mtiunghuhn@hotmail.com _______________________

1614- Yearling Ram

Patoka Valley 1503 719191

B: 1/9/2015 Twin S: PRC W6118 696626 D: Galleher K-171 704594 The right size, not extreme, but stout squarehipped.

1615- Spring Yearling Ewe

Patoka Valley 1502 719190

B: 1/9/2015 Twin S: Dodge 703646 D: Patoka Valley 1103 691598

Patoka Valley 1555 720311

1616- Late Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 10/10/2015 Twin S: Dodge 703646 D: Patoka Valley 0722 668874 Dam goes back to the Principal, National Champion.

_______________________ Consigned By


Maria M Rooney 6731 Torvend Rd NE - Silverton, OR 97381 (503) 480-9455 (503) 873-6447 kendalls@frontier.com _______________________

1617- SLICK Winter/Spring Ewe Lamb

Silver Creek 16-362

B: 1/1/2016 Twin S: Silver Creek F12-224 Pistol 706027 D: Silver Creek F13-242 708962 A super correct, well-balanced ram lamb with great feet and legs, horns and length. This ram can add style and substance to your flock.

1618- SLICK Fall Ewe Lamb

Silver Creek F15-365

B: 10/31/2015 Single S: Silver Creek F13-243 712115 D: Silver Creek F13-247 712117 A real pretty Fall ewe lamb with great dimension, correctness and breed type. A very useful female from a line of great brood ewes.

Solve the crossword with the sheep industry related words that complete the sentences below: DOWN 1. The natural grease in sheep’s wool is called _____________. 2. A _________________is all the wool cut off of one sheep. 4. The father sheep is called a _________. 7. Sheepskin is used to make _________. 10. Cutting the wool off of the sheep is called ___________. 11. Kinds of sheep are called ___________. 12. Straightening the wool fibers before spinning is called ______________. 15. A _______________ is a baby sheep.

Fun & Games

ACROSS 3. The person who takes care of the sheep is called a ____________. (This person might also raise crops). 5. The mother sheep is called a ________________. 6. A group of sheep is called a ________________. 8. A loom is used to _______________ yarn into fabric. 9. Yarn is made by ____________wool fibers. 13. ________________ is another name for a farmer who takes care of sheep. 14. Sheep have a soft, special kind of “hair” called _____________. 16. A _________________ is the pen where the ewe and her new lamb are kept for a few days after the lamb is born.


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Consigned By



Jake Herrig 677 State Hwy 267 - Slayton, MN 56172 (507) 227-4228 (506) 220-1360 jakeherrig@yahoo.com herrigsheep.com _______________________

Consigned By


Brian Forsee 1290 Hwy 127N - Owenton, KY 40359 (502) 682-0686 forsee@bellsouth.net forseesouthdowns.com _______________________

1708- February Ram Lamb Champion Southdown Ram, 1st February Ram Lamb from Northern Star Livestock sold to Illinois at $600.

_______________________ Consigned By

WIERZBICKI SOUTHDOWNS Clayton & Andrea Wierzbicki 34839 Hwy 10 - Ex Springs, MO 64024 (816) 204-7780 (816) 260-3494 claywierz@yahoo.com _______________________

1701- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1709- March Ram Lamb 1710- February Ewe Lamb 1711- February Ewe Lamb 1712- March Ewe Lamb 1713- March Ewe Lamb

Wierzbicki 161 RR-EDF NN BB669

Consigned By


Mike McElvain 16514 E 325 N - Heyworth, IL 61745 (309) 830-3340 mike@mcelvainlaw.com mcelvainlaw.com/sheepfarm _______________________

1702- Yearling Ewe

B: 2/8/2015 Twin S: Wierzbicki 128 AA6209 D: Kirby 11-46 Y9283

1703- Yearling Ewe

Wierzbicki 165 QR-EDF NN AA9796

B: 2/25/2015 Twin S: Mapolyne Farms 12-55S Z6512 D: Wierzbicki 102 Y9899

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1704- February Ewe Lamb 1705- February Ewe Lamb 1706- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Rex & Koby Cole 11281 N 1975 Rd - Elk City, OK 73466 (806) 216-1306 (580) 821-2355 colewoolies@cableone.net coleclublambs.com _______________________

Information Sale Day


Wierzbicki 149 RR-EDF NN A9789 B: 1/20/2015 Single S: Wierzbicki 128 AA6209 D: Kirby 1342 Z9609

1717- February Ewe Lamb

1718- March Ewe Lamb


1715- February Ewe Lamb

McElvain 1604 RR-EDF NN

B: 2/14/2016 Twin S: Bowman 1541 BB1353 D: McElvain 1312 Z9360 Bedlam is the great grand sire on both sides of the pedigree.

1716- March Ewe Lamb

McElvain 1625 QR-EDF NN

B: 3/2/2016 Twin S: Bowman 1541 BB1353 D: McElvain 0925 Y443 Dam is 30 Something great grand-daughter.

Consigned By


McElvain 1621 RR-EDF NN

B: 3/2/2016 Triplet S: Bowman 1541 BB1353 D: McElvain 1324 Z9364 The sire of all 3 lambs is a half-brother to Bo, 2015 National Champion Ram. They were both sired by Corvette.

Herrig 2168 RR-EDF NN

B: 3/7/2016 Single S: Adriana 13122 Z 9925 D: Herrig 2083 AA This is a very flashy ewe lamb in the young pen. We had some people stop from out East. The first sheep they asked about was this lamb. Her sire is the great Northern Starr ram and the mother is one of our best Night Train daughters. To see pictures of our consignment go to www.herrigsheep.com.

1714- March Ram Lamb

Herrig 2149 RR-EDF NN

B: 2/1/2016 Single S: Adriana 13122 Z 9925 D: McGuire 13-3061 AA 1510 This is the best ewe lamb we raised out of the group of ewes we purchased from McGuire Farms Last Summer. 13122 is an Old School Son ewe bought from Northern Starr Livestock 2 Years ago that has done a great job. 13-3061 Sired by an Oldenburg Ram and has Howard breeding on the dams side. She is a Flashy ewe lamb.

Jeff Oldenburg 2286 W Co Rd 63 - Mulhall, OK 73063 (405) 880-5857 oldenburgjeff@gmail.com oldenburgfarms.com _______________________

1719- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1720- March Ram Lamb 1721- February Ewe Lamb 1722- March Ewe Lamb 1723- March Ewe Lamb

1707- March Ewe Lamb

B: 3/1/2016 Single S: Bowers D: Cole

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106 --- Page 98 ---



Consigned By



Rick Burns 7529 E 200 N - Flora, IN 46929 (765) 437-5771 (574) 859-3153 burnsstockfarm@yahoo.com championdrive.com/burnsstockfarm _______________________

Consigned By


Mark, Amy and Emily Johnson 2702 45th Rd - Sandwich, IL 60548 (815) 274-6096 (815) 786-6495 aandmranch@aol.com aandmranch.com _______________________

1724- Yearling Ram

BSF 1384 RR-EDF NN BB2277

B: 2/19/2015 Twin S: Oldenburg 10-1001 Y8591 D: McGuire 2324 Z6478 Sire is a Diesel son and goes back to New Generation and Mother Hen. The dam is sired by Forsee R10-025 and is a son of Forsee Revelation. Powerful genetics working here.

1725- February Ram Lamb


B: 2/25/2016 Twin S: Oldenburg 3033 AA735 D: Weltha 0130 Z5741 Sire goes back to Godfather, Killer and Bedlam. Dam is a line bred Mother Hen daughter.

1726- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Oldenburg 3033

Information Sale Day S: Oldenburg 3033

1727- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Hunter, Camden, Tyson and Tayden Miller 108 Eastwood Dr - Estelline, SD 57234 (605) 690-0532 (605) 873-2560 millersouthdowns@itctel.com _______________________

1734- January Ram Lamb

1735-Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

A&M 5-189

Champion Southdown Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Maddox Southdowns sold to Kansas at $3,000.

_______________________ Consigned By

BULLINGTON SOUTHDOWNS Chaz, Breanna, Brooke Bullington 1615 Derdall Dr - Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 691-3216 (605) 692-7281 mbullfamily@swiftel.net bullingtonsouthdowns.com _______________________


B: 3/26/2015 Twin S: Rupp D: A&M 2T157 This young ewe has a lot stacked in her favor. She is really a complete package with powerful pedigree. Her dam is by Gen 10 and was a top show ewe for in in 2012-13. This ewe will be worth your trip to Missouri.

1736- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Futurity Nominated - The No Excuses ewe lambs tend to be jerk necked and have undeniable rack shape and power. If we bring one, she won’t be hard to find.

1742- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day Sires represented include: Capstone, our Stonehenge son, Wicked, our Atkinson ram, or our new Hired Hand ram Limitless. Watch our website for pictures.

1743- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day

1737- March Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Futurity Nominated.

Consigned By

1728- January Ewe Lamb


B: 1/23/2016 Twin S: Rupp D: A&M 1246 The Rupp sheep have been some of the best in their rib shape and chest floor. The dam of this ram was first at the AAJS in 2012 and is a New Gen daughter.

1744- February Ewe Lamb 1745- February Ewe Lamb 1746- March Ewe Lamb 1747- March Ewe Lamb


Craig Hick 10134 Pine Crest Rd - Red Bud, IL 62278 (618) 779-3213 baaramewe_2584@hotmail.com _______________________

1729- January Ewe Lamb 1730- February Ewe Lamb 1731- February Ewe Lamb

1738- March Ram Lamb

1732- March Ewe Lamb

1739- Yearling Ewe

1733- March Ewe Lamb

1740- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1741- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By


Ronny Parmely 21936 471st Ave - Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 695-2365 (605) 693-4965 ronny.parmely@sdstate.edu _______________________

1748- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Sires represented include: Capstone, our Stonehenge son, Wicked, our Atkinson ram, or our new Hired Hand ram Limitless. Watch our website for pictures.

1749- March Ewe Lamb --- Page 99 ---

Information Sale Day



Consigned By


1756- Yearling Ewe QR-EDF

S: JK Maddox 14020 Fuzzy Monkey AA 5595 D: Wilwerth 14-50

SM Maddox 6118 RR-EDF BB4738

Sheila Sink & Macenzie Padgett 11172 E St Rd 38 - Kirklin, IN 46050 (765) 960-5045 sinksouthdowns@gmail.com sinksouthdowns.com _______________________

1757- January Ewe Lamb

B: 1/20/2016 Twin S: JK Maddox 14020 Fuzzy Monkey AA 5595 D: Oldenburg 1043 Y 9579 Maternal sib to our top selling yearling ewe at 2016 National Southdown sale in Richmond, IN.

1764- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Reserve Champion Southdown Ewe, 1st February Lamb from Valley View Farm sold to Missouri at $1,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


JJ & Kelly Maddox 23754 Hwy 47 - Thomas, OK 73669 (580) 613-0045 (580) 309-0301 jkmaddox@pldi.net _______________________

1750- January Ram Lamb

JK Maddox 6115 RR-EDF BB4752 B: 1/15/2016 Single S: JK Maddox 325 Z 8948 D: JK Maddox 1414 AA 4244

1751- January Ram Lamb

JK Maddox 6117 RR-EDF BB4754

B: 1/15/2016 Single S: JK Maddox 325 Home Brew Z 8948 D: JK Maddox 1217 Z 4374 Maternal sib to Fuzzy Monkey and JK Maddox 5027 two stud rams used in our flock.

1752- February Ram Lamb

AJ Maddox 6137 RR-EDF BB4748

B: 2/6/2016 Twin S: JK Maddox 325 Home Brew Z 8948 D: JK Maddox 1418 AA 4249

1753- Yearling Ewe

SM Maddox 1534 RR-EDF BB1076

B: 4/2/2015 Single S: JK Maddox 14020 Fuzzy Monkey AA 5595 D: SM Maddox 1429 AA 4267

SM Maddox 1535 RR-EDF BB1077

1754- Yearling Ewe

1758- January Ewe Lamb

AJ Maddox 6121 QR-EDF BB4747 B: 1/20/2016 Twin S: JK Maddox 1014 Y 4796 D: Wedel Ewe 1080 Z 3462

1759- January Ewe Lamb

JK Maddox 6129 QR-EDF BB4757 B: 1/25/2016 Twin S: JK Maddox 1053 Sam Y 9391 D: JK Maddox 9030 Y 667

1760- February Ewe Lamb

SM Maddox 6130 QR-EDF B4740

B: 2/1/2016 Twin S: JK Maddox 325 Home Brew Z 8948 D: JK Maddox 1208 Z 3726 The twin sister to NAILE 2012 National Champion shown by NSLS.

1761- March Ewe Lamb

JK Maddox 6155 QR-EDF

B: 3/2/2016 Single S: JK Maddox 14020 Fuzzy Monkey AA 5595 D: Forsee E09-13 Y 261 Forsee E09-13 is the mother to the Supreme Champion Ram at 2014 California State Fair shown by Riverbend Southdowns.

1762- March Ewe Lamb

AJ Maddox 6161 QR-EDF

B: 3/5/2016 Twin S: JK Maddox 14020 Fuzzy Monkey AA 5595 D: Wedel Ewe 0100 Y 5677

_______________________ Consigned By


B: 4/3/2015 S: Mapolyne 10-36S See n Starrz Y 7235 D: JK Maddox 1219 Z 4376

Erin Israel 1151 West Osceola Rd - Geneva, FL 32732 (407) 267-4628 jaden0166@yahoo.com _______________________

SM Maddox 1536 RR-EDF

1755- Yearling Ewe

B: 4/3/2015 Twin S: Mapolyne 10-36S See n Starrz Y7235 D: JK Maddox 1219 Z4376

1763- March Ram Lamb

Izzy 4

B: 4/2/2016 Single S: Mapolyne Farms 12-14S Z 6745 D: Davis 2320 AA1157

--- Page 100 ---

Information Sale Day A very good ET ram lamb sired by the NSLS Legacy son.

1765- Yearling Ewe 1766- Yearling Ewe

1767- Fall Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day A very nice ET ewe.

1768- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1769- February Ewe Lamb 1770- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Bruce Nickel 30799 CSAH 34 - Litchfield, MN 55355 (320) 894-7367 (320) 693-2428 bcnickel@hotmail.com _______________________

1771- January Ram Lamb

Oak Meadow 882

B: 1/14/2016 Single S: JK Maddox 5003 AA9673 D: Oak Meadow 717 Z8398 At Oak Meadow, we are very pleased with our lambs out of the Maddox ram we purchased at the 2015 Midwest Sale. He added good thickness over the top and extra dimension to the lower leg. We are pleased to offer the first lamb born from him. Please take some time to look this lamb over. No DNA tests yet, but will meet Southdown requirements.

1772- Yearling Ewe

Oak Meadow 839 BB2033

B: 1/26/2015 Twin S: UF 1256 F TW Z9333 D: Oak Meadow 452 W5118 I have several females from Oak Meadow 452, and I consider her one of my foundation females. One of my grandkids used this ewe successfully as a 4-H project last year. Please visit our facebook page. I will post pictures as the sale gets closer.



Consigned By

BOWMAN SOUTHDOWNS Lanny Bowman 19590 E 550th St - Blandinsville, IL 61420 (309) 221-5180 (309) 652-3381 jlbowman1@mtcnow.net bowmansouthdowns.com _______________________

1773- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1774- February Ram Lamb





Consigned By

Jim & Matt Nesseth 507 Milwaukee, PO Box 1084 Lakefield, MN 56150 (507) 841-0325 Jim (507) 841-1939 Matt jim@extendedag.com gopherclublambs.com _______________________

1775- March Ram Lamb

1784- March Ram Lamb

1776- January Ewe Lamb

1785- March Ram Lamb

1777- February Ewe Lamb 1778- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1786- January Ewe Lamb 1787- January Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

Glen Anderson 56597 877 Rd - Coleridge, NE 68727 (402) 360-4027 (402) 283-4550 glen192@nntc.net _______________________

1798- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Forsee R14-307 ET AA6349

Information Sale Day S: Forsee R14-307 ET AA6349

Information Sale Day S: Forsee R14-307 ET AA6349

1799- February Ewe Lamb 1800- February Ewe Lamb


1788- February Ewe Lamb



1789- February Ewe Lamb


Consigned By

Kevin & Susan Fritz 858 Cactus Ridge Rd Fredericksburg, TX 78624 (830) 997-8611 sfritz@ctesc.net fritzsouthdowns.com _______________________ Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1791- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


1780- March Ewe Lamb

Loren Sell 2834 FM 2190 - Jacksboro, TX 76458 (254) 485-4966 (940) 567-5588 ljslivestockllc@gmail.com ljslivestock.com _______________________

1781- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Being first-time consignors, we want to ensure that we provide high quality Southdowns that will respectfully represent our flock. Therefore, we have not finalized our sale selection at this time, but we will be glad to provide you information upon request at the sale. Watch our website fritzsouthdowns.com and we will post information on our lots as soon as it becomes available.

_______________________ Consigned By


John Heinecke 29771 Route U - Stoutsville, MO 65283 (573) 881-1988 HeineckeShowStock@outlook.com _______________________

Teri Jo Laber 8003 N 95th St - Longmont, CO 80504 (720) 357-7540 (303) 652-2262 tjlaber@aol.com laberlivestock.com _______________________

1790- March Ewe Lamb

1779- February Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

1792- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Atkinson R13-80 AA 3034 D: Jennings 13-1881 AA2533

Information Sale Day S: 5052 Fritz 12S-66 Z5052

Information Sale Day S: 5052 Fritz 12S-66 Z5052

Information Sale Day S: Atkinson R1415 AA 5306 D: Fritz 013-99 AA3889

1793- Yearling Ewe 1794- Yearling Ewe

1795- February Ewe Lamb

1782- February Ewe Lamb

1796- March Ewe Lamb

1783- March Ewe Lamb

1797- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

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1801- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Check our website laberlivestock.com for further information.

1802- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1803- February Ewe Lamb 1804- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By

MCCALLA SOUTHDOWNS Maggie McCalla 7605 Suhre Rd - Alhambra, IL 62001 (217) 246-8487 (618) 633-2444 mmccalla@madisontelco.com _______________________

1805- March Ram Lamb

McCalla 16-20 RR-EDF NN

B: 3/10/2016 Twin S: McCalla 15-05 BB2607 D: Knittel 14-139 AA4810 This ram lamb is the son of the 2015 NAILE Reserve Grand Champion Southdown Ram, McCalla 15-05 (Bo x Univ of Findlay 1303).


SOUTHDOWNS 1812- Yearling Ewe

UF 5034 BB1138

B: 1/12/2015 Twin S: HP McCrumb 1320 AA4596 D: Oldenburg 0075 Y6256

UF 5112 BB1157

1813- Yearling Ewe

B: 3/1/2015 Twin S: Valedictorian MB Genetics 12F-X680 Z8975 D: McCrumb 1133 Z2721

UF 5153 BB4573

Reserve Champion Southdown Ram, 2nd February Ram Lamb from Oldenburg Farms.

_______________________ Consigned By


c/o Dr. F.D. McCarthy 14700 US 68 - Findlay, OH 45840 (419) 310-0590 mccarthy@fundlay.edu findlayanimalscience.com _______________________

1806- Yearling Ram

UF 5124 BB1166

B: 3/6/2015 Single S: Valedictorian MB Genetics 12F-X680 Z8975 D: Oldenburg 2154 Z6257

1807- Fall Ram Lamb

UF 5143 BB4567

B: 9/2/2015 Single S: Eclipse Forsee R14-174 AA6344 D: UF 4091 BB4563

1808- Fall Ram Lamb

UF 5184 BB4582

B: 9/8/2015 S: Eclipse Forsee R14-174 AA6344 D: UF 4006 AA5607

1809- January Ram Lamb

UF 6023 BB4604

UF 5091 BB1151

1811- Yearling Ewe

B: 2/19/2015 Twin S: Valedictorian MB Genetics 12F-X680 Z8975 D: Oldenburg 3159 AA2131

UF 5198 BB4584

B: 9/18/2015 Twin S: Valedictorian MB Genetics 12F-X680 Z8975 D: UF 4045 BB4561

UF 6067 BB4641

1816- January Ewe Lamb

B: 1/19/2016 Single S: Undisputed Forsee R14-366 AA9074 D: Oldenburg 1151 Y9596

UF6115 BB4626

1817- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/3/2016 Twin S: Undisputed Forsee R14-366 AA9074 D: Forsee E13-152 AA1039

UF6122 BB4636

1818- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/6/2016 Single S: Undisputed Forsee R14-366 AA9074 D: McCrumb 1305 AA1548

_______________________ Consigned By


Noah Hamerlinck 17811 119 St W - Reynolds, IL 61279 (309) 371-8327 (309) 372-8326 jennhamerlinck@gmail.com _______________________

UF 6114 BB4625

B: 9/3/2015 Single S: Valedictorian MB Genetics 12F-X680 Z8975 D: UF 4047 AA5625

1815- Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 1/2/2016 Single S: Undisputed Forsee R14-366 AA9074 D: Forsee E14-083 AA4734

B: 2/3/2016 Twin S: Undisputed Forsee R14-366 AA9074 D: Forsee E13-152 AA1039


22516 38th Ave - New Virginia, IA 50210 (641) 449-3226 _______________________

1822- Yearling Ram

1819- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1820- February Ewe Lamb 1821- March Ewe Lamb

--- Page 102 ---

Olson 2683 RR-EDF NN BB2683

B: 3/2/2015 Triplet S: MB Genetics 12F11 F-TW Z8987 D: Willwerth 1118 S-TW Z6189 Correct, good-topped ram. Dam produces good show lambs. Sire is a maternal half sib to Image by Keystone.

_______________________ Consigned By


1814- Fall Ewe Lamb

1810- February Ram Lamb

Consigned By

164 J O Junge Rd - Cleburne, TX 76033 (817) 641-6748 jungefarm@earthlink.net _______________________

1823- Yearling Ewe

Junge 1510

BB 368

B: 3/30/2015 Twin S: Junge 1441 AA4517 D: JK Maddox 1304 Z8924 A young yearling that was still carrying her lamb teeth at time of entry. She is sired by our popular show ram Cuatro, Junge 1441. She strikes a pretty picture on the profile and is very eye catching.

1824- Yearling Ewe

Junge 1541

BB 374

B: 4/9/2015 Twin S: Junge 1334 AA14 D: Junge 914 X9869 This late born yearling is still carrying her lamb teeth at time of entry. Her sire was one of our show rams and we feel she has a very bright future.

1825- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1826- March Ewe Lamb 1827- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Jessica Leary 2205 Old Turnpike Rd - Oakham, MA 01068 (508) 868-2646 windvalleyfarm@hotmail.com _______________________

1828- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day This will be a top ewe lambs as we have a great selection this year. Check out Wind Valley Farm on Facebook for photos once we choose which lamb will be our entry. Contact Brian Mason at (508) 868-7106 for more info.



Consigned By


Jim Davis 24001 N 1900 E Rd - Odell, IL 60460 (815) 228-5967 illinisouthdowns@gmail.com davissouthdowns.com _______________________




Consigned By

Craig, Michelle & Kade Beckmier 694 E 1100 North Rd Morrisonville, IL 62546-6340 (217) 827-6330 (217) 827-6342 hsfsheep@yahoo.com _______________________

1829- February Ram Lamb


Information Sale Day

1830- January Ewe Lamb

1840- February Ram Lamb

1831- January Ewe Lamb

1841- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1832- February Ewe Lamb 1833- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By

SCRAMLIN SOUTHDOWNS L. C. Scramlin 2535 Wildwood Rd - Holly, MI 48442 (248) 894-5501 (248) 634-3043 scramlin79@hotmail.com _______________________

1834- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Matt Grimes 131 E 4th St - Mineral, IL 61344 (309) 945-3781 mattgrimes32@yahoo.com _______________________

1835- January Ram Lamb


B: 1/20/2016 Twin S: A&M 14160 AA 5466 D: MKF 4 AA 827


1836- Yearling Ewe

B: 2/3/2015 Single S: Sink 135-P ET Z 9043 D: MKF 3 AA 826

1837- January Ewe Lamb

MKF 28 QR-EDF NN B: 1/21/2016 Twin S: A&M 14160 AA 5466 D: PSF 940 Y 298

_______________________ Consigned By

1842- Yearling Ram

Scramlin 1565

B: 3/9/2015 Twin S: GoldRRush D: Scramlin 1338 One of the last GoldRRush sons to be offered. He made a huge impact on our flock. 1338 is a New Revelation daughter from the Spot On family.

1843- Fall Ram Lamb

Scramlin 1604

B: 10/24/2015 Twin S: Chiseled Z6395 D: Scramlin 1110 Y9333 Very smooth, complete Chiseled son out of our prolific Spot On family.

1844- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Our lambs were late, but we will bring a good one since Lexy Grace won the Spring Ewe Lamb Futurity with a Scramlin lamb in 2015.

1845- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We have a large group of young lambs to bring.


5815 Oakwood Rd - Brillion, WI 54110 (920) 242-0897 (920) 756-3279 _______________________

1846- January Ram Lamb

JM Genetics 601 RR-EDF NN BB4730 B: 1/13/2016 Single

S: JK Maddox 1053 Y9391 D: JK Maddox 1206 Z3724

Information Sale Day

1847- Yearling Ewe

1848- February Ewe Lamb

JM Genetics 1604 QR-EDF NN BB4731 B: 2/10/2016 Twin

S: JK Maddox 332 Z8955 D: Harbour 3121 AA2905

1849- March Ewe Lamb

JM Genetics 1607 QR-EDF NN BB4734 B: 3/5/2016 Single

S: JK Maddox 332 Z8955 D: Kirby 1260 Z4640

1850- March Ewe Lamb

JM Genetics 1606 RR-EDF NN BB4733 B: 3/3/2016 Single

S: JK Maddox 332 Z8955 D: Mason Livestock P14027 AA8947

_______________________ Consigned By


Jeff Repasky 9426 Jacobson Trail - Lonsdale, MN 55046 (612) 282-7782 nstarrlvk5@aol.com _______________________

1851- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1852- March Ram Lamb

1854- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Sire of both lambs will be a Willwerth ram.

1855- March Ewe Lamb

1839- February Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day

Jim Maddox 9179 N 2320 Rd-Custer, OK 73639 (580) 445-6322 maddoxpigs@pldi.net _______________________

1853- Fall Ewe Lamb

1838- January Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106 --- Page 103 ---

1856- March Ewe Lamb

SHROPSHIRES _______________________ Consigned By


Rex & Koby Cole 11281 N 1975 Rd - Elk City, OK 73644 (806) 216-1306 (580) 821-2355 colewoolies@cableone.net coleclublambs.com _______________________

1907- March Ram Lamb Champion Shropshire Ram, 1st January Ram Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to Indiana at $2,500.

_______________________ Consigned By


Roger, Marie and Lucas Parr 33425 E CR 1000 N - Mason City, IL 62664 (217) 871-4555 (217) 482-3680 rparr@frontiernet.net parrhampshires.com _______________________

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1909- Yearling Ewe 1910- March Ewe Lamb 1911- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


1901- January Ram Lamb

1902- February Ram Lamb

Parr 1625 RR

B: 2/8/2016 Twin S: Schimm 11-15 M444143 D: Rapp 14-51 M453599 Dam was first place Fall ewe at Illinois State Fair. Purchased from Agralls.

1903- February Ram Lamb

Jeff, Kerri, Christine & Monica Ebert 10015 Flush Rd - St. George, KS 66535 (785) 458-9174 ebertsheepfarm@gmail.com ebertsheepfarm.com _______________________

Parr 1613 RR

B: 1/28/2016 Twin S: Schimm 11-15 M444143 D: Bryant 12-063 M446892 Sire was purchased from Agrells. He also the sire of their Fall ram at Ohio this Spring.

Parr 1633 RR

B: 2/26/2016 Twin S: Schimm 11-15 M444143 D: David W Harrell 165 M446290

_______________________ Consigned By


Brad Payne 13406 St Rt MM SE - Agency, MO 64401 (630) 688-2583 brad.payne65@gmail.com _______________________

1904- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1908- March Ram Lamb

1912- February Ram Lamb

Ebert 6398

B: 2/18/2016 Single S: Ebert 2093 446424 D: Ebert 9113 440666 Sire was second place late ram lamb at 2012 NAILE open show and Champion Ram at 2012 Nebraska State Fair. Dam won her class at 2009 AAJS. This lamb is our top February ram lamb.

1914- January Ewe Lamb

1915- February Ewe Lamb

1916- March Ewe Lamb

Ebert 3682

B: 3/3/2016 Twin S: Ebert 4030 451089 D: Ebert 9107 439358 Dam has been very productive for us. Twin sister will be retained in our flock. We may bring along another March ewe lamb as we planned to enter an April but there is no class for them this year. We will see how the two young April lambs grow out. They will be giving up age and size but not quality. Check out our website for pictures of our entries in midJune. www.ebertsheepfarm.com.

_______________________ Consigned By


Ebert 6428

B: 4/3/2016 S: Ebert 4030 451089 D: Ebert 4098 451083 This is a very young lamb out of a 2014 and 2015 show ewe and sired by the Reserve Champion Ram at 2014 Nebraska State Fair. This lamb has beautiful Shropshire breed character and the dam comes from the same ewe family that produced the ram sold online to Emily Washburn this spring.

Ebert 6362

B: 2/1/2016 Single S: Ebert 4030 451089 D: Ebert 3150 450323 One of our top February ewe lambs sired be Ebert 4030. "Versace" and 4030 are maternal brothers out of the famed BWB ewe that was a top show ewe for Monica for two years, winning the Shropshire yearling futurity as well as Champion or Reserve at Nebraska, Kansas and Tulsa state fairs. If we were showing much this fall she would not be offered for sale.

1913- March Ram Lamb

Ebert 6353

B: 1/29/2016 Twin S: Ebert 2093 446424 D: Rife 09-170 440658 We only had five early ewe lambs and they were all super good. We are offering the best ewe lamb from a set of twin ewe lambs from our prolific Rife ewe. She has produced stud bucks and or replacement ewes every year. Sired by the ram we call "Versace" who was second place ram lamb at 2012 NAILE open show and the sire of our Reserve Champion and top selling ewe here in 2013.

Hunter Brockelman/Terrye Troxtell 455 Biggerstaff Rd - Sherman, TX 75090 (903) 821-3985 (903) 892-6821 terryetrox@gmail.com _______________________

1917- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1918- Yearling Ewe 1919- Yearling Ewe

1905- March Ram Lamb 1906- March Ewe Lamb

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106 --- Page 104 ---



Consigned By


Chris & Sally Thomason 20631 Morning Glory - Harrah, OK 73045 (405) 306-1554 (405) 409-6216 sathomason2823@gmail.com thomasongenetics.com _______________________

1920- March Ram Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Randy & Julie Rife 2423 Clifton Rd - Yellow Springs, OH 45387 (937) 603-0535 randy@rifeshropshires.com rifeshropshires.com _______________________

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1931- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

1932- February Ram Lamb

1921- March Ram Lamb 1922- Yearling Ewe 1923- March Ewe Lamb 1924- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Mark & Jennifer Crago 33 Maki Hill Rd - Columbus, MT 59019 (406) 298-0015 (406) 322-9935 markcrago@netzero.com Facebook Crago Family Ranch _______________________

1925- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day This will be a big boned big topped ewe lamb with a lot of appeal. We will bring lambs much like those in the past. Will be sired by our home grown ram Minni Me.

1926- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day This lamb will either be by Minni Me or Cut Me Some Slack, first February ram lamb from Tom Slack last year. The lambs look great this year sired by both these rams.

1930- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Check our website. Information will be up by June 15th.

Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1935- Fall Ewe Lamb 1936- January Ewe Lamb 1937- February Ewe Lamb 1938- February Ewe Lamb 1939- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day All ewe lambs will be futurity nominated. We will have plenty of room to haul purchases back east. Just call my cell.

_______________________ Consigned By


Consigned By

Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

Jason Heeg PO Box 217 - Shepherd, MT 59079 (406) 855-1478 (406) 947-2093 crazyhclambs@outlook.com crazyhclublambs.com _______________________

1940- January Ram Lamb

1927- Fall Ewe Lamb

1941- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1928- February Ewe Lamb 1929- March Ewe Lamb

Jane Switzer 6741 S 1150 W - Redkey, IN 47373 (260) 729-2626 (765) 369-2844 fordswitzer@hotmail.com switzershropshires.com _______________________

1934- Yearling Ewe


Information Sale Day

Consigned By

1933- March Ram Lamb


Champion Shropshire Ewe, 1st January Ewe Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to Missouri at $900.

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

1942- January Ewe Lamb 1943- February Ewe Lamb

--- Page 105 ---

1944- Yearling Ram

Balboa Switzer 15-7 M453202

B: 1/4/2015 Single S: Bigfoot VIP 0414 M441245 D: Switzer 13-365 M450205 Ram carries lots of muscle and rib expression. We used him on over half of our ewes this year and are pleased with our lambs. We will also be selling a ewe lamb of his. The dam is a Bootlegger/ Impulse daughter.

1945- Yearling Ewe

Switzer 15-392 M453671

B: 1/29/2015 Twin S: Boot Legger Slack 2390 M446836 D: Switzer 13-368 M450208 This is a Boot Legger/Impulse daughter.

1946- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/19/2016 Single S: Balboa Switzer 15-7 M453202 D: Switzer 15-394 M453672 Waiting for papers. This is a Balboa daughter. The dam is a Bootlegger/Impulse daughter. Carrying lots of muscle and bone.

Please Note these


Catalog PDF and Online Searchable Catalog:

Copy of this catalog can be found online at www.midwestsale.com. You also have the online searchable catalog option to make finding sections of entries by breed or class easier.

Penning Charts:

Pen assignments are not included in this catalog, so to allow for timely printing and mailing. They will be accessible at


and posted in barns… all pens will be tagged upon consignor arrival as well.

Show and Sale Times:

The first show or sale each day will have a designated start time. Breeds will sell in the order listed on that day’s schedule with only a 5 minute break between breeds. Typically, it takes approximately one minute to sell each lot.

Online Viewing of Shows & Sales:

All shows and sales will be live streamed on www.DVAuction.com - You will need to set up an acount on the site to view the live stream. You can also register to purchase animals during the sales.

Mail Bids:

Those buyers unable to attend, or who do not wish to bid online through DVAuction can still purchase animals through “mail bid”. You may do this by contacting sale staff listed at left. Please contact them in advance of the sale, or early enough during the sale that they can assist with your bid in a timely manor.

Bedding Needs:

Bedding Vendor has asked consignors to pre-order bedding prior to arrival. Below is the information on ordering:

REA Farm & Bedding pre-orders recommended to


Designate for Midwest Sale and provide arrival date

Primary- 660.287.6848 Secondary- 660.287.5623

Procedure for Transit Animals in the designated Transit Barns:

Animals not consigned in the Midwest Sale are not allowed to be housed in the Sheep and Swine barns. Instead, they are considered transit animals and should be held in the horse barn stalls. Stalls for transit animals will now be accounted for by Midwest Sale staff. All stalls will be locked prior to sale week and can then be rented by consignors/non-consignors through sale staff in the FFA Building. Stall rent will cost $5.00 per pen per day for consignors, and $15 per pen per day for non-consignors. All rentals must be paid up front and will pay rent through Sunday following the sale. We will require renter name, address, phone number, number of sheep penned, and a brief description of animals upon pen rental. If renter chooses to empty the pen prior to Sunday, they may return to the FFA Building for a refund of days not used, allowing the pen to again be locked by sale staff. Refunds will be allowed for the day staff is informed of the empty pen through Sunday. Renters wishing to lock their transit pens will be required to furnish their own locks for this purpose. Otherwise transit animals are to be held in personal trailers, at no responsibility to the Midwest Sale or its staff. ALL TRANSIT ANIMALS MUST ALSO HAVE HEALTH PAPERS available for inspection in accordance with Missouri health standards and rules and federal law. Please put transit animals on separate health papers from sale entries.

Buyer Checkout:

CASH, CHECK, or CREDIT CARD payment on Sale Day. A convenience fee will be charged for credit card payment. After sheep are purchased, come to the airconditioned FFA Building and check out with the clerks. You will receive a list of the sheep purchased, and we will clarify any needed transfer information. Once payment is made and you have your receipt, you can obtain health papers on your purchases in the same building. It is highly recomended that all buyers obtain health papers on animals purchased. When loading, please double check that the lot numbers listed on the receipt correspond with the lot numbers painted on the animals’ backs!

Mail Bids and Credit Card purchases will be charged 5% convenience fee --- Page 106 ---

Future Sale Dates:

Always a FULL WEEK ending on the LAST SATURDAY in June!

JUNE 19-24, 2017 JUNE 18-23, 2018 JUNE 24-29, 2019 JUNE 22-27, 2020 JUNE 21-25, 2021

General Contact Information:

Midwest Sale is managed by Heartland Livestock Services, LLC. Contact them at midweststudramsale@gmail.com or through the Midwest Stud Ram Sale facebook page. You can also contact Curt Overcash, Managing Partner (info listed on the auctioneer page) or Bret Oelke, Public Relations (info listed on the ringman page).

Sale Contacts: Ringmen (Mail Bids)

Bret Oelke.................... (218) 770-2428 Andy Korb.................... (513) 312-0648 Ryan Livermont............ (507) 215-1923 Tyler Lobdell................ (815) 238-0832 Donnie Allen................ (580) 920-9867 Steve George............... (419) 306-1144 Rodney Morris............. (217) 273-5299 Joe Gonzales................ (806) 778-8927 Dennis Wood............... (937) 539-2008 Dan Houser.................. (918) 650-2462 Travis Snyder................ (309) 221-1935 Clayton Neal................ (567) 207-7296 Chris MacCauley.......... (484) 319-8376


Curt Overcash.............. (815) 210-7000 Gary Saylor.................. (937) 464-7214 Bobby Fletcher............ (806) 787-3030 Danny Westlake........... (937) 243-5111 Billy MacCauley........... (484) 612-3983

Other Sale Staff

Karey Claghorn............ (515) 229-0061 Brandan Bruce............. (515) 313-8765 Millie Moore................ (701) 541-1120 Bert Moore.................. (701) 541-5035 Mary Anne Keck.......... (417) 844-5895 Tricia Schneidermeyer... (636) 295-7224 Rob Frost..................... (740) 505-4858

To email paperwork during sale week, send to: midweststudramsale@gmail.com To fax paperwork during sale week, send to: (888) 371-3363

Cassell Hoskins


Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Pen of Yearling Ewes Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb Pen of Ewe Lambs

Texel Polypay Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Brood Ewe Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb

Make your own worksheets online @ www.atozteacherstuff.com

Name:_______________________________ Date:_____________

Polled Dorset Horned Dorset

Yearling Ram Early Fall Ram Lamb (9-1 to 9-30) Word List: Late Fall Ram Lamb (10-1 to 11-30) Cassell Skrtvedt Repasky Winter Ram LambBobendrier (12-1 to 1-31) Spring Ram LambKjeldgaard (2-1 & after) Hoskins Bullington Caskey SLICK Ram Lamb (9-1 & after) Fall Yearling Ewe Spring Yearling Ewe SLICK Yearling Ewe Early Fall Ewe Lamb (9-1 to 9-30) Late Fall Ewe Lamb (10-1 to 11-30) SLICK Fall Ewe Lamb (9-1 to 11-30) Winter Ewe Lamb (12-1 to 1-31) Spring Ewe Lamb (2-1 & after) SLICK Winter/Spring Ewe Lamb (12-1 & after)

WETHER SIRES & DAMS Dorsets, Dorset Advantage, Hampshires, Suffolks,

*above 4 must have registration papers

Natural Colored, Speckle-Faced, Crossbreds


*wethers only/testicles removed Southdown, Dorset, Dorset Advantage, Hampshire, Suffolk, Shropshire, Natural Color, Speckle-Face, Crossbred *For Club Lamb entries place

McDaniel Forsee MacCauley Wolkow

Repasky Wolkow Bullington

Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb April Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb April Ewe Lamb

Skrtvedt Forsee Bobendrier Cassell McDaniel Kjeldgaard MacCauley Hoskins Caskey

Katahdin Dorper White Dorper

Yearling Ram SLICK Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb SLICK Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb SLICK January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb SLICK February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb SLICK March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe SLICK Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb SLICK Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb SLICK January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb SLICK February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb SLICK March Ewe Lamb

FIll in the word shapes puzzles with these well known consiignor last names...

*All Shropshire breeding sheep and wether sires/dams show and sell together

Suffolk Hampshire Montadale

Repasky Caskey


Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb

Bobendrier Skrtvedt Kjeldgaard Bullington

Fun & G

Corriedale Columbia Rambouillet Natural Colored Tunis Southdown Shropshire

Word List:

Club Lamb in breed, then breed in class --- Page 107 ---


McDani MacCau



Consigned By



Ralph Amyx Box 326 - Sanger, TX 76266 (940) 368-3186 (940) 458-7460 _______________________

Consigned By


Carl Mize PO Box 2205 - Noble, OK 73068 (405) 990-3255 camize@swbell.net _______________________

2018- January Ram Lamb

2007- March Ram Lamb

2020- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

2008- April Ram Lamb Champion Dorset Wether Sire, Senior Champion, Fall Ram Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to Ohio at $2,500.

Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day

2010- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Consigned By


Rex & Koby Cole 11281 N 1975 Rd - Elk City, OK 73644 (806) 216-1306 (580) 821-2355 colewoolies@cableone.net coleclublambs.com _______________________

2009- March Ewe Lamb

2011- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Charlene Ross & Jim Hindman 6935 SW State Hwy D - Polo, MO 64671 (816) 645-6138 jhindman@hotmail.com _______________________

2001- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Time to Shine D: Wasteney See our website for additional inforamtion: www.coleclublambs.com

2002- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Shiner Boc D: Amyx

Information Sale Day S: Shiner Boc

2003- March Ewe Lamb 2004- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Time to Shine D: Amyx

2005- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Shiner Boc D: Amyx

_______________________ Consigned By


Box 95 - Belmont, WI 53510 (574) 527-0967 stevarobinson@gmail.com stevarobinson.com _______________________

2006- Yearling Ewe

2012- Fall Ram Lamb

C & J Livestock 558

B: 9/1/2015 Twin S: Slack 4494 P710846 D: Linda Pauly 11412 QR P697774 Outstanding ram, big boned.

2013- January Ewe Lamb

C & J Livestock 560

C & J Livestock 611

B: 2/1/2016 Twin S: C & J Livestock 434 P716113 D: C & J Livestock 281 P712105 Solid ewe lamb with Slack genetics.

2015- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2019- February Ram Lamb

2021- April Ram Lamb 2022- Yearling Ewe 2023- Yearling Ewe 2024- January Ewe Lamb 2025- January Ewe Lamb 2026- February Ewe Lamb 2027- February Ewe Lamb 2028- March Ewe Lamb 2029- March Ewe Lamb 2030- April Ewe Lamb 2031- April Ewe Lamb


B: 1/1/2016 Single S: Slack 4494 P710846 D: Triple K Dorsets 0306 P693719

2014- February Ewe Lamb

C & J Livestock 612

Consigned By


Steve, Pat and Tyler Myers 4450 St Rt 274 E - Rushsylvania, OH 43347 (937) 935-6715 (937) 468-2035 sptmyers@centurylink.net _______________________

2032- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2033- Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 2/1/2016 Twin S: C & J Livestock 434 P716113 D: C & J Livestock 281 P712105

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2034- January Ewe Lamb

2016- March Ewe Lamb

2035- February Ewe Lamb

2017- March Ewe Lamb

2036- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

--- Page 108 ---

2037- April Ewe Lamb



Consigned By


Shelly Surber 4383 W State Rd 38 - Frankfort, IN 46041 (765) 430-8463 (765) 296-2277 surbersheep430@gmail.com www.surbersheep.com _______________________

2039- February Ram Lamb

Surber 6014 RR

B: 2/15/2016 Twin S: Blondie Show Lambs 1526 P719389 D: Piper 2051 P689477

Surber 6030 QR

2040- March Ram Lamb

B: 3/3/2016 Twin S: OverTime Piper 2011 P690703 D: Piper 1301 P708111

2041- January Ewe Lamb

Surber 6020

B: 1/14/2016 Twin S: OverTime Piper 2011 P690703 D: Heisdorffer Dorsets 173 P691326

2042- January Ewe Lamb

Surber 6022


2047- Yearling Ram

2061- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2048- February Ram Lamb 2049- March Ram Lamb 2050- April Ram Lamb 2051- Yearling Ewe 2052- January Ewe Lamb 2053- February Ewe Lamb 2054- March Ewe Lamb 2055- April Ewe Lamb


B: 1/15/2016 Single S: OverTime Piper 2011 P690703 D: Piper 1115 P698253

Consigned By


B: 2/3/2016 Triplet S: Enfield 5203 P716407 D: Piper 2031 P701075

Surber 6028

2044- March Ewe Lamb

B: 3/1/2016 Twin S: OverTime Piper 2011 P690703 D: Star Dust 12104 P700211

_______________________ Consigned By


Dave Wolf 957 E Ave - Scranton, IA 51462 (712) 830-3625 (712) 652-3887 wolfpak@netins.net wolfclublambs.com _______________________

2045- February Ram Lamb

2056- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Sired by the Daniels ram. This one will be an outcross to most pedigrees. Grandsire of dam is an imported English Dorset. Check him out.

2062- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Daniels 5275 P716267 April lambs are out of daughters of the Little Man son I bought from Ralph Amyx. This guy is really neat and another TRUE April. Likely will be a bit green.

2063- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day This one is bred very similar to my February ram entry. 3/4 sibs. And she is one unique individual. We wanted to bring some that are NOT like what everyone else has. Check her out.

2064- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Daniels 5275 P716267

2065- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Daniels 5275 P716267 Bred like my April ram. And at 25 days, still has a ditch running down her back. I breed my ewe lambs to lamb in April, and the best will be at Sedalia. I know they will not be as butter fat as many.


B: 1/8/2016 S: David Wolf Family 1267 P699444 D: Riders Dorsets 1142 P695767

2057- February Ram Lamb IA59360185

B: 2/24/2016 Single S: Taylor Made 14074 P710622 D: Head Family Farm 111 P711062


2058- March Ram Lamb

B: 3/15/2016 Single S: David Wolf Family 1267 P699444 D: Head Family Farms 78 P698757

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2059- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

2060- March Ewe Lamb

2046- Yearling Ewe

Doug Head 13169 410th St - Derby, IA 50068 (641) 344-3819 (641) 877-2303 kimberlymhead@hotmail.com _______________________

Surber 6046 QR P720435


Shane Kirschten 5060 Jefferson Ave - Alton, IA 51003 (712) 395-0377 (712) 756-8953 kirschten59@gmail.com Kirschten Sheep Farm on facebook _______________________

2043- February Ewe Lamb


Consigned By

Calvin Enfield 70902 335th St - Collins, IA 50055 (515) 290-8215 (641) 385-2557 cenfield@windstream.net enfieldclublambs.com _______________________

Surber 6006

B: 1/5/2016 Twin S: Blondie Show Lambs 1526 P719389 D: Piper 1108 P693863


Consigned By

2038- January Ram Lamb


--- Page 109 ---

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106



Consigned By



Brent Mennen 17123 E CR 250 S - Walton, IN 46994 (765) 437-6020 (574) 735-3719 mennenclublambs@aol.com mennenclublambs.com _______________________

Consigned By


Chad Heisdorffer 17750 185th Ave - Sigourney, IA 52591 (641) 660-2469 (641) 622-9965 cheisdorffer@gmail.com heisdorfferdorsets.com _______________________

2084- February Ewe Lamb


2077- February Ram Lamb Champion Dorset Wether Dam, Junior Champion, 1st February Ewe Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to California at $2,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jay Nelson 14983 150th St - Perry, IA 50220 (515) 494-2237 (515) 465-8164 ewe_turn1@yahoo.com _______________________

2066- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Information Sale Day These lambs are sired by the same rams that sired our 1st place heavyweight Dorset wether at the 2015 NAILE and our Reserve Champion Dorset 2015 Ohio State Fair

Consigned By


Dwayne Fisher 17555 Hwy 95 - Wilder, ID 83676 (208) 573-2825 (208) 337-6054 dfisher@championproduce.com fisherlambs.com _______________________

2080- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Please Visit our website at fisherlambs.com or championdrive.com for lot information prior to sale.

2081- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day


2072- January Ram Lamb

Jeff Repasky 9426 Jacobson Trail - Lonsdale, MN 55046 (612) 282-7782 nstarrlvk5@aol.com _______________________

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2073- February Ram Lamb

Consigned By


2074- January Ewe Lamb

2082- April Ram Lamb

2075- February Ewe Lamb

2083- April Ewe Lamb

2076- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Sired by our Huntrod ram that sired the Reserve Champion Dorset Wether 2015 OYE.


Daryl Boehm 32418 750th Ave - Racine, MN 55967 (507) 696-8734 (507) 533-8310 c.boehmfarms79@gmail.com _______________________

2085- February Ram Lamb 2086- January Ewe Lamb

2069- February Ewe Lamb

2071- April Ewe Lamb

Joe Brammer 361 Greenlee Rd - Seaman, OH 45679 (937) 515-9526 Jobram10@yahoo.com _______________________

Information Sale Day S: Throttle D: Vance x Blizzard Dam is a 3/4 sib to Tighty Whitey (TW). She was third in class at OYE.

2068- March Ram Lamb

2070- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Vance D: Huntrods

2079- March Ewe Lamb

2067- February Ram Lamb

Consigned By


Information Sale Day S: Throttle D: Vance x Rascal Triplet brother of dam was Champion wether at OK State Fair and Tulsa State Fair.

2078- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

--- Page 110 ---

Information Sale Day Sired by our Amyx ram that sired our Reserve Champion Wether 2015 Ohio State Fair.

2087- February Ewe Lamb

2088- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Out of a ewe lamb. Sired by Meat, high-selling Dorset Ram for Brad Anderson at 2009 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.

_______________________ Consigned By


Don and Alicia Wright 25250 State Hwy 413 - Galena, MO 65656 (417) 437-7381 (417) 236-2010 wrightsrockyacres@hotmail.com wrightsrockyacres.com _______________________

2089- March Ram Lamb

D&A Wright 457 RR NN

B: 3/10/2016 Twin S: Moonshiner Stillwell 1429 RR/NN P709891 D: Red 6 - Slack 3312 P704679



Consigned By


Roger & Sherry Olsen 3769 Little Wall Lake Rd - Story City, IA 50248 (515) 450-2097 rsolivestock@gmail.com rsolivestock.com _______________________

2091- March Ram Lamb

RSO 6029

B: 3/3/2016 Twin S: Double Oaked Amyx 1607 P717864 D: RSO 1054 P695485 All our entries are sired by Double Oaked Amyx 1607, by Little Man - 100% Pure Dorset. We have chosen to bring you a February and March group that is moderate in frame, cool fronted, level topped that wedge back to a powerful hip - they will not disappoint you. 6029 is the ram we all need. His other is a double bred GT 812 - this is the ram loaned to Roger Huntrod that produced Short Leggs - enough said about the muscle that this pedigree offers. If you are serious about the industry and looking for that special piece to move forward with - stop by and check this naturally bracing one out.

2092- March Ewe Lamb

RSO 6022

B: 3/1/2016 Twin S: Double Oaked Amyx 1607 P717864 D: RSO 3001 P704812 Very attractive, balanced female that is extremely good hided, big topped and a hip second to none. Her mother is sired by Big Tex back on a Kudzu granddaughter - she is a must see.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason Simpson 20839 CR 84 - Ault, CO 80610 (907) 371-0276 jsimpsoncl@aol.com simpsonlivestock.com _______________________

2093- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2094- January Ewe Lamb



Casey Sidwell 31306 Cty Rd 57 - Gill, CO 80624 (970) 302-9451 csidwell97@yahoo.com sidwellshowsheep.com _______________________

RSO 6019

B: 2/27/2016 Twin S: Double Oaked Amyx 1607 P717864 D: RSO 3068 P704833 Very balanced - his mother was sired by Big Tex (Amyx) on a GT Dorsets 812 daughter, he just gets better every day.


Consigned By

2090- February Ram Lamb


2096- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2097- March Ram Lamb 2098- January Ewe Lamb 2099- February Ewe Lamb 2100- February Ewe Lamb 2101- March Ewe Lamb


Consigned By

Budd Martin 5297 Bullhead Rd - Willard, OH 44890 (567) 224-0095 (419) 933-6058 _______________________

2111- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day Our consignment will be sired Slack 4299 (1st Jan RL 2014 Midwest Sale) or Heisdorffer 4034 (full brother to Clutch & Great White) or Daniels 429 (Reserve Champ at 2014 Midwest Elite sale).

2112- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2113- February Ram Lamb 2114- February Ram Lamb 2115- February Ewe Lamb


Consigned By

Consigned By


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

2102- Yearling Ram


4924 E Division Rd - Portland, IN 47371 (260) 251-1517 (260) 726-8639 bldaniels@bright.net www.danielsclublambs.com _______________________

2116- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2117- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

2118- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

2119- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2103- Fall Ram Lamb 2104- January Ram Lamb 2105- February Ram Lamb 2106- March Ram Lamb 2107- Yearling Ewe 2108- January Ewe Lamb 2109- February Ewe Lamb 2110- March Ewe Lamb

2095- April Ewe Lamb Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106 --- Page 111 ---


DORSET WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Reserve Champion Dorset Wether Dam, Reserve Junior Champion, 1st March Ewe Lamb from Sidwell Show Sheep sold to Texas at $3,000.

2125- Yearling Ewe

Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 482-5618 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason Stillwell 3045 S 100 E - Frankfort, IN 46041 (765) 586-8490 jstill5@sbcglobal.net _______________________

Consigned By


Tom Dagel 46356 166th St - Watertown, SD 57201 (605) 520-0235 (605) 886-7379 CDagel@yahoo.com dagelpolleddorsets.com _______________________

2126- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Slack 3380 P710840

Information Sale Day S: Slack 3380 P710840

Information Sale Day S: Slack 3380 P710840

Information Sale Day S: Stillwell 1436

Information Sale Day S: Stillwell 1436

_______________________ Consigned By


Information Sale Day S: PHF 490

Information Sale Day S: Stillwell 1436

2124- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


2133- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2134- April Ram Lamb 2135- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Scott Schaefer 2714 N Sangre - Stillwater, OK 74075 (405) 743-5646 scott@schaefersheepandcattle.com schaefersheepandcattle.com _______________________

2128- January Ewe Lamb

2136- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Mark Huntrods 73671 305th St - Collins, IA 50055 (641) 485-6584 mahuntrods@gmail.com _______________________

2122- March Ram Lamb 2123- February Ewe Lamb

2127- January Ewe Lamb

2121- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day



Dan Perry 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 rockbottom@onlyinternet.net _______________________

2132- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

2120- February Ewe Lamb


Chris McGolden PO Box 744 - Arapaho, OK 73620 (580) 331-9675 (580) 323-7198 amcgolden@yahoo.com AllisonMcGoldenClubLambs.com _______________________

_______________________ Dan Perry & Dave Taylor 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 rockbottom@onlyinternet.net _______________________

Consigned By

2129- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2130- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Marla Piper 19269 Timber Ave - Bloomfield, IA 52537 (641) 208-6216 (641) 675-3430 luvsheep@netins.net _______________________

2131- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day S: IceBreaker Piper 710

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106 --- Page 112 ---

--- Page 113 ---



Consigned By



Shane Kirschten 5060 Jefferson Ave - Alton, IA 51003 (712) 395-0377 (712) 756-8953 kirschten59@gmail.com Kirschten Sheep Farm on facebook _______________________

Consigned By


Daryl Boehm 32418 750th Ave - Racine, MN 55967 (507) 696-8734 (507) 533-8310 c.boehmfarms79@gmail.com _______________________

2156- February Ewe Lamb Champion Dorset Advantage Wether Dam, Junior Champion, 1st March Ewe Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to California at $2,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Rex & Koby Cole 11281 N 1975 Rd - Elk City, OK 73644 (806) 216-1306 (580) 821-2355 colewoolies@cableone.net coleclublambs.com _______________________

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2157- March Ewe Lamb 2158- March Ewe Lamb 2159- April Ewe Lamb


2152- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Shiner Boc

Information Sale Day S: Hot Dam

Information Sale Day S: Hot Dam D: Hurliman

2153- March Ewe Lamb 2154- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Brent Titus 81 230th St - Alexis, IL 61412 (217) 292-3550 (217) 549-0165 titusclublambs@gmail.com titusclublambs.com _______________________

2155- April Ram Lamb

Johnston 6517

S: Pure Enough D: Boehm Bringing a good one. Dam has already raised two stud bucks, Expresso and River, and he is sired by Pure Enough, who has sold high sellers all over the country this year. This sheep is a stud buck. If you are serious about making dorset wethers you better check him out.

Information Sale Day So what do get when the best 100 ewe lamb gets marked to the Hamp ram lamb that sired my Sedalia Hamps? You have to check this one out. She was a 100 daughter that was unbeaten in breed for the Zwarts last year. Collecting up the Iowa State Fair and Aksarben in her chase. Her dam is better. Grandma is also one of the English. And I had such high hopes, came home and rams were mixed in pens. Yep, Thriller marked this one, but it worked.


Consigned By

Consigned By



Charlene Ross & Jim Hindman 6935 SW State Hwy D - Polo, MO 64671 (816) 645-6138 jhindman@hotmail.com _______________________

2151- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Time to Shine See our website for additional inforamtion: www.coleclublambs.com

2167- April Ewe Lamb

2160- January Ram Lamb

C & J Livestock 569

B: 1/5/2016 S: Houghton Hamp D: C & J Livestock 0232 P703972

C & J Livestock 623

2161- February Ram Lamb

Dwayne Fisher 17555 Hwy 95 - Wilder, ID 83676 (208) 573-2825 (208) 337-6054 dfisher@championproduce.com fisherlambs.com _______________________

2168- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Please Visit our website at fisherlambs.com or championdrive.com for lot information prior to sale.


B: 2/2/2016 Twin S: C & J Livestock 434 P716113 D: C & J Livestock Slack genetics from 2014 Champion Ram

Consigned By


Shelly Surberz 4383 W State Rd 38 - Frankfort, IN 46041 (765) 430-8463 (765) 296-2277 surbersheep430@gmail.com www.surbersheep.com _______________________

2162- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

C & J Livestock 575

2163- March Ram Lamb 2164- January Ewe Lamb

B: 1/6/2016 Twin S: Slack 4494 P710846 D: C & J Livestock

C & J Livestock 574

2169- February Ewe Lamb

B: 1/6/2016 Twin S: Slack 4494 P710846 D: C & J Livestock

C & J Livestock 613

2166- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/1/2016 Single S: Slack 4494 P710846 D: C & J Livestock --- Page 114 ---

B: 2/16/2016 Twin S: Enfield 5203 P716407 D: Surber 1428 N/A Crossbred


2165- January Ewe Lamb

Surber 6052

Consigned By


Ralph Amyx Box 326 - Sanger, TX 76266 (940) 368-3186 (940) 458-7460 _______________________

2170- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2171- February Ewe Lamb



Consigned By


Roger & Sherry Olsen 3769 Little Wall Lake Rd - Story City, IA 50248 (515) 450-2097 rsolivestock@gmail.com rsolivestock.com _______________________

Moderate framed, up headed, with extreme touch and a hip that just explodes.

2173- February Ewe Lamb

RSO 6009

B: 2/23/2016 Twin S: Double Oaked Amyx 1607 P717864 D: RSO 4061 Hamp/Suffolk Very stylish female with a look, touch and balanced package.

_______________________ Consigned By


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

2174- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2175- March Ram Lamb 2176- February Ewe Lamb 2177- March Ewe Lamb 2178- March Ewe Lamb


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2180- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

Dan Perry 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 rockbottom@onlyinternet.net _______________________

2185- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By


Consigned By


Tom Moser 15534 320th Ave - Garden Grove, IA 50103 (641) 344-9679 moserclublambs@hotmail.com moserclublambs.com _______________________

2182- March Ewe Lamb

Carl Mize PO Box 2205 - Noble, OK 73068 (405) 990-3255 camize@swbell.net _______________________

2186- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By



Jim & Audra Scheel 22458 389th Ave - Alpena, SD 57312 (605) 545-1521 (605) 849-3202 audra.sdjps@yahoo.com scheellivestock.com _______________________

Consigned By


2183- February Ewe Lamb

2187- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day


Johnston 6517

B: 2/13/2016 Twin S: Dusty Pending D: Dolly 2 (TW x Bulldog) NA This gal is big hipped and shows like a black face. Breed her Dorset one more time and those lambs will be awesome! She is all white except for her eye makeup - she got carried away with her black mascara.

Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day

Katrina Johnston 4440 SW 5th Ave - New Plymouth, ID 83655 (208) 412-7960 (208) 695-6811 gary@johnstonclublambs.com johnstonclublambs.com _______________________

Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day


Consigned By


Budd Martin 5297 Bullhead Rd - Willard, OH 44890 (567) 224-0095 (419) 933-6058 _______________________

2188- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


2179- February Ewe Lamb


2181- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

Casey Sidwell 31306 Cty Rd 57 - Gill, CO 80624 (970) 302-9451 csidwell97@yahoo.com sidwellshowsheep.com _______________________


Box 95 - Belmont, WI 53510 (574) 527-0967 stevarobinson@gmail.com stevarobinson.com _______________________

RSO 6010

B: 2/23/2016 Twin S: Double Oaked Amyx 1607 P717864 D: RSO 4061 Hamp/Suffolk


Consigned By

2172- February Ram Lamb



Dan Perry & Dave Taylor 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 rockbottom@onlyinternet.net _______________________

2184- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106 --- Page 115 ---

Room for your notes and lot number list... __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Follow us on Facebook:

Midwest Stud Ram Sale

__________________________ --- Page 116 ---

What addition does your flock need? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

www.midwestsale.com --- Page 117 ---

__________________________ __________________________


SPECKLE FACED WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Champion Speckle Faced Wether Sire, from Slack Club Lambs sold to Florida at $400.

_______________________ Consigned By


Information Sale Day

2211- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Tim Tibbits 23376 25th Ave - New Virginia, IA 50210 (515) 249-9065 shimmeringpinesclublambs@gmail.com Facebook Shimmering Pines Club Lambs _______________________

Consigned By


C & J Livestock 567 B: 1/4/2016

2202- March Ram Lamb Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

C & J Livestock 566

2203- March Ram Lamb

2212- April Ewe Lamb

2204- January Ewe Lamb

2205- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Draxx SP 1551 D: Dani Daniels 5240 Draxx is our keeper ram by a Bricklayer x Troubador ram and an Unleaded ewe. We brought Dani home from Sedalia last year and her first set of lambs did not disappoint.

2206- February Ewe Lamb

B: 1/4/2016

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2207- March Ewe Lamb 2208- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Jay Nelson 14983 150th St - Perry, IA 50220 (515) 494-2237 (515) 465-8164 ewe_turn1@yahoo.com _______________________

2209- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2210- April Ewe Lamb

2215- April Ewe Lamb


Information Sale Day Did not want 2 in the same drive, so this lamb is entered as a speck. Yep, the Daniels ram covered my best Hamp ewe lamb that same day. Guess the boys thought a little diversity would be a good thing. Again a very good lamb, and she has a littermate too.

2201- January Ram Lamb

Don and Alicia Wright 25250 State Hwy 413 - Galena, MO 65656 (417) 437-7381 (417) 236-2010 wrightsrockyacres@hotmail.com wrightsrockyacres.com _______________________

2214- March Ewe Lamb



Shane Kirschten 5060 Jefferson Ave - Alton, IA 51003 (712) 395-0377 (712) 756-8953 kirschten59@gmail.com Kirschten Sheep Farm on facebook _______________________

Charlene Ross & Jim Hindman 6935 SW State Hwy D - Polo, MO 64671 (816) 645-6138 jhindman@hotmail.com _______________________

Consigned By

Consigned By


Brent Mennen 17123 E CR 250 S - Walton, IN 46994 (765) 437-6020 (574) 735-3719 mennenclublambs@aol.com mennenclublambs.com _______________________

2216- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

2217- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Consigned By

Katrina Johnston 4440 SW 5th Ave - New Plymouth, ID 83655 (208) 412-7960 (208) 695-6811 gary@johnstonclublambs.com johnstonclublambs.com _______________________

2218- January Ram Lamb 2219- February Ewe Lamb 2220- March Ewe Lamb 2221- March Ewe Lamb


2213- January Ewe Lamb

Consigned By


Johnston 6504

B: 1/26/2016 Triplet S: White Chocolate (Full House x Casino) D: 37A (Bulldog - Dog NA Triplet sister to the Reserve Speck ewe at Black & White. 6504 is even wider based, bigger hipped and looser flanked. She is out of one of the best ewe families in our flock. Can be registered as Dorset Advantage.

Information Sale Day

--- Page 118 ---

Jason Stillwell 3045 S 100 E - Frankfort, IN 46041 (765) 586-8490 jstill5@sbcglobal.net _______________________

2222- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Stillwell 1517

SPECKLE FACED WS/WD _______________________




Consigned By

Tom Moser 15534 320th Ave - Garden Grove, IA 50103 (641) 344-9679 moserclublambs@hotmail.com _______________________

2223- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim & Audra Scheel 22458 389th Ave - Alpena, SD 57312 (605) 545-1521 (605) 849-3202 audra.sdjps@yahoo.com scheellivestock.com _______________________

Consigned By

Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 482-5618 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

2225- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2226- April Ewe Lamb

Bedding Vendor -

REA Farm and Bedding pre-orders recommended to radams@iland.net label orders for the Midwest Sale, provide arrival date

Primary- 660.287.6848 Secondary- 660.287.5623

2224- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day


with the

IDEAL MARKET LAMB TYPE CONFERENCE The IDEAL MARKET LAMB TYPE CONFERENCE, sponsored by Purina, will convene immediately after the Supreme Wether Sire Show on Thursday evening, June 23, 2016. The Conference will meet in the SE area of the show ring in the Swine Barn.

A broad spectrum of judges and breeders has been asked to participate as panelists to discuss the status of todays show ring market lamb. This will include confirmation, performance, fads, trends, breed influence, and other factors. The general lamb public is also be invited, but only the panelists will discuss the issues. The final 20 to 30 minutes will be reserved for questions from the general public.

The goal is to begin a dialog of where we have been, where we are at currently, and where we need to be in the future regarding breeding lambs for the modern show ring. For more information contact: Dr. Kevin Burgoon, HONOR Show Chow Nutritionist

P.O. Box 20044, 12200 N. Ambassador Drive, Kansas City, MO 64195-0044 816 243 6228 Office, 651 253 8794 Cell --- Page 119 ---



Consigned By



Larry, Barb, and Brian Harms 27638 E 2450 N Rd - Lexington, IL 61753 (309) 825-3485 (217) 971-0698 hrmsshwlmbs@prairieinet.net _______________________

Consigned By


Brandon, Steven & Megan Blume 2225 Co Rd A - Mineral Point, WI 53565 (608) 341-6302 blumer1989@hotmail.com www.blumeclublambs.com _______________________

2306- February Ewe Lamb Champion Natural Colored Wether Sire, 1st February Ram Lamb from Johnson Family Show Stock sold to Illinois at $1,200.

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


B: 2/1/2016 Twin S: Checkmate D: JFSS

JFSS 6022

2304- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2316- March Ewe Lamb

2310- February Ewe Lamb


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Consigned By

Brent Mennen 17123 E CR 250 S - Walton, IN 46994 (765) 437-6020 (574) 735-3719 mennenclublambs@aol.com mennenclublambs.com _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By


Rex & Koby Cole 11281 N 1975 Rd - Elk City, OK 73644 (806) 216-1306 (580) 821-2355 colewoolies@cableone.net coleclublambs.com _______________________

2311- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day B: 3/1/2015 S: Sum Buck

_______________________ Consigned By


Coby Farrow 10706 E Co Rd 120 - Midland, TX 79706 (432) 413-7590 farrowhampshires@gmail.com farrowhampshires.com _______________________


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day


Consigned By

2309- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day


2305- March Ewe Lamb

2315- February Ram Lamb

2317- April Ewe Lamb

B: 3/2/2016 Twin S: Checkmate D: JFSS

Kaci Keitzer 14901 240th St - Mediapolis, IA 52637 (319) 572-4247 (319) 572-4247 kkeitzer@iastate.edu _______________________

Dave Wolf 957 E Ave - Scranton, IA 51462 (712) 830-3625 (712) 652-3887 wolfpak@netins.net wolfclublambs.com _______________________

2308- Fall Ewe Lamb

2303- February Ewe Lamb JFSS 6019



W 8602 Kilkenney Rd - Delavan, WI 53115 (608) 289-5686 (260) 609-7368 johnsonfamilyshowstock@gmail.com johnsonfamilyshowstock.com _______________________

B: 3/1/2016 S: Pefect Storm D: V4206 Stetzin x Wise Consigned By

Consigned By

Jason Heeg PO Box 217 - Shepherd, MT 59079 (406) 855-1478 (406) 947-2093 crazyhclambs@outlook.com crazyhclublambs.com _______________________

Harms B-39



Chris & Sally Thomason 20631 Morning Glory - Harrah, OK 73045 (405) 306-1554 (405) 409-6216 sathomason2823@gmail.com thomasongenetics.com _______________________

2302- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Consigned By

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day


2307- April Ewe Lamb


2301- March Ewe Lamb

2314- March Ram Lamb

2312- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2313- April Ewe Lamb --- Page 120 ---

2318- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2319- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Galen & Jennifer Conner 29774 E 760 Rd - Wagoner, OK 74467 (918) 805-2110 connerclublambs@gmail.com connerclublambs.com _______________________

2320- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day B: 4/15/2016 Twin S: Power Cat (Unleaded Son) D: Langemeier Ewe Sire was class winning February Ram Lamb at the 2013 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.



Consigned By



Katrina Johnston 4440 SW 5th Ave - New Plymouth, ID 83655 (208) 412-7960 (208) 695-6811 gary@johnstonclublambs.com johnstonclublambs.com _______________________

Consigned By


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

2321- Yearling Ewe

Johnston 5116

B: 2/17/2015 Single S: Donkey (Donk x RAM) NA D: 46 (Glasscock 581 x Authentic) NA Big hipped, sound and maintains a great front third.

2322- Fall Ewe Lamb

Johnston 5236

B: 12/5/2015 Twin S: Big Bird (Bird x Troubadour) NA D: 4010 (Puma x MacLennan) NA This ewe is feminine, flashy, smooth and puts all the pieces together nicely. Her sire (Big Bird) was the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale Reserve Crossbred. Her dam (4010) is a flush from Middlesworth.

_______________________ Consigned By

2326- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Consigned By


Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By



Ralph & Melanie Horchler 238 Busy Ln - New Wilmington, PA 16142 (724) 651-6757 (724) 533-9925 msbsuffolks@embarqmail.com msbsuffolks.com _______________________

2325- April Ewe Lamb

Willard McLaughlin 400 CR 220 - Craig, CO 81625 (970) 629-0263 (970) 629-1196 mclaughlinsheep@gmail.com _______________________

2331- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2332- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Kalen Poe 2187 W St Rd 144-Franklin, IN 46131 (940) 600-3252 kpoelivestock@yahoo.com poehamps.com _______________________

2329- March Ram Lamb

Consigned By

Information Sale Day

Consigned By

Matthew & Michael Hays 3427 Linn Rd - Perry, KS 66073 (785) 438-0339 hays.m@hotmail.com hbclublambs.com _______________________


Information Sale Day


Howard 5038 RR NN

2324- March Ewe Lamb



2328- February Ewe Lamb

2323- Yearling Ewe

B: 2/1/2015 Twin S: Player 55669 OKL60355 RR/NN D: D Howard OKL67821 RR/NN We have a consistent set of Player daughters that have balanced muscular expression and unlimited eye appeal.


Shawn Jeffrey 2580 Indian Hill Rd - Cheyenne, WY 82009 (307) 421-7354 wywindyacres@gmail.com _______________________

20605 N Pine - Mulhall, OK 73063 (405) 747-5398 (405) 747-6727 howardsheepfarm@yahoo.com _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By


Champion Natural Colored Wether Dam, 1st April Ewe Lamb from Rule Sheep Company sold to California at $1,900.

2327- March Ewe Lamb

2333- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Rodney Yates PO Box 1491 - Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 446-9031 hcsyates@yahoo.com hillcountrysuffolks.com _______________________

2330- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day Will be sired by Reserve Crossbred Ram at 2015 Midwest Sale or by Wired Up.

Information Sale Day

Randy & Susan Pirtle 397271 W 400 Rd - Copan, OK 74022 (918) 440-4553 (918) 440-5991 pcopan1@aol.com pirtlefarms.com _______________________

2334- Yearling Ewe

Pirtle Farms 1504 B: 4/1/2015 Twin

2335- March Ewe Lamb

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106 --- Page 121 ---

Pirtle Farms 1576 B: 4/2/2016



Consigned By



Bart Cardwell, Herdsman 1220 E Grand - Tonkawa, OK 74653 (580) 716-2550 bart.cardwell@noc.edu noc.edu/agriculture.sciences _______________________

Consigned By

ELLERBROCK CLUB LAMBS Jeff & Brad Ellerbrock 13383 E 2000th St - Atkinson, IL 61235 (309) 657-7515 bellerbrock@nbsmail.net ellerbrockclublambs.com _______________________

2350- Yearling Ewe


2341- April Ram Lamb Reserve Champion Natural Colored Wether Sire, 1st March Ewe Lamb from Johnson Family Show Stock sold to South Dakota at $800.

_______________________ Consigned By


Hunter Brockelman/Terrye Troxtell 455 Biggerstaff Rd - Sherman, TX 75090 (903) 821-3985 (903) 892-6821 terryetrox@gmail.com _______________________

2336- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2344- March Ewe Lamb 2345- April Ewe Lamb

2351- April Ram Lamb

2346- April Ewe Lamb


_______________________ Consigned By


Todd Wise 1825 WCR 59 - Keenesburg, CO 80643 (303) 512-3864 wiseloril@gmail.com wiseclublambs.com _______________________

Consigned By

2347- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2348- April Ewe Lamb


2338- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By


Information Sale Day


Harold E. McIlrath 3259 Sanford Ave - Laurel, IA 50141 (641) 751-8815 (641) 476-3405 _______________________

Consigned By


Gene & Garth Sweigard PO Box 109 - Halifax, PA 17032 (717) 503-0245 (717) 896-8526 gngclublambs@comcast.net gngclublambs.com _______________________

2349- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

2339- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Postmark

Information Sale Day S: Peterbilt

Travis Stroble 2149 Dove - Longton, KS 67352 (620) 205-7800 travisstroble@gmail.com clarkstroblelambs.com _______________________

2343- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Perry & Lori Middlesworth 18331 175th Ave - Fremont, IA 52561 (641) 660-3489 (641) 799-8145 middlesworth17@gmail.com middlesworthclublambs.com _______________________

Consigned By


2342- March Ewe Lamb

2337- April Ewe Lamb


Information Sale Day

2340- April Ewe Lamb Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106 --- Page 122 ---

Information Sale Day

Consigned By


Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 482-5618 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

2352- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2353- April Ewe Lamb

Find the breed names in the wordsearch below:

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--- Page 123 ---

CLUB LAMBS _______________________

*wethers only/testicles removed CLUB LAMB ENTRIES INCLUDE: Southdown, Dorset, Dorset Advantage, Hampshire, Suffolk, Shropshire, Natural Color, Speckle-Face, Crossbred *will be shown in classes by breed

Galen & Jennifer Conner 29774 E 760 Rd - Wagoner, OK 74467 (918) 805-2110 connerclublambs@gmail.com connerclublambs.com _______________________

2408- Shropshire CL

Consigned By


Harms B-55

B: 3/1/2016 S: Perfect Storm D: Bam 58 (Rodeo son) x Bullet Proof 8458 Bam is Shroyer & Maternal Brother to Trade Bait. Perfect Storm is a Scorpion son x Strange.

2402- Crossbred CL

Harms B-67

B: 3/1/16 S: Perfect Storm D: V4564 (Moxie x Mudcat) Perfect Storm is a Scorpion son x Strange.

Ralph & Melanie Horchler 238 Busy Ln - New Wilmington, PA 16142 (724) 651-6757 (724) 533-9925 msbsuffolks@embarqmail.com msbsuffolks.com _______________________

Information Sale Day S: Hired Hand 5047 Wethers will be be sired by our Riot Maker Son, Hired Hand 5047.

2414- Southdown CL

Information Sale Day S: Hired Hand 5047

_______________________ Consigned By


2410- Natural Colored CL

2415- Dorset Advantage CL

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day Will be sired by Reserve Crossbred Ram at 2015 Midwest Sale or by Wired Up.

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2416- Crossbred CL







2403- Hampshire CL Information Sale Day

2404- Natural Colored CL Information Sale Day

2405- Crossbred CL

2413- Southdown CL

2409- Suffolk CL

Consigned By

Brent Mennen 17123 E CR 250 S - Walton, IN 46994 (765) 437-6020 (574) 735-3719 mennenclublambs@aol.com mennenclublambs.com _______________________

Chaz, Breanna, Brooke Bullington 1615 Derdall Dr - Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 691-3216 (605) 692-7281 mbullfamily@swiftel.net bullingtonsouthdowns.com _______________________

Tom Moser 15534 320th Ave - Garden Grove, IA 50103 (641) 344-9679 moserclublambs@hotmail.com moserclublambs.com _______________________

Consigned By

Information Sale Day B: 4/16/2016 Twin


2401- Hampshire CL



Consigned By

Larry, Barb, and Brian Harms 27638 E 2450 N Rd - Lexington, IL 61753 (309) 825-3485 (217) 971-0698 hrmsshwlmbs@prairieinet.net _______________________

Consigned By

Consigned By




Rodney Yates PO Box 1491 - Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 446-9031 hcsyates@yahoo.com hillcountrysuffolks.com _______________________

2411- Hampshire CL

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2412- Hampshire CL

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Information Sale Day

2407- Crossbred CL

2417- Dorset CL

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Cindy Kendrick 3686 Pleasant Valley - Lead Hill, AR 72644 (870) 577-1096 (870) 577-1290 cg_farm@yahoo.com www.cgfarmsclublambs.com _______________________

2406- Crossbred CL Information Sale Day

Carl Mize PO Box 2205 - Noble, OK 73068 (405) 990-3255 camize@swbell.net _______________________

2418- Crossbred CL

Don and Alicia Wright 25250 State Hwy 413 - Galena, MO 65656 (417) 437-7381 (417) 236-2010 wrightsrockyacres@hotmail.com wrightsrockyacres.com _______________________

Consigned By

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106 --- Page 124 ---

Kendrick 1638 B: 3/7/2016 S: Big Sur 5105 D: Tank ewe 132



Consigned By


Jim & Audra Scheel 22458 389th Ave - Alpena, SD 57312 (605) 545-1521 (605) 849-3202 audra.sdjps@yahoo.com scheellivestock.com _______________________

2419- Hampshire CL

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2420- Natural Colored CL 2421- Crossbred CL

2423- Crossbred CL

Information Sale Day


2435- Crossbred CL


Ronny Parmely 21936 471st Ave - Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 695-2365 (605) 693-4965 ronny.parmely@sdstate.edu _______________________

2428- Southdown CL

Information Sale Day S: Cabaniss Annuity D: Drewry - PointBlank daughter Consigned By

Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 482-5618 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

2425- Hampshire CL

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

______________________ Consigned By


Erin Israel 1151 West Osceola Rd - Geneva, FL 32732 (407) 267-4628 (407) 267-4628 jaden0166@yahoo.com _______________________

Information Sale Day

Consigned By


Brad Amthauer 1175 Vance Ave - Beaman, IA 50609 (641) 821-0301 bradamthauer@gmail.com amthauerclublambs.com _______________________

2430- Dorset CL

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2431- Hampshire CL


B: 2/10/2016 S: Mapolyne Farms 12-14S Z 6745 D: Bowers 1310 AA 3798 Consigned By

4924 E Division Rd - Portland, IN 47371 (260) 251-1517 (260) 726-8639 bldaniels@bright.net www.danielsclublambs.com _______________________

Izzy 5



2437- Crossbred CL

Information Sale Day


Consigned By



Information Sale Day

2436- Southdown CL



Information Sale Day

2429- Southdown CL

Consigned By

2424- Crossbred CL

Information Sale Day

Consigned By

_______________________ Don Drewry 3105 250 St E - Farmington, MN 55024 (651) 894-3466 (651) 463-8578 don.drewry@frontier.com drewryclublambs.com _______________________

Gene & Garth Sweigard PO Box 109 - Halifax, PA 17032 (717) 503-0245 (717) 896-8526 gngclublambs@comcast.net gngclublambs.com _______________________

2434- Crossbred CL

Consigned By

Information Sale Day


Consigned By

2427- Crossbred CL



Dan Westlake 17183 Mackan Rd - Marysville, OH 43040 (937) 243-5111 (937) 642-2546 tandd3j@jencospeed.net _______________________


2422- Hampshire CL


Consigned By

Information Sale Day

Jeff & Brad Ellerbrock 13383 E 2000th St - Atkinson, IL 61235 (309) 657-7515 bellerbrock@nbsmail.net ellerbrockclublambs.com _______________________



Consigned By


Dan Perry 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 rockbottom@onlyinternet.net _______________________

Information Sale Day

Tim Tibbits 23376 25th Ave - New Virginia, IA 50210 (515) 249-9065 shimmeringpinesclublambs@gmail.com Facebook Shimmering Pines Club Lambs _______________________

Information Sale Day

2438- Speckle-Faced CL

2432- Hampshire CL 2433- Speckle-Faced CL

2426- Speckle-Faced CL

--- Page 125 ---

Information Sale Day S: Draxx SP 1551 D: Dani Daniels 5240

CLUB LAMBS _______________________




Consigned By

Consigned By

Loren Sell 2834 FM 2190 - Jacksboro, TX 76458 (254) 485-4966 (940) 567-5588 ljslivestockllc@gmail.com ljslivestock.com _______________________

Hannah Knapp 21623 312th St - Bloomfield, IA 52537 (641) 208-5609 hsknapp13@gmail.com _______________________

2439- Southdown CL

2447- Hampshire CL


2448- Hampshire CL

Information Sale Day

Consigned By

CONNORS STATE COLLEGE Nolan Hildebrand 700 College Rd - Warner, OK 74469 (805) 748-3828 nolanrh@okstate.edu connorsstate.edu _______________________

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2449- Crossbred CL 2450- Crossbred CL

_______________________ Consigned By


2440- Hampshire CL

B: 3/20/16 S: Si (Fate/Masterpiece) D: D452 (13/Pony)

2441- Hampshire CL

B: 3/23/16 S: Si (Fate/Masterpiece) D: NT

Heaven Kern 17266 SW Woodlawn Rd - Cache, OK 73527 (580) 591-2316 (580) 429-8347 heavenkern@hughes.net southernplainsgenetics.com _______________________

2442- Natural Colored CL

2451- Hampshire CL

B: 3/21/16 S: Si (Fate/Masterpiece) D: E080 (Puma/Hank)

2452- Crossbred CL

B: 3/28/16 S: Si (Fate/Masterpiece) D: B016 (Stud Duck/Grand Slam)

B: 3/27/16 S: Si (Fate/Masterpiece) D: P143 (POD/Wifi)

B: 3/28/16 S: Si (Fate/Masterpiece) D: D486 (Blast Off/Torch)

2443- Crossbred CL

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


2444- Crossbred CL 2445- Crossbred CL


Marty Pilger 2135 Road 20 - Wallace, KS 67761 (785) 821-2738 (785) 852-4102 mkpilger@hotmail.com _______________________

2453- Hampshire CL

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2454- Crossbred CL

Consigned By


Dan Perry & Dave Taylor 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 rockbottom@onlyinternet.net _______________________

2446- Crossbred CL

Information Sale Day

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 106 --- Page 126 ---

--- Page 127 ---


Banner The Nation’s Largest All-Breeds Sheep Magazine Subscribe Today! Call Us at 309/785-5058

See Your Midwest Sale Photos Online by TUESDAY • JUNE 28 www.bannersheepmagazine.com

“Manning the Sedalia Picture Stand Since 1978!”

Bedding Vendor - REA Farm and Bedding pre-orders recommended to radams@iland.net label orders for the Midwest Sale, provide arrival date

Primary - 660.287.6848 Secondary - 660.287.5623 Shavings, Hay & Straw Available

--- Page 136 ---

2016 Midwest Sale Vendor Map OUTSIDE BOOTHS Block 9

Block 10 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Missouri 25 Amish


Block 8 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Ketcham Equipment

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

REA Farm & Bedding

Block 11 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


Block 7 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



Petey's Ice Cream

B -- Block 15 -- A

A -- Block 14 -- B




2 Alum-Line

3 4

Profiles Livestock Show Supplies

5 6

Featherlite Mfg.


Townsend Sales PurinaHonor Chow


Truck's Place





Sharp Chuter


Signs by L&J M&M Concessions



B -- Block 13 -- A Mountain View


Block 12 1
















Midstates Wool



















--- Page 138 ---







by Barbara














(South Wall Corner)


Corner Post


Lindsay Titus


Sara's Glitz



Novel Designs




SS Planet


Block 1

Trans Ova


Block 2

Shearwell Data


Midstates Wool


Block 3


Block 4

HARSHBARGER SHARPENING 2005 E Co. Rd. 200N Center Point, IA 47840 812-835-317

Sharpening, Blades, Hand Shears, Foot Trimmer, Repair Shearing & Clipping Machine, Sales, Shearing & Show Supplies

Over 61 Years Shearing & Sharpening

Timely Service. Affordable Prices. Unique Designs. There’s a reason we’re popular! South Wall East Corner


Block 1 Lot J-L

Block 1 Lot N

Corner Post Farm “Unique Sheep Gifts” Anne Crider 32377 E. 750 N. Rd Arrowsmith, Illinois 61722 309.826.2256 or 309.727.1154 cornerpostfarm@gmail.con


Block 1 Lot M

Tri-M Al LLC providing customers with the most options and best products such as

Ultrasound Equipment Semen Storage Units Insemination Supplies Semen Processing & Packaging Lab Evaluation Equipment & Supplies



Originals by Barbara

62008 W Business 50 - California, MO 65018 573-301-7818 brbmckinz@gmail.com

Block 1 Lot I

Sheep, Farm Animals and Kids artwork is pen and ink or brush and ink on note card, scratch pads and in pictures


Ryan Habeger • 515-341-3083 ryan@showstockplanet.com

Sara’s Bling

Block 2 Lot A



Noll Ernst • 816-205-0404 noll@showstockplanet.com

316-990-8015 2120 N Hyacinth St - Wichita, KS 67203 shabanafairchild@yahoo.com

Isaiah “Bruce” Spath • 641-580-0129 spath@showstockplanet.com

Block 2 Lot N --- Page 139 ---

Shabana Fairchild, Owner

Block 2 Lot D-G


P.O. Box 1300 - Lexington, OK 73051

outbacklabs.com The Deskins (405) 527-6355

Dan Persons, Sales Rep

Block 2 Lot H-J

Block 2 Lot K-L


zane.gray@transova.com Our vision is to serve our clients by assisting them in increasing the genetic impact of their “success” in their breeding programs.


Block 2 Lot M

Block 3 Lot H-N


6471 Miller Drive, Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 656-5388



1219 W. Outer Rd - Moberly, MO 65270

Marla Stegall, Owner

ketchamssheepequipment.com Kim & Joan Ketcham - ksemsheep@hotmail.com

marlastegall@att.net In a world of animals, we help corral and feed them. Block 9 Lot 16-24

Block 8 Lot 23

stefallfab.com MissouriAmish.com “We Bring Amish Products to You”

Missouri Amish Company Kyle G. Smith, General Manager Laura CF Smith , Owner

PO Box 2091 Sedalia, MO 65302 Phone: 855-816-0246


Block 9 Lot 25

Kyle Cell: 660-829-5003


--- Page 140 ---

Block 10 Lot 24-25

mountainviewlivestock.com PH: 605-253-2018


47324 309th St Bersford, SD 57004

Block 13 Lot 1B

Wade & Lisa Steeneck

Block 14 Lot 3A-3B

Ewe-Nique Products Indoor & Outdoor Metal Art Train your lamb and goat to show, lead, and brace at the same time with the SharpChuter lamb and goat training chute.

Alex Ainger

16315 State Line Rd Harvard, IL 60033 262-749-4893 Block 14 Lot 4A

showsharp.com Larry Sharp (580) 747-1950 Drew Sharp (580) 747-2122

Block 14 Lot 5A

Leading the Sheep & Goat Industry Since 1980

Quality sheep and goat turn tables, cages, pen panels, gates and systems, as well as feeders and show equipment.


Dave Anderson, Sales Rep


46935 SD Hwy 50 - Burbank, SD 57010 (800) 842-1369

Block 15 Lot 2A.B-3A.B


profilesshowsupply.com townsendequipment.com

Block 15 Lot 5A --- Page 141 ---

Block 15 Lot 4A

Block 15 Lot 4B-5B

Sales Rep.

Taw Dunham 210-260-2265 twdunham@landolakes.com

purinamills.com Block 15 Lot 6B


with the



The IDEAL MARKET LAMB TYPE CONFERENCE, sponsored by Purina, will convene immediately after the Supreme Wether Sire Show on Thursday evening, June 23, 2016. The Conference will meet in the SE area of the show ring in the Swine Barn.

A broad spectrum of judges and breeders has been asked to participate as panelists to discuss the status of todays show ring market lamb. This will include confirmation, performance, fads, trends, breed influence, and other factors. The general lamb public is also be invited, but only the panelists will discuss the issues. The final 20 to 30 minutes will be reserved for questions from the general public. The goal is to begin a dialog of where we have been, where we are at currently, and where we need to be in the future regarding breeding lambs for the modern show ring. Grand Champion 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo Kenzie Goggin

Grand Champion 2016 Rodeo Austin Cameron Crenwelge

Grand Champion

Toree Fraze

Reserve Grand Champion 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo Blake Skidgel

Reserve Grand Champion 2015 American Royal Kyra Schinbeckler

Reserve Grand Champion 2016 NWSS Kailen Urban

2016 San Antonio Stock For more information contact: Dr.Show Kevin Burgoon, HONOR Show Chow Nutritionist

P.O. Box 20044, 12200 N. Ambassador Drive, Kansas City, MO 64195-0044 816 243 6228 Office, 651 253 8794 Cell


Reserve Supreme Champion 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo Hunter Dugan

Bronze Medallion 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo Lydia Straka


Champion Southdown 2016 San Antonio Stock Show Tristan Harbour

follow us on facebook 800-227-8941

Purina - Honor Show Chow

plus their sponsorship of the Lamb Dinner & Performance Recognition during the Larry Mead Supreme Event on Wednesday evening and sponsorship of the awards for the Wether Sire Supremes on Thursday evening Attend the NEW Purina Roundtable held following the Thursday Wether Sire Supreme selection

Show Stock Planet

Ketchum’s Sheep Equipment www.ketchamsheepequipment.com



Slack Club Lambs

Shearwell Data (RFID)

North Manchester, Indiana

www.herdboss.com www.shearwell.co.uk

Midstates Wool Growers

Tom & Val Slack


Ellerbrock Club Lambs

Brad, Lisa, Cole & Kendall Ellerbrock Jeff, Kelly

www.midstateswoolgrowers.com We would like to extend a huge Thank You to the these Sponsors of the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. We are proud to partner with you in bringing the largest and best sheep sale in North American again to Sedalia, Missouri. Thank you for seeing the value in this outstanding national event within our industry! --- Page 142 ---

North Manchester, Indiana


mental Barn se Barns

Taylor Woods th Center

Youth stock Arena

hway Patrol ce

ken Dairy ter

tle Barns


45 Lowell MohlerArmory Dr. Woods 22 Box OfficeTaylor 45 Lowell Mohler Assembly Hall Youth Center 23 MEC Building

39 Sheep Pavilion 38 LogWS/WDs Home/Senior 17Dorset Farm Bureau Advantage Lounge 40 Building FFA Building Citizens Speckle-Faced WS/WDs 39 Sheep Pavilion 18 Historic Colored WS/WDs 41 Natural State Fair Arena Administration 40 FFA Building Lambs 42 Building Swine Club Pavilion State Fair Arena Hampshire41WS/WDs 19 Grandstand 43 Midway Carnival 42 Swine Pavilion Suffolk WS/WDs 20 Pork Place Guard 44 National 43WS/WDs Midway Carnival Crossbred 21 Commercial Armory 44 National Guard

16 MO-AgDorset Theatre WS/WDs Center

12 Donnelly Arena Polled 37 Family FunDorsets 35 Beef House 13 MSF Museum Horned 36 Dorsets Center Home Economics 14 Womans Building Southdowns Building 38 Log Home/Senior 15 Boulevard Shops Shropshires Citizens Lounge 37 Family Fun

33 40 & 8 Railroad 35 Beef 10 Dr. TaylorHouse Woods Swine Pavilion (42) Car Youth Center 36 Home Hampshires Economics 34 Conservation 11 Coliseum BuildingSuffolks Building

Assembly Hall ied Industries 46 Reception Hall (10) Administrative 24 Varied Industries 46 Administrative ding houses several breed Building Offices Offices meetings & events iculture 25 Agriculture 47 Mathewson47 Mathewson Building ding Exhibition Center Exhibition Center

mercial lding Office C Building

ndstand k Place

toric inistration lding

m Bureau lding

iseum nelly Arena F Museum mans Building levard Shops -Ag Theatre

29 Children’s

7 Gerken Dairy 30 Poultry(40) & Rabbits FFA 33 Center 40 & 8Building Railroad 31 MoDOT Highway Car serves office 8 Highway Patrolas sale Gardens and Check-in animals Office 34 Conservation Expo Center Check-out purchases 9 MFA Youth Building Livestock Arena 32 4-H Building

6 Cattle Barns

32 4-H Building Barnyard


Display 2 VIP Tent & Rabbits 30 Poultry Columbias 3 Charolais Barn 27 Floriculture 31 MoDOT Highway Natural Coloreds 4 Simmental Barnand Building Gardens Rambouillets 28 Fine Arts Building 5 Horse Barns Expo Center Polypays

CHAIR LIFTTexels FIRST AID 29 Children’s Barnyard 1 Director’s Tent Tunis 26 Frisco Engine


27 Floriculture PARKING Montadales Building Dorpers FIRE HOUSE BUILDING WITH 28 Fine Arts Building WhiteAND Dorpers ELEVATOR

rolais Barn

26 Frisco Engine INFORMATION Sheep Pavilion (39) WHEELCHAIR Display BOOTH


Buildings RESTROOM FIRST AIDof Sedalia forENTRANCE the Week





ctor’s Tent Tent




--- Page 143 ---


Missouri StateFAIR Fairgrounds 2015 MISSOURI STATE MAP Map




Consigned By


Coby Farrow 10706 E Co Rd 120 - Midland, TX 79706 (432) 413-7590 farrowhampshires@gmail.com farrowhampshires.com _______________________

2507- March Ram Lamb

JFSS 6132

B: 3/2/2016 Twin S: MacFlurry D: 38 Special

2508- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2509- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

2510- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

2511- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

JFSS 6145

Supreme Champion Wether Sire, Champion Hampshire WS, Junior Champion, 1st January from Williams SLs sold to Hinton, OK at $40,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


W 8602 Kilkenney Rd - Delavan, WI 53115 (608) 289-5686 (260) 609-7369 johnsonfamilyshowstock@gmail.com johnsonfamilyshowstock.com _______________________

2501- Fall Ram Lamb


B: 12/22/2015 Twin S: MacFlurry D: JFSS

JFSS 6012

2502- Fall Ram Lamb

B: 12/23/2015 Twin S: Heart Throb D: JFSS

2503- January Ram Lamb

JFSS 6075

B: 1/16/2016 Twin S: MacFlurry D: JFSS

2504- January Ram Lamb

JFSS 6080

B: 1/16/2016 Twin S: MacFlurry D: JFSS

2505- February Ram Lamb

JFSS 6127

B: 2/2/2016 Twin S: Big Sexy D: JFSS

JFSS 6124

2506- February Ram Lamb

B: 2/21/2016 Twin S: Pucker UP D: JFSS

2519- March Ram Lamb

B: 3/20/2016 Twin S: MacFlurry D: JFSS

2520- April Ram Lamb 2521- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

2522- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

2523- March Ewe Lamb

JFSS 6014

B: 1/30/2016 Twin S: Fat Lip D: JFSS

JFSS 6017

2512- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/20/2016 Triplet S: Fat Lip D: JFSS

JFSS 6105

2513- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/2/2016 Twin S: Big Sexy D: JFSS

JFSS 6040

2514- March Ewe Lamb

B: 3/10/2016 Twin S: MacFlurry D: JFSS

JFSS 6052

2524- March Ewe Lamb 2525- March Ewe Lamb 2526- March Ewe Lamb 2527- April Ewe Lamb 2528- April Ewe Lamb 2529- April Ewe Lamb 2530- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Dave Wolf 957 E Ave - Scranton, IA 51462 (712) 830-3625 (712) 652-3887 wolfpak@netins.net wolfclublambs.com _______________________

2515- March Ewe Lamb

B: 3/15/2016 Triplet S: Fat Lip D: JFSS

JFSS 6121

2516- March Ewe Lamb

2531- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2517- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

2518- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

B: 3/15/2016 Triplet S: Fat Lip D: JFSS

2532- March Ram Lamb 2533- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

2534- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

2535- March Ewe Lamb 2536- April Ewe Lamb

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 154 --- Page 144 ---



Consigned By


Rex & Koby Cole 11281 N 1975 Rd - Elk City, OK 73466 (806) 216-1306 (580) 821-2355 colewoolies@cableone.net coleclublambs.com _______________________

2537- March Ram Lamb B: 3/1/2016 S: Hot Dam D: Cole More information on our web site.

2538- Yearling Ewe

B: 4/1/2015 S: Hot Dam D: Cabaniss

B: 4/1/2015 S: Hot Dam D: Cole

B: 3/1/2015 S: Hot Dam D: Cole

2539- Yearling Ewe 2540- Yearling Ewe 2541- January Ewe Lamb

B: 1/1/2016 S: Hot Dam D: Cole

2542- January Ewe Lamb

B: 1/1/2016 S: Hot Dam D: Cole

B: 3/1/2016 S: Hot Dam D: Cole

B: 3/1/2016 S: Hot Dam D: Cole

B: 3/1/2016 S: Hot Dam D: Cole

2543- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Roger, Marie and Lucas Parr 33425 E CR 1000 N - Mason City, IL 62664 (217) 871-4555 (217) 482-3680 rparr@frontiernet.net parrhampshires.com _______________________

2546- Yearling Ram

Parr 1522 RR

A son of Hancock 2030 Waylon, we kept to use in our own flock. We have some outstanding lambs by him. You will like him!

2547- January Ram Lamb

Parr 1604 RR

B: 1/12/2016 Single S: Parr 1153 Ollie 592111 D: Parr 1103 30823 An Olllie ram out of one of our best Classic daughters. Loads of muscle and bone!

2548- February Ram Lamb

Parr 1633

B: 2/28/2016 Twin S: Davis 2350 Apollo 599967 D: Wright 251 50320

2549- March Ram Lamb

Parr 1638 RR

Reserve Champion Hampshire Wether Sire, Senior Champion, 1st Fall from Rule Sheep Company sold to Paola, KS at $4,000.

2554- February Ewe Lamb

B: 2/2/2016 S: Davis 2350 Apollo 599967 D: Parr 1426 49694

Parr 1644 RR

2555- March Ewe Lamb

B: 3/14/2016 Twin S: Davis 2350 Apollo 599967 D: Parr 316 43145

Information Sale Day

2556- March Ewe Lamb


B: 3/2/2016 Single S: Parr 1153 Ollie 592111 D: Parr 1207 37351 Dam is the mother of the Grand Champion Premier wether at 2015 Illinois State Fair. Also watch for the Champions twin brother selling as a yearling in this sale.

2544- March Ewe Lamb

2550- March Ram Lamb

2545- March Ewe Lamb

B: 3/10/2016 Twin S: Davis 2350 Apollo 599967 D: Parr 1202 37350 This is a good set of twins. We will have a hard time picking one out.

Parr 1641 RR

2551- Yearling Ewe

Parr 1505 RR

You will like these ewes. Again, we would not sell them if it were not for health issues. Also check out our Hampshire slick-shorn ewes in the Hampshire breed sale.

2552- Yearling Ewe

Parr 1518 RR

Parr 1608 RR

2553- January Ewe Lamb

B: 1/24/2016 Twin S: Parr 1153 Ollie 592111 D: Parr 1040 25331 --- Page 145 ---

Parr 1617 RR

Consigned By


Donnie Begalka 46576 187th St - Castlewood, SD 57223 (605) 881-5056 (605) 873-9309 sbegalka@itctel.com begalkalivestock.com _______________________

2557- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2558- April Ram Lamb 2559- April Ewe Lamb 2560- April Ewe Lamb 2561- April Ewe Lamb 2562- April Ewe Lamb


HAMPSHIRE WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Brandon, Steven & Megan Blume 2225 Co Rd A - Mineral Point, WI 53565 (608) 341-6302 blumer1989@hotmail.com blumeclublambs.com _______________________

2577- January Ram Lamb Champion Hampshire Wether Dam, Senior Champion, 1st Yearling Ewe from Shroyer Show Stock sold to Crown City, OH at $7,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Matthew & Michael Hays 3427 Linn Rd - Perry, KS 66073 (785) 438-0339 hays.m@hotmail.com hbclublambs.com _______________________

2563- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day All lambs sired by Johny Cakes, YoYo or Ambush Genetics.

2564- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2565- March Ram Lamb 2566- March Ram Lamb 2567- March Ram Lamb 2568- April Ram Lamb 2569- April Ram Lamb 2570- April Ram Lamb 2571- February Ewe Lamb 2572- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

2578- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2579- February Ewe Lamb 2580- February Ewe Lamb 2581- March Ewe Lamb 2582- March Ewe Lamb 2583- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day



Shawn Jeffrey 2580 Indian Hill Rd - Cheyenne, WY 82009 (307) 421-7354 wywindyacres@gmail.com _______________________

2587- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2588- January Ewe Lamb 2589- January Ewe Lamb 2590- February Ewe Lamb 2591- February Ewe Lamb 2592- March Ewe Lamb 2593- March Ewe Lamb 2594- April Ewe Lamb 2595- April Ewe Lamb


Consigned By

Consigned By



Shane Kirschten 5060 Jefferson Ave - Alton, IA 51003 (712) 395-0377 (712) 756-8953 kirschten59@gmail.com Kirschten Sheep Farm on facebook _______________________

Rodney Yates PO Box 1491 - Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 446-9031 hcsyates@yahoo.com hillcountrysuffolks.com _______________________

2584- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Will have info and pictures on website as soon as possible. These sheep will likely be some of the least mature in class but certainly trendy and current in their design.

2585- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Pics and info on our web page as soon as possible. This gal is the best I have ever entered.

2586- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Current, Moderate, Trend, and a TRUE April. She will likely be the least mature one there.

2596- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2597- March Ram Lamb 2598- April Ram Lamb 2599- Yearling Ewe 2600- Yearling Ewe 2601- February Ewe Lamb 2602- March Ewe Lamb

2573- March Ewe Lamb

2603- March Ewe Lamb

2574- April Ewe Lamb 2575- April Ewe Lamb 2576- April Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 154 --- Page 146 ---



Consigned By


Deb & Brad Ott 50653 S Co Rd 257 - Fairview, OK 73737 (580) 794-9324 bott@pldi.net _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By


2605- February Ram Lamb

Dale Goodwin 8550 W North Ave - Ponca City, OK 74601 (580) 763-2547 dgoodwin@poncacity.net goodwinclublambs.com _______________________

2606- February Ram Lamb

2623- Yearling Ram

2607- February Ram Lamb

2624- March Ram Lamb

2604- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2608- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day We plan to bring a top Lock n Load ram lamb and ewe lambs sired by #34 that you'll like.

2609- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2610- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2611- March Ram Lamb 2612- March Ram Lamb Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2628- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason Heeg PO Box 217 - Shepherd, MT 59079 (406) 855-1478 (406) 947-2093 crazyhclambs@outlook.com crazyhclublambs.com _______________________

2616- March Ewe Lamb 2617- March Ewe Lamb

2629- Fall Ewe Lamb

2618- March Ewe Lamb

2630- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2619- March Ewe Lamb 2620- March Ewe Lamb


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Scott Schaefer 2714 N Sangre - Stillwater, OK 74075 (405) 743-5646 scott@schaefersheepandcattle.com schaefersheepandcattle.com _______________________

2621- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2622- Yearling Ewe

Randy & Susan Pirtle 397271 W 400 Rd - Copan, OK 74022 (918) 440-4553 (918) 440-5991 pcopan1@aol.com pirtlefarms.com _______________________

2634- Yearling Ram

Consigned By

Don and Alicia Wright 25250 State Hwy 413 - Galena, MO 65656 (417) 437-7381 (417) 236-2010 wrightsrockyacres@hotmail.com wrightsrockyacres.com _______________________

2635- January Ram Lamb

2632- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day



Information Sale Day

--- Page 147 ---

B: 1/10/2016 Twin S: Powercat Son - Wright 335 600427 D: BK 89 - Turner SS 4244 49920 Consigned By

Consigned By

2633- April Ewe Lamb

D&A Wright 409 RR


_______________________ Chris & Sally Thomason 20631 Morning Glory - Harrah, OK 73045 (405) 306-1554 (405) 409-6216 sathomason2823@gmail.com thomasongenetics.com _______________________

B: 3/20/2015 S: Pirtle 1349 598760 Ram D: Pirtle 886 20541 D Ewe


Pirtle Farms 1512 Titanium


2631- February Ewe Lamb

Consigned By


Consigned By


2627- March Ewe Lamb

2615- February Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day


2626- March Ewe Lamb

2614- February Ewe Lamb

Reserve Champion Hampshire Wether Dam, Junior Champion, 1st April from Ellerbrock Club Lambs sold to Bandera, TX at $3,250.

2625- March Ram Lamb

2613- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Matt, Jalene & Flint Kennedy 17994 Richland Rd - Kirkville, IA 52566 (979) 224-0081 (641) 799-8145 matt.kennedy147@gmail.com kennedyclublambs.com _______________________

2636- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day



Consigned By



Justin Hull 2205 Halltown Rd - Hartsville, TN 37074 (541) 419-3021 hullclublambs@gmail.com hullclublambs.com _______________________

Consigned By


Dwayne Fisher 17555 Hwy 95 - Wilder, ID 83676 (208) 573-2825 (208) 337-6054 dfisher@championproduce.com fisherlambs.com _______________________

2653- February Ewe Lamb

2646- February Ram Lamb

Reserve Junior Champion Hampshire Wether Sire, 1st March from Allred/Elliott sold to Sterling, CO at $3,250.

Information Sale Day Please Visit our website at fisherlambs.com or championdrive.com for lot information prior to sale.


_______________________ Consigned By

Consigned By


Chris McGolden PO Box 744 - Arapaho, OK 73620 (580) 331-9675 (580) 323-7198 amcgolden@yahoo.com AllisonMcGoldenClubLambs.com _______________________


Dan Perry 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 rockbottom@onlyinternet.net _______________________

2647- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

2637- April Ram Lamb

2648- April Ewe Lamb

2638- Yearling Ewe


2639- Yearling Ewe


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Consigned By

Bart Cardwell, Herdsman 1220 E Grand - Tonkawa, OK 74653 (580) 716-2550 bart.cardwell@noc.edu noc.edu/agriculture.sciences _______________________

2640- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Willard McLaughlin 400 CR 220 - Craig, CO 81625 (970) 629-0263 (970) 629-5982 mclaughlinsheep@gmail.com _______________________

2641- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2642- February Ewe Lamb 2643- February Ewe Lamb 2644- March Ewe Lamb 2645- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

2654- February Ewe Lamb

2650- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day S: NOC GM-272-5057 D: NOC 272 Dam NOC 272 is the twin to NOC 273. Genetically the same as the 2014 National Champion Slick Sheared Ram.

Information Sale Day S: Six Pack D: Hull 2041

2655- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Effinguud D: Hull 3013

2656- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Big Game D: Hull 2087

2657- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Big Game D: Hull 2087

2658- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Effinguud D: Hull 4010

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim & Audra Scheel 22458 389th Ave - Alpena, SD 57312 (605) 545-1521 (605) 849-3202 audra.sdjps@yahoo.com scheellivestock.com _______________________

2649- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day S: NOC GM-273-5114 D: NOC 273 This is the Full sib to the 2014 Champion Hampshire Ram in the NAILE Open Slick Sheared Division.

Information Sale Day S: Six Pack D: Hull 2041

2659- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2660- March Ewe Lamb

2651- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day S: NOC TT-386-5083 D: NOC 386 Maternal sib to our Six Shooter Ram.

2652- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

--- Page 148 ---

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 154



Consigned By


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

2661- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2662- January Ram Lamb 2663- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2664- January Ram Lamb 2665- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2666- February Ram Lamb 2667- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

2668- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2669- March Ram Lamb 2670- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

2671- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2672- April Ram Lamb 2673- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

2674- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

2675- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2676- January Ewe Lamb 2677- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day


2682- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2683- Yearling Ram 2684- Yearling Ewe 2685- Yearling Ewe 2686- Yearling Ewe 2687- Yearling Ewe 2688- Yearling Ewe 2689- Yearling Ewe 2690- Yearling Ewe 2691- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2692- February Ewe Lamb 2693- February Ewe Lamb

Kyle, Jen and Hudson Fleener 807 Beecherstown Rd Biglerville, PA 17307 (717) 304-9116 (717) 269-2500 fleenerkm@yahoo.com _______________________

2700- January Ewe Lamb

2701- February Ewe Lamb

2702- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By


Ty, Nicole, Sayde & Layne Allen 20510 E 1110 Rd - Elk City, OK 73644 (580) 225-2670 (580) 799-3394 allennl83@gmail.com allenshowlambs.com _______________________

2680- March Ewe Lamb

2698- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2699- March Ewe Lamb --- Page 149 ---

FCL 1623

B: 3/20/2016 Single S: McIlrath 30114 Shaggy 597103 D: FCL 1420 52407 This ewe lamb is super attractive in her design. She will be highly competitive on any level.

_______________________ Consigned By


Scott & Shelly Schmitz 11467 W 76th St N - Rhodes, IA 50234 (641) 485-9860 ssschmitz@partnercom.net schmitzclublambs.com _______________________

2696- April Ewe Lamb


FCL 1613

B: 2/18/2016 Twin S: Barton 2090 596138 D: FCL 1315 46303 Her full sister was second in the February class at 2015 NAILE. Her dam was a class winning ewe at NAILE.

2695- March Ewe Lamb

2697- April Ewe Lamb

FCL 1602

B: 1/15/2016 Twin S: Barton 2090 596138 D: FCL 1310 51161 This ewe lamb is a full sib to our 2016 Reserve Grand Champion market lamb at the PA Farm Show. She is also related to our class winning February ewe lamb at 2015 NAILE.

2694- March Ewe Lamb

2679- March Ewe Lamb

2681- April Ewe Lamb


Consigned By

Jim Miller 1550A CR 121 - Seagraves, TX 79359 (806) 487-6891 millerhampshires@hotmail.com _______________________

2678- February Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day


Consigned By

Information Sale Day


2703- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2704- February Ram Lamb 2705- March Ram Lamb 2706- February Ewe Lamb 2707- March Ewe Lamb

HAMPSHIRE WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By

BOOTLEGGER CLUB LAMBS Patricia Coady 1022 County Rd - Mead, NE 68041 (402) 277-6246 (402) 624-5845 mjrc3@windstream.net _______________________

2720- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2721- March Ram Lamb Reserve Senior Champion Hampshire Wether Dam, 2nd Yearling from Slack Club Lambs sold to Tiffin, OH at $22,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason Simpson 20839 CR 84 - Ault, CO 80610 (907) 371-0276 jsimpsoncl@aol.com simpsonlivestock.com _______________________

2722- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day These three ram lambs are sired by Wildman Powercat 15060. Wildman is a 4-D Large son on an Evolution daughter. All of the dams are from Guy Glasscock bloodlines consisting of 4-D Large, PBR, and a 4-D Large son.

_______________________ Consigned By


2708- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Jim Nelssen & Family 7234 Tuttle Creek Blvd Manhattan, KS 66503 (785) 200-4543 (785) 776-1407 jnelssen@ksu.edu powercatclublambs.com _______________________

Information Sale Day

2723- February Ram Lamb

2709- March Ram Lamb 2710- April Ram Lamb 2711- January Ewe Lamb 2712- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2713- February Ewe Lamb 2714- February Ewe Lamb 2715- March Ewe Lamb 2716- March Ewe Lamb 2717- April Ewe Lamb 2718- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Jeff Neal 778 East Greenfield Rd - Tiffin, OH 44883 (419) 356-0128 fjacneal@yahoo.com nealshowlambs.com _______________________

2719- January Ram Lamb

2726- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day The entries for the Midwest Ram are due early and our other April entry is only two weeks old! We are considering bringing a Wheaton Barely Legal son that is out the True Blood daughter that the Wheatons and I flushed this past year! Our keeper ram lamb, New Age Outlaw is the embryo baby out of this exact same mating!

2727- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2728- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Joel Lanier 151 CR 309 - Seminole, TX 7360 (432) 770-0483 (432) 758-9067 lanierjoel@yahoo.com lanierclublambs.com _______________________

2729- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2730- Yearling Ewe 2731- April Ewe Lamb 2732- April Ewe Lamb


2724- March Ram Lamb

Consigned By

Nelssen 16095 RR NN

B: 3/4/2016 S: Wildcat Nelssen 14125 597466 D: Nelssen 13080 42945D The Wildcat ram lambs were extremely popular at the 2015 Midwest Stud Ram Sale, thus, we saved one back just for this sale! This rams silhouette is incredible, as he is tall fronted, shallow-chested, round-bodied and massive in his top. His mother is out of 4-D Large and has produced one Reserve Grand at a State Fair! Buy with confidence!

Information Sale Day

--- Page 150 ---

Nelssen 16140 RR NN

B: 4/10/2016 S: Bonafide G Glasscock 540A 593694 D: Nelssen 14170 48530D First lamb from this dam. She was the extremely popular April born, Bonafide daughter that everyone tried to buy! We bred her back to Bonafide! He is one of the roundest-bodied, most expressive topped, biggest-hipped rams with flawless structure that we have ever raised. If you need to add power to your sheep, with show-ring presence, this one is for you!

Nelssen 16025 RR NN

B: 2/7/2016 S: Bonafide G Glasscock 540A 593694 D: G Glasscock 527 35531D What a genetic package! This is the FULL brother to Powercat (the $60,000 ram at Sedalia) and Wildcat (the son we kept)! Wildcat sired the second and sixth place March rams at the 2015 Midwest Stud Ram Sale! He is one of the biggest backed and biggest ended rams we have ever bred. The best genetic strategy we could offer!

2725- April Ram Lamb


Galen & Jennifer Conner 29774 E 760 Rd - Wagoner, OK 74467 (918) 805-2110 connerclublambs@gmail.com connerclublambs.com _______________________

2733- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day B: 4/15/2016 Twin



Consigned By

ELLERBROCK CLUB LAMBS Jeff & Brad Ellerbrock 13383 E 2000th St - Atkinson, IL 61235 (309) 657-7515 bellerbrock@nbsmail.net ellerbrockclublambs.com _______________________

2734- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2735- February Ram Lamb 2736- February Ram Lamb 2737- February Ram Lamb 2738- February Ram Lamb

2757- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2774- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2758- April Ewe Lamb 2759- April Ewe Lamb 2760- April Ewe Lamb 2761- April Ewe Lamb 2762- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Chris Meiwes 825 East 70 - Earth, TX 79031 (806) 346-3411 (806) 257-3836 chris_meiwes@yahoo.com meiwesclublambs.com _______________________

Information Sale Day

2741- March Ram Lamb 2742- April Ram Lamb

2763- April Ram Lamb

2743- April Ram Lamb

2764- April Ewe Lamb

2744- February Ewe Lamb 2745- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2765- April Ewe Lamb


Information Sale Day

Consigned By


2746- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Kalen Poe 2187 W St Rd 144-Franklin, IN 46131 (940) 600-3252 kpoelivestock@yahoo.com poehamps.com _______________________

2747- March Ewe Lamb 2748- March Ewe Lamb 2749- March Ewe Lamb

2766- January Ram Lamb

2750- March Ewe Lamb

2767- February Ram Lamb

2751- March Ewe Lamb 2752- March Ewe Lamb 2753- March Ewe Lamb 2754- March Ewe Lamb 2755- March Ewe Lamb 2756- March Ewe Lamb


Information Sale Day

2740- March Ram Lamb Information Sale Day

Consigned By

2739- March Ram Lamb


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Stefan Fink 1590 Boonesboro Rd - Winchester, KY 40391 (859) 771-8441 doubleflamb@gmail.com doublefclublambs.com _______________________

Double F 2035 54657D

B: 1/10/2015 Single S: 4D Gauge 595452 D: DF 1737 (4D Large) 41367D Full sib to the high seller in our 2014 online production sale.

2775- Yearling Ewe

Double F 2052 54663D

B: 2/2/2015 Single S: Navigator 597178 D: DF 1707 31664D

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2776- Yearling Ewe 2777- Yearling Ewe 2778- January Ewe Lamb 2779- January Ewe Lamb 2780- January Ewe Lamb 2781- February Ewe Lamb 2782- February Ewe Lamb 2783- March Ewe Lamb

2768- March Ram Lamb 2769- April Ram Lamb 2770- January Ewe Lamb 2771- February Ewe Lamb 2772- March Ewe Lamb 2773- April Ewe Lamb --- Page 151 ---

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 154



Consigned By



Clay Elliott 17422 Elm St W - Calumet, OK 73014 (575) 635-6340 lilielliott@hotmail.com allredelliott.com _______________________

Consigned By


1204 W Colorado St - Walters, OK 73572 (580) 585-3822 jdavisag@yahoo.com clublambpage.com/jimmydavis _______________________

2791- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2792- April Ram Lamb Reserve Junior Champion Hampshire Wether Dam, 1st January from Simpson Livestock sold to Kellogg, MN at $1,250.


2793- April Ewe Lamb


Consigned By


Box 95 - Belmont, WI 53510 (574) 527-0967 stevarobinson@gmail.com stevarobinson.com _______________________

Consigned By


Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 482-5618 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

2801- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Iformation Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2802- January Ram Lamb 2803- February Ram Lamb 2804- March Ram Lamb 2805- April Ram Lamb 2806- Fall Ewe Lamb 2807- January Ewe Lamb 2808- February Ewe Lamb 2809- February Ewe Lamb

2785- January Ram Lamb

2794- Yearling Ram

2786- February Ewe Lamb

2795- Yearling Ewe

2810- March Ewe Lamb

2796- Yearling Ewe

2811- April Ewe Lamb

2797- March Ewe Lamb


2798- March Ewe Lamb


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Leland Wheaton 2297 W Vermontville Hwy Charlotte, MI 48813 (517) 449-4179 (517) 543-7086 brant.wheaton@gmail.com wheatonhampshires.com _______________________

2787- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2799- April Ewe Lamb 2800- April Ewe Lamb

2788- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Consigned By

Erin Israel 1151 West Osceola Rd - Geneva, FL 32732 (407) 267-4628 jaden0166@yahoo.com _______________________

2812- March Ram Lamb

2789- February Ewe Lamb 2790- March Ewe Lamb

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 154 --- Page 152 ---

Izzy 2

B: 3/20/2016 Twin S: COOK1423 597891 D: M&M 1414 49853D



Wednesday, June 25th, 8am

National Hampshire Show Thursday, June 25th, 5pm

Great American Hampshire Cookout Swine Barn, South Show Ring hosted by American Hampshire Sheep Assn

Friday, June 26th, 8am National Hampshire Sale

Always a Crowd at the Midwest Sale!

Saturday Sale Buyers pack the Stands...

--- Page 153 ---

Please Note these


Catalog PDF and Online Searchable Catalog:

Copy of this catalog can be found online at www.midwestsale.com. You also have the online searchable catalog option to make finding sections of entries by breed or class easier.

Penning Charts:

Pen assignments are not included in this catalog, so to allow for timely printing and mailing. They will be accessible at


and posted in barns… all pens will be tagged upon consignor arrival as well.

Show and Sale Times:

The first show or sale each day will have a designated start time. Breeds will sell in the order listed on that day’s schedule with only a 5 minute break between breeds. Typically, it takes approximately one minute to sell each lot.

Online Viewing of Shows & Sales:

All shows and sales will be live streamed on www.DVAuction.com - You will need to set up an acount on the site to view the live stream. You can also register to purchase animals during the sales.

Mail Bids:

Those buyers unable to attend, or who do not wish to bid online through DVAuction can still purchase animals through “mail bid”. You may do this by contacting sale staff listed at left. Please contact them in advance of the sale, or early enough during the sale that they can assist with your bid in a timely manor.

Bedding Needs:

Bedding Vendor has asked consignors to pre-order bedding prior to arrival. Below is the information on ordering:

REA Farm & Bedding pre-orders recommended to


Designate for Midwest Sale and provide arrival date

Primary- 660.287.6848 Secondary- 660.287.5623

Procedure for Transit Animals in the designated Transit Barns:

Animals not consigned in the Midwest Sale are not allowed to be housed in the Sheep and Swine barns. Instead, they are considered transit animals and should be held in the horse barn stalls. Stalls for transit animals will now be accounted for by Midwest Sale staff. All stalls will be locked prior to sale week and can then be rented by consignors/non-consignors through sale staff in the FFA Building. Stall rent will cost $5.00 per pen per day for consignors, and $15 per pen per day for non-consignors. All rentals must be paid up front and will pay rent through Sunday following the sale. We will require renter name, address, phone number, number of sheep penned, and a brief description of animals upon pen rental. If renter chooses to empty the pen prior to Sunday, they may return to the FFA Building for a refund of days not used, allowing the pen to again be locked by sale staff. Refunds will be allowed for the day staff is informed of the empty pen through Sunday. Renters wishing to lock their transit pens will be required to furnish their own locks for this purpose. Otherwise transit animals are to be held in personal trailers, at no responsibility to the Midwest Sale or its staff. ALL TRANSIT ANIMALS MUST ALSO HAVE HEALTH PAPERS available for inspection in accordance with Missouri health standards and rules and federal law. Please put transit animals on separate health papers from sale entries.

Buyer Checkout:

CASH, CHECK, or CREDIT CARD payment on Sale Day. A convenience fee will be charged for credit card payment. After sheep are purchased, come to the airconditioned FFA Building and check out with the clerks. You will receive a list of the sheep purchased, and we will clarify any needed transfer information. Once payment is made and you have your receipt, you can obtain health papers on your purchases in the same building. It is highly recomended that all buyers obtain health papers on animals purchased. When loading, please double check that the lot numbers listed on the receipt correspond with the lot numbers painted on the animals’ backs!

Mail Bids and Credit Card purchases will be charged 5% convenience fee --- Page 154 ---

Future Sale Dates:

Always a FULL WEEK ending on the LAST SATURDAY in June!

JUNE 19-24, 2017 JUNE 18-23, 2018 JUNE 24-29, 2019 JUNE 22-27, 2020 JUNE 21-25, 2021

General Contact Information:

Midwest Sale is managed by Heartland Livestock Services, LLC. Contact them at midweststudramsale@gmail.com or through the Midwest Stud Ram Sale facebook page. You can also contact Curt Overcash, Managing Partner (info listed on the auctioneer page) or Bret Oelke, Public Relations (info listed on the ringman page).

Sale Contacts: Ringmen (Mail Bids)

Bret Oelke.................... (218) 770-2428 Andy Korb.................... (513) 312-0648 Ryan Livermont............ (507) 215-1923 Tyler Lobdell................ (815) 238-0832 Donnie Allen................ (580) 920-9867 Steve George............... (419) 306-1144 Rodney Morris............. (217) 273-5299 Joe Gonzales................ (806) 778-8927 Dennis Wood............... (937) 539-2008 Dan Houser.................. (918) 650-2462 Travis Snyder................ (309) 221-1935 Clayton Neal................ (567) 207-7296 Chris MacCauley.......... (484) 319-8376


Curt Overcash.............. (815) 210-7000 Gary Saylor.................. (937) 464-7214 Bobby Fletcher............ (806) 787-3030 Danny Westlake........... (937) 243-5111 Billy MacCauley........... (484) 612-3983

Other Sale Staff

Karey Claghorn............ (515) 229-0061 Brandan Bruce............. (515) 313-8765 Millie Moore................ (701) 541-1120 Bert Moore.................. (701) 541-5035 Mary Anne Keck.......... (417) 844-5895 Tricia Schneidermeyer... (636) 295-7224 Rob Frost..................... (740) 505-4858

To email paperwork during sale week, send to: midweststudramsale@gmail.com To fax paperwork during sale week, send to: (888) 371-3363

Word List:

Begalka McGolden


Texel Polypay Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Brood Ewe Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb

Name:_______________________________ Date:_____________

Polled Dorset Horned Dorset

Yearling Ram Word List: Early Fall Ram Lamb (9-1 to 9-30) Late Fall Ram Lamb (10-1 to 11-30) Begalka Slack Turner Ellerbrock Winter Ram Lamb (12-1 to 1-31) Spring Ram Lamb (2-1 & after) McGolden McLaughlin Harms SLICK Ram Lamb (9-1Johson & after) Fall Yearling Ewe Spring Yearling Ewe SLICK Yearling Ewe Early Fall Ewe Lamb (9-1 to 9-30) Late Fall Ewe Lamb (10-1 to 11-30) SLICK Fall Ewe Lamb (9-1 to 11-30) Winter Ewe Lamb (12-1 to 1-31) Spring Ewe Lamb (2-1 & after) SLICK Winter/Spring Ewe Lamb (12-1 & after)

WETHER SIRES & DAMS Dorsets, Dorset Advantage, Hampshires, Suffolks,

*above 4 must have registration papers

Natural Colored, Speckle-Faced, Crossbreds

Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb April Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb April Ewe Lamb


*wethers only/testicles removed Southdown, Dorset, Dorset Advantage, Hampshire, Suffolk, Shropshire, Natural Color, Speckle-Face, Crossbred *For Club Lamb entries place

Club Lamb in breed, then breed in class --- Page 155 ---

Cabaniss Simpson Taylor Farrow

Slack Turner Ellerbrock Cabaniss Simpson McGolden Johson McLaughlin Harms Taylor Farrow

Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Pen of Yearling Ewes Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb Pen of Ewe Lambs

Make your own worksheets online @ www.atozteacherstuff.com


Katahdin Dorper White Dorper

FIll in the word shapes puzzles with these well known consiignor last names...

*All Shropshire breeding sheep and wether sires/dams show and sell together

Yearling Ram SLICK Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb SLICK Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb SLICK January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb SLICK February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb SLICK March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe SLICK Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb SLICK Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb SLICK January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb SLICK February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb SLICK March Ewe Lamb


Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb

Suffolk Hampshire Montadale

Turner Ellerbrock McLaughlin Harms

Fun & G

Corriedale Columbia Rambouillet Natural Colored Tunis Southdown Shropshire

Slack Johson


Cabanis Taylor


SUFFOLK WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Champion Suffolk Wether Dam, 1st January from Slack Club Lambs sold to Atglen, PA at $3,250.

_______________________ Consigned By


Bart Cardwell, Herdsman 1220 E Grand - Tonkawa, OK 74653 (580) 716-2550 bart.cardwell@noc.edu noc.edu/agriculture.sciences _______________________

2901- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day S: NOC TT-151-5050 D: NOC 151 Champion Suffolk Ram at the 2015 Tulsa State Fair Open Show and 2nd at NAILE.

2902- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day S: NOC 6-2036-5007 D: NOC 2036

Information Sale Day

2903- Yearling Ewe

_______________________ Consigned By


Ralph & Melanie Horchler 238 Busy Ln - New Wilmington, PA 16142 (724) 651-6757 (724) 533-9925 msbsuffolks@embarqmail.com msbsuffolks.com _______________________

2904- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2905- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By


Chris & Sally Thomason 20631 Morning Glory - Harrah, OK 73045 (405) 306-1554 (405) 409-6216 sathomason2823@gmail.com thomasongenetics.com _______________________

Don and Alicia Wright 25250 State Hwy 413 - Galena, MO 65656 (417) 437-7381 (417) 236-2010 wrightsrockyacres@hotmail.com wrightsrockyacres.com _______________________

2914- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

2906- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

D&A Wright BL 115 RR NN 635255 B: 3/17/2015 Twin

S: D&A Wright 282 QR/NN 628434 D: D&A Wright 201 RR/NN 619685

D&A Wright 416

2915- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Rodney Yates PO Box 1491 - Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 446-9031 hcsyates@yahoo.com hillcountrysuffolks.com _______________________

2907- January Ram Lamb

B: 1/9/2016 Twin S: D&A Wright BL109 Dam Wright 635258 D: Red 35 - Slack 2416 RR/NN 616432

2908- January Ram Lamb

2916- Yearling Ram

2917- March Ewe Lamb

D&A Wright 423 RR NN

B: 1/10/2016 S: D&A Wright BL109 Dam Wright 635258 D: D&A Wright 0148 610630

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day


2909- February Ram Lamb

Consigned By


D&A Wright 424 RR NN B: S: D:

2/3/2016 Twin D&A Wright BL109 Dam Wright 635258 Red 55 D&A Wright 202 RR/NN 619686

Chris McGolden PO Box 744 - Arapaho, OK 73620 (580) 331-9675 (580) 323-7198 amcgolden@yahoo.com AllisonMcGoldenClubLambs.com _______________________

2910- January Ewe Lamb

D&A Wright 408 RR NN B: 1/13/2016 S: Dam Wright635258 D: NOC HI-723-394 596586

2911- January Ewe Lamb

2918- Yearling Ewe


D&A Wright 431 RR NN B: S: D:

Consigned By


1/19/2016 Twin D&A Wright BL109 Dam Wright 635258 Red 59 D&A Wright 196 RR/NN 619684

Hunter Brockelman/Terrye Troxtell 455 Biggerstaff Rd - Sherman, TX 75090 (903) 821-3985 (903) 892-6821 terryetrox@gmail.com _______________________

2912- February Ewe Lamb

D&A Wright 426 RR NN

B: 2/8/2016 Twin S: D&A Wright BL109 Dam Wright 635258 D: BK 69 - Blume CLs 1425 RR/NN

2913- February Ewe Lamb

D&A Wright 428 RR NN

B: 2/8/2016 Twin S: D&A Wright BL109 Dam Wright 635258 D: BK 69 - Blume CLs 1425 RR/NN

--- Page 156 ---

Information Sale Day

2919- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2920- Yearling Ewe 2921- Yearling Ewe 2922- April Ewe Lamb



Consigned By


Randy & Susan Pirtle 397271 W 400 Rd - Copan, OK 74022 (918) 440-4553 (918) 440-5991 pcopan1@aol.com pirtlefarms.com _______________________

2924- Yearling Ewe

Pirtle 1509

B: 3/15/2015 Twin S: Pirtle Farms 727 607930 D: Pirtle Farms 502 507555

Pirtle Farms 1451

2925- Yearling Ewe

B: 2/10/2015 S: Pirtle Farms 727 607930 D: Pirtle Farms 1010 603600



Consigned By

Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

Willard McLaughlin 400 CR 220 - Craig, CO 81625 (970) 629-0263 (970) 629-5982 mclaughlinsheep@gmail.com _______________________

Pirtle Farms 1536

B: 3/1/2016 Twin S: Pirtle Farms 1075 630940 D: Pirtle Farms 1010 603600 This is a great young ram prospect!


Consigned By

2923- March Ram Lamb


2930- Yearling Ram Information Sale Day

2943- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

2944- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

2945- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

2946- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

2947- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

2948- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

2949- February Ewe Lamb

2931- March Ram Lamb 2932- Yearling Ewe 2933- February Ewe Lamb 2934- February Ewe Lamb 2935- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2926- March Ewe Lamb

2936- March Ewe Lamb


Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Pirtle Farms 1554

B: 3/10/2016 Twin S: Pirtle Farms 1075 630940 D: Pirtle Farms 1113 613225

Consigned By

2927- March Ewe Lamb

Kirby & Ruth Joy 5130 F Rd - Dunbar, NE 68346 (402) 209-1207 animalmd@outlook.com _______________________

Pirtle 1572

B: 3/10/2016 Twin S: Pirtle Farms 1075 630940 D: Pirtle Farms 1354 627748

_______________________ Consigned By


4924 E Division Rd - Portland, IN 47371 (260) 251-1517 (260) 726-8639 bldaniels@bright.net danielsclublambs.com _______________________

2928- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2929- February Ewe Lamb

2950- March Ewe Lamb 2951- March Ewe Lamb 2952- March Ewe Lamb

2937- January Ram Lamb

2953- April Ewe Lamb

2938- January Ram Lamb


2939- January Ram Lamb


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2940- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Four heavy boned January ram lambs. Sired by either Slack 401 - Cooper or Hindmans Duck. Will be RRNN.

2941- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

2942- January Ewe Lamb

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 154 --- Page 157 ---

Consigned By

Riley Foster 2130 Faculty Row - Muskogee, OK 74403 (918) 441-5775 fosteralanjoe@gmail.com _______________________

2954- Yearling Ram

Foster 9285


B: 3/7/2015 Single S: Foster RJF P21 615751 D: Foster10-0125 592812 Super Suffolk look in a modern type wether sheep. Very unique.



Consigned By



Brandon, Steven & Megan Blume 2225 Co Rd A - Mineral Point, WI 53565 (608) 341-6302 blumer1989@hotmail.com www.blumeclublambs.com _______________________

Consigned By


Champion Crossbred Wether Sire, 1st March from Ellerbrock Club Lambs sold to Wamego, KS at $8,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Coby Farrow 10706 E Co Rd 120 - Midland, TX 79706 (432) 413-7590 farrowhampshires@gmail.com farrowhampshires.com _______________________

Tom Moser 15534 320th Ave - Garden Grove, IA 50103 (641) 344-9679 moserclublambs@hotmail.com moserclublambs.com _______________________

3023- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

3010- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3011- January Ewe Lamb 3012- January Ewe Lamb 3013- February Ewe Lamb 3014- March Ewe Lamb 3015- April Ewe Lamb


3001- Yearling Ewe

Consigned By


Information Sale Day

3002- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Kaci Keitzer 14901 240th St - Mediapolis, IA 52637 (319) 572-4247 (319) 572-4247 kkeitzer@iastate.edu _______________________

3003- March Ewe Lamb 3004- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3005- April Ewe Lamb

3016- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


3006- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Ty, Nicole, Sayde & Layne Allen 20510 E 1110 Rd - Elk City, OK 73644 (580) 225-2670 (580) 799-3394 allennl83@gmail.com allenshowlambs.com _______________________

3007- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3008- February Ewe Lamb 3009- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Heaven Kern 17266 SW Woodlawn Rd - Cache, OK 73527 (580) 591-2316 (580) 429-8347 heavenkern@hughes.net southernplainsgenetics.com _______________________

3024- March Ram Lamb 3025- April Ram Lamb 3026- January Ewe Lamb 3027- February Ewe Lamb 3028- March Ewe Lamb 3029- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By

DARRELL & PAM HOWARD 20605 N Pine - Mulhall, OK 73063 (405) 747-5398 (405) 747-6727 howardsheepfarm@yahoo.com _______________________

3030- Yearling Ewe

3031- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day


Mark Huntrods 73671 305th St - Collins, IA 50055 (641) 485-6584 mahuntrods@gmail.com _______________________

3019- March Ram Lamb

3021- March Ewe Lamb 3022- April Ewe Lamb --- Page 158 ---

B: 2/17/2015 Twin S: Player D: 586922 D Howard 9050 RR/NN Consigned By

3018- Yearling Ram

3020- March Ewe Lamb

Howard 5078


3017- Yearling Ram

Howard 5049 RR NN

B: 2/9/2015 Twin S: Player 55669 OKL60355 RR/NN D: D Howard OKL67829 RR/NN We have a consistent set of Player daughters that have balanced muscular expression and unlimited eye appeal.

3032- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day



Consigned By



Larry, Barb, and Brian Harms 27638 E 2450 N Rd - Lexington, IL 61753 (309) 825-3485 (217) 971-0698 hrmsshwlmbs@prairieinet.net _______________________

Consigned By


Hannah Knapp 21623 312th St - Bloomfield, IA 52537 (641) 208-5609 hsknapp13@gmail.com _______________________

3033- February Ram Lamb

Harms R-65

B: 2/3/2016 S: Chicken Hawk D: June x Medicine Man (Poe) Chicken Hawk was the first place February Ram Lamb from the 2015 Midwest Stud Ram Sale, bred by Middleworths and maternal brother to Ratchet.

3034- March Ram Lamb

Harms R-87 RR NN

B: 3/6/2016 S: Chicken Hawk D: Bullet Proof 8458 x Guywire

Harms R-187 RR NN

3035- March Ram Lamb

B: 3/2/2016 S: Chicken Hawk D: Keystone (Hill Country) x Bart (Simpson)

3045- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3046- January Ewe Lamb 3047- January Ewe Lamb

3049- February Ewe Lamb 3050- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Information Sale Day

Brent Mennen 17123 E CR 250 S - Walton, IN 46994 (765) 437-6020 (574) 735-3719 mennenclublambs@aol.com mennenclublambs.com _______________________

3037- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3038- April Ram Lamb 3039- Yearling Ewe

Harms P-44

B: 4/9/2015 S: G-Man Nichols D: Churchill (Hancock 328 x Profile (Harms) G-Man is a White Rock grandson. Dam Harms 328 is a granddaughter of the great Star ewe. Star is the mother to Harms 2000 and Starbuck. We are keeping her twin. These were my bottle babies

3040- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

3041- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

3048- February Ewe Lamb

3036- April Ram Lamb

Supreme Champion Wether Dam, Champion Crossbred WD, 1st February from Allen Show Lambs sold to Hawarden, IA at $11,000.

3051- Yearling Ram

Cindy Kendrick 3686 Pleasant Valley - Lead Hill, AR 72644 (870) 577-1096 (870) 577-1290 cg_farm@yahoo.com cgfarmsclublambs.com _______________________

3059- March Ram Lamb

B: 3/10/2016 AI S: Captain America 1 D: Mob Boss 1029

Kendrick 1632

3060- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

B: 3/2/2016 S: Perfect Storm D: V4480 Moxie x Marcantel

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

B: 3/13/2016 Twin S: Big Sur 5105 D: Haggard 1332

Kendrick 1645

3052- February Ram Lamb

3061- April Ewe Lamb

3053- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3054- February Ewe Lamb

B: 4/2/2016 Twin S: Big Sur 5105 D: Integrity 1250

_______________________ Consigned By

3055- March Ewe Lamb


Fred Knop 64131 630th St - Atlantic, IA 50022 (712) 249-5864 fjbllamb@netins.net fredknopfamily.com _______________________

Harms B-44

Kendrick 1627

3042- April Ewe Lamb

3062- January Ram Lamb

3043- April Ewe Lamb

3063- January Ewe Lamb

3044- April Ewe Lamb

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 154 --- Page 159 ---

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3064- February Ewe Lamb


CROSSBRED WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Don and Alicia Wright 25250 State Hwy 413 - Galena, MO 65656 (417) 437-7381 (417) 236-2010 wrightsrockyacres@hotmail.com wrightsrockyacres.com _______________________

3071- January Ram Lamb

D&A Wright 396 RR NN

B: 1/3/2016 Twin S: Amthauer Buck Obnoxious (Kool-aid son) D: Red 3

D&A Wright 432 RR NN

1st February Crossbred Wether Sire from Middlesworth Club Lambs sold to Chatham, IL at $20,000.


3072- January Ewe Lamb

Consigned By


Perry & Lori Middlesworth 18331 175th Ave - Fremont, IA 52561 (641) 660-3489 (641) 799-8145 middlesworth17@gmail.com middlesworthclublambs.com _______________________

3065- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3066- February Ram Lamb 3067- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


B: S: D:

D&A Wright 437 QR NN

3073- February Ewe Lamb

B: S: D:

D&A Wright 434 QR NN

Information Sale Day

3069- April Ram Lamb

2/12/2016 Twin D&A Wright BL109 Dam Wright 635258 Black 74 Shroyer (BA-100 son X Picasso) Consigned By


Gene & Garth Sweigard PO Box 109 - Halifax, PA 17032 (717) 503-0245 (717) 896-8526 gngclublambs@comcast.net gngclublambs.com _______________________

Information Sale Day S: Kool River


Information Sale Day S: Kool River

Information Sale Day S: Kool River

Information Sale Day S: Kool River

Jason Heeg PO Box 217 - Shepherd, MT 59079 (406) 855-1478 (406) 947-2093 crazyhclambs@outlook.com crazyhclublambs.com _______________________

3070- Fall Ewe Lamb


Katrina Johnston 4440 SW 5th Ave - New Plymouth, ID 83655 (208) 412-7960 (208) 695-6811 gary@johnstonclublambs.com johnstonclublambs.com _______________________

3079- Yearling Ewe

3076- February Ewe Lamb 3077- February Ewe Lamb 3078- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

--- Page 160---

Johnston 5347

B: 3/18/2015 Twin S: Mountain Man (Puma x Dog) NA D: Thea (Bulldog - Dog) NA This is one of only two Mountain Man (2013 Midwest Stud Ram Sale high selling ram) daughters we are selling this year. After we lost him in January, all but one (the other one sold this year) of his ewe lambs went straight to the keeper pen. This yearling has Dog on both sides of her pedigree. She is big hipped, big topped and has that trademark Mountain Man ditch down her back and is ready to be a game changer for you like Mountain Man was for us.

3080- January Ewe Lamb

Johnston 6100

B: 1/24/2016 Single S: Pony Boy (Mountain Man x Lou) D: C413 (Blast Off x Johnson No Tag) Grooved topped and shaggy. Mountain Man granddaughter.

3081- January Ewe Lamb

Johnston 6604

B: 1/8/2016 Triplet S: Ray Bans (Little Ray x 100) D: 4510 (Rocky Top x Zeus) Great body, big ribbed, huge topped and fuzzy. She is out of a set of triplet ewe lambs or we wouldn't be selling her. The Rocky Top (Trigger X Triple Play x Grand Slam) ewes have been great performers in our flock.

_______________________ Consigned By


Donnie Begalka 46576 187th St - Castlewood, SD 57223 (605) 881-5056 (605) 873-9309 sbegalka@itctel.com begalkalivestock.com _______________________

3075- January Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By

B: S: D:


3068- March Ram Lamb Information Sale Day

2/20/2016 Twin The Amthauer Buck Obnoxious: Kool-aid Red 33

3074- February Ewe Lamb

Matt, Jalene & Flint Kennedy 17994 Richland Rd - Kirkville, IA 52566 (979) 224-0081 (641) 799-8145 matt.kennedy147@gmail.com kennedyclublambs.com _______________________

1/19/2016 Twin Shag Meister Slack 5266 (Ringside X Slack D&A Wright BL 120 635251

Consigned By

3082- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day



Consigned By



Joe Harrell 24848 W Gore Blvd - Indiahoma, OK 73552 (580) 695-1767 (580) 591-1091 rhoads.tyler@yahoo.com joeharrellclublambs.com _______________________

Consigned By


Willard McLaughlin 400 CR 220 - Craig, CO 81625 (970) 629-0263 (970) 629-5982 mclaughlinsheep@gmail.com _______________________

3083- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3084- February Ram Lamb 3085- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

3086- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

3087- Yearling Ewe

3102- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Reserve Champion Crossbred Wether Dam, 2nd February from Harrell Club Lambs sold to Springdale, AR at $4,100.

Information Sale Day


3103- March Ewe Lamb 3104- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3105- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

3106- February Ewe Lamb

3088- Yearling Ewe

Consigned By

Brent Titus 81 230th St - Alexis, IL 61412 (217) 292-3550 (217) 549-0165 titusclublambs@gmail.com titusclublambs.com _______________________

3089- Yearling Ewe 3090- Yearling Ewe 3091- Yearling Ewe 3092- January Ewe Lamb 3093- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3107- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3108- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

3109- March Ewe Lamb

3094- February Ewe Lamb 3095- March Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

Ralph & Melanie Horchler 238 Busy Ln - New Wilmington, PA 16142 (724) 651-6757 (724) 533-9925 msbsuffolks@embarqmail.com msbsuffolks.com _______________________

3096- March Ewe Lamb 3097- March Ewe Lamb 3098- April Ewe Lamb 3099- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3101- February Ewe Lamb

Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

3110- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3111- January Ram Lamb 3112- January Ram Lamb 3113- February Ram Lamb 3114- March Ram Lamb 3115- March Ram Lamb 3116- Yearling Ewe

_______________________ Consigned By

Information Sale Day


Jim & Audra Scheel 22458 389th Ave - Alpena, SD 57312 (605) 545-1521 (605) 849-3202 audra.sdjps@yahoo.com scheellivestock.com _______________________

Information Sale Day Sired by the Reserve Crossbred Ram at 2015 Midwest Stud Ram Sale or by Wired Up.

Kirby & Ruth Joy 5130 F Rd - Dunbar, NE 68346 (402) 209-1207 animalmd@outlook.com _______________________

3100- January Ewe Lamb

Consigned By


3117- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3118- Yearling Ewe Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 154 --- Page 161 ---

3119- February Ewe Lamb



Consigned By



Garrett Peterson 1631 E Ave - Scranton, IA 51462 (712) 830-9270 (712) 652-3569 crpeterson@netins.net _______________________

Consigned By


Marty Pilger 2135 Road 20 - Wallace, KS 67761 (785) 821-2738 (785) 852-4102 mkpilger@hotmail.com _______________________

3130- January Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Mason Burkett 2207 185th St - Grand Junction, IA 50107 (515) 370-5704 burkettma@greenecountycsd.net _______________________

3120- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

3121- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3122- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Information Sale Day


Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Jeff & Brad Ellerbrock 13383 E 2000th St - Atkinson, IL 61235 (309) 657-7515 bellerbrock@nbsmail.net ellerbrockclublambs.com _______________________

Information Sale Day

3145- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

3146- January Ewe Lamb

3132- February Ewe Lamb

3134- March Ewe Lamb 3135- March Ewe Lamb 3136- April Ewe Lamb 3137- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day All entries will be sired by Roc-A-Feller the 2014 Midwest Sale Reserve Supreme Wether Sire co-owned with Ellerbrocks or another Eroc son, Roc N On, an April lamb purchased here last year, also co-owned with Ellerbrocks.

_______________________ Consigned By


Scott & Shelly Schmitz 11467 W 76th St N - Rhodes, IA 50234 (641) 485-9860 ssschmitz@partnercom.net schmitzclublambs.com _______________________

Information Sale Day

3139- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

3140- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

3141- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

3142- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3126- March Ram Lamb 3127- March Ram Lamb 3128- Yearling Ewe

Consigned By

3133- February Ewe Lamb

3138- Yearling Ram

3125- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Revolver

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3124- February Ram Lamb

3144- February Ewe Lamb

Travis Stroble 2149 Dove - Longton, KS 67352 (620) 205-7800 travisstroble@gmail.com clarkstroblelambs.com _______________________

Information Sale Day S: Revolver

Information Sale Day


3123- Fall Ram Lamb

3131- January Ewe Lamb 2nd Yearling Crossbred Wether Sire from Slack Club Lambs sold to Van Alstyne, TX at $13,000.

3143- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3147- February Ewe Lamb 3148- February Ewe Lamb 3149- March Ewe Lamb 3150- March Ewe Lamb 3151- March Ewe Lamb 3152- March Ewe Lamb 3153- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

3154- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

3155- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3129- March Ewe Lamb

--- Page 162 ---



Consigned By

BOOTLEGGER CLUB LAMBS Patricia Coady 1022 County Rd - Mead, NE 68041 (402) 277-6246 (402) 624-5845 mjrc3@windstream.net _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By


3162- Yearling Ewe

3174- April Ewe Lamb

3163- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

B: 1/3/2015 Single S: Great Scott N/A D: DF 1804 (Mr. June) N/A

Double F 2017

Consigned By


3165- April Ewe Lamb

Wes McCurry PO Box 414 - Jacksboro, TX 76458 (817) 266-3629 mccurryclublambs@gmail.com mccurryclublambs.com _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By


Todd Wise 1825 WCR 59 - Keenesburg, CO 80643 (303) 512-3864 wiseloril@gmail.com wiseclublambs.com _______________________

Information Sale Day S: Cabaniss Annuity D: Drewry - PointBlank daughter


3164- April Ewe Lamb

3157- Yearling Ewe Double F 2006


Don Drewry 3105 250 St E - Farmington, MN 55024 (651) 894-3466 (651) 463-8578 don.drewry@frontier.com drewryclublambs.com _______________________

Stefan Fink 1590 Boonesboro Rd - Winchester, KY 40391 (859) 771-8441 doubleflamb@gmail.com doublefclublambs.com _______________________


Consigned By

Joel Lanier 151 CR 309 - Seminole, TX 7360 (432) 770-0483 (432) 758-9067 lanierjoel@yahoo.com lanierclublambs.com _______________________

Bootlegger 1501

B: 5/8/2015 Twin S: Bonafie Powercat Club D: Hazel Nathan 1000 (by Golden Gun) This is a young yearling, born in May. His mother Hazel was a very successful 4-H market lamb that always stood in the top of the class. While Catherine was working at Powercat Club Lambs, Jim Nelssen was nice enough to allow us to breed Hazel to Bonafide.


Consigned By

3156- Yearling Ram


3175- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3176- April Ewe Lamb


3166- January Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3159- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

3160- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

3177- Yearling Ewe

3161- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

3178- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

3179- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

3180- March Ewe Lamb

3158- Yearling Ewe

B: 1/7/2015 Twin S: #Hashtag N/A D: DF 1805 (4D Large) N/A


3167- January Ewe Lamb

Po Box 823 - 4597 N 2830 Rd Hennessey, OK 73742 580-512-1438 ccharmasson@hotmail.com charmassonclublambs.com _______________________

3168- February Ewe Lamb 3169- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

3170- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

3171- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3172- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

3173- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3181- April Ewe Lamb

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 154 --- Page 163 ---

CROSSBRED WS/WD _______________________




Consigned By

Galen & Jennifer Conner 29774 E 760 Rd - Wagoner, OK 74467 (918) 805-2110 connerclublambs@gmail.com connerclublambs.com _______________________

3182- February Ram Lamb

3188- April Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

3183- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3184- February Ewe Lamb 3185- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By



Caleb & Seth Stone 900844 Oak Ridge Dr - Chandler, OK 74834 (405) 612-1720 (405) 258-0772 sheepman_cs@hotmail.com _______________________ Information Sale Day

3186- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3190- February Ram Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim Sloan 4944 Ganges 5 Points Rd - Shelby, OH 44875 (419) 545-5866 hskmasloan@aol.com sloanclublambs.com _______________________

Bedding Vendor -

3191- March Ewe Lamb

REA Farm and Bedding

3192- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Primary- 660.287.6848 Secondary- 660.287.5623

Information Sale Day

B: 4/5/16 S: Si (Fate/Masterpiece) D: P144 (Puma/185 Stizlein)

_______________________ Consigned By


Robby Blakley PO Box 74 - Perrin, TX 76486 (940) 229-1994 robby.blakley@hotmail.com blakleyclublambs.com _______________________

3197- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3198- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 482-5618 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

3199- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3200- March Ewe Lamb 3201- April Ewe Lamb

3193- April Ewe Lamb


pre-orders recommended to radams@iland.net label orders for the Midwest Sale, provide arrival date

3196- April Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

Nolan Hildebrand 700 College Rd - Warner, OK 74469 (805) 748-3828 nolanrh@okstate.edu connorsstate.edu _______________________


3189- February Ram Lamb

3187- March Ewe Lamb


Information Sale Day B: 4/16/2016 Single S: Power Cat (Unleaded Son) D: Ott Gator Ewe Sire was class winning February Ram Lamb at the 2013 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.

Dwayne Fisher 17555 Hwy 95 - Wilder, ID 83676 (208) 573-2825 (208) 337-6054 dfisher@championproduce.com fisherlambs.com _______________________ Information Sale Day Please visit our website at fisherlambs.com or championdrive.com for lot information prior to sale.

Consigned By

Consigned By

Brad Amthauer 1175 Vance Ave - Beaman, IA 50609 (641) 821-0301 bradamthauer@gmail.com amthauerclublambs.com _______________________


Consigned By


Harold E. McIlrath 3259 Sanford Ave - Laurel, IA 50141 (641) 751-8815 (641) 476-3405 _______________________

3194- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Information Sale Day

3195- February Ewe Lamb

--- Page 164 ---

Sale Reminders and Information Check out Page 154

Fun & Games Get the lamb back to the Swine Barn before the Sale starts...


www.midwestsale.com --- Page 165 ---


ASPEN MOUNTAIN KATAHDINS......................... Butte, MT.................................63-69 BB FARMS.............................................................. Woodbine, MD................... 118-127 BUCKEYE ACRES................................................... VanWert, OH....................... 132-135 COUNTRY OAK RANCH........................................ New Iberia, LA...............................62 CRAIG FARMS KATAHDINS.................................. Paw Paw, MI.............................72-77 D & J SMITH KATAHDINS..................................... Earl Park, IN......................... 175-180 DOSCHS TMD KATAHDINS.................................. Frederick, SD....................... 157-160 DYER FAMILY KATAHDINS................................... Chrisney, IN......................... 161-166 FRANCIS FAMILY FARMS..................................... Paris, MO............................. 128-131 HARKER FARMS.................................................... Mountain Grove, MO...................85 JULIAN AND MOORE SHEEP............................... Rootstown, OH...................... 92-102 KADEL, JOYCE........................................................ Joy, IL................................... 199-201 LAZY B LIVESTOCK................................................ Prague, OK.......................... 107-112 LIMERICK FARMS................................................. Tipton, OK........................... 113-117 LINCOLN UNIVERSITY.......................................... Jefferson City, MO............... 197-198 LUZON FARM........................................................ Bonnots Mill, MO....................70-71 MEADOWLARK FARM.......................................... Sedgwick, KS.................................51 PIPESTONE KATAHDINS....................................... Pipestone, MN.................... 136-156 POYNTER SHEEP FARM....................................... Paris, IL................................ 185-193 PRAIRIE LANE FARM............................................ Centralia, MO...........................18-35 PRAIRIE LANE FARM - COOPER GEHRING........ Centralia, MO................................17 PROFFITT LIVESTOCK.......................................... Richmond, MO.........................49-50 RACK OF LAMB CORRAL...................................... Windorn, KS.............................36-48 RIVIERA..................................................................Cable, OH............................ 167-173 ROWDY MOUNTAIN FARM................................. Long Lane, MO.........................86-91 SHAUCK LIVESTOCK FARM................................. Eldon, MO........................... 194-196 SHEPHERDS GARDEN.......................................... Galesburg, IL....................... 181-184 SILVER MAPLE SHEEP FARM............................... Rose Hill, VA.............................52-61 SPRABERRY ACRES............................................... Royce City, TX...........................11-16 STURDY POST RANCH.......................................... Ward, SD..................................78-84 WALKING C RANCH.............................................. Amity, MO...................................174 WINDER, CLAY...................................................... Butler, MO........................... 103-106


3J FARMS............................................................... New Holland, IL................... 266-269 ABELL-MURDOCK MONTADALES...................... Aurora, OR.......................... 257-258 BAUGH & DUNN................................................... Middletown, MO................ 292-294 CLAYMAN MONTADALES.................................... Hutchinson, KS.................... 271-279 COERS, AUSTIN..................................................... New Holland, IL...........................270 EKERN MONTADALES.......................................... Mexico, MO......................... 305-309 GANN FARMS........................................................ Leaf River, IL........................ 310-312 MARSHALL SHEEP FARM.................................... Monticello, IL...................... 313-316 MILLER FARMS..................................................... Bruce, SD............................. 259-265 MOENTER MONTADALES................................... Akron, OH............................ 280-284 MUMM MONTADALES........................................ White Heath, IL................... 298-304 MY MONTADALES................................................ Brookings, SD...................... 251-256 PETEFISH MONTADALES..................................... Virginia, IL............................ 317-320 POPPEN MONTADALES....................................... DeSmet, SD......................... 295-297 RHOADES MONTADALES.................................... Centralia, MO...................... 285-288 TERRELL/ALLART MONTADALES........................ New Castle, IN..................... 290-291 VanHORN, JANSYN............................................... Garfield, KS..................................289


CMI DORPERS....................................................... Jenkins, MO................................443 DEER RUN RANCH.................................................. Mountain Grove, MO......... 437-442 DRY CREEK DORPERS........................................... Leesburg, OH...................... 427-431 HIJO DORPERS...................................................... Amity, OR............................ 401-407 HOLMAN DORPERS................................................ Sonora, TX........................... 434-436 LOBDELL DORPERS.............................................. Freeport, IL..................................408 MISSOURI DORPERS............................................ Albany, MO.......................... 409-413 RIVERWOOD FARMS............................................ Powell, OH........................... 414-426 WILLOWCREEK FARMS........................................ Webberville, MI.................. 432-433

White Dorpers

BUCKEYE ACRES................................................... VanWert, OH....................... 510-514 CMI DORPERS....................................................... Jenkins, MO........................ 548-550 COYOTE CREEK FARMS........................................ Siloam Springs, AR.............. 545-547 HIJO DORPERS...................................................... Amity, OR............................ 501-507 JBJ LIVESTOCK....................................................... Brighton, MO...................... 562-566 L & K SHEEP........................................................... Jenera, OH........................... 508-509 LEWIS WHITE DORPERS...................................... Bonanza, OR........................ 521-529 MISSOURI DORPERS............................................ Albany, MO.......................... 515-520 PHP WHITE DORPERS.......................................... Sanora, TX........................... 551-559 PLEASANT VIEW FARM....................................... Diller, NE.............................. 540-544 RED RAVEN ACRES............................................... Ravenswood, MO............... 538-539 RIVERWOOD FARMS............................................ Powell, OH........................... 530-537 ROCKIN N RANCH................................................... Mansfield, MO.................... 560-561


BOKELMAN, MICHAEL......................................... Greensburg, IN............................637 CLAY-NOB FARMS................................................. Sawgertown, PA..........................610 EPIC ACRES............................................................ Lyme, NH............................. 631-632 FISHER TEXELS...................................................... Indian Valley, ID................... 617-630 MN TEXEL.............................................................. Pine Island, MN................... 633-634 PINE KNOB FARM................................................. Somers, CT.......................... 638-644 PORTLAND PRAIRIE TEXELS............................... Caledonia, MN.................... 635-636 SILVERDALE FARMS............................................. Hermiston, OR.................... 601-603 TAYLORS TEXELS................................................... Osceola, IA.......................... 604-609 WILCOX CLUB LAMBS.......................................... Leslie, MI............................. 611-616


Entries are still accepted through day of show for that breed. They will not be included in the printed or pdf version of this catalog, but can be found in the online searchable catalog found at www.midwestsale.com.

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COERS, JAYCE........................................................ New Holland, IL...........................704 CRAFT TUNIS......................................................... Flora, IN............................... 705-709 GAREY TUNIS........................................................ Chestnut, IL.................................726 MJM FAMILY FARM.............................................. Ottawa, OH.................................713 MURRY FARMS..................................................... Higginsville, MO.................. 723-725 RIVERWOOD FARMS............................................ Powell, OH........................... 718-719 RQL FARMS............................................................ Hillsborough, NJ.................. 702-703 STUMPE FARMS................................................... Mexico, MO......................... 710-712 STUMPE TUNIS..................................................... Russellville, MO.................. 720-722 TRIANGLE FARMS TUNIS.................................... Muncie, IN........................... 714-717 TRI-STAR STOCK FARM........................................ Gilt Edge, TN...............................701


5H FARMS.............................................................. Alazada, MT........................ 793-799 BB FARMS.............................................................. Woodbine, MD................... 823-826 BRANDT CORRIEDALES....................................... Hollandale, WI.................... 839-847 BROKEN S CORRIEDALES.................................... Straburg, CO........................ 756-760 COLEMAN, TODD................................................. Assumption, IL............................827 DEW DROP FARM................................................. New York Mills, MN............ 761-768 FAULKNER FARMS................................................ Union City, TN..................... 751-753 FEDERER CORRIEDALES...................................... Cheyenne, WY.................... 788-792 FRIESZ CORRIEDALES.......................................... New Salem, ND................... 776-787 GANN FARMS........................................................ Leaf River, IL........................ 837-838 HOFFMAN CORRIEDALES................................... Rockham, SD....................... 811-822 KIN BROTHERS...................................................... Forest, OH........................... 773-775 LIGHTNING RIDGE FARM.................................... Sherborn, MA..................... 769-772 MILLIGAN CORRIEDALES.................................... Novelty, MO................................810 MORRIS CORRIEDALES........................................ Lerna, IL............................... 754-755 OWL RIDGE FARM................................................ New Braintree, MA............. 828-836 PHILLIPPI CORRIEDALES..................................... Hammond, MT.................... 804-809 WOLF BROS LIVESTOCK...................................... Upper Sandusky, OH........... 800-803

Natural Coloreds

BAR J BAR RANCH................................................ Box Elder, SD....................... 953-955 BORCHER SHEEP CO............................................ Powell, WY.......................... 959-961 GANN FARMS........................................................ Leaf River, IL................................975 HART SHEEP COMPANY...................................... Great Falls, MT.................... 962-968 KUEHNE COLUMBIAS & COLOREDS.................. Reading, MN....................... 969-973 KUYKENDALL, KATHERINE.................................. Richland Center, WI............ 951-952 McDANIEL BROTHERS......................................... Charlottesville, IN........................976 MORRIS NATURAL COLOREDS........................... Lerna, IL.......................................977 PINES END NATURAL COLOREDS....................... Erwin, SD.....................................974 WOLF BROS LIVESTOCK...................................... Upper Sandusky, OH........... 956-958


AVONDALE FARM................................................. Maplewood, OH.............1027-1029 BAR J BAR RANCH................................................ Box Elder, SD...................1005-1008 BENZ RAMBOUILLET........................................... St Marys, KS....................1017-1019 CRAWFORD RAMBOUILLETS.............................. Pipestone, MN................1020-1024 DEW DROP FARM................................................. New York Mills, MN........1014-1016 KIRKPATRICK RAMBOUILLETS............................ Ashland, OH....................1025-1026 KNUTSON SUFFOLKS & RAMBOUILLETS.......... Centerville, SD.................1001-1004 L & K SHEEP........................................................... Jenera, OH.................................1009 MARSHALL SHEEP COMPANY............................ Arlington, SD...................1030-1032 REGEHR SHEEP..................................................... Marion, SD......................1010-1013


BIG PRAIRIE POLYPAYS........................................ Ashton, IL........................1051-1057 L & K SHEEP........................................................... Jenera, OH.......................1064-1074 SHADY LAWN POLYPAYS...................................... Eldridge, IA......................1058-1063


BORCHER SHEEP CO............................................ Powell, WY.......................... 909-913 DEW DROP FARM................................................. New York Mills, MN............ 906-908 KUEHNE COLUMBIAS & COLOREDS.................. Reading, MN....................... 901-905 MONTANA AERIE SHEEP RANCH....................... Great Falls, MT.................... 914-929 OAK MEADOW SHEEP......................................... Litchfield, MN..................... 930-931 RASPBERRY MEADOWS...................................... Leasburg, MO..................... 932-933 WORM, CHARLES & LOUISE............................... Lakefield, MN...................... 934-935

Catalog PDF and Online Searchable Catalog:

Copy of this catalog can be found online at www.midwestsale.com. You also have the option of an online searchable catalog to make finding sections of entries by breed or class easier.

Penning Charts:

Pen assignments are not included in this catalog to allow for timely printing and mailing. They will be accessible at www.midwestsale.com. and posted in barns… all pens will be tagged upon consignor arrival as well.

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BIRSCHBACH HAMPSHIRES................................ Fond du Lac, WI..............1226-1229 BOBENDRIER BOYS.............................................. Pipestone, MN................1180-1183 BOBENDRIER HAMPSHIRES............................... Pipestone, MN................1218-1223 BORCHER SHEEP CO............................................ Powell, WY......................1104-1109 DeZEEUW FARM................................................... Eldton, SD........................1184-1186 FLEENER HAMPSHIRES....................................... Robesonia, PA.................1199-1203 HELD HAMPSHIRES.............................................. Aurora, SD.......................1205-1208 HERRIG FAMILY..................................................... Slayton, MN....................1191-1196 HIGHLAND HAMPSHIRES.................................... Harlan, IA........................1230-1235 HOUGHTALING HAMPS....................................... Doland, SD......................1137-1140 KENDRICK DORSETS & HAMPS.......................... Vermont, IL.....................1197-1198 LAND RUN HAMPS............................................... Agra, OK..........................1141-1144 LIVERMORE FARMS............................................. Media, IL.........................1155-1157 MARSHALL SHEEP CO.......................................... Arlington, SD...................1224-1225 MUMM HAMPSHIRES......................................... White Heath, IL...............1149-1154 NELSON HAMPS................................................... Eaton, CO .......................1166-1174 PARR HAMPSHIRES.............................................. Mason City, IL..................1117-1125 PENN VIEW FARM................................................ Blairsville, PA...................1145-1146 PETERSON SHEEP COMPANY............................. Lemmon, SD....................1209-1217 PINE LAWN FARM................................................ Holland, MN....................1160-1165 PLAZA LIVESTOCK................................................ Agency, MO.....................1126-1136 QUAM, JERRY & REX............................................ Dodge Center, MN....................1159 RABBIT CREEK SHEEP FARM............................... Elko, NV...........................1112-1116 SANFORD DORSETS & HAMPS........................... Fairbault, MN..................1187-1190 SLACK CLUB LAMBS............................................. North Manchester, IN.....1147-1148 SUMMEY FAMILY FARM...................................... Lincoln, CA......................1175-1179 UNDERWOOD FARMS......................................... Spirit Lake, IA............................1204 WAGGONER HAMPSHRIES................................. Cole Camp, MO...............1110-1111 WESTLAKE CLUB LAMBS, DAN........................... Marysville, OH...........................1158 WILLWERTH & FAMILY, RB.................................. Webster City, IA..............1101-1103


ANNUSCHAT FARMS LLC..................................... Okarche, OK....................1343-1355 ARNDT ACRES....................................................... Norwood, MN.................1309-1311 AMUNDSON SUFFOLKS....................................... Larimore, ND...................1444-1447 BALDWIN SUFFOLKS............................................ Dannebrog, NE................1393-1395 BENDA SUFFOLKS................................................ Alpha, MN.......................1370-1371 CAHILL FARMS...................................................... Brimfield, IL.....................1454-1460 CORSON SUFFOLKS.............................................. Macomb, IL.....................1314-1322 COUSINS SUFFOLKS............................................. Lemmon, SD....................1326-1327 DOMBEK FAMILY, RANDY.................................... Ivanhoe, MN...................1312-1313 DON/ALS SUFFOLKS............................................. Brillion, WI.......................1384-1385 DREHER FAMILY SUFFOIKS................................. Great Falls, MT................1337-1342 FISHER SUFFOLKS................................................ Urbandale, IA..................1328-1331 FOSTER FARMS..................................................... Muskogee, OK...........................1410 FIVE STAR J FARMS............................................... Patoka, IN........................1426-1438 FROSTAIRE FARMS............................................... Bloomingburg, OH..........1323-1325 GEORGE BROTHERS............................................. Deshler, OH.....................1439-1443

HAFER FAMILY SUFFOLKS................................... Fairmont, NE...................1407-1409 HOSKINS STOCK FARM........................................ Jefferson, IA.....................1391-1392 KJELDGAARD FARMS........................................... Takamah, NE...................1448-1453 KNUTSON SUFFOLKS & RAMOUILLETS............ Centerville, SD.................1411-1420 LUXFORD RANCH................................................. Wilsall, MT......................1403-1406 MacCAULEY SUFFOLKS....................................... Atglen, PA........................1356-1358 NOC SHEEP CENTER............................................. Tonkawa, OK.............................1383 OAK HILL FARM.................................................... Julian, NE.........................1381-1382 QUAM, JERRY & REX............................................ Dodge Center, MN..........1359-1369 RENN VUE FARMS................................................ Pigeon, MI.......................1332-1335 RIVERVIEW LIVESTOCK....................................... Barrett, MN...............................1380 ROYER FARM......................................................... Washington, IL..........................1396 RUBY MOUNTAIN SHEEP COMPANY LLC......... Spring Creek, NV.............1301-1308 SKARTVEDT FAMILY, WAYNE.............................. Radcliffe, IA ....................1397-1402 SLACK CLUB LAMBS............................................. North Manchester, IN...............1336 STALZER SUFFOLKS.............................................. Zearing, IA.......................1421-1422 SUMMERY FAMILY FARMS.................................. Lincoln, CA......................1386-1390 SWINGIN T RANCH.............................................. Big Cabin, OK...................1423-1425 VAN DYKE SUFFOLKS........................................... Wessington Springs, SD....1373-1379 ZEHNDER FAMILY SUFFOLKS.............................. Truman, MN..............................1372

Polled Dorsets

ALDRICH, DUANE................................................. DeSmet, SD.....................1558-1559 ARNDT ACRES....................................................... Norwood, MN.................1539-1542 C & J LIVESTOCK................................................... Polo, MO...................................1513 CEDAR LANE DORSETS........................................ Manawa, WI....................1522-1528 DOTY DORSETS..................................................... Lovington, IL....................1555-1557 FLINCHUMS POLLED DORSETS.......................... Longmont, CO.................1533-1536 FLINCHUM, JOHN GORDON............................... Longmont, CO...........................1537 FRUECHTE FAMILY DORSETS.............................. Ward, SD.........................1543-1548 HOSKINS STOCK FARM........................................ Jefferson, IA...............................1538 LAUDEN ACRES..................................................... Dalmatia, PA....................1549-1554 LOBDELL DORSETS............................................... Freeport, IL................................1560 McCARTHY DORSETS........................................... Sycamore, OH.................1519-1521 PENN VIEW FARM................................................ Blairsville, PA...................1514-1515 PETERSON SHEEP COMPANY............................. Lemmon, SD....................1529-1532 POPE DORSETS..................................................... Greenfield, IN............................1501 RAM & EWE FARM /AJ HAMPS.......................... South Solon, OH.......................1508 REYNOLDS STOCK FARM..................................... Aumsville, OR............................1561 SANFORD DORSETS & HAMPS........................... Faribault, MN..................1509-1512 TURTLE MEAD POLLED DORSETS...................... Sinking Spring, PA...........1516-1518 WOLKOW DORSETS............................................. DeSmet, SD.....................1502-1507

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CASSELL HORNED DORSETS............................... Wytheville, VA.................1601-1606 GALLEHER FARMS................................................ Mt Gilead, OH.................1609-1613 KENDRICK DORSETS............................................ Vermont, IL.....................1607-1608 PATOKA VALLEY SHEEP........................................ Princeton, IN...................1614-1616 SILVER CREEK LAMBSCAPES............................... Silverton, OR...................1617-1618


A & M RANCH....................................................... Sandwich, IL....................1734-1737 BECKMIER LIVESTOCK......................................... Morrisonville, IL..............1840-1841 BOWMAN SOUTHDOWNS.................................. Blandinsville, IL...............1773-1778 BULLINGTON SOUTHDOWNS............................ Brookings, SD..................1742-1747 BURNS STOCK FARM............................................ Flora, IN...........................1724-1727 COLE CLUB LAMBS............................................... Elk City, OK................................1707 DAVIS SOUTHDOWNS & CLUB LAMBS............. Odell, IL...........................1829-1834 FORSEE SOUTHDOWNS...................................... Owenton, KY...................1708-1713 FOX FIELD FARM................................................... Oakham, MA.............................1828 FRITZ SOUTHDOWNS.......................................... Fredericksburg, TX..........1779-1781 GOPHER CLUB LAMBS......................................... Lakefield, MN..................1784-1791 HAMERLINCK FARMS.......................................... Reynolds, IL.....................1819-1821 HEINECKE SHOW STOCK..................................... Stoutsville, MO...............1782-1783 HERRIG FAMILY..................................................... Slayton, MN....................1717-1718 HICK SOUTHDOWNS........................................... Red Bud, IL......................1738-1741 IZZY FARMS........................................................... Geneva, FL.................................1763 JM GENETICS........................................................ Custer, OK........................1846-1850 JUNGE SHEEP FARM............................................ Cleburne, TX....................1823-1827 LABER LIVESTOCK................................................ Longmont, CO.................1801-1804 LJS LIVESTOCK...................................................... Jacksboro, TX...................1792-1797 MADDOX SOUTHDOWNS................................... Thomas, OK.....................1750-1762 McCALLA SOUTHDOWNS................................... Alhambra, IL..............................1805 McELVAIN SHEEP FARM...................................... Heyworth, IL....................1714-1716 MILLER, DONNA..................................................... Brillion, WI.......................1838-1839 MKF SOUTHDOWNS.............................................. Mineral, IL.......................1835-1837 NORTHERN STARR LIVESTOCK........................... Lonsdale, MN..................1851-1856 OAK MEADOW SHEEP......................................... Litchfield, MN.................1771-1772 OLDENBURG FARMS............................................ Mulhall, OK.....................1719-1723 OLSON, LEE & CHERRY........................................ New Virginia, IA........................1822 PARMELY FAMILY SOUTHDOWNS..................... Brookings, SD..................1748-1749 RISING SUN SOUTHDOWNS............................... Coleridge, NE..................1798-1800 SCRAMLIN SOUTHDOWNS................................. Holly, MI..........................1842-1845 SINK SOUTHDOWNS & HORNED DORSETS..... Kirklin, IN.........................1764-1770 THE UNIV OF FINDLAY......................................... Findlay, OH......................1806-1818 VALLEY VIEW FARM/ MILLER BROS SOUTHDOWNS....................... Estelline, SD....................1728-1733 WIERZBICKI SOUTHDOWNS............................... Ex Springs, MO................1701-1706


BROCKELMAN/TROXTELL................................... Sherman, TX....................1917-1919 CRAGO FAMILY RANCH....................................... Columbus, MT................1925-1926 COLE CLUB LAMB................................................. Elk City, OK......................1907-1911 EBERT SHEEP FARM............................................. St George, KS..................1912-1916 HEEGS CRAZY H CLUB LAMBS............................ Shepherd, MT.................1927-1929 PLAZA LIVESTOCK................................................ Agency, MO.....................1904-1906 PARR HAMPS......................................................... Mason City, IL..................1901-1903 RIFE SHROPSHIRES.............................................. Yellow Springs, OH..........1930-1939 SLACK CLUB LAMBS............................................. North Manchester, IN.....1940-1943 SWITZER SHROPSHIRES...................................... Redkey, IN........................1944-1946 THOMASON GENETICS....................................... Harrah, OK.......................1920-1924


Entries are still accepted through day of show for that breed. They will not be included in the printed or pdf version of this catalog, but can be found in the online searchable catalog found at www.midwestsale.com.

Catalog PDF and Online Searchable Catalog:

Copy of this catalog can be found online at www.midwestsale.com. You also have the option of an online searchable catalog to make finding sections of entries by breed or class easier.

--- Page 169 ---

Penning Charts:

Pen assignments are not included in this catalog to allow for timely printing and mailing. They will be accessible at www.midwestsale.com. and posted in barns… all pens will be tagged upon consignor arrival as well.


ALLISON MCGOLDEN CLUB LAMBS.................. Arapaho, OK..............................2125 AMYX SHEEP FARM.............................................. Sanger, TX........................2018-2031 BOEHM FAMILY CLUB LAMBS............................ Racine, MN......................2072-2076 BRAMMER DORSETS........................................... Seaman, OH....................2085-2088 C & J LIVESTOCK................................................... Polo, MO.........................2012-2017 COLE CLUB LAMBS............................................... Elk City, OK......................2001-2005 DAGEL POLLED DORSETS.................................... Watertown, SD................2126-2128 DANIELS CLUB LAMBS......................................... Portland, IN.....................2116-2119 DUSTY DAWN DORSETS...................................... Noble, OK........................2007-2011 ENFIELD CLUB LAMBS......................................... Collins, IA.........................2047-2055 FISHER CLUB LAMBS............................................ Wilder, ID.........................2080-2081 HEAD FAMILY FARMS.......................................... Derby, IA..........................2056-2060 HEISDORFFER DORSETS...................................... Sigourney, IA...................2077-2079 HUNTRODS CLUB LAMBS................................... Collins, IA.........................2129-2130 KIRSCHTEN SHEEP FARM.................................... Alton, IA...........................2061-2065 MARTIN BROTHERS............................................. Willard, OH......................2111-2115 MENNEN CLUB LAMBS........................................ Walton, IN.................................2084 MYERS POLLED DORSETS................................... Rushsylvania, OH............2032-2037 NORTHERN STARR LIVESTOCK........................... Lonsdale, MN..................2082-2083 PERRY CLUB LAMBS............................................. Montphelier, IN.........................2132 PERRY CLUB LAMBS/CLAY RIDGE SHEEP CO... Montphelier, IN.........................2120 PIPER CLUB LAMBS.............................................. Bloomfield, IA...........................2131 RSO LIVESTOCK..................................................... Story City, IA....................2090-2092 SCHAEFER CLUB LAMBS...................................... Stillwater, OK.............................2136 SIDWELL SHOW SHEEP....................................... Gill, CO.............................2096-2101 SIMPSON LIVESTOCK........................................... Ault, CO...........................2093-2095 SLACK CLUB LAMBS............................................. North Manchester, IN.....2102-2110 STEVA ROBINSON SHOW STOCK....................... Belmont, WI..............................2006 STILLWELL CLUB LAMBS..................................... Frankfort, IN....................2121-2124 SURBER SHOW SHEEP......................................... Frankfort, IN....................2038-2044 TAYLOR MADE SHOW LAMBS............................ Perry, IA...........................2066-2071 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................ VanAlstyne, TX................2133-2135 WOLF CLUB LAMBS.............................................. Scranton, IA.....................2045-2046 WRIGHTS ROCKY ACRES..................................... Galena, MO...............................2089

Dorset Advantage WS/WDs

DUSTY DAWN DORSETS...................................... Noble, OK..................................2186 JOHNSTON CLUB LAMBS.................................... New Plymouth, ID.....................2183 MARTIN BROTHERS............................................. Willard, OH................................2188 MOSER CLUB LAMBS........................................... Garden Grove, IA......................2182 PERRY CLUB LAMBS............................................. Montphelier, IN.........................2185 PERRY CLUB LAMBS/CLAY RIDGE SHEEP CO... Montphelier, IN.........................2184 RSO LIVESTOCK..................................................... Story City, IA....................2172-2173 SCHEEL LIVESTOCK.............................................. Alpena, SD.................................2187 SIDWELL SHOW SHEEP....................................... Gill, CO.............................2179-2180 SLACK CLUB LAMBS............................................. North Manchester, IN.....2174-2178 STEVA ROBINSON SHOW STOCK....................... Belmont, WI..............................2181

Speckle-Faced WS/WDs

C & J LIVESTOCK................................................... Polo, MO.........................2201-2208 JOHNSTON CLUB LAMBS.................................... New Plymouth, ID.....................2213 KIRSCHTEN SHEEP FARM.................................... Alton, IA.....................................2211 MENNEN CLUB LAMBS........................................ Walton, IN.................................2216 MOSER CLUB LAMBS........................................... Garden Grove, IA......................2223 SCHEEL LIVESTOCK.............................................. Alpena, SD.................................2224 SHIMMERING PINES CLUB LAMBS.................... New Virginia, IA........................2212 SLACK CLUB LAMBS............................................. North Manchester, IN.....2217-2221 STILLWELL CLUB LAMBS..................................... Frankfort, IN..............................2222 TAYLOR MADE SHOW LAMBS............................ Perry, IA...........................2209-2210 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................ VanAlstyne, TX................2225-2226 WRIGHTS ROCKY ACRES..................................... Galena, MO.....................2214-2215

Natural Colored WS/WDs

BLUME CLUB LAMBS........................................... Mineral Point, WI............2306-2307 BROCKELMAN/TROXTELL................................... Sherman, TX....................2336-2337 CLARK-STROBLE CLUB LAMBS........................... Longton, KS...............................2351 COLE CLUB LAMBS............................................... Elk City, OK................................2311 CONNER CLUB LAMBS......................................... Wagoner, OK.............................2320 ELLERBROCK CLUB LAMBS................................. Atkinson, IL......................2341-2346 FARROW HAMPS.................................................. Midland, TX.....................2312-2313 G & G CLUB LAMBS.............................................. Halifax, PA........................2339-2340 HARMS SHOW LAMBS......................................... Lexington, IL..............................2314 HAYS BROTHERS CLUB LAMBS........................... Perry, KS....................................2329 HEEGS CRAZY H CLUB LAMBS............................ Shepherd, MT.................2308-2310 HILL COUNTRY SHOW LAMBS............................ Boerne, TX.................................2330 HOWARD, DARRELL & PAM................................ Mulhall, OK...............................2323 JEFFREY CLUB LAMBS.......................................... Cheyenne, WY..........................2328 JOHNSON FAMILY SHOW STOCK....................... Delavan, WI.....................2303-2304 JOHNSTON CLUB LAMBS.................................... New Plymouth, ID...........2321-2322 KEITZER CLUB LAMBS.......................................... Mediapolis, IA...........................2305 McILRATH CLUB LAMBS...................................... Laurel, IA...................................2349 McLAUGHLIN-GRIFFIN SHEEP........................... Craig, CO.........................2331-2332 MENNEN CLUB LAMBS........................................ Walton, IN.......................2318-2319 MIDDLESWORTH CLUB LAMBS.......................... Fremont, IA...............................2338 MSB SHOW LAMBS.............................................. New Wilmington, PA.......2324-2325 NOC SHEEP CENTER............................................. Tonkawa, OK.............................2350 PIRTLE FARMS....................................................... Copan, OK.......................2334-2335 POE HAMPSHIRES................................................ Franklin, IN................................2333 SLACK CLUB LAMBS............................................. North Manchester, IN.....2326-2327 THOMASON GENETICS....................................... Harrah, OK.......................2301-2302 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................ VanAlstyne, TX................2352-2353 WISE CLUB LAMBS............................................... Keenesburg, CO..............2347-2348 WOLF CLUB LAMBS.............................................. Scranton, IA.....................2315-2317

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AMTHAUER CLUB LAMBS................................... Beaman, IA................................2437 BULLINGTON SOUTHDOWNS............................ Brookings, SD..................2413-2414 CG FARMS.............................................................. Lead Hill, AR..............................2418 CONNER CLUB LAMBS......................................... Wagoner, OK.............................2408 CONNOR STATE COLLEGE................................... Warner, OK......................2440-2445 DANIELS CLUB LAMBS......................................... Portland, IN.....................2430-2431 DREWRY CLUB LAMBS........................................ Farmington, MN.......................2424 DUSTY DAWN DORSETS...................................... Noble, OK..................................2417 ELLERBROCK CLUB LAMBS................................. Atkinson, IL......................2422-2423 G & G CLUB LAMBS.............................................. Halifax, PA........................2434-2435 HARMS SHOW LAMBS......................................... Lexington, IL....................2401-2402 HILL COUNTRY SHOW LAMBS............................ Boerne, TX.......................2411-2412 IZZY FARMS........................................................... Geneva, FL.................................2436 KNAPP SISTER CLUB LAMBS............................... Bloomfield, IA.................2447-2450 LJS LIVESTOCK...................................................... Jacksboro, TX.............................2439 MENNEN CLUB LAMBS........................................ Walton, IN.......................2403-2405 MOSER CLUB LAMBS........................................... Garden Grove, IA............2415-2416 MSB SHOW LAMBS.............................................. New Wilmington, PA.......2409-2410 PARMELY FAMILY SOUTHDOWNS..................... Brookings, SD..................2428-2429 PERRY CLUB LAMBS............................................. Montpelier, IN.................2432-2433 PERRY CLUB LAMBS/CLAY RIDGE SHEEP CO... Montphelier, IN.........................2446 PILGER CLUB LAMBS............................................ Wallace, KS......................2453-2454 SCHEEL LIVESTOCK.............................................. Alpena, SD.......................2419-2421 SHIMMERING PINES CLUB LAMBS.................... New Virginia, IA........................2438 SOUTHERN PLAINS GENETICS........................... Cache, OK........................2451-2452 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................ VanAlstyne, TX................2425-2426 WESTLAKE CLUB LAMBS, DAN........................... Marysville, OH...........................2427 WRIGHTS ROCKY ACRES..................................... Galena, MO.....................2406-2407


Entries are still accepted through day of show for that breed. They will not be included in the printed or pdf version of this catalog, but can be found in the online searchable catalog found at www.midwestsale.com.

Catalog PDF and Online Searchable Catalog:

Copy of this catalog can be found online at www.midwestsale.com. You also have the option of an online searchable catalog to make finding sections of entries by breed or class easier.

Penning Charts:

Pen assignments are not included in this catalog to allow for timely printing and mailing. They will be accessible at www.midwestsale.com. and posted in barns… all pens will be tagged upon consignor arrival as well.

Hampshire WS/WDs

ALLEN SHOW LAMBS........................................... Elk City, OK......................2698-2699 ALLISON McGOLDEN CLUB LAMBS................... Arapaho, OK....................2637-2640 ALLRED/ELLIOTT................................................... Calumet, OK....................2801-2811 BEGALKA LIVESTOCK........................................... Castlewood, SD...............2557-2562 BLUME CLUB LAMBS........................................... Mineral Point, WI............2577-2583 BOOTLEGGER CLUB LAMBS................................ Mead, NE........................2720-2722 COLE CLUB LAMBS............................................... Elk City, OK......................2537-2545 CONNER CLUB LAMBS......................................... Wagoner, OK.............................2733 DAVIS FAMILY, JIMMY.......................................... Walters, OK.....................2791-2793 DOUBLE F CLUB LAMBS...................................... Winchester, KY................2774-2783 ELLERBROCK CLUB LAMBS................................. Atkinson, IL......................2734-2762 FARROW HAMPSHIRES....................................... Midland, TX.....................2519-2530 FISHER CLUB LAMBS............................................ Wilder, ID...................................2646 FLEENER CLUB LAMBS........................................ Biglerville, PA...................2700-2702 GOODWIN CLUB LAMBS..................................... Ponca City, OK.................2623-2628 HAYS BROTHERS CLUB LAMBS........................... Perry, KS..........................2563-2576 HEEGS CRAZY H CLUB LAMBS............................ Shepherd, MT.................2629-2632 HILL COUNTRY SHOW LAMBS............................ Boerne, TX.......................2596-2603 HULL CLUB LAMBS............................................... Hartsville, TN...................2653-2658 IZZY FARMS........................................................... Geneva, FL.................................2812 JEFFREY CLUB LAMBS.......................................... Cheyenne, WY................2587-2595 JOHNSON FAMILY SHOW STOCK...................... Delavan, WI.....................2501-2518 KENNEDY LIVESTOCK........................................... Kirkville, IA.................................2636 KIRSCHTEN SHEEP FARM.................................... Alton, IA...........................2584-2586 LANIER FARMS...................................................... Seminole, TX...................2729-2732 McLAUGHLIN-GRIFFIN SHEEP........................... Craig, CO.........................2641-2645 MEIWES CLUB LAMBS......................................... Earth, TX..........................2763-2765 MILLER HAMPSHIRES.......................................... Seagraves, TX..................2682-2697 NEAL SHOW LAMBS............................................. Tiffin, OH...................................2719 NOC SHEEP CENTER............................................. Tonkawa, OK...................2649-2652 OTT CLUB LAMBS................................................. Fairview, OK.....................2604-2620 PARR HAMPSHIRES.............................................. Mason City, IL..................2546-2556 PERRY CLUB LAMBS............................................. Montpelier, IN.................2647-2648 PIRTLE FARMS....................................................... Copan, OK.................................2634 POE HAMPSHIRES................................................ Franklin, IN......................2766-2773 POWERCAT CLUB LAMBS.................................... Manhattan, KS................2723-2728 SCHAEFER CLUB LAMBS...................................... Stillwater, OK...................2621-2622 SCHEEL LIVESTOCK.............................................. Alpena, SD.......................2659-2660 SCHMITZ CLUB LAMBS........................................ Rhodes, IA.......................2703-2707 SIMPSON LIVESTOCK........................................... Ault, CO...........................2708-2718 SLACK CLUB LAMBS............................................. North Manchester, IN.....2661-2681 STEVA ROBINSON SHOW STOCK....................... Belmont, WI....................2785-2786 THOMASON GENETICS....................................... Harrah, OK.................................2633 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................ VanAlstyne, TX................2794-2800 WHEATON HAMPSHIRES.................................... Charlotte, MI...................2787-2790 WOLF CLUB LAMBS.............................................. Scranton, IA.....................2531-2536 WRIGHTS ROCKY ACRES..................................... Galena, MO...............................2635

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ALLISON McGOLDEN CLUB LAMBS................... Arapaho, OK..............................2918 BROCKELMAN/TROXTELL................................... Sherman, TX....................2919-2922 DANIELS CLUB LAMBS......................................... Portland, IN.....................2928-2929 FOSTER FARMS..................................................... Muskogee, OK...........................2954 HILL COUNTRY SHOW LAMBS............................ Boerne, TX.......................2916-2917 JOY FAMILY SUFFOLKS......................................... Dunbar, NE......................2937-2942 McLAUGHLIN-GRIFFIN SHEEP........................... Craig, CO.........................2930-2936 MSB SHOW LAMBS.............................................. New Wilmington, PA.......2904-2905 NOC SHEEP CENTER............................................. Tonkawa, OK...................2901-2903 PIRTLE FARMS....................................................... Copan, OK.......................2923-2927 SLACK CLUB LAMBS............................................. North Manchester, IN.....2943-2953 THOMASON GENETICS....................................... Harrah, OK.......................2914-2915 WRIGHTS ROCKY ACRES..................................... Galena, MO.....................2906-2913


Entries are still accepted through day of show for that breed. They will not be included in the printed or pdf version of this catalog, but can be found in the online searchable catalog found at www.midwestsale.com.

Catalog PDF and Online Searchable Catalog:

Copy of this catalog can be found online at www.midwestsale.com. You also have the option of an online searchable catalog to make finding sections of entries by breed or class easier.

Penning Charts:

Pen assignments are not included in this catalog to allow for timely printing and mailing. They will be accessible at www.midwestsale.com. and posted in barns… all pens will be tagged upon consignor arrival as well.

Crossbred WS/WDs

ALLEN SHOW LAMBS........................................... Elk City, OK......................3007-3009 AMTHAUER CLUB LAMBS................................... Beaman, IA......................3182-3185 BEGALKA LIVESTOCK........................................... Castlewood, SD.........................3082 BLAKLEY CLUB LAMBS......................................... Perrin, TX.........................3197-3198 BLUME CLUB LAMBS........................................... Mineral Point, WI............3023-3029 BOOTLEGGER CLUB LAMBS................................ Mead, NE..................................3156 BURKETT CLUB LAMBS........................................ Grand Junction, IA..........3120-3122 CG FARMS.............................................................. Lead Hill, AR....................3059-3061 CHARMASSON CLUB LAMBS.............................. Hennessey, OK................3177-3181 CLARK-STROBLE CLUB LAMBS........................... Longton, KS.....................3123-3129 CONNER CLUB LAMBS......................................... Wagoner, OK.............................3188 CONNOR STATE COLLEGE................................... Warner, OK................................3196 DOUBLE F CLUB LAMBS...................................... Winchester, KY................3157-3161 DREWRY CLUB LAMBS........................................ Farmington, MN.......................3174 ELLERBROCK CLUB LAMBS................................. Atkinson, IL......................3145-3155 FARROW HAMPSHIRES....................................... Midland, TX.....................3001-3006 FISHER CLUB LAMBS............................................ Wilder, ID.........................3186-3187 G & G CLUB LAMBS.............................................. Halifax, PA........................3075-3078 HARMS SHOW LAMBS......................................... Lexington, IL....................3033-3044 HARRELL CLUB LAMBS........................................ Indiahoma, OK................3083-3099 HEEGS CRAZY H CLUB LAMBS............................ Shepherd, MT...........................3070 HOWARD, DARRELL & PAM................................ Mulhall, OK.....................3030-3031 HUNTRODS CLUB LAMBS................................... Collins, IA...................................3032 JOHNSTON CLUB LAMBS.................................... New Plymouth, ID...........3079-3081 JOY FAMILY SUFFOLKS......................................... Dunbar, NE......................3100-3101 KEITZER CLUB LAMBS.......................................... Mediapolis, IA...........................3016 KENNEDY LIVESTOCK........................................... Kirkville, IA.......................3068-3069 KNAPP SISTERS CLUB LAMBS............................. Bloomfield, IA.................3045-3050 KNOP FAMILY, FRED............................................. Atlantic, IA.......................3062-3064 LANIER FARMS...................................................... Seminole, TX...................3162-3165 McCURRY CLUB LAMBS...................................... Jacksboro, TX...................3175-3176 McILRATH CLUB LAMBS...................................... Laurel, IA.........................3194-3195 McLAUGHLIN-GRIFFIN SHEEP........................... Craig, CO.........................3102-3104 MENNEN CLUB LAMBS........................................ Walton, IN.......................3051-3055 MIDDLESWORTH CLUB LAMBS.......................... Fremont, IA.....................3065-3067 MOSER CLUB LAMBS........................................... Garden Grove, IA............3010-3015 MSB SHOW LAMBS.............................................. New Wilmington, PA.......3108-3109 PETERSON CLUB LAMBS..................................... Scranton, IA.....................3143-3144 PILGER CLUB LAMBS............................................ Wallace, KS......................3130-3137 SCHEEL LIVESTOCK.............................................. Alpena, SD.......................3117-3119 SCHMITZ CLUB LAMBS........................................ Rhodes, IA.......................3138-3142 SLACK CLUB LAMBS............................................. North Manchester, IN.....3110-3116 SLOAN CLUB LAMBS............................................ Shelby, OH.......................3191-3193 SOUTHERN PLAINS GENETICS........................... Cache, OK........................3017-3022 STONE CREEK FARMS.......................................... Chandler, OK...................3189-3190 TITUS CLUB LAMBS.............................................. Alexis, IL...........................3105-3107 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................ VanAlstyne, TX................3199-3201 WISE CLUB LAMBS............................................... Keenesburg, CO..............3166-3173 WRIGHTS ROCKY ACRES..................................... Galena, MO.....................3071-3074

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Make your list of top picks for purchase here! __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

www.midwestsale.com --- Page 173 ---

__________________________ __________________________

MIDWEST STUD RAM SALE - PRE-SALE & ENTRY INFORMATION Entry Processing & Fees: Entries can be made online with credit card payment at www.midwestsale.com, or by mail with the enclosed entry blank and payment by check. A full class listing per breed is located on the back of the entry blank. Please note your breed’s listed classes, as some may have changed. Entry fees are $20 per head ($60 per pen of three). Entry fees are nonrefundable- including for animals sifted from the sale, scratched from the sale, or that for other reasons fail to get to the sale. Entries Due May 1st: In an effort to produce the sale catalog in a timely manner, this May 1st deadline is final. We will accept entries after May 1st, but they will not be included in the printed catalog. Entries will be accepted on an “Information Sale Day” basis, but we encourage you to include as much information as possible for cataloged entries. Late entries will continue to be accepted through day of sale. Commission & Charges: Sale commission is 10% of the full sale price of each animal, including any “no sales”. There will be an additional 1% surcharge deducted from your sale settlement for the Missouri Sheep Producers, the sponsors of this sale. Breeds with a National Sale or Event designation will have an additional 1% (some have 2%) deducted for their National Associations. Ohio sheep entries also have a ½% deduction for the Ohio Sheep Commission. Some breeds also have us deduct for futurity nomination fees. Substitutions: Substitutions (within or out of class/breed) will be allowed in the interest of improved quality. Please make sure to have correct paperwork (health and registration papers) on your entries. Registration Papers: If consigning registered animals, please make sure to have your registration papers for entries to turn in at Check-in. If registration papers are not provided prior to sale, NEW - fee of $10.00 per registration will be billed or deducted and your consignor check will be held until papers are provided. All consignors with registered animals will have transfer fees deducted on sheep sold as we transfer the registration papers to the new owners. Health Papers: Standard interstate health paper (or copy of paper) is required for each animal, and will be turned in to sale management at check-in. Obtain health papers and any tests on June 5th or later to allow traveling time for the new owners after the sale. All entries must have scrapie tags! Required Testing: All Yearling Rams and Fall Ram Lambs (born before January 1st of this year) must have ELISA test for B. Ovis within 30 days of the sale. Only rams with negative B. Ovis results will be allowed to sell. A positive result suggests epididymitis which can render rams sterile. DNA Test Information: Those breeders wanting to list Codon test results (171 or 136, spider, etc.) on sale orders should include that with entries, and also bring a copy of the test results with your registration and health papers to Check-in. Codon provided by consignor will be included on the sale orders, but is not guaranteed by the Midwest Sale. Penning: Will be made prior to the sale and all consignors must use the assigned pens. Any special penning request must accompany your sale entries! We will honor these requests whenever possible. Consignor Responsibility: As a consignor you are responsible for the cost incurred in the preparation and transportation of your animals to the sale, plus the feed and bedding at the sale. Hay and straw will be available on the fairgrounds at local prevailing prices.

MIDWEST STUD RAM SALE - SALE RULES All sheep in the sale must be offered with Full Interest Selling! All sheep must be guaranteed as breeders, if properly handled. Half-interest sales are permitted, but only at the option of the buyer(s). Consignors must offer the Full interest through the sale. No semen right may be imposed by consignors subsequent to the sale of a ram. Consignors may collect and retain rights to semen on rams sold, but only that semen collected prior to the sale. Rams that have been previously collected will be branded with a “C” merely as a means of letting the prospective buyers know that consignor is holding semen, and retaining rights to this semen. Please notify the sale staff when checking in the animal so that a “C” can be included on the paint branding card. Artificial Coloring: Any artificial coloring of the head and legs, or of wool for the purpose of camouflaging black fiber is prohibited. Lambs Teeth: All lambs should hold their lamb’s teeth to 12 months of age. Any lambs that drop their teeth prior to 12 months as determined by their registry paper shall be replaced with a lamb of equal value to the mutual satisfaction of the buyer and seller within a reasonable amount of time, or the consignor shall refund the purchase price promptly with all fees and percentages retained by the sale managements. It shall be the responsibility of the buyer to notify the seller and then the sale manager if such a problem occurs. Any consignor failing to comply with this rule shall be barred from consigning any animals to the following Midwest Sale. Show Placing and Sifting: A full class list can be found on the back of the entry blank. Classes with over 30 entries will be split by age after check-in except in Wether Sire and Dam Divisions. Only the top end of classes larger than 20 will be placed in all breeds. The balance of the class will be randomly drawn for sale order. Any unsound, inferior or unacceptable entries in the opinion of the Judge or Sale Classifier or Sifting Designee will be sifted. All decisions by the listed designees are final. Lamb Muzzles Prohibited: Any consignor using muzzles on animals will be asked to remove them. If muzzles are seen on the animals again, these animals will be automatically dismissed from the sale. Blankets: Blankets are to remain off animals once shown, except for late night protection. Shearing Rules: All Southdowns, Texels, Shropshires, Dorpers, Wether Sires & Dams, plus Club Lambs show and sell slick-shorn… with No Butt Wool! The Suffolk, Hampshire, Montadale and Dorset Show & Sales will have special slick-sheared classes, but otherwise should have no more than one inch of wool on any part of the body. Corriedales, Natural Colored, Polypays, Columbias and Rambouillets are exempted, but should not be presented in overly long fleeces. The annual Midwest Stud Ram Sale, which takes place in Sedalia, Missouri each June, is North America¹s premier sheep show and sale. Heartland Livestock Services and members of the Midwest Sale management have an expectation of ethical behavior from consignors at this event. Behavior should reflect the national status of this show and sale. Should questions arise regarding a consignor”s behavior, or their consignment, we reserve the right to investigate to our satisfaction.

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MIDWEST STUD RAM SALE - GENERAL INFORMATION PROCEDURE ON TRANSIT ANIMALS IN THE DESIGNATED TRANSIT BARNS: Animals not consigned in the Midwest Sale are not allowed to be housed in the Sheep and Swine barns. Instead, they are considered transit animals and should be held in the horse barn stalls. Stalls for transit animals will now be accounted for by Midwest Sale staff. All stalls will be locked prior to sale week and can then be rented by consignors/non-consignors through sale staff in the FFA Building. Stall rent will cost $5.00 per pen per day for consignors, and $15 per pen per day for non-consignors. All rentals must be paid up front and will pay rent through Sunday following the sale. We will require renter name, address, phone number, number of sheep penned, and a brief description of animals upon pen rental. If renter chooses to empty the pen prior to Sunday, they may return to the FFA Building for a refund of days not used, allowing the pen to again be locked by sale staff. Refunds will be allowed for the day staff is informed of the empty pen through Sunday. Renters wishing to lock their transit pens will be required to furnish their own locks for this purpose. Otherwise transit animals are to be held in personal trailers, at no responsibility to the Midwest Sale or its staff. ALL TRANSIT ANIMALS MUST ALSO HAVE HEALTH PAPERS available for inspection in accordance with Missouri health standards and rules and federal law. Please put transit animals on separate health papers from sale entries. Display Dogs Prohibited: No display dogs will be allowed in the barns. Parking: No trailers or trucks are to be parked adjacent to the barns as these are fire lanes. Settlement Checks: Settlement checks will be mailed to consignors in early August on all sheep paid for by that time. Collections from “bad buyers” of necessity must be a shared responsibility. No consignor has ever failed to be paid for sheep sold through this sale, but unfortunately, there have been some delays from time to time due to circumstances beyond our control.


Katahdin: 1. Only 100% Registered (White Papered) Katahdins are eligible. 2. Consignors must be KHSI or CKSI members. 3. All entries must be shown to determine their sale order. 4. Consignors should enter “A” coat yearlings or lambs that have shed their lamb coats. It is recognized that such shedding may not be possible for younger spring lambs, particularly any spring lamb entries born in March or April. 5. As Katahdins are Hair Sheep, no shearing, trimming or clipping will be permitted. Consignors should present their entries in as attractive manner as possible. Washing and brushing are encouraged. 6. No tail docked animals allowed. 7. All yearling rams and fall ram lambs must have a negative b.Ovis ELISA test, in addition to the interstate health papers required for all entries. Dorper: 1. Fullblood and Purebred entries will be combined into single classes. 2. All rams should be High Type 3 or better. 3. Consignors are allowed 2 ram entries, any additional rams must have 2 ewes for each ram entered. 4. All entries must be slick sheared within one week of the show unless the animal has completely shed at the time of the show. No carding or blocking will be permitted. Montadales: All entries MUST be codon tested and lab reports MUST accompany registration papers at Check-in. You will be billed an additional $10 entry fee by MSBA. Polypays: 1. All animals consigned to the sale must be from multiple births. 2. All yearling ewes consigned must have lambed prior to sale. Texels: 1. The Texel Sheep Breeders Society has determined that animals will not be allowed to be penned and participate in the show and sale unless the animal has a liftable tail dock (there must be tail vertebrae liftable by hand). The recommended tail length is 1.5 inches which would approximate a dock at the distal end of the caudal fold. All animals born after July 1, 2014 must conform to the tail docking rule in order to participate in the National Texel Show and Sale. 2. The Texel Sheep Breeders Society has determined that only sheep that have been tested negative to Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) within 30 days prior to the National Texel Show and Sale will be allowed to be penned and participate in the National Texel Show and Sale. All sheep must be accompanied by a negative OPP AGID test regardless of age. The OPP AGID test must be run by an American Academy of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) accredited lab. The list of accredited labs can be found at www.aavld.org/accrediooted-laboratories. Exhibitors must show a copy of the negative test results to the sale chair. Animal identification must match test result identification. Make certain that your veterinarian correctly identifies your sale animals on the paper work. The animals must be identified in one or more of the following ways in order to participate: a) Mandatory Scrapie Identification tags b) Scrapie Flock Certification Program tags c) Ear tattoos that conform to the Scrapie Flock Certification Program and are recognized as such by the State of Flock Origin and the Federal Government Buyers at the sale must be aware that a negative OPP test within 30 days prior to the sale does not guarantee disease free status. Purchased animals should be isolated and retested based upon your veterinarian’s advice to further reduce risk. Southdowns: 1. HEREDITARY CHONDRODYSPLASIA, ECTODERMAL DYSPLASIS, and CODON 171 SALE WARRANTY: At all sales sponsored by this association the seller warrants to the buyer that sheep sold are free of Hereditary Chondrodysplasia (spider), Ectodermal Dysplasia (hairy lamb) and contain a minimum of one R at condon 171. Any claimed violation of this warranty shall be settled between the buyer and seller. This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and the seller only. No other parties, including but not limited to the American Southdown Breeders’ Association, Sale Management and sponsoring organizations, shall assume any liability, legal or otherwise, express or implied. Any seller failing to in good faith comply with this rule shall be denied the right to register and transfer with the Association and will be automatically barred from selling any sheep for five years or until resolved to this sale or any sale sponsored or sanctioned by the American Southdown Breeders’ Association. 2. DNA TESTING: Designate Gene Check as official lab for ASBA Show and Sale work. (Summer 2009.) Shropshires: All entries are to be slick shorn with in 5 days of the show from the hock and knees up and the poll back. Wool should be left on the lower legs below the hock and knee joints and on the poll. There should be no wool left above the hock or knee joints. Suffolk: The United Suffolk Sheep Association has adopted the following requirements for all USSA sanctioned sales, including the Midwest Sale. This applies to both breeding sheep and wether sires and dams. Registered Suffolks of all genotypes (NN, NS, RR, QR, QQ) will be allowed to sell. Each consignor must declare and guarantee the genetic makeup of each of their entries with respect to both spider syndrome and scrapie susceptibility (codon 171). Any registered Suffolk may be sold as long as this information is provided at the time of paper check-in prior to the start of the shows. DNA test results are not required and consignors may declare and guarantee the genotypes of their entries based solely on pedigree. Genotype information (NS or NN and QQ, QR or RR) will be printed on the sale order, which is prepared following the shows. Any buyer who wishes to have the benefit of this guarantee must have the animal DNA tested, at the buyer’s expense, to confirm whether or not the sheep is as declared by the seller with respect to either scrapie susceptibility or spider syndrome. Such testing must be performed within 45 days of the date of sale. If a sheep is determined by the buyer’s DNA testing to be of lesser genotype that the consignor declared at the sale, the seller shall have the option of having the animals retested at the seller’s expense. The seller must arrange for such testing within two weeks of receipt of buyer’s test results or a mutually agreeable timetable. In the event there is a conflict in the results between the two tests, a third test will immediately be run with the cost of such third test to be equally shared by the buyer and seller. If the animal is determined to be less than declared by the consignor or if the seller fails to provide for a re-test, the sheep shall be returned to the seller with the costs association with the transportation of the returned sheep being equally shared by the buyer and the seller and the seller shall refund the full purchase price of the animal promptly, with all fees and percentages levied against the animal retained by the sale. This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller only. No other parties, including but not limited to the USSA, sale management, sponsoring organizations, shall assumer any liability, legal or otherwise, express or implied. Sellers failing to comply with the spirit of these provisions will be subject to being barred from future USSA sanctioned sales. --- Page 175 ---

2015 Champions Best Consignments & Sale Averages

Champion Rams:

Columbia – Dew Drop Farm, MN Corriedale – Dew Drop Farm, MN Dorper – HIJO Dorper, OR White Dorper – HIJO Dorpers, OR Horned Dorset – Kendrick Dorsets, IL Polled Dorset – Sid’s Dorsets, IL Hampshire – Held Hampshires, SD Katahdin – Dosch’s TMD Katadins, SD Montadale – Jacobsen Ranch, CA Natural Colored – Bar J Bar Ranch, SD Polypay – Shady Lawn Polypays, IA Rambouillet – Scott Crawford Family, MN Shropshire – Slack Club Lambs, IN Southdown – Northern Starr Livestock, MN Suffolk – Wayne Skartvedt Family, IA Texel – Pine Knob Farm, CT Tunis – Riverwood Farms, OH

Supreme Champion Ram:

Champion Hampshire – Held Hampshires, SD

Champion Ewes:

Columbia – Borcher Sheep Co, WY Corriedale – Phillippi Corriedales, MT Dorper – HIJO Dorpers, OR White Dorper – Missouri Dorpers, MO Horned Dorset – Cassell Horned Dorsets, VA Polled Dorset – Lauden Acres, PA Hampshire – Mumm Hampshires, IL Katahdin – Julian & Moore Sheep, OH Montadale – Ekern Montadales, MO Natural Colored – Pines End Natural Coloreds, SD Polypay – Big Prairie Polypays, IL Rambouillet – Dew Drop Farms, MN Shropshire – Slack Club Lambs, IN Southdown – Maddox Southdowns, OK Suffolk – RennVue Farms, MI Texel – Fisher Texels, ID Tunis – Riverwood Farms, OH

Supreme Champion Ewe:

Polled Dorset – Lauden Acres, PA

Champion Wether Sires:

Crossbred – Ellerbrock Club Lambs, IL Dorset – Slack Club Lambs, IN Dorset Advantage – Slack Club Lambs, IN Hampshire – Williams Show Lambs, MN Natural Colored – Johnson Family Show Stock, WI Speckle – Slack Club Lambs, IN Suffolk – Williams Show Lambs, MN

Supreme Champion Wether Sire: Champion Hampshire – Williams Show Lambs, MN

Champion Wether Dams:

Crossbred – Allen Show Lambs, OK Dorset – Slack Club Lambs, IN Dorset Advantage – Slack Club Lambs, IN Hampshire – Shroyer Show Stock, OH Natural Colored – Rule Sheep Company, IA Speckle – Slack Club Lambs, IN Suffolk – Slack Club Lambs, IN

Best Consignments:

Columbia – Montana Aerie Sheep Ranch, MT Corriedale – Phillippi Corriedales, MT Dorper – HiJo Dorpers, OR White Dorper – JBJ Livestock, MO Horned Dorset – Cassell Horned Dorsets, VA Polled Dorset – Lauden Acres, PA Hampshire – Plaza Hamps, MO Katahdin – Julian & Moore, OH Montadale – Jacobsen Ranch, OH Natural Colored – Pines End Natural Coloreds, SD Polypay – Big Prairie Polypays, IL Rambouillet – Dew Drop Farms, MN Shropshire – Rife Shropshires, OH Southdown – Northern Star Livestock, MN Suffolk – Annuschat Farms, OK Texel – Fisher Texels, ID Tunis – Riverwood Farms, OH Wether Sire – Slack Club Lambs, IN

Overall Best Consignment: Slack Club Lambs, IN

Supreme Champion Wether Sire: Champion Crossbred – Allen Show Lambs, OK

2015 Sale Averages by Breed or Division: Breed..................................................................head....................average


Columbia................................ 39....... $472.44 Corriedale............................... 19....... $598.68 Dorper.................................... 19.... $1,277.78 White Dorper......................... 28.... $1,235.71 Horned Dorset....................... 24....... $558.33 Polled Dorset.......................... 68.... $1,199.63 Hampshire............................110....... $860.91 Katahdin................................139....... $807.01 Montadale.............................. 65....... $727.31 Natural Colored...................... 24....... $623.96 Polypay................................... 33....... $422.73 Rambouillet............................ 35....... $465.71 Shropshire.............................. 45....... $658.89

Southdown............................. 97....... $838.66 Suffolk...................................103.... $1,080.10 Texel........................................ 43....... $924.42 Tunis........................................ 28....... $566.07 Club Lamb............................... 28....... $712.50 Dorset WS/WD....................... 95.... $1,052.11 Dorset Advantage WS/WD.... 17....... $635.29 Hampshire WS/WD.............272.... $2,327.67 Natural Colored WS/WD....... 48....... $763.02 Speckle WS/WD..................... 19....... $444.74 Suffolk WS/WD...................... 48.... $1,081.25 Crossbred WS/WD...............115.... $1,742.61 All WS/WD combined..........614.... $1,695.85

--- Page 176 ---

Hurry! Order now to receive free delivery of your equipment to be delivered to the Midwest Stud Ram Show & Sale June 20th—25th in Sedalia, MO. Stop by our booth at the show to see new items and our sale items—our Super Sale ends June 30th!

All CHUTE SYSTEM PACKAGES Traditional Heavy Duty Chute Packages RED Lite Chute System Packages

All TILT TABLE PACKAGES Yes, we design our own equipment and we stand behind our equipment! These products all have a LIFETIME WARRANTY! 

5 head Show Rail w/Sign Frame—Zinc Plated

All Trimming Stands

All Head Pieces & Head Piece Parts

All CIRCLE PEN PACKAGES RED Lamb Stands $225 Mineral Feeders $180 Bolt-on Gate Nose Loops $80 Wool Bag Stand $215 Hay & Grain Feeders $20 off Gate Feeders $5 off Creep Feeders $5 off Show Troughs Light Holder FREE with purchase of a

Zinc Plated Parts

Light Guard

Mineral Feeders

Drop Rods (bundle of 10) $50 All Buckets $5

Guaranteed to Work! We are so confident with our Tilt Table that we will guarantee it to work or we will buy it back! Yes, we will. Purchasing livestock equipment is an investment and it only makes sense to invest in equipment that really works!


6471 Miller Drive Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-5388 office


Please visit our website or call for current prices, promotions, and to request a catalog!




SEDALIA, MO 65301 PERMIT No. 210

MAIL TO: PO Box 72 - Milo, IA 50166

e m e r p u 2015 S s n o i p Cham Where the crowd behind the block is just as big as the crowd out front!


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