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engage students?


can interactive displays engage students?

Growing up in the digital age, students are first generation technical gurus and smartphone natives. This has enabled them to easily engage with education technology and has triggered a demand for a new approach to teaching.

Instead of traditional teaching methods such as reading textbooks and spoon-feeding information, education technology can be utilised to collaborate and advance communication. It’s not about replacing the teacher, but rather evolving traditional techniques to increase engagement.

Students are used to interacting with touch screens and this technology enables expression of ideas in group settings and improved communication and retention as a result. An interactive approach to learning engages students and maintains their interest for longer. It also means teachers can engage students on both an auditory and visual level.

Interactive displays in compulsory education Primary education is about shaping young lives and equipping students with knowledge and confidence to use in later life. Advances in multi-touch displays offer up to 20 points of touch, multi-coloured pens and erase functions, creating an easy-to-use solution that allows multiple students to participate in the same activity together.

Incorporating games and quizzes can make lessons more interesting and fun. It also paves the way for eSports, which can now be studied at degree level and can help students win scholarships in higher education.

The benefits of collaboration are particularly apparent in later key stages where students may not be as eager to share with the class and engagement can become more of a challenge. Interactive software allows students to join and participate in the lesson using their own device. These functions ensure every student feels comfortable, from timid students that prefer to remain seated while interacting with the content, to more confident students that enjoy standing up at the front of class.

Interactive displays enable live content, not only are textbooks expensive, but they can also quicky become outdated. Live information ensures lessons stay up to date and saves teachers precious time.

Interactive displays in higher education As interactive displays have become more common in lower education, higher education must equally be equipped with the latest technology. Interactive displays facilitate Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), allowing students to participate from their own device, whether it’s a laptop or mobile phone. Students can share content, brainstorm, annotate and video conference. In today’s climate, enabling remote students to join the discussion is more important than ever.


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