2017 Midwest Sale Catalog

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You can’t afford not to be pa rt

of North America’s Greates t Sheep Sale!

JUNE 19 - 24, 2017

It’s called Flex Lamb for a reason. CHAMPION DRIVE™ ■ Supports muscle development ■ Fat cover neutral

FITTER 35® ■ Helps promote muscling

ULTRA FULL® ■ Helps promote lower body fill ■ Designed to expand progressively

POWER FUEL® ■ Helps promote body condition and growth performance ■ Helps add fat cover ■ Helps support immune function

Helps trim body fat

DEPTH CHARGE® ■ Creates “fill” and volume ■ Helps promote a full physical appearance for show day

HEAVY WEIGHT® ■ Helps add fat cover ■ Helps promote growth by improving feed intake

Our new Honor® Show Chow® Flex Lamb feed’s name says it all. It’s flexible. You can feed it to multiple breeds and types of sheep, and use it with our line of High Octane® supplements to get the show look you need.

Your local Purina retailer can tell you more or visit purinamills.com/show-feed

© 2016 Purina Animal Nutrition LLC. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents and Advertisers Index MOVED to last page of catalog!



11am to 4pm - Open for Consignor/Animal Check-in Sheep Barn (All Junior Shows) 9am - LeRoy Boyd Katahdin Junior Show Judge: Justin Fruechte

7:30am to 6pm - Open for Consignor/Animal Check-in Open for Buyer Check-out during sales

FFA Building

FFA Building

Sheep Barn

Buyer Numbers available in the barn beginning at 7:30am 8am - Katahdin Sale

(all shows will immediately follow in order listed)

National Montadale Junior Show Judge: Justin Fruechte National Texel Junior Show Judge: Justin Fruechte

(all sales will immediately follow in order listed)

6pm - Welcome Reception at Montadales pens hosted by Montadale Board of Directors Best Western State Fair Inn 6pm - Texel Sheep Breeder’s Society Annual Meeting & Banquet

TUESDAY – JUNE 20th FFA Building

7:30am to 6pm - Open for Consignor/Animal Check-in

Sheep Barn

6:30am - Coffee, Donuts & Bagels at Katahdin pens, sponsored by MWKHSA 8am - Coffee & Donuts at Tunis pens, sponsored by Midwest Tunis Assn 11am - Light Lunch at Tunis pens, sponsored by Midwest Tunis Assn

8am - Katahdin Show Judge: John Mrozinski, Sr. (all shows will immediately follow in order listed)


Swine Barn

National Montadale Show Judge: Steve Reid White Dorper/Dorper Show Judge: Warren Cude National Texel Show Judge: Warren Cude

8am - Club Lamb Show (all shows will immediately follow in order listed) Judge for Club Lambs + all Wether Sires & Dams: Kyle Smithwick

SOUTH RING Corriedale Show Judge: John Mrozinski, Sr. Columbia Show Judge: John Mrozinski, Sr. Tunis Show Judge: Steve Reid Natural Colored Show Judge: John Mrozinski, Sr. Rambouillet Show Judge: John Mrozinski, Sr. Polypay Show Judge: John Mrozinski, Sr.

National Hampshire Wether Sire & Dam Show Suffolk Wether Sire & Dam Show Crossbred Wether Sire & Dam Show


FRIDAY – JUNE 23rd FFA Building

7:30am to 6pm - Open for Buyer Check-out during sales

Swine Barn


Buyer Numbers available in the barn beginning at 7:30am 8am - National Hampshire Sale

FFA Building

7:30am to 6pm - Open for Consignor/Animal Check-in Dr. Taylor Woods Reception Hall 1pm - Montadale Sheep Breeders Assn Banquet & Annual Meeting 3pm - Midwest Katahdin Hair Sheep Association Annual Meeting & Katahdin Informational

(all sales will immediately follow in order listed)

Suffolk Sale

Sheep Barn

7:30pm - Lamb Tacos at the Dorper Pens, sponsored by ADSBS 8pm - Ice Cream Social at Katahdin pens, sponsored by MWKHSA

Swine Barn

NORTH RING 8am - Southdown Show Judge: Jason Simpson (all shows will immediately follow in order listed) Shropshire Show Judge: Kyle Smithwick Judge for all Wether Sires & Dams: Kyle Smithwick National Dorset Wether Sire & Dam Show

Polled & Horned Dorset Sale Southdown Sale Shropshire Sale National Dorset Wether Sire & Dam Sale National Dorset Advantage Wether Sire & Dam Sale Speckle-Faced Wether Sire & Dam Sale Natural Colored Sire & Dam Sale

SATURDAY – JUNE 24th FFA Building

7:30am to 6pm - Open for Buyer Check-out during sales

Swine Barn

National Dorset Advantage Wether Sire & Dam Show Speckle-Faced Wether Sire & Dam Show Natural Colored Wether Sire & Dam Show

Buyer Numbers available in the barn beginning at 7:30am. 8am - Club Lamb Sale (all sales will immediately follow in order listed)

SOUTH RING 8am - National Hampshire Show Judge: Evan Snyder

National Hampshire Wether Sire & Dam Sale

Crossbred Wether Sire & Dam Sale

Suffolk Wether Sire & Dam Sale

(all shows will immediately follow in order listed)

Suffolk Show Judge: Steve Reid

National Montadale Sale Polypay Sale Tunis Sale National Texel Sale White Dorper/Dorper Sale Corriedale Sale Rambouillet Sale Columbia Sale Natural Colored Sale

Polled & Horned Dorset Show Judge: Evan Snyder

6pm - LARRY MEAD SUPREME CHAMPION EVENT Lamb Dinner & Performance Recognition sponsored by PURINA All-American Junior Show “Big Ticket” Benefit Auction

www.midwestsale.com Follow us:

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Midwest Stud Ram Sale

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On the Covers... Our front cover features- The theme of our front cover is “An Investment for

you!” And what an investment opportunity it is with so many breeds and divisions represented at the sale. The Midwest Sale offers the greatest sheep genetics at North America’s greatest sheep sale! Many of you are planning to attend. But if you can’t be there in person, you can watch all the shows and sales at www.DVAuction.com.

Our back cover includes- The Supreme Champion Ewe (top left) also Senior Champion/Grand Champion Hampshire Ewe was consigned by the Herrig Family, Slayton MN. Dave and his son Jake sold their yearling ewe to Brandt Spilde, Stoughton, WI & Steve Birschbach, Birschbach Hampshires, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin for $5,300. The Supreme Champion Wether Sire (top right) was named the Grand Champion Crossbred Wether Sire and was consigned by David Williams, Williams Bros, Edwardsburg, MI. Williams Bros. sold their Fall Ram Lamb to Perkins Club Lambs, Bloomville, OH for $7,000 The Supreme Champion Wether Dam (bottom left) was consigned by Allred-Elliott, John Allred of Vernal, Utah and Clay Elliott of Calumet, OK. Their January Ewe Lamb entry was named the Junior Champion/Grand Champion Hampshire Wether Dam and sold to Jarvett Webb of Saint George, UT for $11,500 The Supreme Champion Ram (bottom right) was the Senior Champion/Grand Champion Corriedale Ram consigned by Duane & Darin Bauck, Dew Drop Farms, New York Mills, MN. Their yearling ram entry sold to the Bruce Hoffman Family of Rockham, SD for $3,400. This was the second Supreme Champion for the Corriedale breed in three years as Friesz Corriedales captured the Supreme Champion Ewe honors in 2014.

See you in Sedalia...

See the People, See the Sheep, See the Action!

Columbia – Dew Drop Farm, MN Corriedale – Dew Drop Farm, MN Dorper – HIJO Dorper, OR White Dorper – Riverwood, OH Horned Dorset – Patoka Valley, IN Polled Dorset – Flinchum Polled Dorsets, CO Hampshire – Pine Lawn Farm, MN Katahdin – Julian and Moore Sheep Co, OH Montadale – Miller Farms, SD Natural Colored – Wolf Brothers Livestock, OH Polypay – Shady Lawn Polypays, IA Rambouillet – Dew Drop Farms, MN Shropshire – Slack Club Lambs, IN Southdown – Forsee Southdowns, KY Suffolk – Wayne Skartvedt Family, IA Texel – Portland Prarie Texels, MN Tunis – Avery Spilde, WI

Champion Ewes:

Columbia – Borcher Sheep Co, WY Corriedale – Wolf Brothers Livestock, OH Dorper – Riverwood, OH White Dorper – Riverwood, OH Horned Dorset – Cassell Horned Dorsets, VA Polled Dorset – Wolkow Dorsets, SD Hampshire – Herrig Family Hampshires, MN Katahdin – Dosch’s TMD Katahdins, SD Montadale – Poppen Montadales, SD Natural Colored – Borcher Sheep Co, WY Polypay – Shady Lawn Farm, IA Rambouillet – Dew Drop Farms, MN Shropshire – Slack Club Lambs, IN Southdown – Forsee Southdowns, KY Suffolk – Annuschat Farms, LLC, OK Texel – Pine Knob Farm, CT Tunis – Avery Spilde, WI

PO Box 72 - Milo, IA 50166



Sale Contacts: Ringmen (Mail Bids)

2016 Champions Champion Rams:

Follow us on Facebook:

Midwest Stud Ram Sale

Supreme Champion Ram:

Champion Corriedale – Dew Drop Farms, MN

Supreme Champion Ewe:

Champion Hampshire – Herrig Family Hampshires, MN

Champion Wether Sires:

Crossbred – Williams Bros, MI Dorset – Slack Club Lambs, IN Dorset Advantage – Titus Club Lambs, IL Hampshire – Allred/Elliot, OK Natural Colored – Harms Show Lambs, IL Speckle – Slack Club Lambs, IN Suffolk – Slack Club Lambs, IN

Champion Wether Dams:

Crossbred – Allen Show Lambs, OK Dorset – Stillwell Club Lambs, IN Dorset Advantage – Fisher Club Lamb, ID Hampshire – Allred/Elliot, OK Natural Colored – Hill Country Show Lambs, TX Speckle – Slack Club Lambs, IN Suffolk – Slack Club Lambs, IN

Supreme Champion Wether Sire: Champion Crossbred – Williams Bros, MI

Supreme Champion Wether Dam:

Champion Hampshire – Allred/Elliot, OK

Bret Oelke................... (218) 770-2428 Andy Korb................... (513) 312-0648 Ryan Livermont........... (507) 215-1923 Tyler Lobdell............... (815) 238-0832 Donnie Allen............... (580) 920-9867 Steve George.............. (419) 306-1144 Rodney Morris............ (217) 273-5299 Joe Gonzales............... (806) 778-8927 Dennis Wood.............. (937) 539-2008 Dan Houser................. (918) 650-2462 Travis Snyder............... (309) 221-1935 Jeff Ruckert................. (785) 565-8293 Steve Majchrzak......... (410) 463-5476 Kyle George................ (573) 825-8000 Clayton Neal............... (567) 207-7296 Tyler Meyers............... (937) 935-6589 Chris MacCauley......... (484) 319-8376


Curt Overcash............. (815) 210-7000 Gary Saylor................. (937) 464-7214 Bobby Fletcher........... (806) 787-3030 Danny Westlake.......... (937) 243-5111 Billy MacCauley.......... (484) 612-3983

Heartland Partners

Curt Overcash............. (815) 210-7000 Bret Oelke................... (218) 770-2428 Karey Claghorn........... (515) 229-0061 Brandan Bruce............ (515) 313-8765 Millie Moore............... (701) 541-1120 Carrie Taylor-Kelly....... (515) 229-2893

Other Sale Staff

Mary Anne Keck......... (417) 844-5895 Tricia Schneidermeyer...(636) 295-7224 Rob Frost.................... (740) 505-4858

DV Auction Office

dva@dvauction.com or (402) 316-5460

watch live streamed shows & sales at www.dvauction.com --- Page 3 ---

Sale Fax................... (888) 371-3363

watch live streamed shows & sales, bid in real time

Midwest Sale on dvauction.com

Curt Overcash

Managing Partner Heartland Livestock Services

Ottawa, Illinois

(815) 210-7000


Bobby Fletcher

Gary Saylor

(806) 787-3030

(937) 464-7214

Wolfforth, Texas

Auctioneers Danny Westlake

Belle Center, Ohio


Marysville, Ohio

(937) 243-5111



2016 Sale Averages


head average

Columbia...................................38..........$549.34 Corriedale..................................73..........$883.56 Dorper.......................................34.......$1,622.06 White Dorper............................51.......$1,219.61 Horned Dorset..........................13..........$557.69 Polled Dorset.............................44..........$838.64 Hampshire...............................106..........$789.62 Katahdin...................................169..........$839.05 Montadale.................................63..........$841.67 Natural Colored.........................13..........$642.31 Polypay......................................18..........$408.33 Rambouillet...............................27..........$639.81 Shropshire.................................37..........$740.54 Southdown..............................137..........$897.26 Suffolk......................................124..........$906.25 Texel...........................................37..........$836.49 Tunis...........................................24..........$619.79

Judges 2017


head average

Club Lamb..................................28..........$712.50 Dorset WS/WD........................113.......$1,023.01 Dorset Advantage WS/WD....... 26..........$988.46 Hampshire WS/WD................251.......$2,251.39 Natural Colored WS/WD.......... 48..........$763.02 Speckle WS/WD........................34..........$920.59 Suffolk WS/WD.........................61.......$1,181.97 Crossbred WS/WD..................109.......$1,450.92 All WS/WD combined.............613.......$1,597.88

Atglen, Pennsylvania

(484) 612-3983


5 Years Averages


head average

2016........ $1,898,050.00........ 1380....... $647.75 2015........ $1,867,200.00........ 1929....... $554.76 2014........ $1,764,948.54........ 1730....... $653.58 2013........ $1,697,675.00........ 1852....... $678.20 2012........ $2,336,725.00........ 2061....... $667.41

Evan Snyder

Kyle Smithwick

John Mrozinski, Sr

Horned & Polled Dorset, Hampshires

Shropshires, All Wether Sires & Wether Dams

Corriedale, Columbia, Natural Colored, Rambouillet, Polypay

Steve Reid

Justin Fruechte

Montadale, Suffolk, Tunis

All Junior Shows

Loysville, Pennsylvania

Jason Simpson

Warren Cude


Dorper, Texel, Tunis

Ault, Colorado

Billy MacCauley

Fort Stockton, Texas --- Page 4 ---

Miles, Texas

Houstonia, Missouri

Rolling Prairie, Indiana

Ward, South Dakota

--- Page 5 ---

--- Page 6 ---


They can handle Mail Bids if you can’t attend!

Andy Korb

Barrett, Minnesota

Head Ringman

(218) 770-2428

Oxford, Ohio

(513) 312-0648

Steve George

Joe Gonzales

(419) 306-1144

(806) 778-8927

Deshler, Ohio

Bret Oelke

Public Relations Heartland Livestock Services


Donnie Allen

Lorenzo, Texas

Dan Houser

Hendrix, Oklahoma

Wewoka, Oklahoma

(580) 920-9867

(918) 650-2462

Rodney Morris

Dennis Wood

Tyler Lobdell

Ryan Livermont

(217) 273-5299

(937) 539-2008

(815) 238-0832

(507) 215-1923

Richard Rankin

Jeff Ruckert

Travis Snyder

Longest Serving Ringman Award

(785) 565-8293

(309) 221-1935

Lerna, Illinois

Rocheport, Missouri

Belle Center, Ohio

Lena, Illinois

Manhattan, Kansas

Pipestone, Minnesota

Steve Majchrzak

Monmouth, Illinois

Federalsburg, Maryland

(410) 463-5476

Kyle George

Tyler Myers

Chris MacCauley

Clayton Neal

(573) 825-8000

(937) 935-6589

(484) 319-8376

(567) 207-7296

Columbia, Missouri

Atglen, Pennsylvania

Rushsylvania, Ohio --- Page 7 ---

Tiffin, Ohio

Winners Columbia

2016 Best Consignment Awards



Friesz Corriedales

Powell, Wyoming

New Salem, North Dakota

Joana Friesz

Jim Klingbeil, Owner - Eric Bruns, Shepherd

Cassell Horned Dorsets

Horned Dorset

Polled Dorset Lauden Acres

Pine Lawn Farm

Julian & Moore

Wytheville, Virginia

Dalmatia, Pennsylvania

Holland, Minnesota

Rootstown, Ohio

Weston & Cassidy Borcher

Paul Cassell

Riverwood Farms

White Dorper Riverwood Farms

Borcher Sheep Co

Powell, Ohio

Jim Klingbeil, Owner - Eric Bruns, Shepherd Powell, Ohio


Lynn Laudenslager


Mike Caskey

Ed & Helen Julian

Photo Not Available

Montadale Miller Farms

Natuarl Colored Kuehne Coloreds

Shady Lawn Farm

Dew Drop Farms

Bruce, South Dakota

Reading, Minnesota

Eldridge, Iowa

New York Mills, Minnesota

Greg Miller



Daniel & Victoria Kuehne



Kevin & Diane Herman

Darin & Duane Bauck



Slack Club Lambs

Forsee Southdowns

Annuschat Farms, LLC

Pine Knob Farm

North Manchester, Indiana

Owenton, Kentucky

Okarche, Oklahoma

Sommers, Connecticut

Tom Slack

Brian Forsee

Nick & Ron Annuschat


Rachel Gately

Spilde Tunis

Wether Sire & Dam Slack Club Lambs

Stoughton, Wisconsin

North Manchester, Indiana

Avery Spilde

Tom Slack

--- Page 8 ---

Stud Ram Show Locator Map


6 Le



Va n






eA ve



8 10



W 3rd St


Broadway Blvd/HWY 50 15

W 16th St

Trans-Central Suppliers Truck and Trailer Parts and Repair 4701 S Limit (Hwy 65) 660-827-3735


Warehouse Tire & Muffler Tires, Auto Repair, 24 Hr Service 4004 S Limit 660-827-5557 or 660-620-7766

MO State Fairgrounds



d un ro pg


Schilby’s Auto Service “We fix all makes & models.” 3913 S. Limit 660-826-6020


Jim’s Tire Service 24 Hr Emergency Road Service 5245 S. Limit 660-826-1663



Liberty Park Blvd



S. Park Ave


S Limit Ave/HWY 65


Thompson Blvd

To L



W 20th St

5 Rd





W 16th St


5 6 7 8

Ag Co-op Local Purina Feeds Dealer 2420 Clinton Road 660-826-5327



*LAG Industries Livestock Equipment Fabricators 19601 MO-127, LaMonte 660-347-5413


MFA Agri Services Animal Supplies & Feed 2200 Clinton Rd 660-826-7097


Tractor Supply One Stop Shop for Animal Supplies 3901 W. Broadway (660)827-0600




*Real Estate Brokers Experts in Residential & Farm Property 1800 Liberty Park Blvd 877-827-0933




Colton’s Steakhouse & Grill Great Steaks & More! 4104 W. Broadway 660-829-3737


Kehde’s Barbecue Best Bar-B- Que in the World! 1915 S Limit 660-826-2267


LaMaire’s Voted Best Catfish by Rural Mag. 3500 W. Broadway 660-827-3563


Papa Jake’s Donuts Sedalia's Finest for 50 Years! 1200 W. 16th St. 660-826-61763

RETAIL *Gene’s Boots & Hats Fine Western Apparel Thompson Hills Shopping Ctr 660-826-2220

Brick Front Grill Greek Food and Specialties 3007 W Broadway (660)827-2339

--- Page 10 ---

Sale Staff Brandan Bruce

Karey Claghorn

Millie Moore

Carrie Taylor-Kelly

Wayne Busch

Bert Moore

Donnie Allen

Dan Houser

Heartland Partner


Heartland Partner

Ring Steward

Heartland Partner

Heartland Partner

Ring Steward

Ring Steward

Jo Bernard Sale Clerk

Janel Rankin Sale Clerk

Photo Not Available Dale Smith Ad Designor

Emily Claghorn

Becca Roberts

Mary Anne Keck

Zach Bruce

Jodee Nohner

Jackie Oelke

Abilene Gatson

Amanda Lobdell

Sale Clerk

DV Auction

Social Media Manager

DV Auction

Sale Clerk

Sale Clerk

Sale Clerk

Sale Clerk

Tricia Schneidermeyer Sale Clerk

Audrey Neal-Nichols Rob Frost

Sale Clerk

Head of Sale Logistics

Photo Not Available

Cody Kinsman Sale Clerk

Rachel Schambow Sale Clerk

Tom Schambow Sale Clerk

Kendra Fleck Photographer

Kacy Schneidermeyer Photographer

Lucas Fickin, Keaton Schnell Chance Larsen, Dylan Arnwine Sale Logistics Crew

Gophers Katie & Jennifer Frost, Amy & Brett Baughman

Emily Swacker, Kaitlyn Welch, Alyssa Francis Abigail Wise, Rachel Schultz, Josh Anderson, Kyle McCauley --- Page 11 ---


2016 BestLyman Overall Consignment McPike Award Trophy sponsored by Mid-States Wool Growers

Slack Club Lambs Tom Slack The Lyman

North Manchester, Indiana

McPike Award is given each year for the Best Overall Consignment, in honor of one of the founding fathers of the Midwest Sale.

Past Winners Include: 2015-Slack Club Lambs, North Manchester, IN 2014-Slack Club Lambs, North Manchester, IN 2013-Jason Simpson, Ault, CO 2012-Slack Club Lambs, North Manchester, IN 2011-Ellerbrock Brothers CLs, Atkinson, IL 2010-Ellerbrock Brothers CLs, Atkinson, IL 2009-5 Star J Farms, Patoka, IN 2008-Twin Oaks Dorsets, Belle Center, OH 2007-Ellerbrock Brothers CLs, Atkinson, IL 2006-Wheaton Hampshires, Charlotte, MI

2005-Ellerbrock Brothers CLs, Atkinson, IL 2004-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 2003-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 2002-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 2001-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 2000-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 1999-Heggemeier Sheep Co., Burley, ID 1998-Dayle & Donna Waddington, Ukiah, CA 1997-Arlo Farms, Sioux Center, IA 1996-George Brothers, McComb, OH 1995-Magic Valley Livestock, Burley, ID

1994-Magic Valley Livestock, Burley, ID 1993-Magic Valley Livestock, Burley, ID 1992-Magic Valley Livestock, Burley, ID 1991-Magic Valley Livestock, Burley, ID 1990-Rancho Royale, Perris, CA 1989-Great River Ranch, Belleville, IL 1988-Maiorino Livestock Co., Firebaugh, CA 1987-Maiorino Livestock Co., Firebaugh, CA 1986-Hamp City-Jaime & Mary Anne Farao, OR 1985-Hamp City-Jaime & Mary Anne Farao, OR 1984-Jack Larson, Spanish Fork, UT

1983-Jack Larson, Spanish Fork, UT 1982-Jack Larson, Spanish Fork, UT 1981-Jack Larson, Spanish Fork, UT 1980-Heggemeier Sheep Co., Kirkland, IL 1979-Morehead Family, Cherry Valley, IL 1978-Heggemeier Sheep Co., Kirkland, IL 1977-Sterling Farms, Acampo, CA

2016 Best Display & Shepherd’s Award Dean Davison Award

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter:

Midwest Stud Ram Sale Johnson Family Show Stock Jeff & Billy Johnson/Christina Nixon Delavan, Wisconsin The Dean Davison Award is awarded for the Best Display & Shepherd’s Award, including attractiveness and cleanliness of the exhibitor’s pens. This is given in honor of one of the funding fathers of the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Past Winners Include: 2014-Johnson Family Show Stock, Delavan, WI 2013-Shroyer Show Stock, DeGraff, OH 2012-Hawkins Farm Suffolks, Shedd, OR 2011-Manteca School District Montadales, Manteca, CA 2010-Wheaton Hampshires, Charlotte, MI 2009-Slack Club Lambs, North Manchester, IN 2008-Broadmead Farms, Amity, OR 2007-Tom Slack Suffolks, North Manchester, IN

2006-Wheaton Hampshires, Charlotte, MI 2005-Meadow Creek Club Lambs, El Dorado, KS 2003-Ellerbrock Brothers Club Lambs, Atkinson, IL 2002-Rainbow Meadow Farms, Snowhill, NC 2001-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 2000-Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH 1999-Lost River Ranch, Howe, ID 1998-Lost River Ranch, Howe, ID

1997-Lost River Ranch, Howe, ID 1996-Lost River Ranch, Howe, ID 1995-Randy & Amy Wilt Suffolks, MO 1994-Lost River Livestock & Arrow “A” Ranch, Howe, ID 1993-Mary Anne Farao/Brad Payne, MO 1992-Mary Anne Farao/Brad Payne, MO 1991-Lost River Livestock, Howe, ID 1990-Barnes Ranch, Herald, CA 1989-Maiorino Livestock Co., Firebaugh, CA

--- Page 12 ---

1988-Huff Farms, Grass Valley, CA 1987-Barnes Ranch, Herald, CA 1986-Leland & Denise Wheaton, MI 1985-Bob & Joan Olsen-Good Shepherd Farm, Lapeer, MI

Juilan&Moore Miller Kuehne

Forsee Annuschat PineKnob Spilde


Use last year’s Best Consignment Winners (pg 8) to fill these word shapes.

School Express ­ Word shape puzzles

ShadyLawn DewDrop Slack

hadyLawn DewDrop PineLawn Slack Forsee Annuschat PineKnob Spilde of the words below into a word shape puzzle. ___ ssell Lauden School Express ­ Word shape puzzles

of the words below into a word shape puzzle. hadyLawn DewDrop PineLawn Slack Forsee Annuschat PineKnob Spilde ___ ssell School Express ­ Word shape puzzles Lauden

of the words below into a word shape puzzle. hadyLawn DewDrop PineLawn Slack Forsee PineKnob Spilde ___ ssell Lauden Annuschat School Express ­ Word shape puzzles

hadyLawn DewDrop PineLawn Slack Forsee Annuschat PineKnob Spilde ssell Lauden Forsee Annuschat PineKnob Spilde

Copyright© 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. www.schoolexpress.com


Copyright© 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. www.schoolexpress.com





Copyright© 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. www.schoolexpress.com

Copyright© 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. www.schoolexpress.com

Copyright© 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. www.schoolexpress.com



1/1 1/1

Copyright © 2017 JGB Service, http://www.mazegenerator.net/





Copyright© 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. www.schoolexpress.com



Copyright© 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. www.schoolexpress.com


Welcome to the Midwest Stud Ram Sale!

Copyright© 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. www.schoolexpress.com


Copyright© 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. www.schoolexpress.com

Copyright© 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. www.schoolexpress.com

Copyright© 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. www.schoolexpress.com

Fun & Games

hadyLawn DewDrop PineLawn Slack Forsee Annuschat PineKnob Spilde of the words below into a word shape puzzle. ssell Lauden

Annuschat PineKnob Spilde hadyLawn DewDrop PineLawn Slack Forsee of the words below into a word shape puzzle. ___ ssell Lauden

hadyLawn DewDrop Slack

Hexagonal delta maze with 12 cells side

School Express ­ Word shape puzzles of the words below into a word shape puzzle. ___ School Express ­ Word shape puzzles of the words below into a word shape puzzle. ssell School Express ­ Word shape puzzles Lauden PineLawn ___ hadyLawn DewDrop Slack Forsee Annuschat PineKnob Spilde of the words below into a word shape puzzle. ___ ssell School Express ­ Word shape puzzles Lauden PineLawn

1800 Liberty Park Blvd, Sedalia, MO 660-827-0900 www.rebofmo.com


--- Page 13 ---

Previous Winners Previous Winners



Miller Hampshires Jim & April Miller Seagraves, Texas

Prairie Lane Farm Henry Shultz

2016 Doak Awards

Centralia, Missouri

Special Distinguished Service Awards named in honor of William T. Doak who has been involved with every Midwest Stud Ram Sale ever held!

Larry & Mary Ellen Dunn Baugh & Dunn Montadales Middletown, Missouri

Dale Smith

Bowling Green, Ohio

Larry & Kathy Mead Columbia, Missouri

Darin & Duane Bauck Dew Drop Farms New York Mills, Minnesota



Greg Deakin Cuba, Illinois

Danny Westlake Marysville, Ohio

Kevin & Sarah Kuykendall Richland Center, Wisconsin


Carrie Taylor-Kelly Stuart, Iowa

Curtis Overcash Ottawa, Illinois

Lee Wheaton Charlotte, Michigan

Bret Oelke

Barrett, Minnessota


Jeff & Brad Ellerbrock

Ron Guenther

Doc & Deb Kennedy

Gene & Joyce Milligan

Kent & Dan Spilde

Wes Limesand

Atkinson, Illinois

Pipestone, Minnesota Stoughton, Wisconsin

Carolyn Crook & Angie Thomes

Five Star J Farms

Sedalia, Missouri

Lucinda Jones

Raymond, Ohio

Hamilton, Missouri

Fargo, North Dakota


Hank Ruckert Hutchinson, Kansas

Patoka, Indiana

Joe & Betty Cabaniss

The Jones Family has been raising quality suffolks for several decades!

Arapaho, Oklahoma


Dr. Helen Swartz Centralia, Missouri

Donna Mays Howe, Idaho

Farrell T. Wankier Salt Lake City, Utah


Jack Rhoades Sturgeon, Missouri

Bobby Fletcher

Paul Cassell

Wytheville, Virginia

Leon Cassell

Cassell Horned Dorsets

Wytheville, Virginia

Wolfforth, Texas

Robbie Frost Bloomingburg, Ohio

Richard Rankin Rocheport, Missouri

They are the premier breeder and exhibitor of Horned Dorsets in the Nation!


Myra Lou Crull New Paris, Ohio

Bud Mead

Lee’s Summit, Missouri

Rollie Rosenboom Clifton, Illinois

Bill Jones

West Lafayette, Indiana


Karey Claghorn Milo, IA

Dan Houser

Wewoka, Oklahoma

Donnie Allen

Hendrix, Oklahoma

Dan and Donnie have been a dedicated part of the Midwest Sale for many years. They are always willing to pitch in and help with anything. They have been true assets to the sale!

Duron Howard Waurika, Oklahoma

Millie Moore Indianola, Iowa

Billy Fickin Sedalia, Missouri

--- Page 14 ---





--- Page 15 ---

4860 S LIMIT AVE. SEDALIA. MO 65301 660. 827. 3344

All-American Junior Show Center Front

PARTICIPATING BREEDS Border Leicester Cheviot Columbia Corriedale Dorper Polled Dorset Horned Dorset Dorset Advantage Hampshire Katahdin Lincoln Merino Montadale Natural Colored Oxford Romney Shetland Shropshire Targhee National Jr Southdown Show National Jr Tunis Show

Show Sponsored by:

American Border Leicester Association Sally Barney, Rec. Secy. 603-659-5857 52 Cartland Rd. - Lee, NH 03861 American Cheviot Sheep Society Jeff Ebert, Secy. 785-494-2436 10015 Flush Rd. - St George, KS 66535 Columbia Sheep Breeders Association Charlie Worm, Secy. 507-360-2160 PO Box 722 - Lakefield, MN 56150 American Corriedale Association Marcia Craig, Secy. 618-676-1046 P.O. Box 391 - Clay CIty, IL 62824 American Dorper Sheep Breeders’ Society Doug Gillespie, Secy. 871-534-2201 751 Boston Post Rd. - Weston, MA 02493 American Colored Sheep Registry Sarah Kuykendall, Breed Rep. 608-538-3312 12322 Dahl Ln. - Richland Center, WI 53581 Continental Dorset Club Debra Hopkins, Secy. 401-647-4676 P.O. Box 506 - North Scituate, RI 02857 American Hampshire Sheep Association Jeff Ebert, Secy. 785-494-2436 10015 Flush Rd. - St George, KS 66535

Thursday, June 29th - Sunday, July 2nd Alliant Energy Center - Madison, Wisconsin The greatest Junior Show in the USA!

Katahdin Hair Sheep International Henry & Becky Shultz, Reps. 573-239-7553 6219 Audrain Rd. 125 - Centrailia, MO 65240 National Lincoln Sheep Breeders Association Brian Larson, Pres. 269-623-2549 8291 Cedar Creek Rd. - Dowling, MI 49050 American & Delaine Merino Record Assn Amy Schroeder, Secy. 419-957-5828 7744 SR 613 - McComb, OH 45858

entry deadline

Montadale Sheep Breeders Association Kendra Fleck, Secy. 814-441-0981 47289 Highway 324 - Brookings, SD 57006

We’ll allow additional sheep entries after deadline...

American Oxford Sheep Association David Trotter, Secy. 812-256-3478 9305 Zollman Rd. - Marysville, IN 47141

May 25th

after May 25th entires are additional


American Romney Breeders Association Charlene Carlisle, Breed Rep. 856-866-1747 510 Centerton Rd. - Moorestown, MJ 08057 North American Shetland Sheepbreeders Assn Faye Whitney, Secy. 413-628-3279 P.O. Box 87 535 Main St - Ashfield, MA 01330 American Shropshire Registry Assn Becky Peterson, Secy. 413-624-5562 41 Bell Road - Leyden, MA 01337 American Southdown Breeders’ Assn Gary Jennings, Secy. 915-429-6226 HCR 13 Box 220 - Fredonia, TX 76842 U.S. Targhee Sheep Association Todd Taylor, Rep. 608-332-4914 W4857 Meek Rd. - Arlington, WI 53911 National Tunis Sheep Registry Kris Mann, Secy. 419-942-1090 404 Skeels Rd. - Celina, OH 45822

Hotel List, Show Catalog, Scholarship Application and all other information found at:

www.allamericanjuniorshow.com --- Page 16 ---

American Tunis Registry David & Sandra Rock, Reps. 908-938-1920 509 Montgomery Rd. - Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Don’t Miss the Live Benefit Auction happening between the Ram & Ewe Supreme on Wednesday evening! Check out the big ticket items up for auction: Digi-Star Electronic Scale

Donated by TopCon Agriculture ($2,295 value) SW300 display, two SW3300 24” load cells, wheel & handle, and 54” Wrangler Junior aluminum platform, capacity 700+ lbs. The SW300 display features a compact, durable design with the convenience of an internal battery. Powered by (2) ‘AA’ battery, 50+ hrs life, also 120V power convertor. The SW3300 Load Cell Weigh Beam is stainless steel and offers accurate weight readings even on uneven surfaces. 1650 lb capacity each load cell (3300 lbs./pair). The 15 ft. flexible stainless steel guarded cable will resist cable injury due to animal biting or accidental pinching, prolonging cable life. This heavy duty, portable, walkway platform is lightweight, yet durable to handle rough handling during transport. And it’s small enough to transport in an SUV!

Event Schedule

Home Page Announcement on championdrive.com Donated by Novel Designs

Wednesday, June 28th

($300 value)

5 LAI Surgeries during the 2017 breeding season

Donated by Reproduction Sepeciality Group ($200 value) Does not include cost of semen, breeding supplies used to synchronize the ewes for breeding or facility fees if the procedures are performed outside of the RSG facility. Purchaser is responsible for calling our office to set up the date for the surgeries.

4000s Premier Electric Shears

Donated by Profiles Show Supply ($300 value) with Fine Blades & Carrying Case

Commission Free Online Sale 20 head limit

Donated by Willoughby Sales

(value is 10% of Sale Gross)

A-Line Feeder

Donated by Ketcham Sheep Equipment

($400 value)

2017 Raffle Prizes

1st Prize - $1000 cash prize 2nd Prize - Hydraulic Trimming Stand

20” x 48” Deck which raises from 3” to 27” with ease ($530 value) Donated by Sydell

3rd Prize - Kindle HD Fire 7 ($130 value)

12:00 p.m. Barn Officially Opens - NO early arrivals!


3 day announcement run also includes 1 tweet/text notification

Thursday, June 29th

1-6 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3-5 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Health Inspections for all sheep Announcements Early Check-in for sheep papers only Todd Weaver Memorial Fitting Contest

Friday, June 30th 7-10 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Health Inspections for all sheep

All Sheep must be in place

Check-in sheep papers, fleeces & promo items Weaver’s Lamb Fitting and Daily Care Clinic Dress-A-Sheep Contest (through UJSSA) “Ewe” Lead with Wool (through UJSSA) 1st Session AAJS Lamb Camp Opening Announcements and Group Photo Showmanship Classes Individual, then Team Blome Pizza Party 3-on-3 Basketball Tourney on the grounds

Saturday, July 1st

8:00 a.m. Sheep Shows Begin 12:00 p.m. 2nd Session AAJS Lamb Camp 7:00 p.m. Wisconsin Meal and Fun Night

Sunday, July 2nd 8:00 a.m.

Sheep Shows Begin

Immediately Following Completion of shows:

Three-on-Three Basketball Final Game

20 mins Following Completion of B-Ball Game:

Closing Ceremonies All-American Lamb Camp Graduation Awards and Raffle Drawing

All Sheep released Immediately Following Completion of Closing Ceremonies (anyone leaving early will forfeit premiums)

11:00 p.m. Barn Officially Closes - ALL SHEEP must be OUT!

--- Page 17 ---

Participating Breeds Secretary/Registrar Contact Information Columbia Sheep Breeders Association

Charles Worm, Registrar PO Box 722, Lakefield, MN 56150 Phone: 507.360.2160 Fax: 507.662.6294 charliew@extendedag.com

American Corriedale Association Marcia Craig, Executive Secretary PO Box 391, Clay City, IL 62824 Phone: 618.676.1046 or 618.780.7747 Fax: 618,676.1133 amcorr@frontier.com

American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society

Doug Gillespie, Executive Secretary 751 Boston Post Rd, Weston MA 02493 Phone: 254.681-8793 dorpers@ymail.com Ronda Sparks, Registrar PO Box 259, Hallsville, MO 65255 Phone: 573.696.2550 Fax: 573.696-2030 adsbsoffice@centurytel.net

Continental Dorset Club

Debra Hopkins, Secretary PO Box 506, N Scituate, RI 02857 Phone: 401.647.4676 Fax: 401.647.4679 cdcdorset@cox.net

American Hampshire Sheep Association

Jeff Ebert, Secretary PO Box 231, Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785.456.8500 Fax: 785.456.8599 asregistry@gmail.com

Katahdin Hair Sheep International

Jim Morgan, Operations Office PO Box 778 Fayetteville, AR 72702 Phone: 479.444.8441 info@katahdins.org John Savage, Registrar 1039 State Rte 168, Darlington PA 16115 Phone: 724.843.2084 registry@katahdins.org

Montadale Sheep Breeders Association

Kendra Fleck, Secretary 47289 SD Hwy 324, Brookings, SD 57006 Office: 605.693.2161 Cell: 814.441.0981 kendrafleck@aol.com John Savage, Registrar 1039 State Rte 168, Darlington PA 16115 Phone: 724.843-2084 registry@katahdins.org

American Colored Sheep Registry

Barbara Kloese, Registrar/Secretary 429 West US Hwy 30, Valparaiso, IN 46385 Phone: 219.799.9665

Natural Colored Wool Growers Association

Kate Lowder, Secretary 19477 Indian Road, Kellyville, OK 74039 Phone: 918.688,3365 kmlowder@aol.com John Savage, Registrar 1039 State Rte 168, Darlington PA 16115 Phone: 724.843-2084 ncwga@accuregister.com

American Polypay Sheep Association

Associated Registries, Registrar PO Box 231, Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785.456.8500 Fax: 785.456.8599 asregistry@gmail.com

American Rambouillet Breeders Association

Robbie Eckhoff, Executive Secretary PO Box 214, Hawley, TX 79525 Phone: 409.256.3687 eckhoff5@aol.com Associated Registries, Registrar PO Box 231, Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785.456.8500 Fax: 785.456.8599 asregistry@gmail.com

American Shropshire Registry Association

Becky Peterson, Secretary 41 Bell Road, Leyden, MA 01337 Phone: 413.624.9652 shropsec@hotmail.com

American Southdown Breeders Association

Gary Jennings, Secretary 100 Cornerstone Rd, Fredonia, TX 76842 Phone: 325,429.6226 Fax: 325.429.6225 southdown@ctesc.net

United Suffolk Sheep Association

Amanda Everts, Secretary PO Box 121, Holland, IA 50642 Office: 641.684.5291 Cell: 641.680.6509 Fax: 734.335.7646 info@U-S-S-A.org

Texel Sheep Breeders Society

Niki Fisher, Secretary 2720 NE 25th Ave, Payette, ID 83661 Phone: 208.642.7131 usatexels@gmail.com Associated Registries, Registrar PO Box 231, Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785.456.8500 Fax: 785.456.8599 asregistry@gmail.com

American Tunis Registry

Associated Registries, Registrar PO Box 231, Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785.456.8500 Fax: 785.456.8599 asregistry@gmail.com

National Tunis Sheep Registry Associated Registries, Registrar PO Box 231, Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785.456.8500 Fax: 785.456.8599 asregistry@gmail.com

Help your breed secretaries and registrars by having all your paperwork in early for Summer shows & sales!

www.midwestsale.com --- Page 18 ---

“Manning The Sedalia Picture Stand Since 1978!”



See Your Midwest Stud Ram Sale Photos Online By TUESDAY • JUNE 27 Visit Our Website: www.bannersheepmagazine.com

The Nation’s Largest All Breeds Sheep Magazine Subscribe Today! Call Us At 309/785-5058 --- Page 19 ---

--- Page 20 ---

Tribute to a Midwest Sale Icon...

Rollie Rosenboom “I thought I had died and gone to Heaven.”

Those were the often times repeated reaction of Rollie Rosenboom to his first-time experience with the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. He had come to Sedalia with his neighbor and longtime friend, Darryl Kleinert who had Hampshire entries. Rollie had consigned a Suffolk yearling ram that won his class and was named Champion Ram. This entry sold for the “princely sum of $425, an exceptional price for 1964! That was simply the beginning for Rollie’s Sedalia experiences as he made his mark as a consignor, buyer and auctioneer at the Midwest Sale and came to exert a profound influence not only on major sheep sales, but on the entire sheep industry as a whole. His dominating personality brought him forth as a Midwest Sale Icon, joining the ranks of Rollo E. Singleton and V.B. Vandiver, founder of the event, and William T. Doak, the only remaining person to have been involved in every one of the Midwest Sales. Now 92 and the youngest in his family, Bill and his brother Doug bought the Champion Ram at the first Midwest Sale held at the old University of Missouri Livestock Pavilion in Columbia. Each of these three men had major involvement with their breeds and the sheep industry as a whole. Singleton was the longtime Executive Secretary of the American Corriedale Association as well as the Missouri Director of Agriculture and Missouri State Fair Director. Vandiver served as President of the American Hampshire Sheep Association, was one of the initial directors to the American Sheep Producers Council and served over 25 years as Superintendent of the Missouri State Fair Sheep Show. Likewise, Doak had special influence as President of the American Southdown Breeders Assn, President of the Missouri Sheep Producers and Director to the National Wool Growers (ASI), and member of University of Missouri, Board of Curators, including a term as Chairman of that Board. He was instrumental in the establishment of the Missouri Sheep Merchandising Council. These leaders were involved!

cluded were lots of charity auctions such as the livestock sales at county fairs and the Sale of Champions at the Illinois State Fair. Rosenboom never knew the meaning of moderation, and he sure couldn’t spell the word! His farming operations grew to over 2400 acres of the rich farmland roughly an hour south of Chicago. That was corn and bean country, big time farming! An apt illustration of his drive and ambition was his 15-year experience as a John Deere dealer in addition to all of his other activities. Presumably his big machinery auctions led him to this dealership. No way was he content to operate in a normal manner, selling some two or three big ticket combines annually. He got himself hooked up with big time custom combiners in Texas and Oklahoma who wanted to begin each season with new equipment and then sell all of it at the end of the season and begin all over again the next year. He was soon selling upwards of 40 combines a year. An incredible number for any dealership! He ended up with the largest combine allotment in the state of Illinois. He had his real estate license some five years after graduation and this became his most major activity with offices in five rural communities.

...his imposing size, booming voice, strong chant and knowledge of the people in all breeds throughout the Country made him a force to be reckoned with. So it was with his Suffolk sheep enterprise . . . full steam ahead, always striving to get bigger and better and he did so with spectacular success. He was deeply involved in Suffolk affairs and spent some 25 years on the Board of Directors of the National Suffolk Sheep Assn. Nearly all of his fellow board members joined him as a consignor and buyer at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale, and while many of them also consigned to other sales, few of them ever bought sheep in those other events. In a sense, Rollie Rosenboom was a true pacesetter. He offered consistently strong consignments most years under the care and direction of Sarah & Kevin Kuykendall. His entries always sold well and offered tough competition in those “Suffolk Hay Days.”

Rollie Rosenboom was of the same pattern. He knew while in high school that he wanted to farm, raise sheep and become an auctioneer. He did all three in short order upon graduation from high school. His sheep activities began in high school with sheep shearing and raising of Shropshire sheep, he soon switched to Suffolks and within a year out of school he had his auctioneer’s license. He immediately started selling household sales, farm machinery sales and other local auctions. In-

He was also a spectacular buyer! Never one to embrace the ordinary, one year he arranged to buy the first fifteen yearling ewes for the unbelievably total sum of $85,000! The crowd on hand was simply speechless, but not Dorsey McLaughlin of California, veteran Corriedale and Herford breeder, who watched this spectacle and stated, “I’ve seen lots of purebred sales and... story continued on page 33

Photo A:

Photo B: by Nicholas Holstein of the Daily Journal, Kankakee Valley, Illinois

Roland Rosenboom and Curt Overcash studying a sale order prior to the sale.

Roland Rosenboom, of Clifton, leads the Kankakee County 4-H Livestock Auction back in 2012 at the fairgrounds. --- Page 21 ---

--- Page 22 ---

--- Page 23 ---

The Winning Combination Good Looks, Great Performance! The Easy Care Meat Breed — No shearing, docking or crutching — 200% lamb crop, parasite resistant — Performs on the farm and in the ring

Join us at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale in Sedalia

Katahdin Hair Sheep International (479) 444-8441 www.katahdins.org • info@katahdins.org

• • • •

Katahdins Show 8am June 20th Ice Cream Social, Katahdin Pens, 8pm June 21st Katahdins Sell 8am June 22nd Katahdin Breeders Educational Session 3pm June 21st

--- Page 26 ---

NEWBedding Vendor

Asbury Farms Bedding

s e m a G & Fun

Find the items on our Midwest Sale Packing List

Pre-Order ASAP to ensure adequate supplies!




www.midwestsale.com --- Page 27 ---


Shavings Hay Straw Nick Asbury (660) 619-3994 or Asbury.farms@yahoo.com

When placing order include: - Farm/Consignor Name - Contact Phone - Your arrival date - Sheep Barn or Swine Barn - General area of Barn - Pens (if chart is published) - Items Needed/Quanity of Each

Cash or Check payment at time of delivery/pickup No Credit Cards

AmericAn HAmpsHire s Missouri State Fairgrounds Sedalia, Missouri Fitted Hampshires Show Wednesday, June 21st, 8:00 AM Sell Friday, June 23rd 8:00 AM

Grand Champion Ewe sold from Minnesota to Wisconsin Grand Champion Wether Sire sold from Oklahoma to California

Grand Champion Ram was sold from and purchased into Minnesota Grand Champion Wether Dam sold from Oklahoma to Utah

tHere will be close to 500 registered HAmpsHires sHowing And selling in sedAliA. mAke plAns to be tHere!




e l a S l a n o i Nat

Wether Sires and Dams Show Thursday, June 22nd 8:00 AM Sell Saturday, June 24th 8:00 AM

Reserve Champion Ram was sold from Indiana to Texas

Reserve Champion Wether Dam was sold from Illinois to California

Reserve Champion Wether Sire was sold from Oklahoma to Pennsylvania

AmericAn HAmpsHire sHeep AssociAtion

Reserve Champion Ewe was sold from and purchased into Illinois

executive secretAry: Jeff ebert - po box 231 - 305 lincoln st - wAmego, ks 66547 pHone: 785-456-8500 - fAx: 785-456-8599 - emAil: Asregistry@gmAil.com

Expert Sheep & Goat Advice 800-658-2325 www.pipevet.com customerservice@pipevet.com Q&A: gf.kennedy@pipestone.com

Check out our Shepherd’s Choice line of products formulated by Pipestone Veterinarians. 

Milk Replacer


Baby Lamb Strength

Vitamin E/ & Se/I Premix

SE/I Premix

Ask about our Shepherd’s Club to receive educational material and webinars on sheep & goat production. --- Page 30 ---

--- Page 31 ---

Update on some other past...

Midwest Sale Staff Myra Crull

Sponsors Purina - Honor Show Chow www.purinamills.com/show-feed

plus their sponsorship of the Lamb Dinner & Performance Recognition during the Larry Mead Supreme Event on Wednesday evening and sponsorship of the awards for the Wether Sire Supremes on Thursday evening

Ketchum’s Sheep Equipment www.ketchamsheepequipment.com

Outstanding Sale Clerk recieved 40 year Service Award.

Myra retired last year from serving as a show ring and sale clerk. She was presented with a floral arrangement, and engraved cutting board to commerate her 40 years of service to the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Many of you will remember when Myra from check-in for so many years! She also worked the show ring where she would ensure that numbers were recoreded properly to then produce the sale orders. And from the many hours she spent durning sale time collecting payments and turning out reciepts to buyers. Myra was always willing to help, and loved coming to the sale each year. She treated all the staff, consignors and many buyers as family. Myra will be greatly remembered for all she did to support the Midwest Stud Ram Sale for all her 40 years of service! We can not thank you enough Myra!

Larry Varnadoe

Dedicated Ringman & Sale Logistics Assistant could use some encouragement.

Show Stock Planet

Your Business should be here in 2018!




Larry was a great friend and personality around the Midwest Sale. He came early and worked with Rob Frost and the gopher crew and then stayed to work as a ringman the rest of the week. Everyone enjoyed working with Larry.

BioZyme, Inc


Midstates Wool Growers www.midstateswoolgrowers.com

In April 2015, we received news that Larry had been very sick. Shortly after, he had a stroke and had to have open heart surgery. We continue to get word of his recovery, but it is going to be a very long road!

Slack Club Lambs Tom & Val Slack

North Manchester, Indiana


Ellerbrock Club Lambs

Brad, Lisa, Cole & Kendall Ellerbrock Jeff, Kelly & Kasen Ellerbrock Atkinson, Illinois


In December 2015, good news came that Larry was making some headway in recovery. He moved to a assisted living center and was improving enough to move around and eat some regular meals. At that time, he was only speaking a few words... but enjoyed all the cards and letters sent his way. If you know Larry from his work with the sale, we encourage you to send him a note to: Larry Varnadoe, Room 213 Magnolia Manor 2255 Frederica Rd St. Simons Island, GA 31522 --- Page 32 ---

story continued from page 21

Tribute to a Midwest Sale Icon...

Rollie Rosenboom

...I’ve never seen or heard of 15 Hereford heifers that brought Rosenboom and Fletcher shared another milestone each year in that much!” Several years later, he teamed up with Riverwood Sedalia... their birthdays on June 25th... although not born the to buy the Champion Suffolk Ram in Sedalia for $25,000. Over same year. Still, Rollie cast a long shadow for these others to the years, he would frequently buy two or three top yearling perpetuate. Many record prices for both rams and ewes in most ewes to add to his flock. He started many newcomers in the Sufbreeds passed under his gavel. The Midwest Sale was his biggest folk business, and encouraged, stimulated, and motivated many sheep event, but he also sold top sales from coast to coast such others to raise their bar and do a better, more effective job with as the National Corn Belt Sale in Iowa, the New England Sale in their Suffolk flocks. When the United Suffolk Sheep Association Massachusetts, the Northwest Classic Sale in Oregon, the Nacreated their Suffolk Hall of Fame and tional Montadale Sale in initiated their foundation group of inIllinois, the North Dakoductees, Roland Rosenboom was at the ta State University Sales, Rollie cast a long shadow for those others head of the class. the Oklahoma Black & to perpetuate... He ended up selling sheep in White Sale and Club 42 states and seven different countiries. As significant as his Suffolk affairs were, Lamb Country Sales, plus it was his role as a major purebred a whole series of other sheep auctioneer that projected him sheep sales through the as a legend in the purebred sheep industry. He joined the AucMidwest. He ended up selling sheep in 42 states and seven diftioneer Crew in Sedalia in 1985, teaming up with veteran Hobart ferent countries. One of his highlight experiences was as lead Farthing of Ohio, Russ Jackson and Doyne Lenhart of Illinois and auctioneer at the first World Sheep and Wool Congress in EdKenneth Gregg of Texas. Rollie became a dominating force on monton, Alberta, Canada in 1986. He cried numerous producthis crew for over 35 years as his imposing size, booming voice, tion sales including Four Star Sales in Ohio, the Shroyer Sales, strong chant and knowledge of the people in all breeds throughthe Olsen Brothers, Caras Brothers, Norman Olsen, Eugene Batie out the Country made him a force to be reckoned with. and Sterling Farms in Des Moines, plus Gary TeStroete’s Arlo Farm Sales. These lists of top sales simply go on and on. Doyne Lenhart retired following Rollie’s initial year of selling at Sedalia and he was replaced by Bobby Fletcher of Texas, who This legendary character left us on March 10, a premature death was elevated from his Ringman position. Kenny Gregg retired at age 74 following a very lengthy illness with multiple complia few years later and was replaced by DeWitt Evans. Over the cations. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Ruth, who was years, Hobart Farthing retired and was followed by Russ Jackson. nearly always with him at the sales he conducted. He is also When Russ Jackson retired he was replaced by Danny Westlake survived by one daughter and one son, plus four grand children. of Ohio. Rollie continued to sell in Sedalia until 2004 when he One daughter and his parents preceded him in death. asked to be relieved of these duties due to the ever-increasing demands of his real estate enterprises. It was then that Billy Editor’s note: Heartland Livestock Services gives a big “thank you” to Larry Mead MacCauley of Pennsylvania, Gary Saylor of Ohio and Curt Overfor his tribute to Rollie Rosenboom. We hope you have enjoyed reading about cash were added to the Auction Crew. some of the history of the first 50 years of the Midwest Sale and especially his

insights about Rollie.

--- Page 33 ---

--- Page 34 ---

MIDWEST SALE GENERAL INFORMATION LOCATION: Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia, Missouri. Sedalia is located on US 65 and US 50, 18 miles south of Interstate 70. The fairgrounds is bounded on the east by US 65 (Limit Ave); on the north by 16th St; and on the west by Clarendon Rd. North of 16th St, Clarendon Rd is called Thompson Blvd. For UPS or Fed-Ex purposes only, the physical address of the fairgrounds is 2503 W 16th St, Sedalia, MO 65301. Sheep will be penned, shown and sold in both the Sheep Barn and Swine Pavilion with easy access from Clarendon Rd. ACCOMMODATIONS: Sedalia Chamber of Commerce maintains www.visitsedalia.com/Stay-in-Sedalia for lodging information. For other lodging options, click on “linked here” at www.midwestsale.com/location. AIRPORT: Sedalia is located about 2 ½ hours from Kansas City International Airport served by most major airlines. CONTACT INFORMATION: Sale is managed by Heartland Livestock Services, LLC. Contact them at midweststudramsale@gmail.com or through the Midwest Stud Ram Sale Facebook page. You can also contact Curt Overcash, Managing Partner 815/210-7000 or Bret Oelke, Public Relations 320/986-2877. Paperwork needed during the sale can be scanned and emailed to midweststudramsale@gmail.com or can be faxed to 888/371-3363. During the sale week, use contact numbers on page 1 of this catalog to reach any of the Midwest Sale staff. Contact can still also be made by email or Facebook. EMERGENCY CONTACT DURING SALE: Emergency calls will be handled by the following: 660/ 827-8159 (State Fair, Daytime) and 606/530-5612 (State Fair, Evenings) or the Midwest Sale Staff (see page 1 for numbers). Every attempt will be made to get messages to consignors and buyers. SHOW AND SALE TIMES: The first show or sale each day will have a designated start time. Breeds will sell in the order listed on that day’s schedule with only a 5 minute break between breeds. Typically, it takes approximately one minute to sell each lot. ONLINE VIEWING OF SHOWS & SALES: All shows and sales will be live streamed on DVAuction.com- You will need to set up an account on the site to view the live stream. You can also register to purchase animals during the sales. REGISTRATION PAPERS: If consigning registered animals, please make sure to have your registration papers for entries for Check-in. If registration papers are not provided prior to sale, NEW- fee of $10.00 per registration will be billed or deducted and your consignor check will be held until papers are provided. All sheep in classes requiring registration papers will be transferred to purchasers at consignor’s expense (Classes not requiring registration papers are: Crossbred, Natural Colored, & Speckle-faced Wether Sires & Dams and Club lambs). TERMS: Cash, check, or credit card payment on Sale Day. A convenience fee will be charged for credit card payment. Non-US buyers must pay in US funds. A 10% surcharge will be assessed to any insufficient funds checks issued. The auctioneer’s decision will be final on any dispute as to bids. Substitute entries will be designated with a bar under the lot numbers. All animals are at purchasers risk as soon as sold. MAIL BIDS: Those buyers unable to attend the sale who wish to buy sheep by “mail bid” or “phone bid” may do so by contacting the person of their choice associated with the sale. Among those able to assist in this regard are ringmen, auctioneers, consignors, and some Midwest Sale staff (see staff pages and listings for phone numbers). Please contact them in advance of the sale, or early enough during the sale that they can assist with your bid in a timely manner.

SPECIAL HEALTH REQUESTS: All animals consigned to this show and sale must be accompanied by an official health certificate with the following information written on the certificate: 1) The sheep and flock of origin were examined 30 days prior to movement and found to be free of contagious or infectious diseases and exposures thereto. 2) Breeding males were individually examined and found free of gross lesions or ram epididymitis. All yearling and fall-born rams must have a negative B-Ovis Elisa test of ram epididymitis. HAULING OR DELIVERY: Standard hauling and delivery services of animals purchased in the sale can be made to most anywhere in the country. Each hauler will set their own fee with the animal purchaser. Sale management can assist in this regard if contacted in a timely manner. SALE GUARANTEE: EXCEPT FOR THOSE STATED IN THE BELOW GUARANTEE’S ERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FROM A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE ANIMALS BEING SOLD IN THIS SALE. THE WARRANTIES AND GUARANTEES SET FORTH IN THE BELOW GUARANTEE ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AND THE REMEDIES PROVIDED THEREIN SHALL BE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE BUYER, OR ANY PARTY CLAIMING THROUGH THE BUYER, FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE THEREIN PROVIDED, AND ALL OTHER OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES. 1) Every male and female sold will be guaranteed as a breeder if properly handled. It shall be the responsibility of the buyer to return a non-breeder to the seller in acceptable breeding condition. The seller, after a fair trial and the animal is found to be a non-breeder, shall have the privilege of replacing the male or female with one of equal value to the satisfaction of the buyer and seller, or refunding the purchase price. This guarantee shall not apply to any animals that are shown subsequent to the date of the sale, for the year shown. 2) Notification of non-breeder males must be made to the seller prior to January 1st following the sale. Notification of non-breeder females must be made to the seller prior to April 1st following the sale. 3) Any animals that drop their lamb teeth prior to 12 months of age as determined by their registration papers, shall be replaced with an animal of equal quality to the satisfaction of the buyer and seller within a reasonable amount of time, or the consignor shall refund the purchase price of the animal promptly with all fees and percentages levied against such animal retained by the sale. It shall be the responsibility of the buyer to notify the consignor, and then the sale manager, if such a problem occurs. Any consignor failing to comply with this rule shall automatically be barred from consigning any animals to the following sale. 4) Neither the sale managers nor the sponsoring organization can or will assume any responsibility as to the authenticity of the pedigrees or bloodline information provided in the sale catalog, on pen cards, or otherwise, and the subsequent genetic performance of any animals purchased. All such information must be accepted at face value. Any special guarantees or claims offered by individual consignors is strictly between the consignor and buyer, and will not be enforced by the sale management or the sponsoring organization. 5) This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and the seller only, and no other parties assume any liability, legal or otherwise, expressed or implied.

ATTENTION BUYERS: SPECIAL HEALTH PERMIT REQUIREMENTS & EXPORT INFORMATION US BUYERS: Your local or state veterinarian should be able to update you concerning any special regulations concerning the health requirements for animals entering your state. The sale veterinarian will prepare standard, interstate health papers for transportation between states, but it is the buyer’s responsibility to be cognizant of and adhere to the entrance requirements for his own state. While entry permits can be obtained from you state office from while in Sedalia, this can often be done prior to your arrival at the sale. CANADIAN BUYERS: Please contact a federal veterinarian for a detailed list of requirements for importation of sheep into Canada. You will need to be familiar with the health requirements for entry of animals purchased through public auction. Canadian buyers will have to make arrangements to have any animals purchased tested for Blue Tongue and Brucella Ovis. Cost for federal health papers, any tests beyond the normal sale tests and shipping arrangements will be at the buyers expense. Sale management can provide assistance with these test and shipping arrangements. MEXICAN BUYERS: Please contact a federal veterinarian for a detailed list of requirements for importation of sheep into Mexico. You will need to be familiar with the health requirements for entry of animals purchased through public auction. Cost for federal health papers, any tests beyond the normal sale tests and shipping arrangements will be at the buyers expense. Sale management can provide assistance with these test and shipping arrangements. TRANSIT ANIMALS: Animals not consigned in the Midwest Sale are not allowed to be housed in the Sheep and Swine barns. Instead, they are considered transit animals and

should be held in the horse barn stalls. Stalls for transit animals will now be accounted for by Midwest Sale staff. All stalls will be locked prior to sale week and can then be rented by consignors/non-consignors through sale staff in the FFA Building. Stall rent will cost $5.00 per pen per day for consignors, and $15 per pen per day for non-consignors. All rentals must be paid up front and will pay rent through Sunday following the sale. We will require renter name, address, phone number, number of sheep penned, and a brief description of animals upon pen rental. If renter chooses to empty the pen prior to Sunday, they may return to the FFA Building for a refund of days not used, allowing the pen to again be locked by sale staff. Refunds will be allowed for the day staff is informed of the empty pen through Sunday. Renters wishing to lock their transit pens will be required to furnish their own locks for this purpose. Otherwise transit animals are to be held in personal trailers, at no responsibility to the Midwest Sale or its staff. ALL TRANSIT ANIMALS MUST ALSO HAVE HEALTH PAPERS available for inspection in accordance with Missouri health standards and rules and federal law. Please put transit animals on separate health papers from sale entries.

--- Page 35 ---

COLUMBIAS _______________________ Consigned By


Daniel & Vicky Kuehne 16649 Nystrom Ave - Reading, MN 56165 (507) 360-8179 (507) 372-7997 _______________________

14- Yearling Ram Champion Columbia Ram, 1st Fall Ram Lamb from Dew Drop Farms sold to Illinois at $600.

_______________________ Consigned By


The Baucks 38118 510th Ave - New York Mills, MN 56567 (218) 639-8484 Darin (218) 640-7800 Duane _______________________

11- Fall Ram Lamb

Bauck 6-85

B: 10/14/2016 Twin S: Bauck 4-89 HOME GROWN D: Bauck 4-43 For people who cannot make the National, this ram would have the power to compete at the National. You cannot miss this CLOSER daughter. If you like big footed sheep with good bone this entry would be a logical choice.

12- Yearling Ewe

Bauck 6-57

B: 04/28/2017 S: Bauck 4-81 PLAYER D: Bauck 13-37 PLAYER sired the Best Fleece at the 2016 North American. Dam is out of top IMPACT daughter. Remember, behind every big buck is a foundation female!

13- Fall Ewe Lamb

Bauck 6-71

B: 10/19/2016 Twin S: Bauck 4-89 HOME GROWN D: Bauck 1-81 As most people know, HOME GROWN was the 2016 National Champion Ram. His first lamb crop just adds more value to him. Dam is a daughter of 9-53 who is the mother of EPITOME. Rock-solid genetics here.

Kuehne 1611 RR Y11665

B: 02/01/2016 Twin S: Kuehne 1462 RR Hitchhiker Y10143 D: Bauck 4-44 U23493 Dam was part of National Champion pair in Fairmont, Minnesota. Hitchhiker is a Canyon son, made like his father... long-bodied ram with plenty of bone.

_______________________ Consigned By


Don Wissmann 5783 Hwy H - Leasburg, MO 65535 (573) 245-6851 rmfsheep@centurylink.net _______________________

21- February Ram Lamb

Kuehne 1668 RR Y12934

B: 09/19/2016 Single S: Kuehne 1462 RR Hitchhiker H10143 D: Kuehne 1319 RR U21876 Big-bodied ewe lamb with rib and bone. Should make a good brood ewe.

16- Fall Ewe Lamb

Kuehne 1677 RR Y12937

B: 09/25/2016 Twin S: Kuehne 1462 RR Hitchhiker Y10143 D: Bauck 1-76 U20665 Dam was Reserve Champion Ewe at a past Midwest Sale. Another lamb with a lot of body.

_______________________ Consigned By

PETERSON SHEEP COMPANY Doug & Lindi Peterson 803 23rd St NE - Lemmon, SD 57638 (701) 376-3115 peterson@sdplains.com petersonsheepco.com _______________________

17- Yearling Ram

Peterson 9119-16091 RR

B: 02/01/2016 Twin S: Williams 1511 RR D: Peterson 7468

Information Sale Day


22- February Ewe Lamb

RMF 312 QR


B: 02/09/2017 Single S: Peterson 7241-1481 Y10360 D: RMF 269 423819

_______________________ Consigned By

15- Fall Ewe Lamb

RMF 313 QR

B: 02/17/2017 Single S: Peterson 7241-1481 Y10360 D: RMF272 422952


Weston Borcher 1330 Lane 10 - Powell, WY 82435 (307) 272-5285 jemima09@hotmail.com _______________________

23- Yearling Ewe

Borcher 6231


B: 03/03/2016 Single S: Bauck 1-14 U19197 D: Borcher RD 13-35 U21784

24- Fall Ewe Lamb

Borcher 625

B: 10/25/2016 Single S: Borcher 4275 Y11977 D: Borcher S408 Y10171

25- January Ewe Lamb

Borcher 7040

B: 01/17/2017 Twin S: Rench 1340 U23051 D: Borcher F28 U20188

26- February Ewe Lamb

Borcher 7169

B: 02/05/2017 Twin S: Rench 1340 U22846 D: Pitt 14-892 U23434

18- January Ram Lamb 19- Yearling Ewe

Peterson 9117-16019

B: 02/03/2016 Twin S: Williams 1511 RR D: Peterson 7339

Information Sale Day

20- January Ewe Lamb

Champion Columbia Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Borcher Sheep Co. sold to Illinois at $1,750. --- Page 36 ---



Consigned By


Lester & Renetta Phillippi 2421 Hammond Rd - Hammond, MT 59332 (406) 925-1352 (406) 427-5280 bigskycorriedale@hotmail.com Facebook Phillippi Corriedales _______________________

41- Yearling Ram

Phillippi 6-90

_______________________ Consigned By


Bryan & Gina Vining 1900 Co Rd 219 - Cheyenne, WY 82009 (307) 421-0945 (307) 634-6304 bgvining@aol.com _______________________

B: 02/13/2016 Twin S: Phillippi 4-33 PHOENIX 573962 D: Phillippi 916 571309 A really stylish, complete ram out of an outstanding daughter of WAY OUT WEST a Kin ram that gave us so many great brood ewes. A ewe bred like 916 sold to Wolfs and was Louisville Champion in 2010.

45- Yearling Ram

47- Yearling Ewe

42- February Ram Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

43- Yearling Ram

Camp 6-3

B: 02/05/2016 Twin S: Owl Ridge Farm HUMPHREY 572563 D: Camp 4-76 583982 This ewe is will be an excellent brood ewe.

44- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

VIN 62


B: 02/01/2016 Single S: KHC 86 569130 D: FC 1596 567878 Excellent breed character, gorgeous fleece.

Supreme Champion Ram, Champion Corriedale Ram, Senior Champion, 1st Yearling Ram from Dew Drop Farms sold to South Dakota at $3,400.

46- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

FC 2147

B: 02/06/2016 Twin S: VIN 26 571528 D: FC 1558 568376

48- Yearling Ewe

FC 2160



B: 02/05/2016 Twin S: Owl Ridge Farm HUMPHREY 572563 D: Camp 4-76 583982

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

49- February Ewe Lamb 50- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Rodney, Cathy, Cody Morris 7938 E CR 250 N - Lerna, IL 62440 (217) 272-5299 hillcreekfarm6@consolidated.net _______________________

51- Yearling Ram 52- February Ewe Lamb 53- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Champion Corriedale Ewe, Senior Champion, 1st Fall Ewe Lamb from Wolf Bros Livestock sold to Ohio at $4,000. --- Page 37 ---

Consigned By



The Baucks 38118 510th Ave - New York Mills, MN 56567 (218) 639-8484 Darin (218) 640-7800 Duane _______________________

54- Fall Ram Lamb

DDF 6-94

B: 09/16/2016 S: DDF 5-03 D: DDF 0-47 This ram is real deep ribbed and long bodied. Sire was 2016 National Champion Ram that went on to win Midwest Sale Supreme Champion Ram.

55- Yearling Ewe

Bauck 6-39

B: 01/19/2016 Triplet S: DDF 4-20 D: Seals 189 Very functional ewe, born a triplet, raised as a triplet. Dam bred back for fall lambs!

56- Fall Ewe Lamb

DDF 6-86

B: 09/20/2016 S: DDF 5-03 D: DDF 9-34 A real nice patterned lamb with a great future. Futurity nominated. One of lambs we sold last year tied for the Futurity title and a lamb we sold the year before won the National Junior Show.



Consigned By

_______________________ Consigned By


Leonard Cruz 10700 Broadway Rd-Moorpark, CA 93021 (805) 469-1366 Leonard@apricotlanefarms.com apricotlanefarms.com _______________________

72- Yearling Ram Champion Dorper Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from HiJo Dorpers sold to Texas at $3,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Antonio Juarez 11800 McCann Rd - Amity, OR 97101 (971) 237-3603 (503) 843-2190 juarezlemus@aol.com hijodorpers.com _______________________

73- Yearling Ram


Above Entries, Information Sale Day Consigned By


Tim & Brenda Lobdell 4543 N Henderson Rd - Freeport, IL 61032 (815) 238-1750 (815) 563-4543 brenda.scheider@aeroinc.net Facebook Lobdell Dorpers _______________________

71- Fall Ram Lamb

Lobdell P1703 RR PR110970

B: 09/25/2016 Twin S: Lobdell 15004 RR RF093063 D: Lobdell 15010 RR EP096223 Sire is by a Louisville Reserve Ram and out of a ewe that is closely related to Impressive. Dam was a highly successful show ewe that was Champion AOB at the Wisconsin and Minnesota State Fairs last year. Video on the Lobdell Dorpers Facebook page in early June. He is RR and stylish!!

Apricot Lane 169 RP110662

B: 04/01/2016 Single S: 3C 13-928 RF083184 D: Apricot Lane Farms 13 EP110646

74- Yearling Ram

61- Yearling Ram 62- Yearling Ram 63- Fall Ram Lamb 64- Fall Ram Lamb 65- Yearling Ewe 66- Yearling Ewe 67- Fall Ewe Lamb 68- Fall Ewe Lamb 69- February Ewe Lamb 70- February Ewe Lamb

Apricot Lane 141 RF110663

B: 03/14/2016 Single S: 3C 13-928 RF083184 D: Powell Ranch 0475 EF067191

Apricot Lane 170 RF110664

B: 04/04/2016 Single S: 3C 13-928 RF083184 D: 3C 11-576 EF069432

75- Yearling Ewe

Apricot Lane 166 EP110660

B: 03/20/2016 Single S: 3C 13-928 RF083184 D: Apricot Lane Farms 56 EP110651

76- Yearling Ewe

Apricot Lane 152 EP110659

B: 03/18/2016 Single S: 3C 13-928 RF083184 D: Apricot Lane Farms 76 EP110650

77- Yearling Ewe

Apricot Lane 142 EF110652

B: 03/16/2016 Single S: 3C 13-928 RF083184 D: Apricot Lane Farms 4 BL EF071430

78- Yearling Ewe

Apricot Lane 132 EF110658

B: 03/06/2018 Twin S: 3C 13-928 RF083184 D: Powell Ranch 0468 EF067186

79- Yearling Ewe

Apricot Lane 126 EP110654

B: 03/03/2016 Twin S: 3C 13-928 RF083184 D: Apricot Lane Farms 18 EP110649

80- January Ewe Lamb

Apricot Lane 180 EP110667

B: 01/23/2017 Single S: Apricot Lane Farms 144 RP110657 D: Apricot Lane Farms 120 EF106000

--- Page 38 ---


Thomas & Roxanna Teafatiller 20750 Keith Pearson Rd Siloam Springs, AR 72761 (479) 427-9410 (479) 790-3159 thomas1027@hotmail.com coyotecreekfarms.com _______________________

81- Yearling Ram

Coyote Creek 6038 RF107040

B: 05/06/2016 Twin S: Twin County 0573 RF092429 D: RF 5964 EF082335 A really nice Full Blood ram sired by the 2015 National Champion Ram. This twin ram is all hair and has great pigment.

82- Yearling Ram

Coyote Creek 6010 RP104148

B: 03/30/2016 Twin S: Twin County 0573 RF092429 D: HSS 4213 EP082646 A nice square made ram who was sired by the 2015 National Champion ram. Great maternal side on this one.

83- Yearling Ewe

Coyote Creek 6028 EF104122

B: 04/11/2016 Single S: HC 6 2666 RF091005 D: Clover Leaf 520 wh EF097753 This Full Blood ewe is a granddaughter of African D555 the SUPER SIRE. She has really come on the last few months and will make someone a really nice ewe.

_______________________ Consigned By


Kevin Key 14242 Monroe Rd 835 - Paris, MO 65275 (573) 406-3482 keyseed@socket.net _______________________

84- Fall Ram Lamb

Triple E 16-1019


B: 11/12/2016 Single S: Twin Ridges 15-677 RF098725 D: Twin Ridges 15-660 EF098716



Consigned By


Kevin & Kelly Paul 1608 E Hwy 136 - Albany, MO 64402 (816) 392-0048 (660) 726-5115 kerrypaul@windstream.net missouridorpers.com _______________________

85- January Ram Lamb

Missouri Dorpers 7039

B: 01/10/2017 Single S: Kaya 130064 D: Missouri Dorpers 1011 EF072598 Sired by the Reserve Champion Ram in the Australian National Show in both 2014 and 2015. Outcross genetics for your flock.

86- Yearling Ewe

Missouri Dorpers 6020

B: 02/02/2016 Twin S: HC 6 2515 RF086560 D: McLeod Dorpers 0154 EF098816 Yearling ewe exposed to RF 6291 since 4-11-17.

87- January Ewe Lamb

Missouri Dorpers 7018

B: 01/04/2017 Twin S: RF 6291 Ryno RF097970 D: McLeod Dorpers 0139 EF098820 A nice fullblood sired by our newest flock sire RYNO and a good young McLeod ewe.

_______________________ Consigned By


Clay Cowdrey 4841 Bennett Rd - Millsap, TX 76066 (817) 771-9256 (940) 682-4355 clay.cowdrey@gmail.com mirrorclivestock.com _______________________

88- January Ram Lamb

Cowdrey 17141308

B: 01/18/2017 S: Conner Cowdrey 811 RF089992 D: Conner Cowdrey 141308 EP096887

89- January Ram Lamb

Conner Cowdrey 136

B: 01/21/2017 S: Conner Cowdrey 811 RF089992 D: Conner Cowdrey 15811A EP096879

90- January Ram Lamb

Conner Cowdrey 150

B: 01/11/2017 S: Conner Cowdrey 811 RF089992 D: Taylor Dorpers 163 EF088858

91- January Ram Lamb

Conner Cowdrey 129

92- Fall Ewe Lamb

Conner Cowdrey 99 EF110366 B: 09/24/2016

S: Wilson Ranch 1648 RF102932 D: Wilson Ranch 1471 EF087830

93- January Ewe Lamb

Clay Cowdrey 171621

B: 01/14/2017 S: Conner Cowdrey 811 RF089992 D: Wilson Ranch 1621 EF099731

Champion Dorper Ewe, 1st Fall Ewe Lamb from Riverwood Farms sold to Texas at $4,250.

94- January Ewe Lamb

Conner Cowdrey 128

B: 01/21/2017 S: Conner Cowdrey 811 RF089992 D: Narrow Gate Farm 261 EP096353

95- January Ewe Lamb

Conner Cowdrey 137

B: 01/21/2017 S: Conner Cowdrey 811 RF089992 D: Conner Cowdrey 15811A EP096879

96- February Ewe Lamb

Conner Dowdrey 157

B: 02/18/2017 S: Conner Cowdrey 811 RF089992 D: NK Ranch Inc 1302 EF080530

97- March Ewe Lamb

Conner Cowdrey 147

B: 03/31/2017 S: Conner Cowdrey 811 RF089992 D: Conner Cowdrey 15804A EP098803

98- March Ewe Lamb

Conner Cowdrey 144

B: 03/26/2017 S: Conner Cowdrey 811 RF089992 D: Conner Cowdrey 0005 EF08990

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim Klingbeil, Owner Eric Bruns, Shepherd 1000 W Powell Rd - Powell, OH 43065 (614) 885-6268 (614) 403-1436 riverwood_farms@msn.com riverwoodfarms.com _______________________

99- Yearling Ram 100- Fall Ram Lamb 101- Yearling Ewe

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

B: 01/21/2017 S: Conner Cowdrey 811 RF089992 D: Narrow Gate Farm 261 EP093653

--- Page 39 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Jessica Jean Larrick 1621 Hamilton Rd - Leesburg, OH 45135 (740) 572-2639 (937) 780-4173 jkprecast@ameritech.net _______________________

102- Yearling Ram

B: 05/01/2016 S: HCG 2563 OUTBACK RF090955 D: RF 5444 EF061053

103- January Ram Lamb

S: HIJO Dorpers B219 MYSTERIO RF103358 Sire was Reserve Grand Champion at Sedalia in 2016.

104- Yearling Ewe

105- Fall Ewe Lamb

S: Dry Creek Dorpers 0545 RF095073 Sire is an RR NITRO son.

106- January Ewe Lamb 107- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day


Reserve Champion Dorper Ram, 2nd Yearling Ram from HiJo Dorpers sold to Ohio at $4,500.

Reserve Champion Dorper Ewe, 1st January Ewe Lamb from HiJo Dorpers sold to Texas at $3,500.





Consigned By

Fred Gillum 1406 Glover Rd - Kirksey, KY 42054 (270) 994-3761 (270) 489-2528 fred.gillum@fcbheartland.com _______________________

108- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Powell Ranch 3419 RF083985 D: Powell Ranch 5248 EF098492 Dam was a member of the top selling Pen of 3 of Powell Ranch at The Texas Hill Country Sale last Fall. Dam is an Embryo ewe.

109- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Hanna Dorpers 1523 HOSS POWER RF096754 D: Cherry Mountain 279 EF075373 Sire was class winning yearling ram at the Duncan Sale in 2016. HOSS POWER sired an exceptional crop last Fall. 279 is one of the top ewes in our flock and was the dam of our top Fall rams at Cookeville, TN in 2016.

110- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Hanna Dorpers 1523 HOSS POWER RF096754 D: Cherry Mountain 279 EF075373 One of our Hanna Dorpers HOSS POWER lambs.

111- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Hanna Dorpers 1523 HOSS POWER RF096754 D: Cherry Mountain 470 EP 096540 Balanced, and attractive prospects.

Consigned By

Tony Huffstutter 1574 Dietrich Rd - Foristell, MO 63348 (636) 345-1408 tony.huffstutter@gmail.com Facebook Twisted Ash Dorpers _______________________

112- Fall Ram Lamb

Twisted Ash ASH0016 B: 12/31/2016 Single RF111817

S: Whetstone Prairie 14-010 RF090927 D: Twisted Ash ASH0012 EF111816

_______________________ Consigned By


Keeland Nix 9379 Hwy FF - Mountain Grove, MO 65711 (417) 259-2567 knix@mg.k12.mo.us _______________________

113- January Ram Lamb 114- February Ram Lamb 115- January Ewe Lamb 116- February Ewe Lamb 117- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Don't Miss

Wednesday, June 19th, 7:30pm

Lamb Tacos

Sheep Barn, Dorper Pens sponsored by ADSBS

--- Page 40 ---



Consigned By


Ron & Carla Young 12282 Harrison-Willshire Rd Van Wert, OH 45891 (419) 203-6389 (419) 495-2993 roncyoung@gmail.com buckeyeacres.com _______________________

121- Yearling Ram

BA 2703

B: 10/15/2015 Twin S: BA 2183 RP 092692 D: BA 1723 EP 092660

122- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day Will be sired by BA 2567, our Reserve Champion Ram at the 2016 Big Ohio Sale.

123- Fall Ram Lamb

BAG 3027

B: 11/15/2016 Twin S: BA 2610 RP 092697 D: BA 2179 EP 092669 Mother-son mating. Both are sired by Lewis ram that was high selling White Dorper ram at 2012 Midwest Sale.

124- Fall Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Will be sired by BA 2610.

_______________________ Consigned By


Clay Cowdrey 4841 Bennett Rd - Millsap, TX 76066 (817) 771-9256 (940) 682-4355 clay.cowdrey@gmail.com mirrorclivestock.com _______________________

125- Fall Ram Lamb

Conner Cowdrey 114 RP110378 B: 11/16/2016

S: Mirror C Livestock 1187 RP089993 D: Mirror C Livestock 151333A EP096882

126- March Ram Lamb

Conner Cowdrey 142

B: 03/25/2017 S: BF1259 RP073612 D: NK Ranches Inc 1333 EP080716

127- Fall Ewe Lamb

Mirror C Livestock 104 RP110375 B: 09/20/2016

S: Mirror C Livestock 1187 RP089993 D: Ridge Runner 136 EP097528

_______________________ Consigned By


Kevin & Kelly Paul 1608 E Hwy 136 - Albany, MO 64402 (816) 392-0048 (660) 726-5115 kerrypaul@windstream.net missouridorpers.com _______________________

128- January Ram Lamb

Missouri Dorpers 7030

B: 01/07/2017 Twin S: Kaya 130612 130612 D: Missouri Dorpers 3174 EF087607 A fullblood ram out of our AI program, featuring the service of Kaya 130612. He sired the Junior Champion Ram at The Australian National Show.

Champion White Dorper Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from Riverwood Farms sold to Texas at $1,200.

129- Yearling Ewe

Missouri Dorpers 6069

B: 04/05/2016 Single S: HSS 3816 RF084166 D: Missouri Dorpers 3174 EF087607 A maternal sister to our ram entry. This girl is all Dorper with depth and capacity to spare. Exposed from 4-11-17 to HC 6 2806, our Australian import sire combining Mr. Perfect and African D555.

130- Fall Ewe Lamb

Missouri Dorpers 6095

B: 09/16/2016 Single S: HSS 3816 RF084166 D: Missouri Dorpers 3034 EP087608 Our top fall ewe stacking our top sires BIG AL and FROSTY.

131- Pen of Ewe Lambs

Missouri Dorpers 6099

B: 09/20/2016 Twin S: HC 6 2768 RF097327 D: Missouri Dorpers 5080 EF104732 A pen of Fullblood ewes, this one is sired by our Australian import ram JIMMY and from a Riverwood ewe we purchased here.

Missouri Dorpers 6100

B: 09/20/2016 Single S: HSS 3816 RF084166 D: HC 6 2606 EF091043 Fullblood ewe out of an Australian Embryo dam who is a daughter of Dumisa Mr. Perfect.

Missouri Dorpers 6101

B: 09/21/2016 Single S: HSS 3816 RF084166 D: Missouri Dorpers 4106 EF096187 Fullblood ewe sired by BIG AL and a FROSTY daughter going back to a Stud Ram Sale purchase.

--- Page 41 ---

Champion White Dorper Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Riverwood Farms sold to Missouri at $2,750.

_______________________ Consigned By


Freddie Richardson 171 Rosedale Heights Rosedale, VA 24280 (276) 596-0245 (276) 880-2348 circle_r_farming@yahoo.com circlerfarming.webs.com _______________________

132- Yearling Ram

Circle R 1517

133- Yearling Ram


B: 09/28/2015 Single S: Crane Creek IA05 10400 RF 090462 D: CIrcle R Farming 0925 EX 057549

Circle R 1536


B: 10/20/2015 Twin S: Crane Creek IA05 10400 RF 090462 D: Circle R Farming 1012 EX 062639



Consigned By

_______________________ Consigned By


James Thoreson 14304 Co 12 Blvd - Zumbrota, MN 55992 (507) 202-5220 (507) 732-5950 jbthoreson.jt@gmail.com thoresonsheepfarm.com _______________________

147- Fall Ram Lamb Reserve Champion White Dorper Ram, 2nd Yearling Ram from HiJo Dorpers sold to Arkansas at $2,250.

_______________________ Consigned By


Antonio Juarez 11800 McCann Rd - Amity, OR 97101 (971) 237-3603 (503) 843-2190 juarezlemus@aol.com hijodorpers.com _______________________

134- Yearling Ram 135- Yearling Ram 136- Fall Ram Lamb 137- Fall Ram Lamb 138- Yearling Ewe 139- Yearling Ewe 140- Fall Ewe Lamb 141- Fall Ewe Lamb 142- February Ewe Lamb 143- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Matt Nippert 58115 710 Rd-Diller, NE 68342 (402) 239-0407 (402) 793-5910 pleasantviewfarmne@gmail.com _______________________

144- Yearling Ram

Pleasant View 6M01

B: 01/01/2016 S: White Lightning RP094234 D: D and J Smith 020 blk EP081089

145- Yearling Ewe

Pleasant View 5904 RR EP111357

B: 10/24/2015 Single S: BF 10 RF074139 D: Glenn Land B248 EP077666

146- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day S: Yucca Lily S0483 RF069185

Thoreson Sheep Farm 6901

B: 11/17/2016 Twin S: RF 6168 RF088061 D: Thoreson Sheep Farm 4201 EP096440

148- Fall Ram Lamb

Thoreson Dorpers 6902

B: 11/14/2016 Twin S: RF 6168 RF088061 D: Thoreson Dorpers 4909 EP096285

149- Fall Ewe Lamb

Thoreson Dorpers 6905

B: 11/07/2016 Twin S: RF 6168 RF088061 D: Thoreson Dorpers 4911 EP096287

150- Fall Ewe Lamb

Thoreson Dorpers 6906

B: 11/10/2016 Twin S: RF 6168 RF088061 D: Thoreson Dorpers 2237 EP075011

151- Fall Ewe Lamb

Thoreson Dorpers 6908

B: 11/01/2016 Twin S: RF 6168 RF088061 D: Thoreson Dorpers 3605 EP096152

_______________________ Consigned By


Kayla Flinn & Luke Inbody 6563 TR 28 - Jenera, OH 45841 (419) 306-2451 (419) 889-5324 flinn_13@hotmail.com Facebook L & K Sheep Co _______________________

152- February Ram Lamb 153- March Ram Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Both of our ram lamb entries will be from the top end of our February and March groups. Both will be sired by White Lightning.

154- Yearling Ewe

L&K 1621


B: 03/01/2016 S: White Lightning RP094234 D: D and J Smith 020 blk EP081089 From our show flock from last year. She is structurally correct and is feminine through her front end. She might not be the biggest ewe but she is put together nicely. Check out our Facebook page closer to sale time for pictures. --- Page 42 ---


Jared Frieze 12140 N FR 119 - Brighton, MO 65617 (417) 597-0854 (417) 742-4228 jaredfrieze1@gmail.com _______________________

155- Fall Ram Lamb

JBJ Livestock 653 RP109646

B: 10/06/2016 Twin S: RF 5767 RP109646 D: JBJ Livestock 525 EP092273 Good patterned sound twin fall born ram lamb out of our very best ewe family. We do not let many of these go and she will produce excellent replacement ewes! Will codon test at least QR.

156- March Ram Lamb 157- March Ram Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day We will bring two of our best early born March ram lambs. Probably will be sired by our RR Riverwood ram.

158- Fall Ewe Lamb 159- Fall Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day One will be an early-born Fall ewe lamb, and the other will be a November-born Fullblood ewe lamb.

_______________________ Consigned By


Paul Lewis 12661 E Langell Valley Rd-Bonanza, OR 97623 (541) 591-2510 lambchop@whitedorper.com whitedorper.com _______________________

160- Yearling Ram 161- Yearling Ram 162- Yearling Ram 163- Yearling Ram 164- Fall Ram Lamb 165- Yearling Ewe 166- Yearling Ewe 167- Pen of Yearling Ewes 168- Fall Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day All our entries will have Lambplan EBVs.

WHITE DORPERS _______________________ Consigned By


Andrew Freemyer 21901 St Hwy E - Ravenswood, MO 64479 (660) 254-3717 (660) 254-4413 jarkim2@grm.net _______________________

169- Yearling Ram

Red Raven 1502


B: 11/28/2015 Single S: BF10 RF0741139 D: Red Raven Acres 136 EP086643 Big, stylish ram sired by a Broadmead ram. He should add size and growth to any flock.

Reserve Champion White Dorper Ewe, 1st January Ewe Lamb from HiJo Dorpers sold to Texas at $2,100.

170- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: Red Raven Acres 1412 RP093694 D: Patch Work 4916 0181 EP063997 One of our ewe lambs sired by the ram we sold to Land of Legend Farm last year at the Midwest Sale. We have many nice ewes by him, and this one is no exception.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim Klingbeil, Owner Eric Bruns, Shepherd 1000 W Powell Rd - Powell, OH 43065 (614) 885-6268 (614) 403-1436 riverwood_farms@msn.com riverwoodfarms.com _______________________

171- Fall Ram Lamb 172- January Ram Lamb 173- Yearling Ewe 174- January Ewe Lamb 175- January Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Doug Van Well 15025 Afton Hills Dr S - Afton, MN 55001 (651) 252-8899 Doug.mn.2008@gmail.com Aftonhillsfarm.com _______________________

176- Yearling Ram

AHF 6110

178- Fall Ram Lamb

AHF 6910

B: 10/18/2016 Twin S: Pleasant View 5M07QR RP103047 D: AHF 3150 EP087727

179- Fall Ram Lamb

AHF 6902

B: 12/15/2016 Twin S: Pleasant View 5M07QR RP103047 D: AHF 3154 EP087729

180- Yearling Ewe

AHF 6101

B: 01/10/2016 Twin S: RF 6168 RF088061 D: AHF 4113 EP098866

181- Yearling Ewe

AHF 6105

B: 01/05/2016 Twin S: RF 6178 RF088061 D: AHF 3154 EP087729

182- Fall Ewe Lamb

AHF 6901

B: 10/02/2016 Single S: Pleasant View 5M07QR RP103047 D: T Cude 15-2163 EP099501

183- Fall Ewe Lamb

AHF 6913

B: 10/20/2016 Single S: Pleasant View 5M07QR RP103047 D: Thoreson Dorpers 3903 EP088572

B: 01/18/2016 Twin S: RF 6168 RF088061 D: AHF 5105 EP103923

177- Fall Ram Lamb

AHF 6917

B: 10/16/2016 Twin S: Pleasant View 5M07QR RP103047 D: VanWell Dorpers 0122 EP065953

--- Page 43 ---

HORNED DORSETS _______________________ Consigned By


Paul Cassell 2317 Peppers Ferry Rd Wytheville, VA 24382 (202) 255-1764 pcasse2001@yahoo.com horneddorsets.com _______________________

196- Spring Ram Lamb 197- Fall Yearling Ewe Champion Horned Dorset Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from Patoka Valley Sheep sold to Wisconsin at $500.

_______________________ Consigned By


Mark Lunghuhn Family 1138 E 200 N - Princeton, IN 47670 (812) 664-8144 (812) 386-7120 mtiunghuhn@hotmail.com _______________________

191- Yearling Ram

Patoka Valley 1612 RR 725396 B: 02/04/2016 Twin

S: DODGE 703646 D: Patoka Valley 1114 691597 Classic type, English scroll horn-set; ideal to start a flock.

192- Spring Yearling Ewe

Patoka Valley 1608

B: 01/24/2016 Single S: DODGE 703646 D: Patoka Valley 1325 704848 Stout, maternal type.

193- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

Patoka Valley 1659

B: 09/29/2016 Twin S: DODGE 703646 D: Root 604 696488

_______________________ Consigned By


Sheila Sink & Macenzie Padgett 11172 E St Rd 38 - Kirklin, IN 46050 (765) 960-5045 sinksouthdowns@gmail.com sinksouthdowns.com _______________________

She will be a great one! We have the best yearling ewe pen we have ever had!

198- Late Fall Ewe Lamb 199- Winter Ewe Lamb 200- Spring Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Mike Galleher 6000 Cty Rd 100 - Mt. Gilead, OH 43338 (419) 560-2203 (419) 946-4582 woolyman1@hotmail.com _______________________

201- Winter Ram Lamb

Galleher G-138

B: 12/28/2016 Single S: Gadsby W1406 716278 D: PRC W 7046 716640

202- Fall Yearling Ewe

Galleher K-202


B: 12/26/2015 Single S: Gadsby W1406 716278 D: Galleher K-169 704587

203- Winter Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Dan & Josh Kendrick 712 W 3rd St - Vermont, IL 61484 (309) 221-5568 kendrickdorset@yahoo.com _______________________

205- Early Fall Ram Lamb

Kendrick F217 QR 724944

B: 09/12/2016 Twin S: Kendrick E185 719870 D: Kendrick Dorsets E138 714419 This is our last fall ram for 2016. If you are looking for a good head set and meat he has everything. Check him out.

206- Winter Ram Lamb

Kendrick G224 QR

B: 01/01/2017 Twin S: Ewephoric Tex 0054 713942 D: Kendrick Dorsets C-104 708076 A full brother to the 2016 National Champion ram at Illinois spring sale. Looks like a ram that Josh Graves from Canada purchased here last year.

207- Winter Ewe Lamb

Kendrick G230 QR

B: 01/22/2017 Twin S: Ewephoric TEX 0054 713942 D: Kendrick Dorsets E147 714418 Sire is proving he is a real stud ram! Dam is sired by ALA F1179. This ewe should make a show ewe and a stud ewe.

208- Spring Ewe Lamb

Kendrick G228 QR

B: 02/06/2017 Single S: Ewephoric TEX 0054 713942 D: 3 Point 13-01 703135 This ewe is similar to G224 above but a different dam. The Lutz ewes work well with Tex!

Galleher G-140

B: 12/25/2016 Twin S: Gadsby W1406 716278 D: Galleher G-107 708592

204- Spring Ewe Lamb

Galleher G-139

B: 02/18/2017 Twin S: Gadsby 1564 721120 D: PRC W6227 699484 Gadsby 1564 is the twin brother to the Reserve Champion Ram that sold for $2900 at the 2016 Ohio Dorset Sale.

194- Winter Ewe Lamb 195- Spring Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Champion Horned Dorset Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe form Cassell Horned Dorsets sold to Minnesota at $1,750. --- Page 44 ---

Do you know where and why each sheep breed was founded?

s e m a G & n Fu








8 9 10 11

12 13


ability, carcass quality, early puberty and ACROSS 1- Rams of long wool breeds were crossed with high quality Ram13- A medium-sized meat-type long breeding season.sheep characterized by creamy to produce large ewes yielding more pounds of wool wool, colored pendulous ears, 12copper-red Originated 1 bouillet Rams ewes of long wool breeds were crossed fromfaces theand Thelegs, Netherlands as and a miand more pounds of lamb. The first cross Lincoln-Rambouillet line nor fat deposits over the dock area. with Rambouillet breed to produce heavily muscled lambs of was thehigh mostquality promising of all crosses. ewes to produce large ewes yielding more pounds superior eating quality. DOWN ofAwool and more Southdowns, pounds of Leicesters lamb. The 13 A medium-sized meat-type sheep 2cross of improved andfirst Cotswolds with the native black-faced sheep that were as Longmynd. Southcross Lincoln-Rambouillet line known was the byZealand creamy copper-red 1- Wascharacterized developed in New andwool, Australia during the late down breed out mostrams promising of the all coarseness crosses. and horns, while Leicester colored faces and pendulous ears, females. 1800s' from crossing Lincoln or legs, Leicester rams with Merino Cotswold blood improved length of the wool and size. 2 and A cross of improved Southdowns, and minor fat deposits over the dock area. 3- Merino sheep were brought into Southwest England and were Leicesters and Cotswolds with the native 4- A Columbia ram was crossed on purebred Cheviot ewes and the crossed with the Horned Sheep of Wales to produced a desirable black-faced sheep that were as DOWN resulting lamb met the standard for EHknown Mattingly. all-purpose sheep. Longmynd. Southdown rams breed out the coarseness 1 Was developed in New Zealand andbreeding proLeicester 6Acquired its and namehorns, from thewhile agriculture countyand in Southern En5- Developed in Sussex, England to excel in a cross gland where blood they were developed. Australia during the late 1800s' from Cotswold improved length of the gram in their ability to produce meaty lamb carcasses at light Lincoln or Leicester rams with wool and size. weightscrossing and hot-house lambs. Originated with famed Merino flocks, known for the Merino females. 4 9A Columbia ramSpain's was crossed on purebred world's finest wool. The King of Spain allowed import of outside 7- The result of crossing rams on Norfolk Horned ewes, 3 Merino sheepSouthdown were brought Cheviot ewes and the resulting lamb met into genetics to produce a new cross and improve the native flocks. then became a recognized breedand as early as 1810. the standard for EH Mattingly. Southwest England were crossed with 6 11Acquired its name from the agriculture the Horned Sheep of Wales to produced a A cross of four existing breeds: Finnsheep with high prolifica8- Originated at the Piel Farm in north central Maine where three county in Southern England where they with adaptabildesirable all-purpose sheep. cy, early puberty and short gestation; Rambouillet "African Hair Sheep," were imported in 1957. ity, hardiness, productivity and quality fleeces; Targhee with large were developed. 5 Developed in Sussex, England to excel in a size, longwith breeding seasonfamed and quality fleeces and Dorset with 9 body Originated Spain's Merino cross breeding in their ability 10- A South African muttonprogram breed developed in the 1930'sto from the superior mothering carcass quality, puberty and long Dorset Horn and Blackheaded Persian. flocks,known forability, the world's finestearly wool. produce meaty lamb carcasses at light breeding season. The King of Spain allowed import of weights and hot-house lambs. outside genetics to produce 7 The result of crossing Southdown rams a newascross 12Originated from the The Netherlands a breed to produce on Norfolk Horned ewes, then became a and improve the native flocks. heavily muscled lambs of superior eating quality. recognized breed as early as 1810. 11 A cross of four existing breeds: Finnsheep --- Page 45 --8 Originated at the Piel Farm in north with high prolificacy, early puberty and short gestation; Rambouillet with central Maine where three "African Hair adaptability, hardiness, productivity and Sheep," were imported in 1957.


219- Late Fall Ram Lamb

POLLED DORSETS _______________________ Consigned By

JOHN GORDON FLINCHUM 1141 Vivian St - Longmont, CO 80501

(303) 702-1755 _______________________

215- Late Fall Ram Lamb

Champion Polled Dorset Ram, 1st Spring Ram Lamb from Flinchum Polled Dorsets sold to Missouri at $600.

_______________________ Consigned By


John & Emily Flinchum 1141 Vivian St - Longmont, CO 80501 (720) 290-1473 (303) 702-1755 office@drflinchum.com flinchumdorsets.com _______________________

211- Winter Ram Lamb

J Flinchum 977 RR

B: 01/09/2017 Twin S: McDaniel 15-50 S719721 D: J Flinchum 831 P697256 McDaniel 15-50 is a Long Island Ice Tea son we purchased at the 2016 Ohio Dorset Sale. Dam is sired by the McCarthy ram that was Champion Ram at the 2010 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.

212- Late Fall Ewe Lamb

J Flinchum 975


B: 10/23/2016 Twin S: McDaniel 15-50 S719721 D: J Flinchum 816 P690803 Dam is another McCarthy 9080 daughter. She was the Champion Dorset Ewe at the 2011 Wyoming State Fair. Codon results will be available at the sale. Will be QR or RR at codon 171.

213- Winter Ewe Lamb

J Flinchum 979

B: 01/17/2017 Twin S: McDaniel 15-50 S719721 D: J Flinchum 820 P690808 Dams sire was our 3rd place yearling ram at the 2011 National Dorset Sale. This lamb will be QR or RR at Codon 171.

214- Winter Ewe Lamb

J Flinchum 980

B: 01/17/2017 Twin S: McDaniel 15-50 S719721 D: J Flinchum 820 P690808 Twin to the above ewe.

JF 15-2


B: 10/19/2016 Twin S: McDaniel 15-50 S719721 D: JF 15-2 P715084 This is a college fund ram for Johnny. A nice patterned ram, we will probably use for Fall lambs this spring.

_______________________ Consigned By


1141 Vivian St - Longmont, CO 80501 (720) 290-1473 (303) 702-1755 office@drflinchum.com flinchumdorsets.com _______________________

Cedar Lane 1643 RR P725306

B: 10/04/2016 Twin S: Verhaeghe KRV 2503 Vern P696302 D: Cedar Lane 1240 P702108 Here is a Repeat! Exact same breeding as Ruger Cedar Lane 1408, 2014 Midwest Stud Ram Sale Grand Champion Ram. He sold to Hoskin and Spilde for $2500. Ruger went on to be Reserve Junior Champion 2014 NAILE open show.

220- Spring Ram Lamb

Cedar Lane 1719 RR

B: 02/21/2017 Single S: Cedar Lane 1525 Jordy P719584 D: Cedar Lane 1515 P719574 At this time, my youngest ram appears to be the cream of the crop. He just has the look! His dam 1515 is out of O Boy, 2014 National Sale Grand Champion Ram in Ohio from Spildes. O Boy is a paternal grandson of Samson and a maternal grandson of Rumble. 1515 is dammed by Cedar Lane 8002, a Rumble daughter. 8002 dammed 2 class winning Fall Ram lambs at prior Midwest Stud Ram Sales and all of her daughters have been retained in my flock.

216- Yearling Ram

221- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

B: 02/22/2016 S: McCarthy 2087 P698538 D: J Flinchum 873 P703773 This is a college fund ram for Lizzy. We are using this ram for Fall lambs this year. McCarthy 2087 sired our Champion ram at last years Midwest Stud Ram Sale.

B: 09/02/2016 Twin S: Verhaeghe KRV 2503 RR Vern P696302 D: Cedar Lane 1502 P714657 Cedar Lane 1502 is sired by O Boy. I did not sell any daughters from O Boy or 38 and only 2 from Vern. I have a built up a young, powerful ewe base.

L Flinchum 16-1 RR P721566

_______________________ Consigned By


Bill & Holly Keough Bear Lake Enterprises, INC E5656 N Water Dr - Manawa, WI 54949 (920) 428-5712 (920) 596-1931 bksheep@wolfnet.net bksheep.com _______________________

217- Early Fall Ram Lamb

Cedar Lane 1618 RR P725304

B: 09/03/2016 Single S: Cedar Lane 1525 Jordy P719584 D: Cedar Lane 1228 P702098 Cedar Lane 1618 showed the WOW factor from Day 1. Beautiful head, great bone and long bodied. At stud is Jordy, my top ram out of 38 in 2015. 38 was 1st pick out of Samson from Spildes and was owned 1/2 interest with them. 38 is a birthmate with Miss Congeniality, 2013 Res Champion Ewe NAILE open show.

218- Early Fall Ram Lamb

Cedar Lane 1630 RR P725305

B: 09/04/2016 Single S: Cedar Lane 1520 P719579 D: Cedar Lane 1416 P714067 Cedar Lane 1630 is BIG but still has plenty of rib. If you need to add some overall size, this guy is it. Cedar Lane 1520 is a Rumble grandson. --- Page 46 ---

Cedar Lane 1616 RR P725301

222- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

Cedar Lane 1616 RR P725302

B: 09/18/2016 Single S: Cedar Lane 1525 Jordy P719584 D: Cedar Lane 1109 P691478 She is HOT! Long bodied, level top, great hip and flashy to boot. Mother of Cedar Lane 1109 is Cedar Lane 7021. 7021 is a fabulous Rumble daughter and is still producing. She is also the grand dam of 1643 and Ruger. Extended pedigrees and some pictures posted prior to the sale at www.bksheep.com.

_______________________ Consigned By


Dr. F.D. & Joy McCarthy 5245 Crawford-Wyandot Rd Sycamore, OH 44882 (419) 310-0590 mccarthy@findlay.edu _______________________

223- Yearling Ram 224- Late Fall Ram Lamb 225- Late Fall Ewe Lamb

Ram Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By


Lynn A Laudenslager 559 Flying Eagle Rd - Dalmatia, PA 17017 (570) 847-9817 (570) 578-6284 mgf4@tds.net laudenacres.com _______________________

226- Early Fall Ram Lamb

Lauden Acres 54 RR P725231

B: 09/12/2016 Twin S: Valley View 0075 Oberon P707483 D: Lauden Acres 667 P683606

227- Spring Yearling Ewe

Lauden Acres 26 RR P720603

B: 01/10/2016 Twin S: Valley View 0075 Oberon P707483 D: Crouch 1132 P696192 LA26 is twin to LA27 (2016 NAILE JR Champion-Reserve overall Champion).

228- Spring Yearling Ewe

Lauden Acres 29 RR P720606

B: 01/12/2016 Twin S: Valley View 0075 Oberon P707483 D: Lauden Acres 779 P698698

229- Spring Yearling Ewe

Lauden Acres 36 RR P707483

B: 01/19/2016 Triplet S: Valley View 0075 Oberon P707483 D: Lauden Acres 786 P698704

230- Spring Yearling Ewe

Lauden Acres 37 RR P720613

B: 01/19/2016 Triplet S: Valley View 0075 Oberon P707483 D: Lauden Acres 786 P698704

231- Spring Yearling Ewe

Lauden Acres 41 RR P720618

B: 01/20/2016 Twin S: Valley View 0075 Oberon P707483 D: Lauden Acres 870 P708457

232- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

Lauden Acres 64 RR P725243

B: 09/07/2016 Single S: Valley View 0075 Oberon P707483 D: Lauden Acres 852 P708446

233- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

Lauden Acres 69 RR P725247

B: 09/21/2016 Twin S: Valley View 0075 Oberon P707483 D: Crouch 1252 P702224





Consigned By

Tyler Fruechte 20383 480th Ave - White, SD 57276 (605) 695-9940 tylerf@hurleyandassociates.com fruechtefamilydorsets.com _______________________

Consigned By

Paul Wissinger 205 Riegel Rd - Sinking Spring, PA 19608 (610) 670-1761 glassshepherd@earthlink.net turtlemead.com _______________________

234- Early Fall Ram Lamb

239- Yearling Ram

B: 09/04/2016 Twin S: Lauden Acres 789 Leonidas P702350 D: Riverwood Farms 5677 P691408 Out of one of our best who consistently produces productive, powerful sheep like this guy. Leonidas has added that extra extension in our flock going on 5 years. Check this massive ram lamb out!

B: 04/24/2016 Single S: Turtle Mead 1519 P715030 Big Smooth D: Turtle Mead 1529 715036 Big Smooth was our first place yearling ram at 2016 Midwest Sale.

FFD 610


240- Winter Ram Lamb

235- Spring Ram Lamb

B: 02/17/2017 Single S: Pine Ridge 13050 ET P703729 D: Spilde 8278 P684771 I thought long and hard before bringing this guy. The day he hit the ground I knew he was going to be special. Great pedigree on this one, Dam was the 2010 National Champion at NAILE and sire is a Primo son.

FFD 637

236- Spring Yearling Ewe

FFD 585


B: 01/05/2016 Twin S: Pine Ridge 13050 ET P703729 D: Riverwood Farms 5677 P691408 Here is a cool ewe. She has great extension and a nice profile. Notice she has the same dam as our Fall Ram Lamb entry, Riverwood dam has made some good ones for us.

237- Spring Yearling Ewe

FFD 595 RR


B: 02/04/2016 Twin S: FFD 555 P718093 D: FFD 479 P702604 This ewe is going to make someone an excellent ewe. She is a super correct, deep bodied, wide topped ewe that was bred to be a mom. An RR ewe exposed for Fall lambing. Double Bonus!

238- Winter Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day I have not decided what ewe lamb to bring yet, but stay tuned to our facebook page, Fruechte Family Dorsets, and our website for more info and pictures. www.fruechtefamilydorsets.com

--- Page 47 ---

Turtle Mead 1627 P724634

Turtle Mead 1639

B: 12/10/2016 Single S: McDaniel 1422 P711807 Captain Stubby D: Turtle Mead 1426 P713911 Big Smooth was our first place yearling ram at 2016 Midwest Sale.

241- Late Fall Ewe Lamb

Turtle Mead 1636 P725055

B: 10/07/2016 Single S: Turtle Mead 1519 P715030 Big Smooth D: Turtle Mead 1405 P712184

242- Winter Ewe Lamb

Turtle Mead 1637

B: 12/04/2016 Single S: McDaniel 1422 P711807 Captain Stubby D: Turtle Mead 1426 P713911



Consigned By

_______________________ Consigned By


Devon Wolkow 20147 435th Ave - DeSmet, SD 57231 (605) 203-1149 (320) 420-5354 wolkowdorsets@gmail.com _______________________

249- Early Fall Ram Lamb Champion Polled Dorset Ewe, 1st Spring Yearling Ewe from Wolkow Dorsets sold to Illinois at $2,600.

_______________________ Consigned By


Cruz Nichols 26016 Moore Ln - Jerseyville, IL 62052 (859) 612-7175 (618) 535-3235 cruznichols69@yahoo.com _______________________

243- Winter Ram Lamb

NSF 1703


251- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

244- Late Fall Ewe Lamb

S: Nichols 1445 D: Nichols 1401 Futurity nominated. This ewe lamb looks to have a really bright future. Both parents won their respective classes at Louisville.

Wolkow L600 RR

B: 01/02/2016 Twin S: Winston Lein 501 P649337 D: Wolkow D216 P699257 This is an A.I. ewe out of Winston. She was in our show flock last year. She is just plain good and RR to boot.

NSF 1684


250- Spring Yearling Ewe

B: 01/04/2017 Twin S: Nichols 1580 D: Nichols 1516 This ram lamb has SWEETNESS and RF 5886 in his pedigree twice. This will be the only offspring sold sired by Nichols 1580, the Champion Ram at the 2016 All-American Junior Show.

Wolkow W654

B: 09/10/2016 Single S: Wolkow R450 P714218 D: Wolkow B419 P713253 This is a really deep bodied ram with a level hip. He has the length of his dad and the extension of his mom.

Wolkow B656

B: 09/11/2016 Twin S: Bradford 0-250 P702387 D: Wolkow D374 P710854 This girl should just continue to get better. Her dam is one of our best ewes.

252- Late Fall Ewe Lamb Wolkow W656


B: 10/02/2016 Single S: Wolkow R450 P714218 D: Spilde 8939 P710719 Spilde 8939 is a Samson daughter. W656 has the spring of rib that he is known for. She should be a fun ewe for someone.

245- Winter Ewe Lamb

253- Slick Fall Ewe Lamb


B: 09/01/2016 Single S: Bradford 0-250 P702387 D: Wolkow H501 P722980 Wolkow H501 is a ROMEO daughter. B653 combines the cool front end of the Bradford ram and the hip of Romeo.

Information Sale Day

Consigned By


20516 436th Ave - DeSmet, SD 57231

(605) 690-0139 _______________________

246- Slick Yearling Ewe

Aldrich 604 RR


B: 01/16/2016 Single S: Pine Ridge 13116 P706062 D: Superior Farms 9288 P683683

Wolkow B653

254- Spring Ewe Lamb 255- Spring Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

247- Spring Yearling Ewe

Aldrich 619 RR


B: 02/14/2016 Twin S: Pine Ridge 13116 P706062 D: Poynter Y24 F TW P701884

248- Spring Ewe Lamb


Information Sale Day

--- Page 48 ---


Roy Campbell 10394 Rt 119 Hwy S - Blairsville, PA 15717 (724) 972-7380 (724) 248-1117 lrsccampbell@verizon.net pennviewfarmsheep.com _______________________

256- Yearling Ram

Campbell Bros 346 QR P721907

B: 02/09/2016 Triplet S: Turtle Mead 1135 P695842 D: Riverwood Farms 5875 ET P702824 If you are looking for a dude that is rugged made and stout check this guy out! He has tons of bone work and is square on all 4! His mother was purchased at the Riverwood dispersal and placed within the top 5 for multiple shows. His father sired our $1000 selling buck at the Ohio Dorset Sale in Eaton this year.

257- Spring Ram Lamb

Campbell Bros 350

B: 02/01/2017 Single S: Saylors Twin Oaks 1530 P719747 SLOE GIN D: Campbell Bros 315 P708762 Well here it is! Our 1st offering of a SLOE GIN son. We have been really impressed with what he has put out so far. This guy really puts it all together for us. He has the extension, length and height from his father and has the thickness, stoutness and bone from his mom. SLOE GIN has won multiple Grand and Reserve Champions. He was the Reserve Junior Champ at last years Ohio Dorset Sale.

258- Spring Yearling Ewe

Penn View 304


B: 03/25/2016 Single S: Shepherds View 1404 P710147 D: Penn View 293 P709658 This girl is a sheep that I would consider to be one of our keepers but we simply have too many yearlings that we are already keeping. She is long and tall yet still carries bone and structure to be a great brood ewe. Her sire SV 1404 was out of Petersons MONOPOLY Buck. Her Dam PVF 293 has some genetics going back to a Pope Dorsets ewe that we had purchased in Ohio a few years back.

259- Spring Ewe Lamb

Penn View 308

B: 02/07/2017 Triplet S: Saylors Twin Oaks 1530 P719747 SLOE GIN D: Shepherds View 1215 P702518 This will be our 1st SLOE GIN daughter to sell. She like our spring ram lamb pulls the complete package together. She has a pretty pattern and is very easy on the eyes. SLOE GIN is a maternal brother to LONG ISLAND ICED TEA and this years National Champion Ewe at the Ohio Dorset Sale. For more info please give us a call, visit our website pennviewfarmsheep. com or stop by the pens.



Consigned By


Michael Pope 4395 S 600 E - Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 966-3091 popedorsets@aol.com popedorsets.weebly.com _______________________

260- Winter Ram Lamb 261- Spring Ram Lamb 262- Spring Ewe Lamb 263- Spring Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day S: Spilde 9010 ICON P708739 I have not made selections yet since these lambs are young. All my Winter and Spring lambs are sired by Spilde 9010 ICON, the Reserve National Champion Ram at NAILE in 2014. ICON is a genetic full sib to Miss Congeniality our Reserve National Champion Ewe at NAILE in 2013. These lambs will be similar in quality to the 13 head sold in our March online sale that averaged $1242.38. Feel free to check out our website closer to sale week for updated information on our entries.

_______________________ Consigned By


2800 Wildflower Rd - Stoughton, WI 53589 (608) 772-3697 (608) 335-9288 kentspilde@icloud.com _______________________

264- Spring Yearling Ewe

Spilde 9216 P725196

B: 02/21/2016 Twin S: Haven Point 1106 P692347 SECRETARIAT D: Spilde 8895 P705116 Super complete and fault free ewe with good size. SECRETARIAT sires really wide level tops and did a real nice job for us.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jacob Wilts 7416 Co Rd 37 NE - St Michael, MN 55376 (763) 232-3576 jwilts1997@hotmail.com redbarnfamilyfarm.com _______________________

265- Winter Ram Lamb

Wilts 707

B: 01/07/2017 Single S: Wolkow Dorsets R453 ET P714217 D: Wolkow Dorsets 406 P713248 This buck was a little green at registration time, but is growing well. By mid summer he will be filled out and could be fun to show. He is wide and has a nice front profile. His sire died unexpectedly this winter so this will be the only offspring we sell from him. He stamped some width and style into our lamb crop this winter. His dam is one of our most dependable ewes. She lambed the first week of January the past 3 years.





Consigned By

Ron Arndt 11775 Co Rd 50 - Norwood, MN 55368 (952) 201-5761 (952) 466-5876 parndt83@gmail.com _______________________

266- Late Fall Ram Lamb

Arndt Acres 16-129 RR B: 10/12/2016 Single P725329

S: Arndt Acres 13-103 P704346 D: Arndt Acres 920 P67975 This is one of my favorite ram lambs currently. Sire goes back to a Sanford ram we used for several years and one of our top brood ewes. Dam is sired by a McCarthy ram that goes back to DIRTY DEEDS and goes back to Arndt Acres 383 that had a great head and ear set.

267- Winter Ram Lamb

Arndt Acres 17-104 RR

B: 01/13/2017 Single S: Arndt Acres 14-107 P710215 D: Arndt Acres 14-013 P710196 This is one of our top Winter ram lambs. He is by the 14-107 buck. Arndt Acres 14-013 is sired by the Sanford ram we used for several years. Her dam was a Van Bair ewe that goes back to Cartel & Silver Streak.

268- Spring Yearling Ewe

Arndt Acres 16-019 P724949

B: 01/28/2016 Twin S: Arndt Acres 14-107 P710215 D: Arndt Acres 1014 P685189 Arndt Acres 14-107 is sired by our Riverwood Farms ram & he goes back to Premium Pickle. Arndt Acres 1014 goes back to to a Riverwood Farms ewe that was Reserve Champion Ewe at Sedalia in 2005. Scrapie info day of sale, QR or better.

269- Late Fall Ewe Lamb

Arndt Acres 16-041 RR B: 10/05/2016 Single P725011

S: Arndt Acres 13-103 P704346 D: Arndt Acres 13-047 P711733 See Late Fall Ram Lamb entry for sire information. Arndt Acres 13-047 was dammed by a Wolkow ewe that we had great success showing at the state fair.

270- Winter Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

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Consigned By

Gene & Marci Sanford 12529 Canby Ave - Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 645-4989 mgsanford99@gmail.com sanfordsheepfarm.com _______________________

271- Spring Ram Lamb

Sanford M086 RR

B: 02/03/2017 Twin S: Sanford E167 P717773 D: Sanford E027 P704956 Stud ram in the making! Dam was Reserve Champion ewe at the Minnesota State Fair.

272- Spring Yearling Ewe

Sanford E336 RR


B: 03/01/2016 Single S: Sanford E167 P717773 D: Sanford E029 P704957 Sire is a powerful DYNASTY son. Check out the photo on our website.

273- Early Fall Ewe Lamb

Sanford E400 RR


B: 09/25/2016 Single S: Dynasty P683765 D: Sanford D784 P65899 Thick, deep bodied DYNASTY daughter.

274- Late Fall Ewe Lamb

Sanford E406 RR


B: 10/12/2016 Twin S: Dynasty P683765 D: Sanford D939 P701328 Fancy show lamb that will be a great stud ewe. Dam is sired by BLUE PRRINT and dammed by RRED HOTT.

275- Winter Ewe Lamb

Sanford E416 RR

B: 01/14/2017 Triplet S: DYNASTY P683765 D: Sanford E053 P683765

276- Spring Ewe Lamb

Sanford E427 RR

B: 02/04/2017 Triplet S: DYNASTY P683765 D: Sanford E125 P709987 Dam was the mother of our Reserve Champion Ram at last years Midwest Sale. Fancy lamb for the futurity shows.

POLLED DORSETS _______________________




Consigned By

Doug & Lindi Peterson 803 23rd St NE - Lemmon, SD 57638 (701) 376-3115 peterson@sdplains.com petersonsheepco.com _______________________

277- Spring Yearling Ewe

Peterson 9062-16085 RR

B: 01/25/2016 Twin S: Sanford 134 D: Peterson 5879 RR

Information Sale Day

278- Winter Ram Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Warren Anderson 515 Carpenter Creek Rd Hustonville, KY 40437 (859) 608-4665 (606) 346-3916 _______________________

279- Yearling Ram

Consigned By

Troy Doty 2398 CR 950 E - Lovington, IL 61937 (217) 254-9017 (217) 873-4024 troydoty@one-eleven.net _______________________

282- Spring Yearling Ewe

_______________________ Consigned By


B: 02/17/2016 Single S: Crouch 10-18 P714105 D: Doty Dorset 29 P700864

Doty Dorset 82 RR

B: 04/11/2016 Twin S: Crouch 10-18 P714105 D: Pine Ridge 12-03 P698720

284- Spring Ewe Lamb

Doty Dorset 84 RR

B: 02/03/2017 Single S: Crouch 10-18 P714105 D: Riverwood 5666 P691402

_______________________ Consigned By


Charlene Ross 6935 SW State Hwy D - Polo, MO 64671 (913) 991-7449 charlene.ross@genexservices.com Facebook C&J Livestock _______________________

285- Slick Ram Lamb

C&J Livestock 728 P726067

B: 09/23/2016 Single S: Slack 4494 S TW P710846 D: Slack 3188 S TR P704676 Parents are both from Slack genetics.

Jeff Repasky 9426 Jacobson Trail - Lonsdale, MN 55046 (612) 282-7782 nstarrlvk5@aol.com _______________________

280- Late Fall Ewe Lamb 281- Spring Ewe Lamb

Reserve Champion Polled Dorset Ram, 1st Late Fall Ram Lamb from Sanfords Dorsets & Hamps sold to Minnesota at $1,300.

283- Spring Yearling Ewe

Westwind 681 RR P720841

B: 12/13/2015 Single S: Grand View 1311 P711044 D: Westwind 373 P709609 This yearling ram has much to offer. He is correct, long-sided, and has an impressive pedigree which includes: Riverwood Farms, Penn State, Cedar Lane, Lauden Acres, Freitas-Bianchi, and T. Myers. His dam comes from Westwinds most prolific ewe family.

Doty Dorset 74 QR P720805

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

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Reserve Champion Polled Dorset Ewe, 2nd Spring Yearling Ewe from Turtle Mead Polled Dorsets sold to Indiana at $2,800.

Sheep Hide & Seek... and a herding border collie...

www.midwestsale.com --- Page 51 ---

Fun & Games

ANSWER: The sleeping sheep can be found to the left and just below center, while the dog is nearby poking his head out from behind a tree.

Can you spot the sheep that's fallen asleep? As an added challenge, there's also a border collie watching over the flock waiting for you to find him.

HAMPSHIRES _______________________ Consigned By


Tom Bobendrier Family 1351 US Hwy 75 - Pipestone, MN 56164 (507) 215-0334 Shebob7@gmail.com _______________________

308- Fitted January Ram Lamb Champion Hampshire Ram, Junior Champion, 1st January Ram Lamb from Pine Lawn Farm sold to Minnesota at $1,800.

_______________________ Consigned By


Weston Borcher 1330 Lane 10 - Powell, WY 82435 (307) 272-5285 borcher_23@hotmail.com _______________________

301- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Borcher 611

B: 10/17/2016 Twin S: Bobendrier 15-56 600430 D: Borcher GR 12-51 39972D

302- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Borcher 7174

B: 02/05/2017 Twin S: Bobendrier 15-25 599122 D: Borcher F62 32487D

303- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Borcher 6143


B: 02/15/2016 Twin S: Houghtaling 12-405 595810 D: Borcher GR 12-64 41919D

304- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Borcher 7107

B: 02/02/2017 Triplet S: Bobendrier 15-56 595810 D: Borcher Y4268 59991D

Information Sale Day

305- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Barret Marshall & Family 45491 204th St- Arlington, SD 57212 (605) 695-2528 barretmarshall@hotmail.com _______________________

306- Fitted January Ram Lamb 307- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Bobendrier Boys 17-25 RR

B: 01/18/2017 Twin S: Bobendrier 15-158 600808 D: Sanford M 245 RR 37314 D Exciting young ram lamb that combines several genetic pieces. Bobendrier, Caskey, Sanford, Kirlin, Finder, Held, Rikow, Kjeldgaard, Wheaton names all appear in his pedigree.

309- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Bobendrier Boys 16-40 RR 61887 D B: 01/09/2016 Twin

S: Bobendrier 14-28 RR 598438 D: Bobendrier Boys 0903 22051 D 16-40 has the potential to be a top-shelf show ewe this summer. A very high-headed, tall fronted, beautifully designed ewe. She also has the best dam side pedigree in our flock. Both her dam and grand-dam are still producing for us!

310- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Bobendrier Boys 17-16 RR

B: 01/06/2017 Single S: Bobendrier 15-60 599125 RARE REBEL D: Bobendrier Boys 10-01 RR 27569 D Real pretty ewe lamb that will show very well this summer and next. RARE REBEL sired a very impressive set of Fall lambs for us, and his Spring lambs certainly have not disappointed!

_______________________ Consigned By


Larry Hand 12918 Maness Rd - DeSoto, MO 63020 (314) 303-1141 (314) 303-1141 lwhand5@att.net _______________________

311- Fitted Yearling Ram

Hand 638 RR NNP 601091

B: 02/03/2016 Twin S: Quam 4-127 RRNN ET 599566 D: Hand 114 NNP RR 35200 D Hand 638 is sired by Quam 4-127 a HOME BOY son who is a full ET brother to Sullivans NAILE Champion Ewe. Hand 114 is our best ewe line.

312- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

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_______________________ Consigned By


Roy L Waggoner, Jr 18217 Hink School Ave Cole Camp, MO 65325 (660) 221-3388 (660) 221-3456 jwagg30@icloud.com _______________________

313- Fitted Yearling Ram

Waggoner 662 RR 600807

B: 03/05/2016 Twin S: Waggoner 515 RR 598954 D: Waggoner 1105 RR 32829D Dam was 4th March Ewe Lamb at NAILE 2011 and sired by BH 10-20 Rare Alliance. Nice set of Spring lambs sired by this ram we used as a lamb. His sire is Feller 415 of Silver Creek Farms.

314- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Waggoner 782 RR

B: 02/20/2017 Twin S: Waggoner 662 RR TW 600807 D: Waggoner 518 RR TW 54386D Sired by Waggoner 662. Great Grand Dam was Champion Ewe at Eastern Stud Ram Sale 2006. This line has produced many show flock and replacement stock for us.

315- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Waggoner 776 RR

B: 02/02/2017 Twin S: Waggoner 515 RR 598954 D: Caskey 3428 RR TW 47134D Dam was top Ewe Lamb at the North Star Sale 2013 and 2nd Yearling Ewe at Missouri State Fair 2014.

_______________________ Consigned By


Kriston Hill 1188 Court St #52 - Elko, NV 89801 (775) 340-5554 kriston1012@gmail.com rabbitcreeksheepfarms.com _______________________

316- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day Check out our website and Facebook page for more information.

_______________________ Consigned By


Lisa Charpilloz Hanson 32525 S Barlow Rd - Woodburn, OR 97071 (503) 881-6550 (503) 651-2047 alekhanson@live.com _______________________

317- Fitted Yearling Ram

Char-Land Farms 15-35 600718 B: 02/15/2016 Twin

S: Feller 919 588857 D: Feller 153 31364D Beautiful Hampshire ram sired by Feller 919. Look for pictures on our Face book page.



Consigned By


Jake Herrig 677 State Hwy 267 - Slayton, MN 56172 (507) 227-4228 (506) 220-1360 jakeherrig@yahoo.com herrigsheep.com _______________________

318- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Herrig 1118 RR NN

B: 09/06/2016 Twin S: Herrig 0867 595171 D: Herrig 0869 40045 D This is our Best Fall Ram this year. Should make a great Stud Ram for his new owner.

319- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Herrig 1102 RR NN 61409 D

B: 02/02/2016 Twin S: Larson L&L 205 594417 D: Herrig 718 26409 D We like to bring our best yearling Ewe to the National Sale. She will make a great show ewe and has a pedigree to raise future Champions.

320- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Herrig 1131 RR NN

B: 02/15/2017 Twin S: Strawberry Fields 1520 599782 White Smoke D: Herrig 0664 19805 D Here is the first White Smoke Lamb to Sell. She is a flashy ewe that has great bone and breed type.

321- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Herrig 1156 RR NN

B: 03/01/2017 Twin S: Caskey 5535 599981 D: Herrig 855 37901 D This Lamb is young at entry time. She looks like she will be a good show ewe. Watch for additional entries at the sale. Watch for pictures on our website. www.herrigsheep.com

_______________________ Consigned By


Jan Houghtaling 18522 407th Ave - Doland, SD 57436 (605) 350-4222 (605) 635-6222 janh@nvc.net _______________________

322- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb 323- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

324- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Houghtaling 16-721 RR NNP

B: 09/24/2017 S: Houghtaling 14-545 598911 D: Houghtaling 15-611 RR

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

325- Fitted January Ewe Lamb 326- Fitted February Ewe Lamb





Consigned By

Steve Birschbach 802 E Pioneer Rd - Fond du Lac, WI 54935 (920) 251-4919 stbirsch80@hotmail.com _______________________

327- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Birschbach 51-17 RR

B: 02/18/2017 Twin S: Herrig Crazy Horse 975 RR 598327 D: Birschbach 38-13 RR 42257D Here is a buck lamb I really like! Big boned, long bodied, with good wool just like his sire CRAZY HORSE, Herrig 975. His mother goes back to Held 07-2710 ewe that has produced some really good sheep. Dam has full sisters in Rabbit Creek Farms as well as Rikow Hamp. Both those ewes were Res. Champion and Grand Champion at Big Ohio sale in 2013 & 2015. This buck will get big and should be a good breeding ram for someone. Take a look!!

Consigned By

Kyle Fleener 807 Beecherstown Rd Biglerville, PA 17307 (717) 304-9116 (717) 269-2500 Fleenerkm@yahoo.com _______________________

331- Slick January Ram Lamb

S: Allen Show Lambs G299 601449 ROOSTER D: FCL 1315 46303 Half brother to our Reserve National Champion Slick Hampshire Ewe at 2016 NAILE. Sired by ROOSTER the Reserve Champion Hamp Wether Sire at the 2016 Midwest Stud Ram.

332- Slick February Ewe Lamb

S: Allen Show Lambs G299 601449 D: FCL 1500 JUNIPER ROOSTER Dam was 2x Champion Hampshire Ewe at MD State Fair. She was also Reserve Junior Champion at 2015 NAILE.

328- Fitted February Ram Lamb

333- Slick March Ewe Lamb

B: 02/16/2017 Twin S: Herrig Crazy Horse 975 RR 598327 D: Birschbach 36-13 RR 42255D Full brother to lead yearling sale ewe here!! Stamped the same way as his sire Crazy Horse. Big boned and good wool. Should make a good breeding ram. As of this time he is entered in this sale but might keep him. Goes back to some of the old Deakin 01-776 genetics and that stuff works!!!

Birschbach 52-17 RR

329- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Birschbach 48-16 RR 61107D

B: 03/04/2016 Twin S: Herrig Crazy Horse 975 RR 598327 D: Birschbach 36-13 RR 42255D Big stout ewe! Sired by Herrig CRAZY HORSE who goes back to the Caskey buck that sired good sheep for Herrigs. Dam goes back to Hickman 674 ewe, the Champion ewe at Ohio Hamp sale in 2010. This ewe is loaded with good breeding as she has Devil as her grand sire and he did a fine job for me. This ewe will be a great addition to any flock. Look her over.

330- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Jadewood 16007 RR 61510D

B: 01/06/2016 Twin S: Hickman 878 RR 593862 D: Jadewood 13065 TR 46416D Nice yearling ewe, should work well in the lambing barn. She is sired by Hickman ram that goes back to the BASIL ram. Dam side goes back to Hysteria buck. Not the biggest ewe but she is bred right.

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S: Barton 2090 ROCKET 596138 D: McCandlish 1337 54331 Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Brad Payne 13406 St Rt MM SE - Agency, MO 64401 (630) 688-2583 brad.payne65@gmail.com _______________________

334- Fitted February Ram Lamb 335- Fitted March Ram Lamb 336- Fitted March Ram Lamb 337- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 338- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 339- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 340- Slick February Ewe Lamb 341- Fitted March Ewe Lamb 342- Fitted March Ewe Lamb 343- Fitted March Ewe Lamb 344- Slick March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

HAMPSHIRES 348- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Bobendrier 16-65 QR NNP 65845 D B: 03/14/2016 Twin

Supreme Champion Ewe, Champion Hampshire Ewe, Senior Champion, 1st YR Ewe from Herrig Family Hampshires sold to Wisconsin at $5,300.

_______________________ Consigned By


Chuck Bobendrier 1607 90th Ave - Pipestone, MN 56164 (507) 215-7533 (507) 825-4072 jcbobendrier@gmail.com bobendrierhampshires.com _______________________

345- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Bobendrier 16-177 RR NNP

B: 10/11/2016 Single S: Bobendrier RARE REBEL 599125 D: Bobendrier 12-80 37530 D RARE REBEL won his class at IA and MN and was 3rd at Louisville 2015. Bobendrier 12-80 is one of the largest framed, massive ewes in our flock.

346- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Bobendrier 17-21 RR NNP

B: 01/18/2017 Twin S: Bobendrier RARE REBEL 599125 D: Bobendrier 12-29 37152 D Dam is a very productive 982 daughter out of a Kjeldgaard HIGH DEFINITION daughter that weans a nice set of twins every year. RARE REBEL sires tremendous bone and wool.

347- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Bobendrier 17-27 RR NNP

B: 01/19/2017 Twin S: Bobendrier RARE FELLER 595707 D: Bobendrier 12-99 41432 D RARE FELLER stood 2nd to the Champion at Louisville 2013 & 2014 and was Reserve Junior Champion 2013 and Reserve Senior Champion 2014. He was sired by Feller 919 and his dam was 10-08, our Louisville Champion Ewe in 2010. Bobendrier 12-99 was Champion Ewe at MN State Fair 2012 and was sired by Lambert 11-20 and was also out of 10-08! This ram will be prepotent!!

S: Bobenrier Boys 15-16 600107 D: Bobendrier 12-152 42609 D Bobendrier Boys 15-16 is a huge, massive ram that was Reserve Champion at IA in 2015 and Champion at WI 2016. Bobendrier 12-152 is a giant, heavy bodied ewe that was 1st Fall ewe at Louisville 2013. This beautifully designed female is fault free and a real eye-catcher.

349- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Bobendrier 16-155 RR NNP

B: 09/23/2016 S: Bobendrier RARE FELLER 595707 D: Bobendrier 13-35 42612 D A super long bodied, large framed, massive female that will be a real player in the show ring at any level! Her dam was 2nd at IA, MN, and Louisville and was a member of our winning flock and young flock at our National Show 2013.

350- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Bobendrier 16-157 RR NNP

B: 09/24/2016 Twin S: Bobendrier RARE REBEL 599125 D: Bobendrier 12-92 40285 D Another typical REBEL daughter-beautiful type with wool and bone. Her dam was our lead yearling ewe, sired by Lambert 11-20, that was champion at MN and a member of our winning flock at Louisville 2013.

351- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Bobendrier 17-04 RR NNP

B: 01/02/2017 S: Bobendrier RARE STRETCH 599123 D: Bobendrier 13-54 42617 D A real pretty, stout built lamb. STRETCH is a son of our Miller ram and was first Slick shorn ram at IA and 2nd at MN 2015. Her dam is one of our top Caskey FINAL ADDITION daughters. Check our web site for photos and video of our entire consignment prior to the sale.

_______________________ Consigned By


Shane Kirschten 5060 Jefferson Ave - Alton, IA 51003 (712) 395-0377 (712) 756-8953 kirschten59@gmail.com kirschtensheepfarm.simdif.com _______________________

352- Slick Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

--- Page 54 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Rex Quam 60243 195th Ave - Dodge Center, MN 55927 (507) 251-2650 rex.quam@riverland.edu quamsuffolksandhampshires.com Facebook Northern Exposure Livestock _______________________

353- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb 354- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Gary T Klug 939 Hazel Rd - Harlan, IA 51537 (712) 202-4461 klughihamp@tm.net _______________________

355- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Klug HH 16-146P RR NNP 602084 B: 09/15/2016

S: Bobendrier Boys 15-50 RR Derby 600453 D: Klug HH 12-55T NNP RR 38377 Klug 146 is a solid, bigger buck lamb, that stands on what may be the best feet in the 2017 Midwest Stud Ram Hampshire show. He will add scale and pounds to your lamb crops.

356- Fitted March Ram Lamb

Klug HH 17-149P RR NNP

B: 03/05/2017 Twin S: Bobendrier Boys 15-50 RR Derby 600453 D: Klug HH 12-152T 38370 This buck lamb and his twin visually scream stud buck-genetically. It can be supported with Final Edition on the top and Goodfellow on the bottom. See what happens between entry day and Sale week.

357- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Klug HH 16-193T QR NNP 61330 B: 02/17/2016 Twin

S: Klug HH 12-113P Bond RR 594449 D: Klug HH 11-143T 38372 This ewe is capacious and balanced...she catches your eye and holds it.

358- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Klug HH 16-197T RR NNP 65558 B: 09/14/2016 Twin

S: Bobendrier Boys 15-50 RR Derby 600453 D: Mercedes Ladies 13-03 43376 Klug 197 is a very correct ewe lamb. She is sprightly in appearance and attitude..really nice for gate gazing.

359- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Klug HH 17-209 QR NNP

B: 02/06/2017 Twin S: Bobendrier Boys 15-50 RR Derby 600453 D: Klug HH 14-166 48764 She is young, she is pretty, and she will look good coming and going.



Consigned By


Phyllis Davison 6751 N Sheridan St - Wichita, KS 67204 (316) 841-8223 phyldavison@gmail.com _______________________

360- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Gillmore-Davison 16-03 B: 01/22/2016 Single 62314 D

S: Gillmore-Davison 15-06 599110 D: Gillmore-Davison 10-57 30937 D We have retained all ewes from this family since we typically include offspring in show flock. Grand dam is Thomas ewe and Grand sire is Bobendrier 14-06, Thumper.

361- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

S: Willwerth Purple 25 601970 Information Sale Day Several lambs from which to pick. Sire was selected from the Willwerth keeper pen. Bloodlines include Deakin 01-776, Bobendrier, Nichols and Gordeneer.

_______________________ Consigned By


Roger & Marie Parr 33425 E CR 1000 N - Mason City, IL 62664 (217) 871-4555 (217) 482-3680 rparr@frontiernet.net parrhampshires.com _______________________

362- Slick January Ram Lamb

The best group of rams we have raised, they will be sired by Davis 2250 APOLLO, the sire of our Champion Premier Wether at Land of Lincoln. Watch our website for pictures of all of our entries.

363- Slick January Ram Lamb 364- Slick February Ram Lamb 365- Slick February Ram Lamb 366- Slick Yearling Ewe 367- Slick Yearling Ewe

Yearlings straight from the keeper pen. We would not normally sell these ewes. Due to health problems we are having to cut the flock in half.

368- Slick January Ewe Lamb 369- Slick January Ewe Lamb

Here is your chance to pickup some really straight and muscular ewe lambs. Great show lamb prospects here!

370- Slick February Ewe Lamb 371- Slick February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day





Consigned By

Mike Caskey 1222 171st St - Holland, MN 56139 (507) 215-0266 (507) 347-3229 mccaskey@woodstocktel.net caskeypinelawnfarms.com _______________________

372- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Caskey 6752 RR NN

B: 10/17/2016 Single S: INCEPTION RR 598494 D: Caskey 3452 RR 46049D Very complete, well balanced, stout made ram with lots of wool and bone. Sired by our 2014 Reserve National Champion Ram and an elite SPARTAN daughter. Top stud prospect that will compete in the show ring.

373- Fitted Yearling Ewe 374- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb 375- Fitted January Ewe Lamb 376- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 377- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Bart Cardwell, Herdsman 1220 E Grand, PO Box 310 Tonkawa, OK 74653 (580) 716-2550 bart.cardwell@noc.edu noc.edu/agriculture.sciences _______________________

378- Slick Yearling Ram

NOC 6075 601907

B: 03/11/2016 Single S: Mayfield/Weber S-4129 600272 D: Shenold 12-699 37784 Champion Hampshire Ram at the 2016 Tulsa State Fair.

379- Slick January Ram

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


2163 250th St - Canby, MN 56220 (507) 829-4319 (507) 223-7121 rvmerrill50@gmail.com _______________________

380- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Merrill 6110 RR

B: 02/27/2016 S: Frame 8151 WORK OF ART 589825 D: 51689 Merrill 4090 51689 A big extended ewe. Straight made, good wool. Mother is a big ewe sired by the Barnes ram. --- Page 55 ---

Consigned By

Doug & Lindi Peterson 803 23rd St NE - Lemmon, SD 57638 (701) 376-3115 peterson@sdplains.com petersonsheepco.com _______________________

381- Fitted Yearling Ram

Peterson 9137-16090 RR

B: 02/06/2016 Twin S: Peterson 5824 D: Peterson 5739-1206 If you feel your flock needs a change of direction, this ram most likely will do it. Longest ram we have ever raised. Super good feet, legs and lots of wool to boot!

382- Fitted January Ram Lamb RR Information Sale Day 383- Fitted February Ram Lamb RR Information Sale Day 384- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Peterson 9142-16087

B: 02/07/2016 Twin S: Peterson 7375 D: Peterson 5664-1546 We are bringing two of our line-bred foundation females.

385- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Peterson 9104-16069 RR

B: 01/29/2016 Twin S: Peterson 5824 D: Peterson 5716

386- Fitted January Ewe Lamb RR Information Sale Day 387- Fitted February Ewe Lamb RR Information Sale Day

We always pick some of our best for the Midwest Sale.

HAMPSHIRES _______________________ Consigned By


Gene & Marci Sanford 12529 Canby Ave - Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 645-4989 mgsanford99@gmail.com sanfordsheepfarm.com _______________________

393- Fitted January Ram Lamb Reserve Champion Hampshire Ram, Reserve Junior Champion, 1st Slick January Ram Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to Texas at $1,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Cruz Nichols 26016 Moore Ln - Jerseyville, IL 62052 (859) 612-7175 (618) 535-3235 cruznichols69@yahoo.com _______________________

388- Fitted March Ram Lamb

NSF 1718

B: 03/10/2017 Twin S: Nichols 1605 D: Nichols 1544 Our best Hampshire ram lamb that is huge, broad and super complete.

389- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

390- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

NSF 1709

B: 01/25/2017 Twin S: Nichols 1520 599497 D: MRUH 152 (129) 42017D

391- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

NSF 1714

B: 02/07/2017 Twin S: Nichols 1520 599497 D: Riviera 681 42014D This was an accident, but we think it turned out wonderful. This ewe lamb is long, smooth and correct.

392- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

NSF 1715

B: 03/02/2017 Single S: Nichols 1589 D: Nichols 1536 This flashy ewe lamb will be the only offspring sired by our Reserve Hampshire Ram from the 2016 All-American Junior Show.

Sanford M702

B: 01/03/2017 AI S: Finder 3229 575529 D: Sanford M239 37310D Old genetics on the sire side. Finder 3229 made a great mark on the Hamp breed. Dam is a Caskey PURPLE PRIDE daughter.

394- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Sanford M719 RR

B: 01/06/2017 Twin S: Bobendrier 15-158 600808 D: Sanford M253 41024D Fancy lamb with wool, bone and thickness. Great show lamb.

_______________________ Consigned By


Rufus & Patty DeZeeuw 21315 US Hwy 14 - Elkton, SD 57026 (605) 690-8269 (605) 542-7541 cpdezeeuw@svtv.com DeZeeuwFarms.com _______________________

395- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Sired by POWERCASE Held 14-1508, POWERCASE sired our 1st place January ewe lamb at 2015 Midwest Sale as well as our Overall Champion Ewe at the 2015 Newell Ram Sale.

396- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Sired by Bobendrier 14-56. More information on all our entries on our website.

397- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Sired by Caskey 6455 1st place February Ram Lamb 2016 MWSRS. Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Ron Willwerth 1142 190th St - Webster City, IA 50595 (515) 570-2173 (515) 543-8248 _______________________

398- Fitted Yearling Ewe 399- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 56 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason & Megan Mumm Family 49 CR 1300 N - White Heath, IL 61884 (217) 377-2073 meganmumm@hotmail.com mummhampshires.com _______________________

400- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Mumm 1704 _R NN

B: 02/04/2017 Single S: Bobendrier 10-57 RARE PERFECTION 590630 D: SDF 10-002 26910D A long sided, pretty fronted and extended ram. His sire RARE PERFECTION has sired many great sheep for us. His mother dammed our lead show ewe in 2014. A great ram to show, with the genetic package to be a stud.

401- Fitted March Ram Lamb

Mumm 1725 _R NN

B: 03/08/2017 Single S: Mumm 1358 595807 D: Mumm 1566 61635D A long sided ram with show appeal. His mother is out of our foundation ewe family. Mumm 1358 is sired by CLYDE, who also sired the 2016 Reserve Champion Ewe at Sedalia. This ram is bred to make a stud buck.

402- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Mumm 1671 RR NN

B: 03/09/2016 Triplet S: Quam 4-111 599565 D: Mumm 1382 48401D A ewe with length and style. Her mother is our of our biggest ewes. Quam 4-111 is sired by HOME BOY. She has all the traits to make a stud ewe.

403- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Mumm 1638 RR NN 61650D

B: 02/19/2016 Twin S: Quam 4-111 599565 D: Mumm 1415 48403D I do not usually sell ewes like this very often but we grew out too many yearlings. Her dam was in our show flock in 2014 and is one great ewe line. Quam 4-111 is out of HOME BOY . He is a big sheep with bone, wool and style. She will be tough to beat in the show ring and very productive in the barn.

404- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Mumm 1718 _R NN

B: 03/02/2017 Twin S: Mumm 1565 600826 D: Mumm 1244 38549D A ewe lamb with style, bone and great breed character. Her sire was our fall ram that was 1st at IL, IN and was 3rd at IA State Fairs. He was sired by RARE OPPORTUNITY who was Reserve Sr Champion Ram at NAILE in 2013. Her dam is a fall sister to our lead yearling ewe in 2015. This ewe has all of our best genetics.



Consigned By


Tim & Sarah Fleener 273 S Mountain Rd - Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) 413-5181 (610) 589-2588 fleenerlivestock@gmail.com _______________________

405- Slick February Ram Lamb

Fleener 1744 RR NN

B: 02/03/2017 Twin S: Fleener 1661 TIN CUP 600684 D: Fleener 1510 55795D Fleener 1661 is our Reserve Champion Slick Ram at 2016 NAILE. Fleener 1510 was our lead show yearling ewe last year.

406- Slick January Ewe Lamb

Fleener 1720

B: 01/14/2017 Twin S: McIlrath 30114 SHAGGY 597103 D: Fleener 1313 42499D

407- Slick February Ewe Lamb

Fleener 1743

B: 02/02/2017 Single S: Fleener 1661 TIN CUP 600684 D: Fleener 1425 48278D

408- Slick March Ewe Lamb

Fleener 1775

B: 03/11/2017 Single S: Fleener 1661 TIN CUP 600684 D: Shroyer 1407 52058D

_______________________ Consigned By


Dan & Josh Kendrick 712 W 3rd St - Vermont, IL 61484 (309) 221-5568 kendrickdorset@yahoo.com _______________________

409- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Kendrick Hamps 1630 AA RR

B: 01/03/2017 Twin S: Pinckney 1431-55024 RRNN 601117 D: Kendrick 1482 RRAA 48177D 1431 sired some nice lambs for us. Do not miss him!

410- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Kendrick Hamps 1702 AA RR

B: 02/13/2017 Twin S: Lubker 3045 RR Vern 597534 D: Kendrick 1201 RR 41626D Sire has given us some good lambs for keeper ewes. Dam is one of our top ewes. Look at this one!

_______________________ Consigned By


Jeff, Mary, Austin & Aaron Held 21320 477th Ave - Aurora, SD 57002 (605) 690-7033 heldhamps@gmail.com heldhampshires.com _______________________

411- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Held 17-1896 RR NNP 602281

B: 01/08/2017 Twin S: Held 14-1547 NNPRR 597311 D: Held 13-1489 NNPRR 48154D Top stud prospect by the 2015 National Champion Ram and dam is by Caskey Praire Gold, grand dam by Held 2708 and she was Champion Ewe at the Iowa State Fair.

412- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Held 16-1868 RR NNP 67144D

B: 10/14/2016 Twin S: Held 14-1547 NNPRR 597311 D: Held 11-1188 NNPRR 35719D Perhaps the most intriguing fall ewe lamb at our farm. Among our deep set of fall ewe lambs, no other has more style nor a better dam pedigree. We believe she has a very bright future this summer.

413- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Held 16-1870 RR NNP 671450

B: 10/15/2016 Single S: Held 15-1742 600767 D: Held 14-1583 NNPQR 48730D Sired by our 2016 Reserve Champion Fitted Ram. His smoothness and style is stamped into the offspring, view pics at our website heldhampshires.com

414- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Held 16-1843 RR NNP 67138D

B: 10/10/2016 Twin S: Held 15-1742 NNP 600767 D: Held 13-1395 NNPRR 42397D Really attractive ewe lamb sired by our popular 2016 Reserve National Champion Fitted ram. Dam was our 2nd place yearling ewe at 2014 National Hampshire Show, also the dam of our top consigned January ewe lamb at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale sold to Beau Mumm.

415- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Held 17-1895 RR NNP 67152D

B: 01/08/2017 Twin S: Held 14-1547 NNPRR 597311 D: Held 13-1489 NNPRR 48154D Twin to our ram entry! Great set of lambs by Held 14-1547. A stylish female with plenty of showring traits and excellent maternal line. Top end ewe lamb that easily fits into our show string!

--- Page 57 ---

416- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Held 17-1890 _R NNP 67151D

B: 01/07/2017 Triplet S: Held 14-1547 NNPRR 597311 D: Held 13-1353 42386D Sired by the 2015 National Champion Ram and out of a Caskey 16 daughter. An awesome set of triplets raised by the ewe. Another sound growthy ewe that we expect to be competitive and productive!

_______________________ Consigned By


Rodney & Kathy Nelson 13329 CR 74 - Eaton, CO 80615 (970) 481-9837 (970) 454-3775 nelsheep1@what-wire.com _______________________

417- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Nelson 17-07 RR

B: 01/03/2017 Twin S: Bobendrier 13-60 NNP RR 593470 D: Bobendrier 13-92 NNP RR 39695D

418- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Nelson 17-41 RR

B: 01/08/2017 Twin S: Bobendrier 13-60 NNP RR 593470 D: Nelson 12049 RR 39695D

419- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Nelson 16-03 RR 64705D

B: 01/06/2016 Triplet S: Caskey 0509 RR SG 593470 D: Nelson 12050 RR SG 39696D

420- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Nelson 16-11 RR 64709D

B: 01/07/2016 Twin S: Caskey 0509 RR SG 593470 D: Roof 1721 RR TR 40910D

_______________________ Consigned By


Bobby Spoonster PO Box 23 - Eolia, MO 63344 (636) 359-5487 bjspoonster@me.com spoonsterhampshires.com _______________________

421- Fitted February Ram Lamb 422- Fitted March Ram Lamb

HAMPSHIRES 424- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Alf 131-17 RR NN

Jessica Alf 7811 N Consolidated School Rd Edgerton, WI 53534 (608) 449-0611 (608) 868-2505 alfhamp@centurytel.net Facebook Alf Hampshires _______________________

B: 02/03/2017 Triplet S: Caskey 4578 INCEPTION D: Hickman 1085 Alf 131-17 is sired by Caskey 4578 INCEPTION who we purchased ½ interest in from Pine Lawn Farms last summer. INCEPTION was the 2014 Junior Champion Ram and the Reserve National Champion Ram in the National open show in Louisville. This buck lamb is our favorite February ram and our top-pick from an extremely nice set of triplet ram lambs out of our Hickman 1085 ewe. Hickman 1085 was the Reserve Champion Hampshire Ewe at the 2015 All-American Junior Show and is one of those ewes that looks just as attractive slick sheared as she does fitted. This lamb will be no different. He is level topped, like INCEPTION, with big flat hip and there is not a lamb out of INCEPTION that does not exhibit his bone and breed-type. If you need to add some wool back into your flock these genetics will do the trick.

Reserve Champion Hampshire Ewe, Reserve Senior Champion, 2nd Yearling Ewe from Mumm Hampshires sold to Illinois at $1,400.

_______________________ Consigned By


423- Fitted January Ram Lamb

425- Fitted Yearling Ewe

B: 01/02/2017 Single S: Caskey 4489 INTRIGUE 598490 D: Alf 13-11 31927D Sired by Caskey 4489 INTRIGUE (a FINAL EDITION son) who was the 2nd place February ram lamb in the 2014 NAILE open show. His dam, Alf 13-11 is out of the most consistent and prominent genetic line in our flock, a line that traces back to the Gordeneer 245 ewe that we purchased in Sedalia many years ago. This buck lamb was an early favorite and has not let us down. He has the breed type, bone and style that our flock has always focused on. 120-17 is a beautifully balanced ram who is level in his design, tall fronted with tons of extension and is one of the most attractive profiling rams you will find. Alf 120-17’s full brother was the Reserve National Champion Fitted Ram in the NAILE junior show and the fourth place January ram lamb in the NAILE open show. Our 2017 lambs are some of the best lambs we have raised and Alf 120-17 represents them well. If you are looking for a stud buck, his pedigree says it all…if you are looking for a buck that will be competitive in the show ring this guy should receive some handshakes!

B: 02/16/2016 Twin S: Caskey 4489 INTRIGUE 498490 D: Alf 277-09 19159D Also sired by Caskey 4489 INTRIGUE. We regretfully lost Intrigue last year and for that reason we have been very reluctant to part with any of his daughters. Alf 88-16 is coming straight out of our keeper pen, only because of our desire to bring a yearling ewe to the Midwest Sale. We are very confident that our loss will be your gain. Her dam Alf 277-09 MADONNA (a CUSTOM BUILT grand-daughter) was the 2010 Wisconsin State Fair Supreme Champion Overall Breeding Sheep and year after year has produced some of our best females. Alf 8816 is an extremely correct, really long-sided, square hipped ewe who can compete in the show ring, but will go on to produce for you as well as she would have produced for us. Add some of our best genetics to your flock and put her to work.

Alf 120-17 RR NN

Alf 88-16 QR NN 62125D

Be sure to check our Alf Hampshires facebook page closer to sale day as we will have each of these entries pictured for you. We are proud of this group of sheep and look forward to talking to you about adding some Alf Hampshire genetics to your flock!

--- Page 58 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Colin Deakin 11191 E Cameron Rd - Cuba, IL 61427 (309) 338-3294 greg.deakin@hotmail.com _______________________

426- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

C Deakin 17-2077 RR NN

B: 11/01/2016 Single S: McCandlish 3089 RRNN 595749 D: C Deakin 13-1930 QR 45441D Big growthy ram with lots of style.

427- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

428- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

C Deakin 17-2079 RR NN

B: 11/01/2016 Twin S: McCandlish 3089 RRNN 595749 D: C Deakin 13-1927 RR 45442D A real show prospect.

429- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

C Deakin 17-2082 QR NN

B: 11/03/2016 Twin S: McCandlish 3089 RRNN 595749 D: LaRochelle 1011 32147D Dam from the heart of the Mike Andrews flock.

_______________________ Consigned By


Larry Howell 8582 Township Line Rd - Celina, OH 45822 (419) 953-0238 (419) 363-3253 larrywhowell@bright.net howellclublambs.com _______________________

430- Slick Yearling Ram

Howell CLs 16-45 602027

B: 02/29/2016 Single S: Hays HB 15-47 599599 D: Howell Club Lambs 15-08 58625D Nice bone, structurally correct from ground up, very level top, square, nicely made up thru front end. Very attractive headed ram. Here is a ram that can put some meat and pretty in his lambs.

--- Page 59 ---

KATAHDINS _______________________ Consigned By


Mistie Lee 16845 CRNS 218 - Tipton, OK 73570 (330) 819-7014 (580) 563-6506 limerickfarms@gmail.com limerickfarms.com _______________________

449- Yearling Ram Champion Katahdin Ram, 1st Fall Ram from Julian and Moore Sheep sold to Maine at $3,200.

_______________________ Consigned By


Clifford Spraberry 20969 FM 2755 - Royce City, TX 75189 (469) 576-7620 cspraberry@yahoo.com spraberryacres.com _______________________

441- January Ram Lamb RR

Information Sale Day

442- February Ram Lamb

CSA 653 RR

B: 02/04/2017 Twin S: DOC P414 88914 D: CSA 616 104187 Ram with great balance.


443- January Ewe Lamb

CSA 649 RR

B: 01/26/2017 Twin S: DOC P414 88914 D: LHF 129 80248 Good-framed ewe.


444- March Ewe Lamb

CSA 655 RR


B: 03/04/2017 Twin S: DOC P414 88914 D: CSA 618 104189 Ewe with a lot of style and balance.

_______________________ Consigned By


303 E Nursery - Butler, MO 64730 (660) 200-5695 uphillranch@yahoo.com _______________________

445- March Ram Lamb 446- March Ram Lamb 447- March Ewe Lamb 448- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

LMF 103

B: 03/19/2016 Single S: COR 15-04 113171 Augustus Meatmaker D: LMF 5-P X112703 Born a single to a ewe lamb, which had a set of twins this year. Birth weight of 12.5, weaning weight 58 lbs., 120 day wt. 98 lbs., Jan 28, 2017 192 lbs. Injury to his face that required stitches slowed his 120 day weight. This ram is long and thick. He has both HLB and COR genetics, a great combination. That he is a beautiful color of coal black is the icing on the cake. Semen test was done and results were excellent. Results will be available at sale.

450- Yearling Ram

LMF 106

B: 03/28/2016 S: COR 15-04 113171 Augustus Meatmaker D: LMF 10-P X112708 Born a single to a ewe lamb, who had a set a set of twins this year. Birth weight was 11 lbs., weaning weight 45 lbs., 120 day wt. 82 lbs., with his last recorded weight on Jan. 28, 2017 of 175 lbs. This ram is short, long-bodied and thick. This ram is out of one our best ewe lines. He has HLB and COR genetics. Semen test was done and his results were very good. Results will be available at sale.

451- February Ram Lamb

LMF 183 130592

B: 02/10/2017 Twin S: COR 15-04 113171 Augustus Meatmaker D: LMF 16-P 112714

452- February Ram Lamb

LMF 181 130593

B: 02/08/2017 Triplet S: HLB 61 Julius Caesar 86938 D: MDW 1406 106033

453- Yearling Ewe

LMF 79-P 121603

B: 03/31/2016 Single S: COR 15-04 113171 Augustus Meatmaker D: LMF 17-P 112715

_______________________ Consigned By


Justin Fruechte 2344 30th Ave - Ward, SD 57026 (605) 690-3309 justinf@sturdypostranch.com sturdypostranch.com _______________________

454- Yearling Ram



B: 01/02/2016 Twin S: JOS 1334 104484 D: FSH 174 84687 It is easy to talk about D1 and his 3D mass, but most impressive is that he sired about 50 spring lambs that are extremely consistent and very good! Mark him on your stud buck list.

455- February Ram Lamb


B: 02/03/2017 Twin S: Doc P1887X 126349 D: STU C60 120147 Here is the nicest patterned ram lamb we have. He will sire sound structured sheep that are made the way Katahdins should be.

456- Fall Ewe Lamb



B: 09/25/2016 Twin S: JOS 1334 104484 D: HND 14-16 110114 Sire keeps making us easy keeping ewes that are awesome mothers. D60 is a very feminine speckled ewe.

457- January Ewe Lamb


B: 01/16/2017 Twin S: Doc P1887X 126349 D: STU C28 113344 This one will not be the fanciest ewe lamb in the class but she has more than enough width and capacity to make up for it. Great Katahdin type.

458- January Ewe Lamb


B: 01/16/2017 Single S: KDJ 1525 113733 D: HND 156 110112 If E114 follows the same pattern as her dam, she will be great. HND 156 is fat year round and breds on the first cycle every time! E114 has the big top and great hip that her sire has.

459- February Ewe Lamb


B: 02/02/2017 Twin S: Doc P1887X 126349 D: STU C44 120140 A neat, up-headed and stylish red roan ewe.

460- February Ewe Lamb


B: 02/09/2017 Single S: JOS 1334 104484 D: POY 173 103645 She is a special one, make sure to see her. --- Page 60 ---



Consigned By


Todd Bauer 3020 Hwy 56 - Windom, KS 67491 (620) 245-1884 toddbauer@ks-usa.net rackoflambcorral.com _______________________

461- Yearling Ram


B: 04/15/2016 Twin S: Red Haute POY134 95750 D: BAG896 057083 A super ram. A complete ram, straight topped and smooth. His sire is the 2014 National Champion. He is one of the top proven rams in the country. His dam is one of the top brood ewes on the ranch. If you want to improve your flock, this ram has all the buttons to do just that.

462- Yearling Ram


B: 04/03/2016 Triplet S: Red Haute POY134 95750 D: SHU3585 113613 TRB352 is a ram we liked since he hit the ground. He is long, smooth and has a lot of leg under him. His sire is the 2014 National Champion and his dam is the 2015 Reserve Champion at Sedalia. He is bred in the purple. Do not miss out on this super ram.

463- Fall Ram Lamb


B: 09/13/2016 Twin S: Red Haute POY134 95750 D: BAG2157 107035 TRB650 is extra long, straight and thick. His sire is the all-time great Red Haute, the 2014 National Champion, he is one of the top proven rams in the country. His dam is one our top ewes on the ranch. If you want a meat sheep do not miss this guy.

464- January Ram Lamb


B: 01/03/2017 Twin S: Rebel RGA610 107143 D: BAG2341 107040 TRB617 is going to be a super stud ram. He is young but he has all the bells and whistles you would want in a ram. His sire Rebel has produced some of the top sheep in the country and is one of the top proven rams in the breed. His dam is one of our top brood ewes on the ranch.

465- January Ram Lamb


B: 01/02/2017 Twin S: Rebel RGA610 107143 D: BAG2383 107044 This is a beautiful ram lamb. He is long, smooth and very correct. His twin brother is also selling TRB704. Stop by our pens and see what his dam produces for us year after year. He is a son of Rebel. Do not miss this guy, you will not be disappointed.

466- January Ram Lamb


B: 01/02/2017 Twin S: Rebel RGA610 107143 D: BAG2383 107044 He is twin brother to TRB618. He is the real deal. Elite Stud Ram stamped all over him. For a young ram he is impressive. His sire Rebel has proven himself time after time. His lambs have dominated the Katahdin Industry in the show ring as well in the sale ring the last two years. I have not mentioned, the hair coats on our sheep are the best. Take this guy home, you will like him.

467- February Ram Lamb


B: 02/05/2017 Twin S: Red Haute POY134 95750 D: SCD4013 119344 This ram is going to be big. A complete ram, straight-topped, smooth and a good tail set. His sire is Red Haute, his ram lambs were the high selling rams the last two years at Sedalia THERE IS A REASON. If you want a ram that can move you in the right direction, take this guy home.

468- March Ram Lamb


B: 03/03/2017 Twin S: Red Haute POY134 95750 D: TMD1657 123328 Another very nice young ram lamb. His sire Red Haute has done a superior job for us the last two lambing seasons. He is the 2014 National Champion and the 2014 Indiana State Fair Champion. His dam was a top pick from Tom and Maria when I bought her as a ewe lamb.

_______________________ Consigned By


Aly Francis 17292 Monroe Rd 735 - Paris, MO 65275 (573) 721-1683 (660) 327-4049 tbfrancisfarm5@gmail.com _______________________

469- Yearling Ewe 470- Pen of Yearling Ewes 471- January Ewe Lamb 472- February Ewe Lamb 473- March Ewe Lamb 474- Pen of Ewe Lambs

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 61 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Ray Hancock 2816 N Ridge Rd - Noble, IL 62868 (618) 843-8779 (618) 843-8779 raypam2816@yahoo.com _______________________

475- February Ram Lamb

HAN 17-19

B: 02/26/2017 Twin S: SPL 2021 119529 D: LDH 052 114395


_______________________ Consigned By


David & Jane Smith 3985 N 300 W - Earl Park, IN 47942 (765) 366-7050 (219) 474-3216 djsmicol@ffni.com djsmithkatahdins.com _______________________

476- Yearling Ram

SCD 4456 RR

B: 03/01/2016 Twin S: TMD 1523 113125 D: SCD 3565 112428 Very nice ram, Grandsire is SWP 10-103 and Granddam is a MVF ewe.

477- Fall Ram Lamb

SCD 4613 RR

B: 10/06/2016 Twin S: SWP 10-103 78072 D: ZWT 5672 75846 Another really good ram out of this cannot-miss-combination.

478- January Ram Lamb

SCD 4777

B: 01/13/2017 Single S: RIV (31) RR 120485 D: SCD 3487 112411 Very growthy January ram lamb.

479- January Ewe Lamb

SCD 4784

B: 01/16/2017 Single S: RIV (31) RR 120485 D: SPL 2056 This one is a fancy ewe lamb.

480- January Ewe Lamb 481- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

502- Fall Ram Lamb

KATAHDINS _______________________ Consigned By


GF & Deb Kennedy 966 61st St - Pipestone, MN 56164 (507) 215-0487 gkennedy@pipevet.com _______________________

494- Yearling Ram Champion Katahdin Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Dosch TMD Katahdins sold to Missouri at $1,400.

_______________________ Consigned By


Matthew Craig 35910 72nd Ave - Decatur, MI 49045 (269) 599-3719 (269) 599-3719 m.craig105@yahoo.com _______________________

482- Yearling Ram 483- Yearling Ram 484- January Ram Lamb 485- January Ram Lamb 486- February Ram Lamb 487- March Ram Lamb 488- Fall Ewe Lamb 489- January Ewe Lamb 490- January Ewe Lamb 491- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Adam & Trena Harker 12402 Valley View Rd Mountain Grove, MO 65711 (417) 254-1731 aharker22@gmail.com _______________________

492- January Ram Lamb

HFZ 8650-77

B: 01/17/2017 Twin S: SHU 3754 122830 D: HFZ 8650-02 113448


_______________________ Consigned By


PO Box 281 - Fort Pierre, SD 57532

(507) 215-0487 _______________________

493- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

DOC P1959 RR


B: 09/17/2015 Single S: DOC P1429 106121 D: DOC P769 104070 Our lead yearling show ewes will be sired by DOC P1429.

495- Yearling Ram

DOC P2008 RR


B: 02/16/2016 Triplet S: SHU 3616 104724 D: DOC R762 OX 9524 Dam is mother of First Ever and Second Coming--she seldom misses.

496- Yearling Ram


B: 02/11/2016 Twin S: DOC P297 First Ever 88343 D: DOC P1226 104073

497- Yearling Ram


DOC P1977

DOC P1858 QR

B: 02/09/2016 Twin S: SCD 3333 106981 D: DOC P696 101827

499- Yearling Ram

DOC P1927 RR

DOC P2310 RR

B: 09/23/2016 Twin S: ADS 0105 81784 D: DOC P1244 110170

501- Fall Ram Lamb

DOC P2199 RR

B: 09/21/2016 Single S: SHU 3581 104713 D: DOC P1470 108129 --- Page 62 ---

503- Fall Ram Lamb

DOC P2183 RR


B: 09/19/2016 Single S: DOC P297 First Ever 88343 D: DOC P1440 110180

504- Yearling Ewe


DOC P1890X


B: 02/07/2016 Twin S: SCD 3333 106981 D: DOC P1012 104079 Dam is full sister to ram purchased by Mike Nelsh.

505- Yearling Ewe


B: 02/07/2016 Twin S: SCD 3333 106981 D: DOC P1045 104892

506- Yearling Ewe

DOC P2023 RR


B: 02/08/2016 Twin S: DOC P297 First Ever 88543 D: DOC P1445 110172

507- Yearling Ewe






Above Entries, Information Sale Day

508- Fall Ewe Lamb 509- Fall Ewe Lamb 510- Fall Ewe Lamb 511- Fall Ewe Lamb 512- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By



B: 09/11/2015 Single S: DOC P1429 106121 D: DOC P1059 104915 We bred for fall lambs with 1429 before consigning him to Midwest Sale. This ram has some problems, but meat and size is not one of them. We used this ram for fall lambs.

500- Fall Ram Lamb

DOC P2184 RR

B: 09/19/2016 Twin S: SHU 3581 104713 D: DOC P744 104077

B: 02/08/2016 Single S: DOC P297 First Ever 88343 D: P31-11 81649

B: 03/02/2016 Twin S: DOC P297 First Ever 88343 D: DOC P111-10 80305 Full brother to ram sold to Mike Nelsh. Her mother died, so we raised her on lamb bar.

498- Yearling Ram



14104 S 1450 Rd - Nevada, MO 64772

(417) 667-5294 _______________________

513- January Ram Lamb

DW 1707 RR

B: 01/08/2017 Twin S: DW 1622 127689 D: DW 1403 106143

514- January Ewe Lamb

DW 1727 RR

B: 01/18/2017 Twin S: BAG 2140 97867 D: DW 1306 95523 Good muscle on this ewe. 2140 sires muscle and milk. Adj 60 wt. 68.13 lbs.



Consigned By


Ron & Carla Young 12282 Harrison-Willshire Rd Van Wert, OH 45891 (419) 203-6389 (419) 495-2993 roncyoung@gmail.com buckeyeacres.com _______________________

515- Yearling Ram

BAG 2787


B: 01/25/2016 Twin S: BUL 15203 115651 D: BAG 2126 97861 BAG 1728 on both sides of this pedigree. Length, muscle, bone and growth!!! 2787 will add both structure and pounds to your next lamb crop. Check out our website www.buckeyeacres.com for pictures and more information on our entries.

516- Yearling Ram

BAG 2855 RR

B: 02/15/2016 Twin S: SHU 3664 JUICE 112125 D: BAG 2033 97846 Outstanding son of JUICE, SHU 3664. Very eye appealing, complete. Excellent feet and leg structure. He should be easy to find.

517- Yearling Ram

BAG 2885 RR

B: 03/29/2016 Single S: BAG 2604 126484 D: Dosch 1410 104995 A paternal brother to 2695 our very popular yearling ram that sold to David Redwine and Jay Greenstone of Virginia at the 2016 Midwest Sale. Dam was the high selling female at the 2015 Katahdin Expo Sale in Nebraska. 2885 is a real rams ram--stout in every way. Note that he is a March 29 and RR at Codon 171.

518- Fall Ram Lamb

BAG 3009 RR

520- January Ram Lamb

521- Fall Ewe Lamb

522- Fall Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Ed & Cindy DeOrnellis Megan & Keith Markway 301 Luzon Ln-Bonnots Mill, MO 65016 (573) 291-0591 (573) 897-2479 luzonfarm@live.com Facebook Luzon Farm _______________________

523- Fall Ram Lamb

519- Fall Ram Lamb

B: 11/08/2016 Twin S: BAG 2726 126482 D: BAG 2405 111507 Sire by BAG 2379 and dam by Dosch 1414, both elite Katahdins. 2991 like his sire is very complete.

LUZ 1013 RR

524- January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

LUZ 933 _R


B: 01/19/2016 Twin S: SHU 3559 112118 D: LUZ 709 97039 Decided to offer one of our best. This roan ewe stood 2nd at 2016 NAILE. Check Facebook for pictures.

526- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

--- Page 63 ---


Ed & Helen Julian 3009 St Rt 44 - Rootstown, OH 44272 (330) 931-2986 (330) 325-9150 ejulilan781@gmail.com _______________________

527- Yearling Ram 528- January Ram Lamb 529- February Ram Lamb 530- February Ram Lamb 531- March Ram Lamb 532- Yearling Ewe 533- Fall Ewe Lamb 534- January Ewe Lamb 535- February Ewe Lamb 536- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Consigned By


John, Judy & Scott Dyer 834 E Co Rd 1250 N - Chrisney, IN 47611 (812) 457-0320 (812) 362-8012 dyerkatahdins@gmail.com _______________________

537- Fall Ram Lamb

Will be sired by DOC 1798 son of Shultz Ram.

538- February Ram Lamb Will be of stud Quality.

539- March Ram Lamb

Will be of quality that you would expect from the Dyers.

540- Fall Ewe Lamb

DOC 1798 sired a great set of females.

B: 09/30/2016 Twin S: SHU 3559 112118 D: BB556 116724 Here is an opportunity to add fall-born genetics, color and style all in one package. 1013 is a big smooth red ram. Excellent hair coat. Dam and sister are paints.

525- Yearling Ewe

Consigned By


BAG 3022 RR

B: 11/14/2016 Twin S: DOC P1498 106120 D: BAG 1941 97827 Flashy but young. Should make both a great show ewe and brood ewe.

BAG 2991 RR

BAG 3000

B: 11/12/2016 Triplet S: BAG 2726 126482 D: BAG 2121 97858 Even though 3000 will be extemely young for the Fall class, she has style to burn and a lot of grow left in her tank. 2726 sired a great set of lambs for us. Check out our website - www. buckeyeacres.com for picture and more information on our entries.

B: 11/14/2016 Single S: DOC P1498 106120 D: BAG 1777 97806 Mike Nelsh enabled us to breed with DOC P1498 when he was vacationing at our farm. 1498 was 1st place ram lamb at the 2014 National Katahdin Show. 3009 will be very young for the fall class. Take note of his length, correctness and the grow left in him.

BAG 3057

B: 01/11/2017 Single S: BAG 2782 126483 D: BAG 2568 126492 3057 is big framed, massive, complete. 2782 is a maternal brother to 2463 and 2661. Even my old Suffolk friends like 2782, growth, muscle, completeness.


541- February Ewe Lamb Could be sired by new Shultz ram.

542- February Ewe Lamb Sired by Schultz or DOC 1798.

543- March Ewe Lamb

Young ewe with lots of potential. Above Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By


547- January Ewe Lamb

Reserve Champion Katahdin Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from Dosch TMD Katahdins sold to Colorado at $3,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Karen Kenagy PO Box 640 - Hubbard, OR 97032 (503) 351-6978 Krkenagy@hotmail.com krkkatahdins.com _______________________

544- Yearling Ram

KRK6168 RR

B: 02/03/2016 Twin S: KRK4199RR 114493 D: KRK4257 124351 Brockle face. A big, thick, correct ram from excellent production lines. Parasite resistant in a pasture/forage management system. Sire was Supreme over all Champion in Oregon for two years. In NSIP ww 3.85 pww 7.85. Flock tests neg for OPP, CL and Johnes. Scrapie Export Certified

545- Yearling Ram

KRK6156 RR

B: 02/11/2016 Twin S: KRK3317 98604 D: KRK4216 128862 A striking red, muscled, correct ram from excellent production and longevity lines. Parasite resistant in a pasture/forage management system. Sire was Reserve Supreme over all Champion in Washington. In NSIP ww 1.75 pww 3.35. Flock tests neg for OPP, CL and Johnes. Scrapie Export Certified

546- Fall Ewe Lamb


B: 10/15/2016 Twin S: KRK2124RR 90577 D: KRK800 064098 Beautiful black lamb from good production and longevity lines, natural born fall. Parasite resistant in a pasture/forage management system. Sire Champion in Oregon and Washington. In NSIP numbers pending. Flock tests neg for OPP, CL and Johnes. Scrapie Export Certified


B: 01/12/2016 Twin S: KRK5622 triplet 123991 D: WPR15 97693 78# at 93 days. Natural fall born sire and dam are both triplets. Dam raised triplets her first lambing. Beautiful Panda spotted lamb from good production and longevity lines. Very good structure and meat conformation. Parasite resistant in a pasture/forage management system. In NSIP numbers pending. Flock tests neg for OPP, CL and Johnes. Scrapie Export Certified

548- February Ewe Lamb


B: 02/02/2016 Twin S: VJ7066 054553 D: KRK4187 114495 81# at 72 days. Her sire, 10 yr old VJ7066, NSIP # ww 3.44 pww 6.08, USA hair 110.85, is one of the last offspring of Canadian Champion quad ccc380N. He was Champion in his day. She is correct, muscled and a beautiful mouse color. Dam raised twins as yearling. Parasite resistant in a pasture/forage management system. Flock tests neg for OPP, CL and Johnes. Scrapie Export Certified

_______________________ Consigned By


Howard & Lavonne Brown 8362 NS 3550 Rd - Prague, OK 74864 (405) 567-5588 (405) 567-2559 lazybkatahdin@yahoo.com lazybkatahdins.com _______________________

549- Yearling Ram

HLB 1175

B: 02/11/2016 S: HLB 480 TNT 111067 D: HLB 100 93118

550- Yearling Ram

HLB 1105

Jeff & Jan Poynter 12709 E 750th Rd - Paris, IL 61944 (217) 251-9984 (217) 466-4880 jpoynter74@gmail.com poyntersheepfarm.com _______________________

554- Fall Ram Lamb

POY 16-5 RR

555- January Ram Lamb

POY 17-1 RR

556- Yearling Ewe

POY 285 QR

557- Yearling Ewe

POY 286 QR

558- Yearling Ewe

559- Fall Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, nformation Sale Day


B: 03/02/2016 Twin S: SHU 3541 104682 D: POY 68 80063 A red and white ewe twin to POY 285. These two ewes will be very productive.


551- Fall Ram Lamb 552- January Ram Lamb 553- January Ewe Lamb


B: 03/02/2016 Twin S: SHU 3541 104682 D: POY 68 80063 A nice white ewe sired by the Henry Shultz ram.


B: 01/03/2017 Twin S: POY 226 112091 D: POY 77 80540 A growthy, power sheep. His dam is big and has a good lamb everytime. Sire is so straight, we call him LEVEL TOP.


B: 02/02/2016 S: RGA 48-795 2 MUCH 92786 D: HLB 2056 75450


B: 09/20/2016 Twin S: POY 226 112091 D: POY 58 75010 An extreme made red ram with a Slick hair coat. Sire was 1st Spring ram lamb at the 2015 Indiana State Fair.

POY 300 RR


B: 04/01/2016 Twin S: POY 226 112091 D: POY 101 86876 A very high-headed white ewe. Young and will continue to grow. Sired by LEVEL TOP.

POY 16-3 RR


B: 09/17/2016 Twin S: POY 226 112091 D: POY 174 103646 Our best red lamb. Dammed by our most productive ewe. We are keeping her twin to show and a set of triplet yearling ewes also dammed by POY 174 who was Champion Ewe at Indiana State Fair.

560- February Ewe Lamb

POY 17-5 RR


B: 02/03/2017 Twin S: POY 234 113933 D: POY 139 95757 A fancy red and white lamb. We are showing her white twin sister. --- Page 64 ---



Consigned By


Henry & Becky Shultz Family 6219 Audrain Rd 125 - Centralia, MO 65240 (573) 682-7127 beckyshultz@msn.com prairielanefarm.com _______________________

561- Yearling Ram

SHU 3735 TITAN RR 121969

B: 01/24/2017 Twin S: SHU 3485 TOO TALL 06773 D: RGA 611 107144 TITAN was Reserve Junior Champion Ram at NAILE in 2016. See our ad in the sale catalog for a picture.

562- Fall Ram Lamb

SHU 3881 RR


B: 09/05/2016 Single S: SHU 3586 PISTOL 113593 D: SHU 3309 86866 60 day weight 73lbs.

563- January Ram Lamb

SHU 3914 RR

B: 01/16/2017 S: BB 562 JAYHAWK 116738 D: RGA 613 707146 60 day weight 77lbs. If you are looking for a big rugged ram this lamb could fit the bill.

564- January Ram Lamb

SHU 3918 RR

B: 01/17/2017 Single S: BB 562 JAYHAWK 116738 D: SHU 3313 87727 60 day weight 70lbs. This ram has lots of color.

565- February Ram Lamb

SHU 3919 RR

B: 01/20/2017 Twin S: BB 562 JAYHAWK 116738 D: SHU 3542 104683 60 day weight 72lbs. JAYHAWK was 2nd Feb ram at 2015 NAILE his picture is on the website. Shu 3542 was in show flock in 2015 also produced Feb ewe lamb at 2016 NAILE.

566- February Ram Lamb

SHU 3965 RR

B: 02/02/2017 Twin S: SHU 3591 CHEROKEE 113622 D: BB 564 116735 60 day weight 76lbs. CHEROKEE is owned jointly with Rivera Farm. A picture of CHEROKEE can be seen on our website.

567- February Ram Lamb

SHU 3935 RR

568- Yearling Ewe

SHU 3871 QR

Consigned By

SHU 3872 QR


B: 02/17/2017 Twin S: SHU 3476 VISION 107093 D: SHU 3329 87712 VISION was Reserve Champion Ram at 2014 NAILE.

570- Fall Ewe Lamb

SHU 3905 RR


B: 09/27/2016 Twin S: BB 562 JAYHAWK 116738 D: SHU 2134 81387 60 day weight 57lbs.

571- Fall Ewe Lamb

SHU 3891 RR


B: 09/20/2016 Twin S: SHU 3586 PISTOL 113593 D: LU09-096 130618 LU09-096 is also the dam of CENTRALIA. PISTOL was 1st Feb ram lamb at 2015 NAILE owned jointly with Riviera Farm. 60 day weight 65lbs.

572- January Ewe Lamb

SHU 3834

B: 01/22/2017 Twin S: SMK 1605 GAMBLER 123557 D: DJK 1432 112586 60 day weight 66lbs.

573- January Ewe Lamb

SHU 3927 RR

B: 01/24/2017 Single S: BB 562 JAYHAWK 107093 D: HLB 554 106026 60 day weight 76lbs.

574- February Ewe Lamb 575- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, nformation Sale Day Both sired by JAYHAWK.

576- March Ewe Lamb

SHU 3728 RR

B: 03/01/2017 Single S: SHU 3735 TITAN 121969 D: SHU 3728 120989 TITAN is our lead ram for the Midwest Sale.

B: 02/01/2017 Triplet S: BB 562 JAYHAWK 116738 D: RGA 612 107146

--- Page 65 ---



B: 02/17/2017 S: SHU 3476 VISION 107093 D: SHU 3329 87712

569- Yearling Ewe

_______________________ c/o Sarah Gehring 6219 Audrain Rd 125 - Centralia, MO 65240 (573) 819-0806 _______________________

577- Fall Ewe Lamb

CAG 0006 QR


B: 09/02/2016 Single S: BB 562 JAYHAWK 116738 D: SHU 3518 96756 Half sib to last years 1st place fall lamb.

578- February Ewe Lamb

CAG 0013 QR

BB: 02/01/2017 Twin S: SMK 1605 GAMBLER 123557 D: SHU 3590 113615 Dam was Reserve Junior Champion at 2015 NAILE.

_______________________ Consigned By


Tom & Maria Dosch PO Box 517 - Frederick, SD 57441 (605) 329-7928 (605) 329-2478 tdosch@nvc.net doschkatahdins.com _______________________

579- Yearling Ram

TMD 1611 124565

B: 02/08/2016 S: ADS 0129 89401 D: TMD 1331 98518 Full brother to 2016 Reserve Champion Ram and 2015 Champion Ram at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. His twin sister is staying in the flock.



Consigned By


584- March Ram Lamb

RIV 757 (718) RR

B: 03/02/2017 Twin S: SHU 3586 PISTOL 113593 D: RIV 718 (30) RR 120479

585- March Ram Lamb Reserve Champion Katahdin Ewe, 1st January Ewe Lamb from Riviera sold to Missouri at $1,500.

_______________________ Consigned By


Mike & Leslie Nelsh 2834 Kennard-Kingscreek Rd Cable, OH 43009 (937) 244-2673 (937) 471-5682 rivierahamps@hotmail.com rivierafarm.com _______________________

580- Fall Ram Lamb

RIV 743(6) RR


B: 10/01/2016 Twin S: RIV 706(34) RR 120483 D: MVF 998 116452 One of our top rams, his sister RIV 742 is one of our best keeper ewe lambs. Big, super top, with extra bone. Sire was 2nd Fall ram last year and sold to Lincoln University.

581- Fall Ram Lamb

RIV 745(2) RR


B: 10/01/2016 Twin S: RIV 704(9) RR PAYMASTER 120481 D: MVF 1431 116449 MVF 1431 is dam of 1st Jan ram and 1st Jan ewe (Reserve Grand) at last years sale. We are breeding a few ewes to RIV 745 for Fall lambs. We just sold PAYMASTER to Clifford Sprayberry, TX.

582- Fall Ram Lamb

RIV 747(32) RR

RIV 758 (719) RR

B: 03/03/2017 Twin S: SHU 3586 PISTOL 113593 D: RIV 719 (30) RR 120480 The dams of 757 and 7587 are twin ewes sired by our Pipestone ram and out of our best SCD ewe.

586- Fall Ewe Lamb

RIV 749(21) QR

587- Fall Ewe Lamb

RIV 750(5) RR

588- January Ewe Lamb

RIV 754(707) RR


B: 01/15/2017 Twin S: SHU 3586 PISTOL 113593 D: RIV 707(7) RR 130498 Exciting female! Last year we had Reserve on ourJanuary lamb. This ewe has a great future! Pistol bred to Oh Henry daughter!!

589- March Ewe Lamb

RIV 761(703) RR

B: 03/15/2017 S: SHU 3586 PISTOL 113593 D: RIV 703(3) RR 120469 Another Pistol X Oh Henry mating!


590- Yearling Ram 591- Yearling Ram 592- February Ram Lamb 593- February Ram Lamb 594- March Ram Lamb 595- March Ram Lamb 596- Yearling Ewe 597- Yearling Ewe 598- February Ewe Lamb 599- February Ewe Lamb 600- March Ewe Lamb 601- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day All sheep will be sired by BAG 2209, SHU 3715 or TMD 1470. TMD1470 was the 2015 Katahdin Ram Champion at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. This will be your last chance at a son or daughter from this ram.

_______________________ Consigned By


Aileen Scott 2462 Telegraph Gulch Rd - Butte, MT 59701 (406) 782-9357 aquandoss@yahoo.com Facebook Aspen Mountain Katahdins _______________________

602- Yearling Ram

Aspen Legacy ADS MT600090 RR B: 03/15/2016 Single 130453

S: COR 09-68 062004 D: LLL 721 056307

_______________________ Consigned By


James Proffitt 38208 Brady Creek Rd Richmond, MO 64085 (816) 225-6032 jproffitt6842@gmail.com _______________________

603- February Ram Lamb

583- February Ram Lamb RIV 755(1)


B: 11/15/2016 Twin S: SHU 3591 CHEROKEE 113622 D: MVF 687 116443 Late fall ewe lamb will make a good producing ewe like her dam.

B: 11/01/2016 Twin S: SHU 3591 CHEROKEE 113622 D: SCD 3374 109002 SCD 3374 is dam of our 2nd Fall ewe lamb at last years sale!


B: 11/15/2016 Twin S: SHU 3591 CHEROKEE 113622 D: DOC P 1342 110163 This late fall ewe lamb should make a nice female.

Douglas Brewer 2147 Woodbine Rd - Woodbine, MD 21797 (240) 674-7131 (410) 489-9671 brewerd@medimmune.com _______________________

A top ram lamb sired by HLB1342 an awesome son of the old man.


604- February Ewe Lamb

B: 02/15/2017 Twin S: RIV 704(9) RR PAYMASTER 120481 D: MVF 1429 116454 RIV 704 Paymaster has sired a great set of Fall and Spring lambs for us. He has been sold to Clifford Spraberry of Texas.

A fast growing ewe lamb sired by TOR 14622. The Thousand Oaks Ranch Ram that is siring great brood ewes for us. Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 66 ---

KATAHDINS _______________________ Consigned By

SILVER MAPLE SHEEP FARM Irma & Jay Greenstone 2472 McClures Chapel Rd - Rose Hill, VA 24281 (276) 346-7235 (276) 229-3666 silvermaplekatahdin@yahoo.com silvermaplekatahdin.com _______________________

605- January Ram Lamb

JAG 743 _R

B: 01/07/2017 Single S: JAG 634 123175 D: JAG 466 A pure red ram lamb with tremendous hip. Very thick and meaty.

606- January Ram Lamb

JAG 759 _R

B: 01/17/2017 Twin S: JAG 634 123175 D: JAG 90 RR 87957 A fast-gaining tall ram lamb, excellent hair coat.

607- February Ram Lamb

JAG 780 _R

Special Breed Events Monday, June 19th, 9am

LeRoy Boyd Katahdin Junior Show Tuesday, June 20th, 8am

Katahdin Show

Wednesday, June 21st, 3pm

Midwest Katahdin Hair Sheep Assoc Annual Meeting & Informational

Dr. Taylor Woods Reception Hall

Wednesday, June 21st, 8pm

B: 02/04/2017 Twin S: JAG 634 123175 D: Cox 0917 061960 From our BLACK MAGIC ram and foundation female who has produced many lambs for us.

Sheep Barn Katahdin Pens

608- February Ram Lamb

Thursday, June 22nd, 6:30am

B: 02/19/2017 Twin S: JAG 634 123175 D: JAG 22 RR 77122 A long, tall fast-growing ram lamb out of our best accelerated lambing ewe.

Sheep Barn Katahdin Pens

JAG 791

609- January Ewe Lamb

JAG 755

Ice Cream Social sponsored by MWKHSA

Coffee, Donuts & Bagels

Thursday, June 22nd, 8am

Katahdin Sale

B: 01/11/2017 Twin S: JAG 634 123175 D: JAG 379 113352 A Slick-coated lamb with extreme muscle and thickness.

610- January Ewe Lamb

JAG 757

B: 01/14/2017 S: JAG 634 123175 D: JAG 203 99244 A long, tall speckle-faced ewe with excellent brood ewe quality.

--- Page 67 ---



Consigned By

_______________________ Consigned By


Craig Fleck 47289 Hwy 324 - Brookings, SD 57006 (814) 441-0980 fleckcraig@yahoo.com Facebook My Montadales _______________________

625- Fitted February Ram Lamb Champion Montadale Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from Miller Farms sold to Missouri at $2,250.

_______________________ Consigned By


Alex Coers PO Box 78, 202 N Logan New Holland, IL 62671 (217) 737-5674 jcoers@centralilag.com _______________________

621- Fitted February Ram Lamb

3J Coers 850 RR

B: 02/14/2017 Single S: 3J Coers 790 PRESTIGE 173268 D: Marshall 489 173585 One of the first lambs sired by PRESTIGE and a very nice surprise. If you are looking for thickness and bone in a ram, then this one is the one to look at. Great breed character also.

622- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Austin 92

B: 01/28/2017 Triplet S: Abells LB114-149 171517 D: Austin 53 172576 She is at the tail end of the month but she will hold her own. Great thickness with a dash of extension and a touch of good hip, Good breed character on top of it all makes this little girl the right recipe.

623- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

3J Coers 848

B: 02/16/2017 Single S: 3J Coers 790 PRESTIGE 173268 D: Gorman 1481 171467 Wow! best describes this one. If you do not like extension, a good hip, a level top and awesome breed character, then I would not look here.

624- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Austin 92

B: 03/06/2017 Single S: Marshall 554 D: 3J Coers 802 173275 She is young and a pretty thing. Definitely fills the part of being feminine. Sire was Champion Ram at Kentucky and Michigan State Fairs. Dam goes back to Benjamin and Stumpe directly.

Fleck Q-57

B: 02/19/2017 Single S: Fleck P-23 D: Fleck O-21 173445 Here is our best ram lamb this year. His maternal grandmother is our LADY LEAH ewe. Look for more info, pictures and DNA on Facebook at MY MONTADALES.

626- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Terrell and Fleck P-11

B: 01/11/2016 Twin S: Terrell and Fleck N-28 172803 D: Ferguson 839 169140

_______________________ Consigned By


Hughy Salfner 400 Edgar Price Rd - Warwick, MD 21912 (410) 755-6909 montadaleorg@yahoo.com _______________________

627- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Salfner 151P


B: 02/25/2016 Twin S: Salfner 14PP 171010 D: Salfner 113YP 171982 Grand Sire is Miller 0209 and Grand Dam is Salfner 21YR.

_______________________ Consigned By


Tom & Sandy Clayman 7314 S Halstead - Hutchinson, KS 67501 (620) 727-3567 (620) 663-4064 tom@kauffmanseed.com _______________________

628- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb 629- Fitted January Ram Lamb 630- Fitted Yearling Ewe 631- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb 632- Fitted January Ewe Lamb 633- Fitted January Ewe Lamb 634- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 635- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 68 ---


Greg Miller 20145 462nd Ave - Bruce, SD 57220 (605) 690-4399 (605) 627-5247 gdmiller@itctel.com millerangusfarms.com _______________________

636- Fitted Yearling Ram 637- Fitted January Ram Lamb 638- Fitted February Ram Lamb 639- Fitted Yearling Ewe 640- Fitted Yearling Ewe 641- Fitted January Ewe Lamb 642- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 643- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Larry & Mary Ellen Dunn 752 Hwy 161 - Middletown, MO 63359 (573) 220-7330 (573) 549-2967 _______________________

644- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

B&D 1408

B: 10/09/2016 Single S: Ekern 405 172570 D: B&D 1257

645- Fitted January Ram Lamb

B&D 1413

B: 01/20/2017 Twin S: Smith 16-26 174168 D: B&D 1219

646- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Jacobsen 1704 RR

B: 09/10/2016 Single S: Ekern 405 172570 D: B&D 1275

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

647- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 648- Fitted February Ewe Lamb



Consigned By


Bill & Roxana Poppen 20535 434th Ave - DeSmet, SD 57231 (605) 203-0451 (605) 854-3497 claims@dsfm.net Facebook Poppen Montadales _______________________

649- Fitted Yearling Ram

Poppen E65 RR


B: 01/09/2016 Single S: Ekern 318 171496 D: Poppen 228 170686 You will like the breed character and style of this ram.

650- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

651- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Poppen E63


B: 01/04/2016 Triplet S: Ekern 318 171496 D: Poppen 626 166998 Her triplet sister was Reserve Grand Champion last year as a ewe lamb at the Midwest Sale.

652- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Poppen E630


B: 03/14/2016 Single S: Ekern 318 171496 D: Poppen 3143 171975 Great style and breed character.

653- Fitted January Ewe Lamb 654- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Rosemary Petefish 1953 IL Rt 78 - Virginia, IL 62691 (217) 452-7569 (217) 473-7069 rosemarypetefish@hotmail.com _______________________

655- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Petefish 1654

B: 10/16/2016 Twin S: Petefish 1245 172926 D: MM 1208 169918

656- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Petefish 1722

B: 02/19/2017 Twin S: Mumm 1503 173312 D: McGrew 1539


657- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Petefish 1735

B: 03/20/2017 Twin S: Mumm 1503 173312 D: Moenter 1537 173850

_______________________ Consigned By


Cody Jacobsen 4379 Fresno Rd - Le Grand, CA 95333 (209) 201-6944 cody_jacobsen@sbcglobal.net jacobsenranch.com _______________________

658- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Jacobsen 1702 RR

B: 11/03/2016 Twin S: Jacobsen14-36 172230 D: Terrell&Allart Y11-P13 172214 Ram lamb that is out of California Chrome, Reserve National Champion at the2014 NAILE and dammed by the Terrell ewe that was the mother of MOVING ON, Reserve National champion at the 2016 NAILE. Stud Ram potential! Keeping his twin for stud.

659- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Jacobsen 1704 RR

B: 11/05/2016 Twin S: Jacobsen14-36 172230 D: Terrell1202 169903 Sired by California Chrome and out of the dam of BLUE BALLS. BB sired our highly competitive lambs at the 2016 NAILE. This lamb has body, extension, bone and skeletal dimension and levelness. He is a ram worthy of a real look!! Keeping his twin brother for stud.

660- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Jacobsen1711 RR

B: 02/03/2017 Twin S: Jacobsen14-36 172230 D: Jacobsen15-25 173137 Another outstanding Chrome son that has size and scale, levelness and a perfect top and feet and legs. Proud standing buck that should catch your attention. He is worth your time to look at him!! Out of a great mom.

661- Yearling Ewe

Jacobsen 1608 RR 174452

B: 11/04/2015 Single S: Jacobsen 1503 173126 D: Ekern 171 169573 Here is a stud potential female!! She was the class winning fall ewe lamb at the 2016 NAILE. She is a beautiful, well balanced ewe that offers levelness, squareness and rib to become that next stud ewe! Mom was the Reserve Grand ewe at the national sale as a yearling! Her offspring always made the show string.

662- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Jacobsen 1717 _R

B: 02/16/2017 Twin S: Jacobsen 1436 172230 D: Ekern 510 173618 We did not have many ewe lambs born this year and she is straight out of the keepers! Out of a first time lamber that offers lots of milk and quality. --- Page 69 ---

Champion Montadale Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Poppen Montadales sold to California at $1,800.

663- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day The March ewe lambs are deep and this will be a fancy one! She will be at least a QR codon. Out of California Chrome.

_______________________ Consigned By


2002 J Rd - Garfield, KS 67529

(620) 569-2413 _______________________

664- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Van Horn 1714

B: 01/06/2017 Twin S: Sallfner 163YP 173026 D: Van Horn 1359 172202 Internship at Emergency Room will not allow me to attend the All American Jr Show this year. Van Horn 1359 dammed Reserve Champion Montadale Ram at 2016 Jr show in Louisville.

665- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Van Horn 1749

B: 01/25/2017 Single S: Sallfner 163YP 173026 D: Van Horn 1510 173141 Van Horn 1510 twin sister of Coers Futurity winning ewe in 2015.

667- Slick January Ewe Lamb

Van Horn 1713

B: 01/02/2017 Twin S: Sallfner 163YP 173026 D: Clayman 1322 171540 Clayman 1322 was my Slick sheared ewe lamb in 2013.

MONTADALES _______________________ Consigned By


Patty Abell PO Box 64 - Aurora, OR 97002 (503) 201-6904 abellfamilyfarm@yahoo.com _______________________

676- Fitted February Ewe Lamb Reserve Champion Montadale Ram, 1st February Ram Lamb from Ekern Montadales sold to Missouri at $1,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Chad & Annie Marshall 1824 Knoll Dr - Monticello, IL 61856 (217) 367-2199 marsh4408@yahoo.com _______________________

668- Fitted January Ram Lamb 669- Fitted February Ram Lamb 670- Fitted Yearling Ewe 671- Fitted January Ewe Lamb 672- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Follow us on Facebook as we will post pictures and information on these consignments the closer we get to the sale. Contact Chad 217637-2199 if you have any questions.


S: Temple 994 Information Sale Day We have a select group of ewe lambs sired by Temple 994. He has consistently produced females that are stylish and add body to your flock. We are once again excited by what he threw this year.

677- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We will be offering a ewe lamb sired by the 1st place January Poppen ram we purchased last year at this sale. He has proven himself as a ewe-producing ram as the ewes we bred to him all produced ewe lambs with length of body and beautiful breed character.

_______________________ Consigned By


Dan Rhoades 8771 E Ball Rd - Centralia, MO 65240 (573) 289-7769 dan.rhoades@myfcsfinancial.com _______________________

678- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Sired by our new Mumm ram that was 1st fall ram lamb at the 2016 National Sale.

Consigned By

679- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Richard Mumm 82 CR 1300 N - White Heath, IL 61884 (217) 493-4780 _______________________

680- Fitted January Ewe Lamb 681- Fitted February Ewe Lamb


673- Fitted February Ram Lamb

S: Jacobsen 14-13 RR 172232 Information Sale Day

674- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Mumm 1533


B: 09/29/2015 S: Jacobsen 14-13 RR 172232 D: HSF 904 166346

675- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Mumm 1619 RR


B: 03/02/2016 S: Jacobsen 14-13 RR 172232 D: Mumm 1409 RR 172825

Sired by our Ekern ram that was Reserve Jr Ch ram at the 2015 National Sale.

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Kirk Ekern 1354 Audrain Rd - Mexico, MO 65265 (573) 473-6738 (573) 581-5172 kirk.ekern.ndj9@statefarm.com _______________________

682- Fitted January Ram Lamb 683- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 684- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 70 ---

Reserve Champion Montadale Ewe, 1st January Ewe Lamb from Poppen Montadales sold to Ohio at $2,250.

Special Breed Events Monday, June 19th, Late Morning

National Montadale Junior Show Monday, June 19th, 6pm

Welcome Reception

Sheep Barn, Montadale Pens hosted by Montadale Board of Directors

Tuesday, June 20th, Late Morning

Montadale Show

Wednesday, June 21st, 1pm

Montadale Banquet & Annual Meeting

Dr. Taylor Woods Reception Hall

Thursday, June 22nd, Mid-Morning

National Montadale Sale



Consigned By


Dylan Nohner Family Jerrod Nohner Family 38248 627th Ave - Watkins, MN 55389 (320) 420-5354 (320) 223-2209 pinesenddorsets@yahoo.com pinesendnaturalcoloreds.com _______________________

701- March Ewe Lamb

PENC 17-33

B: 03/18/2017 Single S: Wolf 15-01 BIG TEN X061428 D: THF 1408 X061467 This lamb is out of a PAYBACK daughter. Hatmakers pick of the fall lambs the year they used PAYBACK. She will be young for the March class. Very eye-appealing female with a super bright future.

_______________________ Consigned By


Thomas & Reece Vandeventer 1481 E State Rte 133 - Arcola, IL 61910 (217) 254-4333 prfarms1481@yahoo.com _______________________

702- February Ram Lamb

PRF 1703

B: 02/03/2017 Single S: Wolf 16-35 062073 D: PENC 14-70 A03584 Sired by the 2016 Champion Ram at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale.

_______________________ Consigned By


12322 Dahl Ln - Richland Center, WI 53581 (336) 302-6162 katherinekuykendall@gmail.com kuykendallcustomfitting.com _______________________

703- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Dave & Carla Julius 329 Line Rd - Box Elder, SD 57719 (605) 545-5862 bar_j_barranch@msn.com BJBfinesheepandcattle.com _______________________

704- Fall Ram Lamb

S: Cunningham 370

S: The Big Ram

S: The Big Ram Above Entries, Information Sale Day

705- January Ram Lamb 706- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Daniel & Vicky Kuehne 16649 Nystrom Ave - Reading, MN 56165 (507) 360-8179 (507) 372-7997 _______________________

707- Fall Ewe Lamb

Kuehne 1661 QR 065359

B: 09/17/2016 Twin S: HF13-1073 Pac Man 059013 D: HF 12-1009 055288 Homestead Farms top and bottom.

708- Fall Ewe Lamb

Kuehne 1680 RR 065365

B: 09/27/2016 Twin S: HF13-1073 Pac Man 059013 D: Borcher 13-16 X62482 Dam was purchased at a past Midwest Sale. Nice lamb with good bone.

_______________________ Consigned By


Weston Borcher 1330 Lane 10 - Powell, WY 82435 (307) 272-5285 jemima09@hotmail.com _______________________

709- January Ram Lamb

Borcher 7044

B: 01/18/2017 Single S: Gehring 1418 X059458 D: Borcher4252 A03439

710- February Ewe Lamb

Borcher 7261

B: 02/14/2017 Single S: Borcher 11270 A01171 D: Wolf 14-34 A03152

711- March Ewe Lamb

Borcher 7317

B: 03/21/2017 Twin S: Borcher 4275 Y11977 D: Borcher GR 12-13 A01768

_______________________ Consigned By


Cody Morris 7938 E CR 250 N - Lerna, IL 62440 (217) 272-5299 hillcreekfarm6@consolidated.net _______________________

712- March Ram Lamb 713- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Both entries sired by Wolf ram that was Reserve Champion a few years ago. --- Page 71 ---

Champion Natural Colored Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Borcher Sheep Co. sold to Minnesota at $1,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason, Alicia, Jaclynn, Alison, Shania & Kasi Knutson 45935 292nd St - Centerville, SD 57014 (605) 530-0102 ajknutson@iw.net Facebook Knutson Livestock _______________________

714- February Ram Lamb

Knutson 16-47

B: 02/25/2017 Twin This lamb is a deep bodied , long , straight leg lamb with big testicles.

_______________________ Consigned By


Matt & Mitch Schmidt 19613 Monroe Rd 908 Centralia, MO 65240 (573) 682-4177 (573) 682-1911 Schmidt_coloreds@yahoo.com _______________________

715- February Ram Lamb 716- Yearling Ewe 717- Yearling Ewe 718- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

739- Fall Ewe Lamb


734- February Ram Lamb

S: UK 12-5482 20872 A complete February ram lamb that will be out of the top end of our Spring lamb crop.

735- Brood Ewe

Champion Polypay Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from Shady Lawn Polypays sold to Minnesota at $500.

_______________________ Consigned By


Kayla Flinn & Luke Inbody 6563 TR 28 - Jenera, OH 45841 (419) 306-2451 (419) 889-5324 flinn_13@hotmail.com Facebook L & K Sheep Co _______________________

731- Fall Ram Lamb

L&K 1704 RR

B: 09/09/2016 Twin S: UK 12-5482 20872 D: U of WI 11-517 90577 If you are looking for a ram that has mass and power behind him, look no further. He weighed 112 lbs at 90 days old, that is actual weight not adjusted weight. Dam was the 2013 National Champion Ewe, his twin sister is also entered in this sale.

732- Fall Ram Lamb

L&K 1707 QR

B: 09/20/2016 Twin S: UK 12-5482 20872 D: Flinn 1459 92689 A more eye-catching ram lamb with a flashy style. He has great length of body and a good fleece. His dam was in our 2015 show flock and placed 3rd at Ohio State Fair in a competitive yearling ewe class. If you are looking to add a flashy touch to your lambs while still keeping the production aspect, he has the pieces.

733- Fall Ram Lamb

L&K 1713 QR

B: 11/07/2016 Triplet S: UK 12-5482 20872 D: L&K 1461 94129 We decided to breed a couple of UK 12-5482 daughters back to him and are pleased with the results. This ram lamb resembles his sires pattern very well. We will be retaining his full brother to use as a future replacement for UK 12-5482. He will not be the biggest ram out there, but he has the length of body and mass to go with it. If you give him time he will show you his true colors.

L&K 1520 RR


B: 03/20/2015 Triplet S: UK 12-5482 20872 D: U of WI 11-517 90577 We really hate to let her go, but due to only being able to keep a select number of ewes we can not keep them all. She raised a set of twins for us last Fall and her mother instinct is great! She is structurally sound and an easy-keeper. Would work well in almost any flock.

736- Yearling Ewe

L&K 1619

B: 02/21/2016 Quad S: Flinn 1435 Green Giant 21148 D: Double E P2 90875 Out of one of our top producing foundation ewes, multiple births run throughout the dam side of this pedigree, with the dam herself being a third gen. triplet. Along with the production aspect of the pedigree this ewe is sired by GREEN GIANT who was Champion AOB Ram at the 2015 Michigan State Fair and has produced a good number of class winners for us. She will be the last ewe offered by GREEN GIANT as he was sold to another farm this Spring. She is structurally correct and will make a nice addition to your flock.

737- Fall Ewe Lamb

L&K 1702

B: 09/05/2016 Twin S: UK 12-5482 20872 D: Double E P71 90879 Another ewe that is one of our great-producing foundation ewes is Double E P71. This will be the first ewe we have sold from this mating. This ewe is a full sister to the 2016 Midwest Stud Ram Sale Reserve Champion Ram. This mating never disappoints us, hence the reason we have kept all of her ewe lambs. This year she had twin ewe lambs so we decided it was time to share!

738- Fall Ewe Lamb

L&K 1703 RR

B: 09/09/2016 Twin S: UK 12-5482 20872 D: U of WI 11-517 90577 Made a lot like her brother L&K 1704, but has a feminine front end, with a rib shape that has the capacity to carry lambs and be a productive ewe.

--- Page 72 ---

L&K 1705 QR

B: 09/14/2016 Twin S: UK 12-5482 20872 D: Hidden Valley 3240 90585 If we could keep more of our fall ewe lambs this ewe would not be for sale. She is very eye catching when you walk in the barn. Great length of body like all of lambs by UK 12-5482, with a great fleece. This ewe lamb could do some damage at fairs this summer, or go to work in the lambing barn as well. Her dam has always been a great producer for us and this year she did it again. Gotta love this ewes flashy appearance. Check out our Facebook page closer to time for pictures of all of our entries.

_______________________ Consigned By


Mark Giese 2655 190th St - Canby, MN 56220 (605) 460-1932 (507) 223-5486 nljessen87@gmail.com _______________________

740- Yearling Ram

Shady Lane 5250 21744

B: 01/21/2016 Twin S: Shady Lawn 1348 21067 D: Shady Lane 0568 90410

741- Fall Ram Lamb

Shady Lane 5145 21883

B: 10/18/2016 Twin S: Hidden Acres R45 20669 D: Shady Lane 0379 88742

742- January Ram Lamb

Shady Lane 7123 21881

B: 01/15/2017 Twin S: Shady Lawn 1348 21067 D: Shady Lane 893 93080

743- February Ram Lamb

Shady Lane NJ1723 21880

B: 02/21/2017 Twin S: U of WI 16-326 21709 D: Shady Lane NJ5193 95579

744- Yearling Ewe

Shady Lane 5223 96098

B: 01/25/2016 Twin S: U of WI 12-361 20751 D: Shady Lawn 1309 91607

745- January Ewe Lamb

Shady Lane 7110 96099

B: 01/28/2017 Twin S: U of WI 16-326 21709 D: Shady Lane 5023 94037

746- February Ewe Lamb

Shady Lane 7148


B: 02/11/2017 Twin S: U of WI 14-383 21175 D: Shady Lane 5032 95496



Consigned By


Daniel Shapiro 6420 Burrows Rd Colorado Springs, CO 80908 (719) 709-8766 (719) 495-7340 shawnashapiro@hotmail.com _______________________

747- January Ram Lamb

SFF 6 Casanova


B: 01/02/2017 S: GVW 427K SPUDNIK R21310 D: GV440 MINNIE E93523

748- January Ewe Lamb



B: 01/02/2017 S: GVW 427K SPUDNIK R21310 D: GV 440 MINNIE E93523

749- January Ewe Lamb

SFF 4 Molly


B: 01/02/2017 S: GVW 427K SPUDNIK R21310 D: GV 444 TW POLLY E93523 All three of these lambs have been sired by Sputnik, a National Western Stock Show (two years running) OPB Wool Ram Champion in both meat and wool and Champion Ram from El Paso County Fair. Weaned weights averaging 58 lbs and feed average daily gains of .72 lbs.

_______________________ Consigned By


_______________________ Consigned By


Kevin & Diane Hermann 1850 Scott Park Rd - Eldridge, IA 52748 (563) 320-4778 (563) 285-8926 shadylawn1@gmail.com _______________________

751- Yearling Ram

Shady Lawn 1626

B: 01/19/2016 Twin S: Shady Lawn 1426 R-21365 D: Shady Lawn 1141 E89745

752- January Ram Lamb

Shady Lawn 1711

B: 01/06/2017 Twin S: Shady Lawn 1219 R-20919 D: Shady Lawn 1312 E92650

753- Yearling Ewe

Shady Lawn 1612

B: 01/12/2016 Twin S: Shady Lawn 1219 R-20919 D: Shady Lawn 1234 E91609

754- January Ewe Lamb

Shady Lawn 1719

B: 01/15/2017 Triplet S: Shady Lawn 1219 R-20919 D: Shady Lawn 1448 Ep93680

Van Well 6151

_______________________ Consigned By


Mark Meurer 1869 Midway Rd - Ashton, IL 61006 (815) 973-5576 (815) 453-2257 meurer66@gmail.com bigprairiepolypays.com _______________________

755- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day Structurally correct ram lamb with exceptional growth. He will be big volumed and rugged. Performance data will be available.

756- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Structurally correct ewe lamb with exceptionally high maternal values and growth rate. Performance data will be available.

Vic Van Well 1104 18th St NE - Watertown, SD 57201 (605) 881-6574 heartlandag@tnics.com _______________________

750- Yearling Ram

Reserve Champion Polypay Ram, 1st Fall Ram Lamb from L&K Sheep Co. sold to Kansas at $700.


B: 02/15/2016 Twin S: Shady Lawn 1348 RR R21067 D: Van Well 215 RR E92469 A Ram with a lot of thickness and muscle.

--- Page 73 ---

RAMBOUILLETS _______________________ Consigned By


Weston Borcher 1330 Lane 10 - Powell, WY 82435 (307) 272-5285 jemima09@hotmail.com _______________________

764- January Ram Lamb Champion Rambouillet Ram, 1st Fall Ram Lamb from Dew Drop Farm sold to Montana at $850.

_______________________ Consigned By


Joslin Family 20020 Rt 47 - Maplewood, OH 45340 (937) 726-5387 (937) 492-6601 woody@wrjoslin.com _______________________

761- January Ram Lamb

Joslin 17-410 RR

B: 01/01/2017 Single S: Joslin 14-360 997340 D: Joslin 15-370 1040849 Stylish, horned, RR linebred grandson of the Marshall ram that worked so well for us. Texans may want to take a look.

762- January Ewe Lamb

Joslin 17-412

B: 01/04/2017 Single S: Joslin 14-360 997340 D: A Joslin 13-326 1038877 Base genetics from Boyer, Dew Drop, Chapman and Tailwind. Will be at least QR and futurity nominated.

_______________________ Consigned By


Kayla Flinn & Luke Inbody 6563 TR 28 - Jenera, OH 45841 (419) 306-2451 (419) 889-5324 flinn_13@hotmail.com Facebook L & K Sheep Co _______________________

Borcher 7079

B: 01/23/2017 Twin S: Bauck 5-24 997227R D: R&L 0459 1039405E

765- Yearling Ewe

Borcher 6269

B: 03/07/2016 Twin S: Marshall BM 715 992453R D: R&L 0459 1039405E

766- January Ewe Lamb

Borcher 7065

B: 01/21/2017 Twin S: Bauck 5-24 997227R D: Borcher B5218 1041131E

_______________________ Consigned By


Barret Marshall & Family 45491 204th St- Arlington, SD 57212 (605) 695-2528 barretmarshall@hotmail.com _______________________

767- January Ram Lamb 768- January Ewe Lamb 769- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Find us on Facebook for updates.


Matt & Amy Benz 24820 Oregon Trail Rd - St Marys, KS 66536 (701) 870-4135 benzmatt@hotmail.com benzrambouillet.com _______________________

776- Fall Ram Lamb

Dave & Carla Julius 329 Line Rd - Box Elder, SD 57719 (605) 545-5862 bar_j_barranch@msn.com BJBfinesheepandcattle.com _______________________

770- Fall Ram Lamb

S: The Big Ram

S: The Big Ram

S: Cunningham M370

S: Cunningham M370

S: Cunningham M370

S: Cunningham M370 Above Entries, Information Sale Day

B: 02/20/2017 Single S: Marshall BM 663 997757 D: Inbody 1242 1036687 A horned ram lamb that has had an eye-catching appearance since day 1. Not only is his appearance eye catching his pedigree is also unique with the amount of great genetics running throughout. He has a lot of potential. Look for pictures of him closer to time on our Facebook page.

772- January Ram Lamb 773- Fall Ewe Lamb 774- Fall Ewe Lamb 775- January Ewe Lamb

--- Page 74 ---

Benz 3060 RR

B: 09/13/2016 Single S: Benz 2932 997142 D: Benz 2539 1031878 He is polled and in the top 3% of the breed for maternal weaning weight. 23.2 microns. Watch for pictures on our website and Facebook.

777- Fall Ewe Lamb

Benz 3069 RR

B: 09/23/2016 Twin S: Benz 2932 997142 D: Benz 2841 1038075 May be the thickest, stoutest ewe we will sell this year. In the top 5% of the breed for maternal weaning weight. 21.8 microns. Futurity nominated.

778- Fall Ewe Lamb

Benz 3081 RR

B: 10/02/2016 Twin S: Benz 2932 997142 D: Benz 2603 1032951 Pretty front end and nice hip on her. 20.4 microns. Top 10% of the breed for maternal weaning weight. Futurity nominated.

779- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day A mid-February lamb that will hold through Houston. Futurity nominated.

_______________________ Consigned By


Consigned By


771- Fall Ram Lamb

L&K 1724 _R

Consigned By


763- February Ram Lamb


Doug Kirkpatrick 1276 Co Rd 1475 - Ashland, OH 44805 (419) 651-4074 kirkewes@yahoo.com kirkpatrickrambouillets.com _______________________

780- Fall Ram Lamb

DKF 337


B: 10/20/2016 S: Bar J Bar 15TBR29N 997626R D: `DKF 296 1035954



Consigned By


The Baucks 38118 510th Ave - New York Mills, MN 56567 (218) 639-8484 Darin (218) 640-7800 Duane _______________________

781- Fall Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day As most of you know, we lost BIG BUCK last Summer. We are going to bring a representative of his lambs that would make him proud.

782- Yearling Ewe

Bauck 6-44

B: 02/27/2013 Twin S: Bauck 390 D: Bauck 3-65 Sire was two-time Louisville Champion. This ewe is bred to produce as 6-44 is double-bred 1-94, the 2013 National Champion Ram from Heber City. I think this ewe would have been competitive at the National. You know what I say... Behind every big buck is a foundation female.

783- Fall Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day For the last two years a Bauck 3-90 daughter has made the cut for top five in the Supreme line-up at the Midwest Sale. I hope this lamb does the same.

_______________________ Consigned By


Scott Crawford 293 121st St - Pipestone, MN 56164 (507) 215-0488 (507) 825-2655 scott.crawford@pipestone.com _______________________

784- February Ewe Lamb 785- February Ewe Lamb 786- March Ewe Lamb 787- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason, Alicia, Jaclynn, Alison, Shania & Kasi Knutson 45935 292nd St - Centerville, SD 57014 (605) 530-0102 ajknutson@iw.net Facebook Knutson Livestock _______________________

788- Fall Ram Lamb

Knutson R16-213

B: 09/17/2016 Twin S: ICE - Bauck 996087 D: Knutson Girls R14-15 1039387 Massive build, deep bodied, straight legged and wide top. Dam by Marshall ram has proven herself time and time again. ICE was the 2014 Champion Ram at the National Rambouillet Show and Sale and has taken our herd to the next level. We could not be more pleased with him and his lambs.

_______________________ Consigned By


Donna Inbody P O Box 157 - Bluffton, OH 45817 (419) 348-5288 Inbody6@yahoo.com _______________________

789- Fall Ewe Lamb

S: J Bar J D: Inbody 1228

790- Fall Ewe Lamb

S: J Bar J D: Inbody 1536 Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Above Entries, Information Sale Day All lambs will be Futurity nominated.

Champion Rambouillet Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Dew Drop Farm sold to North Dakota at $1,300.

_______________________ Consigned By


Roger Regehr 44333 273rd St - Marion, SD 57043 (605) 360-9418 (605) 648-3737 _______________________

791- Yearling Ewe

R&L 0605


B: 01/21/2016 Twin S: Bauck 3-97 TW 996762 D: R&L 0215 TR 1036774 Sire was 2015 National Champion Ram.

792- Yearling Ewe

R&L 0611


B: 02/16/2016 Twin S: Bauck 3-97 TW 996762 D: R&L 4010 1039394 Sire was 2015 National Champion Ram.

793- February Ewe Lamb 794- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Jared Brinkman 29050 Co 9 Blvd - Goodhue, MN 55027 (651) 380-2682 jared.r.brinkman@gmail.com Facebook Brinkman Sheep Farm _______________________

795- Fall Ewe Lamb 796- February Ewe Lamb

Reserve Champion Rambouillet Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from Crawford Rambouillets sold to Utah at $550.

Reserve Champion Rambouillet Ewe, 1st Dew Drop Farm sold to Illinois at $1,100. --- Page 75 ---

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

SHROPSHIRES _______________________ Consigned By


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

Champion Shropshire Ram, 1st February Ram Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to Ohio at $3,900.

_______________________ Consigned By


Rex & Koby Cole 11281 N 1975 Rd - Elk City, OK 73644 (806) 216-1306 (580) 821-2355 colewoolies@cableone.net coleclublambs.com _______________________

801- March Ram Lamb 802- Yearling Ewe 803- Yearling Ewe 804- February Ewe Lamb 805- March Ewe Lamb 806- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Our Shrops are Cabaniss based wether type.

_______________________ Consigned By


Terrye Troxtell/Hunter Brockelman 455 Biggerstaff Rd - Sherman, TX 75090 (903) 821-3985 troxjone@aol.com _______________________

807- Yearling Ram 808- Yearling Ewe 809- Yearling Ewe

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason Heeg PO Box 217 - Shepherd, MT 59079 (406) 855-1478 (406) 947-2093 crazyhclambs@outlook.com crazyhclublambs.com _______________________

810- February Ewe Lamb 811- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

812- January Ram Lamb 813- February Ram Lamb 814- March Ram Lamb 815- January Ewe Lamb 816- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Brad Slutz PO Box 177 - LaMoille, IL 61330 (815) 766-0584 bslutz@1stfarmcredit.com citylimitssheepfarm.com _______________________

817- February Ram Lamb 818- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Lambs will be sired by Slack Entourage. Plan to bring a ram lamb that is super trendy and loaded with muscle. We had a lot of nice ewe lambs this year and will pick out a good one for the sale. Check out our website and City Limits Facebook page.

_______________________ Consigned By


Bob & Karen Johnson 569 State Hwy DD - Marshfield, MO 65706 (417) 844-5895 (417) 859-4452 rokajomaj@gmail.com _______________________

819- Yearling Ram

RoKaJo 1617

B: 02/07/2016 Twin S: RoKaJo AJ M455039 D: RoKaJo 1229 M453922 This ram is sired by AJ, and SOB son, that is a ewe producer. RoKaJo dam of 1617 is one of our dependable producers of quality show lambs. If you are in the market for a ram to improve length and growth with style, this ram should be on your radar.

820- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We will select a ewe lamb out of our keeper pen to bring. She will either be sired by AJ, Junior (2015 National Reserve Senior Champion), or Hoosier Daddy (the Mrozinski ram that sired the record selling Shropshire ewe at the 2016 National Sale). --- Page 76 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Jeff, Kerri, Christine & Monica Ebert 10015 Flush Rd - St George, KS 66535 (785) 458-9174 ebertsheepfarm@gmail.com ebertsheepfarm.com _______________________

821- January Ram Lamb

Ebert 7424

B: 01/17/2017 Twin S: Adams 4184 455214 HIDDEN TREASURE D: Ebert 3107 449355 Twin sister was our lead entry in the A & E online sale. HIDDEN TREASURE has worked extremely well on our ewe flock, especially the VERSACE daughters. He sired our high selling lamb on our first online sale. Dam is a daughter of VERSACE and was shown successfully in 2013 & 2014.

822- February Ram Lamb

Ebert 7471

S: Adams 4184 455214 HIDDEN TREASURE D: Ebert 5332 453383 Another HIDDEN TREASURE buck lamb out of our top show ewe from 2015 & 2016. She comes from one of our top ewe families and stood in the top three most everywhere shown.

823- Yearling Ewe

Ebert 6374

B: 02/07/2016 Twin S: Ebert 2093 VERSACE 446424 D: Ebert 3142 450322 Dam was in our 2013 & 2014 show flocks. VERSACE was 2nd late ram lamb at 2012 NAILE open show. This ewe is massive topped and thick butted. Her mother has a top March lamb this year.

824- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day B: 02/07/2016 Twin We have an excellent group of late March ewe lambs sired by VERSACE. We will pick out one that represents our flock well. Check out our website and facebook pages closer to sale date for pictures and updated information.

_______________________ Consigned By


Kashen & Brecken Nelson PO Box 36 - Tribune, KS 67879 (620) 376-8944 (620) 376-8944 nycolenelson@hotmail.com Facebook Nelson Family Show Lambs & Southdowns _______________________

825- March Ram Lamb 826- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By


Randy & Julie Rife 2423 Clifton Rd - Yellow Springs, OH 45387 (937) 603-0535 randy@rifeshropshires.com rifeshropshires.com _______________________

827- Fall Ram Lamb 828- January Ram Lamb 829- February Ram Lamb Probably a LOCH NESS son.

830- March Ram Lamb

Owen Walker bought a March lamb here sired by BEAR CLAW last year. He was Champion at Kansas and Tulsa for him. Our Shrops are Cabaniss based wether type.

831- Fall Ewe Lamb 832- January Ewe Lamb

These females will be eligible to show at the All-American for double points. You will not be disappointed with our consignment. Look them over!

833- January Ewe Lamb 834- February Ewe Lamb 835- March Ewe Lamb 836- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Check our website for photos and info as we approach sale time. Will bring a tip top consignment! All ewe lambs will be futurity nominated. We will assist with arranging delivery home for you. Just ask! This is our 56th year raising Shropshires. Depend on our genetics.

_______________________ Consigned By


Wyatt Graves 3010 E 1370 Rd El Dorado Springs, MO 64744 (417) 876-7136 Jgraves@tigersk12.org _______________________

837- Yearling Ewe 838- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Champion Shropshire Ewe, 1st January Ewe Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to Indiana at $1,700.

_______________________ Consigned By


Roger & Marie Parr 33425 E CR 1000 N - Mason City, IL 62664 (217) 871-4555 (217) 482-3680 rparr@frontiernet.net parrhampshires.com _______________________

839- Yearling Ram

We kept this ram to use in our own small flock last year. We will show a pair of wether lambs by him this summer.

_______________________ Consigned By


Tim & Sarah Fleener 273 South Mountain Rd Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) 413-5181 (610)589-2588 fleenerlivestock@gmail.com _______________________

840- February Ram Lamb

842- March Ram Lamb

841- March Ram Lamb

B: 03/04/2017 Single S: Fleener 1643 M455385 D: Rife 16-048 M454968 Rife 16-048 is a MADNESS daughter, that was 4th fall ewe lambs at 2016 NAILE.

Check these rams out, they are special!

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Fleener 1771 RR NN

843- March Ewe Lamb

Fleener 1766 RR NN

B: 03/02/2017 S: Fleener 1643 M455385 D: Rife 16-019 M454958 Rife 16-019 is a MADNESS daughter.

Reserve Champion Shropshire Ram, 1st January Ram Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to Pennsylvania at $3,100.

Reserve Champion Shropshire Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Thomason Genetics. --- Page 77 ---

SOUTHDOWNS _______________________ Consigned By

WIERZBICKI SOUTHDOWNS Clayton & Andrea Wierzbicki 34839 Hwy 10 Excelsior Springs, MO 64024 (816) 204-7780 (816) 260-3494 claywierz@yahoo.com Facebook Wierzbicki Southdowns _______________________

Champion Southdown Ram, Junior Champion, 1st February Ram Lamb from Forsee Southdowns sold to Montana at $950.

_______________________ Consigned By


c/o Dr. F.D. McCarthy 14700 US 68 - Findlay, OH 45840 (419) 310-0590 fdmccarthy1977@gmail.com findlayanimalscience.com _______________________

851- Yearling Ram 852- Fall Ram Lamb 853- Fall Ram Lamb 854- January Ram Lamb 855- Yearling Ewe 856- Yearling Ewe 857- Fall Ewe Lamb 858- Fall Ewe Lamb 859- Fall Ewe Lamb 860- January Ewe Lamb 861- January Ewe Lamb 862- February Ewe Lamb 863- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Gary T Klug 939 Hazel Rd - Harlan, IA 51537 (712) 202-4461 klughihamp@tm.net _______________________

864- January Ram Lamb

Klug DK 17-08

B: 01/20/2017 Single S: Sink 295-P ET Pending D: Sink 199-P AA4451 17-08 is a longer buck with classic Southdown breed type. First consignment for Dylan from animals purchased at past Stud Ram sales.

865- March Ram Lamb 866- Yearling Ewe 867- Yearling Ewe

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Dennis Wedel 1774 Arrowjead Rd - Moundridge, KS 67107 (620) 747-0853 wedelsouthdowns@yahoo.com clublambpage.com/ wedelsouthdowns/index.htm _______________________

868- Yearling Ewe

Wedel 16-6002 QR-EDF BB5644 B: 01/17/2016

S: Mapolyne 10-365 Tw SEE N STARRZ Y7235 D: Wedel 13-3008 AA1522 It has been a while since I have brought entries to the Midwest Sale. Dam of this ewe had a pair of awesome twins this year. Her ewe lamb sold to JJ Maddox in my online sale in April. Her buck lamb bled right and is in the mix to be a top-notch stud buck. 3008 was a show ewe in her own right. She is sired by Howard 0059. His daughters have made a solid contribution to the farm. I like consistency and his daughters bring it every time! To top it off 6002 is sired by SEE N STARRZ. Sired a National Champion and multiple high dollar sale sheep and many other winners too. If you are starting out or looking to make your flock more complete consider this ewe. You will be glad you did.

869- Yearling Ewe

Wedel 16-6027 QR-EDF BB5661 B: 01/27/2016 Twin

S: Mapolyne 10-365 Tw SEE N STARRZ Y7235 D: Wedel 13-3018 AA1524 Bred just like 6002 on the top side. She is also by SEE N STARRZ. Starrz passed away and this may well be the last opportunity to get these genetics. On the bottom side, there is also a similarity between these two yearlings. Both of their dams are Howard 0059 daughters. Both were show ewes too. Dam of 6027 is 3018 and she goes back to some real good old Wedel, Cole and Schulz breeding. Great opportunity here. Really did not want to sell her, but I have not been consigning and did not want to just bring a sheep. She needed to be a crowd pleaser. --- Page 78 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Mike McElvain 16514 E 325 N - Heyworth, IL 61745 (309) 830-3340 mike@mcelvainlaw.com mcelvainlaw.com/sheepfarm _______________________

870- Yearling Ewe

McElvain 1612 RR-EDF NN BB5618 B: 02/19/2016 Twin

S: Bowman 1541 BB1353 D: McElvain 1319 Z9363 Sire is half brother to BO, 2015 National Champ.

871- Yearling Ewe

McElvain 1620 RR-EDF NN B: 03/03/2016 Triplet BB5622

S: Bowman 1541 BB1353 D: McElvain 1324 Z9364 Sire was 2nd place yearling ram at 2016 All-American.

872- February Ewe Lamb

McElvain 1707 RR-EDF NN

B: 02/10/2017 Twin S: Bowman 1555 BB1360 D: McElvain 1411 AA6084 Sire is half brother to BO and dam is by ENCORE.

873- March Ewe Lamb

McElvain 1726 RR-EDF NN

B: 03/08/2017 Twin S: Bowman 1555 BB1550 D: McElvain 1312 Z9360 Sire is half brother to BO and dam is by ENCORE.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim & Matt Nesseth 507 Milwaukee, PO Box 1084 Lakefield, MN 56150 (507) 841-0325 Jim (507) 662-6715 Matt jim@extendedag.com gopherclublambs.com _______________________

874- Yearling Ram 875- February Ram Lamb 876- February Ram Lamb 877- Yearling Ewe 878- February Ewe Lamb 879- February Ewe Lamb 880- March Ewe Lamb 881- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Kevin & Diane Hermann 1850 Scott Park Rd - Eldridge, IA 52748 (563) 320-4778 (563) 285-8926 shadylawn1@gmail.com _______________________

882- Yearling Ram

Shady Lawn 1645

B: 02/10/2016 Twin S: UF 4016 RR NN EDF AA-5612 D: Shady Lawn 1420 AA-8317

883- March Ram Lamb

Shady Lawn 1767

B: 03/03/2017 Single S: UF 5184 RR NN EDF BB-4582 D: WSFS 12153 AA-1714

884- February Ewe Lamb

Shady Lawn 1731

B: 02/01/2017 Twin S: UF 4016 RR NN HLF AA-5612 D: M Williams 1321 RR EDF Z9383

885- February Ewe Lamb

Shady Lawn 1748

B: 02/03/2017 Twin S: UF 4016 RR NN EDF AA-5612 D: Shady Lawn 1420 AA-8317

_______________________ Consigned By


Brian & Preston Forsee 1290 Hwy 127N - Owenton, KY 40359 (502) 682-0686 forsee@bellsouth.net forseesouthdowns.com _______________________

886- February Ram Lamb 887- March Ram Lamb 888- Yearling Ewe 889- February Ewe Lamb 890- March Ewe Lamb 891- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Watch our website for pictures and information before the sale.

_______________________ Consigned By


Rex & Koby Cole 11281 N 1975 Rd - Elk City, OK 73466 (806) 216-1306 (580) 821-2355 colewoolies@cableone.net coleclublambs.com _______________________

SOUTHDOWNS _______________________




Consigned By

Rick Burns 7529 E 200 N - Flora, IN 46929 (765) 437-5771 (574) 859-3153 burnsstockfarm@yahoo.com championdrive.com/burnsstockfarm _______________________

894- February Ram Lamb 895- March Ram Lamb 896- January Ewe Lamb 897- February Ewe Lamb 898- March Ewe Lamb 899- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day All lambs sired by Chatter, Downtown or Big Cojohns -- all home raised rams. Look for our entries on our website and Facebook.

_______________________ Consigned By


Mark, Amy & Emily Johnson 2702 45th Rd - Sandwich, IL 60548 (815) 274-6096 (815) 786-6495 aandmranch@aol.com aandmranch.com _______________________

900- February Ram Lamb S: Home Brew RR-EDF NN

Information Sale Day We always try to bring a stud ram caliber buck to the Midwest Sale. We will again this year. Check our website and Facebook page for pictures and additional entry info.

901- January Ewe Lamb

S: Home Brew Information Sale Day Futurity Nominated - Not real sure about this entry yet. We do not plan on selling very many females this year. Contact us closer to sale time to see if we are sending one or two ewe lambs.

902- February Ewe Lamb

S: Home Brew Information Sale Day Futurity Nominated - We are not selling many ewe lambs this year. This will be one of the few opportunities to add a futurity nominated A&M Ranch female to your program.

892- Yearling Ewe

S: Bowers

S: Bowers D: JJ Maddox Above Entries, Information Sale Day

D: Oldenburg

893- Yearling Ewe

--- Page 79 ---

Consigned By

Chaz, Breanna & Brooke Bullington 1615 Derdall Dr - Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 691-3216 (605) 692-7281 mbullfamily@swiftel.net bullingtonsouthdowns.com _______________________

903- Yearling Ram

Bullington L608 QR-EDF NN B: 03/09/2016 Single BB6800

S: Hired Hand 5047 ET LIMITLESS BB641 D: Hired Hand 1146 Z3569 Sire is a top RIOT MAKER son from Aaron Jennings. Dam also from Hired Hand. This ram is smooth, powerful and has great breed type. A very athletic-looking ram. He has sired a nice set of April babies for us.

904- January Ram Lamb 905- January Ewe Lamb 906- February Ewe Lamb 907- February Ewe Lamb 908- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Our lambs will be sired by either LIMITLESS, or Forsee R15-289 an ECLIPSE son out of Forsee E09-197. The 9-197 ewe can be found in many of the top Forsee sheep.

_______________________ Consigned By


Sheila Sink & Macenzie Padgett 11172 E St Rd 38 - Kirklin, IN 46050 (765) 960-5045 sinksouthdowns@gmail.com sinksouthdowns.com _______________________

909- Yearling Ewe 910- Yearling Ewe 911- Fall Ewe Lamb 912- January Ewe Lamb 913- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

SOUTHDOWNS 920- Yearling Ewe

JK Maddox 6188 QR-EDF NN BB7213 B: 04/08/2016 Twin S: JK Maddox 14020 AA5595 FUZZY MONKEY D: JK Maddox 1120 Y9382

921- Yearling Ewe

JK Maddox 6184 QR-EDF NN B: 04/05/2016 Single BB7212 Champion Southdown Ewe, Senior Champion, 1st Yearling Ewe from Forsee Southdowns sold to Ohio at $7,500.

_______________________ Consigned By


JJ & Kelly Maddox 23754 Hwy 47 - Thomas, OK 73669 (580) 613-0045 jkmaddox@pldi.net maddoxsouthdowns.net _______________________

914- Yearling Ram

JK Maddox 6132 RR-EDF NN BB4758 B: 02/02/2016 Twin

S: JK Maddox 325 HOME BREW Z8948 D: Hired Hand 1182 Z9168

915- Yearling Ram

JK Maddox 6168 QR-EDF NN B: 03/10/2016 Single BB5825

S: AJ Maddox 5022 AA9693 D: Davis 2482 BB1271

916- February Ram Lamb

JM Genetics 709 RR-EDF NN CC170 B: 02/02/2016 Twin

S: SM Maddox 5041 SALTY FROG BB1074 D: JJ Maddox 1232 Z4389

917- Yearling Ewe

JK Maddox 6163 RR-EDF NN B: 03/06/2016 Single BB5824 S: JK Maddox 14020 AA5595 FUZZY MONKEY D: JK Maddox 9004 X9807

918- Yearling Ewe

JK Maddox 6191 RR-EDF NN BB7215 B: 04/10/2016 Twin S: JK Maddox 14020 AA5595 FUZZY MONKEY D: JK Maddox 1122 Y9384

919- Yearling Ewe

S: JK Maddox 14020 AA5595 FUZZY MONKEY D: JK Maddox 1129 Z1544

922- Yearling Ewe

JK Maddox 6108 RR-EDF NN B: 03/21/2016 Single BB9128

S: SM Maddox 5041 SALTY FROG BB1084 D: JK Maddox 1522 AA9657

923- Fall Ewe Lamb

JK Maddox 6196 RR-EDF NN B: 10/23/2016 Single CC174

S: JK Maddox 5027 HUGGY BEAR AA9677 D: JK Maddox 1237 Z6642

924- Fall Ewe Lamb

JK Maddox 6197 RR-EDF NN CC175 B: 10/23/2016 Single

S: SM Maddox 5041 SALTY FROG BB1084 D: JK Maddox 1503 AA9965

925- January Ewe Lamb

AJ Maddox 1702 RR-EDF NN CC173 B: 01/10/2017 Single

S: JK Maddox 5027 HUGGY BEAR AA9677 D: SM Maddox 1411 AA4265

926- January Ewe Lamb

JM Genetics 1703 RR-EDF NN CC169 B: 01/12/2017 Twin

S: SM Maddox 5033 AA9683 D: JK Maddox 1522 AA9657

929- February Ewe Lamb

JM Genetics 1712 RR-EDF NN CC171 B: 02/02/2017 Twin

930- February Ewe Lamb

SM Maddox 1713 QR-EDF NN CC193 B: 02/04/2017 Twin

S: JK Maddox 5027 HUGGY BEAR AA9677 D: JK Maddox 1219 Z4376

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

931- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Ronny Parmely 21936 471st Ave - Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 695-2365 (605) 693-4965 ronny.parmely@sdstate.edu _______________________

932- January Ram Lamb 933- February Ewe Lamb 934- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Our lambs will be sired by LIMITLESS, Hired Hand 5047ET, a top RIOT MAKER son, out of donor Hired Hand 1108.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jamie & Sarina Rincker 1703 N Lowell Rd - St Johns, MI 48879 (517) 775-1102 rinckersouthdowns@hotmail.com RinckerShowStock.com _______________________

935- February Ram Lamb 936- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Visit www.RinckerShowStock.com and follow Rincker Southdowns on Facebook for more details.

_______________________ Consigned By

927- January Ewe Lamb

SM Maddox 1704 RR-EDF CC189 B: 01/15/2017 Twin

S: JK Maddox 5027 HUGGY BEAR AA9677 D: Wedel ewe 1021 Z3450

928- January Ewe Lamb

SM Maddox 1705 RR-EDF NN CC171 B: 01/15/2017 Twin

S: JK Maddox 5027 HUGGY BEAR AA9677 D: Wedel ewe 1021 Z3450

JK Maddox 6192 RR-EDF NN BB7216 B: 04/10/2016 Twin S: JK Maddox 14020 AA5595 FUZZY MONKEY D: JK Maddox 1122 Y9384

--- Page 80 ---

S: SM Maddox 5041 SALTY FROG BB1074 D: JKMaddox 1232 Z4389


Paul Cassell 1686 Lovers Ln - Wytheville, VA 24382 (202) 255-1764 (202) 255-1764 Craunhokie@aol.com _______________________

937- February Ewe Lamb 938- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By


22516 38th Ave - New Virginia, IA 50210

(641) 449-3226 _______________________

939- January Ram Lamb

Olson 2741 RR-EDF NN

B: 01/25/2017 Twin S: Maddox 5022 AA9693 D: Scramlin 1323 29564 Maddox 5022 was a show lamb for Maddox, we own 1/2 interest of this ram with them. Scramlin 1323 has had a good show lamb every year.

940- January Ram Lamb

Olson 2728 RR-EDF NN

B: 01/10/2017 Twin S: Maddox 5022 AA9693 D: Olson 2175 Y992 Olson 2175 was a show ewe, she is 8 years old now who has raised many of my show lambs.

941- February Ewe Lamb

Olson 2745 RR-EDF NN

B: 02/02/2017 Twin S: A & M 5R168 BB3040 D: Olson 2298 Y9161 Sire A & M 5R168 is a full brother to Champion Ewe ILL 2015 sired by RUPP from Forsee. Her dam Olson 2298 also dammed the Champion Ram at the 2011 Minnesota State Fair.

_______________________ Consigned By


164 J O Junge Rd - Cleburne, TX 76033 (817) 641-6748 jungefarm@earthlink.net _______________________

942- Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

943- Yearling Ewe

Junge 1623 RR-EDF NN B: 03/13/2016 Single BB5544

S: Junge 1441 CUATRO AA4517 D: Robinson 0126 Y5009

944- Yearling Ewe

Junge 1633 RR-EDF NN BB6253 B: 03/16/2016 Twin





Consigned By

Noah Hamerlinck 17811 119 St W - Reynolds, IL 61279 (309) 371-8327 jennhamerlinck@gmail.com _______________________

947- March Ram Lamb 948- January Ewe Lamb 949- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Nathan Thompson 240 W Elizabeth St - Edgerton, MN 56128 (507) 438-9326 (507) 438-9326 thompson29454@frontier.com _______________________

950- February Ram Lamb


B: 02/05/2017 S: Forsee R14-288 AA6350 D: Howard 3124 AA3457

_______________________ Consigned By


Lanny Bowman 19590 E 550th St - Blandinsville, IL 61420 (309) 221-5180 (309) 652-3381 jlbowman1@mtcnow.net bowmansouthdowns.com _______________________

952- January Ram Lamb 953- Yearling Ewe 954- January Ewe Lamb 955- February Ewe Lamb

Jim Davis 24001 N 1900 E Rd - Odell, IL 60460 (815) 228-5967 jbdavis@maxwire.net davissouthdowns.com _______________________

956- February Ram Lamb 957- Yearling Ewe 958- Yearling Ewe 959- January Ewe Lamb 960- February Ewe Lamb 961- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By



B: 02/02/2017 Twin S: Forsee R14-288 AA6350 D: Howard 3090 AA3456

951- February Ewe Lamb

Consigned By

Hunter, Camden, Tyson & Tayden Miller 108 Eastwood Dr - Estelline, SD 57234 (605) 690-0532 (605) 873-2560 millersouthdowns@itctel.com millerbrossouthdowns.com _______________________

962- January Ewe Lamb 963- January Ewe Lamb 964- February Ewe Lamb 965- February Ewe Lamb 966- March Ewe Lamb 967- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Glen Anderson 56597 879 Rd - Coleridge, NE 68727 (402) 360-4027 (402) 283-4550 glenedward1942@gmail.com _______________________

968- February Ewe Lamb 969- March Ewe Lamb

S: Junge 1441 CUATRO AA4517 D: B&G B81 Z6426 This ewe is out of our last years show string.

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Our lambs will be sired by LIMITLESS, Hired Hand 5047ET, a top RIOT MAKER son, out of donor Hired Hand 1108.

945- March Ewe Lamb 946- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day With the majority of our ewes lambing mid March to April our plan is to bring two of our top end ewe lambs to Sedalia. Come by our pens and look.

--- Page 81 ---


_______________________ Consigned By


Rodney & Stephanie Knittel RR 2 Box 130 - Greenfield, IL 62044 (217) 370-7383 rknittel@frontier.com _______________________

987- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

988- February Ewe Lamb

Reserve Champion Southdown Ram, Reserve Junior Champion, 1st March Ram Lamb from McCalla Southdowns sold to Illinois at $3,600.

Reserve Champion Southdown Ewe, Junior Champion, 1st February Ewe Lamb from Forsee Southdowns sold to Ohio at $3,000.





Consigned By

Teri Jo Laber 8003 N 95th St - Longmont, CO 80504 (970) 580-0172 Hlaber82@gmail.com Laberlivestock.com _______________________

970- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

971- Yearling Ewe

Laber 00944


B: 02/08/2016 Twin S: SM Maddox 5007 AA9685 THUNDERRDOME D: Laber 00646 AA5780 This is the first time we have consigned a yearling ewe so we brought one of our best. She is by THUNDERRDOME, two time NWSS Supreme Champion Ram. Be sure to stop by our pens to look at this unique ewe.

972- February Ewe Lamb 973- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Tucker Beckmier 130 N 1385 E Rd - Atwood, IL 61913 (217) 840-4163 Mbeckmier@hotmail.com _______________________

974- February Ram Lamb 975- February Ewe Lamb 976- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Consigned By

Loren Sell 12834 FM 2190 - Jacksboro, TX 76458 (254) 485-4966 (940) 567-5588 ljslivestockllc@gmail.com ljslivestock.com _______________________

977- Yearling Ewe 978- Yearling Ewe 979- Yearling Ewe 980- Yearling Ewe 981- February Ewe Lamb

Consigned By


Jared Brinkman 29050 Co 9 Blvd - Goodhue, MN 55027 (651) 380-2682 jared.r.brinkman@gmail.com Facebook Brinkman Sheep Farm _______________________

982- Yearling Ram 983- Yearling Ewe 984- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Kade Beckmier 694 E 1100 N Rd - Morrisonville, IL 62546 (217) 827-6342 mlbeckmier@gmail.com bklivestock.com _______________________

985-February Ewe Lamb 986-March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 82 ---


989- February Ewe Lamb

Knittel 17037


B: 02/06/2017 Twin S: Korb 7201 BB9893 D: Knittel 16021 BB5205 17037 is great fronted, round in rib shape, and handles tremendous down her top. The Korb ram is an Eclipse x Forsee 100 that has been working great on our BO daughters. This sheep may have more banners in her pedigree than any sheep we have ever offered.

_______________________ Consigned By


Above Entries, Information Sale Day


Knittel 17042

B: 02/16/2017 Triplet S: Bowman 1447 BO AA6416 D: Cole 714-09 Y1240 This one is as long fronted and good looking from the side as any we have raised this year, she too progressively gets wider from her shoulder back. She is a milk machine baby but she has all the right pieces to be extremely competitive in the ring.

Jeff Repasky 9426 Jacobson Trail - Lonsdale, MN 55046 (612) 282-7782 nstarrlvk5@aol.com _______________________

990- February Ram Lamb 991- March Ram Lamb 992- January Ewe Lamb 993- February Ewe Lamb 994- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Unscramble these Midwest Sale Sponsors (pg 32). 1. iurpan_ ________________________________ 2. tekcham _______________________________ 3. herbodss _______________________________

Fun & Games Easy Level

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Medium Level

Hard Level

www.midwestsale.com Copyright Š 2017 JGB Service, http://www.mazegenerator.net/

--- Page 83 ---

SUFFOLKS 1004- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Champion Suffolk Ram, Senior Champion, 1st Yearling Ram from Wayne Skartvedt Family sold to Illinois at $1,650.

_______________________ Consigned By


Donna Mays 3488 E 140 N - Rigby, ID 83442 (208) 541-3405 lostriverdm@yahoo.com lostriverlivestock.com _______________________

1001- Fitted January Ram Lamb

S: Burke 1309 Sho Me Lad 623450 Information Sale Day Stud ram lamb by Sho Me Lad, Tom Burke bred. Sire of Sho Me Lad is Trip-Bute Mil-Sid Suffolks, Josh Miller selling half interest to Tom. Trip-Bute was the 2012 NAILE Grand Champion Ram. The Skartvedt family purchased Sho Me Lad as a lamb. The Skartvedt family had the 2015 National Grand Champion Show & Sale Ram and in 2016 they had the Grand Champion Ram at Sedalia. That ram went on to be the 2016 National Junior Suffolk Show Supreme Ram; then on to Wisconsin State Fair where he was Champion. Tessa Skartvedt showed the Champion Bred and Owned Ram at the 2016 National Junior Show they call Coach that is at stud for Skartvedts. I purchased Sho Me Lad as a three-year old a year ago. Let a Sho Me Lad ram lamb work as a stud for you.

1002- Fitted February Ram Lamb

S: Burke 1309 Sho Me Lad 623450 Information Sale Day Also by Sho Me Lad. Last Fall Sho Me Lad weighed 460 lbs in breeding condition.

1003- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

S: Burke 1309 Sho Me Lad 623450 Information Sale Day We had 11 sets of triplets out of 31 ewes with a lambing percentage of 206% live lambs. This will be one of my best consignments in many a year. Many of the lambs will have mothers that are Torpedo daughters. What a cross!

Lost River 17-1094 RR

B: 02/06/2017 Twin S: Jacobsen 13-40 626154 California Chrome D: Lost River 14-948 630497 Dam is a daughter of Torpedo. Torpedo was the 2011 NAILE Junior Show Grand Champion Ram as a lamb, then as a yearling was the 2012 National Junior Show Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Ram for Andrew Slack. Andrew also won Supreme Grand Champion Ewe two years in a row with two Hot Pass-sired ewes at the National Junior Show. Sire of Torpedo was the great Hot Pass Huenefelds a full brother to the 2009 National Grand Champion Ram at NAILE. I have 20 Torpedo daughters in my flock of 35 ewes. Sire is California Chrome.

1005- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Lost River 17-1088 RR

B: 02/05/2017 Twin S: Jacobsen 13-40 626154 California Chrome D: Lost River 12-844 616922 Besides using Sho Me Lad, I used California Chrome from Jacobsen family of California. California Chrome sired my 2016 National Suffolk Show & Sale Junior Champion Ram. Chrome also sired our second, third and fourth January ewe lambs at that show. Dam is a full sister to Miss Kimmie, my 2011 National Suffolk Reserve Grand Champion Slick Sheared Ewe as a lamb.

1006- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Lost River 17-1085 RR

B: 02/03/2017 Twin S: Burke 1309 Sho Me Lad 623450 D: Lost River 15-989 623450 By Sho Me Lad. Dam is a Gun Slinger daughter. Grand dam is by Torpedo, Kanable 953.

1007- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Lost River 17-2017 RR

B: 02/20/2017 Triplet S: Burke 1309 Sho Me Lad 623450 D: Lost River 14-924 623450 By Burke Sho Me Lad and out of a Torpedo daughter. Torpedo was a half brother to Hot Hour both by Hot Pass. Hot Hour sired McClures Supreme Champion Ewe at the 2016 National Suffolk Junior Show ; won Wisconsin State Fair open division ; then was named National Grand Champion at Louisville last Fall shown by Andrew Slack. Dam is also the dam of the National Suffolk Show & Sale second place ewe lamb at Reno sired by California Chrome.

1008- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day With years of raising Suffolks, we strive for breed character, longevity, easy fleshing, correctness with heavy-boned ewes that milk and have predicitability. Raising Suffolks since 1950. --- Page 84 ---

1009- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 1010- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


John Corson 13320 E 900th St - Macomb, IL 61455 (309) 255-4606 corsonre@yahoo.com corsonsuffolks.com _______________________

1011- Fitted January Ram Lamb 1012- Fitted January Ram Lamb 1013- Fitted February Ram Lamb 1014- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day These rams are all RR and will be sired by GAME CHANGER, my new Lansing ram, or by SHAG, our Grand Champion ram at the Illinois State fair 2016 & 2015.

1015- Fitted Yearling Ewe 1016- Fitted Yearling Ewe 1017- Fitted January Ewe Lamb 1018- Fitted January Ewe Lamb 1019- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 1020- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 1021- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day These ewe lambs are sired by GAME CHANGER, my new Lansing ram, or by SHAG, our Grand Champion ram at the Illinois State fair 2016 & 2015.

_______________________ Consigned By


Rob & Lisa Frost & Family 6412 West Rd NE - Bloomingburg, OH 43106 (740) 505-4858 (740) 437-7878 rob.frost@att.net _______________________

1022- Slick Yearling Ram

Frostaire Farms 1343 RR NN 642549 B: 01/19/2016 Twin

S: Frostaire Farms 1121 622013 D: Wiford 356-13 618935

1023- Slick Yearling Ram

Frostaire Farms 1358 RR NN B: 01/25/2016 Single 642553

S: Frostaire Farms 1282 636585 D: Frostaire Farms 1283 632846

1024- Slick Yearling Ram

Frostaire Farms 1351 RR NN B: 01/21/2016 Single 642551

S: Frostaire Farms 1121 622013 D: Wiford 160 601551



Consigned By


Randy Dombek 2422 290th St - Ivanhoe, MN 56142 (507) 530-5938 (507) 694-1427 rdombek@hotmail.com _______________________

1025- Fitted Yearling Ram

Dombek 2971 RR 643724

B: 01/14/2016 Twin S: Dombek Family 2724RR 629101 D: Dombek Family 2714RR 613103 Sired by Frisky. A deep bodied, long sided, big boned ram. First Jan ram at both MN and SD State Fairs last year.

1026- Fitted Yearling Ram

Dombek 2983


B: 01/29/2016 Single S: WHS 3-07 619782 D: Dombek Family 2456RR 610642 Long extended ram. Sired by Wolfman. Dam is a maternal sister to Dreyfus.

1027- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Dombek 3079

B: 09/02/2016 Twin S: Dombek Family 2785RR 629104 D: Dombek Family 2796RR 629098 Double-bred Wolfman. Sire was Champion Ram at SD State Fair in 2016 and Reserve Supreme Champion at the Newell Ram Sale. Dam was a class winner at MN State Fair and a maternal sister to Dreyfus.

1028- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Dombek 2989 RR 640794

B: 02/02/2016 Twin S: Dombek Family 2621RR 621718 D: Dombek Family 2691RR 621733 Long, feminine ewe, out of a Hoskins 11-32 daughter.

1029- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Dombek 3027 RR 640797

B: 02/07/2016 Single S: WHS 3-07 619782 D: Dombek Family 2821RR 631547 Nice complete ewe. Her dam is sired by Hoskins 11-32 and has one of our best lambs this year.

1030- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We will bring one of our best January lambs.

_______________________ Consigned By


Terrye Troxtell/Hunter Brockelman 455 Biggerstaff Rd - Sherman, TX 75090 (903) 821-3985 troxjone@aol.com _______________________

1031- Slick Yearling Ram 1032- Slick Yearling Ewe 1033- Slick Yearling Ewe





Consigned By

30142 F Ave - Radcliffe, IA 50230 (515) 291-8551 (515) 893-2315 wmskare@netins.net skartvedtsuffolks.com _______________________

1034- Fitted Yearling Ram

Skartvedt 4650


B: 02/10/2016 AI S: Trip-bute Mil-Sid Farm 1003 603331 D: Skartvedt 4519 623049 A mile long, heavy boned, and straight as an arrow. Trip-bute was National Champion Ram in 2012. Thanks to Josh and Tom for allowing us to acquire the semen. Dam is sired by Clifford our Lansing ram and is raising a ewe lamb this year that will be in our show flock. We have had Champion Ram at this sale 3 of the past 4 years and several people have said that they like this ram as well as any of them. Check our website www.skartvedtsuffolks.com for pictures closer to sale date.

1035- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Skartvedt 4641

B: 02/08/2016 Triplet S: Big Z Bar-Zel 5017 634137 D: Tom Burke 11077 601907 A big massive ewe. Big Z was Reserve Champion Owned Ram at the 2016 National Junior Suffolk Show behind the Champion Suffolk ram we sold in Sedalia. Burke 11077 was a maternal sister to Cliff Hanger.

_______________________ Consigned By


Ruth Rosenboom c/o Wayne Skartvedt 3029 N 90 Rd - Clifton, IL 60927 (815) 694-2140 Rrboom@dlogue.net skartvedtsuffolks.com _______________________

1036- Fitted Yearling Ram

Rosenboom 16 RR NN

B: 03/14/2016 Twin S: Survivor Tom Burke 0982 630169 D: Tom Burke 1310 619160 The last yearling ram for Rollie. A big ram with a very nice Rosenboom head, great feet and legs. Survivor was Champion Suffolk Ram at Missouri as a lamb and at Iowa as a yearling. Burke 1310 won her class in Louisville as a yearling ewe in 2014 and has been a great brood ewe. For information contact Wayne Skartvedt and check www.skartvedtsuffolks. com for pictures closer to sale date.

Above Entries, Information Sale Day --- Page 85 ---

Consigned By

Matthew Wolf 16909 Sierra Jane Ln - Caldwell, ID 83607 (208) 695-8496 mgwolf62@msn.com Facebook Whispering Hills Suffolks _______________________

1037- Fitted February Ram Lamb

S: Buck Dynasty

S: Buck Dynasty

S: Buck Dynasty

1038- Fitted Yearling Ewe 1039- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 1040- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

S: Buck Dynasty Above Entries, Information Sale Day These entries will all be sired by Buck Dynasty our Ruby Mountain stud. Buck Dynasty sired the 2016 National Champion Ram and National Junior Champion Fitted Ewe. Now I could write up a whole book about how good I think this feature and that feature are on these sheep but at the end of the day you need to be the judge and stop by our pens in Sedalia and take a look for yourself. If you would like to see a sneak peek of our consignment earlier, checkout our Facebook Page at Whispering Hills Suffolks.

_______________________ Consigned By

BRAASCH LAND & LIVESTOCK Red & Rev Dr Cathi Braasch 73943 Rd 433 - Elwood, NE 68937 (308) 991-8613 (308) 991-4460 prcihb@gmail.com _______________________

1041- Fitted Yearling Ram 1042- Fitted February Ram Lamb 1043- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day For information about our entries please contact Craig Fleck 814-441-0980.



Consigned By


1048- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Champion Suffolk Ewe, Senior Champion, 1st Yearling Ewe from Annuschat Farms, LLC sold to Minnesota at $5,600.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim Van Dyke 38919 SD Hwy 34 Wessington Springs, SD 57382 (605) 770-1095 (605) 539-9440 seedstock@venturecomm.net vandykesuffolks.net _______________________

1044- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Van Dyke 16-6145 RR

B: 09/23/2016 Triplet S: Touchdown 1250 620820 D: D Henderson 14-2 RR 627812 Here is a stout made, more rugged type of ram sired by the Touchdown Acres ram that was Champion at Sedalia in 2013.

1045- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Van Dyke 16-6164 RR

B: 09/28/2016 Twin S: Touchdown 1250 620820 D: Van Dyke 13-328 RR 624297 Super long bodied ram who is really straight in his lines on a great set of feet & legs. Sired by the Touchdown 1250 ram & out of good producing ewe family.

1046- Slick Fall Ram Lamb

Van Dyke 16-6166 RR

B: 09/28/2016 Single S: MacCauley 3356 RR 633425 D: Kimm 11118-15021 634274 The MacCauley ram really worked well for us no matter what I bred him to. This buck has bone, body, & is really put together in a complete package.

1047- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Van Dyke 17-7106 RR

B: 02/20/2017 Single S: MacCauley 3356 RR 634425 D: Van Dyke 15-5144 RR 639994 Super straight made flashy late born lamb here. His mother is by the Touchdown Acres 1250 ram & out of the 966 ewe family which always breeds true.

W Linke 16-6158 RR

Michael Torrone, Jr 36308 S 4420 Rd - Big Cabin, OK 74332 (918) 704-0737 (918) 284-5255 swingintranch@gmail.com _______________________

B: 09/26/2016 Twin S: Touchdown 1250 620820 D: Kjeldgaard 15-607 QR 637838 Wesley bought the Kjeldgaard ewe in Louisville a couple years ago & bred her to the Touchdown 1250 buck & it worked to say the least. This is going to be a super show ewe for someone & should breed on after her show career is over. Touchdown 1250 sired my yearling ewes at Sedalia in 2015 that sold for $3,100 & $2,500 as well as the fall ewe we sold for $4,000 that was high-selling ewe.

1063- Fitted February Ram Lamb

1049- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

1065- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Van Dyke 17-734 RR

B: 01/14/2017 Single S: MacCauley 3356 RR 633425 D: Van Dyke 12-2115 624290 The MacCauley ram really worked well on my frame-bred ewes. Wesley really wants to keep this one to show.

1050- Slick January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We will try to bring a good Slick-sheared ewe lamb sired by the MacCauley buck.

_______________________ Consigned By


Richard & Lucinda Jones 4439 N 250 W - Patoka, IN 47666 (812) 480-8545 (812) 779-5210 5starjfarms@gmail.com _______________________

1051- Fitted Yearling Ram

5 Star J 6142 RR


B: 03/16/2016 Twin S: 5 Star J 5141 634727 D: 5 Star J 1123 605440 Sire 5141 is sired by GRAND MARCH Grand Champion Ram NAILE. Dam 1123 was a class winner at NAILE.

1052- FITTED February Ram Lamb 1053- FITTED February Ram Lamb 1054- FITTED February Ram Lamb 1055- FITTED March Ram Lamb 1056- FITTED March Ram Lamb 1057- FITTED Yearling Ewe 1058- FITTED Yearling Ewe 1059- FITTED Yearling Ewe 1060- FITTED Yearling Ewe 1061- FITTED Yearling Ewe 1062- FITTED Yearling Ewe

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 86 ---

STR 52

B: 02/21/2017 Twin S: STR1 623530 D: STR 6 622296

1064- Fitted March Ram Lamb

STR 61

B: 03/09/2017 Twin S: STR 1 623530 D: Tom Burke 9147 630313

STR 28


B: 02/19/2016 Twin S: STR 1 623530 D: Ruby Mountain 1108 601964 One of the best yearling ewes we have raised since beginning our Suffolk program. STR 28 was Reserve Champion Ewe at the 2017 Houston Livestock Show and her dam (5th Slick Sheared Yearling Ewe at Naile in 2012) was our foundational ewe. Ruby Mountain 1108 was the Dam of STR 2 who was Champion Ewe at the 2014 Houston Livestock Show, Ozark Empire Fair (Supreme Ewe), Illinois State Fair, Arkansas-Oklahoma State Fair, and Tulsa State Fair.

1066- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

STR 53

B: 02/21/2017 Twin S: STR 1 623530 D: STR 6 622296 STR 53 is our best ewe lamb born this year.

_______________________ Consigned By


Bill, Betsy, Chris & Kyle MacCauley Evan Snyder, Farm Manager 4333 Steelville Rd - Atglen, PA 19310 (610) 593-2907 maccauley@epix.net maccauleysheep.com _______________________

1067- Fitted Yearling Ewe

MacCauley 3553 RR 640429

B: 01/17/2016 Twin S: MacCauley 3132 RR 626576 D: MacCauley 3129 RR 627207 MacCauley 3553 has a unique pedigree. Her sire, MacCauley 3132 is a Slack 1148 son out of a Kimm 7012 daughter. Slack 1148 consistently produced outstanding lambs for us, including many in our show flock. The Kimm 7012 daughters are fantastic mothers who do not miss. Dam of 3553, MacCauley 3129 is sired by URF 0333, one of Alan Batts rams and out of an Erstrom ewe. The Erstrom ewes have been tremendous mothers for us. 3553 has the genetics to be an outstanding brood ewe.



Consigned By


Terry Renn 5674 Stein Rd - Pigeon, MI 48755 (989) 551-2214 (987) 375-2212 rennvuefarms@airadv.net rennvuefarms.com _______________________

1068- Fitted January Ram Lamb 1069- Fitted Yearling Ewe 1070- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Our entries will be bred much like our Jr Champion ewe lamb and our Res. Jr Champion Ram Lamb at the 2016 Midwest Sale.

_______________________ Consigned By


Gayle Lucas 21 Prairie Rose Ln - Philipsburg, CA 59858 (406) 381-3191 (406) 859-3890 sheep@blackfoot.net prairierosesuffolks.com _______________________

1071- Fitted Yearling Ram

Prairie Rose 61258-3 LAST CALL

B: 02/09/2016 Twin S: Luxford 1450B TRUE NORTH 613919 D: Prairie Rose 1258 618341 Stud Ram Potential. Several champions, class winners and top end sheep have come out of both sides of his pedigree. He is out of one of my main stud lines. He is a powerful buck from predictable genetics. For more information on LAST CALL visit our website at www.prairierosesuffolks.com

1072- Fitted Yearling Ram

Prairie Rose 61302-3 COLD BEER CONSERVATION B: 02/05/2016 Twin

S: Luxford 1450B TRUE NORTH 631919 D: Prairie Rose 1302 625867 CBC is a complete type of ram that is a massive, thick-made, deep ribbed buck. In many ways he is retro with a bit of a modern spin. Easy fleshing, correct on his feet and legs and powerful! For more information, please visit our website at www.prairierosesuffolks.com

1073- Fitted Yearling Ewe


B: 02/07/2016 Twin S: Luxford 1450B TRUE NORTH 631919 D: Prairie Rose 1105 611333 Large, beautiful ewe with classic Suffolk ears and the traditional volume and capacity that a Suffolk ewe should have. Her dam produced our Reserve Grand Champion Ram at the All American Nugget in Reno in 2014 and I rarely let any daughters go. For more info regarding this ewe, visit us at www.prairierosesuffolks.com





Consigned By

Jeffrey Keever 591 Co Hwy 8 - Media, IL 61460 (309) 337-7359 (309) 746-6252 vkeever@yahoo.com Facebook Keever Suffolks _______________________

1074- Fitted Yearling Ram

Keever 1602 RR


B: 01/19/2016 Twin S: Luxford 13-1409BRR 625150 D: Keever 1308RR 621289 We are bringing a good set of yearling rams. USED TWO OF THE RAMS FOR CLEAN UP. Had great results. I think they will work very well. Be sure to check out their full pedigree at the sale. Check out our facebook page for pictures once they are cut out.

1075- Fitted Yearling Ram

Keever 1606 RR


B: 01/23/2016 Twin S: Luxford 13-1409BRR 625150 D: Keever 1313 621293 This ram is lined up. Used this one . He worked well. Dam of Luxford ram and sire of Keever Ewe are twins.

1076- Fitted Yearling Ram

Keever 1611 RR


B: 01/28/2016 Twin S: Luxford 13-1409BRR 625150 D: Keever 1411RR 632057 This ram did super job on ewes. Same sire as above. Dam is out of Ream 2Z50-20 the Reserve ram from Reno purchased by Bob Goold. Also Ruby Mountain, Peifer, and High Point in pedigree.

1077- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

1078- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Keever 1609 QR


B: 01/26/2016 Twin S: Luxford 13-1409BRR 625150 D: Keever 1315QR 621291 Very nice ewe that has that eye appeal. Dam goes back to the class winning ewe, for Ryan, at Louisville Jr. show.

1079- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Not sure which ewe we will bring till we have cut out done. Check our facebook page for pictures.

--- Page 87 ---

Consigned By

Ron Arndt 11775 Co Rd 50 - Norwood, MN 55368 (952) 201-5761 (952) 466-5876 parndt83@gmail.com _______________________

1080- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Arndt Acres 16-132 RR 645621

B: 09/12/2016 Single S: Arndt Acres 15-116 634651 D: Arndt Acres 822 574934 This ram has some great genetics behind him. He goes back to TEN TIMES, STROKER ACE & LAND LADY. Arndt Acres 822 dammed a ram that we sold in Sedalia in 2015. That ram sired several lambs entered by the buyer at last years Sedalia.

1081- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Arndt Acres 17-119 RR

B: 01/26/2017 Twin S: Arndt Acres 14-127 632077 D: Arndt Acres 14-036 632081 Arndt Acres 14-127 goes back to the 5 Star J ram & is dammed by a Benda ewe that goes back to RED SHIRT.

1082- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Arndt Acres 16-033 RR 645568

B: 02/14/2016 Twin S: Arndt Acres 14-127 632077 D: Arndt Acres 12-039 612415 This ewe goes back to our older 5 Star J Ram that won his class at Sedalia. He goes back to TEN TIMES. She also goes back to RED SHIRT on the top side.

1083- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Arndt Acres 16-035 RR 645617

B: 09/26/2016 Twin S: Arndt Acres 14-117 627337 D: Arndt Acres 13-033 620609 Arndt Acres 14-117 goes back to 5 Star J ram and CLIFF HANGER on the top. On the bottom she goes back to two ewes that we were vary successful showing Slicked.

1084- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day



Consigned By

4 Js & a T

1089- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Reserve Champion Suffolk Ram, Reserve Senior Champion, 2nd Yearling Ram from Randy Dombek Family sold to Indiana at $2,100.

_______________________ Consigned By


Cynthia Huckins HC 36 Box 33 - Spring Creek, NV 89815 (775) 741-0789 (775) 753-8327 rubymtsheepco@yahoo.com rubymountainsheepco.com _______________________

1085- Fitted Yearling Ram

Ruby Mtn 1607 RR NN 640341

B: 02/16/2016 Triplet S: Shambow 3456 ShamWOW 627875 D: Ruby Mtn Sheep1440 626306 We are starting off our entries with RMS 1607 that was not only a class winner at Louisville, but sired an impressive set of lambs! We are happy with the way this big topped, big ribbed, flashy ram has grown out. On top of that he is a proven Stud Ram.

1086- Fitted Yearling Ram

Information Sale Day

1087- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Ruby Mtn 1708 RR NN

B: 02/05/2017 Twin S: Ruby Mtn Sheep 1505 634597 Buck Dynasty D: Ruby Mtn Sheep 1532 634608 We only offer ram lambs that have the potential to grow into big, correct Stud Rams. The pedigree behind 1708 is loaded with the predictability that few have. His sire, Buck Dynasty, Ruby Mtn Sheep 1505, is the full brother to Buckaroo Bonzai, the 2015 Champion Ram at N.A.I.L.E. Buck Dynasty sired the National Champion Ram at Louisville and Junior Champion Ewe on his first lamb crop. The dam is a BaZing daughter sired by SchamWOW. 1708 is a big hipped lamb with a wide stride.

1088- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

Ruby Mtn 1624 QR NN 640368

B: 03/02/2016 Twin S: Shambow 3509 Shazam 635139 D: Ruby Mtn Sheep 1404 626294 Beautiful headed, long body and big hipped describes this ewe that is the full package. We do not offer a female out of our keeper pen very often, but with the number of females we had last year we will offer this girl for sale. Her mother is a BattleBorn daughter that was out of our show flock in 2014.

1090- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

1091- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Ruby Mtn 1725 QR NN

B: 02/17/2017 Twin S: Ruby Mtn Sheep 1626 640349 Rolling Deep D: Ruby Mtn Sheep 1409 626299 She is young, but you cannot deny the bone and style this ewe lamb has. Rolling Deep is the 2016 Reserve Champion Fitted Ram at Louisville. Ruby Mtn 1409 was second in class and in the first Pair of Ewe Lambs in our 2014 first place show flock at Louisville.

1092- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Eugene Broughton 46716 272nd St 22 - Tea, SD 57064 (605) 553-5738 esbroughton@yahoo.com _______________________

1093- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Saddle Creek 17-2

B: 01/25/2017 Twin S: Fisher 14-16 RR/NN 629288 D: Saddle Creek 62 628969 Sire is from Fishers Orwick ram and dam goes back to Lynn -Lee ram. These ewes always sire my best lambs.

1094- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Saddle Creek 16-10 RR 643966 B: 03/12/2016 Twin

S: Knutson 14-44 628624 D: Saddle Creek 73 637178 First time here so bringing my best yearling ewe. This ewe has lots of bone and very correct. Could be shown Slick shorn or Fitted.

1095- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Have lots of March lambs this year. Sire will be Fisher 14-17.

--- Page 88 ---

John Eldon Jacoby 17400 CR J - Wauseon, OH 43567 (419) 420-5600 (419) 330-4296 jacoby11625@twc.com _______________________

1096- Fitted Yearling Ram

4 Js & a T 1675 RR 643204

B: 02/16/2016 Single S: Renn-Vue Farms WS5233 628319 D: 4 Js & a T 36 636562 This young Ram is tall, long, thick topped, deep bodied, and moves very freely on structurally correct feet and legs. His sire was Champion Ram at 2015 Ohio State Fair and 2nd Yearling at Louisville. The Grand sire was Champion at MWSR and the paternal Grand dam was a Rudy Mountain NEVADA daughter who traces back to George Bros. foundation ewe. Maternal dam is from the HARDWOOD flush son and a 4 Js and a T dam. Maternal side of pedigree is loaded with CHORE BOY, SILVER CHARM, HERSHEL, 304, DIPLOMAT, RIO DE ORO, 3518, BEETHOVEN, CEO, and 2600.

_______________________ Consigned By


A F Luxford PO Box 350 - Wilsall, MT 59086 (406) 749-8049 (406) 578-0593 _______________________

1097- Fitted Yearling Ram

Lux 16-1490 RR


B: 03/14/2016 Single S: Lux 14-1448 631913 D: Lux 15-1465A 638907 A powerful buck out of a powerful ewe family. Ron Dreher has lambs sired by this buck.

1098- Fitted Yearling Ram

Lux 16-1465B QR 645781

B: 03/18/2016 Triplet S: Lux 14-1448 631913 D: 1465-13-1443 624859 The dam of this ram is also the grand dam of 1490 on the ewe side.

1099- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Lux 16-1465 RR


B: 03/18/2016 Triplet S: Lux 14-1448 631913 D: 1465-13-1443 624859 Triplet brother also out of 1465 ewe, plus fancy at 12 months.

1100- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Lux 16-1473


B: 03/16/2016 Twin S: Lux 15-1460 638912 D: Lux 14-1403 631915 Looks to me like she will make a good brood ewe, but what do I know?



Consigned By

ZEHNDER FAMILY SUFFOLKS Steve Zehnder 1883 200th St - Truman, MN 56088 (507) 236-5454 (507) 766-2423 szehnder54@yahoo.com _______________________

1101- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Zehnder 701 RR NN

B: 02/12/2017 Twin S: Zehnder 541 RRNN 634538 ROUNDABOUT D: Zehnder 310 RRNN 622275 Sire is half brother to the 2014 $5500 Grand Champion ewe at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Also 1/2 brother to Zehnder 535 the Grand Champion slick and Reserve Supreme Champion Ewe at the 2016 National Jr. Suffolk Show. Heavy Luxford on the dam side. He is super long with great top and bone!

1102- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Zehnder 719 RR NN

B: 03/01/2017 Twin S: Cahill 1916 RRNN ROAD TRIP 639969 D: Zehnder 511 RRNN 636373 Sired by the 1st place March ram at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. He added length, bone and beautiful heads. Zehnder 511 is half sister to Mr Z the Reserve Grand Champion Ram at the 2014 Midwest Stud Ram Sale that is doing a terrific job for Renn Vue Farms.

_______________________ Consigned By


Nick & Ron Annuschat 28271 N 2850 Rd - Okarche, OK 73762 (405) 368-0455 (405) 263-7385 _______________________

1103- FITTED Yearling Ram 1104- Fitted February Ram Lamb 1105- Fitted February Ram Lamb 1106- Fitted Yearling Ewe 1107- Fitted Yearling Ewe 1108- Fitted Yearling Ewe 1109- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 1110- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 1111- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 1112- Fitted February Ewe Lamb 1113- Fitted March Ewe Lamb 1114- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Our Consignment will be sired by either of our 3 KJ Lansing rams. KJ Lansing 3030 is the ram that has brought home the last three best consignment awards or by KJ Lansing 5364 LONG BOB a long sided very extreme ram or by KJ Lansing 6494 GENTLE BEN sired by BIG BEN a real complete package ram.





Consigned By

Rex Quam 60243 195th Ave - Dodge Center, MN 55927 (507) 251-2650 rex.quam@riverland.edu quamsuffolksandhampshires.com Facebook Northern Exposure Livestock _______________________

1115- FITTED Yearling Ram 1116- FITTED Fall Ram Lamb 1117 -FITTED Fall Ram Lamb 1118- FITTED January Ram Lamb 1119- FITTED January Ram Lamb 1120- FITTED February Ram Lamb 1121- FITTED Yearling Ewe 1122- FITTED Yearling Ewe 1123- FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb 1124- FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb 1125- FITTED January Ewe Lamb 1126- FITTED January Ewe Lamb 1127- FITTED January Ewe Lamb 1128- FITTED February Ewe Lamb 1129- FITTED February Ewe Lamb 1130- FITTED March Ewe Lamb 1131- FITTED March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Brody, Kourtney, Brandon & Braydon Peterson 803 23rd St NE - Lemmon, SD 57638 (701) 376-3115 dapeterson@sdplains.com _______________________

1132- Fitted Yearling Ram

Cousins 9170-1620 RR

B: 02/14/2016 Twin S: Zehnder 423 D: Cousins 5844 RR Super correct easy keeping ram.

1133- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

1134- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Cousins 9067-1619 RR

B: 01/25/2016 Twin S: Zehnder 423 D: Cousins 5895 RR Our favorite since she was a lamb.

1135- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

--- Page 89 ---

Consigned By

Marv & Marilyn Fisher 14105 Hickman Rd - Urbandale, IA 50323 (515) 240-4577 (515) 278-1622 fishersuffolks@msn.com fishersuffolks.com _______________________

1136- Fitted Yearling Ram

Fisher 16-16


B: 02/22/2016 S: Fisher 14-17 636117 D: Fisher 14-04 631411 Dam is a daughter of Quam 11113. Sire is sired by Quam 1113. Lined up for consistency.

1137- Fitted Yearling Ram

Fisher 16-23


B: 03/14/2016 S: Fisher 14-17 636117 D: Fisher 11-12 608953 Dam is sired by EB 238 that placed third several years ago at Midwest Sale. Consistent and correct ram.

1138- Fitted January Ram Lamb

S: Ream 5HP10 636554 Information Sale Day Check out this offering from our popular Ream buck purchased at last years Midwest Sale.

1139- Fitted February Ram Lamb

S: Ream 5HP10 636554 Information Sale Day This will be one of the best we have raised. Plenty to choose from as we had 75% ram lambs born this year. The Ream ram sires long tall and correct. Lots of potential!!

1140- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Fisher 16-18


B: 02/10/2016 S: Fisher 14-17 636117 D: Fisher 14-25 631410 Dam is sired by Orwick 1201. His daughters have produced good lambs, correct with mothering instinct.

1141- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Fisher 16-17


B: 02/10/2016 S: Fisher 14-17 636117 D: Fisher 14-25 631410 Twin to our other yearling ewe consignment. She is an attractive correct package!

SUFFOLKS 1145- Fitted March Ram Lamb

Knutson 17-52

B: 03/01/2017 Twin S: Knutson F15-1 PLAYER 642074 D: Knutson 13-88 635279 Large-framed, long-bodied, straight-legged with straight back and a feminine look. Proven dam performing consistently every year and making show-worthy lambs. Same sire as 1736 ram lamb entry . The full brother is also a part of the show string. Reserve Champion Suffolk Ewe, Reserve Senior Champion, 2nd Yearling Ewe from Annuschat Farms, LLC sold to Minnesota at $1,600.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason, Alicia, Jaclynn, Alison, Shania & Kasi Knutson 45935 292nd St-Centerville, SD 57014 (605) 530-0102 ajknutson@iw.net Facebook Knutson Livestock _______________________

1142- Fitted January Ram Lamb

Knutson 17-7

B: 01/04/2017 Twin S: Knutson F13-2 GAME ON 628627 D: Knutson 11-69 635289 Another good ram lamb with same pattern. His dam has always been a fantastic easy-keeper, raising twins with ease and heavy weaning weights. The sire is the best ram we have ever raised and is by a Masser ram.

1143- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Knutson 17-18

B: 02/02/2017 Twin S: Knutson 14-7 BOOTY 628645 D: Knutson 13-103 635199 Long bodied, big boned ram with great muscle and straight legs. Dam has always been one of our favorites. Her sire is GAME ON and her lambs are always top notch. BOOTY is a homeraised ram whose name speaks for itself. He knows how to pack on the pounds, yet is very straight in his type and kind.

1144- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Knutson 17-36

B: 02/20/2017 S: Knutson F15-1 PLAYER 642074 D: Knutson 13-3 635193 Very wide with amazing spring of rib, pretty Suffolk head and straight legs. Being a very easy keeper, this dam has made a habit of having twins and triplets every year. Sire is the 3/4 brother to the 2015 NAILE Suffolk Champion Ewe and has given us some phenomenal lambs.

1146- Fitted March Ram Lamb

Knutson 17-68

B: 03/13/2017 S: Knutson F15-1 PLAYER 642074 D: Knutson 16-63 642063 Wide butt, small front, straight back and legs and very pretty. Dam combines some of the best, successful genetics on our farm . Dam is a triplet out of a good brood ewe and successful sire.

1147- Fitted January Ewe Lamb

Knutson 17-5

B: 01/03/2017 Twin S: Knutson F13-2 GAME ON 628627 D: Knutson 14-55 628630 Thick, deep bodied with a great spring of rib and wide top. Dam was Junior Champion slick ewe at the 2014 National Junior Suffolk Show and has performed well in our flock. . Adding GAME ON to her massive body creates a lamb that stands out and performs amazing both in and out of the show ring.

1148- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Knutson 17-34

B: 02/15/2017 Twin S: Knutson F15-1 PLAYER 642074 D: Knutson 10-25 635183 Large, with wide top, deep bodied, wide hip, straight back and good legs. Seven year-old dam is still easily raising phenomenal lambs -or she would not still be on the farm!

1149- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Knutson 17-49

B: 02/26/2017 Twin S: Knutson F13-2 GAME ON 628627 D: Knutson 13-77 635196 Straight back, deep body and is very pretty.The dam is by SPIRIT, the sire that put our farm on the map in 2012. That line of genetics continues to perform amazing both in and out of the show ring. GAME ON has been giving us fantastic lambs for 4 years and we could not be more pleased.

1150- Fitted March Ewe Lamb

Knutson 17-51

B: 03/01/2017 Twin S: Knutson F15-1 PLAYER 642074 D: Knutson 13-88 635279 This lamb has 8 toes forward, a very pretty front and great spring of rib. Her mother is another proven dam and sire is PLAYER.

_______________________ Consigned By


Peter or Patsy Cahill 17006 W Cahill Rd - Brimfield, IL 61517 (309) 678-0495 (309)446-3237 pcahill17006@gmail.com cahillsuffolks.com _______________________

1151- Fitted Fall Ram Lamb

Cahill 5016 RR NN

B: 10/02/2016 S: Cahill 2616 RRNN 639971 LINEBACKER II D: Meyer Farms 9-1037 QR 590451 Heavy boned, big volumed, excellent feet and legs.

1152- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Cahill 1117 RR NN

B: 02/14/2016 S: Cahill 2516 RRNN THURD 639970 D: Dreher 9-1227 590217 THURD is a son of SPARTACUS that sired the Jr Champion Ram at the 2016 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.

1153- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Cahill 1217 RR NN

B: 02/18/2017 S: Cahill 2516 RRNN THURD 639970 D: Cahill 312 RRNN 619298 We like both these February rams and you will also.

1154- Fitted March Ram Lamb

Cahill 1517 RR NN

B: 03/04/2017 S: Cahill 2516 RRNN THURD 639970 D: Cahill 2517 QRNN 613872 We won the March Ram Class last year at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Both of these rams will compete.

1155- Fitted March Ram Lamb

Cahill 1817 RR NN

B: 03/07/2017 S: Cahill 2516 RRNN THURD 639970 D: Dreher 9-1011 RR 584781

_______________________ Consigned By


Gary Hoskins 1651 255th - Jefferson, IA 50129 (515) 370-3239 (515) 386-8055 hoskinsagsolutions@yahoo.com _______________________

1156- FITTED Yearling Ram 1157- FITTED Yearling Ram --- Page 90 ---

Above Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By


Josh Mille 331 Knox Rd - Scheharie, NY 12157 (518) 231-8113 (518) 295-7733 millers@midtel.net mil-sidfarm.weebly.com _______________________





1162- Fitted Yearling Ram

1158- Fitted Yearling Ram

Mil-Sid 1615 RR NN 643057

B: 03/17/2016 Triplet S: Mil-Sid 1406 628492 D: Peifer 1367 573229 This will be the last ram I offer out of my old Peifer ewes as there are no more left. So last chance here folks. 1615 is bigger-outlined than what I would normally bring out. He is really good front to back. Super front end with a great Suffolk head, running back into a straight top, big deep ribbed, and MONSTER boned. He has great potential. Young ram with fully intact lambs teeth and lots of future in front of him still. Sired by MS1406 who was my undefeated yearling ram on the East Coast in 2015.

1159- Fitted March Ram Lamb

Mil-Sid 1706 RR NN

B: 03/03/2017 Triplet S: Windfield 14-1100 631460 D: Mil-Sid 1505 633003 Sired by Windfield 14-1100, Reserve Senior Champion at NAILE in 2015 (see my website for photos). Dam triplet sister to the $4000 high selling Suffolk ewe at the 2016 Big Ohio sale. He is going to be large, big jack fronted, long sided, real good bone, good at the ground, I think he will make some friends.

1160- Fitted Yearling Ewe RR NN

Information Sale Day I will not be able to attend the sale, so the sheep will be with Steve Majchrzak, I will be available via cell phone to answer any questions 518/231-8113. All the pedigree information will be posted on my webpage by June 1st to be reviewed. mil-sidfarm.weebly.com or google Mil-Sid Suffolks.

_______________________ Consigned By


Bill Royer 1990 W Cruger Rd - Washington, IL 61571 (309) 472-3231 (309) 444-2356 royerfarm@aol.com royerfarm.com _______________________

1161- Fitted Yearling Ram

Royer Farm 1608 640500

B: 02/17/2016 Single S: Bruce 3410 626005 D: Royer Farm 224 611283 We have a very good set of lambs out of Royer Farm 1608. They are long, heavy boned, and very correct. 1608 is sired by Bruce 3410 who is out of the National Champion, Milestone. The dam (224) is our best brood ewe. She is out of one of Ken Capron's top ewes and a 5 Star ram (Due Time).

Consigned By

Pat Hodges Family 216 Greenwood - Julian, NE 68379 (402) 309-0008 (402) 242-2891 _______________________

Oak Hill 16-1457 RR NN

B: 03/10/2016 Twin S: GWC 1027-12 612616 D: Luxford 12-1377 617703 Sire is the Cox Ram Al Kjeldgaard has. Dam is triplet sister to Lux 12-1377 that Dreher and Benda used with good results. Big stout ram with some grow left.

Consigned By

Alan Kjeldgaard 4400 Co Rd I J - Tekamah, NE 68061 (402) 870-0397 almary@microlnk.com _______________________

1167- Fitted Yearling Ram

Kjeldgaard 16-637 RR 642192

B: 03/14/2016 Twin S: GWC 1027-12 612616 D: Kkeldgaard14-568 RR 632071 Dam is one of our good flush ewes. She goes back to our 2008 Reserve Junior National Champion (Milley).

1163- Fitted Yearling Ram

1168- Fitted February Ram Lamb

B: 03/15/2016 Twin S: Kjeldgaard 15-589 RR 637828 D: Oak Hill 14-1454 631914 Nice up headed ram. Used him on a few ewes. Sire is by the Cox ram. Dam goes back to BLACK COBRA AND FAMOUS FRANK.

B: 02/03/2017 Triplet S: GWC 1027-12 612616 D: GWC 1011-12 611408 The dam of this ram is also the grand dam of 1490 on the ewe side.

Oak Hill 16-1474 RR NN

1164- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Oak Hill 16-1564 RR NN

B: 03/20/2016 Twin S: Kjeldgaard 15-589 637828 D: Oak Hill 14-1464 631586 Nice ewe from a great family!! She is a 1411 granddaughter. Dam goes back to STRICTLY BUSINESS.

1165- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Tony Stalzer 307 North St - Zearing, IA 50278 (515) 460-3115 tstalzer@colo-nesco.k12.ia.us _______________________

1166- Fitted February Ram Lamb

Stalzer 210 RR

B: 02/05/2017 Twin S: Tom Burke 0982 SURVIVOR 630169 D: Stalzer 143 RR 620650 A massive, heavy boned, correct, young buck. We have a whole pen of buck lambs this year so we are bringing one to the MWSR Sale. SURVIVOR was the Grand Champion Ram at the Iowa State Fair in 2015. Dam has produced a good ram for us every year.

--- Page 91 ---

Kjeldgaard 17-648 RR 646565

1169- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Kjeldgaard 16-636 RR 642190

B: 03/17/2016 Triplet S: GWC 1027-12 612616 D: Kjeldgaard 13-557 RR 619502 Dam is another good flush ewe--sold two stud rams from her last year.

1170- Fitted Fall Ewe Lamb

Kjeldgaard 17-643 RR 646567

B: 09/08/2016 Twin S: GWC 1027-12 612616 D: WEG 14K23 630096

1171- Fitted February Ewe Lamb

Kjeldgaard 17-649 RR 646573

B: 02/03/2017 Triplet S: GWC 1027-12 612616 D: GWC 1011-12 611407 Triplet sister to our February Ram Lamb entry.

_______________________ Consigned By


Riley Foster 2130 Faculty Row - Muskogee, OK 74403 (918) 441-5775 fosteralanjoe@gmail.com _______________________

1172- Fitted Yearling Ewe

Foster 16-1


B: 02/08/2016 Single S: Foster RJF P21 615751 D: Foster11-11 603439 Last of the frame suffolks as our operation has moved to wether types. Depending on time management we may show her Slick as she can go either way. Junior Champion Suffolk Ewe at Arkansas/Oklahoma State fair as a lamb.



Consigned By

_______________________ Consigned By


Don & Betsy Heller 9019 60th Ave NW - Pine Island, MN 55963 (507) 367-2199 mntexel@yahoo.com _______________________

1186- Yearling Ram

Champion Texel Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from Portland Prairie Texels sold to West Virginia at $1,900.

_______________________ Consigned By


Austin Retzlaff E9922 Hwy 156 - Clintonville, WI 54929 (920) 604-2581 (920) 604-1980 austinret@msn.com _______________________

1181- February Ram Lamb

WI7180499 QR

B: 02/10/2017 S: Fisher L170 RR 15288 D: Retzlaff WI7180394 15309

1182- February Ram Lamb

WI7180511 QR

B: 02/13/2017 S: Fisher L170 RR 15288 D: Retzlaff/Thoma WI7180263 13059

1183- January Ewe Lamb

WI7180484 QR

B: 01/26/2017 S: Fisher L170 RR 15288 D: WI7180264 13561

_______________________ Consigned By


Michael Bokelman 4944 N Co Rd 200 E Greensburg, IN 47240 (812) 614-4391 bok74710@yahoo.com _______________________

1184- Yearling Ram 1185- Yearling Ewe

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Heller 6049

B: 02/23/2016 Twin S: Fisher K153RR 14420 D: Heller 17 15027 One of a dozen ram lambs selected from over 170 lambs raised as a twin on mom and grass only until weaning. Selected at weaning based on rate of growth, NSIP scan data, and breed correctness. Sire was Sedalia 2014 Champion Fall Ram Lamb from Fisher flock.

1187- Yearling Ram

Heller 6050

B: 02/23/2016 Single S: Portland Prairie 0435 15249 D: 14527 Heller W121 One of a dozen ram lambs selected from over 170 lambs raised on mom and grass only until weaning. At weaning selection was based on rate of growth, NSIP scan data, and breed correctness. Sire was Sedalia 2015 highest scanning Texel ram from Portland Prairie.

_______________________ Consigned By


Brady and Blake Campbell 17790 St Rt 339 - Waterford, OH 45786 (740) 434-3253 campbell.1693@osu.edu Facebook Campbell Farms _______________________

1188- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day This ram definitely stands out in the barn with the other rams. We are super excited to be presenting this guy! Don't miss out on this ram, check our Facebook Page at Campbell Farms for more updates.

1189- January Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We are super excited to offer some of our best lambs at this years Sale. This girl is something special! You will want to check her out!

1190- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day Another great ewe lamb! She is a half sibling to the 2016 Ohio State Fair All Other Meat Breeds Reserve Champion Ewe. We hate to see this one go, but she will make a great improvement to any flock!

--- Page 92 ---


693 Co Rd 159 - Pine Bluffs, WY 82082 (307) 701-3683 (307) 649-2489 sheepmountaintransport@yahoo.com _______________________

1191- January Ewe Lamb

LIND 303


B: 01/24/2017 Twin S: Lind 0091 15725 D: Fisher N180 RR 15747 Sire is by US Sheep Co Ram and out of a Fisher Ewe. Dam is a new addition purchased from this sale last year. This ewe lamb seemed special from day one.

1192- February Ewe Lamb

LIND 306


B: 02/03/2017 Single S: Lind 0091 15725 D: Fisher L31 RR 15177 Nice ewe lamb out of an excellent ewe. Sturdy and solid. As a first year consigner, we are pleased with our selections. We are confident they will be nice additions to your herd.

_______________________ Consigned By


James Oller 235 Wendell Davis Ln - Harrogate, TN 37752 (606) 670-9539 aqhorsetalk@gmail.com jefarms.com _______________________

1193- Yearling Ram

Artesian Valley P7 TN11 RR 16298

B: 03/07/2016 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1529 15324 D: Fisher K16 RR 14312 Sired by a son of the 2015 National Champion Pine Knob Farm 1408 that sold for $9,000 in 2015 and is out of the top producing brood ewe at the farm. This ram is a complete package with plenty of muscle.

1194- Yearling Ewe

Artesian Valley P4 TN08 QR 16287

B: 03/04/2016 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1529 15324 D: Fisher K62 QQ 14289 Well balanced and super correct on her feet and legs. Also sired by a son of the 2015 National Champion and record selling Texel ram Pine Knob Farm 1529. Dam is a very heavy muscled long sided brood ewe.

1195- Yearling Ewe

Fisher P35 QR 16328 B: 01/28/2016 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher J29 QR 13869 P35 is sired by the 2015 National Champion and record selling ram Pine Knob Farm 1408. This ewe is well balanced, correct on her feet and legs, and shows good width in the rump.



Consigned By


Ronald Wilcox 1416 W Fitchburg Rd - Leslie, MI 49251 (734) 206-0109 Ronald.wilcox59@yahoo.com _______________________

1196- Yearling Ram

Wilcox 514 YE RR 16048

B: 02/28/2016 Twin S: Round Barn 12-32 TW 13841 D: Wilcox 203 PK TW 13529 Clean, well balanced ram. He is from one of our most productive ewes. She raises twins every year.

1197- February Ram Lamb

Wilcox 402 PU RR 16789

B: 02/20/2017 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1625 SG 16086 D: Wilcox 208 PK SG 13534 A big boned, heavy muscled ram with massive top and hind leg. Sire was Midwest Reserve Champion Ram of 2016.

1198- February Ram Lamb

Wilcox 411 PU RR 16797

B: 02/21/2017 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1625 SG 16086 D: Wilcox 574 WH SG 14049 Excellent lamb from a high producing ewe. He is a carbon copy of his sire, Pine Knob 1625.

1199- March Ram Lamb

Wilcox 419 PU RR 16805

B: 03/07/2017 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1625 SG 16086 D: Wilcox 146 GR TW 15262 Nice young ram with clean, square build. Will be a benefit to any breeding program.

1203- February Ewe Lamb

1204- February Ewe Lamb

Wilcox 420 PU RR 16806

B: 03/07/2017 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1625 SG 16086 D: Wilcox 146 GR TW 15262 Growthy lamb. Twin is also selling.

1201- Yearling Ewe

Wilcox 504 BL RR 16062

B: 03/17/2016 Single S: Wilcox 145 GR TW 15261 D: Wilcox 595 YE TW 15266 Large framed, well-muscled ewe. Grand dam was twin to our 2013 Reserve Champion Ewe. The top selling ewe.

1202- Yearling Ewe

Wilcox 507 BL


B: 03/09/2016 Twin S: Wilcox 145 GR TW 15261 D: Wilcox 486 YE TR 15257 Nice ewe.

Wilcox 415 PU RR 16801

B: 02/22/2017 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1625 SG 16086 D: Wilcox 595 WH SG 15252 This ewe is out of a strong maternal line. She has great frame, muscle and growth. She excels over her twin sister which is being retained for a breeding ewe.

1205- March Ewe Lamb

Wilcox 421 PU


B: 03/07/2017 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1625 SG 16086 D: Wilcox 431 YE TW 12825 Nice well-built lamb. Square top, heavy muscle. She may be young but deserves a close look.

1206- March Ewe Lamb

Wilcox 422 PU RR 16808

B: 03/08/2017 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1625 SG 16086 D: Wilcox 151 GR TW 15270 This young lady tracks back to one of our original Texel ewes. A long and productive line. She will be an asset to any breeding program.

_______________________ Consigned By

1200- March Ram Lamb

Wilcox 412 PU RR 16798

B: 02/21/2017 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1625 SG 16086 D: Wilcox 574 WH SG 14049 Very growthy ewe with strong top and hip. Should keep her. Her twin is selling too.


Rachael Gately 126 Pioneer Heights - Somers, CT 06071 (860) 202-4490 regately@gmail.com _______________________

1207- February Ram Lamb

Pine Knob Farm 1724 RR

B: 02/23/2017 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1512 15318 BLACK HAWK D: Pine Knob Farm 1116 13759 BLACK HAWK stamps his lambs with tight hides and lambs that are wider at the hips than the shoulders which makes for easy lambing. PKF 1726 will surely do the same. His stacked pedigree also adds a dam who continues to produce impressive offspring. See our yearling ewe consignment.

1208- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day We will offer a March ram lamb out of the group of Erdman ewes acquired this past Fall.

--- Page 93 ---

Champion Texel Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from Pine Knob Farm sold to Virginia at $2,000.

1209- Yearling Ewe

Pine Knob Farm 1606 RR

B: 01/25/2016 Twin S: Clay-Nob 1481 14816 D: Pine Knob Farm 1116 13759 PKF 1116 never misses; she produced the 2014 National Champion $10,000 ewe who had a 4.42 REA as well as the 2016 National Champion Ewe with a 4.12 REA. PROTEGE adds some length and extension to make this ewe a very attractive female. We are retaining her twin sister; they are identical.

1210- Fall Ewe Lamb

Pine Knob Farm 1703

B: 09/12/2016 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1527 15323 D: Pine Knob Farm 1115 13758 PKF 1115 is the dam of our stud ram BLACK HAWK, PKF 1527, that was our pick of the 2016 yearling rams. This ewe lamb offers a combination femininity and the Texel trademark muscle.

1211- February Ewe Lamb

Pine Knob Farm 1724 RR

B: 02/22/2017 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1602 NUGGET 16071 D: Pine Knob Farm 1413 14753 NUGGET is the widest-topped, largest-legged ram we have made to date, and those traits can be seen in the set of Spring lambs we have on the ground from him. PKF 1413 produced the ewe lamb we consigned last year who placed second in the strong February ewe lamb class.

1212- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day We will offer a ewe lamb out of the Erdman ewes we acquired this past Fall.

1225- Fall Ewe Lamb


1218- February Ram Lamb

Fisher Q121 RR

B: 02/20/2017 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher K152 OR 15189 Q121 is all ram! He is sired by the 2015 Grand Champion Texel ram and his grandsire was the 2010 Grand Champion Texel Ram.

1219- March Ram Lamb Reserve Champion Texel Ram, 1st March Ram Lamb from Pine Knob Farm sold to Michigan at $1,600.

_______________________ Consigned By


Niki Fisher 2720 NE 25th Ave - Payette, ID 83661 (208) 315-5659 (208) 256-4426 fishertexels@gmail.com fishertexels.com _______________________

1213- Yearling Ram

Fisher P52 QR

B: 01/30/2016 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher C93 QR 12577 A nicely put together ram sired by our Jacob sire. P52 is what a Texel ram is all about.

1214- Yearling Ram

Fisher P136 RR

B: 02/24/2016 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0065 13051 D: Fisher J88 RR 13884 A stocky, strong ram. He will add the extra width and muscling to your upcoming lamb flock.

1215- January Ram Lamb

Fisher Q1 RR

B: 01/29/2017 Triplet S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher D126 QR 13423 Fisher Q1 and Q2 are full brothers. The dam is an AI ewe and the sire is the 2015 Texel Grand Champion Ram.

1216- January Ram Lamb

Fisher Q2 RR

B: 01/29/2017 Triplet S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher D126 QR 13423 Full brother to Q1.

1217- February Ram Lamb

Fisher Q10 QR

B: 02/04/2017 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher J17 QQ 13866 His maternal side combines Australian genetics with some of the early genetics from USMARC.

Fisher Q156 QR

B: 03/08/2017 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0065 13051 D: Fisher K144 14405 Genetics from Britain, Australia and Taylors Texels have combined to produce this spunky, well-built March ram lamb.

1220- March Ram Lamb

Fisher Q179

B: 03/16/2017 Single S: Portland Prairie 0065 13051 D: Fisher L182 RR 15195 Q179 has those Texel qualities you are looking to add to your flock. His mother was a triplet and granddam was a twin.

1221- Brood Ewe

Fisher N59 QR


B: 02/02/2015 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0065 13051 D: Fisher 71B QR 12227 N59 had a single lamb her first lambing and twins this year. She is a good mama and raises nice babies.

1222- Brood Ewe

Fisher N174 RR


B: 03/10/2015 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0209 14156 D: Fisher D77 RR 15740 N174 produces her babies without any fuss and takes excellent care of them. She would make a fine addition to your flock.

1223- Yearling Ewe

Fisher P97 RR


B: 02/10/2016 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher K100 QR 14390 This yearling ewe is a good, solid ewe and ready to make her home in your flock.

1224- Yearling Ewe

Fisher P122 QR


B: 02/20/2016 Single S: Fisher N132 QQ 15757 D: Pine Knob Farm 1320 14368 Combining genetics from the 2014 Grand Champion Texel Ewe, along with New Zealand and Britain, P122 is a very nice yearling ewe.

--- Page 94 ---

Fisher P181 QR


B: 09/16/2016 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher D146 QR 13426 Another nice consignment sired by the 2015 Grand Champion Texel Ram. P181 also carries some of the older Texel genetics not far back in her lineage.

1226- January Ewe Lamb

Fisher Q6 RR

B: 01/31/2017 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher K128 QR 14413 Fisher Q6 and Q7 are full sisters and are a nice pair of ewe lambs ready to go to work in your flock.

1227- January Ewe Lamb

Fisher Q7

B: 01/31/2017 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher K128 QR 14413 Twin to Q6.

1228- February Ewe Lamb

Fisher Q25 RR

B: 02/11/2017 Single S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher J96 RR 13885 Her paternal side goes back to a ram from Richardsons Texels. On her maternal side you will see the Bulldog ram from Taylors Texels. She will add diversity in your flock.

1229- February Ewe Lamb

Fisher Q33 RR

B: 02/12/2017 Twin S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749 D: Fisher L48 RR 15178 This little girl displays the RIGHT STUFF that we look for in a Texel ewe. Her maternal side continues on with twin and triplet ewes.

1230- March Ewe Lamb

Fisher Q150 RR

B: 03/07/2017 Single S: Portland Prairie 0065 13051 D: Fisher N914 RR 15762 Looking for an all around, nice Texel ewe? Q150 will certainly fulfill that search. She was one of the first to catch our eye when choosing March ewe lambs.

1231- March Ewe Lamb

Fisher Q165 RR

B: 03/09/2017 Single S: Portland Prairie 0065 13051 D: Fisher D191 RR 13418 With brothers and sisters working in flocks across the United States Q165 would make a great addition to your ewe flock.



Consigned By


Bret Taylor 1633 250th Ave - Osceola, IA 50213 (641) 203-2110 (641) 342-3364 bltusmc75@yahoo.com _______________________

1232- February Ram Lamb

Taylor 7250 QR


B: 02/03/2017 Single S: Portland Prairie 0349 14696 D: Taylor 86A 12041

1233- February Ram Lamb

Taylor 7251 QR


B: 02/05/2017 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0349 14696 D: Taylor 1220 14755

1234- February Ram Lamb

Taylor 7263 QR

B: 02/27/2017 Single S: Fisher P77 16308 D: Fisher H123 12704

1235- Fall Ewe Lamb

Taylor 7265



B: 02/28/2017 S: Portland Prairie 0349 14696 D: Fisher C117 12441

1236- February Ewe Lamb

Taylor 7252 QR


B: 02/05/2017 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0349 14696 D: Taylor 1220 14755

1237- February Ewe Lamb

Taylor 7254 RR


B: 02/11/2017 Twin S: Portland Prairie 0349 14696 D: Taylor 97520 16817

_______________________ Consigned By


David & Carolyn Watts 3242 Hay Creek Rd - Geigertown, PA 19523 (610) 286-6936 cwatts922@gmail.com _______________________

1238- Yearling Ram 1239- Fall Ram Lamb 1240- January Ram Lamb 1241- Yearling Ewe 1242- Fall Ewe Lamb 1243- January Ewe Lamb 1244- February Ewe Lamb 1245- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day We have been raising Texels for several years and have lots of Bob Adams breeding. Our lambs will be sired by the popular Bokelman ram we purchased in the 2016 Midwest Sale.

_______________________ Consigned By


Bob & Brent Adams 1102 E 1000 N - Morristown, IN 46161 (317) 408-2749 bobadams@mcclink.com _______________________

1246- Fall Ram Lamb 1247- Yearling Ewe 1248- January Ewe Lamb 1249- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Looking forward to being back after a twoyear absence.

Reserve Champion Texel Ewe, 1st March Ewe Lamb from Taylors Texels sold to West Virginia at $550.

Special Breed Events Monday, June 19th, Early Afternoon

National Texel Junior Show Monday, June 19th, 6pm

Texel Sheep Breeder's Society Annual Meeting & Banquet Best Western State Fair Inn

Tuesday, June 20th, Mid-Day

Texel Show

Thursday, June 22nd, Early Afternoon

National Texel Sale

--- Page 95 ---



Consigned By

_______________________ Consigned By


Matthew & Jennifer Maag 13757 Rd 12 - Ottawa, OH 45875 (419) 303-6059 (419) 538-6535 matchesmaag@yahoo.com _______________________

1264- Yearling Ewe 1265- February Ewe Lamb Champion Tunis Ram, 1st Fall Ram Lamb from Spilde Tunis sold to Pennsylvania at $1,700.

_______________________ Consigned By


Nick & Mackenzie Stumpe 5982 Audrain Rd #427 - Mexico, MO 65265 (573) 473-1814 (573) 581-1200 stumpe@socket.net _______________________

1261- February Ram Lamb

Stumpe 602-OR

B: 02/02/2017 Twin S: MJM Farm 1113 SG 29907 D: Stumpe 455-OR 1424 E Real Neat set of Ram lambs out of a Stumpe 365-OR daughter. 365 is a line bred WILLIE son we used. The MJM ram (RROBERTO) was purchased from Cassells when they sold out. He is siring lots of good lambs for us. We will bring the best one from this set.

1262- Yearling Ewe

Stumpe 505-OR RR 37783

B: 02/07/2016 Single S: MJM Farm 1113 SG 29907 D: Uptown 1120 30324 One of our top ewe lambs from last year out of the Uptown 1120 ewe purchased on their dispersal sale. 1120 was from the same ewe family as their top ewe lamb in the dispersal sale. Probably should be keeping this one and showing her. Sired by the RROBERTO ram again.

1263- February Ewe Lamb

Stumpe 603-OR QR

B: 02/03/2017 Twin S: MJM 1113 SG 29907 D: Stumpe 414 27816 Twin ewe lamb from the WILLIE daughter we bought from Cassells when they sold out. She is the dam of Stumpe 13-45, our two-time Reserve Champion Ram at the MO State Fair that we have been using. 13-45 is the sire of the ram Kelly has been using the last two years. Sired by RROBERTO. Show ewe-Stud ewe available here.

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


John & Irene Bruns 7808 St Rt 119 - Maria Stein, OH 45860 (567) 644-9444 (419) 925-4712 jibruns@roadrunner.com _______________________

1266- January Ram Lamb

Bruns Tunis 1701 RR

B: 01/11/2017 Twin S: Bruns Tunis 1101 JACK 29832 D: Bruns Tunis 1115 29841 Here is a good ram sired by BT 1101 JACK the 2011 Ohio State Fair Reserve Champion Ram. BT 1115 is a granddaughter of WINNIE the 2006 National Champion Ewe and sired by BUTTERKNIFE the 2010 National Reserve Champion Ram. This ram has great potential. Check him out!

1267- February Ram Lamb

Bruns Tunis 1712

B: 02/25/2017 Twin S: MJM Family Farm 1513 37912 D: Bruns Tunis 1313 32825 Here is a nice dark colored ram from our new MJM ram. Dam was one of our show ewes by our senior stud ram JACK. See how this guy will work for you!

1268- January Ewe Lamb

Bruns Tunis 1703 RR

B: 01/30/2017 Single S: Bruns Tunis 1101 JACK 29832 D: Westcott 1505 36951 This nice looking late born January lamb is by our senior stud ram JACK. Ohio State Fair Reserve Champion Ram in 2011. Dam is line bred to K Barkley 08105! This lambs pedigree is ready to pop!

1269- February Ewe Lamb

Burns Tunis 1705

B: 02/16/2017 Twin S: MJM Family Farm 1513 37912 D: Bruns Tunis 1511 35759 Sire is a big frame ram very correct on his feet and legs. Dam was our 2nd place late March ewe at the 2015 NAILE (Next to her pen mate B1507) This ewe can really turn on! Look her over! --- Page 96 ---


Jeremy & Peyton Fair 10976 Hwy 59 W - Gilt Edge, TN 38015 (901) 568-3168 (901) 296-5182 peyton.tristarstockfarm@gmail.com tristarstockfarm.com _______________________

1270- March Ram Lamb

Tri-Star 1705

B: 03/10/2017 Twin S: Spilde 2752 36057 D: C Garey 492 35395 As first time consignors, we wanted to offer a stout set of lambs so we are bringing an exceptional set of twins to the sale! This ram lamb is a complete package both genetically and on the hoof. His dam is a stylish, big framed ewe who combines the best of Garey and Schambow genetics. His sire stood 2nd in a competitive January Ram Lamb class at NAILE in 2015 before the Spildes offered him in their online sale the following Spring. This lamb has perfect color, a good top and a great set of feet underneath him. He is sure to excel in the show ring and back home as a future stud ram!

1271- March Ewe Lamb

Tri-Star 1706

B: 03/10/2017 Twin S: Spilde 2752 36057 D: C Garey 492 35395 If you are looking for a Tunis show lamb who will grow out to make an awesome yearling next year, you will want to take a look at this little lady. She is super stylish and fancy-fronted and has a lot of gas left in the tank to grow! Her genetic package includes some of the topnotch operations in the country and you can definitely tell it by looking at her. She is one that we will probably regret not keeping in the long run - do not miss her!

_______________________ Consigned By


Lynn Murry 125 NE 1150th Rd - Higginsville, MO 64037 (816) 263-2464 (816) 263-5234 lynnmurry07@yahoo.com _______________________

1272- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day



Consigned By


David Rock 34800 Woods Crossing Rd California, MO 65018 (908) 938-1921 (908) 938-1920 rqlfarms@gmail.com _______________________

1273- Yearling Ram

RQL Farms 1604 RR 2018

B: 01/26/2016 Twin S: KST 11-01 30364 D: RQL Farms 1430 1137 Class winner at 2016 NAILE, this thick made ram stands on good feet and legs. Sired by a Red Label son out of our most productive ewe line (the Miranda line), he has loads of impressive genetics on both sides - Red Label, Bottle Baby, DannyBoy and the Miranda ewe line. This ram combines all of our best in a neat package.

_______________________ Consigned By


2800 Wildflower Rd - Stoughton, WI 53589 (608) 772-3697 (608) 334-9288 kentspilde@icloud.com _______________________

1277- Fall Ram Lamb

Spilde 293

B: 10/11/2016 S: Spilde 2877 TREASURE 36058 D: Spilde 2855 36055 It is hard to find Tunis bucks as sound as this guy is and still be show competitive. Great feet and legs with lots of bone. TREASURE is sired by THOUSAND ISLAND and is the reason we could afford to sell great stud rams in our online sale.

1274- January Ewe Lamb

1278- Yearling Ewe

B: 01/30/2017 Twin S: RQL Farms 1234 JIMMY 31471 D: Triple T 1216 32439 Sired by our 2013 NAILE National Reserve Champion Ram (Jimmy), who continues to produce winners. This solid structurally correct ewe lamb is a fancy, thick made girl. Dam is a BigRIgg daughter. She will be a show ring contender and a breeding season star with these genetics.

B: 02/12/2016 Twin S: Spilde 2193 34927 THOUSAND ISLAND D: Westwind 242 33133 This ewe scored an 8th place finish in the NAILE open show February Ewe Lamb class. Not often you can buy a female out of a show flock. She is super complete and feminine yearling ewe. THOUSAND ISLAND stomps them and I am sure you will agree when you see this one.

RQL Farms 1701 RR

Spilde 232


1275- March Ewe Lamb

1279- Yearling Ewe

B: 03/21/2017 Single S: RQL Farms 1234 JIMMY 31471 D: Moms Tunis MTP 648 33577 Another JIMMY daughter out of one of our best Cassel flock ewe purchases. She is thick like her mother, stands on good feet and legs and carries all those winner genetics. She is young but ready to start working in the show ring.

B: 10/09/2015 Triplet S: Spilde 2228 CARROT TOP 34624 D: Stumpe 552 37313 This ewe was 2nd fall ewe lamb in the open show at NAILE. We really think she looks sharp and will have the sire to compete at the highest level. She is the kind you bring to impress otherwise you should just keep her.

RQL Farms 1727 RR

_______________________ Consigned By


Louise Dunham 9048 Co Rd 153 - East Liberty, OH 43319 (937) 407-4062 (937) 666-2046 tunis@bright.net _______________________

1276- February Ewe Lamb

Darling 1703

B: 02/16/2017 Single S: Darling 1109 Joker 29693 D: Darling 1129 30876 Joker has made an impact in Boulder Creek, Spilde, Woolmark, S & T Tunis and Busy Corner Flocks....he has stamped this ewe too! She is linebred back to the 2009 NAILE Champion Ram -Darling 917.

Spilde 3209


1280- Fall Ewe Lamb

Spilde 276

B: 09/25/2016 S: Spilde 2846 36050 D: Spilde 2983 37213 Dam is sired by CARROT TOP and the sire is by RED LIGHTNING. Spilde 2846 sired a great set of Fall lambs and this is one of his best.

1281- Fall Ewe Lamb

Spilde 295

B: 10/12/2016 S: Spilde 2846 36050 D: MJM 1512 1300E This lamb is really pretty fronted, stands with her head high and has a real rich red color. We bought the MJM 1512 ewe at the Midwest as a lamb. She went on to be a class winner at NAILE and now had a ripper.

--- Page 97 ---

Champion Tunis Ewe, 1at Yearling Ewe from Spilde Tunis sold to Missouri at $2,000.

_______________________ Consigned By


Kelly Stumpe 8922 Clibourn Rd - Russellville, MO 65074 (636) 357-8227 stumpesheep@yahoo.com _______________________

1282- Yearling Ewe 1283- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim Klingbeil, Owner Eric Bruns, Shepherd 1000 W Powell Rd - Powell, OH 43065 (614) 885-6268 (614) 403-1436 riverwood_farms@msn.com riverwoodfarms.com _______________________

1284- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

TUNIS _______________________




Consigned By

Don & Jane Craft 307 West Columbia St - Flora, IN 46929 (765) 490-6619 (574) 967-3091 _______________________

1285- January Ram Lamb

Crafts 17-9 RR

B: 01/31/2017 Twin S: Crafts 16-25 D: Garey 407 This rams sire is Schambow 442 a top POWER PLAY son and dam is a very good Clint Garey ewe.

1286- February Ram Lamb

Crafts 17-33 RR

B: 02/17/2017 Twin S: Schambow 442 34483 D: Crafts 14-36 34788 His sire was Reserve Lamb and also Champion in 2015 and his dam was also Reserve Champion Ewe at Indiana State Fair. What a pedigree.

1287- Yearling Ewe

Crafts 16-28


B: 02/10/2016 Twin S: Schambow 442 34483 D: Kellems 76927 34441 Nice yearling ewe has POWER PLAY on the sire side and lots of Matthews breeding on the dam side. Matthews goes back to Mayes breeding.

1288- February Ewe Lamb

Crafts 17-26 RR

B: 02/11/2017 Twin S: Schambow 442 34483 D: Stumpe 524 34528 Nice ewe lamb. Her half-sisters were 1st and 2nd place at NAILE and another half-sister was National Champion Slick-sheared at the 2016 NAILE.

1289- February Ewe Lamb

Crafts 17-30 RR

B: 02/15/2017 Single S: Crafts 16-25 37289 D: Crafts 15-3 35902 This will make somebody a nice pedigreed ewe lamb. Very sound in her make-up.

Consigned By

Warren Anderson 515 Carpenter Creek Rd Hustonville, KY 40437 (859) 608-4665 (606) 346-3916 _______________________

1290- Yearling Ram

Reserve Champion Tunis Ram, 1st January Ram Lamb from Craft Tunis sold to Illinois at $500.

Westwind 669 RR 37047

B: 02/10/2016 Single S: BWL 15-12 35509 D: Westwind 245 33138 This is a long sided yearling ram with an exceptionally pretty head. He will be an asset to almost any Tunis breeding program. He has good color. His maternal grandsire is the 2011 National Champion Tunis Ram SQUANTO.

1291- Fall Ram Lamb

Westwind 675 RR

B: 12/23/2016 Single S: BWL 15-12 35509 D: Westwind 231 33117 This December Ram Lamb is solid and correct. He has dark red head and legs. He comes from a long line of Westwind show ewes with excellent production records. His maternal grandsire is the 2011 National Champion Tunis Ram SQUANTO.


1292- Fall Ewe Lamb


Westwind 303 RR

B: 12/27/2016 Twin S: BWL 15-12 35509 D: Westwind 256 34434 This beautiful late-December ewe lamb is flashy and has a gorgeous head. Her maternal grandsire is SQUANTO.

1293- January Ewe Lamb

Westwind 306 RR

B: 01/30/2017 Single S: BWL 15-12 35509 D: Westwind 276 35779 This late- January ewe lamb is particularly fancy and must be seen to be appreciated. Her maternal grandsire is SQUANTO.

Reserve Champion Tunis Ewe, 2nd Yearling Ewe from Stumpe Farms sold to Tennessee at $800.

Consigned By

Matt & Mitch Schmidt 19613 Monroe Rd 908 Centralia, MO 65240 (573) 682-4177 (573) 682-1911 Schmidt_coloreds@yahoo.com _______________________

1294- February Ram Lamb 1295- Yearling Ewe 1296- Yearling Ewe 1297- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Don't Miss Thursday, June 22nd, 8am

Coffee & Donuts

Thursday, June 22nd, 11am

Light Lunch

Both at Sheep Barn, Tunis Pens sponsored by Midwest Tunis Assoc

--- Page 98 ---


--- Page 99 ---

Connect the dots to complete the sheep!

Fun & Games

--- Page 100 ---

--- Page 101 ---

Please Note these

SALE REMINDERS AND INFORMATION Catalog PDF and Online Searchable Catalog:

Copy of this catalog can be found online at


You also have the online searchable catalog option to make finding sections of entries by breed or class easier.

Penning Charts:

Pen assignments are not included in this catalog, so to allow for timely printing and mailing. They will be accessible at


and posted in barns… all pens will be tagged upon consignor arrival as well.

Show and Sale Times:

The first show or sale each day will have a designated start time. Breeds will sell in the order listed on that day’s schedule with only a 5 minute break between breeds. Typically, it takes approximately one minute to sell each lot.

Online Viewing of Shows & Sales:

All shows and sales will be live streamed on www.DVAuction.com - You will need to set up an acount on the site to view the live stream. You can also register to purchase animals during the sales.

Mail Bids:

Those buyers unable to attend, or who do not wish to bid online through DVAuction can still purchase animals through “mail bid”. You may do this by contacting sale staff listed at left. Please contact them in advance of the sale, or early enough during the sale that they can assist with your bid in a timely manor.

Future Sale Dates:

Always a FULL WEEK ending on the LAST SATURDAY in June!

JUNE 25-30, 2018 JUNE 24-29, 2019 JUNE 22-27, 2020 JUNE 21-26, 2021 JUNE 20-25, 2022 watch live streamed shows & sales at


Procedure for Transit Animals in the designated Transit Barns:

Animals not consigned in the Midwest Sale are not allowed to be housed in the Sheep and Swine barns. Instead, they are considered transit animals and should be held in the horse barn stalls. Stalls for transit animals will now be accounted for by Midwest Sale staff. All stalls will be locked prior to sale week and can then be rented by consignors/non-consignors through sale staff in the FFA Building. Stall rent will cost $5.00 per pen per day for consignors, and $15 per pen per day for non-consignors. All rentals must be paid up front and will pay rent through Sunday following the sale. We will require renter name, address, phone number, number of sheep penned, and a brief description of animals upon pen rental. If renter chooses to empty the pen prior to Sunday, they may return to the FFA Building for a refund of days not used, allowing the pen to again be locked by sale staff. Refunds will be allowed for the day staff is informed of the empty pen through Sunday. Renters wishing to lock their transit pens will be required to furnish their own locks for this purpose. Otherwise transit animals are to be held in personal trailers, at no responsibility to the Midwest Sale or its staff. ALL TRANSIT ANIMALS MUST ALSO HAVE HEALTH PAPERS available for inspection in accordance with Missouri health standards and rules and federal law. Please put transit animals on separate health papers from sale entries.

Buyer Checkout:

CASH, CHECK, or CREDIT CARD payment on Sale Day. A convenience fee will be charged for credit card payment. After sheep are purchased, come to the airconditioned FFA Building and check out with the clerks. You will receive a list of the sheep purchased, and we will clarify any needed transfer information. Once payment is made and you have your receipt, you can obtain health papers on your purchases in the same building. It is highly recomended that all buyers obtain health papers on animals purchased. When loading, please double check that the lot numbers listed on the receipt correspond with the lot numbers painted on the animals’ backs!

Mail Bids and Credit Card purchases will be charged 5% convenience fee --- Page 102 ---

General Contact Information:

Midwest Sale is managed by Heartland Livestock Services, LLC. All contact info is below. You can also contact Curt Overcash, Managing Partner (info listed on the auctioneer page) or Bret Oelke, Public Relations (info listed on the ringman page). Follow us on Facebook:

Midwest Stud Ram Sale

PO Box 72 - Milo, IA 50166



Sale Contacts: Ringmen (Mail Bids)

Bret Oelke................... (218) 770-2428 Andy Korb................... (513) 312-0648 Ryan Livermont........... (507) 215-1923 Tyler Lobdell............... (815) 238-0832 Donnie Allen............... (580) 920-9867 Steve George.............. (419) 306-1144 Rodney Morris............ (217) 273-5299 Joe Gonzales............... (806) 778-8927 Dennis Wood.............. (937) 539-2008 Dan Houser................. (918) 650-2462 Travis Snyder............... (309) 221-1935 Jeff Ruckert................. (785) 565-8293 Steve Majchrzak......... (410) 463-5476 Kyle George................ (573) 825-8000 Clayton Neal............... (567) 207-7296 Tyler Meyers............... (937) 935-6589 Chris MacCauley......... (484) 319-8376


Curt Overcash............. (815) 210-7000 Gary Saylor................. (937) 464-7214 Bobby Fletcher........... (806) 787-3030 Danny Westlake.......... (937) 243-5111 Billy MacCauley.......... (484) 612-3983

Heartland Partners

Curt Overcash............. (815) 210-7000 Bret Oelke................... (218) 770-2428 Karey Claghorn........... (515) 229-0061 Brandan Bruce............ (515) 313-8765 Millie Moore............... (701) 541-1120 Carrie Taylor-Kelly....... (515) 229-2893

Other Sale Staff

Mary Anne Keck......... (417) 844-5895 Tricia Schneidermeyer...(636) 295-7224 Rob Frost.................... (740) 505-4858

DV Auction Office

dva@dvauction.com or (402) 316-5460

Sale Fax................... (888) 371-3363

NEWBedding Vendor

BREED AND CLASS LISTING Corriedale Columbia Rambouillet Natural Colored Tunis Southdown Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb

Katahdin Dorper White Dorper

Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Pen of Yearling Ewes Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb Pen of Ewe Lambs

Texel Polypay

Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Brood Ewe Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb

Asbury Farms Bedding

Polled Dorset Horned Dorset

Yearling Ram Early Fall Ram Lamb (9-1 to 9-30) Late Fall Ram Lamb (10-1 to 11-30) Winter Ram Lamb (12-1 to 1-31) Spring Ram Lamb (2-1 & after) SLICK Ram Lamb (9-1 & after) Fall Yearling Ewe Spring Yearling Ewe SLICK Yearling Ewe Early Fall Ewe Lamb (9-1 to 9-30) Late Fall Ewe Lamb (10-1 to 11-30) SLICK Fall Ewe Lamb (9-1 to 11-30) Winter Ewe Lamb (12-1 to 1-31) Spring Ewe Lamb (2-1 & after) SLICK Winter/Spring Ewe Lamb (12-1 &

Pre-Order ASAP to ensure adequate supplies!



Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb December Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb December Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb

Suffolk Hampshire Montadale

FITTED Yearling Ram FITTED Fall Ram Lamb FITTED January Ram Lamb FITTED February Ram Lamb FITTED March Ram Lamb FITTED Yearling Ewe FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb FITTED January Ewe Lamb FITTED February Ewe Lamb FITTED March Ewe Lamb SLICK Yearling Ram SLICK Fall Ram Lamb SLICK January Ram Lamb SLICK February Ram Lamb SLICK March Ram Lamb SLICK Yearling Ewe SLICK Fall Ewe Lamb SLICK January Ewe Lamb SLICK February Ewe Lamb SLICK March Ewe Lamb


WETHER SIRES & DAMS Dorsets Dorset Advantage Hampshires Suffolks


*above 4 must have registration papers

Natural Colored Speckle-Faced Crossbreds


Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb December Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb April Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb December Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb April Ewe Lamb

Straw Nick Asbury (660) 619-3994 or Asbury.farms@yahoo.com


*wethers only *testicles removed Crossbred Dorset Dorset Advantage Hampshire Natural Colored Shropshire Southdown Speckle-Face Suffolk

www.midwestsale.com --- Page 103 ---

When placing order include: - Farm/Consignor Name - Contact Phone - Your arrival date - Sheep Barn or Swine Barn - General area of Barn - Pens (if chart is published) - Items Needed/Quanity of Each

Cash or Check payment at time of delivery/pickup No Credit Cards

! e s a h c r u p o t s t o l f o t s i l r u o y e


--- Page 104 ---

Don’t Miss the All-American

Junior Show

Live Benefit Auction

during Supreme selection on Wednesday evening!

Digi-Star Electronic Scale Donated by TopCon Agriculture

($2,295 value)

Home Page Announcement on championdrive.com Donated by Novel Designs

($300 value)

5 LAI Surgeries during the 2017 breeding season

Donated by Reproduction Sepeciality Group

($200 value)

4000s Premier Electric Shears

Donated by Profiles Show Supply

($300 value)

Commission Free Online Sale

20 head limit

Donated by Willoughby Sales

(value is 10% of Sale Gross)

A-Line Feeder

Donated by Ketcham Sheep Equipment

($400 value)

See page 17 for more details on items in auction.

www.midwestsale.com Follow us: --- Page 105 ---

Midwest Stud Ram Sale

MIDWEST STUD RAM SALE - PRE-SALE & ENTRY INFORMATION Entry Processing & Fees: Entries can be made online with credit card payment at www.midwestsale.com, or by mail with the enclosed entry blank and payment by check. A class listing per breed is located on the back of the entry blank. Please note your breed’s listed classes, as some may have changed. Entry fees are $20 per head ($60 per pen of three). Entry fees are nonrefundable- including for animals sifted from the sale, scratched from the sale, or that for other reasons fail to get to the sale. Entries Due APRIL 20th: In an effort to produce the sale catalog in a timely manner, this deadline is final. We will accept entries after deadline, but they may not be included in the printed catalog. Entries will be accepted on an “Information Sale Day” basis, but we encourage you to include as much information as possible for cataloged entries. Late entries accepted until 24 hrs before respective show. Commission & Charges: Sale commission is 10% of the full sale price of each animal, including any “no sales”. There will be an additional 1% surcharge deducted from your sale settlement for the Missouri Sheep Producers, the sponsors of this sale. Breeds with a National Sale or Event designation will have an additional 1% (some have 2%) deducted for their National Associations. Ohio sheep entries also have a ½% deduction for the Ohio Sheep Commission. Some breeds also have us deduct for futurity nomination fees. Substitutions: Substitutions (within or out of class/breed) will be allowed in the interest of improved quality. Please make sure to have correct paperwork (health and registration papers) on your entries. Registration Papers: If consigning registered animals, please make sure to have your registration papers for entries to turn in at Check-in. If registration papers are not provided by close of sale, a fee of $10.00 per original registration will be billed or deducted and your consignor check will be held until papers are provided. All consignors with registered animals will have transfer fees deducted on sheep sold as we transfer the registration papers to the new owners. Health Papers: Standard interstate health paper (or copy of paper) is required for each animal, and will be turned in to sale management at checkin. Obtain health papers and any tests on June 5th or later to allow traveling time for the new owners after the sale. All entries must have scrapie tags! Required Testing: All Yearling Rams and Fall Ram Lambs (born before January 1st of this year) must have ELISA test for B. Ovis within 30 days of the sale. Only rams with negative B. Ovis results will be allowed to sell. A positive result suggests epididymitis which can render rams sterile. DNA Test Information: Those breeders wanting to list Codon test results (171 or 136, spider, etc.) on sale orders should include that with entries, and also bring a copy of the test results with your registration and health papers to Check-in. Codon provided by consignor will be included on the sale orders, but is not guaranteed by the Midwest Sale. Penning: Chart will be made prior to the sale and all consignors must use the assigned pens. Any special penning request must accompany your sale entries! We will honor these requests whenever possible. Barn/Tack Pens: Tack areas should be kept clean and orderdly. ABSOLUTELY no refrigerator or microwave units can be plugged into barn electrical outlets. Units plugged into generators will be allowed. Consignor Responsibility: As a consignor you are responsible for the cost incurred in the preparation and transportation of your animals to the sale, plus the feed and bedding at the sale. Hay and straw will be available on the fairgrounds at local prevailing prices.

MIDWEST STUD RAM SALE - SALE RULES All sheep in the sale must be offered with Full Interest Selling! All sheep must be guaranteed as breeders, if properly handled. Half-interest sales are permitted, but only at the option of the buyer(s). Consignors must offer the full interest through the sale. No semen right may be imposed by consignors subsequent to the sale of a ram. Consignors may collect and retain rights to semen on rams sold, but only that semen collected prior to the sale. Rams that have been previously collected will be branded with a “C” merely as a means of letting the prospective buyers know that consignor is holding semen, and retaining rights to this semen. Please notify the sale staff when checking in the animal so that a “C” can be included on the paint branding card. Artificial Coloring: Any artificial coloring of the head and legs, or of wool for the purpose of camouflaging black fiber is prohibited. Lambs Teeth: All lambs should hold their lamb’s teeth to 12 months of age. Show Placing and Sifting: A class list can be found on the back of the entry blank. Classes with over 30 entries will be split by age after check-in except in Wether Sire and Dam Divisions. Only the top end of classes larger than 20 will be placed in all breeds. The balance of the class will be randomly drawn for sale order. Any unsound, inferior or unacceptable entries in the opinion of the Judge or Sale Classifier or Sifting Designee will be sifted. All decisions by the listed designees are final. Lamb Muzzles Prohibited: Any consignor using muzzles on animals will be asked to remove them. If muzzles are seen on the animals again, these animals will be automatically dismissed from the sale. Blankets: Blankets are to remain off animals once shown, except for late night protection. Shearing Rules: All Southdowns, Texels, Shropshires, Dorpers, Wether Sires & Dams, plus Club Lambs show and sell slick-shorn… with No Butt Wool! The Suffolk, Hampshire, Montadale and Dorset Show & Sales will have special slick-sheared classes, but otherwise should have no more than one inch of wool on any part of the body. Corriedales, Natural Colored, Polypays, Columbias and Rambouillets are exempted, but should not be presented in overly long fleeces. The annual Midwest Stud Ram Sale, which takes place in Sedalia, Missouri each June, is North America¹s premier sheep show and sale. Heartland Livestock Services and members of the Midwest Sale management have an expectation of ethical behavior from consignors at this event. Behavior should reflect the national status of this show and sale. Should questions arise regarding a consignor”s behavior, or their consignment, we reserve the right to investigate to our satisfaction. --- Page 106 ---

MIDWEST STUD RAM SALE - GENERAL INFORMATION PROCEDURE ON TRANSIT ANIMALS IN THE DESIGNATED TRANSIT BARNS: Animals not consigned in the Midwest Sale are not allowed to be housed in the Sheep and Swine barns. Instead, they are considered transit animals and should be held in the horse barn stalls. Stalls for transit animals will be accounted for by Midwest Sale staff. All stalls will be locked prior to sale week and can then be rented by consignors/non-consignors through sale staff in the FFA Building. Stall rent will cost $5.00 per pen per day for consignors, and $15 per pen per day for non-consignors. All rentals must be paid up front and will pay rent through Sunday following the sale. We will require renter name, address, phone number, number of sheep penned, and a brief description of animals upon pen rental. If renter chooses to empty the pen prior to Sunday, they may return to the FFA Building for a refund of days not used, allowing the pen to again be locked by sale staff. Refunds will be allowed for the day staff is informed of the empty pen through Sunday. Renters wishing to lock their transit pens will be required to furnish their own locks for this purpose. Otherwise transit animals are to be held in personal trailers, at no responsibility to the Midwest Sale or its staff. ALL TRANSIT ANIMALS MUST ALSO HAVE HEALTH PAPERS available for inspection in accordance with Missouri health standards and rules and federal law. Please put transit animals on separate health papers from sale entries. Display Dogs Prohibited: No display dogs will be allowed in the barns. Parking: No trailers or trucks are to be parked adjacent to the barns as these are fire lanes. Settlement Checks: Settlement checks will be mailed to consignors in early August on all sheep paid for by that time. Collections from “bad buyers” of necessity must be a shared responsibility. No consignor has ever failed to be paid for sheep sold through this sale, but unfortunately, there have been some delays from time to time due to circumstances beyond our control.


Katahdin: 1. Only 100% Registered (White Papered) Katahdins are eligible. 2. Consignors must be KHSI or CKSI members. 3. All entries must be shown to determine their sale order. 4. Consignors should enter “A” coat yearlings or lambs that have shed their lamb coats. It is recognized that such shedding may not be possible for younger spring lambs, particularly any spring lamb entries born in March or April. 5. As Katahdins are Hair Sheep, no shearing, trimming or clipping will be permitted. Consignors should present their entries in as attractive manner as possible. Washing and brushing are encouraged. 6. No tail docked animals allowed. Dorper: 1. Fullblood and Purebred entries will be combined into single classes. 2. All rams should be High Type 3 or better. 3. Consignors are allowed 2 ram entries, any additional rams must have 2 ewes for each ram entered. 4. All entries must be slick sheared within one week of the show unless the animal has completely shed at the time of the show. No carding or blocking will be permitted. Montadales: All entries MUST be codon tested and lab reports MUST accompany registration papers at Check-in. You will be billed an additional $10 entry fee by MSBA. Polypays: 1. All animals consigned to the sale must be from multiple births. 2. All yearling ewes consigned must have lambed prior to sale. Texels: 1. The Texel Sheep Breeders Society has determined that animals will not be allowed to be penned and participate in the show and sale unless the animal has a liftable tail dock (there must be tail vertebrae liftable by hand). The recommended tail length is 1.5 inches which would approximate a dock at the distal end of the caudal fold. All animals born after July 1, 2014 must conform to the tail docking rule in order to participate in the National Texel Show and Sale. 2. The Texel Sheep Breeders Society has determined that only sheep that have been tested negative to Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) within 30 days prior to the National Texel Show and Sale will be allowed to be penned and participate in the National Texel Show and Sale. All sheep must be accompanied by a negative OPP AGID test regardless of age. The OPP AGID test must be run by an American Academy of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) accredited lab. The list of accredited labs can be found at www.aavld.org/accrediooted-laboratories. Exhibitors must show a copy of the negative test results to the sale chair. Animal identification must match test result identification. Make certain that your veterinarian correctly identifies your sale animals on the paper work. The animals must be identified in one or more of the following ways in order to participate: a) Mandatory Scrapie Identification tags b) Scrapie Flock Certification Program tags c) Ear tattoos that conform to the Scrapie Flock Certification Program and are recognized as such by the State of Flock Origin and the Federal Government Buyers at the sale must be aware that a negative OPP test within 30 days prior to the sale does not guarantee disease free status. Purchased animals should be isolated and retested based upon your veterinarian’s advice to further reduce risk. Southdowns: 1. HEREDITARY CHONDRODYSPLASIA, ECTODERMAL DYSPLASIS, and CODON 171 SALE WARRANTY: At all sales sponsored by this association the seller warrants to the buyer that sheep sold are free of Hereditary Chondrodysplasia (spider), Ectodermal Dysplasia (hairy lamb) and contain a minimum of one R at condon 171. Any claimed violation of this warranty shall be settled between the buyer and seller. This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and the seller only. No other parties, including but not limited to the American Southdown Breeders’ Association, Sale Management and sponsoring organizations, shall assume any liability, legal or otherwise, express or implied. Any seller failing to in good faith comply with this rule shall be denied the right to register and transfer with the Association and will be automatically barred from selling any sheep for five years or until resolved to this sale or any sale sponsored or sanctioned by the American Southdown Breeders’ Association. 2. DNA TESTING: Designate Gene Check as official lab for ASBA Show and Sale work. (Summer 2009.) Shropshires: All entries are to be slick shorn with in 5 days of the show from the hock and knees up and the poll back. Wool should be left on the lower legs below the hock and knee joints and on the poll. There should be no wool left above the hock or knee joints. Suffolk: The United Suffolk Sheep Association has adopted the following requirements for all USSA sanctioned sales, including the Midwest Sale. This applies to both breeding sheep and wether sires and dams. Registered Suffolks of all genotypes (NN, NS, RR, QR, QQ) will be allowed to sell. Each consignor must declare and guarantee the genetic makeup of each of their entries with respect to both spider syndrome and scrapie susceptibility (codon 171). Any registered Suffolk may be sold as long as this information is provided at the time of paper check-in prior to the start of the shows. DNA test results are not required and consignors may declare and guarantee the genotypes of their entries based solely on pedigree. Genotype information (NS or NN and QQ, QR or RR) will be printed on the sale order, which is prepared following the shows. Any buyer who wishes to have the benefit of this guarantee must have the animal DNA tested, at the buyer’s expense, to confirm whether or not the sheep is as declared by the seller with respect to either scrapie susceptibility or spider syndrome. Such testing must be performed within 45 days of the date of sale. If a sheep is determined by the buyer’s DNA testing to be of lesser genotype that the consignor declared at the sale, the seller shall have the option of having the animals retested at the seller’s expense. The seller must arrange for such testing within two weeks of receipt of buyer’s test results or a mutually agreeable timetable. In the event there is a conflict in the results between the two tests, a third test will immediately be run with the cost of such third test to be equally shared by the buyer and seller. If the animal is determined to be less than declared by the consignor or if the seller fails to provide for a re-test, the sheep shall be returned to the seller with the costs associated with the transportation of the returned sheep being equally shared by the buyer and the seller and the seller shall refund the full purchase price of the animal promptly, with all fees and percentages levied against the animal retained by the sale. This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller only. No other parties, including but not limited to the USSA, sale management, sponsoring organizations, shall assumer any liability, legal or otherwise, express or implied. Sellers failing to comply with the spirit of these provisions will be subject to being barred from future USSA sanctioned sales. --- Page 107 ---

--- Page 108 ---

--- Page 109 ---

CLUB LAMBS *wethers only/testicles removed CLUB LAMB ENTRIES INCLUDE: Crossbred, Dorset, Dorset Advantage, Hampshire, Natural Color, Shropshire, Southdown, Speckle-Face, Suffolk *will be shown in classes by breed

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim & Audra Scheel 22458 389th Ave - Alpena, SD 57312 (605) 545-1521 (605) 849-3202 audra.sdjps@yahoo.com scheellivestock.com _______________________

1501- Crossbred CL 1502- Hampshire CL

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Larry & Barb Harms 27638 E 2450 N Rd - Lexington, IL 61753 (309) 825-3485 hrmsshwlmbs@prairieinet.net harmsshowlambs.com _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By


Cal Enfield 70902 335th St - Collins, IA 50055 (515) 290-8215 calvinenfield@gmail.com enfieldclublambs.com _______________________

1509- Dorset CL

_______________________ Consigned By


Hannah Johnson 21623 312th St - Bloomfield, IA 52537 (641) 208-5609 hsknapp13@gmail.com _______________________

1510- Crossbred CL 1511- Crossbred CL 1512- Hampshire CL

HSL-0-59ST 1421

B: 02/10/2017 Single S: Harrell 6198 Real Time RR-NN

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

1504- Hampshire CL 1505- Suffolk CL

_______________________ Consigned By


Brent Mennen 7123 E CR 250 S - Walton, IN 46994 (765) 437-6020 (574) 735-3719 mennenclublambs@aol.com mennenclublambs.com _______________________

1506- Crossbred CL 1507- Hampshire CL 1508- Speckle-Faced CL

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


1503- Crossbred CL

Information Sale Day

Heaven Kern 17266 SW Woodlawn Rd - Cache, OK 73527 (580) 591-2316 (580) 429-8347 heavenkern@hughes.net southernplainsgenetics.com _______________________

1513- Crossbred CL

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Roger & Sherry Olsen 3769 Little Wall Lake Rd - Story City, IA 50248 (515) 450-2097 rsolivestock@gmail.com rsolivestock.com _______________________

1514- Crossbred CL

Information Sale Day S: Centerline D: RSO 5011 Centerline is our new addition last year from Fairwether Clubs - Sired by Centerfold on a Wooly Mammoth lineage daughter.

_______________________ Consigned By


Rodney Yates PO Box 1491 - Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 446-9031 hcsyates@yahoo.com hillcountrysuffolks.com _______________________

1515- Crossbred CL 1516- Hampshire CL

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Fred Knop 64131 630th St - Atlantic, IA 50022 (712) 249-5864 fjbllamb@netins.net fredknopfamily.com _______________________

1517- Crossbred CL

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


James Humphrey 607 East Hwy 81 - Burley, ID 83318 (406) 533-9807 jhumpy33@hotmail.com SRV livestock.com _______________________

1518- Crossbred CL 1519- Crossbred CL 1520- Crossbred CL 1521- Crossbred CL 1522- Crossbred CL 1523- Southdown CL 1524- Southdown CL 1525- Southdown CL 1526- Southdown CL

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Katrina Johnston 4440 SW 5th Ave - New Plymouth, ID 83655 (208) 412-7960 (208) 695-6811 gary@johnstonclublambs.com johnstonclublambs.com _______________________

1527- Crossbred CL

Johnston 7025

B: 04/05/2017 Single S: BUCKLE BUNNY (BUCKLE x PONY) D: 6427 (ZIGGY x ROYALTY) BUCKLE BUNNY boy stacked with a lot of muscle and shape.

--- Page 110 ---



Consigned By


Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 816-1208 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

1528- Hampshire CL 1529- Speckle-Faced CL

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Dan Perry 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 rockbottom@onlyinternet.net _______________________

1530- Dorset CL 1531- Hampshire CL 1532- Speckle-Faced CL

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Gene & Garth Sweigard PO Box 109 - Halifax, PA 17032 (717) 503-0245 (717) 896-8526 gngclublambs@comcast.net gngclublambs.com _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By


Kyle Fleener 807 Beecherstown Rd Biglerville, PA 17307 (717) 304-9116 (717) 269-2500 Fleenerkm@yahoo.com _______________________

1537- Hampshire CL

Information Sale Day S: Allen Show Lambs G299 601449 ROOSTER

_______________________ Consigned By


Marty & Norman Pilger 2135 Rd 20 - Wallace, KS 67761 (785) 821-2738 (785) 852-4102 mkpilger@hotmail.com _______________________

1538- Crossbred CL 1539- Crossbred CL 1540- Hampshire CL

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Reserve Champion Club Lamb, 1st Crossbred from Ellerbrock Club Lambs sold to Arkansas at $500.

1533- Crossbred CL 1534- Crossbred CL

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Ralph & Melanie Horchler 238 Busy Ln - New Wilmington, PA 16142 (724) 651-6757 (724) 533-9925 msbsuffolks@embarqmail.com msbsuffolks.com _______________________

1535- Crossbred CL 1536- Suffolk CL

Champion Club Lamb, 1st Hampshire from Ellerbrock Club Lambs sold to Texas at $550.

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 111 ---

CROSSBRED WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Brent Mennen 7123 E CR 250 S - Walton, IN 46994 (765) 437-6020 (574) 735-3719 mennenclublambs@aol.com mennenclublambs.com _______________________

Supreme Champion Wether Sire, Champion Crossbred Wether Sire, 1st Fall Ram Lamb from Williams Bros sold to Ohio at $7,000.

_______________________ Consigned By

WOLLERMAN SHOW LAMBS Austin Wollerman 2318 N 400 St - Bingham, IL 62011 (618) 367-3174 awollerman@gmail.com wollermanshowlambs.com _______________________

1561- March Ram Lamb 1562- April Ram Lamb 1563- Yearling Ewe 1564- Yearling Ewe 1565- February Ewe Lamb 1566- February Ewe Lamb 1567- March Ewe Lamb 1568- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Coby Farrow 10706 E Co Rd 120 - Midland, TX 79706 (432) 413-7590 farrowhampshires@gmail.com farrowhampshires.com _______________________

1569- March Ram Lamb 1570- Yearling Ewe 1571- March Ewe Lamb 1572- March Ewe Lamb 1573- April Ewe Lamb 1574- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

1575- January Ewe Lamb 1576- February Ewe Lamb 1577- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Ty, Nicole, Sayde, Layne & Jayce Allen 20510 E 1110 Rd - Elk City, OK 73644 (580) 225-2679 (580) 799-3394 allennl83@gmail.com allenshowlambs.com _______________________

1578- February Ewe Lamb 1579- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


88 Cotton Wood Rd - Chatham, IL 62629 (217) 971-0698 bharms88@comcast.net harmsshowlambs.com _______________________

1580- April Ram Lamb

B Harns Y-599 ST 1399

B: 04/04/2017 Twin S: T-Bird Harms 1275 RR-NN D: Harrell 5089 Dam is Ace x Player. T-Bird is our keeper Chicken Hawk ram x Droppert Angry Bird ewe.

1581- April Ewe Lamb

B Harms 0-742 ST 1422

B: 04/02/2017 Twin S: Harrell 6198 ST Real Time RR-NN D: Burch S142 Dam is Peace Pipe x Boss Hog.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim & Audra Scheel 22458 389th Ave - Alpena, SD 57312 (605) 545-1521 (605) 849-3202 audra.sdjps@yahoo.com scheellivestock.com _______________________

1582- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

--- Page 112 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Larry & Barb Harms 27638 E 2450 N Rd - Lexington, IL 61753 (309) 825-3485 hrmsshwlmbs@prairieinet.net harmsshowlambs.com _______________________

1583- Yearling Ram

HSL 1275 IL1033-1275 RR NN

B: 04/13/2016 Twin S: Chicken Hawk We used this guy for late lambs and are keeping a nice set of females. We will have entries sired by him.

1584- Yearling Ram

Harrell 6198 Real Time RR NN

B: 03/03/2016 S: Harrell Big Time D: Harrell 3224 Harrell 3224 is mother of Duke. Harrell 6198 is a flush from 3224.

1585- January Ram Lamb

HSL-W13ST 1345

B: 01/08/2017 Single S: Harrell Shoot Yeah D: HSL 15-Y532 Night Train Female line goes back to Haywire x PBR.

1586- January Ram Lamb

HSL-W-19ST 1359

B: 01/11/2017 Twin S: Harrell Shoot Yeah RR-NN D: Nathan 8419 RR-NN Dam is a 62 daughter x W12, 4DL. twin sister to Bonifide.

1587- February Ram Lamb

HSL-W-11ST 1379

B: 02/01/2017 Triplet S: Harrell Shoot Yeah D: Viking 4514 Supercut x Stitzlein We are keeping both his triplet sisters.

1588- April Ram Lamb

HSL-Y-587ST 1397

B: 04/2/2017 Twin S: T-Bird Harms 2175 D: Bullet Proof 8459 T-Bird is RR-NN. Bullet Proof 8459 is RR-NN. T-Bird is Chicken Hawk x Angry Bird.

1589- February Ewe Lamb

HSL-0-40ST 1351

B: 02/04/2017 Twin S: Harrell 6198 ST Real Time RR-NN D: Went 40 Went 40 is Haywire x Glasscock.

1590- March Ewe Lamb

HSL-0-42ST 1352

B: 03/05/2017 Twin S: Harrell 6198 Real Time RR-NN D: Went 33 Haywire Real Tim is a Big Time son out of flush ewe, mother to Duke.



Consigned By


Brandon, Steven & Megan Blume 2225 Co Rd A - Mineral Point, WI 53565 (608) 341-6302 blumer1989@hotmail.com www.blumeclublambs.com _______________________

1591- March Ram Lamb 1592- February Ewe Lamb 1593- February Ewe Lamb 1594- March Ewe Lamb 1595- March Ewe Lamb 1596- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Kaci Keitzer 14901 240th St - Mediapolis, IA 52637 (319) 572-4247 kacikeitzer@gmail.com _______________________

1597- February Ewe Lamb Information Sale Day Dam is Peace Pipe x Boss Hog.

_______________________ Consigned By


Caleb & Seth Stone 900844 Oak Ridge Dr - Chandler, OK 74834 (405) 612-1720 (405) 258-0772 sheepman_cs@hotmail.com _______________________

1598- Yearling Ram 1599- February Ram Lamb

S: Miller 0-581 600560

1600- February Ram Lamb

S: Miller 0-581 600560 Above Entries, Information Sale Day Our ram lamb entries are sired the Miller ram we purchased at last years Stud Rams Sale. Their dams go back to our foundation ewe purchased from RSO Livestock.

_______________________ Consigned By


64131 630th St - Atlantic, IA 50022 (712) 249-5864 fjbllamb@netins.net fredknopfamily.com _______________________





Consigned By

Dewayne Woodward 4750 US Rt 36 - Fletcher, OH 45326 (937) 658-3934 d.r.woodward@sbcglobal.net _______________________

1606- February Ram Lamb

S: OHIO CHICKEN (AMERICAS CHICKEN son) D: WOODEN EAGLE daughter All the thickness and bone of a Hamp with the looks of a Suffolk.

1607- April Ram Lamb

S: OHIO CHICKEN (AMERICAS CHICKEN son) D: WOODEN EAGLE daughter Very complete and attractive package that will give you some frame without giving up thickness.

1608- February Ewe Lamb

S: OHIO CHICKEN (AMERICAS CHICKEN son) D: WOODEN EAGLE daughter Very stylish very thick Suffolk appearing ewe that will show well as well as throw great lambs for the future.

1609- March Ewe Lamb

S: OHIO CHICKEN (AMERICAS CHICKEN son) D: WOODEN EAGLE daughter Very attractive thick Suffolk look ewe lamb. Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Heaven Kern 17266 SW Woodlawn Rd - Cache, OK 73527 (580) 591-2316 (580) 429-8347 heavenkern@hughes.net southernplainsgenetics.com _______________________

1610- Yearling Ram 1611- Yearling Ram 1612- Yearling Ram 1613- Yearling Ewe 1614- Yearling Ewe 1615- Yearling Ewe

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

1601- January Ram Lamb 1602- February Ram Lamb 1603- Yearling Ewe 1604- January Ewe Lamb 1605- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 113 ---

Consigned By

Hannah Knapp 21623 312th St - Bloomfield, IA 52537 (641) 208-5609 hsknapp13@gmail.com _______________________

1616- January Ewe Lamb 1617- February Ewe Lamb 1618- February Ewe Lamb 1619- March Ewe Lamb 1620- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Perry & Lori Middlesworth 18331 175th Ave - Fremont, IA 52561 (641) 660-3489 middlesworth17@gmail.com middlesworthclublambs.com _______________________

1621- February Ram Lamb 1622- March Ram Lamb 1623- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 816-1208 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

1624- Yearling Ewe 1625- March Ewe Lamb 1626- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

CROSSBRED WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Jason Craig 48757 44th St - Paw Paw, MI 49079 (269) 598-2752 (269) 267-7920 lisa.craig@mpiresearch.com _______________________

1637- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Reserve Supreme Champion Wether Dam, Champion Crossbred Wether Dam, 1st February Ewe Lamb from Allen Show Lambs sold to Wisconsin at $9,250.

_______________________ Consigned By


Don & Alicia Wright 25250 State Hwy 413 - Galena, MO 65656 (417) 437-7381 (417) 236-2010 wrightsrockyacres@hotmail.com wrightsrockyacres.com _______________________

1627- February Ram Lamb 1628- February Ram Lamb 1629- March Ewe Lamb 1630- April Ewe Lamb 1631- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Ralph & Melanie Horchler 238 Busy Ln - New Wilmington, PA 16142 (724) 651-6757 (724) 533-9925 msbsuffolks@embarqmail.com msbsuffolks.com _______________________

1632- January Ewe Lamb 1633- February Ewe Lamb 1634- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason Simpson 20839 CR 84 - Ault, CO 80610 (970) 371-0276 jsimpsoncl@aol.com simpsonlivestock.com _______________________

1635- Yearling Ram 1636- January Ram Lamb

Consigned By


Gene & Carth Sweigard PO Box 109 - Halifax, PA 17032 (717) 503-0245 (717) 896-8526 gngclublambs@comcast.net gngclublambs.com _______________________

1638- March Ram Lamb 1639- February Ewe Lamb 1640- February Ewe Lamb 1641- March Ewe Lamb 1642- March Ewe Lamb 1643- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Kyle Fleener 807 Beecherstown Rd Biglerville, PA 17307 (717) 304-9116 (717) 269-2500 Fleenerkm@yahoo.com _______________________

1644- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day S: FCL OZZIE

_______________________ Consigned By


Katrina Johnston 4440 SW 5th Ave - New Plymouth, ID 83655 (208) 412-7960 (208) 695-6811 gary@johnstonclublambs.com johnstonclublambs.com _______________________

1645- February Ewe Lamb

Johnston 7843

B: 02/09/2017 Twin S: BEACH BUM (ZIGGY x BIG BIRD) D: 5503 (Fat Lip) Cute with a capital C. Hard touching, square hipped, big topped and fuzzy legged.

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 114 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

1646- Fall Ram Lamb 1647- January Ram Lamb 1648- February Ram Lamb 1649- Yearling Ewe 1650- January Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Don Drewry 3105 250 St E - Farmington, MN 55024 (651) 894-3466 (651) 463-8578 don.drewry@frontier.com drewryclublambs.com _______________________

1651- March Ewe Lamb

Drewry 174xx _R

B: 03/15/2017 Twin S: Cabiness 78-14 ANNUITY 599932 D: Drewry TBD ANNUITY ewes are big topped, square hipped and good amount of shag. See more info on our flock at DrewryClubLambs.com or our Facebook page.

_______________________ Consigned By


Marty & Norman Pilger 2135 Road 20 - Wallace, KS 67761 (785) 821-2738 (785) 852-4102 mkpilger@hotmail.com _______________________

1652- Yearling Ewe 1653- January Ewe Lamb 1654- January Ewe Lamb 1655- January Ewe Lamb 1656- February Ewe Lamb 1657- February Ewe Lamb 1658- February Ewe Lamb 1659- March Ewe Lamb 1660- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By


Jeff & Brad Ellerbrock 13383 E 2000th St - Atkinson, IL 61235 (309) 657-7515 bellerbrock@nbsmail.net ellerbrockclublambs.com _______________________

1661- January Ram Lamb 1662- January Ram Lamb 1663- January Ram Lamb 1664- February Ram Lamb 1665- February Ram Lamb 1666- March Ram Lamb 1667- March Ram Lamb 1668- March Ram Lamb 1669- April Ram Lamb 1670- April Ram Lamb 1671- January Ewe Lamb 1672- January Ewe Lamb 1673- January Ewe Lamb 1674- February Ewe Lamb 1675- February Ewe Lamb 1676- March Ewe Lamb 1677- March Ewe Lamb 1678- March Ewe Lamb 1679- April Ewe Lamb 1680- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Seth O'Brien 11585 Xavier Rd, PO Box 396 St Paul, KS 66771 (620) 717-2203 cortneylobrien@gmail.com obrienshowlambs.com _______________________

1681- March Ram Lamb

S: Jockstrap D: 17

S: Jockstrap D: 5056 Above Entries, Information Sale Day

1682- March Ewe Lamb





Consigned By

Tom East & Gary Nix 9680 Eastside Potter Valley Rd Potter Valley, CA 95469 (707) 354-4369 eastcovelo@yahoo.com westcoast-clublambs.com _______________________

1685- Yearling Ram

West Coast 616 RR NN

B: 01/26/2016 Single S: Slack 5478 WESTSIDE 599628 D: West Coast 309 WESTSIDE son from Slacks crossed primarily on Bianchi ewes -- larger framed stout buck who sired our best keeper buck lamb in 2017 bred to moderate ewe.

1686- Yearling Ram

West Coast 661

B: 03/15/2017 Single S: Slack 5478 WESTSIDE 599628 D: West Coast 514 Moderate framed WESTSIDE son with a ton of stifle. Long-bodied, wide based buck that goes back to Bianchi on the dam side. We used him heavy.

1687- Yearling Ewe

West Coast 611

B: 01/24/2016 Twin S: Slack 5478 WESTSIDE 599628 D: West Coast 403 Moderate sized, heavy boned, very upfronted, good on her wheels, sired by WESTSIDE. Her dam is a smaller framed muscular ewe. WESTSIDE is the full brother to Slacks Reserve Champion Hampshire Ewe that sold for $22,000 in 2015.

1688- Yearling Ewe

West Coast 644

B: 02/24/2016 Twin S: Slack 5478 WESTSIDE 599628 D: West Coast 417 Another WESTSIDE daughter out of a Bianchi NINER daughter. Very correct stout ewe with a lot of Hamp influence. Out of one of our top ewe families.

_______________________ Consigned By


Kolby Burch 2935 Little Salt Rd - Seward, NE 68434 (307) 247-3043 mickywilsoncomm@yahoo.com burchlivestock.com _______________________

1683- Yearling Ewe 1684- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day --- Page 115 ---

Consigned By

Mason Burkett 2207 185th St - Grand Junction, IA 50107 (515) 370-5704 burkettma@greenecountycsd.net _______________________

1689- January Ram Lamb 1690- April Ram Lamb 1691- April Ewe Lamb 1692- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Mike Hindman 1648 640th Ave - Albia, IA 52531 (515) 491-7829 hindmanlamb@yahoo.com _______________________

1693- February Ram Lamb 1694- March Ram Lamb 1695- February Ewe Lamb 1696- February Ewe Lamb 1697- February Ewe Lamb 1698- March Ewe Lamb 1699- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Garrett Peterson 1631 E Ave - Scranton, IA 51462 (712) 830-9270 (712) 652-3569 crpeterson@netins.net _______________________

1700- February Ram Lamb 1701- March Ram Lamb 1702- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

CROSSBRED WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Kyle Nickles 8137 S St Rt 67 - Sycamore, OH 44882 (419) 651-0707 (419) 618-0527 A_neal_09@yahoo.com _______________________

1709- February Ewe Lamb Reserve Champion Crossbred Wether Sire, 1st February Ram Lamb from Kennedy Livestock sold to Pennsylvania at $5,400.

_______________________ Consigned By


Tyler Homann 915 CR 350 E - Neoga, IL 62447 (217) 962-1356 tylerhomann@yahoo.com _______________________

1703- March Ram Lamb 1704- March Ewe Lamb 1705- March Ewe Lamb 1706- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Galen Dreier 2714 NW 60th - Newton, KS 67114 (620) 200-2140 mdlarosh@gmail.com dreierlaroshclublambs.com _______________________

1707- April Ram Lamb

S: KOOLAID Information Sale Day This lamb will be sired by the great KOOLAID stud. We were fortunate to purchase KOOLAID from John Shroyer last fall and the lamb crop this year is consistent and as impressive as we expected.

_______________________ Consigned By


Charlene Ross 6935 SW State Hwy D - Polo, MO 64671 (913) 991-7449 charlene.ross@genexservices.com Facebook C&J Livestock _______________________

NCL 17-3

B: 02/06/2017 Single S: Sloan 5022 NA D: Nickles 1512 NA We are very excited about our first ever offering to the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. This is our best ewe lamb sired by WRECKING BALL, the FULLY LOADED ram we purchased from Sloan Club Lambs. Her dam is out of a Stitzlein LEGIT ewe that has been a great producer. 17-3 has a tremendous amount of shape and dimension, yet she is still ultra shallow and smooth patterned. With her phenotype and pedigree she is destined to be a great wether dam.

_______________________ Consigned By


Nathan Teeters 9961 Small Rd - Hillsboro, OH 45133 (937) 763-7969 teetersclublambs@gmail.com teetersclublambs.com _______________________

1710- February Ram Lamb

Consigned By


Todd Wise 1825 Weld CR 59 - Keenesburg, CO 80643 (303) 512-3864 wiseloril@gmail.com wiseclublambs.com _______________________

1711- February Ram Lamb 1712- March Ram Lamb 1713- January Ewe Lamb 1714- January Ewe Lamb 1715- February Ewe Lamb 1716- February Ewe Lamb 1717- March Ewe Lamb 1718- March Ewe Lamb 1719- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

1708- January Ram Lamb

Consigned By


James Humphrey 607 East Hwy 81 - Burley, ID 83318 (406) 533-9807 jhumpy33@hotmail.com SRVlivestock.com _______________________

1720- Yearling Ram 1721- February Ram Lamb 1722- February Ram Lamb 1723- March Ram Lamb 1724- January Ewe Lamb 1725- March Ewe Lamb 1726- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

--- Page 116 ---

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Terry Knudson 1634 E 1000 N - Morristown, IN 46161 (812)871-5700 vikingshowlambs@gmail.com vikingshowlambsandgenetics.com _______________________

1727- January Ram Lamb 1728- January Ram Lamb 1729- February Ram Lamb 1730- January Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By

Information Sale Day




Scott Alexander 1282 W 60 S - Winamac, IN 46996 (574) 595-5480 scotta1282@gmail.com alexanderclublambs.com _______________________

1731- February Ewe Lamb 1732- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Olivia Knox 100 W Cedar Tree Ln Hartsburg, MO 65039 (660) 815-1978 (573) 818-4416 oknox95@gmail.com _______________________

1733- April Ram Lamb

MO9527/ 0002

B: 04/03/2017 Twin S: MO64306/ 0635 D: MO64306/ 0579



Consigned By


Daniel Shapiro 6420 Burrows Rd Colorado Springs, CO 80908 (719) 709-8766 (719) 495-7340 shawnashapiro@hotmail.com _______________________

1734- Yearling Ram


B: 02/08/2016 S: TEDDY D: JEANNIE TIE is a Hamp/Suffolk cross yearling.

_______________________ Consigned By


Ryan, Mona Lisa, Hop and Debbie Estes 9823 E Belmont Ave - Sanger, CA 93657 (559) 301-3241 petterssonfarms@hotmail.com estesshowlambs.com _______________________

1735- February Ram Lamb 1736- Fall Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Joe Harrell & Tyler Rhoads 24848 W Gore Blvd Indiahoma, OK 73552 (580) 695-1767- (580) 591-1091 Amyrhoads29@yahoo.com joeharrellclublambs.com _______________________

_______________________ Consigned By


Dustin & Rebecca Rookstool 9377 Broderick Rd - Wamego, KS 66547 (785) 410-3826 (785) 456-4096 Rebecca.rookstool@ alumni.washburnlaw.edu Facebook Rookstool Club Lambs _______________________

1745- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Chance Neff 945 Buffalo Ave - San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 939-9323 nefflivestock.com _______________________

1746- February Ewe Lamb 1747- February Ewe Lamb 1748- February Ewe Lamb 1749- March Ewe Lamb 1750- March Ewe Lamb 1751- March Ewe Lamb 1752- April Ewe Lamb 1753- April Ewe Lamb 1754- April Ewe Lamb 1755- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

1737- Yearling Ram 1738- Yearling Ewe 1739- Yearling Ewe 1740- February Ewe Lamb 1741- March Ewe Lamb 1742- March Ewe Lamb 1743- April Ewe Lamb 1744- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 117 ---

Reserve Champion Crossbred Wether Dam, 1st Yearling Ewe from Harrell Club Lambs sold to Tennessee at $2,100.



Consigned By


_______________________ Consigned By


Ralph Amyx Box 326 - Sanger, TX 76266 (940) 368-3186 (940) 458-7460 _______________________

Champion Dorset Wether Sire, Junior Champion, 1st February Ram Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to Minnesota at $3,750.

_______________________ Consigned By


Rex & Koby Cole 11281 N 1975 Rd - Elk City, OK 73466 (806) 216-1306 (580) 821-2355 colewoolies@cableone.net coleclublambs.com _______________________

1761- March Ram Lamb

S: Shiner Boc

1762- April Ram Lamb 1763- Yearling Ewe

S: Time to Shine

D: Hurliman

S: Time to Shine

D: Wasteney

S: Shiner Boc

1764- Yearling Ewe

1765- March Ewe Lamb 1766- April Ewe Lamb

S: A-H Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Ted Greiner 25517 330th Ave - Keota, IA 52248 (641) 660-6839 tedgreiner@gmail.com greinerclublambs.com _______________________

1767- February Ewe Lamb

S: Splendid Information Sale Day

1768- Fall Ram Lamb 1769- January Ram Lamb 1770- April Ram Lamb 1771- Yearling Ewe 1772- January Ewe Lamb 1773- January Ewe Lamb 1774- February Ewe Lamb 1775- February Ewe Lamb 1776- March Ewe Lamb 1777- March Ewe Lamb 1778- April Ewe Lamb 1779- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Chad Heisdorffer 17750 185th Ave - Sigourney, IA 52591 (641) 660-2469 (641) 622-9965 cheisdorffer@gmail.com heisdorfferdorsets.com _______________________

1780- Yearling Ram

IA6792-6028 QR


B: 02/28/2016 ET S: Vance P679179 D: Hines Twin Sister #0101 P686223

1781- February Ram Lamb

7005 RR

B: 02/02/2017 Single S: Throttle P719038 D: 5005 - Clutch x Hines Twin Sister P715469

1782- March Ram Lamb

7027 RR

B: 03/02/2017 Single S: Throttle P719038 D: 1234 - Rally x (Vance x 0701) P698973 0701 ewe is the dam of Hines & White Zombie.

1783- March Ewe Lamb

7060 RR

B: 03/01/2017 Twin S: White Turbo NA D: 2181 - Abe Daughter P711485 Half sister was high seller on 2016 online sale and finished a solid show career in OK. Final show was 3rd spring ewe at OYE. --- Page 118 ---

Roger & Sherry Olsen 3769 Little Wall Lake Rd - Story City, IA 50248 (515) 450-2097 rsolivestock@gmail.com rsolivestock.com _______________________

1784- February Ram Lamb

S: Double Oaked

D: RSO 3068

S: Double Oaked

D: RSO 4033

S: Double Oaked

D: RSO 3004

S: Double Oaked

D: RSO 3001

S: Double Oaked D: RSO 4033 Above Entries, Information Sale Day

1785- March Ram Lamb 1786- Yearling Ewe

1787- February Ewe Lamb 1788- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim & Audra Scheel 22458 389th Ave - Alpena, SD 57312 (605) 545-1521 (605) 849-3202 audra.sdjps@yahoo.com scheellivestock.com _______________________

1789- February Ram Lamb

S: Rally

1790- February Ewe Lamb

S: Rally Above Entries, Information Sale Day Sired by Rally (Cal Enfield & Family 17660 x Heisdorffer 0106).

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason Stillwell 3045 S 100 E - Frankfort, IN 46041 (765) 586-8490 (765) 654-5572 jstill5@sbcglobal.net _______________________

1791- March Ram Lamb

S: Stillwell 1436 D: Stillwell 1510

1792- December Ewe Lamb

S: Stillwell 1526 D: Stillwell 1412

1793- January Ewe Lamb

S: Stillwell 1526 D: Stillwell 1516

1794- February Ewe Lamb

S: Stillwell 1436 D: Stillwell 1527

1795- March Ewe Lamb

S: Stillwell 1526 Above Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By


Shelly Surber 4383 W State Rd 38 - Frankfort, IN 46041 (765) 430-8463 (765) 296-2277 surbersheep430@gmail.com surbersheep.com _______________________

1796- Fall Ram Lamb

Surber 7082

B: 11/23/2016 Triplet S: Cal Enfield & Family 5203 P716407 D: Piper 2051 P689477

1797- December Ram Lamb

Surber 7007

B: 12/12/2016 Twin S: Blondie Show Lambs 1526 P719389 D: Dogwood Hills IA 7038 P672436

1798- January Ram Lamb

Surber 7008

B: 01/02/2017 Single S: Blondie Show Lambs 1526 P719389 D: Surber 5176 P716328

1799- March Ram Lamb

B: 03/03/2017 Triplet S: Blondie Show Lamb 1526 P719389 D: Piper 2031 P701075

Surber 6016

B: 02/16/2016 Single S: Blondie Show Lambs 1526 P719389 D: Piper 2030 P701077

1801- Yearling Ewe

Surber 6031

B: 03/03/2016 Twin S: Piper 2011 P690703 D: Piper 1301 P708111

1802- Fall Ewe Lamb

Surber 7003

B: 11/20/2016 Twin S: Blondie Show Lambs 1526 P719389 D: Piper 1115 P698253

1803- December Ewe Lamb

Surber 7089

B: 12/02/2016 Twin S: Cal Enfield & Family 5203 P716407 D: Piper 652 P691860

1804- December Ewe Lamb




Consigned By

Cal Enfield 70902 335th St - Collins, IA 50055 (515) 290-8215 calvinenfield@gmail.com enfieldclublambs.com _______________________

1806- Yearling Ram 1807- February Ram Lamb 1808- March Ram Lamb 1809- April Ram Lamb 1810- January Ewe Lamb 1811- February Ewe Lamb 1812- March Ewe Lamb 1813- April Ewe Lamb

Surber 7047

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Surber 7011

1800- Yearling Ewe


Box 95 - Belmont, WI 53510 (574) 527-0967 stevarobinson@gmail.com stevarobinson.com _______________________

1814- February Ram Lamb 1815- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Shane Kirschten 5060 Jefferson Ave - Alton, IA 51003 (712) 395-0377 (712) 756-8953 kirschten59@gmail.com kirschtensheepfarm.simdif.com _______________________

1816- Yearling Ram 1817- January Ram Lamb 1818- January Ewe Lamb 1819- February Ram Lamb 1820- February Ewe Lamb 1821- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

B: 12/02/2016 Twin S: Piper 2011 P690703 D: Piper 1108 P693863

1805- January Ewe Lamb

Surber 7099

B: 01/04/2017 Twin S: Cal Enfield & Family 5203 P716407 D: Piper 2077 P701079 --- Page 119 ---

Consigned By

Steve, Pat & Tyler Myers 4450 St Rt 274 E - Rushsylvania, OH 43347 (937) 935-6715 (937) 468-2035 sptmyers@centurylink.net _______________________

1822- Fall Ram Lamb

Myers OHO 261-9009 RR NN

B: 11/5/2016 Single S: Huntrod 4052 P711180 D: Myers 8759 P709374 Full brother to the 2016 Louisville Champion Dorset Wether Sire.

1823- Yearling Ewe 1824- Fall Ewe Lamb 1825- December Ewe Lamb 1826- January Ewe Lamb 1827- February Ewe Lamb 1828- March Ewe Lamb 1829- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Katrina Johnston 4440 SW 5th Ave New Plymouth, ID 83655 (208) 412-7960 (208) 695-6811 gary@johnstonclublambs.com johnstonclublambs.com _______________________

1830- February Ram Lamb

Johnston 7723

B: 02/10/2017 Triplet S: Rudy (WHITE CHOCOLATE x TW) P-7 D: Little Dorset (Keno x Sidwell) P704926 Good boned, shaggy legged, big butted, deep bodied, and wide loined. The Rudy babies have been amazing!

DORSET WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


_______________________ Consigned By


Jeff Repasky 9426 Jacobson Trail - Lonsdale, MN 55046 (612) 282-7782 nstarrlvk5@aol.com _______________________

1831- March Ram Lamb 1832- February Ewe Lamb 1833- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By

1834- January Ram Lamb


B: 01/02/2017 Single S: Daniels 6113 P720323 D: Riders Dorsets 1048 P695759 This is our first ram lamb sired by our new buck from Brad Daniels and Family. Really impressed with how this lamb is turning out.

1835- January Ram Lamb


B: 01/23/2017 Single S: Heisdorffer Dorsets 6000 P721281 D: Riders Dorsets 1138 P695766 This ram is by Vance buck that we purchased last year from Chad Heisdorffer.

1836- February Ram Lamb


B: 02/13/2017 Single S: Daniels 6113 P720323 D: Head Family Farms 83 P705031 Another entry sired by the Daniels ram.


4924 E Division Rd - Portland, IN 47371 (260) 251-1517 (260) 726-8639 bldaniels@bright.net danielsclublambs.com _______________________

1846- March Ram Lamb

Great buck lamb sired by one of our two new Rader rams.

1848- March Ewe Ram Lamb

1838- January Ewe Lamb

Amazing ewe lamb by our Huntrods ram that sired the top wether at Ohio for Sarah Young.

1839- February Ewe Lamb 1840- March Ewe Lamb

Late ewe lambs be sired by our Rader ram, Huntrods ram or Amyx ram. Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Dan Perry 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 rockbottom@onlyinternet.net _______________________

S: Daniels 6129 GAME CHANGER

1847- April Ram Lamb

S: Daniels 5280 P715840 TRIPLE CROWN

S: Daniels 5280 P715840 TRIPLE CROWN

1849- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason Simpson 20839 CR 84 - Ault, CO 80610 (970) 371-0276 jsimpsoncl@aol.com simpsonlivestock.com _______________________

1841- February Ram Lamb

1850-Yearling Ram 1851-January Ram Lamb 1852-January Ewe Lamb 1853-February Ewe Lamb





Information Sale Day

Consigned By


Doug Head 13169 410th St - Derby, IA 50068 (641) 344-3819 (641) 877-2303 kimberlymhead@hotmail.com _______________________

Consigned By

Joe Brammer 361 Greenlee Rd - Seaman, OH 45679 (937) 515-9526 Jobram10@yahoo.com _______________________

1837- January Ram Lamb

Champion Dorset Wether Dam, Junior Champion, 1st February Ewe Lamb from Stillwell Club Lambs sold to California at $7,000.


Dan Perry & Dave Taylor 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 dsperry2014@outlook.com _______________________

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Consigned By

Clay Elliott 17422 Elm St W - Calumet, OK 73014 (575) 635-6340 lilielliott@hotmail.com allredelliott.com _______________________

1842- April Ewe Lamb

1854- March Ewe Lamb





Information Sale Day

Consigned By

Consigned By

Brock Erickson 717 Berg Blvd SE - Stewartville, MN 55976 (507) 272-1643 (507) 533-9524 brockerickson1@gmail.com ericksonfamilyfarm.com Facebook Erickson Family Farm _______________________

1843- Fall Ram Lamb 1844- April Ram Lamb 1845- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Check out pictures and information prior to sale on Website and Facebook page.

--- Page 120 ---

Information Sale Day

Daryl Boehm 32418 750th Ave - Racine, MN 55967 (507) 696-8734 (507) 533-8310 c.boehmfarms79@gmail.com _______________________

1855- January Ram Lamb 1856- March Ram Lamb 1857- January Ewe Lamb 1858- February Ewe Lamb 1859- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

1860- Yearling Ram 1861- Fall Ram Lamb 1862- January Ram Lamb 1863- February Ram Lamb 1864- March Ram Lamb 1865- Yearling Ewe 1866- Yearling Ewe 1867- Fall Ewe Lamb 1868- January Ewe Lamb 1869- February Ewe Lamb 1870- March Ewe Lamb 1871- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Bart Cardwell, Herdsman 1220 E Grand, PO Box 310 Tonkawa, OK 74653 (580) 716-2550 bart.cardwell@noc.edu noc.edu/agriculture.sciences _______________________

1872- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day An outstanding Hines daughter.

_______________________ Consigned By


Bob & Sam Huntrods 3034 Arney Ave - Collins, IA 50055 (515) 460-6456 huntrodsdorsets@yahoo.com huntrodsdorsets.weebly.com _______________________

1873- Yearling Ram 1874- December Ram Lamb 1875- January Ram Lamb 1876- February Ram Lamb 1877- March Ram Lamb 1878- Yearling Ewe 1879- December Ewe Lamb 1880- January Ewe Lamb 1881- February Ewe Lamb 1882- March Ewe Lamb





Consigned By

Budd Martin 5297 Bullhead Rd - Willard, OH 44890 (567) 224-0095 buddmartincheviots@gmail.com Facebook Budd Martin Family Sheep Farm _______________________

1883- Fall Ram Lamb 1884- February Ram Lamb 1885- March Ram Lamb 1886- Fall Ewe Lamb 1887- February Ewe Lamb 1888- March Ewe Lamb 1889- April Ram Lamb 1890- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Consignment by REAL DEAL, Crego 6053, one of the top-selling Dorsets at the 2016 Midwest Sale; Slack 4299, the first place January Ram Lamb at 2014 Midwest Sale; MAN-O-WAR, a Slack son; or Heisdorffer 4034--a full brother to CLUTCH and GREAT WHITE; or TEXAS TWISTER, a Ralph Amyx keeper ram he sold us that we are getting April lambs from.

_______________________ Consigned By


Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 816-1208 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

1891- Yearling Ram 1892- March Ram Lamb 1893- March Ewe Lamb 1894- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Brylie Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 423-9696 _______________________

1895- March Ewe Lamb 1896- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 121 ---

Consigned By

W 8778 Kilkenney Rd - Delavan, WI 53115 (608) 289-5686 (260) 609-7369 johnsonfamilyshowstock@gmail.com johnsonfamilyshowstock.com _______________________

1897- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Charlene Ross 6935 SW State Hwy D - Polo, MO 64671 (913) 991-7449 charlene.ross@genexservices.com Facebook C&J Livestock _______________________

1898- Fall Ram Lamb

C&J Livestock 732 P726068

B: 11/27/2016 S: Slack 4494 S TW P710846 D: Slack 1078 S TR P695578 Dam and Sire Slack Genetics.

1899- December Ewe Lamb

C&J Livestock 748 P726069

B: 12/17/2016 S: Slack 4494 S TW P710846 D: Lauden Acres 729 S SG P6914422

1900- January Ewe Lamb

C& J Livestock 786 P726070

B: 01/04/2017 Triplet S: Slack 4494 S TW P710846 D: Lauden Acres 729 S SG P6914422

1901- Fall Ewe Lamb

S: Slack 4494 S TW P710846 Information Sale Day

DORSET WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Galen Dreier 2714 NW 60th - Newton, KS 67114 (620) 200-2140 mdlarosh@gmail.com dreierlaroshclublambs.com _______________________

1909- February Ram Lamb Reserve Champion Dorset Wether Sire, Reserve Junior Champion, 1st January Ram Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to Ohio at $2,400.

_______________________ Consigned By


Joseph Smith 2414 Rd M - Emporia, KS 66801 (620) 412-3185 (620) 343-9455 joe.smith@ks.usda.gov _______________________

1902- March Ram Lamb 1903- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Dave Wolf 957 E Ave - Scranton, IA 51462 (712) 830-3625 (712) 652-3887 mcpope@netins.net wolfclublambs.com _______________________

1904- Yearling Ram 1905- January Ram Lamb 1906- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Larry, Diana, Joaquin & Justin Crego 7710 Livestock Ln - Ft Collins, CO 80524 (970) 217-9059 (970) 482-6958 cregols@msn.com _______________________

Dreier LaRosh 7517

B: 02/03/2017 Single S: Star Dust 14090 IKE P710256 D: Star Dust 16011 P722897 This IKE x WIZARD combination worked as expected. Tremendous bone and thickness. WIZARD offspring made an impressive showing for Star Dust in 2016 and continued early in 2017. We were fortunate enough to purchase 1/2 interest in this great stud.

1910- March Ram Lamb

Dreier LaRosh 7706

B: 03/01/2017 Single S: Jennings 6026 P724922 D: Amyx R290 P724000 We purchased Jennings 6026 from Aaron through his 2016 online sale. We are impressed with how he has worked on a set of Amyx ewe lambs we purchased from Ralph. This ram lamb is up fronted, thick topped and level rumped.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim Davis 24001 N 1900 E Rd - Odell, IL 60460 (815) 228-5967 jbdavis@maxwire.net davissouthdowns.com _______________________

1911- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

1907- Yearling Ram 1908- February Ram Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 122 ---

Reserve Champion Dorset Wether Dam, Senior Champion, 1st Yearling Ewe from Slack Club Lambs sold to Iowa at $1,250.

_______________________ Consigned By


Casey Sidwell 31306 Cty Rd 57 - Gill, CO 80624 (970) 302-9451 csidwell97@yahoo.com sidwellshowsheep.com _______________________

1912- February Ram Lamb 1913- January Ewe Lamb 1914- February Ewe Lamb 1915- February Ewe Lamb 1916- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day All Dorset females are CDC Futurity nominated. Go to sidwellsjowsheep.com or like us on Facebook for pictures and info on our consignment.

Complete the picture of the sheep by copying the missing parts from the picture below.

Fun & Games Easy Level

Medium Level

Hard Level

www.midwestsale.com --- Page 123 ---

DORSET ADVANTAGE WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Chad Heisdorffer 17750 185th Ave - Sigourney, IA 52591 (641) 660-2469 (641) 622-9965 cheisdorffer@gmail.com heisdorfferdorsets.com _______________________

1936- April Ewe Lamb RR Champion Dorset Advantage Wether Sire, 1st April Ram Lamb from Titus Club Lambs sold to Oklahoma at $3,250.

Information Sale Day S: Throttle D: 6007- Vance x Tuff 3/4 dorset ewe that is all white.

_______________________ Consigned By


Brent Mennen 7123 E CR 250 S - Walton, IN 46994 (765) 437-6020 (574) 735-3719 mennenclublambs@aol.com mennenclublambs.com _______________________

1937- February Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By

Champion Dorset Advantage Wether Dam, Senior Champion, 1st Fall Ewe Lamb from Fisher Club Lambs sold to California at $2,300.

_______________________ Consigned By


Rex & Koby Cole 11281 N 1975 Rd - Elk City, OK 73466 (806) 216-1306 (580) 821-2355 colewoolies@cableone.net coleclublambs.com _______________________


Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 816-1208 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

1938- April Ram Lamb 1939- March Ewe Lamb 1940- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

1931- Yearling Ewe


1932- Yearling Ewe


Consigned By

S: Time to Shine

S: Shiner Boc D: Cabaniss Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Ralph Amyx Box 326 - Sanger, TX 76266 (940) 368-3186 (940) 458-7460 _______________________

Brylie Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 423-9696 _______________________

1941- March Ewe Lamb 1942- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

1933- Yearling Ewe 1934- January Ewe Lamb 1935- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 124 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Shelly Surber 4383 W State Rd 38 - Frankfort, IN 46041 (765) 430-8463 (765) 296-2277 surbersheep430@gmail.com surbersheep.com _______________________

1943- January Ewe Lamb

Surber 7049

B: 01/01/2017 Twin S: Piper 2011 P690703 D: Surber 5200 CrossEwe

_______________________ Consigned By


4924 E Division Rd - Portland, IN 47371 (260) 251-1517 (260) 726-8639 bldaniels@bright.net danielsclublambs.com _______________________

1944- February Ram Lamb

S: Daniels 5280 P715840 TRIPLE CROWN Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Dan Perry 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 rockbottom@onlyinternet.net _______________________

1945- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Casey Sidwell 31306 Cty Rd 57 - Gill, CO 80624 (970) 302-9451 csidwell97@yahoo.com sidwellshowsheep.com _______________________

1946- February Ewe Lamb 1947- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day All Dorset Advantage females are CDC Futurity nominated. Go to sidwellsjowsheep.com or like us on Facebook for pictures and info on our consignment.



Consigned By


Don & Alicia Wright 25250 State Hwy 413 - Galena, MO 65656 (417) 437-7381 (417) 236-2010 wrightsrockyacres@hotmail.com wrightsrockyacres.com _______________________


1960- March Ewe Lamb

1948- Fall Ram Lamb 1949- April Ram Lamb 1950- Fall Ewe Lamb 1951- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Jim & Audra Scheel 22458 389th Ave - Alpena, SD 57312 (605) 545-1521 (605) 849-3202 audra.sdjps@yahoo.com scheellivestock.com _______________________

1952- February Ewe Lamb

S: Rally Information Sale Day Sired by Rally (Cal Enfield & Family 17660 x Heisdorffer 0106).

_______________________ Consigned By


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

1953- Yearling Ram 1954- December Ram Lamb 1955- January Ram Lamb 1956- February Ram Lamb 1957- January Ewe Lamb 1958- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason Simpson 20839 CR 84 - Ault, CO 80610 (970) 371-0276 jsimpsoncl@aol.com simpsonlivestock.com _______________________

Consigned By


Galen Dreier 2714 NW 60th - Newton, KS 67114 (620) 200-2140 mdlarosh@gmail.com dreierlaroshclublambs.com _______________________

Dreier LaRosh 7717

_______________________ Consigned By


Charlene Ross 6935 SW State Hwy D - Polo, MO 64671 (913) 991-7449 charlene.ross@genexservices.com Facebook C&J Livestock _______________________

1961- January Ram Lamb

S: Slack 4494 S TW P710846 D: C&J Livestock 237 TW

Reserve Champion Dorset Advantage Wether Dam, Junior Champion, 1st January Ewe Lamb from Simpson Livestock sold to Florida at $1,400.

1962- December Ewe Lamb

S: Slack 4494 S TW P710846

1963- December Ewe Lamb

1964- January Ewe Lamb

S: Slack 4494 S TW P710846 Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


James Humphrey 607 East Hwy 81 - Burley, ID 83318 (406) 533-9807 jhumpy33@hotmail.com SRVlivestock.com _______________________

1965- March Ram Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


S: Slack 4494 S TW P710846

Information Sale Day

1959- April Ewe Lamb

Reserve Champion Dorset Advantage Wether Sire, 1st January Ram Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to Iowa at $950.

B: 03/20/2017 Single S: Jennings 6026 P724922 D: 1960 NA This stylish ewe lamb is almost pure white and sired by the Jennings ram we purchased.

Information Sale Day

--- Page 125 ---

Bart Cardwell, Herdsman 1220 E Grand, PO Box 310 Tonkawa, OK 74653 (580) 716-2550 bart.cardwell@noc.edu noc.edu/agriculture.sciences _______________________

1966- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

SPECKLE FACED WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

Champion Speckle-Faced Wether Sire, 1st January Ram Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to Iowa at $2,200.

_______________________ Consigned By


Brent Mennen 7123 E CR 250 S - Walton, IN 46994 (765) 437-6020 (574) 735-3719 mennenclublambs@aol.com mennenclublambs.com _______________________

1971- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 816-1208 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

1972- March Ewe Lamb 1973- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Olivia Knox 100 W Cedar Tree Ln Hartsburg, MO 65039 (660) 815-1978 (573) 818-4416 oknox95@gmail.com _______________________

1974- April Ram Lamb

MO9527/ 0001

Champion Speckle-Faced Wether Dam, 1st February Ewe Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to New Mexico at $800.

1975- January Ram Lamb 1976- February Ram Lamb 1977- January Ewe Lamb 1978- February Ewe Lamb



Dan Perry 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 rockbottom@onlyinternet.net _______________________

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Consigned By


Suzanna Storms 859 Washburn Rd - Washburn, IL 61570 (309) 231-1292 (309) 248-7823 suzanna.storms@gmail.com stormshampshires.com _______________________

Consigned By


1983- April Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


1979- March Ram Lamb

Storms 683

B: 03/22/2017 Single S: Storms 608 D: Storms 559 Sired by a MILLER THE DRILLER son x AUTHENIC daughter.

_______________________ Consigned By


Charlene Ross 6935 SW State Hwy D - Polo, MO 64671 (913) 991-7449 charlene.ross@genexservices.com Facebook C&J Livestock _______________________

1980- December Ram Lamb

S: Slack 4494 S TW P710846

1981- December Ewe Lamb

S: Slack 4494 S TW P710846

1982- December Ewe Lamb

S: Slack 4494 S TW P710846 All Entries have Dorset Sire Slack Genetics.

B: 04/02/2017 Single S: MO64306/ 0627 D: MO64306/ 0635

--- Page 126 ---

Information Sale Day

Jim Davis 24001 N 1900 E Rd - Odell, IL 60460 (815) 228-5967 jbdavis@maxwire.net davissouthdowns.com _______________________

1984- Yearling Ewe 1985- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


James Humphrey 607 East Hwy 81 - Burley, ID 83318 (406) 533-9807 jhumpy33@hotmail.com SRVlivestock.com _______________________

1986- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Find the last names of the Ringmen, Auctioneers, & Judges in the puzzle below

s e m a G & n Fu





www.midwestsale.com --- Page 127 ---

--- Page 129 ---

“Manning The Sedalia Picture Stand Since 1978!”



See Your Midwest Stud Ram Sale Photos Online By TUESDAY • JUNE 27 Visit Our Website: www.bannersheepmagazine.com

The Nation’s Largest All Breeds Sheep Magazine Subscribe Today! Call Us At 309/785-5058 --- Page 132 ---

--- Page 133 ---


Mid West Stud Mid West WestSale Stud Ram Mid Stud Ram Sale Sale Ram Report Report Report

$20,000 Champion $20,000 Champion Suffolk Wether Dam Suffolk Wether Dam (2014) (2014)

$22,000 Hamp $22,000 Hamp Yearling Wether Yearling Wether Dam (2015) Dam (2015)

$22,000 Hamp $22,000 Hamp $20,000 Champion Yearling Wether $20,000 Champion Yearling Wether Suffolk Wether Dam Dam (2015) Suffolk Wether Dam (2014) Dam (2015) (2014)

Champion Champion Suffolk Suffolk Wether Wether Dam Dam

Res. Champion Champion Res. Hamp Ram Hamp Ram

$26,000 Hamp $26,000 Hamp March Wether Sire March Wether Sire (2015) (2015)

$26,000 Hamp $26,000 Hamp March Wether Sire March Wether Sire (2015) (2015)

$36,000 Hamp $36,000 Hamp Wether Sire Wether Sire

$36,000 Hamp $36,000 Hamp Wether Sire Wether Sire

Champion Shropshire Shropshire Ram Ram&&Champion Champion Champion ShropshireEwe Ewe Shropshire

4 Times Best

Consignment Overall Mid West Stud Ram Sale 2012 ‐ 2014 ‐ 2015 ‐ 2016 Champion Suffolk Res. Champion Champion Suffolk Res.Hamp Champion Ram Wether Dam 51 rst places in the past two years 51 rst places in the past two years Hamp Ram Wether Dam

4 Times Best 4 Times Best Consignment Overall

Champion Shropshire Ram & Champion Champion Shropshire ShropshireRam Ewe& Champion Shropshire Ewe

Slack Club Lambs Family ~ ~ 1022 1022 W W 1300 1300 N~ N~ N. N. Manchester, Manchester,IN IN46962 46962 ~Tom Slack Family Tom mobile : 260-750-7399 www.slackclublambs.com www.slackclublambs.comLuvmysheep@aol.com Luvmysheep@aol.com

Res. GR. CH Dorset

Res. Sr. CH Dorset

1st Mar Hamp

Res. Sr. CH Hamp

2016 Mid West Stud Ram Sale Awards 19 Champions,Reserves & Division Champs

Res. CH Jr. Dorset

GR. CH Dorset

Res. GR. CH Dorset

Res. CH Shrop

CH Suffolk

Res. CH Dorset Adv

CH Speckle Face

Res. CH Suffolk

2nd Hamp Yearling Wether Dam

CH Speckle Face

Slack Club Lambs pg 3

Purina - Honor Show Chow



plus their sponsorship of the Lamb Dinner & Performance Recognition during the Larry Mead Supreme Event on Wednesday evening and sponsorship of the awards for the Wether Sire Supremes on Thursday evening

Ketchum’s Sheep Equipment www.ketchamsheepequipment.com

Your Business should be here in 2018!

Slack Club Lambs Tom & Val Slack

North Manchester, Indiana


Ellerbrock Club Lambs

Brad, Lisa, Cole & Kendall Ellerbrock Jeff, Kelly & Kasen Ellerbrock

We would like to extend a huge Atkinson, Illinois www.ellerbrockclublambs.com Thank You to the these Sponsors of the Midwest Stud Ram Sale. We are proud to partner with you in bringing the largest and best sheep sale in North American again to Sedalia, Missouri. Thank you for seeing the value in this outstanding national event within our industry!

--- Page 136 ---

Show Stock Planet




BioZyme, Inc


Midstates Wool Growers www.midstateswoolgrowers.com

TURNER SHOW STOCK Breeding Them Better…Texas Style! All of our Dorsets will be out of this ram, “ICEBURG” as well as several Dorset Advantage lambs.

Our home raised ram that was undefeated everywhere we showed.

2016 Champ Hampshire Ewe

State Fair of Texas

2016 Champ Wether Dam

State Fair of Texas

2015 & 2016 Champion

2017 Champ

State Fair of Texas

Hill Country at Kerrville

2016 & 2017 Champion

Hill Country at Kerrville

2017 Champ Hampshire Ewe

2016 & 2017 Champion

Fort Worth

Fort Worth

2017 Supreme Ewe & Champ Hampshire Ewe

2016 Champion

San Antonio

2016 Champion

Rio Grand Valley


She placed 3rd behind Supreme & Reserve Supreme Ewes

2016 Supreme Champion

2017 San Antonio

We are very proud of Brylie and “SNOWFLAKE” her Turner bred ewe lamb.


We’ll have ewes in both Hampshire and Cross classes bred similar to this ewe! “INTRIGUE” Slack 5601, is not only an outstanding wether type show ram, but als a great stud! All hampshire and crosses at Sedalia will be sired by him.

Home raised ewe lamb out of “ICEBURG”.

2015 & 2016 Champ

State Fair of Texas

2016 Champion

2016 & 2017 Champ

State Fair of Texas

Hill Country at Kerrville

Also Supreme in 2016

2017 Reserve Champion

2016 & 2017 Champ

Fort Worth

Fort Worth & San Antonio

2017 Reserve Champion

2016 Champ Houston

Hill Country at Kerrville

2016 Supreme Champ Rio Grand Valley

We have 25 head consigned to this year’s Midwest Stud Ram Sale! HAMPSHIRE • CROSSBRED • DORSET • DORSET ADVANTAGE NATURAL COLORED • SPECKLED-FACE




1220 Hynds Ranch Road • Van Alstyne, Texas 75495 254/290-0420 (Andy’s Cell) • 903/816-1208 (Jeb’s Cell) Email: turnershowstock@gmail.com • Web: www.turnershowstock.com --- Page 137 ---

Stop by our pens and view our large consignment. As always, we are bringing our best again to…

--- Page 138 ---

2017 Midwest Sale Vendor Map OUTSIDE BOOTHS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Block 8 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Ketcham Equipment


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Block 9

Block 10 Asbury Farms Bedding

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Block 11


Petey's Ice Cream



2 3

1 Truck's Place

2 Alum‐Line



Profiles Sydell Livestock Show 5 Townsend Supplies Sales 6 Purina‐ Midstates




5 6

Honor Chow

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


Outside Booths

A ‐‐ Block 14 ‐‐ B

B ‐‐ Block 15 ‐‐ A Missouri Amish

Block 7


Featherlite Mfg. Ewe‐Nique Show Sharp Signs by L & J M & M Concessions

B ‐‐ Block 13 ‐‐ A Mountain View LAG Industries

Block 12 3 in 1 1 Feeders 2











INSIDE BOOTHS Gut Rinestone Candy Junkie

SWINE BARN Swine Barn - Inside Booths



G F E D C B A --- Page 139 ---


(South Wall Corner)


J K L M N O P by Barbara


Novel Designs


Sara's Glitz

Midstates Wool


Herd Boss


Block 1

Delta Diagnostics


Block 2

BioZyme Inc Shearwell Data (RFID) Trans Ova Rule Sup. SS Planet

J K L M N Midstates Wool



Block 3


Block 4

Corner Post Farm

Block 1 Lot J-L

Sheep Gifts & Essentials Visit us on Facebook or at cornerpostfarm.com

Arrowsmith, Illinois 309.826.2256 Will Return Next Year

Block 1 Lot H

With B & D Genetics

Block 1 Lot H

With Delta Diagnostics


Originals by Barbara

Block 1 Lot I

62008 W Business 50 - California, MO 65018 573-301-7818 brbmckinz@gmail.com Sheep, Farm Animals and Kids artwork is pen and ink or brush and ink on note card, scratch pads and in pictures

Block 1 Lot M

Block 2 Lot A

www.shearwell.com Dan Persons, Sales Rep


--- Page 140 ---

Block 2 Lot B-C

Ryan Habeger • 515-341-3083 ryan@showstockplanet.com Noll Ernst • 816-205-0404 noll@showstockplanet.com Isaiah “Bruce” Spath • 641-580-0129 spath@showstockplanet.com

P.O. Box 1300 - Lexington, OK 73051

outbacklabs.com Block 2 Lot N

The Deskins (405) 527-6355

Block 2 Lot H-J

Block 2 Lot K-L

zane.gray@transova.com Our vision is to serve our clients by assisting them in increasing the genetic impact of their “success” in their breeding programs.



Sara’s Bling

Block 2 Lot M



316-990-8015 2120 N Hyacinth St - Wichita, KS 67203 shabanafairchild@yahoo.com

midstateswoolgrowers.com Tent Outside Block 1

Shabana Fairchild, Owner

Block 3 Lot H-N

Block 2 Lot D-G

PRECISION FEED TECHNOLOGIES, LLC Matt Kennedy: (979) 224-0081 Tony Scott: (402) 560-7423

GUTCANDY.COM --- Page 141 ---

Tent Outside Block 1

HARSHBARGER SHARPENING 2005 E Co. Rd. 200N Center Point, IA 47840 812-835-317

6471 Miller Drive, Edwardsville, IL 62025 - (618) 656-5388

Sharpening, Blades, Hand Shears, Foot Trimmer, Repair Shearing & Clipping Machine, Sales, Shearing & Show Supplies

Over 61 Years Shearing & Sharpening


South Wall East Corner

Kim & Joan Ketcham - ksemsheep@hotmail.com

Asbury Farms Bedding


1219 W. Outer Rd - Moberly, MO 65270

Marla Stegall, Owner marlastegall@att.net In a world of animals, we help corral and feed them.


ketchamssheepequipment.com Block 9 Lot 16-25

Cash or Check payment at time of delivery/pickup No Credit Cards

Quality Shavings, Hay & Straw

Block 8 Lot 24-25

Nick Asbury

(660) 619-3994 or Asbury.farms@yahoo.com

mountainviewlivestock.com PH: 605-253-2018 47324 309th St Bersford, SD 57004

Wade & Lisa Steeneck


Block 13 Lot 1B

Block 12 Lot 15

Block 14 Lot 3A-3B --- Page 142 ---


Block 13 Lot 1A-2A

Ewe-Nique Products Indoor & Outdoor Metal Art Train your lamb and goat to show, lead, and brace at the same time with the SharpChuter lamb and goat training chute.

Alex Ainger

16315 State Line Rd Harvard, IL 60033 262-749-4893

Block 14 Lot 4A

showsharp.com Larry Sharp (580) 747-1950 Drew Sharp (580) 747-2122

Block 14 Lot 5A

MissouriAmish.com “We Bring Amish Products to You”

Missouri Amish Company


Kyle G. Smith, General Manager Laura CF Smith , Owner

Dave Anderson, Sales Rep

PO Box 2091 Sedalia, MO 65302


Phone: 855-816-0246 Kyle Cell: 660-829-5003


Block 15 Lot 2A.B-3A.B

Block 10 Lot 24-25

Leading the Sheep & Goat Industry Since 1980


Quality sheep and goat turn tables, cages, pen panels, gates and systems, as well as feeders and show equipment.

Block 15 Lot 4B-5B

46935 SD Hwy 50 - Burbank, SD 57010 (800) 842-1369


Block 15 Lot 4A

Block 15 Lot 6A





Block 15 Lot 5A --- Page 143 ---

way Patrol ce Youth stock Arena

ken Dairy ter

mental Barn se Barns tle Barns

Tent rolais Barn

ctor’s Tent

29 Children’s

36 Home Economics

45 Lowell MohlerArmory Dr. Woods 22 Box OfficeTaylor 45 Lowell Mohler Assembly Hall Youth Center 23 MEC Building


39 Sheep Pavilion 38 LogWS/WDs Home/Senior 17Dorset Farm Bureau Advantage Lounge 40 Building FFA Building Citizens Speckle-Faced WS/WDs 39 Sheep Pavilion 18 Historic Natural Colored WS/WDs 41 State Fair Arena Administration 40 FFA Building Lambs 42 Building Swine Club Pavilion State Fair Arena Hampshire41WS/WDs 19 Grandstand 43 Midway Carnival 42 Swine Pavilion Suffolk WS/WDs 20 Pork Place Guard 44 National 43WS/WDs Midway Carnival Crossbred 21 Commercial Armory 44 National Guard

16 MO-AgDorset Theatre WS/WDs Center

14 Womans Building Southdowns Building 38 Log Home/Senior 15 Boulevard Shops Shropshires Citizens Lounge 37 Family Fun

Assembly Hall ed Industries 46 Reception Hall (10) Administrative 24 Varied Industries 46 Administrative ding houses several breed Building Offices Offices meetings & events culture 25 Agriculture 47 Mathewson 47 Mathewson Building ding Exhibition Center Exhibition Center

mercial ding Office Building

ndstand k Place

oric inistration ding

Bureau ding

30 Poultry(40) & Rabbits FFA 40 & 8Building Railroad Taylor Woods 33 Center 31 MoDOT Highway Car serves as sale office 8 Highway Patrol th Center Gardens and Check-in animals 34 Office Conservation Expo Center seum Check-out purchases 9 MFA Youth Building Livestock Arena 32 4-H Building nelly Arena 33 40 & 8 Railroad 35 Beef 10 Dr. TaylorHouse Woods Swine Pavilion (42) Museum Car Center 36 Youth Home Economics Hampshires 34 Conservation ans Building 11 Coliseum BuildingSuffolks Building levard Shops 12 DonnellyPolled Arena 37 Family FunDorsets 35 Beef House 13 MSF Museum -Ag Theatre Horned Dorsets Center

7 Gerken Dairy

32 4-H Building Barnyard

6 Cattle Barns

Display 2 VIP Tent & Rabbits 30 Poultry Columbias 3 Charolais Barn 27 Floriculture 31 MoDOT Highway Natural Coloreds 4 Simmental Barnand Building Gardens Rambouillets 28 Fine Arts Building 5 Horse Barns Expo Center Polypays


27 Floriculture PARKING Montadales Building Dorpers FIRE HOUSE BUILDING WITH 28 Fine Arts Building WhiteAND Dorpers ELEVATOR CHAIR LIFTTexels FIRST AID 29 Children’s Barnyard 1 Director’s Tent Tunis 26 Frisco Engine



Buildings RESTROOM FIRST AIDof Sedalia forENTRANCE the Week






26 Frisco Engine INFORMATION Sheep Pavilion (39) WHEELCHAIR Display BOOTH






--- Page 144 ---


Missouri StateFAIR Fairgrounds 2015 MISSOURI STATE MAP Map



Lession from Larry...

p e e h S e l a S g n i d n a r Paint B At check-in Consignors will get 2 cards for each entry...

1- goes to the show ring for clerks to recording placing 2- goes to paint brand crew when they number or check animals

Options for paint branding entries...

1- gopher crews will be around to number animals and verify ear & scrapie tags 2 - if consignor paints your own, gopher crews will still pick up your cards and verify ear & scrapie tags

Step by Step... • Determine proper placement Paint Brands should be at the top of the loin, just after the last rib... accentuates or gives the illusion of a long hind saddle! • Start with your middle number first so final numbers will be properly centered. • Make sure person holding sheep has animal head straight to the back and not twisted. This ensures lot appears properly later. • Place Sub Lines directly below the lot #.


• Sub Lines are applied on animals that are different than what is listed in the catalog for that lot. Could be a different class, age, or different animal altogether if specific animal info was provided.


Hip Bones

• Futurity nominated animals will have “F” painted above the lot #. They will aslo be marked on sale orders.

Last Rib

F 1234

• If animal is painted with incorrect number... Let incorrect number dry completely. Come back later and either card out or curry out the incorrect number, then paint with correct number instead.

This info and other historical facts found in catalog provided by Larry Mead, past sale manager. --- Page 145 ---

1 2 3 4

2017 brings the

Pictured to the right is the cover of the December 1988 Sheep Breeder & Sheepman magazine featured the high-selling ram at the very first Wether-Sire Classic Sale. “Silver Bullet” was consigned by Crego Livestock, CO and sold to Darin Howard of Oklahoma.

h t 0 3

Thanks to all the signors, Wether Sire & DaBmidCdoerns & s er y u B Ram Sale! ud St t es w id M e th t or pp su to who continue • .1988 was the 1st ever true Wether Sire sale, with Duron Howard judging. • There had been lots of Club Lamb Sales, but not Wether Sire Sales. Within 3 years, Wether Sire Sales were everywhere. • .First Midwest Wether Sire Sale featured Dorsets, Hampshires, and Suffolks • The first Champion brought $7,000... a big price 30 years ago • .Mike Taylor, an assistant Midwest Sale Manager at the time, coined the phrase: “Wether Sire Sale” • In 1988, long, tall sheep were preferred. Separating the somewhat smaller, more compact and heavily muscled rams was intended to place emphasis and value on this type of sheep. • .Original Wether Sire consignors who are still active: Jimmy Miller, Roger Huntrods, Harold McIlrath, Larry & Barb Harms, Cabaniss Club Lambs, Andy Turner, Larry & John Shroyer, Larry & Diane Crego, Lee Wheaton, John R. Johnston, Mike Stitzlein, and Steve Myers. • Other Original Wether Sire consignors now consigning breeding sheep: Henry Shultz, Mike Nelsh, Alan Kjeldgaard, Mike Caskey, Dennis Tesconi, John Corson, Wayne Skartvedt, Ron Young, Annuschat Brotjers, Donald Craft, and Bill Gergen.

Past Sale Stats Year head average

Rams only 1988...........................100.............@......... 660.50 1989...........................178.............@......... 441.57 1990...........................118.............@......... 783.47 1991...........................112.............@......... 883.48 1992...........................132.............@......... 892.23 Ewes & Crossbreds added 1993...........................230.............@......... 622.07 1994...........................257.............@......... 575.29 1995...........................276.............@......... 614.40 1996...........................283.............@......... 667.21 1997...........................414.............@......... 630.01 1998...........................335.............@......... 767.99 1999...........................459.............@......... 749.51 2000...........................519.............@......... 844.23 2001...........................568.............@......... 789.26 2002...........................598.............@......... 821.03 2003...........................587.............@......... 820.95 2004...........................634.............@......... 997.71 2005...........................783.............@......... 964.56 2006...........................719.............@......... 907.72 2007...........................670.............@....... 1207.84 2008...........................622.............@....... 1364.43 2009...........................762.............@....... 1283.23 2010...........................707.............@....... 1388.37 2011...........................678.............@....... 1641.92 2012...........................813.............@....... 1659.07 2013...........................761.............@....... 1325.49 2014...........................682.............@....... 1560.37 2015...........................614.............@....... 1695.85 2016...........................613.............@....... 1597.88

www.midwestsale.com --- Page 146 ---

--- Page 147 ---

HAMPSHIRE WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Ty, Nicole, Sayde, Layne & Jayce Allen 20510 E 1110 Rd - Elk City, OK 73644 (580) 225-2679 (580) 799-3394 allennl83@gmail.com allenshowlambs.com _______________________

Reserve Supreme Champion Wether Sire, Champion Hampshire Wether Sire, Junior Champion, 1st January Ram Lamb from Allred/Elliot sold to California at $5,500.


2020- February Ram Lamb 2021- March Ram Lamb 2022- February Ewe Lamb 2023- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Consigned By


Coby Farrow 10706 E Co Rd 120 - Midland, TX 79706 (432) 413-7590 farrowhampshires@gmail.com farrowhampshires.com _______________________

2001- March Ram Lamb 2002- March Ram Lamb 2003- April Ram Lamb 2004- April Ram Lamb 2005- Yearling Ewe 2006- Yearling Ewe 2007- March Ewe Lamb 2008- March Ewe Lamb 2009- March Ewe Lamb 2010- April Ewe Lamb 2011- April Ewe Lamb 2012- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Donnie Begalka 46576 187th St - Castlewood, SD 57223 (605) 881-5056 (605) 873-9309 sbegalka@itctel.com begalkalivestock.com _______________________

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Rex & Koby Cole 11281 N 1975 Rd - Elk City, OK 73466 (806) 216-1306 (580) 821-2355 colewoolies@cableone.net coleclublambs.com _______________________

2024- Yearling Ewe

S: Ellerbrock

S: Ellerbrock

S: Ellerbrock

Consigned By


W 8778 Kilkenney Rd - Delavan, WI 53115 (608) 289-5686 (260) 609-7369 johnsonfamilyshowstock@gmail.com johnsonfamilyshowstock.com _______________________

2034- January Ram Lamb 2035- February Ram Lamb 2036- March Ram Lamb 2037- April Ram Lamb 2038- December Ewe Lamb 2039- January Ewe Lamb 2040- March Ewe Lamb 2041- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Brent Mennen 7123 E CR 250 S - Walton, IN 46994 (765) 437-6020 (574) 735-3719 mennenclublambs@aol.com mennenclublambs.com _______________________

2026- Yearling Ewe

2042- January Ram Lamb 2043- February Ewe Lamb 2044- March Ewe Lamb

2027- Yearling Ewe


2025- Yearling Ewe

S: Ellerbrock Ellerbrock ram has added a lot of rear leg and stifle dimension to our structural correctness in our flock.

2028- January Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Consigned By


Ted Greiner 25517 330th Ave - Keota, IA 52248 (641) 660-6839 tedgreiner@gmail.com greinerclublambs.com _______________________

S: Ellerbrock

S: Ellerbrock

S: Ellerbrock

2045- March Ewe Lamb 2046- March Ewe Lamb

S: Ellerbrock


2029- February Ewe Lamb 2030- February Ewe Lamb 2031- March Ewe Lamb 2032- March Ewe Lamb

S: Ellerbrock

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

2033- April Ewe Lamb

2013- January Ram Lamb 2014- April Ram Lamb 2015- March Ewe Lamb 2016- April Ewe Lamb 2017- April Ewe Lamb 2018- April Ewe Lamb 2019- April Ewe Lamb


Above Entries, Information Sale Day Consigned By


Shane Kirschten 5060 Jefferson Ave - Alton, IA 51003 (712) 395-0377 (712) 756-8953 kirschten59@gmail.com kirschtensheepfarm.simdif.com _______________________

2047- Yearling Ram 2048- March Ram Lamb 2049- April Ram Lamb 2050- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day --- Page 148 ---

Above Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By


Matthew & Michael Hays 3427 Linn Rd - Perry, KS 66073 (785) 438-0339 hays.m@hotmail.com hbclublambs.com _______________________

2051- Yearling Ram 2052- February Ram Lamb 2053- February Ram Lamb 2054- March Ram Lamb 2055- March Ram Lamb 2056- March Ram Lamb 2057- April Ram Lamb 2058- April Ram Lamb 2059- April Ram Lamb 2060- February Ewe Lamb 2061- March Ewe Lamb 2062- March Ewe Lamb 2063- April Ewe Lamb 2064- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Lambs will sired by YoYo, Bullet, Ambush and Don’t Stop (New sire from Poe this year sired by Full Monty).

_______________________ Consigned By


Box 95 - Belmont, WI 53510 (574) 527-0967 stevarobinson@gmail.com stevarobinson.com _______________________

2065- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Jason Heeg PO Box 217 - Shepherd, MT 59079 (406) 855-1478 (406) 947-2093 crazyhclambs@outlook.com crazyhclublambs.com _______________________

2066- December Ewe Lamb 2067- January Ewe Lamb 2068- February Ewe Lamb 2069- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day





Consigned By

Larry & Barb Harms 27638 E 2450 N Rd - Lexington, IL 61753 (309) 825-3485 hrmsshwlmbs@prairieinet.net harmsshowlambs.com _______________________

2070- Yearling Ewe

Harms PS 44 ST 1400 QR-NN

B: 02/03/2016 Triplet S: Viking 4136 Night Train 599591 D: Harms CR-12 - 1500 Sg 38939

_______________________ Consigned By


Matt, Jalene & Flint Kennedy 17994 Richland Rd - Kirkville, IA 52566 (979) 224-0081 matt.kennedy147@gmail.com kennedyclublambs.com _______________________

2071- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Consigned By

Rodney Yates PO Box 1491 - Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 446-9031 hcsyates@yahoo.com hillcountrysuffolks.com _______________________

2080- January Ram Lamb 2081- February Ram Lamb 2082- March Ram Lamb 2083- Yearling Ewe 2084- Yearling Ewe 2085- February Ewe Lamb 2086- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Don & Alicia Wright 25250 State Hwy 413 - Galena, MO 65656 (417) 437-7381 (417) 236-2010 wrightsrockyacres@hotmail.com wrightsrockyacres.com _______________________

Roger & Marie Parr 33425 E CR 1000 N - Mason City, IL 62664 (217) 871-4555 (217) 482-3680 rparr@frontiernet.net parrhampshires.com _______________________

2087- February Ram Lamb 2088- Yearling Ewe 2089- Yearling Ewe

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Thick- Thick- Think ram here.

B: 01/15/2017 AI

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

2072- January Ram Lamb 2073- January Ram Lamb

Sired by APOLLO, the sire of the Champion Premier Wether 2016 IL State Fair Land of Lincoln on foot.

2074- February Ram Lamb

APOLLO also sired the Reserve Champion Premier on the rail.

2075- February Ram Lamb 2076- Yearling Ewe 2077- January Ewe Lamb

This is her! The heaviest muscled lamb I have ever seen, you must check her out. Sired by APOLLO.

2078- January Ewe Lamb 2079- February Ewe Lamb

Do not miss the chance to get a great club lamb prospect. These ewes will make a great addition to your flock or starting a flock. Call us if you have any question or needs and check our website for pictures of all our entries. Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 149 ---

2090- January Ewe Lamb Wright 0513 RR

2091- January Ewe Lamb 2092- February Ewe Lamb 2093- April Ewe Lamb


Supreme Champion Wether Dam, Champion Hampshire Wether Dam, Junior Champion, 1st January Ewe Lamb from Allred/Elliot sold to Utah at $11,500.

_______________________ Consigned By


Tyson Rule PO Box 27 - Hawarden, IA 51023 (712) 422-0344 (712) 552-2499 tysonrule@hotmail.com rulesheep.com _______________________

2094- Fall Ram Lamb 2095- Fall Ram Lamb 2096- January Ram Lamb 2097- January Ram Lamb 2098- February Ram Lamb 2099- February Ram Lamb 2100- March Ram Lamb 2101- January Ram Lamb 2102- March Ram Lamb 2103- March Ram Lamb 2104- April Ram Lamb 2105- April Ram Lamb 2106- January Ewe Lamb 2107- January Ewe Lamb 2108- January Ewe Lamb 2109- February Ewe Lamb 2110- February Ewe Lamb 2111- February Ram Lamb 2112- March Ewe Lamb 2113- March Ewe Lamb 2114- March Ewe Lamb 2115- March Ewe Lamb 2116- March Ewe Lamb 2117- March Ewe Lamb 2118- March Ewe Lamb 2119- March Ewe Lamb

2120- March Ewe Lamb 2121- March Ewe Lamb 2122- March Ewe Lamb 2123- March Ewe Lamb 2124- April Ewe Lamb 2125- April Ewe Lamb 2126- April Ewe Lamb 2127- April Ewe Lamb 2128- April Ewe Lamb 2129- April Ewe Lamb 2130- April Ewe Lamb 2131- April Ewe Lamb 2132- April Ewe Lamb 2133- April Ewe Lamb 2134- April Ewe Lamb 2135- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Check our website for updates on specific pedigrees and lot information. sheep will be sired by Drop the Mic, OCD, Artic Invasion, Shank N Bake, Kobra Kai, Rogue Nation, and Angry Dragon.

_______________________ Consigned By


Bart Cardwell, Herdsman 1220 E Grand, PO Box 310 Tonkawa, OK 74653 (580) 716-2550 bart.cardwell@noc.edu noc.edu/agriculture.sciences _______________________

2136- Yearling Ram

NOC 6030 601905

B: 02/15/2016 Twin S: Persimmon Creek 11571 600086 D: NOC 4113 51769 Really good ewe family behind this one. Dam is APRICOT. She was Reserve Champion Crossbred at the 1st NEOLA in Stillwater 2015. Sire is a KOOL AID son.

2137- Yearling Ewe Information Sale Day Ring Master Daughter.

_______________________ Consigned By


Deb & Brad Ott 50653 S Co Rd 257 - Fairview, OK 73737 (580) 794-9324 bott@pldi.net ottclublambs.com _______________________

2138- January Ram Lamb 2139- January Ram Lamb 2140- February Ram Lamb 2141- February Ram Lamb 2142- February Ram Lamb 2143- March Ram Lamb 2144- March Ram Lamb 2145- March Ram Lamb 2146- March Ram Lamb 2147- January Ewe Lamb 2148- January Ewe Lamb 2149- February Ewe Lamb 2150- February Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 816-1208 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

2151- Yearling Ram 2152- April Ram Lamb 2153- Yearling Ewe 2154- Yearling Ewe 2155- March Ewe Lamb 2156- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Randy & Susan Pirtle 397271 W 400 Rd - Copan, OK 74022 (918) 440-4553 (918) 440-5991 pcopan1@aol.com pirtlefarms.com _______________________

2157- March Ram Lamb 2158- March Ewe Lamb

--- Page 150 ---

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Above Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By


Jason Simpson 20839 CR 84 - Ault, CO 80610 (970) 371-0276 jsimpsoncl@aol.com simpsonlivestock.com _______________________

2159- Yearling Ram 2160- Fall Ram Lamb 2161- January Ram Lamb 2162- February Ram Lamb 2163- March Ram Lamb 2164- January Ewe Lamb 2165- February Ewe Lamb 2166- March Ewe Lamb 2167- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Dan Perry 10253 S 400 W 90 - Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 rockbottom@onlyinternet.net _______________________

2168- February Ewe Lamb 2169- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Suzanna Storms 859 Washburn Rd - Washburn, IL 61570 (309) 231-1292 (309) 248-7823 suzanna.storms@gmail.com stormshampshires.com _______________________

2170- February Ram Lamb

Storms 657

B: 02/19/2017 AI S: FORTY D: Storms 516 Sired by the Supreme Champion Wether Sire at Sedalia in 2015 and out of an AUTHENIC daughter.





Consigned By

Willard McLaughlin 400 CR 220 - Craig, CO 81625 (970) 629-0263 (970)629-5982 mclaughlinsheep@gmail.com _______________________

Consigned By

Jim Miller 1550A CR 121 - Seagraves, TX 79359 (806) 487-6891 millerhampshires@hotmail.com _______________________

2171- March Ram Lamb 2172- March Ram Lamb 2173- February Ewe Lamb 2174- February Ewe Lamb 2175- March Ewe Lamb 2176- March Ewe Lamb 2177- March Ewe Lamb

2193- Yearling Ewe 2194- Yearling Ewe 2195- Yearling Ewe 2196- Yearling Ewe 2197- Yearling Ewe 2198- Yearling Ewe 2199- Yearling Ewe 2200- Yearling Ewe





Above Entries, Information Sale Day Consigned By

Heath Williams 12191 431st Ave - Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 450-7107 williamsshowlambs@gmail.com _______________________

2178- January Ram Lamb 2179- March Ram Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Clay Elliott 17422 Elm St W - Calumet, OK 73014 (575) 635-6340 lilielliott@hotmail.com allredelliott.com _______________________

2180- Yearling Ram 2181- February Ram Lamb 2182- February Ram Lamb 2183- March Ram Lamb 2184- March Ram Lamb 2185- April Ram Lamb 2186- Yearling Ewe 2187- January Ewe Lamb 2188- February Ewe Lamb 2189- February Ewe Lamb 2190- March Ewe Lamb 2191- March Ewe Lamb 2192- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 151 ---

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Consigned By

Jim Nelssen & Family 7234 Tuttle Creek Blvd Manhattan, KS 66503 (785) 200-4543 (785) 776-1407 jnelssen@ksu.edu powercatclublambs.com _______________________

2201- April Ram Lamb 2202- April Ram Lamb 2203- April Ram Lamb

We plan on bringing our best 3 April ram lambs to the Midwest Stud Ram Sale for your viewing!

2204- March Ewe Lamb

We wanted to bring our best Hindman BUCKLE UP ewe lamb to Sedalia! This ewe lamb is DONOR QUALITY and we do not take DONOR quality lightly at our farm. She is out of our 4-D LARGE daughter of 2014! Buy with confidence. She is as good as our 1st place April ewe lamb from last year!

2205- April Ewe Lamb 2206- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

HAMPSHIRE WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Patricia Coady 1022 County Rd - Mead, NE 68041 (402) 277-6246 (402) 624-5845 mjrc3@windstream.net _______________________

Res Champion Hampshire Wether Sire, Res Junior Champ, 1st February Ram Lamb from Allen Show Lambs sold to Pennsylvania at $10,250.

_______________________ Consigned By


Kyle Fleener 807 Beecherstown Rd Biglerville, PA 17307 (717) 304-9116 (717) 269-2500 Fleenerkm@yahoo.com _______________________

2207- January Ewe Lamb

S: Allen Show Lambs G299 601449 ROOSTER D: FCL 1311 51162

2208- February Ewe Lamb 2209- March Ewe Lamb

S: Allen Show Lambs G299 601449 ROOSTER D: McCandlish 1301 48361 Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Scott & Shelly Schmitz 11467 W 76th St N - Rhodes, IA 50234 (641) 485-9860 ssschmitz@partnercom.net schmitzclublambs.com _______________________

2210- Yearling Ram 2211- January Ram Lamb 2212- January Ram Lamb 2213- February Ram Lamb 2214- February Ram Lamb 2215- March Ram Lamb 2216- March Ram Lamb 2217- April Ram Lamb 2218- March Ewe Lamb 2219- March Ewe Lamb 2220- April Ewe Lamb 2221- April Ewe Lamb

2222- January Ram Lamb 2223- February Ram Lamb 2224- January Ewe Lamb 2225- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day These lambs are sired by Wildman (Powercat 15060). Wildman is a 4-D Large son on an Evolution daughter. All of the dams are from Guy Glasscock bloodlines consisting of 4-D Large, PBR, and a 4-D Large son.

_______________________ Consigned By


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

2226- Yearling Ram 2227- Fall Ram Lamb 2228- Fall Ram Lamb 2229- January Ram Lamb 2230- January Ram Lamb 2231- February Ram Lamb 2232- February Ram Lamb 2233- March Ram Lamb 2234- March Ram Lamb 2235- Yearling Ewe 2236- Yearling Ewe 2237- Fall Ewe Lamb 2238- January Ewe Lamb 2239- February Ewe Lamb 2240- March Ewe Lamb 2241- March Ewe Lamb 2242- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Above Entries, Information Sale Day --- Page 152 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Adam & Trena Harker 12402 Valley View Rd Mountain Grove, MO 65711 (417) 254-1731 aharker22@gmail.com _______________________

2243- April Ram Lamb

HFZ 8650-51


B: 04/03/2017 Single S: HFZ 8650-32 601013 D: Johnson 1338 44416 D

_______________________ Consigned By


Mike Hindman 1648 640th Ave - Albia, IA 52531 (515) 491-7829 hindmanlamb@yahoo.com _______________________

2244- February Ram Lamb 2245- March Ram Lamb 2246- February Ewe Lamb 2247- February Ewe Lamb 2248- February Ewe Lamb 2249- March Ewe Lamb 2250- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Tom East & Gary Nix 9680 Eastside Potter Valley Rd Potter Valley, CA 95469 (707) 354-4369 eastcovelo@yahoo.com westcoast-clublambs.com _______________________

2251- March Ram Lamb

West Coast 749

B: 03/02/2017 Twin S: Slack 5478 WESTSIDE 599628 D: Rule 5045 ET 57899D Sire is son of a Rule ewe (Burn daughter) we bought in Reno. She is a moderate framed, thick topped ewe with a great pin set. An outcross I think you will like.

2252- March Ewe Lamb

West Coast 748

B: 03/02/2017 Twin S: Slack 5478 WESTSIDE 599628 D: Rule 5045 ET 578899D Twin to ram lamb entry and should probably keep her, but I bred her mother as a lamb and kept the yearling. Trying to keep the ewe flock at 40. Check her out, she is nice!



Consigned By


Jeff & Brad Ellerbrock 13383 E 2000th St - Atkinson, IL 61235 (309) 657-7515 bellerbrock@nbsmail.net ellerbrockclublambs.com _______________________

2253- January Ram Lamb 2254- January Ram Lamb 2255- January Ram Lamb 2256- February Ram Lamb 2257- February Ram Lamb 2258- February Ram Lamb 2259- March Ram Lamb 2260- March Ram Lamb 2261- March Ram Lamb 2262- April Ram Lamb 2263- April Ram Lamb 2264- January Ewe Lamb 2265- January Ewe Lamb 2266- February Ewe Lamb 2267- February Ewe Lamb 2268- March Ewe Lamb 2269- March Ewe Lamb 2270- March Ewe Lamb 2271- April Ewe Lamb 2272- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Don Drewry 3105 250 St E - Farmington, MN 55024 (651) 894-3466 (651) 463-8578 don.drewry@frontier.com drewryclublambs.com _______________________

2273- March Ewe Lamb

Drewry 176xx _R

B: 03/22/2017 Single S: Gomez - Rick Adams tbd D: Drewry TBD n/a Gomez lambs tend to have good bone, wide tops, square hips and lots of shag. For more info on our flock see DrewryClubLamb.com or our Facebook page.

_______________________ Consigned By


Chris McGolden PO Box 744 - Arapaho, OK 73620 (580) 331-7198 cmcgolden@hotmail.com allisonmcgoldenclublambs.com _______________________

2274- February Ram Lamb 2275- Yearling Ewe 2276- Yearling Ewe 2277- Yearling Ewe 2278- February Ewe Lamb 2279- March Ewe Lamb 2280- March Ewe Lamb 2281- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Dave Wolf 957 E Ave - Scranton, IA 51462 (712) 830-3625 (712) 652-3887 mcpope@netins.net wolfclublambs.com _______________________

2282- Yearling Ram 2283- March Ram Lamb 2284- April Ram Lamb 2285- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day


_______________________ Consigned By


Larry, Diana, Joaquin & Justin Crego 7710 Livestock Ln - Ft Collins, CO 80524 (970) 217-9059 (970) 482-6958 cregols@msn.com _______________________

2290- Yearling Ram 2291- Yearling Ram 2292- January Ram Lamb 2293- January Ram Lamb 2294- February Ram Lamb 2295- February Ram Lamb 2296- March Ram Lamb 2297- January Ewe Lamb 2298- January Ewe Lamb 2299- February Ewe Lamb 2300- February Ewe Lamb 2301- March Ewe Lamb

_______________________ Consigned By


Terry Knudson 1634 E 1000 N - Morristown, IN 46161 (812)871-5700 vikingshowlambs@gmail.com vikingshowlambsandgenetics.com _______________________

2302- February Ram Lamb

Dustin & Rebecca Rookstool 9377 Broderick Rd - Wamego, KS 66547 (785) 410-3826 (785) 456-4096 Rebecca.rookstool@ alumni.washburnlaw.edu Facebook Rookstool Club Lambs _______________________

2286- February Ewe Lamb 2287- February Ewe Lamb 2288- April Ram Lamb 2289- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 153 ---

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Consigned By


Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Ryan, Mona Lisa, Hop and Debbie Estes 9823 E Belmont Ave - Sanger, CA 93657 (559) 301-3241 petterssonfarms@hotmail.com estesshowlambs.com _______________________

2303- February Ewe Lamb 2304- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

HAMPSHIRE WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Joe Harrell & Tyler Rhoads 24848 W Gore Blvd Indiahoma, OK 73552 (580) 695-1767- (580) 591-1091 Amyrhoads29@yahoo.com joeharrellclublambs.com _______________________

Res Champion Hampshire Wether Dam, Res Junior Champ, 1st March Ewe Lamb from Ellerbrock Club Lambs sold to California at $4,500.

_______________________ Consigned By


Jarrett Webb 3320 E 2620 S - Saint George, UT 84790 (435) 668-6638 Triplej_clublambs@hotmail.com triplejclublambs.com _______________________

2311- Yearling Ram 2312- January Ram Lamb 2313- March Ram Lamb 2314- Yearling Ewe 2315- Yearling Ewe 2316- February Ewe Lamb 2317- March Ewe Lamb 2318- March Ewe Lamb 2319- April Ewe Lamb 2320- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

2305- Yearling Ram 2306- February Ram Lamb 2307- Yearling Ewe 2308- January Ewe Lamb 2309- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


James Humphrey 607 East Hwy 81 - Burley, ID 83318 (406) 533-9807 jhumpy33@hotmail.com SRVlivestock.com _______________________

2310- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

--- Page 154 ---

E-I-E-I-O... Find the hidden objects in the farm picture below. Apple Carrot Corn

Pitchfork Sheep Rooster

Wagon Wheel Hay Rabbit

Fun & Games

www.midwestsale.com --- Page 155 ---

Bonus Activity... Color the farm picture!

NATURAL COLORED WS/WD _______________________ Consigned By


Brent Mennen 7123 E CR 250 S - Walton, IN 46994 (765) 437-6020 (574) 735-3719 mennenclublambs@aol.com mennenclublambs.com _______________________

2327- April Ram Lamb Champion Natural Colored Wether Sire, 1st March Ram Lamb from Harms Show Lambs sold to Ohio at $2,700.

_______________________ Consigned By


Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Kaci Keitzer 14901 240th St - Mediapolis, IA 52637 (319) 572-4247 kacikeitzer@gmail.com _______________________

Brandon, Steven & Megan Blume 2225 Co Rd A - Mineral Point, WI 53565 (608) 341-6302 blumer1989@hotmail.com blumeclublambs.com _______________________

2328- March Ewe Lamb

Hannah Knapp 21623 312th St - Bloomfield, IA 52537 (641) 208-5609 hsknapp13@gmail.com _______________________

2321- March Ram Lamb 2322- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


W 8778 Kilkenney Rd - Delavan, WI 53115 (608) 289-5686 (260) 609-7369 johnsonfamilyshowstock@gmail.com johnsonfamilyshowstock.com _______________________

2323- March Ram Lamb 2324- February Ewe Lamb 2325- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Larry & Barb Harms 27638 E 2450 N Rd - Lexington, IL 61753 (309) 825-3485 hrmsshwlmbs@prairieinet.net harmsshowlambs.com _______________________

2326- April Ram Lamb

Harms Y589 ST 1389

B: 04/05/2017 Twin S: T-Bird HSL 75 D: Bullet Proof 8458 T-Bird is our keeper Chicken Hawk son. x Angry Bird RR/NN. Bullet Proof 8458 is also RR/NN.

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


2329- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Don & Alicia Wright 25250 State Hwy 413 - Galena, MO 65656 (417) 437-7381 (417) 236-2010 wrightsrockyacres@hotmail.com wrightsrockyacres.com _______________________

2330- February Ewe Lamb 2331- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Andy & Jeribeth Turner 1220 Hynds Ranch Rd - VanAlstyne, TX 75495 (254) 290-0420 (903) 816-1208 turnershowstock@gmail.com turnershowstock.com _______________________

2332- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

--- Page 156 ---

_______________________ Consigned By


Rodney Yates PO Box 1491 - Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 446-9031 hcsyates@yahoo.com hillcountrysuffolks.com _______________________

2333- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Tyson Rule PO Box 27 - Hawarden, IA 51023 (712) 422-0344 (712) 552-2499 tysonrule@hotmail.com rulesheep.com _______________________

2334- March Ram Lamb 2335- March Ram Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day Check our website for updates on specific pedigrees and lot information. sheep will be sired by Drop the Mic, OCD, Artic Invasion, Shank N Bake, Kobra Kai, Rogue Nation, and Angry Dragon.

_______________________ Consigned By


Matt, Jalene & Flint Kennedy 17994 Richland Rd - Kirkville, IA 52566 (979) 224-0081 matt.kennedy147@gmail.com kennedyclublambs.com _______________________

2336- March Ram Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Willard McLaughlin 400 CR 220 - Craig, CO 81625 (970) 629-0263 (970)629-5982 mclaughlinsheep@gmail.com _______________________

2337- Fall Ram Lamb 2338- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By


Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

2339- January Ram Lamb 2340- February Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Mason Burkett 2207 185th St - Grand Junction, IA 50107 (515) 370-5704 burkettma@greenecountycsd.net _______________________

2341- February Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


_______________________ Consigned By


Mike Hindman 1648 640th Ave - Albia, IA 52531 (515) 491-7829 hindmanlamb@yahoo.com _______________________

2345- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Tyler Homann 915 CR 350 E - Neoga, IL 62447 (217) 962-1356 tylerhomann@yahoo.com _______________________

2346- Yearling Ewe 2347- Yearling Ewe 2348- Yearling Ewe

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Tom East & Gary Nix 9680 Eastside Potter Valley Rd Potter Valley, CA 95469 (707) 354-4369 eastcovelo@yahoo.com westcoast-clublambs.com _______________________


2349- April Ewe Lamb

2342- March Ram Lamb West Coast 758

B: 03/12/2017 S: West Coast 661 D: Sampson 608 Sire will be in Sedalia and was the last ram born last year. He is wide based, thick topped and a tremendous stifle. The mother of 758 is a BUSHWACKER daughter we bought from Harry Sampson in Reno.

2343- February Ewe Lamb

West Coast 745

Consigned By


Jason Craig 48757 44th St - Paw Paw, MI 49079 (269) 598-2752 (269) 267-7920 lisa.craig@mpiresearch.com _______________________

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Todd Wise 1825 Weld CR 59 - Keenesburg, CO 80643 (303) 512-3864 wiseloril@gmail.com wiseclublambs.com _______________________

B: 02/17/2017 S: Weger 0240 SCOOBY D: West Coast 627 62406D SCOOBY is a LOG RAT son x Pagliaros GOLDIE ewe. We leased SCOOBY this year and got some exceptional lambs. They are big footed, stout, upfronted and wide based with a lot of shag.

2350- March Ewe Lamb


Chris McGolden PO Box 744 - Arapaho, OK 73620 (580) 331-7198 cmcgolden@hotmail.com allisonmcgoldenclublambs.com _______________________

Consigned By


James Humphrey 607 East Hwy 81 - Burley, ID 83318 (406) 533-9807 jhumpy33@hotmail.com SRVlivestock.com _______________________

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


2351- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

2344- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

--- Page 157 ---

Champion Natural Colored Wether Dam, 1st Yearling Ewe from Hill Country Show Lambs sold to Indiana at $1,100.

_______________________ Consigned By


Dave Wolf 957 E Ave - Scranton, IA 51462 (712) 830-3625 (712) 652-3887 mcpope@netins.net wolfclublambs.com _______________________

2352- March Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Ryan, Mona Lisa, Hop and Debbie Estes 9823 E Belmont Ave - Sanger, CA 93657 (559) 301-3241 petterssonfarms@hotmail.com estesshowlambs.com _______________________

2353- Fall Ewe Lamb 2354- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By

_______________________ Consigned By


Lochie Hosch PO Box 419 - Salado, TX 76571 (972) 921-4081 lochie.hosch@gmail.com _______________________

2361- Yearling Ram Champion Suffolk Wether Sire, 1st Yearling Ram from Slack Club Lambs sold to Pennsylvania at $3,100.

Nicholson 1604


B: 04/11/2016 Triplet S: Viking Lamb 5414 637784 D: Hill Country 247-09 598124

_______________________ Consigned By


Don & Alicia Wright 25250 State Hwy 413 - Galena, MO 65656 (417) 437-7381 (417) 236-2010 wrightsrockyacres@hotmail.com wrightsrockyacres.com _______________________

2362- February Ram Lamb 2363- February Ewe Lamb 2364- February Ewe Lamb Reserve Champion Suffolk Wether Sire, 1st January Ram Lamb from Slack Club Lambs sold to Texas at $1,500.

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Randy & Susan Pirtle 397271 W 400 Rd - Copan, OK 74022 (918) 440-4553 (918) 440-5991 pcopan1@aol.com pirtlefarms.com _______________________

2365- Yearling Ram 2366- February Ram Lamb 2367- March Ram Lamb 2368- April Ram Lamb 2369- Yearling Ewe 2370- Yearling Ewe 2371- Yearling Ewe 2372- February Ewe Lamb 2373- March Ewe Lamb 2374- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day These yearling ewes are bred just like the Champion Ewes at the Tulsa State Fair in 2014, 2015, and 2016.


Rodney Yates PO Box 1491 - Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 446-9031 hcsyates@yahoo.com hillcountrysuffolks.com _______________________

2375- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Willard McLaughlin 400 CR 220 - Craig, CO 81625 (970) 629-0263 (970)629-5982 mclaughlinsheep@gmail.com _______________________

2376- Yearling Ram 2377- February Ram Lamb 2378- March Ram Lamb 2379- March Ram Lamb 2380- January Ewe Lamb 2381- February Ewe Lamb 2382- February Ewe Lamb 2383- March Ewe Lamb 2384- March Ewe Lamb 2385- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Bart Cardwell, Herdsman 1220 E Grand, PO Box 310 Tonkawa, OK 74653 (580) 716-2550 bart.cardwell@noc.edu noc.edu/agriculture.sciences _______________________

2386- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day

_______________________ Consigned By


Ryan, Mona Lisa, Hop and Debbie Estes 9823 E Belmont Ave - Sanger, CA 93657 (559) 301-3241 petterssonfarms@hotmail.com estesshowlambs.com _______________________

2387- March Ram Lamb 2388- March Ewe Lamb

--- Page 158 ---

Above Entries, Information Sale Day



Consigned By


Ralph & Melanie Horchler 238 Busy Ln - New Wilmington, PA 16142 (724) 651-6757 (724) 533-9925 msbsuffolks@embarqmail.com msbsuffolks.com _______________________

2389-Yearling Ewe 2390-Yearling Ewe 2391- January Ewe Lamb 2392- February Ewe Lamb 2393- March Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day


_______________________ Consigned By


Chris McGolden PO Box 744 - Arapaho, OK 73620 (580) 331-7198 cmcgolden@hotmail.com allisonmcgoldenclublambs.com _______________________

2403- Yearling Ewe

_______________________ Consigned By


Consigned By


Riley Foster 2130 Faculty Row - Muskogee, OK 74403 (918) 441-5775 fosteralanjoe@gmail.com _______________________

2394- Yearling Ewe 2395- Yearling Ewe 2396- Yearling Ewe

Information Sale Day Stout made wether ewes that have that sleek Suffolk look.

_______________________ Consigned By


Terrye Troxtell/Hunter Brockelman 455 Biggerstaff Rd - Sherman, TX 75090 (903) 821-3985 troxjone@aol.com _______________________

2397- Yearling Ram 2398- Yearling Ewe 2399- Yearling Ewe 2400- Yearling Ewe 2401- Fall Ewe Lamb 2402- April Ewe Lamb

Information Sale Day

Tom Slack 1022 W 1300 N North Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 750-7399 (260) 982-8714 luvmysheep@aol.com slackclublambs.com _______________________

2404- Yearling Ram 2405- December Ram Lamb 2406- January Ram Lamb 2407- February Ram Lamb 2408- March Ram Lamb 2409- Yearling Ewe 2410- December Ewe Lamb 2411- January Ewe Lamb 2412- February Ewe Lamb 2413- March Ewe Lamb 2414- March Ewe Lamb 2415- March Ewe Lamb 2416- April Ewe Lamb

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

Above Entries, Information Sale Day

--- Page 159 ---

Champion Suffolk Wether Dam, 1st Yearling Ewe from Slack Club Lambs sold to Pennsylvania at $5,000.

CONSIGNOR INDEX Columbias - page 36

Horned Dorsets - page 44

Corriedales - page 37

Polled Dorsets - start on page 46

BORCHER SHEEP CO............................................Powell, WY...............................23-26 DEW DROP FARM.................................................New York Mills, MN.................11-13 KUEHNE COLUMBIAS & COLOREDS...................Reading, MN............................14-16 PETERSON SHEEP COMPANY.............................Lemmon, SD.............................17-20 RASPBERRY MEADOWS......................................Leasburg, MO...........................21-22

DEW DROP FARM.................................................New York Mills, MN.................54-56 FEDERER CORRIEDALES......................................Cheyenne, WY..........................45-50 MORRIS CORRIEDALES........................................Lerna, IL....................................51-53 PHILLIPPI CORRIEDALES.....................................Hammond, MT.........................41-44

Dorpers - start on page 38

APRICOT LANE FARMS........................................Moorpark, CA...........................72-80 COYOTE CREEK FARMS........................................Siloam Springs, AR...................81-83 DEER RUN RANCH.................................................Mountain Grove, MO...........113-117 DRY CREEK DORPERS..........................................Leesburg, OH.......................102-107 HIJO DORPERS......................................................Amity, OR.................................61-70 KENTUCKY PROUD DORPERS.................................Kirkey, KY..............................108-111 LOBDELL DORPERS..............................................Freeport, IL................................... 71 MISSOURI DORPERS............................................Albany, MO...............................85-87 MIRROR C LIVESTOCK.........................................Millsap, TX................................88-98 RIVERWOOD FARMS...........................................Powell, OH.............................99-101 TRIPLE E DORPERS.................................................Paris, MO...................................... 84 TWISTED ASH FARM & DAIRY................................Foristell, MO............................... 112

White Dorpers - start on page 41

AFTON HILLS FARM.............................................Afton, MN............................176-183 BUCKEYE ACRES...................................................VanWert, OH........................121-124 CIRCLE R FARMING..............................................Rosedale, VA........................132-133 HIJO DORPERS......................................................Amity, OR.............................134-143 JBJ LIVESTOCK......................................................Brighton, MO.......................155-159 L & K SHEEP..........................................................Jenera, OH............................152-154 LEWIS WHITE DORPERS......................................Bonanza, OR.........................160-168 MISSOURI DORPERS............................................Albany, MO...........................128-131 MIRROR C LIVESTOCK.........................................Millsap, TX............................125-127 PLEASANT VIEW FARM.......................................Diller, NE...............................144-146 RED RAVEN ACRES...............................................Ravenswood, MO.................169-170 RIVERWOOD FARMS...........................................Powell, OH...........................171-175 THORESON SHEEP FARM.......................................Zumbrora, MN.....................147-151

CASSELL HORNED DORSETS...............................Wytheville, VA......................196-200 GALLEHER FARMS................................................Mt Gilead, OH......................201-204 KENDRICK DORSETS............................................Vermont, IL..........................205-208 PATOKA VALLEY SHEEP........................................Princeton, IN........................191-193 SINK SOUTHDOWNS & HORNED DORSETS......Kirklin, IN..............................194-195

ALDRICH, DUANE.................................................DeSmet, SD..........................246-248 ARNDT ACRES.......................................................Norwood, MN......................266-270 C & J LIVESTOCK...................................................Polo, MO..................................... 285 CEDAR LANE DORSETS........................................Manawa, WI.........................217-222 DOTY DORSETS.....................................................Lovington, IL.........................282-284 FLINCHUMS POLLED DORSETS..........................Longmont, CO......................211-214 FLINCHUM, JOHN GORDON...............................Longmont, CO............................. 215 FLINCHUM, ELIZABETH.......................................Longmont, CO............................. 216 FRUECHTE FAMILY DORSETS..............................White, SD.............................234-238 LAUDEN ACRES....................................................Dalmatia, PA.........................226-233 McCARTHY DORSETS...........................................Sycamore, OH......................223-225 NICHOLS SHEEP FARM........................................Jerseyville, IL........................243-245 NORTHERN STARR LIVESTOCK...........................Lonsdale, MN.......................280-281 PENN VIEW FARM................................................Blairsville, PA........................256-259 PETERSON SHEEP COMPANY.............................Lemmon, SD.........................277-278 POPE DORSETS.....................................................Greenfield, IN.......................260-263 RED BARN FAMILY FARM....................................St Michael, MN........................... 265 SANFORD DORSETS & HAMPS...........................Faribault, MN.......................271-276 SPILDE FARMS......................................................Stoughton, WI............................. 264 TURTLE MEAD POLLED DORSETS......................Sinking Spring, PA................239-242 WESTWIND FARM - ANDERSON FAMILY...........Hustonville, KY............................ 279 WOLKOW DORSETS.............................................DeSmet, SD..........................249-255

Catalog PDF and Online Searchable Catalog: Copy of this catalog can be found online at


You also have the option of an online searchable catalog to make finding sections of entries by breed or class easier.

Penning Charts:

Pen assignments are not included in this catalog to allow for timely printing and mailing. They will be accessible at


and posted in barns… all pens will be tagged upon consignor arrival as well.

watch live streamed shows & sales at www.dvauction.com --- Page 160---

CONSIGNOR INDEX Hampshires - start on page 52

ALF HAMPSHIRES.................................................Edgerton, WI........................423-425 BIRSCHBACH HAMPSHIRES................................Fond du Lac, WI...................327-330 BOBENDRIER BOYS..............................................Pipestone, MN.....................308-310 BOBENDRIER HAMPSHIRES................................Pipestone, MN.....................345-351 BORCHER SHEEP CO............................................Powell, WY...........................301-305 CHAR-LAND FARMS.............................................Woodburn, OR............................ 317 DEAKIN FAMILY FARMS.......................................Cuba, IL................................426-429 DeZEEUW FARM...................................................Elkton, SD.............................395-397 FLEENER CLUB LAMBS........................................Biglerville, PA.......................331-333 FLEENER LIVESTOCK............................................Robesonia, PA......................405-408 GILLMORE-DAVISON HAMPSHIRES...................Wichita, KS...........................360-361 HAND HAMPSHIRES............................................DeSoto, MO.........................311-312 HELD HAMPSHIRES..............................................Aurora, SD............................411-416 HERRIG FAMILY....................................................Slayton, MN.........................318-321 HIGHLAND HAMPSHIRES....................................Harlan, IA.............................355-359 HOUGHTALING HAMPS.......................................Doland, SD...........................322-326 HOWELL CLUB LAMBS.........................................Celina, OH................................... 430 KENDRICK DORSETS & HAMPS..........................Vermont, IL..........................409-410 KIRSCHTEN SHEEP FARM....................................Alton, IA...................................... 352 MARSHALL SHEEP CO..........................................Arlington, SD........................306-307 MERRILL, REID......................................................Canby, MN................................... 380 MUMM HAMPSHIRES.........................................White Heath, IL....................400-404 NELSON HAMPS...................................................Eaton, CO.............................417-420 NICHOLS SHEEP FARM........................................Jerseyville, IL........................388-392 NOC SHEEP CENTER............................................Tonkawa, OK........................378-379 NORTHERN EXPOSURE LIVESTOCK...................Dodge Center, MN...............353-354 PARR HAMPSHIRES..............................................Mason City, IL.......................362-371 PETERSON SHEEP COMPANY.............................Lemmon, SD.........................381-387 PINE LAWN FARM................................................Holland, MN.........................372-377 PLAZA LIVESTOCK................................................Agency, MO..........................334-344 RABBIT CREEK SHEEP FARM...............................Elko, NV....................................... 316 SANFORD DORSETS & HAMPS...........................Fairbault, MN.......................393-394 SPOONSTER HAMPS............................................Eolia, MO..............................421-422 WAGGONER HAMPSHRIES.................................Cole Camp, MO....................313-315 WILLWERTH & FAMILY, RB..................................Webster City, IA...................398-399


Late entries accepted until 24 hours before respective show. They will not be included in the printed or pdf version of this catalog, but can be found in the online searchable catalog found at


Katahdins - start on page 60

ASPEN MOUNTAIN KATAHDINS.........................Butte, MT.................................... 602 BB FARMS.............................................................Woodbine, MD.....................590-601 BUCKEYE ACRES...................................................VanWert, OH........................515-522 CRAIG FARMS KATAHDINS..................................Decatur, MI..........................482-491 D & J SMITH KATAHDINS.....................................Earl Park, IN..........................476-481 DOSCH TMD KATAHDINS....................................Frederick, SD............................... 579 DYER FAMILY KATAHDINS...................................Chrisney, IN..........................537-543 FRANCIS FAMILY FARMS.....................................Paris, MO.............................469-474 HANCOCK KATAHDINS.........................................Noble, IL...................................... 475 HARKER FARMS....................................................Mountain Grove, MO.................. 492 JULIAN AND MOORE SHEEP...............................Rootstown, OH.....................527-536 KRK KATAHDINS...................................................Hubbard, OR........................544-548 LAZY B LIVESTOCK...............................................Prague, OK...........................549-553 LIMERICK FARMS.................................................Tipton, OK............................449-453 LUZON FARM........................................................Bonnots Mill, MO.................523-526 PIPESTONE KATAHDINS.......................................Pipestone, MN.....................494-512 POYNTER SHEEP FARM.......................................Paris, IL.................................554-560 PRAIRIE LANE FARM............................................Centralia, MO.......................561-576 PRAIRIE LANE FARM - COOPER GEHRING........Centralia, MO.......................577-578 PROFFITT LIVESTOCK FARM...............................Richmond, MO.....................603-604 RACK OF LAMB CORRAL......................................Windorn, KS.........................461-468 RIVIERA.................................................................Cable, OH.............................580-589 SILVER MAPLE SHEEP FARM...............................Rose Hill, VA.........................605-610 SPRABERRY ACRES...............................................Royce City, TX.......................441-444 STURDY POST RANCH..........................................Ward, SD..............................454-460 TREBBE, JUSTIN....................................................Fort Pierre, SD............................. 493 WEAVER, DOYLE...................................................Nevada, MO.........................513-514 WINDER, CLAY......................................................Butler, MO............................445-448

Montadales - start on page 68

A & A LIVESTOCK..................................................New Holland, IL....................621-624 ABELL-MURDOCK MONTADALES.......................Aurora, OR...........................676-677 BAUGH & DUNN, INC...........................................Middletown, MO.................644-648 CLAYMAN MONTADALES....................................Hutchinson, KS.....................628-635 EKERN MONTADALES..........................................Mexico, MO..........................682-684 JACOBSEN RANCH...............................................LeGrand, CA.........................658-663 MARSHALL SHEEP FARM....................................Monticello, IL.......................668-672 MILLER FARMS.....................................................Bruce, SD..............................636-643 MUMM MONTADALES........................................White Heath, IL....................673-675 MY MONTADALES................................................Brookings, SD.......................625-626 PETEFISH MONTADALES.....................................Virginia, IL............................655-657 POPPEN MONTADALES.......................................DeSmet, SD..........................649-654 RHOADES MONTADALES....................................Centralia, MO.......................678-681 SALFNER MONTADALES......................................Warwick, MD.............................. 627 VanHORN, JANSYN...............................................Garfield, KS..........................664-667

www.midwestsale.com --- Page 161 ---

CONSIGNOR INDEX Natural Coloreds - page 71

BAR J BAR RANCH................................................Box Elder, SD........................704-706 BORCHER SHEEP CO............................................Powell, WY...........................709-711 KNUTSON SUFFOLKS & RAMBOUILLETS..........Centerville, SD............................ 714 KUEHNE COLUMBIAS & COLOREDS...................Reading, MN........................707-708 KUYKENDALL, KATHERINE..................................Richland Center, WI.................... 703 MORRIS NATURAL COLOREDS...........................Lerna, IL................................712-713 PINES END NATURAL COLOREDS.......................Watkins, MN............................... 701 PURPLE RIBBON FARMS......................................Arcola, IL..................................... 702 SCHMIDT BROTHERS FARM................................Centralia, MO.......................715-718

Polypays - start on page 72

BIG PRAIRIE POLYPAYS........................................Ashton, IL.............................755-756 L & K SHEEP..........................................................Jenera, OH............................731-739 SHADY LANE POLYPAYS.......................................Canby, MN............................740-746 SHADY LAWN POLYPAYS......................................Eldridge, IA...........................751-754 SHAPIRO FAMILY FARMS, LLC............................Colorado Springs, CO...........747-749 VAN WELL POLYPAYS...........................................Watertown, SD............................ 750

Rambouillets - start on page 74

AVONDALE FARM.................................................Maplewood, OH...................761-762 BAR J BAR RANCH................................................Box Elder, SD........................770-775 BENZ RAMBOUILLET...........................................St Marys, KS.........................776-779 BRINKMAN SHEEP FARM....................................Goodhue, MN......................795-796 BORCHER SHEEP CO............................................Powell, WY...........................764-766 CRAWFORD RAMBOUILLETS..............................Pipestone, MN.....................784-787 DEW DROP FARM.................................................New York Mills, MN.............781-783 INBODY BROTHERS RAMBOUILLETS.................Bluffton, OH.........................789-790 KIRKPATRICK RAMBOUILLETS............................Ashland, OH................................ 780 KNUTSON SUFFOLKS & RAMBOUILLETS..........Centerville, SD............................ 788 L & K SHEEP..........................................................Jenera, OH................................... 763 MARSHALL SHEEP COMPANY.............................Arlington, SD........................767-769 REGEHR SHEEP.....................................................Marion, SD...........................791-794

Southdowns - start on page 78

A & M RANCH.......................................................Sandwich, IL.........................900-902 B & G LIVESTOCK..................................................Wytheville, VA......................937-938 BECKMIER BROS..................................................Atwood, IL............................974-976 BECKMIER LIVESTOCK.........................................Morrisonville, IL...................985-986 BOWMAN SOUTHDOWNS..................................Blandinsville, IL....................952-955 BRINKMAN SHEEP FARM....................................Goodhue, MN......................982-984 BULLINGTON SOUTHDOWNS.............................Brookings, SD.......................903-908 BURNS STOCK FARM...........................................Flora, IN................................894-899 COLE CLUB LAMBS...............................................Elk City, OK...........................892-893 DAVIS SOUTHDOWNS & CLUB LAMBS..............Odell, IL................................956-961 FORSEE SOUTHDOWNS......................................Owenton, KY........................886-891 GOPHER CLUB LAMBS.........................................Lakefield, MN.......................874-881 HAMERLINCK FARMS..........................................Reynolds, IL..........................947-949 HIGHLAND HAMPSHIRES....................................Harlan, IA.................................... 864 JUNGE SHEEP FARM............................................Cleburne, TX........................942-946 KNITTEL LIVESTOCK.............................................Greenfield, IL.......................987-989 LABER LIVESTOCK................................................Longmont, CO......................970-973 LJS LIVESTOCK......................................................Jacksboro, TX.......................977-981 MADDOX SOUTHDOWNS...................................Thomas, OK..........................914-931 McELVAIN SHEEP FARM......................................Heyworth, IL.........................870-873 NORTHERN STARR LIVESTOCK...........................Lonsdale, MN.......................990-994 OLSON, LEE & CHERRY........................................New Virginia, IA...................939-941 PARMELY FAMILY SOUTHDOWNS......................Brookings, SD.......................932-934 RISING SON SOUTHDOWNS...............................Coleridge, NE.......................968-969 RINCKER SOUTHDOWNS....................................St Johns, MI..........................935-936 SHADY LAWN POLYPAYS......................................Eldridge, IA...........................882-885 SINK SOUTHDOWNS & HORNED DORSETS......Kirklin, IN..............................909-913 THE UNIV OF FINDLAY.........................................Findlay, OH...........................851-863 TNT SOUTHDOWNS.............................................Edgerton, MN......................950-951 VALLEY VIEW FARM/ MILLER BROS SOUTHDOWNS........................Estelline, SD.........................962-967 WIERZBICKI SOUTHDOWNS...............................Excelsior Springs, MO..........865-867 WEDEL SOUTHDOWNS.......................................Moundridge, KS...................868-869

Shropshires - start on page 76

CITY LIMITS SHEEP FARM...................................LaMoille, IL...........................817-818 COLE CLUB LAMB.................................................Elk City, OK...........................801-806 EBERT SHEEP FARM.............................................St George, KS.......................821-824 FLEENER LIVESTOCK............................................Robesonia, PA......................842-843 HEEGS CRAZY H CLUB LAMBS............................Shepherd, MT......................810-811 NELSON FAMILY SLs & SOUTHDOWNS...............Tribune, KS...........................825-826 OUTLAW SHEEP COMPANY................................El Dorado Springs, MO.........837-838 PARR HAMPS........................................................Mason City, IL.......................839-841 RIFE SHROPSHIRES..............................................Yellow Springs, OH...............827-836 ROKAJO.................................................................Marshfield, MO....................819-820 SLACK CLUB LAMBS.............................................North Manchester, IN..........812-816 TROXTELL/BROCKELMAN...................................Sherman, TX.........................807-809

Catalog PDF and Online Searchable Catalog: Copy of this catalog can be found online at


You also have the option of an online searchable catalog to make finding sections of entries by breed or class easier.

Penning Charts:

Pen assignments are not included in this catalog to allow for timely printing and mailing. They will be accessible at

--- Page 162 ---


and posted in barns… all pens will be tagged upon consignor arrival as well.

CONSIGNOR INDEX Suffolks - start on page 84

4 Js & a T................................................................Wauseon, OH............................ 1096 ANNUSCHAT FARMS LLC.....................................Okarche, OK.....................1103-1114 ARNDT ACRES.......................................................Norwood, MN..................1080-1084 BRAASCH LAND & LIVESTOCK............................Elwood, NE.......................1041-1043 CAHILL FARMS......................................................Brimfield, IL......................1151-1155 CORSON SUFFOLKS.............................................Macomb, IL......................1011-1021 COUSINS SUFFOLKS.............................................Lemmon, SD.....................1132-1135 DOMBEK FAMILY, RANDY....................................Ivanhoe, MN....................1025-1030 FISHER SUFFOLKS................................................Urbandale, IA...................1136-1141 FOSTER FARMS.....................................................Muskogee, OK........................... 1172 FIVE STAR J FARMS..............................................Patoka, IN.........................1051-1062 FROSTAIRE FARMS...............................................Bloomingburg, OH...........1022-1024 HOSKINS STOCK FARM........................................Jefferson, IA.....................1156-1157 KEEVER SUFFOLKS...............................................Media, IL..........................1074-1079 KJELDGAARD FARMS...........................................Takamah, NE....................1167-1171 KNUTSON SUFFOLKS & RAMOUILLETS.............Centerville, SD.................1142-1150 LOST RIVER LIVESTOCK.......................................Rigny, ID...........................1001-1010 LUXFORD RANCH.................................................Wilsall, MT.......................1097-1100 MacCAULEY SUFFOLKS.......................................Atglen, PA.................................. 1067 MID-SID FARM......................................................Scheharie, NY...................1158-1160 NOTHERN EXPOSURE LIVESTOCK......................Dodge Center, MN...........1115-1131 OAK HILL FARM....................................................Julian, NE..........................1162-1165 PRAIRIE ROSE SUFFOLKS....................................Philipsburg, CA.................1071-1073 RENN VUE FARMS................................................Pigeon, MI........................1068-1070 ROSENBOOM SUFFOLKS.....................................Clifton, IL................................... 1036 ROYER FARM........................................................Washington, IL.......................... 1161 RUBY MOUNTAIN SHEEP COMPANY LLC..........Spring Creek, NV..............1085-1092 SADDLE CREEK SUFFOLKS...................................Tea, SD..............................1093-1095 SKARTVEDT FAMILY, WAYNE...............................Radcliffe, IA......................1034-1035 STALZER SUFFOLKS..............................................Zearing, IA................................. 1166 SWINGIN T RANCH..............................................Big Cabin, OK...................1063-1066 TROXTELL/BROCKELMAN...................................Sherman, TX.....................1031-1033 VAN DYKE SUFFOLKS...........................................Wessington Springs, SD...1044-1050 WHISPERING HILLS..............................................Caldwell, ID......................1037-1040 ZEHNDER FAMILY SUFFOLKS..............................Truman, MN.....................1101-1102


Late entries accepted until 24 hours before respective show. They will not be included in the printed or pdf version of this catalog, but can be found in the online searchable catalog found at

Texels - start on page 92

ADAMS TEXELS.....................................................Morristown, IN.................1246-1429 ARTESIAN VALLEY TEXELS..................................Harrogate, TN..................1193-1195 BOKELMAN, MICHAEL.........................................Greensburg, IN.................1184-1185 CAMPBELL BROTHERS 2......................................Waterford, OH.................1188-1190 FISHER TEXELS.....................................................Payette, ID........................1213-1231 LAMB CHOP HAVEN.............................................Pine Island, MN................1181-1183 LIND, TRISTAN......................................................Pine Bluffs, WY.................1191-1192 MN TEXEL..............................................................Pine Island, MN................1186-1187 PINE KNOB FARM.................................................Somers, CT.......................1207-1212 TAYLORS TEXELS...................................................Osceola, IA.......................1232-1237 WATTS FARM........................................................Geigertown, PA................1238-1245 WILCOX CLUB LAMBS..........................................Leslie, MI..........................1196-1206

Tunis - start on page 96

BRUNS TUNIS.......................................................Maria Stein, OH...............1266-1269 CRAFT TUNIS........................................................Flora, IN............................1285-1289 DARLING TUNIS...................................................East Liberty, OH......................... 1276 MJM FAMILY FARM..............................................Ottawa, OH......................1264-1265 MURRY FARMS.....................................................Higginsville, MO........................ 1272 RIVERWOOD FARMS...........................................Powell, OH................................ 1284 RQL FARMS...........................................................California, MO..................1273-1275 SCHMIDT BROTHERS FARM................................Centrailia, MO..................1294-1297 SPILDE FARMS......................................................Stoughton, WI..................1277-1281 STUMPE FARMS...................................................Mexico, MO......................1261-1263 STUMPE TUNIS.....................................................Russellville, MO...............1282-1283 TRI-STAR STOCK FARM........................................Gilt Edge, TN....................1270-1271 WESTWIND FARM - ANDERSON FAMILY...........Hustonville, KY.................1290-1293

Entry Numbers at Catalog time...

Columbia: 16 Corriedale: 16 Dorper: 60 White Dorper: 67 Hampshire: 130 Horned Dorset: 18 Polled Dorset: 75 Katahdin: 171 Montadale: 63 Natural Colored: 18 Polypay: 28

Rambouillet: 36 Shropshire: 43 Southdown: 144 Suffolk: 172 Texel: 69 Tunis: 38

Total Cataloged Entries: 2020


www.midwestsale.com --- Page 163 ---

Club Lambs: 40 Crossbred WS/WD: 195 Dorset WS/WD: 156 Dorset Advantage WS/WD: 36 Speckle-Faced WS/WD: 17 Hampshire WS/WD: 321 Natural Colored WS/WD: 35 Suffolk WS/WD: 56

WS/WD CONSIGNOR INDEX Club Lambs - start on page 110

ENFIELD CLUB LAMBS.........................................Collins, IA.................................. 1509 FLEENER CLUB LAMBS........................................Biglerville, PA............................ 1537 G & G CLUB LAMBS..............................................Halifax, PA........................1533-1534 HARMS SHOW LAMBS.........................................Lexington, IL.....................1503-1505 HILL COUNTRY SHOW LAMBS............................Boerne, TX........................1515-1516 JOHNSTON CLUB LAMBS....................................New Plymouth, ID..................... 1527 KNAPP SISTER CLUB LAMBS...............................Bloomfield, IA..................1510-1512 KN0P FAMILY, FRED..............................................Atlantic, IA................................. 1517 MENNEN CLUB LAMBS........................................Walton, IN........................1506-1508 MSB SHOW LAMBS..............................................New Wilmington, PA........1535-1536 PERRY CLUB LAMBS.............................................Montpelier, IN..................1530-1532 PILGER CLUB LAMBS...........................................Wallace, KS.......................1538-1540 RSO LIVESTOCK....................................................Story City, IA.............................. 1514 SCHEEL LIVESTOCK..............................................Alpena, SD........................1501-1502 SOUTHERN PLAINS GENETICS............................Cache, OK.................................. 1513 SRV SHOW LAMBS...............................................Burley, ID..........................1518-1526 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................VanAlstyne, TX.................1528-1529

Catalog PDF and Online Searchable Catalog: Copy of this catalog can be found online at


You also have the option of an online searchable catalog to make finding sections of entries by breed or class easier.

Penning Charts:

Pen assignments are not included in this catalog to allow for timely printing and mailing. They will be accessible at


and posted in barns… all pens will be tagged upon consignor arrival as well.


Late entries accepted until 24 hours before respective show. They will not be included in the printed or pdf version of this catalog, but can be found in the online searchable catalog found at


Crossbred WS/WDs - start on page 112

ALEXANDER CLUB LAMBS...................................Winamac, IN....................1731-1732 ALLEN SHOW LAMBS...........................................Elk City, OK.......................1578-1579 BLUME CLUB LAMBS...........................................Mineral Point, WI.............1591-1596 BURCH LIVESTOCK...............................................Seward, NE.......................1683-1684 BURKETT CLUB LAMBS........................................Grand Junction, IA...........1689-1692 C & J LIVESTOCK...................................................Polo, MO................................... 1708 CRAIG FAMILY LIVESTOCK..................................Paw Paw, MI.............................. 1637 DIAMOND D SHOW STOCK.................................Neoga, IL..........................1703-1706 DREWRY CLUB LAMBS........................................Farmington, MN........................ 1651 DREWRY CLUB LAMBS........................................Farmington, MN........................ 1707 ELLERBROCK CLUB LAMBS.................................Atkinson, IL......................1661-1680 ESTES SHOW LAMBS...........................................Sanger, CA........................1735-1736 FARROW HAMPSHIRES.......................................Midland, TX......................1569-1574 FLEENER CLUB LAMBS........................................Biglerville, PA............................ 1644 G & G CLUB LAMBS..............................................Halifax, PA........................1638-1643 HARMS, BRIAN.....................................................Chatham, IL......................1580-1581 HARMS SHOW LAMBS.........................................Lexington, IL.....................1583-1590 HARRELL CLUB LAMBS........................................Indiahoma, OK.................1737-1744 HINDMAN SHOW LAMBS...................................Albia, IA............................1693-1699 JOHNSTON CLUB LAMBS....................................New Plymouth, ID..................... 1645 KEITZER CLUB LAMBS.........................................Mediapolis, IA........................... 1597 KNAPP SISTERS CLUB LAMBS.............................Bloomfield, IA..................1616-1620 KNOP FAMILY, FRED.............................................Atlantic, IA........................1601-1605 MENNEN CLUB LAMBS........................................Walton, IN........................1575-1577 MIDDLESWORTH CLUB LAMBS..........................Fremont, IA......................1621-1623 MSB SHOW LAMBS..............................................New Wilmington, PA........1632-1634 NEFF LIVESTOCK..................................................San Angelo, TX.................1746-1755 NICKLES CLUB AMBS...........................................Sycamore, OH........................... 1709 O’BRIEN SHOW LAMBS.......................................St Paul, KS........................1681-1682 PETERSON CLUB LAMBS.....................................Scranton, IA......................1700-1702 PILGER CLUB LAMBS...........................................Wallace, KS.......................1652-1660 ROOKSTOOL CLUB LAMBS..................................Wamego, KS.............................. 1745 SAPPINGTON LIVESTOCK....................................Hartsburg, MO.......................... 1733 SCHEEL LIVESTOCK..............................................Alpena, SD................................. 1582 SHAPIRO FAMILY FARMS, LLC............................Colorado Springs, CO................ 1734 SIMPSON LIVESTOCK...........................................Ault, CO............................1635-1636 SLACK CLUB LAMBS.............................................North Manchester, IN......1646-1650 SOUTHERN PLAINS GENETICS............................Cache, OK.........................1610-1615 SRV SHOW LAMBS...............................................Burley, ID..........................1720-1726 STONE CREEK FARMS..........................................Chandler, OK....................1598-1600 TEETERS CLUB LAMBS.........................................Hillsboro, OH............................. 1710 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................VanAlstyne, TX.................1624-1626 VIKING SHOW LAMBS.........................................Morristown, IN.................1727-1730 WEST COAST CLUB LAMBS.................................Potter Valley, CA...............1685-1688 WISE CLUB LAMBS...............................................Keenesburg, CO...............1711-1719 WRIGHTS ROCKY ACRES.....................................Galena, MO......................1627-1631 WOLLERMAN SHOW LAMBS..............................Bingham, IL......................1561-1568 WOODWARD CLUB LAMBS.................................Fletcher, OH.....................1606-1609

--- Page 164 ---

WS/WD CONSIGNOR INDEX Dorset WS/WDs - start on page 118

ALLRED/ELLIOTT..................................................Calumet, OK.............................. 1854 AMYX SHEEP FARM.............................................Sanger, TX.........................1768-1779 BOEHM FAMILY CLUB LAMBS............................Racine, MN......................1855-1859 BRAMMER DORSETS...........................................Seaman, OH.....................1837-1840 C & J LIVESTOCK...................................................Polo, MO..........................1898-1901 COLE CLUB LAMBS...............................................Elk City, OK.......................1761-1766 CREGO LIVESTOCK...............................................Ft Collins, CO....................1907-1908 DANIELS CLUB LAMBS.........................................Portland, IN......................1846-1849 DAVIS SOUTHDOWNS & CLUB LAMBS..............Odell, IL..................................... 1911 DREIER LAROSH CLUB LAMBS............................Newton, KS.......................1909-1910 ENFIELD CLUB LAMBS.........................................Collins, IA.........................1806-1813 ERICKSON FAMILY FARM LLC.............................Stewartville, MN..............1843-1845 GREINER CLUB LAMBS........................................Keota, IA.................................... 1767 HEAD FAMILY FARMS..........................................Derby, IA...........................1834-1836 HEISDORFFER DORSETS......................................Sigourney, IA....................1780-1783 HUNTRODS CLUB LAMBS....................................Collins, IA.........................1873-1882 JOHNSON CLUB LAMBS......................................Delavan, WI............................... 1897 JOHNSTON CLUB LAMBS....................................New Plymouth, ID..................... 1830 KIRSCHTEN SHEEP FARM....................................Alton, IA...........................1816-1821 MARTIN BROTHERS.............................................Willard, OH.......................1883-1890 MYERS POLLED DORSETS...................................Rushsylvania, OH.............1822-1829 NOC SHEEP CENTER............................................Tonkawa, OK............................. 1872 NORTHERN STARR LIVESTOCK...........................Lonsdale, MN...................1831-1833 PERRY CLUB LAMBS.............................................Montphelier, IN......................... 1841 PERRY CLUB LAMBS/CLAY RIDGE SHEEP CO....Montphelier, IN......................... 1842 RSO LIVESTOCK....................................................Story City, IA.....................1784-1788 SCHEEL LIVESTOCK..............................................Alpena, SD........................1789-1790 SIDWELL SHOW SHEEP.......................................Gill, CO.............................1912-1916 SIMPSON LIVESTOCK...........................................Ault, CO............................1850-1853 SLACK CLUB LAMBS.............................................North Manchester, IN......1860-1871 SMITH FAMILY DORSETS.....................................Emporia, KS......................1902-1903 STEVA ROBINSON SHOW STOCK.......................Belmont, WI.....................1814-1815 STILLWELL CLUB LAMBS.....................................Frankfort, IN.....................1791-1795 SURBER SHOW SHEEP.........................................Frankfort, IN.....................1796-1805 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................VanAlstyne, TX.................1891-1894 TURNER SHOW STOCK - BRYLIE TURNER.........VanAlstyne, TX.................1895-1896 WOLF CLUB LAMBS.............................................Scranton, IA......................1904-1906

Dorset Advantage WS/WDs - start on page 124

AMYX SHEEP FARM.............................................Sanger, TX.........................1933-1935 C & J LIVESTOCK...................................................Polo, MO..........................1961-1964 COLE CLUB LAMBS...............................................Elk City, OK.......................1931-1932 DANIELS CLUB LAMBS.........................................Portland, IN............................... 1944 DREIER LAROSH CLUB LAMBS............................Newton, KS................................ 1960 HEISDORFFER DORSETS......................................Sigourney, IA............................. 1936 MENNEN CLUB LAMBS........................................Walton, IN................................. 1937 NOC SHEEP CENTER............................................Tonkawa, OK............................. 1966 PERRY CLUB LAMBS.............................................Montphelier, IN......................... 1945 SCHEEL LIVESTOCK..............................................Alpena, SD................................. 1952 SIDWELL SHOW SHEEP.......................................Gill, CO.............................1946-1947 SIMPSON LIVESTOCK...........................................Ault, CO..................................... 1959 SLACK CLUB LAMBS.............................................North Manchester, IN......1953-1958 SRV SHOW LAMBS...............................................Burley, ID................................... 1965 SURBER SHOW SHEEP.........................................Frankfort, IN.............................. 1943 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................VanAlstyne, TX.................1938-1940 TURNER SHOW STOCK - BRYLIE TURNER.........VanAlstyne, TX.................1941-1942 WRIGHTS ROCKY ACRES.....................................Galena, MO......................1948-1951

Speckle-Faced WS/WDs - start on page 126

C & J LIVESTOCK...................................................Polo, MO..........................1980-1982 DAVIS SOUTHDOWNS & CLUB LAMBS..............Odell, IL............................1984-1985 MENNEN CLUB LAMBS........................................Walton, IN................................. 1971 PERRY CLUB LAMBS.............................................Montphelier, IN......................... 1983 SAPPINGTON LIVESTOCK....................................Hartsburg, MO.......................... 1974 SLACK CLUB LAMBS.............................................North Manchester, IN......1975-1978 SRV SHOW LAMBS...............................................Burley, ID................................... 1986 STORMS HAMPSHIRES........................................Washburn, IL............................. 1979 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................VanAlstyne, TX.................1972-1973

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WS/WD CONSIGNOR INDEX Hampshire WS/WDs - start on page 148

ALLEN SHOW LAMBS...........................................Elk City, OK.......................2020-2023 ALLISON McGOLDEN CLUB LAMBS...................Arapaho, OK.....................2274-2281 ALLRED/ELLIOTT..................................................Calumet, OK.....................2180-2192 BEGALKA LIVESTOCK...........................................Castlewood, SD................2013-2019 BOOTLEGGER CLUB LAMBS................................Mead, NE.........................2222-2225 COLE CLUB LAMBS...............................................Elk City, OK.......................2024-2033 CREGO LIVESTOCK...............................................Ft Collins, CO....................2290-2301 DREWRY CLUB LAMBS........................................Farmington, MN........................ 2273 ELLERBROCK CLUB LAMBS.................................Atkinson, IL......................2253-2272 ESTES SHOW LAMBS...........................................Sanger, CA........................2303-2304 FARROW HAMPSHIRES.......................................Midland, TX......................2001-2012 FLEENER CLUB LAMBS........................................Biglerville, PA...................2207-2209 GREINER CLUB LAMBS........................................Keota, IA...........................2045-2046 HARKER FARMS....................................................Mountain Grove, MO................ 2243 HARMS SHOW LAMBS.........................................Lexington, IL.............................. 2070 HARRELL CLUB LAMBS........................................Indiahoma, OK.................2311-2320 HAYS BROTHERS CLUB LAMBS...........................Perry, KS...........................2051-2064 HEEGS CRAZY H CLUB LAMBS............................Shepherd, MT..................2066-2069 HILL COUNTRY SHOW LAMBS............................Boerne, TX........................2080-2086 HINDMAN SHOW LAMBS...................................Albia, IA............................2244-2250 JOHNSON FAMILY SHOW STOCK......................Delavan, WI......................2034-2041 KENNEDY LIVESTOCK..........................................Kirkville, IA................................ 2071 KIRSCHTEN SHEEP FARM....................................Alton, IA...........................2047-2050 McLAUGHLIN-GRIFFIN SHEEP............................Craig, CO..........................2171-2177 MENNEN CLUB LAMBS........................................Walton, IN........................2042-2044 MILLER HAMPSHIRES..........................................Seagraves, TX...................2193-2200 NOC SHEEP CENTER............................................Tonkawa, OK....................2136-2137 OTT CLUB LAMBS.................................................Fairview, OK.....................2138-2150 PARR HAMPSHIRES..............................................Mason City, IL...................2072-2079 PERRY CLUB LAMBS.............................................Montpelier, IN..................2168-2169 PIRTLE FARMS......................................................Copan, OK........................2157-2158 POWERCAT CLUB LAMBS....................................Manhattan, KS..................2201-2206 ROOKSTOOL CLUB LAMBS..................................Wamego, KS.....................2286-2289 RULE SHEEP COMPANY.......................................Hawarden, IA...................2094-2135 SCHMITZ CLUB LAMBS........................................Rhodes, IA........................2210-2221 SIMPSON LIVESTOCK...........................................Ault, CO............................2159-2167 SLACK CLUB LAMBS.............................................North Manchester, IN......2226-2242 STEVA ROBINSON SHOW STOCK.......................Belmont, WI.............................. 2065 STORMS HAMPSHIRES........................................Washburn, IL............................. 2170 SRV SHOW LAMBS...............................................Burley, ID................................... 2310 TRIPLE J CLUB LAMBS.........................................Saint George, UT..............2305-2309 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................VanAlstyne, TX.................2151-2156 VIKING SHOW LAMBS.........................................Morristown, IN.......................... 2302 WEST COAST CLUB LAMBS.................................Potter Valley, CA...............2251-2252 WILLIAMS SHOW LAMBS....................................Mabel, MN.......................2178-2179 WOLF CLUB LAMBS.............................................Scranton, IA......................2282-2285 WRIGHTS ROCKY ACRES.....................................Galena, MO......................2087-2093

Natural Colored WS/WDs - start on page 156

ALLISON McGOLDEN CLUB LAMBS...................Arapaho, OK.............................. 2351 BLUME CLUB LAMBS...........................................Mineral Point, WI.............2321-2322 BURKETT CLUB LAMBS........................................Grand Junction, IA.................... 2341 CRAIG FAMILY LIVESTOCK..................................Paw Paw, MI.............................. 2349 DIAMOND D SHOW STOCK.................................Neoga, IL..........................2346-2348 ESTES SHOW LAMBS...........................................Sanger, CA........................2353-2354 HARMS SHOW LAMBS.........................................Lexington, IL.............................. 2326 HILL COUNTRY SHOW LAMBS............................Boerne, TX................................. 2333 HINDMAN SHOW LAMBS...................................Albia, IA..................................... 2345 JOHNSON FAMILY SHOW STOCK.......................Delavan, WI......................2323-2325 KEITZER CLUB LAMBS.........................................Mediapolis, IA........................... 2328 KENNEDY LIVESTOCK..........................................Kirkville, IA................................ 2336 KNAPP SISTERS CLUB LAMBS.............................Bloomfield, IA........................... 2329 McLAUGHLIN-GRIFFIN SHEEP............................Craig, CO..........................2337-2338 MENNEN CLUB LAMBS........................................Walton, IN................................. 2327 RULE SHEEP COMPANY.......................................Hawarden, IA...................2334-2335 SLACK CLUB LAMBS.............................................North Manchester, IN......2339-2340 SRV SHOW LAMBS...............................................Burley, ID................................... 2344 TURNER SHOW STOCK........................................VanAlstyne, TX.......................... 2332 WEST COAST CLUB LAMBS.................................Potter Valley, CA...............2342-2343 WISE CLUB LAMBS...............................................Keenesburg, CO........................ 2350 WOLF CLUB LAMBS.............................................Scranton, IA............................... 2352 WRIGHTS ROCKY ACRES.....................................Galena, MO......................2330-2331

Suffolk WS/WDs - start on page 158

ALLISON McGOLDEN CLUB LAMBS...................Arapaho, OK.............................. 2403 ESTES SHOW LAMBS...........................................Sanger, CA........................2387-2388 FOSTER FARMS.....................................................Muskogee, OK..................2394-2396 HILL COUNTRY SHOW LAMBS............................Boerne, TX................................. 2375 J-L LIVESTOCK.......................................................Salado, TX.................................. 2361 McLAUGHLIN-GRIFFIN SHEEP............................Craig, CO..........................2376-2385 MSB SHOW LAMBS..............................................New Wilmington, PA........2389-2393 NOC SHEEP CENTER............................................Tonkawa, OK............................. 2386 PIRTLE FARMS......................................................Copan, OK........................2365-2374 SLACK CLUB LAMBS.............................................North Manchester, IN......2404-2416 TROXTELL/BROCKELMAN...................................Sherman, TX.....................2397-2402 WRIGHTS ROCKY ACRES.....................................Galena, MO......................2362-2364


Late entries accepted until 24 hours before respective show. They will not be included in the printed or pdf version of this catalog, but can be found in the online searchable catalog found at

--- Page 166 ---


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MIDWEST STUD RAM SALE - PRE-SALE & ENTRY INFORMATION Entry Processing & Fees: Entries can be made online with credit card payment at www.midwestsale.com, or by mail with the enclosed entry blank and payment by check. A class listing per breed is located on the back of the entry blank. Please note your breed’s listed classes, as some may have changed. Entry fees are $20 per head ($60 per pen of three). Entry fees are nonrefundable- including for animals sifted from the sale, scratched from the sale, or that for other reasons fail to get to the sale. Entries Due APRIL 20th: In an effort to produce the sale catalog in a timely manner, this deadline is final. We will accept entries after deadline, but they may not be included in the printed catalog. Entries will be accepted on an “Information Sale Day” basis, but we encourage you to include as much information as possible for cataloged entries. Late entries accepted until 24 hrs before respective show. Commission & Charges: Sale commission is 10% of the full sale price of each animal, including any “no sales”. There will be an additional 1% surcharge deducted from your sale settlement for the Missouri Sheep Producers, the sponsors of this sale. Breeds with a National Sale or Event designation will have an additional 1% (some have 2%) deducted for their National Associations. Ohio sheep entries also have a ½% deduction for the Ohio Sheep Commission. Some breeds also have us deduct for futurity nomination fees. Substitutions: Substitutions (within or out of class/breed) will be allowed in the interest of improved quality. Please make sure to have correct paperwork (health and registration papers) on your entries. Registration Papers: If consigning registered animals, please make sure to have your registration papers for entries to turn in at Check-in. If registration papers are not provided by close of sale, a fee of $10.00 per original registration will be billed or deducted and your consignor check will be held until papers are provided. All consignors with registered animals will have transfer fees deducted on sheep sold as we transfer the registration papers to the new owners. Health Papers: Standard interstate health paper (or copy of paper) is required for each animal, and will be turned in to sale management at checkin. Obtain health papers and any tests on June 5th or later to allow traveling time for the new owners after the sale. All entries must have scrapie tags! Required Testing: All Yearling Rams and Fall Ram Lambs (born before January 1st of this year) must have ELISA test for B. Ovis within 30 days of the sale. Only rams with negative B. Ovis results will be allowed to sell. A positive result suggests epididymitis which can render rams sterile. DNA Test Information: Those breeders wanting to list Codon test results (171 or 136, spider, etc.) on sale orders should include that with entries, and also bring a copy of the test results with your registration and health papers to Check-in. Codon provided by consignor will be included on the sale orders, but is not guaranteed by the Midwest Sale. Penning: Chart will be made prior to the sale and all consignors must use the assigned pens. Any special penning request must accompany your sale entries! We will honor these requests whenever possible. Barn/Tack Pens: Tack areas should be kept clean and orderdly. ABSOLUTELY no refrigerator or microwave units can be plugged into barn electrical outlets. Units plugged into generators will be allowed. Consignor Responsibility: As a consignor you are responsible for the cost incurred in the preparation and transportation of your animals to the sale, plus the feed and bedding at the sale. Hay and straw will be available on the fairgrounds at local prevailing prices.

MIDWEST STUD RAM SALE - SALE RULES All sheep in the sale must be offered with Full Interest Selling! All sheep must be guaranteed as breeders, if properly handled. Half-interest sales are permitted, but only at the option of the buyer(s). Consignors must offer the full interest through the sale. No semen right may be imposed by consignors subsequent to the sale of a ram. Consignors may collect and retain rights to semen on rams sold, but only that semen collected prior to the sale. Rams that have been previously collected will be branded with a “C” merely as a means of letting the prospective buyers know that consignor is holding semen, and retaining rights to this semen. Please notify the sale staff when checking in the animal so that a “C” can be included on the paint branding card. Artificial Coloring: Any artificial coloring of the head and legs, or of wool for the purpose of camouflaging black fiber is prohibited. Lambs Teeth: All lambs should hold their lamb’s teeth to 12 months of age. Show Placing and Sifting: A class list can be found on the back of the entry blank. Classes with over 30 entries will be split by age after check-in except in Wether Sire and Dam Divisions. Only the top end of classes larger than 20 will be placed in all breeds. The balance of the class will be randomly drawn for sale order. Any unsound, inferior or unacceptable entries in the opinion of the Judge or Sale Classifier or Sifting Designee will be sifted. All decisions by the listed designees are final. Lamb Muzzles Prohibited: Any consignor using muzzles on animals will be asked to remove them. If muzzles are seen on the animals again, these animals will be automatically dismissed from the sale. Blankets: Blankets are to remain off animals once shown, except for late night protection. Shearing Rules: All Southdowns, Texels, Shropshires, Dorpers, Wether Sires & Dams, plus Club Lambs show and sell slick-shorn… with No Butt Wool! The Suffolk, Hampshire, Montadale and Dorset Show & Sales will have special slick-sheared classes, but otherwise should have no more than one inch of wool on any part of the body. Corriedales, Natural Colored, Polypays, Columbias and Rambouillets are exempted, but should not be presented in overly long fleeces. The annual Midwest Stud Ram Sale, which takes place in Sedalia, Missouri each June, is North America¹s premier sheep show and sale. Heartland Livestock Services and members of the Midwest Sale management have an expectation of ethical behavior from consignors at this event. Behavior should reflect the national status of this show and sale. Should questions arise regarding a consignor”s behavior, or their consignment, we reserve the right to investigate to our satisfaction. --- Page 168 ---

MIDWEST STUD RAM SALE - GENERAL INFORMATION PROCEDURE ON TRANSIT ANIMALS IN THE DESIGNATED TRANSIT BARNS: Animals not consigned in the Midwest Sale are not allowed to be housed in the Sheep and Swine barns. Instead, they are considered transit animals and should be held in the horse barn stalls. Stalls for transit animals will be accounted for by Midwest Sale staff. All stalls will be locked prior to sale week and can then be rented by consignors/non-consignors through sale staff in the FFA Building. Stall rent will cost $5.00 per pen per day for consignors, and $15 per pen per day for non-consignors. All rentals must be paid up front and will pay rent through Sunday following the sale. We will require renter name, address, phone number, number of sheep penned, and a brief description of animals upon pen rental. If renter chooses to empty the pen prior to Sunday, they may return to the FFA Building for a refund of days not used, allowing the pen to again be locked by sale staff. Refunds will be allowed for the day staff is informed of the empty pen through Sunday. Renters wishing to lock their transit pens will be required to furnish their own locks for this purpose. Otherwise transit animals are to be held in personal trailers, at no responsibility to the Midwest Sale or its staff. ALL TRANSIT ANIMALS MUST ALSO HAVE HEALTH PAPERS available for inspection in accordance with Missouri health standards and rules and federal law. Please put transit animals on separate health papers from sale entries. Display Dogs Prohibited: No display dogs will be allowed in the barns. Parking: No trailers or trucks are to be parked adjacent to the barns as these are fire lanes. Settlement Checks: Settlement checks will be mailed to consignors in early August on all sheep paid for by that time. Collections from “bad buyers” of necessity must be a shared responsibility. No consignor has ever failed to be paid for sheep sold through this sale, but unfortunately, there have been some delays from time to time due to circumstances beyond our control.


Katahdin: 1. Only 100% Registered (White Papered) Katahdins are eligible. 2. Consignors must be KHSI or CKSI members. 3. All entries must be shown to determine their sale order. 4. Consignors should enter “A” coat yearlings or lambs that have shed their lamb coats. It is recognized that such shedding may not be possible for younger spring lambs, particularly any spring lamb entries born in March or April. 5. As Katahdins are Hair Sheep, no shearing, trimming or clipping will be permitted. Consignors should present their entries in as attractive manner as possible. Washing and brushing are encouraged. 6. No tail docked animals allowed. Dorper: 1. Fullblood and Purebred entries will be combined into single classes. 2. All rams should be High Type 3 or better. 3. Consignors are allowed 2 ram entries, any additional rams must have 2 ewes for each ram entered. 4. All entries must be slick sheared within one week of the show unless the animal has completely shed at the time of the show. No carding or blocking will be permitted. Montadales: All entries MUST be codon tested and lab reports MUST accompany registration papers at Check-in. You will be billed an additional $10 entry fee by MSBA. Polypays: 1. All animals consigned to the sale must be from multiple births. 2. All yearling ewes consigned must have lambed prior to sale. Texels: 1. The Texel Sheep Breeders Society has determined that animals will not be allowed to be penned and participate in the show and sale unless the animal has a liftable tail dock (there must be tail vertebrae liftable by hand). The recommended tail length is 1.5 inches which would approximate a dock at the distal end of the caudal fold. All animals born after July 1, 2014 must conform to the tail docking rule in order to participate in the National Texel Show and Sale. 2. The Texel Sheep Breeders Society has determined that only sheep that have been tested negative to Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) within 30 days prior to the National Texel Show and Sale will be allowed to be penned and participate in the National Texel Show and Sale. All sheep must be accompanied by a negative OPP AGID test regardless of age. The OPP AGID test must be run by an American Academy of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) accredited lab. The list of accredited labs can be found at www.aavld.org/accrediooted-laboratories. Exhibitors must show a copy of the negative test results to the sale chair. Animal identification must match test result identification. Make certain that your veterinarian correctly identifies your sale animals on the paper work. The animals must be identified in one or more of the following ways in order to participate: a) Mandatory Scrapie Identification tags b) Scrapie Flock Certification Program tags c) Ear tattoos that conform to the Scrapie Flock Certification Program and are recognized as such by the State of Flock Origin and the Federal Government Buyers at the sale must be aware that a negative OPP test within 30 days prior to the sale does not guarantee disease free status. Purchased animals should be isolated and retested based upon your veterinarian’s advice to further reduce risk. Southdowns: 1. HEREDITARY CHONDRODYSPLASIA, ECTODERMAL DYSPLASIS, and CODON 171 SALE WARRANTY: At all sales sponsored by this association the seller warrants to the buyer that sheep sold are free of Hereditary Chondrodysplasia (spider), Ectodermal Dysplasia (hairy lamb) and contain a minimum of one R at condon 171. Any claimed violation of this warranty shall be settled between the buyer and seller. This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and the seller only. No other parties, including but not limited to the American Southdown Breeders’ Association, Sale Management and sponsoring organizations, shall assume any liability, legal or otherwise, express or implied. Any seller failing to in good faith comply with this rule shall be denied the right to register and transfer with the Association and will be automatically barred from selling any sheep for five years or until resolved to this sale or any sale sponsored or sanctioned by the American Southdown Breeders’ Association. 2. DNA TESTING: Designate Gene Check as official lab for ASBA Show and Sale work. (Summer 2009.) Shropshires: All entries are to be slick shorn with in 5 days of the show from the hock and knees up and the poll back. Wool should be left on the lower legs below the hock and knee joints and on the poll. There should be no wool left above the hock or knee joints. Suffolk: The United Suffolk Sheep Association has adopted the following requirements for all USSA sanctioned sales, including the Midwest Sale. This applies to both breeding sheep and wether sires and dams. Registered Suffolks of all genotypes (NN, NS, RR, QR, QQ) will be allowed to sell. Each consignor must declare and guarantee the genetic makeup of each of their entries with respect to both spider syndrome and scrapie susceptibility (codon 171). Any registered Suffolk may be sold as long as this information is provided at the time of paper check-in prior to the start of the shows. DNA test results are not required and consignors may declare and guarantee the genotypes of their entries based solely on pedigree. Genotype information (NS or NN and QQ, QR or RR) will be printed on the sale order, which is prepared following the shows. Any buyer who wishes to have the benefit of this guarantee must have the animal DNA tested, at the buyer’s expense, to confirm whether or not the sheep is as declared by the seller with respect to either scrapie susceptibility or spider syndrome. Such testing must be performed within 45 days of the date of sale. If a sheep is determined by the buyer’s DNA testing to be of lesser genotype that the consignor declared at the sale, the seller shall have the option of having the animals retested at the seller’s expense. The seller must arrange for such testing within two weeks of receipt of buyer’s test results or a mutually agreeable timetable. In the event there is a conflict in the results between the two tests, a third test will immediately be run with the cost of such third test to be equally shared by the buyer and seller. If the animal is determined to be less than declared by the consignor or if the seller fails to provide for a re-test, the sheep shall be returned to the seller with the costs associated with the transportation of the returned sheep being equally shared by the buyer and the seller and the seller shall refund the full purchase price of the animal promptly, with all fees and percentages levied against the animal retained by the sale. This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller only. No other parties, including but not limited to the USSA, sale management, sponsoring organizations, shall assumer any liability, legal or otherwise, express or implied. Sellers failing to comply with the spirit of these provisions will be subject to being barred from future USSA sanctioned sales. --- Page 169 ---

Record your top picks here, then bid on them! ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

See You in

See the People, See the Sheep, See the Action! --- Page 170 ---

Participating Breeds Secretary/Registrar Contact Information Columbia Sheep Breeders Association

Charles Worm, Registrar PO Box 722, Lakefield, MN 56150 Phone: 507.360.2160 Fax: 507.662.6294 charliew@extendedag.com

American Corriedale Association Marcia Craig, Executive Secretary PO Box 391, Clay City, IL 62824 Phone: 618.676.1046 or 618.780.7747 Fax: 618,676.1133 amcorr@frontier.com

American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society

Doug Gillespie, Executive Secretary 751 Boston Post Rd, Weston MA 02493 Phone: 254.681-8793 dorpers@ymail.com Ronda Sparks, Registrar PO Box 259, Hallsville, MO 65255 Phone: 573.696.2550 Fax: 573.696-2030 adsbsoffice@centurytel.net

Continental Dorset Club

Debra Hopkins, Secretary PO Box 506, N Scituate, RI 02857 Phone: 401.647.4676 Fax: 401.647.4679 cdcdorset@cox.net

American Hampshire Sheep Association

Jeff Ebert, Secretary PO Box 231, Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785.456.8500 Fax: 785.456.8599 asregistry@gmail.com

Katahdin Hair Sheep International

Jim Morgan, Operations Office PO Box 778 Fayetteville, AR 72702 Phone: 479.444.8441 info@katahdins.org John Savage, Registrar 1039 State Rte 168, Darlington PA 16115 Phone: 724.843.2084 registry@katahdins.org

Montadale Sheep Breeders Association

Kendra Fleck, Secretary 47289 SD Hwy 324, Brookings, SD 57006 Office: 605.693.2161 Cell: 814.441.0981 kendrafleck@aol.com John Savage, Registrar 1039 State Rte 168, Darlington PA 16115 Phone: 724.843-2084 registry@katahdins.org

American Colored Sheep Registry

Barbara Kloese, Registrar/Secretary 429 West US Hwy 30, Valparaiso, IN 46385 Phone: 219.799.9665

Natural Colored Wool Growers Association

Kate Lowder, Secretary 19477 Indian Road, Kellyville, OK 74039 Phone: 918.688,3365 kmlowder@aol.com John Savage, Registrar 1039 State Rte 168, Darlington PA 16115 Phone: 724.843-2084 ncwga@accuregister.com

American Polypay Sheep Association

Associated Registries, Registrar PO Box 231, Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785.456.8500 Fax: 785.456.8599 asregistry@gmail.com

American Rambouillet Breeders Association

Robbie Eckhoff, Executive Secretary PO Box 214, Hawley, TX 79525 Phone: 409.256.3687 eckhoff5@aol.com Associated Registries, Registrar PO Box 231, Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785.456.8500 Fax: 785.456.8599 asregistry@gmail.com

American Shropshire Registry Association

Becky Peterson, Secretary 41 Bell Road, Leyden, MA 01337 Phone: 413.624.9652 shropsec@hotmail.com

American Southdown Breeders Association

Gary Jennings, Secretary 100 Cornerstone Rd, Fredonia, TX 76842 Phone: 325,429.6226 Fax: 325.429.6225 southdown@ctesc.net

United Suffolk Sheep Association

Amanda Everts, Secretary PO Box 121, Holland, IA 50642 Office: 641.684.5291 Cell: 641.680.6509 Fax: 734.335.7646 info@U-S-S-A.org

Texel Sheep Breeders Society

Niki Fisher, Secretary 2720 NE 25th Ave, Payette, ID 83661 Phone: 208.642.7131 usatexels@gmail.com Associated Registries, Registrar PO Box 231, Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785.456.8500 Fax: 785.456.8599 asregistry@gmail.com

American Tunis Registry

Associated Registries, Registrar PO Box 231, Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785.456.8500 Fax: 785.456.8599 asregistry@gmail.com

National Tunis Sheep Registry Associated Registries, Registrar PO Box 231, Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: 785.456.8500 Fax: 785.456.8599 asregistry@gmail.com

Help your breed secretaries and registrars by having all your paperwork in early for Summer shows & sales!

www.midwestsale.com --- Page 171 ---

! e s a h c r u p o t s t o l f o t s i l r u o y e


--- Page 172 ---

Don’t Miss the All-American

Junior Show

Live Benefit Auction

during Supreme selection on Wednesday evening!

Digi-Star Electronic Scale Donated by TopCon Agriculture

($2,295 value)

Home Page Announcement on championdrive.com Donated by Novel Designs

($300 value)

5 LAI Surgeries during the 2017 breeding season

Donated by Reproduction Sepeciality Group

($200 value)

4000s Premier Electric Shears

Donated by Profiles Show Supply

($300 value)

Commission Free Online Sale

20 head limit

Donated by Willoughby Sales

(value is 10% of Sale Gross)

A-Line Feeder

Donated by Ketcham Sheep Equipment

($400 value)

See page 17 for more details on items in auction.

www.midwestsale.com Follow us: --- Page 173 ---

Midwest Stud Ram Sale

Please Note these

SALE REMINDERS AND INFORMATION Catalog PDF and Online Searchable Catalog:

Copy of this catalog can be found online at


You also have the online searchable catalog option to make finding sections of entries by breed or class easier.

Penning Charts:

Pen assignments are not included in this catalog, so to allow for timely printing and mailing. They will be accessible at


and posted in barns… all pens will be tagged upon consignor arrival as well.

Show and Sale Times:

The first show or sale each day will have a designated start time. Breeds will sell in the order listed on that day’s schedule with only a 5 minute break between breeds. Typically, it takes approximately one minute to sell each lot.

Online Viewing of Shows & Sales:

All shows and sales will be live streamed on www.DVAuction.com - You will need to set up an acount on the site to view the live stream. You can also register to purchase animals during the sales.

Mail Bids:

Those buyers unable to attend, or who do not wish to bid online through DVAuction can still purchase animals through “mail bid”. You may do this by contacting sale staff listed at left. Please contact them in advance of the sale, or early enough during the sale that they can assist with your bid in a timely manor.

Future Sale Dates:

Always a FULL WEEK ending on the LAST SATURDAY in June!

JUNE 25-30, 2018 JUNE 24-29, 2019 JUNE 22-27, 2020 JUNE 21-26, 2021 JUNE 20-25, 2022 watch live streamed shows & sales at


Procedure for Transit Animals in the designated Transit Barns:

Animals not consigned in the Midwest Sale are not allowed to be housed in the Sheep and Swine barns. Instead, they are considered transit animals and should be held in the horse barn stalls. Stalls for transit animals will now be accounted for by Midwest Sale staff. All stalls will be locked prior to sale week and can then be rented by consignors/non-consignors through sale staff in the FFA Building. Stall rent will cost $5.00 per pen per day for consignors, and $15 per pen per day for non-consignors. All rentals must be paid up front and will pay rent through Sunday following the sale. We will require renter name, address, phone number, number of sheep penned, and a brief description of animals upon pen rental. If renter chooses to empty the pen prior to Sunday, they may return to the FFA Building for a refund of days not used, allowing the pen to again be locked by sale staff. Refunds will be allowed for the day staff is informed of the empty pen through Sunday. Renters wishing to lock their transit pens will be required to furnish their own locks for this purpose. Otherwise transit animals are to be held in personal trailers, at no responsibility to the Midwest Sale or its staff. ALL TRANSIT ANIMALS MUST ALSO HAVE HEALTH PAPERS available for inspection in accordance with Missouri health standards and rules and federal law. Please put transit animals on separate health papers from sale entries.

Buyer Checkout:

CASH, CHECK, or CREDIT CARD payment on Sale Day. A convenience fee will be charged for credit card payment. After sheep are purchased, come to the airconditioned FFA Building and check out with the clerks. You will receive a list of the sheep purchased, and we will clarify any needed transfer information. Once payment is made and you have your receipt, you can obtain health papers on your purchases in the same building. It is highly recomended that all buyers obtain health papers on animals purchased. When loading, please double check that the lot numbers listed on the receipt correspond with the lot numbers painted on the animals’ backs!

Mail Bids and Credit Card purchases will be charged 5% convenience fee --- Page 174 ---

General Contact Information:

Midwest Sale is managed by Heartland Livestock Services, LLC. All contact info is below. You can also contact Curt Overcash, Managing Partner (info listed on the auctioneer page) or Bret Oelke, Public Relations (info listed on the ringman page). Follow us on Facebook:

Midwest Stud Ram Sale

PO Box 72 - Milo, IA 50166



Sale Contacts: Ringmen (Mail Bids)

Bret Oelke................... (218) 770-2428 Andy Korb................... (513) 312-0648 Ryan Livermont........... (507) 215-1923 Tyler Lobdell............... (815) 238-0832 Donnie Allen............... (580) 920-9867 Steve George.............. (419) 306-1144 Rodney Morris............ (217) 273-5299 Joe Gonzales............... (806) 778-8927 Dennis Wood.............. (937) 539-2008 Dan Houser................. (918) 650-2462 Travis Snyder............... (309) 221-1935 Jeff Ruckert................. (785) 565-8293 Steve Majchrzak......... (410) 463-5476 Kyle George................ (573) 825-8000 Clayton Neal............... (567) 207-7296 Tyler Meyers............... (937) 935-6589 Chris MacCauley......... (484) 319-8376


Curt Overcash............. (815) 210-7000 Gary Saylor................. (937) 464-7214 Bobby Fletcher........... (806) 787-3030 Danny Westlake.......... (937) 243-5111 Billy MacCauley.......... (484) 612-3983

Heartland Partners

Curt Overcash............. (815) 210-7000 Bret Oelke................... (218) 770-2428 Karey Claghorn........... (515) 229-0061 Brandan Bruce............ (515) 313-8765 Millie Moore............... (701) 541-1120 Carrie Taylor-Kelly....... (515) 229-2893

Other Sale Staff

Mary Anne Keck......... (417) 844-5895 Tricia Schneidermeyer...(636) 295-7224 Rob Frost.................... (740) 505-4858

DV Auction Office

dva@dvauction.com or (402) 316-5460

Sale Fax................... (888) 371-3363

NEWBedding Vendor

BREED AND CLASS LISTING Corriedale Columbia Rambouillet Natural Colored Tunis Southdown Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb

Katahdin Dorper White Dorper

Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Pen of Yearling Ewes Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb Pen of Ewe Lambs

Texel Polypay

Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Brood Ewe Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb

Asbury Farms Bedding

Polled Dorset Horned Dorset

Yearling Ram Early Fall Ram Lamb (9-1 to 9-30) Late Fall Ram Lamb (10-1 to 11-30) Winter Ram Lamb (12-1 to 1-31) Spring Ram Lamb (2-1 & after) SLICK Ram Lamb (9-1 & after) Fall Yearling Ewe Spring Yearling Ewe SLICK Yearling Ewe Early Fall Ewe Lamb (9-1 to 9-30) Late Fall Ewe Lamb (10-1 to 11-30) SLICK Fall Ewe Lamb (9-1 to 11-30) Winter Ewe Lamb (12-1 to 1-31) Spring Ewe Lamb (2-1 & after) SLICK Winter/Spring Ewe Lamb (12-1 &

Pre-Order ASAP to ensure adequate supplies!



Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb December Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb December Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb

Suffolk Hampshire Montadale

FITTED Yearling Ram FITTED Fall Ram Lamb FITTED January Ram Lamb FITTED February Ram Lamb FITTED March Ram Lamb FITTED Yearling Ewe FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb FITTED January Ewe Lamb FITTED February Ewe Lamb FITTED March Ewe Lamb SLICK Yearling Ram SLICK Fall Ram Lamb SLICK January Ram Lamb SLICK February Ram Lamb SLICK March Ram Lamb SLICK Yearling Ewe SLICK Fall Ewe Lamb SLICK January Ewe Lamb SLICK February Ewe Lamb SLICK March Ewe Lamb


WETHER SIRES & DAMS Dorsets Dorset Advantage Hampshires Suffolks


*above 4 must have registration papers

Natural Colored Speckle-Faced Crossbreds


Yearling Ram Fall Ram Lamb December Ram Lamb January Ram Lamb February Ram Lamb March Ram Lamb April Ram Lamb Yearling Ewe Fall Ewe Lamb December Ewe Lamb January Ewe Lamb February Ewe Lamb March Ewe Lamb April Ewe Lamb

Straw Nick Asbury (660) 619-3994 or Asbury.farms@yahoo.com


*wethers only *testicles removed Crossbred Dorset Dorset Advantage Hampshire Natural Colored Shropshire Southdown Speckle-Face Suffolk

www.midwestsale.com --- Page 175 ---

When placing order include: - Farm/Consignor Name - Contact Phone - Your arrival date - Sheep Barn or Swine Barn - General area of Barn - Pens (if chart is published) - Items Needed/Quanity of Each

Cash or Check payment at time of delivery/pickup No Credit Cards

Advertiser Listing

Breeder Ads

Begalka Livestock................................ 128 C & J Livestock....................................... 10 Ellerbrock Club Lambs*ELITE........130-131

Follow us on Facebook:

Midwest Stud Ram Sale

PO Box 72 - Milo, IA 50166



Sale Contacts: Ringmen (Mail Bids)

Bret Oelke................... (218) 770-2428 Andy Korb................... (513) 312-0648 Ryan Livermont........... (507) 215-1923 Tyler Lobdell............... (815) 238-0832 Donnie Allen............... (580) 920-9867 Steve George.............. (419) 306-1144 Rodney Morris............ (217) 273-5299 Joe Gonzales............... (806) 778-8927 Dennis Wood.............. (937) 539-2008 Dan Houser................. (918) 650-2462 Travis Snyder............... (309) 221-1935 Jeff Ruckert................. (785) 565-8293 Steve Majchrzak......... (410) 463-5476 Kyle George................ (573) 825-8000 Clayton Neal............... (567) 207-7296 Tyler Meyers............... (937) 935-6589 Chris MacCauley......... (484) 319-8376


Curt Overcash............. (815) 210-7000 Gary Saylor................. (937) 464-7214 Bobby Fletcher........... (806) 787-3030 Danny Westlake.......... (937) 243-5111 Billy MacCauley.......... (484) 612-3983

Heartland Partners

Curt Overcash............. (815) 210-7000 Bret Oelke................... (218) 770-2428 Karey Claghorn........... (515) 229-0061 Brandan Bruce............ (515) 313-8765 Millie Moore............... (701) 541-1120 Carrie Taylor-Kelly....... (515) 229-2893

Other Sale Staff

Mary Anne Keck......... (417) 844-5895 Tricia Schneidermeyer...(636) 295-7224 Rob Frost.................... (740) 505-4858

DV Auction Office

dva@dvauction.com or (402) 316-5460

Fisher Texels....................................... 10 Jacobsen Ranch (Shared Ad)..................... 23 Miller Farms (Shared Ad)............................ 23 Northern Oklahoma College............... 133 Poppen Montadales (Shared Ad)............... 23 Prairie Lane Farm.................................. 19 Slack Club Lambs*ELITE.................134-135 Turner Show Stock.............................. 137 *MIDWEST STUD RAM SALE SPONSOR Industry/Commercial Ads

3 in 1 Feeders...................................... 132 All-American Junior Show................16-17 American Hampshire Sheep Assn......28-29 American Southdown Breeders Assn...... 22 Asbury Farms Bedding.......................... 27 Banner Sheep Magazine....................... 19 BioZyme/Duraferm*SILVER...................... 6 Breeders World................................... 138 Continental Dorset Club...................24-25 DV Auctions............................................. 2 Heardboss*SILVER.................................... 5 Katahdin Hair Sheep International....... 26 Ketcham’s Sheep Equipment*PLATINUM.....IBC LAG Industries....................................... 15 Mid-States Wool Growers*SILVER............ 5 Novel Designs/Champion Drive.......... 129 Pipestone Veterinary Services.............. 30 Profiles Show Supply............................. 26 Purina - Honor Show Chow*PLATINUM+.... IFC Royal-S Design....................................... 20 Show Stock Planet*SILVER.................... 136 Stegall Fabrication & Engineering, LLS..... 30 Townsend Sales..................................... 34 United Suffolk Sheep Assn.................... 22 Willoughby Sales................................... 31


Local Sedalia Ads

Dickie Doo BBQ..................................... 15 Gene’s Hats & Boots............................. 15 Real Estate Brokers............................... 13

Fun & Games

Word Shapes...................................... 13 Maze............................................. 13, 83 Word Find................................... 27, 127 Cross Word......................................... 45 Hidden Objects.......................... 51, 155 Word Scramble.................................. 83 Sudoku....................................... 83, 123 Connect the Dots............................... 99 Picture Copy..................................... 123

Sale Fax................... (888) 371-3363 --- Page 176 ---

Table of Contents

Midwest Sale Schedule.................... 1 On the Cover & 2016 Champions.......3 2016 Sale Averages.............................4 Auctioneers & Judges.........................4 Ringmen.............................................7 2016 Best Consignment Winners.......8 Sedalia Business/Area Map................9 Sale Staff...........................................11 2016 Best Overall Consignment 2016 Shepherd’s Award....................12 2016 Doak Awards............................14 Participating Breeds.........................18 Tribute to Rollie Rosenboom............17 2017 Sale Sponsors...........................32 Update on past Sale Staff.................32 General Information.........................35 Entries by Breed............... starting on 36 see index below for each breed starting page

Reminders & Class Listing....... 102-103 Pre-Sale & Breed Rules........... 106-107 Vendor Map & Index...... starting on 139 Fairgrounds Map............................144 Lession from Larry (Paint Branding)....145 30th Wether Sire Sale............. 146-147 Consignor Index...............starting on 160 listed by breed, by alpha with lot #’s

Pre-Sale & Breed Rules........... 168-169 Participating Breeds.......................171 Reminders & Class Listing....... 174-175 Catalog Index...............................176

Entries by Breed

Breeds are listed in mostly Alphabetical Order

Columbias.......................................... 36 Corriedales......................................... 37 Dorpers................................ starting on 38 White Dorpers...................... starting on 41 Horned Dorsets.................................. 44 Polled Dorsets...................... starting on 46 Hampshires.......................... starting on 52 Katahdins............................. starting on 60 Montadales.......................... starting on 68 Natural Coloreds.................. starting on 71 Polypays............................... starting on 72 Rambouillets........................ starting on 74 Shropshires.......................... starting on 76 Southdowns......................... starting on 78 Suffolks................................. starting on 84 Texels.................................... starting on 92 Tunis...................................... starting on 96 Club Lambs......................... starting on 110 Crossbred WS/WDs............ starting on 112 Dorset WS/WDs................. starting on 118 Dorset Advantage WS/WDs... starting on 124 Speckle-Faced WS/WDs................... 126 Hampshire WS/WDs.......... starting on 148 Natural Colored WS/WDs... starting on 156 Suffolk WS/WDs................. starting on 158


Hurry! Order now to receive free delivery of your equipment to be delivered to the Midwest Stud Ram Show & Sale June 19th—24th in Sedalia, MO. Stop by our booth at the show to see new items and our sale items—our Super Sale ends June 30th!



Guaranteed to Work! We are so confident with our Tilt Table that we will guarantee it to work or we will buy it back! Yes, we will. Purchasing livestock equipment is an investment and it only makes sense to invest in equipment that really works!




Please join us to celebrate our 40th anniversary! You are invited to our Kustomer Appreciation FIESTA in Sedalia, MO at our booth on

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st @ 4pm

Lamb tacos and taco salad with all the fixings, chips & salsa, and more!

6471 Miller Drive Edwardsville, IL 62025 (618) 656-5388





SEDALIA, MO 65301 PERMIT No. 210

MAIL TO: PO Box 72 - Milo, IA 50166


E M E R P U S 6 1



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