iMetro Magazine /雅智双语杂志, A Slice of Paradise for Sale /对话“千岛之王”维拉迪

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A Slice of Paradise for Sale 对话“千岛之王”维拉迪 Photo courtesy of Vladi Private Island 图片由维拉迪私人岛屿有限公司提供

Farhad Vladi is widely

recognised as the top connoisseur of private islands and the leader in the sale of these islands worldwide. Private islands are not only his profession, but also his passion.

法哈德•维拉迪 是一 位世界知名的“千 岛之 王”。他 成 立的 维 拉 迪私 人岛屿 有限公司更 是在世界私人岛屿买卖中介行业中享有极高的盛 誉。维拉迪对岛屿的热 情远远超越了工作职责之 所在,并与岛屿结下不解之缘。

island for sale in the Seychelles. He traveled to the Seychelles by boat, but the island he wanted to buy, Cousine Island, was too expensive. Disappointed, he returned to Hamburg to look for some wealthy investors. He found them and was able to seal his first deal in 1971. The rest, as they say, is history.

His passion for private islands

began early. Ever since he was a young boy growing up in Germany, Vladi dreamed of owning his own island. He claims he was “bitten by the island bug,” reading and re-reading the German translation of Robinson Crusoe.

So began a career in the private island market that has lasted more than four decades. He is both founder and head of Vladi Private Islands, the largest of its type in the world. The company currently lists more than 1,000 island properties for sale, from the fjords of Scandinavia to Venice’s lagoon and the waters of Fiji.

一次偶 然 的 机 会 维 拉 迪 得 到 了让他 很 振 奋 的 消 息:有人 以合 理 的 价 格 购 买了一 座 私 人岛屿。而 当时维拉迪还在汉堡的一所大学就读,并正准备


考经济学博士学位。得知购岛消息的他 再也坐不




此转行投入岛屿行业。 维拉迪 迫不及待地来到法国,找到报刊上刊登的 塞舌 尔 群岛。一 眼 看中了表 姐 妹岛,但 是它的 价 格对于当时的维拉迪来说实在难以承受。失落之

While Vladi was still a university student in Hamburg working toward a doctorate in economics, he heard about a man who had bought an island for a modest sum. He was determined to buy one of his own and set out to do just that.

中,维拉迪回到了汉堡去寻找一些合适投资者。 很快,他 就找 到了对 私 人岛屿感 兴 趣的投 资方, 并于1971年完成了他的第一笔岛屿交易。 自此,维 拉 迪 开始投 身 于 私 人岛屿 的事业中,并 且一 干就 是四十 余 年。迄今为止,维 拉 迪私 人岛 屿 有限公司已 经列出了超 过10 0 0座岛屿的 销售

Vladi’s quest took him first to France, where he saw an advertisement for an

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名单,从斯堪的纳维亚半岛到威尼斯的环礁湖岛 以及斐济水域。

直到现在维拉迪每年还是会花上4— —5 个月的 时 间 环 游 世界,去 探 索 与 发 现 新 的岛屿。当他 不需要工作的时候,便会待 在私人岛屿— — 福塞斯岛上享受生活。 这 座岛屿位于 新西兰,大 约190 0英 亩, 从 新西兰首都惠 灵顿乘 直升飞 机即可 抵 达。20多年前,维拉迪第一次发现福塞斯 岛时,内心就被深深地触动,便毫不犹豫 地将它“收入囊中”。 维 拉 迪的福塞 斯岛是南太平洋最 大的 一 个 私 人岛屿。其 峰 值 达 到110 0 英 尺,在 岛上不仅可以 欣 赏美 到让 人心动的马尔 堡 峡 湾,更 是可 以一览 惠 灵顿 市 郊 与 其 它的岛屿的美景。 福赛斯岛有20英里的海岸线。电话线路、 电线、豪华旅社等生活设施,一应俱全。 旅舍 名为“Te-Paruparu”,意 思是“绝 妙的”,这是这座小岛的毛利语名字。 维 拉 迪喜 欢 被 水 环 绕 的 感 觉,倾 听 着 海 浪 敲 打 海岸 的 声 音。福 赛 斯岛让 维 拉 迪 感觉到格 外放松,享受着日出而起,日落 而 息 的 生 活。他 觉 得这 是调 整 身 心 的 最 佳 地方,在 这 里可以 给自己“充电”并且 使 身 体 恢 复 平 衡。如 此 美 妙 的 生 活,让 他都舍不得离开!


who now has Canadian citizenship, spends between four and five months each year travelling the world to discover, photograph and evaluate new islands. When he is not travelling he lives on a private island – his beloved Forsyth Island, a 1,900-acre island just a helicopter ride from New Zealand's capital, Wellington. He fell in love with that island and bought it more than 20 years ago. Forsyth Island is one of the largest entirely privately owned islands in the South Pacific. Its peaks reach 1,100 feet, offering breathtaking views of the Marlborough Sounds, the outskirts of Wellington and of numerous other islands. It has one of the best records for sunshine in New Zealand and the water is clear.

Forsyth Island has 20 miles of ocean frontage and 30 miles of walking and hiking trails. It has two telephone lines, electricity lines, a major wharf, a farmhouse and sheep shearing quarters. Vladi offers the entire island for rent, including an exclusive lodge. Vladi thoroughly enjoys being surrounded by water, with the sound of the sea lapping against the shore. His island oasis allows him to give himself over to nature, waking up when the sun comes up and going to sleep when the sun goes down. He finds it a perfect way to relax, recharge his batteries and get his body back in balance. The lifestyle is so appealing, he often wonders why he ever leaves!

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celebrities are among those who have bought private islands, most of Vladi’s clients are essentially privacyseeking adventurers. Island owners, regardless of their profession or social status, generally tend to look for solitude, tranquillity, privacy and a place away from the everyday routine – all surrounded by water. Vladi believes that each island he sells must be a perfect combination of lifestyle and investment.

Some companies buy islands for corporate getaways and to hold seminars. Some individuals have developed their islands into resorts, such as Bonefish Cay in the Bahamas, which Vladi has sold to a businessman from the Netherlands. The island has now been transformed into a luxury resort.

In fact, Vladi believes most island owners buy for emotional rather than economic reasons and are seeking quiet places for personal retreat and vacations. He attributes ever-growing demand for islands to environmental problems, stress in daily life and frustration in the work place, overpopulated areas, and property prices exceeding the real value in modern cities. To him, all of these factors make affordable islands more desirable. While some private islands have been affected by the global recession, the high quality islands have been immune. The prices of these islands have remained stable throughout the recession. 私 人岛屿的拥有者多数 是名流,大都单纯 地为了

远 远高于其 实际价值等。种种因素导 致了人们对

寻求 新 奇、刺 激 。而 从 另一 个方 面 来 说,忽视 岛


屿 拥有者的职 业 及社 会 地位,普 遍 说 来,人们更

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多是看重岛屿带来的幽静与私密 空间。但在维拉

虽 然目前 私 人岛屿 市 场 受 到 全 球 金 融 危 机 的 影

迪看来,岛屿 却 不仅仅 只 是 休 闲 度假 的场所,更

响,并且高 质 量 的 私 人岛屿 也日益 变 少。但 是 这



事实上,维拉 迪同样相信为寻净土而来的购岛者

现在有一 些公司购买岛屿,用来 做 度假 或者是举

要远 远多于为经济投资的购岛者。岛屿需求的持

办 研 讨会。一 些 企业 家个人已购买下私 人岛屿。

续 增长归结于以下原因:日益 恶 化的环 境问题;




Vladi Private Islands

has offices in Hamburg, Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada) and Wellington (New Zealand). They decided to expand into the China market in 2011 and opened an office in Shanghai. At present, their aim is to increase their brand awareness. According to Vladi, his Chinese customers are almost exclusively interested in islands where there is a possibility of immigration. Countries such as Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand are particularly popular with his Chinese clients. In these countries, it is possible to buy and sell an island without obtaining a permit. Because of the stunning natural surroundings and the ease of buying and selling, Vladi recommends the islands in Nova Scotia and New Zealand to his Chinese clients. These are ideal for both private use or as an island investment.

维 拉 迪 私 人岛 屿 有 限 公司 不 仅在 德 国 汉 堡 设 立

Vladi’s company is also looking for investors in China. As many of his clients tend to rent rather than buy, more island resorts are required. He is hoping to find some investors who understand the Chinese market and, above all, the Chinese spirit. In that way, he can create a private island resort uniquely designed for the Chinese.

根 据 维 拉 迪 介 绍,中 国 客 户 对 于岛 屿 兴 趣 大 多

VLADI PRIVATE ISLANDS Tel.: +49 – 40 – 33 89 89 Email:

总 部,并 在 新 西 兰 的 惠 灵顿 开 设 办 事 处 。2 011 年,公司决 定 开 拓中国市 场,在 上 海 开 设了办 事 处 。目前,维 拉 迪私 人岛屿 有限公司在中国市 场 的目标是拓宽品牌知名度。

在 于 借 购岛 之名移民 。他 的 许 多中国 客户,都 比 较 关注 加拿大、美国、澳 大 利亚和新西兰等的岛 屿。因为这 些国家,购买 和出售岛屿 不 需 要 任 何 许可证明。 对于中国客户,维拉 迪 推荐新斯科舍 和新西兰的 岛屿。因为这 里不仅 是 有舒 适的自然 环 境,并且 交易的便利性。 维拉 迪私 人岛屿公司也在寻 找中国的投资者。他 希望能找到一 些了解中国市场投资者,更最 重要 的是,能够了解中国文化与背景。这样,维拉迪就 可以创建一个独特的中国私人岛屿度假胜地。

Suggestions 购岛建议 Be clear about why you want to buy an island and which type you prefer. 明白自己是否 合 适买 私 人岛屿,了解自己合 适什 么类型。

You should try to understand both the pros and the cons of owning an island. 岛屿的时候需要慎重,全方位分析岛屿利弊因素。

The first problem you have to solve is transportation, and then electric and communication systems; drinking water is one of the last.

Prepare your budget for buying and constructing, including a water power system, electric system and communication system. 提前做好购岛与建设费用的预算,其中包括建 房、水力系统、电力系统与通信系统等。

You need to think about maintenance, such as who can take care of island for you when you are away. Safety is also an important factor in order to protect your investment. 在 维 护 方 面,如 您 不 在 的 时 候 谁 来 替 您 照 看岛


屿,在保 护您 投 资的基 础上,安 全是 需 要 考虑 的



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