Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Monthly Newsletter
HIROSHI YAMANO It is difficult.
M. A. Carretero.
Indeed, it is difficult to try to explain in this space and now some kind of idea or alien thought to Newsletters what is happening in our Museum. Removing the top floor as part of the exhibition space of the MAVA , as true and as accomplished fact , we will not head for many attempts we want to do . But that fact already done and it has brought our Association deprivation of an area for the location of our headquarters is complicated unquestioning way not knowing with certainty the fate that is going to give that space by the team governance of our City . We know from news sources that his fate may be installing a meeting point where children of separated couples will be with the parent without custody assigned during the Nuestra sede: time laid down by the Castillo Grande de judge who wrote the S.J. de Valderas judgment of separation Avda. Los Castillos, s/n of both spouses. 28925 ALCORCÓN. Also known by such me(MADRID) dia sources , that the acinfo@amigosmava.org tivity of the Meeting Point will be managed by a private company. Company that already manages similar facility in
Alcorcón and another in Getafe . Also , it seems that this project is based on an agreement between the Community of Madrid and our City . As much as we try, and if the implementation of this project is confirmed, we do not get to understand the purpose of this purpose. We can not understand the suitability posed to the government team of our City that space located in an emblematic place as our Museum . Is not there another location in our town more in line with the requirements of a suitable preparation for the role they have to play a meeting point of these characteristics ? At times we are going through our minds the possibility that we are just seeing where giant windmills, but this possibility is being concocted by obscurantism presiding in this case the management of the Department of Culture of our City . The last day of November 11 request that Department , through an application lodged at the Registry Entry Township , the information about the scope of the agreement signed with the Community of Madrid, to have reliable information that would allow us to inform our partners in the scope of the reform being done on the top floor of our museum . So far, the silence is the only response received from our Department of Culture .
Is secrecy until the consummation of the facts is an effective policy based on the absolute majority of the party that supports the government team and supported by the lack of action of the Aldermen of the opposition and the lack of neighborhood associations in our city ? Keep in mind that the MAVA is municipally owned and therefore all citizens of our capital , not a space Proprietary Councilman turn. Therefore, any attack to be made on this landmark cultural space as the MAVA , is an assault on the rights of citizens of the municipality. Or is it that by the Councillor for Culture Our Association does not deserve a minimum of respect to their demands and responds with his contemptuous silence and the final elimination of the space in which it was or could be our headquarters ? Without wishing in any way to any threat , I repeat that our Alderman said that as castizo " Horsemen and I are on the road we will meet ." And you may also have to be very sure that most clubs we brought into the spokes of the wheels of our car, will continue to drive the attainment of the objectives of our Association as we have done so far, without a hint of discouragement or demoralization . Just a notice to mariners .
January 2014
Page 2
Important issue: the Intellectual Property Law (XXXIII) M.A.C.
Part of the month
The Bavarian Forest
Intellectual Proper- b ) Those who harm purposes of the conty Law the holder of a copy- tents of a non-
Exhibition in Amstedam
Concert at the MAVA
Activities on the MAVA News Our activities Glass recycling
Volume II — Number 62
right or of any of the rights recognized in RIGHT ' SUI GENERIS ' Parts I to VI of Book II ON DATABASES of this Act affecting In cases where the works or services conlawful user is authori- tained in the databazed to extract and / se. or re-utilize only part Three . Any agreeof the database , the ment contrary to the provisions of the pre- provisions of this proceding paragraph vision shall be null shall apply only to and void . that part . Article 135 Exceptions Two . The lawful user to the right " sui geneof a database , reris " gardless of the way it 1. The lawful user of a has been made available to the pu- database , regardless blic, can not perform of the way it has been made available to the following acts : the public , may, wita) those that are hout the authorization contrary to a normal of its maker , extract exploitation of that and / or re-utilize a database or unrea- substantial part theresonably prejudice of, in the following the legitimate intecases : rests of the maker of a) In the case of exthe database . traction for private TITLE VIII
How does CONTENTS:
Part of the month
Established artists
Young artists
The Bavarian Forest
Exhibition in Amstedam
Research line
Activities in Museums
Activities in the MAVA
Concert at the MAVA
Glass in Segovia
Crafts in Madrid
Yolanda Tabanera
Nativity in MNAD
Factory New Baztan
Culture 2013
Concert at the MAVA
Rietberg Museum
The glass museum
Projects FCNV
Stained glass in Miraflores
Glass recicled
Cultural tours
Culture 2013 Programme
Snow Globes
The bottle of bees
Other trends
New Years Eve in NY
International Year
Belen original
Monographic course
3D Printer
How does
Konstantin Beloglazov
Christmas spheres
Opal Hobnail Glass
Glass box in the Alps
Glass Boat
Museum of Monclova
electronic data. b ) In the case of extraction of illustration for teaching or scientific research to the extent justified by the non -commercial purpose to be achieved , provided that the source is indicated . c ) In the case of extraction and / or reutilization for the purposes of public security or an administrative or judicial procedure. Two . The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not be construed in a way that allows implementation in a way that unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the rightholder or detrimental to the normal operation of the protected object.
Visit in Denia. he has been primed with the crisis , continue to maintain the illusions dominate the glass with new techniques and he has put all his hopes to successfully perform the he calls "a bomb."
In the early days of this January we were in Denia visiting the Glazier artist Salvador Cervera. A couple of hours of fruitful conversation in a quiet terrace in the harbor and Salvador informed us that the characteristics of a project that will start this year and which has high hopes and dreams . It is commendable that, which is falling despite the brutal way in which
We will be attentive to the evolution of this project and we wish you the best of success in his endeavor. In our conversation we were doing a tour of the various issues that are of mutual interest relating to the glass of our environment. Particularly , we stopped in the analysis of the expectations that have been opened with the new management of the National Glass Centre and the need to be a benchmark for all artistesanos of our state.
Writings unanswered by the Department.
17-01-13. Requesting inventory of parts that make up the permanent collection of MAVA.
11-06-13. Chance of receipt by the MAVA documentation on glass offered by the President of the Spanish Association of Science.
11-11-13. Requesting information on the agreement with the Madrid social services to install the MAVA.
Page 3
Part of de month. Richard Craig Meitner.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
The evolving work of Ameri-
" Rather, Meitner is trying to
Meitner (1878-1968) , and ot-
can artist Richard Craig Meit-
communicate what he
her scientists of his family, be-
ner , distinguished for his wit
knows , and he does it using
gan his university studies in
and poetry reflects a variety
pictures instead of words to
of influences and ideas , ran-
him , the art works as it should
ging from Japanese textiles,
ideally . As a place where
Italian painting, graphics and
questions are answered and
the German Expressionists , to
not necessarily a place where
science and the world natu-
everyone and everything can
be considered. If you think
Meitner explores unusual juxtapositions of forms and communicates his ideas in a diffe-
However, he finished his undergraduate course in 1972 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of California at Berkeley.
you understand Meitner ob-
Later he traveled to Amster-
jects , at first glance , look
dam for postgraduate study at
again. "
the Gerrit Rietveld Academie , one of the few European art
rent visual language. He has
Glass surfaces Meitner eccen-
said that his goal in making
tric objects often incorporate
images and objects to create
different materials such as
moments of wonder and sur-
rust , enamel , bronze, tile ,
Keep living and working in
prise , " magical " moments
painting and printing .
Amsterdam , where he has re-
when the viewer questioning what he or she is seeing , start thinking in new ways about things and the relationships between them . " Magic ," he says , " is a time when something happens that does not fit into their belief system . "
For Meitner , glass is alluring in its ability to assume a variety of physical forms. As a transparent material, is paradoxical quality of being there and not there : it is a solid mass
schools that offer instruction in glass.
mained an independent study from 1976. From 1981 to 2000 he was the head of the glass program at the Rietveld Academy with Dutch artist Mieke Groot .
through which to view other
Meitner 's work is represented
objects. The qualities of the
in 48 museum collections
not intended to make state-
fragility and preciousness attri- worldwide , including the Museum of Glass in Corning , Hokbuted to glass also create
ments about anything and he
meaning and context to the
kaido Museum of Modern Art
is not trying to tell the viewer
( Sapporo , Japan ) , Musée
"Through his work, Meitner is
what he knows , " says Tina Oldknow , curator of modern glass .
Meitner was born in 1949 in Philadelphia. Inspired by the career of his aunt , the famous Austrian physicist Lise
des Arts Décoratifs du Louvre ( Paris), Glass Museum ( Murano , Italy ) , and the Museum of Arts and Design (New York) .
Page 4
Established artists. Hiroshi Yamano.
January 2014
ze given to a glass artist from the Corning Museum of Glass . The resulting piece was presented to the Corning Museum of Glass .
Volume II — Number 62
His work appears in numerous collections , both public and private , including the Corning Museum of Glass in New York , the Museum of Glass in New Jersey Wheaton and the Chrysler Museum in Virginia. Hiroshi Yamano has been an integral part of a generation of artists who are transforming the functional glass container in a sculptural form . His canvases are glass bowls for artistic expression , and the creation of his work, which has transformed the craft into an art glass .
Born in 1956 in Fukuoka , Japan, Hiroshi Yamano has been working with glass for over 25 years. He studied at prestigious schools throughout the U.S. and Japan, and the California College of Arts and Crafts , Tokyo Glass Art Institute , and Rochester Institute of Technology, where he received his MFA . Yamano began working with glass in 1975 after seeing an exhibition of Scandinavian glass in Kyoto. After traveling to Europe, returned to Japan to complete their studies.
Hiroshi Yamano has worked worldwide as an instructor at the prestigious Pilchuck Glass SchoHe spent the next two years stud- ol , a professor at The Conference Glass Art Society in Mexico , ying the glass. Aus Glass Conference in AustraCalifornia College of Arts and lia and vidrioVanersborg Festival Crafts , under the tutelage of in Sweden. Marvin Lipofsky learned the creaIn 1998 he was invited to the Wative aspects of glass, and the terford Crystal in Ireland. Tokyo Institute of Art Glass learned the technical aspects . In his most recent work creates large circular windows that open The list is impressive exhibitions in their interiors delicately engraYamano . ved gold ornament with your The locations include the U.S. , fish. Japan, Switzerland , Germany From the outside, the soft folds of and Australia . overlapping sheets of gold, silver He has received numerous and copper create a semblance awards , especially in 1991, the of cardboard gemstone. Comission Rakow , an annual pri-
Young artists. Andrew Erdos. New York artist Andrew Erdos combines glass sculpture , video, performance , and sound to explore the intersection of culture , technology and nature. He says: " In my work there is a complex series of relationships that happen , I'm trying to explore all possible warnings of an idea." The Erdos is pop art , sarcastic and bold in the sense that it is not afraid. Use techniques of traditional glass blowing and - effects such as mirror to create distinctive environments and traditional narratives. Erdos has always used characters in his works. An anonymous disguised Santalope , a trickster in the form of a hybrid horned Santa , was a character who appeared in the first video of Erdos . This work was essentially pastoral in nature , reflecting the location of the artist, in western New York State . More recently , the most urbanized Erdos cybercriatura uses a cartoon , a fantastic still be naive to negotiate a bewildering and visually cacophonous world. It is difficult to know whether Erdos is leading the viewer in a direction that is post- apocalyptic or kitsch, and this confusion is a clash of opposites- that explodes in their symbolic narratives. Erdos titles often refer to the time , ghosts, or nature , and his vision is essentially dystopian , but tempered with empathy , humor, and wonder. www.amigosmava.org
Page 5
The glass in the Bavarian Forest.
January 2014
the old glass factory today is a store is located. Before arriving in Zwiesel, worth visiting Buchenau (a former producer of glass) , which highlights its center and Palace / Castle .
Volume II — Number 62
Back in the city of Zwiesel, is famous for its glass and her company Zwiesel crystal was placed, one of the largest glass manufacturers in Germany, where the entrance to the factory a glass pyramid of over 8 meters is . Also in the part known as Theresienthal more glassmakers and a school are located. In the town you can see glass blowing demonstrations . There are also many glass factories in the neighboring towns of Zwieselau and frauenau .
The next May , and has since suspended the Biennale of Glass in Stourbridge (UK ) , we will visit the German Bavarian Forest for a Glass Route .
Our next major stop is the town of Neustadt an der Waldnaab , here are a major factory manufacturer of high quality glass Nachtmann .
This third part from the Valley to Südkamm Zeller , has no tradition of working glass , but glass can be purchased worldwide .
We begin with the city of Regen, city that can not be more interesTogether with the town of Neustadt ting , since it has a forest of glass. Route ultimate luxury , and for loWeiden in der Oberpfalz, glass proOur next major stop will Viechtach, vers of the glass , there are very ducers since ancient and medieval known for the very rich in quartz few regions in Europe where you old town (Market Square ) , where mountains surrounding the town . can visit factories working this anstands the New Town Hall is full of cient art and craft . glassware and the Old Town Hall The town has a museum of glass, all with wonderful stained glass motypes of glass and exhibitions , but The path runs along the eastern Ba- saics . more interesting is in Ruhbühl , in varia, along the Bavarian - Bowhat is known as the breadbasket hemian border from the cities of We deviate from the German of the glass ( Gläserne Scheune ) , a Passau Waldsassen . Czech border to visit the town of restored barn that shows the stories, Amberg . legends and stories of the Bavarian This route of Glass will be divided Forest by windows. into four parts: In this town have German glassworks company Nachtmann and The last part of the route will run From the town of Waldsassen to Riedel Austrian . from the National Park Bavarian FoLamer Winkel . Furthermore Siemens employs mo- rest to the area where they join Germany , Austria and the Czech re than 4,500 workers in this loca Arber area Frauenau . Republic, in the ancient region of tion. Eastern Bavaria , with a tradition of From Zellertal to Südkamm . Advancing our itinerary Furth im working glass since the fifteenth Wald is known as the City of Dracentury. Our first visit of this last part National Park Bavarian Forest to gons ( Drachenstadt ) , and its Dra- is the town of Grafenau where glasgon Festival . The town is still a pro- ses and bottles made of highly resisPassau. ducer of glass and mirror ball. tant tobacco snuff exposed . This first part of the Glass Route runs through the area of Walsassen and This second part of the route betAfter passing through towns like ween the mountains and valleys of Hohenau or Philippsreut , with seveMitterteich famous for its pottery , Arber ( 1.456 meters ) and fraueand its glass blowing factories . ral glass factories , we stop at Waldnau , is located in the heart of glass kirchen . Also visit the historic region of Easproduction in the area ( glass matern Bavaria glass and the manuBefore reaching Passau, visit the nufacturing comes from the XIV facturing area of mirrors. town of Vilshofen , a major producentury). cer of glass, which even has a We started this route visiting the We begin this part of our route Technical University ( Fachhochstown of Waldsassen, in the region through the town of Bayerisch Eichule ), dedicated to glass technoof Upper Palatinate in Bavaria senstein. logy . ( Oberpfalz ) . The town is near the Czech Železná Our last stop on the route is the city This town is the company Glashütte Ruda, where both populations weof Passau, which also flow through Lamberts , one of the world's larre a center of glass making in past the center three rivers: the Danube, gest manufacturers of glass blocenturies. the Inn, and Ilz , and thus is known wing. as the city of three rivers . The histoThe population is Regenhütte , riric center does not lack anything: About 8 Km, is the town of Mitterverside Großer Regen, and the Nacathedrals , churches, Gothic town teich . Schott , German glassware tional Park Bavarian Forest, where hall , seats , etc. . producer of high quality, has a factory in the town .
Page 6
Exhibition in Amsterdam.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Since last December 7, our Honorary President, Javier Gómez, part with some of his works in a group exhibition at the Etienne Gallery in Amsterdam.
nuary. In this sample accompany Ja-
til the 5th of the month of Ja-
vier Gómez twelve other
This fair was visited by 46,485
works in glass sculptors of in-
ternational renown, as Peter and Michael Behrens Bremers.
The exhibition will be open un-
presented in the art fair PAN
Prior to this exhibition, the gallery said the works of Javier
The works presented Javier Gomez in this new exhibition are shown below.
Page 7
January 2014
Line of research: Inclusions (XXI).
Estefanía Sanz Lobo.
In Fig. 3 , the result after coo-
ce between them, even more
The use of thicker wire mesh
king .
process high f : close to the
into the glass also causes the appearance of air bubbles of the same size and arranged in a regular manner . In Fig. 1 mesh incorporated in
Volume II — Number 62
a glass , the larger bubbles , evenly distributed due to the shape of the mesh , the smaller are formed by sprinkling a small amount of bicarbonate
In Fig. 4 a similar scheme to the above shown , but not
Is safer another technique
All parts of this composition
(Fig. 5 ) are not controlled
can be fixed with a little glue
bubbles but relief forms .
to prevent movement to bring
A piece created with controded in Fig. 6 . Work shape shown , three which the center is cut so that the air is occluded within .
ly of glass overlapping strips ,
To do it is not necessary to use flux or enamels we just use sheets of clear glass. The technique involves cutting certain types of transparent sheets of glass so that when you put on one another, let areas of entrapped air. In Fig. 2 , the scheme of placing the pieces of glass to form bubbles controlled . In this case , the work has three levels: the base , which closes the work below , the in-
them to the oven.
lled bubble technique is inclu- • When cooking the work so
that has been called " contro- The part of Fig. 7 consists solelled bubble" .
escape with glass fragments.
occluded air , and the result
between the glass before put- sandwich plate glass , of ting the work in the oven.
holes through where air can
positioned so that air is trapped between its openings .
that no excess temperature fluidize glass enough to allow air to move the assigned site , or search for places where escape. The work of Fig. 10 is heated in excess, the glass is fluid , fell by gravity on the space that should be designed into the air , pushing it into a large
They can appreciate the dif-
bubble which can be seen to
ferent thicknesses of glass,
the left of the central motif .
while the detail of the Fig. 8 shows the light.
The most suitable temperature is used to create fusion em-
In work with controlled bubble bossed on volume using fusion caution is needed in two statechniques . ges :
Is lower than the total fusion
• In preparing the work, to de- temperature , and maintains sign it so that the air is effecti- the shape of the glasses that vely blocked, and can not
are located on the upper face
find spaces for escape in the
of the work.
In Fig. 11 the controlled bub-
termediate , where some
In Fig. 9 , top of the prepara-
ble coexist (left) embossed fu-
parts leave spaces between
tion of a work view , which
sion (right) showing the similari-
them, and the top , which clo- are being cut and putting the ses the work above , so that air can not exit.
ty of the temperatures requi-
glass of the intermediate layer red for both techniques. so that there is some clearan-
Page 8
Activities in Museums I.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Page 9
Activities in Museums II.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Page 10
Activities in Museums III.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Page 11
Activities on the MAVA. Congress.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Page 12
Concert at the MAVA.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Last December 20 was held in the auditorium of the 9th Concert MAVA our program " Concert MAVA " . This time , we visited the Django Reinhardt Guitar Orchestra , a group of 22 players who did spend a great musical moment with a modern interpretation of repertoire that its director, José Pablo Polo, has been adapted for the group.
Matadero Madrid and Red Bull Music Academy to participate in the festival of teen culture FesTeen and received the 2013 Best Children Group of Miguel Angel Colmenero Foundation Award . JOSE PABLO POLO , Director of the Group. Born in Madrid in 1984.
Composer , improviser and guitarist develop their creative work from sound research and improFounded in September 2011 wit- visation with " non-musical " elehin the orchestral training proments ( parasitic noises , instrugram Master of Music Foundaments and unconventional spation, Django Reinhardt Guitar Or- ces ... ) which allow you to dechestra develops its educational velop new perceptual relationsand artistic work under the direc- hips between the instrument , tion of guitarist and composer the performer and the public. José Pablo Polo . He has performed at festivals The absence of such formations and national and international in the Community of Madrid ma- audiences. kes Django Reinhardt Guitar Orchestra a leader in the provision His works have been performed , of vocational training for anyone including in the National Music Auditorium , XXXI International classical guitar student wishing to extend their chamber music , Music Festival Segovia , VIII Concreative and technical knowled- temporary Music Cycle of Valladolid , XIII Stream Music ORTVE ge. Camera , IX Spanish Music FestiSince its inception the Orchestra val in Cadiz , Royal Academy has performed in different audi- Fine Arts of San Fernando , by toriums of the Community of Ma- performers such as Jean Pierre drid, as the Mint Theater , Munici- Dupuy, Taller Sonoro , Sebastian pal Government of La Latina, Marine, Avelina Vidal, Carles Centro Cultural Camp , Teresa Herraiz , Miguel Romea, Nou EnBerganza Conservatory , Teatro semble , choir RTVE , Per Sonare , de Parla Jaime Salom , Matade- Tempus Fugit Quartet , Duo Zoro Madrid ... and others. bel ... In 2013 they were selected by www.amigosmava.org
Currently a member of the groups Nou Ensemble, Ex Corde Guitar Quartet , director of Django Reinhardt Guitar Orchestra and artistic director of the Festival International Composers' I found in Mallorca. The program of songs being offered is the follow: Shiyahamba , Popular Africa . Greensleaves , Popular UK . Summertime by George Gershwin. Autumn Leaves by Joseph Kosma . Yesterday , Paul McCartney. Smells Like Teen Spirit , Kurt Cobain. Somebody That I used to know , Gotye , Some of these songs performed by the whole group, José Pablo Polo provided the opportunity for a few interpreters to , individually and accompanying him , show their musical skills in handling the guitar. We drew a lot of attention in the group, which consists of students from various conservatories and music schools in the Community of Madrid, appeared seven years girl sitting on a small stool and playing his guitar with his teammates .
Page 13
Glass of La Granja in Segovia.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Page 14
XXVI Fair Craft Market in Madrid.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
On December 14 a new edi-
consider something low consi- is not higher than what would
tion of Market Craft Fair Ma-
dering the participation of
be desirable and that many
drid opened.
previous editions.
glass artisans of our communi-
This edition has been slightly
It has come to care very posi-
increased the number of par-
tive participation in this edi-
ticipants to 171, when in the
tion of the Bilbao Ana Jabar,
last year were 167.
who was many years did not
The level of the fair in general,
participate in this fair.
as in previous editions, we
On our visit to this event we
ty have chosen to participate in similar events in other less costly Spanish capital.
consider very high, with a very
have been able to greet our
The crisis that is affecting all
friends Fulkolor, Vitreus Ignis,
machaconamente craft sec-
Natalia Benchoam, Xana, Au-
tor in general and in particular We hope and wish that the sa-
ra, Juan Paya .....
glass cutters, together with
les of this show is all favorable
the high amount of duty im-
to all artisans who participa-
posed exposure this show
ted , but especially for those
The glass sector has participated with 12 stands, two more than last year, a figure that still
well done work mostly.
have been two major reasons serving the glass industry. for the number of participants
Page 15
Yolanda Tabanera in the MAVA.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Again, the work of Yolanda Tabanera will be exposed in the MAVA 15 this January until 3 March. Back in February of 2012 we had the opportunity to see a collective temporary exhibition at the Museum , entitled Are we there anybody there? in which the artist participated with one of his works . As his biography including information on its website, Yolanda Tabanera born in Madrid in 1965.
In 1995 he met the artist whose Eugenio Granell Foundation in Santiago de Compostela will be an exhibition in 2002.
The peri-urban landscapes that make up the territory of childhood games and stories of her greatgrandmother are two other power- Since 1996 performs solo exhibitions ful influences in his imagination. in Madrid , Rome , Munich , Valencia , Gijón and participated in nuTeen Passion for reading and cine- merous group exhibitions in places ma. like the Mori Museum in Tokyo or liStarted college German philology. ving Alcalá 31 in Madrid.
First courses of Fine Arts in Madrid. He moved to Munich to complete these studies in Art Academy wheSchooled in a convent school , de- re they teach artists such as Daniel veloped an early fascination with Spoerri or Eduardo Paolozzi . SpeCatholic liturgy and its parapherna- cializes in stone lithography .
In 2003 he exhibited for the first time in the van de Loo Munich gallerist Saura, the Cobra group and other artists as Gustav Kluge Miriam Cahn or gallery . Represented by galleries in Madrid Utopia Parkway (1999-2004) and Crossing Four (2005-2009) , with whom performs solo and group exhibitions . Since 1998 works as a teacher at the University of Trier. Fascinated by folk art , esparto used as a sculptural material. In the group exhibition Desesculturas , curated by Miguel Cereceda in 2002 , involved a great work with this woven material. Sargadelos and Ceramics in Manises . Since 2002 incorporates glass as a material in its mounts and sculptures. Make large installations and interventions in places like the Monastery of Santa Maria la Real de Nájera, the Circulo de Bellas Artes in Madrid , the Interpretation Centre of mysticism in Avila, the Horno de la Ciudadela of Pamplona , the University of Trier Maximiliansforum and Munich . Tabanera lives and works in Madrid and Cologne.
Page 16
Nativity, of Archímedes Seguso (III).
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Article by Maria Josefa Almagro. MNAD.
Church of San Stefano in Ve-
balls , gold , reminiscent of the
.. / / ..
art of the aforementioned
In addition we can see all
In turn, San Jose also dressed
their property sprayed gold
in tunic and cloak , was repre-
foil inside dough figurines that
sented standing , his body
The raised edges of the man-
gives a special glow.
leaning forward slightly knee-
tle have a stronger color with
ling and turned left where the
light red shade for some areas.
Virgin Mary with Child and St. Joseph (Fig.1) N º s inv. 7001 and 7002 Dimensions: 15 x13 , 18 x 10 cms. The Virgin is seated with head bowed and hands together in prayer in front of a golden ball lying where it rests but with lit-
Virgin and Child are located.
glass " Bullicante " so characteristic of Seguso .
The head bears a crown with
Take a stick in his hand sha-
tape applications wavy glass
ped arch.
and hands round box carries a
Overhead clearer golden whiskers, wears the crown
bright yellow color that may represent a block of gold.
shaped similar to the previous
Laminated glass colorless
powder gold, red and látimo small oval decorative glass
tle legs up, the image of the
The laminated glass is color-
naked child Jesus , carrying a
less powder of gold in diffe-
very similar to her mother's
rent shades ranging from light
crown a disk.
golden head and crown, dark ding and is also made of lami-
In the layer or veil of the Virgin which also covers his head
amber torso area . The Three Kings Melchor , Gas-
and coat, we can see a sheet par and Baltasar (Fig. 2 ) of blue glass in various shades ranging from deep blue mantle edge to lighter tunic . Colorless glass laminate of various shades of blue, gold am-
No. s.inv.7003 , 7005.7004 Dimensions: 27x 9.5 cms , 26x9 , 5 cm . . and 27x13 cms. Melchor kneels , wearing ro-
ber and gold .
bes of golden red hues , co-
It resembles the virgin birth of
gold made of glass white "
that made in 1983 to the
vered by a luxuriant mantle látimo " imitating ermine, with an outer layer of small oval
particles embedded hot . Gaspar was represented stannated clear colorless glass with golden reflections slightly roan something darker mantle. His head is slightly tilted long hair was down and carried on top of the golden crown glass ribbon . With both hands holding his offering the baby Jesus in a beautiful censer decorated with gallons in their area . .. / / ..
Page 17
Factory New Baztan (IV).
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Page 18
January 2014
N E W S (I).
F1 made glassware. shows a 1750 manufactured car glass vessels. Beautiful and powerful, but fragile, race car symbolizes the importance of always make the right decisions and avoid losing control both
Volume II — Number 62
on the road and in life. The Vodafone McLaren Mercedes F1 created three-dimensional images, it crashes in a scene at 300 frames per second, the production, by brand, lasted more than a week of work. In announcing the two-time world champion The brand Johnnie Walker has launched an
Mika Häkkinen Formula 1, Global Ambassador
international campaign incident on the im-
of responsible alcohol consumption also appe-
portance of not mixing alcohol and driving.
ars Johnnie Walker.
Inspired by the fragility of glass, its central spot
Culture 2013.
Last December we visited the Sorolla Museum to see the exhibition " PARTY AND COLOR . Sorolla ethnographic gaze " .
ter , which is then searched among the people of the rural area , which still kept intact the customs and traditions .
The ethnographic gaze Sorolla , explores a new facet of Joaquín Sorolla, a popular collector or " picturesque " dress.
During these trips or " excursions " that were intended to find reliable inspiration for his large paintings , acquired a small but very interesting collection of clothing and popular jewelery, which is now completed with the generous donation from the collections of the Pons Family - Sorolla.
The great commission to decorate the Library of the Hispanic Society took Sorolla to travel around the country in search of the authentic and picturesque Spanish charac-
This great pictures of guys who paint primarily with a documentary intention added . Landscapes of Castilla Avila , El Roncal , Valencia or Jerez and photographs acquired and collecting all this creative process. All this material is published together for the first time in our country . The exhibition is divided into four areas: Castilla , Valencia, and Andalusia Pyrenean Valleys .
N E W S (II).
Concerts in the MAVA.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Page 19
The next 24 days we will have
have a slide show with pictu-
and development of the ins-
a new concert in the Audito-
res of the composers of the
truments that will be used in
rium of MAVA.
works that will play with other
the event through history.
This will be the tenth since we have been programmed in our project "MAVA Concert". Given that we develop our concerts in educational plan, this time we will continue to
musicians and go projecting images during the concert.
And at the end of the concert, the audience will enga-
In addition to reporting the
ge in dialogue with the artists
most important aspects of the
on the various aspects of their
lives of the authors of the
training, activities, etc..
works, we describe the origin
Rietberg Museum. The growing public interest in this cultural gem and nonEuropean art in general has been matched by a generous and modern extension of the museum, opened in January 2007. The only visible part of this expansion from the outside is glass cube emerald green of the new entry, but two levels of underground additional exposure that provide a frame-
In an idyllic location overloo-
work for optimal presentation
king the Lake of Zurich, a com- It was founded about 50 years to both the collection and the temporary exhibitions ranging
plex of buildings in the Riet-
ago, on the basis of a loan
berg park houses the only art
from Eduard von der Heydt to first level.
museum dedicated to non-
the city of Zurich collection.
European cultures in Switzer-
Page 20
The glass in Museums: Kuskovo.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
This place was originally owned by the Shremetyev family, and is an excellent example of a 18th century mansion in Moscow.
The centerpiece of the property is the residence of the Palace.
The pride of " Kuskovo " is the most complete collection in the country of Russian porcelain , representing all Russian manufacturers.
Especially interesting is the original planning and interior deOne of the best collections of corations . The estate was originally deceramics in Russia and Wessigned for receptions, celeThe Kuskovo Museum has one tern Europe , glass , china and brations and other festivities. of the largest collections of beautiful examples of Russian Over 20 unique monuments of ceramics and glass from diffeporcelain from the eighteenth architecture with authentic in- rent countries dating from ancentury to spare the post tiquity to the present day. teriors have been preserved revolutionary era, shown at as a Dutch palace , an Italian In the Museum's collections , the Museum . museum, a church, a grotto we can find over 33,000 works Today the house is a splendid and a greenhouse. of Russian and foreign art , inKuskovo monument of Russian The buildings are located in a cluding samples maiolics Itaculture of the second half of French-style park with ponds , lian , Venetian , English and the eighteenth century. Russian glass , Meissen , Sevres pavilions and sculptures . and Oriental porcelain .
Page 21
New projects FCNV.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
The National Glass Centre
The drive for marketing along
cilwoman Heritage and Tou-
( FCNV ) Foundation studies
with the necessary material
rism, Claudia Santos .
the implementation of " sustai- and human resources, is a go- The collaboration will run for nable and profitable " initiati- al that the School of Industrial one year, renewable for anotves to boost the sale of parts
Organization (EOI ) was labe-
of the Royal Glass Factory of
led when he assumed the
La Granja ( Segovia) , inclu-
management of the Founda-
ding the opening of stable ou- tion at the end of last July, actlets in Madrid , strengthening
cording to Alvarez remarked
and improving the Internet
Speaking to the media .
marketing and international
The agreement signed with
expansion .
the Consistory Segovia also
The secretary of the institution, part of the challenge. José Ramón Álvarez , explained , following the signing of a cooperation agreement with the city of Segovia to jointly promote the assets of
Thereunder , the Central Reservation marketed inputs Glass Museum in exchange for a commission of 15 percent and it will transfer some
her two. Alvarez is confident that this initiative involves the principle of national and international promotion which aims to develop the Foundation, following the economic difficulties experienced and "critical " faces a new stage . The secretary of the institution has stressed that the company is current in the payment of salaries to workers and is signifi-
cantly reducing debt to supthe Foundation, that the entity of its parts for sale at stores pliers. expects to act soon in other Tourism Segovia, as explained In this regard, it has been esticountries for opening chanby the mayor, Pedro Arahuemated that the debt will be linels allowing boost internatio- tes , who presented the nal sales , including the United agreement along with Coun- quidated in early 2014 . States.
Page 22
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
The stained glass of the Cartuja de Miraflores (Burgos) (VI).
Bulletin of the SECV.
nufactured chromium com-
fied by Müller et al. These glas-
Finally , M-9 sample showed a pounds were unknown and visible absorption spectrum of not used as colorants.
ses are those of the transitional
bands whose top is, on one
Also, according to their silica
period between the late
complex formed by the super- The blue coloration that provi- Middle Ages and the Renaissance. position of several strong de the ions Fe2 + and the yehand, about 400 nm and , on
llow coloration of the Fe3 +
ions , resulting in a green color content , could also be classi-
the other hand , between 630 that is visually observed. fied as stable potassium glasand 800 nm attributable to ses as designated Betten3.3 . Chemical composition of the presence of ions Fe2 + bourg . glasses and Fe3 + . The Na2O content ranging In Table II the results of chemiThe blue coloring that produbetween 1 and 3% by weight , cal analysis are shown semice Fe2 + ions is due to the while they do K2O between 4 quantitative XRF using sam1050-1100 nm band , whose and 7 % by weight . ples as representative . great width makes part of it penetrates the visible spec-
Although all of them were re-
trum in the red region (Fig. 1,
moved by manual polishing
broadband between 630 and surface alteration layers and 800 nm ) . corrosion products , these reThe absorptions observed for
These ranges of concentration of alkali oxides match previous two classifications . CaO percentages ranging
sults should not be ruled out a between 23 and 27% , which possible effect of weathering
agrees with the classification
of the deeper layers , since
of Bettenbourg but not with
the samples showed a severe
that of Müller et al. , As in the
glasses type 5 CaO percenta-
Furthermore, the presence of
In all cases, the content of
this sample could not be assigned to the Cr 3 + ions should appear better resol-
Cr3 + ions could only be ex-
SiO2 is between 52 and 59%
plained as impurities , which is by weight , which in principle indicates that it is half glass or unlikely since the date on which these glasses were ma- glass stability type 5 as classiwww.amigosmava.org
ge not exceeding 20 % by weight .
Page 23
Recycling. Reuse.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
llect primarily the hostelry, but access to them is increasingly difficult because from the authorities has promoted recycling, and the hospitality is very accessible container glass recycling. So throw it there and ready. Furthermore, the windows take many kinds of new bottles to differentiate and to reuse it is necessary that standard bottles.
Pedro José García "Pedrola", A bottle reused, including is dedicated to the reuse of transport to pick her up (100 glass bottles for over 30 years. km) and deliver (100km), plus the cost of heating water for Winemaker, bottler and now fully dedicated to the world of cleaning, use a 10 gr. oil botreuse. In your company about tle. 3 million bottles are reused year. Seem to many, but it is a small business that tells us, any company manufactures window 4 million bottles a day. Defender of reuse, assures us that "the glass can be reused as many times as you like.
Then why not reused more bottles are used?
Because the beauty prevails, we just like the beauty, the new policy throwaway. Also because it requires much time to make a bottle has to have glitter not be scratched ... Why in a glass house give and last but very important, 5,000 uses and a glass bottle because they have all the fajust one? For marketing, just cilities to recycle glass contaibecause we like the new, niners. So no one wants to save ce and we do not realize that the bottles, the best is to when a bottle is reused, the throw the container. beauty is inside, in the ecolo- However, you are professiogical well. " nally dedicated to reusing
There is also the issue of bottle labels, which use a queue that are very difficult to clean ... and of course, all this makes our work. The truth that has complicated … Reuse should be a commitment from the authorities, if not very difficult. Maybe they should place another container for depositing bottles without breaking them, so that later they can be reused. People do not realize that a year an average family consumes about 20 bottles 20 bottles and these are broken in the container, in the best case. Therefore, the bottle enters the grinding process 20 times a year. Would not it be better to reuse? Any other measure?
Yes, Very important awareness. Consumer awareness that beauty is on the outside, Well ... If not reused, it is recy- bottles. but inside, in the product and cled. Huh? Yes, I've always believed in no matter that the bottle does No, you do not know who re- this and I have become my not have much shine or is a litcycle reuse, or economic inte- way of life. Year 83 started co- tle scratched. This is going to rests. But breaking the glass llecting bottles in the street change gradually over time. It melt to return it is outrageous, and I cleaned them. It was could also boost with awards it saves the mineral, not the the attained age of reuse. In at wine competitions and for 1978 I bought a washing ma- example, who used to be raenergy cost. chine and I started working Explain … ted reused bottles. This is going with standard returnable bot- to implement actions to faciliTo manufacture a glass bottle tles: Bordeaux and 6 star and tate and demonstrate the beneed 1/2 kilo of sand (stone far. nefits of reuse. which the glass is obtained) or shattered glass from recycling. And what looks like a busiAnd from here I would like to ness future? May return to the And we need to melt. To melt appeal to the authorities to use of reused bottles more withe ceramic, we need to heat promote reuse. I think there's dely? the ovens to 1,600 degrees. room for everyone, for reuse So, to melt ½ kilo of glass, we need 125 gr. very sophisticated oil furnaces.
It's complicated, reuse it has enough enemies. In principle, access to the bottles. We co-
and recycling, but that's very difficult.
Page 24
Twinning between San Carlos and Berazategui.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
As part of a sample of glassware San Carlos in Buenos Aires Mayor Prince , along with executives of the industry sancarlina signed an agreement with Mayor Berazategui for a joint party, with two editions, crystal and glass handicraft .
Mayor .
... " The party glass artisan can say that 's pretty close . Berazategui In will be done in March or April next year the festival glass and October or November are seeing the party making the glass. The idea is to a party, but Last December, the Mayor of with two editions, one there and San Carlos , Dr. Omar Prince be- one here , and that issues such side Ricardo Gaminara , Holder as the history of glass and glass Glassware San Carlos , were in are shared, which is very interesthe city of Buenos Aires , precise- ting " … ly Berazategui, which is the Na... "Beyond the industrial work , tional Capital of Glass. This town where cities with similar characalso has a municipal school teristics together , you can do where it forms glass artisans in joint actions that will have higdifferent glass techniques and her melting and benefits for spread their culture and the each of the jurisdictions " … whole question linked to this inPrince continued ... " We envidustry. sion Party sancarlino crystal in The aim of the Mayor and mathe same way that people were nagers Sancarlino Glassworks is thinking of Berazategui . 's Not a to perform a kind of twinning , as party to attend a dedicated arSan Carlos National Capital tist or a massive public event , Centre is Crystal Handicraft , but that addresses the history of and Berazategui is the capital of glass , with all its cultural facets , Glass. industrial and artistic that imThe meeting took place at the plies. 's why you have to work in home of Santa Fe in Buenos Aiother axes to have a series of res , where Glassware San Carlos sustainable actions in time, the party keeps for this series of actiopened a sample. vities that have to do with all After the inauguration of that sample , Prince Mayor , met with these issues which will add the the Mayor of Berazategui, talked possibility of a show that also sustain and attract public " … about joint issues carried out.
... "Beyond the party, it also has to do with a matter of further promoting the tourism industry of our city, as is being done " … ... " The house of Santa Fe in Buenos Aires was very kind as to offer promotions and dissemination of local tourism , and even the presentation of the party making it in the city of Buenos Aires, at the home of Santa Fe , where and everything is organized and defined " … ... "The work of tourism in the province is very good. Visited today ( Friday 20) our city a delegation of tourism in the Province of Santa Fe and the idea is to improve the tourism framework and projecting that we aim to further more visitors , a figure not less , is that this year was record " … Mayor Prince finished the interview by saying that in 2013 more than 60,000 people, including college tours and delegations visited San Carlos .
... " We know that if we are planning to expand and continue to spread to the city in tourism issues need more hotel and gastronomic infrastructure . Although it is an economic issue , we work seriously and responsibly why we want a party held glass in time, a city Desk with more ... " The place is not yet defined . choice and those who invest in "The idea is to sign a cooperaMust see if we can do outdoors this well know it's serious " … tion agreement to work togetor in an enclosed area . The her. 're Thinking of working to... "We know that San Carlos has idea is not to put a tagline, hire gether, very interesting ways wepotential and many attractions a great singer and that's it . re opened and there is goodwill to lure visitors from cultural, induson both municipalities and glass- Want a holiday that is sustained trial craftsmanship , so much to ware that accompanies the pro- over time and that honors what explode." ject, so there is a horizon very in- it means for San Carlos and the teresting 2014 " ... Prince said the country 's glass industry " …
Page 25
January 2014
Our activities. In this section we detail the activities which take place this month, corresponding to the cultural visits related to the glass and outputs that we as provided in the program CULTURE 2014.
Cultural Tours. de Pablos and his sons Paul and Alfonso Muñoz Ruiz, all graduates in Fine Arts from the Complutense University
Volume II — Number 62
of Madrid. This will be our second visit to this temple of the window, because in the month of June 2011 we had the opportunity of visiting with a group of friends. This January we will try to make art of stained glass and is loca- The description of this first via visit to Vetraria Muñoz de Pa- ted in Segovia. sit is available on our Bulletin blos, the firm specializes in the Vetraria consists Carlos Muñoz No. 35.
Culture 2014 Programme. collective , private and individual in different places like Marbella , Sevilla , Barcelona , Pamplona , London , Salzburg, St. Moritz, Lugano Innsbruck and others. Despite the multitude of styles and materials with which the artist works , all his works have one thing in common: they inspire the viewer to think . One of the most impressive works of Alejandro features, and the key to its success is the psychological representation of the character and his soul and spirit. In his works he often uses different materials like canvas fabrics of different colors , wood, leaves, paper , stones , coins ... to give just a few examples. His innovative use of different materials gives some plasticity and increases the compactness of the characters. Alejandro Hermann, his great master Leonardo Da Vinci is a true genius who believes . In this January we approach the "Casa de Vacas " Cultural Centre in the Retiro Park, to see the exhibition of the works of Alejandro Hermann .
Alexander, born in Buenos Aires , Argentina , residing for more than thirty years in various parts of Europe and the last decade living in Marbella.
In order to experience the paintings of Alexander Hermann, explore their artistic talents and exceptional style , you have to live the strength and beauty that they transmit .
He says of himself that he is a simple man , struggling to be at peace and harmony with the interior and art, which he defines as a mixture of expressionism , realism and spiritual dream . His works have been able to visit
In several of his paintings use the characteristic of Leonardo's painting style chiaroscuro : the delicate transition from light to shadow one shade lighter when merges with another darker. The use of contrast between the enlightened accused volumes and shadowed box . This painting technique allows you to more effectively highlight the central figure illuminated by a light source out of the picture plane .
Page 26
The invention of snow globes.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Erwin Perzy III is not an expert in snow , but her family has lived for over a century. This 57 year old Austrian is the grandson of the man who went down in history as the inventor of the snow globe . And his grandfather, Erwin Perzy first , the idea came by accident in 1900. Mass production began in 1905 in Vienna and 108 years later , the company, Original Snow Globes Vienna - still stands strong in the field. Perzy III has been in charge since early 1980 and the company , despite having only 30 -15 employees who work from home - produced about 200,000 snow globes year. Unlike its competitors in the Far East who lash on the market with cheaper products, Perzy suggest exclusivity. Your snow globes are painted and assembled by hand. The cover also is still made of glass instead of plastic. Celebs snowballs Despite the small size of the company and a relative lack of knowledge among those who are not knowledgeable about snow globes , still have some illustrious clients. Recently made balloons for girls of U.S. President Barack Obama , which also made to Bill Clinton and the late Ronald Reagan. They have also been in the movies. The snowball dramatically falling and breaking at the beginning of the classic film Citizen Kane ( 1941)
was made by Snow Globes Originals Vienna.
Erwin Perzy II took over from his father after World War II and presented different designs, such as Christmas trees, Santa Claus and snowmen.
Perzy III who succeeded his father at the head of the company, says he never hesitated to join the family business . Perzy II also introduced a new material for artificial snow, which re"I like it as a hobby ," he says . mains the company 's best kept se" Snow globes are a thing that gicret. ves a little magic and charm peo" Enchanted " ple ." The company now has 350 different A rugged invention designs in its standard range , but The first Erwin Perzy , a mechanical customers can customize their orsurgical instruments , accidentally ders. In fact , custom orders reprecreated the first snow globe in 1900 sent 20 % of total sales . as a result of an experiment. There are four different sizes of baOriginally, I was trying to improve lloons, and some suppliers make the brightness of the then newly in- deliveries in very cold weather, bevented electric bulb. cause if the water freezes , it expands and breaks the glass. It was inspired by the shoemakers of the time, that to get more cand- Perzy III says he is more excited than lelight rode a glass globe filled with it is to see children excited when water in front of the flame. This ga- they visit your factory , which funcve them a point of light the size of tions as a museum of snow globes . a hand. " Today's kids have it all. Want , they Perzy sought to recreate the art in have a lot of computers and other front of a light bulb , but it was not electronic things , and our snowball much . has nothing , no battery , nothing," he says. His grandson takes up the story : " One day meal was found, used for "When kids come here , open their feeding babies and poured it into eyes , are happy , and everyone the glass globe white powder was shakes one or two snow globes in soaked in water and floated slowly their hands. That is a very nice moto the base of the globe This effect ment for me ." appeared . . the snow . " But in the family business will not be " And that was the first , the basic a fourth Perzy . Yes Perzy quarter . idea of the invention of a snow glo" My daughter is 24, and is currently be ." working on taking over the business The next step was to add a miniain 10 years from now . 's Doing a veture diorama , that during the first ry good job ," says Perzy III. 40 years of production was always a church.
Page 27
"Vial of Bees" by Guerlain.
January 2014
the Place Vendôme . His label is decorated with the imperial coat of the time. Great fragrance and a masterpiece of glass had to be recognized and it was. The perfumer Pierre Francois Volume II — Number 62
Pascal Guerlain was awarded the post of Official Perfumer his Imperial Majesty (Imperial Majesty 's Official Perfume Maker) , who propagated his fame in the European courts. Does all this got to do with Mexico ? Well, after a bit of history we return to the importance of this event in Mexico . The famous " bee bottle " meets Guerlain 160 years and decided to share this celebration in the country , but with the same exclusivity that portrays their story. Before closing the year the
the Empress Maria Eugenia
French brand Guerlain has
Guzmán wife of Napoleon III.
The " bee bottles " of Guerlain is sold exclusively in the Pala-
cio de Hierro with the new The Eau de Cologne Imperiale version of the current Guerlain unique super beauty , the kind be distinguished by a fresh, vi- perfumer Thierry Wasser, along surprised the Mexicans with a that is rarely seen and enjo-
brant and refined fragrance.
with two other scents : Vetiver,
It has citrus bergamot and le-
Guerlain Homme and La Peti-
Clients brand in Mexico have
mon, with aromatic notes
te Robe Noire, in this case
been witness to an important
such as rosemary invigora-
both the Eau de Parfum Eau
piece that deserved an ex-
ting .
de Toilette like .
Your heart has languid chords
The bottles were physically dis-
of orange blossom and petit
played at Palacio de Hierro
grain. It is said that the Em-
Perisur from 9 to 15 December
yed both .
hibition in Paris . We speak of the mythical and legendary " bee bottle " containing Eau de Cologne Imperial, one of the first olfactory Pierre Francois Pascal jewelry created in
press also used to treat migrai- and Palacio de Hierro Polanco from 16 to 22 December. ne headaches . Exposure :
Such fragrance deserved a
Rarely does a bottle and a
really special bottle ( for those Guerlain preparing an exhibiwho do not ) so I called the tion about the legendary " Jar
fragrance can do both together. This is what we managed to Guerlain perfumer , Francois Pascal. The story goes like this : Pierre Francois Pascal created the fragrance, Eau de Cologne Imperial in 1853 expressly for
specialist Courval Pochet
of Bees " on the occasion of its
glass of conducting this impor- 160th anniversary to be held tant piece. from December el10 to Fe-
The " bee bottle " is made with bruary 14 at La Maison Guerlain 68 Champs - Elysées in Pacylindrical blown glass and engraved with bees and festoons of fine gold . Its dome was inspired by the column of
Page 28
Other trends. Women united for art.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Thousand faces meet at an exhibition in the Moroccan city of Tetouan in order to have a meeting and that recognition between two eyes and two cultures : Moroccan and Spanish , about female identity . And the name of the exhibition is the first time the Modern Art Centre , located in the old railway station , pays tribute to the performance of Clarina Bezzola , The Lady with the thousand faces and has itinerant vocation.
Some of the works focus on the thread , wool, fabrics, or used needles and ephemeral materials . Others can be seen in the exhibits are nail polish or paper. The Mediterranean as a sea that unites cultures is seen as one of the links .
The work of Safaa Erruas ( Tetuan, 1976) abounds in the use of household items that cause apparent fragility however feel violence. When white diptych of Erruas Lison , two pieces of woThe game is set and aims is to od, broken needles are stuck ineyes between two people and to it and use aluminum wire and the complicity of them may ari- cotton . And lison is a word inse. The Spanish Agency for Inter- vented by the artist that relates national Development Coopeto the concept of link , liaison , ration , the Instituto Cervantes of for a work created specifically Tetuan and the Embassy of for Mil faces. Spain in Morocco propel a sam- Amina Benboutcha ple is defined as a seeker of (Casablanca , 1963) and Zouliwhat we have in common to kha Bouabdellah (Moscow, the two sides of the Strait and 1977) do love the focus of their which will be displayed until the creations. The first , obsessed January 31 . They are photowith being female between exgraphs , video installation , viterior and interior in contempodeo, installations and a diptych rary society , reflects the shards that revolve around the quesof glass that adhere to the cantion. What does it mean to be a vas, says Fernández Manrique, woman ? Socially , its possibilities the fragility of that feeling in his and imagination , within the liForteresse 2012. "It represents a mits that are imposed . strength that refers to how we There are ties between the six artists and other distinguishing them . "We wanted artists with a contemporary language , and emphasize the part exchange .
close at times. And this also relates to identity ," said the Commissioner .
Bouabdellah , an Algerian family, grew up in France and cuA similar way of seeing the rrently lives in Morocco, where world ," says exhibition curator , stands out as one of its most imElena Fernández Manrique. " The portant artists. So it is not surpriMoroccans are working with ve- sing that in their video times Perry avant-garde in a traditional fection Takes try that understansociety premises ," he adds . An ding to which the passage of tiexample of shared items are me is necessary. Bouabdellah those materials that are associa- also presents Les Chéris that , ted with the feminine universe . with dimensions of nine meters www.amigosmava.org
by four , containing 365 drawings on paper . Each corresponds to one day a year and contains a message alluding to love nail polish made with red Arabic. The curator Elena Manrique Fernández explains that these artists were trained at the School of Fine Arts in Tetouan, Morocco 's only all . Hence Collectif made the leap to 212 , an association was born ten years ago for emerging creative that although at present no longer remains active , they made an important work outside the circuit of galleries and museums. These artists were pioneers in their country of urban actions "to bring attention to contemporary art ." Understanding between cultures and how what is not known at this late encounter prejudice . As the blind tasting presented in Tomato Sauce installation Clara Carvajal (Madrid 1970) and Maria Gimeno (Zamora , 1970 ) , in which a video is placed in a square compartment on the outside and inside octagonal in reference to the Arab and Christian places of worship. Blindfolded , test various tomato sauces made by your friends and make judgments through simple words. "Sweet , salty, strange ... " for a recipe that crosses borders in its different versions . The artist Monica Ridruejo (San Francisco , California, 1963 ) alludes in his photographs to the networks used by the fishermen of the Mediterranean, as a metaphor for that which extends from one side to another and linking .
Page 29
New Year's Eve in Times Square.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Every year, the Waterford glass But a glass panel stands out
Your link to the metal frame of
forming cover huge sphere
from the rest , created from a
the delay field two weeks deli-
are replaced with new parts.
drawing submitted by Coraliz
cate task that lies in a group of
Martinez, who was treated for
specialists from Landmark
bone cancer at Children's Re-
Signs and Electric , a company
search Hospital St. Jude's in
that also provides maintenan-
Memphis, Tennessee in 2011.
ce to electronic whiteboards
The electricians working on top of a skyscraper in New York settled over two thousand triangles of glass that give the
Times Square.
glass ball its characteristic lus-
The colored pencil drawing of
ter Times Square , including a
the girl had a pink, Fred Curtis, Two employees , Nick and
panel created by a twelve ye- master sculptor of Waterford,
Nick Bonavita Russomanno ,
ar old Hispanic girl who was
copied on glass and cut with
screwed the last panel before
cured of cancer .
a diamond.
the cameras of photograp-
Every year, the Waterford glass "I wanted the design to be as
forming cover huge sphere
close as possible to the dra-
Their hands were red from the
are replaced with new parts.
wing ," he said .
cold and Block glass and me-
The design of this year is a ka-
Coraliz , who lives in Alabama,
leidoscope reflecting light into and not have cancer , the sixteen million colors as the field down a shaft at midnight lit from within by more than thirty-two thousand powerful diodes.
hospital said . Waterford craftsmen take about a year to create glasses
tal in their frames , seemed heavy . But Bonavita , who has worked in the field since 2009 , says he has not dropped one yet .
that are used in the field , Cur- "So far we have a perfect retis said.
cord ," he said .
Page 30
International Year of Crystallography.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Perhaps because the crystals are everywhere , the United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2014 as the International Year of Crystallography .
of science documentaries Javier Trueba , a video in which the importance of the crystals is shown to society . " Crystals and crystallography are unknown or misunderstood by the general public concepts.
And as if that were not enough, " all drugs have to be crystallized to ensure purity , knowing their intimate molecular level structure and improve its quality. Thanks to crystallography can know and Since the institution next year see the arrangement of atoms want to commemorate the Most citizens have no clear centenary of the X-ray diffrac- idea of the difference betwe- and molecules in space and tion as a tool for the study of en crystal and glass , and ma- use this knowledge to understand the molecular function of crystalline matter and the ny think that the crystals are drugs , "says the scientist. 400th anniversary of the obser- just precious stones , "says vation of symmetry in ice crys- Juan Manuel García , CSIC Crystallography is crucial for research professor at the Lathe pharmaceutical industry, tals initiated by Kepler. but also for new technologies . With the International Year of boratory of Crystallographic Crystallography is to pay tribu- Studies (LEC ) of Granada . LED lights ? ? Watches and te to the start of deep study of The scientist and filmmaker mobile phones ? ? All of this symmetry in materials . want to explain that the crys- because the crystals . "Our tals are part of our daily lives . commitment over the next yeWhich unless, occasionally , ar 2014 will be to inform citicelebrate a birthday, even "I wake up alarm is a piezoelectric crystal in a watch that zens worldwide crystallograpevery 400 . hy enormous contribution to measures time with quartz To the General Assembly of crystallite and see that it's 7:30 social welfare ," says Garcia. the United Nations , we must recognize that " our understan- in some numbers drawn by li- The inaugural ceremony of the quid crystals. You get up out International Year of Crystalloding of the physical world is graphy will be held on January due in particular to the scien- of bed and you yergues you 20 in a ceremony held at the ce and stresses that teaching supported by a skeleton of crystals. You brush your teeth headquarters of UNESCO in and application of it is essenwith a cream crystalline baParis. tial to deal with multiple key sed nanocrystals an abrasive And, as the producer of the challenges for the developmaterial. Casualties to the kit- promotional video and the ment of humanity "as expreschen and coffee you put scientists say, " discover what sed in its resolution . crystal sugar , "explains Garcrystallography can do for A scientist has been promoted cia. you." with the help of the producer
Page 31
Bethlehem Original made with glass.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Students and Primary school
factured with other non- stan-
each element of this vast and
dard techniques , like previous original crib , manufactured exclusively for this raw matedone by hand and then insta- years, it is becoming a tradilled in the school, a nativity tion at this school , each year rial. Alcolea Lacal Archena have
scene made exclusively with
completely different from be-
glass objects , such as glass
fore Bethlehem.
bottles or cups .
Coordinated , as every year , the college tutor Religion , Ma-
At the main entrance of the
ria Teresa Ruiz , who claims to
Figures like the shepherds ,
school , from one week ago,
be very proud and excited .
birth, animals and houses we-
nearly a hundred typical crib
re duly decorated in detail .
figures , houses, trees and ani-
School , helped by their fami-
mals on display .
In addition, the Councillor for Education , Mario Alcaraz visited Bethlehem this morning
ly , have been implicated in
Pastors are made with glass
and was surprised once again
the Bethlehem stay perfect.
bottles while the pastors are
by the originality and creativity
made with cups , birth repre-
of crafts.
Such as original and manu-
sented with larger bottles , so
Page 32
Monographic course on glass.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Venue : Regional Craft Centre Currently , his studio is located Thermoforming with ceramic CYL . C / Valle de Aran , 7. in the center of the craftsman mold : ceramic fiber , plaster 47010 Valladolid.
Caravas ( Polendos huts ) ,
and steel.
The course is held from Janua- which develops research acti- Casting small sculptures in vities and collaborations with open mold. ry 13 2014 until June 16, 2014 different artists. (2 terms . 66 hours ) . Glass recycling : cutting botHours: Monday from 17:00 to
tles, creating decorative and
Learn the procedures for wor- everyday use. king glass hot and cold. Course Enrollment 2013/2014 : Stained glass lead . Develop creativity and know 15 € Training Course: the different applications of Quarterly price , including maMaking glass beads and casglass artwork. terials : 171 € / Partners FOAting for pendants, bracelets , Enjoy the magic of this fasciCAL 144 € . rings and earrings . Trays glazed nating and so important for Splitting the payment in three with metals and fries. Curved humanity historical material. installments : 60 € / Partners glass lamp . Handle tools and apply safety FOACAL 48 € . Making small sculptures with retechniques development proProfessor David Duke. cycled glass. cesses . Process Specialist in Hot glass Transformation of bottles in obContent: by the National Glass Centre jects such as lamps , vases, Glass beads and applied to Foundation . glasses and chandeliers. 20:00.
He has taken courses with artists like Salvatore Davide (blown ) , Rudy Gristch ( Fu-
jewelry casting .
Making creative mixing diffeCut glass and polished forms . rent window decoration techTechniques glazed and vitrifi- niques , lead-free assembly .
sing ) , Norberto Morretti ( Do-
cation points .
rado Fire ) .
Fusion of different thicknes-
He has held teaching since 2005 , teaching courses and fusing glass beads in different schools .
* Join CEARCAL website or by
sending an email to ses : controlled bubbles, sand- info@cearcal.com wich technique , metal inclusions , chips and performing different surface effects .
Page 33
3D printer to create glass.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
German designer Markus Kayser has developed a very unique 3D printer that works by harnessing sunlight and desert sand to build objects and figures in glass. Glass is the resulting solid after heating and melting at high temperatures forming minerals sand.
already explored the use of sunlight as developing cutting element Cutter Sun (solar Cutter ) , ' a version of low tech and lowpower ' of laser cutting machines : Solar cutter uses only sunlight , passing through a set of lenses , acquires concentration and temperature sufficient to make cuts in thin plywood wood , paper and cardboard.
sand on the printer starts working . The added layer of sand should be melted and fused to the previous layer without melt . This is just one of the challenges that the project faces Markus .
Another is that for the machine to work properly sunlight should And conveniently handled, sunfall perpendicularly on the prinlight can reach melt . As with the sun cutter , 3D printer ter , but as the Earth moves sun3D printers work by melting some also uses solar energy to drive light vary its angle of incidence material , usually plastic, it is the motors and electronics and as time passes . being placed layer by layer on even the computer used to con- To keep sunlight at the focal until a solid three-dimensional trol the movements of the head point machine should follow the object . which concentrates sunlight on movement of the sun in the sky , The material used can be injec- the sand. keeping the rays perpendicular ted similarly to a conventional to the lens . But if the sun merely cutter to printer made by injecting liquid cut into objects like wood or A motorized system is responsible ink onto paper. cardboard , solar printer produ- for moving the hub in line with 3D printer can also operate by projecting a laser precise plastic heats and melts dust and similar materials , liquid and powder resins which are melted metal with high accuracy and solidified in the desired shape . This is how the Solar 3D printer Markus Kayser : concentrates and manipulates sunlight and projected onto a pile of sand that melts under the intense heat , the sand layer by layer is becoming glass. The end result is a solid object made from sand. How the Solar 3D printer works Before developing this unique 3D printer , Markus Kayser had
the sun while the slow process of melting sand occurs , a small glass bowl , even in the case of a simple and rough object, may The computer connected to the take several hours. To Markus Kayser, the idea of printer breaks Solar figure to be achieved ' thinly sliced ' horizon- using the abundance of sun and sand, even if your solar printer is tal . The printer then begins to move not as precise as it could be, in the print head which concentra- part because it uses an optical system relatively " an experiment tes the sunlight with a lens system in the sand which is melted that tries to show the potential issue" simple, but "the important and crystallized and cooled in thing is to establish the basis for a the form of solid glass . new manufacturing process baChallenges of Solar printer sed on the energy of the sun, the Printing is done from the bottom world's most efficient energy reof the object up . So after com- source ." pleting a layer , Markus should add another layer of ces solid and three-dimensional objects from two abundant elements in many deserts on the planet: the sun and sand.
Page 34
How does.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
This month we include some pictures of the technique practiced by Hiroshi Yamano.
Page 35
Konstantin Beloglazov, glass music.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
The Russian artist Konstantin
the edges with wet pads ,
Beloglazov decisively caresses producing different sounds . the edges of the glass cups that make up its "glass harp" ( glass harmonica ) , an invented in the eighteenth century instrument , despite its rudimentary appearance, is able to offer delicate and intricate melodies. Beloglazov has offered a concert in the cycle " Unheard " organized by the city of Logroño in Revellín cube , a defensive fortress built in the sixteenth century that has a very particular sound , due to its
and some Spanish piece of Joaquín Rodrigo.
The invention of this instrument There are some scores that is attributed to Richard Poc-
can not adapt to this instru-
krich Irish in 1741 , it managed ment , so this musician chooas a way to bring music to the ses those in the glass allows churches that did not fit the
you to take all the color to the
traditional organ.
Konstantin Beloglazov came
After training at the conserva-
to Spain from his hometown of tory , the Russian interpreter Lipezk (Russia ) to form a self-
decided to move everything I
taught in the art, for extrac-
had learned with accordion
ting the glass "soft yet strong ,
glass harmonica , so only had
linked to a melodic union"
to change the keys of his ins-
sounds , as explained by this
trument for drinks .
musician to journalists.
spectacular vaulted masonry . Their repertoire includes songs of Rachmaninov , Tchaikovsky Glass harmonic consists cups and Bach composers , in adof different sizes and diamedition to Russian folk songs ters , which are filled with warm water , then rubbing
Interior Revellín cube , where the temperature is about eight degrees, has a dome that has brought to this original instrument a peculiar sound.
Page 36
Christmas spheres.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
The area is one of the ele-
According to some traditions , To witness the manufacturing
ments that never fail in Mexi-
it is since 1558 that have pre-
process areas , please visit the
can Christmas decorations.
cious metals mined in this re-
Tlalpujahua weekday , as pro-
The Christmas Special 2011
gion. However, after the de-
ducers prefer to spend their
Unknown Mexico tells you
cline of mining in the thirties of weekends selling their crea-
where Christmas spheres are
the twentieth century, Tlalpu-
manufactured for decades
jahua was ready to become
and where to buy at the best
a ghost town.
price areas .
tions. Chignahuapan , where the sphere color becomes
But three decades later, a
One of the most colorful Christ-
There are two locations in the
new industry returned to the
mas traditions not only have
production pioneers of this
path of prosperity : making
given fame to Chignahuapan
craft : the magical town of
Christmas spheres . Today ,
Mexico ; Christmas spheres
Tlalpujahua in Michoacan
much of the local population
have given international signi-
and Chignahuapan in Puebla. living doing these, as well as In Mexico , the spheres are made with the art of glass blo-
ficance because here more
all kinds of ornaments for year
than 60 million spheres are
end wins.
produced annually.
wing and is considered a craft Here, it is common to find
In Chignahuapan there are
rather than an ornament de-
shops everywhere and works-
about 100 workshops have be-
corating at Christmas, for the
hops devoted to the sale of
en created from the generous
commitment and creativity
areas .
teachings of Don Rafael
applied by manufacturers.
The variety of arrangements ,
Méndez Núñez , owner of the first areas of Chignahuapan
In addition to the heritage of
Christmas ornaments , deco-
this art has transcended ge-
rative objects and areas is
nerations and has enriched
huge, and usually cost half or
Today, during the first week of
both art and creativity as it is
less than it is worth in store the
November the National Tree
possible to find many types
rest of the country.
Fair and the Sphere, where the
and designs of spheres as the imagination allows.
November and December are obviously the main sales
Tlalpujahua, masterful hands
months and they performed
The beautiful village of Tlalpu-
additional shows and exhibi-
jahua was founded in the six-
teenth century.
center .
manufacturers of this famous crafts and other Christmas decorations, all his works show visitors that arrive with the expectation of surprise and take something is done at home.
Page 37
Opal Hobnail Glass.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Milk glass is an off-white ,
glass is a fairly simple process
type of glass with hobnail de-
blue , pink, green or brown
if the article characteristics
tail. The colors are also useful
and opaque glass originally
are reviewed .
in determining who produced
done by Venetian artists of the fourteenth century.
One. Inspect opal glass to see if the texture is a design with
some type of opal glass . The milky chocolate colored glass ,
for example, stands for GreenItalian artists were hired by the bumps like lace or ruffles , this town Glass, which was produwealthy to develop structures is the main feature of the hobced by the Indiana Tumbler nail . as common opal glass home and Goblet Co. between 1984 accessories patterns. Two . Review below the top or and 1903. Items like lamps, vases and ta- bottom of the structure to see Four. Contact the National if there is a manufacturer's lobleware were made from Milk Glass Society and ask if go. If a logo is observed, conopal glass . they have a local appraiser in sult the website of the manuSince then, opal glass structuthe area. If you have already facturer of the story . There is res have appeared througpurchased the hobnail , get it often a summary by year of hout history , although rarely checked , find out if it is really what is produced year. This produced today . opal glass and tase . will help determine if you A well-known decorative hob- have found a true milk glass
Five . Purchase a copy of
nail milk glass is a knobby
"Yesterday's Milk Glass Today "
horns shaped container or sculpture that is shaped to look like a lace or ruffles.
hobnail or a replica. Three . Inspect the color of hobnail milk glass . It is usually white , blue, pink , yellow, gre-
They are a valuable element
en or brown with opalescent
in the collectibles market .
glitter in it color. If it's an unu-
Detect a true hobnail milk
sual color like orange, chances are that it is some other
by Regis F. and Mary F. Ferson . This book was published in 1981 , and if you really want to buy and identify opal glass collectors consider it an indispensable reference material .
Page 38
Glass box in the Alps.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
It is the highest attractiveness
Construction has been
The structure can support
of Europe . Opens Saturday . A designed by Pierre -Yves winds over 220 miles per hour, new and amazing lookout at Chays and has required a job and the first users have trodthe Aiguille du Midi ( France) The pictures explain themselves vertigo caused by this new viewpoint located in the
for three years, although the
den the box with house slip-
final assembly has been ra-
pers , not to scratch the glass.
pid : started last September
The Aiguille du Midi receives
countless tourists a year, to see
French Alps , to almost 4,000
It is a kind of increasingly com-
meters .
mon in different parts of the
The Chamonix Skywalk is a
world system.
glass wall structure installed on Specifically, it appears that in
the views of the Alps and have a coffee in the restaurant. It is also a starting point to embark on doing free skiing .
the upper terrace of the Ai-
this case the promoters have
guille du Midi (3,842 meters) ,
been inspired by the " Skywalk conducting a comprehensive
down 1,000 meters to the
" the great glass walkway
rehabilitation project , which is
nearest rock.
overlooking the Grand Can-
part of the magic box.
Visitors can step on it , which
yon in Arizona , USA.
To enhance the experience , is
In this video we see how the
gives a clear feeling hanging
The five glass panels are 12
author of the project, Pierre -
over the abyss.
mm thick , and each is made
Yves Chays explains the idea
of two layers connected by
and the design process .
metal brackets .
Page 39
Glass boat for a royal family.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
The tech industry, the world of luxury and royal families live outside the crisis. The shipyards dedicated to luxury boats go at your pace and holandĂŠsFeadship shipyard has become a reference of that other world which is also in this . After the posthumous boat from technology guru Steve Jobs has now laid the foundations of a true ship of the future in which the main novelty is the use of glass for construction. The shipyard says the boat thought to be the kings of the Netherlands, Willem-Alexander and Maxima . The Feadship Royale , is not exactly an ugly boat , rather a ' feat ' ( in English, prodigy ) , incorporating the draft this town of 86 meters length and beam of 14 transparent glass in the hull. The designers have provided a boat capable of crossing the Atlantic at a good speed ( 17 knots ), with bright interiors and modern luxury on all sides . They say its designers , according to the press, that the hull of the boat is designed to measure the Dutch kings and their three daughters.
In addition to the common areas and cabins, four cabins for eight guests.
High safety glasses may through giant ovens , bend at will, take profiles and fittings for industrial viability and provide The permanent crew , 22 peoa solution to the claustropple will also have their space hobic feelings that tend to overnight. prevail in the larger vessels . But the strange thing is glass , In the design concept empwhich is not among the most hasizes the third floor, in the roused in boat building mateof nautical feel or terraces , rials. which are in the form of glass cube . "At the moment it's just a design concept ," stressed the Also draws attention to the clever marketing director of glass of the forward cabins , Feadship , Farouk Nefzi . which in theory would allow games to see dolphins while But the photos have already they open the way to the bow passed from computer to computer in the marine indus- of the boat. try , heralding a new era of The aft garage is something glass. already used on boats from During the past Hall of Mona- this level , but in this case is a real hallway with access to co, Feadship and launched starboard. the conquest of funding to make your boat will become On safety , the shipyard has the ambassador of the counmany promises to launch the try in the world and the glass is idea, but in practice this type an interesting challenge for of construction eliminates at a the industry . stroke the previous advances in heavy double or triple hull This material is consolidated techniques insubmersibility as a benchmark of luxury in the aesthetics of the XXI cen- reached by other vessels by injection into the center of tury. high flotation material Also in architecture and ship ( epoxies , etc.). designers need to win big money with novel concepts and For the royal family may be well, for the transport of pasespecially showy in berthing sengers can be ruled out the areas , not surprisingly large design at first sight. business is done in the most prestigious marinas in Europe.
Page 40
Misses the roof of the Museum of Monclova.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
The work of the glass dome of According to employers, the
historic building to have been
Coahuila and Texas Museum
where the father Don Miguel
previous glass was Duovent ,
in the Mexican city of Monclo- consisting of two pieces of
Hidalgo was imprisoned in the
va , which is about to be deli-
glass with inert gas, which iso-
barracks , military hospital was
vered is leaking from the re-
lated the sun's rays and heat
then , and now operates in
cent rains .
temperatures in the area.
their showrooms and in the li-
Carlos Elizondo , member of
" The dome of the museum
the board of the Museum Co- only required change some
Only the central area, where
ahuila and Texas , questioned parts that were damaged
events and exhibitions were
the work of the North Paste
and water filtration adapt
held , not in use by arrange-
saltillense construction by re-
precisely because leaked in
ment roof .
placing the glass roof of the
parts " recalled Elizondo.
museum with an investment of 3 million pesos again.
On a tour it was observed that
Upon reaching the first rains ,
the leaks are evident in several
he said, placed glass of mini-
areas even puddling , and
On December 5 , EL NORTE re- mum thickness and doubts in
where work is done with the
ported that Elizondo and
their quality, not endured .
sealing of the roof.
" I do not want to think about
The state government does
a hail or strong sunlight, this
the work through the construc-
would be a magnifying glass
tion of North Paste with Resour-
for the building," he said.
ces On Payroll Tax resulting
hotelier , Armando de la Garza, criticized the quality and thickness of the glass was placed on the roof of the museum.
The museum is considered a
Page 41
Nuestro Boletín tiene su redacción en:
January 2014
Castillo de San José de Valderas. Avda. Los Castillos, s/n 28925 ALCORCÓN MADRID
Volume II — Number 62
Al vidrio por la cultura
Presidente honorario
Javier Gómez Gómez
Rosa García Montemayor
Evangelina del Poyo
Miguel Angel Carretero Gómez
Diego Martín García
Francisco Martín García
Pablo Bravo García
José María Gallardo Breña
Secretaria Teresa Fernández Romojaro
The purpose of this Association is to promote, encourage and support many cultural activities in the broadest terms, are related to the mission and activities of the Glass Art Museum of Alcorcon. Our goal is to develop and collaborate with other public or private entities to promote, protect and promote the art and culture.
The Association of Friends of MAVA was incorporated on June 21, 2003 in accordance with existing management.
Tesorera Mª Angeles Cañas Santos
Line of research. Images (I).
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Page 42
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 7
Fig. 6
Fig. 8
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Line of research. Images (II).
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Fig. 10
Fig. 9
Fig. 11
Page 44
Stained glass in Miraflores. Images.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Fig. 1
Page 45
Nativity. Images.
Volume II — Number 62
January 2014
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Volume II — Number 62 January 2014
Page 46
Craft Fair. Images (I).
Volume II — Number 62 January 2014
Page 47
Craft Fair. Images (II).